#sorry if this comes up in your dash Hazel
agentmatt6 · 6 months
So in WTNV, the main voice, Cecil Gershwin Palmer is intentionally left vaguely described, only as “Not too short or tall, not fat or too thin. With hair, a nose and eyes.” One of the many reasons this is left so vague is so every possible depiction of Cecil within it is technically cannon.
Anyways I was listening to @itsapmseymour ‘s ex mega binge movie while at work and after hearing Jesus being described as bigger than a baby and smaller than a temple I have a new idea of what Jesus looks like
In this e-
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asnowdriftsomewhere · 3 months
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Daylight pt6
Cassian x f!reader
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
An: I've been busy, but here is the next part. I do hope you enjoy
Summary: Dinner with the IC doesn't go exactly to plan...
Warning: I am deliberately choosing not to put any. Proceed with caution.
Word count: 2239
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Cassian nearly choked on his tongue when he saw you. Doing a double take as you breezed through the doors onto the veranda where he had been waiting for you. He would never admit it to you, but he'd been anxiously awaiting your appearance for more than thirty minutes now. Running his fingers through his hair and gripping the railing so tight he was surprised there weren't hand prints left behind. But you were here now, and Cauldron, you were beautiful. Like dawn's first light given physical form. 
You suppressed a blush as you approached the general whose jaw had gone slack and whose eyes couldn't seem to stop taking you in. Hazel eyes roved over your body, drinking in every part of you like a male starved and were a proverbial buffet. You may have swished your hips as you approached. Just a bit. 
“You..” he trailed off, eyes finally reconnecting with yours as he swallowed hard. “You look… beautiful, Y/N”
“Thank you, Cassian,” you blushed in earnest now as you came to stand beside him along the railing. “You look rather dashing yourself.” 
“Ah, well,” he looked down at himself, and you took the opening to survey the Illyrian before you. He wasn't in his usual black leather armor but instead wore an elegant black jacket and matching slacks. Red and silver embroidery along the lapels and cuffs of his jacket looked like exploding stars and almost seemed to shift in the fading light of dusk. Though it was obvious he was not used to wearing such fine things, he pulled it off as if he never wore anything else. The jacket was tailored perfectly to his broad shoulders. The hem drew the eyes to his slim waist and long legs. If you didn't know any better, you would have thought him to be a powerful lord of this land with all the elegance and refinement that entailed. “The House laid this out for me, I don't even know where it got it.” 
You let out a laugh at that, “You too? It pulled this out for me.” 
He laughed with you at that, taking the invitation to look you over once more before holding his hand out to you. “Shall we?”
You hesitated a moment, glancing back towards the house, “Shouldn't we wait for Nesta?” 
“Feyre came and picked her up earlier,” he shrugged, keeping his hand steady in front of you. “She wanted to visit Nyx before dinner.”
Your breath caught in your throat, “Oh, okay…” 
Uncertainty crossed his features then, “Is… Is there a problem? Should I have Feyre come get you too?” His hand started to drop.
“No,” you said quickly, reaching out to take his hand in yours before he could step away. “Sorry, no. There is no problem.” His hand was large and warm. His calluses scraped against your own, sending a shock of electricity through you as you snapped your gaze up to meet his hazel eyes. 
Suddenly, you were not standing atop the House of Wind. You were not in Velaris or any part of the Night Court you were familiar with. Instead, you were walking around an obsidian obelisk. A baron mountain rumbled beneath your feet, and the wind rushed through your hair. You paused, your eyes shifting to one of the steep climbs below where three figures were making their way towards you- towards the stone behind you. The mountain shook again, and two sets of hazel eyes locked onto yours. 
You blinked, and you were back on the veranda. Cassian standing before you with a look of concern on his face. “Sorry. We should go. They're probably waiting for us.” You shook your head as if to clear the vision from your mind before stepping closer to him.
He stiffened for a moment as you pressed your body into him before bending to sweep your legs out from under you. You let out a small squeak as he jumped from the verandas's edge, and the two of you began a free fall towards the city below. But just before you took matters into your own hands and winnowed you both to safety, his wings snapped out, and with a powerful beat, you found yourself gliding through the air. 
The city glittered like stars below, and you couldn't stop the gasp from escaping your mouth as you took in the view. You'd seen Velaris at night. You'd watched the lights twinkling below as if to match the stars above and had marveled at the perfect beauty of it all. But this, flying through it, as if swimming in a sea of stars, you felt something in your chest shift and settle at the sight before you and the feeling of warm arms enveloping you. You wouldn't name the feeling. Not yet. 
But maybe soon. 
You arrived at the River House sooner than you would have liked, but Cassian set you down respectfully in the lawn just as the door flew open and two High Fae females rushed to greet you. 
“Y/N!” Feyre beamed, pulling you into a hug, “You look amazing! I've missed you.”
“We saw each other last week,” you laughed as you wrapped your arms around the female. 
“Yes but that was so long ago,” she sighed as Rhysand appeared in the threshold and wrapped an arm around the waist of his mate to gently pry her off of you. 
“You'll have to forgive, Feyre darling,” he smirked down at her and she giggled, “Mor convinced her to raid my collection of rare wine again and because she's not had a drink since before she got pregnant it seems to have hit her rather harder than normal.”
“He's full of it-I'm fine,” she protested despite how her words slurred slightly, and you laughed. 
“Oh course you are, my love,” he placated her with a wink towards you. “But we are glad you agreed to join us tonight, Y/N.”
“It wasn't exactly phrased like I had an option,” you raised an eyebrow as you cast a glance towards Cassian, who tried and failed to not look guilty. “But, still, I thank you for your hospitality, High Lord.”
“Please just call me Rhysand,” he smiled warmly at you, and you dipped your chin slightly. 
“Of course.” 
“I think this is the most I've heard you speak,” Nesta's voice was cold, her gaze like a knife opening you up to dissect what she found inside. “You're always so… quiet in the library.” The atmosphere shifted with her words. Everyone went still and alert as you faced the female across from you.  
“It was my understanding that the Priestesses preferred quiet in their library,” you spoke evenly as you met her gaze head on. “But if you're referring to how I refused their attempts at companionship, then yes, I have done that.”
“So you think you're better than them?” Her eyes narrowed on you. “You think they are not worth your time?”
You didn't back down from her, “I didn't say that.” 
“No, you just implied it-”
“Nesta,” Feyre warned, but her sister ignored her. 
“If that is how they felt by my actions, then I apologize.” You squared your shoulders, “but I am used to being dismissed and overlooked for my ideas and research. The other advisors didn't bother to speak or debate with me in the Day Court libraries because my interests were not theirs. I simply believed that that would be the case among the Priestesses.” 
“You didn't even give them a chance,” crossed her arms over her chest. 
“You're right, I didn't, and for that, I am sorry. Perhaps if Merrill can spare her, Gewn can assist me come Monday.” You offered the olive branch between you, “I have a great many tombs to look into and only so much time before I return to the Day Court.” 
Her shoulder seemed to relax at that as she tipped her head to the side, “You'll have to talk to Clotho about that, but I'm sure Merrill will be fine without her for a while.” 
You smiled softly at her, “Okay.” Everyone on the lawn seemed to take a collective breath as the tension between you dissolved and Cassian stepped to your side.
“Why don't we go in,” he suggested, placing one hand on the small of your back to guide you through the door. “I'm hungry and need the fuel if Nesta is gonna be starting fights all night. 
“Hmp,” Nesta's cold gaze looked over the General like he was little more than a nuisance in her vicinity, “Just because you showed up to a battle of wits unarmed does not mean I have to play nice.”
“Alright, ouch,” he shot her a weak glare, and you laughed before raising a hand to tap his cheek sweetly. 
“Don't worry,” you smiled as the male went still under your fingertips. “I brought wits to spare. I'll cover you.” 
“And what about the rest of us?” Feyre pouted as she and Rhysand led you through the house towards the dining room where Mor and Amren were waiting for you all. 
“You grew up with her,” you chuckled, taking the seat that Cassian pulled out for you. “If you haven't figured out how to handle her by now, there's no hope for you at this point.” 
“Who are we handling?” Mor asked as she bounced Nyx on her knee, the baby giggling happily. 
“Nesta is in rare form tonight,” Rhysand explained as he swept the child from her arms and raised him into the air as if he were flying. “She tried to start a fight with Y/N within minutes of her arrival.”
“I simply pointed out how rude she was to the Priestesses,” Nesta shrugged as she took her seat. 
“Fortunately, I am used to handling people who use their words to bite,” you smiled at the female, venom lacing your tone. 
Amren's grin was a thing of nightmares, “Gods it's been an age since someone interesting came to Court. Where has Helion been hiding you?” 
“Where he keeps all his most useful things,” you shrugged lightly, trying to ignore the flash of discomfort that bloomed in your chest. “The Grand Library.” 
“What's it like there?” Feyre asked dreamily as she took the seat next to Mor. “I've always been curious, but we never have time to leave the palace whenever we visit Helion.”
“It's beautiful,” you said simply as you let your memories of the Day Court cloud your vision. “Pillars of silver and gold intertwining amongst the many stacks of bookcase that hold knowledge as old and older than Prythian itself. The floors are made of clear quartz that capture and refract the light into an array of rainbows that illuminate the floor below of which there are seven. The top floor is open to the air so that the winds of Day can sweep through the mezzanine and remind us to get out of the library every now and again.” You looked to Cassian, who'd taken the seat next to you. “I think that was why time got away from me when I first arrived. There is no wind in the library below the house, not like back home.”
“And how does our collection compare to your own?” Mor asked, swirling the wine in her goblet as she crossed one golden leg over the other. “Are you finding everything you need?” 
“Just about,” you smiled softly at her, your eyes locking on to her brown ones. “There are a few tombs here that have proven quite insightful.”
She quirked an eyebrow at you, “Such as?” 
“A collection of death myths and a scholar's analysis of their similarities and differences.” You shrugged, not looking away. “And the journals of fae who experience near death. Though I think speaking with Azriel will provide the most valuable information to my research.” 
“And what are you researching?” She asked, taking a sip of her drink, “My dear cousin has been incredibly tight-lipped about the reason for your visit.” 
“Mor,” Rhysand spoke from somewhere far away. His voice sounded as if you were separated by glass. By a wall of water, an ocean around just Mor and you. She was all there is. All that mattered was answering her questions.
“I'm researching death,” you said simply, something in your chest tightening. “And if, when someone comes close, do they get to make the decision if they succumb or live. I wonder if it's true what healers say when treating death blows or grave illnesses. Do their patients actually have a say, or is the concept of ‘fighting for life’ just a comforting lie we tell them to give them hope.” 
“Mor!” Someone was shouting from an ocean away, and you felt something wet trickle down your face. 
“Why would you be looking into something as depressing as that?” She tipped her head to the side, those brown eyes seeming to swallow you whole. 
“Because I need to know if it's worth it,” you whispered now, your voice becoming irrevocably brittle, “If I have a chance to live or if I should just accept that I will die.” 
Everything went quiet then. As if the universe were bracing itself for your next admission.
Even Mor’s cat-like smile fell from her face as she asked, “What do you mean?”
“I'm sick,” you whispered, and the world cleaved apart. 
Part 7
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Heya! I’ve had this cassian x reader idea in my head for ages but I’m not a writer at all so turning to you because you’re 100% my all time favourite and because you’re so good at angst and wondered if you’d be able to write it?
So basically cassian/reader are mates but get into this big fight then reader ends up getting stuck with Rhys UTM. So like angst with their fight, angst with reader getting stuck/cassian realising what’s happened, then a beautiful happy ending with a dash of angst because trauma of 50 years going by 🥺
Love you!!! And thank you so much for all you work
Things Left Unsaid
Cassian x reader
A/n: you’re too sweet anon love you too😘
Warnings: angst and eventual fluff
Every night of Amarantha’s reign your mind had been consumed of thoughts of your and Cassian’s last words to each other. They we’re not kind or full of love. You had fought about you accompanying Rhys to the party. Cassian didn’t want you anywhere near that vile woman.
You had yelled at him. Told him you were a grown female and you could take care of yourself. What could possibly happen when you’d be surrounded by High Lords? Especially Rhys. But the worst did happen.
Amarantha trapped all of you. You were turned into her personal assistant, but really it was so she could keep you close to kill your hope of ever getting out. She belittled and abused you. She took great joy in watching the light leave your eyes every day.
Like Rhys, you turned paler and became exhausted with each day being a new kind of hell. Rhys had the worst of it. Being used by Amarantha in ways that would make you break down to the brink of no return. It was unfair and cruel.
Not a day went by where you didn’t think about Cassian. You wanted to tell him that you forgave him. That you regretted yelling at him and you wish you and Rhys never went to this stupid party. You just hoped he’d forgive you if you ever saw him again.
When Cassian got Rhysand’s message he fell to his knees. His worst fear had come true. Amaranth took his mate and his brother. Azriel tried to console his brother but his anguish quickly turned to rage. It took all of his self restraint for fifty years to not go Under the Mountain and rescue you himself.
After Feyre freed you all Rhys finally winnowed you two back to the Town House. You were so lost in the daze of being free and home that you didn’t even hear your family. You just sunk to your knees, your eyes distant as you just felt everything.
As Cassian came into the foyer he was beyond shocked. He couldn’t believe it. His brother was home. And there you were. Alive. Home. Cassian felt like he was going to be sick from the overwhelming force of the bond pounding in his chest, dragging him closer to you.
He knelt in front of you, reaching out to hold your face but pulling his hand back at the last second. His mind was racing. Did you know that he forgave you? That he didn’t blame you for any of this? Finally your gaze found his, your eyes locking with his glimmering hazel ones.
Your first words to him broke his heart in two. “I’m sorry.” You whispered, your voice raw like you had been screaming. Tears fell down your face as you began to sob. Cassian began to cry, pulling you to his chest. He eventually brought you up to bed and you stayed up all night crying in each others arms.
It’s been a month since that day. Cassian tried to apologize for the fight and so did you, but you both forgave one another the moment you left.
You told him everything you could about under the mountain. He was patient and listened to you. Recovering from this trauma wasn’t going to be easy. But Cassian was there for you every step of the way. Your hope for a better future returned.
Once again you could see life with Cassian. Your home that he built you. You children running around, playing with their father. Nights spent reading, cuddled up on the couch together. And if enduring pain meant getting that peaceful future you would do it all over again.
tags: @rigelus @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane @aroseinvelaris @twsssmlmaa
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manicplank · 6 months
The Color Pink (Part 7)
Noisecouple lovers rejoice.
This one took me a minute to get to.
Hazel had woken up before her alarm clock in the morning. She strutted over to the bathroom and hopped in the shower. She ran the water so hot that the mirror had steamed up. She went back into her room. She had a vanity dresser that she sat in front of. On it was all of her makeup, a curling iron, and a hair dryer. It was a bit of a mess. She toweled off her hair and turned the lights on the mirror on. She imagined herself as a movie star getting ready for the set. She imagined if that was how Theodore felt when he was getting ready for filming. She hummed a little tune as she blow dried her hair. She used the a round brush and a special addition to put a peppy upward curl at the end of her hair.
She approached the door of the cafe. The bell above the door rang as she walked in. That was the sound that started her day. The Vigilante came in shortly after she opened, as usual. "Hi, Vigi," she greeted him cheerfully. He tipped his hat at her, "Mornin'." She placed a mug and filled it up with fresh black coffee. He slithered up to the counter and climbed up to the stool. She added three sugar cubes to the coffee and slid the mug to him. He sighed and pulled out a newspaper.
"Quiet today, hm," she spoke.
"Yeah. It was bailing day for the hay field. Had to store it all afterwards before the rain came. Lots of heavy work."
"Sounds... not great."
"Eh, it's a living. I got some good helpers, though."
"Did Mort help?" She chuckled.
The Vigilante laughed. "Naw, never. He always makes it a bit worse. Always wants to be on my hat." He sipped his coffee. "You heard from The Noise, lately?"
"Yeah, actually. We've been talking on the phone a lot. I haven't seen him in a while, though."
He raised his eyebrows at her.
"Don't look at me like that," she pouted. "He's been busy on set. They're making a new movie, something you might be interested in."
"Oh, yeah? You think so?"
"Yeah. It's a western, The Loud Sound."
The Vigilante looked disturbed. "The hell does he think he's doing makin' a western? He doesn't know a thing about bein' a cowboy!"
"I think he's playing a bounty hunter rather than a cowboy."
He slammed his hands on the counter, "WHAT?!"
"Whoa, whoa, relax. It's just a movie."
The Vigilante scoffs. "I bet it's gonna be terrible."
Hazel shrugs. "All I know is that he's been working a ton. A lot of overtime."
"You sure he's not avoiding you?"
Hazel face palms. "Why do you have to be so negative?"
"I'm just trying to-"
The Vigilante leaned back in shock with his hands up. It was unlike her to get angry like that. "Is... Is there something wrong?"
She sighed, "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that. I'm just sick of you being so overprotective. It's not helpful. I don't want you putting words in my head that make me paranoid. I... I like him. I think I like like him."
The Vigilante let out a sarcastic laugh before he sipped his coffee. "Little too soon to say that."
She gave him a death stare. "Like you, you- No, Hazel. Be nice, Hazel. Don't say that. Be nice." She inhaled and gave him a wide-eyed stare. "Would you like me to top off your cup," she asked through gritted teeth.
He had a wide-eyed look of slight fear. "Uh... No, I... I think I'm gonna get going, actually."
"But you haven't even finished your coffee."
He laughed nervously. "Those cows ain't gonna feed themselves!" He took out cash and put it on the counter with a forced smile.
"But you feed the cows at dawn before you even come here."
He slithered backwards toward the door with his hands up by his head. "Then the chickens... Bye!" He dashed out of the door in a cartoonish manner. Hazel rolled her eyes and put her head on her hand as she rested her elbow on the counter.
The rest of the day was boring for her. No one else came into the cafe. After The Vigilante turned her mood sour, she was having a tough time coping with the emptiness of the cafe. The Pig City police didn't even come in. She was feeling discouraged. She got home, and even her house seemed empty. She sat down on the couch and sighed. She checked the time; only 4 p.m. She wanted to call Theodore, but she figured he would still be working. She wasn't feeling like cooking, so she ordered takeout from one of the Chinese places in The Pig City. Orange chicken with white rice and a side of fried rice. She slowly ate it carefully. The food made her mood slightly better.
Time went by slowly. It finally reached 7 p.m. Hazel picked up the phone and dialed The Noise's number. He answered after a couple rings, "Hello?"
"Oh, hey Hazel!"
"Were you sleeping again?"
He chuckled. "No. I figured you might call."
"Oh yeah? How come?"
"Lately, you've been calling at around 7."
"Oh... Sorry..."
"It's okay! It doesn't bother me. I uh... I like talking to you." He smiled as he twirled the phone wire around his finger.
She blushed. "I like talking to you, too. How was your day?"
"Ugh, it sucked!"
"What happened?"
"We're still working on that movie, The Loud Sound. It was going okay, but then we started to have issues with the microphones. The supporting role kept forgetting his fucking lines."
"I can't believe how long you've been working on that movie."
He groans. "Yep, going on three months, now. I swear, every time we get a good pace going, something goes wrong. I mean, yeah, movies take a while to film and edit, but this one is taking even longer."
"Aw, that sucks."
"It does. We've been working overtime a lot still. I'm so fucking tired."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Yeah... How was your day?"
She frowned and sighed sadly, "Slow. The Vigilante came in as usual, but he was the only one who showed. The cafe has been so empty, lately. It makes me sad."
"That blows."
"Yeah... I don't know... Sometimes I wonder if opening the cafe was a mistake."
"Let me ask you this; does it make you happy?"
"Well, yeah, sometimes. I always wanted to start a business, but I think the tower wasn't the best place to do so."
"I think it's because not everybody knows about it. I've tried spreading the word."
"I know. A couple people have come in saying they heard about it through you."
"Your location also isn't the greatest, no offense."
"No, you're right! I've been thinking about asking Mr. Pizzaface for a different location, but I feel like it'll be useless."
"Yeah, he's sort of a stiff."
"I guess I'm just feeling a little discouraged..."
"I'm sorry, toots."
"..." She looked upset.
"Hey! I have an idea!"
"What if, and hear me out, what if you catered to the studio a few times a week? It'll be a ton of orders plus good money."
"Huh... I guess it wouldn't hurt to try."
"Awesome! Maybe that'll put everyone in better moods. You wanna try maybe doing it tomorrow? We're all gonna be there around 10 but filming starts at 1."
"That'll work! But how would we do it?"
"Hmm... I'll probably write down everyone's orders. I'll collect the money and give it to you. And I can help you out! We'll both bring the coffee to the building. If it's a lot, I can bring someone else with me, too."
"That sounds perfect!"
"All right!"
She chuckled. "So then I'll see you tomorrow. I should get going to sleep so I can get everything ready early."
"Oh... Yeah, okay! I'll, uh... I'll see you tomorrow."
"Okay, then. Goodnight!"
Theodore hung up the phone with a huge smile on his face. He was so excited that he got to see her again, but he was also nervous as he still got butterflies when he thought about her. He couldn't stop thinking about their date. He wanted to ask her on another one, but he didn't have the time lately. Having her cater the studio was his grand idea of getting to spend time with her while he was so busy.
Hazel woke up at the first beep of her alarm clock. She felt that it was a big day for her and her business. She got to cater NTV studios, she had to do her best. Better yet, she got to see The Noise again, so she had to look her best, too! She brushed her teeth extra well and swished mouthwash vigorously, then she washed her face and used just a touch more moisturizer than usual. She went to her vanity and added a small curl to the ends of her hair as always.
She opened up her cafe at the usual time, but she was busy preparing more pots of coffee than she regularly does. She was a tad bit anxious from the anticipation. She still had plenty of time, but there was only so much she could do to prepare. She didn't want to ground too much coffee too early so it didn't go stale. The bell rang as The Vigilante came in. "Hey, Vigi," she greeted him.
"Howdy," he responded.
She prepared his usual black coffee with three sugar cubes. She slid it to him on the counter and started getting out supplies to get ready for the big order. The Vigilante noticed her working frantically.
"You alright, Hazel?"
"What? Oh! Yeah! I'm fine! I'm just a bit anxious on account of the fact that I'm catering NTV studios today!"
"Really?" He smiles. "That sounds like a big order."
"Yeah. I forgot to ask Theodore what time he was coming."
"Theodore? Who is that?"
"The Noise."
"His name is Theodore?"
"Yep! THE-odore Noise! Get it?"
The Vigilante thought about it for a moment. "Oooh. Okay. I see it now."
"Anyways, he asked me last night if I'd be willing to cater the set today. I figured it'll be great for business. I mean, things have been awfully slow."
He shrugged. "Well, that's a good thing! I'm sure that'll bring in some good money for ya, too."
Ten o'clock came quickly. Noise came through the door in a yellow hoodie and grey sweatpants. He had a long list of orders. "Okay," he sighed. "So, this might've been a bad idea."
"What happened?"
He handed the list to her with a worried but shocked expression.
"Oh... That's um... That's a lot..."
"Yeah... I didn't realize that literally everybody on set would order."
She smiled with determination and put her hands on her hips. "Well, it's too late, now. I've got this!" She immediately went to work, grinding fresh coffee, setting fresh brews, lining up cups, pressing espresso. The Noise watched her. He felt guilty as he watched her slave over the counter.
"Do you want me to help you," he asked.
She looked at him and shook her head. "Mm-mm, I can do this!"
"But I-"
"Shush! I'm trying to focus."
Incredibly, Theodore went quiet. He sat at the counter with his hands clasped. She checked the list every few seconds. It was like watching a factory line but with only one worker. He was amazed at how quickly she worked. She even wrote names on the cups to make it easier to hand them out.
"You wanna help me?"
"Mhm," he nodded.
"Here," he handed him a stack of cardboard drink carriers. "I'll hand you the drinks and you place them in these."
She placed drinks at the counter as he set them in the holders, but he could barely keep up with her. She was going so swiftly. Before they knew it, they had 10 carriers with 4 cups each filled up. She shook her hands as they finished up.
"Alright," she smiled, "all done! Um... Theodore, are you okay?"
Theo was short of breath. "I'm fine, I just uh... I feel like I just ran a marathon."
She chuckled. "Sorry, I can get a little intense sometimes."
"How," he huffed, "how are we going to get all of these to set?"
She put her fingers on her chin. "Hmm... Oh!" She snapped her fingers. She ran to the back and came out with a three tier cart. "We can use this! We'll have to stack them really carefully."
They placed the drinks carefully on the cart, stacking some on top of each other. As they got the last few carriers on, Hazel nodded at him and began to push. "Try to catch any that are going to fall, okay?"
"Okay," Theo responded.
After a good 20 minute walk, they finally arrived at the building with all the drinks in tact. Theodore beckoned her to follow him as he led her to the set. Several people cheered as they saw them coming in. They went over to the mostly empty concessions table and placed the coffees on it. They were immediately swarmed by people scrambling to find their coffees. Everyone was excited to have coffee that didn't taste like pizza. Hazel felt a tiny bit overwhelmed as she was surrounded by strangers, but just as fast as they came, they left, and the crowd cleared out. She took a deep breath, "Phew!" She looked at Theo, and they laughed together.
"That was a lot," he said.
"Yeah, but I think it was worth it." She smiled.
"So what do I owe ya?"
Hazel had a horrified expression on her face. "Oh, my gosh! I forgot to ring up the orders!"
Noise laughed. "Here, come with me." She followed him nervously as he led her to his dressing room. He took his wallet out of one of the drawers from the vanity and pulled out $400 cash.
She gasped. "No, no, I don't think it would've costed that much!"
"Well, this is with tip."
She froze for a minute before she pocketed the money and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you!" She squeezed the air out of him. She let go so he could take a breath.
"Yeah," he had a giant smile on his face. "No problem."
There was a knock at the door that made the two jump. "Mr. Noise," Mary, his makeup artist spoke. "Can I come in?"
"Yeah, you're good!"
Mary walked in slowly. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
"Oh, no no, I was just paying her for the coffees."
Mary smiled. "Well, they want you in costume for rehearsing." She had her makeup supplies with her. "So, if you don't mind..."
He clicked the vanity lights on and sat in the chair. Mary placed the makeup on the dresser. "Excuse me, love," she aired as she walked around Hazel.
"Oh, sorry," Hazel responded. "Well, uh, I should get going..." She started to walk toward the door.
"Wait," Theo blurted, "don't you want to stay?"
"I'd love to, but I have to get back to the cafe. I think I'm going to close it up early and get some rest."
"Alright, then, go get some rest. That order was huge. You remember your way out?"
"Here," he stood up, "I'll walk you out. I'll be back in a sec, Mary." Mary nodded at him with a smile.
He led her out side by side through a short corridor then through the set that was set up like a western saloon. She was amazed at the build of the set. Theo looked at her and grinned as she stared at the set in awe. People waved to her and thanked her as she walked through, and she waved back with a smile. They reached the door of the building and walked out together. Hazel turned around, still smiling. She held her arms up and out. "C'mere," she exclaimed. Theo leaned in and hugged her. She squeezed him and picked him up for a second. "Oooh, thank you so so so much!" She put him down, but before she pulled away, she gave him a kiss on the cheek. He became wide-eyed and flustered. His face was almost pure red.
"Yeah," he muttered. "Uh, no problem."
She had her hands clasped together and had one foot on the toes as she twirled her ankle around. She was blushing lightly. She couldn't believe she just did that. "I'll call you," she spoke softly.
"Yeah. I'll answer." Noise laughed nervously.
Hazel gave him one more hug before she walked off. Theo was as stiff as a board. His legs felt like they could give out at any moment, and his heart was racing. He took a few deep breaths before he walked back in the building and straight to the dressing room where Mary was waiting for him. She had a huge smile on her face. Her eyes followed him as he walked to the chair and sat down.
"That was her, wasn't it," Mary asked.
He wouldn't make eye contact with her. He cleared his throat, "Yeah... How could you tell?"
"Well, for one, you asked her to stay. You never ask anyone to stay. Two, you took her straight to your dressing room. I thought I was going to walk into something I wasn't supposed to see." She chuckled as she saw Theodore get even more flustered.
"No, no, we weren't-"
"And three, you just came back from walking her out, and you are red as a strawberry!"
Noise hid his face in his hands as he brought his left leg up. He couldn't look at her.
"If you don't mind me asking," Mary continued as she organized her makeup set, "what happened out there?"
"Nothing much," he uncovered his face and put his leg down. "She hugged me tightly and thanked me."
Mary raised her brow with a smile. "And that's it? That's what has you beet red?"
He clenched his fists and slid down in his chair. "She... kissed me on the cheek."
"Oooo," she teased.
"Shut up!"
"Okay, okay," Mary laughed. "I'll stop messing with you. Now sit up and close your eyes. I have to make it look like you actually slept last night."
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Overworked (Neymar X Fem!Reader)
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 Summary: (Y/N) is a barista in a local coffee shop that Neymar frequently goes to, often serving him coffee in the morning. One day, after a hard day of practice, a nice Sunday morning where Neymar jogs to see a tired, and dizzy (y/n) who passes out,  helping her out at his mansion, only to receive a kiss from a hazy (Y/N). Reader is around 20-26.
Word Count: 1.2K
“One Americano for Neymar!” The girl screamed out as she put down a cup of steaming hot americano, flat on the mahogany desk of the coffee shop she works at. (Y/N) is a university student, coming from (country name), starving and broke as she got a half scholarship to a local Parisian university. In order to balance her student debt, and overhead expenses, the girl works in the Saint La Maxine coffee shop, located right outside Rue De Rivoli street, in a small alleyway. 
The girl often stumbles into the football player at her morning shift, dashing and surprisingly nicer than she expects, often greeting her and chatting with her regarding his struggles in the club, while waiting for his standard order of an Americano. The Brazilian would always make sure to tip extra, often receiving comments from (y/n) herself for being ‘too generous’, to which the man would often say something like ‘anything for my favorite barista’, leaving the store with a smirk.
Today was one of those days, except it wasn’t so normal. 
The (h/c) girl was cleaning up the shop, arranging tables and chairs, her eyes looking up at the hazel coloured clock on top of the coffee machine, reading out 7AM. She huffed for a bit, tired from the lack of sleep from writing her essay from the night before. 
“He must be here in around 30 minutes from now, unless he’s taking out his morning jog.” The girl thought to herself, moving out to the back to start grinding the coffee beans to start the day.
She averted her gaze towards the grand mahogany door as she hears the jingle made by the bell, Sandy blonde coloured streaks flowed through as Neymar Jr steps inside the coffeeshop, dressed in some sweatpants, and a blue coloured running jersey with some wet jogging shoes.
“Hey! Watch it! Your shoes are gonna get the whole place wet!” (y/n) says jokingly, laughing a bit as the shoes squeaked from the moisture, the wooden floor slowly getting darker from all of the miscellaneous puddle water.
“Sorry, mina! It was raining last night so the streets were typically a bit muddy.” the player said with his signature sterling smile. He walks to the counter, and drops 20 euros in the tip jar before tapping the counter twice, the girl knowing full well what it means.
“Coach wasn’t treating me too well yesterday, so I am a bit tired, mina. The Brazilian said, letting out a soft chuckle. 
Meanwhile, the girl felt her stomach growl a bit. Her eyes were getting sleepy as her vision started to become more hazy, before the girl blinked twice to awaken herself from her mini daydream. It was as if she had a blank stare, tiredness and stress overtaking her body bit by bit.
“Mina, are you okay?”  Neymar asked. The girl blinked once, and twice, before feeling a sense of tiredness taking over her body. Her vision starts to see small sparkles of silver, before encompassing her body to feel heavier, her vision getting darker, as the girl fell with a loud thud.
White light enters the room as the girl wakes up in a comfortable bed. White and gray line surrounding the bed sheets as (y/n) laid on what she swears is the most comfortable bed she has ever laid on.
The girl looked around before hearing a hurdle of footsteps getting louder and louder. Before being able to process anything, she felt a set of arms around her neck and body. The brief smell of sandalwood and cinnamon greeted her nose. Her arms returned the favor and after a while, she let go. 
“Thank god you’re good. I was worried, (Y/N)!” The man gasped, holding her hand tightly in relief.
The girl looked around and saw a beautiful white room, with a nice view of the field as well as the illumination of the city lights. Her eyes blink a couple of times. The girl felt refreshed, entirely refreshed. “Neymar, where am I?” The girl asked. 
“(Y/N), you were making my cup and you…passed out. I brought you here to my place because, well, I don’t know where you lived.” The player replied, looking at the gorgeous eyes of (y/n)’s. Her eyes got bigger.
“Oh my, I don’t know how to say thank you, but thank you. Am I being too inconvenient for you?” The girl asked, her eyes brimmed to the fill of worry. The man’s eyes filled those of happiness as he gave her a warm smile. 
“Look, it’s no problem. It makes me happy to take care of you. What happened? How did you pass out?” The man asked, a look of concern. The girl looked down, a sight of embarrassment and disappointment in herself in failing to take care of herself. She felt embarrassed, having to inconvenience a football player, nay, Neymar out of all people. 
“I had an essay last night and I wanted to take a day off today but Lauren, my boss, told me to come and if not, I will be fired. Well, I guess I’m getting fired anyway since I collapsed at my job anyways.” The girl said. The Brazilian's face was filled with concern. 
“Meu amor, I mean (y/n)-” Neymar said only to be interrupted.
“Stop right there. Did you just call me your love?” The girl asked, her eyebrows raising a bit. She cannot believe it. One of the best football players in the world has a crush on her and she had never realized until now. 
“I mean you’re the only one that treats me like a human being, not Neymar. I feel like I’m able to be normal around you. Why do you think I always come at 7:30?” (y/n)’s eyes widened in surprise, holding a hand on her lips to cover her shocked expression, alongside her pink cheeks. Her mind is swirling, going right and left all over the place. 
“I…….” were the only things that were able to come out of her lips, expression utterly shocked.
Neymar smiled gently, looking into her (e/c) coloured eyes before brushing a hand towards her cheek tenderly, using his other hand to rub circles on her palm before tipping his head a little, kissing her passionately on the lips. The girl sunk into the kiss, ecstasy on her mind. Her lips moved together in rhythm before getting closer to his body.
Breaking out, she takes a deep breath before smiling and fluttering her eyes at him.
“Do you have any practice today?” the barista asked, worried about the star’s busy schedule. 
He squeezed (y/n)’s hand a bit tighter, only to reply. “No, today is my day off. Plus, I would rather be spending it with you.” Neymar replied smiling, before giving a chaste kiss on the girl’s head before bringing her body back to bed, holding it while giving her gentle headpats. 
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locoforshuri · 2 years
You Forgot? Pt 2
shuri x black!fem!reader
heyyy guys here’s the highly anticipated part 2 and hope you enjoy! love you bebs💓 (enjoy the plot twist)
warning: fluff
word count: 1 808!🤍
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translations: sthandwa- love
nkosazana yam- my princess
After what felt like a while, you tears finally decided to stop creating a waterfall. The woman you loved most in the entire world, forgot you existed and the most important day of your relationship. The thought of it slowly brought tears to your hazel eyes. There was a silent knock on the door. You expected it to be Shuri. “Come in, it’s open.” You said while quickly wiping your tears and fixing your hair. The door slowly opened, revealing a worried Riri. “Hey, Y/N. Mind if we talk?”
Before Riri came, Shuri dashed to your room but started to rethink her decision and slowly turned and walked away, thinking you should have some alone time. Which led to this moment.
“Oh hey, Ri. Yeah of course. Make yourself comfortable.” You said trying to make your voice less trembly after crying. But there was no point. You couldn’t hide it from Riri. She always knew when you weren’t okay. She was your childhood best friend after all. “Listen Y/N. I over heard what Shuri and Okoye were taking about. I had no idea that you guys were even dating and I-“ she was cut off by you. “ Ri, relax. Its- Its… not a big deal” you said, trying to smile through what you know is a big deal. “So what are you gonna do? Your not leaving right?” Riri asked standing up with a worried expression on her face. “Well not really leaving. I just need some time to heal so I’m gonna move to the guest bedroom next door to yours.” You said with a thinking face. “But I promised myself, whatever happens I would give this gift to her so I’m gonna leave it on the bed. “ After hearing you say this, Riri sighed with the most guiltiest expression plastered on to her face. “Y/n, I can’t hide this from you forever. Might as well just come clean right?” You looked at her confused with your head tilted to your side. “Talk to me Ri, whats up?” “I like Shuri.” She said quickly, trying to avoid eye contact with you. You froze. Your breaths started to hitch. Your eyes were fixed on the girl you haven’t seen in 3 years. “…What? Your joking… right?” You said as tears started to blur your vision. “I know we just met but I felt we had this… this connection Y/n.” She said slight hesitation in her voice.
“What. The. Actual.” You said looking at Riri ragefully and only pure anger towards her. “Look, I’m so sorry- I never knew you guys were-“ You cut her off. “Where is she?” You said, staring at the door with angry tears in your eyes. “Uh, she’s in the lab, but look Y/n I’m sorry, I didn’t-“ You didn’t let her finish. You stormed out of your room, leaving her sitting on the bed.
You made your way to the lab, only to find your girlfriend sitting on her chair, with her hands over her forehead. You heard sobs that broke your heart into a million and one pieces. You made your way into the lab, Griot announcing your prescence. “Princess, Miss Y/N has arrived.” Shuri quickly turned her head towards you. You could see her beautiful eyes were bloodshot red. It hurt you too see her in this state. But, y/n always stands her ground. Shuri wouldn’t be an excuse. Or was she? You walked over to Shuri and sat next to her in the chair Riri previously sat in. “Shuri, all I have to ask you is why?” You asked her, looking deep into her irises. She knew what you meant by this and took a deep breath before explaining. “Sthandwa, I know nothing can clearly explain my actions and that doesn’t mean you should forgive me immediately. What I did was wrong. I broke your promise, I ruined our day and I brought a girl over on our anniversary which makes it way worse. My love, I am sorry. Deeply. I will find a way to make it up to you. Today. On our Special day. I-“ you cut her off with a curious smile etched on your face. “You knew she had feelings for you, didnt you?” She looked at you. With only pure shock on your face. “Yes, but obviously I just wanted to be friends with her. I knew but I have you. I just wish I could reverse time and make it up to you.” She looked at you with pain in her eyes. She hurt you. And she knew it. And you knew it. You found yourself melting at her. “I’ll give you one chance, Shuri. One. I will not entirely forgive you but everyone deserves a second chance.” You said with a more stern look in your voice but softly trying not come of as mean. Thats what Shuri admired about you. You always knew how to get the word across but in the right way. And that’s why the people of wakanda respected you. “Okay, sthandwa, thank you.” She said smiling with her eyes which she knew you loved.
12:03 PM
Shuri knew she wronged you. If she blows this, she knows it will never be the same between the two you. 3 years thrown down the drain. Just the the thought it broke her.
She needed the help of people who knew you best. Herself, Okoye and Riri. Riri offered to help in anyway she can. Shuri herself was shocked to learn that you guys used to be the bestest of friends. Riri needed to make it up to Y/N. Especially after everything Y/N has done for her. It feels right.
After brainstorming of what felt like forever, they made a list of everything you liked.
- picnics
- the color pink
- anything floral
- minimalistic stuff
- deep chats with eachother
- sunsets
Then finally, it hit her. The perfect anniversary date. Queen mother. Shuri remembered that her mother always used to talk about their shuri’s relationship with y/n. And she always helped her plan stuff such like this for her.
18:54 PM
Shuri had told y/n to get dressed in something on the more cute side. In something shes more comfortable in. She wore her kimoyo beads on her wrist and headed out.
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(Try to imagine this)
Everything was set up. She really hoped that you would like it. Maybe even more than hoped. She prayed to Bast this would be the bandage of the neglect you had towards her. You were being taken to your date in one of the aircrafts accompanied by two Dora’s.
Your eyes were covered by one of the Dora’s, Aneka. You too were pretty close too. She slowly led to you to where Shuri had planned your date. As you were walking you could feel the fresh breeze of Wakanda hit you and smiled. The Dora removed her eyes but still told you not to open them. You could hear her walking away leaving you alone. Or so you thought. “Hello? Is anyone here? Shuri?” You said hoping someone could here you. “Evening my love, are you ready?” Shuri said out of nowhere which got you a little frightened as you gasped. “Ready for what?” You said with clear confusion. Before Shuri spoke again, she went to stand behind you and put her hands on your waist in a very gentle manner.
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(Imagine this setting)
“3…2…1… You can open your eyes now Nkosazana yam” Shuri said with tenderness and softness in her voice. You were hesitant but slowly opened them. Only to be greeted with the most beautiful thing your eyes have ever laid on. There was a beautiful mountain your feet were placed on with a pink checkered blanket laid out on the ground with a basket filled with grapes, strawberries, melted chocolate and a glass of champagne. The blanket was surrounded by rose petals and as one rose laid in the middle. There was a purple, gold miniature box that laid in the middle with the rose accompanying it.
For a while there was silence. Even though this was everything you could have ever wished for, both of you knew you needed to talk at some point.
“Listen sthandwa, nothing can ever change what I did. After reflecting on myself, I realised I have not been the best girlfriend. Heck, I haven’t even been a girlfriend. Deep down from the bottom of my heart, I really am sorry. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and no girl will ever replace you or even be in competition with you. My actions were wrong and I truly hope you forgive me. I love you y/n. I really do. I hope you know that.” Shuri stated softly with tears in her eyes looking at you and then shifted her vision towards the sunset in front of them” You looked at her with happiness and peace. “Beautiful isn’t it?” She nods. “Not as beautiful as you.” You blushed and Shuri smiled at your reaction. “Shuri, I love you and even though what you did was wrong, you remembering these little things about me and doing the right thing, thats more than enough. I forgive you.” You leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek. She blushed but tried to hide it. “What’s in the box?” “Open it and read the note”
As you held the box you opened it and saw the most beautiful silver and purple ring encarved with your initials on it. On the top inside of the box, the note read in Shuri’s handwriting
“You are the one for me. You are the only one for me. Will you accept this promise ring as a token of my love?” You teared up as you nodded smiling and hugged Shuri like there was no tomorrow. She embraced your hug and pulled away wiping you tears and kissed your forehead.
“Well done Shuri, you did it.”
Hey guys so im gonna finish the story here since I feel writing a part 3 would have been a bit unnecessary.
lmk what you guys think🫶🏽
taglist: @dejaonline @yvxmpire @inmyheadimobsessed @stevengrant-enthusiast @queenofsimpsblog (some usernames were not found)
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ritualcaster · 7 months
If i was a lawyer i say noting but bullshit the whole time then plead insanity:
"Your honor my client is chill like that"
"Your honor... can i call you Hazel? *biting back tears* (The judge is not named hazel.)"
"Eenie meenie minny moe"
"Your honor literally wadr-r-r-r-r i do"
"Your honor you aren't acting in the christmas spirit right now."
"Your honor can i borrow the hammer? What? Nothing nvm im sorry"
"Your honor can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- a reduced sentence.... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my merianda rights.... uhhhhhhhhh and 12 years community service for every member in the jury tonight?"
"Your honor shut the front door"
"Your honor i think my client just needs a nap"
"Sorry, your honor, i was a little hungy at the time. Needed a snickers perchance"
"Your honor nobody out-pizzas the hut."
"Your honor i think electro-shock therapy would be effective here."
"Your honor, could you repeat that? Huh? Sorry, your honor..... come again? What? Huh??"
"Your honor, are you free friday night?"
"Your honor, i think you need some time in your room."
"Your honor i want a divorce"
"*pulls home depot rubber mallet out of my pocket* *hits it against my coaster, which promptly shatters* COURT ADJOURNED!"
"Your honor, doctor who?"
"Your hon- *makes a mad dash for the doors and runs out of the building*"
"My honor, *holds my left eye* i must restore, my honor...."
"Your honor my client was possesed by spirits at the time and place of the crime"
"Your honor,it wasn't me, it was HIM!! *points at my client*"
"Your honor, are you on your period right now?
"OBJECTION!! nuh nuh!!"
"Your honor if my client is guilty, why aren't his pants on fire?"
"Your honor surely you won't see this man hanged."
"Your honor, i believe the 8 car pile-up was a divine act of god."
"Your honor i bring the last oracle of delphi to the stand."
"Your honor, you werent even there."
"CUTT!! your honor your doing this all wrong, your line was "I sentence the defendant to life in prison"."
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𝗟𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗜𝗻 𝗦𝗲𝗮𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗸
⇛𝗪𝗲 𝗚𝗼𝘁 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀!⇚
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𝟯𝗿𝗱 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗢𝗩 ‧˚₊꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒦꒷‧₊˚⊹‧˚₊꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒦꒷‧₊˚⊹
Welcome back to Seabrook, where belonging is everything.
We're a strong, united and tight-knit community. And that's a good thing 'cause it wasn't always this way. There was a time when we had to protect ourselves. Legend has it that when the first settlers came to Seabrook, they found wild beasts with sharp claws lurking in the forest.
Which sparked an epic battle. Seabrook settlers bravely fought off the monstrous attack. And discovered a powerful energy source. Realizing they discovered a precious resource, they safeguarded it from the beasts.
They weren't going to let anyone steal their treasure. So they hid it. And the town prospered and grew rich by harnessing the precious energy source. Seabrook benefited greatly as it grew strong, happy, and unified.
The beasts were a distant memory.
Seabrook forgot monsters could be real.
Until clearly, they were. A little lime soda mixed with a dash of industrial strength Seabrook energy... And boom! Zombies were created. In a lot of ways, Seabrook's moved on since then. But it's hard to bury your past...
"Moon! Moon! Are you ready for school?!" I heard my dad ask from downstairs. My hazel eyes shot open, and I quickly jumped from the bed.
"Uhhh, yeah, I'm coming!" I yelled back.
"Shit, shit, shit," I muttered, looking around the room, and quickly settled for a black tank top and some light blue jeans. I ran into my bathroom and quickly put my white hair into a man bun before grabbing my bag.
I turned to walk out of my room, but I felt myself weaken, and I started coughing profusely. I managed to contain myself after a little bit and looked down at my moonstone necklace.
It's losing its charge.
"I gotta find them," I mumbled sadly, thinking about my pack and if they were okay.
"And mostly, I need to find her." I continued looking down at my friend's bracelet, which was gray. Over the years, I desperately tried to find my pack as well as my mate.
I howl on a full moon every night, just praying that they can hear me, but to no avail. Luckily, Zed and Zoey were there to comfort me during the hard times, and I feel so lucky to have them, even if they aren't my real family.
I've been thinking about Willa every day, wondering what she looked like when she was all grown up and if she was even more beautiful than before.
"Moon! Let's go!" Zed yelled, and I quickly snapped out of my trance and went down the stairs.
"Sorry, I took so long. Hey there, little rascal," I said, giving Zoey a big kiss on her forehead and making her giggle.
"Hey dad," I said, giving him a hug before taking some toast and going out the door with Zed.
"Have a good day at school, kids!" He called out as we left the front door, just in time to see Eliza.
"Hey Liz!" I said, giving her a hug, which she returned with a smile.
"Hey, hey! Ho, ho! This demolition has got to go!" Eliza chanted out loud.
"They can't tear it down, Zed. Seabrook Power hasn't worked for years. It's an important part of zombie heritage," Eliza protested, and I nodded.
"Yeah, I agree, and I also feel a strange connection to it; I just can't pinpoint what." I said.
"This is progress, Eliza. And now we can even go to Prawn." Zed has been boasting about Prawn for weeks since monsters were never allowed to go, and he's been obsessed with taking Addison with him.
"I'm loud and proud to be a zombie!" Zed yelled, and I clenched my ears, shooting him a glare.
"Sometimes too loud," I growled, elbowing him in the ribs, making him groan with a pout.
"Soon, Z-band tech will get so good that zombies will blend right in. I dream of the day we ditch our Z-bands and let our inner monsters roar," he said after he recovered.
We're back here on the scene And everyone's together With zombies on the team It's better than ever, better than ever
Those moves won't get the gold Green hair is so whatever Well, you'll never break the mould 'Cause we're better than ever, better than ever
Tearing down the power plant You're welcome Seabrook, I'm your man To build a place where everyone can cheer I'm making zombiekind cool, not feared
Making progress, that sounds great
But what's the price we have to pay?
(Zed, Moon, Eliza)
Ready for a new day, ready for a change People, zombies, everybody say
Hey! We got this! Teaming up to make progress Change the rules, you can't stop this Together we rise, you know we got this Hey! We got this! Teaming up to make progress Change the rules, you can't stop this Together we rise, you know we got this
I wish that I could call I hope you get my letters Hope I get asked to Prawn It'd be better than ever, better than ever
Oh, Addison my love Gargargaza are forever
We pull the strings We run the show 'Cause we're better than ever, better than ever
We're finally allowed to go to Prawn Gonna get our ziga ziga zombie on Counting down the days, I've been keeping track Kinda wishing Addison would write me back Imagine me taking her to the dance
A human and a zombie hand in hand
Ready for a new day, ready for a change People, zombies, everybody say
Hey! We got this! Teaming up to make progress Change the rules, you can't stop this Together we rise, you know we got this Hey! We got this! Teaming up to make progress Change the rules, you can't stop this Together we rise, you know we got this
Here in this hall Up on these walls Picturing Addison beside me Then they will say We're all the same And they can see the life inside me Oh, what's it gonna take? What's it gonna take? What's it gonna take? What's it gonna take? What's it gonna take?
We got this! We got this! Ready for a new day Ready for a change People, zombies, everybody say
Hey! We got this Teaming up to make progress Change the rules, you can't stop this Together we rise, you know we got this Hey! We got this (come on!) Teaming up to make progress (picturing Addison beside me) Change the rules, you can't stop this Together we rise, you know we got this
Hey! We got this Teaming up to make progress (picturing Addison beside me) Change the rules, you can't stop this Together we rise, you know we got this
Hey! We got this Teaming up to make progress (picturing Addison) Change the rules, you can't stop this Together we rise, you know we got this
"Bye, Zed," we waved to him as he waved back and disappeared from our sight.
"So how's the search been going?" Eliza asked me.
"Not good God, I miss them so much, Liz," I sighed, and she gave me a side hug.
"Don't worry, Mo, you'll find them soon. I can feel it in my undead heart," she said, and I chuckled as we walked off.
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zutraeumen · 1 year
The Assassin and the Chef
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There was a radio on the shelf.  A VHF radio in fact.
Hah, jackpot! 
Pulling herself together, the tall woman dashed towards it, it looked legit as far as radio went. Turning it on with a push of the button, she quickly checked if she was on the right channel, before pushing and holding the red distress call button.
After a moment of waiting, she pushed the push-to-talk button and began speaking into the microphone, "Hello? Is anybody there?"
"Come in?" Came in crackly.
"Mayday, mayday, mayday, this is Hawthorne Island! I require immediate medical AND military assistance. We are thirteen people on this island, and most need immediate medical care OVER!"
"This is the Coast Guard, who am I talking to?"
Adele's brows scrunched together, why would he need to know that?
"This is Hawthorne Island, Hawthorne Island!"
Crack and static, "What did you say?"
She was getting frustrated with this guy, "This is Hotel-Alpha-Whiskey-Tango-Hotel-Oscar-Romeo-November-Echo! Hawthorne Island! People are dying. It's an emergency! OVER!"
"Okay, just, uh -- don't move!"
The channel went cold making Adele scoff disapprovingly. Well, at least help was on the way.
And most of her time was up. They surely were already suspicious of the Sommelier's absence and sent someone to look for him.
Her sensitive ears picked up footsteps. Only one pair.
Walking back outside, the last person she expected to run into was Margot. Stepping into the light slowly, she abandoned her cover to intercept the redhead, "Hey, Marg-"
The redhead whipped around with such speed that it took even Adele by surprise, slapping her across the face. The petite woman packed quite the punch, her left cheek stung.
"Oh my God, I am so sorry! I've never- I didn't know..."
Adele held one of her hands up to silence her, the other massaging the reddening side of her face. In hindsight, served her right! What was she thinking, approaching the poor woman from behind, knowing how silently she moved?
"It's okay, Margot. No harm done."
The girl stopped her fussing and looked as if a heavy weight had fallen off her shoulders. Margot was glad that Adele was safe.
"What are you doing here, outside?"
Margot took a second, arms hugging her shivering form, "The chef sent me to fetch a barrel from the smokehouse, Elsa gave me this key."
"So you are one of his then?"
The towering assassin meant nothing by the question other than acknowledging the fact that the escort was put to a test of loyalty, but to the redhead, it sounded accusing all the same, "Absolutely fucking not. I just did what I had to do to get away."
"And you did right." 
Margot visibly deflated, "How did you get away? I thought I'd never see you again."
"I've fought for it."  
Right because you totally looked like it.
"We have no way to get off this island. The ship and boats are gone, but I've managed to call the Coast Guard for backup."
There was a spark of hope in the girl's eyes and she managed to calm herself down. Adele wasn't good at comforting people, but she hoped a friendly pat would convey reassurance to the distressed escort.
She didn't deserve this.
Somewhere a twig snapped, they were being watched.
"Listen Margot," dark brown met hazel, "go back to the docks and wait for help. I will get the barrel and go back to the restaurant."
"Are you out of your fucking mind? You want to go back?!"
Adele gripped her shoulders firmly, "We don't have time. Listen to this old woman and get to safety. I will buy you time to escape. Don't worry I have a plan."
The redhead seemed unconvinced, but knew better than to argue with a stout woman like Adele. The assassin wouldn't budge on this. 
"Okay," Margot breathed out, handing her the key to the smokehouse, "Okay, I will go but be careful. That man is fucking insane."
Adele appeased her with a comforting smile, and shoved the corkscrew discreetly inside her palm "Don't worry about me. I can handle myself just fine."
Famous last words?
Without looking back, the redhead trotted along the white gravel in her high heels and Adele watched her until her form vanished.
"You can come out now," Adele called loudly, turning towards the direction of their stalker.
At first, there was nought a sound, as if the person couldn't believe they were discovered. They were stalling.
"No need to play coy, I know you're out there."
Out of the shadows of the forest stepped Madam Elsa, the maître 'd herself. 
Of course the Right hand would look for the Left.
Elsa had her sharp eyes accompanying them since welcoming them to the island. 
"I take care of the customers so Chef can worry about the menu. And you have made my job very difficult." 
She made her displeasure known, fumbling with her modernistic Victorian uniform until it procured a cleaver from its deep pockets. It looked as if she was here for more than making sure that Margot got that barrel to the chef.
The raven-haired assassin squared up as the shorter woman approached, ready for confrontation. There was no telling what Adele was up to, even when Elsa was at arm's length.
"How did you survive?" 
Adele grinned cockily, "Why don't you find out yourself?"
Provoked, the Asian woman slashed at her face in time for the assassin to duck and drop the hidden scathing knife from up her sleeve right into her hand. With the precision of a black mamba, she wedged the long knife right between the gaps in her ribcage.
Elsa grunted, the cleaver falling from her arm while her body tipped backwards. The injured woman wheezed, the air escaping right through the slit in her chest. It wouldn't take long for the cavity to fill with blood. Adele gave her a few minutes at best.
"I- gurgle -didn't know about the barrel."
"What was that?" Adele eyed the dying woman, coming closer.
"He forgot about it. N-not me."
The assassin paid her no further mind once she breathed her last. Taking back her knife, she took care to rub some of the blood on the dead woman's apron before sheathing it back in her sleeve. Hiding it for future confrontations which will no doubt await her.
At least help was on the way.
The assassin would come to realize that that wasn't very much the case, but in the meantime, there was a barrel she needed to retrieve and a Chef to surprise. 
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"Happy birthday dear Bryce! Happy birthday to you!"
The singing stopped as all pairs of eyes narrowed on the encroaching woman in the black suit.
Damn, she loved feeling like a badass bitch from time to time.
The barrel accelerated as it rolled off the stairs and almost caught Richard's chair. It would have made it all the better if it had. But her client wouldn't have appreciated having to pick up her husband from the ground a second time. Imagine the strain on her back!
Various expressions of hope and fright passed over the tired faces of the guests. But Adele had eyes only for Chef Slowik. Nobody knew but, she took immense satisfaction in his potent frown. Furrowed eyebrows. Tense lips... 
It was simply marvellous how many emotions passed over his wide eyes. It was solid proof that she was pushing the right buttons.
Feeling like the cat that got the cream, she sauntered over to Margot's seat, not even lamenting Tyler's absence. She leisurely receded against the backrest, crossing one leg over the other, openly establishing her presence in the quiet dining room. 
After reigning himself in, the Chef fixed her with a blank stare, "Miss Cole, we've been awaiting you."
The assassin smirked, "I don't think you have."
His jaw clenched subtly, "Where is Margot?"
The assassin gave a nonchalant shrug, "Wouldn't you like to know?"
A vein popped into his neck, but there was no redness on his face yet. Nothing was going according to his plan and it was beginning to get to him. After a deep breath, he relaxed once again and took up his professional persona. 
"What have you done to her?"
"I went for a stroll."
Chef's eyes darted to Anne Liebrandt, who in her dishevelled state, clutched a hand to her chest. 
Jesus woman, how obvious can you be?!
"Miss Liebrandt," Slowik began candidly, "why did you invite Miss Cole to dine with us tonight?"
Her husband shot her a confused glance as the woman looked down at her hands and then at Adele, "I owed a favour to an associate of mine."
"And just who is this associate?"
"Winston Scott."
"Hmmm..." The chef seemed to be contemplating something, Adele was unsure if he recognized the name or not, but she wouldn't put it past him. He stared directly into her soul and Adele met his gaze calmly.
He knew he would gain no ground by confronting the assassin, so he sought to turn the unexpected situation in his favour by attacking her weak link. Clever man.
"I want you all to understand something," he began as he slowly approached Adele's table, slowly taking a seat in Tyler's chair. He brought himself to her level, "I am a monster. No, was a monster. And a whore. But tonight everything I'm doing is pure. Egoless. And at last, the pain is almost gone."
Adele sat there, keeping herself relaxed and movements slow.
There was a candle on the table. Chef Slowik extended his hand directly over it. The flame burnt his flesh, but he didn't so much as flinch, "Chef's Hands. Asbestos hands. I can carry a cast iron from a hot oven to your table with no protection." 
He snuffed the candle with his thumb and forefinger. 
"I can no longer be hurt, Adele. As Dr King said: We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor. It must be demanded by the oppressed."
"Did he just quote Martin Luther King?"
Neither of them budged as they continued to tear the other down with their eyes-
Outside the windows, a light appeared on the water. A small boat. Adele saw it out of the corner of her eye. Chef Slowik spotted it, too, for a moment frozen with indecision, perhaps even fear.
The Coast Guard has arrived. 
"So you found our radio." 
He stood up from his seat and shouted to his hardworking colleagues, "Clear the dining room. Immediately!" 
Servers appeared from everywhere to get people presentable again, wipe down the floor, their work hyper-fast. One server applied a white bandage to Chef's hand and tied a new apron around his waist to mask his blood-soaked pants. 
Adele looked out the window to see a lone coast guard officer stepping onto the dock, and her glee fell.
Chef Slowik saw the same. He smiled just a little, "You will be tempted to ask him for help. To plead, even. This would be unwise. He cannot help you."
The guests look unconvinced and exchange conspiratorial glances. How could they let this opportunity pass?
"Ask yourselves two things: One, if you really want to be responsible for the death of an innocent man. And two, ask yourselves -- this entire evening, why didn't you all try harder to fight back? To get out of here? Honestly, you probably could have. Something to think about."
The patrons look around. He made a valid point. Why didn't they?
A knock. Chef Slowik nodded at a server to unlock the door. Two figures slowly strolled into the restaurant, and one of them was Margot. You've got to be kidding...
"Good evening officer, how can we help you?" Slowik offered warmly.
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The man, a familiar face, looked around, hands on his belt, "I got a report of a disturbance."
"Here? What kind of disturbance?"
"A violent one. Are you the owner?"
"I am the executive chef. Ownership changed hands recently, but that's another story. I don't wish to be rude, but, as you can see, we are right in the middle of service."
Not quite understanding what that means, the officer looked around at the diners. They seemed composed enough. But anybody ELSE other than one of Slowik's cooks would have noticed that something was wrong right away.
It took her one glance to realize that this man was a mere parrot, if memory served her well, then she remembered seeing him rummaging in the kitchen earlier into the evening. Besides, no real U.S. Coast Guard (much less an Officer) would turn up to a perilous distress call without BACK UP!
"Did anybody here call in a distress on the short-wave tonight?"
All shook their heads, except for Adele.
"We are not in the habit of serving our guests short-wave radios with their meals," Slowik joked with forced cheer. His cooks laughed with him, maybe a little too loud. 
The Coast Guard Officer noticed the movie star, who looked a little worse for wear, but better than before. A glimmer of recognition passed across his face.
"Hey, are you --?"
"Yes, yes, y-es, yes, I am..." George stuttered as he stood up from his seat, shaking. 
"Oh, wow. I'm a big fan."
"Thank you."
"Would you like his autograph?"  Chef Slowik asked the suddenly very shy officer.
"Well, uh, I don't want to bother you."
The movie star was quick to acquiesce him, "No bother at all, but I don't- I don't have a-"
A server arrived with a pen and paper on a tray.
"What's your name?"
With a scribble of the pen, George engaged the guard, "What's up, Dale?
"You're great. My wife and I loved that, uh... what's it called? The one where you're the surgeon?"
"Calling Dr. Sunshine." George looked at the chef spitefully. 
"Yeah. Great stuff." 
The movie star smiled sadly and handed over the autograph.
"Thank you. You're very kind." George sat back down.
"Okay. Well, sorry again to bother you folks. I'll be going now."
"Thank you for your service," Slowik told the smiling officer who turned and walked back toward the door. As he did, he looked down at the note.
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The officer turned suddenly, whipping out his gun, and pointed it at Chef. 
"Hands above your head! Now!"
"Are you joking?" Slowik asked in shock.
"I am not joking, sir!" The officer moved to the    
A guard of Chef Slowik stepped forward to protect hismaster, but Chef held up a hand. 
"Clearly there's a misunderstanding."
The patrons went into an uproar, springing from their seats with renewed hope that somebody would save them from this nightmarish dinner. The officer looked overwhelmed as he tried to get his voice heard over the commotion. Margot and Adele watched in baleful silence. 
What a spectacle!
"Help us! He wants to kill us all!" Anne cried out. Other diners chimed in as well.
"You," he pointed the end of the gun at the chef, who stood calmly, "on your knees with yourhands over your head. Now!" 
Chef Slowik drew a long breath, dismissed his guard and complied. The patrons cried with impeccable relief. Thanking God and whatnot. 
"Nobody moves till I say so!The officer inched forward. When he had almost reached Chef,he pivoted toward Margot's table, gun still pointed, and pulled the trigger. A small flame emitted from the barrel that lighted the extinguished candle. 
And as quick as hope arose, it was violently crushed.
A brilliant play by Chef Julian Slowik. 
The officer holstered the gun, put on an apron, and joined his comrades in the kitchen. Getting a pat on the shoulder from Slowik for his believable performance. George should take notes. 
"In a kitchen, we all work together or nothing works at all. And you, Margot from Nebraska, you have betrayed our sacred bond of trust. And you've shown your craft to be careless. I was wrong. You're an eater. A taker. Like all the rest."
Somebody clapped. Once. Loud. 
Time seemed to stop entirely, but the claps echoed still until they evolved into applause.
The one making that much noise was none other than Adele Cole, casually sitting in Margot's seat. After the initial shock wore off, everybody expected her to speak but she held quiet as she fetched a pack of cigarettes USA Gold, the cheapest on the market.
Taking one out, she suddenly realized she had forgotten her lighter at home, "Margot."
The poor thing sprung with a gasp of surprise at the mention of her name, "Huh?"
"Can you please give me your lighter dearie?"
The startled woman took a second too long for such a menial request but nobody stopped her from fiddling with her purse.
"Thank you, Margot."
Taking a deep drag, she enjoyed the smooth, mild flavour before her stomach rumbled loudly and the pleasant feeling was replaced by a rush of nausea.
Swallowing the bile, Adele scrunched her face, "Fucking disgusting on an empty stomach."
The kitchen staff stood still like deers facing the headlights, the tension was still high as the assassin squarely faced Julian Slowik, "You know, I came here for a nice, little evening. Of promising food and relaxation. And what have I gotten instead?"
Julian swallowed - touched a nerve, didn't I? - whether to hear her out or out of frustration she could only guess. His mother seemed to be happily passed out. 
"Every dish we've had tonight was some intellectual exercise, there were at least three direct attempts at my life over the course of a few hours and I am, honest to God, tired."
"So I am calling it quits. And I will take Margot and Ms Liebrandt with me, with or without your permission."
Rising to her feet, she felt the first guard approach and before he could grab her she clawed at his arm and slit his throat with practised precision. The man fell unto their table, gurgling and clutching desperately at his throat. The cooks stopped working.
People screamed and Adele's wild eyes searched for the chef's, her old self peeking through the cracks of her murderous persona. A beast cornered. Before he knew it, another guard hit the ground, painting the floor dark red. Nothing stood between her and the exit now.
The other guards didn't stand idly by and abandoned their posts to intercept her, "If you seek an early grave then I suggest you stay away," she said darkly. Her tangible bloodlust kept them at bay. 
Lifting the scathing knife between her and the room, she beckoned Margot to come to her side promptly. The redhead hesitated momentarily before snatching her purse and stumbling behind the towering woman. Adele did the same to Anne, but after one look at Richard, she waved them off.
Hmpf, suit yourself.
Looking around one last time, she noted the petrified look the other patrons send her way. Seeing a volatile beast instead of a white knight was fine by Adele. Backing up towards the exit, she sent one last harsh glance towards Julian Slowik, "I pity you, chef. I pity you all. Giving your life and all of your talents to a man whose talents have slipped."
Without turning back, they escaped the lion's den as victoriously as the day Herakles killed the Nemean lion. 
But did it feel like it? 
No. Absolutely not.
They narrowly escaped certain death, and Adele Cole had utterly failed to fulfil her last mission. Winston wouldn't let her retire after this, or would he? What would she do if he did regardless? She was so lost in the soft crunch of their agitated footsteps that she almost knocked the shivering redhead clutching at the sides of her naked arms.
Without thinking, Adele took her jacket and threw it over Margot's petite shoulders, earning a small thank you. At least she managed to keep her from harm's way, if no one at all. Still, she couldn't help but feel as if something was keeping her from leaving this accursed island.
Even as they began to rev up the engines of the Coast Guard's boat, the thought of leaving felt so wrong. Her stomach rumbled. Nothing seemed to set her mind straight, and when she caught the first whiff of smoke, her eyes looked far away into the trees in sudden realization. 
So this was to be the final course.
"Go get help, I will try to look for survivors!" The engine roared to life and the boat began to move when Adele jumped over the ship's railing in one swift move.  
Margot looked at the control to stop the boat from moving away from solid ground, "But-!"
And without looking back, the assassin was right where it all began, with no other means to escape, running towards the now blazing restaurant. 
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10 notes · View notes
k-montes-26 · 5 months
Breath in. Breath out.
Breath in. Breath out.
Kaya lay on her bed, her eyes closed, and whispered to herself in a gentle, soothing voice. She urged her racing heart to slow down and her breathing to deepen as she fought against the fiery sensation that surged from within her. It was a familiar feeling, one she experienced every full moon. Yet, despite her attempts to remain calm, her muscles tightened in response to the tempting heat that emanated from the depths of her being.
As she lay there, drenched in sweat, Kaya scolded herself for her irrational fear. She knew that there was nothing to be afraid of, that this was a natural occurrence. But still, her heart raced, and she struggled to relax. With a determined focus, she tried to distract her mind by focusing on the details of her surroundings - the softness of the sheets beneath her, the sound of the wind outside, and the faint glow of the moon through her window. But even the constant whispered prayers in her head, coming from her folks, couldn't distract the pain.
She struggled to draw in air, her chest heaving with each labored breath. The heat emanating from her body was intense, causing beads of sweat to break out across her forehead and trickle down her face. Even the thin blanket covering her felt suffocating, and she kicked it away, desperate for relief. Her hair, once a shining, snowy white, now lay plastered to her skin, the strands sticky and tangled with sweat.
"This is getting worse, " she mumbled through gritted teeth. The young woman felt a rising frustration as a sharp pain crawled up her back. She attempted to rub the affected area, but her arms were too short to reach her shoulder blades where the pain was most intense. Kaya lowered herself onto the ground, her knees and hands pressing into the hard surface as the whispering in her head got louder and louder and the sharp pain erupted. She winced as her back protested the awkward position, feeling an ache that was almost unusual in its intensity. Determinedly, she extended her fingers and dug her nails into the dark wooden floor, carving scratches.
"Young lady…? " With a creak, the heavy wooden door swung open, revealing Liana, the housemaid, standing in the doorway. As soon as her eyes fell upon her young lady, who was lying on the floor, writhing in pain, a look of shock and concern quickly spread across the older woman’s face. Liana kneeled next to Kaya, combing her sticky hair aside to get a better view, but the old maid was horrified at the sight of her young lady's glowing eyes.
"It hurts so much," Kaya let out a scream of agony. "Please ease the pain, " Kaya Aurora, the elegant, always strong young lady, had a voice that was typically soothing and calm. However, now it was low and almost demonic, filled with an urgency that was quite unusual. Her words were repeated in an almost trance-like state, as if she couldn't control herself any longer. "I can't take it anymore, please!" she begged, her voice filled with anguish.
Liana's heart pounded as she dashed out of the room, her feet slapping against the cold, stone floor. She navigated the dimly lit hallways with practiced ease, her breath coming in short gasps as she finally burst into the main hall. Without slowing down, she passed the castle's west wing and continued to the chamber of the high lady.
The massive wooden door loomed before her, and she pounded on it with an urgency born of worry. "High lady... Your daughter," she called out desperately, her voice echoing through the silent hall. "The young lady isn't feeling well!"
As the door creaked open, it revealed the presence of a tall and elegant woman - the High Lady Esira Aurora. Her long, jet-black hair was intricately braided to one side and glistened with a blueish sheen under the moonlight. Her hazel eyes furrowed in worry as she exhaled a soft breath, muttering to herself, "Not again."
The maiden spoke in a hushed tone, her voice quivering with fear. "I'm sorry to trouble you, high lady, but I must confess that I was quite scared," she said cautiously.
Esira strode purposefully alongside her maiden. The maiden she had known since she was a teen. Liana was always a part of the castle and one of the most trusted persons of the family, Aurora—quick steps echoing on the cold stone floor. "Proceed!" she demanded, her voice ringing out with determination.
The older woman's voice trembled with fear as she recounted what she had witnessed. "I saw the young lady's eyes," she said, "and they were not just red, but blood red. It was as if the very essence of terror had taken hold of her soul."
Esira remained utterly still, not even a twitch in her expression as she spoke with a firm tone, "I must insist that you do not utter a single word of this to anyone." "Not even to my husband, the high lord!"
Liana expressed her assent by gently nodding her head and bowing it slightly downward in agreement. The moment they entered the main hall, Kaya's piercing screams echoed through the entire room, making it impossible to miss.
The imposing figure of the High Lady stepped inside the room, her gaze commanding authority. With a subtle gesture, she closed the door, leaving her maiden Liana waiting outside the chambers of Kaya. Liana could sense the weight of the moment as she stood there, her head bowed in deference to the High Lady's wishes. The silence was almost palpable, broken only by the muffled sounds of voices and groans from inside.
Esira rushed to her daughter's side, her heart pounding with worry. Kneeling, she gently wrapped her long, silky navy blue nightgown around Kaya's tiny body, holding her close. "It's alright, my Angel," she whispered, her voice soft and soothing. "Mommy is here for you." As she spoke, Esira hummed a familiar melody, one that had comforted Kaya since she was a baby. The High Lady had sung this lullaby to both of her children, a sweet, lilting tune that now filled the room with a sense of calm.
The young lady was shaking, but she stopped screaming in pain. The sound of her mother's lullaby almost magically affected Kaya. As the gentle melody enveloped her, all the weariness and pain from the long night slowly dissipated. Kaya lay cradled in the arms of her beloved mother, the High Lady of Anthropos, the city that was once a mighty kingdom in the human world. The steady rhythm of her mother's voice and the warmth of her embrace brought a deep sense of peace, and Kaya drifted into a peaceful slumber.
The room was utterly silent except for the faint sound of breathing. The moonlight illuminated the young lady's chamber in a blue-whitish hue, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere. One could almost hear a pin drop as the stillness and calmness of the night enveloped the room.
Liana approached the door with a sense of trepidation, her heart pounding in her chest. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should knock or wait for her High Lady to call out to her. After a brief moment of indecision, she knocked, hoping she wouldn't disturb the room's occupants.
When there was no response, she took a deep breath and pushed the door open, peeking her head inside cautiously. Her High Lady was lying on the bed, her eyes closed, and her breathing slow and even. Beside her, her daughter was nestled against her, her face relaxed and peaceful.
Liana felt a wave of relief wash over her as she stepped inside, taking care not to make any noise. The room was bathed in a soft, warm light that made her feel instantly at ease. The bed was covered in a fluffy white duvet, and several pillows were scattered around, each in a different shade of blue.
As she approached the bed, Liana noticed the vase of dried flowers on the nightstand; Kaya got them from someone she cherished and couldn't throw them away, and since then, they remained. She couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sight of the two women lying together, so peaceful and serene.
After a moment, Liana realized that her High Lady was awake and looked at her with a small smile. She motioned for Liana to come closer, and as she did, she felt gratitude and contentment wash over her.
"I am sorry for disturbing your sleep, my Lady."
Esira's lips curled into a serene smile as she turned towards her maiden, who seemed worried about something. "Don't worry about that," she said reassuringly. "I wasn't fully asleep." The High Lady gracefully rose from the bed and approached Kaya, intending to cover her with another blanket. But as she leaned forward, something caught her eye. Esira paused, her gaze lingering on the spot momentarily before turning back to Liana. "You may rest now," she said, her voice gentle and grateful. "Thank you for your hard work." With a nod of her head, Liana left the room, her curiosity unvoiced.
The High Lady's heart sank as she laid eyes on her daughter's back. The once smooth and unblemished skin was covered in dried blood, and the scratches marred the surface were deep and angry. But it was the feathers on Kaya's shoulder blades that genuinely shocked her. The fine white down seemed out of place against the backdrop of Kaya's perfectly untouched, delicate skin.
Upon closer inspection, the High Lady's fears were confirmed - the feathers were growing out of Kaya's shoulders, and the skin underneath was torn open as if in protest against this unnatural occurrence. The sight was fascinating yet terrifying, and the High Lady couldn't help but wonder what it all meant.
Esira watched in amazement as her daughter's feathered wings began to shed, leaving a trail of delicate white feathers floating to the ground. With a sense of wonder, she reached out to touch them, but as soon as her fingers made contact, the feathers disintegrated into dust, disappearing into the air.
But that was not the most astounding sight she witnessed that night. It was when her daughter's torn and opened skin suddenly healed before her eyes as if the wounds had never existed. Esira couldn't help but feel confused at her daughter's magical powers.
"What in the world is happening?” She whispered.
Esira had always known that her daughter, Kaya, possessed something special. She knew about the voices in her daughter's head—prayers from their people. Kaya’s duty was to recite their prayers to the spirits when daytime shifted to the darkness, and nighttime greeted the human world. As a priestess, Kaya's abilities were primarily focused on healing others, like any other priestess' power, but what Esira witnessed tonight was beyond anything she had ever seen… The raw power emanating from Kaya was palpable, and it was clear that this was not just innocent magic. There had to be something darker and more mysterious going on.
__"And they were not just red, but blood red. It was as if the very essence of terror had taken hold of her soul."__
Esira couldn't believe what she had heard earlier. Her maid, Liana, had spoken words that sent shivers down her spine. Esira's gaze shifted to her sleeping daughter, and she mumbled in disbelief, "It can't be..." The air was thick with tension as she struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation.
The people of Anthropos warmly welcomed Lady Kaya as she strolled through the bustling market, her presence drawing the attention of many. Her striking beauty caught the eye of passersby, who eagerly greeted her with smiles and kind words. Lady Kaya graciously reciprocated, engaging in friendly conversations with some locals as she made her way through the vibrant marketplace.
Kaya was a sight to behold. Her snow-white, wavy tresses glistened brightly against the sun's rays, drawing attention to her striking appearance. Her eyes were equally captivating, a light shade of gray that seemed to change hues depending on how the light hit them. Her dark, thick, long lashes were a stark contrast, making her gaze even more intense. The tiny mole beneath her right eye was almost a distraction to her flawlessly beautiful appearance. However, it blended so perfectly with her features that it seemed essential to her unique beauty.
Some said her eyes could turn icy blue or greenish in certain situations and surroundings. Her skin was so pale; one could almost see her blue veins if close enough. The sun had become a rare occurrence in their world since the great war against the other creatures. The war had taken everything from the humans: their loved ones, their land, and their freedom.
A guard of her castle approached Kaya and respectfully addressed her, "Your Highness has requested your presence, Lady Kaya."
With an air of quiet determination, she followed closely behind him as they made their way through the bustling marketplace, weaving their way through the maze of vendors and their wares. The stands stretched out in every direction, offering up an array of fruits, legumes, and materials to the crowds of shoppers. However, with each passing moment, she couldn't shake the growing melancholy that settled over her. It was impossible not to notice the diminishing diversity among the goods being sold, a stark reminder of the impact the other worlds had on humans.
In the days before the devastating war, the land was abundant with a diverse array of legumes, fruits, and other valuable materials. The natural world flourished with a rich variety of fauna and flora. However, after the war, the creatures in charge banned the sun and covered the sky with thick, grayish clouds. As a result, all life withered away, leaving the land barren and desolate. It became impossible to grow anything, and the once-vibrant ecosystem was left in ruins.
Anthropos, once a prosperous and wealthy kingdom, was a significant piece of land that held great importance. Within its borders stood a grand, magnificent temple made of gold that shone bright and was once the most remarkable symbol of the human world.
Legends have it that numerous kinds of creatures coexisted in peace with humans, and the golden temple was their cherished gift. It served as a sign of high regard and offered protection to all. However, it was the first thing the mighty creatures destroyed, marking the beginning of a catastrophic war that would change everything.
As Kaya ascended the winding and rocky path towards her home, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and belonging. The silver-white castle, which towered above her, was a testament to her family's wealth and status. Its grandeur and beauty were unparalleled, and it was a sight that took her breath away every time she saw it.
Today, the castle seemed to glow with an otherworldly light like a beacon of hope during darkness. The sunlight, which filtered through the clouds, highlighted the castle's intricate details, from the ornate spires to the myriad of windows that dotted its walls.
And oh, the windows! The mosaic-colored glass was a work of art, creating a symphony of colors that seemed to dance in the sunlight. Each piece of glass was carefully crafted and placed by skilled artisans, resulting in a stunning display of beauty and craftsmanship. Kaya could spend hours gazing at the windows, marveling at how they transformed the castle's interior into a magical wonderland.
As she reached the castle's gates, Kaya couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. The palace was a living testament to her family's legacy and history, a reminder of the sacrifices and hard work that had gone into building it.
Kaya was on the verge of entering the grand steel entrance, which led to her family's estate, but her attention was promptly diverted when she caught a glimpse of the imposing figure of a general standing guard. It was Seokjin, the man she had harbored a secret crush on for as long as she could remember. Her pulse quickened as their eyes met, and she felt a jolt of electricity course through her veins. Seokjin was the epitome of rugged masculinity, with his chiseled jawline and piercing brown eyes that could make any woman weak in the knees. His golden skin was glowing under the sunlight.
As Kaya approached him, she felt a flutter in her stomach, and her heart raced faster. She had always been drawn to Seokjin's confidence and commanding presence, and his position as her personal guard only added to his allure. They had known each other for years, but it wasn't until he was appointed as her personal guard that they began to grow closer. They would steal moments of intimacy whenever they could, sneaking away to secluded corners of the estate to share stolen kisses and whispered words of love.
Kaya had longed to reveal their relationship to the world; it didn't matter to her what he possessed or not, as long as they could be together, but Seokjin hesitated. He was an ordinary man without any title or property and feared the consequences of publicizing their love. Despite this, their secret meetings continued for two years. Kaya had treasured each stolen moment with Seokjin, and she had dreamed of a future where they would be together openly, without any fear or shame.
Seokjin, her first in everything. First crush. First kiss. First boyfriend. First time. Her first love.
Sadly, their romantic union came to an abrupt end around a month ago. Seokjin decided to end their relationship when he discovered Kaya's extraordinary power as a healer. This gift automatically classified her as a priestess and a potential bride for one of the mystical creatures.
Seokjin was filled with dread at the prospect of Kaya's new role. He knew of the immense sacrifice she would have to make if she went down that path. The thought of Kaya being taken away from him by one of the otherworldly beings was too much for him to bear. The fear of the unknown and the potential loss of his beloved was too significant of a burden for Seokjin to carry. Thus, he made the difficult decision to end their romance, hoping to spare himself the heartache of watching Kaya become something he could no longer understand or relate to.
The armed general, dressed in black leather armor, lowered his gaze when Kaya, the daughter of this castle and once his lover, walked past him. He caught a glimpse of her striking beauty, which stopped his heart from beating momentarily. He quickly regained his composure, knowing that any sign of weakness could harm his reputation.
As he followed her steps into the castle halls, he couldn't help but notice the grandeur of his familiar surroundings. The walls and ceilings were adorned with intricate designs and carvings depicting scenes of battle and glory. The general marveled at the attention to detail and craftsmanship that went into creating such magnificent works of art.
Despite the distraction, he remained focused on his duty. He kept a safe distance from Kaya, not wanting to draw unwanted attention to himself or her. The general knew that any misstep could have dire consequences, and he was determined to carry out his duty with the utmost professionalism.
"Kaya, my angel, " the young woman lifted her head as she heard her mother's voice calling for her presence. She quickly went over to where her mother stood, looking elegant as always in her emerald velvety gown decorated with golden adornment. The High Lady’s black hair was up to a braided knot, underlining her youthful beauty despite her age.
Locking her gray eyes with her mother's deep brown ones, she respectfully addressed her. "You called for my presence, Mother," she said calmly. After her mother acknowledged her with a smile, she turned to the man sitting beside her mother. After months apart, she finally caught a glimpse of her father. He had been on a mission to find a powerful solution to safeguard Anthropos, their beloved homeland, and the entire human world. With a smile on her face, she greeted him. "Father," she said, happy to see him again.
"My Kaya, " Attila, the High Lord, said. His voice was gentle and soothing, filled with pride and love as he looked at his youngest daughter. His ice-blue eyes shone with a warm glow, reflecting the immense affection he held for her. The high lord’s hair was starting to turn grayish. The High Lady was holding a white envelope with a black seal, the seriousness of the situation palpable.
Kaya felt uneasy as she noticed her mother's grip tighten on the envelope. The air in the room was thick with anticipation as both parents looked at their daughter with reverence and admiration. It was clear that this was no ordinary meeting and that the envelope's contents held great significance.
Kaya's heart raced as the High Lady stepped forward, her smile forced and failing to reach her eyes. The atmosphere in the brightly lit room was serene, with the air seemingly motionless. She even felt Seokjin tense as they waited for the announcement. Her mother held an envelope close to her chest as if protecting it from prying eyes. Suddenly, a choke made her mother stop for a second before she looked at Kaya with a gaze that was difficult to decipher.
"This is a proposal Prince Kazimir sent," she finally said, barely above a whisper. "He's asking for you to become his bride." The words hung in the air, heavy with expectation and uncertainty. Kaya's father, the High Lord Attila, averted his gaze and looked down at the marble floor, perhaps feeling ashamed of what he had asked his daughter to do. Esira, Kaya's mother and the High Lady of Anthropos, fixed her eyes on her daughter as she stood tall with a straight back.
The proposal's importance could not be ignored. And she knew that her response would significantly affect their future. Seokjin watched as Kaya took a deep breath, her eyes flickering in confidence. He knew that she was not one to back down from what she believed in, and he silently vowed to support her no matter what decision she made. A gentle smile graced the young Lady's lips before she lowered her head.
"To be chosen by the Prince is a great honor that I never thought I would receive. His proposal humbles me, and I will embrace my destiny with open arms." Seokjin, who stood right behind Kaya, inhaled her words sharply but held his posture, his eyes fixed on the ground. The High Lord averted his gaze to his beloved daughter with apologetic eyes. His face was etched with sadness yet pride. Kaya swore she saw a droplet on the crinkled corner of her father's icy blue eyes, a sign of his deep love and affection for her.
The High Lady approached Kaya, her hands grasping her daughter's shoulders. She spoke urgently as if trying to awaken her from a deep slumber. "Do you understand the meaning of that?" she asked, her tone conveying a sense of gravity and importance.
As her mother spoke, Kaya gently placed her hand on her mother's, offering a small gesture of comfort. Though she didn't say much, her touch conveyed a sense of understanding and empathy toward her mother's concerns. "I am aware of that, mother," Kaya whispered softly, her voice barely audible.
Esira's face contorted with fear and disgust as she finally found the courage to voice her concerns. "He is a demon," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "A creature of darkness and evil. Kazimir is not just any demon, but the Prince of the demon realm and heir to the underworld! " Esira shuddered at the thought of her daughter being bound to such a being, forever trapped in a world of darkness and despair.
She had heard stories of the demon realm, of the unspeakable horrors that lurked within its borders. The idea of her daughter being forced to live among such creatures was almost too much to bear. The High Lady took a deep breath, steeling herself for what would come. "I cannot allow this union to take place," she said firmly. "I will do whatever it takes to protect my daughter from this fate.”
The words spoken by the High Lady of Anthropos, hung heavily in the air, reverberating through the room and drawing the attention of. Esira's gaze was fixed on her husband, her brows furrowed in anger as she scolded him for his inaction. "Don't just stand there," she admonished him. "We can't allow that to happen. He will..."
"Enough!" Before she could finish her sentence, the High Lord interrupted her with a sharp rebuke. His eyes were red and puffy, a clear sign of the emotional turmoil he was experiencing. The prince's proposal had come as a devastating blow to him, as he knew that his beloved daughter Kaya was the chosen one. As a mere human without any magical powers, he felt powerless against the immortal creatures who had made this decision. Despite his best efforts to protect his daughter, he knew that this was a battle he could not win.
"Mother, Father, " Kaya stood between her parents, interrupting their heated tension of anger. Despite being only twenty years old, she spoke with a maturity that belied her age. Her hands gently squeezed her parents' arms as she tried to reason with them. "Our world is in danger, and this marriage is the only way to protect it," she said calmly. "The contract specifies that we must provide a priestess every ten years, and our turn is coming up. I am proud to be able to help my people in this way, even though I feel powerless to stop their terrorism. The spirits have sent me a sign to my thousands of prayers, and I know that this marriage is my destiny." Kaya's voice was filled with conviction as she spoke, and her parents could see the determination in her eyes.
Her parents were heartbroken but resolute in their understanding that they could not stand in the way of their daughter's destiny. They knew that Kaya was meant to embark on a perilous journey to a world that was entirely foreign to them - the underworld. This realm was shrouded in mystery and darkness, and was home to a myriad of creatures that were more terrifying than fascinating.
The underworld was notorious for its insatiable thirst for blood, and Kaya would have to navigate its treacherous terrain with caution and skill. Despite their fears for their daughter's safety, the parents knew that they had to let her go and trust that she would find her way in this strange and dangerous new world.
Chapter 2>>
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socalwriterbee · 2 years
Little League Chaos
Baseball Season is upon us and I couldn't be more excited! I was sent a hilarious and extremely adorable TikTok, along with an ask, that helped make this short come along.
Check out the TikTok —> ⚾️⚾️⚾️
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Choices Book: Open Heart
Characters: Tessa Martinez (MC) x Ethan Ramsey, Introducing Talia Donovan (Martinez) Maya Donovan, Mateo Donovan and Melody Donovan
Rating: Fluff with a dash (very small dash) of angst
Word Count: 2,800 +
Summary: After getting the night off to enjoy her nephews first tee ball game of the season, Tessa can only hope for the game and night to go smoother than what she has come to see during practice.
A/N: Shout out to my sweet friend @txemrn for sharing the video and going back and forth with me on ideas and introducing Tessa's sibling and family.
A/N2: Sorry in advance for any errors in spelling and such.
Some Characters/Settings/Storylines used or mentioned belong to Pixelberry
The sun began to disappear over the horizon, taking the warmth of the day with it. The cool spring air nips at her exposed skin. The light jacket paired with a simple black tee and jeans would make the night bearable, hopefully or Tessa would have chattering teeth. 
Taking a deep breath in, the night that was ahead of her was beginning to settle into her bones, her family, well part of her family lived in the same city she did and they were about to enjoy a night free of interruptions. 
Laughter and the sound of feet running up and down the metal bleachers mixing with the sound of baseball bats meeting the waiting ball or the white red laced ball snapping against the leather of a glove. 
Tessa sat with her sister, Talia and nieces, Maya and Melody. With Melody always taking a spot on her lap and playing with the wavy brown tendrils that fell loose from her signature messy bun. Her sister, was in what looked like a deep conversation with her oldest child as they sat in the row in front of her. Mother and daughter were splitting images of each other, the same dark hair and eyes and no one would say that Tessa wasn’t related to them. Tessa could even easily say that Maya was a sister to them, Tessa was just a bit taller than the both of them.
As for Talia’s other children well they took after Tessa’s brother in law. Dirty blonde hair with striking hazel eyes, her brother in law was on the field with her nephew, Mateo, coaching and warming up his baseball team before the start of the game. 
Tessa owed Sienna big time for tonight and she couldn’t forget Tobias. Once more being here felt like a first, she didn’t have to worry about being called into the hospital while out with them or having to cancel because she was working long hours. 
Of course Tessa spent time with her family during the holidays and talking over video calls but this, this was different and it brought a smile to her face. She had family to look forward to seeing after a day at Edenbrook, not that hanging out with her friends wasn’t fun. Or the far and few times she got the Ethan who showed his feelings he felt for her, those moments felt like tonight did. Like home.
“Auntie Tess?” Melody sweet little voice called to her.
“Yes, ladybug.”
“I want popcorn.”
Talia head snaps back towards them. “Melody that is not how you ask for things.”
Rolling her eyes at her older sister, Tessa ignores her. “Yeah, come on lets go get some. You know what else we could get?”
“Tessa, no! Popcorn is just fine.” Talia tells her.
“It’s a ball game Tal, loosen up a little, it’s not gonna hurt them.”
“Your a doctor Tess, you know that stuff is not healthy.”
“In moderation it’s fine. That’s coming from a doctor. Anyway, you want the usual?”
Her sister just nods at her. Tessa gives her a small victorious smile before placing Melody on her feet and standing up herself. “You want to come with us Maya or would you like us to bring you something?”
Her eldest niece looks at her mother and back at her asking in silence if she could join them. Talia nods her permission and Maya makes quick work of the bleacher seats and is waiting for them at the bottom. 
Once Tessa and Melody reach the bottom, both girls at her side they make their way to the concessions stand.
“Sorry.” Maya says.
Tessa catches from the corner of her eye, a tall man with a baseball cap on standing at the back and the voice that comes off him sounding oddly familiar but it mixes with the talkative voice of Melody, she doesn’t think twice about it maybe its her mind playing tricks on her.
“What was that?” Tessa asks Maya.
“Nothing, I walked into him.”
“I know, be careful next time.”
God pre-teens and their moods. 
After waiting what seemed like forever, especially with a four year old at her side when in reality it was probably like five minutes, the three of them finally reached the front of the line.
An older gentleman calls them up to his open window, donning a well worn Red Sox cap and a smile that went from ear to ear. “Hi, what can I get for you lovely ladies?”
“Hi, can we get Popcorn, three colas, peanuts… oh you know never mind on the peanuts how about the peanut M&M’s. Red Vines and two hotdogs, you wanted a hotdog right Maya?” Tessa looks at her niece who just nods at her. 
With their hands full, the three of them make their way back with plenty of time before the game started. Maybe it was an overkill in snacks at the last minute Tessa added some cotton candy, Talia sure was going to complain about everything they got.
Tessa and the girls were closing in on the bleachers, where family of the players would sit and cheer for the team, the man with the baseball cap was still standing next to said bleacher, away from everybody. Tessa caught his side profile, he was pinching of the bridge of his nose, which definitely reminded her of a certain doctor. 
It couldn’t be, this time she could be certain that her mind wasn’t playing tricks with her. His brown hair sticking out from the back, the way he was standing away from the small crowd. 
Ethan surely wouldn’t remember where Mateo’s game was tonight. He had dropped her off once when she missed The T and she could tell that he really could care less of the many times she brought up Mateo’s tee ball game. 
“You girls go up. I’ll be right there. Maya help your sister before she drops anything.” 
Without questioning or complaining, a first, Maya responds with an ok.
Standing back, Tessa watches as they make their way to their mother, passing the man in the ball cap that she bet a good amount of money on was one Ethan Ramsey.
As she approaches him, the woodsy sent that is uniquely Ethan wafts around her, bringing a smile to her lips. 
“How quickly did Tobias inform you he let me leave early, therefore giving me the rest of the night off?” Tessa asked, afraid to look up at Ethan as she came to stand next to him, she did the only thing she could do and looked out onto the field that was now being illuminated by lights once the sky turned dark above them.
Her heart skipped a beat at the sound that came from him, a laugh, no not a full blown laugh more like a chuckle, a single chuckle nothing more. 
Tessa could feel Ethan’s blue eyes on her before his words hit her ears. “Before you even asked him.”
She finally looked up at him, a small smile on his face, the squint on the corner of his eyes. God, when Ethan looked at her like that she wanted to shake him and knock sense into him. 
Ethan ran his hand along the scruffiness of his jawline. “Seems like Dr. Trinh took things into her own hands and asked. Tobias informed me that he was letting you leave early with Sienna covering for you.”
Tessa shook her head as the information settled in. “Ok.” Saying in disbelief. “Why are you here Ethan?” She said being a bit more forward.
“I came to catch a baseball game, and before you say anything I clearly remember you inviting me.”
“I remember but that was before you denied my request. Doesn’t explain why you would show up here.”
Ethan turns and stands in front of her, his hand reaching out, his blue eyes locking in on her features.“Tess, I—.”
“Tessa?” Talia’s voice breaks the spell between her and Ethan. “Everything ok?”
Tessa looks over Ethan shoulder seeing her sister standing at the edge of bleachers. “Yup. I was just talking to Dr. Ramsey.”
“Oh.” Realization hits Talia at the man standing with her sister. “Oh! Dr. Ramsey.”
Tessa watches Ethan turn his attention to Talia, reaching his hand out to introduce himself. “Ethan, please call me Ethan.”
Talia takes his hand in hers. “Right, Ethan. The game is about to start and Mateo’s team is batting first.” She snaps her eyes back to Tessa.
Not the warm greeting Tessa would have hoped for, guess it could have gone worse between Talia and Ethan, she thought. To be fair, Tessa shared with her sister how frustrating Ethan could be. So she would take this as a win.
“Ethan, why don’t you go have a seat I forgot to get something.”
Tessa silently pleads with her sister to play nice, waiting for either of them to say something, anything. Ethan makes the first move by taking a step towards Talia.
“What could you have possibly forgotten, you got the entire concession stand.” Talia says raising an eyebrow at her.
“You like nachos right?” Tessa asks Ethan.
“No.” He answers. 
Tessa ignores him and turns to head back to the concession line but not before calling out. “With extra jalapeños.” 
Well, this night just took an interesting turn.
“I want to be a doctor like Auntie Tess.” Melody tells Ethan as having now taken her seat on his lap.
That was the scene Tessa walked back to but Melody isn’t only sitting on Ethan’s lap she is trying to feed him her popcorn. 
Tessa fights back a laugh as she watches Ethan moving his mouth away from her hand or gently pushing it down from his face. 
Ethan looks up at her and mouths a no to her. Tessa smiles widens when Melody does get a kernel or two of popcorn into his mouth.
“I got you nachos.”
“Great. Here I was expecting you to come back with a hot dog.”
Tessa gives him a playful nudge before handing him the plate. “Very funny.”
“You missed the first inning.” Ethan states, brushing his hand over hers as he takes the plate from her. 
“The line was a bit longer than I expected this time around.” Tessa says catching a pair of big beautiful hazel eyes that belonged to the little girl on Ethans lap widen at the sight of the nachos. 
“Did I miss Mateo’s turn at the plate?”
“He’s due up third in the next inning. So far the game is going smoothly.” Talia announces. “So what brings you out tonight Ethan?”
Here we go, Talia’s interrogation. 
“It’s the second inning Tal, we still got four innings to go before we call it a smooth game.” Tessa tells her sister before Ethan can answer her question.
“Am I missing something? It’s baseball, it should be smooth sailing. They know how to play right?” Ethan asks raising an eyebrow at Tessa. “Tess invited me.” He adds at the end.
“They’re five year old boys, nothing is ever smooth.”
“Melody those are not yours!” Talia cries out.
Ethan, Tessa, Talia and Maya all watch Melody going in for the cheese covered round yellow tortilla chip. 
Maya and Tessa laugh that look of horror that washes over Ethan’s face as the little girl who tried shoving popcorn into his mouth, now is taking nachos from him, sitting there oblivious to her surrounding.
“Breathe Ethan. It’s ok, see.” Tessa teases him, winking at him before going for a cheese covered chip of her own. 
The warm smooth liquid cheese meets saltiness as it touches her tastebuds, feeling some remnants of cheese sitting on the corner of her mouth. Ethan reaching over without hesitation and wiping it clean with the pad of his thumb before she had the chance to lick it off.
Tessa feels two sets of eyes on them, staring at the small moment between her and Ethan, making her pull away from him. 
“I find it odd Ethan, that you were invited to my son’s game, came to it and yet you had denied my sister request for the night off.” Talia interrupts.
Ethan brings his thumb up to his mouth cleaning off the cheese before he answers.“Well. I uh— tried to tell Tessa earlier.”
“Tried to tell her what?”
Tessa shots daggers at her sister.  “Tal!” “Mom!” Tessa and Maya call out in unison.
Ethan looks down at the little girl in his lap, covered in cheese as she continues to eat his nachos and then up at her mother. “I tried to make her schedule work so she could have the night off but no matter how I moved things around there was no way around it. Trust me when I tell you that I know how important being here was to her. Her friend beat me to it.”
“Beat you to what Mr. Ramsey?”
Tessa sees Ethan’s eye soften as they land on Maya, pulling Melody closer to him as if he’s done that many times before.
“In covering her shift. I was on my way to the hospital when I got a call that Sienna, Dr. Trinh, was going to cover for her. Word was that I was being unreasonable.”
Tessa’s mouth falls open at his words and watches as Talia and Maya swoon at Ethan’s words. 
Well that didn’t take long for her sister to warm up to him.
“Are you Auntie Tess’s boyfriend?”
Tess cheeks blushed red at Melody’s words. But before any of them could answer, a little boys voice called from the other side of the chained linked fence.
Melody’s question lingers in the air as the crowd cheers when the first two batters in front of Mateo reach base.
“Mom!” Mateo waves enthusiastically at his mother, pushing down his helmet over his dark blonde hair as he steps up to the plate.
“Come on ‘Teo!” Tessa cheers her nephew on. 
“That’s ok. Keep your eye on the ball.” Talia calls out when he misses the first pitch. 
Mateo lets the next ball pass and is saved from having the tee come out when its called a ball. With everyone encouraging him as the next pitch is being delivered, the clink of the metal bat meeting the ball comes from the field. 
Mateo lets go of his bat swinging it behind him, it hits his coach in the shins making the man jump at the contact.
Tessa and Talia stand on their feet cheering and telling Mateo to run to first base.
Their encouraging words quickly turn into correcting the running directions of the little five year old boy. “The other way Mateo.”
With the help of one of the coaches on the field they correct Mateo and have him run to first base. The first two base runners are running from second and first when the ball takes an interesting turn.
Tessa’s hand fly up into her hair as the game in front of them unfolds. The ball that was hit by Mateo is tossed back into the infield but not before missing the glove of the third baseman and hitting him in the face and has him falling to the ground.
“Oh my god!” Tessa whispers.
Two runs score as the opposing team runs towards the ball with both runners tackling other another with excitement at home plate. The opposing team has already started to run off the field before being turned back around by the coaches and parents to finish the inning.
Little Mateo is jumping and waving at them as Tessa falls back down to her seat hands still in her hair. 
A laugh escapes from Ethan, who fails to cover it up with a cough. “That went—.”
“Ethan.” Tessa mumbles.
“I was going to say uh.. what did you call it earlier, smooth? Second inning in at and that was absolute chaos.”
“It’s Little League.” Tessa tells Ethan. “I’m gonna go check on the third baseman make sure he is ok.”
“Little League Chaos.” Ethan whispers.
“Yeah. Little league chaos!” Melody shouts out loud.
Ethan leans in and whispers something into Melody’s ear making her giggle in his arms. “I’ll go with you.” He says standing up and placing the little girl on the exact same spot where he was sitting.
“What did you tell her Ethan?”
“It’s a secret Auntie Tess.” Melody tells Tessa.
“You’re sharing secrets with my niece now?
Ethan presses his finger against his lips with Melody copying him. “You know, I didn’t thank you for inviting me tonight.”
“You’re welcome. I’m glad you are enjoying this little league chaos.”
Ethan shakes his head with smile spread across his face as he reaches to get a hold of Tessa’s hand as they take a step down. “Come on Dr. Martinez, lets go check on the kid.”
With everything that was and wasn’t going on with her and Ethan, the events at the top of the inning made those boys look like pros, their little league chaos was nothing compared to Tessa and Ethan’s major league chaos.
“Let’s go.”
tags: @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations @cariantha @issabees @txemrn
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spilledbutter · 2 years
Summary: Jaskier is convinced his feelings for Eskel are unrequited-that they're just good friends and roommates. It takes a week of courting for this to change. Jaskier/Eskel | Rated: T | WC: 4k | CW: implied sex
For my new friend @firefly-party--thanks for being so sweet!!
It had been a very confusing week, to say the least.
It wasn’t that Eskel seemed… upset with him, per se. The other man was acting his normal self, mostly. They still went for Sunday brunch with Yen, Geralt, Lambert, Aiden, and Triss, like they did every week. When he got home late from one of his weekly gigs, there were still leftovers waiting for him in the fridge, just like always. He and his roommate-slash-friend still hung out whenever they could, staying up late sitting on the couch next to each other, chatting long into the night with matching mugs of tea. It was nice, peaceful, just like it’d always been.
So things were the same, really. Well. Except for a few new developments in their relationship lately.
It had started after brunch on Sunday. He and Eskel were walking the few blocks home to their shared apartment, talking and laughing, when the other man had stopped him with a gentle hand on his wrist.
“Eskel? What is it?”
The other man had looked at him, intense hazel eyes focused on Jaskier’s face. His full lips were set into a soft smile, rugged scars pulling slightly at his upper lip, and his slightly-too-long chocolate locks ruffling in the gentle breeze. He looked dashing in his red flannel today, Jaskier thought, the two buttons undone at the top showing off a light dusting of chest hair across well-defined pecs. He was stunning, as always.
Eskel slowly raised one scarred hand towards Jaskier’s face, pausing before gently brushing his fingers through Jaskier’s hair. Unwittingly, Jaskier felt his heart start to pound, a delicate flush coming to his cheeks. What…?
Eskel’s soft smile turned into a small grin and he dropped his hand unceremoniously. “Sorry. Had something in your hair.”
Without further ado, he turned forward to keep walking, leaving Jaskier flabbergasted in his wake. Jaskier stared after him, eyebrows furrowing, trying to puzzle together the reason behind the casual affection.
“You coming, songbird?” Eskel looked back at him over his shoulder, waiting once he realized Jaskier wasn’t following.
With a start, Jaskier rushed after him, and let the moment pass as a fluke as soon as Eskel picked up the previous train of their conversation. He didn’t give it much further thought, although if had more spring in his step the rest of the day, that was his business alone.
On Monday, Jaskier woke up after a particularly bad night of sleep. His battle with insomnia was never ending, made even worse by a midnight visit from his muse. He wrote and wrote, the words pouring out of him, and before he realized, it was 3am. He finally stumbled into bed, tossing and turning for a couple more hours, before falling into a fitful sleep. A too-short while later, he woke to the grating sound of his alarm at 9am, needing to get going to his day job.
Groggy and groaning, he had staggered out of his bedroom, having barely gotten dressed properly. He didn’t have the energy to make anything to eat despite his stomach rumbling. Sighing and checking the time, he prepared to skip breakfast and coffee that day, before he spotted something on the kitchen counter.
A neatly packed lunch sack and thermos sat there, which he knew couldn’t belong to Eskel as he’d needed to leave early this morning for a project on the other side of the city. Which meant…
Stepping closer, Jaskier picked up the note sitting atop the lunch sack, his jaw falling slack as he read.
“Heard you awake late last night and figured you might be tired this morning. Hope this helps. Have a good day. -E.”
To say the least, his morning was considerably brighter after that. He practically skipped all the way to the train.
On Tuesday, they were both home, perusing the fridge as they brainstormed what to make for dinner. Eskel popped out of the fridge with a triumphant aha!, having found enough ingredients to make a serviceable pasta.
Jaskier was washing his hands in the sink when Eskel sidled over to him, coming close enough for their shoulders to brush.
“Can you chop these, Jask?” Eskel’s deep voice felt close, very close, in Jaskier’s ear, although to an outward observer he was still a polite enough distance away. Jaskier felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand to attention, every pore of his being focusing on the man behind him.
“Uh- sure, yes, of course.” Eskel smiled, giving his tricep a fond squeeze, before he moved away to find the noodles in the cupboard. Jaskier walked almost in a daze toward the cabinet where they kept the cutting boards, stopping to grab a knife from the block before he began chopping.
Their galley-style kitchen was tight, so they kept brushing up against each other as they worked quietly on their meal together. The radio played faintly in the background, and Jaskier smiled as he heard Eskel humming along. His voice was slightly off-key and the kitchen was cozy and Jaskier felt a strong sense of home. It was… nice.
Eskel had just set the water boiling on the stove for the pasta when he came back over to Jaskier.
“Can I take those?” And again, he was close, so close, his hand resting lightly on the small of Jaskier’s back. Jaskier’s skin felt like it was on fire where Eskel touched him, a shiver running lightly up his spine, despite the fabric between their skin.
Wordlessly, Jaskier nodded and handed the cut vegetables over, and moved to pour them each a glass of wine. They prepared the rest of the meal in companionable silence.
Sipping at his glass of red and leaning against the counter, Jaskier watched Eskel as he finished cooking their meal. Jaskier wasn’t sure what to make of it all, really. He and Eskel had always been–-affectionate, yes, exchanging casual touches without much thought, but these–these felt different, somehow. The energy around them in the last few days felt charged, the tension between them rising as the days passed. And it wasn’t unpleasant, he wasn’t uncomfortable (on the contrary, really), but he just… didn’t understand what was going on.
He and Eskel had known each other for a few years now–it was inevitable, really, what with Jaskier being Geralt’s best friend and Eskel being Geralt’s brother. They’d just been friends at first, seeing each other occasionally when their mutual friend group met up, up until a year ago when Eskel’s former roommate moved out. He’d found himself needing a new one right when Jaskier had been going through a break-up with his ex, and the timing had really just worked out perfectly. The last year of Jaskier’s home life had been easier than ever, Eskel being easy to live with and good company to boot. They got to know each other more and more, finding themselves drawn together at first due to proximity and then instead choosing to spend their free evenings together by choice.
But the other man had never expressed interest in more. Jaskier had hinted, in the beginning, at his attraction. He wasn’t blind, for fuck’s sake. The other man was gorgeous, kind and smart and talented and caring and selfless and just so, so good–these facts only became more apparent the longer they’d known each other. There was no way anyone wouldn’t be attracted to dear, sweet Eskel. However, Eskel had either been oblivious to Jaskier’s subtle flirtatiousness or totally uninterested, and having found the perfect roommate-best friend scenario, Jaskier had been loathe to fuck it up by pressing the issue of his feelings. So he put a cork in it, and that was that.
But now…
“Songbird? Are you alright?” Eskel was looking at him with mild concern in his eyes, had placed a hand on his shoulder.
Jaskier startled, realizing he’d fallen too deeply into his thoughts. He shook himself out of it, deciding to let sleeping wolves lie. If it became apparent that Eskel was interested in more, if this all meant something more, Jaskier would be only too happy to oblige. But he wouldn’t push, would never push, having learned that lesson too well in the past.
“Yeah, Esk. I’m fine. Let’s go eat, yeah? I want to watch another episode of that shitty sitcom,” Jaskier grinned, picking up his plate and heading toward their ratty old couch.
On Wednesday, Jaskier had been in the middle of a too-long shift at the music store with customers who didn’t know a guitar from a bass, and he was tired. The day was dragging on and on, and he still had four hours left before he could hop on the first train home. All he could think about was getting out of his itchy work uniform and rolling himself into a blanket burrito so tight the world couldn’t find its way in. He was caught up in those rather pleasant thoughts when his phone chimed with a ping in his pocket.
Glancing around to make sure the lobby was free of customers, Jaskier slipped his phone out and unlocked it. His heart fluttered when he saw it was a message from Eskel.
“Hey. You coming home after work?”
Jaskier quickly text back, “hi! yeah, i’m honestly beat. can’t wait to crawl into bed... 😩”
A few minutes went by without a response from Eskel, and soon enough, a teenaged girl and her snotty-looking mother came in, distracting him from his phone.
A few hours later, Jaskier trudged up the steps to their apartment, ready to shut his brain down. Upon making his way inside, he looked around, expecting Eskel’s presence in the kitchen or the living room like normal. He was nowhere to be seen.
“Eskel? You here?” Jaskier called out as he hopped around on one foot, trying to take off his boots.
He heard a small crash from the direction of the bathroom, and a minute later, Eskel emerged, looking slightly flustered.
“Hi,” he said, sounding almost breathless. “Um, how was work?”
Jaskier blinked, distracted by the pretty pink settled high on Eskel’s cheeks, but took the bait easily enough and charged headfirst into a rant about functional music theory and the annoyances of dealing with middle schoolers parents.
Eskel had been nodding along distractedly, but eventually cleared his throat, rubbing at the scars on his face in a nervous gesture.
“Jask, I, uh… I drew you a bath.”
Jaskier blinked owlishly again, feeling equal measures confused and intrigued by the shy, bashful Eskel he was presented with today. “You what?”
“I figured you’d want to relax after work. I know you like taking baths,” Eskel grinned sheepishly, “I used some of those fancy salts you like. Come on.”
Eskel came closer, taking Jaskier’s satchel from him and placing it on the table by the door. He ushered him towards the bathroom with a gentle hand on his shoulder, Jaskier easily letting himself be led. When they got there, Jaskier gasped.
The tub was filled and Jaskier could smell the delicate scents of chamomile and mint mingling in the air (his favorite). There was a glass of wine perched on the side of the tub along with the book he’d been reading recently. Eskel had also lit a few candles around the room, the dim lighting creating a welcoming, homey atmosphere. Jaskier instantly felt relaxed and immensely touched.
The thought that Eskel’d gone out of his way to do this for Jaskier brought a warm, giddy feeling to his chest. He couldn’t help himself as he wrapped his arms around the other man’s shoulders in a hug and kissed his cheek.
“Eskel, you darling man, this is so sweet. I… I’m almost at a loss for words. Thank you, dear heart.”
Eskel, for his part, blushed a beautiful cherry right up to his ears. But he was smiling while he did, smiling Jaskier’s smile, the one that made his eyes crinkle at the edges and his eyes smolder a warm shade of honey.
The room was too small, the air getting too hot, with Eskel looking at him like that. Jaskier needed space from this moment before he did something stupid and ruined what was between them.
“I should–I should get in there, before the water gets cold. Don’t want to waste all of your hard work,” Jaskier said with a rueful smile.
The moment broken successfully, Eskel took a step back toward the door, returning Jaskier’s rueful smile with one of his own.
“Enjoy yourself, and please relax. I’ll order some Thai from the place down the street for dinner. No rush.”
And with that, he was gone, leaving Jaskier to his thoughts and his anguished yearning.
On Thursday, they both wound up having an unexpected day off. Jaskier had been booked to fill a last minute cancellation at an exclusive gig in town on Friday and he desperately needed something to wear. He begged Eskel to come shopping with him, and with nary a sigh, they both set out to browse the thrift stores in the arts district, picking up coffee on the way.
They looked around for a while, ambling from shop to shop, before Jaskier came upon a true object of beauty. It was perfect. A waist-length, cherry-red leather jacket in just his size, both sexy and understated. It was the perfect thing for his gig. He put it on, looking at himself in the mirror, and felt alluring and provocative and powerful. He did a spin, looking at himself from different angles, before turning to Eskel, wanting a second opinion.
“What do you think? How does it look?” He wasn’t fishing for compliments, but he wouldn’t turn them down, either.
Eskel was watching him from under his eyelashes, gazing at him with a look Jaskier couldn’t decipher. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think it was a mixture of hunger and longing and wistfulness. But that couldn’t be true, he must be projecting his own feelings onto the other man.
Eskel took slow, measured steps towards him and smoothed his big, strong, delicious hands down Jaskier’s shoulders. He fiddled with the jacket’s collar, straightening it, before finally looking back into Jaskier’s eyes.
“You look perfect, songbird,” he smiled, making no effort to remove his hands. “You should buy it.”
Jaskier positively beamed, bolstered by both the physical touch and the words, before glancing at the tag. He balked, seeing the price, thoughts flashing across his mind of the phone bill due soon and the groceries they’d just bought. He did some quick mental calculations and determined he couldn’t afford it, at least not right now.
He aimed a tight smile back up at Eskel, aiming for disinterested instead of disappointed. “Actually, I’ve just remembered. I think I have something just like this at home. No need to spend the coin.”
Eskel watched him worriedly as he hung the jacket up and put it back on the rack. With one last mournful glance, he strode out of the shop, Eskel in tow.
They walked around for a while longer, stopping to have a quick lunch, before Eskel suddenly checked his phone.
“Jask, I’ve just remembered I have an errand I need to run. The place closes in an hour so I need to get over there before then.”
Jaskier was already nodding, ready to go with him, but Eskel shook his head.
“No need, I’ll be home by dinner. You should head back early, you still have some prep to do for tomorrow, right?”
Eskel was right, of course. Jaskier still had to tweak his setlist and he wanted to run through everything a few more times before dinner. Still, he hesitated. “Okay, if you’re sure. Hurry along though, I want your opinion on my set before I finalize it! You’re my biggest supporter, after all, “ he winked.
Eskel smiled, nodding, “Of course. I’ll see you at dinner,” and he hurried off.
Two hours later, Jaskier was fiddling with his guitar in the living room when Eskel came through the door of their apartment. Jaskier looked up with a smile, before his attention was drawn to the package in Eskel’s hands. He immediately put his guitar aside.
“Oooh, get anything good? Where’d you go, anyway? You never said,” Jaskier strode towards him, making grabby hands at the package so he could see what was inside.
Eskel easily kept it away from him, guiding him with a gentle hand back towards the couch. When they were both sat down, Eskel placed the package in his lap.
“Open it and find out,” Eskel said encouragingly.
Jaskier looked at him with a brow raised, not sure what to expect, before gingerly opening the package. He was truly awestruck by what was inside.
The beautiful cherry red jacket from earlier today lay there, neatly folded. Jaskier brushed his fingers over it reverently, struck completely silent.
“...But–But why–” He suddenly looked over to Eskel, remembering why he hadn’t bought the jacket in the first place. “Eskel, this is too much! You have to return this tomorrow! You are the sweetest, kindest, most wonderful man–I absolutely don’t know how you haven’t been snatched up yet, honestly–but I cannot accept this.”
There was a moment where he couldn’t look Eskel in the eye, couldn’t risk the feelings he’d kept so tightly locked up coming through on his face, plain for Eskel to see. And then the moment passed, and there was a large, warm hand on his thigh.
“Jaskier,” that deep, rumbling voice touched all the gooey parts inside of him as Eskel’s other hand made its way to Jaskier’s jaw. “You daft man. Don’t you know?”
Jaskier’s heart was beating so loudly he could hear it in his ears, and he was sure Eskel could hear it too, could feel it where his fingers brushed his throat. His eyes met Eskel’s, darting back and forth as he searched for the answers he was aching to find there. “Know what?”
Eskel hesitated for a fraction of a moment, before he surged forward, pressing his lips to Jaskier’s in a light, but heartbreaking kiss. His lips were soft and eager, their featherlight caress present for only a second before Eskel pulled back, pressing his forehead to Jaskier’s. For the second time this evening, Jaskier was struck silent and dumb, mouth gaping as he stared into those beautiful caramel eyes so close to his own.
“That every day, I wake up to thoughts of you. That every night, I fall asleep itching to have you in my arms. That every moment we spend together, I fall more in love with you.”
The tears welling up in Jaskier’s eyes were involuntary but inevitable, his shaky hands reaching to cover the ones cradling his face.
“Is that why… this week? Things have been-- different?”
Eskel takes a shaky breath, stroking his thumbs over Jaskier’s cheekbones. “Honestly? I kind of wanted to… court you.” Eskel’s face heated, though he refused to break contact with Jaskier’s eyes. “It’s silly, I know. But I wanted you to know how much I care for you. Did it work?”
Jaskier couldn’t help the watery laughter bubbling up in his throat so suddenly that he was helpless but to let it spill out. He broke into a smile bright like the sunrise, rubbing his nose gently against Eskel’s.
“Eskel, you absolutely ridiculous man. Wasn’t it obvious? I’ve felt–I feel the same way,” he felt the tightness in his throat release as he finally said the words that had been held there for so long, “I love you, so much.”
Despite their closeness, Eskel again turned slightly shy. He went to duck his head before Jaskier caught his face in his own hands, so full of joy he could absolutely burst.
Jaskier couldn’t help the small kisses he began pressing to Eskel’s cheeks, his chin, his nose, his brow. Eskel, for his part, finally released a husky laugh, pulling Jaskier into his lap. The jacket fell to the floor, forgotten for all of its significance.
Eskel grinned up at him, his face the picture of happiness. “All this time?”
Jaskier’s smile turned soft, eyes crinkling around the edges, just like the smile Eskel reserved for him and only him. “All this time.”
And this time, Jaskier brought his face down to meet Eskel’s, their lips meeting urgently. It was a searching kiss, seeking affirmation and reassurance; it was a wanting kiss, tongues meeting desperately after years of pent-up emotion and restraint. Hands tangled in hair and rumpled clothing and soon sweetness turned bright and blazing hot, delight and delectation turning to desire.
“You know,” Jaskier laughed breathlessly into Eskel’s mouth, pausing to nip at his jawline, “This is great–we can finally turn my room into a home office.”
Eskel chuckled, standing with hands firmly under Jaskier’s thighs and Jaskier’s legs wrapped securely around his waist. Eskel started trailing blistering kissing down the long column of Jaskier’s neck, and, oh, that was lovely. Jaskier easily lost his train of thought after that.
On Friday, Jaskier was floating on a cloud.
Their friends had all showed up to his gig, sitting front and center in a show of support. The house was packed and Jaskier was proud to say he recognized many of the audience members from other shows he’d played around town. He was wearing his new jacket–right over a shirt charmingly large on his frame, which may or may not have belonged to his new boyfriend. Right before he was set to start, he took a deep inhale of its scent, feeling comforted by the smell of sandalwood and woodsmoke and Eskel. He felt like he could conquer the world.
They called him on stage shortly after. He sang his heart out, having changed his set to include a suspiciously large amount of ballads, and aimed them without regret at a certain bear of a man in the audience. He delighted in the red-stained cheeks his songs earned him, hoping for a more intimate performance later that evening.
Their friends hooted and hollered when he finished, but none quite so loud as Eskel, his Eskel, and wasn’t it funny that he could say that now?
On Saturday, Jaskier woke in a tangle of limbs in Eskel’s large, comfortable bed. He lay motionless for a second, listening closely to Eskel’s still deep breathing, the rise and fall of his chest against Jaskier’s back steady and even. Sunlight was just barely peeking through the blinds, and although he knew it was early yet, he wanted to take advantage of this precious new opportunity. He turned carefully in Eskel’s arms to look at his sweet, sleeping face.
Eskel was the most beautiful like this, Jaskier thought. In the moments before the world was upon them–the responsibilities of daily life along with the feelings and expectations of other people–Eskel just… was. His posture held none of the usual tension, the lines around his eyes and mouth lax in the peace his dreams brought. His hair was an absolute mess, and Jaskier reached with a gentle finger to brush it out of his eyes. He stroked that same finger gingerly down the lines of Eskel’s brow, his proud nose, his tempting mouth, his sharp jaw. When he finally brought his eyes back up, he noticed tired, hazel orbs watching him in turn.
“‘S early. G’back t’ bed.” Eskel tugged him closer, pressing their foreheads together as his eyes closed again.
Jaskier pressed a kiss to Eskel’s lips, tasting his smile, and basked in the moment–hopefully the first of many, many more to come.
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invisibleraven · 2 years
13 looking over the other's shoulder, peterpatterlina
Julie faked a laugh as the man next to her made some off colour joke or another. Sipping her champagne, she longed for this evening to be over, but she knew this was essential to her mission.
At least the food was good.
Speaking of food, she caught the glance of familiar hazel eyes perusing the crab puffs and excused herself, walking over and pretending to be debating between the different scallops.
"How ya holding up?" Luke asked, voice low.
"Ugh, I swear if I had any sedatives I wouldn't need them these guys are so boring. But they might save me from suffering."
"You guys better snag me some snacks," came the voice in Julie's earpiece. Reggie was held up in the security office, trying to hack the system so they could slip into the safe. Get what they needed, and go.
Julie gave a much more genuine giggle at that. "Sure, I'll just slip some of these into my purse and have Flynn bitching me out for a millennia."
"Aww come on Jules, I'm starving here and it's not like the staff is gonna bring me a tray without raising the alarm."
"From what I've heard about how thus guy treats his staff they might wheel you half the kitchen," Luke murmured, eyes surveying the room. "How much longer?"
"Five minutes. Got take our girl for a spin, since I'm not there," Reggie replied.
"C'mon man," Luke whined. "You know I have two left feet."
"And I don't think Flynn made these heels steel toed," Julie added.
"It's a good way to keep an eye on the room. I'm sure our host has a silent alarm-see if he gets spooked when I get through. Follow him if he tries to make tracks," Reggie says.
"Fine," Luke grumbles and Julie pinches him subtly, since he's acting like dancing with her is some hardship. "Ow! Sorry boss. You know I love you, but I hate dancing."
"So just hold me and sway," Julie says, resting her chin on his shoulder, keeping her eyes on the room. The stuffy gentlemen and cold women in pricey gowns, all of them the height of society and the criminal elite. She's sure Luke sees it too, though she can also feel his nose nuzzling her neck.
"Okay, this isn't so bad," he hums. "Missing Reggie though."
"I'm there in spirit babe," Reggie says through the coms. "And after we nail this guy, I'll take you both out dancing. Maybe after I get a slice."
"Always thinking with your stomach," Julie titters. Then she freezes when she sees someone she wasn't expecting. "Fuck, Carrie is here. We gotta get out before we get made."
"What's she doing here?" Luke hisses, eyes scanning looking for an escape route.
"Hopefully to arrest someone that is not us," Reggie says. "I'm through, by the way. Try to get to the safe and we can sneak out the window. Our host wise yet?"
Julie looked at the old man who owned the house, but if his phone was dinging with an alarm, he didn't show it, too busy talking to some wealthy lady with more diamonds than sense. Julie kind of wanted to snatch them, but unfortunately that wasn't the purpose of their mission.
There was always another time.
She and Luke slip out, dashing towards the safe. Luke pulls the stuff to crack it while Julie pulls her gun from her thigh holster, keeping watch. "Hurry," she hisses to Luke. "Reggie, get the fuck out of that office and meet us here."
"Already on my way darlin'," he drawls and she can almost picture his crooked grin.
"And no stopping in the kitchens on the way!"
"You are so gonna owe me a pizza after this then. With pineapple and no complaints," Reggie says.
Julie scrunches her nose in disgust but agrees, urging him to hurry. Luke lets out a little whoop of happiness as the safe opens. Julie looks inside and snags the flash drive they need, plus any files.
Oh, and the diamond necklace... just because.
They hear a whistle from outside, and Reggie is below the window, zipline already set, so they make quick work of getting out, and slip through the hole in the security gate before the alarms even sound.
Later, after their debrief, and Reggie's pizza, Julie can finally kick off her hellish heels, and sighs. Only Reggie is there with his hand extended. "You promised me a dance."
"That I did," she says, letting herself be hauled up. They twirl around their living room, Julie able to see Luke watch them from the kitchen where he's making tea and cookies from over Reggie's shoulder. "Come on Luke, come dance with us!"
The man grins and plasters himself to her back, the three of them swaying in place to the music only they can hear.
"Job well done," Reggie murmurs as they break apart. "Even if I'm bummed I missed the spread."
Julie holds up a finger and goes to her purse, pulling out her new necklace-which she knows she has to pawn, but she's going to enjoy it until then-and a small bundle of snacks wrapped in a fancy linen for Reggie.
And sure, maybe there's a small stain in the purse lining, but Flynn's wrath is worth the smile on Reggie's face as he devours the food.
Plus he shares the desserts with them, and if that isn't love, Julie doesn't know what is.
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ask-will-and-nico · 2 years
“Tired,” Nico muttered. Hazel gave him an apologetic smile. “Yeah? I’m sorry,” she said. “But you’ve got to eat something. I brought you egg rolls,” she repeated. Nico looked mildly interested in that, but not really. “Jason’s getting the food ready, so we wanted to make sure you were up,” Hazel added. Nico hummed. The mention of Jason didn’t do anything. He must’ve been so out of it that he just hadn’t recognized Jason before, then. “Why don’t you have some water and stretch your legs a bit?”
Nico shrugged. Hazel hummed. “I brought you egg rolls again. I thought you might like them. And you know Jason never says no to Chinese,” she said. Nico nodded. He didn’t react to the mention of Jason, which Jason hoped was a good sign. Nico scratched behind Cerberus’ ears. “‘M tired,” he mumbled. Hazel nodded. “Yeah. We’ve just got to get some food in your system and then you can take your medicine and go back to sleep, okay? Jason’s brining the food over in a sec. You don’t even have to move.”
“Will?” Nico asked hopefully. Hazel hated to dash his hopes, but she didn’t want Nico to be waiting for Will to appear either. “He’s not coming over today,” she said. “He had dinner with his mom, remember? He promised to bring Carter by the weekend.” Nico slowly nodded, and Hazel hoped he wasn’t too disappointed. Will would probably help Nico feel a lot better, but he had other things to do. Nico pouted, but he didn’t say thing to that. Jason brought their take out to the living room, setting the containers down on the coffee table. “Here’s your egg rolls,” he said, offering the bag over to Nico. There wasn’t any reaction from Nico toward Jason, which was good, but he didn’t seem particularly excited about the food either.
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manicplank · 6 months
The Color Pink (Part 4)
The Noise's eyes were wide, and his pupils drifted slightly apart as he was lost in thought. He was nervous. He was still thinking about that girl and the fact that he asked her out. It was such a spur of the moment thing. He was afraid it was just another irresponsible decision he made on impulse. Even worse, he couldn't believe she said yes. Now he had to go through with something that he never really thought about. He only thought about her and the occasional visits to her, but now, they were going to have a one on one meeting.
The Noise shook his head and straightened his eyes out. "Huh? Where am I?!" A small Noisey with a baseball cap that said "director" on it was tapping its little foot.
"You're still on set, idiot," it yelled.
"Oh, right... Sorry."
"You're so distracted today. What's going on with you?!"
"I-I don't know. I'm just... spaced out? I guess... I'm not too sure..."
"Are you feeling sick or something?"
"Kind of... I feel a little queezy. My stomach feels weird."
"Maybe if you ate actual food instead of candy, you wouldn't keep getting sick. Now, get it together! We have several scenes to film today, and you were already late to begin with."
"Right, right, sorry."
The Noise walked up to a western-esque set. They were filming a western movie; The Loud Sound. Noise was quickly costumed with a belt, a vest, and a sombrero on top of his usual wear. A pig dressed as a cowboy and another dressed as a old-timey woman stood across from him. "Alright," said the director, "Porky, you're holding an innocent woman hostage as you're approached by our bounty hunter, Noise. He's been chasing you down for miles. You're tired, and this is your last stand. Noise, you've finally come face to face with the biggest bounty you've ever hunted. The money is enough to make you wealthy for life. However, he's one hell of a sharp shooter. You've met your match. You have to get both him and the woman alive or you won't get the bounty. Aaand, ACTION!"
"You might'a had me cornered," said the pig in a western accent, "but I ain't going down without a fight."
"Let her go, Pork Chop," The Noise responded in a slight Mexican accent. "I don't wanna hurt you."
The pig held a prop gun to the woman's head. "You only want the money! You don't give a damn about justice! You don't give a damn about her life!" He pushed his gun against her, and she let out a scream.
"Let her go, and you'll walk out of here alive."
"I'll be dragged out of here in cuffs and hobbles! You'll get the money, and eveybody's gonna think yer a hero! But you're nothing more than a greedy sum'a bi-"
In the middle of the heated scene, The Noise's phone began to ring in the distance. "CUT," yelled the director. "Are you KIDDING me?!" The Noise looked like a deer in headlights. He dashed towards his phone. He didn't recognize the number. Stupidly, he answered it, "Hello?"
"Hey," spoke a familiar female voice, "I know this seems like a long shot, but... Is this The Noise?"
"Hey, it's Hazel!"
"Oh, it's you! Give me a minute." He put his hand over the phone to block the sound. He headed over to the director. "I gotta take this," he said, "it's uh... my doctor!" He ran out of the set and into the hallway. "Sorry about that."
"That's okay! I didn't mean to call so early. I kind of thought you were pranking me so... I wanted to make sure I got the right number."
He laughed. "I can see why you thought that."
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
"No, no, not at all!" He spoke as if he wasn't in the middle of work.
"I was wondering what sort of ideas you had for lunch. I mean, my cafe still doesn't serve food, so..."
"Well, what were you thinking?"
She giggled. "I wasn't thinking anything, I hoped you had an idea in mind."
"Oh. Hm... You know what? There's this neat bubble tea place in The Pig City that has really good food."
"I love bubble tea! I didn't know there was a place to get it in the tower."
"Yeah, it's great. They have ramen, dumplings, macarons, rolled ice cream, all sorts of cool stuff!"
"That sounds great! So, when were you thinking we go there? I'm free all evening."
"I'm sort of at work right now, so-"
"What?! You said I wasn't interrupting anything!"
"You aren't! It's sort of a slow day today."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize! We can still make the plans."
"Oh, okay... So then when were you hoping to go?"
"How about tomorrow afternoon or the day after?"
"I can do tomorrow after I close the cafe."
"Cool! 3 o'clock sound good to you?"
"Yeah, that's perfect!"
"Okay, see you then!"
"Yep! Now get back to work!" She laughed.
He chuckled. "Alright, alright. If anything happens, just give me a call."
"Okay, bye!"
The Noise walked back into the set. Everyone stared as he entered the room. "Sorry," he apologized, "I got some bloodwork done. My doctor was just calling to tell me everything's good." The director noisey rolled its eyes. "Whatever, Noise. Put your phone on silent and get back in the scene! We are NOT working overtime today."
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somsesh · 2 years
Lucy and The Ending (not The End).
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It was 2012 December, if I am not mistaken, and my friend, Hazel shared a documentary with me called 'The Secret Life of Dogs'. I have always loved dogs, so there was no reason to avoid watching the documentary. Even before I could finish it, I remember tearing up. It's a similar feeling I had while watching Hachi. It always takes me back to Lucy, the alsatian dog we had as a kid. I remember so vividly the day she arrived at our home. A bundle of joy in a matted black coat, shivering because of the cold outside. We all had different duties assigned while taking care of Lucy. Mummy used to feed her, Bhaiya used to take her out for walks, Papa would give her a bath after putting neem oil on her, and I would just mess with her when she was in a playful mood. She knew it before anybody else when Papa's motorcycle entered the street. But she was a ferocious one. The legend says that she made a giant labrador jump over the fence and out because of her growl. You couldn't put a foot near her when she was eating. She would bare her teeth wide to make the hair on your skin vaporise. But she was our dog and she took care of us. And this is what comes to haunt me to this day how did I let her go so easily? How did I get over her so easily? I must have been really swirled up in my own new life after moving away from Arrah to not feel the grief I feel now. When I was finishing the last pages of this chapter, I could feel the guilt and shame rushing back in. Sorry, Lucy, for not taking care of you the way you did for us. You fought for us, and I didn't. The last episode I put up online on www.littlebylittle.online is dedicated to her. This is my small way of paying gratitude to Lucy. She was a big loss, and I realised that every chapter I have finished so far has been left as a footnote of having encountered a loss, or you could just sum it all up as a part of growing up. Maybe this is what growing up is all about, hiding our small bits and pieces in the sands of time.
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Love you, Lucy.
On another note, I have decided to stop publishing new episodes up online. I am very thankful for all the encouragement I received from the time I started sharing episodes online, and it has been a good push for me to be at the drawing table and keeping at the pages, but I have reached a stage where I have to put the blinds tightly and make the dash to the finish line. But that finish line is a good distance away. This is not a sprint, it's a marathon. In every long-distance running, there is a moment you hit the wall. This year, around April, it did feel like I have burnt my heels being on this path of working on my own graphic novel. It had been close to three years since I started work on it and with the cold slap of the pandemic, it had become even more difficult to feel the jubilation I had when I started work on the novel initially. The beginnings are often more celebratory, it's the mid-journey that tests you out. I had been running on fumes because I had turned down projects more than I would have liked, and it was starting to show that lack of funds was causing irritability. My confidence had plummeted and I would second guess every little decision I would make. My father used to say that arth (money) gives purusharth (character). While I won't go all the way to agreeing to it, having your expenses covered is a basic necessity to continue doing what you would like to and feel a sense of dignity in your existence. Thankfully, I have managed to steer back the balance (thank you, Pankaj Mishra for showing up) to sustain the many more miles left to run. But keeping balance is forever work, it's the ultimate aim because it's so easy to slip away into the distractions and lose sight of what you want. What I really want is to finish this book well. I am done with three chapters, and two mega chapters are left to be finished. I am hoping to work distraction-free for two more years to wrap up the base work on the book before editing can start. Putting the small episodes up online has been gratifying but it takes a lot of my effort and time to do that. I will continue to share a small peek into the novel's progress, but this is it for now. I hope to come out of this cave in the next few years with the entire book in hand.
Really thankful to @halfchai (Hazel) and Aparna Kapur, for going through my pages before I put it up online. There are many more people to thank, but I hope to do that like real authors do.
If you enjoyed reading what I have shared so far on www.littlebylittle.online, then please buy me a coffee.
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