#sorry it’s in italian. do you still think i’m hot
purgatorybfs · 2 years
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#and i read it in march when i was relatively more normal about spn and i couldn’t stop thinking about it and i can’t stop thinking about it
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steventhusiast · 1 year
modern au where eddie and robin are roommates and steve is italian <3
eddie has always known that his roommate robin is in the US for college, but grew up in and is from italy. sure, sometimes he forgets, because she somehow has a near-perfect american accent and also speaks two other languages, but he’s always known.
and for the past year and a bit, he’s known how much robin wants her best friend stevie to come visit. she talks about them all the time, and ever since she and eddie moved out of the dorms and into an apartment together for their next year of university a month ago, he’s known stevie is going to come and visit.
he just kind of forgot the exact day stevie would be arriving.
so when he, clad in nothing but his garfield pyjama pants and a metallica t-shirt that’s falling apart, walks into the kitchen one morning and sees someone he doesn’t know at the kitchen counter fiddling with their instant coffee machine, he almost shits himself.
luckily, he doesn’t, because he remembers in that split second that stevie was due to arrive last night. but he still flinches pretty hard at the fright and grabs for the nearest grabbable thing, which turns out to be the doorframe. somehow, he makes a noise loud enough to get the mystery person’s attention, and they turn around.
holy shit. eddie did not know stevie is hot. or that stevie’s actually a guy. he kind of just assumed, with the nickname and all? but the man standing there looks like he could’ve been carved by the gods eddie doesn’t believe in, and- eddie realises he’s been staring at the guy for a few seconds now, and decides to talk like a normal human being. he first adjusts his position so he’s no longer holding onto the archway of the kitchen for support, and smiles at the guy.
“hi, you must be stevie?” he offers, and stevie takes a few seconds to process his words before nodding with a smile.
“my name is steve. robbie just is… hm, silly?”
eddie blinks a couple times, because steve has an accent. a thick one. he should’ve expected that, because- hello? they’re both literally from italy. but it catches him off guard, and adds to steve’s hot factor. why didn’t robin warn him about this.
“yeah, robin is very silly.” he agrees with a chuckle, and then realises steve might not know him, “i’m eddie. robin’s roommate. you probably knew that already though, so now i probably look like an idiot. well- more of an idiot than i already do in these clothes…”
he lets his words trail off as he realises steve is frowning at him in subtle confusion. he’s picked up robin’s rambling-when-nervous habit over their friendship, and hot guys tend to make him pretty nervous. but then he realises maybe steve isn’t as fluent in english as robin is, and even if he is eddie’s a fast talker that doesn’t always pronounce things fully.
“i am sorry,” steve looks embarrassed, “my english is not as good as robin.”
eddie feels so guilty at the pink that’s made itself known on steve’s cheeks, and shakes his head immediately.
“no! you don’t need to be sorry. i just talk a lot when i’m nervous.” he confesses. why did he say that? now steve knows he’s nervous. or does he? maybe he didn’t catch his full sentence.
steve raises one eyebrow at eddie though, and one side of his mouth quirks up into a smile as he turns around to keep trying to make himself a cup of coffee.
“i am making you nervous? why?” steve asks, his back still turned. now eddie’s the one with red cheeks. dammit.
“it’s because eddie here thinks you’re hot, stevie.”
eddie’s flinch at robin’s magical appearance behind him is somehow more spectacular than earlier, and he clutches dramatically at his heart and spins around to glare at robin.
“robin! what the fuck, man!” he yelps when he realises what she’s said. but robin isn’t listening, she’s too busy speaking to steve in italian about who knows what.
probably about how she knows all eddie’s tells for when he finds a guy attractive and how she knows eddie’s type and steve checks every single box. or, eddie squints at the pair as robin tsks at steve and takes over manning the coffee machine, maybe robin’s just telling steve how to make a coffee with the machine?
“you think i am…” steve starts as he spins around to look at eddie, and seems to be searching for a word for a few moments, “attractive?”
eddie’s eyes widen, and then he sighs and fixes a glare on robin. robin just shrugs and makes a very insincere ‘oopsie’ expression, and eddie is about to start denying like his life depends on it, but he looks back at steve.
and steve has that blush back on his face, and a tiny smile, and he’s looking eddie up and down even in his ridiculous outfit.
“um, yes.” eddie practically squeaks, not used to having someone’s eyes on him like this.
steve says something to robin in italian that sounds like it ends with a question mark, and robin rolls her eyes.
“steve wants me to translate a pick up line he wants to use on you, but i literally refuse to do that. google translate is free.”
and with that, she leaves the kitchen.
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lunajay33 · 2 months
It’s You❤️‍🔥
Summary: You went along with Bella to Italy to save Edward, but when you get there things go unexpectedly and you become mate to the strongest Volturi guard
Pairing: Felix x human female reader
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Moving into your uncles house a year ago to help him with daily chores and just keeping him company was a nice change from the hot dry weather I was use to when I lived with my mom before she passed, another reason Charlie had to take me in which I was incredibly grateful for, then a few months after I moved in my cousin Bella moved back from Arizona and she became very secretive, I swear some nights I’d hear two voices coming through our shared wall, whenever I tried to question her about it but she’d always brush me off just saying she was up late talking to her mom on the phone
Eventually I got fed up with all the secrets and the way she was treating me like I wasn’t even in her life, so on a rare sunny day I decided to go over to the cullens house, basically Bella’s second home, I pulled up into the drive way amazed by how gorgeous this house was, sure Carlisle was a doctor but this had to be old money to get a house like this around this area
I got out of my old car and knocked three times against the door, after a while and a few faint angry whispers Bella finally opened the door which I find odd since this isn’t her house
“Y/n what are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here”
“I’ve had enough of the secrets and how you’ve treated me, we’re family Bella and I’m alone here I just want to be close again like we were as kids”
“Well we’re not kids anymore y/n I have my own life” she said a hint of anger laced with worry in her voice
“I’m not asking for your attention 24/7 I just want a friend” I said upset as I fiddled with my fingers
“Okay im sorry im just stressed, ill make a better effort”
And after that we spent a bit more time together, then Edward left, him and his whole family just up and left leaving Bella in a deep despair, her sorrowful shrieking screams at night draining me and Charlie, and the worst was I didn’t know how to help, I tried getting her out of the house or even just sitting in the living room with her to keep her company but I could still see how broken she was
After months and her seeing Jacob she slowly started to get better, one night I was up in my room reading when a commotion broke out downstairs, I ran down seeing Bella, Jake and Alice arguing in the kitchen
“What the hell is going on?” But before anyone answered Alice spoke
“Bella it’s Edward, Rosalie told him why I came, he thinks he’s dead, he wants to die too” everything was moving so fast, Bella and Alice were running out to her car and I was still in the dark with everything
“Bella what’s going on you’re scaring me” I said looking through the car window
“I can’t explain I have to go”
“Well you’re not going without me, I’ve stuck with you through this and I’m not leaving now” I said matter of factly hopping in the back, Alice gave Bella a wary look before she speed off to the airport, having no clue where we were going until we landed, when Alice finally told me we were in Italy, the scenery zooming past as she drove through town after town until we came upon a old castle town, swerving through a crowd all dressed in robes, Bella went running off and Alice found somewhere to park as we too started making our way through the crowd on foot now
“Alice you still haven’t told me what’s going on” she gave me a gentle smile as we came upon the castle
“You’ll find out soon enough, all I can say is that your life is about to change” her words sent nervous butterflies fluttering in my belly
With what must have been a surge of adrenaline Alice broke the lock on the castle door and we entered feeling the cold air breeze over me, cooling me down from the hot Italian heat
Seeing Edward with Bella and he looked dreadful and just behind them a shorter blonde man with piercing ruby red eyes, accompanied by a very tall man and as my eyes gazed over his body from his feet all the way up to his eyes my world stopped, I felt this pull to him like I’ve never felt before, a man I don’t know had this hold on me that I never wanted to get out of, our eyes never looking away from eachother until a smaller girl broke our trance
“Aro sent me to see what was taking so long”
“I won’t be needing your assistance anymore”
“Never the less aro would like a word”
Alice squeezed my shoulder reassuringly as we all followed the blonde girl into a now crammed elevator, with the lack of space my back was pressed up against the tall beautiful man with the ruby eyes
As my adrenaline finally faded away I was left with the realization that I have no idea what I’ve gotten myself into, Alice’s super strength, the ruby eyes of the strangers around me, the secrecy , it was finally scaring me feeling my heart beat so hard I could hear it and if on air a big hand gently rubbed up and down my back slowly settling my nerves, normally having a strange man touch me would have me running for the hills but there was just something about this ethereal man that I don’t even know the name of, that soothed my soul, like nothing bad could ever happen as long as I’m by his side
The elevator stopped with a ding, opening to reveal a long stone hallway with torches perched on the walls, giving a very eerie vibe to the whole situation, his hand still on my lower back leading me in the direction everyone else was walking til we got to these big doors that his touch went away making me whine for some reason
The little blonde girl pushed open the huge doors effortlessly to show a gorgeous marble room with three thrones with three men sat upon them
“Sister they send you out for two and you come back with two and a two half’s” a younger guy said as the blonde girl went and stood by his side
“Ahhhh Bella is alive fantastic” on of the three men stated standing infront of us
“And who is this?” He said glancing at me with those similar ruby eyes
“It seems one of our family has found their mate” the other glum man said
“What? Mate? What do you mean? Please just someone tell me what is happening” I asked overwhelmed as my bottom lip wobbled
“Oh dear…..may I?” The enthusiastic man asked as he held out his hand
Confused but I placed mine in his as he stared deep into my eyes
“It seems this beautiful girl doesn’t know a thing about us, she merely came to support her cousin”
“Felix how about you take her to your room and explain everything as we deal with this situation here”
“Yes master” his hand was on my back again as he led me out of the room back into the hallway
“Felix…..I like that name” his name sounded nice, sounded right, he looked down at me with the most loving look I could have ever seen
“And what might your name be mio amore?”
“Y/n…I’m y/n”
“Beautiful, a beautiful name for the most beautiful girl” I’ve never been treated like this before and it had my heart soaring
Finally we made it to a wonderful spacious room, the ceiling high, brown stone walls with red and black accent decor, with a glamorous bed in the corner with red silk sheets
“Sit my darling” he said gesturing to the bed so we sat face to face, he gently took my hands in his like I was made of glass
“What did he mean? Am I your mate? And what does that mean?”
“I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out but……we are vampires and so are the cullens, vampires have mates and some of us are lucky enough to find them, we’d do anything for our mates like I’ll do anything for you, to make you happy and safe”
His words had me frozen……vampires were real? And I’m mated to one, a gorgeous one at that but still this was all so much
“This…..this is a lot to handle Felix, I mean this is all so new to me I’ve never had a relationship before and definitely not with a vampire, sure you’re extremely handsome but I still don’t know what to do” his smile softened then slowly turned into a smirk
“You think I’m handsome little one?” He asked tucking a strand of hair behind my ear making the blood rush to my cheeks
“Of course anyone with eyes can see that”
“You never have to be worried with me, we can take this slowly, I’ve waited forever for you amore, I can wait a little longer until you’re comfortable” his hand caressing my cheek
I felt more relaxed at his words
“So what now? Do I have to go back to forks? If I do we will never see eachother” my heart clenched at the thought
“If your heart desires you can stay here, but only if that’s what you want, because I know my heart couldn’t handle us being apart, but it’s whatever you want tessoro”
“I……I want to be with you Felix, please”
“Then you will stay with my little one” I had the answer to Alice’s words, my life was going to change but all for the better
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Comment if you wanna be tagged in this series❤️
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tanoraqui · 2 months
you’ve heard of Her Divine Highness Gideon the First, First Daughter of the House of God, and all the compelling, often Fake Dating-laced AUs that might follow. But have you considered...Gideon Jr. Dve, favored daughter of the First, heir of Gideon the First, Saint of Duty?
the timeline diverges at 2 points:
Gideon (ours) inherits her mother’s perfectly normal dark brown eyes
Gideon (lyctor) follows the escape pod to Ninth House, arrives to find Wake’s corpse and living baby, to the bemusement of all the locals is like, “yes, that’s mine” and takes said baby back to the Mithraeum to confess his sins and beg forgiveness
the conversation that follows goes like this:
Gideon 1: I am so sorry, John, I don’t know what came over me, Wake was just...really hot. She’s dead now. But, um, this is our daughter, and I feel duty-bound to raise her, or at least see that she’s raised well - but it’s your call, of course (again, I’m sorry for sleeping with the enemy for over a decade)
JohnGod, vibrating at a frequency known only to necromantic immortals who maybe swallowed a sun or something: N I E C E ? !
Augustine, Mercy, and maybe Cytherea, exchanging frantic eye contact behind the other two’s heads: Is that the baby? / I don’t know! I thought you were keeping track of it! / I don’t know! Can’t you tell!? / Are they keeping it? / What the fuck are we going to do about this?!
So, Gideon (Jr.) grows up in the Mithraeum, which needless to say is a fucking weird place to grow up. 
this au is dependent on the assumption that none of these millennia-old necromancers can identify the thanergic/thalergic weirdness of the biological daughter of God on slight, so, just accept that. Maybe children of lyctors (I refuse to believe there haven’t been any before) are a little Like That anyway? The Conspirators do learn the truth pretty fast, DNA test or something, but they quickly decide that stealing the baby and running for the Ninth is a terrible plan, and G1deon and God have to let her out from underfoot eventually. They’ll wait.
the Ninth had already named her Gideon. Gideon 1 tries to change this, but alas, his terrible immortal friends all think it’s hilarious and call her Gideon Jr, or “Junior” or “Giddy” for short.
Cytherea is undoubtably the Cool Aunt, and also Giddy’s first crush
(neither Mercy nor Augustine want to touch children on account of potential stickiness, ruling them firmly out)
JohnGod makes so many Godfather jokes in a terrible Italian mobster accent, which Giddy then imitates with equal inability to mimic an accent, which either produces something completely unrecognizable as old-Earth Italian mobster OR somehow loops back around to being a perfect impression of Don Corleone
Pyrrha tries to resist the urge to check in, but fails, particularly around bedtime (usually a private father/daughter tucking-in ritual). Giddy, with the uncomfortable insight for a toddler, quickly grasps that Sunglasses Dad is a different persona than Normal Dad. Sunglasses Dad swears her to utmost secrecy about this, and she keeps the oath...almost entirely
she does let it slip to Normal Dad, who...
listen, G1deon has been concealing his mysterious lapses in awareness from God and his fellow lyctors for centuries; he’s not going to stop now. And he MUST have had suspicions about what caused them; he’s not an idiot. But he would, I think, be a responsible father. 
So when 7yo Gideon Jr. lets slip about her interactions with Sunglasses Dad - which she definitely doesn’t realize is a whole different person; she probably thinks it’s a weird character her dad acts as sometimes, like how Uncle God will play pretend as a mobster, pirate, horse, etc. When Gideon Jr. lets slip, Gideon Sr. sits her down with his daughter, gets her to tell him about Sunglasses Dad, and admits that, uh, yeah, sure, it’s a fun game they play together, and still very secret from everyone else...and if ‘Sunglasses Dad’ ever makes her feel scared, or god forbid hurts her, she should run away and find Uncle God and tell him everything immediately. 
(Because he has suspicions, he must have suspicions, especially at this point...but just in case he’s wrong, he’ll confess to this centuries-old secret rather than let any harm befall his daughter. It’s the only right thing to do.)
Some Actual Plot Maybe, IDK?:
when Gideon Jr. is 13, her father finally agrees to enroll her in the Cohort Academy for Gifted Officers-To-Be, or whatever its called. Gideon Sr. has a quiet word with the current head of Second House and Gideon Jr. enrolls incognito, and rolls up to this place with
- sword skills trained since birth with fucking lyctors
- an uncanny ability to survive should-be-deadly wounds
- the social skills of someone who has never spoken with anyone under the age of several millennia
- probably slightly more respect for, like, the concept of authority/order/duty/not being a smartass 24/7 than the canon Gideon we know and love...BUT she has also literally never suffered a consequence in her life, and...you know how Miles Vorkosigan’s insubordination habits are based partly in that for the first 18 years of his life, his commanding officers, essentially, were 2 of the most competent people on Barrayar? God Himself used to give Gideon horsey rides. Gideon might try, politely, to be impressed by the commander-instructor glaring at her personally, but she is...not.
- gay
[insert a full YA novel’s worth of coming-of-age shenanigans here, absolutely ft. Judith Deuteros and Marta Dyas as soon-friends]
AND THEN ONE DAY, JOD SENDS OUT AN INVITATION to the heir of the Nine Houses inviting them to the First...
now, Gideon does not have a single drop of necromantic ability. She never has. So she wants to be a cavalier so bad...
but even Gideon, sword bimbo that she is, couldn’t grow up with The lyctors and not notice that... Well, no one really talks about their cavaliers, except when Mercy and Augustine fight about them. There is a grieving, sucking wound where every lyctoral cavalier should be.
she still tried so hard to be one. Judith very nearly agreed to have her even over <3Marta<3 (whom they were both madly crushing on). Then Gideon had one of her rare meetings with her father (he’d swing by the Cohort Academy sometimes and they’d get lunch), and told him about it all excitedly, and he flatly forbade it. And then he went over her head and flatly forbade it to the Cohort. 
so there’s something Weird going on there, or at least there’s something being unfairly forbidden to Gideon like birds are forbidden to the indoor cat staring out the window, eagerly lashing its tail. 
so she hatches a Plan:
- 1. Stow away on Judith & Marta’s ship to Dominicus - 2. ??? - 3. Profit!
when she sees Cytherea there, she thinks, Oh shit, I’m busted.
fortunately, she’d waited until everyone else had disembarked and gone inside before she snuck off the ship, so Cytherea doesn’t see her. So now it’s up to Gideon to sneak around, make friends with the heirs of the Houses, and recruit them into helping her not get caught by her aunt! Who she assumes is here specifically to catch her out...or maybe to covertly oversee the trials...? Hey what is up with this place anyway?
(It’s fortunate because as soon as Cytherea sees Gideon, she’s going to change her plan to “kill everyone immediately, except Giddy, whom I take to the Ninth and exsanguinate to open that damn tomb.”)
(Unfortunately, once like 5 people have died, Gideon is likely to honorably reveal herself in order to ask Cytherea for help, because CLEARLY something has gone terribly wrong. This can’t really be part of the trials, right? Uncle God wouldn’t do that.)
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budbuddnbuddy · 9 months
Little obey me headcanons (pt3)
A/n: uhhh not really sure what to say here, but I’m glad my posts are getting the attention similar to what I had when I first picked up writing fanfics and headcaons. Thank all of you so much hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas.
As MC spends more time in the Devildom and makes more pacts with the brothers, they’ll start to have a slightly more evil look to them. Get what I mean? Like how Megan Fox has “evil beauty.” However its not as visible, they’ll still look like your normal boring human first glance.
“The celestials know every language in the human wor-“ *LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER* Sorry but I respectfully hate this headcaon with all my heart, it doesn’t make sense. Sure these guys are immortal powerful beings that have lived for millions and billions of years, but they don’t even keep up with the human world like that and that’s CANON. Also if we’re looking at it through their perspective where as a hundred years is literally just a couple of blinks, humans would be making new languages every second.
They probably know 2-6 MAX, and that’s not me underestimating them that’s me saying that they either don’t have the time or will to care about 7,139 OFFICIAL languages there are in the human world. But enough of that let’s dive into the languages that they can speak.
Lucifer: English, French, Italian. and a little bit of Japanese due to Levi but not enough to be fluent. Mammon: English, Spanish. Levi: English, Korean, Japanese, and sign language. (idk if that counts) Satan: English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish, Arabic. Asmodeus: English, French (mainly because he thinks it sounds hot 💀) Beelzebub: English and German. Belphie: English, Spanish, German (because of Beel), Japanese. Diavolo: English,Italian, a bit of Spanish but not enough to be fluent. Barbatos: Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, English, French. Simeon+Luke: English right now but Luke wants to learn Spanish.
Solomon is probably the type of person to wake up at 12:30 in the afternoon whenever possible. Mf probably has an alarm set for that exact time too, and when you ask where he’s been for like half of the day he’ll tilt his head to the side and be like “I was sleeping????”
I feel like we can all come to a sort of mutual understanding of this, but the brothers fan clubs and MC do not mix well together like at all.
“Asmo, get your crazy ass fans under control! They’re fucking insane!”
“Oh they can’t possibly be that bad dear! They’re MY fans after all!”
“I let it slip that we had a date planned for this Saturday and one of them threatened to cut me before calling me a warm toilet seat!”
Asmodeus, Barbatos, and Simeon call you Hon/Honey sometimes.
For all of your RAD classes, every brother except Lucifer shares at least ONE class with you. Also all of the exchange students are in the same Main classes.
Everyone is a tad bit insane about you, just a little bit, a sprinkle if you will. No I am not explaining this.
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waynes-multiverse · 3 months
Polaris – Chapter 7
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Series Summary: When Beau Arlen moved to Montana, he left behind a past he wasn’t proud of. But when a series of murders requires the FBI’s help, Sheriff Arlen‘s ghosts come back to haunt him one by one. With a wrong turn waiting at every crossroads, it’s hard to make the right choices and find his way back home – back to you.
Pairing: Beau Arlen x FBI Agent!Reader
Warnings: 18+, fluff, angst, serial killer, mentions of cartels, grief, smut
Word Count: 7.2k
A/N: The chapter where we find out why Ted is on Beau's punch list aka The One With Ted... 😂
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Chapter 7: Storm Coming
May 2021
“I sold the house,” you said, your voice ripping through the quiet of the car during another starry stake-out night.
“So you’re homeless now?” Beau joked and peeled his eyes away from the front window view and glanced at you from the driver’s seat, his hand resting on the steering wheel, the other one in his lap.
You chuckled. “Yup, but I got a hot plate now in my motel room and one of those Italian moka pots. So, you know, some would say I’m living the dream.”
Beau snorted in amusement before he pensively rubbed his mouth with two fingers. “You didn’t have to sell the house, you know?”
You heaved a sigh. “Yeah, I kinda did, though… I didn’t like staying in there anymore. It’s just… too many memories, I guess? ‘Sides, I’m always down here anyways. Actually considering moving here.”
Beau frowned at you, his nose scrunching. “What, to Mexico? Are you nuts? Over my dead body are you doin’ that.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had a say in it,” you retorted rather playfully and put a shocked palm on your chest in mock.
“Damn right, I do,” Beau scoffed his reply with a teasing grin. “Who do you think is lookin’ out for ya, huh?”
“Wait, you think you are? That’s what you believe?” You snorted a laugh, entering banter territory with him.
It was usually how you passed your time during most of these stake-outs – laughing, teasing, and the occasional talking about your problems. You’d never known Beau like this before. He was your husband’s best friend, but he had been more of an acquaintance to you. Now, after months of spending close to every day together, it felt like he was your best friend. Since Randy’s death, he’d been there for you, even if it was mostly out of guilt.
“Yeah, what d’you think?” Beau countered challengingly.
“Oh sweetie, you’re not looking after me. I’m looking after you,” you stated confidently. The smile that twitched on his lips seemed to actually agree with you. “Out of the two of us, you’re the way bigger wreck. Some would even think it’s your husband who died, not mine.”
“Are you calling me a girl?”
You coolly shrugged your shoulders. “Either I’m calling you a girl, or I’m calling you gay. I’ll let you pick.”
Laughingly, Beau scoffed and muttered, “You wish I was gay.”
However, you still heard his mumbled reply and responded, “Actually, I wish you were a girl and that I was gay.”
Beau stared at you and leaned back against the door for a better view of you, his brow raised and the corners of his lips drawn slightly upwards in amusement. “What are we even talking about?”
“I don’t know,” you admitted with a shake of your head.
The two of you then burst into loud laughter that filled the entire SUV. For a moment, all your sorrows and hardships seemed to be forgotten, carried away to the desert with the nightly breeze. Then, the familiar and comfortable quiet took over the car again.
“I’m moving out of the house, too,” Beau said, his eyes focusing on the barren landscape and desolate road ahead. “I’m giving it to Carla. I mean, she didn’t ask me to. God knows she can take care of herself… But I want Emily to keep living in the home she grew up in, you know?”
“Yeah, I get that. That’s really nice,” you said quietly. Your soft smile then morphed to a grin. “So you’re homeless, too, huh?”
Beau laughed, throwing his head back into the seat. “Yeah, guess I am. Maybe we should live together?” he suggested half-jokingly.
“Like roommates? Ugh, God no!” You scoffed in abhorrence. “We’re way too old for that. You’re over forty, I’m barely in my thirties–”
“You do know I know exactly how old you really are, right?” Beau teased.
You decided to ignore that jab and continued, unbothered. “It would be seriously so sad. The Widow And The Divorcee – sounds like the worst sitcom on the planet. ‘Sides, it’d be super awkward if one of us starts dating again.”
“Fine, maybe you’re right,” Beau relented with a soft chuckle and then glanced at you sideways. His heart gained speed in his chest. “You ever think about it? Dating? Gettin’ out there again? Been nine months.”
You twitched your shoulders, choosing not to look at him. “I don’t know. Is nine months long enough after your husband died?”
Thoughtfully, Beau licked his lips and let out a small sigh. “I don’t think there’s a timeline, or a right and wrong. I just think it’s one of those things that when you’re ready, you’re ready.”
 “Well, consider me not ready then, I guess,” you replied honestly.
“Alright,” Beau accepted, bobbing his head. “But I still think you should try again at some point, you know? You shouldn’t be alone for the rest of your life. First of all, it’d be a total waste, ‘cause, I mean, look at you. And secondly, you’re barely in your thirties, after all,” he repeated your earlier joke with a soft grin.
You felt the heat creep to your cheeks in the moonlight. As you looked at him, you could see his smirk, making you laugh. “Noted,” you replied and were thankful for his pep talk. “I mean, there’ve been offers.”
Beau quirked one eyebrow, a hard lump forming in his throat as his chest tightened. “Offers? Like plural? Who?”
“Well, just some of the guys from our team. Cody, Jordan, Ted…” you named a few. “Also a few locals. Remember those guys we played pool with a few weeks ago? Two of ‘em asked for my number.”
“Huh. That is plural…” Beau pursed his lips and couldn’t keep his brow from wrinkling, his grip on the steering wheel stiffening. “Well, you know, when you’re not ready, you’re not ready. Shouldn’t force anything. No rush, darlin’.”
Smooth, Beau thought wryly with an internal sigh.
“Right, I know,” you agreed. “I do miss sex, though. Getting kinda bored of my vibrator.”
Beau choked on his spit. “Jesus…”
“What? Am I not allowed to talk about it? I thought we were friends. You’re supposed to care about my well-being and happiness,” you argued, frowning.
“I do care. Just… Can we please not talk about that?” he begged and exhaled a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his freckled nose.
“Fine. I miss having women around…” You shrugged and muttered, “Didn’t peg you for a prude.”
“Okay, let’s just get one thing straight – I’m not a prude,” he clarified in defense, his cheeks turning a deep shade of red.
“Alright, also noted,” you quipped, smirking to yourself. Sometimes you enjoyed making him a little uncomfortable. His blushed cheeks could be quite cute. “What about you? Have you still not talked to Carla? I’m sure you can win her back if you tried. You’re a lot better now.”
“Well, thank you for the, uh, vote of confidence, but it’s really over, I guess. We just talked about all the divorce proceedings last time. I actually think she started datin’ someone recently,” Beau told you.
Your eyebrows rose in surprise. “Really? Who?”
“I guess some rich tech guy. I don’t know…”
“And you’re good with that?” you questioned in disbelief.
Beau scoffed a humorless chuckle, shaking his head. “Ha, no… But what am I gonna do? Kinda shot myself in the leg with that one. I don’t blame her for moving on. It’s been over for months now.”
“That sucks. I’m sorry. I was kinda rooting for you two,” you admitted.
“Well, thanks, but we weren’t you and Randy,” Beau said. It made your brow knit.
“What d’you mean?”
“C’mon, you know what I mean,” Beau replied as if it were obvious, but you still shook your head. He sighed. “You and Randy would’ve never gotten divorced.”
“You don’t know that.” Honestly, you doubted it yourself, but you were too curious to find out what he meant by his statement.
“I do know that,” Beau insisted with certainty. “You guys had that once-in-a-lifetime kinda love. The kind that made other people jealous, you know? Your love made every other relationship pale in comparison. I always figured once the honeymoon phase was over, you’d settle and be less vomit-inducing, but that never happened. Me and Carla were never like that. Not even in the beginning,” he explained, a small, soft smile shaping his mouth. “You guys were special. True love. The stuff folk singers write cheesy songs about.”
“I guess we were,” you mused quietly, the memory of everything Randy was to you causing tears to well in your eyes.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” Beau apologized as soon as he noticed the sadness on your face. He reached his hand over to your side and squeezed your thigh gently, just above the knee.
“No, it’s alright,” you brushed him off, swallowing your heartache down. “But hey, if Carla wasn’t your once-in-a-lifetime, maybe she’s still out there. You just haven’t found her yet. I mean, that’s kinda a nice outlook, right?”
Licking his lips, he bobbed his head, his gaze focused on his hand on the steering wheel. “I doubt it.”
“Why? Never say never,” you said encouragingly.
“Well, maybe I already met her, and it’s too late now,” he replied. It sounded more like an actual fact than a hypothetical theory. You found yourself wondering.
“What, did you have like an old college flame? The one that got away?” you teased lightheartedly, but he only grew more serious.
“Somethin’ like that,” he replied vaguely, rubbing his mouth with his fingers.
“Look her up on Facebook. Maybe she’s divorced, too. You could reconnect or something,” you suggested. He nodded but didn’t seem too convinced. You then shot him a hesitant glance from your periphery. “So, now that Carla’s moving on, are you gonna start dating now, too? Jump back into the game?”
“I guess so… Why?” A part of him was curious to hear your response, while another part reminded him that his desired answer was only wishful thinking – and completely insane on top of that.
“That fiery brunette lady at the bar last night seemed really interested in you. Maybe you should hook up with her if she’s there again tomorrow night?” you proposed in earnest.
Wide-eyed, Beau blinked at you in incredulity – like you had lost your goddamn mind. “I’m sorry, what?! Hook up? Who are you right now? Are you tryin’ to set me up?”
“Yeah.” You shrugged simply, not seeing what the big problem was. “Don’t look at me like I’m trying to convince you to get a tramp stamp above your ass with a dirty needle. I’m just trying to be a good wingman… woman. Randy would’ve tried to set you up, right?”
Beau sighed frustratedly. “Yeah, he would’ve,” he admitted in a grumble and then barked, slightly more furious, “But you ain’t him. And I don’t want you to be, so stop it, alright?”
“Geez, I’m sorry. I was just trying to help,” you mumbled defensively and raised your hands in surrender, unsuccessfully hiding your upset over his reaction. He felt guilty when he saw the small pout on your face.
Beau rubbed his forehead before dragging his palm over the rest of his face. “I know. I’m sorry, too,” he said and let out a deep breath through his nose. “I just-… I guess I’m just waiting, okay?”
“Waiting for what?”
Beau squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. For you to be ready, he wanted to say. But he couldn’t very well do that now, could he?
“For Christ’s sake, Y/N…” he breathed exhaustively. That was all he managed to say. With his palm on his mouth, he rested his elbow against the car door, gazing out the window.
“Why are you so upset?” you asked, your brow woven with confusion.
“Switch subjects,” he requested.
It was a phrase the two of you used whenever you didn’t want to talk about something anymore. When someone pushed too much, or the topic got too emotional and you needed a break. The only rule was to always respect the request, so you had no choice but to let it go after that.
“The Texans game sucked last night, huh?”
That elicited a snort from him, and he looked at you with a warm smile. “Yeah, goddamn awful.”
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“How many times are you gonna watch those?”
Beau’s question broke your concentration. Your gaze snapped from your laptop screen to his concerned face. You’d been rewatching the victims’ videos for four days straight now, trying to find more clues. Maybe even something that directly led to Diane.
“I keep thinking maybe I’ve missed something,” you mumbled and stared back into the computer, your teeth gnawing on the pen between your lips. “It’s 48 hours each. We have twenty-four victims. I keep watching them sped-up to get through them all, but maybe I should slow ‘em down. I mean, I’ve watched them full-length, normal speed a couple of times before, but maybe I should watch ‘em even slower and really focus, you know? There’s gotta be something there…”
Bobbing his head worriedly, Beau pursed his lips and took a scan of your desk. He counted eight empty cups of coffee and five cans of energy drinks. There were bags under your red eyes and your hands were jittering. He knew you hadn’t slept a lot. He tried to hold you in his arms, but as soon as he dozed off, you snuck out and went back to work.
Beau shut the laptop. “You’re cut off.”
“Y/N, you need to sleep. Just look at you, darlin’. This obsession isn’t healthy. I’m taking you home,” he declared sternly, ignoring your protests. You were pretty sure he had used his dad voice, too.
“Y/N, you need to sleep. Just look at you, darlin’. This obsession isn’t healthy. I’m taking you home,” he declared sternly, ignoring your protests. You were pretty sure he had used his dad voice, too.
“I need that woman in prison, Beau.”
“You startin’ to sound like Jenny…” Beau quipped under his breath.
“We’re running out of time. There’s only one day left before the next victim drops,” you stated and tried your best to keep your voice steady as it broke off towards the end.
“I know.” Beau clasped your shoulder and squeezed gently. “And we’ll get her. I promise you. But you’re no good to any of us if you’re exhausted and losing it right now.” You nodded and rose from your chair. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you flush against him, kissing the top of your head affectionately. “How about some dinner, huh?”
You grinned warmly. “What, like a second date?”
“Exactly like a second date,” Beau said and mirrored your grin. He was making up for lost time as best as he could, even if it meant taking you out every night for the rest of your life.
Your phone buzzed on the table, your brow quirking at the number. Eagerly, you picked up and wound yourself out of Beau’s embrace. “Special Agent Y/L/N… Uh-huh… Great, thank you.”
Beau pursed his lips. “We’re not going out, are we?”
“‘fraid not, Sheriff.” You shook your head and chuckled at his groan. “That was IT. They’re finally done and sending over the IP addresses.”
“Alright, guess I’m gettin’ take out,” Beau announced with a small sigh, knowing the two of you were in for a long night – and not the one he had planned.
You smiled and pecked his lips. “Thank you.”
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August 2020
Beau’s heart thudded frantically in his chest as his knuckles tapped your front door in the early evening. The sky was a color spectacle full of azures, indigos, and apricots as the summer sun slowly set. His boots only stood on that same spot not even twenty-four hours ago. It still felt like a surreal nightmare he couldn’t escape, his hope to wake up soon a ceaseless prayer.
He’d stayed with you all night, held you as you cried yourself to sleep. Beau awoke on your couch with your head resting on his thigh and a strange feeling in his gut. He couldn’t help but think you were beautiful, even in a state of utter turmoil, shoving said thought swiftly down into the depths of his darkening soul.
But he’d spent all day thinking of you, plagued by guilt and torn by misplaced feelings. He’d sat through hours of interviews, going over and over the events of last night till his mind spun like a hamster wheel. He was forced to fill out forms, sign documents, and recount each unforgettable step. He’d listened to lectures, sermons, and admonitions. His captain gave him a tongue-lashing that sounded like mere white noise before he was sent home with a suspension – investigation pending.
Only he didn’t go home; he came here.
At home, his wife and daughter were waiting – for a husband, a father, an explanation. None of which he could provide. Beau wanted to wallow in his grief, his guilt, his loss in peace. He lacked the strength to be strong, play pretend, and act above it all. He wanted to be punished, sent to perdition, and held accountable for his lapse of judgment. A suspension wasn’t good enough. It barely patched the abysmal gaps in his heart.
The only suitable punishment was you. Witnessing your suffering was his personally crafted hell. You were the broken remnants of his destruction, the shattered pieces of his idiocy, the explosive fallout of his arrogance.
And you hadn’t answered a single call or text of his. His torturous worry was part of his penalty.
Consecutive rings of the doorbell and incessant knocks remained unanswered. For a moment, Beau rested his forehead on the door. He felt helpless and clueless all the same. You had friends and family to take care of you, probably better suited and closer to you than him, but somehow he felt burdened with the responsibility.
He took the spare key out of the left-side planter and barged inside. The ground floor was deserted. Last night’s uneaten dinner still sat untouched on the table. It felt like a whiplash against his bare back.
Bolting upstairs, he found the door to the main bedroom ajar. He pried it open slowly, the sight of you delivering his second lashing. This time, he felt the sting burning through to his heart.
He found you curled up in bed, on your husband’s side, in your husband’s t-shirt, with your wedding photo album clutched tightly in your arms. His breath halted for a moment; his heart did, too.
Did he do this? Was this all his fault?
“Y/N?” His deep voice was quiet and careful as he spoke. Slowly, he walked over to your side and knelt down in front of you. “Darlin’, hey… You need to get up. Eat somethin’.”
Beau was sure you hadn’t moved all day. He didn’t ask you if you were alright or how you were doing. The question seemed insulting. The answer was obvious. Your phone was lighting up on the nightstand with a million unanswered calls and messages, his own among them. Your beautiful eyes were vacant, red, and empty. You didn’t cry, however, not anymore. You were dehydrated and all out of tears at this point. You never looked at him, not even a glance.
“I want him back,” you whispered, your voice coarse from screaming, crying, cursing.
Beau nodded, licking his lips. Caringly, he caressed your head, brushing a few strands of messy hair out of your face. “I know. I hope you know I’d trade places with him in a heartbeat if I could.”
For the first time your eyes found his. Your gaze was scathing and piercing. “Tell me what happened.”
Beau let out a harrowing sigh. He had rehashed the story all day long. He wasn’t sure if he could do it again, but maybe this version was the most important one. Who deserved the truth more than you?
“Y/N, I don’t think this is such a good idea, darlin’,” Beau tried to reason, mostly for himself. He wanted to hold on a little longer, the idea of you hating him tearing him apart. He wanted to spare himself the additional guilt, the anger, the hurt.
“Tell me or leave.”
Beau closed his eyes and nodded hesitantly. “Okay, alright.” He took a deep breath and settled down on the floor, leaning his back against the wooden bedside table. “We were closing in on that biker gang. Few murders, arms trafficking, drug deals… You know the drill. I’m sure Ra-… he filled you in.”
Not that long ago, Randy had asked you for advise on the case. You gave him your contacts in the DEA and a number to a CI.
“Your DEA guy warned us. Said the gang was working closely with the cartel down in Juárez. But I had my own intel that only a few members were meeting at the Hatcher warehouse in MacGregor. It was supposed to be a small deal. But I figured it could lead to bigger things if we shook ‘em down, you know? But fuckin’ Harper told us no like usual. Refused to give us back-up. Said to pass the case on to the DEA. But Randy and I worked our asses off the last few months to get even this far. We were so close. I didn’t wanna let go… So, I suggested we go in anyways. It was supposed to be only three guys from the gang. I knew if we were smart about it, we could easily take ‘em down, you know?”
You rolled onto your back and propped yourself up on the bed. Shaking your head, you chuckled humorlessly and grabbed the half-empty whiskey bottle from the nightstand. “‘Course you did. It’s not the first time you broke a rule or shit on authority.”
“Yeah, and I was right every single time,” Beau bit. His anger wasn’t geared at you but at himself. He knew he was in the wrong. He flew too close to the sun and got burned. But he still felt the need to defend himself, even if it was unjustified.
His gaze drifted to the dresser and the patch of wall above it, decorated with photographic evidence of yours and his partner’s life together. The wedding, dates, vacations, holidays – it was all there. Beau had watched it all, start to finish. He wished he could rewind the tape and cut off the ending, all so you could have the love of your life back. He didn’t know yet your cassette had a B-side. One that featured him.
“You got fucking lucky, is all,” you scoffed.
“Randy backed me up on it!”
“Of course he did! You’re his fucking partner! He would’ve followed you anywhere if you asked him to,” you snapped, shaking your head. You gulped down some whiskey then and locked your jaw before you met his eyes again with a glare. “And? What happened then, Beau? Was it only three guys?”
“No.” The word was almost inaudible. He shook his head with a harsh swallow. “They were meetin’ with a few cartel members there. My intel never said anything about that. When we were inside and saw what was really going on, it was already too late to get out. They made us, bullets started flyin’… They got a hold of Randy and… shot him.” A tear escaped down his cheek, his throat closing as he tried to choke out the last bit of the story. “I had to leave him there. I barely got out myself. I’m sorry, Y/N. I know this is on me.”
Your lips twitched with a bitter smile. You didn’t look at him, just rubbed your tired eyes. “Damn right it is. Get out.”
“Y/N, please–”
The storm in your eyes made him stop as you met his gaze, his useless apologies becoming stuck in his throat. “I said, get out. I ain’t asking a third time. You’re the reason my husband is dead. You’re the reason I don’t even have a body to bury. So, get the fuck out.” Like a snakebite, your words were targeted, sharp, and venomous.
You finally got out of bed and prodded towards the en-suite bathroom. The truth had been what you needed to switch the fighter inside of you back on. You knew what you wanted to do then and were determined to get it.
“Do you know what cartels do to bodies, Beau? To rivals? To law enforcement? ‘Cause I just came back from a job where we found forty-eight decapitated bodies, left to rot inside the walls of a house. Still haven’t found the heads yet. Probably never will,” you told him and stared him dead into his dark green eyes. “Ever seen that before, desperado?”
Beau bit his lips, averting his gaze. “No.”
“Yeah, didn’t think so.” You scoffed and crossed your arms over your chest. “Now, leave. Please. Get the fuck outta my house. I don’t wanna see you anymore,” you spat and slammed the bathroom door shut behind you.
Beau then grabbed the whiskey bottle you’d left and walked out of your home. It was the first of many nights he started to drink himself to sleep, but at least it kept the nightmares temporarily at bay.
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“Theodore.” Beau forced a bright smile onto his freckle-dusted face, although the stiff features could barely fool anyone. At least, they wouldn’t have fooled you.
“Beau, good to see you again.” Ted smiled and did a more convincing job of it as he waltzed into Lewis and Clark County’s Sheriff’s Department. It almost seemed like he meant it. “I was surprised when Y/N told me you got a gig as a sheriff here.”
Translation: I was surprised because you were such a fuck-up back in Texas.
Beau feigned a chuckle. “Yeah, I bet you were.”
“Hopefully, you’re givin’ the DAs here less headaches,” Ted jabbed under the disguise of friendly banter. He then turned to Jenny with that same shit-eating grin. “Your sheriff is a little troublemaker.”
Sweet Lord, Beau wanted to whack the bastard.
The blonde deputy coolly brushed the accusation off. She shrugged and playfully nudged Beau’s arm, sending the Texan attorney a smile. “I prefer him that way.”
“Hey, there she is!” Beau smiled with frazzled relief when you finally hurried into the station. A little while longer, and he definitely would’ve thrown a punch.
“Hey, Ted. Thanks for coming. How was your flight?” You greeted him with a warm smile and a quick hug.
“Good, good. Never been to Montana before,” Ted said and then let his eyes wander up and down your body. “Look at you. You look great!”
“Oh, uh, thanks.” You subtly cleared your throat. You could physically feel Beau stiffen next to you. In your periphery, you could spy a tightly clenched jaw and a few strained muscles in his neck.
“Mind if Y/N and I borrow your office, Sheriff Arlen?” Ted asked and emphasized his title. “Considering the nature of this case, I’d like to keep it as private as possible. Don’t want anything to reach Ms. Newton’s ears.”
Your hunch had been right. Several IP addresses pointed to Diane, some to public Wi-Fi’s. You and the team still needed to connect her to the other states and find out where she’d been staying there, but you could definitely trace some posts in recent weeks to her home in Montana. It was enough for an arrest warrant, but you still needed more evidence.
Additionally, it had all come together a little too easily. It seemed like a giant trap you were walking into. Diane wanted to be caught. But why?
“Why don’t I just join you? I’m sure Y/N here doesn’t mind,” Beau suggested with a tight smile and then snaked his arm around your middle, pulling you closer. “Ain’t that right, darlin’?”
Internally, you sighed a little at his obvious territorial pissing, but you were willing to throw him a bone. You stretched up and claimed his plump lips in a fervent kiss that Beau only all too happily reciprocated.
“Not at all, Sheriff. You know I always appreciate your input,” you replied with a dirty smirk at the double entendre.
As Beau looked down at you, he mouthed ‘God, I love you.’ You grinned in response.
“Happy to give it to you,” he said with another sweet peck of your lips. A triumphant and slightly cocky grin graced his lips as he looked back at Ted.
“Oh, so you two are back together?” Ted realized, his brow rising to his hairline. He’d never seen you two together but certainly had heard the whispers down in Mexico from your old task force. He’d been the DA for those cases as well. You’d never explicitly told him about you and Beau, though, even when he had tried to pry a little on those dates you went on.
“Well, I’m a hard one to quit,” Beau quipped almost proudly, like a peacock showing off his fan of feathers.
“As are cigarettes and many other vices,” Ted shot back with the same stupidly proud grin.
Translation: You’re an ass. And a failure. She deserves so much better. I’m ‘better.’ But maybe that didn't need a translation.
Beau should’ve known it was hard to out-argue a lawyer and ground his jaw. After all, he’d been married to one for many years.
You, on the other hand, shared a wide-eyed and baffled look with Jenny that bordered on amusement. You had almost gasped in shock. You hadn’t expected such a fiery reply, sure the men would stick to their Southern manners. But, oh well, everyone’s packing in fucking Texas…
“Why don’t you two go ahead? I’ll join you in a minute,” you ordered more than you earnestly proposed and shooed the two men down the hallway towards Beau’s office.
“Sure it’s such a good idea to lock those two in a room alone?” Jenny teased, her eyes lingering a little too long on Ted’s perfectly formed ass as he sauntered down the hall.
You couldn’t blame her. You had checked out Beau’s in the same breath.
“It’s only for a short time. They’re not gonna kill each other,” you laughed it off. Jenny arched a doubtful eyebrow at you. “That quickly,” you added a correction. “So, what did I miss here?” you asked and nodded towards the two men, closing the door to Beau’s office behind them. All you heard last was them talking about the recent Texans game.
Ugh, of course, they’d end up by football…
“Dick measuring contest,” Jenny supplied wryly.
“Ah, figured…”
“Well, better them than to lock Agent Y/L/N and the sheriff into the same room,” Poppernak joked with a soft chuckle as he appeared next to you and Jenny, chiming into the conversation.
You gaped at him in mock-shock. “Mo! I can’t believe you just said that,” you chided playfully.
His cheeks turned crimson red. “I’m sorry, Special Agent Y/L/N,” he apologized in a fluster.
“Mo, I told you to call me by my first name,” you reminded him with a smile. “Or I’m gonna have to start giving you silly names like Beau does.”
“Oh, I love Sheriff Arlen’s nicknames,” he quickly defended with a nervous laugh.
“Do you?” Jenny tilted her head with a questioning eyebrow.
He shrugged. “They’re clever.”
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August 2020
“Old Fashioned,” you ordered with a look at the bartender, feeling Beau’s confused eyes and crinkled brow wander up to you. “Couldn’t have picked a nicer bar, huh? This place is a dump. You know that, right?”
Beau clicked his tongue and took a sip from his Ranch Water. “What are you doing here? Thought you never wanted to see me again.”
You let out a small sigh but didn’t meet his gaze. “Carla called me. Your family is worried about you.”
“I didn’t tell her where I was. How did you know I was here?”
“I didn’t. Carla said you haven’t been home in three days. Figured you’d gone on a bender. This is the fifth cop bar I checked out. Finally got lucky,” you said and thanked the bartender as he placed his drink in front of you. You settled down on a barstool next to Beau.
“Quite the effort. Sure I’m worth it?”
Your tongue swept over your lips. “Beau, look at me.” His forest-green eyes found yours upon your soft plea. “I’m sorry I put all that shit on you. It wasn’t fair. It’s not your fault, okay? His death isn’t on you. I know you loved him like a brother.”
“I did.” Beau took another sip of his drink. “But it is my fault. I was reckless and arrogant. We both know it.”
“It was a set-up, alright? I talked to my DEA contact. Cody said your intel was wrong. They knew you and Randy were closing in on them. They wanted to get rid of you,” you explained.
Beau smacked his lips. “I still shoulda known better. I should’ve seen it was a trap.”
“Maybe,” you admitted. You couldn’t say you would’ve done the same thing, but you knew Beau would’ve never purposely put Randy in danger if he had even the faintest idea. “But it could’ve happened to anybody. This was bigger than you knew.”
“It wouldn’t have happened to you,” he stated quietly. You couldn’t argue with that. You were more by-the-book than he was. You would’ve never gone against a superior’s order. You would’ve respected it.
“Look, just go home. Talk to your wife. Get some help,” you said. “You missed your suspension hearing, but I spoke on your behalf. Told them it wasn’t your fault. The DEA backed me. Harper’s gonna reinstate you. Just come back as soon as you’re ready.”
Beau nodded slowly. Even if he didn’t say it, you could tell he was thankful for your efforts. “I can’t go home.”
Your brow furrowed. “Why? I’m sure Carla will understand. You need to talk to someone about this. Go to therapy – and not the alcoholic kind. Losing a partner is not something you get over quickly. You need people in your corner, including your wife.”
“You mean the wife that lets criminals out on the street?” Beau’s gaze was focused on the glass in his hands. The wrinkles on your brow deepened. “The guy that shot him… Carla’s his defense attorney. Was, at least. He was supposed to do time, but two months ago, she got him paroled.” With a dark chuckle, he emptied his glass.
“Beau…” You knew he had always struggled with Carla’s job, making you sometimes wonder about their dinner conversations at home. “It ain’t her fault more than it is yours. She’s just doing her job. You know that. You’ve been together for so long, you’d think you’re used to it by now.”
Beau scoffed a chuckle and gestured to the bartender for a refill. “I was a young cop back then. Wasn’t on the job as long. I didn’t know it would bother me so much. Still lived in that hopeful bubble, I guess.”
You smiled knowingly. “You mean the ‘I didn’t think I’d see as much shit and injustice as I do now’ bubble?”
He snickered softly. “Yep, that one. Just didn’t think it’d be this hard, you know?”
“I get it. I mean, me and Carla butt heads all the time over this stuff. But we do it in a competitive fun way and then get drunk,” you said with a light chuckle. “Guess it’s different when you’re married, though, huh?”
“Yeah, it is…” he sighed.
“Still, go home. Talk to her,” you encouraged but could see your words of wisdom fell on deaf ears. “By the way, the funeral’s on Saturday.”
He turned his gaze away from his glass and found your eyes. “You need any help with that?”
“Maybe you can give a eulogy. You knew him best. I think he would’ve really liked that,” you said with a warm smile. No matter your own feelings, you knew deep down Randy would’ve wanted you to forgive his partner.
“Yeah, I can do that. Anything you need, okay?” Beau clasped your hand that laid on the bar counter and squeezed reassuringly before dropping it again.
You smiled appreciatively and teased, “Maybe show up sober. Or at least close-to.”
Beau chuckled a little. “I promise.”
You stood up from your seat then and put some cash for your drink on the counter. “Alright, I’m heading home. You need me to call you a cab?”
“Nah, I’m good. I’m just gonna finish this drink, then I’ll head out, too,” he said.
“You sure? Don’t make me come back here,” you threatened playfully.
Beau laughed softly. “I won’t. Thanks for everything, Y/N. I mean it.”
You sent him a smile and gave his shoulder a squeeze on your way out. “You’re welcome. Get home safe, okay?”
However, Beau couldn’t keep any of his promises. He made it home after three more drinks and woke up on the front lawn of his house. Carla wasn’t happy when she found him in the morning as she brought Emily to school. But Beau couldn’t stop. Every time he closed his eyes, the tragic events flashed before him like a horror movie, witnessing Randy’s death in a never-ending loop. He kept seeing his partner get dragged away, heard the shot over and over again like a rain of bullets without a ceasefire.
The guilt was eating him alive. The guilt of getting his partner into this mess in the first place. Of leaving him behind. Of surviving and coming out alive when he didn’t deserve to.
So, Beau kept drinking to forget, even though he knew it was a futile endeavor. The memory would never fade, but at least it was blurred.
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Your heavy breaths echoed through the small trailer. His mouth moved down the column of your throat, leaving a wet path of ravenous love bites in its wake.
“Fuck, baby,” you moaned wantonly, his grip on your flesh punishing as he kept you pressed flush against him while he devoured you on the little dining table. Your ass sat on the wooden surface, your crossed ankles locked tightly behind his muscular back.
“God, you made me so happy today,” he growled against the shell of your ear, his rising length rubbing against your core through layers of denim.
“I can see that.” You giggled, your hands dangling in his hair. “There’s no need to hate him so much, you know?”
“Says you,” Beau quipped and unzipped your jeans, eagerly pulling them off you as his mouth sucked your clavicle purple and blue. “That slimy coyote always had it out for me.”
Beau removed your panties as well, tossing them behind his shoulder where they landed in the kitchen sink. “Whoops.” He grinned charmingly but was unstoppable, freeing his throbbing dick as he shoved his jeans and boxers barely over his ass. He didn’t bother to slip out of them all the way, too impatient to wait any longer to enter you.
“Still, I’m already yours. I’ve always been yours,” you said and braced yourself on his broad shoulders as one large hand on your back pulled you closer to the edge of the table. His other hand grabbed his cock, twisting his fist along the hard, long shaft a few times before he glided his cockhead through your slick folds.
“Not always.” With one harsh thrust, he pushed inside you, your tight walls fighting to make room for him and adjust to his stretch.
You gasped at the pleasurable burn that coursed through your body and ignited every sizzling nerve. He dropped his head to your shoulder, giving both of you some time to get used to each other. You could tell you were in for a wilder ride tonight. You always loved when he fucked you rough and hard. There was something raw and animalistic about the need in his hypnotizing green eyes.
Beau then claimed your lips with one fervent kiss, enough of a spark to cause a wildfire. He met your gaze, hands gingerly cupping your cheeks. “But I love that you’re mine now. And I’m sure as hell gonna make you mine tonight, darlin’.”
You crashed your lips against his, your kisses frenzied and untamed as his hips began to slam into you. His pounds into your pussy were relentless as you swallowed every inch of him. You gripped him tight, already feeling your first orgasm bloom. It accumulated like dark, violent storm clouds on the horizon, forecasting roaring thunder and heavy rainfall.
“Oh God! Fuck, baby!” You screamed as your climax tore through you like a hurricane, your cunt gushing on his cock and pulsing around him. Your nails dug into his shoulder blades and scratched down his back as you came undone.
Beau groaned into your ear, squeezing his eyes shut as he barely held on himself. But he didn’t let up and kept up his furious pace, not ready to stop yet. “Shit, keep doing that. You’re so fucking tight, Y/N,” he grunted against your skin, your sensitive flesh barely withstanding his ruthless pumps. “Want you to come again, darlin’.”
With his declaration, his hand slipped between your sweat-clad bodies. You came close to losing your mind as he thumbed furiously at your clit, the stars already starting to twinkle in front of your eyes. You could feel yourself get shoved to the edge once more, staring down the steep cliffs of white-hot ecstasy.
Your mind was consumed by need, his grip on your hips bruising as you exploded. You cried out raucously, your whole body quaking in his hold upon your eruption, the aftershocks so powerful they could cause cracks in your bones.
Beau spilled his seed deep inside of you, his body stuttering in rhythm with yours as your earthquake took him down with you. Hazy gazes met each other with lazy smiles as ragged breaths mingled.
“Fuck, that was good. I think that one might make it into our Top Ten.” Beau chuckled gravelly and placed a gentle kiss on your temple.
“Hmm, not sure. We have a few greatest hits.” You giggled and bit down on your lower lip with a mischievous twinkle in your eyes. “Can I tell you something?”
Beau cupped your cheeks, thumbs caressing the heated and rosy skin as he lifted your gaze. “Anything.”
“Just between us, you’re the best lover I ever had,” you confessed with a wide grin. The corners of his mouth rose to match yours.
“Well, between us, I’ve never loved anyone like I love you. You’re it, darlin’. You know that, right? You’re the love of my life,” Beau revealed, making you smile brighter than you ever had before.
“I’m not sure about the sex, but this moment, right here, is probably gonna make it into the Top Ten,” you said softly as a few tears stung your eyes.
“Good.” Beau smiled and pecked your forehead.
The buzzing of a phone shifted your attention. You recognized it as yours, and Beau was quick to retrieve it from your jeans pocket in the pile of clothes on the floor.
“It’s Jenny,” you told him before picking up. “Hello… What?! Uh-huh, we’ll be right there.”
Beau’s brow furrowed as he watched your features flicker through an array of emotions. “Bad news?”
“Uhm, honestly, I don’t know,” you said and swallowed some of your confusion down, gathering your thoughts. “Jenny said Diane just walked into the station and gave herself up. She is ready to confess but only wants to talk to us.”
“Us? As in us two?” Beau’s eyes narrowed. You nodded. “Well, that doesn’t sound fishy at all,” he commented wryly.
“Yup, I don’t like it.”
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Chapter 8: Chemical Bonds – JUNE 26
A lot of revelations and foreboding in this one... 👀 Also, I just love having Beau say the word "coyotes" for some reason 😂
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Everything Beau Arlen: @snowayumi
Polaris Series: @corruptedcruiser @spnfamily-j2
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zg0nuwa · 1 year
Can i have a little request, where SO GN!reader loves to cook, and every time Leon arrives home, there's a nice and tasty meal. So, in return he tries to cook dinner for them?
I have the thought that he's terrible at cooking, and if he does something it's just... Edible.
Poor leon, juat tries his best to impress their SO :'3
𝐥𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐬 𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐲 ; “ 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞-𝐨𝐮𝐭 ”
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tbh it’s a 50/50 for me when it comes to leons cooking skills. at the same time i think he sucks ass but on the other hand ( i still strongly believe he’s part italian ) just him cooking his childhood recipes for you because it’s his love language. the struggle is real.
leon s kennedy x gn!reader
warnings ; leons near death experience in the kitchen, medical inaccuracies
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usually it was the other way around. leon was the one that you had to wait for for hours or sometimes even days at a time but not this time around. it so happened that the DSO finally let him have his vacation uninterrupted.
so he decided to repay your kindness. with all this free time he started to get restless and frustrated. he was so used to always being somewhere, doing something and living of off this adrenaline rush. leon thought it would be a nice change of pace to try something in the kitchen but he couldn’t have been more wrong.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
it was nearing 10pm when you finally came back home. for the past week your boss was not going easy on you. in fact it felt as if he was pushing you to your limits.
as you unlocked the front door all you could think about was a nice bath and going to sleep wrapped up in leons arms. you were expecting him to be in the living room watching tv but instead you could smell something burning in your kitchen.
before you could process what was going on you heard a loud thud and a string of curses coming from leon. it ripped you away from your train of thoughts and you quickly walked towards the entrance to your kitchen.
the sight in front of you was amusing. leon holding his hand under a stream of cold water, a pan of what you suppose used to be tomato sauce that was now all over the floor and cabinets.
“ lee, honey, what happened here? ” you asked as you slowly walked up to him trying to maneuver your way without walking into splashes of still hot sauce.
“ i burned myself on the handle of the pan and well, the rest i think you can figure out yourself. ” you couldn’t stop the chuckle that escaped your lips at his beat up expression. to think that a top tier government agent had struggled with the task of making dinner was hilarious. of course you would never berate him for that or make him fell bad about it but the situation was just amusing.
“ it’s not funny. ”
“ i’m sorry, i’m sorry… but it is a little bit funny. ” you turned off the water and inspected the burn on his hand. it wasn’t bad but you could already see the bubbles slowly forming and as you slightly pressed around the mark left by the handle he hissed.
“ okay, keep your hand under the cold water. i’ll go grab something to soothe the burn and we’ll clean up the mess. ”
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
in the end you ordered some chinese take out from the only place still open at this hour. it wasn’t some fancy dinner but right now you could eat a horse with the hooves so it didn’t matter.
leon unfortunately was still grumpy about the whole ordeal. even more so that the injured his dominant hand and for the life of him couldn’t operate around with the other hand, so you ended up feeding him yourself.
“ come on, don’t be like that. ” you grinned at his dissatisfied face as you held a bite of rice noodles in front of him with your chopsticks.
“ this is fucking embarrassing. ”
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solitaszn · 1 year
curtains | ted lasso ✧˚ · .
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Pairing: Ted Lasso x fem!reader
Summary: under the employment of one trent crimm at afc richmond, you are the second American hire and only female journalist at the club starting to make headlines following the head coach being the first.
Warnings: cursing
WC: 980
Author's note: This is really my first multi part fic so be gentle!
"Why does AFC Richmond keep hiring Americans when it is on the brink of relegation?"
Ted stares at the article in dismay and then looks at your desk from the window. He gets up and shuts down his laptop, making his way to your office. You hear his gentle knocking on the glass. your eyes brimmed with tears and your head in your hands as you reread the words "hiring Americans" and "relegation". 
"Uhm, come in, Ted!" you say, blinking away your tears.
"I saw the email, I’m awful sorry about that," he said.
"No it’s fine; you know how the journalists are here, especially at The Sun."
"Yeah. So hot-headed," he joked
You giggled; it wasn’t even that funny, and you still laughed so hard. It’s probably the first time Ted got you to genuinely laugh since you started becoming an assistant to Trent (now independent), who wanted to get an American’s eyes and edits on his writing for his book about Ted Lasso. Ever since you got to Richmond, you have been reserved and quiet in the office you and Trent shared, which he rarely used. only there to follow him when he had questions about certain American mannerisms that he did not want to ask Ted or Beard about, not wanting to spoil details about said book.
"I’m glad to see you laughing again." It’s nice to have you around; I hope you know that." He winked at you and walked back to his desk.
He caught a glimpse of you smiling and being giddy, with your face turning a shade of pink. Ted didn’t realize he had stopped doing his work and started staring at you until Roy stood in the doorway and made it obvious.
"Put your fucking tongue back in your mouth, or I’ll tell her to get a curtain for that office, you freak."
You said a muffled, "Roy?"
"What?" He’s the only person he tolerates in the locker room office. People often thought the two of you looked related until you spoke. Your dark hair and eyes, and the fact that you both often wore black. You wore it just to be professional, but he did because he couldn’t stand being in color.
"Do you think I’m bringing down the club for being American?"
Dumbfounded, he replied, "Who the fuck said that?"
"The Sun?"
"And why the fuck would you listen to those fucking pricks?" They don’t fucking work anywhere near as hard as you do."
It’s true that although you were technically an assistant journalist for Trent, you took it upon yourself to do other things around the club for the team. often on coffee runs, helping Will, answering emails for Trent, or really anything you could keep yourself busy with. It didn’t help with your personal life, though; you overfilled your day so much that when you get home, you’re too exhausted to do anything else.
"Thanks Roy."
He grunted and left.
You finally clocked out and headed to your car when you caught Ted on his phone next to it.
"Oh, hey, Ted, what are you still doing here?"
"Listen, I was wondering if you wanted to have a drink or something."
"Ted, I would love to, trust me, but I’m just exhausted, and I’m seriously considering just sleeping in my car."
"I mean, heck, I could drive you home if you don’t mind."
You threw him your keys. Unlocking it, he opened the door, still forgetting that it wasn’t his side. Him still leaving the door open for you to get in and jogging to the other side.
"I’d have to say this is the most normal car in this parking lot; there are too many fast Italian ones here," he says as he drives out of the lot.
You scoffed, "You couldn’t make me buy one, I need a Subaru."
"I immediately could tell you weren’t from around here with this janky thing."
"Janky? Were you expecting me to pull in with a huge Ford F-150, Ted?"
"I would’ve liked you to, would make me feel right at home."
"No way you had one!" I wouldn’t have pegged you for a truck guy."
"Yep, a huge navy blue one, had a Kansas State Shockers sticker on the corner of the back window. That’s how I could tell which one was mine.” You could tell he was so happy that he could talk about the American college experience with someone other than a Beard.
"How long did you coach at WSU?"
"Five years took us all the way to the national championship."
You yawned in between words, "That’s amazing, Ted."
"God, I hope I’m not boring you," he laughed.
"You’re so mean! and you missed the turn, just take this left, and we can get into the parking garage."
"Ooh, a parking garage, that’s mighty fancy” he chirped.
"It’s what happens when you don’t spend $400k on a car."
You both pulled into your spots. Once you were parked, you gathered your things. "Here we are, home sweet home," Ted said enthusiastically.
"Actually, Ted, sorry, do you mind if you walk me to my flat? It’s just that it’s late and dark, so I-"
"No, yeah, of course, no need to apologize,” he said, closing the car door that was followed by two beeps echoing off the cement walls.
"Thanks, and thank you so much for bringing me home; you really didn’t have to."
"It was my pleasure, darlin'," he winked.
Surely you hadn’t heard him right. Darlin’? Was he flirting with you? You walked to the door and swiped your security card to get into your building. You turned to hold the door for Ted; you hadn’t noticed how much he towered over you. His six-foot stature made you question how you also hadn’t noticed his shoulders and strong arms. Were his eyes always that warm brown?
chapter 2
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writingjourney · 2 years
5 types of christmas kisses with copia (+1) | cardinal copia x reader
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summary: you and the cardinal have been tiptoeing around each other for a while now – it’s time to let the festive spirit do the rest.
content: ~8k words, absolute fluff, like… tooth-rotting fluff with festive sprinkles on top, fem!reader bc I used the female declinations for the Italian, it's not over the top christmassy
(And yes it’s 5 kissy kisses – on the mouth. The rest is for FREE!)
Have yourselves a merry little Christmas fic ♡
Ao3 link – Masterlist
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1 The First Kiss
The abbey is empty.
Well, technically that is a lie. But it feels empty. Yuletide approached fast this year. Half the siblings have left to visit family or friends and join their loved ones in their celebrations, whatever that may look like for them. Of course there are still many people here who choose not to see their families, who don’t have safe spaces outside of the abbey or who just want to celebrate here. Nevertheless, the halls are never as empty as during this time of year.
It’s a peaceful, pensive sort of quiet and, for the most part, you adore it.
Strolling through the corridors of the old building you shiver whenever a chill draught hits you. You can’t wait to reach the reading room, plop down in front of the fireplace and continue your read of Emma. Ever since the cold set in you’re beginning to understand Mr Woodhouse – avoiding to get a cold in an old stone building seems to be an impossible feat, runny noses and scratchy throats a constant nuisance. On your way past the library you barely hear a sound. Some Siblings are still bustling about outside, setting up stalls for the upcoming Winter Market, celebrating the Solstice with music, hot drinks and sweet treats.
You open the door to your favorite reading room but instead of the usual quiet you’re met with an already crackling fire and a familiar figure perched in the old leather armchair right in front of it. The other tables and chairs in the room are deserted.
“Oh.” The sound is involuntary. You did not expect to see the Cardinal tonight and suddenly you feel not only very self-conscious but a little overwhelmed by the sudden influx of emotions his presence is causing you.
„Sister,“ he says, startled, looking up from the book in his hands.
„I’m so sorry… I didn’t think anyone would be here.“
“Oh, don’t be. There is enough room for us both in here, eh? Come sit by the fire with me. We have not seen each other today.”
As you step closer he makes to stand and you just know he’s going to offer you the armchair, the only properly comfortable reading spot in the room. You could not accept it, not when he was here first, when sitting on the floor would cause him so much more discomfort than you. “Please, stay seated, Cardinal. I will just sit down right beside you on the carpet.”
“No, no, I cannot–”
“Please,” you try again. “I actually prefer being closer to the fire and the carpet is soft.”
The reluctance doesn’t leave his face as he sits back, watches you crouching down next to him. You let the warmth of the fire seep into you as you lean against the armchair and after another few seconds you rest your head against the Cardinal’s knee. 
“Are you sure this is okay, sister?”
“It’s perfectly fine, don’t worry.”
You open your book, finally start reading as you continue to slowly defrost. After a few minutes you’re completely comfortable, lost somewhere in Highbury with Emma and Harriet. You aren’t wearing your head piece today, having opted for a proper hat when you were working outside in the cold earlier. So you’re somewhat caught by surprise when you suddenly feel a hand in your hair. An ungloved hand. The Cardinal doesn’t say anything, just runs his fingers through the strands with utmost care.
You turn to him and when his eyes meet yours he looks as though he only just realised that he did it, a tinge of red crawling up his neck.
“Oh, uh… mi scusi tanto,” he says, voice slightly shaky. “I mean, I didn’t… there was a stray hair…”
You swear your cheeks are the color of his crimson cassock. “It’s… it’s okay, it felt nice.”
“It did?”
“Yes. Very.”
He nods, lips tightly pressed together but you see them trembling anyway. You force yourself to look back at your book, scared that you embarrassed him, but then his hand finds back into your hair and he continues scratching your scalp very gently. You wonder if your hair is soft, if it feels nice against his bare fingertips and, more worryingly, if he can somehow feel your rapid heartbeat. Needless to say you can’t focus on Jane Austen for the life of you, not when you have your very own romantic hero right beside you, giving you the goosebumps of a lifetime.
“Cara,” he says after a while.
You look up at him, only to find him observing you with his mismatched eyes, a warm tint to both of them as they reflect the orange light of the fire. “I don’t know about you but I don’t think I can focus on reading right now. I think I would rather talk with you.” 
He must have seen that you didn’t flip the page, you realise. Did he flip his? Before you can find an answer he slides down the armchair, plopping down right next to you on the floor. Your breath catches, rendering you speechless. His face is now so close to yours that you can count each individual freckle and it’s so tempting to stare. He is so very handsome, so stunningly beautiful.
“I am glad we always seem to find each other,” he says. “Even without trying.”
You smile. “I agree, Cardinal.”
“I told you to call me Copia, when we’re alone, cara mia.”
“I’m sorry, I keep forgetting.” You chuckle, trying not to stare at him too hard. “Are you looking forward to the Solstice, Copia?”
“Sì, sì, very much. Are you?”
You relish in the way he clings to your every word, the way he will always return the question, coax more words out of you just to hear you talk. This is not the first time you’re alone with him – by now you like to think of him as something of close friend, even though it’s not the right word at all. For the past few months encounters like this one have been a regular occurrence – reading together in the library, finding into easy-going conversations about your respective days, little chats in his office here and there after you dropped of some documents for him, sometimes even eating dinner together in the refectory when he was not too busy. Most of the time you just naturally gravitated towards each other, even without planning your meetings.
“I am looking forward to it very much,” you reply, barely hiding your excitement. “I can’t wait to have some mulled wine and candy and just watch everyone be happy.”
There is always this magnetic pull you feel in his proximity – every eye contact, every touch, no matter how innocent, accompanied by a vivid sense of longing for him. You can’t deny that you’re harbouring an intense crush. It’s the very reason why the word friend is such an ill fit. He is so much more.
“That is what I look forward to as well,” he agrees, just as unable to look away. “I especially hope to see you happy, cara mia.”
You’re cheeks are burning, from the fire or your blush or maybe even both. “Do you?”
He only nods, caught in a similar fluster. The ungloved hand you felt in your hair earlier now reaches for your face. You almost expect to feel a chill, but his skin is warm, soft fingertips gliding over your face, mapping it, tracing every curve like you’re a statue and he’s the sculptor.
This time you can’t fight the pull, but you get caught up in its currents. You lean in and he does the same and then your mouths meet somewhere in the middle.
It’s a little awkward at first. You go in with too little and he goes in with too much pressure and your noses bump against each other twice when you attempt to adjust. It quickly evens out, his fingers find your jaw, angling your face just right, and then suddenly it’s all warmth and whimpers. His mouth moves against yours gently, his moustache tickling your upper lip. You don’t even care that you’re losing your page as the book slides from your lap, your whole body angling towards his.
It isn’t the passionate, fiery kind of first kiss that you always imagine late at night when you’re so filled with longing for him that it hurts. It’s the kind of first kiss you imagine when you see him somewhere around the abbey, when the mere sight of him knocks the wind out of you, when you struggle to form words in his proximity, still in hopes that something might happen. 
When he lets you go you take a shaky breath. You let your suddenly very heavy body fall against the armchair, covering half of your crimson face with your arm, a stupid smile on your face. Copia still looks at you, inhales deeply with a similar sort of smile on his lips. You continue to sit there, grinning at each other with not a single word uttered, the crackling of the fire the only sound in the room.
2 The Comforting Kiss
No matter how happy you are to be here at the abbey, to have found a home, Winter is always a particularly heavy time. Grief gnaws its way into your heart, not just for the people you lost but for long abandoned parts of yourself. It’s a weighty sense of loss for everything that you can never get back, a bittersweet melancholy that is woven through every occurring thought.
At the same time, and not less intensely, you feel grateful for the people you found here – friends and mentors. And… lovers. A lover. Perhaps, if things go well.
The Cardinal treats you like gold dust, like you’re so precious he needs to tread lightly, and you love that mindfulness about him. But it also means he’s been taking things awfully slow. Ever since your first kiss in the reading room not much has happened – at least no more kisses. You met, you spend time together, but you can’t call it dating. There has not been a proper date, no spoken agreement that this is what you’re doing. You’ve exchanged soft touches and whispered words of mutual adoration. No big words, just small, gentle affirmations – a “You look beautiful today” here, an “I’ve been looking forward to seeing you all day” there. They don’t blare out your affection for each other, but they whisper softly. And it makes you more in love with him every single day.
If only you knew if he felt the same way or if his hesitation stems from uncertainty.
“You are lost in thoughts today, mia bambina.”
You look up at Primo’s face, meeting his worried expression with a gentle smile. “I’m sorry, Papa. I suppose I am a little distracted.”
“It wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain… Cardinale… would it?”
There is no fooling him, by now he knows you too well from working in the gardens all spring and summer. “He… may be one of the reasons.”
You’re helping Primo with decorating some of the trees today and it’s a welcome distraction from your more melancholic thoughts. Christmas, Yule, the Winter Solstice celebration – whatever you choose to call it – is kept very neutral here. Anyone is welcome to make propositions, to bring in the customs and traditions that they most cherish, and make them their own. You asked Primo about decorating the trees with lights and a few ornaments made by crafty siblings. It’s an easy way to light up the grounds for the upcoming Winter Market and make it all so much prettier.
“Speaking of your amore…”
“Oh he’s not my–“
You stop as you spot the Cardinal, trailing the familiar shape of his body all the way from the abbey to the entrance of the gardens. He’s clearly on a mission, determined movements, a brisk sort of walk, and... Oh Satan, is he looking for you?
All it takes is Primo yelling Cardinale! for him to whip around, facing your direction. He waves as he spots you, a little awkwardly, like he’s scared you won’t wave back. But of course you do and his hand gets steadier as he shakes it two more times, a timid smile on his handsome face.
“I will leave you to it,” Primo says with a knowing look and you smile as he carefully makes his way back inside. He greets the Cardinal in passing who half-bows in return and they exchange a few words in Italian that you don’t quite catch. You use the time to smooth out your hair, clean your palms on the dark wool of your coat.
When the Cardinal finally approaches, his red cassock is a bright contrast to the shiny white snow all around you. He’s wearing a matching robe on top, for more warmth.
“Hi, hello,” he says. Then he takes your hand in both of his, shaking it delicately. “Good to see you.”
You smile at him. “It’s so good to see you, too. I’m sorry I’ve been so busy all day.”
“Oh no need to be sorry.” He glances around. “The… uh… the trees, they look very beautiful.”
You can’t help but beam at him. “Thank you, we spent all day decorating them.”
He smiles affectionately, hand still clasping yours, but then he suddenly frowns and takes off one of his gloves. Your heart stutters at the skin contact, at the contrast between his warmth and your cold. Not that he notices your reaction. “Your hand is freezing, cara mia.”
“Oh, it’s fine, I had gloves but I took them off because they bothered me.”
He tsks, shaking his head in mild scorn. “Where are these gloves you speak of?”
“I think I left them… ugh…” You look around. “Maybe at the entrance gate?”
“That won’t do, no.” He shakes his head again, more rapidly this time. “I can’t have your pretty hands freezing off.”
Pretty hands? You can’t dwell on his words because he’s already yanking his second glove off his hand. In contrast to these harsh movements he is so heartbreakingly gentle as he slides them onto your hands, carefully fiddling with your fingers until they’re all covered in warm leather.
“There, così va molto meglio.”
“But now your hands will be cold, Cardinal,” you argue.
“Copia,” he corrects. “And I don’t mind. I spent all day inside, you need them more. Are you very cold?”
“A little, but I like the fresh air,” you admit. “Do you want to walk with me before we go inside?”
He nods, following you down the path to the pond. Even from a distance it looks magical, covered in ice crystals and snow. The grounds look like they’re straight out of a fairytale and a few minutes into your walk it starts snowing again.
There is an easy silence between you and Copia as you take in the sight, your steps crunching in the snow covered path. The sun is already setting and you realise that yet another day has passed. The Solstice is almost upon you and then it’s almost New Year’s Eve and you’re starting to wonder how you ended up where you are now. The underlying melancholia is flaring up, all the pain you tried to push away settling in, and your heart sits heavy in your chest. The cold seeps into you, chilling you to your bones.
“Cara,” Copia says, breaking your trance.
You look at him, realise you stopped walking. “Oh.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, it’s just…”
You never finish because you’re suddenly busy fighting back tears. You’re not even sure what set it off, why you have to be overwhelmed by your feelings now, when you’re supposed to be overjoyed to be on a walk with your Cardinal. The tears decide to leave your eyes despite your best efforts, rolling down your cheeks in hot, painful trails.
Copia’s eyes widen. “Oh, no no no, non ti posso vedere in lacrime, cara mia.”
His bare hands shoot up to your cheeks and they’re freezing as he cradles your face, thumbs moving in frantic half-circles like wipers on a windshield, trying to catch them before they fall. The snow comes heavier now, thick snowflakes mixing in with your tears as they land on your burning skin.
“Sorry,” you mumble, sniffling. “It’s just a lot.”
“I understand.” He gives you a reassuring smile. “Don’t apologise.”
You let him wipe your face clean, his fingertips now not quite so cold anymore.
“Can I…”
You don’t know what he’s asking but nod anyway, desperate for any comfort he’s so eager to provide. Copia kisses your cheeks and you breathe out a sigh at how soft he is, cling to whatever piece of fabric you can reach on his chest. The kisses come in abundance, covering every inch of skin within reach. He moves from your outer cheeks to your nose, so many kisses, lasting for mere seconds while the imprints linger on your skin for way longer. Eventually, he reaches the corners of your mouth and you’re silently praying for him to properly kiss you.
And he answers your prayer. The last kiss finally lands on your lips only that he pulls away just as fast. You feel his warm breath against your skin as he lingers, silently awaits your complaints. When there aren’t any he leans in again, harder this time. Your lips are chapped from being out in the cold all day and yet he kisses them like they’re made of honey, moving his own against them in a languid, careful rhythm. And while your heart is hammering in your ribcage, harder than ever before, your mind is suddenly calm. 
Maybe this time of year is not so bad if it means you get to taste snowflakes on Copia’s lips.
When he pulls away, flustered and breathless, he stammers out a whole speech. “I’ve been thinking… I know you are excited for the market, sì? I thought it was a good idea… I mean, only if you don’t have any plans, I thought we could go together?” His eyes are filled with a hesitant hope and you know he’s ready to be rejected, to be laughed at even. “I know maybe you want to go with friends. You have plans already. I understand, of course.”
“No, no.” You smile at him, running your hand up his chest. “I would love to go with you, Copia.”
His whole face lights up. His nose and ears are red from the cold, heavy snowflakes caught in his hair, melting on his lashes and eyebrows, and he looks so adorably sweet, so genuinely happy, that you move in again to press a gentle kiss to his cheek. After you let go he looks more flustered than ever and when you slide your fingers into his, hiding your joined hands in the warmth of your coat pocket, he stumbles after you without a word.
3 The Tipsy Kiss
The abbey is brimming over with mirth, the courtyard filled with festive cheer and drunk laughter – and you? You have swallowed a whole swarm of bees as it seems – caught somewhere between the great happiness and the imminent panic that come with a first date. 
Is it even a date?
When the Cardinal picked you up earlier, punctual to the minute, he held a small bouquet of white heathers, some greenery and two bright red roses for you. He must have asked Primo for help because you know the roses were cut from the greenhouse, that this type of floristry is unique to the eldest Emeritus. That the Cardinal would go to such lengths just to surprise you indicates heavily that this is a date, right? The flowers are waiting in your bedroom now and you already know the whole room is going to smell so nice when you get back later.
“Do you want to have a look around?”
You turn to Copia, watch him observe the crowd of people gathered in the courtyard. The market is open for the locals as well – not that too many of them find their way here – and so it’s a busy festival, a night filled with so much potential.
Guiding you into the action, Copia takes your hand. You’re both wearing gloves, no actual skin contact, but it makes your insides tingly all the same.
You try not to freak out internally – and fail miserably. 
Holding the Cardinal’s hand in public is not a small thing, it is in fact a very big thing. You already notice the curious glances of a few siblings, whispering or even just blatantly staring. When you pass by some of your friends who are vaguely aware of you infatuation with the Cardinal, one of them gives you a wink, followed by a very distinct hand gesture that you meet with a scowl. 
“Are you alright?” Copia asks immediately.
“What?” You look at him, his brows knit together in worry.
“Should I… should I not… uh… hold your hand?”  
“Of course you should! I’m sorry, it was just… ugh… my friends.” You’re rambling and he’s still frowning. “I like it, I don’t mind people looking. What I’m saying is – please, don’t let go of my hand.”
The confusion is written all over his face but he nods, squeezes your fingers through the layers of knitwear and leather between you. The gesture immediately calms you down. The last thing you want is for him to think you’re embarrassed or ashamed.
“We should get something to drink, sì?” he asks, perceiving your feelings. “To relax?”
He smiles, pulling you to the nearest stall that sells all kinds of hot beverages – Glühwein, Glögg, cider, hot chocolate, different kinds of teas and coffee.
You get a steaming mug with the most aromatic mulled wine you ever had, the scent of cinnamon and clove almost overpowering, and then watch Copia struggle to choose for himself.
“The mulled white wine is supposed to be really good, too,” you recommend. “I think they used Italian wine.”
Copia takes your word for it and then you find a small bar table by the side, covered in fresh snowflakes. You really want to hold your mug with both hands so you won’t spill the wine all over your coat, but the prospect of letting his hand go is ghastly. Instead you choose to take the tiniest sips imaginable.
“Do you want to try?” 
The words break your sharp focus on not spilling anything and you realise he means his own wine. It’s such an unexpected question, a thing that people do who are very close, proper couples, and you wonder if that is where you are headed now. If he thinks of you like that, if he wants to be that. Maybe that is why tasting his wine feels weirdly intimate – but of course you want to. Not for the taste but for the sake of drinking from the same cup, to feel closer to him in any way that you can, to share with each other.
“It’s really good,” you say, holding out your own cup for him.
It is kind of surreal to watch him take a sip from the exact side that you were drinking from earlier, not worried about germs, no hesitation. Of course you have kissed before, there is no need for this to feel so special.
And yet it does.
“You said you helped prepare, sì?” he asks. “With the food and drinks?”
“Yes, I helped out in the kitchens this morning.”
“So what did you make?”
You raise your brows. “Oh, I made the candied almonds.”
He doesn’t even wait for you to say anything else, just pulls you towards the candy stall right next to your table. The almonds come in small paper cones, still warm and smelling like a saccharine dream. Despite spending all morning preparing them you’re still not tired of their sweet aroma.
He tries them, giving a pleasured sigh that gives you goosebumps. Then he makes the gesture to show that he’s taking his hat off to you. “Dolcezza, they are exquisite.”
You giggle. “Really?”
He takes another handful. “Assoluto. They tickle my taste buds.”
“Maybe it’s because I made them with so much love.”
Copia stops for a second, gazing at you with warm adoration in his eyes. “I am starting to think that all you do is made with love.”
He’s not wrong about it, not since you started spending time with him. And today is so special. You don’t even remember when you last felt so frisky, so unbothered by anything and just happy in the moment. You continue making your round, trying out the different beverages and foods, to the point where you’re not only a little drunk but also high on sugar, laughing together, giggling over silly jokes, and never once letting go of each other’s hands.
A cold wind sets in after a while, somehow clawing its way under all the layers of your clothing. You’re tipsy, maybe even a little needy, so you press yourself into Copia’s side in a half hug, eagerly absorbing his warmth. He feels so solid against you, the smell of cologne and incense and spices lulling you in.
“Are you tired?” Copia asks, wrapping his arm around your shivering form. 
“A little,” you admit.
“Let me walk you to your room, cara mia,” he whispers.
“We can stay longer if you want to.”
He shakes his head, squeezing you to his side. “I want to see you safe in your room, eh? That’s what I want.”
Reluctantly you let him lead you back inside, still safely tucked against him. You forgot how many drinks you had but you’re starting to feel their effects now. Your legs feel leaden, every step harder than the previous one all while you continuously fight the urge to giggle every few seconds. You’re not drunk, you tell yourself, you’re very sober and very normal.
Eventually, you arrive in front of your door. Suddenly you’re aware that this means goodbye and you’re not ready at all to let Copia go yet. You let your back fall against the closed door, fiddling with your gloves as you try to read his expression.
He’s tipsy as well, swaying the tiniest bit as he stands in front of you, watching you with his black-rimmed, mismatched eyes. But they’re not dark, not scary, they’re wide and questioning, anticipating your next move. 
You both know you’re standing on the precipice, heading somewhere, but the specific destination is yet to be spoken. And you can’t jump until you know.
“So was this… a date, then?” you ask, wine-drunk and giddy and not at all concerned with your bluntness. It’s the question you’ve been mulling over all night.
His eyes widen. “Was it… a date?”
“I– ugh…” He pauses, lips pursed. “Do you want it to be?”
“Copia, what do you think?” You can’t help but smile, giggle, bite your lip to keep from full on laughing. “Yes.”
“Yes,” he mimics, staring at your mouth without even hiding it. “Our first date?”
“The very first.”
“Did you like it?” His eyes are still trained on your mouth, on your smile. “Our first date?”
“I loved it.”
“Yes, that’s me.”
You giggle again. “You’re so pretty.”
“I’m pretty?”
You remove your gloves, push them into your pocket so you have your hands free. Then you trace the line of his jaw, run your thumb over his left sideburn. “So pretty. Beautiful, even. I can never stop looking at you.”
He��s inching closer, not once glancing away from your lips. “I am nothing compared to you, cara. You are the stars in the sky, you are the sun shining your light on me.”
Searching hands find your waist, pulling you to him. He inhales, shudders, his voice pleading. “Can I kiss you goodnight?”
Your heart explodes, fireworks spreading out in your body at the sheer prospect of it, only intensified by the lingering buzz of the wine. “Yes, please.”
Not a second of hesitation. He hits somewhere close to the corner of your mouth, correcting his position with a few more misplaced kisses until he fully captures your lips, kissing you with reckless abandon. You pull him in, fingers tangling in his hair, and he lets out a pleasured moan, deepening the kiss. It’s the first time you open your mouth for him, the first time he uses the chance to taste you, allowing you to taste him in return. The sweetness of the almonds still linger on his tongue. It’s intoxicating. Your mind is veiled in clouds of lust and affection, a sugary high unrivalled by any actual candy.
You lose track of time. He leans into you, basically caging you against the door, and you kiss for what feels like eternity constrained to seconds. Your dulled senses are completely captured by him and when he eventually breaks away you need a moment to reorient yourself.
“We should… uhm…” His mind clearly stumbles over his words just like yours struggles to understand what he’s saying. Eventually he licks his lips and sighs. “Merda, ti voglio così tanto.”
Still breathless, you only gape at his mouth. His lips are red, plump bottom lip wet and swollen and you’re so kiss-drunk, so desperate for more. But you’re also dizzy and you know it’s not a good idea to continue any of this while you’re both tipsy.
He’s not asking to come in, of course, he would never, not unless you were completely sober. So he pulls you in for a full hug, presses his face into the crook of your neck as he squeezes your body. You can feel him all over you, but there is too much thick, woolen fabric between you to make out the proper shape of his body.
“Good night,” he mumbles against your skin. “Sleep well, mia bella. I will see you tomorrow.”
“I had the best night, Copia. Thank you.”
“Me too, cara mia.” He breaks away, crooked smile on his lips. “You are… you are all I could ever ask for. Perfetta.”
It takes you a few more minutes to finally let go of each other and even then he waves at you as he retreats, almost falling down the stairs that lead to the sibling’s dorms. But you can’t bring yourself to close the door before he’s out of sight and once you do you already miss him.
Fifteen minutes later you’re showered and ready for bed, barely functioning anymore. Opening your bedroom door you’re hit with the scent of roses, the intensely vivid fragrance that only Primo’s flowers carry. When you pull the covers over your head, a cosy warmth blossoms in your chest, and you can’t help but let out an excited little squeal. 
He makes you so incredibly happy.
4 The Mistletoe Kiss
Groaning under their weight, you carry two boxes of decorations all the way down the hall, almost stumbling around a corner. You set them down right next to the door that indicates you’ve reached your destination – Copia’s office.
You pause. There is music, the notes pouring out of the gap under the door. For a moment you press your ear to its wooden surface. It just wasn't the same, alone on Christmas day. Presents, what a beautiful sight, don′t mean a thing if you ain't holding me tight. You′re all that I need, underneath the tree. Kelly Clarkson? You realise he’s listening to Christmas music and your heart does a double take. Here’s the man you’re in love with, a Satanic Cardinal preaching the Olde One’s gospel, humming along to christmassy pop songs as he does his unholy paper work. How could you not fall for him?
The song fades out and the next thing you hear is Mariah Carey’s drawl. You decide to knock before anyone catches you eavesdropping, but you don’t get an answer. He clearly doesn’t hear you over the music, so you opt to just let yourself in, grabbing the first of the two boxes.
You kick the door open to avoid dropping it. “Good morning.”
Copia jumps in his chair, pressing the pause button faster than lightening speed.
“Oh, uh… cara.”
You smile. “Why did you turn it off?”
His face turns crimson and he clutches the crucifix on his chest. “Ugh… ehm…”
You understand his embarrassment. From a very superficial perspective he may not exactly be the type of man you’d expect to sing along to Kelly Clarkson and maybe it’s not even what he usually listens to, but it’s Christmas songs – Christmas love songs – and you’re in the perfect mood for that.
“You should never pause Mariah,” you say, walking over to his side to press the button again, turning the volume down just a little so you can still talk. His blush deepens but the up-beat music immediately draws a smile onto both of your faces. “It’s a good song.”
“It’s… it’s not bad,” he agrees. “A classic, which is… which is why I listen to it, of course. The only reason, sì.”
You hide your grin and lean against his desk. “Sooo… I didn’t come to discuss music, actually, but because I realised that we haven’t decorated your office yet.”
Copia furrows his brow, folding his hands in his lap. “Oh, yes… I am not good with these things, cara mia, I don’t know how to make it look nice.”
You take one of his hands, tracing the silver crucifix on his glove. “You spend so much time in this gloomy old room, you should have something to brighten it up during Winter.”
He smirks, lacing your fingers together. “Well, you’re here now.”
The corners of your mouth move upwards involuntarily. “Sadly I can’t be here all day.” He sighs dramatically but you ignore it. “Which is why I brought some things. Help me with the second box?”
Copia jumps up, ever helpful, and follows you to the door. You push it open and hear a sudden tinkling sound. Looking up, you find something that definitely was not there before, something someone must have taken out of your box with brushwood and garlands.
“Looks like someone just did the decorating for us…”
The mistletoe, adorned with two small bells and a bright red bow, sits right over the office door. 
“Oh.” Copia caught it as well, eyes widening. “This is a…”
“Mistletoe, yes.”
He smiles. “I know what that means.”
“Do you?”
This time, you’re practiced – and sober.
Copia gently guides you into his frame right under the mistletoe, waits for you to wrap your arms around his neck before he tilts your chin just right. He leans in, kissing you gently at first before he adds more pressure. You’re enraptured by his softness, but if you’re being honest you want more. You’ve been thinking about your tipsy kiss all day yesterday, trying to conjure up his taste. At this point you need it like oxygen. It’s a desperate, overpowering urge, so before he can pull away you trap his bottom lip between your teeth.
You don’t let him speak but kiss him again, taking over this time. One hand at the back of his neck you pull him in closer and he softly moans into your mouth. You suck at his bottom lip, softly lick over it before pushing your tongue inside. Copia’s grip on your waist tightens and you sigh as you taste him, caressing his tongue with yours. This time there is less sweetness and more of him, traces of coffee from earlier this morning, a hint of chocolate. It’s addicting and if it weren’t for your burning lungs you’d never stop.
When you eventually do break away, huffing out a nervous laugh, you hear a loud attempt at a whistle. Turning around you see Papa Emeritus III standing close to a nearby pillar, waving at Copia with a smirk on his painted face. He lifts two fingers in a peace sign.
“How about you get a room, Cardinale,” he teases and starts rubbing the fingers together.
Before either of you find your words again, he’s already heading off down the hall with a wink.
You remain stunned. “Does Papa know…”
“You wanted to decorate,” Copia says, deeply flustered as he gently turns you around and guides you back towards his office.
“No. I think we need to place that mistletoe somewhere else first,” you grumble, getting up on your tiptoes to remove it, “before you get any other visitors.”
You throw it back into the box, pushing it all the way down, and Copia fails to hide his smile.
5 The Thank You Kiss (+1 extra)
What do you even get a Satanic Cardinal for Christmas?
You’re not exactly sure how you end up carrying a nicely wrapped present into the wing that houses the higher ranking clergy members, wearing an actual festive outfit, hair done nicely, wearing a new perfume you hope he’s going to like. You spent over an hour after mass getting ready and now your nerves are on edge. It feels surreal to be here at all but Copia invited you over for dinner and of course you said yes. Your second date – on Christmas Eve. You both decided to spend the evening together, exchanging small presents and perhaps watch a movie. It sounds chill, you shouldn’t be nervous, and yet you’re so high on adrenaline that you’re trembling.
Approaching the door to his quarters, you notice it’s already open, light streaming into the gloomy hallway. You hear distant voices as you approach. Hesitantly glancing inside, you spy a ghoul in front of a fireplace, Copia standing right next to him.
“Can you get it to burn faster?” he asks. “It’s too cold, I want it to be warm when she gets here. Quick!”
The ghoul sighs in annoyance but you can see the fire kindling under his ministrations.
“You know she’s already here, right?” the ghoul asks.
Copia jumps, eyes flickering over to where you’re leaning in the doorframe, and the ghoul smirks, menacingly sharp teeth shining just below his mask.
“Thank you, you can go,” Copia says to him, ushering him out with rapid hand gestures. “And no comment from any of you tomorrow.”
You let the ghoul pass and close the door, turning to face the person you’re most happy to see in the whole wide world. You can’t help but smile when you notice how perplexed Copia seems by the sight of you. He stands and stares, wringing his hands nervously, eyes roaming your body.
“Oh, cara.” He swallows visibly. “You look bellissima. I can’t believe you’re real and here with me. With me! Che fortunato!”
He strides over, hands finding your shoulders as he leans in to stamp a wet kiss to your cheek. 
“And you smell so nice,” he says, holding you for a second longer, nuzzling your neck.
“Thank you,” you whisper, even though it barely registers because he smells incredibly good as well. It’s the cologne you’ve noticed multiple times by now, the one that makes your whole stomach flutter.
When he lets go, smiling, hands rubbing your upper arms, you’re practically melting from all of his attention. He radiates affection this evening.
“You look very handsome,” you try. “It’s so strange to see you without your cassock.”
 He’s wearing slacks and a matching black button down with a dark woolen sweater on top, no cassock, no biretta, only the black leather gloves and shoes. It’s rare to see his shape so full on display around here, the black hugging the curves and edges of his body, not covered in layers and layers of heavy fabric. You find it hard not to stare at him.
“Ah, thank you, thank you.” He waves off. “I try, you know.”
“I do know.”
For a second you think he’s going to kiss you, neither one of you ready to move away from each other, but then he laughs nervously and takes your hand, pulling you further into the room. You can tell he’s tense by the way he rambles on and on as he shows you his quarters, keeping your hand in a vice grip. They’re small but you can tell he tidied up for you. First he shows you where he keeps his rats, then where you can find the bathroom. You end up back in front of the fire, still holding his hand.
“I made dinner,” he explains. “So I thought we would eat and then I could give you my present.”
“You made dinner?”
“Uhm… yes. I ugh… I cook. Sometimes. When I have time.” He shrugs, a little hesitant. “It’s edible, I think.”
It’s much more than that.
Dinner is incredible, most of all because he made Italian food instead of a fancy roast, and you eat more than you expect, despite your nerves, just because it’s so incredibly good. He even prepared dessert – the best tiramisu you ever had – and you’re glad you didn’t wear an extremely tight outfit because by the end of it you’re more than full.
Copia is over the moon that you enjoyed it, you can see the proud glint in his eyes as he’s refilling your wine glasses. Adequately supplied with drinks, he offers you a seat on his couch in front of the fire, ready to exchange gifts.
You had agreed on only getting each other a small present, so your options when you spent most of yesterday in town were pretty limited. Copia’s interests are still somewhat of a mystery to you. You know he has a handful of rats, so you went to the pet store to get some treats for them. You also know he likes reading, that he is devoted to his work, that he enjoys watching movies. But you need to figure out the details before you can make more educated presents. So in the end you got him a mug. It’s silly really, but it has a red Cardinal on it (the bird) and says I ❤︎ my local Cardinal. You thought it was sweet, that he might appreciate the irony.
As he unwraps it you get incredibly nervous, palms sweaty and heart racing. It’s a really stupid gift and not at all meaningful. Maybe you should have just bought him a sweater or something more useful. He probably has tons of mugs already, it’s such a common gift. But right as you want to justify yourself, he chuckles and you think hat maybe it’s a genuine reaction. It looks genuine. 
Before giving any sort of comment he kisses you, deeply, holding your face in the warm palms of his hand. It doesn’t last very long but you still taste the cocoa powder from dessert on his lips.
He carefully places the mug next to the treats on his coffee table, his other hand never leaving your cheek. “Thank you, cara mia. È veramente perfetto.”
“I was at the pet store and they told me those are treats for rats, I hope it’s okay. I wasn’t sure–“
His thumb moves over your jaw, down to the corner of your mouth. “Oh, don’t worry, dolcezza, they are going to love it. And I love it, too.”
He sports a dazzling smile, one that brings out his crow’s feet, and you finally relax. This is going smoothly, you decide. A relaxed evening, delicious food, a nice short kiss, he even liked your silly little present. Nothing can make you jump out of your seat moving forward.
Or maybe there is something.
“Now, I think it’s my turn,” Copia says and gets up to retrieve your present from the mantelpiece, handing it to you with a slightly theatrical bow. 
You can tell he’s nervous by all of his gesturing, by the way he hums to himself as he sits back down next to you. It’s small in size most likely wrapped by the store in fancy red paper and ribbon, glittering all over. 
“It’s just a lil sumthin’ sumthin’,” he says.
For some reason you doubt that. Underneath the gift wrap you find a longish velvety box – a jewellery box. “Copia, you shouldn’t have…”
“No, no, look inside.”
The box opens smoothly, revealing a dainty bracelet with with three charms – a C, a small heart and the initial of your first name. Each of them has a tiny white gemstone set in the middle.
“Oh.” You take it out of the box, cradling it in your hand like a long lost treasure. “But… but Copia, that’s not a small present. Why? I don’t–“
He cuts you off. “Because I’m in love with you.”
The words hang heavy in the hair as your mind and heart are trying to catch on. You look at him in mild shock and he stares back, almost in horror, waiting for your reaction. It’s a nervous silence, one he can’t take, and then he just starts to spill it all out.
“I planned to tell you today, it’s why I invited you over. I just had to, cara mia, it’s been on the tip of my tongue so often and keeping it in my chest hurts too much. I want you to know, even if you don’t feel the same.” He rambles on and on, very clearly expecting you to turn him down. “It’s okay, you don’t have to reply. Io capisco, so che è molto da digerire.”
“Copia,” you say but he goes on in rapid Italian. You reach for his hand, squeeze until he stops. “Copia, I’m in love with you, too.”
He gapes at you, eyes wide and fearful, taking a shuddering breath. “Non giocare con i miei sentimenti, cara mia.”
“I would never lie to you, Copia. It’s true. I’m in love with you.”
“You’re in love with me?” He laughs but it’s not a humorous laugh, it’s an incredulous one. “But I am just an old man and you are young and beautiful and kind and smart. You can have anyone, dolcezza. Are you sure you want this? You want me?”
“I want to be with you, Copia. It’s all I want.”
He grins, the weight lifted off his chest, and pulls you into his side so he can kiss your head. “You are the greatest gift I ever received, amore.”
“Help me with the bracelet?” you ask, handing it to him with a wonky smile..
His hands are shaking just as hard as yours as he reaches for the delicate trinket. All in all it takes him five attempts until the bracelet sits snugly against your wrist, sparkling in the warm glow of the fire in front of you.
“It’s beautiful, thank you,” you whisper, trying very hard not cry. It’s a long awaited relief, unbridled happiness, mixed in with all the pent up emotions you can’t find words for just yet.
Copia doesn’t reply, you can tell he’s choked up as well and so instead of talking, you grab his face and pull him in for another kiss. It’s your sixth one, overall, but it’s the first one you exchange without any doubts about what it means. Maybe that’s why everything feels so limitless now. You pull him into the cushions, half on top of you, and let him deepen the kiss in a pace that he feels comfortable with. You taste a few salty tears on his tongue, mixing in with a hunger that has a lot to do with how perfectly heavy his body feels on top of yours.
You’re sure you won’t be able to count the kisses much longer.
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I hope you're having a lovely Christmas – and maybe you'll even find a cardinal shaped present underneath the tree. Thank you for reading ♡
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 3 months
To Start Anew (TF141xLATA!Reader) Ch.3
Alright here chapter 3 ya’ll!! Our dear girl has landed in Italy with the guys!
Warnings: Mentions of creepy dudes, reader being over cautious for a sec, language.
You spent most of the flight in and out of sleep, a stewardess waking you up occasionally for another drink and snacks. The flight was due to land in an hour so you wanted to get your last drink in. As it so happened the stewardess came by and dropped off a drink for you, ‘courtesy of the four gentlemen’. You hesitated on the drink but took it and set it down, ordering a cran and vodka and asking her to thank the men.
You looked the drink over, the ice was floating, it didn’t smell or look weird, plus the plane attendants made the drinks. You don’t think they’d risk their jobs to drug you for four men. You shrug and taste test the drink, it’s some kind of fruity cocktail and the flavors are delicious. You take your time drinking it as you wait for the cran and vodka.
It takes a good 20 minutes before the drink is in your hand, gone, and the plane is landing. Taking a deep breath, you exhale slowly. You’re in Italy! You’re gonna have the best fuckin 2 weeks ever, you’re gonna try not to think about that piece of shit, and you might even do as suggested; find a hot Italian guy! Well for the time that you’re here at least.
By the time you had exited the plane and headed to grab your luggage it was already midday and everything you could already see was beautiful. You watched the carousel go around until you finally saw your bags and rushed to grab them, almost knocking into one of the men you met earlier. “Oh! Sorry!” “ ‘S alrigh’ luv, no harm done.” “I still shouldn’t be rushing around in the airport.” He shrugs and grabs his bags as you grab your’s.
”Eager to get started I take it?” You nod in excitement. “Of course! Who wouldn’t be?! I’m…I’m in Italy!” Simon stares at you for a minute before nodding, it’s not his place to comment on your hesitance, on your sorrow. Simon is nice enough to walk with you to the pick up area, keeping steady conversation, not invading or asking too much.
”Where are the others? Did they leave you to get the bags?” “Nah they went ahead.” He points to the men standing just a few feet away, John is on the phone while Kyle and Johnny talk. “Ah okay. Well enjoy your down time!” Simon nods and heads for the group, tossing a look behind her at a group of men that he noticed wouldn’t stop staring. “Which hotel ya goin to? We can split a car if you don’t mind Johnny’s yappin and the Cap’s chainsaw snores.”
”Oh…uh I don’t wanna infringe on your guys’ time together. I’m fine waiting.” “Cautious little thing ain’t ya?” You scratch the top of your head and give a slight nod. “My dad is a retired cop, so he always made sure I knew how to take care of myself.” “Smart man. Well, there’s a group of men standing behind you that haven’t stopped staring since we came out.” “I’ll just stand closer to you guys to wait if that’s okay?”
”Course, let’s go then.” You follow along beside him and are greeted by the other guys. “Ay Simon you’re not supposed to just drag pretty women along with you. Sorry about him.” “Oh no it’s okay. Just thought it was safer standing in a group than by myself. Sorry for imposing.” “ ‘S no problem bonnie. Would nae wan a pretty girl stranded by ‘erself now. Goin the same way?”
You hesitate and Simon pipes up in your place. “Don’t go askin random people their business Johnny.” Johnny apologizes, not meaning to come off as weird. “Now who’s giving her the ick?” “Aye! I didnae mean ta! Honest!” You laugh at their antics as you watch John roll his eyes and come closer to you. “You’ll have to excuse them, they only function on one brain cell. You stayin at the Hotel Villa Belvedere?” You nod, “Simon asked if I wanted to split a car with you guys but I think I’ve impeded on your time enough.”
Price shakes his head, “Lucky we don’t have to get a car. The shuttle will take us there.” The furrow in your brow tells John you completely forgot that there was a shuttle to transport those that were staying at that hotel. “Oh god I totally forgot about that! Thank you for reminding me!” You hurriedly rummage through your purse to find the shuttle ticket, Kyle and John laugh at the happy and relieved noise you make.
After standing around chatting with them for awhile the shuttle finally pulls up and everyone piles in and off you all go. You pull out your phone to take some pictures and videos to send to your friends and family before just staring out the window. You doze off because before you know it the shuttle jerks you awake, forcing you to hurriedly grab your belongings to make it to the hotel to check-in. You wave goodbye to the guys and hurry to the front desk.
Check-in is smooth and the key to your room is handed over. “One honeymoon suite for the lady. 2 weeks stay, here is a map of the hotel. Breakfast is from 7:30 to 10:30, there is also a restaurant by the pool that is open from April to October. Plenty of restaurants and other things to do that are mostly walking distance. Please don’t hesitate to call us for anything!” You thank the elderly gentleman and he lets you know room service is already included in your package.
You take your bags and head to your room following the map. This place was gorgeous and you were absolutely excited to be here, and your first order of business was to get that bottle of champagne to your room.
Tag list: @cumikering @devcica @catmouseggy
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mayasdeluca · 2 months
Could you rate Marina scenes but only.from s7.
Ik it wasnt perfect and kinda rushed but we had so many cute stuff
Sorry for the delay! This took some time and I'm still not sure of my ranking because some of these were tough. We did get some great scenes despite them ultimately doing Marina dirty in Season 7 IMO. A lot of stuff brushed under the rug/put in wordless montages that was really frustrating after waiting so long for certain storylines to wrap up and come to fruition but this is how I would rank them.
This would be my top 5 and then the rest under the cut:
7x04: truth or scared scene. so good. finally got to hear them express their fears to one another. (crazy how they all ended up becoming reality during the season) and then of course the cuddling scene at the end and carina sleeping in maya’s neck like we all knew she did <3 lovely to see and bonus that it was directed by Stefania.
2. 7x05: in maya’s bunk. top tier. everything about this scene is perfect. carina waiting for maya while wearing her sfd clothes. liam there. maya freaking out when she sees carina’s bloody shirt. carina having to tell maya she can’t get pregnant and maya immediately wanting to fix it and suggesting her eggs. maya finally speaking italian to her wife. i’m so glad we got this and in the 100th episode makes it even more meaningful <3
3. 7x10: we’re pregnant. two babies. i love this scene even if i wish we got more of an initial reaction to them finally seeing each other after all the wildfire stress. but the payoff of carina finally getting to tell maya she’s pregnant was beautiful and so special. the spinning kiss parallel to their proposal scene felt meaningful also. they finally had their moment <3
4. 7x09: i’d rather focus on my hot wife. 10/10 great scene. the foreshadowing of this is definitely evil but it's probably the sexiest thing we got of the season and didn't disappoint. Danielle and Stefania truly delivered as they always do when getting the material.
5. 7x01: Hi little Liam. We’d like to be your moms. I love this scene. Maya being the one to suggest adoption, saying they can still have their plans to get pregnant, listing all the reasons it makes sense for them. Carina being so happy and the way Maya looks at her at the end as Carina is looking at Liam and Liam looking up at both of them. I’ll always wish we got more of the beginning stages of Marina bringing Liam home from the hospital/introducing him to the team etc. but this scene was really good. The start of them finally becoming moms <3
Now the rest. I don't know if the 7x09 cliffhanger technically counts because they don't interact in it but I have to shout it out/put it close to the top because it's still so beautifully done and intertwined both of them together in such an amazing way. Just such a shame that they didn't pay it off that well.
6. 7x09: scene in kitchen. mutual i love you’s finally, the ultrasound picture on the fridge, maya wearing the jacket she wore when they first met. another great scene that gave us so many good things.
7. 7x05: FaceTime maya carina liam. super cute. we got probie and babe and maya in her class A’s. 
8. 7x08: opening montage scene of ivf process/embryo transfer. loved this scene, glad we got to see some of it on tv for once that just involved the two of them. i think out of all their wordless montage scenes in the season, this is the one that actually made sense to be a montage but some of us were so frustrated with them already having a lot of those scenes already that we wished there was dialogue. but i think it was nice seeing the process being done, the way they were looking at each other with complete heart eyes, maya holding carina’s hand every step of the way and then carina explaining things to maya on the ultrasound photo. and i love that it was the first scene of the episode. and then the transition to them at the clinic and maya being all protective of carina moving heavy things? 10/10
9. 7x07: scene in the beginning with liam is adorable. maya testing carina for her meeting about the lawsuit, maya and liam both crying and carina comforting them both. all it was missing was a kiss of some sort, don’t know why they didn’t add that. also carina calling herself mommy felt wrong
10. 7x04: getting locked out of the house. peak comedy. carina saying she wants to fight. love seeing them bicker like an old married couple lol "i’m married to maya bishop, of course my car is locked"
11. 7x06: at the clinic. maya being all smitten at the idea of carina being pregnant. i’m so glad we at least got this since we never got to see maya around a pregnant carina…we were so robbed of that
12. 7x08: over protective maya about the embryo transfer at the clinic and wanting carina to take it easy…adorable. the little bits we got of her being that way since we didn’t get to see it while carina was actually pregnant but i love that carina also reassures her she’s fine and still capable of doing things.
13. 7x09: in the tent, worried wives and ‘see you at home’ short but sweet
14. 7x09: texting scene. lasagna mention. super cute and bonus carina/liam cuteness 
15. 7x06: joe’s bar. annoyed they cut the kiss which was a theme this season but i really liked this scene. maya being a cute yapper while carina amusingly listens to her wife and them talking about mason and their parents and bringing it back to them having their own kids. carina telling maya she’s going to be a good mom…it was just a cute married domestic scene at their place.
16. 7x01: talking about getting house. Carina saying ‘your apartment’ stings even if I get she’s saying it because of the bad memories. seeing Carina with Liam in the beginning and Maya saying she did everything she could to save his bio mom was cute. our house. our home. this scene is cute but the fact that they didn’t just let them kiss properly is annoying and then we got the awkward angle instead. 
17. 7x08: in the lounge talking about liam and the bio dad. love how carina leans into maya’s chest and maya kisses the top of her head. wish it wasn’t so quick but it was a nice scene
18. 7x02: Carina getting sued: Maya being supportive of Carina from the jump was cute and the little touches throughout the scene was so them. and Maya basically making sure everything was taken care of and leading the way once they got the call to get Liam? my heart
19. 7x04: discussing attachment parenting and their different styles. i found this scene to be very interesting and to hear maya's POV of why she felt the way she did and it made sense for her stance to be what it was while carina felt the opposite. thought it was nice to hear them talk about it in a healthy way despite them disagreeing.
20. 7x04: the fight in liam’s room. lots of mixed feelings with this scene. i know people think Carina always pushes Maya too hard but i also think she should be able to talk about the tough things with her wife at times. it shouldn’t just be a ‘therapy’ thing when Carina is just trying to figure out where Maya is coming from. it’s also interesting to me how Maya always goes to bring up Carina’s father whenever she gets confronted with something by Carina, i wish that was something that was addressed. i also understand Maya is still working on herself and so getting defensive and walking out is still something she does and i don’t blame her for that. but part of me does wish we would have gotten to see them grow from this as it was already a step in the right direction after the fighting in season 3 (and we all know how maya handled that) but to finally get to see them ‘fight’ and discuss something without Maya walking away. 
21. 7x08: marina walking into the engagement party and telling the team about being on track to adopt liam. glad we got this moment and the team being happy for them. 
22. 7x02: Marina Clinic Scenes (I’m just grouping them altogether as one since they weren’t technically alone for any of them but still had some moments) love the look Carina gives Maya when she says “That’s what I said” about never having kids. Carina helping Maya with her gown, seeing them work together to figure out the illness the woman had, it was nice seeing them work together in that element like that (though i still think it was a missed opportunity for them to deal with a contagious situation and one of them catching something/worrying about liam but there was already a lot going on plus the suing situation at the end)
23. 7x04: Maya with the drill in the beginning. Carina with liam was adorable but it felt a little forced that Carina just couldn’t get a diaper herself lol
24. 7x07: end scene. having the box hit Maya’s boobs so they can’t kiss? stupid and unnecessary. only good things were the hand holding and amore mio. the double standards between all the couples sex scenes were trash as we’ve all said. 
25. 7x10: the flash forwards. idk if these count but they were fine. Maya’s showing them both giving birth was unexpected but i am glad we got the vision of carina giving birth to their baby. Carina’s only showing some weirdly placed photoshoot was underwhelming though.
26. 7x02: bringing Liam to the station…the fact that this was just a wordless montage really upsets me. I think this moment deserved way more. I get that it was Jack’s moment/episode but Marina had been waiting for this for so long and we deserved to see them excited and having the team excited with dialogue that they were finally bringing their baby home with them. 
27. 7x03: montage scene(s) - if these even count…I think we all know how ridiculous it was that this it the only content they got in the Pride episode and while it was sweet seeing the three of them in their new home and getting to dance and have their moment as a family…they deserved so much better and so much more. 
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depression-napping · 6 months
(Sorry this is much later than I expected to post!)
Ok everyone we did it, we went to Artnia and ate the Vincent pasta and it was beautiful
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Full review of Artnia below the cut ❤️
For those curious, Artnia is an official Square Enix Cafe in the middle of Shinjuku that looks like an egg. It’s a bit quieter and smaller than the Square Enix Cafe in Akihabara.
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Making a Reservation
You can make a reservation if you live in Japan and have a Square Enix account, but if you don’t, there may be a few spots available for walk ins. It’s recommended to go early, when they open at 11am, to make a walk in reservation. Also, try weekdays for better luck (we went on a Monday). We dropped in at around 12pm and there was space available at 5pm, so we took it right away. They also stop serving food after 7pm I believe, but you can still order drinks.
While it is helpful to know enough Japanese to comfortably make an order, the staff is helpful, friendly, and speak sufficient English. Lots of foreigners visit because it’s a Square Enix cafe, so Japanese isn’t necessarily required.
When you walk in, you can go to the register and tell them you do not have a reservation, but want to ask if they have any space available for that day. If they do they will give you a ticket for an available time and you can come back if it’s later in the day. You can reserve for up to 4 people but you may have better luck for 1 or 2 guests only.
Note that their primary clientele is local Japanese residents, so they do not have an English menu. If you need to, you can use Google Translate’s camera function to better understand what you’re ordering. Not all ingredients are listed, so take caution if you have special dietary needs.
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The FFVII Rebirth Menu is time limited and split into 2 parts. The menu items with the yellow triangles say “prior period” and ended on 4/4, so you can’t order them anymore. The ones with the green triangles say “later period” and are available from 4/5 thru 5/10. Blue corners are available throughout the duration of the event (they’re notably Cloud/Sephiroth themed of course).
But what about the pasta
Ok so on to the important part! You already know what I ordered.
Here’s the menu item description:
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Vincent Dual Pasta
“A two-color pasta represents the dual faceted nature that Vincent has. Please enjoy* this spicy arrabbiata and rich** squid-ink pasta.”
(*ご堪能ください go-tannou kudasai means “please enjoy” but it also means “please feel free to satisfy yourself/to have your fill of…” I’m just gonna let ya’ll fill in the blanks on that one 😘)
( ** 濃厚 noukou (rich in taste) can also be translated as passionate hahaha)
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I need to talk about the Squid-ink pasta first. It can only be described as bougie AF. Squid ink is already kind of extra. But I think it had frickin saffron ??? And edible gold leaf on top???? And I am fairly certain that in addition to like, a tiny sprinkling of Parmesan (this is obligatory for any remotely Italian meal) there was like, tiny black caviar?????
Saffron?? Caviar??? Edible gold leaf????
If you ever wondered whether Vincent would spoil the heck out of you, the answer is yes. Yes, he would. Only the best with our man ❤️
Squid ink aside, the more standard arrabbiata was also nice. As a pescatarian, I was nervous it would have meat in it, as a lot of spaghetti dishes in Japan generally contain meat. Luckily it seemed to be vegetable-based, there was like a single zucchini or eggplant slice in there somewhere 😂 (Personally, I think a meat-free option suits him better. It’s like, slightly more compassionate than straight up bolognese or something).
Arrabbiata is made with tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, and dried chili. (He pretends to be a vampire so he can get free garlic, guys) It also means “angry” in Italian (or spiciness pushed to excess). This is Square Enix basically telling you they know he is the hottest FFVII character. He’s not just hot. He’s spicy.
Ok but. Was it actually spicy? No, thankfully. Except for wasabi, Japanese cooking tends to be on the milder side anyway—but it did come with some chili peppers as a garnish, in case you want the full experience, lol.
Speaking of garnishes, what is that green thing in the middle?
It’s rosemary.
Oh lord did the people coming up with this concept do their research:
“Rosemary is the symbol of remembrance, friendship and love and was thus used in wedding ceremonies.” (It also has historical links to the Virgin Mary.)
That’s not just a random herb. That’s the most important part. Like?????????????? Is anyone else ok????? I’m glad I didn’t look this up in the cafe or I would have started ugly crying.
The Bottom Line
So was it good? Actually, yes! Artnia is a higher-end themed cafe than most (a lot of them get a bad rap for having barely edible food while overly relying on the fan aspects to carry the cafe). As a themed item it was close to perfect. The thought and care that went into this particular menu was apparent. I really appreciated that.
Also, this was super affordable as a meal. The yen is ¥0.66 = $1 right now, so this was under $10 😭 Caviar, saffron, squid ink and gold leaf for under $10? Seriously what the heck.
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(Bonus, here is a terrible photo of the only Vincent decoration I could find in the store haha. It was kind of holographic?? And attached to the bar counter so I had to squat down to take a photo with my very old phone camera. Still made my heart go dokidoki)
The other items on the special menu were also really good! Husband ordered the “Cloud Black Omelette Rice” and he said it was some of the best omuraisu he had in Japan so far. Granted we are not the biggest consumers of omuraisu, but that has to count for something. We also tried the Cait Sith Mog Box drink (REALLY good, if you like Black Sesame) and the Gold Saucer Protein Juice (highly doubt it had any protein but it was a refreshing orange juice based drink).
Plus, for every drink you order, you get a random free character coaster. Check my next post to see who I got ❤️
The special menu is ongoing until Friday, May 10! If a trip to Tokyo is in the cards for you, as an FFVII fan, I do recommend making a trip to Artnia ❤️
EDIT: I lied there is *one* Vincent figure on display and like two tiny pieces of merch (which I will post later, tumblr doesn’t like me rn)
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hannahssimblr · 8 months
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I watch the clock above the whiteboard as the minute hand inches closer and closer to twelve. Four seconds, three seconds, two seconds…
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It’s five. My chair scrapes against the linoleum and I start running. Past Mr. Doherty’s desk, out the door, into the hallway, down the stairs, damn it why is this school so big? Another hallway, a foyer, the front entrance… 
“Don’t forget to sign out!” The secretary calls after me and I huff and turn back around, yanking my student ID card out of my pocket and slamming it into the sign-in machine, and then I hurry out, down the steps, out the gate and onto the rush hour Clontarf streets. 
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The air is like daggers on my face and my school bag is weighed with a ton of books. My stupid trousers and my stupid blazer are slowing me down too, as is having to wait for the stupid green man at the stupid pedestrian crossing. I don’t bother in the end, I just swerve through traffic and give the woman in the SUV who blows her horn at me the middle finger. 
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The house is so far up the Howth Road that it might as well be in Killester, and I sprint the whole way with my bag jostling, as commuters alighting the buses onto the darkened winter streets glance at me with dull surprise as I thunder past them and shove through the gates of a little enclave community of Georgian houses concealed from the road. 
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I knock on the door of number two.
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“Oh, we thought you’d forgotten about us,” Ivy’s piano teacher looks rightfully perturbed when she answers.
I have to cling onto the doorframe and catch my breath, “I’m so sorry, they made me stay behind at school.”
“It’s ten past five, her lesson ended forty minutes ago. I had her sitting in for the entire duration of the lesson after hers.”
“I know, I know,” I wheeze, “Is she okay?”
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“Well she’s a little upset,” She goes through the hallway door to retrieve my teary eyed sister from the practice room. “We thought you forgot about her, actually I tried to phone you several times…”
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“Ivy…” I hold my hand out to her and she regards me with a furious clenched jaw and a hot, teary face. She fists her hands into my blazer and shoves her face into it so that her teacher won’t see her crying and I just lamely pat her shoulder in apology. “Um, well, I’ll pay you the money anyway, I’ll give you double for the trouble…”
“No, just the usual is fine.” Her teacher says with pursed lips, “These things happen but just know I’m on a schedule, and I’m not a babysitter…”
“I know, again, I’m so sorry. Thank you for looking after her, I… it won’t happen again. I’ll be on time next week.”
“I’m certain you will.”
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Ivy tries to make me carry her home on my back as reparations, but I beg her for mercy after two minutes because she is not three and tiny anymore, my bag weighs as much as her and I’m still so gruesomely hungover that I’m not sure how far I can even carry my own body without needing to crumple up in a heap on the ground. She’s merciful today and lets me away with it, possibly because she can tell I’m off, but she doesn’t let me forget what I put her through. 
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“I want you to make me pizza tonight,” she demands, “With pepperoni, and not chorizo like you got last time, it’s not the same. I want pepperoni. And do you remember that time you got that packet of it with spicy pepper around the outside? Well I don’t want that either.”
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“Uh huh, how about you give me a break?”
“You left me at my piano lesson!”
“Yeah, I recall.”
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She peers up at me, “Are you sick? You look horrible.”
“Thanks for that. Yeah, I am. I think I ate something funny.”
“Oh…” She looks troubled, “Well can you still make me pizza?”
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The idea of going through the effort of the flour and the dough and the tomato sauce makes me feel slightly faint, “How about I buy you a pizza instead? Yeah? And I don’t mean a frozen one from the supermarket, I mean one from the Italian pizzeria down in the village.”
She gasps. 
“But you have to eat it in the restaurant. We’re not bringing it home and getting caught out by leaving the box in the bin. And when mom and dad get home later on you can tell them that I made you something healthy for dinner instead.”
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“You’re a liar,” She says with a sly smile that creeps up her face, “We’re both liars.”
“Yeah, dead right. It pays off.”
“I’m still upset about the piano lesson.”
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I muss up her hair, “No you’re not, shut up.”
“Uh huh! I am. When we get to the restaurant I might need a milkshake too.”
“You’re pushing it, Ivy, you can’t push me…”
“I can,” she shrugs, and it’s a fact so undeniable that all I can do is laugh. 
“Yeah, well, we’ll see about that milkshake when we get there.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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lovebombs4life · 1 year
"So...you wanna have sex?" and "That was...amazing." with Calum and calum and reader are on a date and calum is being awkward and thinks he's messed everything up but she's still interested in him 👀
second date - c.t.h
requested: yes! i’ve been dwelling on this one for so long cause i didn’t know what to write for it-
a/n: keep sending requests, PLEASE.
cw: SMUT!!! oral (f & m), fingering, slight choking, slight daddy kink, dom!calum, unprotected p in v
i laughed with calum, sitting on my living room floor. it was our second date, and we decided to order italian food and watch a movie. after having a few drinks, we ended up on the floor, sitting next to my fireplace.
“y’know, you’re really fantastic. thank you again for paying for dinner. are you sure you don’t want me to pay you back?” i asked him.
he nodded. “i’m positive. you’re letting me drink your “fancy wine”, plus my father always told me, never let a woman pay for dinner, and to be a gentleman.” he laughed. i smiled at him, giggling at his air quotes.
“well i don’t get very many hot guys in my house, let alone a rockstar, so you know i had to bring out my fancy wine.” i laughed. he smiled, looking into my eyes.
his eyes flickered down to my lips, mine doing the same. he bit his lip, moving closer. “can- can i kiss you?” he spoke softly. i nodded, pulling him in. his lips were soft, and tasted like my cheap wine.
he held onto my face, stroking his thumb over my cheek. i placed my hands in his chest, enjoying the kiss. he pulled away, still holding my face. his eyes were dark, and i could feel his heart pounding in his chest. he giggled as he watched me.
“so… wanna have sex?” he asked, taking a deep breathe. my eyes went wide, and that gave him the idea that he messed up. he pulled his hands back, starting to panic.
“shit, y/n, i’m sorry, i- i shouldn’t have said that.” he said, putting his hands in his hair, tugging at his curls. the sight of his pulling his hair turned me on, making me think of how it would be if i were the one to do it.
he was still panicking, squeezing his eyes shut. i leaned back over to him, giving him another kiss. he gasped, melting into the kiss. my tongue glided across his bottom lip before he opened his mouth to let me in. he groaned in my mouth as i had knit my hands in his hair, pulling slightly.
he pulled away from the kiss, going down to my neck. he licked at my skin before sucking on it, surely leaving a dark bruise on my neck. i moaned at the feeling, pulling his hair again.
he bit down gently, making me yelp. his breathing quickened as he trailed down, kissing at my shoulders. his hands grabbed at the bottom of my shirt, pulling it up over my head. he threw his head back, seeing my light blue bra, adorned with lace.
“so fuckin pretty. you’re body is so perfect.” he praised, making me blush. i pulled his t-shirt off of him, my hands trailing up and down his chest, admiring his tattoos.
his lips connected back to my skin, going down to my breasts. he swiftly popped the clasp apart, letting my bra slide down my shoulders. my nipples hardened at the cold air, and calum took the advantage of sucking on them.
i whimpered at the feeling, wanting more. “cal, please, i need you to do something, touch me more.” i begged. he smirked at me, pulling my leggings down, revealing my panties that matched my bra. he pulled those down too, taking in the sight of my body.
“look like such a goddess, could look at you forever, y/n.” he moaned. i threw my head back, waiting for him to touch me. his hands gripped my thighs, pulling them apart.
without warning, his tongue dipped down between my folds, quickly finding my clit. “shit, calum, your tongue feels so good,” i breathed, moaning at the feeling of his fingers circling my entrance. i tugged his hair, slightly guiding his head around.
my thighs started shaking, signifying that i was close. “calum, gotta let me cum, so close baby.” i whimpered, wanting the release. i felt him smirk against me, curling his fingers upward.
i gasped, clenching around his fingers as he did so. i released onto his fingers, making him moan. just as he pulled his fingers out of me and bringing them to his lips, i pulled his hand to my face, sucking his fingers clean. he moaned lowly, loving the sight.
he pulled away, unbuckling his jeans. i gasped, seeing his size. “don’t know if ill be able to take you.” i whined, making him chuckle at me. i pouted at his laughter. he grabbed my throat pulling me close to him.
“good girls don’t pout. are you gonna be a good girl?” he spoke darkly. i nodded frantically, moaning slightly as he squeezed.
“i can’t hear head nods. need your words.”
“yes,” i moaned. he squeezed a little tighter.
“yes what, baby?” he taunted. i swallowed hard.
“yes daddy.” i moaned out, wanting him to fill me already.
he smirked, letting go of my neck. he slid my hips forward, rubbing his tip against my slick entrance. he pushed in softly, letting me adjust. i whimpered at the pain. i was right, i knew i couldn’t take him.
“need me to stop?” he asked, his eyes softening. i shook my head, wanting more. “want you to fill me, don’t care if it hurts.” i cried, pulling him deeper into me.
he moaned at my eagerness, still keeping it slow. “you can move, please, please move.” i begged.
he slowly started rocking his hips, making us both moan in unison. “fuck, y/n, so wet, feel so good.” he spoke, his head hanging down, watching me.
he lifted one of my legs over his shoulder, going deeper inside me. i screamed out in pleasure, feeling him so far in. he started going faster, soon enough he was pounding into me.
one of his hands was above my head, while the other was holding my hip, guiding me to him as he fucked me. “fuck! calum, with last much longer!” i moaned, trying to contain myself.
he groaned at my words. “please daddy, wanna cum on your cock,” i cried. i clenched around him, and he moaned once more.
“fuck baby, say it again, wanna hear you louder this time.” he said, lowering his head to my neck. he sucked hard, leaving more visible bruises on me.
“wanna cum so bad daddy, want to cum on your cock, let me cum baby” i begged. he thrusted harder, making me loose my breath.
my body started shaking as he fucked into me, both of my legs now over his shoulders. i released around him, clenching as i tried to catch my breath. he kept going, becoming more sloppy as he felt me tighten.
“fuck, i love your pussy, y/n. feels so good around me, so fuckin tight.” he moaned. i nodded, still shaking, riding out my high. his cock twitched, and he pulled out quickly. he used his hand to keep going, and i slid down to where his cock was. i licked his tip, making his hands lift up, letting me take control.
i shoved him in my mouth, sucking hard before letting him go down my throat. “fuck!” he yelled, hot spurts of cum running down my throat. i looked up at him through my lashes, smiling as i pulled away.
we both fell back against the couch, trying to catch our breath. “that was…” he trailed off.
“amazing.” i finished his sentence. i looked over to him to see him nodding his head. “i think that’s the best sex i’ve ever had. pretty sure it’s the most i’ve ever cum, too.” he spoke.
i giggled, moving over to cuddle into his side. he wrapped his arms around me, and i laid my head on his shoulder.
“wanna go for round two?” i asked. he looked at me, eyes wide.
he grabbed my hips, lifting me to go upstairs to my bedroom.
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bullet-prooflove · 6 months
Driving past a graveyard on a lonesome street
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I can't stop thinking of how deranged he looks in this gif
Every Christmas Eve Harm visits the Vietnam War Memorial. He sets a small bouquet of flowers down against the glossy wall before he presses his fingertips to his father’s name and tells him he’s thinking of him.
This year it’s you that goes to the memorial, you that leaves the flowers, you that runs your fingers over the engraving before you tell Harmon Rabb Snr his son is thinking about him somewhere in the Indian Ocean.
“I appreciate you taking the time to do that for me.” Harm tells you over the phone later that evening, the line crackling like crazy and you have to strain your ears to hear the even timbre of his voice.
“You don’t have to thank me.” You say softly as you roll the sleeves of the sweater you’re wearing up to your elbows. It’s one of Harm’s, his white one, the scent of his aftershave still clings to the woollen collar as you pull it up just a little higher. “I know how important it is for you.”
This is the first time in over a decade he hasn’t attended the memorial and it weighs heavily on his shoulders. The last time he was in Russia visiting his brother Sergi. The two of them had toasted to their father instead with gold leaf vodka that Sergi had bought especially for the occasion.
“I’m sorry.” He says quietly. “About not being there for Christmas.”
It’ll be the first one the two of you have been apart for in your time together. You’ve developed your own traditions over the years. Usually after the memorial you curl up on the couch with Harm’s homemade hot chocolate and watch ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ his choice, followed by your choice ‘Elf’ and then the joint choice ‘Die Hard’.
Christmas morning is usually spent with Harm in the kitchen, it’s his favourite place in the house. He treats cooking as a form of creative expression and you always reap the benefits with delicious meals he makes. You’d had the kitchen renovated when you’d first moved in so that the worksurfaces fit his 6’4 frame. When Harm was docked in Naples he’d fallen in love with rustic Italian influences, that’s the way the kitchen has been designed. It’s a bright, airy space with wooden cabinets, a steam oven, a stove and indoor gas grill. The dishware came over with him from Perugia, the glassware from Murano. The kitchen table where you share meals is French country, a vintage piece he’d had shipped from a market in England.
When you’re missing him you sit at the kitchen table with your laptop because being in his space amongst these things makes you feel close to him.
“There’ll be other Christmases.” You remind him as you cradle the phone under your chin tucking the couch blanket around your legs. “Besides it’s not like I’m home alone, Alden’s hosting for the rest of us strays. We probably would have ended up there anyway.”
“Has it started snowing there yet?” He asks you and you smile glancing out of the window because Harm loves a white Christmas just as much as you do.
“Just started.” You tell him. “It looks like it’s going to stick.”
There’s silence for a moment and you can feel his longing over the eleven thousand miles that stretch between you.
“Will you think of me tonight?” He says finally, his voice a little rough.
“Harm.” You whisper. “I think about you every night.”
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bangtansocean · 1 year
Roommate's Prohibited List: Five
Content Table: 01 l 02 l 03 l 04 l 05 l 06
“You look nice today.” 
Oh God, here we go.  
“Thank you, Soobin.” You thank him with a soft smile, looking down to your outfit as you step out of your building, walking next to him.
“Anytime,” He replies softly, his eyes wandering around before looking down with a shy smile, watching your steps synchronised as you make your way down the street.
The weather today is perfect, sunny with a light breeze not too hot and not too windy. 
You enjoy the sun in silence as you make your way down to the exhibition, turning to look at Soobin every now and then who looks too emerged in his thoughts. 
You think about asking him if everything was okay when you finally see the line to the entrance, surprised to see the area looks more like a fair than a museum exhibition which is what you were expecting.
“Oh wow,” You turn to Soobin with questioning eyes. Did you come to the right place? 
He turns to look at you and nods as if he can read your mind and knew you were confused at what you were seeing.
So this is where you guys are going.
You make the line which thankfully goes by quickly, both you and Soobin taking in the vibrant energy that surrounds the place.
“Thank you. Enjoy your day!” The lady at the entrance welcomes you after scanning both of your tickets, a warm smile on her face as she invites you to access the event.
The place looks more like a market at plain sight.
There’s stalls on each side of the narrow main street, and it meets with other streets that keep getting smaller and smaller.
Live music fades into the background, as the smell of delicious Italian cuisine fills the air of the place.
“So… what do you want to check out first?” Soobin asks you, looking down to meet your eyes, “We could walk around to see if we like anything and stop as we go, or is there anything you specifically want to see?”
“I thought we were here for the Roman exhibition.” You tease him, to which he rolls his eyes in a joking manner. 
“Yes,” He laughs. “But we are already here. We might as well enjoy the rest of the festival, no?” He winks at you before focusing on the stall behind you, a cute handmade jewelry stand being managed by two young girls and their father. 
“Okay, maybe we can just walk around and see what calls our attention?” You repeat Soobin’s plan to which he nods before making his way into the busy hall, his eyes turning to you every now and then to make sure you’re still walking next to him. 
You walk deeper into the market, and the deeper you get the more you feel like you are actually in Italy. 
Soobin walks next to you, humming to the song the live band is playing as he scans the variety of stalls surrounding you, a faint smile never leaving his lips. Both mesmerised at the beauty and the diversity of the things around you.
You try to keep up with his steps, but you notice the more you walk into the market, the less space there is to walk.
You are able to follow Soobin thanks to his outstanding head amongst the crowd, but suddenly you reach a junction where people are flowing from all sides, and you completely lose the direction he just turned to. 
“Fuck,” you whisper to yourself, “Soobin?” you call louder as you look around the area.
 Still no sight of him.
You start to worry when you are unable to see him in the sea of people, calling his name again before a loud noise and people gasping makes you turn nervously to the right. 
The people gather around making a circle around the stall where you could see fruits scattered all over the floor, and where you find a distressed Soobin picking the fruits up as he continues to apologise to the owner for tripping with the baskets. 
“I’m sorry, I’m looking for my friend and didn’t see the basket.” He continues to apologize as he places the fruits back in the basket. His eyes scan the crowd quickly before bowing to the old lady who looks at him with understanding eyes. 
You can’t help but laugh at the scene in front of you, which makes Soobin’s head turn to look at you with big eyes, his shoulders relaxing at the sight of you. 
He walks to you and grabs you by the arm, dragging you back to where he was standing. 
The lady of the wrecked stall smiles at you, which you reciprocate with a small bow.
“Please don’t disappear again.” He whispers before diverting his attention from you again as he continues to help the nice lady clean up.
You open your mouth to reply, but you are taken aback by his serious tone. He sounded very distressed, and you weren’t sure if joking around was the best option right now. 
In fact, you didn’t know how to react at all.
You watch him silently as he finishes cleaning the mess he made and makes his way back to you and the owner of the stall. He exchanges a few words with the nice lady, offering her some money for the damaged fruits. 
She refuses to take it at first, but after Soobin's insistence, she finally takes the money with a small bow. 
“I apologize again ma’am, I’ll be more careful from now on.” He bows one more time before turning to you, a light shade of red covering Soobin’s cheeks and ears as he grabs your hand and walks to the opposite direction of where the accident happened. “Well, that was embarrassing.” 
You stare at your joined hands, his fingers intertwined with yours as his thumb strokes small circles on your hand, sending shivers down your arm. Your eyes linger a few seconds more before looking up at him with confused eyes. 
Sobbin stops walking when you don't reply to him, your head still all over the place trying to process everything that happened in the span of five minutes. 
“Are you okay?” He asks, his worried eyes scanning you. “y/n?” His eyebrows are almost touching due to his frown.
His eyes land on your intertwined hands, letting go of your hand and placing it on your shoulder, shaking you softly as he calls your name again.
“Yes, sorry,” You shake your head, snapping out of your zoning out. “So much happened just now my brain is trying to process it all.” 
You stare at each other in silence, a smile appearing on his face as he continues to stare with intrigued eyes.
“Why are you acting like you are the one who just embarrassed themselves in the middle of the market?” He asks in a teasing tone, holding his laughter as you press your lips in a straight line, trying to not laugh. 
It doesn’t last long before you both give in, laughing at the spectacle Soobin created.
“This is your fault,” Soobin pouts as his neck gets red, the embarrassment taking over him again as his eyes avoid you. “I thought I lost you.” 
Your heart sinks at the words, the endearing tone making you hold back a nervous laugh;
Him being upset at the thought of losing you was making you feel things, and you are not sure if that's a good thing at all. 
“I thought I lost you too,” You reply with a shrug, trying to play it cool. “You walk too fast.” You tease him, making him huff back at your jab. 
“Well, you walk too slow,” He replies in a challenging tone. 
“No, I walk at normal human speed. It’s not my fault you are built different.”
Soobin jaw drops in disbelief before he snorts laughing, throwing his head back as he covers his mouth with his hand. “Hey! that’s bullying!” 
The tension and the seriousness of the situation ease out as you both laugh it out. His dimples grow bigger as he tries to calm himself down, failing to do so as he continues laughing which makes you laugh. 
“Okay, enough market for now.” Soobin says in between laughter, his hand reaching out to yours before intertwining his long fingers with yours again. 
You look down to your hands, a thousand jabs in your stomach as he plays with your fingers. His thumb caresses the back of your hand before he squeezes your hand a couple of times, making you laugh at his antics.
You look up to him, who is still entertained with your hand, a faint smile decorating his lips before he speaks again. 
“I’m not losing you again.” He speaks slowly, his words sinking in as his eyes meet yours. 
You hum back in reply, not sure how to respond at the sudden seriousness. 
“Let’s go to the exhibition then?” You try to avoid being awkward again, taking a deep breath before he nods.
He turns to look ahead, pulling on your hand gently as you walk down the market together, his hand never leaving yours. 
The market is very busy, but you can’t really focus on whatever is happening around you. All you can think about is how his hand covers yours, his thumb still caressing your skin softly as he continues to hold your hand tightly, squeezing it lightly every now and then. 
It’s almost like he is trying to remind you that you are holding hands. 
You walk peacefully until you reach a small gray building by the lake with the words ‘Roman Empire Exhibition’ written on a sign by the entrance door. 
It seems like the place is usually a restaurant, and they took half of the place to host the exhibition which would explain the amount of tables and chairs stacked up by the entrance.
“Should we head in?” Soobin turns to look at you with excited eyes. 
You nod with a faint smile before you both step into the exhibition, his hand never leaving yours as you make your way inside. 
You spend the next hour walking around the exhibition, enjoying the artifacts and the extensive video-documentaries being displayed on the walls. Soobin took it as his personal duty to explain everything to you, and even though you already know most things thanks to your dad, you listen to him attentively with a smile as he gives you a tour around the exhibition. 
You notice a special glimmer in his eyes when he talks about the artifacts, the excitement exuding from him as he continues to walk you through the exhibit which makes your heart rate increase every time your eyes meet.
And by the time you are done with the exhibition, you are surprised to realise that you are still holding Soobin’s hand. 
He did let go of your hand every now and then when explaining and pointing at things, but he would immediately hold your hand back, almost like second nature to him. 
You obviously didn’t mind it at all, but you weren’t sure why he would keep holding onto your hand when the exhibition barely had people inside, there was no way of losing you in there.
But you didn’t want to make things awkward, so you decided to keep quiet and keep the questions for yourself. 
At the end of the day, you are almost certain he doesn’t realize what he is doing.  
“Well, what did you think about it?” You ask him as you make your way out the exit into the main lobby of the building. 
He rolls his eyes as he moans in satisfaction, “It was better than I expected, ten out of ten.” He nods while closing his eyes, making you giggle at his child-like attitude. 
You take a glance of the lobby, your admiration to the beautiful decoration interrupted when your eyes spot the white board on the corner of the room: Make your own pizza here! Pizza classes starting 2 euro each! 
“Oh my God, Soobin!” You exclaim excitedly, making him turn to the direction you were looking at. 
He squints his eyes to read the sign, gasping in surprise once he is able to read it. 
You both turn to look at each other with a smirk, speaking with your eyes before he pulls you by the hand and begins skipping his steps towards the entrance, pulling you by the hand as you follow with a laugh. 
Once you are by the sign, you can spot the chef who welcomes you with a grand smile. 
“You are in luck! We have one more spot available for the next class, it starts in 5 minutes!” He types into his Ipad your names before going back inside the kitchen to get the credit card machine, Soobin pulling out his wallet to pay the classes to which you quickly reject. 
“I can pay,” You speak nervously, not wanting Soobin to spend all his money, taking into consideration he payed the lady for the damaged fruits. 
“Absolutely not.” He taps his credit card into the machine, not giving you a second chance to try and offer to at least pay your half. “My treat.” 
You feel giddy inside at his gentleman-like attitude, biting your lip before thanking him. 
You’ve been good at keeping your feelings in check, but he has been testing you ever since you arrived at the event, the crush growing by the minute which makes you extremely nervous. 
“This way please!” The old man greets you into the kitchen, pointing at the one spot left in the long table, your eyes scanning the room to realize…
It’s all couples. 
You turn to look at Soobin who is turning pink, his eyes meeting you as he lets out a nervous giggle, realizing too, that you just got yourself into another awkward situation.
You walk to your spot in silence, Soobin following you as he stands behind you once you reach your spot.
The ingredients are organized per couple, and you are thankful to see they have your favorite pizza toppings for selection, turning to look at Soobin with excited eyes to which he replies with a small smile. 
The class starts and your attention is fully on the chef, who explains the first few steps to make sure the dough is perfectly made. You made some space for Soobin next to you so you could both work at the same time, but the table was shared with another couple who were taking a lot of space and it was very uncomfortable to try and fit all of you in a line. 
“Sorry,” You whisper to Soobin after elbowing him for the fifth time, blowing a string of hair off your face, beginning to get frustrated at the couple next to you who keeps taking more and more space. Even after you kindly asked them to move slightly to the left so you and Soobin could have enough space to work on the dough, they kept taking extra space unconsciously which was making this experience a very unenjoyable one. 
“Hey,” Soobin calls your attention in a whisper, turning to look at him with a pout as you punch your dough softly, making him laugh at your antics. “I know,” He comforts you, giving the couple a dirty look which they miss as they are laughing with each other, throwing their dough up in the air like professionals. 
You both stare at the couple with a frown, unsure of how to deal with the situation without sounding extremely rude and ruining the mood for everyone else in the class. 
“Here, let’s try this.” Soobin whispers again, moving away from the table and walking behind you. 
You try to turn around to see where he was going, but he grabs you by the shoulder to prevent you from turning around, standing behind you as he lowers his body to reach your height. “Let’s see if this works,” He speaks softly into your ear, sending shivers down your spine as his hands travel from your shoulders and down your arms until he reaches your dough. 
He taps your hand before grabbing the roller, holding the farthest sides before speaking into your ear again, “Come on, grab it.” 
You swallow dryly at the unintentional innuendo, letting out a quiet giggle before grabbing into the roller, your hands on top of his as you begin to stretch the dough. 
“Why is it so hard?” Soobin asks, surprised at the amount of strength he has to use to stretch your dough. 
Your mind, already in the gutter, fails you as you laugh louder. 
It takes Soobin a few seconds to understand why you were laughing, nudging you with his shoulder before he joins you laughing. “You’re so nasty,” He scolds you as he continues to stretch your dough, his chest bumping into your back every now and then which just makes the situation worse for you. 
You can’t help but laugh every time you feel his hips against your ass, the whole situation making you slightly horny as you try to stay focused on making your pizza…
But all you can think about is having him bend you over and fucking you against the table.
“How thick do you like it?” Soobin genuinely asks, making you laugh again before replying. 
“This thick is perfect for me,” You reply in a higher tone, unable to take the conversation seriously which makes him huff at your childish innuendos. 
“You are worse than a high schooler,” He laughs, surprised to see how dirty minded you are. “Behave,” He scolds you in a deeper tone, playing along with your immature game. 
“Yes daddy,” You reply in almost a high pitched moan, making you both burst into laughter. 
You notice the couple next to you staring in annoyance, which makes Soobin cough as he goes back to working on the dough in silence, trying to ease the awkwardness between you two and the couple next to you, feeling slightly victorious to see that they too, had a taste of their own medicine. 
“Let’s make a heart,” Soobin breaks the silence as he puts his dough in front of you.
You blink repeatedly before grabbing the roller, stretching his dough without replying, or looking back. 
This time around, his hands are on top of yours, rolling carefully to not hurt you as you do most of the work. Thankfully, his dough was softer than yours, which made it easier to roll by yourself.
Once you are done rolling you begin to shape his pizza, both of your hands working diligently to make it a pretty heart. You continue to make sure the heart is perfect, molding it a couple of times with your thumbs to fix any edges that could look bumpy and ruin the shape. 
“You’re good at this,” He compliments you as he takes his hands off the dough, letting you finish the small details you were diligently working on. 
However, your breath hitches when his hands land on your waist, your head turning to meet Soobin’s eyes.
You stare at each other in silence, your hand still on the dough as his rest on your waist, his thumb making small circles on your skin which made it tingle to his touch. 
He licks his lips as his eyes dance between your eyes and your lips, making you nervous as you notice him lean closer to your face. 
You can’t help but look at his wet lips and then back up to his eyes, his stare soft and his nervous eyes as he is a few inches away from your lips. 
And then...
A thunderous clap startles both of you, turning to the front to see the chef standing in the middle of the room congratulating everyone for finishing step one, and informing everyone that you will begin adding toppings to the pizza now. 
You clear your throat as you shift in your place, Soobin’s hands leaving your waist as he takes a step to the side, still feeling his eyes on you before he takes a step forward, standing next to you but his eyes now focused on your pizzas. 
You were able to get all the toppings on the pizza in less than 5 minutes, and then you waited 10 minutes for the pizzas to cook in the oven, which was handed to you in a pizza box by the chef who thanked everyone for coming to the class.  
You exchanged a few words with Soobin and a few other people from the class as you waited for the pizzas, adding one of the girls to your contacts as she recognised you from orientation.
“I’ll see you in class tomorrow!” You wave back at her before stepping out the door, Soobin following behind as you make your way down the lakeside. You look up to notice the different colours in the sky as the sunset reaches its peak point . “The sky is so pretty.” 
Soobin looks up as he continues to walk beside you holding both of the pizza boxes, humming pleased at the pretty sunset.
“Let’s sit over there,” He points with his head to a small bench by the lake, a man setting up his amp to busk not far from there. 
“Sure,” you nod, walking towards the bench as the sound of the man’s saxophone starts to ring in your ears, a romantic ballad complementing the scenery surrounding you.
“Oh I love this song!” Soobin exclaims as he makes it to the bench a few seconds before you and places the boxes on top of the bench before turning to look at you. “Let’s dance,” he smiles as he grabs your hands, placing one on his shoulder before placing it on your waist. 
He holds your other hand as he pulls you closer to him, slowly swaying side to side before you could reproach him.
You can’t help but laugh with him, both of you swaying slowly as he guides you. “You’re a great dancer,” You compliment him, watching his profile as he watches the sunset over the lake, a smirk appearing on his face before turning to you.
“My mother signed me up for dance classes when I was younger.” He explains in a soft voice, “She always said that if I wanted to marry a princess I would have to know how to dance with her.” 
“You wanted to marry a princess?” You tease with a smile before he lets go of your waist to make you twirl, his hand finding your waist again as you continue to dance. 
“No. I wanted to marry Rapunzel, to be specific.” He looks down and smiles, the memory playing in his head. “I was an ambitious little guy.” 
“That’s so cute,” You scrunch your nose in endearment, picturing baby Soobin telling his mom he wanted to marry Rapunzel. 
The song unfortunately comes to an end, and both of you let go of each other to clap for the man who bowed and mouthed a quiet thank you before getting ready to play his next song. 
“Okay, let’s eat and then I’ll take you home.” Soobin places his hand on your shoulder and taps it  lightly before walking towards the boxes, handing you the one on the top.
“Thank you,” You bow lightly before opening the box, “Oh, this one is yours.” 
You look at the heart shaped pizza, noticing it has the exact same toppings as yours and it was slightly bigger than yours, your mouth watering at the sight. 
“It’s okay, we got the same topics. Plus you worked extra hard to shape it, it’s only fair you get it. ” He takes the other box and sits on the bench, placing the box on his legs before opening the box to air the heat out. “My heart is yours if you want it.” 
You stare at him for a few seconds, his eyes never leaving yours as a faint smile appears on his lips. 
“Thank you,” You whisper, feeling shy all of a sudden as you take a seat next to him, opening the box to air the pizza as Soobin nods in response, taking a slice of his pizza and taking the first bite. 
“Anytime, y/n” He replies after swallowing, turning to you one last time before you begin eating your heart shaped pizza in silence. The saxophone and the sunset being your companions as your heart beat increases for the thousandth time today. 
a/n: Hello guys! Thank you for reading and for liking this story. I'm having a lot of fun writing it for you guys :] I apologise for the late update, I just came back from a work trip so I've been all over the place trying to get back to normal day to day life!
What did you think about the date? your comments and reblogs motivate me to write, so don't forget to share your thoughts! it helps me a lot c: Hope you enjoyed this chapter, happy readings!
Ceci x
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