#sorry im already projecting a personality on a character we barely know a thing about
Porter Solaire strutting into the Monarchal Summit like he owns the place, ready to serve cvnt and square up for round 2 with prince Vincent.
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lostsyren · 2 months
I think rafe and sofia have alot of potential and the writers kind of screwed up with how they introduced her. we’ve obviously seen how soft he is with her and how he’s already comfortable by him asking for advice and how much of an influence she has on him already. like cmon she literally changed his mind on him having his father killed😭 i think that flew over alot of people’s heads tbh. and i think they will have a lot of scenes together and hopefully a lot of domestic and intimate moments together, i have hope for that considering she’s been upped to a series regular🤞🏼also we didn’t really see a lot of behind the scenes of fiona BUT i think that’s because they were hiding her?? or maybe people just didn’t recognize her to be taking pics of her. cuz i saw an interview of someone asking her of any projects she’s working on and she responded with “ i don’t know if i can say.” but she did confirm her character (sofia) was returning back to a tv show she was in last year. also his smile when he was looking at her?? i nearly died seeing soft rafe on my screen i already love them so much😣. i almost forgot people recorded drew, chase and austin having lunch and they were with two girls and people were saying it was fiona and the actor who is playing toppers love interest. so yeah i have a lot of hope we’ll be seeing her and rafe together🙏🏼🙏🏼
and with what i think should happen between them in season 4 is i’m hoping she’ll become rafes safe space and the person that’s always there for him. since ward was always pushing rafe to be tough and just being an asshole to him, maybe rafe could have someone he could turn to when things get hard or he just needs someone and sofia will be there <33
sorry this is so long i just loving talking about them😭 im seriously rooting for them🙈
Noooo don’t apologise for the long answer! I love hearing from you, and i feel the exact same way– it’s so fun discussing theories and overanalysing!!
I agree, they could’ve done so much more with her introduction, even just a small shot of rafe and her making eye contact in the country club before the party, just to give a bit of context to where she came from would’ve helped so much without eating the screen time. But ultimately i think they’re just quickly setting her up for the next season so they can flesh her character out then. (Hopefully!!)
Exactly!! Like yes she was just used as a plot device, like a manifestation of Rafe’s conscience almost, but that’s so interesting– and I don’t think she falls under the “I can fix him” trope, she doesn’t think there’s anything to fix. It’ll be a breath of fresh air having someone who doesn’t know Rafe’s past, giving him an incentive to be good.
You’re so smart!! Like that makes sm sense of why we’ve barely gotten any bts of the two. And both Fiona and Drew hardly ever post, so I’m not surprised somethings hasn’t slipped. And I doubt much of the fandom know/remember who fiona is :(
That’s so sweet!! I agree wholeheartedly– rafesofia soft scenes will be the death of me!! And the people saying him being with Sofia will take away from his villain arc– I think it will intensify his villainy even more if there’s a possibility he can be good and he just chooses not to. And especially how that will play with Sofia’s character. I think we as an audience will definitely feel the suspense, waiting for the moment rafe slips and becomes villainous towards her and that will just make his character that more enamouring and entertaining, whether you root for him or don’t!!
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pyropaw-studios · 7 months
Half of this is copied from discord: Not so happy news for:
I hate to break this news to everyone… but here goes..
<@&1004117175554023576> <@&1017464516952465480>Its with heavy hearts We are sunsetting <#1059559508042600549> temporarily til we can make a easier project to get some money off of, we've been working on this game since late 2021 with no progress, we've had too many scammers, allegded groomers/predators here, r15/cosmo, along with other chaotic stuff, lot of staff members left, and more recently our cheapest 3D modeler went missing, and we do not know how long they have been missing for, so me and <@755924638349131866> feels its best to work on the comic <#1171308144031453224>. Im sorry to everyone who was hopeful this game was coming quickly at the time we didn't realize how hard it was to make a game especially a MMORPG even if we can write and draw we do not know how to program nor 3d model even with the amount of staff we have were sorta outnumbered. with this out of the way i want to point out some things and get some unanswered questions out of the way.
so What will happened to <#1059559508042600549> and its respected channels?
nothing, we will let people ask questions about concepts, and lore and ideas here the channels will stay despite our inability to make the game
What will happened to <@&1017464516952465480> ??
I have already been thinking about this before the decision to call it quits temporarily and if everyone is fine with it i am thinking on promoting staff to the <@&1034906676840628244> to promotee the comic, give their ideas, background designs and more! i will give staff their time to gather their thoughts on this, maybe even have a meeting on it, no one will loose their roles and will keep their respective <@&1017464516952465480> roles
What is the future of pyropaw??
To be fair me and ozy are not sure yet, we rather need time to think before jumping into another project as big as draco warriors, phurelz is most likely our only backburner to help us right now, as its also my dream and the interest of a few others that we work on this comic, even though if it doesnt make it to become big of the likes of lackadaisy or glitch i will continue to work on it til i can't no more along with any other people who decided to join this project
Was there any official <#1059559508042600549> art completed?
Some but i never got pass one npc, and a few pets along with some playable characters and one more made by a staff member/admin who decided to leave
Is this sunset permament?
Never, as much as we care about draco warriors we would not completely cancel it nor stop it this is temporary til we have more money, staff, and energy to work on this, working on a comic for now is easier though, and <#1171308144031453224> actually has been in the works since around 2018/2019
To add on to this we've had other complications such as our head founders running into issues with love ones trying to force our staff to stop working on the game, forcing staff to control our heads to change rules around such as not people to not ask for monetary value at all cost and getting staff members leaving us, and an anonymous person harassing a staff member who lefted the server, and even when the staff of the server enforced them to stop they didnt and it resulted in the owner blocking them from the server and the staff blocking them personally, everything is so stressful to the point the secondary founder did not want to be the 2nd owner of the game anymore due to money issues and scammers as well, and it caused the owner of pyropaw and phurelz, and draco-warriors to go into a creative block and slump, lots of staff also started to work on concept arts left without notifying other staff while some did, so at the end of the day thats why we are calling draco warriors quits til 2026 or 2027 it's too much stress and there's barely any staff to work on it and too many people including scammers and IRL people got involved and destroyed our game, Were still working on our comic phurelz which can be found here:
Phurelz will be entirely different from draco warriors but we hope this will interest you :3, we sorry for anyone's inconvience and hope we can make exciting things for you guys in the future!
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rntdry7896 · 1 year
Honestly i have a very limited social life, idk but this on "Best friend" is always acting like my superior and i hatebit, i really have enough of it lately. I was brought up as a supporting character to my older sibling and now it feels just like im being treated like that again by the bff.
I hate it truly but while it was easier to break free from my oldest sibling its way harder to break it off with this bff because we have a business together. My anger is just that theyre really lazy... we do stuff relating to socmed and like need to post every so often but she always goes and prioritize herself l. "I dont feel well" postpone her work (she handle the posting) and the also goes" oh and also i dont like your edit its ugly", but ofc she wont do it herself, i always confirmed before posting like ok do you want to look it over and edit them and she goes "oh no haha im to lazy just post ittt" and then goes omg how can you choose that and that its so bad , hand the files over now (and its like midnight here) ok i say that due to the processing i need to got to my pc to send the files and im already going to bed, but she just sigh an goes "uugh oh well i just dont like it ok ill edit it on my own later". "But give me your editable files i dont want to look through the raws".
Mind you i already send her over all the raw material for a month ago but due to her health and vacation and such she kept postponing it. I actually need the posts up soon now as it relates to our income, but ofc she wont see it as urgent because she got money from her SO. So i kept trying to remind her like once a week to do the stuff and she kept having excuses. I really dont like fighting so i always let it go... but this has especially triggered me lately because it happens way more often and she just want to kept her share of money without working on our business... she reduces her workload to the bare minimum and just let me handle everything else... she also wasted my money alot for initiating projects she wont finish like i spent quite a sum on raw materials and its been like 2 month she just wont work on her part, we decided before already i do the base and she continues, and we sell them, i used my own money for the base and she just wont continuee it saying like she got other things to do and is busy, (honestly i know housekeeping is tough but she while sayaing busy and ignored this deadline goes and record her dancing and tiktok and have the audacity to say omg i just did some intense danceee) and when i say ok... good for you you nailed that how about the deadline and its radio silence for 3 hour
Im so stressed because we build this brand together and i am not as popular as her online (she got the influencer life and personality, people love her) and i really cannot ... i dont know what can i do if we break it off. Most friend dont even know i work on the brand they just assume shes the sole owner... and of course she doesnt go and say i worked on the stuff just subtly saying "oh ask X for that ok" while if she really does want to give me credit she can say "i dont work on that itss all X go ask them!" But no... she enver gives proper credit.. its always hidden behind wall of text or dissappearing stories 24hr limit....
Sorry for the jumbled mess i just need to type stuff out... im really stressed and i cant get to sleep because of how shes wrecking my life like i dont even know if its intentional... i hate it so much
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kaonite · 4 years
Can we hear about your Misraaks headcanons pls?
hahahaaha ahah okay so this turned more into picking him apart rather than headcanons but i mixed them in there ::3 (im so sorry, i cannot be coherent at all and gushed profusely. i promise my writing is way different than the way i type this out.)
for some reason it wont let me add tags??? so i hope no one is upset by that!
-misraaks doesnt know how to be 'normal' per say, barring the fact he IS an alien(this goes with my super personal headcanon that the wolves just breed some ODD eliksni. 110% there’s something SUPER up with the wolves (or gentle weavers) as a whole. there's something in the ether turning the wolves into human simps) and is just a weird guy? Who 'turns their back' on their own without being a little fucking odd? i mean if i saw a almost 7ft tall lady and she dragged me away from my attempted suicide (thats some baggage already) and offered peace in a my cultures way id rethink my ideals too (theres more to it i know but humor me!) Also unlearning ALL you've been taught was rough and trying but he was a young mind and to be honest... that's probably for the best (no doubt sjur did use him against the wolves but i really feel their friendship was genuine, full of a lot of love and respect after he stopped being an angsty vandal with unresolved mommy issues)
-he puts on this show of being strong and unyielding but if he trusts you he just crumbles and is bare to the bone about everything. misraaks isn't afraid of being honest per say, he may come off brash but he's just telling it like it is... no sense in beating around the bush. he's not an asshole but being raised the way he was uh... some tact had be learned. 
-no no no it's not bc his mother may have been strict and terrifying to some degree so he has to be the strongest  or he feels he'll fail everyone he knows. so when someone breaks down his walls he's just a soft, sappy individual who just wants everyone to have a peaceful life together while trying to be strong for everyone else at his own mental expense. hes so passionate, charismatic and driven even with all the odds stacked against him, the fucking STRENGTH in that. (DREG STRENGTH GO! even tho he's not a dreg u get my meaning, everyone so far has deemed him as such) what a king! ❤ (praksis u call him foolish again i'll break every one of the generators in your lab)
-brings me to my next headcanon that the nightmare in the moon, horkis? Is his mother and all the teachings that she and others brought upon him as a child up until meeting sjur concentrated into one being. that if he doesn't bleed for the cause, die for the cause, then he has failed his people.  OOPS! IT'S ALL DEEP SEATED TRAUMA! 
-also headcanon she was the one to dock him? to make it extra good when he thinks back on her in the misraaks lore tab 
(I normally don't slander moms bc damn if anyone slandered my mom id throw hands but bungie gave me the scraps and im working with them and misraaks seemed like he had a pretty standard, though super strict, upbringing ::) )
-he appears haughty, self-assured and a bit cold though that's just how he projects himself... he's not actually that way? I mean, hes pretty calm and collected. he expresses a deep  loyalty and love for Sjur and cares for his fireteam immensely. He trusted his fireteam enough to take them to her resting place, how is that not vulnerability we otherwise don't really see? 
He'd throw down for his friends and loved ones because that's just how Eliksni ARE. kin is everything, even friends. he just has a different way of showing it. 
-misraaks... okay i have to say he's into poetry, or talking poetically. the way he speaks is almost... romantic (not in a bad or spicy way!) i just know that boy really SPEAKS in such an eloquent, thoughtful sense. there's a lot of meaning and love in his words. he doesn't just SAY things to fill the silence. every word has a meaning, a purpose. i love that about him. 
-okay maybe i headcanon his fireteam being all around goofballs with him at times of respite, softening out his sharp edges. making him loosen up and enjoy the little things in life rather than worrying about the bigger picture. (bungie where's that getting drunk with his fireteam lore tab? i would like to see it. you have it with the yw and crow... it's the least you could do for the misraaks stans...) i just feel its hard for him to sit and do nothing, just to fool around, be a "normal person" due to the fact his whole life up to his moment of wanting to create house light has been death and war. He was MADE for war. it'd be hard for him to adjust to a 'happier' existence without a little prodding
-he doesn't care about glory, or is doing what he does for selfish gain. he genuinely just wants to help, to create peace. so if anyone approached him with the kell of kells title he'd promptly tell them to shove it (sorry misraaks... you're in the same boat with the young wolf... you can't escape your destiny)
-can we talk about how much misraaks unlearned from sjur then YEARS later is with dusk, meets the young wolf (that annoying bastard of a guardian! :) ), they spare him then it seems like something unlocks in him. like we were the final catalyst to his dreams being real. no longer did he want to be canon fodder, or use his crew as such, he wanted to lead... to be better, to do better for his people along the guardians. maybe he could be better than just another solider dying for a cause they didn't even know at that point. he could be everything his kind rallied against and be GREATER than he was taught to be , not stepping on those deemed less than him. his MIND 
-can i just shoehorn something in real quick. I don't believe he'd practice docking after everything. I just can't see it and i always see him having trauma around docking so why would he wish that on others as a treatment under his kellship? It took him A LONG ASS TIME to unlearn how fucked up it is and how their society as whole is (ie. he literally fantasized about his mother docking him. how is that not absolutely insane to hear?)  also it'd be useless at this point, he'd need people at their prime, not missing two arms for an old, unnecessary dark practice. he doesn’t want people to fear him, if your people fear you are you truly a leader?
*cuts this ask open with a knife and lets loose a character interpretation more than headcanons* OOPS
am i projecting? maybe but bungie gave me crumbs and i am going to use them
im holding back a bunch of thoughts bc most of them center around much more personal headcanons bc this is my emotional support eliksni :') plus ive written so much already im pretty sure you all think im insane.
If anyone has anything to add feel free! Id love to hear it, you may have some ideas/headcanons/interpretations i didn't list or i never though of! of course... most of this is projecting, who doesn't do that to their fave?
and honestly, i am so open to talking about him in depth, if you want to, shoot me a message! I'll get to it! :3
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theabysswatchers333 · 3 years
The Walten Files Theories:
I rewatched the series and I have some new theories and my guess on the timeline. If anyone saw my previous theories about Jack being in Boozoo. I take that back. I struggle to see faces and I got Charles and Jack confused. Anyway with theories from my brother I think I understand the Walten files a lot better now. But of course these are just theories or guesses to the story. I went all out and spoke on all my theories because I think that's what your supposed to do. Since the story of bons burgers isn't told in a traditional sense. My brother also helped me generate ideas so I want to give him some credit too, enjoy!
Firstly I want to cover two big mysterious. Jack and Charles. Their fates are really left to mystery. But I think we get enough clues that the peices can be put together.
Charles is the most unknown important figure in the entire series. We know what he looks like and who he was stuffed into but otherwise we don't get much else. I have a few theories on him. With the casting of Boozoos ghost and the fact that everyone Felix killed was an employee, I think Charles was an important or high ranking employee under the founders. My guess would be that either he made the animatronics, he was the person who handled the buisness side of things, or he was the highest ranking and most loyal Tech support. I think he may have been close to the founders. So close they set up opening day to be on Lily's birthday (I assume Lily was close to Charles, a daughter or a neice) I picked up on this when Linda called Lily by name in her letter. If it was someone she didn't know she would've said "opening day" or just "a birthday party" she had probably met Charles and Lily at least once to know this info. And at this time the company wasn't off the ground yet. So with that established I think Charles was killed for one of two reasons (or a mix of both) A. Jack set it up so that if something happened to him Charles got his part of the company and become a founder or B. Charles was the one who told the authorities about what happened at Bons burgers. If you remember in Rosemary's section there is a shadow that follows behind then slowly and walks in as shes stuffed. That couldve been charles. He may have picked up that Felix acted strange around his female employees (I always thought it was odd aside from Jack and Brian the majority of the deaths were woman) plus the "nows shes beautiful bit" which may have gotten Charles to keep on eye on the other employees and watch over them. But that eventually got him killed. Both theories are things Felix wouldn't have wanted to happen. When Jack is dead he acts as if he barely existed and even capitalizes off his disappearance. I think Felix while caring for the Waltens also had a big ego. Thinking he was above everyone and obsessive about his image. Which probably lead to all the deaths but especially Charles.
That leads me into my next theory. No one is in Bon. Bon is the face of the company. I think Felix's ego is to big for him to ruin the animatromic that is the company's brand. I think all the murders that happened when Bons burgers was open were entirely Felix. Even though we're seeing the bon animatronic. If you notice in Rosemary's part, bon had human hands. Separate from the suit
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See? The suit is covering someone human. At this point Felix couldve been wearing the suit. But later it was probably impossible for Ashley and Brian to be killed by Felix. Which Leads me to my next part.
We can tell by Ed and Molly possessing their rabbit that the bodies don't have to be inside the animatronic for them to be possesed. While Felix obviously didn't die he still could've possesed Bon in some way. Like a poltergeist situation, where his guilt was so extreme. Plus his heightened emotions when he killed wearing the bon suit. It left Bon possesed by his energy. I think this makes sense as Bon is clearly hunting for Sophie. However he doesn't know what she looks like and is just randomly attacking employees that have the same uniform. So it doesn't make sense that Jack or Felix are actually in the suit.
I actually think that after Bons shut down the bodies were removed from the animatronics. All the animatronics have the same large holes in their chests. Which don't look like regular wear and tear. This is probably also why they could be reopened and reused as the biohazard was removed before they were stored.
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Billy is dirty but doesn't have any holes, as he wasn't stuffed with a body until after he was put into the storage facility. Bon probably had blood on him from Felix and had to be cracked open, Sha was also opened. If your curious as to why Police didn't just take off the top layer and expose the exoskeleton. The inside of the animatronics probably had evidence that they took in. Like hair, blood, nails, or if you think some were stuffed alive (like Susan), scratch marks.
Now after those linked thearies let's go back to Jack. A lot of people wonder why Show bear wasn't apart of the show stoppers. But with the estimated timeline were shown. Jack was probably murdered first after Ed and Molly died. I theorize that A. Jack is in showbear and B. Showbear was in the showstoppers but Felix became paranoid or because it was his first kill while drunk he wasn't able to hide the body properly so he dumped the whole animatronic in a well. Probably just off the Bons burgers property.
With all those theories laid out im gonna give my estimated and theorized timeline
Jack and Felix co-founder a restaurant and name it Bons Burgers. They start to hire employees before it opens and set up the opening date to be on Lily's birthday. Which is Charles Neice or Daughter. Charles was close to the Waltens and Krankens and probably did behind the scenes work on the buisness or was a loyal friend they hired as an employee. Before opening day Felix is asked to take Ed and Molly to a school dance and drop them off at home. He takes them to the dance and drinks while he's there. He then starts to drive them home. Combined with his drunk driving and the loose laws on seatbelts in the 70s; Ed and Molly are killed in a car crash. Where Felix survives. Felix buries Ed and Molly, who go on to posses their stuffed rabbit even though their still buried. Jack kept calling Felix more and more panicked. Felix probably lied and said he took them to bons burgers and lost track of time. That he felt dizzy and needed Jack to come pick them all up. When Jack got there Felix probably attacked him and thought he killed him and roughly stuffed him in showbear. But because of his drunken state he couldn't quite do it right. So instead he dragged showbear to a nearby well and threw the animatronic inside. Jack was probably alive still. In his later messages he begs for help, stating that he can't breath. Rosemary or Felix reports all three of them missing. Opening day comes around, it seems it went smoothly but for some reason Susan is killed and stuffed inside Banny. Probably alive, per the "the rabbit is starving" section. Bons burgers continues operating until Felix tricks Rosemary into the back rooms. Wearing the Bon suit. He dismembers her alive and stuffs her in Sha. Charles walks in or he's already gone to the police so he's also killed and stuffed in Boozoo. Along with presumably Susan screaming at night still alive and begging for help. Bons burgers is closed for good. Felix still wants to kill Sophie to ensure that he is never caught but he never manages to do so. The animatronics are inspected and all bodies are removed. Everything is moved to the storage facility as the case is investigated. The case probably went cold, or at least the bodies weren't buried yet as Felix was never found out. With all of them having unfinished buinsess they still continue to haunt Bons burgers. Most of the showstoppers don't seem to reanimate. Instead finding their way into employee tapes, cartons, and the arcade games like bunny farm. Bon possesed by Felix's negative energy from his murders, attempts to hunt down Sophie. Eventually after the case is either dropped or goes cold. Attempts are made to reopen Bons burgers as the characters are still successful. The relocate project start up and the three employees are sent to try and fix the animatronics. Ashley goes into the backroom and is killed by Bon and stuffed in Billy. This shuts down the relocate project for a while. Brian is hired to try and fix the animatronics again. But is stopped by Bon and is hunted down and mauled left to die. Until eventually it appears the project is successful as Sophie and Jenny seem to be new employees handling the machines in a different setting. While playing Bunnyfarm Sophie starts to, and eventually remembers her family.
Stepping back from the lore and story in their universe. I feel like there is another angle you could see the story in. I also think the Walten Files could be being told from Sophie's perspective, possibly in thearpy. These seemingly meaningless tapes suddenly Jolt memories and flashbacks. Which would also explain the random music, dates, distorted pictures, and disjointed conversations. Honestly some parts in the Walten Files remind me of my own memories and flashbacks as a person with memory problems like Sophie. However there isn't much evidence for that. But it is still possible. From that Angle the sequence of events still play out the same but instead of the tapes being haunted its Sophie's having flashbacks as she remembers bits and peices.
That's all I have! Sorry it ended up being such a long post, I hope it makes sense. Have a good day, thank you for reading!
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n-ugg · 4 years
I didn't expect to get tagged but here we are. As you all will be able to tell in a bit, I am a massive Quackity fan
Thank you for tagging me @skeetlehands!
who is your favourite member on the smp?
Look, I love them all but these have a special place in my heart.
Quackity, Slimecicle (I am fully aware he just joined but I still love him), Schlatt, Tubbo, Eret, AweSamdude, and Ponk.
They're just great in and out of character and just have comforting vibes.
when did you first start watching the smp and what made you get into it?
I gotten in during the Pogtopia era since it took me a while to get access to the streams.
I mainly gotten in with the Sad-ist War animatics along with me trying to catch up on Quackity's VODS. Just someone that I was already familiar with being an easier shift into story and learning others through him
what is your favourite part about watching the smp?
Just watching everyone interact with other and just seeing the plot progress in real time. Its literally just dnd but with extra steps but I enjoy it so much
The improv that they all do is amazing and how everyone have different approaches to their characters makes my writer's side so happy with dissecting everything.
What piece of cursed lore is your favourite
That Wilbur canonically fucked a fish and Philza canonically fucked a Samasung fridge and just seeing the fanbase try to change into something that will at least make a bit more sense.
Im included in this, I basically joined the side that has Sally being a mermaid shapeshifting pirate. Mainly because of pirate Fundy
Who is your favorite duo on the smp
Slimecicle and Ranboo: They're the same person but in different fonts, you can convince me otherwise
Schlatt and Quackity: They managed to be super funny together with all of the jokes and balanced with making a very realistic abusive relationship work. It was always fun seeing them flirt with each other for a joke then get hit with whiplash when canon comes in to remind me that this isnt healthy
Tubbo and Tommy: They're two dumbasses who share the same braincell but then they constantly lose it and Tubbo mainly has custody of it
Wilbur and Schlatt: I just enjoy seeing Schlatt messing with Wilbur and occasionally flirts with him to get Wilbur more pissed off
Who are your comfort streamers
Quackity and Slimecicle are comfort streamers
Eret, Fundy, and AweSamdude are my comfort people (meaning I dont watch them as much but I find comfort in their presence. And the other two are also under this category)
Who is your favorite character
Quackity due to how complex his character is and yet how it looks so simple
Schlatt because is just a villian who knows how to play the game without getting caught
Tubbo, watching him trying to be hopeful with everything destroy around him and he just slowly become used to everything going wrong
AweSamdude because he is just trying his best to be a father figure others and I just got family issues
Who do you think the best actor(s) on the smp
Imma skip over the ones that we all already said and get into the ones that dont get enough praise
Quackity: Just how he managed to make his character seem so basic but in reality its really complex. And just seeing the shift from him being a chaotic force of nature to being a serious character that is trying his best to reach something that has been hanging over his head is just *chefs kiss* and he always delivers amazing lines on the spot.
BadBoyHalo: He is doing great right now, even though he is a bit rusty with starting he still manages to get into character and stay in character the entire time. When slowly easing in, you can tell its a bit forced but once he finds his footing, he knows how to deliver his lines.
AweSamdude: His entire bit where he was getting rescued from the egg fucking hurt. How he sounded weak from the entire thing and tired to where he just wanted to rest was so well. And I know he can act more energetic when he was accidentally dragged into playing a cop during Quackity's and Bad's date
Fundy: You guys need to give him more praise for his acting because he is fucking amazing at it. The little touches to how he voice when speaks is so good along with his body language in game. He knows what he's fucking doing and I love him for that. And when he snapped, it made complete sense if you payed attention to his character
I didnt add Ranboo because he's automatically at the top section due to him being a dnd player. Same goes to Slimecicle even though he hasnt acted yet. I dont make the rules. You play dnd, you know how to act
What are your favorite quotes
I dont have favorite quotes, just dialog heavy scenes.
Before Doomsday, Quackity going to take his horse far away from L'Manberg, it being the one thing he cares about. It was just so good
The entire Schlatt and Quackity argument in front of the white house
The meeting between Schlatt and Quackity with Schlatt yelling out to him in a taunting way to where Tommy and Quackity are trying to figure out what happened to the tnt. I constantly rewatch it to feel the adrinaline pumping to feel something
Wilbur's slow descend into insanity and talking to Tommy. Just showing his paranoia and fears consuming him, him projecting his fears into Tommy as an attempt of manipulation, and his hero complex shift into villian one
Schlatt's winning speech of him projecting it as something that was bound to happen no matter what. The amount of charisma and confidence that was in his voice as I was watching Tommy hiding underground in fear was just a perfect scene
Tommy's argument with Dream when everyone is protecting Tommy. Its the small details of Tommy taunting Dream to kill him, knowing he wont no matter what. Him telling everyone to protect Tubbo and everyone listening without hesitation.
The debate that Quackity and Dream had for like 11 or 14 minutes. All of that was completely unprompted unscripted, it was just so satisfying seeing someone stand up against Dream for the first time and actually beating him. Sure it was in a verble conflict but it still counts as a defeat
Be honest, who do you simp for? (Ayo if anyone says Tommy or Tubbo I will🗡)
Schlatt, Quackity, and Slimecicle
Its pretty obvious, I dont really try to hide it
Whats your favorite stream
Uhhhh I dont exactly have one so none I guess
Whats your least favorite streams
Im sorry, but all of the Jackbox stream. You need a specific group of people to play together in order to actually make it funny and keeping the energy throughout the entire thing.
After a bit later, everyone has a tendency of pandering to the audience and repeat jokes. They managed to beat jokes to the ground faster than Tiktok AND Twitter.
Dont get me started with DreamTeam being in there. They're funny in thier own rights but the shipping jokes get so unfunny so quick and they dont know how bounce off of others well. The only exception to this is when Quackity, Velvet, and Ant were playing with Sapnap and Dream. And thats because they decided to mess with the straight white guys into accidently saying offensive shit and seeing those two suffer with trying tiptoe around was so amusing
Whats something about the smp fandom thay makes you sad
This doesnt get me sad, just frustrated and its mostly towards dsmptok and dsmptwt but sometimes this fandom doesnt fucking know how to analyze characters. Like when everyone jumped on Tubbo on being the bad guy when he was a kid trying to use old tatics that knows that worked before and stand up for himself
How when one person decides to do something that they believe is right, everyone just throws the term villian arc around
When one person does one good thing the suddenly everyone accepts into them being good and not ever looking into it.
For fucks sakes, I saw people keep saying that Quackity was turning into Dream or Wilbur and I just sat there being confused on how they conntected those dots that were in different books.
Its so frustrating to read through. But here on dsmpblr, you guys actually understand character analysis, are able to critique them and able to love whoever you enjoy.
Another thing is how this fanbase really puts everyone on a pedestal or objectify them. Just completely forgetting that they're human and treat the streamer as a character. Like, yeah they're playing up a persona whenever they're making content but theres a difference and you shouldn't hold them up like that.
You cant use the argument of "They're young, they dont know any better", when I first entered my first fandom (I was like 11/12), I fully understood that theres a boundary between me and the creator. What they are on screen is a persona but they're still human and I should treat them as such. Its just something that bugs me and its unnerving to see whenever people start getting wierd about it
Final bit is just how the twitch chat acts. They all force the streamer to follow the 'main' plot of it being Tommy or Techno or whoever the fandom chooses to have a favorite, completely ignoring the fact that they are their own character. No one wants to meta game because where is the fun in that but the fucking chat gets so annoying when the streamer goes against fanfavorite of the week. It drains the fun of it being multiple pov's and different characters.
When Slimecicle was barely starting stream I saw so many people spam "Go with Ranboo" and not let him even get into lore first. I hated that I knew it was coming but it was still so fucking frustrating seeing them try to boss him around. Please just let people live outside of the 'main' plot, not everything revolves around your favorites. Now shut the fuck up and let them play
What about the smp fandom that makes you happy?
The people that create art, animatics, theories, playlist, or write oneshots
All of you creators are great and deserve so much more respect then what the fandom gives you because jesus fucking christ they're all so fucking rude. You guys are the ones that are carrying this fandom on your backs and I fucking respect yall for that
Time for da spead: @nixavia @dambette404 and @mocha-is-lost yall dont need to join.....unless😳😳😳
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myriadimagines · 5 years
Star Wars (Sequels) One Shot
Pairing: Reader x Poe Dameron
Other Characters: BB-8, Leia Organa, Kylo Ren, Temmin Wexley, Finn
Warnings: mild swearing, violence, mentions of death, injury
Requester: anonymous
Request: “hi love, i hope you’re having a wonderful day. 💖 can I request a poe dameron x fem!reader one shot where the reader is also a pilot and secretly crushes on Poe. When he gets taken by the First Order, she becomes overly worried and begs General Organa to let her go rescue him. When the General asks why, maybe she yells..“because I need to tell him that I love him!”..or something along those lines. And she and Poe have a heartfelt reunion at the end. Sorry if this was too long ahh🤧”
Word Count: 3,378
A/N: y’all im so fuckin mad!!!!!!! i swear to god i queued this request and now it’s fuckin GONE!!!! thank god i had the actual fic saved somewhere else but i already deleted the ask with the original request so i’m so sorry i couldn’t include what the original request was. im still boiling over about this @ tumblr stop deleting my shit!!! EDIT: omg i hate this the original post just published at a completely random time despite disappearing from my queue and i had to delete it before it got notes. UGH! at least it had the original request in it so i could put that in. anyway, @ the requester, this was not too long at all and a super cute idea!!! i hope you like it!!
please reblog/leave comments, they’re very much appreciated!
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Your name: submit What is this?
You crowd around the console, the air of worry that fills the room almost suffocating as your fellow pilots look to you expectantly. The radio shakes in your hand as you bring it up to your lips, and you stare at the screen in front of you, Poe’s ship coordinates blinking at you as other red flashing lights rapidly approach — the First Order. 
He’s surrounded, stranded in Taunul, a desolate desert village in Jakku. Leia had sent him to retrieve the map to Luke Skywalker, a crucial solo assignment which was supposed to be simple and quiet. You weren’t even worried when you watched Poe leave, despite always being worried for Poe when he goes on missions. 
How the hell did the First Order find him, all the way on a planet you had never even heard of before the mission?
This is it, you think, watching the First Order close in on the village, with no signs of Poe’s ship making an escape. This is your absolute worst nightmare. 
“Poe,” you urge, your fingers gripping the radio as you can hear his labored breaths on the other end. “Get the hell out of there!”
“I’m trying, I’m trying!” Poe exclaims, and you can hear the engine of the X-Wing firing up, can hear Poe flicking on switches as he prepares for takeoff. You’re almost about to feel a sense of relief, to relax ever so slightly, but everyone startles at the unmistakable sound of a blast. There’s a low rumble, and you can hear Poe curse under his breath before he informs you, “I’ve been hit, my engine’s down!”
Your chest tightens as you heard murmurs of worry around you, everyone nervously looking amongst one another. You desperately try to rack your brain, try to come up with any solution you can to help him, but your thoughts are interrupted as Poe tells you, “I’m giving the map to BB-8, it’s safer with him than with me. BB-8, get as far away from here as you can, you hear me?”
“Poe, don’t!” you try and stop him, already knowing he’s refusing to run. Poe ignores you as BB-8 bleeps in response, and you try and interject, “You’ve got to get out of there—”
“I’ll come back for you!” Poe tries to reassure BB-8. “It’ll be alright!” 
You look up at your squad, catching Leia’s gaze from across the console. She can see the clear torment in your features, and you run a hand through your hair, flinching as you hear the loud sounds of a blaster being fired. Shaking your head, you look up as you plead, “General, we have to help him—”
“No, it’s too dangerous!” Poe interrupts, his voice barely audible over the loud static from the radio. He ducks behind a dune, watching as the villagers are rounded up while none other than Kylo Ren descends from his ship. “I—”
Poe’s voice is quickly drowned out by static as the connection temporarily falters, and you clutch the radio, eyes wide as you exclaim. “Poe? Poe!”
You turn to Leia, utterly powerless as you silently beg her to do something, the radio clattering onto the table as you drop it. She frowns, shaking her head slightly as she knows there’s nothing either of you can do but hope that the First Order doesn’t find BB-8, that Poe can somehow get himself out of the mess he’s been dragged into. 
There’s a muffled voice, and you pounce on the radio, feeling a tiny flicker of hope as you wait to hear Poe’s voice. 
Back on Jakku, Poe is yanked to his feet after being caught and brought before Kylo. The stormtroopers search him at Kylo’s orders, and one digs the comlink out of his pocket. Poe helplessly watches as he hands it to Kylo, shaking his head as he informs, “Nothing, sir.” 
“Put him on board.” Kylo orders, before crushing the comlink in his gloved hand, letting the metal slide out of his palm and into the sand. You lean up against the table, about to collapse, as everyone seems to slump in defeat. It’s the last thing you hear before the radio goes dead. 
Your head snaps up as you force yourself to stay awake, and you tiredly rub your eyes, failing to fight off sleep as your gaze fixates on the map in front of you. You reach forward, zooming in on the screen as you run a scan on the system, desperately trying to find any sign of Kylo’s ship, where Poe is imprisoned. The glowing colors begin to blur together as fatigue sets in, and you let out a sigh, rubbing your eyes again as you blink, trying to focus your vision. You look down as your droid, R0-Y7, hums beside you, and reach out to place a hand on his head.
“I have to find him, Roy.” you mutter to the droid, who shifts closer in an attempt to comfort you. Your trusty R0 unit had spent all night by your side, and you smile down at him, grateful to have some company in the otherwise empty room. Resting your elbows on the console, you continue, “I have to save him.”
You can see the first stray beams of the morning sun through the windows of the control room, and you straighten, stretching your arms above your head before rolling your shoulders back. Despite the exhaustion that weighs you down, you refuse to sleep. You know you won’t be able to, anyway, until Poe is back in the Resistance base, safe and sound. It’s been two days since his capture, two torturous days of worrying about what unspeakable acts First Order is doing to him, who are no doubt torturing him for the map. You hate how no one seems to be doing anything, how you feel as if you’re the only person in the entire Resistance who’s desperate to have him back.
You try and tell yourself it’s because you refuse to leave anyone in the clutches of the First Order, but deep down, you know it’s so much more than that. This may very well be the end for Poe, you realise, and you never got the chance to tell him how much you love him.
And something inside you so painfully aches at the mere thought.
Tears sting your eyes as you shakily lower your head, the scan coming back empty with nothing more than some small cargo ships. Zooming the map back out, you begin to expand your search to the neighboring system before the door hisses open, and you startle before looking over your shoulder. You squint, letting your eyes adjust to the bright light that floods in from the hallway, and you recognize Wexley lingering in the doorway. You immediately sit up as Wexley says, “General Organa sent me to find you. We found Kylo Ren’s ship.” 
Your eyes widen, and you jump to your feet, rushing past Wexley with R0-Y7 whizzing besides you as you make your way to the main conference room. You push past the pilots and spies that intently listen to Leia’s instructions, and you manage to maneuver your way to the front just in time to catch the end of Leia’s debriefing. 
“While the Alpha Team are rescuing Poe, I want the Beta Team deployed to find the droid. We need to find BB-8 before the First Order does.” Leia insists, and everyone nods, studying the map of Kylo’s destroyer that’s projected in the center of the room. Leia’s gaze locks with yours, and she continues, “Let’s move. Time is of the essence” 
Everyone quickly scatters, scrambling to make preparations as you make your way to Leia. Something inside you feels invigorated, finally able to do something instead of sitting around feeling utterly powerless. Nodding at her, you say, “I’ll go with Alpha Team—”
“No,” Leia stops you, shaking her head as she lays a gentle hand on your arm. Despite how desperately you’re trying to hide your feelings towards Poe, Leia can clearly see how distressing his capture has been for you. You frown, not understanding what’s happening, and Leia insists, “It’s best if you stay here.”
You struggle to maintain your composure as you can slowly feel yourself coming undone. Keeping your shaking voice steady, you reply, “With all due respect, General, I should be on this mission. I need to help rescue him—”
“y/n,” Leia interjects, noticing your trembling hands and your breaths becoming shallow. Trying to be as gentle as possible with you, she continues, “You haven’t eaten or slept since Poe’s capture, and you’re not in the right state of mind. I can’t risk anything going wrong—”
“Please, General Organa, I have to go with them.” you’re begging now, your voice overlapping hers, and you can’t hold back your tears anymore as they stream down your face. “You don’t understand, I need to be on the team—”
“Why, y/n?” Leia asks, somehow managing to keep her voice calm as you feel yourself falling apart, piece by piece. She holds your hands in hers as she continues, “I don’t doubt your skill, but—”
“Because I love him, and I need to tell him!” you suddenly exclaim, and the entire room seems to freeze, everyone around you halting in their tracks. Leia’s eyes widen, and you’re suddenly grateful for the fact she’s holding you, as your sudden confession suddenly takes all the energy out of your body. Your voice lowers, and in a quiet whimper, you repeat, “I love him.”
You feel simultaneously lighter and heavier with the truth out in the open, finally coming to terms with your feelings and accepting them. But your confession raises the stakes that much higher, and you feel the weight of your new burden crashing down on your shoulders. 
You have to save him, or else you’ll never forgive yourself.
Leia sighs, giving your hands a small squeeze. She knows it’s a bad idea, knows she should insist you stay at the base and just wait for the teams to come back, but the desperation and heartbreak in your eyes softens her. Silently nodding at you, she whispers, “Go.”
You let out a quivering sigh of relief. Nodding gratefully at her, you pull your hands away, turning to sprint towards the hangar as your heart pounds loudly in your chest. 
You’re going to save the man you love. You don’t even give yourself the option of failure. 
You watch as Beta Team’s ship navigates its way towards Jakku, and you lean forward to press your communications button before speaking into the radio, “Good luck, Beta Team.”
“Right back at you, Alpha Team.” a voice responds, and you take a deep breath as you see the First Order ships in the distance. Both teams are hiding in transport ships, Beta Team in a salvage freighter intended to blend in with the scavengers on the planet, while your team is in a transport ship supposedly delivering weapons to the First Order. 
You look over your shoulder at your squad, some of which are disguised in First Order uniforms as they prepare to infiltrate the ship. Nodding at them, you ask, “As soon as you find Dameron, you radio back to me, and I’ll get the ship ready to escape. Got it?” 
The team nods in agreement, and one pipes up, voice full of determination, “Let’s get Dameron back.”
You look forward, punching some numbers into your monitor as you prepare to communicate with the Destroyer in order to get inside. You flinch as you see a TIE fighter swoop out of the hangar, and you feel yourself tense up as you immediately go on the defensive. The TIE fighter suddenly ducks under the destroyer, and everyone jumps back in alarm as you watch the cannons activate, rapidly firing at the rogue TIE fighter. Your brow furrows in confusion, and you turn to see your copilot equally as perplexed at the scene unfolding before you. The TIE fighter opens fire, destroying the cannons, but it’s not long before missiles suddenly dart through the sky, heading straight for the TIE fighter. 
On the TIE fighter, the newly named Finn frowns as Poe pilots the ship back towards Jakku, and Finn asks, “Where are we going?”
Poe flicks on a switch above him, attempting to figure out the ship’s communication system while trying to steer the ship. He grins as a light flashes green, and he presses a number sequence for the Resistance into the screen in front of him as he replies, “We’re going back to Jakku, that’s where.” 
“No, no, no, we can’t go back to Jakku!” Finn yells in protest. “We need to get out of this system.”
“I gotta get my droid before the First Order does.” Poe responds as Finn stammers in disbelief. Before he can protest more, Poe turns on the radio, yelling, “This is Poe Dameron, I repeat, this is Poe Dameron, does anyone come in?”
Back on your ship, you lunge forward, scrambling to press the communications button as you hear Poe’s voice in your radio. Around you, you can hear the sounds of disbelief and confusion, and you lean forward as you splutter, “Poe?”
“y/n? Oh, thank God, y/n!” Poe recognizes your voice instantly, and tears of relief and joy well in your eyes to hear his voice. The connection is jumpy, his voice barely audible, but it’s him. 
“Roy, hone in on the frequency.” you urgently instruct, and beside you, R0-Y7 quickly plugs into the control panel. You anxiously watch as the droid’s arm spins, manipulating the frequencies as Poe’s voice becomes briefly garbled before the audio crispens, his voice is loud and clear. 
Interrupting you before you can ask your endless stream of questions, Poe says, “I’ve escaped the First Order on a TIE fighter, and I’m heading back to Jakku for BB-8—”
“We’re in the Jakku system, we were coming to rescue y— wait, a TIE fighter?” you exclaim, stumbling out of your seat to lean forward, peering out of the cockpit window to see the TIE fighter on your right, the missiles still hot on its tail. “Please don’t tell me you’re in the TIE fighter that’s about to be shot down.” 
Despite the wildly inappropriate timing, Poe chuckles, and you hate how you can’t help but smile upon hearing his laugh. You always seem to find yourself in these situations, with Poe somehow managing to crack a smile out of you no matter how dire the circumstances. Nodding, Poe replies, “Yeah, that’s m—” 
You gasp as the ship is suddenly hit, the wing exploding, and the ship begins to spiral out of control. You jump back into your seat, swerving the ship towards him as you yell, “Hang on, Poe!” 
Your ship is bulkier than you’re used to, not as fast and sleek as your X-Wing, but you’ll have to make do as you watch Poe’s TIE fighter burst into flames as it enters Jakku’s atmosphere. You grip the steering mechanisms of the ship as you watch the TIE fighter careen towards the sand, but not before a parachute suddenly bursts out of the cockpit, and you can see Poe strapped to the seat. The parachute is tattered, tangled in the wind as Poe is thrown in the opposite direction, and you steer the ship towards him, not seeing the second parachute being released as Finn narrowly manages to escape the TIE fighter before it crashes into the sand. 
You practically crash your own ship into the sand, the ship unsteadily rocking as you land. You snatch a blaster hanging off the wall, just in case, before slamming the button for the ramp to open. You sprint outside, your team quickly following suit, and you run towards where Poe has fallen, unconscious as he lays on his side in the sand. You crouch beside him, gently rolling him onto his back, resting his head in your lap as you caress his face in your hands. The side of his head is sticky with blood, matting his dark curls, and there’s cuts on his cheek and bottom lip. You gently brush his hair out of his face, urging, “Poe, please wake up, come on—”
You let out a sigh of relief as Poe’s eyelids flutter open, and he squints at you as the sun bears down on him, blinding him as he can feel a dull pain throughout his body. His eyes slowly adjust, making out your face hovering above him, and he can’t help but think you look angelic, the sun shining behind you, and your relieved smile makes his heart swell in his chest. 
“y/n…” he croaks out, trying to sit up, but you quickly stop him.
“Wait, wait, careful.” you insist, gently holding him down. “You were in a pretty bad crash, and you’re all banged up.”
You look over your shoulder, gratefully nodding at your squad as two of them have already brought out a stretcher from the ship. The rest of the team help you load Poe onto the stretcher, and he frowns as he starts, “We have to find BB-8—”
“Already on it. There’s another team who’s searching Jakku now.” you reassure Poe, offering him a smile which he returns, despite all the pain he’s in. He weakly reaches out to you, and you immediately reach for his hand, clinging to it as you jog next to the stretcher, helping to load it onto the ship. Your copilot quickly fires up the engines as soon as the door closes, and you nod at one of your squad members as you instruct her, “Tell General Organa we’ve got him, and see if Beta Team has any updates.”
“Got it.” she nods at you, securing the stretcher in the back corner of the ship before giving you and Poe some privacy. 
You finally let yourself relax, and you feel heat settling into your cheeks as you realise you and Poe are still clinging to each other’s hands, his fingers interlocked with yours as he refuses to let go. His smile is gentle as his gaze meets yours, and he gives your hand a little squeeze as he softly greets, “Hey.”
You smile, instinctively leaning closer towards him. “Hey.” 
“Thanks for coming to rescue me.” he says, shifting towards you, and you try your best to ignore how his arm ever so slightly grazes yours.
“It’s my job, at this point.” you tease, biting back a grin. “You’re always getting into trouble, aren’t you, Dameron?”
“Yeah, but I know I’ll always have my savior.” Poe nudges you. A smirk makes its way onto his face, a smile that makes your heart flutter, and he jokes, “I mean, I did have everything under control…”
You scoff, and Poe can’t help but laugh at your reaction. His smile is so goddamn beautiful, and  happy relief expands through your chest as you jokingly roll your eyes in response. “Don’t, Poe. Don’t even go there.” 
Poe is still laughing, shaking his head as he musters up enough strength to prop himself upright. His laughter dies down, and your breath hitches as he looks at you, his gaze so full of tenderness and unspoken things, and you can see his eyes flicker ever so briefly down to your lips. Your lips part, as if words are trying to escape, but you’re suddenly rendered speechless as you realise no words can fully express how much you love him.
So you lunge forward instead, reaching your other hand up to caress his face as you kiss him, and Poe doesn’t even hesitate to kiss you back, running his hands through your hair as he pulls you closer to him. You feel yourself dissolving at his touch, instantly melting into his lips, and when  you break away, breathless, you finally tell him, “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Poe replies, with a smile spreading across his face that’s brighter than the sun. It’s more glorious than everything you’ve ever seen in your entire life, and nothing across the entire galaxy can make you happier than seeing his smile. 
And you’re even happier knowing he’s smiling because of you.
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tag list: @proudchocolateaddict​​​ / @myfriendmagislit​​​ / @dragon4123​​​ / @fire--pheonix​​​ / @gofandomsandotherstuff​​​ / @natalia-helena-alianova-romanov / @fairytalesforever​​​ / @emmacata​​​ / @hauntedpocdreamer / @fangirlsarah16​​​ / @adaleya​​​ / @floup-doodles​​​ / @batfam16​​​ / @multifandomwriter121​​
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son-of-skarmory · 4 years
((Alright, everyone’s been making posts about their mental health right now so I guess it’s my turn. This is just meant to be a general thing-I’m not targeting anyone (none of this is single-instance stuff), and my main goal is just to raise awareness of what it’s like on my end. I’ll go into minor detail about that in a bit.
Basically, I want to make a PSA about IMing me right now.
Details under the cut, and if you read I’d appreciate some notification (like a like or a message, or even an IM saying ‘read your thing’. But as usual, no pressure to do it. Do what you need to do for your mental health, too.
tl;dr is IMs are overwhelming so please don’t overdo them with me. You can send them but please give me time and space.
So, as some of you have heard before, chats and IMs can stress me out to no end. Even texting can do it, and group chats are the bane of my existence. I stress out over missing things, and it can tear my attention away from anything else because I don’t want the other person to be left hanging. So I don’t use tumblr’s chat rooms and I don’t use d.iscord.
‘But Wings!’ You say, potentially frustrated by my hypocrisy. ‘We IM all the time! You send me messages, so am I expected to not send you anything?!’
And, no, please hear me out. I can handle short bursts of messages if we’re in the middle of discussing something like and idea. I can also use chat features if there’s the mutual understanding that there’s zero rush to reply, or sometimes even to respond at all. But I can’t do constant, and I can’t do small talk.
Right now, amidst all this chaos, my mental health is really struggling. A quick summary (that you can skip if you want):
I’m constantly dealing with invasive and paranoid thoughts (the latter especially about Dad). I’m almost always overstimulated, and my brain feels like it’s been wrapped in tulle. I don’t ever feel like I’m not anxious and I’m crying nearly every day, which is scary because for me crying can trigger migraines. 
My dad, who I’m mostly stuck with, is a bigot with severe hearing loss, and even with his hearing aids in it’s too loud for me to be in the same room with him (which is where my computer happens to be). He barely helps me take care of Benny, who currently needs a lot of stimulation that I can’t give him. Dad is also at extremely high risk when it comes to C.OVID-19 (and please don’t make and comments or jokes about it maybe being a good thing if he dies).
Work is a complete mystery. If we can even run Summer Camps this year, we don’t have the same budget as most years since we had no Spring Break Camps, field trip groups, or Spring after school camps. So if we run camps in person, I have to change up my projects bc we’ll have a limited budget for special materials outside what the center already has. There’s also a possibility we’ll do Zoom classes from our houses, in which case I have to set up space, limit my materials even more (since we’ll be sending out a materials list for parents to buy, and they probably won’t want to purchase plaster or block printing ink), potentially even dropping some classes. And also I’ll have to look at my hideous body on camera since I have to make sure the kids can see what I’m doing (meaning I might need an overhead camera?). My retail job is...I have no idea.
Plus, as of May 1st I have no insurance, I have to find a new therapist and psychiatrist, and one of my meds costs over $250. And bonus if I do end up getting that tonsillectomy that was supposed to happen while I was on my parents’ insurance.
Between no work right now and whatever happens with Summer Camps, it’s gonna be a heavy blow to my finances. And since I’m trying to file for state insurance, I had to get kicked out of my savings accounts. I can ask Mom to send me some money from them if need be, but just the whole concept of having almost no access to that money in an emergency is terrifying, especially since I pay for Benny’s food and vet bills. I know that this one makes me sound like the entitled white girl I am but I’m scared, okay?
So...yeah. Everything is a bit much right now, but I really want to be here. I just want to lay down a few guidelines:
Please do not IM me just because I’m on. This is honestly one of the worst things. Sometimes it makes me avoid that account for the rest of the day.
Please do not expect me to hold small talk via IMs. You’re free to come to me with more focused topics, but don’t IM me for the sake of IMing me.
Understand that I might be very slow to reply, and in some cases I might not reply at all because I’m stressed by life stuff or have nothing to offer. If I don’t reply, it’s not because I’m ignoring you or don’t like you. I just need some time or space or both.
I’m not trying to say you can’t IM me. In fact, getting IMs can be a positive thing, because then I feel like I’m being thought about and am actually important to people (which is something I’m trying to deal with, I promise). Someone checking in can very super uplifting. I love talking about characters interacting. But just understand that chats and IMs and DMs can be very hard for me.
...Yeah. I’ll try to spread this around to the other blogs over some time. I’m sorry this kinda turned into a vent session, but I appreciate you taking the time to read it. Please make sure you’re taking care of yourself as well, and please know I love you very much <3 ))
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miss. thompson — peter parker smut
Summary: Miss. Y/N Thompson is Flash’s step-sister, one of the queen bees and a popular girl around the school. One day, she’s feeling bold when Peter Parker is her chemistry partner.
Notes: ive had this idea for such a long time, but like a fanfic for it on wattpad (FOLLOW ME ON WATTPAD: @/angryfangirl) bUt im a dirty girl so i turned it into smut oops,, i GOT SOME CUTE ASS LINGERIE ON, GOT SUM DICK TODAY, THOUGHT ID UPLOAD THIS LOLOL
Warnings: very smutty, rubbing, boners, wet things, annoying flash, kinda sex-in-school!!!
pt. 2
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“Miss. Thompson,” Your head shot up, meeting eyes with the irritated teacher in front of you. You smiled, laughing nervously as you raised your eyebrows. “Do you know the answer to number fifteen?”
Before you could answer, the bell rang causing you to spring up and grab your things. The class chuckled in amusement while you smirked, holding your books against your chest as you waltzed out of the classroom. There was thankfully one class period left, Chemistry Honors, you loved it. Well, not the subject specifically. You took your time walking down the hallways, greeting peers as they waved at you. It wasn’t hard to explain, you were pretty popular around the school, you could blame that on your step-brother, Flash Thompson. You were the nicer sibling, sweeter and smarter, definitely the favorite. Flash’s father would easily choose you over his son, you were just that good of a kid. Flash, on the other hand, was a known troublemaker, stuck-up rich kid, and quite the bully. You were nothing alike despite your years of growing up with each other, your parents married when you both were eight, it was a love-hate relationship between you both. Something that was a bit similar between you and Flash was reputation, you were somewhat serious about yours, never associating with the wrong people, it was a flaw of yours. You didn’t hang out with the Gaming Club, you found yourself a bit closer to Liz Allan and the cheerleading team.
“Today, we will be doing a Mole project. You will be making stuffed Moles! Get it? — Mole?” The chemistry teacher announced the moment students began to enter the room. He held up a little stuffed rodent that he had made himself.
You rolled your eyes, looking around for available seats at the working tables. Your eyes landed on Flash, instantly scoffing and shaking your head. You refused to work with him, he was already a pain in the ass at home. You continued to scan the tables before finding all the seats used up, you gasped at the sight of a free chair and table, rushing over, you jumped to seat yourself. You glared at the back of Flash’s head as he was seated in front of you, the seat beside you screeched.
“Can you not talk so obnoxiously loud?” You flicked your step-brother’s ear causing him to flip you off in return.
He began to think of a snarky remark before he focused on the person who sat beside you, “Penis Parker!” Flash laughed.
You turned your head and raised your eyebrows at Peter, he kept his head low in attempt to ignore your step-brother. You slapped the back of Flash’s head and muttered for him to be quiet. After a few seconds, you turned to Peter and smiled. “Sorry about him. He’s an ass.” The boy looked up and laughed quietly.
You bit your lip as he gazed away, paying attention to the directions being given. You couldn’t help but stare at him, Peter Parker was handsome, an old crush since middle school that died down by the beginning of junior year. He was interested in your best friend, Liz Allan, everyone was pretty sure of that, but as soon as she had moved away, his interests were unclear. You found yourself biting your pencil, your eyes still studying his face. Peter had a strong jaw, soft skin, these cute brown eyes that were either very focused or sometimes incredibly lost. You were brought back into reality when Peter looked at you, you straightened yourself up. He scooted his seat closer to you, settling the worksheet in between you both. Peter Parker was a low status at school, typically, he was someone you didn’t really associate with. It was bitchy, but that’s how it was. People would probably laugh at you if they were knew how you felt about the boy. You watched him scribble his name on the top of the paper. It was senior year now, things were different, what was the point of still trying to fit in when school was going to be over soon anyways? He passed the paper over to you, waiting for you to write your name.
‘Y/N Thompson’ You write neatly, moving your seat closer to start working. His clothed knee touched your bare thigh, he cleared his throat nervously. “Um- okay, did you want to do the stitching while I completed the work problems?” He suggested.
You raised your eyebrows in amusement, “Why do I have to do the lady work?” You passed him the sewing kit with a smirk while you grabbed the calculator. Peter’s cheeks turned a bright pink before he stammered nervously. “We’ll switch off, okay?” You started off with number one, easily figuring out equations and scribbling down the answers.
Peter sat beside you, starting to stitch the fabric to build your stuffed mole. You found yourself tearing your gaze away from the paper to look over at him. He was focused, his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth in concentration. You bit down on your lip again, taking an attempt at question number two before you moved your thigh. His knee continued to brush on your skin, your arms touching. You cleared your throat, pushing the paper closer to him before thinking of what to say.
“Um, I don’t think I get this one.” You said softly, you did understand the question, you just wanted his attention.
“Oh okay, I-I can explain it.” Peter nodded, You furrowed your eyebrows.
“Can you talk louder? I can’t hear you.” You lied, the classroom had gotten rowdy but not to the point where you couldn’t hear.
He leaned closer to you, his lips close to your ear as he began to explain the question. You moved your leg, goosebumps running across your skin as he spoke to you. Your hand slipped underneath the table, landing onto his left thigh. Peter froze, his words choking up. You stroked his leg gently with a soft smile playing on your face. He stared at you, unsure of what to say. You looked around the classroom, no one had been paying attention.
“A- W-What are you doing?” Peter asked quietly, continuing the stitching while you used your free hand to play with the pencil on the desk.
“Do you want me to stop?” You asked, all he needed to say was yes or no, you would oblige. It was bold move, completely unexpected. Peter never thought you would try something like this on him, Y/N Thompson trying to seduce Peter Parker? It had to be a cruel joke.
He was scared to respond before he gulped, “No.”
“Then I won’t.” Your whispered into his ear, your hand continuing to stroke his thigh.
Peter shuttered beside you, his hands slightly shaking as he ran the needle through the fabric. He wasn’t very good at stitching but now he was doing even worse. Your touch was making him sweat, your soft hand on him was getting him hard. You noticed, occasionally looking from the worksheet to the boy’s face to his stitching to his lap. You smirked slightly as your hand led to his hard-on, you palmed him through his pants. He let out a small gasp, whipping his head up to glance at the teacher. You looked over at Flash who hadn’t noticed anything, you don’t know how he would react. You focused back to Peter, the pants leaving his mouth were leaving you wet. You cleared your throat, opening your legs wider and slipping down your hand to your soaked panties. He glanced over, eyes widening even further, if they grew any bigger they’d probably fall out of his head.
“We always have tomorrow if you don’t finish today! We will be presenting these, they need to be unique, make them a name. They can even be based-off of your favorite character!” The teacher exclaimed, Peter flinched each time.
You watched him attempt to stitch with one hand, the other grazing up and down your thigh. He clearly hadn’t done this before. You leaned closer to him, your lips lingering along his ear. Peter inhaled sharply, as your breath hit his skin. “Touch me.” You almost moaned quietly, he did as told, nodding as you sat back and continued to watch his lap with hooded eyes. Your hand worked back to the worksheet, while your other was handling palming him through his black jeans. His fingers pushed away your panties, he instantly collected the wetness between your slits, the pad of his index finger placed on your throbbing clit. You groaned lowly at the feeling, he didn’t really need your help, he somewhat knew what he was doing. Peter Parker has never been with a girl, especially in this way - he must’ve learned from videos, it felt good so that’s what you assumed. You clutched his hard cock through his jeans, biting down your lip as he rubbed circles on your sensitive bud. You looked up, on look-out once again before you met Flash’s eyes.
“What?” You snapped, “Sorry that our mole is gonna look better than y-yours.” You stuttered during the last word as Peter’s fingers pressed down on your clit harder than before, you rubbed him quicker.
“You wish!” Flash scoffed, turning his head and paying attention to his work, nudging his partner to work faster.
You quickened your pace with the palming of his cock, resisting the urge to accidentally drop your materials and get on your knees for Peter right there. His breathing was heavy, his fingers were quicker on your clit, he was close. You could see it in the way Peter was twitching, the way he occasionally shut his eyes and shuddered in pleasure. You leaned towards him again, a smile on your sweet face. “Cum for me, Parker.” You said softly, he instantly groaned but quickly covered it up with a cough - no one noticed. You continued to palm him until he grabbed your hand, it rested there for a second until you felt a wet spot on his black jeans. Peter was lucky he had worn them. You pulled away from him, a shit-eating grin on your face. You looked over at him and admired the post-orgasm look on his face, he was red, a bit sweaty from the pleasure. With confidence, you picked up his hand and raised it to his mouth. Peter took the hint, taking the fingers he had played with you and cleaning them up. He smiled back, leaning closer to you, “You taste so good.” Peter’s comment was low, it made you squeeze your thighs together in surprise.
“See? Look at mine, fuckers!” You both tore away, looking over at Flash who set down his mole. It was a stuffed animal in what looked like a makeshift Spider-Man suit. You snorted, your step-brother was obsessed with the superhero. Peter’s eyes widened at the sight, awkwardly coughing and focusing on your own project.
“It looks fucking stupid.” You laughed, snatching the Spider-Man mole in chucking it across the room. Flash smacked your arm, immediately protesting and shouting.
“Miss. Thompson!”
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wrecker-radioactive · 4 years
BNHA X Green Lantern
Hey folks! Radioactive here with some Au ideas. I’d would like to thank @kibastray for the inspiration from their Miraculous Ladybug fic. 
Now these are just some tidbits of ideas. I am working on getting out of my writing hiatus and maybe this will help.
Feel Free to use any of the ideas for yourself!!!! All I ask is a link or @ to read them! Thank you! Enjoy~
For these AUs the focus will be on Midoriya Izuku. Though it would be neat to use other characters, Izuku is the focus today. 
Green[WILL] Corp AU---normal amount of angst
>Midoriya is still quirk-less but doesn’t meet All Might. 
>Instead, He goes to mope on the school roof top after getting his notebook back from swimming with the koi.
>Not sure if this is where he starts contemplating anything suicidal like or other job/career prospects but
>He gets conveniently knocked over the head with the Green Lantern Ring
>Says the oath and gets dragged into space by the ring-after recharging it
>Meets up with the current Green Lanterns and gets some decent training in before he remembers his mother is waiting for him so they give him Earth sector’s Green Lantern’s number to discuss training and to just talk to for help.
>This AU follows the original plot with the differences being Izuku is more so focused on bringing Justice no matter what. He is more so Grey lining. Willing to learn the law and stand up for those mistreated by it. Izuku is willing to work to change it for the better. To improve the law.
>Personality wise, He is High Key Nervous but Willing and Ready to Punch(think greyhound in yellow sweater) Is EXTRA Creative and more focused on Analysis in defeating villains or preventing building collapses 
>He is closer bros with Momo in this one. Creation Friends all the way.
>His Creations/Projections are weird. Like they are Out-Landish choices for doing what ever to defeat the opponent(s). Kinda like Miraculous Ladybug.
>His outfit is the regular standard for Green Lanterns but under it is his Hero Suit that has ALL THE POCKETS. You need a bandage? He’s got twenty. Disaster Child is Prepared Child but still problematic
Blue [HOPE] Corps----mild angst
>Rescue Focused Hero
>BIG {Magic of Friendship} Speeches TM
>PRONE to Greater Injuries now that he has power but it is mainly to prevent others from harm. Lacks self preservation this one does.
>Still Nervous but it is more overthinking and about others. Even if he doesn’t know them, you chat with this kid for two minutes and he’s already worrying about your health, your family, your goldfish
>Most likely to be a Vigilante than actual hero due to his insight on Quirk Laws and the impact they have on society. He ends up saving people more and visiting hospitals to bring hope to kids. 
>He likes to knit and crochet hats for the kids. Sunshine child levels at Maximum
>Most likely to accidentally become a villain due to being vocal on the mistreatment of others at the hands of heroes or the lack of safety measures put in to protect kids from abuse ei from negative enforcement from teachers or bullies.
>Outfit is standard with a calm blue to help put people at ease around him. Difference is that he wears a helmet--motorcycle helmet. Maybe to hide his identity maybe for further protection.
Star Sapphire Corps--ALL THE ANGST 
>Izuku becomes a Star Sapphire at a young age. Right after being told he will never have a quirk, with teachers and other parents talking badly about Inko over having a quirkless child and Izuku who would be five at the time so is thinking Momma Midoriya doesn’t want him and that his dad doesn’t want him either since he left shortly after Izuku was diagnosed. Add in our resident angry boi telling Izuku he’s useless and basically breaking off ties. All leads to a sad kid
>This leads to Izuku’s heart witnessing the breaking of his soul bonds from all those he loves. 
>He gets turned into a giant crystal that transforms him into a Star Sapphire and the ring basically becomes his mentor. From there on, Izuku trains to become stronger. he doesn’t run away because he wants to fix the system. So no one has to hurt like he does. 
>So Izuku decides to change the system from the inside out. Become a top ranking Hero, and then start leading more positive changes to the laws and how people view quirks. 
>He is very lonely in this AU until he and Inko actually sit down and talk about what Izuku wants and Inko shows her support for his dreams. It is one of the few bonds Izuku allows to heal and mend. Up to the person if Katsuki ever mends fences or if Izuku’s dad does anything. 
>Izuku is a tired nervous. Very done with life but very much would like a hug. If you hug this sad kid he will never let go. 
>It isn’t until after USJ arc that Izuku finally meets other Lantern holders 
Izuku shuffled after Aizawa-sensi holding back the panic swelling inside him. The voice of his ring--loving dubbed Star--cooed and murmured support and reassurances that if anything he feared happened that they would simple run away to space. They often tried to get Izuku to leave Earth and take to the stars but he wanted to change things on Earth. To change himself for the better. Taking a fortifying breath, Izuku followed Aizawa-sensi into the meeting room.
Three people turned to face the new arrivals. John Stewart nearly fainted at the sight of the small green haired kid following Easerhead. He didn’t want to believe a child had been chosen let alone for a Star Sapphire. Stars went through so much pain and for a kid not even sixteen to go through that? It broke his heart. A quick glance at his companions Salaak whose nerves shown in the twitching of his four hands and Brother Warth of the Blue Corps. Brother Warth’s trunk scrunched up at the sight of the tiny human child bearing the pink ring and if his training wasn’t so strong his rage would have most certainly taken over. 
Izuku froze at the sight of the African American human in green and black, a dark pink humaniod with four arms, and a huge elephant like person in the blue version of the other’s outfit. They all had rings too. Does that mean he’s not alone? There are others who share his experinces? It was too much yet at the same time numbing after the whole facing a group of villains on a school field trip. 
“Midoriya, these are the Lantern Corp members currently available to talk with you about your powers and situation.” Easerhead introduced nodding to the three before taking a step back to allow Izuku room to move but keeping within eye sight of everyone. He was here to just listen since he was still in recovery. 
“Hello Midoriya, I’m John and these are my friends Salaak and Brother Warth.” With introductions out of the way, John stepped up to kneel in front of Izuku allowing a few feet of distance between them. “I heard about what you’ve been through, and I know what it takes to be a bearer of take ring. I’m sorry we didn’t find you sooner.” 
It wasn’t the best apology nor would it be the last. To have left a child alone with the powers of the ring was a grossly irresponsible act. They would do whatever it took to help Izuku heal and grow into a hero. no, Into a healthy kid. Izuku deserved to be a kid. 
Izuku couldn’t stop the tears from falling. After having teacher after teacher condemn him and never step up to protect him, after almost running away from his own mother based on misunderstandings and assumptions, and to the years consistently being told he deserved to suffer for not conforming to society thanks to the uncontrollable factors of genetics; to be understood. To have someone on his side outside of his mom. It was no wonder he threw his arms around John and bawled his eyes out. 
-End Scene-
>His outfit is the most different. From my research on the outfits, Star Sapphires have no care for modesty and is mostly female based so take that as you will. So, Izuku’s form will have gauntlets in a purple-black that go up to his armpits and leave his shoulders bare. A magenta halter top with black/purple edging that ends just below his ribs. Skin tight shorts same color as gloves that stop at his knees before becoming knee pads with multi point starburst in silver on the fronts with the background being magenta. Knee high boots in magenta and silver buckles. Standard face thing in either black or magenta. The tips of his fade into magenta. [this is the best I could come up with. im sorry]
Indigo Corps [Compassion]
>Not sure how this one would go about anything since the corp is entirely based on an alien tribe in another system. BUT Compassion and chains. 
>Basically Izuku slapping people with emotions to change their ways. I dont even know where this is going. Vigilante? 
That’s all I have so far folks. Hope you enjoyed it! Don’t forget to Stay Safe 
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pyropaw-studios · 7 months
Bad news for draco warriors.
Half of this is copied from discord: Not so happy news for:
I hate to break this news to everyone… but here goes..
<@&1004117175554023576> <@&1017464516952465480>Its with heavy hearts We are sunsetting <#1059559508042600549> temporarily til we can make a easier project to get some money off of, we've been working on this game since late 2021 with no progress, we've had too many scammers, allegded groomers/predators here, r15/cosmo, along with other chaotic stuff, lot of staff members left, and more recently our cheapest 3D modeler went missing, and we do not know how long they have been missing for, so me and <@755924638349131866> feels its best to work on the comic <#1171308144031453224>. Im sorry to everyone who was hopeful this game was coming quickly at the time we didn't realize how hard it was to make a game especially a MMORPG even if we can write and draw we do not know how to program nor 3d model even with the amount of staff we have were sorta outnumbered. with this out of the way i want to point out some things and get some unanswered questions out of the way.
so What will happened to <#1059559508042600549> and its respected channels?
nothing, we will let people ask questions about concepts, and lore and ideas here the channels will stay despite our inability to make the game
What will happened to <@&1017464516952465480> ??
I have already been thinking about this before the decision to call it quits temporarily and if everyone is fine with it i am thinking on promoting staff to the <@&1034906676840628244> to promotee the comic, give their ideas, background designs and more! i will give staff their time to gather their thoughts on this, maybe even have a meeting on it, no one will loose their roles and will keep their respective <@&1017464516952465480> roles
What is the future of pyropaw??
To be fair me and ozy are not sure yet, we rather need time to think before jumping into another project as big as draco warriors, phurelz is most likely our only backburner to help us right now, as its also my dream and the interest of a few others that we work on this comic, even though if it doesnt make it to become big of the likes of lackadaisy or glitch i will continue to work on it til i can't no more along with any other people who decided to join this project
Was there any official <#1059559508042600549> art completed?
Some but i never got pass one npc, and a few pets along with some playable characters and one more made by a staff member/admin who decided to leave
Is this sunset permament?
Never, as much as we care about draco warriors we would not completely cancel it nor stop it this is temporary til we have more money, staff, and energy to work on this, working on a comic for now is easier though, and <#1171308144031453224> actually has been in the works since around 2018/2019
To add on to this we've had other complications such as our head founders running into issues with love ones trying to force our staff to stop working on the game, forcing staff to control our heads to change rules around such as not people to not ask for monetary value at all cost and getting staff members leaving us, and an anonymous person harassing a staff member who lefted the server, and even when the staff of the server enforced them to stop they didnt and it resulted in the owner blocking them from the server and the staff blocking them personally, everything is so stressful to the point the secondary founder did not want to be the 2nd owner of the game anymore, and it caused the owner of pyropaw and phurelz, and draco-warriors to go into a creative block and slump, lots of staff also started to work on concept arts left without notifying other staff while some did, so at the end of the day thats why we are calling draco warriors quits til 2026 or 2027 it's too much stress and there's barely any staff to work on it and too many people including scammers and IRL people got involved and destroyed our game, Were still working on our comic phurelz which can be found here:
Phurelz will be entirely different from draco warriors but we hope this will interest you :3, we sorry for anyone's inconvience and hope we can make exciting things for you guys in the future!
PS: this is not the end for draco warriors we will return in 2026 or 2027 to resume production on it.
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rntdry7896 · 1 year
Honestly i have a very limited social life, idk but this on "Best friend" is always acting like my superior and i hatebit, i really have enough of it lately. I was brought up as a supporting character to my older sibling and now it feels just like im being treated like that again by the bff.
I hate it truly but while it was easier to break free from my oldest sibling its way harder to break it off with this bff because we have a business together. My anger is just that theyre really lazy... we do stuff relating to socmed and like need to post every so often but she always goes and prioritize herself l. "I dont feel well" postpone her work (she handle the posting) and the also goes" oh and also i dont like your edit its ugly", but ofc she wont do it herself, i always confirmed before posting like ok do you want to look it over and edit them and she goes "oh no haha im to lazy just post ittt" and then goes omg how can you choose that and that its so bad , hand the files over now (and its like midnight here) ok i say that due to the processing i need to got to my pc to send the files and im already going to bed, but she just sigh an goes "uugh oh well i just dont like it ok ill edit it on my own later". "But give me your editable files i dont want to look through the raws".
Mind you i already send her over all the raw material for a month ago but due to her health and vacation and such she kept postponing it. I actually need the posts up soon now as it relates to our income, but ofc she wont see it as urgent because she got money from her SO. So i kept trying to remind her like once a week to do the stuff and she kept having excuses. I really dont like fighting so i always let it go... but this has especially triggered me lately because it happens way more often and she just want to kept her share of money without working on our business... she reduces her workload to the bare minimum and just let me handle everything else... she also wasted my money alot for initiating projects she wont finish like i spent quite a sum on raw materials and its been like 2 month she just wont work on her part, we decided before already i do the base and she continues, and we sell them, i used my own money for the base and she just wont continuee it saying like she got other things to do and is busy, (honestly i know housekeeping is tough but she while sayaing busy and ignored this deadline goes and record her dancing and tiktok and have the audacity to say omg i just did some intense danceee) and when i say ok... good for you you nailed that how about the deadline and its radio silence for 3 hour
Im so stressed because we build this brand together and i am not as popular as her online (she got the influencer life and personality, people love her) and i really cannot ... i dont know what can i do if we break it off. Most friend dont even know i work on the brand they just assume shes the sole owner... and of course she doesnt go and say i worked on the stuff just subtly saying "oh ask X for that ok" while if she really does want to give me credit she can say "i dont work on that itss all X go ask them!" But no... she enver gives proper credit.. its always hidden behind wall of text or dissappearing stories 24hr limit....
Sorry for the jumbled mess i just need to type stuff out... im really stressed and i cant get to sleep because of how shes wrecking my life like i dont even know if its intentional... i hate it so much
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gyeomork · 5 years
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(jackson wang x reader) 
genre: fluff, light smut, college au
warnings: sexual content, mild cursing
word count: 3.8k
a/n: i don’t capitalize my letters in this so if that bothers you, i’m sorry :( also italicized words mean they’re speaking english. also i lol don’t know what im talking about with all that “reading people” shit i just took a wyld guess but i hope you enjoy anyway ^3^
i enter my first class of the year, psychology 3. i take a seat, not really paying attention to who i sat next to. i take my laptop out of my backpack, place it on the table, flip it open and get ready to take notes. it was a new school year and i was not about to slack anymore. sophomore year was a complete shit show and i could not afford that this year, literally. i was skipping class like it was an olympic sport but guess what? tuition still had to be paid. i open up google docs and title the new document ‘19/8/19 notes, assignments & hw ’. the professor begins to speak and my full attention is now on her.
an hour passes and the class was wrapping up. “ok class the homework is for you all to make a powerpoint presentation on the person sitting next to you. you must analyze them as a person, describe their character traits and so on and so forth. think of it as an ice breaker activity and a way to make a new friend. more instructions will be posted online. i count 24 of you so i expect 24 emails on friday 23/8/19. presentations will be the following monday, if there are any questions feel free to email me. class dismissed.” i close my laptop and reach for my bag when i hear a deep familiar voice next to me say “hey! how’s it going?” i look to my right and see jackson, jackson wang. god not again. this man was handsome to say the very very least and a heart throb. i should know because i had him in psych 2 last year. we would almost always end up having to do a project together and almost always turn it in 2 minutes before it was due. it’s not like we were the best of friends and every time we met up we didn’t do work, it was just that we never really did meet up. every time he would text and ask i would be too scared to be in the same place as him because of how intimidated he made me feel. when we did meet up it was the night before so i absolutely had to go, for the sake of his grade. we wouldn’t talk much but when we did he was, for the most part, really nice. “hi.. jackson. it’s going.. good” i say quietly. “oh, that’s good. well if you’re free right now we could go get coffee to jumpstart this little project” god he had the cutest smile on his face. “oh yeah sure just let me get packed up” i said trying to avoid his gaze like the black plague.
after to fumbling with my belongings under the immense pressure his eyes were putting me under, we were finally able to leave. on the walk to the cafe, jackson sparks up conversation. “so, y/n, last year we never really talked much and i was a little let down because you actually seemed really cool. so i’m glad i get to do this project with you. i wanna get to know you” he looks over to me and grins widely. i return a small smile back. “where are you from?” he asked sounding genuinely curious. “the states” i mentally curse at myself for giving such a short, dry answer but he hums anyway. “i’m from china but i came here for a change, you know” “yup” i curse at myself again. a small silence passes, extra emphasis on small. “since you’re from the states do you-“ “speak english? yes” we both chuckle and god he was adorable. “oh cool so we could have our own semi-secret language” i give him a ‘you’re ridiculous’ look and we chuckle again. “so did you teach yourself english or did you go to an international school?” finally! i’m making semi-decent conversation. “international but i did do some studying on my own. so what about you? how did you learn hangul?” “ i loved watching and still do love watching dramas so one day i just got really annoyed with having to read the subtitles and just started teaching myself. i never really expected myself to get proficient at it, it just happened. then i thought i should put some use to it more than just dramas so i came here” wow the way i just rambled on just then. “ so how do you like it here?” he continues with the questions. “at first it was kind of hard to get used to because i went from using english every day and using hangul sometimes to using hangul every day and english sometimes” jackson nods in understanding. “ and then there are slang words that you need to learn and sayings and really understand the culture” he adds on. “ yes! exactly” regret of being so intimidated of him last year now fills me. he’s so easy to talk to. ugh am i stupid?
we reach the cafe and he opens the door for me “let me get that for you” “kam-sa-hap-nee-da!” i said in the most american accent i could do and he lets out an actual laugh that ascends me to the heavens. we both join the medium sized line. “you can just tell me what you want so you can go have a seat and i’ll bring it to you” this man is an angel. “iced americano, venti sized please and thank you” i say with a close-mouthed smile. “coming right up” he reciprocates the same smile. i make my way to a small booth in the corner by the window. i take out a small notepad and jot down things i’ve noticed about jackson. eventually, i get lost in thinking about how sweet he is and how easy he is to talk to and how his laugh is opposite of his deep voice and how his smile makes him look like a baby and then how he turns all hot again and oh my god i have a crush on jackson. like a cue, jackson comes and sets his and my coffee down and takes a seat across from me “thank you so much” “no problem” we both take a sip in unison. “analyzing me already?” he asks grabbing my notepad. all i had written was ‘really good energy’. really y/n? what the hell is that supposed to mean? he makes a ‘not bad’ face and sets my notepad back in front of me. i keep sipping and look out the window. “ok, ok” i could see him trying to hold in a snicker in the corner of my eye. i whip my neck to look and him and ask swiftly “what? why ‘ok ok’? what?”. “hm? nothing” he replies, still trying to hold in that laugh. “wah~ making fun of me already. at least i have something written down” he raises his eyebrows at me. “i have plenty of stuff written down in my head” “oh really?” i say in disbelief. “yes!” “ok. then prove it” i sit back and cross my arms. “just in the last 10 minutes, the things i’ve noticed ok. ready?” i just nod. “shy; when you laughed or smiled you didn’t show teeth. closed off; you chose the booth furthest away from other people. passive; you did nothing when i snatched your notepad. trusting; you trusted me with your drink and that i didn’t do anything to it. physical traits; well put together, pretty-“ i felt my face heat up and i had to stop him. “alright, alright you proved your point.” i waved him off and he laughs. “you asked for it” he says, laughter still in his voice. “i asked for you to prove yourself not show off” i say fake sulkily and extra pouty. he laughs even louder and makes a few heads turn. “ok jackson! people are looking.” i whisper shout and smile at him fully this time. “oh! you’re smiling” he points “you’re not shy around me anymore!” “ok you have to teach me how to read people like that” i rest my hand on my chin and my elbow on the table. “well, for starters, we could go back to the ‘getting to know you’ questions. so, when’s your birthday?”
after hours of talking, we had to leave simply because the cafe was closing. jackson looks at his watch and widens his eyes. “it’s 22:58 (10:58 pm). oh my god. do you have class tomorrow? i’m so sorry for keeping you out so late, i’ll walk you home. where do you live? oh my god i’m really so sorry” he apologized profusely. “no” i say flatly. “n-no?” he furrowed his eyebrows. “i don’t have class tomorrow it’s fine” i let out breathy laugh. “do you?” i raise my brows at him. “no” he sighs out in relief. “alright come on. let me walk you home” i barely take two steps when i stop and drop my head into my hands. “my.. RA. it’s past curfew. i’m dead” i say defeated. “oh my friend i can stay with- she has class tomorrow and she’s probably sleeping” i say gaining hope and losing it instantly. “i guess i’ll just take the warning, it’s only one” i start dragging my feet i the direction of my dorm. “you could.. stay the night with me. my RA isn’t as strict with the rules”. was that nervousness i heard in his voice? jackson? the same jackson that told me stories of him being bold and fearless? jackson? wang? never. “i don’t want to be a burden-“ i wave him off. “ you won’t be” he insists. i look into his eyes and really sink deep into those two chocolate pools. all that is visible is purity and good intentions; i trust him. “ok” i smile. “thank you” “no problem”
we get to his dorm and as he is unlocking the door he informs me that his 3 other roommates won’t be there until late that night so we’re safe from the teasing. he opens the door and lets me in first. it’s dark until jackson comes in and turns on the kitchen light. he sits around the island and i join him. i take this time to look around. right across from the kitchen was the living room that was in good shape for 3 boys, diagonal of the living room was the laundry room that was neat too, there was a walkway from the front door in between the laundry room and the kitchen leading to the living room, and one long hallway/walkway passing in between the living room and the kitchen continuing both ways to god knows where. there was also a sliding door in the living room leading to the balcony. “you must be hungry. do you want me to cook or is takeout ok?” come to think of it i haven’t eaten since lunch.  i was so absorbed in jackson that i didn’t even realize how hungry i am. “yeah, takeout is fine” “is pizza ok?” he says pulling out his phone. “oh pizza is more than ok” i say, starting to get excited “ok miss pizza what would you like on it?” “pepperoni please~” “alright.. and the pizza is on it’s way” he hops off the chair with ‘hmph’. he walks over to me and holds his hand out to help me down. “thank you” i take his hand and get off the chair. “come on i’ll give you everything you need”. he leads me to his room at the end of the short hallway without letting go of my hand. he turns on fairy lights that aren’t too bright but are enough to make everything visible. he turns to the left to his walk-in closet to retrieve me a hoodie and some sweatpants. he tells me that when i go in the bathroom there should be an extra toothbrush behind the mirror. i say thank you for the 100th time today and go to sit on his bed to wait for him. “i can put something on if you want” he come and sits next to me on the bed. “mm..” i think about all the shows that i need to catch up on and finally choose one. “can you put on ‘he is psychometric’?” “ohh yes! what episode are you on?” he gets excited. “the last one and it’s so good, i just never have time to watch” “me either” he puts it on the tv and the pizza arrives. “that was quick” i say shocked because my pizza takes at least an hour to come. “yeah the place is right down the block; convenient” he comes back to the room with pizza and shuts the door.
we finish ‘he is psychometric’ and both of the pizzas. “i’m gonna go change” i take jackson’s clothes to the bathroom. i change into the comfy clothes that smells like him and brush my teeth. i pull my hair into a bun that i ruled ok for jackson to see and leave the bathroom. “oh you look good in my clothes but don’t go stealing it now” he says like he’s my father and gives me a stern look. i giggle and say “ok” sarcastically. he goes in the bathroom to change as well. i pull my notepad and pencil out my bag and sit in front of what seems to be his work desk. i write more analyzations and now have to flip the page thanks to jackson teaching me how to properly read people. i’m on a roll until jackson presses his hands on my shoulders and yells “boo!” “oh my god!” i jump and turn around in the swivel chair. “i’m sorry i had to” he laughs at me hysterically. “yah~ don’t do that! stop laughing!” i smack him on the shoulder repeatedly. “ok ok, yah!” he grabs hold of my wrists and is now inches away from my face; staring into my eyes. “i-i’m tired. where can i sleep?” i had to break the growing silence. jackson lets go and backs away “you can sleep on my bed, i’ll set up on the couch” he said walking towards the door. “no” i command, stopping him in his tracks. “ when the guys get home they’re going to ask why you’re on the couch and from the stories you’ve told me, you’re not a good liar” he turns back around but still doesn’t move. “you’re right” he says grinning. “well get on the bed so that when i turn off the lights you won’t trip and break your neck” “alright, no need to reference that traumatic story ok, that was a very scary experience” i say getting on the bed. “i’m just saying if you had a night light-“ “ok! jackson! good night!”
i was on the edge of sleep when i felt a heavy arm fall around my waist and a warm body touching all of my back side. steady breathing was blowing on the baby hairs on the back of my neck. he was sleeping. i suddenly started to feel uncomfortable in the position i was in and couldn’t take it anymore. while adjusting and re-adjusting my lower half, i inevitably brush up against jackson’s area. he didn’t respond so i assumed he just didn’t feel it so i continued on the quest to getting comfortable, all the while rubbing against him with my ass. suddenly jackson grips my hip. “you better stop playing with me” he growls lowly into my ear, ultimately ruining my new underwear i got from victoria secret on sale but i couldn’t possibly be mad at him. the ache in my core was way too strong to ignore so i reply as seductively as i could “who said i was playing?” while pushing up against him. he groans and i feel him grow beneath me. he attaches his lips to my neck and sucks and nips and licks away. he finds my spot at the base of my neck and i let out a low moan. when he feels as of though he’s left a satisfactory mark, he licks and kisses the spot. he turns me to face him and wastes no time in connecting his lips to mine. passion begins to fill the room as he climbs on top of me. the hands that are on my waist start travelling under his hoodie i had on. his warm hands on my bare skin was setting me on fire. one of his legs that was positioned between my legs started to rub against my core. i moan loudly into his mouth and he doesn’t miss his chance to stick his tongue in my mouth. i break the kiss to catch my breath and jackson moves back to my neck to leave more marks. i was lost in my own pleasure when i come to my senses. “jackson” i breathe out. he removes his lips from my neck for a brief moment “yes baby”. “what about the guys?” “fuck the guys” he tugs at the bottom of his hoodie and he looks up at me asking for permission. i nod and he removes the hoodie swiftly as he begins kissing his way down my body.
i wake up the next morning with the comforter covering more than half of my face so the sunlight seeping through the window didn’t bother me too much. i was initially startled about where i was but i soon remembered. then i remember the events of the night before. i turn around to see the beautiful man that shared the events of the night before with me. the light highlighting his features perfectly. from his fluffy, messy hair to his soft, plump lips. i move to brush away the hair that was in his face and move down to caress his cheek. how did this even happen? and how did it happen so quickly? i guess it’s the jackson effect. he flutters his eyes open and when he sees me, he immediately gives the softest smile. he pulls me closer in his arms and whispers “good morning princess”. i hum and say good morning back. “how’d you sleep?” he kisses my forehead. “really good” i take a deep breath, inhaling his intoxicating natural scent. we stay like that for a while until we realize that we have to leave before the guys wake up and tease us. or the extreme awkwardness considering the fact that we may or may not have gotten a noise complaint. jackson gives me fresh clothes to leave in and i freshen up, doing most but not all of my morning routine due to the shortage of time. i grab my bag and exit the room with him. we’re walking down the hallway when i forget my notepad on his work desk and go back for it. on the way back to him i hear voices coming from the living room, i stay out of sight to eavesdrop. “jackson i swear to god you should do my- no our homework for the next week” one voice says, putting emphasis on ‘our’. “i shut my door, turn my music on my speaker up all the way, and even covered my ears with 2 pillows but could still fucking hear you two. jackson i swear to god if you don’t warn us next time” another voice says and lets out a deep sigh. “you guys i’m sorry i really didn’t plan-“ another voice cuts him off . “no you’re not sorry, you’re gonna be sorry when your ass is doing my physics homework for the next week” “i don’t even know how to do physics” “well you better figure it out” i couldn’t hear anymore of this, i had to save him. i walk out into the living room “um.. g-good morning” i wave awkwardly. damn! this is exactly what i wanted to avoid. they all look up at me with wide eyes “good morning” they say all out of sync. jackson stands next to me and holds my hand “this is my girlfriend, y/n” my heart drops, comes back up, does some somersaults, and skips numerous beats. “y/n this is jinyoung, jaebeom, and mark”. i give a small closed-mouth smile. “well, this was fun but y/n and i have places to be” he looks down at me and smiles “let’s go” jackson starts walking to the door and drags me along. i look back and wave goodbye and so do they, still looking baffled. jackson locks the door and we start walking down the hallway. ”i could tell you were uncomfortable so i had to get you out of there” he says with a hint of urgency in his voice and i laugh. “thank you but were we really that loud?” i ask putting emphasis on ‘that’. “i don’t know but what i do know is that i’m that good” i roll my eyes at him “yeah ok”. “so ‘girlfriend’ huh?” he looks down and scratches the back of his neck. “y-yea” his ears turn red. “you haven’t even taken me out on a date yet.” i scoff in fake disbelief. “i was hoping that i could go on a date today and then i could confess to you but i guess i got a little ahead of myself” “you think?” we chuckled. “confession? how long did you like me?” “ever since i had to do that first project with you in psych 2. whenever i’d ask to meet up and you said you couldn’t it always made me think you didn’t like me. and when we did you were kind of standoffish so i gave up. until you sat next to me yesterday” he smiles thinking about it. “i’m sorry that i made you think that i was just so intimidated by you and your good looks and what not.” “good looks?” he raises his eyebrow at me. “take the compliment or i’ll take it back” “oh no thank you thank you”
we leave his dorm building to the parking lot and his car. “i changed up our schedule for today a little bit.” he unlocks the doors and we get in. “what did you change?” he starts the car so the hot air doesn’t literally suffocate us. “after we visit your dorm we have to go to the mall”. he takes my hand and intertwined our fingers. “the mall? why?” i look over at him and furrow my eyebrows. he looks at me and smirks “to get you back that cute little underwear i tore off you last night” brings my hand to his lips and kisses it.
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redvelvetreel · 6 years
Red Velvet Reel 9.3: Blue Ain’t (Usually) My Color
           [Fic Directory]
Pairing: [Married] Spicyhoney (Underfell Papyrus x Underswap Papyrus)
Summary: Stretch receives conflicting advice on how to go about fixing this. He decides to go the middle ground of big, heartfelt gestures that say ‘sorry’ without actually saying it. What could possibly go wrong?
Characters: Stretch (Underswap Papyrus) & Red (Underfell Sans)& Blue (Underswap Sans)
Contains: Mpreg/Skelepreg! Different monster cultural traditions between universes!  
Rating: Teen and up! (I guess?)
Note: Sorry this took me forever! In hindsight, I should have finished this part before starting my event, huh? I got like an ask or 2 left for that! I kinda wanna keep it up for fun tho, in case y’all have any other questions, but hmmm... idk! idk~
“Huh?” Red looked at him like he grew another head- that devious bastard was actually trying to act dumb! “Fuck ya talkin’-“
“I hurt Edge’s feelings, bad, so I gotta make all of this up to him.” Stretch shifted restlessly, “How do I apologize to him? What would a Fell monster do?”
“Fell don’t apologize, ‘cause Fell ain’t got no feelin’s! Just act normal ‘n like there ain’t nothin’ bad.” Red mimed brushing dust off of his jacket, “Ya forget? I forget. S’easy!”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Blue crossed his arms over his chest, looking pensive, “You’re not Fell, and Edge won’t expect a Fell-style apology from you. Actually, he might be more hurt by the fact it looks like you don’t care.”
His face must have fallen, because Blue immediately continued, “So, I think you should just talk to him! Say you realized you hurt his feelings, apologize, and that you want to make it up to him!”
“Is this like a dungeon puzzle?” Stretch put his head on the table, “I don’t know. What question do I ask so I know which of you is lying and which of you is telling the truth?”
Distantly, he heard Blue explain over his head, hand patting his back, “It’s a movie reference.”
“Ok, whatever, we don’t got all fuckin’ day.” Red must have leaned on the table, because he sounded a lot closer in an instant, “Why don’tcha do both? Sorry by gettin’ Edge somethin’ nice ‘nstead a’pologizin’, yeah?”
“Like what?” Stretch turned his face onto the side of his arm with a dejected sigh, unable to muster the strength to lift his head. Trying to fight against biology was too much work- he was just gonna be an emotional mess for the rest of this quarter. Thanks a lot, Pancake.
“From you?” Red squinted at him, hand drumming on the table, “Uh, sing. One ‘a them cowboy songs.”
Stretch sat up abruptly, whacking at where his ears should have be. “Huh?!”
“Ya made a mixtape one Gyftmas, yeah?” Red knew about that?! Why did Red know about that?! “S’favorite gift ya ever gave. Goddamn brat listened to it fuckin’ thousand times.”
“That was a gag gift!” Stretch couldn’t believe it, a weird mix of touched and embarrassed and confused. “He wasn’t supposed to like it!!! I- I yodeled, man! There was a banjo- I don’t know how to play the banjo! I play the harboneica! I put so much ‘twang’ into the first like 3 songs I kept coughing throughout ‘I’ve got Spurs that Jingle Jangle Jingle!’ And you’re telling me he liked it?!” He dragged his hands down his face, wishing he could sink into the floor. (and still kinda weird pleased) “He listened to it! More than once?!”
Blue laughed lightly, turning his face away as though that were any less humiliating for his poor, embarrassed, put-upon brother, “I remember.” Why did Blue remember?! What did he remember?!
“Sorry, Papy,” Blue didn’t look or sound apologetic enough, “But you were singing at the top of yours lungs and you kept crashing into things. You were laughing almost the entire time, though, so I assumed you were having a good time.”
“Ughhhh...” Stretch tried to slide down the cushioned seats and onto the floor as Red and Blue snickered. Laughing at his expense. Traitors. “Is that what Edge liked about it so much? Making fun of me?”
“Ya damn well know that ain’t true.” Red wasn’t quite as smiley anymore.
“Then why-?”
“ ‘Cause he’s sappy as shit!” Red was at the end of his patience, bringing his hands down hard enough to shake the table, “He likes bein’ able to be soft with ya, ok?! All them singin’ bad ‘n dancin’ in the kitchen kinda shit! So pick yer noggin fer somethin’ sugary as hell ‘n just!” He gestured, articulating something Stretch could barely understand. “Fuckin’! Don’t apologize like a bitch! Seduce him like a nerd!”
“Ok!” This was sounding like a better and better plan! Be as charming and goofy and lovable romcom protagonist-y as possible, sweep Edge off his high heels, and get everything back to normal! With the added bonus of making Edge super happy and letting him know he was deeply, truly loved! Brilliant!
“Blue!” He turned to his brother, an excited twinkle to his eye, “How do I do that? What are the best romcom tropes and treats?”
“Um.” Blue’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment as Red leered at him, but he soldiered on, “You could leave him cute voice messages of you singing for him. Uh, he’s more of a savory person, so some biscuits or something from the Barkery might be nice. Balloons? Flowers? Everybody likes flowers!”
“Y’ain’t ever get me flowers.” Red teased, grin sharp.
“Stuffed animals are popular too.” Blue ignored him, “But make sure you’re tailoring it to his interests-“
“He likes dancin’!” Red moved his torso to some imaginary beat, but with that snickering, Stretch wasn’t sure if he was being serious or not. “S’Latin night somewhere! Merengue ‘n Salsa ‘n cumbias, nuerito! Real heat up with a bachata!”
“Yeah, ok! I don’t! Know! What half of those are! But ok!” This was going to be great! Stretch pulled his brother into a hug, kissing the top of his head, “You’re a genius, bro!”
He turned to his brother-in-law, “Red-”
Red backed himself into a corner when Stretch turned to him, holding his hand out, “Ain’t gonna letcha kiss me ‘fore buyin’ dinner, Honey.”
Stretch laughed at that, Soul feeling light and suddenly incredibly happy, shaking his brother-in-law’s hand... before clanking a kiss to the back of his hand anyway. Had to practice being as charming as possible, after all!
“Thanks guys!” He was up in a moment, bouncing on the heels of his high tops excitedly, “I’m gonna hit up the Barkery to get a special order in before they close! And the flower shop! And see what other cool stuff I can find!”
“Papy-“ Blue called out, “You still need to tell him why-“
“Don’t be givin’ all at once- draw shit out!” Red was louder, obviously riling Stretch up even further, “Keep ‘im guessin’!”
Stretch was already out the door, phone to his head and waving cheerily as he ran- literally ran- off. Blue sighed deeply.
“Whatcha wanna bet on?” Red was gleefully devious, worrying at a piece of g like the caricature villain he liked to project himself as. “How’sit gonna blow? Who’s gonna blow?”
“It’s rude and in poor taste to bet against your brother and brother-in-law’s happiness.” Blue told him primly, “So, I’ll bet a compliment to Edge, on a topic of your choosing, that Edge is going to contact me to ask what’s wrong with Papy-“
“I ain’t gonna take those odds!” Red crossed his arms petulantly, “S’fuckin’ rigged, tramposo!”
“Before he rips into you for outing his cowboy kink to my brother.” Blue finished with a coy smile, laying his hands flat on the table with a shrug. “But if you’re too chicken-“
“Hah!” Red’s smile was excited and bright as he put his own hands down, palms up, “That’s good! Hell if I know! I’ll betcha...” His fingers drummed on the table pensively, “Hm... Betcha an paternal encouragin’ fer Honey. Tell ‘im he’s gonna be a good Papa.”
“Yeah, okay,” Blue reached for the hand Red offered him, turning it carefully to make sure it wasn’t booby trapped. As soon as they shook on it, Red kicked him under the table- and he got a joy buzzer to the knee.
“I hate you!” Sputtering angrily, Blue rubbed at his knee, obviously trying to dispel the lingering numbness, “You’re such an asshole!”
“Love ya too, baby cakes.” Red blew him a kiss as he stood up, stretching his arms over his head. “Now hurry up ‘n grab ‘em napkins! Game’s comin’ on at 1:00, and I ain’t gonna miss it ‘cause you’re bein’ lazy.”
Red was already at the door, walking into a shortcut before he had to hear Blue cussing him out again.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [ Part 3 - Here! ]  
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akalegos · 5 years
Could you tell us a little about your characters?
Y E S !
but due to me having at least over a thousand characters I’ll just give a quick summary of the 25 I manage to dig up over 3 sketchbooks.
Y’all can pick and choose which of them interest yall or who you wanna hear more about!
Also because I’m extra, I made sketch icons for the 25 characters, info under the cut
I’ll talk a bit more about my actual Original Characters first, starting with
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Aiko! Otherwise known as Echo
- A marked individual in a steampunk world that gets mixed with magic, because I like both of those things
- Echo runs an underground lab that does helps the underground world with replacing body parts, illegal surgeries etc etc
- Even though she marked, which puts a bounty on her head already, she is well respected by the community for not cheating for your money, stealing your cash, or shanking/killing you mid-surgery
- however, Echo does long for adventure and sometimes do get bored in the lab
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oh yeah,, Echo like stealing eyeballs, so if you’re low on cash and wouldn’t mind losing an eye, you know who to call!!
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Here’s Echo’s boring, undeveloped sidekick!! I don’t like her and I don’t know how to make her better. Yes, she doesn’t have a name.
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here’s my god playboy that left “heaven” due to having an early mid-life crisis, I call him God boi cause;
- He goes by many names! 
tbh, he’s probably the closest character I have to being genderfluid/-neutral? I’m not sure,,
- The god has many powers, from lightning to shapeshifting
- The shapeshifting part allows him to change every part of himself, allowing him to change depending on his situation.
- God boyo, or originally Aristide, is obsessed with the idea of perfection. A god should be perfect, if a god is out of line, he is no god. 
- Same goes for him, which means whenever something is wrong with him, it affects him, extremely
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However, leaving the land of gods to live among humans aren’t all perks
- Aris isn’t immune to diseases or injuries. In fact, he actually fell down and died on impact when he came to earth, being reborn into another child immediately.
- He doesn’t gain his memories back automatically tho!! He has to have a major shock to the brain in order for him to remember his previous lives
- Sometimes the shock isn’t enough either, when you have a thousand over lives, you won’t remember every single one of them. So forgotten lovers coming back to haunt because your brain hates you? That’s everyday for him!
i just,, i like playing with the concepts of god,,
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Up next we got Ayeka Himura! A japanese student going to a neighborhood, but still a pretty good, school living close to poverty due to her father’s constant spending habits and obsession with art supplies. With the household lacking a mother due to wacky shenanigans, Ayeka takes care of her two younger siblings and the house, all while maintaining a very well-paid job and slowly loosing interest in actually studying for a good, honest job.
also she likes birds!!
Yes her design is heavily “based” off Toga but I love her current design too much to change it, h e l p
So like,, I suck at chinese and I made ocs that exclusively spoke in chinese to help with that but I’m still stuck at 40~marks
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I forgot his scar but remembered his earring i hate myself
my og chinese kiddo! he was was first to come and I love his design ever since
he radiates fuck you energy except the girl below. He’s neighbors with her and they acknowledge each other existence ever since. he has a dumb cliche crush on her and is a bit protective of her because nothing says having issues than latching onto someone that makes you happy
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Only this girl got named!! even tho she was the second character.
Li Shen, yes she doesnt have a surname, is apparently main ho now, according to my old oc chart of my “main” ocs
She’s the group’s resident sweetheart and really does not want you to do stupid shit, stop doing stupid shit. She tutors my son up there ^^ even though he’s actually smart and just refuses to do his work properly. But she still deeply cares for him.
As well as the girl below shdifhd
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the last girl of the ching chong trio and the reason I had to switch up my son’s design is this girly over here! Her design was too business-y and formal so I enrolled all of them into college. A rich girl who doesn’t know how to deal with her g a y thoughts. Tried sending Li Shen some flowers once. She didn’t realize attaching her name would be a good idea and son got a good laugh.
i like paranormal stuff so they apparently look into that shit in their spare time. They’re all actually really fun characters to do prompts with I swear!! send some in and I’ll write them
I had a previous concept for son and Li Shen before last girl came and if yall want me to talk about it,,, i found my sketchbook with the old ideas,,
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Elora herself used to be a fan character but I pulled her out and wow\
cant fucking believe she used to be straight for Vylad
shes the outgoing, fun adventure type! bit of mommy issues here and there tho,, I don’t want to say too much since I have an entire for her +
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her now upgraded bro, Vincent
i really like the name vincent,,
also now he has mommy issues
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Ead, the knight who used to have armor
I hate drawing armor 
he also have issues
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she doesnt have that much issues tho
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basically I made elora and her bro have mommy issues, I’m sorry in advance if that spoils anything
I, sometimes, post about these 4 over on @eloradiesismydocsname​ and its a gay ol’ time
not that gay tho because uhh,, medieval times,, but I need prompts for a modern au of them and I am happy to talk about their personalities and even go semi in-depth for any of them!!
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here we have ghoster.png,, which is her file name cause I didn’t name her,,
A horror enthusiast + film student that goes to a supposedly haunted shack to film her upcoming project with the boys. wacky shenanigans occur and the boys left leaving ghoster here to starve and eventually fall to her death. But because it’s my oc i get to bring her back from the dead, now hungry as ever and will fucking eat you, its not a kink thing, shes just that hungry and angry
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tax fraud.png
a robo girl that i created during social studies cause they were talking about taxes and i just went, “what if,, a robo runs on taxes,,, and like,, she haunts you down for not paying your taxes,,” thus she was born! I don’t know what to name her but she is set in the future so-
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Time to go future-apocalypse style because I love that setting too and was upset that I didn’t have any ocs in that style. So I created Alex A. ! A cybrog filled with memories of the previous generations as a sad attempt to preserve human life.
He’s accompanied by his sister/cousin idr i didn’t draw an icon for her, didnt like her design. they go on a hunt for food and to return with nothing. She gets to meet this other dude who has a plant arm im pretty sure i based him off someone’s elses oc but i cant remember. The 3 are forgotten. Kinda want to bring them back tho.
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Neon! A character set in the future utopia of lazy people, where gamers rise up. its the best I can describe her story without getting too deep. She the new hacker on the block, joining the underground gang of elite hackers. She’s another one of those wacky characters that just has fun. I mean, when you know your way around codes and the world you live in is full of it, would you not take advantage of that?
as for fan characters,, uhh,, i have em
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Alexzandra Zara oh my god i forgot to draw her necklace and shirt
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anyways,, Alexzandra is one of the more older ocs I have that didnt get a big revamp. Only an au I develop to the point I forgot the actual shows and the original cast are a little different from the source haha what? She’s the emotionally unstable german war veteran, yes the wife thing isn’t mutual, and haha shes only 27~. I cling onto her so much?? She’s hits a lot of “edgy” points but I still love her cause idk,, the story I made for her is something I hold dear cause Alexzandra was one of my first ACTUALLY DEVELOPED CHARACTER. Is it wrong to say I hold her really close to my heart? Is that weird? probably a little cringy sorry haha. I probably project a little into her which might have strengthened my love for her ack. Her story delves more into the depression very unstable needs to talk to someone side and i get scared talking about my wife’s story online so uhh, idk ask me specific questions about her, I’ll be more inclined to talk.
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Dr Watts! The spoiled ass dick that stole dst Wilson’s house and yes this is a dst oc, yes im slightly sorry.
He’s just fun?? almost ran a blog with him and a friend’s oc. He’s your typical uptight old science gramps that took advantage of the fact that no one knows his real name that he calls himself a doc. He’s not. I put everything about him up to a 9-10? He’s one of those wacky characters and I love him for it! His story is really wonky tho so might need help solidifying that part 
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and from the angry old man to my sweet man that will adopt you even if you’re noisy or call him ginger. Pilot here is a TF2 OC I made to interact with other tf2 OCs cause some of them are fun and i wanna join in :((
He’s the Canadian stereotype, and yes, he adopted scout, that was one of my character notes. 
Like the actual cast of tf2, there’s barely any real story to him. I only gave him a vague I don’t know my past but hey, i fly really really well. He participated in war unlike certain men but he’s still really nice and will only kill you if you hurt his family. Which he doesn’t know so he just considers the cast his family. He keeps mentioning a wife though, pretty sure he doesn’t have one but you do what makes you happy son.
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Ai! an oc I HEAVILY revamped oh my god i hate her old vers. So if yall remember my random shouting of missing my og son, Aru. Here’s his bff. cause he barely has any actual friends that give a shit. And I just cant have that. but here’s your yandere revamped into a last minute addition. I actually feel like I did Ai a lot of justice. I don’t want to delve too deep cause I will start making charts. I’ll do that in a separate post if yall are keen
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Isamu Aena! a mp100 oc I made by accident cause idk,, I was thinking about lolita fashion and all of a sudden, the actual oc I was going to make turned into a mob psycho oc. She’s one of my few ocs where her sexuality matters (she’s gay yeah) cause it plays a role in her storyline. She went from being “manipulated”/used to Mob’s wingwomen. She spots out things that can help him in the romantic department cause she’s into romance. A student of the school Mob infiltrated and a fantastic tailor, not to mention a pretty decent pyschic. wait where do models get their lolita stuff from,,
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im gonna ignore that and move onto Lillian Yi! Who, i swear i did not meant for it, is very close to lloyd. I mean,, none of the ninjas were with him after s3, who you think he’d meet. Lillian is a survivor from the Great Devourour and yes I’m still pissed LEGO stole my backstory for Lillian to use for Harumi. FUCK YOU LEGO, i still love both of em tho,, The event did leave a big scar and it made Lillian job jumping for a bit, ending at Chen’s Noodles in S6~, where ya know,, stuff got better. She was a medalist for gymnastics and continue the activity, even after her parents’ death, to please others. She was already lost at the time so staying in the sport would help, right? Needless to say, after being rejected at a cop academy for youths, or something similar, she gave up for a while but got back into the idea of saving people by using her skills she already had. It helped with the weight and feelings and meeting the green ninja was a very big bonus. Also Lloyd dubbed her the “mysterious stranger” when she refused to speak in fear of her identity, slight shame, and maybe a bit of being star struck. It helped Lloyd too in a sense where he had something to distract him from Zane’s passing.
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 Their relationship was eventually formed, strong and almost unbreakable, except for harumi but uhh thats a different story. Throughout the seasons, they stayed close and lloyd was always comforted by Lillian went times get ruff.
Also Lillian is my most light-hearted characters and I think that says a lot
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Then there’s Nite “I don’t want to be your dad”. A character that is supposed to be in the ninjago world but barely interacts with the main story and only stays in his self contained plot. He was supposed to get a bf but uhhh idk. He’s the master of shifting and streams that online, taking out small crimes, and is actually really shy and doesn’t like interacting with people.
also haha fortnite
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Nora Akino, the sin of despair! its an ad thing, I think. She speaks only in a foreign language that only Odin understands and is either big gay for Ava or Maggi, she can’t pick. And yes she did drink the vial, when TITAN attacks your planet and you accidentally die, how else can you meet your family again? also my grandpa walked in and said she looks like royalty. cool-
she wouldn’t leave my hand for like,, 3 days or something
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Petri, a fellow troublemaker at camp campbell’s music camp. She managed to pick the camp because apparently a parent who doesn’t acknowledge your hard work don’t read the fine print! Please let David adopt her,,
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LASTLY! Yukimaru Atsuko, hero name; Gummie. She goes by Yuki and is a big dick. She’s a studious student but gets more thrills on the actual battlefield. Living with her uptight grandma and her big bottom energy bro, she has the dom energy thing going. and apparently folks on G+, or the people who comment about her, thinks she’s really pretty, which was oddly a thing back before UA. She’s the dick you can like, not like Bakugou but she will definitely want to fight Bakugou. 
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A gum-related quirk is not full of perks when its only your hands. I’d dive more into her like her insecurities and stuff but I’ve been here for probably 3hrs. Sorry anon.
Also I’m so sorry to anyone who reads this all the way through.
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