#sorry if it seems like there interchangeable
coconut-oil-smells · 2 years
I just donated blood so here's my reasons why the ninja turtles would donate blood. Even if they shouldn't.
Leo: thinks it's good for team building
Mickey: likes giving back to the community
Doniphan: does it annually to decrease the levels of microplastics in his blood
Raph: doesn't do it cuz he doesn't want to be caught unawares low on blood
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4giorno · 2 months
why do i always have to love the killers everyone hates 💀
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redflagshipwriter · 8 months
Hot Ghouls in your area ch 3 progress
Un-fucking-believable that some guy named Danny was the ghost king of this iconic goth horror castle, and yet he had to believe it was the truth. Jason freely gawked at the architecture as they made their way into the main hall. They entered at an upper level and immediately began to work their way down.
Jason privately related the space to where musicians would have been playing in an actual historical castle. Were there ghost musicians? Could he hear the greatest pop hits of 1482? Did anyone have a hurdy-gurdy?
Jason cleared his throat. Danny glanced back at the slight sound.
…Now that the guy was looking at him, it seemed like a bit of an insensitive question. He managed to pull back to less assholish phrasing at least. “Do you know any ghost musicians?”
His original question was gonna be “do ghosts have music?” Wow. Jason chided himself. Might as well ask ‘hey do your people have culture?’
Of course the answer was a nod. “Yeah, I know one.” Danny snorted and floated a little higher. “She's terrible, man, nightmare of a person.”
“...But the music is good?” Jason ventured.
Danny scoffed. “It's derivative,” he said fearlessly.
Jason looked up and around for any roaming creatives who might get offended. None of them descended. “... Castle is empty, then?” He asked. Casually. Like a guy who wasn't marking every potential exit away from the guy he'd been…
‘Was I human trafficked?’ Jason blinked. Holy shit. ‘Sure, Danny doesn't seem to want me, but that's literally what those cultists were doing… They gifted me to him last minute. Like a mall candle.’
Wild. He made a mental mark for his Bat trauma bingo sheet. He wasn't sure if they had a square for that, but exchanges for comparable trauma were sometimes negotiable.
It belatedly occurred to him that he was offended. “This is a dumb situation to be in by accident,” Jason said aloud. He huffed and folded his arms. “Those nerds didn't even pick me, you know? It's not that I was the super special perfect victim, I was just the guy who knocked on the door.”
He felt more aggrieved by the end. Where was the drama? The respect? The class, even. Hadn't he razzle dazzled enough to be specifically targeted by the criminal underbelly?
Danny put a cold hand on his shoulder. “I'm sorry, you deserve someone to recognize your unique potential as a victim,” he empathized. “You're not just some interchangeable sacrifice.”
Jason shook him off. “No touchy,” he warned. He lifted a finger in threat. Belatedly he remembered how unbothered Danny had been by his guns. Shit. He put the finger down. “I’ve got a big personal space bubble,” he said lamely. No threats. He couldn't back ‘em up here.
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domjaehyun · 2 years
tangerine love (favorite) (l.dh)
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PAIRING. haechan x fem!reader
GENRES. fluff, smut, light humor
CONTENTS. explicit smut (oral (receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, cumming inside, riding, breast/nipple play, haechan kinda likes to talk dirty)
NOTES. mandarins and tangerines are actually not interchangeable but for the sake of this fic, i do not care. this was very fun to write. i hope you enjoy it!! please leave feedback if you liked it :) 
PLAYLIST. plastic off the sofa - beyoncé // tangerine love (favorite) - nct dream
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Ever since moving into this new apartment complex with your friends Mijoo and Chuu, you’ve only caught a few glimpses of the three guys that live directly across the hall from you. 
Renjun, Jaemin, and Haechan all seem like nice guys in passing, always smiling politely and waving, but there’s always been something…different about Haechan. You could chalk it up to a budding crush on the handsome male, but there’s always a playful air to his presence, his eyes glinting with a secret you’re begging to be let in on.
You barely get any discerning words in whenever you pass by each other, the only notable time you’ve spent together being in a quick trip up to your floor in the elevator, and you spent that whole time trying to avoid getting caught ogling his attractive features. 
Based on the small amused chuckle he’d let out after a quick glance to you as he’d gestured for you to exit first, you think you weren’t as discreet as you’d hoped to be. 
That mildly embarrassing incident, however, only registers as a 3 on the Embarrassment Richter Scale that you definitely did not just make up. 
What definitely classifies as a 6, however, and you’re not being dramatic (probably), is tonight, when you make it to your apartment at 4:00am to find that you’ve forgotten your key and are, therefore, locked out.
After three unanswered calls to each of your roommates’ phones and four whining voicemails, you begin to lose hope.
“Oh, come on,” you mutter, restlessly shifting from foot to foot as you knock at the door insistently. “Wake up, wake up—”
“Hey, neighbor,” you hear from behind you, and you hesitate, praying you’ve incorrectly matched the voice to a person, before turning around. 
Of course, because your luck is just fantastic, none other than Haechan stands behind you, leaning against the wall by his front door.
“Hey,” you offer a small wave, and he raises his eyebrows, gesturing at your door with a hand holding a beer can. “Locked out.”
“Ah,” he says sympathetically. “That sucks. Have you tried kicking it?”
“K-Kicking it?” you ask, brows furrowed in confusion, and he nods, striding across the hall to stand beside you. He smells amazing, you note with a dreamy sigh that you hope he didn’t hear, and he points to the part of the door where the lock is. 
“Yeah, maybe if you kick it right here,” he cranes his head to look at you, smirking slightly when you blink at him wide-eyed, “you can kick the door in. I saw it on TV once.”
“We aren’t on TV,” you comment with a small snort, making Haechan chuckle and nod in agreement, “but I can give it a try.” You step back and rear up, kicking the door where Haechan pointed as hard as you can. 
The sound is embarrassingly loud and the black shoe print on your door is only a testament to your failed attempt to gain access to your apartment. 
Haechan snickers loudly from beside you, and you turn to him, eyes narrowed.
“Sorry,” he apologizes, holding his hands up in the air defensively. “It was an impressive kick, though.” 
You straighten up slightly at the compliment, smoothing down your jacket. “Really?”
“Yeah,” he says sincerely. “You’ve got a lot of power in those legs.” 
“Thanks,” you hum thoughtfully.
“What are you even doing out so late? It’s not safe to be out alone at this hour.” Haechan asks, and you huff in defeat.
“I couldn’t sleep, so I wanted to go for a walk to de-stress, y’know? Clear my head.” you sigh. 
“I see,” he remarks, taking a sip from his can as he leans against the wall beside your door. “Well, how’d that work out for you?” His tone is teasing, and when you turn to glare at him, the playful look on his face makes it impossible for you to maintain the disdainful expression. 
“Not great,” you mutter, smiling despite your situation.
“Well, y’know, if you wanna come in until one of your roommates wakes up, you’re more than welcome,” Haechan offers, jerking his chin in the direction of his door.
“That’s a very nice offer,” you say appreciatively. “Why are you awake, actually?”
“I don’t like to sleep.” Haechan answers, shrugging.
You blink at him. “You’re kidding, right?”
“Nope,” he chirps. “Sleep makes me feel like I’m missing out on something.”
“The FOMO runs strong in you, I see.” You offer a wry smile which he returns and you lean your back against your front door beside him. Looking over at you, he pushes off of the wall and turns so he’s standing in front of you. 
You really wish he hadn’t done that, actually, because now you’re forced to confront how unfairly handsome he is, and you suspect Haechan knows that, given the way his eyebrow arches attractively. 
“Think about it this way,” he shifts closer to you slightly, his tongue running over his bottom lip, “I would’ve missed out on getting to talk to you tonight if I was sleeping.”
“Very true,” you muse with a small smile, and he grins. “Didn’t know that my company is worth staying up for.” 
“Of course it is,” he scoffs. “Who else is gonna stare at me when she thinks I’m not looking?” His words freeze you in place, your expression resembling a deer in headlights before he laughs to break the tension. “I’m teasing.” 
“Oh,” you mumble, but you both know there’s truth to his words; your face doesn’t hide your emotions well at all, and you’re surprised you’ve managed to go this long without looking at him and practically swooning. 
“Cute,” he says softly, eyes scanning your face.
Before you even get to comment on the unexpected compliment, your door unlocks and you spring forward just in time to avoid falling back as it opens. A very sleepy, very cranky Mijoo stands in your doorway, eyes barely open as she holds the door open for you. 
In your haste to get off of the door, you fail to realize your surroundings, lurching forward and directly into Haechan’s personal space. Your chests are but a breath away from touching, and he chuckles, bracing you with both hands on your hips. The cold condensation of his can seeps into the hem of your shirt and you swallow hard as you look up at him sheepishly. 
“Sorry about that,” you mumble, stepping back slightly, realizing a moment later that Haechan still hasn’t released your hips. He seems to notice when you do, clearing his throat and dropping his hands back to his sides with a small smile. 
Turning to thank Mijoo, you notice that she’s already left, presumably having shuffled off to her bedroom to resume her sleep, leaving the door slightly ajar with a slipper.
“Glad you got in,” he remarks, gesturing behind you at your apartment, and you nod in appreciation.
“Thanks for, uh, keeping me company.” you say with a bashful smile. 
“No problem.” He walks backwards to his front door, opening it without looking, and raises two fingers to his brow in a mock salute.
“Good night.” You bid him goodbye with a wave, turning to head into your apartment before he calls your name, prompting you to turn back around. “Yeah?”
“Don’t be a stranger, okay?” He sounds, if you’re not crazy, like he’s flirting with you, and your eyes widen as he lifts his brows in a playful wiggle.
“Okay,” you agree with an almost robotic nod, and he grins before turning and heading into his apartment, prompting you to follow suit.
When the door’s shut and locked, you let out a long exhale, finally letting your giddy squeals bubble up out of you. 
He called you cute. He called you cute and he touched your hips, and he was so close—
Okay, maybe the Embarrassment Richter Scale would classify that as a 4 instead—points were docked because it may have actually worked out in your favor somewhat.
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You haven’t really fulfilled your promise of not being a stranger with Haechan; he still makes your heart skip a nervous little beat every time he grins at you from across a room or waves at you in passing. 
He, however, is doing a great job of not being a stranger with your roommates, both of them regaling you with funny things Haechan has told them in various conversations. Chuu works with Haechan at the bookstore, as it turns out, and Mijoo just has a convenient schedule, running into your handsome neighbor more often than you do.
Are you bitter? No. Absolutely not. Are you jealous? Not in the slightest. 
Are you lying about both of those things? Yes, entirely.
You’re heading out of your apartment to the grocery store, locking the door behind you when you hear the door across the hall open.
Turning to see who it is, your eyes widen and a giddy little smile tugs at your lips as Haechan looks you up and down.
“Well, look who it is,” Haechan greets you, and your smile widens. 
“Hi, Haechan.” you say softly, attempting to sound as casual as possible.
“Where are you headed?”
“The grocery store,” you explain, showing him your tote bag filled with reusable shopping bags.
“What a coincidence,” he muses, stepping closer to you. “So am I?”
“Really?” you say in surprise, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. 
“Yeah,” he confirms, stepping even closer to you. He’s close enough now that you can smell the warm, cozy scent of his cologne. “You didn’t keep your promise,” he points out, frowning very attractively at you.
“About not being a stranger?” you ask, and he nods, his frown deepening. 
As cute as he is like that, you don’t think you ever want to be the reason he frowns again. 
“You can make it up to me if you wanna,” he suggests, a playful lilt to his voice, and you raise an eyebrow suspiciously.
“How’s that?”
“Be my shopping buddy for today.” 
You pretend to think about it, smiling when he looks at you expectantly. “Okay.”
“Great! We can take my car.” 
“Oh, thank God. I was gonna walk.”
“Aren’t you lucky to have me?” He grins and gestures down the hall for you to walk with him.
“Something like that,” you mumble under your breath, Haechan thankfully not hearing you.
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The ride to the store is pleasant, Haechan playing music in the car—almost exclusively Michael Jackson, to be specific, with the inclusion of some other artists—and you two talk the whole time, never a lull in the conversation as you learn more about each other.
He works at the bookstore a couple blocks down from the record store you work at, likes playing video games and listening to music, and is, on top of an incessant flirt, a very attentive listener.
You two make your way through the store gradually, your shared cart filled with various frozen goods and produce items. You’re in the fruits section, inspecting bags of mandarins to find the best bunch, when you both start to speak.
“Hey, I just thought—”
“You know what’s so—”
You both stop talking at the same time, laughing before you gesture for him to speak.
“I was just thinking about how you work at the record store; do you guys have this one Michael Jackson vinyl? It’s limited edition, so you probably don’t, but—”
“What’s it look like?” you ask, and he pulls up a picture on his phone, showing you and looking at you hopefully.
“I can’t say no for sure, because I haven’t checked. I’ll check and let you know!” you assure him, and he smiles in relief.
“That’d be awesome. I’ve been looking for it everywhere. What were you gonna say?”
“I was gonna say that it’s so sick that produce companies put mandarins and other orange citruses in orange netted bags to make them look more appealing.” you huff, inspecting the bag you’re holding more carefully. 
“It’s sneaky,” Haechan agrees with a small smile as he watches you.
“It’s deceitful!” you exclaim indignantly, and he snorts, barely biting back his laughter. “I’m serious!” You frown, and he hums sympathetically.
“I understand.” He pats your shoulder gently, his hand lingering for a moment before dropping, his fingers grazing your arm on the way down. 
“I think these are good.” you finally decide, placing your bag in the cart, and Haechan quickly looks over the mandarins, plucking a bag of his own and placing it in the bottom of the cart. “You like mandarins, too?”
“Love them,” he confirms, and you smile, pleasantly surprised. “Do you have anything else on your list?”
“Nope; you?”
“Nope. Let’s go to the check-out aisle?” He gestures towards the front of the store, and you nod, walking beside him as you both push the cart. (Well, truthfully, Haechan is doing all the pushing; your hands are on the bar for decoration, essentially.)
When you get to the front aisle, a familiar voice calls your name and you crane your head to find the source.
“I think it’s Mijoo,” Haechan murmurs, also looking around. 
Do you bristle slightly at the thought that he recognized your friend’s voice before you did? No, absolutely not. And you’re definitely not lying to yourself right now.
You find her in aisle six, loading up your groceries on the conveyor belt and separating them with the divider as you greet Mijoo.
“How’s work?” you ask curiously, and she frowns deeply. “Oh, no.”
“I just got yelled at by some old lady who got mad I wouldn’t take her expired coupons. They expired four months ago.” Her face is deadpan, and you wince.
“Damn,” you sigh sympathetically as she scans your groceries. “If you want her to suffer, give me a call.”
She snorts loudly, putting in her employee code so you’ll get a discount on the groceries, and looks at you with an amused but unimpressed stare. “What are you gonna do?”
“Steal her cane or something, I don’t know.” 
“That’s evil,” Mijoo giggles, gesturing for you to pay. “Whenever you’re ready.” 
“You left something in the cart,” Haechan calls to you, and you frown, turning back to check. He shifts to take your place as you check before saying, “Oh, sorry, I think that’s mine, actually.” He smiles sheepishly, and you wave him off gently, turning back to the pin pad to see “Transaction Approved!” You turn to look at Haechan, who’s putting his card away, and shoot him an incredulous stare.
“What?” He’s grinning cheekily at you, and you splutter awkwardly.
“Did you just pay for my groceries?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” he replies smoothly, and you narrow your eyes, looking over at Mijoo for support.
She raises her hands in surrender, looking down at her scanner. “Don’t bring me into this.”
“Traitor!” you whisper incredulously, and she frowns at you.
You direct your narrowed-eyed gaze to Haechan for a moment and then shuffle to the bagging section, carefully packing up your groceries as Haechan checks out his groceries. As they come down the conveyor belt, you package his things up too, and he smiles gratefully at you as he makes his way to you. 
You catch him giving Mijoo a fist bump and murmuring, “Thanks,” as you’re finishing up the bagging, and you huff petulantly, loading up everything into the cart.
You bid Mijoo goodbye and head out of the store, walking to Haechan’s car and starting to take things out of the cart as he opens the trunk.
“You’re pretty close with my roommates,” you say as nonchalantly as possible, side-eyeing Haechan.
“Not really,” he dismisses you. “I work with Chuu at the bookstore, and I really just see Mijoo in passing.”
“Well, you guys were all buddy-buddy just now,” you point out, trying your best to hide the jealousy creeping into your tone. 
Your attempt fails, if Haechan raising his eyebrow in amusement is any indication. 
“Are you…jealous?” Haechan asks with a smile, and your eyes widen. 
“No!” you yelp, clutching a bag to your chest almost protectively. “I am not.”
“You totally are,” he snickers, and your brows furrow. “It’s cute.”
“It’s not cute,” you counter, “because I am not jealous.”
“Oh, yeah?” Poking his tongue into his cheek and grinning at you, his casually attractive appearance practically takes your breath away.
“Yeah,” you mumble weakly. “I totally don’t mind that you talk to my roommates more than you talk to me. Doesn’t bother me at all.” Haechan doesn’t respond for a moment, giving you the opportunity to place the last bag in the trunk of the car. When you shut the trunk and turn around, you jolt in surprise at his sudden proximity, the two of you almost face to face, and he chuckles at your reaction before refocusing his gaze on your eyes.
“What if I said I was only befriending them to get close to you?” He raises his eyebrows with a flirtatious little wiggle, and you swallow thickly, looking down to break eye contact. Apparently, he doesn’t intend to give you a break anytime soon, ducking down slightly to lock eyes with you again. “Hm?”
“I’d ignore all of that,” you say slowly, carefully controlling the nervous yet excited tremor in your voice, “to ask why your face is this close to mine.”
“Why?” His eyes are alight with glee as he backs you up against the car slowly, and you gulp. “Does it make you nervous?”
“No,” you huff.
“You’re lying.”
“I am not lying!” you lie.
He raises his eyebrows again as if to say, “is that so?” He leans closer to you, now focused unwaveringly on your mouth, and wets his lips. You both stand frozen in place for a moment before he leans in closer and you break, yelping in panic before ducking so the crown of your head rests against his chest.
He calls your name softly and you shake your head, whining quietly in protest. He matches your tone, whining your name plaintively as he gently shakes your shoulders, and you peek up at him to see him grinning down at you.
“Told you.” He shoots you a smug upwards flick of his eyebrows before backing up to give you a moment of relief. “Now come on, the frozen stuff is gonna thaw.” When you don’t move at first, still stuck in place from the intimate moment you two just shared, he snickers and reaches for your hand, leading you to the passenger door, which he opens for you, waiting for you to get in. 
Your body finally listens to you, sitting down in the passenger seat and strapping yourself in, and he shuts the door before making his way over to the driver’s side and getting in. He straps in and starts the car, looking over to you.
“You ready?”
You nod. “Ready.”
He smiles. “Then off we go.”
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“Hey,” Haechan nudges you as you’re unloading the trunk, “I bet I can carry up more groceries than you.” 
“No way.” you laugh, and his eyes light up as he grins before hurriedly snatching as many bags as his arms and hands can hold. “Haechan, there are eggs in here!” you warn in alarm as you grab bags quickly, swatting his hands away when he reaches for any bag you’ve set your sights on. 
He shuts the trunk and locks the car before standing in front of you proudly. He’s definitely got you beat, holding no less than six bags of groceries, most of them being your reusable bags. 
“You cheated,” you grumble bitterly, and he just grins and jerks his head towards the building.
“C’mon,” he says softly, walking towards the entrance. You walk after him and he says, “Do you know the real reason why I wanted to have that competition?”
“Because you’re competitive and wanted to see me meet my demise?” You look over at him, and he laughs before shaking his head.
“I wanted an excuse to be a gentleman and take your groceries up for you.” He holds the front door open for you, and you walk through, murmuring a “thank you.”
“Well, that’s very sweet,” you mumble sheepishly as you press the elevator button and avoid his gaze, and he shrugs, smiling.
“I’m a very sweet guy,” he says with a nod, and you nod slowly, looking him up and down. The elevator doors open and you both step in, Haechan pressing the button for your floor and leaning against the back wall as the doors slide shut. “What is it?” He looks over at you curiously, chuckling when he sees you smiling.
“Usually, sweet people don’t need to say they’re sweet, y’know.” 
He looks up thoughtfully before nodding in agreement and looking back down at you. “Maybe I can show you how sweet I am, then.”
You can’t help but feel like he’s hinting at something else, but you push the thought from your mind and meet his gaze once more.
“Maybe you can.” The elevator dings and the doors slide open, Haechan gesturing for you to exit and following after you. A thought comes to you as you set your groceries down to find your keys and you turn to him once more. “Haechan?”
“Was your plan to hold my groceries partially so I’d have to let you into my apartment to unload them?”
“No,” he says truthfully. “I did plan on seeing you for longer, though, so now you have to figure out which bags are yours and which are mine.” He grins proudly, and you raise an eyebrow.
“I bagged them separately.” 
His face falls slightly, and you think you might hate that. “Oh.”
“But you wanna know something?” You’re quick to follow up in an attempt to comfort him, and he looks at you curiously. “I used my bags on everything, so…technically…”
“My stuff is in your bags.” His smile returns to his face and your muscles relax slightly in relief. “So…technically…”
“You and I have to unload all this stuff,” you say slowly, feigning a pout. “And who knows how long that’s gonna take?”
“Looks like we’re gonna be spending a bit more time together, yeah?” He’s grinning at you, stepping closer so the fronts of your shoes are touching, and you can’t help but mirror his smile, turning away abruptly to unlock your door.
“I guess so.”
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As you, Mijoo, and Chuu become better acquainted with your handsome neighbors across the hall, you get closer and closer until hanging out with them is almost second nature. At this point, you’re no stranger to coming home and finding your neighbors and roommates sprawled around the living room; hell, you’ve often joined them if work hasn’t left you entirely drained.
You’re not even a stranger to the heated debates over nothingness that your friends often start fights about; you’ve always had a flair for the dramatic, and often storm off to your room in a grandiose huff when your opinion is shot down.
(If you’re being honest, sometimes you’ll take the smallest opening to retreat to your room once you feel your social battery depleting, but you don’t plan on admitting that any time soon.)
This afternoon, when you unlock your front door, sounds of yelling greet you as you step into the apartment and kick your shoes off.
“You’re home!” Mijoo yells in relief, running into the entryway and beaming at you. “Just in time.”
“Time for what?” you ask warily, and more footsteps come rushing towards you as Chuu approaches rapidly.
“If a dog wore pants—”
“You’re cheating! Let her get in here first!” Renjun yells from the living room.
Chuu rolls her eyes. “If a dog wore pants—as a matter of fact, come here and show them.” She takes your hand and pulls you into the living room, where Haechan, Renjun, and Jaemin sit in various spots. 
You lock eyes with Haechan, who grins and flicks his brows upwards as a greeting, and you snort quietly in amusement, smiling at him. 
“If a dog wore pants,” Chuu stresses, shaking your hand to get your attention, “how would it look?”
You snicker. “This is what you’re fighting about?”
“Yes, ma’am. Now answer the question.” 
“On its back paws,” you answer easily, and Chuu, Haechan, Jaemin, and Renjun exclaim triumphantly as Mijoo cries out in despair. “Mijoo, you’re kidding, right?”
“No! He has four legs!” she defends herself emphatically, and you shake your head vigorously.
“But the front two function as hands! You don’t put pants on your hands!”
“But they walk on all fours!”
“But if you handed a dog a ball, it would never try to grab it with its back two paws! Because those are its feet-feet, not its hands-feet!”
“I feel so betrayed,” Mijoo wails, rubbing her hand over her face.
“I mean, it’s okay!” You attempt to cheer her up, and she looks at you with a frown. “You’re entitled to your opinion—no matter how wrong it is.” You grin teasingly and you can hear Haechan snicker loudly from his chair.
“You little—”
“Who else had a wrong opinion they wanna share?” You change the topic, dodging when Mijoo launches a pillow at you. It hits the lamp instead, which falls and hits the wall, leaving a scuff mark. “That better buff out,” you warn a now sheepish looking Mijoo. “I am not losing my security deposit over something as silly as this.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she mutters petulantly, and you pat her shoulder comfortingly. 
“Is that all you’ve been talking about?” you laugh as you make your way into the kitchen, washing your hands and grabbing the bag of mandarins, bringing them back into the living room with you.
“Pretty much, yeah.” Renjun sighs, and you can’t help but laugh.
“Eventful.” you say sarcastically, Haechan calling your name and catching your attention.
“Come sit with me,” Haechan offers, scooting over to create space for you in the armchair. The gesture is sweet, but there definitely isn’t enough space for both of you, so you settle for perching on the arm of the seat, draping your arm over the back of the chair.
Haechan rests his cheek on your thigh, looking up at you expectantly, and you lightly scratch the crown of his head in greeting.
“Hi,” he murmurs as the rest of your friends launch into another discussion about who knows what. 
“Hey,” you reply softly, smiling down at him. 
“Are you retreating into your room today?” Haechan frowns slightly as he asks, and you think about it before giving a small nod. “Why?” he complains, dragging the word out and shaking your knee rapidly.
“I’m tired,” you match his whiny cadence, scratching his scalp more in lieu of an apology. “You can come if you want.”
He perks up immediately, looking up at you in surprise. “Really?”
“Yeah, I’m not gonna sleep, I’m just gonna relax.” you reply, and he nods eagerly, sitting up and offering you his hand.
“C’mon!” He’s practically bouncing in his seat with excitement and you have to bite back a laugh as you take his hand and stand up, leading him to your room. 
“Wh—how come you’re going in her room with her?” Jaemin complains as you leave the living room.
“The vibes are better,” Haechan calls over his shoulder and you snicker, opening your door and tossing the bag of mandarins on your bed.
“You wait here; I wanna change.” You go through your drawers to pull out a more comfortable shirt and Haechan lies down on your bed, eyes taking in the entirety of your bedroom. 
“Okay,” he hums peacefully, closing his eyes with a smile. 
You go into the bathroom and change out of your blouse and into your t-shirt, leaving your jeans on and tossing your shirt in the hamper on your way back to your room. 
“Welcome back,” Haechan greets you when you shut the door behind you, opening his eyes to look at you. His gaze lingers on you for a few moments longer than you were expecting, his lips curling into a grin when you shift awkwardly and turn away from him. 
“Thank you,” you mumble, sitting on your bed and picking up your phone and a mandarin. “You can play music, by the way; my speaker system is the one with my name.”
Haechan nods and, as he’s setting up his connection to your speaker, says, “I was gonna ask; how was your day today?”
“It sucked, kinda. Well, I’m being dramatic, but my coworker was getting on my nerves.” you huff, and Haechan hums sympathetically. Selecting a song, he gets comfortable as the music filters in through the speakers. “I should have known you’d play Michael Jackson,” you chuckle fondly, and he smiles sheepishly.
“I love his music.” He frowns defensively, and you pat his hand gently.
“I know! I don’t blame you—he’s got an impressive discography.” you assure him, and you can see him relax slightly in your peripheral vision. Looking over at him, he’s got a relieved, content smile on his lips, his hooded eyes regarding you curiously.
“Tell me about your coworker?” he asks after a moment, and you pause mid-peeling of your mandarin. 
“She’s just a micro-manager,” you huff, peeling the rest of the rind off and launching into your spiel. “She always tries to tell me what to do, but—I mean, I don’t, like, get paid to listen to her of all people, y’know?”
“I do know,” Haechan agrees, nodding in understanding. “That’s super annoying, actually.”
“It is!” you gripe before softening slightly and turning to Haechan. “Want some?” You hand him a piece of your mandarin, and he brightens, taking it gratefully and popping it into his mouth. 
You two sit there for ages, to your surprise, talking about everything and nothing, from Haechan’s lazy slacker coworker to philosophical debates such as whether you’d rather be really small or really big (you’re both team little, for stealth purposes), sharing piece after piece of mandarin until your bed is practically covered in rinds and the pleasant smell of citrus lingers in the room.
“I like hanging out in your room,” Haechan muses thoughtfully, looking over at you.
“I’m glad,” you smile widely. “There are perks, y’know?”
“Yeah, there are snacks, good conversation, good music—and,” Haechan murmurs, his voice lowering ever so slightly in pitch as he studies your face, “I get a pretty view,” his voice softens to a whisper as he watches your lips, slowly wetting his own.
Your heart could just about beat out of your chest from the compliment, and the way he’s looking at your lips has your breath faltering, teeth anxiously nibbling at your bottom lip as you watch him watching you.
“Thanks,” you mumble quietly, and he nods, still studying your lips.
If you’re not crazy, it kind of seems like he’s about to lean in, and you brace yourself for impact, your eyelids drooping slightly in anticipation. Just as you expected, he breathes in softly, leans in closer, tilting his head to the side, and—
A knock on your door makes you flinch and him freeze, a small sigh leaving his lips as he pulls back and jerks his chin towards the door, reminding you there’s someone waiting.
“Come in!” you call, and Chuu and Jaemin poke their heads into your room curiously.
“We’re ordering food; do you guys want anything?” Chuu offers, and you look at each other before nodding in agreement. “Cool; come put in your orders soon!”
“We’ll be right out,” Haechan assures them, and Chuu removes her head from the doorway, probably heading down the hall.
Jaemin scrutinizes you two carefully, making your skin crawl anxiously as he regards you with suspicion. 
“Can I help you?” you ask with a frown, desperately hoping you don’t look as guilty as you feel. 
“Kinda thought you two would be—never mind.” Jaemin says cryptically, giving you both one last once-over before leaving your room and shutting your door.
You two are silent, the only sound in the room being the music playing in the background, and you can barely bring yourself to look at Haechan, already very aware that he’s looking at you.
“Wanna go get some food?” he breaks the silence, and you nod immediately, grasping at the topic shift like a lifeline.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
“Oh, damn,” Haechan’s sympathetic wince sounds out from behind you and you turn to look at him, hissing and turning back around as water starts to drip towards your elbow. “They put you on dish duty tonight, I see.”
“Yeah,” you sigh, shooting him a frown over your shoulder. “Woe is me.” 
“Poor baby,” he coos playfully, shrugging off his jacket and placing it on the island counter. Before you can either attempt to recuperate from the pet name or ask what he’s up to, he nudges you aside and picks up the spare dish cloth. “Don’t worry; Haechan is here to help.”
“My hero,” you joke, pretending to swoon, and he laughs as he soaps up his cloth and starts washing a plate. “No, but I do appreciate it.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he dismisses you casually. “I was actually looking for you.”
“Oh, yeah?” you ask. “Why’s that?”
“I wanna get your opinion on something.” Haechan says slowly, carefully, and you nod, a silent sign for him to continue. “Well, I have this friend,” Haechan starts off, monitoring your expression out of the corner of his eye. “He’s really into this girl, but he doesn’t know if he should go for it or not.”
“Hm. Does the girl seem interested?” you ask, trying to get a better sense of the situation, and Haechan pauses, looking at you again and chuckling as he shakes his head.
“He can’t fully tell,” he answers, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he sets the plate down and picks up a bowl. “She’s a little clueless.”
“Maybe tell your friend to give it some time to get a better idea of where she’s at.” you suggest, and Haechan nods slowly, thinking it over.
“But here’s the thing,” Haechan adds, “I—my friend wants to kiss this girl so badly.”
“Aw,” you hum sympathetically. “Poor guy.”
“Yeah, poor guy,” Haechan mumbles, and you become very aware of the fact that he’s staring right at the side of your face. 
You fixate on a piece of food stuck on the plate you’re washing, scrubbing at the spot vigorously to do away with your nerves.
Haechan pushes away from the sink, drying his hands and leaning against the island behind you, his still detectable, very probing stare sending shivers down your spine.
“He really wants to kiss her, y’know.” he stresses, and you pause because, for one of the first times in your adult life, you think you’re finally starting to get the hint.
“Yeah?” The word feels like it’s stuck in your throat, your heart rate picking up considerably as the poor thing thuds away in your chest. 
“Mhm,” Haechan confirms, his voice lilting as if trying to lead someone to an answer. “He thinks about it all the time.”
“Maybe she wants him to kiss her,” you murmur, and you could swear Haechan’s breathing stops, at least for a moment. He says nothing for an uncomfortably long time, your words hanging in the air between you two.
“Yeah?” His voice is soft, testing the waters, and you can’t bring yourself to speak, your rapidly beating heart migrating up into your throat. 
You nod.
He’s silent for what feels like ages, then he’s calling your name quietly, but urgently. His voice sounds significantly closer and the thought of being so close to him at a time like this has excitement bubbling inside of you.
“Hm?” Your response comes out as a squeak, to your utter embarrassment, but as Haechan places his hands on your hips and slowly turns you to face him, you get the sense that he might not be too focused on that.
He searches your eyes for something—you don’t know what—and, seemingly satisfied, his intent, determined gaze drops slowly to your lips. He takes a step closer, and another, his chest brushing against yours with every breath either of you take. 
You swallow thickly, instinctively moving with him as he backs you up against the kitchen sink.
“Haechan?” you call breathlessly.
His gaze doesn’t move from your lips, his own mouth curling into a small smirk. “Mm?”
“Why are you so close?” you ask, the anticipation reaching its boiling point.
He finally looks away from your mouth, meeting your eyes as he speaks with a raised eyebrow and a flirtatious little grin. “I can’t kiss you from anywhere else, can I?”
There, with soapy water dripping down your forearms and onto the floor and the faint chatter of your friends in the other room, Haechan kisses you for the first time. 
His lips are warm and soft, and his hands are still slightly damp as one cups the side of your neck, thumb gently stroking your cheek, and the other presses against the small of your back, drawing you in closer. 
As your lips move against the other’s, you come to your senses slightly and regain control of your body, wrapping one arm around his neck before pulling back quickly in realization.
His eyes are still closed for a fleeting moment after the kiss, lips parted slightly before he opens his eyes and regards you curiously. 
“My hands,” you mumble before he has a chance to misread the situation, wiping them on your jeans hurriedly as your eyes fixate on a drop of water on the floor to avoid looking at him, “they’re all wet. From the sink water—”
Haechan calls your name with a laugh on the tip of his tongue, and you drag your gaze to meet his.
“I don’t care about that.” he assures you, pulling you back in and slotting his lips with yours. “Just kiss me.” It’s mumbled into and against your mouth, just like your responding nervous (but excited) giggle into and against his own, but it’s understood all the same, and you do. 
You do kiss him again—and again—and again, until you manage to separate from him long enough to turn off the sink water—and again, as he hooks his index finger through one of the front belt loops on your jeans and pulls you in closer, his other hand squeezing your hip—and once more, before the sound of footsteps coming towards the kitchen finally forces you two apart.
Haechan’s cheeks are reddened, yours are blazing with heat, neither of you can stop smiling, and the room is filled with tension so palpable that Mijoo and Renjun look between the two of you in confusion, sharing a bewildered glance between themselves before placing their dishes in the sink and exiting the kitchen.
(And then you kiss him again.)
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Late one night, you’re awake in bed, scrolling through social media apps mindlessly, when a text comes in on your phone.
haechan: are you awake
you: no
haechan: ha ha very funny
haechan: i’m bored
you: me too
haechan: keep me company :)
haechan: come over
you: no it’s 3am
haechan: so? come over
you: i’m cozy i’m not moving
haechan: stubborn ass
you: :( mean
haechan: don’t worry i actually love your ass
you: :O that’s not very platonic of you
haechan: come over and i’ll show you just how not-platonic i can get
you: i’m not moving
haechan: UGH
you: :p sorry !! i have snacks in here i’m never leaving
haechan: ���what kinds of snacks
You have a feeling you know where this is heading, so you muster the energy to get out of bed and head to your front door, unlocking it and heading back to your room.
you: come over and find out
haechan: gimme a sec
There’s radio silence for several minutes, then you hear a knock on the front door.
you: it’s unlocked :) 
Despite the preparation you took for his arrival, you decide to get up and meet him, heading down the hall to see him shutting the door behind himself, locking the door and kicking off his slides.
“Hi,” you say with a smile, and he frowns at you in disapproval, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder at the door. “What?”
“You know how risky it is to leave your door unlocked?” Haechan asks as you get closer to him. 
“It was unlocked for a total of fifteen minutes, max.” You roll your eyes, letting out a chuckle.
“So? That’s more than enough time.”
“Time for what, exactly?”
“Enough time for someone to sneak in here and,” Haechan focuses on your lips, staring at them as he continues in a softer, more suggestive voice, “have their way with you.”
You smile, amused, and make a show of looking all around. Leaning in, you whisper, “Haechan, you’re the only one here; are you planning to have your way with me?” 
Haechan grins mischievously. “That’s a secret.” When you gasp and push his shoulder, he laughs and puts his hands up in surrender. “I’m kidding!”
“Sure,” you scoff, narrowing your eyes at him. “C’mon, it’s cold in here and the heat’s on in my room.” He follows you into the kitchen, cheering silently when you grab the produce bag of mandarins and head to your room. Kicking off your slippers, you climb onto your bed, Haechan following suit, and sit cross-legged, placing the bag of mandarins in front of you. 
Haechan sits in front of you as you reach for a mandarin, peeling it with ease and separating a piece, offering it to Haechan. He takes it readily, chewing contently as he peels a mandarin of his own, offering you a piece of his. 
You’re not entirely sure why you two are swapping pieces as opposed to just eating your respective mandarins, but you figure there’s something tender about sharing the fruit with each other.
“What was keeping you up tonight?” you ask curiously, offering him another piece. 
“Hm?” He looks up at you, handing you the mandarin piece he just separated. 
“Your FOMO,” you remind him, and he grins as he thinks back to your first real conversation on the night you got locked out. “What did you not wanna miss out on tonight?”
“Talking to you,” he coos flirtatiously, and you roll your eyes and scoff in amusement. 
“I’m serious!”
“You didn’t even know I was up!”
“That was the point of texting you. If you hadn’t answered, I would’ve just gone to bed.” he counters, and your cheeks warm at how endearing it is that he was waiting to talk to you.
“Cute.” you mumble, and he raises his eyebrows in surprise, grinning and leaning closer to you. You groan with a laugh, and stuff your last piece of mandarin in his mouth. “Shut up.”
“No talking with your mouth full,” you point out, and he narrows his eyes at you playfully before chewing it and focusing on pulling the last bits of pith off of his last piece of mandarin.
“Open,” Haechan murmurs, bringing the piece to your mouth. You give him a funny look, but he nods in confirmation and wiggles the piece, dropping it in his haste but managing to catch it before it lands. His index finger’s half punctured it, juice from the section dripping down his finger to the knuckle, and he frowns (very cutely, you might add) and moves to put it in his mouth instead.
You don’t know what possesses you. Maybe the universe’s pushing you to finally do something about all the tension that’s built up between you two. Whatever it is, you suppose you owe it a thank you.
You catch his hand halfway to his mouth and steer it towards yours instead. He raises an eyebrow, looking from his hand to you curiously, and you swallow thickly.
The bead of juice drips down ever so slightly, as if reminding you to make your move, and so you do. Wrapping your fingers around his wrist, you take the mandarin piece into your mouth, pushing it to the inside of your cheek, and lick the droplet off of his finger, halting when your tongue reaches his fingertip and looking at him for a sign of something, anything.
His eyes have a wild glint to them and he looks up from your mouth to your eyes, raising both eyebrows this time in a silent challenge.
You suck his finger into your mouth, and he groans under his breath, shifting closer to you as he watches his finger disappear between your lips. 
The look in his eyes—like he’s about to lunge at you, frankly—and his slightly parted lips work together to wipe your mind blank, your eyes glazing over as you suck on his finger. Meeting his gaze with heavy-lidded eyes, you swirl your tongue around the digit and he hisses, leaning in so closely your noses are almost touching.
His attention shifts between your mouth and your eyes rapidly, slowly wetting his bottom lip and tucking it between his teeth. Experimentally, he pulls his finger back slightly and you truly don’t know what comes over you but you whine, sucking slightly harder.
He pulls his finger out of your mouth and raises his eyebrows at your disappointed, slightly dazed expression. He shifts back slightly, as if remembering the situation you two are in, and you take the opportunity to chew and swallow the piece of mandarin stuffed in your cheek.
“Don’t give me that look.” His voice is low and dangerously soft, the warning more than prevalent. 
“What look?” It’s a struggle to say it without sounding breathy or whiny, but you manage, mentally patting yourself on the back. 
“Don’t play dumb,” he warns you, “you know exactly what you’re doing.”
You don’t, actually. You kind of wish you did. Maybe you’d have a better idea of what he’s thinking.
Haechan looks down to the side, staring at your comforter hosting the mandarin rinds, and starts to speak. “You know, I don’t wanna ruin our friendship, but I keep thinking about our kiss the other week.”
You don’t blame him; it’s shifted your relationship subtly but noticeably and you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t frequently occupying your mind. Ever since that evening and the kisses you two shared, you couldn’t stop thinking about how he held you, his taste, his smell, the almost desperate way your lips kept connecting, the way his smile felt against your mouth—
“Ruin it.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, but he hears you all the same, his eyes lighting up with excitement as he stares at your lips. He leans closer, moving his body towards yours as he brings himself within kissing distance, and a tremble of excitement travels down your spine as you do the same.
“I really want to kiss you right now.” Haechan confesses in a hushed murmur, and you nod encouragingly, reaching up and tentatively placing your hand on the side of his neck.
“Do it.”
And he does. Surging forward, he connects your lips in a feverish kiss—he tastes faintly of mandarin on his tongue, sweet and bright and tangy all in one and you whine into his mouth as he leans over you, pressing your back into your mattress. 
His lips move with yours desperately, his hands clutching at your sides and pulling you against him, his hips pushing yours into the mattress as he sucks on your bottom lip and groans sinfully. Your fingers curl in the hair at the nape of his neck, tugging him closer to you and parting your legs for him to settle between them.
He takes the invitation immediately, resting between your legs as his kisses grow needier and deeper, his tongue flicking against yours before he parts from you, propping himself up on his hands as he breathes heavily, looking down at you with that wild-eyed gaze from earlier.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, your free hand gripping the front of his shirt as you try to pull him back down to you. 
Shaking his head, he swallows thickly and says, “I think that if we keep going,” his tongue swiping over his lips, “I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.”
“Who said I want you to stop?” You tilt your head to the side curiously, and he pauses, looking at you with a brow raised questioningly. He scans your face, you shooting him an expectant look and tugging on his shirt impatiently, before inhaling sharply and leaning back down to kiss you again.
“You are so—” he mumbles distractedly, kissing you fervently and nipping at your lip gently. 
“So?” you press curiously, gasping when his lips trail down from yours to your jaw to your neck, sucking and nipping at the skin.
“Dangerous,” he finishes, muffled from his ministrations on your neck, one hand squeezing your hip and gliding it up and down your side comfortingly. “Can we take this off?” he tugs at the hem of your sleep shirt, looking up at you hopefully.
“Yeah,” you agree, and he grins, pushing the shirt up past your chest. You sit up slightly so you can pull it off your torso, laughing when Haechan’s expectant smiling face reappears after the shirt’s done blocking your view.
“Hi, Haechan,” you laugh, pulling him back to you with one hand as your other tosses your shirt off the bed. 
“Have I ever told you that I love when you say my name?” Haechan’s lips resume kissing down your neck, sucking at a spot just above your collarbones.
“No,” you breathe, your inhale catching in your throat when his lips kiss lower to your chest, his hands pushing your breasts together and covering the exposed flesh in kisses. His tongue gliding in your cleavage, he sucks at a spot just above your bra, one hand slipping under you to unclip it.
“Love it so much,” he groans, pulling your bra off hurriedly and discarding it before taking one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking it and swirling his tongue around it slowly.
“Feels so good, Haechan,” you sigh happily, running your fingers through his hair as he sucks on the stiffened bud, one hand kneading your breast as he teases your nipple with his tongue.
He pulls back from you slightly, using the tip of his tongue to flick at your nipple, his hand leaving your breast and snaking down your stomach to slip into your shorts. When his fingers graze your clit over your underwear, you whine lowly and rock your hips up into his hand.
“Oh, you like that, huh?” Haechan mumbles around your breast with a grin, his middle and ring fingers tracing around your clit teasingly.
“Yeah,” you half-exhale, half-whimper, attempting to angle your hips just right so his fingers press against the sensitive button. He chuckles at your efforts and complies, pressing against your clit and rubbing circles into it.
The room is filled with the sounds of your labored breathing and small moans, as well as the wet noises of Haechan sucking on your nipples, switching between breasts by kissing along your chest.
Growing impatient, Haechan pushes his hand into your underwear, the palm of his hand pressing against your clit as two fingers tease your entrance. When you whine plaintively, he obliges, pushing the two digits into you slowly.
Your hips lift up off of the bed and push down towards his fingers, somehow both avoiding and leaning into his touch, and he tsks quietly in disapproval, guiding your hips back down onto the bed as his fingers keep pushing in until they’re buried inside of you.
“That’s it,” he whispers encouragingly, leaning up to kiss you deeply, his fingers curling as he pumps them in and out and gradually builds up a rhythm that has your breath coming in short gasps. “Feel so good around my fingers, baby.” Haechan coos sweetly, tongue trailing along your lip.
“Haechan, faster,” you urge, walls tightening around his fingers and making him hiss. “Go faster—”
“Like this?” he teases lightly, taking your bottom lip between his teeth gently and tugging it as his fingers speed up, fingers curling into a spot along your inner walls that makes you cry out weakly, clutching his arm to brace yourself. “Yeah, like that,” he mutters more so to himself, grinning and releasing your lip in favor of kissing your neck. 
His fingers are skilled and controlled, but his kisses are nothing short of a frenzy, his mouth seeming to attempt to cover as much ground as possible and coax you over the edge. It’s working, frankly, as your peak approaches and you grind down on his palm pressed against your clit, the added sensation dizzying.
“So close,” you moan, biting your lip to muffle the noises you desperately want to let out, and Haechan nips sharply at your neck, making you wince and pull back to look at him.
“Wanna hear you,” he murmurs.
“But—my roommates—”
“I don’t care.” He grins at you mischievously, his pace speeding up and making wet noises sound out from where his fingers disappear into you.
“Haechan—oh, shit,” you shudder as your climax hits, whining his name loudly as pleasure floods through your body, ebbing and flowing like tidal waves. Your nails digging into his arm, he winces slightly but keeps finger-fucking you until you’re pushing his arm away in a desperate attempt to protect your sensitive clit. “Too much!”
“Aw, c’mon, you can give me another one,” he taunts, and you shake your head, wrapping your legs around him and pushing your hips up.
“If I’m cumming again,” you say slowly, making sure he hears you clearly, “it’s gonna be with you inside of me.”
He hesitates, eyes widening almost imperceptibly, and gapes at you.
“You’re serious?”
“I’m serious.”
“God, you’re unreal.” he mumbles in awe, hurriedly kicking off his sweats. He curses when they get tangled by his ankles and you giggle, cupping his face to get his attention. 
When his eyes are on yours, you smile reassuringly. “I’m right here,” you remind him. “I’m not gonna change my mind.”
“You’re not?” he asks, and you scoff in amusement, shaking your head.
“Not even if you take more than three seconds to take your pants off.”
He chuckles and nods, tugging them off and tossing them off of the side of the bed. “Your turn,” he says, staring pointedly at your shorts.
You lift your hips up and shimmy out of the shorts, chucking them in the same general direction Haechan threw his pants in. He doesn’t even let you pull off your underwear, shaking his head at you and instead pushing his boxers down to the middle of his thighs, his length slapping up against his stomach. 
“Stop staring at my dick like that,” he mumbles shyly, and you shake your head slightly to snap yourself out of your daze. “I feel…scrutinized.”
“I’m appreciating it,” you assure him, and the unmistakable proud puffing of his chest makes you smile.
“Yeah?” he muses, leaning over you and guiding himself to your entrance, pushing your underwear to the side. You almost prefer this way, you think, something about the desperation laden in having sex with your clothes just barely shoved out of the way.
“Yeah,” you whisper, excitement creeping into your voice as he glides the shaft between your slick folds, collecting your arousal.
“Let’s see if you appreciate it more like this,” he breathes, pushing into you slowly, and your back arches as you inhale loudly. “Good?”
“So good,” you mumble, nodding encouragingly, and he licks his lips before bottoming out and groaning in pleasure. “Feels so full,” you say, and he nods, his brows furrowed in concentration.
“You’re so tight,” he grunts, pulling out slowly before pushing back into you quickly, eyes brightening at the moan you let out. He repeats the action, slowly moving inside of you and speeding up his thrusts until he’s built a rhythm that has little moans and whimpers spilling from you every time he bottoms out.
“God, yes,” you cry out, clutching his arm that’s propping him up by your head and turning your face towards it, biting down on his wrist to silence yourself.
“I wanna hear you,” he reminds you, shaking his hand until you release his wrist. “Every little sound you make—I want it.”
“Haechan,” you whine, and he growls softly in determination.
“That’s it, baby, just like that.” he encourages you, driving his hips into you in quick, powerful strokes.
You cup your breast with one hand, rolling your nipple between your fingers, and bring the other to your clit, rubbing it in quick circles that make your abdomen clench.
“God, that’s so hot,” Haechan mutters in awe, greedy eyes roving over your body admiringly as you pleasure yourself. “Want you to cum,” he urges, and you nod, your breath hitching.
“I’m close,” you confirm, and he hikes your leg up, resting it on his hip and angling himself towards it so his thrusts hit that spot along your walls that makes you see stars. “Yes, right there—”
“Right here?” His playful lilt drips confidence and only arouses you more, desire burning fiercely through you, an inferno blazing in your veins.
“Yeah,” you pant, whinier than ever as your desperation builds. “Right—fuck—” you hiss, your climax rushing to meet you and overpowering your senses. Your eyelids flutter shut and your mouth falls open, shaky breaths and broken moans of his name escaping you as his length pistons in and out of you quickly. Haechan doesn’t stop, keeping the same pace and power as your body stiffens before ultimately going limp.
“Good?” He rouses you from your daze, and you open your eyes to shoot him a dopey smile.
“Yeah,” you sigh blissfully, and he grins before leaning down so you’re nose to nose.
“My turn.” He thrusts into you even faster, the rhythmic sounds of your bodies meeting filling the room as you move to cover your mouth as hurried, frantic, and uncontrollable noises of pleasure leave you. “Look at you,” he coos, his words punctuated with each thrust. “Couldn’t be quiet even if you tried.”
“Hae—chan—” you stutter out, and he chuckles, bringing his lips to your ear.
“Music to my fucking ears.” His thrusts slow down as he groans with pleasure, his length throbbing inside of you as his pattern shifts to slower, more powerful snaps of his hips into yours. “Gonna cum—where do you—fuck—want it?”
“Inside,” you stammer, and he pulls back from your ear to look at you with unbridled excitement. “Cum inside.”
“God, you’re gonna be the death of me—” He climaxes without another word, biting down on your neck as he releases into you. His breath is hot against your flesh, moistening the skin as he digs his teeth into you and makes you whine in complaint, only releasing you in favor of sucking at the now sore spot. 
His thrusts finally come to a stop, Haechan burying himself in you to the hilt as your walls clench around him, milking his orgasm for all it’s worth. Neither of you move for a while, just remaining in the moment with each other, before Haechan slowly pulls out of you and moves to lie on his back beside you. 
Your walls clench around nothing, your face contorting in discomfort when a mix of your releases feels like it’s leaking out of you.
“I’ll be right back,” you murmur softly, and he looks over at you worriedly, the concern fading when you shoot him a warm, reassuring smile. You squeeze his hand comfortingly and climb off of the bed, readjusting your underwear and pulling your shorts back on. You shuffle to the bathroom awkwardly, cleaning yourself up and washing your hands before returning to your room. 
“Hey!” you complain when you return, looking at Haechan under your covers.
He looks at you in surprise, slightly worried. “Was I supposed to be leaving?”
“What? No—you’re laying on my side.” you explain, pointing at your pillow, and his shoulders slump in relief as he rolls his eyes slightly and shifts over to the other pillow.
“God, I thought you were having, like, post-nut clarity or something and wanted me to leave, never to be seen again.” he rambles, and you stop mid-stride, looking at him with your eyebrows raised in amusement.
“You’re ridiculous.” You continue your path to your bed, climbing under the covers and putting the bag of mandarins on your nightstand. “The only post-nut clarity realization I’m having is that I am sleepy.” 
“Me too,” he sighs. “Be right back,” he says, climbing out of the bed and scooping up the mandarin rinds, tossing them in your garbage on his way out of the room. You curl up on your side as you wait for him to get back, smiling softly to yourself as you recall the events that just transpired.
Your light turns off, shrouding your room in darkness save for where the moonlight delicately peeks through your windows, and Haechan clambers back into the bed, lying behind you stiffly before muttering, “Fuck it,” and draping an arm over your stomach, snuggling up to you.
“Good night, Haechan,” you murmur softly, and he hums contently, nuzzling his face into the back of your neck.
“Good night.”
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Waking up doesn’t quite go the way you usually expect. 
Before you can even open your eyes, you feel an arm draped over your midsection and hear something—or someone—stirring slightly beside you.
In your just-woken-up foggy mindset, you try to recall what in the fresh hell is going on, only to be jolted out of your focus by the realization that you can quite literally feel the person beside you staring at you.
Peeking won’t do any good given that they’re literally looking dead at you, so you keep working on pushing away the grogginess clouding your sensibilities. 
“I can tell you’re awake, y’know.” 
Ah. Well, that solves that.
Opening one eye, you peek at Haechan, who’s watching you in fond amusement with his head propped up on his hand, elbow just beneath the pillow his head was just resting on. 
“Good morning.” He sounds teasing, the greeting pointed as you realize you haven’t yet said anything.
“Morning,” you croak, and he chuckles, settling back down so he’s lying beside you. 
You move to sit up and he whines immediately, pulling you back down none too gently. 
“Don’t get up yet,” he murmurs, and you furrow your brows.
“Why not?”
“Give me a second and I’ll think of a really good reason.”
You let out an amused snort and comply, lying back down. You shift slightly so you’re fully on your back and Haechan takes the opportunity to move closer to you, letting out a soft content sigh as he rests his head on your shoulder. “You’re awfully cuddly.”
“I’m always cuddly,” Haechan counters, and you nod slowly.
“You’ve got a point,” you agree.
He doesn’t speak for a moment, instead starting to shift away from you as he says, “I can stop if you want—”
“No!” you protest immediately, clutching onto his arm resting on you. “I like it.” He pauses and looks back at you with a relieved smile before settling back into place. 
“Good.” His arm tightening around you, Haechan’s head ducks down, nuzzling into the space between your chin and shoulder where he exhales softly against your neck, chuckling when you squirm under him.
“Mm, you like that?” he murmurs, sucking his teeth when you shake your head. “Sure, you don’t.” You can practically hear him rolling his eyes and, as if to prove his point, he presses his mouth to your skin in a lazy kiss, lips parting to suck gently. 
Your breath hitches and he snickers, repeating the action over and over again, lips kissing and sucking with no restraint, lewd grunts leaving him as he positions himself to get better access to you. 
When his tongue peeks out to lick the dewy patch of skin he’s been sucking on, you accidentally let out a choked whimper and he hesitates before pulling back and looking at you.
Averting your gaze, you can’t help but look sheepish under his probing stare, that knowing grin you’re so familiar with growing on his face in your peripheral vision. 
“Did you just moan?”
“That was not a moan!”
“So you admit you made a noise.” He looks smug at your inadvertent confession, and you grumble indistinctly under your breath. “It’s okay if I turn you on, you know.” Haechan says with a sympathetic pat to your hip, cackling when you push him away with an embarrassed huff. 
“You suck,” you mutter, and he ducks his head to press an obnoxiously loud and sloppy kiss to your neck. Your squeal of disgust rings out along with his laughter as he shuffles further down on the bed, pressing languid kisses to your body as he goes. “Where are you going?” you giggle when you feel his fingers inching up the hem of your shirt and his breath exhaling on your navel. “Haechan!” you yelp in alarm as his tongue dips into your belly button, reaching down to swat his head away.
His fingers are hooking in your shorts and yanking them down your legs before you can even process the situation, the blanket lifting slightly for his hand to fling them off the bed. 
He catches your hand by the wrist and presses it down on the bed by your hip, dotting kisses just above the waistband of your underwear as you wriggle under him uselessly.
“Remember that reason I was gonna give you to stay in bed?” he murmurs, the warmth of his breathing causing arousal to stir in your belly. “This is it.” He doesn’t say anything else, instead kissing your clit over your underwear with a low content hum. Your thighs reflexively move to close him out, but he pins them in place, palms flat against your inner thighs as he spreads them wider.
He presses another kiss to your clothed clit—and another, and another, until the room is filled with the sounds of his noisy kisses and your unsteady breathing. His kisses travel lower until he’s kissing at the very seat of your underwear, teasing over your entrance as his nose rubs against your clit.
Your breath catches in your throat when his tongue flattens against the seat of your underwear, no doubt tasting the arousal that’s begun to seep through the fabric. His almost ticklish ministrations have your insides fluttering with need and nerves, his moans only escalating the situation as they get lower and longer, croaky with desire.
He drags his tongue up your underwear from your entrance to your clit, swirling his tongue around the gentle imprint of the sensitive button and sucking on it until your thighs start to tremble. 
“Haechan, please,” you whisper, not trusting your voice to remain steady at a louder volume. He hums questioningly, flicking over your clit with the tip of his tongue rapidly and pushing your hips back down when they buck into his face.
“Please, what?” You can’t see him due to his being under the covers, but you can imagine the smug little grin on his face right now.
“Please don’t stop,” you whine, and he hums—loudly and contently—before pressing another kiss to your clit.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, baby.” His fingers collect the fabric of your underwear just above your clit and tug it upwards, making you gasp in surprise. He tugs up harder until the thin fabric of the seat of your underwear scrunches together and slips between your lips, flesh spilling out onto either side of the damp, essentially useless garment.
Your moans escalate in pitch as he tugs the underwear up repeatedly, delivering pressure and friction to your clit that’s almost dizzying but just slightly not enough. His tongue drags up your now exposed lips, sucking them into his mouth and licking over them to coat them with his saliva, replacing the slick arousal leaking from your core.
“Haechan,” you whimper, truthfully unaware of what you want—you know you want more, and you know he’s going to give it to you, if not more for himself than for you, if his blissful sighing is anything to go by. 
He doesn’t dignify you with a response, instead releasing your skin from his mouth and latching onto your inner thigh as he slowly kisses at the heated flesh, slowly pulling your underwear to the side to reveal your glistening core.
A sharp intake of breath sounds from under the covers, and before you can ask what’s happened, he groans and your clit is enveloped in his mouth as he sucks greedily at the bud.
“Holy shit,” you gasp, clutching at the bedsheets over where you know his head to be. The hand he’s been using to hold your wrist hostage slips down to link his fingers with yours in an intimate gesture that makes you glad he can’t see your unbelievably flustered face. “Fuck, just like that,” you urge quietly, and he responds by rolling his tongue over your clit, only releasing it to lap up the arousal coating your folds.
“Tastes so good,” he grunts, lips brushing against your throbbing clit as he speaks. “Such a pretty pussy, too, baby.”
Your only reply is a weak whimper as his tongue explores your core with an almost feral eagerness. He pauses, fingers slipping from yours as he uses both hands to yank your underwear as far down your legs as he can manage while still being between them, and resumes his fervent licking, digits linking with yours once more.
Tugging the hood of your clit back to expose more of the sensitive bud, he coos affectionately at the revealed button—an action that makes your cheeks burn from shyness—and flicks his tongue all over and around it before sucking it into his mouth and humming contently.
“You like that, yeah?” Haechan’s voice is throaty when he speaks, thick with desire as he practically slurs his words at you. “Like when I suck on your little clit like that?”
“Yeah,” you whine breathlessly, nodding vigorously even though he can’t see you. “Yeah, I like it—”
“Wanna feel my tongue in your pretty pussy, baby? Hm?” He’s practically taunting you, but you can’t even be bothered to care, your climax hovering just out of reach. “Wanna fuck yourself on my tongue?”
“Shut up, just please—” You don’t get to finish whatever thought you were going to vocalize, as Haechan’s tongue prodding at your entrance wipes your mind clear of any functionality. “Yes—more—need more—”
He licks all around your entrance first, loud and lewd noises of him lapping up your slick barely muffled by the barrier of the comforter, but finally obliges, pushing his pointed tongue into you as far as the pink muscle will allow.
The sigh of relief you let out is cathartic, the sound tapering off into an unmistakable moan as he urges your hips down towards his face. Taking the cue, you rock your hips into his face, movements jerky as his tongue glides in and out of you and renders you incapable of anything other than moaning and fucking onto him.
“Haechan, gonna—I’m gonna—” you moan, body shuddering with anticipation, and he just keeps guiding your hips against his face, not stopping even as your peak hits and your muscles stiffen reflexively, movements stuttering to a stop as you remain frozen, hips in the air and abdomen tightening. He smacks your ass lightly to get your attention and resumes your motions against his mouth, nose deliberately bumping against your highly sensitive clit. “Shit, Haechan, I’m done—”
Your weak attempts to wriggle away from him are only met with a forceful yanking of your body back into place and his tongue retracting from you in favor of licking at your clit. “I’m not,” Haechan mumbles determinedly, and the urgency in his voice makes you balk, your breath hitching again as he licks you to yet another climax. 
When you come down from this high, your mind is fuzzy in the best of ways, your consciousness only distantly aware of Haechan emerging from under the covers and reassuming his position next to you with a pleased hum, pressing his spit and arousal slicked lips to your collarbone in a quick kiss.
“That was fun,” he coos, his nose brushing against your neck, and you chuckle weakly, nodding. 
“It was more than fun.” 
“Good. In that case,” Haechan muses, his arm tightening around you as he pulls you impossibly closer. He tangles his legs with yours, his knee pushing against your half-removed underwear, and continues, “I think I earned staying in bed with you for a bit longer, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you half-chuckle, half-exhale, and he grins, lips pressed against your neck.
“Good. Now go back to sleep,” he urges, and you’re about to attempt to oblige when a knock on your door jolts you both out of your daze. His eyes widening almost comically, he ducks his head back under the covers and you redistribute the comforter to look slightly less suspicious.
“Come in!” you call, and the door opens to reveal Mijoo leaning against your door frame. “Hey!”
“Good morning,” she greets you with a warm smile. “We’re ordering breakfast from the diner down the street; do you want anything?”
“Uh—the breakfast platter with waffles, please.” you answer, and she nods.
“Great. Hey, Haechan?” she calls, and you both stiffen before a sheepish Haechan pokes his head out from under the covers. “Do you want breakfast?”
“Yes, please,” he says eagerly, and you snort in amusement. “Can I have the breakfast platter with waffles, too?”
“You got it.” Mijoo raises two fingers to her head in a mock salute before moving to shut the door. 
“Wait!” you whisper-shout after her, and she pauses, raising an eyebrow at you expectantly. “How did you know Haechan was here?”
“His shoes are by the front door,” she answers simply, and your body slackens with relief. “You moaning his name also helped.”
“…Sorry.” you mumble sheepishly, and she shrugs.
“You’re lucky we were already awake.”
“We weren’t that loud!” Your brows furrow as you look at her defensively, and she snickers, shaking her head.
“You’re right; I’m just messing with you.” she smiles teasingly, and you huff, frowning at her petulantly. “Okay, gonna go order now.”
A small “hmph” is all you have to say, and she shuts the door, leaving you and Haechan alone with each other once more.
Looking over at you curiously, Haechan grins before leaning up to kiss between your eyebrows where the skin is furrowed, then your nose, and finally your lips, his mouth lingering against yours. 
“You’re cute when you pout.” he mumbles fondly, and your cheeks blaze something fierce as you fight down a bashful smile. He pulls back slightly, studying your face before connecting your mouths again, this time parting his lips and sneaking his tongue into your mouth. The taste of your arousal transfers from his tongue to yours and you can’t help but whine from how arousing it is to taste yourself on someone else. “Don’t tempt me.” he mutters against your lips, and you nod in understanding.
“Sorry.” you say softly, and he chuckles before pressing a light kiss to your lips again and pulling back.
“It’s okay. Now, we only have so much more nap time before the food gets here,” he reminds you, collapsing back onto the bed and pulling you into his embrace, “so we’d better make the most of it.”
“Haechan, we can’t sleep now,” you point out, “we have to at least wash up and get dressed or something.”
“But—” he whines, and you kiss him quickly to shut him up. 
It works.
“We can do all that and then, if there’s still time, we can come and get back in bed,” you suggest, and he screws his face up in thought. “It’s not like you’re gonna wanna get back in bed once we get up, anyway.”
“I’ll take that challenge!” He releases you and rolls out of the bed, miscalculating slightly as he falls on the floor with a thud and an “oof!”
“It wasn’t a challenge,” you reply, trying (and failing) to hold back your laughter as you peer over the edge of your bed at a disgruntled Haechan lying spread-eagled on his back.
“Stop laughing,” he gripes, reaching a hand out to you. “Help me up?” he asks hopefully, and you take his hand to pull him up, yelping in shock when he tugs hard and pulls you out of the bed and on top of him. “Oof!” 
“Genius.” you drawl, and his hands just link behind you on the small of your back.
“Now, who’s laughing?” he points out, and you raise an eyebrow.
“Still me. You broke my fall.” you say with a snicker, and he hesitates before huffing in mild frustration.
“Well, maybe I should get a reward for being so gentlemanly.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you suggestively. “Like a kiss.”
“Given that you’re the reason I even had a fall to break,” you answer, patting his chest, “I’m gonna pass.” His face falls as he frowns up at you, and you roll your eyes, leaning down and pressing the quickest of kisses to his cheek before standing up and pulling your (highly uncomfortable, now cold and damp) underwear back up your legs to retain whatever dignity you have left.
“Aw, I only get a cheek kiss for breaking your fall?” he complains as you pull him to his feet, and you stare at him, unimpressed.
“You’re the reason I fell!”
“Excuses, excuses, excuses,” he grumbles, waving you off dismissively. “We live in a cruel and unjust world.”
“That we do,” you agree. “Now go put some pants on.”
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“I think they gave you more food than me,” Haechan sulks, and you look at his container, then yours, then back at his.
“They definitely did.” you agree, grinning.
He narrows his eyes at you. “Don’t gloat.”
“But I love gloating,” you say with a frown. “It’s my third favorite thing to do.”
“Oh, yeah?” Haechan chuckles, looking over at you. “What’s the first?”
He snorts loudly. “Got it. Second?”
“Rubbing things in people’s faces.” You grin at him, and he raises one eyebrow. You suspect you’ve walked into a trap of some sort. “What?”
“I know something you could rub in my face.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, and your eyes widen as you smack his arm and turn away from him to hide your incredibly flustered face. “I’m kidding!” You peek over your shoulder at him to see his hands raised in surrender and you cautiously turn back to face forward. “Unless…”
“Haechan, get out!” you shriek, the warmth returning to your face as you wave him away frantically.
“No can do, sorry.” He shrugs in your peripheral vision. “I wanna see how cute you look all flustered.”
“Stop teasing me,” you huff.
“But I love teasing,” Haechan says, nudging your side pointedly as he throws your words back in your face. “It’s my third favorite thing to do.”
“I’m not gonna ask what the first two are,” you mumble, turning back to face forward when the heat in your cheeks has dissipated somewhat and you feel less flustered.
“Aw, c’mon,” he whines, shaking your arm. “Please?”
He takes a deep breath. “Please, please, please, please, please—”
“Oh, my God, fine!” you exclaim, lunging at him and clapping a hand over his mouth. “What are the first two things?” you ask, cautiously moving your hand. You move to sit back in your spot, but Haechan grabs your arm that’s propping you up above him, keeping you in place.
“Kissing you is second.” He looks up at you with bright eyes and you would scoff and disregard the comment if it didn’t seem so genuine, a bashful smile curling your lips.
“What’s first?” You blink down at him curiously. 
“Hanging out with you.” He grins widely, and you open and close your mouth pointlessly, no words coming forth to rescue you from looking stupid. “Cute.” he coos, leaning up so you’re face to face. Studying your face carefully, his lips part slightly as he tilts his head to the side. Speaking softly, he asks, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“Depends,” you answer, speaking just as softly. “Are you thinking about the fact that eggs don’t taste good cold?”
He gives you a disapproving look. “No, actually. Now I am.”
“Great,” you muse, pulling back and sitting in your spot once more. “Now eat so I can press play.” You gesture with your fork towards your laptop which is sitting just in front of you both, the screen paused on a scene from Chicken Little. 
“I don’t know why we didn’t pick a Christmas movie to watch.” Haechan says with a small huff. “Where’s your holiday spirit?”
“We can watch a different movie,” you reply easily, gesturing towards the screen. “Just pick one.”
“Oh, hell yeah,” he mutters triumphantly under his breath, pulling the laptop to his lap.
“Don’t get syrup on my laptop!” you scold, plucking his fork from his hand and putting it in his container of food.
“Sorry, babe,” he mumbles distractedly, too focused on browsing for a good movie to notice the pet name that slipped out.
You, however, are unoccupied and therefore fully aware of it, your body freezing momentarily. Your face heats up for what feels like the millionth time and you partially forget that there’s food in your mouth, your jaw hanging slightly open as you sit in a stunned silence.
“Found one!” Haechan announces proudly, placing your laptop back on the bed and looking over at you, his brow furrowing in confusion. “You okay?”
“Yep!” you agree way too quickly.
His eyes narrow. “That was way too quick.”
Damn it. “I’m okay,” you assure him, and he scrutinizes you for a moment longer before seeming to let it go and returning his attention to his food. Desperate to change the subject, you look at the screen and nod in approval. “The Grinch—nice choice.”
“Thank you,” he replies, smiling with satisfaction as he presses the spacebar to play the movie. You two eat in silence for a moment as the beginning credits roll, Haechan for some reason waiting until the movie actually starts to speak. “Oh, speaking of holiday spirit—”
“You couldn’t say this before the movie started?” You look at him in disbelief, and he frowns (very cutely, once again) at you. “Sorry,” you mutter. “Continue.”
“Thank you,” he replies, the smile back on his face. “We’re having a holiday party on Christmas, and you’re invited.” 
“Me?” You point at yourself, confused, and he shoots you a funny look.
“No, the ghost slightly to your left.” He replies sarcastically, and you roll your eyes, Haechan letting out a small laugh. “Yes, you.”
“Okay,” you say slowly, processing. “Can I bring Mijoo and Chuu?”
“Duh?” He shoots you another funny look. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I am!” you defend yourself, a bit too loudly for your tastes this time. “I am,” you repeat, sounding more normal. “You only invited me, so I figured—”
“Well, you’re the only other person in this room.” He points out, and you nod slowly.
“I mean, I do want you to come—like, specifically you.” Haechan clarifies, and you look over at him curiously.
“Yeah,” he nods. “It’s a good time to give you your present.”
“You got me a present?” you ask softly, surprised, and if he shoots you any more funny looks, you think you’ll throttle him. “I just didn’t expect it!”
“Why not?” He stares at you, confused. “You think I’d invite you to a Christmas party and not give you a Christmas present?”
“Good point, I guess.” you say mostly to yourself. “I can give you yours then, too.” 
He clutches his chest dramatically, eyes sparkling with emotion. “You got me a present?”
You stare at him blankly, and he drops the act, looking at you pointedly.
“That’s how ridiculous you were just now.” He raises his eyebrows, and you gasp in disbelief.
“I didn’t moon over you, Haechan,” you defend yourself, and he shrugs.
“Maybe you should’ve. It would’ve been cute.” He grins at you, and you narrow your eyes. “Kidding!”
“No, you’re not.”
“No, I am not.” Haechan confirms, shaking his head. 
“Anyway,” you continue, side-eyeing him. “Will there be snacks?”
“Yep! The festive kind,” he says proudly. “Eggnog…gingerbread cookies…sugar cookies…”
“Peppermint bark?” you ask hopefully, and Haechan looks over at you with a small smile and a soft, fond look in his eyes.
“Why? Do you like peppermint bark?”
You suck your teeth, trying not to roll your eyes. “No, I actually can’t be within thirty yards of it for legal reasons—yes, I like peppermint bark!”
“Sassy pants.” he mutters under his breath. “If you like peppermint bark, then there will be peppermint bark.” He smiles at you, and you bounce twice in place from excitement. 
“Yay! I’ll be there.” you assure him. “Do I have to get Jaemin and Renjun presents, too?” 
“Nah, you don’t actually have to get anyone anything, actually. Just show up with good vibes.” He leans back against your headboard and smiles contently at you, unperturbed by your disapproving frown. 
“Did you get Mijoo and Chuu anything?” you ask, and he shakes his head. “Mm, but I’m a guest…”
“And I’m a host, and I hereby absolve you of any gift-buying duties.” Haechan announces with an air of grandeur, waving his hand dramatically. You snort in amusement and he looks at you with a satisfied grin. “I got Renjun’s and Jaemin’s gifts already—gave myself a paper cut trying to wrap it.” He frowns, showing you his thumb with a red line running along the knuckle, and you wince.
“Poor Haechan.” You pout, and he nods, batting his lashes at you in a pronounced display of cuteness. “Wait right here.” You pat his knee and get off of the bed, heading to the bathroom and returning with a bandage. 
“SpongeBob?” Haechan chuckles softly as you bring his hand onto your lap so you can apply the cartoon-themed bandage. “How old are you, again?”
“You can always leave,” you remind him in a warning tone, not looking up as you peel the backing strips off.
“I love SpongeBob, actually. Love that spongy guy.” Haechan says quickly, and you snicker quietly.
“Yeah, that’s more like it.” You wrap the bandage around his thumb and pat it gently for good measure, looking up at him. He’s staring at you with that unreadable look again, a soft smile on his lips, and you blink at him, confused. “What?”
“Nothing,” he says quietly, looking down at your handiwork. “I think it needs something.”
“We have ointment if you want it, I just figured you didn’t need it because it’s a paper cut—” Your words stop abruptly when Haechan brings his thumb up to your face, level with your mouth. “Can I help you?”
“Kiss it,” he presses, wiggling the appendage in front of your face. “To help it heal.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Your voice is flat but incredulous, and he frowns at you.
“So you can suck on my fingers,” he starts, your eyes widening in shock, “but you can’t give my thumb a teeny little kiss to make it better?” 
You stare at him. He matches your gaze with a smug little challenge glinting in his eyes. You lean forward and press a small kiss over the bandage where the small wound is, and he smiles in satisfaction. 
“Feels better already,” he coos teasingly, and you scoff, trying and failing to hide your amusement. 
“Okay, I’m gonna reheat my food and you’re gonna rewind the movie because we missed the whole beginning.” You get off the bed and Haechan offers you his container with a hopeful smile that only widens when you roll your eyes and take it from him.
“You’re the best!” He shouts as you head out of your room.
“I know!” you call back casually, doing an excellent job at hiding how the compliment makes you more than a bit giddy inside.
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The day of the Christmas party has finally come, and you’re filled with nerves for some reason.
In the past couple of days leading up to the party, you and your friends have been wrapped up in work shifts, the holiday season bringing in extra high customer volume. It normally wouldn’t be a big deal, but this means you haven’t really had time to hang out with anyone, least of all Haechan.
And you miss him. You miss him more than you thought possible, miss his smile, his laugh, the twinkle in his eyes when he teases you—
It hits you when you’re walking home from work the day of the party: you really like Haechan. Like—a lot.
You already knew you were into him because, well, you can’t even think about him without feeling the urge to giggle like a schoolgirl. It’s the gravity of your feelings that startle you. 
More than kissing him, you like holding his hands and listening as he tells you the story of his crooked pinky for the millionth time.
More than sleeping with him, you like hanging out with him; no responsibilities, no expectations, no pressure, and you always leave feeling better than when you met up with him.
It’s this realization that has you hopping in the shower and dressing up slightly nicer before gathering your gifts in a tote bag—well, the ones you can fit, at least.
You knock on their front door and nibble your bottom lip gently before stopping abruptly, not wanting to do away with all of your lip balm before you even set foot in the party.
“Hey, you made it!” Jaemin cheers when he opens the door, and you can’t help but laugh at his joy.
“Yeah! Traffic was crazy in the fifteen feet between our front doors, but I made it,” you joke, following Jaemin into the living room. “Oh, I have your present!” You root through your bag before gently procuring his gift and handing it to him with a smile. 
His eyes widen and he coos fondly, reaching for it and cupping it in his hands. “I may be an adult in many forms of the word, but I have a soft spot for stuffed animals and this? This is just about the cutest stuffed animal I’ve ever seen.” He cradles the white bunny plushie like an infant, humming contently, and you blink in surprise.
“I’m glad you love it, don’t get me wrong,” you say slowly, “but you seem a lot more excited than I expected.”
“I may have had some eggnog,” he whispers conspiratorially, looking at your raised eyebrows and the unanswered question still written plainly on your face and continuing on to say, “I heard a rumor that it’s spiked.”
“Who started that?” you ask, confused, and Jaemin rubs the back of his neck, grinning sheepishly.
“Well, I did.” he answers. “Because I’m the one that spiked it.”
“Ah.” You nod in understanding, patting his chest gently. “That’s nice, Jaemin. Have, um, you seen—”
“Haechan’s in the kitchen.” he answers with a knowing smile, clearly coherent enough to know where you were going with your sentence. Or maybe it’s just that obvious that you could only be looking for him.
“Great,” you exhale in relief, nodding once before heading towards the kitchen. 
“I’ll give you your gift when it’s gift exchange time!” Jaemin calls after you, and your brows furrow.
“Would’ve been helpful to let me know there’s a gift exchange time.” You shake it off as you enter the kitchen and stop short as your eyes land on the person you were looking for.
Haechan’s back is facing you, hunched over as he fiddles with something you can’t see. There are a few other people in the kitchen, but they melt into the background as you clear your throat loudly, smiling when Haechan jolts in surprise before turning around to lock eyes with you.
You want to say that your heart didn’t skip a beat from seeing his face light up at the sight of you, but you’ve never been a very good liar. You offer a small wave in reply as he crosses the kitchen to get to you, barely having time to drop your arm before he’s pulling you into a tight hug. 
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” Haechan pulls his head back slightly to grin at you. “I’m happy you made it.”
“Me too,” you say just loudly enough for him to hear, tucking your head back into the hug to hide the giddy smile overtaking your lips. Pulling away from the hug somewhat reluctantly, you take in his outfit and—“What are you wearing?”
Haechan looks down at his ugly—an understatement, really—Christmas sweater, obnoxiously vibrant and colorful with a gaudy reindeer on the front, stitched to be three-dimensional, and huffs petulantly. “I’m dressed for the festivities!”
“You look like the festivities threw up on your sweater.” you remark plainly, and he grumbles incoherently, wrinkling his nose in disapproval.
“Words hurt, you know.” 
“You’re right,” you agree, raising your hands in surrender. “I am so sorry. How in the world shall I make it up to you?” Your robotic and wholly insincere delivery just makes Haechan narrow his eyes at you, a snicker escaping you as you avert your gaze.
“A kiss might help.” He raises an eyebrow expectantly, a smug twinkle in his eye.
“I don’t know,” you mumble as you think about it—your friends and these other perfect strangers have never seen you kiss before, and you don’t know what the implications of such a public display of affection could be, and—
“You don’t have much of a choice, actually,” Haechan replies proudly, jerking his head towards the ceiling when you look at him in confusion.
You follow his direction with your eyes and there, hanging neatly from the ceiling’s smoke detector, is mistletoe.
You roll your eyes, pursing your lips in an attempt to hide the fond and amused smile pulling at the corners of your mouth. You grip the front of his hideous sweater and pull him closer to you, pressing the quickest of pecks to his lips you think you’ve ever placed.
His eyes barely get a chance to close before they’re flying open in surprise and he opens his mouth to complain, but you hold a finger up to silence him.
“That was a kiss.” you point out.
“A tiny one.” Haechan counters with a displeased frown, but one look down at your fist still holding his sweater makes him smile softly, apparently unable to maintain his dissatisfied appearance.
“I still did it.” You shrug, releasing his sweater and smoothing down the yarn you bunched up by accident. There really isn’t much of any way you could have made the sweater look worse by wrinkling it, truly, but it’s the gesture that counts.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he mumbles, eyes darting to something over your shoulder before they widen slightly and he looks back at you. “You’re just in time for the gift exchange, actually. Do you want something to eat or drink before we go into the living room?”   
“Sure,” you agree, and he leads you to the counter he was standing at when you came in. Your face lights up at a familiar snack as you reach your hand into the bowl and pull out a small fistful of individually wrapped chocolate pieces. “You got the peppermint bark!”
“That I did.” He smiles widely, clearly proud of himself, and you wrap your arm around his waist, squeezing gently. “Oh, and tip? Don’t drink the eggnog.”
“Yeah, Jaemin said he spiked it.” you snicker, and Haechan sucks his teeth.
“I knew it tasted funny.” 
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The gift exchange goes about as smoothly as you’d expect. Chuu’s very appreciative of her reading pillow and bedside lamp, her eyes lighting up with excitement as she opens the gift from you, and you’re pleasantly surprised to see that Chuu got you one of the books you always mention that you’ve never quite gotten around to reading.
(“Now you don’t have any excuses,” Chuu says, smiling, and you nod slowly.
“I bet I’ll think of some more.”)
You’re thrilled when Mijoo gives you your gift, a full gel nail kit, and her expression no doubt matches yours when you take her back to the apartment to reveal her brand new mini skincare fridge.
(“I know this is for face masks and ampoules and the like, but—” Mijoo starts.
“You’re gonna put some snacks in it, aren’t you?”
“I’m definitely gonna put some snacks in it.” She nods in agreement before you two laugh and head back to the party.)
“Hey,” Haechan calls softly from behind you, and you turn to face him, noticing in your peripheral vision that Mijoo and Chuu give each other a knowing look before disappearing into the party. “I wanna give you your present.”
“Yeah, me too.” you reply, feeling an anxious thrumming in your stomach out of nowhere. Will he like it? Does he even really want it?
“Over here,” Haechan says, taking your hand and leading you to a more secluded corner of the party where the holiday music somehow doesn’t quite seem to reach as well. 
“Okay, how are we doing this?” you ask, reaching in your bag and pulling his gift out, holding it behind your back. “On three?” You brace yourself to reveal the gift only to panic and shake your head. “Never mind—I wanna go first.”
“Okay,” he chuckles, smiling at you with a delicate fondness you don’t often see from him. 
“Okay, close your eyes and put your hand out.” you urge him, and he obliges, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he waits. 
He looks so incredibly kissable right now, actually, you think. His lashes flutter delicately on his cheekbones and you can count each lovely little mole on his face without him making a teasing remark about how you’re mesmerized by him, and his lips look so soft and inviting—
“Hello?” Haechan laughs, and you blink out of your daze.
Right. Back on track. You swallow the lump in your throat and place his gift in his hand, clearing your throat nervously.
“You can open your eyes now.” You rock back and forth on the balls of your feet anxiously as he opens his eyes and looks down at his hand. 
“No way,” he whispers, blinking down at the vinyl in his hand in disbelief. “You’re kidding.”
“I am not,” you chuckle nervously, and he looks up from the vinyl to you in awe.
“I thought you said the record store was sold out—” This is the softest you’ve ever heard him speak, you think, and it’s actually very endearing.
“I may have fibbed.” You shrug casually, and a surprised laugh escapes him as he turns the vinyl this way and that. “There was one left. I hid it so I could buy it for you, because I know you love Michael Jackson, and it’s limited edition and probably very cool for a Michael Jackson fan such as yourself to have—y’know—”
“You’re rambling, cutie.” Haechan cuts you off gently, amusement bright in his eyes as he watches you, and he definitely solved the problem of you talking too much, but the casual pet name has now rendered you mute. “Thank you so much,” he says sincerely, looking you in the eyes.
You manage to find the words to express yourself once more. “You really like it?”
“I fucking love it. I’m gonna display it in my room and brag about it whenever people come over.” He is most definitely not lying, you realize by the puff in his chest, and you bite back a giggle, feeling like a weight is lifted off of your shoulders. 
“I’m glad you’re happy,” you sigh in relief.
“My turn.” Haechan announces, gently setting the vinyl down on an armchair nearby and bringing his other hand from behind his back to hand you a small rectangular box. “It’s wrapped, so you gotta unwrap it.”
“I do think I’m aware of how wrapped presents work, yeah.” You can’t help but tease him lightly, and he laughs, shaking his head.
“Be nice, I’m nervous,” he whines, and you coo sympathetically as you gingerly open the wrapping paper.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you nervous—” Your lightly teasing words stop short when you lift the lid of the small white box and see the contents. “Oh, my God.” 
“It’s, uh,” Haechan rushes to explain, gesturing at the box, “I got it custom made with these little, uh, mandarin charms,” he points at the small orange charms on the bracelet, “because we always eat mandarins together, y’know? Like, it’s kind of our thing.”
“Yeah,” you say softly. “Haechan, I love it.”
You can hear his exhale of relief and his body goes slack, finally relaxing in your side view. “I was hoping you would.”
“Can you put it on me?” You feel like you can’t raise your voice past this murmur for fear that it’ll shatter the delicate and intimate moment you two have built with each other.
“Yeah,” Haechan says immediately, a smile audible in his voice. You hand him the box and he lifts the bracelet out of its velvety encasing, the dim but warm lighting of the living room catching the bracelet and making it glint beautifully.
“This must have been expensive,” you worry, and he shakes his head.
“Nothing I can’t handle,” he assures you. “Now that vinyl must have been crazy pricey—”
“It wasn’t too bad with the employee discount,” you half-lie; if it wasn’t for your employee discount and some serious sweet-talking to your favorite manager, you probably would have been living off of leftovers for a week or two.
“Gimme your wrist,” he murmurs quietly, and you comply, offering him your arm and watching as his hands fasten the clasp around your wrist. It looks stunning on your skin and you honestly can’t imagine taking it off anytime soon. “It looks beautiful on you,” Haechan compliments, and you laugh softly, shyly. 
“Thanks,” you mumble, and you’re now very aware that Haechan’s gaze has shifted from your wrist to studying your face, his intent stare sending nervous jitters throughout your body even as you avoid it. Slowly, you drag your gaze up from your linked hands to meet his eyes, and you’re all but floored by the intensity in his stare, his gaze somehow both unreadable and perfectly easy to comprehend.
It’s a myriad of emotions—fondness, desire, determination, passion—all packed into one heavy-lidded stare as he wets his bottom lip. His fingers loop around your wrist, just below the bracelet, and he tugs you closer gently, coaxing you into his embrace as his free arm wraps around your waist. 
Gazing into your eyes, he smiles secretively before looking up at the ceiling pointedly. When you look up, you already have a feeling about what you’re going to find, letting out a small laugh of disbelief when you see yet another mistletoe dangling from the ceiling.
“Did you plan this?” When you look back at him, his eyes are trained on your mouth and he leans in closer to you, his nose nudging against yours as his smile softens.  
“Of course I did.” His words are a soft murmur against your lips before he’s kissing you, and the way he does makes your head spin.
His arm tightens around your waist and his other hand holds your chin, gently tilting your head towards him so he can kiss you better. His lips move slowly against yours, leisurely yet still intense as he hums contently.
You feel like you’re kissing him for the first time by your sink all over again, excitement trickling through you like the soapy water dripped down your arms that first time and the chatter in the background—even the faint whoops you hear that most likely mean you’ve been spotted—fading into nothingness.
There’s no one around that matters but you and Haechan, and you could probably live in this moment forever. 
He gently separates from the kiss, resting his forehead on yours as you both attempt to catch your breath.
“Haechan,” you murmur softly, “if you kiss me like that again, I’m gonna think you’re in love with me.” Your attempt to lighten the mood to steady your pounding heart goes unanswered, Haechan surprisingly silent. You look up at him curiously to see, with a jolt of surprise, that he’s already looking at you, his expression unreadable yet immediately comprehensible like earlier, but there’s a fire to it, a burning insistence that makes you swallow thickly. “Don’t joke like that.”
He regards you with a raised brow. “Who says I’m joking?” At your skeptical silence, he scoffs in amusement, squeezing your waist gently. “You have to know I’m, like, crazy about you by now.”
You gape at him. “Really?”
He gapes right back at you. “Yes!” he answers exasperatedly. “I went to Etsy for you,” Haechan sounds incredulous, continuing on even as you start to laugh, “I don’t think you know how confusing it was to order a charm bracelet with mandarin oranges on it? The shop people probably thought it was ridiculous.”
“No,” you console him immediately, draping your arms around his neck. “They probably thought it was very thoughtful, romantic, and sweet. Just like me.” 
He looks up at you, hope in his eyes. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you confirm. “Plus, it could be worse—you could have done all that just to get rejected or something.”
“So, I’m definitely not getting rejected right now, right?” He’s only half-joking, making you roll your eyes and shake your head.
“No, I’m definitely not rejecting you. Maybe I’m kinda crazy about you, too.” you admit with a small smile, and his face lights up, his smile one of the most radiant you’ve seen from him since meeting him. He studies your face, taking it in like it’s the last time he’ll ever see it, and you can practically feel the question on the tip of his tongue. “What is it?”
“Do you wanna get out of here?” he asks, smiling like he knows something you don’t.
You nod slowly, offering him a wry smile as you say, “I’m in; we can have a night out on the town or something.”
“Yeah?” He sounds slightly surprised but thrilled nonetheless, and you nod, your smile widening.
“Yeah. Renjun gave me a $50 gift card to Home Depot, so I’m thinking things might get a little crazy.” you deadpan, and Haechan snorts loudly in amusement, his eyes widening like he didn’t expect to do it.
“Home Depot?” Bless his heart, Haechan does make an attempt to hide his amusement, but he gives up and bursts out laughing. “Why would he—”
“I don’t know.” You hold your hands up in surrender. “I gave him art supplies, nice and thoughtful, and he gave me a gift card to a store I’ve never even set foot in.”
“Y’know, there’s actually something kind of sexy about Home Depot.” Haechan hums, swaying the two of you from side to side. “Maybe it’s the smell of brand new appliances and stuff.”
“I can’t say I know what appliances smell like off the top of my head.” you say thoughtfully, and Haechan nods.
“Yeah, neither can I; I just said that to make you feel better.”
“Aren’t you sweet?” you coo sarcastically, pinching his cheek.
He swats your hand away with a laugh before saying, “Speaking of sweet—I just remembered to tell you that Jaemin loves his present.”
“Really? I mean, I kinda figured, what with the way he fawned over it when I gave it to him, but I’m glad to know he really likes it.”
“Yeah, I saw him clutching it as he threw up in the toilet.” 
You wrinkle your nose. “What a lovely mental image.”
“Sorry,” he chuckles.
“Y’know, I really didn’t have much confidence in my gift-giving skills, but then I met Jaemin and Renjun. So, like, at least I know there’s worse out there.”
“What did Jaemin get you?” he laughs, his arms tightening around your waist.
You stare at him blankly. “A cookbook.”
Haechan’s confusion is palpable. “You don’t even cook like that—”
“I don’t even cook like that!” you agree emphatically, and he snickers.
“That’s awfully domestic of them, honestly.”
“Isn’t it? Are they hinting that I should start settling down or something?”
“Maybe they’re hinting that you’re wife material.”
“I’m pending “wife material” status; I need to learn to cook and navigate Home Depot, apparently.”
“Speaking of Home Depot,” Haechan pipes up, giving you a lingering kiss. “If we go to Home Depot, we can make out in the gardening aisle.”
You pull back just in time to snort in amusement. “How very romantic.”
“Listen, I’m trying to work with what we’ve got,” Haechan defends himself, and you roll your eyes, a fond smile tugging at your lips as you scratch gently at his scalp on the back of his neck.
“We could listen to your new vinyl in your room and make out in there,” you suggest, and he brightens up, nodding eagerly.
“What a good idea,” he agrees, tucking your head against him to hug you properly. 
After a moment, you shift uncomfortably. “Haechan, is that your phone in your pocket or did all that Home Depot talk get you worked up?”
“What are you talking about?” His voice is muffled against your neck as he speaks, but you can hear his confusion regardless. “My phone is in my back pocket.”
“Haechan, don’t tell me you’re seriously chubbed up right now in the middle of this Christmas party.”
“First of all: please never say ‘chubbed up’ again.”
“Thank you,” Haechan sighs in relief. “Second of all, that’s my remote.”
It’s your turn to be confused, apparently. “Remote to what?”
Releasing you from his embrace, he reaches into his pocket and retrieves a simple remote, pressing it, and you watch as his sweater starts to flash bright lights.
You’re silent for a moment. “I didn’t think it could get any worse.” 
“Aw, come on!”
“No, I’m serious—it looks like the festivities threw up on you and now, apparently, they had some string lights in there too.”
Haechan pouts deeply. “Ah, you are so mean, seriously.”
“If we’re making out at all tonight, that hideous sweater comes off.” You point accusingly at the offensive garment, glaring at the wonky-eyed reindeer.
“No way.” Haechan disagrees immediately. “The reindeer sweater stays on during sex.”
“I will never sleep with you again.”
“On second thought, we could burn it. Burning it sounds good.”
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“Baby, show me that last dance again,” Haechan urges you, jerking his chin at the open space of the living room you’ve been using as a makeshift dance floor.
You spring up from the couch, using a hand on his leg to brace yourself, and make your way to the middle of the room, taking a moment to recall the dance steps.
“It’s like this.” You hum a tune to yourself as you mime holding someone’s hand and their shoulder, swinging your hips as you move sideways, lifting your knee at the end before repeating the actions in the other direction. You look up at Haechan as you dance, immediately averting your gaze when you meet his eyes and take in his intense stare.
“And that’s the bachata?” he asks, raising his eyebrows curiously when you two lock eyes. You nod, and so does he. “You look good doing it.” He smiles and pushes off of the couch, taking the place of your invisible dance partner. Placing your hand on his shoulder, he rests his on your waist, lacing your fingers with his own and tugging you closer. “Dance with me now.”
“You got it?” you ask in surprise, and he nods.
“Quick learner.” he explains, smiling. He’s not wrong, you realize as you hum your little song and lead him into the dance. He moves smoothly and attractively, his steps confident but not too serious.
“You’re good,” you murmur in surprise, and he chuckles.
“I have a good teacher.” When you’ve completed two sequences from one side to the other, he twirls you, laughing when you yelp in surprise and clutch onto him tightly. “You’re not gonna fall, baby.”
“I know,” you murmur, resting your chin on his shoulder. “I trust you.”
“You trust me?” Haechan’s voice is soft, his fingers just as gentle as his tone as they stroke at your back, and you nod, knowing he can feel it as opposed to see it. “Then close your eyes.” 
You move back so he can see when you comply, and he grips you a bit tighter, turning you to the side and dipping you, his laugh ringing out with yours as you burst into tickled giggles.
“See? I trust you.” You still don’t open your eyes as you speak, the inaction triggering a jolt of surprise when his nose brushes against yours.
His lips connect with yours soon after, nudging them apart to kiss you sweetly. He stands you both upright once more and wraps his arm around your waist, drawing you in closer with a hum and tugging gently on your bottom lip. 
He peppers kisses down to your neck where they slow down, growing languid and needy as he latches onto various spots of your neck and sucks gently. 
“That tickles,” you giggle, squirming away, but he just locks his arm around you, holding you firmly in place as he continues to attack your neck. “Haechan,” you whine pleadingly, and he groans against your skin.
“Mm, yeah, love when you say my name like that.” He nips at your flesh, lapping his tongue over the sore spot in a wordless apology. 
“Haechan!” You attempt to scold him, but the pleasure gets to you, his name coming out even needier than before.
“Just like that, baby.” he grunts, sucking harder at a spot near the base of your neck that, despite your conscious desires, has you tipping your head back to allow him better access. “See? You love it.” His free hand trails down your backside, hiking up your shirt to grab your ass, clad only in black lacy underwear.
You’ve essentially given up on getting him to stop, finally succumbing to your desires and pushing your hips into his. He chuckles, the sound low in his throat and undeniably smug, and backs towards the couch, releasing you and plopping down on the seat.
He pats his lap with an inviting wiggle of his brows, his grin widening when you take the invitation and sit sideways on his lap, leaning your side against his chest. 
“Where was I?” he murmurs, kissing up your shoulder and making a determined path to your neck. You wiggle away at the last minute and press your lips to his before he can inevitably protest. His complaining whine abruptly changes to a pleased humming sound as he kisses you over and over (and over) again, alternating between quick, soft kisses and lingering, needier ones. 
His hand slides up your thigh purposefully, moving between your legs and hiking up the hem of the shirt you’re wearing. He grins against your lips when you part your legs slightly, allowing him to stroke along your inner thighs.
“Your skin feels so soft,” he murmurs against your lips, “and your kisses taste so sweet—I’m in heaven.”
“You’re so dramatic.” you snicker, and he shakes his head, parting from the kiss to look at you with bright, earnest eyes.
“I’m serious,” he promises, his gaze dropping to where his hand disappears between your legs. “I could stay like this forever.”
“Well, unfortunately,” you murmur, tugging gently at the locks on the nape of his neck and smiling when he groans, “I can only keep Mijoo and Chuu away from the apartment for so long.”
“What are we gonna do when they come back?” He frowns up at you, resting his chin on your breast.
He really needs to stop being so damn cute, you think.
“Well, we can just go in my room.” you offer, and he nods, lost in thought.
“Are they coming back soon? Should you,” he sighs deeply as if he already regrets the next words out of his mouth, “put some pants on?”
You can’t help but laugh at how resistant he is to the thought of you wearing more clothes before you stand up, moving back to the center of the room and twirling once.
“Mijoo and Chuu have already seen me like this, anyway,” you inform him, gesturing at your attire, and he raises an eyebrow.
“Oh, yeah?” he asks, beckoning you closer. When you’re within reach, he laces his fingers with yours and pulls you towards him until you’re landing clumsily on his lap once more with a yelp. “Well, aren’t they lucky?” He adjusts you so your knees are on the couch on either side of him, your hips hovering above his lap ever so slightly.
“I wouldn’t say lucky,” you chuckle, and he shakes his head, scrutinizing your face.
“Do they get to see you reaching for stuff in the cabinets with this on?” Haechan asks, his hands running up the backs of your thighs. “Hm? Do they get to see your shirt ride up and show off your cute little ass?”
You hesitate, slightly uncomfortable with the thought of flashing your friends and roommates. “If they have, I’m pretty sure—and kinda hoping, at this point—they’re not actually looking.”
“Do they get to see you bend over as you look in the fridge for something to snack on?” he continues, and you grimace, shaking your head.
“I don’t even do that—oh—” Your vehement protesting ends abruptly when he grabs your ass with both hands, using his grip to pull you forward until your chest is clumsily landing against his. 
“No, they don’t get to see that, right?” he murmurs, looking up at you with desire pooled plainly in his eyes. “Only I get to see my girl like that.”
You could just about melt from the pet name. “Yeah,” you agree breathlessly. 
“Mhm,” you hum in a daze.
“Only me?” he presses, hands pushing your shirt up past your stomach and over your breasts, now exposing your matching lacy black lingerie.
“Only you,” you confirm, the needy whine creeping back into your voice. “Haechan, touch me.”
“My baby wants me to touch her?” he asks softly, teasing you with the promise of a kiss but not delivering. His breath is warm on your lips as he taunts you and he’s all but inhaling your plaintive cries for attention, his eyes growing more wild and intense the more you quietly plead for him. 
“Please, Haechan?” To your embarrassment, your voice cracks slightly towards the end of the word, but it seems to trigger something in Haechan, who lets out a groan from deep in his chest before cupping the back of your neck and pulling you in for a heated kiss.
“Could never say no to my girl,” he coos against your lips, punctuating each word with a kiss deeper than the one preceding it. “Let’s take this off, baby.” His hand hurriedly yanks at the material of your shirt that’s bunched up above your breasts, and you break from the kiss to pull it off, barely having time to drop it on the couch before he’s hungrily kissing all over the exposed skin of your chest. 
You already know what he’s going after next, so you beat him to the punch, unclipping your bra and letting the straps fall off your shoulders. Haechan lets out a loud groan of approval, his kisses barely hesitating before dipping lower until his tongue is rolling over and swirling around your nipple. His hands fly to cup both of your breasts as he alternates between sucking at both of your nipples, and you suck in a sharp breath when his fingers pinch at the hardened bud, tweaking it teasingly.
As he loses himself in your breasts, you can’t help but rock your hips down onto his lap, the thin fabric covering your clit doing virtually nothing to conceal the sensation of his cock pressing against your core through his sweats. You stutter out a gasp, and he chuckles mockingly, releasing your nipple with a wet pop and regarding you carefully.
“That feel good?” he asks, mimicking you when you nod. “Yeah? Feels good to fuck yourself against my cock?” 
Your only response is a whimper and a rasp of his name that has his eyes blazing with lust.
“You wanna cum so bad, don’t you?” he taunts, and you cry out weakly, your head dropping down to rest your forehead against his. “Can you cum like this? Just like this?” His mocking tone softens slightly, and when you nod, he hisses, bucking his hips up to collide with your body, groaning, “I love seeing you like this—so fucking gorgeous like this—no one gets to see this but me—”
“Only you,” you moan desperately, willing to say just about anything if it means you get to cum. 
“All mine,” he growls under his breath, tilting his head up to kiss you fiercely. “I’m all yours, and you’re all fucking mine, yeah?”
“Yes, baby—Haechan, I wanna cum so bad,” you gasp, and he nods, releasing your breasts and grabbing your hips, guiding your rocking motions until that delightfully familiar tightening feeling starts building in your abdomen. “Fuck, just like that,” you cry out, nails digging into his shoulders, his only protection the thin shirt he’s wearing.
“Kiss me when you cum,” he pants, and you oblige, leaning forward and connecting your lips in a sloppy, heated kiss. He’s positively frenzied, biting roughly at your bottom lip until you wince and sucking on your tongue, not relenting even when you attempt to retract it to moan his name. 
Your poor tongue is trapped between his greedy lips as he sucks hard on it, only giving you a slight break when he swirls his tongue around yours with a lewd moan escaping him as saliva—you can’t really tell whose it is—drips down from your bottom lip onto your chest. 
He’s all over you, dominating your mouth with his, your breasts with his hands, your core with his length, and your mind is so blank that you don’t even notice when one of his hands travels south to slip into your underwear, only catching on when his fingers press against your clit roughly.
“Oh, sh—” you gasp as he rubs the sensitive bud vigorously, heavy-handed touches sending you toppling over the edge. To your surprise, tears well up in your eyes, the pleasure almost too much to bear, and Haechan coos sweetly when they start to spill, pulling back from the intense lip lock to kiss up your tear tracks, capturing your lips with his own tear-smeared mouth, lips wet and salty as he moves them against yours.
“Up,” he croaks, tugging you up off of his lap slightly, and you oblige, lifting up off of him enough for him to shove his pants down to his knees and pull himself out of his boxers, rapidly fucking his fist as he stares at your underwear, the very last article of clothing covering your body. “Sit, baby.” he urges, guiding you down. 
He gropes freely at your asscheeks with one hand as his other, wrapped around the base of his length, brings the thick head of his shaft to your entrance. You pull your underwear to the side to allow him entry, and he pushes up into you as you sit down onto him, both of you letting out groans of pleasure. 
“That’s it, baby,” he moans, “sit on my fucking cock just like that.”
“So full,” you babble, gasping as he bottoms out, “so fucking full.”
“I know, baby, I know,” he coos comfortingly, “you can take it all, yeah?”
You don’t think you have much of a choice, but it’s not like you were planning on backing out, anyway.
In lieu of a response, you lift your hips and bring them back down onto him, Haechan winding his fingers in the locks at the nape of your neck and yanking so your head is forced back. You whimper loudly at the tug and moan louder when his tongue drags up from the top of your cleavage to your chin, leaving a trail of saliva in its wake. 
“Obsessed with how you taste,” he grunts, barely parting from your neck as he sucks and nibbles at your skin and making loud and wet noises every time his lips release a patch of flesh. “Gonna eat your pretty pussy later, too—”
“Fuck,” you hiss, his words affecting you more than you expected. You position yourself slightly so you can bounce up and down on his length, your mind all but falling apart at the feeling of his thick shaft stretching you open.
He trails wet kisses back down to your chest, cupping your breasts and sucking on your nipples greedily, switching between the two like he can barely get enough. When he nips one of them a bit sharper than you’re prepared for, you cry out weakly, pushing at his head as a warning.
“I’m the only one who gets to touch you like this—” he grunts, thrusting upwards to meet your movements so you’re simultaneously fucking onto and into each other. “No one else gets to hear the pretty fuckin’ noises you make when I fuck you—no one gets to make you feel this good but me—”
“Just you, babe—” Your words are undoubtedly slurred from pleasure, but by the way Haechan’s thrusts speed up, you’re willing to bet he heard you. “Feels so good—wanna cum so bad—”
“Feels good?” Haechan echoes mindlessly, biting down on the flesh of your breast. “You love this, don’t you? Love me fucking you with my thick cock?”
“Love your cock so much—fuck, Haechan—I’m gonna—” You can barely get the words out before Haechan’s kissing you deeply, a filthy mess of teeth and tongue as his hips fuck up into yours.
“Cum all over me, baby, want you to make a mess all over me,” Haechan grunts, and you do. You climax loudly and powerfully, and Haechan’s thrusts continue the whole time, prolonging and heightening your pleasure until you’re shaking your head and squirming away from the hypersensitivity.
“Haechan, cum inside me,” you moan plaintively, still in a daze, and he nods distractedly, sloppily kissing every inch of your skin he can reach as he speeds up his thrusts and curses under his breath. 
“Cumming—” He’s barely able to choke out the last syllable before he’s burying himself in you to the hilt, his breathing ragged as he finishes inside of you. You affectionately rake your fingers through his hair as he recovers, his forehead resting against your chest. When he’s collected himself, he catches your wrist and presses a kiss to your palm, looking up at you with a lazy smile.
“You’ve got a mouth on you, y’know that?” you mumble in amusement, and he grins mischievously, wiggling his eyebrows. 
“Of course I do—and you love it,” he chuckles, and you roll your eyes slightly, shifting in his lap and cringing at how cool your chest feels. You look down and can’t help but widen your eyes at the state of your chest.
It’s, to put it lightly, covered in saliva, and you’re almost positive it’s entirely Haechan’s doing. When you look back up at him, you see him looking right where you just were, his lips parted slightly in what you assume is awe.
“You really do have quite a mouth,” you snort, pushing his jaw up so said mouth closes. “A messy, sloppy, dirty one.”
He looks up at you finally and you’re surprised to see that the look on his face wasn’t awe at his messiness but unbridled desire. He grins up at you smugly, making loud kissing noises.
“If I recall correctly, you weren’t complaining when my messy, sloppy, dirty mouth was all over you earlier,” he points out as he squishes you to his body, your breasts pressing against his face. He nuzzles into your cleavage, pressing a wet kiss to the skin, and you groan and push his head away with a laugh.
“Whatever,” you say, attempting to sound grouchy but ultimately failing as the smile on your face is too wide. “I need to shower.”
“Fine,” he sighs loudly, releasing you, and you stand up, making a face as his mostly softened length slips out of you. “On one condition.”
“It’s my shower, Haechan,” you point out. “What condition could you possibly have?”
“I get to join you.” He beams at you hopefully, nodding encouragingly in an attempt to convince you.
“I was already gonna say you’re coming with me,” you say, stooping to pick up your discarded clothing. “That way we’ll both be all cleaned up by the time Mijoo and Chuu come back.”
“Sounds good to me,” Haechan agrees, standing up and tucking himself back into his clothing. “Lead the way, baby.” 
When you turn and head towards the bathroom, a quick smack to your ass makes you yelp before turning to glare at your cheekily grinning boyfriend. 
“If I apologized, I’d be lying.” He shrugs nonchalantly, and you narrow your eyes at him before turning back around.
“You’re a menace.”
“You’re stuck with me,” he sing-songs, blowing you a loud kiss from behind. Thankfully, he can’t see the giddy smile on your face or feel the heat rising to your cheeks, so you just remain silent and think about how nice it is to be “stuck” with someone like Haechan.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” you tease, turning to face him as you step into the bathroom and shut the door in his face.
“Hey!” Haechan exclaims, indignant as he jiggles the doorknob. “You’re in for it now, you know that, right? You can’t get rid of me that easily!”
“I know!” you call back, covering your mouth to stifle your laughter.
Frankly, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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ta da !!! i hope you enjoyed :) happy new year!
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sparklemaia · 2 months
So I've recently read a lot of your comics about top surgery, and I really resonate with your experience (I haven't had it myself but I'd like to). I've recently been exploring my own gender and realising I might be non binary, but I guess I feel sort of an imposter in that I want to keep my name and pronouns (afab), despite feeling like I never got the memo about what a "woman" is, which I know is fine, but I guess I was wondering how the shift from your agab into realising you were nb felt?
Like, you seem to describe your gender as sort of unknowable and indefinable, and I guess that's sort of how I feel? I just want to be... More me. I guess what I'm really asking is, how would you define/feel about that shift into realising you were nonbinary, do you still feel connected to your agab, how do you reconcile the two?
Sorry for the long ask!
Hi, this is such a good question! I actually DO still feel pretty connected to my agab. I feel like I am a girl but also more than a girl but also not enough of a girl, simultaneously. (Weirdly, I never ever feel like a woman, and definitely not a man, but I do feel like an adult at least some of the time.) Top surgery was 100% the right decision for me; my body feels so much more correct and I am grateful every single day this procedure was accessible to me. (I was on a low dose of T for a year and a half too, and I basically just got biceps and a sliiiightly lower voice out of it. We stan.) I simply don't have strong feelings about how these things do or do not map onto gender identity or other people's perceptions of my gender. I am generally perceived as female, and that's fine! Like, close enough! I often feel somewhere BETWEEN cis and trans, or even between cis and nonbinary, and sometimes I joke that I'm just "nonbinary for insurance purposes." I mostly use she/her pronouns, although won't object to they/them. I like my "feminine" name -- I chose it myself years ago for reasons unrelated to gender and I have no plans to change it again. In terms of gender presentation I'm usually somewhere in the "tomboy femme" zone. Basically, I've been through a medical transition but not a social transition. Which is not very common, or at least I haven't seen much representation of it! (Be the bad trans representation you want to see in the world, i guess??)
Even though the words are often used interchangeably, I feel more alliance to genderqueer as a label than nonbinary, because nonbinary feels too clinical and "third checkbox"y to me, whereas genderqueer feels more expansive and undefinable and dynamic, with space for the ways in which I both am and am not performing girlhood correctly. When pressed to pick a gender word for myself, that one feels the closest. But if I'm filling out a government form or whatever? Yeah sure F is fine.
A lot of where I land with this stuff, though, is just kind of relaxing my grip on language. Top surgery was a relief, it helped me feel present in and connected to my body. Ultimately it doesn't matter much to me how much of that was *gender* dysphoria and how much of it was just... something I wanted, a way to make my body feel more like mine, to align my mental image of myself with the thing I had to stuff into clothes and walk around the city every day. I believe very strongly in bodily autonomy, and in making our lives as easy and comfortable and joyful as we can for ourselves, without needing to have a clean and tidy explanation for our choices. It is very possible to know with reasonable certainty that you want something, that it will be a net positive for your life, without being able to articulate, even to yourself, WHY you want it. It doesn't need to have a bigger meaning than ahh yes, this feels right. At this point in my life, I'm more invested in marveling at the sheer improbability of my own existence than in wedging myself into the taxonomy of known and acceptable gender narratives. I'm just a person, here for the merest twinkle of a moment in cosmic history, making soup and knitting baby hats and admiring bugs and singing off-key and cutting my own hair and doing my gosh darn best to light my tiny patch of night sky with stories so that you (and you, and you) feel less alone on your own journey through the unfurling dark. Gender is just such an inconsequential detail in the narrative of my life, and pretty open to reader interpretation anyway.
Not having to wear bras is pretty great though ngl
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
It would be sad if Tim was a dove
his parents show off him and his likenesss to angels at galas before leaving him alone again
After a long night of fighting in the city smog and grime goes to vacation at his wings look similar to Jason’s pigeon wings and the way Bruce looks at him? That hurts
if they have traits of their birds welp mourning doves mate for life and will just like slowly sink into depression without their love, and everyone Tim has ever loved dies constantly so that’s neat
during the tt attack Jason goes at them bc “doves are just better pigeons” and Jason is grumpy
people seem to forget that doves are used at weddings and funerals, they are a blessing and an apology
dick hates Tim’s wings at first bc divks moms wings were like a Eurasian collared doves wings (dick inherited his dads wings) so every time he sees them he is reminded of her
Damian probably see them as another part of his perfect brother, can do nothing wrong so everyone hates me compared to him lenses that Damian wears bc a bird with undying loyalty and easy to train?
Steph probably preened with Tim as like bonding, instead of just cleaning, and Tim probably was just so happy
The shot in the back ruined one of Babs wings as well and so she probably has Tim fly around and grab the things she needs up high and he listens like a good little brother
Tim approaches Duke when he is all moved in and offers to help him preen (dukes parents always did it with him) and this helps duke feel included
It would be fun if one day Tim gets really hurts and his feathers are tinted red when they find him
Oh, fuck. I love pigeons. Sorry. I got distracted... but the symbolism with Jason being a pigeon???
Right. Quick history with pigeons: They were originally domesticated animals and the oldest documented domesticated bird. Their wild lifespan is 2-5 years. If they are domesticated, it's 15 up to 30 years.
They are loving, intelligent animals. They are some of the few birds to:
Have a form of milk
Mate for life
Equal child-rearing between sexes
Recognize themselves in mirrors
Humans threw away pigeons after using them for message carrying, bombs, and spying.
The wealthy used to breed pigeons to have appealing features (which can be used as Jason's initial misconceptions about why Bruce Wayne is adopting him in this AU).
They are widely considered to be pests, vermin, or "rats with wings."
Some more symbolism with Jason, pigeons have a "GPS" and can find home from an unfamiliar place up to 620 miles away. Maybe something something Jason wandering closer to Wayne Manor before the LoA captured. Something about the Pits fucking with his homing abilities.
Anyways. I got distracted.
Tim as a dove... Let's go!
Pigeon and dove, according to online research, are used interchangeably. Some languages translate them the same (symbolism with Tim and Jason???)
Saw a joke about doves being pigeons with good PR
Doves are typically smaller than pigeons but have a longer tail
Doves are symbols of peace, though they have been used in war like pigeons
Mourning doves make flimsy, fast nests and are not picky about location (something something Tim with the Waynes??)
Mourning doves are some of the most adaptable species in North America, they are skitish, and they are chill
Apparently, wedding doves are typically just pigeons???? If they aren't pigeons, then they don't have the homing properties and are endangered by the sudden release into the wild
Anyways, totally fucking with this idea ^^
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soobibabe · 4 months
beomgyu who's teaching you guitar, and you just wouldn't get it even after a few hours. so he leans in closer, yanks the guitar out of his way, and starts fingering you nonstop 😵‍💫..
I had been thinking abt this for a long time and now im waiting for a fic abt this😋
(Sorry if my grammar is bad, English isn't my first language)
pairings: choi beomgyu + reader wc: 1.3k genre ▸smut, fluff at the end kinda warnings: fingering, degradation if you squint, praise and terms such as "good girl" , "baby" etc. breast play (not too much), cum eating(?).
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“my fingers are numb!” 
you’re two hours into your lesson with Beomgyu, but you spent more time fussing than actually practicing. your fingers feel like they’re losing blood circulation. did he choose the hardest fucking song to start with?
“sweetheart this is only the beginning, now work on smoothing the flow of chords when you’re interchanging your ring and index finger. you’re playing the guitar not doing a test for carpel tunnel” You’re so over this already.
Youre currently situated atop his bed. The edge of it to be precise, your legs are crossed with the guitar on your thighs.“Can I have a break at least?” you whine, earning an eye roll from the man in front of you. 
Beomgyu unfolds his arms and emerges off the wall he was leaning against to step closer to you. “you’re not stopping until I tell you ‘you can stop’, y/n”.
you forfeit bickering with him any further, focusing your attention back on the instrument sitting in your lap. 
your dominant hand is wrapped around the neck of his guitar, while the other strums along the strings with your pick. 
you’re so focused on reading the notes, that you don’t notice Beomgyu’s change in demeanor when you finally get back to playing
“Wow, y/n, look at you getting the hang of i-” his excitement is short-lived when you demolish his ear with a ridiculously loud wrong note. “You’re hopeless.” he sighs.
“My hand” you scrunch your face in pain. “Cramp, ouch”.
“Okay yeah that's understandable,” he approaches you and examines your position. “Get up, I should’ve thought about this earlier”. You’re reminded of how tall he actually is when he gets closer.
You don’t hesitate to do as he says, not thinking much of it. 
He takes his place behind you, dropping himself further up onto the spot you were previously on. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t flabbergasted by his sudden action. 
Still behind you, he man-spreads. Your eyes widen when you feel his hand reach up and rest on your hip. “Sit.” his voice is low and sultry.
You slowly settle onto the mattress between his legs. “Perfect,” he speaks softly. 
His chest is pressed against your back, following your hand to meet the strings. “You hold the chords, i’ll strum. Can you do that for me?” his face is perched at your shoulder, eyes piercing onto your cheek awaiting your response. 
“Mhm,” you murmur, making him smirk.
Your fingers dance along the lines, not too far away from his. As time goes by, the room only seems to heat up more. He’s good with his hands. Perhaps its the lack of space between your bodies, but you grow more flustered by the second, causing you to mess up more times than you’d like to admit.
“You really are something else,” he breathes out. You can tell he’s frustrated by your – many – futile attempts at following instructions. “What’s on your mind that important to have you messing up this badly?” “It’s nothing, gyu” You look down to where his free hand, which had made its way to your thigh without you noticing, lied. 
“Should I help you clear your head?” He swiftly lifts the guitar out of your lap and rests it somewhere on the floor beside him. You’re unsure of what he means. “Like what?”
“Do you trust me, y/n?” You turn to face him, eyes boring into his. The eye contact causes you to stiffen in his hold. You nod to answer his very – obvious question. 
His hand slides down to the side of your thigh, pulling your legs apart. “Keep these open for me, yeah?” You inhale a sharp breath at his words. You didn't realize how worked up you’d gotten from his touches. 
“So pretty like this. Is this what you wanted all this time baby?” he whispers into your neck, still caressing your lower body. Your head falls back when he presses kisses to your supple skin. “Want you, gyu” you whimper. Thats all the confirmation he needed to proceed with what he wanted to do you. His fingers make their want to your core, rubbing figure eights on your clothes cunt underneath your skirt. “Dirty girl, walking into my room with a mini skirt for her guitar lesson. Like youre begging me to fuck you” You grind yourself further into his touch at his words. 
He lets out a low chuckle at your neediness. “M’gonna make you feel so good”
“We can stop whenever you want to, just tell me, understood?” he inquires, and your heart flutters at how different his tone is from his last few statements. “Mkay” you mutter. He pulls your panties to the side, slipping his middle and ring finger to your centre, collecting your slick, and dragging it back up to your clit. 
“So wet for me already and i haven’t even done anything yet.” He smirks, ego-boosted from how soaked you were. 
Without warning, he shoves a finger into your heat, stroking in and out of you at a slow, yet rough pace. His other hand makes its way up to your torso, sliding under your skirt and cupping your boob in his palm.
“Beomgyu– fuck, feels s-so good” you whine, already losing yourself in the pleasure he’s providing. 
“I know baby, i know” he adds, thrusting another finger into your sopping cunt. “Show me how you fuck yourself, play with your clit for me” is the last thing he says before sucking at your neck, surely leaving bruises. 
You oblige to his wishes, rubbing feathery circles on your clit. His hand on your chest moves to pinch your nipple, rolling the bud around in circles. 
The stimulation from all of it at once causes a coil to form in your lower region. You don’t think you’ve ever felt pleasure this intense. “Think you can handle another finger?” he groans.
“Yes, please” you manage to vocalise. “You’re so good for me, y/n” he announces before absolutely demolishing your pussy with the abrupt change of pace when there’s a third finger in you. “Good girl” he purs into your nape. 
His fingers ram in and out of you hitting your g-spot with every stroke, reeling you closer to your orgasm. “Fuck, baby your clenching so hard on me. Imagine how heavenly this would feel when youre wrapped around my cock”. 
“Be an angel and cum for me, pretty” You’re in nirvana when his fingers curl inside of you. “Cumming – fuck, please” you dont even know what youre pleading for, too fucked out to care. 
You finish all over his fingers. He continues his movement to let you ride out your orgasm. 
After a few minutes, he pulls his fingers out and they glisten with your slick. His eyes beam at the sight. He thinks its the prettiest his hand has ever looked. He draws it to your lips, “open” he utters before pushing his coated fingers into your mouth.
“Tastes good?” he asks, and you nod. “My turn.” he flips you around so that your back is pressed on the bed now, and kisses you. “So fucking sweet, might get addicted y/n, shit” he giggles at the end of his sentence. "I underestimated how good you are with your fingers." you state breathlessly, causing you to laugh in unison.
He drops beside you, holding your hand and showering it with kisses. You clear your throat, elevating your head to look over at him, and he smiles endearingly at the sight of you. “Class again tomorrow? Same time?” and his eyes widen at your unexpected suggestion. 
“Yes, please, yes. Now lets go shower then get tteokbokki, i’m starving.” he gets up, and pulls you gently with him, leading you out of the room to the bathroom.
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A/N: not my best work, but i tried
ps: your english is amazing, dont worry about that here haha this is a safe space blog.
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babiebom · 11 months
Sdv Age and Height Headcanons
A/N: hi! It’s officially my birthday(the 15th) and I am now 23 :((((( I didn’t know what to post because everything is in the works right now but I wanted to post something to celebrate in a way so here!! Only base game stardew characters so no ridgeside or expanded. I do count Rasmodius/Marlon/Gunther/Morris as base game even though they’re expanded upon in mods. If anyone has questions for me (personal or about my fics or whatever) feel free to request or ask!!
Tw: none other than a mention of death in Shane’s part.
Sdv Masterlist
We always have to start with the loml (it tries to autocorrect loml to mommy and lonely btw)
I think he’s about 23-26 I think he has a degree in IT but I’m not sure. He has to be able to have graduated or taken classes or something.
I think he’s 5’10 at the shortest and 6’2 maybe 6’2 1/2 at the tallest.
Idk just seems tall to me because he’s lowkey intimidating.
Him and Abigail are in the same age range. I think they were born in the same year.
This means he is about 22-25 and his birthday occurs right after summer break(maybe I should do birthday headcanons?)
I think he is a very tall boy(keep in mind that I am short af so what I mean by very tall depends)
So maybe he is 5’10 at the shortest like Seb and 6’3 at the tallest.
I think him and Seb can be interchangeable when it comes to height? Both of them however come behind Harvey and Elliott but not by a lot.
The shortest bachelor for sure
I think he is very short and stocky he gives me big strong dad energy like your dads not the tallest but man is strong af.
So maybe 5’5-5’8? I mean 5’8 isnt short at all really but keep in mind I’m saying this is the tallest he can be, and the height really does make some guys seem really short when in reality they arent( also my phone tried to add king every time I typed short so there’s that)
Among the older bachelors so about 31-35?
I feel like that’s enough time to go from playing football(sorry gridball) in high school, getting a scholarship to play in college, dropping out to take care of his goddaughter when his friends die and becoming depressed.
He just seems like a 30 something year old going through the trenches :(.
I think the oldest out of the bachelors and bachelorettes. He has gone to med school and that is I think at least like 4 years then 8 years? Unless I’m wrong lmao
So I think he would be around 35-38
He’s an older man that has spent his life helping people it’s so cute
He is on the taller side. In my mind he gives gentle giant vibes.
So 6’0 at the shortest and maybe 6’5 at the tallest. I think he towers over people but his posture is so bad that no one notices.
I think he is between the ass trio and Maru so 21-24
I think he graduated high school only a couple years prior to year one because of how passionate he is about gridball and how he thinks it’ll happen I don’t think anyone older would be like “someday I’ll go pro” they’d be crushed already
I think he is 6’0 exactly. He gives off 6 feet vibes like I can see that if he had a tinder profile it would 100 percent say “I’m 6’0 btw”
I think he’s 34 exactly.
He seems like during his 20s he worked in the family business, he did what was told of him because he didn’t really know how to be an adult.
Then when he hit 30 he decided that he didn’t want anything to do with the family business and decided to move to Pelican Town to follow his dreams of writing.
He had enough money saved up to move and cut contact with his parents after they threatened to disown him because of him choosing to chase his dreams.
I think he is up there with Harvey as I’ve already said. I think they could be the same height range and who is taller is interchangeable.
So 6’0-6’5 really. Gives off hunk on the cover of a romance novel vibes.
I think she’s around 24-26. And I do think she has a teaching license and an education degree so this would give her enough time to have graduated and come back to Pelican Town after like a year of teaching in the city.
She seems sort of mature but immature at the same time, like immature when it comes to romance and dating, and sort of life but also she has the vibes of an introvert that was forced to mature quickly so she is good at making decisions, but at the same time her emotions are out of whack.
I think she’s a petite girl she doesn’t look very tall at all.
So I think she’s 5’2-5’5 I think for women to me 5’5 that’s the cap on people seeming short to me for women.
Luckily I didn’t have to think about this too hard because I already answered this in one of my very first posts
I think she is 5’4 to 5’8 (sorry I’m American so 162 to 172 cm?)
She’s the first one I’m doing I’m not converting everyone but it’s like 2.5 cm per inch and 30.5 per foot
Her age is around 22-25 in year 1 I think. I know I’m my original Abigail headcanon I said oldest is 24 but I think 25 is okay.
She is amongst the youngest in her grade level during school years.
I think she’s on the younger side, like the same age range as Alex. Especially because she gives the vibes if she just graduated and hasn’t grown out of her mean girl/insecure personality
So she’s about 21-24
I think she’s similar to Abigail where she gives off like petite girl energy but also tall girl energy. Like I feel like she was a cheerleader and people always said that she could model so maybe she’s on the taller side
So maybe 5’4-5’7
Idk what it is about women that are 5’7 are specifically beautiful to me, they seem super tall but not so tall that it makes me feel like they’re a giant, their arms and legs are long idkidk.
She’s the older sister of Haley, and I think she’s pretty close to Shane and Gus so I think she’s on the older side
I also think that she could be the oldest out of all the bachelorettes.
So maybe 29-35
She seems a lot more mature than Haley, as well as understanding and confident in her life and her choices
As well as she doesn’t seem insecure or as if she’s weird at all like I think younger people are.
I think her height range is very small compared to the others like
She’s 5’5-5’6
She gives off the vibes for that like not too short not too tall just average.
In my opinion Maru is the youngest out of the bachelorettes AND bachelors because I think everyone is around the same age and she’s the younger sister of Sebastian who I think is closer to everyone else’s ages so it makes her younger.
I think she’s about 19-21
Like yes she’s working as a nurse, but it’s a small town and she’s an actual genius, I don’t think they care that she’s young. Besides Harvey handles everything on his own she mostly does paperwork and assistant stuff.
Her height has to be around like 5’2-5’4 I think she is a very small girl despite Robin and Demetrius being a little on the taller side.
I think she might be the second oldest out of the bachelorettes
Like her backstory is her working in a dead end job, she was in a longtime relationship and could’ve gotten married had she not decided to leave
So she’s about 27-31 she’s not the same age as Emily, but she does hang out with Elliott so I think she’s a little older.
I think she’s about 5’6 she makes me feel as if she’s about average in heigh because of how artistic she is I feel like anyone smaller would be very disadvantaged when carving or doing anything and so would someone taller.
I think he would be about 5’9-5’11
Like he doesn’t seem too tall but he does give me taller side energy
Would probably tell people he’s 6 feet bc he gives me the vibes of someone who would because he wants to seem like he’s perfect.
I think he’s like 45-48
He is for sure older than Caroline especially because I believe he is into the traditional gender roles which means younger wife and older husband.
Caroline I think is a very average woman. And not by looks because I think she actually would be quite attractive like I feel like she would be vERY beautiful.
I mean in terms of her body, she isn’t too big or too small, she didn’t have too much fat or too little her body is just average.
So I think she would be 5’4-5’6
I also think all of the moms are in a similar age range so she would be 44-47
Honestly with the way they’re designed I would’ve said 30s but that would make no sense if their kids are in the marrying age/having kids range.
I think she is on the shorter side, she gives me short thicc mom energy. Especially because Kent is a military man.
So maybe 5’2-5’5 bc I think Kent towers over her and so does Sam. The kids did not get her genes because I do think Vincent would be quite tall when he is an adult.
I also think she would be like 43-46 she has a kid that’s an adult and a kid that’s a child so I think this age range would be more plausible for her to have had one kid young and the other one at an older age.
Is large and in charge like BIG MAN
So I think he must be 6’2-6’5
Like towers over most people and intimidates them based on size alone.
Similar age as Jodi. I think they probably were in the same grade in high school so same age 43-46
Right now like as of year 1 would probably be tiny
Like people think he’s going to turn out like Jodi but would actually turn out to be like Kent and Sam and be huge.
So maybe like 3’10?
Kinda small for his age but not like super small?
He is probably 6 or 7 years old
Granny Evelyn is probably TINY
Like I think she is 4’9
She’s so cute and small and was probably taller when she was younger
Also old as HELL from how she looks
So maybe from 80-95
Because she as well as George have to older than everyone on the older side.
Was probably on the taller side before he was wheelchair bound.
Probably 5’11 exactly like not super tall but tall enough.
Him and Evelyn have such a big height gap and it’s ADORABLE.
I think maybe 2 or 3 years older than Evelyn
83-98 so super old lmao
I think the oldest out of the parents
So maybe 49-54
She hates the fact that she’s on the older side out of the parents, especially because she isn’t really close to the others as much as she would like to be. She feels out of place among them.
I think she’s about 5’6 I can see her being VERY beautiful when she was younger, and she probably still has a nice body and face, especially if she stops drinking.
His ass is probably in his 60s but sees himself as younger
I think 60s isn’t really old at all, like it’s still enough time to do different things.
But his glory days are over
Probably 5’9 like average height.
I think he might be younger than Emily. His crush seems very immature to me. And it makes him a little less incel-y but idk.
So maybe 27-30?
He’s definitely old enough to know not to act a fool but like it makes sense at this age that he’s an asshole after being rejected for so long y’know.
I think he’s maybe 5’9? Not too short but not too tall. Definitely thinks being taller could’ve helped his situation.
I cannot tell anything about this man at ALL
He’s very mysterious
I think he is literally 40-59
Could literally be anywhere in that
He’s probably 5’10 too since I think he’s able to see something on the shelves, and he can see over the counter.
He’s on the older side. Idk if he has kids or anything, but he gives dad vibes
So maybe 50-59 not too old but like middle aged.
Very sweet and that’s what gives me the father vibes.
Also he doesn’t seem like a gossip but knows a lot which gives me that age range.
I think he’s either 5’6 or 6’3 nothing else. I think 5’6 is more likely though.
I think he is a little younger than Robin. It’s lowkey what makes him and Sebastian to be so bad at getting along.
So maybe 40-42?
Old enough to be a dad but not really old enough I guess.
I think he is VERY tall. Especially since in game it looks like he has a little height over Robin.
So 6’3 at the shortest? 6’5 at the most?
I think she had Sebastian at 20? Maybe younger but I think 20 is a good age. She was young and barely out of teenagedom that her parents were probably upset.
I think she’s a little tall but not too tall like 5’7
Very beautiful and her legs are longer than her torso but not in a tall SpongeBob vibe y’know.
I think he’s in his 50s? So 50-60
I think he is younger than Lewis and that’s also why they can’t really get along other than Marnie.
Probably 5’10
Like tall enough that when fighting monsters he has no disadvantage but not so tall that he can’t get anything done.
He is also mysterious.
He looks old but at the same time he lives in nature and his looks probably don’t match his age.
So anywhere from 50-70?
Some 70 year olds look young and can move around and I don’t doubt that he is agile due to him being a nature man.
On the taller side of kids.
So sort of like 4’5 or almost 5’0
I think Leo is older than Jas and Vincent
But not too much older that it’s weird.
So maybe 10?
I think she is on the older side. I don’t think that she is too old, for sure younger than Lewis
I think she’s like 50-56?
Young enough that Lewis wants to sleep with her for sure
Also young enough that she still hopes by some miracle that she has a child
I think she’s like 5’2-5’4
I think he is either like super old like hundreds of years or like a mortal person old
So maybe like 60-70
Quite a bit older than Caroline and old enough that he has lived and seen some things
Like an affair and a divorce and losing everything
Probably 6’0 exactly ngl
Also on the smaller side, and will end up like 5’2 at most when she’s older
So like 3’7 first year she is a very small BABY
She’s also the same age as Vincent so 6 or 7
I think he is old but doesn’t look it
So in his 60s-70s
Has time to fish and perfect it has time to gain things and lose things
Has lived through a LOT
I think he is 5’5-5’9
A bit on the smaller side but y’know short kings exist.
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ameliarating · 11 months
people i thought were normal and kind are just straight up engaging in atrocity denial because they don't like the 'side' it happened to. like it's a fucking sports match. some of them are so focused on saying the right thing for internet slacktivism points that they've just lost it. I cannot understand. i am syrian-american and i could never get them to care about the atrocities committed by assad and putin there, but now they share video of syrian children and claim to mourn and cry because they seem to think every arab is interchangeable. i am lost.
I am so, so sorry. The Syrian people and their cause have absolutely been victim to this "sports team" mentality. Assad and Putin are anti-American therefore they must be... champions of freedom?
It is much easier to live in a world where there is a side where everyone is wondrous and good and a side where everyone is evil and complicit and this has never been a world we've lived in. Certainly when politicians, dictators, and other people who amass weapons and power make their alliances based on their own ability to hold onto power rather than out of any sense of public good for their people, let alone "the" people in general.
I truly hope that one day we live in a world where all peoples of the Levant and elsewhere - Syrian Arab and Kurd and Israeli Jewish and Druze and Bedouin and Palestinian and Lebanese of all religious and ethnic communities and everyone else completely - are recognized as human beings who are due the honor of living in peace and security and equality, in a land that is recognized as their homeland (even if it is a homeland shared by many), no matter what government claims to represent them.
Remember - the internet is full of people who love to pick sides. But there are also so many people who may be quieter online and active on the ground who care and care deeply and are trying to make the world better.
And if people are interested - here's a way to help out families and children directly impacted by the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey.
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rxsilabeth--er · 6 months
okay, i love reg and remus, so this is completely interchangeable i feel. also doing trans reg cause you seem to like it as much as i do.
a cozy night in the common room, all alone. he has a cup of tea and a book in hand with you wrapped over him. your embrace is warm, but he still feels a little cold. he just feels....cold even with your hug, so you know just the thing to get hin warm.
you move down, getting on your knees while he still sits on your couch, kissing his knuckles to convince him it'll be fine. he trembles under your touch, whispering at you to stop it, because someone might walk in and see. but then your tongue works at him, and his mind goes completely blank. and god he wants to marry you right here right now cause he's just in love with how you eat out his pussy. -🎸 anon
(Sexual smut. I'm gonna cry.. :>)
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God he wants to marry you right here right now cause he's just in love with how you eat out his pussy. That is one way Regulus speaks his mind..
Licking his clit as your fingers shoved in and out of his cunt softly, rubbing his soft spots and softly pinching his clit when he moves too much. His noises are the cutest, it's not your fault that this little brat is too cute for you to resist, humming as you placed a tiny kiss on his clit, indulging in his moans and whines as his fingers twirl themselves in your head pulling softly.
One of your hands traveled down and held his thigh and the other his wrist tightly, making sure he didn't pull too hard on your hair as you leaned up to kiss him as he whined against your lip,
"Hm..moree!.." he whined out, softly kicking his leg out as you softly slapped his thigh, sighing..greedy as always, you rolled your eyes, taking your hand off his wrist as your fingers again went to his clit to rub tiny eight figures or circles irregularly as his voices became more high-pitched..
You kissed his hole, your tongue shoving itself in and out as his wet, greedy pussy tightened itself softly around your tongue, wetness coating your fingers, tongue and chin as you continued to eat him out...
Poor baby whining because he simply couldn't cum all alone, always begging for your attention and when he didn't get it became bratty..you couldn't complain cause you loved the way he looked with his face and pussy completely wet. Wet, squelching coming from his cunt as your plunged your fingers in continuously sucking softly on his clit...
"Ah..Fu-fuck~...gentle, please.."he whined out, trying to close his thighs around your head, making you slap his thigh again as she kept them apart, one of your hand tightly wrapped around his thigh as you continued to taste him on your tongue..
Softly snaking your hand up to his hip and you rubbed small circles with your fingered, squeezing occasionally as you tirelessly used your tongue and fingers..
"Pleasee!~ 's too good..I can'..No..I..ngh!" he whined, twitching softly as he came closer to cumming, sighing you figured to get him there faster by being a bit mean as suddenly a loud whine near scream fell from his mouth as he shoved his face in his book, coming undone on your tongue with his juices flowing down as your fingers pinched his clit...
Smirking, you kissed his clit as a sorry as you leaned up, kissing him. His taste still on your tongue as you pulled away, pushing your wet fingers in his mouth softly, changing your positions so he laid on top of you with you on the bottom. Softly suckling your fingers as he shook slightly, basking in the afterglow as you gently stroked his back with the other hand. Poor baby, so tired and in love with the way you eat him out~♡
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© This writing work belongs to me, rxsilabeth--er, Aurelia, Rosilabeth, Cerine. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for reading this and if you like this check out my blog!
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ikeoji-subs · 3 months
Zettai BL Ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL Ni Naritakunai Otoko 2024 - Episode 3 Eng Sub
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For downloading instructions and where to find the raw files please check our masterpost
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Feel free to use the fansub for fandom purposes. Gif-making, meta-writing, and other fandom-related creative endeavors made using our fansub are not only welcome but encouraged.
Thanks so much to everyone interacting with our fansub posts and leaving appreciative comments in the tags! It’s super motivating for us and makes all the effort worth it.
And big thanks to @my-rose-tinted-glasses for gifs! We’re so lucky to be able to benefit from your skills.
translation notes:
about “suki” vs. “tsuki” (3:32)
This is explained in a brief translation note in the subtitles, and there isn’t a ton left to say about it that wasn’t stated there. But due to the amount of dialogue happening in this scene, we had to keep the note as short as possible and we weren’t able to keep it onscreen for very long, so it still bears mentioning here. 
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In Japanese, the words “suki” and “tsuki” sound quite similar. “Suki,” as a lot of BL viewers know, means “like” or “liking,” whereas “tsuki” means “moon.” Hatano is saying “suki desu” to Mob, which in this context means he’s basically declaring his love for him. Mob is using the resemblance between “suki” and “tsuki” to pretend that he thinks Hatano said something to him about the moon. Then he uses the English word “moon” a couple of times, seemingly to ensure that Hatano won’t be able to turn around and take his “tsuki” as “suki.” 
As Mob says, usually a maneuver like this would make the person declaring their feelings get so self-conscious that they’d back off. But Hatano’s not a typical suitor, as Mob soon learns.–Towel
about “perfect match” (15:31)
I mentioned in our translation note about episode 1 that the red and blue beams that shoot out of Mob’s eyes seemed like a reference to his character from Kamen Rider Build. This time, I kind of made my own Easter egg about that show.
I mentioned before that Inukai Atsuhiro played the main Rider–and title character–on Kamen Rider Build. Kamen Riders always have some kind of transformation item, sometimes with interchangeable components. They're typically some kind of object attached to a belt, sort of like a massive buckle, that you can put smaller items into. The components that Build (a.k.a. Kiryu Sento) used at first (and to an extent, later in the series) involved “bottles” that were each named after some kind of object or animal. He would use two at a time, and the resulting juxtaposition (e.g. RabbitTank) would be reflected in his suit form somehow. But not every combination of bottles worked together, and some resulted in more effective suit forms than others. When Sento found a really good combination, his transformation device would designate it a “best match.” A “best match” resulted in more strength and more effective abilities to fight villains. 
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Sento showing Banjou how best matches work
The phrase “best match” didn’t exactly fit here. But when I was polishing up this line and the word “match” came to mind, I felt like I had to at least try to word it in a way that would allow me to say something reminiscent of it--hence "perfect match." I hope some Build fans will recognize the sorta-reference!–Towel
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Banjou annoying Sento by guessing a best match combination on his first try
Tag list: @absolutebl @bengiyo @c1nto @come-back-serotonin @lurkingshan @my-rose-tinted-glasses @porridgefeast @sorry-bonebag @twig-tea @wen-kexing-apologist
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killuagirly · 2 months
CHARACTERS: Ciel Phantomhive
SUMMARY: Ballrooms are meant for dancing, but a young boy attending your party doesn't seem to agree with that statement. I wonder why that is?
NOTES: I'm trying to write newer fics so I can delete my older works and redo my masterlists. It's like a complete overwrite of my blog essentially, I can't wait until it's done! It feels like my writing has gotten much better, and although they did get interaction before, I don't really want to keep old writing on my blog!! :(
CONTENT: Female Reader
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A ball, you had decided to host that night. You weren't too enthusiastic about the task of finding a suitor, but that's the weight that comes with being a lady of high status. Although you were young, prearranged marriages were common amongst aristocrats, you were no exception.
However, you drew the high end of the stick, and your parents were generous enough to allow you to attempt to find a suitor for yourself. They would have to approve of course, considering you were to be the next family heir, they wouldn't want you going off marrying someone without a well-known name. You weren't too upset about this condition anyways given that it was to be expected.
The task proved harder than you had assumed, but there was no pressure coming from any higher-ups, so you were in the clear for now. Still, it's better to start searching before your times of leisure end. The whole purpose of this ball, though not directly stated in any sent invitations, was to make the looking process a bit easier on yourself.
Interchanging melodies played in the ballroom as you chatted away with some of your guests, not finding anything that stood out to you in most. It wasn't like you were looking for a fairytale, although a girl could dream, just someone who wouldn't bore you to death. You had just finished up a conversation with a young man a bit older than you. He was polite and charming, but nothing special.
You let out a barely audible sigh once he turned and walked off in the direction of a crowd, feeling as though this mission was never-ending. You scanned slowly over the people chattering and indulging in food prepared for the party, until something caught your eye. A young boy who looked to be your age, and on the short side. He was dressed in a black and navy-blue formal suit with silver accents and held a stern expression on his face.
He must've been a wallflower, because he didn't seem to be in a hurry to engage in any conversation with other guests. A tall, elegant man stood by his side in classy servant's attire. Your curiosity was at a peak for the night, your feet guiding you effortlessly towards the pair. The young boy noticed you approaching and redirected his gaze elsewhere, most likely in an attempt to seem uninterested.
You ignored the indirectly rude gesture and sent him a smile, a sudden realization coming over you. This was the Earl Phantomhive you've heard about time and time again. You'd sent him an invitation, but you didn't actually expect him to attend. "Earl Phantomhive, so nice to meet you. I wasn't expecting you to show up," you greeted. He inaudibly sighed, his refined butler standing tall next to him edging him on.
"Yes, and you must be Lady [Surname]? It's nice to meet you as well, though I do question your low expectations of me," he spoke, although you couldn't tell whether it was sarcasm or seriousness. "Ah, I'm sorry. I just meant since you have such high status, I wouldn't have expected you to be bothered to attend a ball without business intentions." The Earl seemed bothered, as if he was internally agreeing with your statement.
The dashing butler beside him spoke up, "You see, my young master and I were notified that you were in search of a suitor. He is in a similar situation at the moment, and I do recall him speaking of you fondly," a devilish smirk played on his lips, watching his young master's face quickly become flushed, "So we decided it would be for the best to be in attendance in case you take any interest."
"I see," a smile tugged at your lips upon learning that the Earl Phantomhive had taken an interest in you, although you can't recall ever having met him before this encounter, "would you be so kind as to spare me a dance then, Earl Phantomhive?" The color seemed to drain from the boy's face as he searched for an excuse of some sort. He sighed, then slowly taking a breath, "I suppose so..." His butler chuckled, watching him take your hand and guide you into the crowd.
"You can address me as Ciel if you like," he said, not meeting your eyes. "Good to know! You can call me [Name]," you said with a smile as you moved your hands to proper position. The slow, romantic melody began playing throughout the ballroom and your feet moved in turn. Only a few steps in, you realized why Ciel had been so hesitant to dance with you. His movement lacked grace and he seemed incredibly nervous, making steps that didn't match the rhythm every now and then.
You held in a laugh and finally met his eyes, "So, Ciel, have you been caught up on your dancing lessons?" His cheeks flushed and he mumbled something that didn't catch your ears, "What was that?" you teased. "No, now will you be quiet?" he said in a tone that suggested he was less serious, and more embarrassed. You giggled and tried to help guide him further. As annoyed as he was, he did appreciate your efforts nonetheless.
Once the song concluded, his hands lingered on your form for a moment before taking a step back and kneeling to press his soft lips to your knuckles. "Thank you for the dance, my lady." He couldn't help the slight upwards curling of his lips when you smiled down at him with half lidded eyes. "My pleasure, Ciel." He stood and took your hand once again, guiding you towards where his butler took watching from afar.
"It's not very often I enjoy myself at a ball, I thank you for inviting me. Consider this a formal invitation to the Phantomhive Manor tomorrow to spend some leisure time together." He leaned closer and pressed a delicate kiss onto your cheek. Some heads turned towards you in surprise, taking in the rare scene before them. "I will gladly accept your invitation then," you responded with a giggle. He smiled and turned on his heel with his butler following behind, walking off towards the exit without another word. Maybe, you had found the fairytale you were subconsciously hoping for.
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sphireath-wisp · 1 year
please do sae and kaiser next for You and Me - Always Forever i love it sm!!! 💗💗
#You and Me - Always Forever
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Sypnosis: What was one of the moments that made them decide they wanted to marry you and vice versa?
Warnings: Might fall in love with the reader, no actual proposals (just the moments that spark the thought, that feeling that you'd want to spend a lifetime with that person), not proofread, messy interchanging grammar
Featuring: Sae Itoshi, Michael Kaiser x GN! Reader
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Sae Itoshi - What made him want to marry you?
"One ice cream for the newlyweds!" The ice cream uncle ecstatically exclaims, a smile beaming on his face. He passes you the ice cream and swipes the money from Sae's hands - he would have usually done the uncle a favor by passing the money directly, but his assumption about the both of you made him malfunction for a moment.
Sae exchanged quick glances with you - any longer and you would have noticed a hint of red creeping up his cheeks. "We're not newlyweds," Sae speaks before stuffing spare change in his wallet.
"Oh?" The uncle's eyes widen, "You both looked on the younger side. How long have you both been married?"
"Aha, no, we're not married." You blurt out, the already-dopey smile on your face growing even wider as you feel Sae's pinky finger link with yours. "We're not engaged either." You add on, just in case.
"Really? I'm sorry for making assumptions then," the uncle nods as you insist it's okay, he did give you and Sae quite a euphoric moment to remember - a small moment etched into both of your memories.
As you laugh about the whole situation after waving the uncle goodbye, you notice Sae seems to be... absorbed in his thoughts, hands still tucked in his pockets and silent as ever - he didn't even taste the ice cream you both agreed to share, he was so excited to show you his favorite ice cream truck that he almost annually visited every week as a child.
"Sae?" You nudge him lightly after scooping up a portion of the ice cream with a small spoon. "Come on, eat some ice cream, or else it'll melt."
Sae blinks and snaps out of his dazed trance, eyes on the ice cream before looking at you - gaze melting ever so slightly. "You can have all of it. I had a lot of it as a kid."
"But, didn't you say it's your favorite flavor? Plus, we agreed to share or else I'll be too full for lunch." He still seems to be out of it as his eyes linger on you for longer than usual. His mind was still stuck on the interaction between you, him, and the ice cream uncle.
Did you both look like a couple that much? Did the both of you really act like a married couple? The thought that both you and Sae were just dating never even crossed the uncle's mind. The look on his face when you told him that you weren't married to Sae... was it really that surprising?
Sae's eyes narrow slightly at you after you take another bite. Taking the complimentary tissues the uncle passed you, one hand lifts your chin up, the other hand using the tissue to wipe the corner of your mouth gently. He didn't laugh or make fun of you, the gears in his body turning to help you without any judgment.
Sae pauses, taking a mental note of his actions. His eyes locked with you once more before shifting back... perhaps the both of you did resemble a married couple a bit. "...What were you saying?"
"...Nothing." You glance away, swarms of butterflies invading your stomach.
After that, even when you both returned to your shared apartment, he began realizing just how automatic and in tune the both of you were together. Every morning, you always prepared that extra cup of coffee for him. He'd always warn you of hot surfaces beforehand. You'd always prepare the bath before he reached home and he always reminded you to water the plants outside.
Sae was logical, calculative, and always thought before he acted. He had no reason to marry you (if he ignored how hopelessly in love he was with you, but he wouldn't accept that as a legitimate reason.). However, at the very same time, he didn't have any reason to not marry you (which he used to convince himself that everything he was doing was planned and completely logical.)
The more he considered it, the more he thought about his life with you. He loved waking up with you next to him every morning. He loved how adaptable you were, waiting in bed for him for his nap so he wouldn't have to drag you into bed with him. He couldn't see himself in a future without you. He had someone to lose.
So, he'll hold you close and never let you go, forever.
You - What made you want to marry him?
Sae was always someone that sensed more than he spoke.
His eyes are constantly at work, observing your every reaction, greedily stealing glances from you because he could never get tired of looking at you despite living in the same apartment. The smell of your perfume/cologne comforts him to unbelievable lengths, it calms him down. And occasionally, he wouldn't mind a bit of physical touch if it's with you. Give him that sweet smile and his barriers are broken down in an instant; maybe his lips will work their magic on you if he has the time (Sae always says he does).
But, of course, we're left with the last of the 5 senses - hearing. If there was one thing he loved doing, he absolutely adored hearing your voice. He's always the first to notice when you have a sore throat or when you're sick because of your voice, he's so sharp that even slight changes in your tone don't go unnoticed.
Sae would always insist that you call him, but since he rarely had the time overseas, you would resort to voice messages instead. Long voice messages about you rambling to him about your day, about the stone you accidentally tripped over, about that new Cafe that just opened up and smelt just like him during slow mornings - freshly brewed coffee.
Even after he was back from his overseas trip, he still continued to (indirectly) ask you to send him voice messages. It was a bit... strange to you. You didn't mind honestly, but it did pique your curiosity.
"Why do you want me to send you voice messages when we can just talk like this?" The question pops up in your head and you blurt it out without a second thought, adjusting yourself in the passenger seat of Sae's car to get comfortable. "You're back from your overseas trip, we could always talk in person."
Sae doesn't respond and you notice his lips part slightly before he purses them back - little changes in his body language that you've learned to take note of. He was hesitant to respond.
He was aware of how aloof he could be, painfully aware. Even in times like now, he was still trying to frame his words in a way that wasn't too blunt.
"Once..." Sae parked the car first before finally speaking. "You told me you felt like I wasn't listening to you and you got sad. You stopped rambling and talking to me as much as you used to." Sae lets go of the steering wheel, body twisting to the side to face you fully, demonstrating to you just how much he meant every word.
"You always told me you didn't like one-way conversations... but I like your voice." Sae openly admits - something he's sure he would've regretted in the past, but he knows you wouldn't judge. You nodded as he spoke, eyes locked with his as you felt heat creep to your cheeks and up the tip of your ears - he really was listening.
"For the first time in a while, I heard you ramble in your voice messages. It was... nice to hear you talk for so long and you sounded so happy." Your eyes capture the heartwarming image of him glancing away to hide the pink dusted on his cheeks, a smile tugging on his lips. At that point, you couldn't stop smiling, words like this would make anyone fall in love. "I just wanted to hear you ramble like that more."
His hands land on the back of his neck, scratching it lightly whilst waiting for your response.
It was weirdly innocent and pure for someone like Sae, even you couldn't hold back your giggles after hearing his reasoning. Sae grip on your hand tightens as you laugh. Damn it, did you have to be that charming?
"Sae," Your voice lowers and he feels shivers crawl down his spine at the way you hum his name. You've immediately stolen all of his focus with one word, you really are remarkable. "It feels uncomfortable because sometimes you never reply. When I talk, I wanna feel like I'm being heard, you know?"
Sae nodded.
"A simple 'uhuh' or asking questions makes me feel like I'm being listened to." You gently stroke his knuckles with your thumb and his gaze alternates between you and your hand interlocked with his. "Plus, hearing my voice like this, in real life, sounds much better, right?"
"Mmhm, you're right... Could you continue about that cat you saw at the pet shop?" He was always a fast learner.
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Michael Kaiser - What made him want to marry you?
"How are you feeling?" You almost flinch when you press your hand against Kaiser's forehead, his rising temperature alarming you. You tilt your head to the side, allowing him to bury his face comfortably into the crook of your neck. "Not so good, meine liebe." Kaiser grumbles, voice hoarse.
You feel heat radiate from his body and arms wrap around your waist, leaving not even a centimeter of breathing room between you and him. Usually, if he was in a better condition, he'd be teasing you in soft whispers or planting delicate kisses against your skin, smirking at your reaction.
Hot breaths against your neck give rise to even more concern and you quickly guide him back to bed - the place where he gathered so much of his energy together to escape from so he could be with you despite his worsening fever. "No crawling out of bed and no rebutting that." You order, lowering his head down on the pillow and spotting the sweat trickling down his face. Strands of hair cling to the back of his neck, breathing heavy and erratic.
"You're so cruel to me, der Liebling." Kaiser groans softly, chuckling in spite of his unfortunate situation. You feel your cheek flush slightly at the way he calls you, though he doesn't sound as pleasant to the ears with his sore throat. "I'll be nice if you listen, okay?"
"Yes ma'am." Kaiser's gaze melts and you almost feel yourself melting along. The effect this man had on you was crazy.
You sigh and stand up, "I'll go make you some food. Eating more is important especially when you're sick." Kaiser's fingers inch towards you just as you're about to leave, but he lacks the energy to stop you entirely.
It was... nice to see your nurturing side towards him. How you gently creak the door open and innocently peek your head in, muttering his name in case he was awake. How you'll always catch him when he pretends he's asleep - he just likes feeling you pat his head and run your fingers through his hair to soothe him to sleep. The way you always rush to his room when he calls out your name, you purposefully don't listen to music when he's sick so you can always hear his voice.
You insisted on doing the chores for the week and - no matter how much Kaiser tried to get up and help, you were just as stubborn as him and refused any assistance. He feels exhausted, but he'll ignore that exhaustion if it means he can help you even in this situation - it's out of character for him to be so selfless.
"Kaiser... can you sit up and eat?" You highly doubted he could, especially when all he could do was return you with a weak nod instead of a verbal response. "Okay, I'll lead you outside, but please tell me if you need to go back to bed."
Kaiser wraps his arm around your shoulder, trying to wobble back onto his own two feet. Usually, you would be spoonfeeding him chicken soup or something warm by the bed, but the table bedside didn't have enough space to fit all of the food you prepared.
Weary eyes glance at the whole feast on the table and you help him sit down before sitting down next to him. "Recognize any of the dishes?"
"...are these all German dishes?" He instantly recognizes them from the smell alone. "Mmhm! I got a little carried away with how much I prepared, but I hope they make you feel a little more at home, or at least better." He could practically burst into tears right now, gaze switching between you and the food you spent the whole morning and afternoon preparing.
You pick up a spoon and grab a bite-sized portion of the food in front of you, cupping his cheeks as you ask him say 'aahh'. He obeys, opening his mouth before being fed the food. "How is it?" You inquire, scooping up another bite.
"It tastes like an amateur made it." You almost drop your spoon and your chin dips. It felt like you just received a kick to the stomach and you chuckle. You both sit in silence for a moment and you begin to reconsider whether his initial comment was sarcasm or not.
"But," Kaiser's hand rests on your thigh, thumb lightly caressing your skin - he's always been a bit of a romantic. "It's one of the best dishes I've ever had, der Liebling."
You - What made you want to marry him?
Kaiser was always a risk-taker. His charms never failed him when it came to others and his skills always proved him superior in soccer, so of course you assumed it was the same thing when it came to you. You were sure you were just another victim of his charms and he happened to fall in love so hard that he stuck with you until now.
Though, that all changed when you began reminiscing about your younger years with him.
"Do you remember when we had our first kiss?" The words slip out of your mouth suddenly as you stare out of the window of your shared apartment with Kaiser, entranced by the ocean of stars glittering like jewels in the midnight sky.
Kaiser steals a glance at you and you don't stare back - good, he didn't want you to tease him about the (most likely) obvious blush on his cheeks. "Yeah," he mumbles out loud before your head swerves to look in his direction.
Simultaneously, both of your lips part.
"It was horrible."
"It was amazing."
You blink at Kaiser, lips pursing to hold back your giggles in vain. "You thought it was amazing?"
Kaiser fidgets with the pen in his hand, scoffing. "Yeah, why do you think it was horrible? I invited you out to a nice restaurant, we walked home together and I kissed you goodnight - sounds like it came out of a movie, what's wrong?" His eyebrows furrow as the memories of him being laughably nervous that evening suddenly flood his mind.
"I was a terrible kisser back then." You admit, a tinge of embarrassment laced into your words. You look away, back at the stars. "You broke this kiss so early, I screamed into my pillow all night."
Kaiser rests his cheek on his knuckles, elbow resting against the table and glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose slightly. He uses the pen to guide your chin, making you face him. "You weren't terrible, Meine Liebe."
Your fingers gently hold the pen, rolling your eyes with a dopey smile. "Don't use your flattery and charms against me. You always got me all flustered in the past."
"I'm being honest, really. From my very clear memory, you weren't as bad as you described." He's beginning to ramble. "In fact, you were the one who unintentionally made me flustered."
"Oh?" Kaiser pauses as you interrupt him, mind processing what he had just told you. "Like? Give me a few examples."
Oh fuck.
"Was it when I gave you a hug all of a sudden when you won the first match you invited me to?" Oh god, all of the memories are really coming back to him. He wanted to impress you so bad and actually considered that he might lose.
You inch closer, grinning from ear to ear. He had always known you looked good up close but wow.
"Was it when we accidentally bumped shoulders and you couldn't look me in the eye? I thought you felt bad for spilling my drink, but were you actually nervous around me?" You have no idea how many times he's actually stared at you from afar, sweaty hands stuffed into his pockets as he spoke to you.
Did the temperature suddenly rise? Why is he sweating so much?
"So... you broke that kiss with me so early because you were shy?" You hit the nail right on the coffin, watching him melt right before your eyes and glance away. Oh, how the tables had turned.
"Wow, I never knew." You hum in satisfaction, leaning back to give him a little more breathing space. "You fell for me hard, didn't you?"
Kaiser's dead silent, his heart pounding in his chest. He wished his heartbeat was loud enough to block out the sound of your voice, maybe then he would have time to recover and retort. "Meine Liebe, please..."
You place your hand on his, eyes glued back onto the stars as an amused chuckle escapes you. "I like this side of you. I like all sides of you." You heard the leaves rustling outside in a minute of short, sweet silence.
"I love you, Kaiser." You announce, almost too proudly. Kaiser sighs, still unable to lock eye contact with you. "...I love you too."
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Into Utter Darkness
When Skies Are Gray, Chapter 6
Series Masterlist             Next Chapter
pairing: Frank Castle x fem!reader 
summary: Frank’s life has reached a crossroads: he can either continue to seclude himself and pursue a dark, lonely future, or he can open himself up to connecting with someone again and maybe achieve happiness. Being the grump that he is, Frank has already committed to the lonely path, but his curious new neighbor might just turn that around. 
warnings: A LITTLE TASTE OF ANGST, angry Frank, misplaced grief/guilt, catcalling, slight violence against women (non-consensual arm grab), sexism, swearing, slightly graphic descriptions of canon-typical violence
a/n: This is the start of our first angst arc for this series! This arc is a whopping 5 chapters so prepare yourselves! (there will be a happy ending though. Promise!) Sorry to shake up our beloved Frank and his sunshine, but we all know that Frankie gets in his head sometimes...
w/c: 3.4k
A feminine figure perched at his bedside, partially blocking the patch of sunshine leaking into the room. Though her presence stirred his consciousness, he still felt at peace. His limbs were heavy with fatigue, not quite able to resist the allure of the plush mattress.
“Hey sleepyhead,” Her voice was soft, intoxicating as a siren’s melody was for a sailor. It drifted over him with a featherlight touch.
His eyes fluttered open, smile tugging at his lips at the thought of seeing his beautiful wife. As his vision focused, the first thing he saw was a beautiful smile. But it wasn't Maria beaming at him.
It was you.
Undeterred, his cheeks squeezed as he smiled back at you. Chuckling as you leaned over him, he greeted you.
“Hey,” Bringing one hand up to cup your face, the world shifted as his knuckles met your cheek.
Flickering like a burst of static, your face morphed into a different one. His wife bent over, pressing a kiss to his lips. Every contact caused more static, your face alternating with Maria's as the two of you pecked his nose and then his forehead.
The happiness he'd felt upon seeing you was quickly turning to lead in his stomach. His hand instinctually cupped your–Maria's?–neck, cradling you both close to his chest.
As the body on top of his began to pull away, Maria's face seemed to settle–no longer interchangeable with yours. Dread growing, he willed his arms to shield her, to protect her. But his arms lay on the mattress, unresponsive.
The masked figure entered the room, as always, sturdy footsteps booming through the silence. Maria never saw him coming.
Until now.
Turning her head towards the intruder, Maria's smile didn't falter. Nodding in understanding, she stood, stepping over to the unnamed soldier without hesitation.
“No, no no,” Frank begged, body still paralyzed despite his efforts. “Where are ya goin', baby? It's not safe! Ya gotta stay here with me.”
“She's coming with me.” Growled the masked man. “You made your choice.”
Turning his head, Frank realized he wasn't alone on the bed. Perched on the other side of the bed, in a parallel position to Maria's just moments ago, you tilted your head at him. Nodding gravely, you took his hand.
“What?” He asked, confusion growing as you moved closer.
Placing the barrel of his gun against Maria's back, the other man began herding her out of the room. “You made your choice.” He repeated, trailing after the brunette until the pair was out of Frank's sight.
A shot rang out. A body thudded to the ground. All other sounds disappeared as Frank screamed.
Jolting awake, Frank's cry was cut short. Panting as he looked around wildly, his heart stopped trying to catapult out of his chest as he remembered where he was. His body was bound by twisted, sweat-drenched sheets. Grappling with the soaked cotton, he managed to unwrap himself enough to sit up.
Dropping his head into his hands, he dug the heels of his palms into his eyes, tugging at the ruffled strands of his hair with his fingers. His skin was crawling with discontent and guilt, his mind racing a mile a minute.
Sleep was no longer attainable, not with the amount of restless energy pulsing through him. But lying here, victim to his own fractured mind... That wasn't an option either.
Biting his lip to keep from groaning as he stood, he shuffled over to his dresser, yanking out a pair of jeans and an undershirt. Any sane person would've stayed in their home, turned on the TV or some shit. Frank, on the other hand, couldn't stand the idea of being here. Dreaming of losing Maria again and again because he was stupid enough to fall for someone else–a mistake he'd never recover from.
He needed to hit something.
Stepping outside wasn't nearly as relieving as he had hoped. It was too fucking hot. The sun had set hours ago, yet the city remained sticky and humid; coated with a sweltering layer of warmth. He was trying not to focus on how the temperature spurred his growing malaise into full blown rage.
It had been two days since you'd given him the babka. Every single taste that had passed over his tongue since then had been too weak to wash the acrid aftertaste of your work off of his tongue.
When he bit into the pastry, it transported him. It brought him back to before the Carousel. To Easters and birthdays and Christmases with his children and his wife—who would slave for hours on holiday mornings making her grandmother’s cinnamon babka.
The same dessert you'd crafted for a downstairs neighbor and asked Frank to taste.
It wasn't like Maria was the only one who had the right to make that recipe. He knew that. He did. And yet, as he tasted your creation, the only face he could see was Maria's.
Since then, her image haunted him continuously; her soft smile and brown waves etching themselves along the backs of his eyelids. While her presence followed him during his waking hours, his subconscious was determined to torment him with it while he slept--tonight was yet another crystal clear example of that.
These dreams, this immense guilt, they were his penance. This much he knew. Punishment for neglecting her memory. For moving on too fast and forgetting about the woman he had cherished years ago. For being happy, when he deserved damnation for his actions.
He was a piece of shit.
No, he was lower than shit. Worse than the lowlives he’d spent so much time killing.
Maria was his wife. His one and only love. It was about damn time he acted like it. 
He'd blocked out the walk to the construction site, far too involved with his own self-pity to catalog the regular landmarks. He didn't even recall going up the elevator to the story he was currently on--but here he was, clutching the bowed wooden handle of a mallet for dear life and staring at a slab of graffiti-covered cement.
A drop of sweat rolled down the bridge of his nose as he adjusted his grip on the sledge hammer. He supposed he should be grateful for the physical discomfort. Anything to keep his mind too occupied to relive his nightmares from the week. The damned things were more obtrusive than usual, clinging to him in a parasitic fashion.
Sniffing in displeasure, Frank drove the head of the tool into the cement wall in front of him, splintering the foundation further. Grappling with the loosened chunks of concrete, Frank hurled them across the room towards the growing pile of debris. As they left his palm, the jagged edges scraped against his skin, drawing small white trails along it. The clatter of synthetic rock on solid floor echoed throughout the mess of scaffolding. Biting back a flinch, Frank began demolishing again, pouring all of the rage and hurt and guilt he’d bottled up into every swing of the hammer.
He could feel callouses beginning to form on his hands, but he refused to pause. Every second not spent destroying this wall was an opportunity for his mind to play tricks on him. For his eyes to let the various shadows spanning the building morph into images of wounded men and broken bodies. For his ears to let the sounds of the traffic below mutate into cries of agony.
Letting out a bellowing scream, he smashed the crumbling wall again. And again. And again. Until the flesh on his palm was rubbed raw and the darkness encircling the construction site started to fade. With an especially ferocious hit, his hammer snapped, practically disintegrating in his hands.
“FUCK!” He roared, chucking the pieces aside, splattering his own blood across the room in the process. His tight grip on the wooden handle had worn small gouges in his skin. He couldn’t bring himself to care about the pain. In fact, he craved it. Because he deserved it.
Stalking out of the room, he hurried to the freight elevator to grab another hammer. This wasn’t the first time his tools had failed him, he always had a spare on hand. And he was far from done taking out his frustration on inanimate objects.
Despite the multiple hours he’d already spent taking out his anger on the demolition his crew was assigned to, his irritation hadn’t even begun to fade when his coworkers arrived at the scene. Each haughty smirk that he received in greeting plucked at his already tense nerves—temper stretching thin like a rubber band about to snap. Most days, their muttered comments about his social ineptitude and inevitable stupidity rolled off his back without a second thought. But today, they were slithering under his skin and coiling up into small, malignant lumps.
“They ain’t payin’ us to work all night, dumbass.” Called a man with a red face and beady dark eyes. “Don’t expect overtime.”
A group of men chuckled at the jab, one younger kid kicking the bloody scraps of his hammer with a murmured. “Damn gimp.”
Biting his cheek, Frank continued to hammer away, eventually boring the crowd into moving on and finding better entertainment.
Relieved, Frank let his mind focus on the banging of the rubber mallet against concrete, anchoring himself in the renewed pain of each strike.
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New York really did not handle the heat with grace. Jumbles of cranky residents wove through the streets, wiping off sweat and hocking out phlegm as they went. Horns blared in every direction, drivers continuing to be merciless towards the pedestrians not blessed with portable A/C.
Flashing a sickly sweet smile to the driver giving you the finger, you rushed across the intersection just in time for the pedestrian timer to end. Threading through the masses, you felt light on your feet despite the oppressive temperatures. Carefully tucked over your shoulder, a blue canvas bag bonked lightly against your hip with each step.
It wasn't particularly heavy, but it was laden with handcrafted treats and layered with ice packs. After catching a glimpse of how poorly Frank was doing, you'd dedicated a significant portion of yesterday evening to this little project—baking fresh bread, a batch of cherry turnovers, and far too many chocolate chip cookies. Your efforts, combined with a quick trip to the deli, would yield one hell of a sack lunch, or so you hoped.
A homemade lunch was a measly offering given the state of your restless neighbor, but it was what you could do. He clearly didn’t want to talk, if last night was any indication, so you’d help by feeding him. A few weeks ago you’d walked by a building in the midst of renovations and Frank had offhandedly mentioned that he was currently one of the crew members assigned to it. Assuming he was telling the truth, you knew right where the bulky man would be this beautiful morning.
And you were almost there, practically skipping as your heart fluttered with anticipation. There was something addictive about Frank’s reactions to your food. The noises he made when biting into your pastries were sinful, and you thought of those sounds more often than you’d ever admit. Your food, and even your presence most days, seemed to lift his spirits. After yesterday, you’d bet dollars to doughnuts that he could use a pick-me-up.
Rounding the corner onto the next block, the scaffolding finally peeked into your view.
The shadow of the industrial crane spanned over the entrance to the work site,  moving slow as the first cloud in a thunderstorm. You almost expected a lightning strike as you stepped through the gates, even though the day had been nothing but sunny. Flats crunching on the dusty gravel, you swallowed nervously as site workers stared at you--their heads popping out from open windows and piles of debris like hyenas in the sahara. You heard a few low whistles as you paced along the trail, eventually halting when a broad shouldered man held up a grimy hand in your path.
“Pretty sure you're in the wrong place, sweetheart. The new Starbucks is on the corner of 7th and 54th.” He sneered at you, eyes drifting along the neckline of your dress as he spoke.
Smiling tightly, you lifted the strap of the lunch box. “Actually, sir, I'm here for F—er, Pete, sir. Pete Castiglione? I, uh, I have his lunch.“
Your face suddenly felt sweaty. You didn't need to turn around to know the workers were closing in on you like a pack of wolves about to tear into their fresh kill.
”Aw, ain't that sweet. Ay Johnson, go radio Castiglione, will ya? Tell him his girl's here. Honey, why don't ya go wait in that trailer. Wouldn't want a pretty thing like you to burn up in this heat.” Placing his hand much too low on your back, he ushered you into a small, air conditioned mobile office in the corner of the property.
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Grinding his teeth as he stepped out of the elevator, Frank plastered a scowl onto his face in an attempt to look indifferent as the other men jeered. You'd ignited a foul satisfaction in them that did not lessen his rage. Marching past them as they made crude noises and howled with laughter at the fact that the “gimp had a girlfriend”, he was indescribably volatile when he shoved his way into the trailer.
Seeing you, all dolled up and holding a bag that was presumably for him, it should've made him smile. A week ago, it would have. But today, it made him nauseous. All he could see was Maria's sad smile as she was lead away at gunpoint.
Because he'd chosen you. Trading his wife, the mother of his children, in for a newer, more lively model because he was too weak to bear the weight of his sins alone. Until now. 
There was a whistling in his ears, like the signal of a boiling kettle. He'd been pushed past his limit, and your visit was not appreciated.
You jumped as he slammed the door shut, but the tension quickly flooded out of your body as you recognized him.
“Frank,” You sighed, smile dancing across your lips.
“Wanna tell me why I was called down in the middle of a shift because 'my girl' was visitin'?“ Frank asked, voice tight as he tried to contain his rage. He wanted you to leave. He needed you to leave.
”Sorry, I didn't tell them to call me that, they just--“ With an airy chuckle, you trailed off. Swaying from foot to foot, your fingers traced idly along the stitching of the bag you carried.
”Why are you here?“ He grumbled, not in the mood to listen to your little stories.
You looked up at his deep tone, smile dropping from your face. ”I-I brought you lunch, Frankie.“ Holding out the bag to him, your brow furrowed as he crossed his arms, not even glancing at your outstretched hand.
”That ain't my name.“ He spat out, his fingernails digging into the flesh of his arms as his fists clenched involuntarily.
“You're right. Pete, that's what I meant.” You took a step towards him, curving around into his line of sight as if he was a frightened animal. “I brought you lunch, Pete. I thought it might make your week a bit better.”
He scoffed, turning his head away from your observant gaze. Finally within arm's reach, you brought a hand up to touch his cheek, running your finger over it like you had the night before.
 His blood whirled beneath his skin, boiling with his white-hot fury. Ripping his face out of your touch, he pushed into your space, glaring down at you.
“You ain't my wife.” He growled, teeth bared as his frustration bubbled over.
Shrinking back, your face fell at his words. “What?”
“You ain't my wife. You can’t show up to work dressed like that and touchin' me...touchin' me like that.” Raising a hand towards his face, he could still feel the imprint of your fingers, as if you'd branded him.
“Fra–Pete, I—” You stammered.
“Whaddya think we are, hmm? Think I'm your little boyfriend or somethin'? Think just because we've had a few dinners, I wanted somethin' more?”
“I...I didn't mean to assume, I just—”
“You just what, sunshine?” He threw the pet name at you out of habit, but his words were drenched in anger, burning his mouth like acid. “You just decided that I'm too helpless to feed myself? That I needed someone in my life to take care of me?”
“You deserve—” You objected, but he spoke over you.
“DON'T TELL ME WHAT I DESERVE,” The words came out as a roar. He threw his hands out in a gesture of exasperation. The motion made you flinch, bringing him out from behind his wall of rage briefly enough for him to regret it.
He'd scared you. He'd scared you.
Maybe that was for the best. He thought to himself. Steeling himself, he backed away from you a touch, retreating back into the anger he'd been wading in all day.
“I never asked ya to feed me, or to patch me up, or to act like my fuckin' housewife. I never wanted that.” He shook his head, chest constricting as the image of Maria being taken from him played again in his mind.
“I'm sorry, so sorry.” You murmured, your voice broken beyond recognition.
“I–I made a mistake. This was a mistake.” He muttered to himself, fists still tightly curled as his brain scrambled to process the flood of emotions.
After a moment of silence, he jerked his head toward the door. ”You should go.“
Nodding, you moved forwards, arms outstretched to hug him. Rather than fall into your embrace as usual, Frank recoiled. A little gasp slipped from your lips as he shied away from your touch. Retracting your arms, you gripped the shoulder strap of the bag hanging across your body.
“Have a good day, Frank.“ Your voice was almost a whisper. Turning your back to him, you opened the trailer door and disappeared into the blinding light.
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The day seemed absurdly bright as you stepped back into it. It was almost taunting you. Reminding you how happy you'd been mere minutes before the earth split underneath your feet.
Your heart was pounding, adrenaline surging, throat tight as you held back the tears forming in your eyes. In your distracted haze, you missed the last step, nearly getting a mouthful of dirt as you hit the gravel.
Snickers echoed in your ears, burly construction men closing in on the wounded fawn as she scrambled to escape. Clambering to your feet, you ducked your head, face flooding with heat as the comments started.
”Aw, where ya goin' doll?“
”Hey, if Stupid doesn't want that, could I get a piece?“
”Don't cry, darlin'. You’ll ruin your pretty face.“
Forcing your way through the circle of men, you squeaked as a hand grabbed your arm. Every nerve in your body felt like it had been split in two, distress and fear saturating your every thought. Struggling limply against the hand coiled around your bicep, you wanted to puke.
“Where ya goin' darlin? We ain't through with you yet.” The man's piercing green eyes bore into you, his fingers making divots in your skin as he gripped you. His breath smelled like stale coffee and antiseptic, making you cringe. “C'mon darlin, don't want you to leave without gettin' some. Ain't that why you're exposin' yourself like that?”
Yanking out of his grasp, you broke into a wobbly jog, the barrage of smug laughs and wolf whistles chasing you back out onto the sidewalk. Shouldering your way through the crowd, you panted. You needed to sit down, to catch your breath before you fainted.
Your vision tunneled, circling around a department store about two intersections away.
Closing in on the building, you stumbled through the automatic doors and scurried through the aisles until you found the bathroom. Hurling yourself into a stall, you let the canvas bag fall to the floor as you collapsed onto the seat with a choked sob. Pulling out your phone, you sent a rushed text to your boss letting her know not to expect you for the day. Then, you let your composure crumple to the dingy tile floor.
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Thanks for reading!!
Taglist: @cheshirecat484 @xxdrixx @smhnxdiii @mattmurdocksstarlight @danzer8705 @mjsvinyl @softieekayy @sweetpov @dreamtofus
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iraprince · 1 year
I love the entire concept of Cookie... the look, the fashion, the gender... Would you mind telling us a little more about him? I'm also intrigued about why she's named Cooking with Gorgeous!
HI i would LOVE to talk about george thank you so much. also this makes me realize i've never actually sat down and just made a post unabashedly infodumping at length abt an oc before and it seems silly that i haven't. i ask only for all dear readers to please temper their expectations for this post with the knowledge that i just smoked half a joint before sitting down to answer it. a small one. but still. anyway
FIRST OF ALL FOR THE UNACQUAINTED THIS IS COOKING WITH GORGEOUS, aka cookie or george for short. he uses he/him and she/her pronouns interchangeably!
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hi sorry that's not cookie that's a horse in a bridal veil that i. found in my stuff while trying to scroll and find my cookie art. i just got distracted and had to show you. okay no for real here's cookie
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he's the character i'm playing in a playtest campaign of the absolutely mesmerizing sapphicworld, an in-development ttrpg!!! and if i'm going to be talking about cookie i feel like i HAVE to say i think a huge amount of her charm and dazzle and charisma comes directly from the charm and dazzle and charisma of the setting i created her for. i know i am laying it on really thick right now but that is on purpose. i want, desperately and unashamedly, for this game to get really popular bc 1. it's genuinely that good. and it's not even DONE yet and 2. i want everyone to get into it so that everyone will make sapphicworld characters and then i'll get to see everyone's sapphicworld characters.
EDIT i'm scrolling back up here and adding a readmore bc this is already getting so long lol. you asked for "a little more" and apparently i have graciously decided this means "literally every fact about cookie that exists in my brain"
SO a lot of the info/tidbits i haven't shared about cookie are i guess gameplay-specific stuff... his title (which is like a class/playbook) is "The Noble Sweetheart," though in sapphicworld "nobility" no longer has anything to do with wealth or class, and is instead entirely about amassing a court purely via devotion/popularity; her subculture (which is like, Who You Hang Out With; drifters, goths, poets, debauchers, cowpokes, etc) is Babe; and her kind (which is like ancestries but in sapphicworld is really just like, a physical form, which u can change more or less at will) is Lunarthrope, which is basically a werewolf!! or more broadly a furry, since u always look like whatever were-animal you are 24/7. just MORE at night, tho i suppose i don't represent that aspect much in my cookie art... ANYWAY i am restraining myself from just sitting here and like. transcribing her entire character sheet. but basically what all this means is that cookie's role in the world (at least at the beginning of the campaign) is "Professionally — no, VOCATIONALLY Hot Person who everyone loves so so so so so so much." cookie really enjoys this role.
he's named cooking with gorgeous because he's an avid cook, and he wants to share that with you, and he's gorgeous!! though honestly the cooking hasn't ended up as important to his character as it was when i first came up with him, lol — but my initial concept was kind of like, what's the equivalent of a bouncy normie recipe blogger/lifestyle influencer but in the context of the lush horny trans deathless psychedelic universe of sapphicworld. and it's cooking with gorgeous, a doggirl dyke with big blue boobs (six of them!!) who is so devastatingly cute and darling that a bunch of people just kind of pledge their fealty to him for no real reason other than he feeds them. and is cute
also her name is def influenced by the fantastic names of many canon sapphicworld npcs! like, quick example list of some npc names off the top of my head: the booty commie, death cybernetic, princess eureka!, the culinary goof (whom cookie dislikes. btw.), pizza friday (whom cookie loves!!!)
cookie is very very determined, and she's ALMOST always very confident. even when she isn't feeling confident, she's still very good at forcing herself to keep putting one foot in front of the other — maybe just while screaming or crying or uncontrollably barking or at least very ardently complaining. he has a tendency to be spoiled and, like, tactless-via-obliviousness, so sometimes he can be grating to interact with, and he has a petty/vindictive streak; but in general he's an AGGRESSIVELY kind person and usually aims all his shrill, cheerful stubbornness directly toward the goal of refusing to accept anything but the best for everyone.
at the beginning of our campaign cookie has JUST received a brand new castle!!!! (chateau gorgeous.) which he doesn't actually "own" bc, remember, no wealth or class in sapphicworld, but he's the ENTHUSIASTIC new caretaker and is chomping at the bit to renovate it so ppl can live there and he can throw a bunch of magnificent parties and basically continue living exactly as he has been, But Even More Fabulous. obviously this is exactly when the main plot threat of the campaign shows up and spoils everything and compels cookie to go on his First Ever Adventure!!!!!! she HAS to save the world otherwise NOBODY will be able to go to the first big party at chateau gorgeous :((((
at this point to prevent myself from just like, giving you guys a play by play of the entire campaign so far i am going to just start listing every cookie fact i can think of as bullet points
🎀 he owns a magical sword in the shape of a giant microplane. it's called The Microplane. he pronounces this "mee-crow-plah-nay"
🎀 george desperately wants to resurrect The Dog-Lich, an entity that once ruled over all beasts from its palace on the moon but was murdered and torn to pieces in a cosmic war far in the past. her attitude towards this desire is 50% devoted lunar cultist, 50% parasocially obsessive twitter stan
🎀 this isn't really a cookie fact but going back to how his title is The Noble Sweetheart — just for a glimpse at party composition, his fellow party members' titles are The Intimate Scholar, The Tentacle Advocate, and The Tw*nk Controversial (the * is the canon spelling).
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^ aforementioned tw*nk. its name is Mwah ("pronounced like the kiss you blow at someone you just fucked over"). mwah is played by @/squiddelyfather on twitter!
🎀 mwah and cookie used to be very, very tight, BEFORE mwah became the tw*nk controversial. now that it's so.... you know.... controversial, well. they're still very close, but it has gotten a little stilted and weird (and watching them slowly un-weird it together as the campaign goes on has been one of my fav roleplay experiences ever honestly)
🎀 cookie's other adventuremates, skarligge and delaryn, are both very indulgent towards him. delaryn acts the most grumpy/dismissive about it but is honestly sometimes the worst about spoiling cookie out of anyone in the party (skarligge's player is twt@/clown_dream and delaryn's is twt@/glaiveguisarme and hey while im at it our fantastic gm is the sapphicworld dev, twt@/ddemoneclipse. hi guys i hope u don't mind me chattering abt ur ocs here lol it's just hard to talk abt the best of cookie w/o bringing up everyone else's characters and roleplay also!!!)
🎀 cookie is very VERY sensitive and will burst into tears at the drop of a hat. the precursor to this is her eyes getting So So So Big And Wet And Round. one of my favorite bits to menace the other party members with is when something is not going cookie's way i will lean into my mic and say "cookie's eyes are getting so so so big. they're getting so big and wet and round and shiny. they're so so round and fucking big her eyes are like big wet black glass marbles" and this is like kryptonite to them. this is like getting hit with deadly radiation
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🎀 oh speaking of fashion!!!! one of cookie's perks from being a Babe is that she can always change her look whenever she wants. she will ALWAYS have whatever outfit she needs and can quickchange instantly. wait this reminds me i have a bunch of seasonal holiday outfits sketched out and i don't think i've ever posted them here but it'll only let me put one more image in this post. well here have this one
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🎀 okay well suddenly i have forgotten all other george facts so that's all for now!!! from now on i will try to just dump oc facts like this more often tho this is really fun. ty for getting me going lol!!!
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comicaurora · 1 year
(sorry for the long ask)
So there's this thing? That's been kind of bothering me, I've noticed it in the shera remake but also other places, where all these faceless minions are just there to show how hard/easy it is for the protagonists to get rid of them.
There's a couple of things, but I think that it just boils down to that they're not treated as characters? The hero will push them into a volcano and celebrate, then get all conflicted when facing the villain captain puppy kicker because "if I kill/hurt you I'll be just as bad" and in the same shot there's a pile of downed henchmen. And I get that, because from a meta perspective it would be hard to animate several hundred or however many individual people all fighting, but it's just weird right? In the show the only people without helmets on 24/7 are the main cast and of course the Rogelio/Kyle/lonnie group. Which is Confusing?? Because it seems like there's only a few options, either every single other person likes wearing the helmets all the time with no breaks, or they're breaking dress code and getting away with it, or "cadets" means they're in training. And somehow way more competent than all the other trained soldiers. It's weird, and I'm not even fully sure how to describe it. Do you have any thoughts?
Faceless minions are a time-honored storytelling tradition that persist despite being slightly reality-breaking story convention because-
They make it very easy to choreograph cool-looking fights against a big pile of interchangeable bad guys
You only need as many extras as you'll be showing together in one shot, meaning you can imply a vast army of evil with only like five costumes/character models
They make it easier to pick out the heroes in group shots and fights
They provide contrast against the important villains with unique designs
Easy protagonist disguises for sneaking around in
This is pretty useful stuff, but it does all feed into the effect that armies of faceless minions are generally not composed of full-fledged characters. They're a pile of broadly interchangeable mooks. This is one of those things that's technically dubious from a realism standpoint, but I honestly don't think it's automatically a bad thing for a story to make it really easy to tell who's an important character and who's an interchangeable obstacle in their way.
This does get shaky when the characters start acting like that. To them, in the reality of their story, those mooks ARE real, dangerous people, and their facelessness doesn't detract from that. The protagonist's morality shouldn't depend on how important a character is to the plot or how unique their design is, and that character inconsistency is the more disruptive bit of writing. Mowing down minions by the truckload only to spare the big bad makes it feel like the main character is standing apart from their own story and making the kind of value judgment the audience is, and that's weird. It's not weird that the faceless minions exist, it's weird that the protagonist evidently doesn't see them as real people.
But that doesn't mean every stormtrooper or background orc or ninja needs their own unique design, name and backstory. Narrative conventions exist for a reason, and while I do love a setting that feels like it's absolutely full of unique main characters all living their own lives, it's absolutely not mandatory. Sometimes things in stories are made unrealistic so they don't undercut the impact of the story itself, whether that's simple theater sets that don't draw the eye away from the actors, unrealistic lighting so a movie viewer can actually see what's going on, song and dance numbers, flashy showstopping villains, or convenient armies of ninjas to take down with one punch each. Storytelling has its own tools.
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