#sorry if there's mistakes in the other languages lmao i did use google translate for some
lyssismagical · 4 years
I love your stories, but i kinda wanna see something from you: whatever lingual Peter. Also Parkner because why not. Do whatever you want just tag me if you do end up doing it💕🌼
 {Idk if this is what you meant, but this ft Peter who can speak like six languages but specifically French!Peter bcs I’m kinda bilingual}
Coming from a small town like Rose Hill, they barely even offered a decent English class, let alone any foreign language classes. Harley still doesn’t even know how to use commas or spell most words longer than six letters. But he knows how to fix a car up, he knows tons about biology and engineering and chemistry, he just couldn’t write an essay to save his life.
Which is why meeting Peter is so strange. He goes to a school that teaches three foreign languages, all of which Peter had taken, and he’d learned Italian from May, not to mention that Delmar kept him sharp in Spanish.
It was strange for him to meet someone so linguistically intelligent.
Peter was capable of writing essays without a second thought, able to formulate ideas not only in English but in six other languages as well.
Harley normally stumbled over everything he tried to say, getting excited and tripping over his words, and mumbling. But Peter was a wizard with words when he was trying, as long as he wasn’t too excited or tired.
When he was trying, Peter could string together sentences Harley couldn’t even begin to understand, and it just made him fall head over heels even faster in love with him.
“Je t’aime, mon amour,” Peter will murmur into his chest late at night.
“Ti vedrò stasera,” he’ll tell May when they’re leaving his apartment.
“¿Cómo estás?” he’ll say to Delmar at lunch.
It makes Harley’s heart swell, despite only knowing some of the things he says.
Sometimes, of course, it makes him feel left out, confused, like an outsider. May and Peter will argue in Italian, Peter will converse with Delmar and other Queens friends he has in Spanish, he’ll murmur French endearments, he’ll talk to Ned in quick Filipino, he’ll whisper in Russian to himself under his breath. And Harley can sometimes barely hold an English conversation.
It sometimes makes him feel stupid, like he’d never be smart enough to understand Peter, never be able to catch up with him intellectually.
But Peter’s never once talked down to him, never once skipped a beat when repeating phrases in English or when editing his papers, fixing all his grammar without blinking an eye.
“It’s not like it’s a big deal. It’s all just because of people I know. May taught me Italian, Natasha taught me Russian, Ned taught me Filipino. I’m sure if you had family from elsewhere, you would’ve learned to communicate with them too,” Peter says, always simple and easy in his solutions.
“But I know you,” Harley points out. “You’re like family, I love you, why haven’t I learned all these languages so I can communicate with you?”
Peter shakes his head, curling a little bit closer to Harley on the couch where they’d just finished watching a movie. “It’s not like that. You can communicate with me just fine.”
“I know, I just can’t help but feel a little stupid when I can’t understand half the things you say.”
“I’m sorry. I’ll try to be more conscious of it. It doesn’t make you stupid, either, you’re the smartest person I know, Harls. And if it really makes you feel bad, I’ll teach you, alright?”
And it’s dropped from there, pushed aside, forgotten.
It takes until a simple Friday night that Harley really realizes his feelings about Peter’s fluency in other languages.
Peter had barely slept all week, worked himself half to death between university classes and homework, his internship with Tony, patrolling as Spider-Man, and ending the week off with a gruelling thirty-six-hour long mission out of country. He was clearly exhausted, slurring his words, eyes half-shut.
“C’mon, honey, let’s get some food in you before you pass out for the night,” Harley murmurs, one arm keeping Peter upright as they head to their cramped kitchen.
Peter smiles sleepily, “Tu m’as tellement manqué. Je ne pouvais pas arrêter de penser à toi et à notre vie ensemble.”
Harley has no idea what that means but he smiles anyway because Peter, voice all rough and sweet as honey, murmuring all these French words to him, it makes his chest feel all tight and warm with love.
“Il n’y a rien que je ne ferais pas pour toi. J’espère que tu sais. Tu est mon univers. Je veux t’épouser assez tôt. J’aimerais pouvoir être ici toujours, dans tes bras, ressentir ton amour. J’aurais aimé que nous n’ayons aucune responsabilités. Qu’il n’y avait que toi et moi, ici, toujours. Seulement nous.”
“I don’t know what you just said, but I love you,” Harley says in response. “I forgot the last time we talked about it, but French is a love language and god, I love it when you speak French like that.”
Peter grins a little brighter, leaning tiredly against the counters. “Parfois, je ne peux pas croire que tu m’as choisi.”
“C’mon, I can’t even guess what you’re saying to me.”
“C’est le but, mon cher.”
Harley passes over the dinner he’d left in the microwave while awaiting Peter’s return and he grins, shaking his head. “You’re a cheater. You could be telling me that I’m a dumbass, and I’d be over here complimenting you and saying I love you.”
“Je t’aime, chéri.”
“I know that one!” Harley exclaims, planting a kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead. “You taught me that! I love you too.”
Harley wraps his arms around Peter, and he sways them while Peter eats up quickly, and when he finishes, they leave the dishes for the morning.
They head to bed, Peter just collapsing into the mattress and letting Harley peel the suit off him and tuck him in, staying limp and pliant.
Harley tucks Peter into his chest, peppering kisses over his face and shoulders and hands, murmuring soft endearments to him.
“Je ne sais pas si je pourrais te le dire sit u comprendrais mais je t’aime plus que les mots ne peuvent le décrire. Je mourrias pour toi. Je tuerais pour toi. Je ferais n’importe quoi pour toi. J’aimerais pouvoir expliquer à quel point vous comptez pour moi. Je t’aime, Harley, plus que tout.”
Peter smiles, eyes already closed, looking like an angel with his curls a mess around his pale face, freckles splattered across his cheekbones, mouth curved up into a smile. God, Harley loves him.
“I just love you is all,” he whispers, voice so vulnerable and gentle. “So much. More than words in any language could describe.”
Harley kisses him, pulling the blanket tighter around them, their little safe haven. “Imagine how I feel. I only know one language, and trust me, English doesn’t have the words.”
“Mon amour,” Peter responds quietly, baby browns gazing up at Harley. He curls just a little closer, letting Harley protect him from the world. “Il mio amore. Mi amor. Mahal ko. моя любовь. Iubirea mea. Min elskede. My love.”
“Je t’aime,” Harley says, nearly stumbling over the pronunciation. “Beaucoup.”
Peter lights up, pressing a kiss to Harley’s collarbone. “Goodnight, mon bel ange.”
“Night, darling.”
Taglist: @littlemissagrafina  @fancyxparker  @romeoandjulietyouwish @c-artara @shadedrose01 @likeaphoenix13 @misskirkstark @you-get-killed-walk-it-off @kitkatwinchester  @emo-girl10  @hold-our-destiny @imalivebecauseirondad @spiderman-peterman @dykeragee @maryserrao @heeeyitskay @parknerandirondad @lilacsandlilies4 @loveliestdisappointment @joyful-soul-collector @genderfluid-and-confuzled @fallenstar07 @gyurolls @sdottkrames {Lemme know if you wanna be added or removed}
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annetteblog · 4 years
Intro & My take on KM
I’m new around here so it’s supposed to be (not so short) introduction, since I don’t know how to start a blog heh. I hope to sprinkle my 0.5 cents into the KM conversation and maybe to bring a new perspective from someone, who is not a part of the typical English-speaking West.
Who /the hell/ Am I?  
(please, consider it to be said with NJ’s voice from Intro: Persona :D)
I was born in Siberia (it’s in the Asian part of Russia), currently live in the European part of the country while studying at a Uni (European in terms of geography, not in terms of everything else i’m definitely not shading rn lolllll). English is not my first language, I’ve just kind of learnt it to some extent. Due to this it takes me more time to write a post; and I may (and will) make some grammatical & other mistakes. Plus I’m lazy AND busy with Uni, so I won’t even promise to be consistent in posting smth lol. But I thought I need more practice in terms of writing in English, so here I am, actually scribbling something. This feels weird, because I’ve been around stan Tumblr since 2015, but never ever interacted, just read.
How I ended up around Jikook/Kookmin (and BTS) & My (long&messy) take on this matter
Although I had heard of BTS before, I became an Army only in October 2018. I had kinda avoided them, because you know... boybands.... sing songs about romantic love and how they love girls.......... (+I had been around Twitter when 1D been at their peak and I remember a quite toxic community of fans, whom always had scared me). Shortly, hello stereotypes. Obviously, after I got engaged I felt terribly sorry that I had been sleeping on them, but what is done cannot be undone. 
Someone I knew back then reposted one of their MVs and I, during my sad hours of procrastination, decided to watch it. Then I saw their live performance with the same song. And I thought “wow these guys can sing and dance and the music is kinda cool, i need to check this out maybe??” 
Then a funny thing happened. One of the next videos I watched (the same person had it added to their page) was a 2016 BangtanBomb where JM and JK practiced their Coming of Age dance. 
Do you know this moment with Gina from the 1st episode of Brooklyn 9-9:
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Well, that was precisely me after I watched it. I don’t even know how to explain this, it was kind of a gut feeling? Whatever you call it, I started to get suspicious and couldn’t even explain to myself why. /actually now a do have questions to this vid and the main one - why does everyone cringe that much? if it’s a girly choreo than they had done some “girly” moves before. why is there such strong reaction??/
I started to get deeper and went to some ru-shipper communities. Shipping culture among Russian speaking fans is... well, weird to some extent, but I maybe address this topic some time later. You need to consider that (as far as you probably know) Russia is quite homophonic country and sadly is not the greatest place for LGBTQ+ community at the moment. The non-frienly influential attitudes hanging in the society + the general shippers’ weirdness = the result is not that nice honestly. 
I struggled for some time in order to find more mature people (not just in terms of age but in general sanity), failed, ended up with some EXTREMELY toxic ru-fans of TK, which was/is the most popular pairing here, spent among them like 15 minutes and ran away horrified. After that I didn’t even try to engage with shippers or believers or whatever of any pair and just decided to enjoy the music and the content (which is a great idea, highly recommend!)
After a couple of days I discovered that JK makes videos. I love video, films and visual art so I immediately found them on YT, saw the titles with names of different cities from all over the world and was like “Oh that must be so cool, he’s visited so many outstanding places I’ve never been to, so I really need to watch it! I shall enjoy some beautyyy”. Then I clicked on GCFt.
Well, what can I say. I did enjoy some beauty, but not the type I had initially anticipated. The biggest clickbait in my entire life. JK should be proud of himself.
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                                       /as I said - the beauty/
I had already known Troy back then and I known the song’s lyrics so it would not be an underestimation to say - the video just blew my mind. I was like - hold on is this real? seriously?? no really really????? he manage to get away with something THAT obvious?????? dude how
As a person who edited videos AND is not a native English speaker, I don’t buy the explanation “oh he mustve didnt get the lyrics lmao”. You just don’t do that. You don’t. DON’T. You google and translate every shit you don’t understand, every word and idiom you’ve never encountered, because otherwise the possibility of an epic failure is very likely. You wouldn’t want to give your mum a video as a birthday present and then discover that you used a song with WAP-ish lyrics, right? (well maybe that would be okay in your family, I don’t judge, but that’s not the case for people I know). So don’t you dare to degrade JK’s intellectual capacities; such assumption is really offensive. He is a smart boii, he knows exactly what he’s doing in terms of his art.
So I was shocked, but decided to look for the context - maybe I missed some previous events regarding this Tokyo thing (another great idea - always check the context). Well, apparently I didn’t, because the whole narrative with the trip for two, lovely selfies etc. made my poor brain lowkey explode. (I still don’t buy the rings theory thing though)
But I didn’t give up lol! I’m a bit stubborn and it’s very hard to convince me in anything, so I decided to search for more context, more of their interactions, moreeee. Remember, the late October 2018, there were no swan lakes, RB, and even MMA18 hadn’t happened yet. 
This time I ended up watching content in more or less consistent way, and when I saw all of these scenes with affectionate JM and a cool badass i-don’t-care-about-anyone-i’m-a-manly-man-with-no-feelings-whatsoever JK, I just hysterically laughed. 
Homophobic Russia, remember? I recognized this. Growing up here being LGBT myself, taught me the same type behaviour during my high school days. When a girl I kinda liked but didn’t what to admit it to myself was nice to me or (oh god) flirted with me, I did something similar. It’s like a huge panic mode. Being an introvert doesn’t help either. The funniest thing is that you may not entirely realise what exactly is going on in terms of your own feelings, especially at that age (16-18ish). In my personal case, I thought I liked her but as a friend, only later to realise that well not as a friend oops :DDD The second thing (already not so funny) is that you actually consciously or unconsciously try to avoid the subject as much as possible, as long as possible and pretend that nothing is going on. We’re just bros. Stop doing this stupid gayish thing and don’t look at me like that, you’re annoying. If you ever do this again I (gently) kick you. I’m straighter than a straight line in my math textbook. IDK, but probably that’s your brain is somehow trying to protect you. Again, in my case&position I knew that the consequences for any non-straight person being outed would be bad (TW not to the point of being killed bad, but to the point of being excluded from a big part of society). So for me it was a mixture of the internalized homophobia + lack of self reflection + just being a bit emotionally slow + very! straight community around. Shit happens, I was a teenager and made my share of mistakes, but that experience helps me to recognize the same pattern of behaviour up to this day.   
So coming back to KM, because the post is already waaay too long and I just ramble. It’s been 2+ years for me being a part of this fandom, and what can I say... Things become more intense and eventful with every year passing by ;) Funny how I felt that vibe from the 2016 dance practice video. Seeing the Black Swan performance a week ago almost had me choked, no joking. They are amazing.
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                                                    Pure Art
However, and I would like to emphasize that, I do not incline that KM are 100% romantically involved and/or gay or whatever. I tend to treat people with respect and not to make too much assumptions about their private life. That’s not my business. However, I’m also not a fan of heteronormativity, so I’m just sitting here and observe everything that’s going on putting some distance and not forgetting being generally polite and critical thinking. But if they are just straightest besties please give them an Oscar before Grammy
Anyways, I hope this blog won’t kick the bucket from the very start and I will post something every now and then. You can always ask me questions about some BTS/Jikook related stuff or something about Russia and a Russian view on mass culture topics, since I’m pretty sure some of you have very stereotypical view of what is going on here :) However, do note that I’ve never been to America or Europe, therefore I may not be aware of something verrrry obvious to you or just have a completely different experience. 
P.S.  And yeah, I’m used to say Jikook, since it’s the name which is used much more frequently in Russian.  i like it better and what will u do haha
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leyshainblack · 6 years
21 Questions
Thanks4thetag @ifancymackenzie ♡
Rules: Answer 21questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.( it's 20? Or I'm pretty bad at counting)
Nickname: Bele... it's strange, right?
Zodiac: Libra (Oct 17th)
Height: 5'5
Last movie I saw: Jigsaw, it's a little boring, but the end surprised me as Hell!
Last thing googled: Holly shit it's embarrassing! Katy Perry - Peacock. LMFAO! OMG I'VE FORGOTTEN THAT SONG WAS IN MY HEAD AND NOW I CAN'T STOP TO SING!
Favorite musician: Adam Gontier
Song stuck on my head: LMFAO, I think you guys already know...
Other blogs: nope
Do I get asks?: No... ;-;
*🎵 Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit lonely🎵*
Following: 731 tumblrs!
Amount of sleep: Haha... I Ain't sleep... Ima vampire! Graah!😂😂😂😂 That is why my mommy thinks I'm strange... Since I got The Sims 4, I end in bed with insomnia at 5am every day and I wake up 11am, Six hours...
Lucky number: 17, it's my class number.
What I'm wearing: My improvised pajamas! A white shirt with a... I don't know what is this... Ballerina’s legs? And a black/grey/white shorts made of fine fabric...
Dream Job: Game Designer.
Dream Trip: Go to Japan to get a husband. LOL!
Favorite food: Hmmm cooked potatoes, I love potatoes!
Play any instruments: Beatbox it's considered an instrument? LMAO! I play a little bit of bass, but I'm not professional! And I sing too.
Language: Portuguese, Eng- *Coughing* English and a little bit of Spanish.
My brain: Your orthography is horrible Isabele!
Me: Shut up I try at least!
Google translate: Your brain is right...
Me: Not you too, Google! I use you just to checking! You know I'm super insecure!
Random fact: I have a big scar in my nose.
When I was about 8 or 9, I was playing with my friends and my twin. Yes, I have a twin. Then one day my little bro fought with a boy in my neighborhood days ago before I almost get my nose broken. That boy was so mad at him, that he did something dumb, so fucking dumb!
On a small soccer field. , I was playing hide-and-seek with my Friends in the dark when we all heard someone on the other side of the wall say:
*Sorry I'm laughing!*
That shit hypnotized me...
I was like: Wooo flying wood! But I didn't realize that shit was flying to fall directly in my baby face... One side hit my face and the other hit my friend's mouth, right on the teeth! LMAO!!!!!!
Like ILB MC: Everything around goes dark, and I get up crying (my friend too) with my bro hyperventilating because my face was covered with blood and I couldn't open my right eye! LMAAAAAOOOO!!!!!
My dad came to rescue me shouting:
Dad: Quick Carlos! The girl is blind here!!!
Summing up: A cut on the nose and an aching eye. But I'm alive!
Describe yourself as an aesthetic things:
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Me annoying people like I do everyday: @apluschoices @thequeenchoices @helentwombly @griselda1121 @griffinshoodie @gayforgayle @itsalliepg @prylcrx @teamtomsato @faded-hero @maxattack-powell @maxwellbaemont @kinda-iconic @kennadavenportgayle @sato-tomoichi @ace-and-bees @jakemckenji @kenjkats @k-sayeed @stayfallentasticc
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treasure-exo · 7 years
11 question tag
I wasn’t tagged by @oh-beyond and @e-xing(to my main @susie2110) for the 11 questions so here’s comes the trouble lol..
Rules: Answer 11 questions from the person who tagged you and make another 11 questions for the people you tag.
Oh-beyond’s questions
Scenario: You find yourself with your bias in an elevator that breaks down…
Ok lol I was once trapped in an elevator alone, not with someone and I was dumbfounded and didn’t even screamed for help and panicked but thank god some passerby saw the elevator wasn’t working properly and called for help.. so probably let’s see if I can survive or not...
1. He is a whiny baby… what do you do? How do you act around him?
I would first try to calm myself and then help him calm down if I calmed down in the first place which I probably would take time. (But as I’ll see Baekhyun’s fantastic smile after I would melt and forget every possible thing on this planet so I will probably help him and make it happen.)
2. Do you act around him like you know him or like you don’t?
I would try to pretend but I can’t control my feelings for so long so he would probably notice and than I would tell him I already know. So boring I know.
3. There is an obvious language barrier… do you try talk to him in his language (google translate, etc…) ? Or do you go for English and he can figure it out himself?
I somewhat know Korean yeah so I’ll try if he can understand my broken Korean otherwise I’ll use google translate because probably he would not get my English and accent lmao.
4. He starts crying… do you decide unstanning him? Or do you lend your shoulder to cry on?
I WOULD NOT UNSTAN HIM... ok lol but instead I’ll get to know what is wrong and try to solve the matter amd make him stop crying. So obviously lend my shoulder to cry on and listen to him rant.
5. He finally faints in your lap… do you take advantage? You stare? You touch his eyelashes to make sure they are real? His cheeks? Anything else?
Uh... I would not take any advantage. I would probably stare at him and adore him and his beauty because I know he’s beautiful lmao and probably ruffle or just touch his hair (I totally have a hair kink here) because they are so soft and touch his skin so pure. But other than this I would seriously try to make him wake up because fainting is scary.
6. He regains consciousness and he asks you if you’ve touched him… would you be honest?
Yes.. I would honestly tell him I touched his hair and skin to check if it’s not a dream and it’s really happening with some hesitation surely.
7. Do you try making him laugh? Or you act all uninterested to create a mysterious aura so he gets curious? What is your tactic?
I will probably like to create a mysterious aura because I love mysteries and creating or writing them is my hobby. So I’ll show some of my tricks to show I’m interested but by face remain neutral to confuse him(if it would work which I probably thinks not) and finally make an atmosphere where he’s frustrated and ask me anything anyway.
8. If you decide on telling you stan him. What would be your questions to him? Would you admit he’s your bias or make him jealous telling him you like a different member?
I’ll try make him jealous by telling him I stan some other person by appreciating the other and to the point where he’s completely jealous and frustrated but I’ll eventually laugh and tells him that I joked and he’s the person who I stan and appreciate more.
9. If you act like you don’t know him, would you still try to impress him?
Yes for sure. Definitely.
10. You are taken… if he asks you if you have a significant other… would you lie?
Hmmm...taken? By Byun Baekhyun? Yes I’ll tell him I’m taken by you and would not at all lie about the matter ;)
11. The lights of the elevator go off and he’s scared and gets too close and his hands are too handsy… would you stop him? Or…?
Well I’ll be the first one to hold his hand to make sure someone is still there with me. So lmao other than that I’ll stop him.
E-xing’s questions
1. If you could ask your bias for just one thing, what would you request?
Marry me!!!
2. It’s been a hard day for you. All you can think about is all the hardships you have going on. You’re going home in a rush, looking forward to chill for a while. There’s someone on the street hurrying somewhere, just like you are.Suddenly you bump your shoulder into a stranger. It turns out to be your bias. What will happen next? How do you react? Do you say something? 
I would die at that moment but after recovered my fangirling mode will never put on. But as we both are in a hurry I’ll not waste his time further than just ask for a photo or autograph.
3. Would you rather go to an EXO concert or spend 2 hours with your bias? Why?
Spend 2 hours with my bias beacuse l will get to know him in general and if possible he might remember me and considers me a faifthful(pervert) fan of his. lmao.
4. You have the opportunity to go to Seoul, SK. Would you try to fit in with the civilians or would you visit tourist attractions solely? 
I would love to see tourist attractions with getting to know their culture and people and if possible try to make friends there too.
5. While you’re there, you’re on your way to a restaurant. You’re dressed all nice, ready to feel alive for the night. Your friends texted you the address but you get lost. You stop a random person on the street asking for directions, but it’s your bias! Do you stutter? Do you flirt? Do you ask for a selca? Do you invite him along, as he helps you nicely and seems like a genuinely nice person? Do you pretend, do all this without revealing that he’s your bias?
I’m a libra and I can’t help but whatever i try to say always comes out in a way as if i’m flirting lol so yeah. Yep I’ll ask him for a selfie and also invite him if he’s free beacuse he’s Byun Baekhyun the irresistible. who would not I doubt...
6. You’re a journalist and your boss tells you that your next interview for the magazine is with EXO. Do you still take the task even though you stan the group or do you pass it for someone else who wouldn’t get biased while asking some questions? What do you do? Are you professional or do you let the fangirl inside take over?
I’ll still do that interview and while asking questions despite me being professional my inner fangirling will definitely comes out evetually and after the interview i might ask a question or two of mine. lol.
7. You’re talking to a guy online for weeks. Eventually you meet up in a public space but you see that he is your bias! Are you upset he lied about who he was or do you get over it and enjoy the rest of the date? 
Totally not. I would be infact happy and surprized that the guy turned out to be my bias. so the date would probably go on as expected and I’ll enjoy.
8. What song do you associate with your bias? Why?
His own song - Beautiful(Baekhyun) because have you ever seen the lyrics? I mean it perfectly defines how I fell for him. Yes, his smile melts me and my heart flutters while he sings. Just listen to that song and his angelic voice. I’m sure you’ll fall for him too.
9. If it were to chose between your bias and your bias wrecker for a relationship, who would you end up with? Or would you go for another member?
Obviously my bias.
10. If you could live with a member for a month while in Seoul, who would you chose? Like in a flat. You’d have to share a flat.
flat? Is it an apartment? I’m sorry I didn’t get it and had to search. I would pick Baekhyun. I’m sorry but I love him with every atom of my body.
11. What makes your bias so special to you? How did he touched your heart and why did you chose him?
Good question. I mean I dont remember but his smile, his voice, his playfulness, his eyes, his genuine gestures. I mean i hated someone being goofy but he makes it seem cute, his dorky nature. but yet sometimes him being serious I love seeing his that side too. I can’t explain but for the very first time I chose him because of his voice in what is love.
Now, my questions:
They will probably be silly and idk what i should ask.
1. What do your bias do(any particular act, aegyo etc.) that makes you extremely happy?
2. Decribe your bias in three words.
3. You are in a relationship with your bias and that he forgets the date when both of you first met? also, your birthday.. what will you do? let it go? scold him?
4. If a genie appears and grants you three wishes of what you want from/for/with your bias. what would it will be?
5. If you got to spend a day as any disney princess with your bias as the prince of the particular tale. who would you be and what will you do?
6. You and your bias are on a date and suddenly he makes some clumsy mistake (spilling his drink on your dress etc.) what will be your reaction? will you leave or stay?
7. You wakes up suddenly and realizes that the group your bias is in was just a group in your dream and no such group exists in real life. but when you were out a day and suddenly sees a person who looks exactly like your bias. Would you approach him? let him go? your reaction?
8. You have millions of dollars in your bank account and you want to buy your bias a single thing. what will it be?
9. A song you like the most which your bias sang?
10. Do you like when your bias apply their significant makeup? or like them without makeup? A photo of best makeup look your bias ever had.
11. The last photo of your bias you saved in your phone.
Idk who to tag... lol because I’m scared. I may have a considerable number of mutuals but I don’t talk with most of them so I’ll tag those to whom I for even once talked or I know them at least. I’ll tag @heehunhan17 @technicallymilkshakes @fluffyyeollie @byunparks
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rfassholes · 8 years
Hey! Could I request how the RFA+V+Saeran would react to an MC who was learning Korean as their third language and is still pretty choppy/needs them to talk a bit slowly? Like I've known Japanese and English since birth pretty much, and I might learn Korean in the future, so maybe something like that if it makes sense? You don't have to use those languages btw! Sorry if that's too specific! I love your work so far, and I hope I see more from you soon, have a nice day!
Hell’s yeah I can! Don’t apologize either, sweet person, you have done no wrong. Also, don’t worry about how specific it is; it helps me understand what you’d like to read! I think it’s pretty rad that you’re learning another language, too! Thank you for supporting what I write and enjoying it. I hope you have a nice day, too; much love!
He had to take a couple English classes to gradate highschool and get into uni, so he completely understood if you weren’t 100% fluent!
If you were pretty good at reading it, he’d lend you some random books so you could get practice
Wouldn’t pressure you to speak Korean in public either
that shit’s scary sometimes
He was really excited that you could speak Japanese, too
languages are really scary sometimes, okay?
Yoosung would brag to people on and off campus about your ability to speak multiple languages
He’s just really hyped that you’re really smart
He’d want to learn really cheesy phrases in Japanese and English
Extra excited if you wanted to learn Korean ones
Would be really nice to correct you if your grammar or pronunciation was off
8/8 would try to learn another language with you
“Yoosung, I’m already trying to figure out one right now” “But it’d be fun!” “You’ll probably stop practicing after a couple of weeks” “Well you’re not wrong, but-” “Yoosung, no” “Watch me”
Now he would say random things in Italian because sOMEONE missed the opportunity to when he signed up for a class
You knew that Jumin probably had her be somewhat proficient in a couple of languages for business affairs
She might’ve only dealt with that for less than three years, but Jaehee wanted to enrich herself anyways
Then she found out that your Chinese was really good on top of your Tamil
Jaehee was happy that you were fluent in some of the languages of the countries she dealt with the most (no, I totally didn’t google what countries south korea imported and exported with the most)
You two became the couple that spoke different languages at home than in public
However, your Korean wasn’t as close to fluent as you’d like
I mean, she could tell from phone calls early on by your accent that Korean wasn’t your native
She really liked to sit by you while you were translating something aloud and she was working
Those were her favorite nights
Especially since you usually got her to pause working to help you work out a sentence or two
Then it turned into encouraging cheek kisses
Then she couldn’t completely focus
guess you both just have to….be….cute..what..a….tragedy
She would also buy you cute-looking books that were in Korean
It may or may not have been so she could get more of those nights 
He’s probably had some scripts that weren’t completely in Korean, so he’s familiar with some language patterns and can say “je suis un pomme”
Okay, so you were just slightly offended, because he thought he was saying he’s a prince
You’ll admit that knowing English and French then deciding to move to Korea was a bit odd
But c’mon, man
“…you do realize you just said you were an apple, yeah?” “No, I called myself a prince’ “We’re speaking in English right now” “That’s correct” “It’s literally prince in French” “Well, how was I supposed to know” “Dumbass”
You wouldn’t let him live that down for weeks
Zen then tried to get you to speak a bit more Korean when you were on set rather than confusing people
oh shit
my cover’s blown
Well, now you were the one getting made fun of
“You called me a table” “That may be true” “A tABLE, MC” “At least I said you were a pretty table?” “You called me a moist table, MC” “Okay, okay, you see-” “Mhm” “Shut up, pretty boy” “I thought I was a table?” “That wasn’t even funny” “…” “You’re still a dumbass”
Nobody in the rfa chats knew what you meant by calling him an apple
Then Zen just had to talk about The Table Incident
MC has left the chat
cue him running into the living room
“but, bAAAABE” “Leave, you apple” “MC, love meeee” “I already do” “Can I at least get a hug” “Nope”
MC has entered the chat
He then tried to get take the phone while you were typing out The Apple Prince Incident
You got Seven in on it to change his name in the messenger to je suis un pomme for a week
Seven: (slight route spoilers, but I changed it a bit anyways)
blah, blah, taxes, blah, author of several books in Arabic, blah, likes cat
w a i t  j u s t   a   d i d d l y d a r n   s e c o n d
Arabic? And Portuguese?
aww yisss
This was probably when he approved you and went straight to V
Plus cats?? That was a bonus
He really liked talking to you with the messenger even if your grammar was a teensy bit off
may or may not have recorded a few phone calls to hear your accent
Once you had gotten to meet him at the apartment
whoo, boy
He was getting on your nerves just a bit
You snapped just a bit and kinda sorta went off on him in Arabic and he just sat there
“You done?” “Yes, was there an issue?” “Yeah, it was kinda hot”
*narrator voice* He realized he had Fucked Up right Then And There
“You didn’t hear that” “Sev-” “Good day”
This time he wasn’t staying away to protect you, he just didn’t want to turn as read as his hair next time he had to see you
He finally had been able to hold a conversation after staying stonefaced in an attempt to forget
You didn’t tho
After everything had gotten sorted out and you had understood why he was acting like that, it was pretty okay
Neither of your dumbasses realized that you were both speaking Portuguese during the Incident, so the only time he heard your Korean was on the phone
He’d take breaks from working whenever you wanted to practice the language
I mean, if he could be fluent in seventeen, so could you
Seven regarded your ability to speak Arabic as something “holy” and was ecstatic that you were one of the few that didn’t need his help to get home
Once he found out that you could read and listen to Korean, but not speak it all that well, he immediately found a tutor
He’d like when you’d hold short converstaions with him in his native
However, Jumin just didn’t know that you were fluent in Russian and German
It took him a couple of weeks until you greeted him as “dorogoy” (my dear) when he came home from work one night
Jumin knew a fair bit of other languages, so you both spoke to each other in this odd Franken-language (lmao but that’s German already)
He really loved it when you’d forget a word in Korean and looked confused for a second before saying it in German
Would always help you with a word or slang phrases
just because he had to look them up does not invalidate this
Definitely would buy you so many books
You’d probably end up with the same book as multiple copies in other languages
He just wanted the best access to literature for “mein liebling“ (my beloved)
Would be the Softest if you had a question or wanted to carry longer conversations in Korean
So! Supportive!
Since he’s traveled so much, he knows how to ask and follow directions, ask how someone’s doing, and general things like that in a variety of languages
Once he found out you spoke Dutch and Hebrew, he wanted to learn more about the languages
You’d lean against each other on the couch at night and ask questions about each others languages
“How do I call you my moon?” “Mijn maan” “I like that; it suits you” “How do I call you my star?” “Naui byeol” “I think that suits you, too”
If he ever went to a country where many people spoke either languages, he’d ask you to come
Definitely took photos of you interacting with people and reading plaques at exhibits
Was kind of an excuse to take you on a vacation
V would also would carry both a Dutch to Korean and a Hebrew to Korean dictionary for you if you couldn’t remember the word to say something to him
Started having you write descriptions of his work for exhibitions so he could broaden his market
Would 784282/8 continuously help you if your speaking was a bit choppy and lessen any anxiety you had about it
“Just buy some dictionaries” “Yeah, well, what if I don’t want to?” “Then google translate” “But then I’d end up saying something stupid” “You always say stupid things, though, MC” “Don’t be an asshat” “Suggestion taken” (haha, what? me? use google translate for the languages I don’t speak for this post? pssh)
He’d be the ones to leave passive aggressive sticky notes in other languages if you weren’t paying attention
Also the one to label things if he didn’t understand the yelling in Haitian Creole
he’s trying, okay?
Saeran may speak multiple languages but not whatever that spewing was
“Saeran, that was Korean” “Yeah, and I’m a cat” “Hey, at least I tried” “You asked me if the parakeet gave a prophecy, MC” “…That’s besides the point”
Would correct you bluntly
Would continue with the sticky notes on everything
started learning Greek and Haitian Creole so he could add proper translations to things
One morning, he woke up with a sticky note on his forehead that labeled him as “내 사랑, αγάπη μου, doudou mwen”
He ended up keeping that in a drawer on his nightstand
I’m sorry that I write this at several different times. I’d be glad to fix any of these if you don’t like them. Especially Seven’s. I did horribly with his. I hope that they were semi-decent, though, and that you enjoy a few of them!
Please correct any mistakes I made with the languages. I can only vouch for the ones I speak, the rest were google translate. If there’s any other issues, I’d be glad to fix them as well!
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choisgirls · 8 years
How would the RFA + V and Saeran react to a bilingual MC, who uses a word in another language when she can't think of the right one in the language she's speaking? (I do this a lot with French + English, and my friends who don't speak French always give me weird looks :( )
The language I picked was the language (Punjabi) I speak at home, but I didn’t know how to spell it in english but I tried my best!!! (Most of these are actually my own experience) (Also sorry I didn’t use several languages, i just like putting my own personal stuff in here sometimes) 404 did the non-Punjabi ones! ~ Admin 626
*YOOSUNG-He convinced you to play LOLOL with him!!!-Big mistake-He knew that he could get loud and angry when something happened, but…-Did not expect you to get so loud!!!!-”WHAT??? ARE YOU KIDDING???? JAVLA HELVETE!!!!”-……..MC….what?-You said it fairly often, and he knows it’s another language, but…. WHAT WERE YOU SAYING?-He’s asked you constantly what it means but you….couldn’t…..think of the right words?-”It means… um…. Well. It means… Oh my god? What are the words?-I DON’T KNOW MC THAT’S WHY I ASKED-Scared the hell out of him when you yelled “FUCKING HELL” out of nowhere one day and you had to explain that  you finally remembered what you were trying to say!!! Only this time, not in Swedish!!-MC!!! BAD!!!- lowkey google translates anything you can’t remember for you
*JUMIN-The two of you were coming home from a completely boring party you had to attend-It was full of big, important business owners and directors and you just couldn’t stand it!!!-”HOW in the WORLD do they run their businesses??”-”I know! They’re such…. Um… uh, como se dice…pendejos??”-???? mC SUCH LANGUAGE-”I agree, they did seem to be lacking in the knowledge department.”- okay that wasn’t what i asked exactly but thanks-This happens more than you’d like to admit, but it’s a good thing he can speak Spanish-He’ll always understand you, whether you’re speaking in Spanish or not!!!-”Jumin? Como se dice gato?” “MC, that’s a simple word. It’s cat. How could you forget?”-”Do you want some… some.. Um… Vino?” “? Wine? Yes, MC, please.”-YOU’RE SO GRATEFUL THAT HE CAN UNDERSTAND YOU where would you be if he didn’t translate for you???-He notices when you’re quiet in public and realizes that you probably just can’t think of the correct word outside of Spanish, so he’ll answer you quietly just so you don’t get embarrassed what a cutie omg
*SAEYOUNG-HE DOES THE SAME THING-”Shit… what’s the word again….”-??? So you ask him what word he’s thinking of. He didn’t figure you’d know but he told you anyway-”I forgot the word for ‘safinat fadayiya’”-”Spaceship?”-”…..yoU KNOW ARABIC”-????? Did he not realize you’ve been able to get into his house since the beginning-Now the two of you speak Arabic around the others just to be jerks-Not even Jumin knows Arabic-You don’t say anything meaningful, either. It’s usually random sentences!-So every time you forget a word, he’s got your back! So long as you you do the same for him-Except if you forget a word at the gate, he’ll let you suffer and laugh at you-Well!!!! Until you get angry enough at least. Then he’ll let you in and hide from your cute wrath
*SAERAN-He didn’t even know you could speak another language-Honestly always thought that you were muttering or making words up-That’s why he always gave you a weird look-One day though, you were mid-conversation with him and blanked on the word-”Do you want to go get…. Um. Get…crème glacée?”-”….Get what?”-”Crème glacée. You know… the uh, frozen milk stuff you like to eat!”-”You..mean ice cream? You’re saying ice cream?”-”YES! YES HEY!!! That thing! Thank you!”-”What the hell was that? Made up words? What the fuck?”-Saeran it….. Was….. French, sweetheart. Not made up-??? He was really confused but took your word for it-Tries to learn French secretly so he can help you next time instead of looking at you like you were crazy
*ZEN- you’re actually lowkey worried about him???- He’s so pretty!!!- What if he gets jinxed and he becomes ugly because his looks are shown off so much??? Literally my grandma has said this to me and my cousin after she and i dressed up one time- you always try to encourage him to wear sweats and other lowkey clothing so no one will be drawn to him! (of course only when you two are trying to do something in public together, you wouldnt try to get him to do that for anything job related)- but he just doesn’t get it??? He never listens to you but you never really explain why bc you feel so embarrassed believing in this!!!- but one day you two get into a terrible argument about this- “I just don’t get it! Are you jealous of the other girls giving me attention?”- You start tearing up because that’s so far from it, you completely trust him- “Nazaar, okay?! I just don’t anything happening to you!!!”- Zen is just like wtf did u just say, was that even human or are you just choking wtf- and then he reMEMBERS YOU CAN SPEAK ANOTHER LANGUAGE HOW DID HE FORGET- “Oh god sorry, I didn’t mean to use Punjabi but I don’t know another word for it. It’s kinda like jinxing but it’s more intense? But basically by showing off your looks, other people might want something bad to happen to you and you might turn ugly!”- LMAO MC WHAT YOU THINK THIS PIECE OF HOT ASS IS GONNA TURN UGLY???- but he understands it’s part of your ritual and he lets you do these little rituals to ward away the “nazaar” because it’s cute that you worry that much
Jaehee- you’re helping out at the shop when you run out of cardamom to put in the chai! sUCH A TRAGEDY- but you can’t remember what it’s called??? You can’t tell Jaehee???- “MC, what’s wrong?- “We’re out of that one spice!!!”-thanksMCthat’ssospecificyoumusthavegottenanAinenglish- you decide fuck it and you’re like “We’re out of leche!!!”- Jaehee goes wide eyed because you can speak another language wtf- She actually knew what you were saying because Jaehee knows Hindi and that overlaps with your language a lot-yes Jaehee knows Hindi don’t question it okay-You two start trash talking the customers in Hindi/Punjabi
V- This boy got a cute owl figurine at a store!!!-smh what a hipster *eye roll*- He puts it in your room bc it’s so cute!!!- but when you see it, you freak out???- “wait what’s wrong with it MC???”- “Nazaar lagna!”- He just looks at you like ??? what did you say to him???- What did you just say about his son- wAIT YOU CAN SPEAK ANOTHER LANGUAGE???- “Oh sorry um, in my culture, owls are considered bad luck?”- okay but what u did u just say MC udumbhoe- “I just said you jinxed me, I mean it’s worse than a jinx but that’s the best way I can say it”- He spends the rest of the night asking you to say other words in Punjabi cause it’s so pretty-asks you to call him Daddy in your language (just kidding that’s Jumin)
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