#sorry if u followed me for anime art 😭😭😭I needed to get this out of my system
windshieldwiper · 1 year
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spiderpunk has me on chokehold
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sehodreamsthoughts · 4 months
yeah :( i could probably go on for a while too about plus size clothing options and the limitations.. but i won’t cuz i don’t wanna make myself feel worse rn😓😓 but i agree with everything you said… work clothes is a whole thing too like u said.. especially if ur limited by what you’re allowed to wear at work (like where i work u can only wear black, no other colours) so and i like wearing black but.. it limits a lot of options.. i try to find cute tops but.. also can’t have anything too revealing.. only recently got a tank top to wear cuz it gets really hot and even then, even though the straps are really thick and the neckline is high, i’ve had people made negative comments about me wearing it.
it’s okay, please don’t feel pressured to share anything ur not comfortable with!! i was just curious.. but i really need to find smth and soon to go back to school for.. i thought about fashion.. but i simply don’t think i’m creative enough and i’m more into like… cute outfits than like.. walking art so idk. i thought about gender studies or like.. some type of humanities degree but it just makes me depressed to think about things sometimes. i deal with stuff enough day to day, i don’t want to focus on it anymore than i have to. so i’m not really sure. i really don’t think there’s anything i’d want to do for the rest of my life like that.. but.. maybe i’ll find something. or maybe i’ll just have to be an adult about it, pick something and settle.
i’d like to expose myself more to going and doing things by myself, i admire you for being able to do that, and you mentioned before you go to the gym too! i really want to start going to the gym.. but honestly at this point i just want to build more muscle, i like being strong and would like to be stronger. my arms have been getting more muscular and it makes me feel good about myself.
sorry.. i hope this hasn’t been too much of a vent or anything but😓😓 idk i’ve been feeling a little down since towards the end of my shift today.
i’m trying to distract myself now then, if riize were in a band.. or probably.. multiple bands… who would play what or have what position? in ur opinion??? me saying this as if they’re not technically literally.. a band. but i mean like for punk band concept🤭🤭
Don't worry baby, I vent a lot too hahaha
Oh god, and all black. I try to not wear too much black because my head is pretty... Idk, but I notice different things, and black in my opinion makes me stand out more and I can't help but feel nothing goes well if it's not the same kind of black because there are different blacks and if my socks and pants or shoes don't match I go insane 😭, and different kinds of black never match!
Still, I hope you find something pretty you like to wear, we all should be able to find clothes we feel comfortable wearing, and people making comments about your appearance are simply stupid, rudeness is one of the things I hate the most, no one will get anything positive out of bad comments. Please the next time they make negative comments remember that ignorance, at the end, is the ugliest trait anyone could have (And yeah, I understand the concept of not everyone having equal opportunities at studying, but respecting others is a value we all should follow, and making negative comments about someone's body is them being ignorant on purpose).
I'd tell you to keep taking your time, or if you have the opportunity, take a career test or try to study what you have in mind, I'm also really empathetic so I easily feel depressed when I see some stuff in reality, that's why I've stopped watching the news altogether and I also don't ever watch movies with animals because I feel easily sad with those cases. In the end, we all should do what we feel is correct in real life for us (while it doesn't involve harming others), and if you have to ignore certain things, block them or avoid them (they seem like synonyms I think but in my head I have a situation for each of them hahaha), just do it for your own wellness, you and your boundaries should always be your first priority.
It's okay to take your time, I actually wanted to study literature when I was young but my parents didn't like my choice and send me to do some psychological tests to see which career would be good for me (the career test and a few others), and at the end it was exactly their first option so I got tired and accepted, but I always dreamed of working with books, reading, writing and doing things like that, even working in a library, but oh well, here I am.
If you want to go to the gym I totally recommend you doing it, but I'll be honest, sometimes trainers and people there can be a little blunt, so you have to always keep your mind in what you want and how you feel, if they try to tell you things like "you can't eat this", "you have to run" even when you feel tired, etc, ignore them, tell them no or wait for them to go and do it following your limit. I've been training since I have memory so I know how some of them can be, there was one that made me do 45 minutes of cardio before and after training (a total of 90 minutes apart from my routines) and I would end up dying, and there was one that talked to me pretty rudely when I was on my period (I'm anemic) and couldn't follow his routine, etc. I have a lot of different experiences with people, good, bad, meh, and it's true that they'll push you to do more and that's kind of okay, but there are times in which they simply think that being skinny is the only purpose of exercising and become irrational, so you need to stay true to yourself and recognize your own limits (I've fainted and vomited too lol), only that way you will be able to create a good relationship with working out. (Well, that's my opinion)
Oh god a band concept, I know what I'm about to say probably doesn't match their current positions, but I've mentioned that Sungchan should definitely be the lead singer, he has the presence, the posture, everything! And I've also said this before (fanta grape) but I kind of see Seunghan with drums 😭
In the case of Eunseok, since he's my boy and I've always dated guitarists, I'd give him that position with a touch of vocals too 🥺, and in the case of Anton since he has played a classical instrument I'd say bassist, I don't know why but I feel like people that play this instrument give the vibes of classic music with the control and that touch of elegance I've seen them have, like they have a different ear to understand music (in my opinion) and I respect them a lot for that.
Wonbin I guess would be a guitarist too (duh) and Sohee... Wow, I don't know if there is one in a punk band, but keyboard? I think it'd fit him so well 😭, he could sing too and play it at the same time, and I see him more behind the keyboard than just singing and being the one taking all the attention on stage like I see Sungchan.
I'll be honest, I don't follow real bands or see band presentations so I'm not sure how many positions there are, I'm just guessing and trying to remember about the only band I've read about hahaha.
What do you think their positions would be?
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ecivons · 1 year
There’s proship discourse all over my tl on twitter and it’s really starting to get to me and piss me off,, until now I don’t really label myself as pro or anti but the way I engage with fandom is probably more pro than anything
What I find the most annoying is that I think ALOT of people are like me and don’t call themselves proship but their fandom mentality makes them basically proship
And it’s annoying because it’s like 😭 “oh ure proship, so u like incest and pedophillia “ NO BRO SLIPPERY FUCKING SLOPE.
Like to me proship basically u dgaf abt other people’s preferences bc if someone likes seeing suggestive art of a little anime boy what the hell am I supposed to do to stop them
I don’t know if these people are aware that the most proship people of them all are the big artists who don’t care enough to monitor who the interests of those following them, or are their oomfies who don’t like incest but ignore the people who do.
A lot of people really are proship without being fully aware of it.. and I’m sure there are people who call themselves antis and don’t involve themselves with problematic content, they dislike incest and big age gaps, but they don’t go out of their way to call out people who do, they just block and move on. That’s literally what proship is. It means just block and mute as u please. Curate ur online experience!! You don’t need to advocate so hard for people to get cancelled because they enjoy the types of content that you don’t 😭
And for a lot of antis out there ik that proshippers can be really annoying about politely asking them to not interact. I find that annoying too because like .. I cant tell if they’re aware that they sound really dumb ☠️ just block them tbh that’s it. I think some proshippers have become kind of loud and annoying because the content that is deemed problematic now was never a problem before, in fandom spaces. The most visceral reactions would probably be like a rp account on Pinterest freaking out about it idk
Ok rant over sorry for that 🦭
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soh-da-meatball · 3 years
Hi! Question 11 with Cats for the ask game? ^^
Hi dear!! so sorry for the late reply I tried to tag and link as many people as I can!!
11. Any fanart you especially like from [IF]? Include artist!!
@thunderwhenhepurrs (btw they can write AND draw like do you SEE THE TALENT) If I had to pick a fav the Mistoffelees and Macavity tango, the literal audible GASP I let out when i first saw it (link)
@rainbowratsstuff THE ABSOLUTE CUTEST ART like muacks muacks would cuddle and cry because they're so cute 😭💕 I can't pick a fav but ONE of my many favs would have to be the one with Mistoffelees in his den!! (link)
@lozeyart ICON. KING. THIS ART. (link)
@cat-brrr has THE BEST Alonzos and just incredible character design and expressions and I love them all so very much 🥺❤❤❤ (and all the little comics are so funny too please go read them all) If I have to pick one art to feature I'd definitely pick Cold Paws because it's just. so. CUTE!!! (link)
@storyweaverofgondor AGAIN amazing fantastic stunning art!!! My favorite is definitely I've Got You, Brother because it made me so emotional when I first saw it 🥺🥺🥺 (link)
@frodosso THE SOFTEST. MOST 🥺🥺🥺🥺 ART. 11/10 best beautiful A1 wagyu grade (link)
@0zzysaurus okay his art is SO SO GOOD like the linework, the colours, the expressions!!!??? but I would like to direct the focus to THE JERRIES. His design is my absolute favorite Mungojerrie design EVER (link)
@chocolama-stuff shhh stop you have to follow her no no trust me dude YOU HAVE TO because LOOK AT THIS (link)
@yoa-artblog no no listen I'm not playing FOLLOW THEM. ARE U KIDDING ME LOOK AT THIS??? 😭❤❤ (link)
@oggysonart if anybody is to make a CATS animation it HAS TO BE Oggy because LOOK.. and after you're done looking you can go to their blog and continue looking because I would just link their whole blog as my fav (link)
@linadoonofficial THE KITTEN ART 😭💕💕💕I can't someone please pass me my defibrillator (link)
@roselessart drew the CUTEST Demestrap art and I love it very very much muacks muacks will kiss goodnight tuck lovingly into bed 😭💕💕 (link)
@munku-strap-on is a blog run by @saph-y and @princess-triton two INCREDIBLE artists!!! so I'll do you one better.. I'll link TWO ARTS >:D (but forreal please go look at their blog the fashion pieces are stunning omg) (link) (link)
@frozenladycat the... the- box 🥺😭💕💕💕💕.. THE BOX TRO- *sobs in corner* TH-THE BOX T- *screams* (link)
@nunsongici HER ART. the fluidity of movement in her work!!!!!! THE COLORSSS 😭💕💕💕 (link)
@1deabril art of Tugger holding his bagpipes ready to stir some shit is my absolute FAVOURITE please he looks so proud of himself 😭💕💕 (link)
@mungos-your-jerries drew the Deut bros as TWITCHES and it fills my heart with serotonin every time i see it (link)
@sneakydraws has a Tuggoffelees High School AU comic series and SHHH I don't need to say more just click the link and read Part 1 I PROMISE YOU you will want more huahuahua >:D (link)
@sgtsemisauce has developed a CATS comic @catsthecomic and asdkgjhlsdg I would just link the whole blog as my fav but I'll pick this comic strip that got me HOOKED (and it will get you HOOKED TOO) (link)
I'm pretty sure I've still accidentally left out many incredible artists and I am so sorry (please feel free to tag them and your fav art from them!!) but please just know that this fandom is so full of talent and creativity and we're all blessed to have them here 🥺💕💕
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