#sorry its so looong im passionate!
agentbobr · 2 years
Uhm so hi..
Sorry im not very good with social interaction but id like to request the rottmnt turtles with their crush or y/n and they found out that they drew them
Sorry if its a strange request!!
ah don't apologize! got nothing to apologize for anyways <3, also definitely not strange tbh i think most people who draw (me included) end up drawing their crush lol, also sorry if mikey is ooc! ive never really written him :')
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🎨🖌️ Raph had a crush on you for a looong time, and it wasn't well hidden at all!
🎨🖌️ But alas, when your in love you never notice all the signs~
🎨🖌️ One day while you and Raph are hanging out, him training off on the side and you drawing him sneakily
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Sitting in the garage, with Raph off to the left lifting some weight while talking about the latest villian he'd smashed, listening to him talk so passionately was always so.... inspiring? definitely a nice sound to listen to while drawing that's for sure!
"And than Leo went in all... all swords blazing! he was porting left and right, it was awesome! and then, Donnie-"
and than a crash sounded thoughout the lair before- "(y/n) I am....SO sorry!" Mikey called out, sighing before getting up, you leave your sketchbook where you were sitting before going to check what Mikey was sorry for, leaving Raph alone, with his curiosity of what you were drawing becoming waaaay to big and him snooping
Raph looked at only a few pages! before he got to the drawings of him and he's impressed! he knows it's hard to draw his figure properly but you did it well, there was one drawing that left him fluster though.... of him and you, snuggling under the moonlight with little doodle hearts drawn around it! i mean he's happy as hell because that means you like him back but he's also as red as his mask at that thought!, but all his guilt comes round when you come back and see him. with your book. and him trying to hide behind it while blushing....
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🎨🖌️ We open the scene on Leo, posing like a king, eating grapes.
🎨🖌️ He had paid you in pizza to draw him as "royally and stunning as you can"
🎨🖌️ ...And having to yelling at him to keep still or it'll ruin the portrait...
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"Look, all you have to do is keep still for a bit longer!" You regret taking the pizza.
"But my arm is getting tired!~" His whining becoming louder per minute, any chance to take a break from this would be taken as a blessing-
and just as that thought was finished, your phone rang, an exit from having to draw this- this....cute dumbass! just as you walk out to take the call though, Leo springs up to go snooping...
"OHOHOHO!..... Woah this is good....really caught my flamboyant charm!~" and just as flips to the previous page in the book, his face goes red. A drawing of him and you. Together. KISSING. this is to much, but also so very perfect!
As soon as you come back in the room, he recreates the drawing- dipping you into an embrace before quickly kissing you....then going back to his pose for the drawing.....FUCKING HELL LEO-
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🎨🖌️ Now Donnie only needed you expertise this one time, he needed someone to help him come up with a design for his latest invention to really make it ✨shine✨
🎨🖌️ What he didn't expect was you to have so many ideas!, I mean who would think of a geometric diamond detailing? that's GENIUS!
🎨🖌️ So obviously, he does the only right thing and looks through your book for other ideas-
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One second you're talking about designs, the next you're having to practically climb walls to reach Donnie, who had mischievously taken your book and used his battle shell's engine(??) to fly up and out of your reach.
"Come on Donnie!, Give it- WAH!- Give it back!" You say, almost falling off of the support beam in the room mid sentence,
He scoffs "But think of all the ideas I could think of off of your own drawings!" And as he turn the next page, he goes stiff as a plank and falls to the floor.
He saw it. The stupid cartoonish doodle of him surrounded by hearts and small 'ily's, simply glancing over at him would reveal he's completely shut down and red faced, only does he get up around 5 minutes later to slowly sit down next to you and wraps his pinky around yours.
"if....if you'd like, we could try....this" he says while gesturing at both of you with his hand fastly. You smile.
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🎨🖌️ Who would of thought that exchanging artbooks with Mikey could go so...wrong?
🎨🖌️ You have a shared artbook with him, and being a bit forgetful, you accidentally gave him your private sketchbook instead of the shared one! oops....
🎨🖌️ And before you could realize, he saw it.
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You wake up at around 1am to your phone ringing, without thinking you answer groggily "h...hello?" you say before quietly yawning, "heyyyy bestie!....soooo...I think, you gave me the wrong book earlier..."
And now. Now you're awake and alert, "which one did i give you? the...the one with the stickers on it or the one with hearts?" Silence was heard over the line before some shuffling is heard.... "The one with the hearts!, You draw me so well!" He gushes....he...he liked the drawings! The drawings of you and him....living domestically together....oh oh wowee....
"you... actually liked them?" You asked nervously, "of course i did! tomorrow you should come over and we can bake like in one of the pages! wanna call it a date?" He says playfully but the date part...that part was serious, a clean cut and honest question.
"absolutely!" it's a date, a sweet delicious date.
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hope you enjoyed! asks are open currently as of (2/14/23)
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holllandtrash · 1 year
So this is gonna be a looong one, so stay with me.
I gotta say I'm thrilled that I've found your blog. I found it bc of the Lando fic (which I adored very much 😍), and later on, I discovered you have a podcast and an insta account. I don't know which you had first, tumblr account and then everything else f1, but it's amazing that someone that I found on tumblr, I can then see on other platforms.
So for me tumblr was an escape to let my fantasies run wild and to not feel bad about liking the guys in f1 and there are a lot of great writers here on tumblr so I indulge my inner f1 wag. And then I see you on insta, and you talk about the racing and the drivers in such a diverse way.
I started watching f1 bc of DTS just before the 2021 season, and I got into it because of Lando, Carlos and Mclaren. As I started getting into it more (my dad has always been a fan and since we watched dts together we've been watching the races together) I learned about the sport on my own and I love the racing part as much as I love anything else in the sport. I've listened to other podcasts, and I follow other influencers, but you guys are just something different.
Today, I watched your reveal about crushes, and I swear I have the same ones. I found out about Pato O'ward when I saw him in mclaren videos with Lando and since then I've followed him (even though I haven't watched indy cuz it's hard when I'm from Europe). I love that you guys are doing this, and I relate soooooo much to everything you're saying. I feel like I'm watching best friends sitting in a cafe, casually talking and fangirling about everything f1. I usually stay anonymous on tumblr asks, but what the hell, I just feel comfortable in everything you put out, and I shouldn't be ashamed in loving everything that I do about f1.
Sorry, I said this is gonna be a long one 😅
my goodness i can't believe i didn't see this message until right now!! never apologise for such kind words i genuinely want to cry thank you so much for making my whole year and for the support on all of my platforms. im so so glad you find track talk and my tumblr such a safe space, we only ever wanted to give off the bestie vibes because at our core we are fangirls and we're not going to shy away from that. i def use tumblr as an escape too and honestly, everyone on this site does. never feel ashamed for loving something the way you do, its your type passion and joy that is just so pure and exciting to see and i love it, i love u ♡
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cherrymoonxx · 4 months
Hi cherry❣ I would love to participate in ur muse part 2 game. That idea for the game sounds rlly creative and caught my eyes ngl. A hobby of mine is that I like to play games in my free time. U could say I am a gamer since I've been playing games ever since my childhood. Also, I love to listen to music. It's def a part of me tbh. I grew up with music and sing occasionally when I feel like it. I don't think I can live without listening to music esp kpop😂 I've been into kpop ever since I was a kid and till now😆 I used to write stories and read a lot and also draw a lot. But sadly due to my depression, it has affected my passion for those so my passion for them have died out. Its like my flames have been extinguished lol. Now my hobbies are just listening to music, singing and playing games. How abt u? What are ur hobbies?😊
My initial: A, fav emoji: 😂
Hey there! I actually have some similar hobbies as you! I like cozy games, so like animal crossing and stardew valley. What kinda of games do you play? I also like kpop as well! What groups are you into? Im sorry to hear you’ve lost your passion for writing and drawing. Maybe one day you’ll pick them back up.
Alrighty, let’s get to your reading:
So, first off, when I was connecting to your energy, I got the image of a small boat/rowboat in the middle of the ocean. Only I was on this boat and I felt that it was really unstable. The waves were moving fast and rocking the boat. I tried to hold on to the sides, but that didn’t help much. One particular strong current knocked the boat, sending me straight into the water. It all happened so quickly. One minute I was holding on for dear life and the next, I was completely submerged in the water. I wasn’t scared tho. It was like I just accepted it, accepted that I was drowning. I didn’t try to move or swim up. It was a state of acceptance and exhaustion.
So that was what popped into my mind while connecting to your energy. For the reading tho, I’m thinking your artist will be a painter.
Ok so let me paint a picture for you (pun intended 😉). In this scenario, I see you going for a swim in the ocean to clear your mind. It’s not an ideal day, it’s kinda windy and the clouds were slowly covering the sun. The waves are a little rough too but it’s ok you don’t mind, you just needed an escape. So you’re doing your little thing, swimming and just letting your body move along with the ocean. You spend some time like this, completely lost in thought that you don’t even notice how far the water has carried you. You look and see that you’re a little too far away from the shore, so you start to swim back. But by this time, the waves are coming in strong and you’re kinda struggling. You’re getting tired from being thrown around in the waves, so at this point you start panicking. At this point you’re getting desperate because you’ve lost control and your arms are getting tired, so you start yelling for help. Not too far off on the shore, there’s this person with a canvas and some paint silently painting the ocean. They look up for a moment and notice a figure they hadn’t noticed before. So they just stare for a bit trynna figure out what that is until they hear your cry for help. They look around to see if there was anyone else but since there was not many people around, they start running to help. Looong story short, they end up rescuing you and bringing you back to shore. Not you having a little mermaid moment👀
Your artist will find you very charming and intriguing. They find you to be very fun and they just love hearing you talk. Your voice is quite literally enchanting. They think you’re absolutely hilarious. You don’t even have to say much, but you’ll always have them smiling from ear to ear. Your energy is inviting and magnetic. People can’t help but be drawn to you because you radiate such a positive energy. Your artist will be enamored with you. Completely smitten. They’d typically paint only landscape and elements of nature, but after meeting you, they’d find themselves incorporating you into their paintings. They’d still paint nature, but you’d make an appearance in these pictures. Maybe they’d paint you lying down on the beach or they’d paint you in a field of beautiful flowers. Either way, they’d find a way to incorporate you into these paintings. And it’s just a testament to how you have the ability to brighten someone’s life with your presence.
Okay that’s all I’m seeing for you! I promise I tried to keep it short but I always get carried away 😓 but thank you for participation and thank you for your patience!
Take care 💖
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dateamonster · 3 years
Not monster nor unpopular opinion related, but do you have any horror media recommendations about perfectionism being evil? You know, typical "this area thats supposed to make you perfect is actually torturous to 'fix' you".
oo this is a good subject lemme think
one of my alltime fav twilight zone episodes "number 12 looks just like you" works with this concept in a way that still gives me the creeps to this day. its truly the episode that keeps on giving because in a surface sense its a dystopia based on plastic surgery and the beauty industry, but the more you pay attention to the subtle worldbuilding the more you notice messages about eugenics, fascism, propaganda/information control, (presumably) classist hierarchy, and the use of drugs to control populations. its got a lot goin for it.
speaking of plastic surgery and the beauty industry! i know "uglies" was probably on half of you guyses summer reading lists at one point anyway but if you havent and you like ya dystopia but wish it wasnt all Like That, check it out. i only read the first book and it was a long time ago so this is more a recommendation of a recommendation since i have a friend who still vouches for the series, and i personally still have a huge fondness for the author scott westerfeld. the concept of the uglies series imo is like, what a lot of writers in the modern dystopia-fiction boom wish they were writing.
this is like absolutely not what you asked for except for in the loosest most conceptual sense but im begging someone out there to read "the island of dr moreau". it fucked me up a bit and i want it to fuck you up too. im twisted and evil like that. but like in a cute way.
another one i feel like yall probably already know is "the perfection". its a netflix horror film that got big for a hot minute but not as big as it shouldve gotten because this movie made me craaazy. i actually stopped watching like a third of the way in the first time i attempted this movie because i was so freaked out in such a highly specific way and baby it literally only got worse from there. but in a good way. how do you recommend horror movies without sounding like a maniac? anyway, please please seek out the content warnings if youre going to watch this.
(i mean check the content warnings for most of these, and for any horror stuff you seek out, bc its a good practice to get into if you know theres stuff that messes you up. i dont but thats because im a stupid idiot who only remembers that my brain is delicate halfway through the film.)
"spiral" (2019) is a pretty decent movie about the crushing homogeneity of suburbia and how it figuratively and literally steals the lives of marginalized people who dont fit the mold. its not one of my favs (mostly for just like taste reasons) but if that sounds interesting to you you might like it.
similarly, "darlin'" is another movie with a really cool concept whos execution gives me mixed feelings, but i still think is worth a watch. its about a feral teenager who is discovered at a hospital and taken into the care of the local church, which seeks to civilize her in order to turn her into an example of the purifying power of christ
oh and duh how did i not think of this earlier but the book "the stepford wives" is a classic and the 1975 film adaptation is pretty good too. i dont rly recommend the 2004 remake. its not horrible but its far more comedy leaning and kind of undermines its own premise with the ending.
once again sorta loosely related but "the silenced" is a rly good korean horror movie about two girls living in a strict boarding school during the japanese occupation, and what happens when their classmates start to mysteriously disappear. theres not much more i can say without spoiling.
ghjkl anyway these are all i can think of rn. theres honestly probably more. this is a subject im very interested in as you can probably tell so like. yea!
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ezgiglc-blog · 6 years
introduction post ☆
First things first, idk how to make one of these so i will be dividing this introduction post in 4 parts for it to be much more easier for me -and you.
Get in losers, its gonna be a looong ride (and post)
Hooope you enjoy!
1) Who the hell am i?
I am Ezgi (meaning “melody” in Turkish ) I am, well, Turkish (much surprise) and 16 years old ( i mean almost 16 )
In classic Tumblr fashion i am an ENFP, a ravenclaw, thunderbird and also a pisces.
I love love love drawing and music is a HUGE part of my life.
Here are a few examples of my drawings in low quality format oopsies
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I was a huge bookworm who lost the passion of reading when i had to switch to more “mature” books but i feel like i have been getting it back lately!
I am interested in cinema, poetry in all things beautiful buttttttttt i am in no means informed about them, just trying my best to have them more as a hobby. (Swear to god im not the tumblr ideal girl who is intellectual and all god i wish i was lol)
I am also into interior design and 90s fashion (wanted to add these in the mix)
I am in way too much fandoms to count but you should know about Harry Potter, PJO and probably all the good sitcoms in the universe.
This, down below, is a few weirdly formatted pics of my face :) ( the middle is the most recent and accurate one )
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Andddd that’s who the hell i am!
2) What the hell am i here to do?
Actually i have no clue on this either. I like the whole studyblr posts and community and how it is very positive and improving but i am too much of a mess to call myself a studyblr, i never stick to just studying and my grades are well...lets not talk about them.
I want to post my drawings, study notes, reviews, thoughts, selfies, tips and everything here. I just want to use this as a blog, a lifestyle blog maybe? I love how after growing a following, people here love eachother for the dysfunction that they are and just become friend without judging , kinda feel like that’s what i need!
If you for some reason find me and what i do interesting, just follow me and give me a chance and we’ll both see what this blog turns into :)
3) Who the hell am i but this time overly personal
Woah, now we are off to the fun part! (not)
I want this blog to be %100 me and %100 honest (check the username ;) ) and what better way to do it than to get into awkwardky personal details!
I have what i like to call “sad snowflake syndrome.” A snowflake syndrome is someone worrying about being different and individual because they think/fear being normal is boring and/or want to be remembered as a person who did something different or unusual. They want to be interesting. Surprise surprise, i have that. But what may be a bit different is that while %100 believing this, i usually feel like i am alone, *too* different, and even tho i am not a genius or a very eccentric person, something about me does not fit in at all, and that is a saddening thought my friends.
I am extremely extroverted and i am going to be honest with you, i am more of a popular person. That’s because communicating with people is what gives me energy to get through the days, weeks, months and years. But i also feel like i am the most introverted extroverd because the idea of always getting in touch with people sounds like hell to me. I need to be alone, in touch with myself and reflect. I am my best friend.
Music. It is everything to me. I am kind of talented in it ( i have a good ear ) but i quit playing instruments a few years ago because classical music is not my cup of tea at all and no teacher wanted to teach me something else. For me, music is %60 lyrics and i am very drawn to emotional songs or songs with clever/personal lyrics. Music messes my emotions so bad ( i cried my heart out watching Bohemain Rhapsody ) and i was lucky enough to see my favorite band ever, Imagine Dragons live! (Lots and lots of tears)
I like to look at myself as a smart person (finished middle school as the first of my class) but ever since starting high school, i have the shittiest grades, i feel bad and no matter how much effort i put in, nothing seems to work so it’s all anxietytown in my brain.
Woah woah that’s enough.
4) Conclusion
So sorry for the long-ass post but i wanted to start this account off right. (Annoying, too honest,kinda interesting and one hundred percent me)
If you liked what you read for some reason, just follow me, like this post or say something nice! (i would love that) or just message me and let’s be friends!
That’s it, if you read all this, you are a true hero, see you in later posts!
Oh also the real reason i added conclusion is cause i hate odd numbers sorryyyy :)
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edelwary · 7 years
Sooo @juvycakes​ tagged me ; It’s 85 questions long so tbh i won’t get mad if you flash across it ahah
Last :
1.drink: Hot chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate and sugar sprinkles 2.phone call: THE REAL ESTATE AGENCY I GOT MY FLAAAAAAT WHUOUUUHOUUUU 3.text message: my sis ‘look at todoroki’ 4.song you listened to: Fusq - Perfume! (its a damn good song i wanna make an amv out of it) 5.time you cried: today im a crybaby and cry on a daily basis 6.dated someone twice: this guy omg @me whyy 7.kissed someone and regretted it: imma out 8.been cheated on: ah, never thanks 9.lost someone special: never i think ? 10. been depressed: medically never 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: i drink but never threw up im a warrior watcha thinkin
3 favourite colours 12. Purple 13. Pink 14. Blue
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: It’s been 6 months of course i made friends, i love them with all my heart 16. fallen out of love: yes yes ahahah 17. laughed until you cried: ^^refer to the crybaby thingy^^ 18. found out someone was talking about you: talkin shit or ? 19. met someone who changed you: ah, so many. 20. found out who your friends are: i have a very specific person in mind for at least 5 questions i did not wanted to answer now it’s weird 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: not sure
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them wtf? 23. do you have any pets: dank meme dog, cute fat cat 24. do you want to change your name: I got edelwary to so im fine 25. what did you do for your last birthday: nothing i can remember precisely 26. what time did you wake up: 11h 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: drawiing 28. name something you can’t wait for: august 4th : voltron season 3/ Ireland trip 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: yesterday 31. what are you listening to right now: V A P O R W A V E 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i think???? 33. something that is getting on your nerves: dumb jokes where i’m sexualized af like stop it plz 34. most visited website: Tumblr 35. hair colour: brown but not pretty 36. long or short hair: Too Long 37. do you have a crush on someone: can I have a crush on fictional characters? (stealing your answer maisy) 38. what do you like about yourself: i can basically do anything if i want to -out of spite, drive or passion, it’s gonna be done. also i don’t need sleep 39. piercings: my ears 40. blood type: A? B? who knows it’s sugar and tears at this point 41. nickname: nope 42. relationship status: hugh 43. zodiac: Capricorn! 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: Voltron rn 46. tattoos: not 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: no ? 50. sport: i wanted to do Ice skating but the guy supposed to do it with me broke his leg 51. vacation: ? 52. pair of trainers: they’re soft
53. eating:  i die for Pad Thaï and Guacamole on a weekly basis 54. drinking: more Strawberry Juice and Almond milk in my life 55. I’m about to: answer 30 more questions 56. waiting for: Bnha kisses being canon ??? 57. want: to write it’s been so looong 58. get married: ????? 59. career:chara design
WHICH IS BETTER: 60. hugs or kisses: hugs and cute kisses like soft ones 61. lips or eyes: The Eldorado meme. BOTH 62. shorter or taller: BOTH IS GOOD 63. older or younger: older i guess 64. nice arms or nice stomach: nice 65. hookup or relationship: relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: fun party animal that does no harm
HAVE YOU EVER: 67. kissed a stranger: yep 68. drank hard liquor: it gross 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: *cries* 70. turned someone down: haha sorry 71. sex on the first date: nope 73. had your heart broken: *cries some more* 74. been arrested: nooo 75. cried when someone died: i dont think 76. fallen for a friend: *drowns in tears and salt*
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. yourself: I have to! 78. miracles: YEAH 79. love at first sight: YEAH 80. santa claus: i mean... where do the books come from i from? 81. kiss on the first date: im french buds, of course i do (it’s a cliche im willing to contribute to) 82. angels: yes i have one it’s a long story
OTHER: 84. eye colour: brown hazel strange wtf 85. favourite movie: can’t... answer ????
Tbh i tag every single person who read this entierly like ??? did you ??? then u tagged !
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