#sorry my maps are a little messy
I didn't see this elsewhere so here are the maps for the three dragons. A couple notes, it takes 10 in game hours for the dragon to renew scale ability (it will glow). Only the head of the dragon spawns elemental attacks but otherwise you take no damage riding if properly armored. I've heard that aerocuda will attack but I only got close enough to one on naydra
Dinraal - the only dragon to go into the sky, though briefly. Dinraal definitely goes up and down the most. Theres a point in the depths where its really low to the ground, near one of the lightroots it goes by. This loop is the longest at a little over two in game days. Double fire effect so wear your armor
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Naydra - the most challenging dragon for me to find, personally. Most of its surface time is pretty high up and it's cruising high in the depths too. This loop is the shortest at almost a day and a half. Double ice so wear your armor
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Farosh - I think farosh is the easiest to find because so much of its route is over lake hylia but maybe thats just me. Takes a little over a day and a half. On the surface there will be a constant thunderstorm near it
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Happy hunting
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fujimousee · 8 months
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testing out procreate.....
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bioblsm · 3 months
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❀ ꒰warnings꒱. boothill backstory spoilers, not proofread ಥ_ಥ
𖧷 characters. jing yuan, blade, dr ratio, ruan mei, aventurine, sunday, boothill
☆彡 notes. aventurine 🤝 boothill — being some of the most gay ass mfs i’ve seen in a hyv game (apart from bronya and seele) seriously their flamboyance still gives me whiplash…anyways this has been on my mind for months now but i’ve never gotten around to writing it!!! >_<
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[◉"] 2,304 photos, 83 videos
⌖ if you scroll really fast down or up his gallery, all you’ll actually manage to see is splotches of pink, blonde and silver
⌖ everything ranges from cute candid shots of yanqing (he takes multiple if yanqing’s fallen asleep while on duty), to sneaky pictures of fu xuan as she’s working where he’s in the foreground doing peace signs — the final picture of course being her looking at the camera lense directly to glare up at him
⌖ reaching weekends when he’s slightly a little more free or allows himself a small break to stroll around town, his camera roll is either filled with pictures of food he’s eaten or swords that yanqing may or not definitely ask about that he’s now more inclined to buy as he’s seen them in person (he’s a boy dad who loves spoiling his child, alright?)
⌖ the large majority of his photos unfortunately are work related, only really the recent ones being deleted from his gallery to clear up some space
⌖ however, while his photos are preoccupied with either his two kids or random scrolls with messy and rushed handwriting, each video is of you; jing yuan thinks a picture would belittle your beauty too much.
⌖ he needs something a little more real, a little more active and animated to help him quell the chirping loneliness that creeps up on his heart whenever you’re away from him for a prolonged period of time; if he’s feeling particularly mischievous he might sneak a quick but blurry picture of himself to send to you ♡
[◉"] 9 photos, 2 videos
⌖shit is BARREN. literally a complete EMPTY VOID. if you snatched his phone somehow you’d assume he just got it despite him not having changed it ever since he received one
⌖ perhaps on the occasion you’ll find a cameo picture from one of the stellaron hunters as his phone is left unoccupied and someone decided to blast his entire gallery with their face (silverwolf specifically just hacks into his phone to keep putting random screenshots he’s never taken in his gallery to make him believe he’s taken them)
⌖ maybe sometimes he’ll screenshot different ways to die or health clinic locations he can avoid when he’s fortunately bleeding out but otherwise? nothing.
⌖ if you’re a massive yapper and love sending him pictures, he won’t go out of his way to download them for later usage (whatever that may be…) but he also won’t go out of his way to delete it if it’s accidentally automatically downloaded on his phone — maybe elios intended for it to be there?
⌖ it’s quite nice having a reminder of his significant other where he doesn’t have to actively listen to their voice… that’s a little exaggerative; but he loves just mapping out the features in your face, it helps him sleep just the slightest bit better with no ailment if he’s able to trace your features like a constellation on his blank, dark wall
DR RATIO 𐚁 真理医生
[◉"] 1000 photos, 100 videos
⌖ call it a form of ocd, but he NEEDS to have a decent ratio (i didn’t even mean for this to be a pun i’m so sorry) of his photos to videos; he doesn’t care if it’s 10:1, 2:1 1:5, he needs something that’s at least somewhat pleasing to the eyes
⌖ ratio immediately deleted anything he doesn’t need or thinks he won’t find use in for at the very least the month (this includes every single cameo shot aventurine or you have taken of yourselves on his phone without his permission, which by the way, he didn’t hesitate to scold you two for)
⌖ maybe if he’s feeling particularly loving (when is he ever?) he’ll allow ONE picture to stay.
⌖ his camera roll is purely filled with test results, written exams, student emails he needs to read over, things concerning the guild or the ipc and secret purchases of ducks he’s made (he’s not ashamed, he just doesn’t want you to know he’s buying ducks that are bigger in size every time so he can fill your shared bathroom)
⌖ realistically, maintaining such a perfect ratio of photos:videos is rather impossible unless you’ve got impeccable timing with things you save and delete so, in order to bypass this, ratio made a photo library to help serve as a base number of sorts
⌖ that photo library is of course a secret and locked haven filled with pictures and videos of you, none of which you can even recall taking. all of them hold at least some sort of significance to the both of you, but the ones that dr ratio loves the most is the ones that are just natural
⌖ the ones that show you being yourself, whether it’s where you’re cuddled up near a blanket reading something with a leg hiked up over the sheets or where you’re sleeping with your mouth wide open because you’re sick and unable to breathe through your nose properly; he loves it all
RUAN MEI 𐚁 阮•梅
[◉"] 505 photos, 28 videos
⌖ she tries to keep it as neat as possible; that means no sneaky pics taken of her by you, accidental blurry shots she’s taken (god forbid, those ones are immediately scrapped and done anew especially if related to an experiment of hers) thought that doesn’t mean she clears it in the regular
⌖ ruan mei actively saves any photo you send her, sometimes she’ll even screenshot the chat itself if she finds herself clutching at her heart as she swoons over a few lines of flirting that apparently you couldn’t hold yourself back from due to how much you missed her
⌖ she’s not someone really sentimental so despite having photos of her little cake-cat hybrids, she rarely ever rechecks them unless the trailblazer sent another report on their status to match
⌖ honestly her memory is impeccable to the point she doesn’t even need screenshot reminders of things like dates and experiments saved (would it even be called machine reductionist to call her a walking computer model at this point?) therefore, anything she saves that’s work or science related probably has more intricacies that she can account for
⌖ her gallery is a little boring otherwise. for someone of her morally grey standards you’d expect at least something worth mentioning, maybe even something dumb like a secret recipe she uses to make the sweetest (anti-truth serum…) pastries but no— nothing.
yet the reason for that is very blatant; not even her beloved has the privilege to witness her mendacity.
[◉"] 8,793 photos, 777 videos
⌖ it’s a complete and utter mess to say the very least; dr ratio refuses to so much as glance at it whenever he’s near and topaz just gets an ick:
“how do you even manage to find anything?”
⌖ his photos range from absurd, to sweet to egotistical. things that remind him of you such as random rocks he finds, alcoholic beverages that have the same colour scheme of an outfit you wore the night before, an animal he saw that he swears if reincarnation was real would so be you
⌖ he has a specific library for just solely screenshots based off your chats, most of them including a significant amount of “i love yous” and goodbyes that promised a little something more when you met up next; everything that aventurine utterly cherished and craved
⌖ …and then the rest was either him showing the background of him photobombing others, pictures he took to send to you (or one of the ipc members to piss them off, sometimes even the trailblazer for a cheeky laugh) and on the even more popular occasion, all his extraordinary wins whether it be in poker, pool or uno
⌖ compared to his photos, his videos are slightly more interesting. a near 50/50 split that ranged between him telling dumbass jokes to piss off his coworkers, recordings of the back of dr ratio’s and or topaz’s head just for the future laughs (he likes the reminder that he does actually have friends and they aren’t just deliberate hallucinations born of loneliness).
⌖ but of course, all his “favourited” videos involve you somehow. sometimes it’s just a slip of your name while he’s sneakily recording a meeting, him telling you he misses you or vice versa, other times it’s just when he feels like he has a home. you snuggled up on his chest, hands intertwined together as your breathing nearly synchronises with him…moments where he feels as though he could forget the trademark imprinted onto his neck.
SUNDAY 𐚁 星期日
[◉"] 777 photos, 111 videos
⌖ now as much as i want to say “oh it’s all you! he has a special folder for you <3” i unfortunately can’t.
⌖ it’s almost most definitely videos of robin’s concerts, solo shows, videos he stolen off of audience members with good seats when he wasn’t available to personally hide in the crowd…a lot of the photos are also the same way; robin’s promotional pictures, screenshots from her recent advertisements and negative hate comments or news stories that he’s going to personally deal with later
⌖ that doesn’t mean he values or priorities you over his sister, absolutely not. you two are the only people in his life who he would unironically take down the skies and survive utter torment for if it meant your voices were the last things he heard as bellowing winds sliced past his eardrums to tune the world out in order to hear his own final breath
⌖ he tries his best not to be sentimental or nostalgic, as he’s been told as he grew up into the bright and maybe just slightly tragic and guilt-infested man he is today, those things in his eyes are an innate weakness of humanity. clinging onto something thats not tangible anymore.
⌖ but he can’t help but hold on to every video you send him. every picture of you smiling, laughing, every text of you saying i love yous, quoting love songs to him or showing him pictures where you jokingly said “that’s us” (did he tilt his head a few times when you kept sending animals to him with that particular correspondent message? perhaps, but it never made him blind to the intentions).
[◉"] 12,113 photos, 191 videos
⌖ he truly doesn’t gaf (give a fork) about how messy it is, all the things that are genuinely important are already locked and loaded into his noggin’, there’s no point in being frugal with the space he’s been given on a little cellular device
⌖ you wouldn’t believe it, but he rarely uses it unless it’s for emergencies. there’s plenty of trouble that comes around when you’re a galaxy ranger, which means having a constant tracking device on you like a phone that you update daily is a stupidly bad idea; which is precisely why his photo gallery is a mess
⌖ he quite literally can’t go in and clear it out otherwise it risks giving out sensitive information.
⌖ not applicable to you, that is. in boothill’s eyes, you’re an “emergency”. if you’ve texted him, it’s obvious you want his attention, which potentially means you could be in danger and he has to rush to the rescue like the flamboyant cowboy he is (no he absolutely knows you don’t need help, but there’s always that nagging “what if” factor, you know?)
⌖ he inwardly blesses whoever invented screenshotting because it would be an understatement to say that little as half of his gallery is littered with you. he’s just a bit of a boomer when it comes to technology like this, despite being a whole walking charging port himself ehem, so a lot of the pictures he has saved of you that you sent over whenever he cutely pleaded;
“missing ya, send me a lil’ somethin’ wont you?”
unfortunately are uncropped and framed with the outline of whatever messaging app you’re on.
⌖ if he lets you scroll up far back enough, maybe you’ll get to see just a glimpse of how similar his adoptive daughter’s smile was to his
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© BIOBLSM ✮ do not copy steal or repost
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orionremastered · 8 months
hi! I was wondering how the bats would be with a reader who is disabled or has prosthetics? they're all just very protective of people they care about since...everything, and how maybe that could start to feel sufacating at some point? Or something, idk dude
(also-the way you write is realy cute and sweet for all of them, makes them feel a lot less heavy when they have someone to hold them <33)
Batboys with a Disabled S/O
Dick Grayson [Fully Deaf]
A gentle touch on your shoulder prompts you to slowly turn around, a smile stretching across your face when you realise your boyfriend's back from work.
You pull him into your arms, threading your fingers through his hair. Pulling away reluctantly, you give him a kiss on the tip of his nose.
But he's not smiling; only a sad smile that makes you tilt your head in a silent question.
Don't worry about it, he signs. Have a good day?
You nod, though your frown remains when he moves to the kitchen, always adamant that he cooks whenever he's home. He pulls his phone out of his pocket, frowning at the caller ID and puts the phone on speaker as he begins cooking.
Dick gets more and more angry as the conversation goes on, his hands waving wildly around the small kitchen, only stopping to return to the cooking.
Finally, he hangs up. You tap him on the shoulder and he turns, watching as you sign;
Who was that?
Dick's shoulders raise and drop. A case I'm working on. I'll figure it out.
You nod slowly, satisfied with his response.
Jason Todd [Fully Blind]
Mornings with Jason always start like this. They always start with you gently running your fingers across his face, mapping it out and imagining it in your head. Over his nose, his lips, his stubble.
"Did you clean the apartment?" you ask, lying on top of him as your guide dog sits next to you on the mattress. "I almost knocked one of your guns off the counter yesterday."
"I did," he murmurs. You rest your fingers on his lips and feel that they're stretched into a smile. "I'm sorry for letting it get messy."
"That's okay," you reply quietly, "Ollie picked it up before it hit the floor."
Ollie, your guide dog, makes a huffing sound beside you, causing you both to chuckle.
"Good boy," Jason says proudly, feeling him shift underneath you, mostly likely to pat Ollie.
"You're both good. Too good, maybe."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Jason asks.
Tim Drake [Classical Ehlers-Danlos syndrome]
"Love? Can we go for a camping trip on the weekend with my friends?"
Tim turns his head slowly as he sits in his study chair. He taps the pen he's holding against his lips. "What happens if you get exhausted?"
"We can go back to the tent and rest."
"You can get bruises. A lot of bruises," he frowns, gesturing for you to walk to him. You comply.
"That's fine, they're just bruises," you respond, sitting on his lap. He begins gently drawing shapes on the bare skin of your thighs.
"You could dislocate something," he says to you, quieter now.
"You know how to put it back. You do it for me all the time."
Tim's brow furrows at the reminder of having to put back in dislocated joints more often than he'd like. "Fine. But if you even start to get a little tired, you tell me. Okay?"
You rest your forehead against his and murmur, "Okay."
Damian Wayne [Prosthetic Arm]
"I'll take those—"
"Damian, I love you, but I can put shopping bags into the car just fine." This and many similar conversations have been going on practically since the start of your relationship. And while you do find it endearing that he cares, sometimes you just want him to treat you like you didn't lose your right arm in an accident.
The man scowls. "But—"
"I'm not going to hurt myself, really."
He watches you warily, weighing the outcomes of the situation. "Fine. Only the lighter ones."
You suppose it's better than not being able to do any of them. Still, he watches you like a hawk as you put the lighter ones in the back of the car he bought you (you protested but that man has the most selective hearing).
He closes the trunk/boot after the bags are inside.
"Can I drive?" you ask, hoping you'll get luck there too.
"I know how."
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uhohnotthisagain · 7 months
Admiring Dean - Headcannon
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Dean's turn!
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: Dean being cute and soft, mentions of post sex, mentions of fighting, vampires, no swearing.
My masterlist
Whilst doing research:
The three of you; Sam, Dean and you, had been researching for hours. 
Because the bunker didn't have any windows, it was difficult to tell the time of day. 
You glanced at the little clock in the corner of your laptop screen, realising it was nearing 2 a.m.
Raising your arms above your head, you let out a yawn before collapsing in your chair. You look over at Dean, taking note of his furrowed brows as he concentrates on what he’s looking at on his laptop. 
You glance around him, noting the food wrappers and empty beer bottles, similar to your area at the table. 
For once, Sam was falling asleep at the desk, having grown too tired to keep researching despite the numerous cups of coffee. “Guys, I’m calling it a night.” He slams his computer shut and stands up, half-heartedly waving goodnight. 
Dean looks towards you, raising his eyebrows at you. “You ready to hit the hay too?”
You smile at him, nodding your head. 
He stands up after shutting his laptop, walking over to your side of the table. He’s wearing your favourite red flannel, sleeves rolled up, jeans and boots. The best combination. 
You look up at him, taking his hand that he had out to offer and follow him to your shared bedroom. As you get ready, you take glances to peak at him, enjoying the view of his torso as he strips out of his flannel and into a t-shirt to sleep in. 
You climb into bed, Dean climbing in on his own side. He reaches over you, hand on your waist,  pressing a quick but passionate kiss to your lips. 
“You know, you can always take a picture, I won’t mind.” He says with a wink. 
A blush creeps up to your cheeks, a small smile presenting itself. 
“Sorry, can’t help myself sometimes. You’re irresistible.” 
“Am I now? Would you like to show me how irresistible I am?” He raises a brow. 
“Oh absolutely.” You reply, wrapping an arm around his neck to pull him down back to your lips.
In bed: 
Dean was panting, laying on his back and staring up at the ceiling. He only had the thin motel sheet covering his otherwise naked body. 
You had just gone to the bathroom, having just finished up and walking back out to rejoin him.
His muscular torso was raising up and down with his breathing, his arms above his head, accentuating his biceps. 
He looks over towards you as you crawl back into bed, reaching out for you to lay on his chest. 
You stare up at him, brushing your hands through his hair. It was already messy, having run your fingers through it not 10 minutes ago. 
“I love you.” You whisper. 
He angles himself to be able to get a better look at you. “I love you. So much.” 
He presses a kiss to your lips. Different from before. Before was filled with passion. Need. This one was filled with love. Happiness. Contentment. 
Everything about Dean felt right. He was perfect. 
He presses a kiss to your forehead, pulling the sheet up over you, making sure you were covered and not too cold.
The two of you get more comfortable, facing each other, arms wrapped around waists, falling asleep not long after. 
When he’s asleep:
It was most mornings when you woke up before Dean. 
It was your favourite way to start the day. 
You opened your eyes, having woken up to the sun blaring through the window. 
You roll over to find Dean still asleep next to you.
He had one arm under the pillow, most likely holding onto the gun hidden under there. The other was stretched over the bed towards you, unconsciously reaching out for you. 
Your eyes mapped out his face, taking note of the freckles that dotted over his face, eyelashes that you envied lying on his upper cheek. 
His breathing was even, looking ever so peaceful as he slept. 
It had been a while since he had nightmares, stopping when the two of you started dating and sleeping in the same bed. You were glad that there was something you could do that would allow him to have much deserved moment of peace. 
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Dean mumbled. 
You smile as he peaks one eye open. 
“What time is it?” He asks. 
“Nope, we’re going back to sleep.” He pulls you to him by your waist, holding you there so you couldn’t escape. 
“Dean, we have to get up. We need to be in Portland in two days. Come on.” 
Dean groans, releasing you from his warm entrapment. 
As you get up to go to the bathroom, you take him in one last time. 
He furrows his brow as a flash goes off, opening his eyes to see your phone pointing at him. 
“Oops, forgot to turn the flash off.” 
He jumps up just as you start running to the bathroom, making it just in time to close the door before he can get you. 
“You’ll pay for that one, Sweetheart!” You hear. 
You giggle as you turn the shower on, smiling at the picture you took of Dean. 
When he saves you:
It was vampires. They were everywhere. 
There were more than you three had expected but you still charged in, slicing the heads off of the ones that charged at you. 
You had easily killed 15 each, but there were still more. 
You were starting to feel the fatigue of fighting furiously for the last half an hour, but you kept powering through. 
The grunts of Sam and Dean fighting could be heard in the background, which you used as fuel to keep going and not worry about them. 
When you thought you had gotten them all, you breathed a sigh of relief. You went searching for Dean and Sam, when another vampire came running at you from behind. 
You barely had time to scream, as the vampire grabbed you from behind, throwing you on the ground. 
You grunted as you hit the floor, rolling to get back up when the vampire climbed on top of you, fangs out ready to pierce your skin. 
She leaned down, her face quickly turning from anger to fear and shock. She fell off of you to the side, a knife sticking out of her back. 
Dean was standing behind her, holding a jar full of dead man’s blood. “Had to put this dead guy to use, hey?” 
You let out a sigh of relief, letting Dean help you up. He wraps his arms around you, kissing the top of your head. “You okay?” He asks.
“Yeah, you?” You respond with a nod. 
Dean leads you out to the Impala, where Sam is waiting.
He squeezes your hand, opening the passenger door for you. 
“Am I not sitting in the back?” You ask. 
“Nah, Sammy can sit in the back for once. You’re sitting with me.” Dean respond. You look at Sam, silently asking for reassurance. 
He nods in return, giving you a smile before climbing into the backseat. 
You climb in, Dean closing the door and walking around to get into the driver's seat. 
As he drives off, you move closer to him, leaning against his shoulder. He wraps his arm around you, getting comfortable as you set off for the nearest motel. 
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v4nill4s · 17 days
out of my head, tonight
pairing: bi-han x afab reader
tags: nsfw, 18+, smut, fluff, vaginal sex, riding, nipple play, grinding, creampie, dacryphilia.
word count: 1091
summary: When Bi-Han called you to his office to give a last look over tomorrow’s attack plan, you were already in bed. So, you decided that, fuck it, you’re going in pajamas. And then he gets a boner.
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He can’t be serious, you think, when Bi-Han knocks at your door at three in the morning. After a long day, you were finally getting ready to sleep, and now the grandmaster summons you to go over tomorrow’s plan. He’s lucky you’re even awake.
You begrudgingly open the door. And then realize too late that you’re still in pajamas. Well, whatever.
“Does it need to be right now?” you ask incredulously.
“I apologize for the time, but there have been some unforeseen changes to the situation, we need to go over it as soon as possible. I’m sure you understand.”
“Yeah, I get it.” And right now, should be when you ask for a minute to get changed. But maybe the meeting will be over fast and you can get back to bed, so who really cares. Besides, the nightgown isn’t that bad.
You step out the door and walk with Bi-Han to his office. The way there is quiet, but from time to time you feel his gaze on you. Every time you look at him questioning, he looks away. When you reach the door, he motions you to enter first, and you do so.
He follows suit and goes over to his desk, sitting in his chair. Pulling out some maps from the drawer, he begins, “So, about tomorrows infiltration…” You lean on the desk, hands supporting you. “It seems that this area,” he points to the back entrance of the fortress, where you planned to use as an access point, “is going to be more heavily guarded than we initially thought.”
“Hm… What about the underground passage?” you offer, moving to rest on your forearms instead.
“It’s an option, but we can’t be sure of what’s in there.” He finally looks up from the map, but his eyes don’t meet yours. Instead, they get caught in your chest, and you realize that in your position, the dress exposes your cleavage. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes when he notices you caught him, his voice a little strained.
“No need,” you say, readjusting the strap of your dress so it hangs further up. “We really can’t get past their defenses in the back?”
“Not with our current numbers.” Right, it was supposed to be a stealth mission, so not many are included to not draw too much attention. You circle around the desk to get a better view of the map, settling beside Bi-Han. You notice how he avoids looking at you, words still coming out stiff. “I was thinking of going in through the west, but it would take a lot longer.”
You go to answer, but your eyes catch the slight bulge in his pants. Oh. Well, you should probably ignore it. It’s not like he meant for you to see it. Still, perhaps you can play a little with him. You loosen your nightgown, so that the extra skin is once again exposed.
And then, you’re being pulled to his lap, your thighs straddling him, his hands on your hips. You can finally feel his erection on you. But then he doesn’t do anything, except look a bit absent-minded. “Fuck, I’m sorry. You’re just…”
Yeah, maybe this is your fault. But maybe you’re also enjoying seeing the usually composed grandmaster lose his mind for you. “I told you, don’t be sorry.” Your hand moves to the back of his neck, and he immediately understands and comes forward to kiss you.
It’s messy, exploratory, how he licks into your mouth, how you gasp at the feeling. His hands move to grope your chest through your clothes, thumbs circling your nipples, and he’s overpowering all of your senses. You can feel the head of his cock against your pussy, the layers of fabric lessening the friction, but it still pulls a moan out of you.
He dives lower, latching onto the skin on your neck, licking and sucking. Your eyes fall shut, breaths coming ragged as he litters your skin with kisses and bites that are sure to leave bruises tomorrow. You hope they’re visible.
Suddenly, Bi-Han pulls back with a groan, and you go to protest at the loss, but before you can, he’s hurriedly taking off your dress, leaving you in just your panties. Oh, you forgot you didn’t even put on a bra before coming here. That actually explains… a lot.
“Wanted to do that since I saw you in your room.”
Then, he’s lapping his tongue at your nipple, the cold sensation hardening it. One of his hands moves to your other tit, massaging the skin, whines escaping your lips. You might actually be going insane, because how the hell is this man so good at this. Your hands shoot up to his hair, tugging at it when he licks just right.
His tongue circles the hard nub, and he bites down lightly while his thumb rolls over your other one, and it’s all too much. You grind down in search of more contact, feel his hardness rub against you, but he keeps his mouth on you. He sucks your nipple like you’re his respite, like he needs it to survive.
“Bi-Han…” you plead, tears beginning to fill your eyes.
You’re so wet at this point, your panties are already soaked. Bi-Han parts from you, and god, he looks so pretty with heavy-lidded eyes, hair falling from his bun. He presses his hand to your pussy, feeling just how much you want him, and uses his thumb to slide your panties to the side. “You need me that bad?”
He slides his fingers through your folds, collecting the wetness, and brings them to his mouth. As he licks around his fingers, he maintains eye contact, his gaze filled with lust. You nod, afraid of what might come out if you try to answer with words.
“Then take it.”
Lifting yourself off Bi-Han’s lap momentarily, you pull down his pants. His cock jumps to his stomach, and you whimper at the sight. He’s so much thicker than you expected, bigger than you’ve ever taken, and you need him inside.
Once you’re lined up over him, you lower yourself slowly, getting accustomed to his length. When you finally get down to the base, both of you moan unabashedly. Your pussy leaks around him, making a mess on his lap. You feel so full, it’s addicting.
Slowly, you raise your hips again, but when you go to drop down, Bi-Han pulls you down instead, his hands on your waist, and you gasp in surprise when he hits just the right spot. Of course he wouldn’t give up control, you think. One of his hands moves to support you from underneath, gripping at your ass, and he helps you up again.
He assists your movements, and you’re grateful for it. Wet sounds fill the room as he thrusts up to meet you halfway, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. Keeping his pace, he says between groans, “You’re doing so well for me.”
It shouldn’t affect you as much as it does, but you yank his hair harder, eyes falling closed, and he smirks seeing the reaction his words have on you. He fills you up completely with each thrust, both of you unable to keep quiet, and the sheer notion that somebody might hear brings you closer.
“I need to… need…” your words so muddled they’re barely coherent.
Your hand snaps to your pussy, rubbing your clit, and you feel how he’s close too, pace becoming faster and more irregular. As he guides your moves, his hold on you grows colder, icy particles forming beneath his hands. It sends shivers through you, both the way he loses control of his cryomancy and the fact that you’re the reason.
You come abruptly, the sensation ticking through your whole body, and you’re full-on sobbing now. Bi-Han groans when you clench around him, vibrating on his cock, and he pulls you closer, hands gripping you tighter.
“Oh fuck…” is all warning he gives before coming inside you, moans spilling past his lips carelessly. You appreciate how he doesn’t try to hide the sweet sounds, either from you or anyone who could pass by at this hour. He looks so disheveled; more hair fell out of his bun and now sticks to his forehead, expressions scantly concealed.
“You’re beautiful,” you say. The orgasm apparently left you with no filter. You kiss the curve of his nose, and he smiles in a way you hadn’t thought him capable of.
His thumb rises to your cheek, wiping the tears. Then, he moves to cup your jaw and compels you to his mouth. The kiss is almost gentle, in midst of his saliva and your own slick he tasted before. You hardly have the energy to kiss him as intensely as you want to, but your hands still grasp at his biceps, wanting for more.
His cum slides down your thigh when he reluctantly maneuvers you off him, still on his lap though, and you shift uncomfortably. “We need to rest. Tomorrow’s mission is going to be very demanding.” he says, though the hesitation is clear in his voice. Now that you think about it, it’s going to be very hard to focus with… him on your mind. And there’s also the fact that your legs feel like jelly.
“What if we… delayed the mission,” you propose, unsure.
Bi-Han raises his eyebrows slightly, and it very visibly crosses his mind what this little session implied for your fighting capabilities. “That could be arranged.”
“In that case, can you—­­­­”­­
“Go to sleep. I’ll find you tomorrow.”
Oh. You were half expecting him to fuck you right now, but at least he’s promising a tomorrow. He’s right, you are sleepy, and it must be almost four in the morning by this point. Though you would very much sleep better with him by your side.
“Come with me,” you say, still kind of in a daze. It’s not a question, and he doesn’t treat it like one. He gets up from the chair and sets you down comfortably on it while he gathers your discarded clothes. After pulling his pants back up, he dresses you up again and picks you up bridal style. There’s no one else awake, and the corridors are quiet as he makes his way to your room.
You almost fall asleep in his arms, but eventually he gets there and places you on your bed. Bi-Han removes his shirt, making himself comfortable, and lies down next to you. He didn’t take off his clothes before, so you didn’t get to see it, but now the multitude of scars and blemishes across his chest and abdomen are visible.
He looks almost sinful, the moonlight that shines through the window outlining his ungodly sculpted muscles. You can’t resist the urge to trace your fingertips over the skin, feeling the undoubtable result of years of rigorous training. Truly a sight to behold. You want to commit every detail to memory. Meanwhile, he keeps his eyes trained on you.
“What?” you ask.
“You look so pretty.” Funny how you were just thinking the same thing about him. It draws a smile from you. You pull your blanket over both of you and snug into him, arm draped over his torso, and it doesn’t take you long to fall asleep like that.
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heeseungwifey · 10 months
Does Layla need a mom?
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pairing: jake x y/n
warning: contains smut!
It’s a chilly night so I’ve decided to go for some thighs with my mini skirt. I wish I could just ignore the cold for my Tinder date tonight but I should put my health first. I’m meeting a new guy called Jake, by his profile I know he’s 21, has gorgeous lips and a dog. That’s all I’m looking for in a man these days, someone I can have fun with. 
I order an Uber and go down the stairs, already kinda late for the reservation at the fancy Italian restaurant where we’re having our date. He made the reservation a week ago, he swears it’s the best food I’ll try in town. I get in the Uber and send him a message.
“Sorry, I'll be a few minutes late, traffic!” I sent it as the Uber driver was waiting on a red light. 
“No worries, I’m already here. I hope you do show up and not leave me stranded haha” Jake sends a smiley emoji and I get he’s nervous about this date too. We’ve been talking for a few weeks, friendly but also quite flirty, some texts getting borderline sexting. I’ve been trying not to overthink about how this night could end, but the thought of getting into this man’s bed has kept me zoning out since he asked me out. 
“Here it is lady, have a good night!” I get out of the car and thank the Uber driver, getting into the restaurant as fast as I can so I don’t ruin my hair in the rain. when I walk in, I scan the room to look for Jake, quickly spotting him at the end of the restaurant. He’s wearing a leather jacket, his hair pushed back and a neck chain, looking so good I almost got embarrassed to approach him. It would have been too late to escape since he already saw me, getting up and shaking his hand in the air so I could see him. 
“Hello! Wow you look gorgeous y/n” Jake kisses me on the cheek and I get to smell his perfume, manly and sexy. I sit down and take a sweet time to appreciate how he looks, admire his tan skin, his big nose, his beautiful smile and his hands, wishing that those would be touching me in a couple of hours. He’s doing the same as me, scanning me from head to toe with a sultry stare.
“You look really good too Jake, I’m kind of surprised you’re just not wearing basketball shorts or a striped shirt” I joke since in all his pictures on Instagram he’s wearing one of these two clothing pieces, even both of the same time sometimes. He looks ridiculously gorgeous tonight. 
“Well I have to show off for tonight, need to make a good impression”
“Sure you are”
Dinner was fantastic, everything was delicious and we talked all the time we were sitting there as if we had known each other since forever. Jake had come with his car so he offered to take me home. I felt uncomfortable asking to go to his house even though I really wanted to, so I made an excuse to be with him for a little bit more. 
“I know a cool bar right around here, would you like to go? Let’s not end the date just yet” I looked up on Google Maps a bar next to his house just to hang out there for a bit, have a drink and see where the night took us. The next thing I know is that each of us has drunk at least 3 cocktails and it’s almost 2 a.m.
“My house is quite close to this bar, if you want to crash, I know I said I would take you home but I don’t think I can drive right now, a uber right now is gonna be impossible to find” Jake has his arm around my shoulders, his hair messy and he had to take his jacket off because of how hot he was. His house is a 15-minute walk away, which helps us get refreshed as we get to his door. 
“Here we are, welcome to my house!” Jake opens the door and a modern and minimalist decor fills my sight. it’s obvious it’s a single man’s house by the posters and figurines he has but it’s done with good taste, giving a personal touch.
“Omg is this Layla? you’re so pretty and fluffy!” Jake’s dog approaches me right as I walk in, excitedly shaking her tail and giving little jumps. He has previously talked about her dog at the restaurant, showing me pictures of her as a puppy and all. 
“She seems to like you, I don’t often see her this excited” Jake closes the door and takes his jacket off, hanging it on the entrance coat rack. He gets behind me and grabs my bag and my coat, hanging it as well. 
“It’s kinda crazy that I’m staying at your house, I don’t know what you’re gonna think of me” I say as a joke but deep down I do want to give him a good impression and as much as I would love to rip his clothes off right now, 
“It's kind of stupid If I thought anything bad about you y/n. I hope you know I’m very excited that you’re here right now. Just knowing we get to be a few more minutes together is already giving me a rush”
I look at him and he’s standing there, looking so handsome in this light, the air feeling heavy. I move to the sofa, sitting there first as he follows me around inside his own house. He turns on the TV and we’re sitting there like dummies, watching whatever is on. I am nervous, the expectation growing more and more each second. 
“what the hell are we doing?” Jake says as he’s getting closer to me, facing me as I’m resting my back on the couch. When he’s just inches away from my lips, Layla jumps on the sofa, right in between us. 
“Layla! you scared me, fuck” Jake moves to the other side of the sofa, being attacked by Layla’s kisses. I laugh from the other side, the view so endearing I almost forgot he’s just a Tinder date and this will end soon.
“Do you want me to lend you some clothes to sleep in? A T-shirt and some shorts perhaps?” Jake is standing right in front of me, waiting for my answer, looking for an excuse to get out of Layla’s insistence. 
“yes, thank you! where’s the bathroom by the way? I need to take my make-up off” I get up fast as he walks to his bedroom to pick up the clothes. 
“It’s here, hold on… let me give you the clothes so you can change. I also have make-up remover in the cabinet” Jake rumbles around his closet and comes back with a white t-shirt with a logo on it and some Nike shorts, handing them to me. 
When I finished changing and getting my make-up off I glanced at myself in the mirror. I look so bare in this look, just how I would look at the solitude of my own house. It’s kinda crazy that this is how I choose to show myself in front of my date, who I have known for just a few hours. I guess Jake has something that just makes me blindly trust him. 
As I’m coming out of the bathroom I hear the TV, the volume turned down so it’s low. When I walk into the living room, Jake is lying on the couch with a tight t-shirt and grey sweatpants. Layla lies right next to him, looking adorable with her fluffy fur. He looks a bit sleepy but as I walk into his sight, he opens his eyes and gets up. 
“Do you want to watch a movie or something? I don’t sleep too much so I always stay up late watching TV. Right now there’s this 50’s romantic movie, I don’t know if you would like it” Jake looks at me as I’m standing there, his eyes trying not to look at my nipples, visible through the t-shirt he gave me. I’m also quite careful not to get caught looking at his bulge, way too noticeable in those sweats.
“I don’t care really, it’s just background noise to me” I say as I’m sitting next to him, he grabs my hands and pulls me in between his legs. His big hands hold mine as he looks at me in the eyes, the TV light illuminating his face in a beautiful blue. He looks mesmerizing, so much so that I can’t hold myself any longer and I kiss him. His sweet, plump lips capture mine with the same intensity as mine, gasping for air every time we separate. 
Jake grabs the back of my thighs and sits me on his lap, his hands groping my ass and massaging it. I feel an overwhelming heat on my cheeks, all the pent-up neediness flowing out from us. He wanted this as much as I did. It’s surreal a man like this would want me so bad. 
“Baby, let’s go to the bedroom” Jake says in between kisses as he picks me up from his lap and takes me to his bedroom. I’m not thinking about anything else right now but his lips, his hands and the burning pain I’m feeling in my groin, growing worse each second I feel no relief. 
When we get to the bedroom, Jake throws me onto the bed, closing the door behind him. The bedroom is nicely decorated, filled with blue and wood. Seeing the details of how he chooses to decorate his house gives me more knowledge about him, filling in the gaps of the missing info I have about him. As I’m laying there, he moves swiftly to the side of the bed, where he turns on a bedside lamp. Lights on tonight I guess. 
“Tell me what you like baby, I’m all ears” Jake is standing right at the feet of the bed, in front of me lying in his bed. Many dirty thoughts go through my head, and I could ask for many favours. I don’t have words to describe how bothered I am by his presence, getting hornier with every second he spends waiting for me to voice my desires. 
“take your t-shirt off, slowly. And then take mine” I ask, not much but just enough for now. Jake doesn’t say a word, he just follows. Grabs the hem of his t-shirt and peels it off, showing his defined abs and honey skin. His hair is messy now and his eyes are fixed on the t-shirt he lent me, planning on taking it off as soon as possible. From where he stands he grabs my ankles and pulls me to the edge of the bed, my feet touching the floor and sitting there like a doll. His hands are placed on my waist under the t-shirt, caressing my body as he pushes it up, arms up and for a second I get struck when I get to see his face again, both of us semi-naked and getting more and more desperate for what’s about to happen. 
“Tell me, princess, what else do you want me to do?” Jake is almost touching my lips with his, the kiss from before hitting my mind and leaving me desperate for another one. I pull him by his neck onto my lips, clashing hard as we lay on the bed, him on top of me. As we are kissing, his hand snakes up to the pants that I’m wearing, pulling them slowly, leaving me completely naked. I waste no time and do the same to him, unsuccessfully though. He stops me and breaks the kiss, taking them off himself. My sight is indescribable, his naked body bathed by the warm light of the lamp and desire burning in his eyes. 
My hands travel from his shoulders to his hip bone, feeling the softness of his skin and his body heat. I touch his member, now hard and red, and Jake hisses at the feeling. I give it slow strokes, enjoying how his eyebrows stitch up and his mouth can only moan and whimper just cause of my touch. As I start going faster, he falls on his back on the bed, giving me full access to now suck him off. I get on top of him and slowly start with my tongue, tiny licks to the top and getting my saliva all around it. When it’s covered I put it all in my mouth, bottom it thanks to Jake pushing my head all the way down. He’s grabbing the back of my head, trying to regain some control over the situation but he’s very obviously gone. When he starts whining and whimpering I know he’s right there, going faster. He tries to stop me but fails miserably, cumming all in my mouth and face. 
“wow, you’re going strong y/n, I don’t know if I can keep up with you” he lays there breathing heavily as I’m cleaning my face, his sight lost on the ceiling. “Well the ball’s on your court now, how are you gonna pay me for the best blowjob you’ve received in your entire life?” I say cockily as I get close to his face. His eyes look at me, foggy and lost in lust and suddenly I see a spark in them, knowing instantly he has gotten an idea on how he’s gonna pay me. 
“Sit on my face, you’ve won it” Jake grabs my leg and gets it on the other side of his body, now I’m straddling his ribcage. His hands push me by my hips closer to his head, my hands grabbing the headboard so I don’t fall. I can feel Jake’s warm breath on my pussy, his plump lips just inches away from my heat. I feel his wet tongue first, circling around my clit and giving kitten licks as I’m desperately trying to not sit down on his head and choke him. When he starts using his tongue, lapping my folds with hunger I can’t control my sounds any longer and start moaning like I’m possessed. His lips feeling so good and skillfully mixing his mouth with two fingers I come fast on his face, losing all my strength and falling back onto the bed with his head still between my legs. A few minutes pass and I feel Jake getting up and moving my body by my ankles, placing me in the middle of the bed. 
“Did that feel good baby? I’ve never seen anyone react like that… it was so hot I also came with you, twice tonight already. And I haven’t even been inside you yet” Jake’s hair looks messy and sexy, especially knowing it’s because of our recent activities. His lips are even plumper if possible and a layer of sweat covers his chest and abs. I sit up and touch his body instinctively, caressing his hip bone and looking at him in the eyes. 
“Bend over baby” his strong arms flip me over, getting me on all fours. His eyes went straight to my drenched and pulsating pussy, placing himself right on my entrance. “Mhmm, it felt so good Jake…fuck I can’t take it any longer, please… just fuck me already”
He moves slowly, for a second unsure if he should be doing this, but when he stretches me so good that I moan loudly, his movements go crazy, railing me like an animal, his hair all stuck to his forehead and his eyes shut, trying to keep up with the pace. He bites his fist but is to no avail as moans just escape from his mouth, his movements going erratic and losing focus. I feel the bed move like it’s gonna break, my moans have become screams at this point and I’m lost in the feeling, my hair all over my face and sweat sticking the sheets onto my body. 
“Jake, Jake, I’m going to… I can’t hold it anymore… I’m gonna…” can’t even say a whole sentence, the feeling not letting me think properly as all I feel like the heat in my tummy is gonna explode at any second. 
“Do it, c’mon baby, I want to see you come on my dick, let it go…” Jake takes one of his hands to my clit, massaging it and making me come in seconds. I lose sight for a second, everything is blurry as I hear Jake moan loudly, coming inside me and falling on top of me. His head on my chest, I hug his head as we both recover our breaths, the moment feeling so intimate I can’t stop myself from giving him a kiss on the forehead.
I’m pretty sure we fell asleep like that for like fifteen minutes, hugging each other as all we had was each other’s body heat to keep warm. I wake up by the sound of scratching on the bedroom door, obviously being Leyla waiting for his owner to give her food. Jake gets up from top of me and walks to the door, closing it behind him as soon as Leyla starts jumping excitedly. I’m left there quite sad, missing how close we were just a few seconds ago. 
“Hey, sorry, I forgot to put water in Leyla’s bowl before and she was quite thirsty. But hey, I just turned the water on, do you want to take a bath? It’s probably hot by now” Jake is sitting on the border of the bed, caressing my tummy as I’m still too tired to get up. I look at him and feel a sense of dreadness, I don’t wanna lose whatever we have right now between each other. Leaving his house today could mean this is over, that we’re just a one-night stand for each other and that’s it.
I take his hand and he lifts me up from the bed, lending me a bathrobe so I don’t get cold on the way to the bathroom. when we get there, there’s a few candles lighten up and the whole room smells like lavender, calming and cozy. 
“Get in the bathtub, I’ll prepare some towels for when we get out” I step inside the bathtub, the warm water soothing my body from the intense workout. Jake gets into the bathtub and we’re sitting there looking at each other, just like we were at the restaurant earlier. I almost feel like crying, so I close my eyes and push my head back to rest on the wall.
“Are you good? you look super tired” Jake asks, but I don’t feel like answering right now or my voice will break. So he sits there, reaching for my hand and worried I’m actually in pain. But the pain it’s not physical, and I wish he had just let me go to my house by taxi today. I feel like shit right now, enjoying the last minutes of the most beautiful date I’ve ever been on. 
“Did I do something wrong? Are you hurt anywhere?” His tone was serious and worried, his eyes fixated on my face. I open my eyes and it’s obvious that I’m on the verge of tears, my eyes watery and red. 
“It’s okay, I’m just a bit tired, today has been a long day for me” 
“I don’t believe you, I don’t think that’s what’s happening. You looked so happy a few minutes ago coming on my dick, and now you’re tired? Do you think I’m gonna believe that? Please tell me what’s going on”
Jake sounds mad at me, scared that now everything’s done I’m acting so cold towards him. I can’t tell him the truth, it is so embarrassing and delusional that I might scare him off. 
“It’s okay Jake, I just need to go home and sleep a little bit. I had fun don’t be mistaken, but I think is time I go back to my bed and keep on going with my life” I come off as a bitch, looking for a way out of this conversation that was gonna end by me ridiculizing myself in front of the hottest man I know. If I give him the idea that I’m always up for something casual I might get to see him again. 
“I don’t know what the fuck has happened for you to say this, but if you want to sleep here I have no issue with it if that’s what you’re worried about. I thought we had a great time tonight, maybe I’ve been a bit rough or you didn’t feel comfortable with me… I don’t know if you’re under the impression that I have used you to have sex but you couldn’t be more mistaken”
There’s an uncomfortable silence, the only sounds being the distant sound of the TV in the living room and Leyla walking around the house outside the bathroom door. I look at him and his eyes are lost, a hundred thoughts going through his head, trying to find where it went wrong tonight.
“It’s not that I didn’t like it, I actually hadn’t had this much fun in a long time. I guess I’m a bit sensitive since it was a bit too… intimate. Like, this is just a hookup, I shouldn’t be feeling this way about what we have done but… I wish It had meant more for the both of us”
“Listen y/n, it’s been a long time since I’ve gone on a date. I was very excited to go with you tonight since I thought we had great chemistry on our back-and-forth texts. I do feel different about you than I have felt about any other woman I have talked to on that damn app…”
I look at him and his arms are resting on each side of the bathtub, his skin glistening and a perfect view of his chest. It makes me crave for a hug in the comfort of his embrace. 
“I like you more than I thought I would so early into knowing each other. I have enjoyed this night with you so much that’s gonna screw me up forever, being honest” I confess, my head turned to the wall so I don’t see his reaction to such a statement. 
I don’t have to look at him, his arms grabbing mine and getting me closer to him. His lips on mine, so fierce and hungry, I’ve lost control of the situation and now I’m just being french kissed as water splashes everywhere, my legs on each side of his lap.
“Me too…  I felt like a dumbass, being so intense… I don’t wanna let you go, ever” his kisses move to my neck and chest, and my hands can’t do much but hold his hair on my fist as I try not to moan too loudly at 4 a.m.
The next morning I lay there, on his bed. The sheets are everywhere, victims of our last night endeavours. A subtle smell of coffee and toasted bread comes into the bedroom, getting me up instantly and wandering to the kitchen. 
There he is, early morning with wet hair from the shower and a clean black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. Layla runs around the kitchen, excited about her breakfast just as I am. When I walk into his vision, Jake looks at me with the brightest smile and comes to hug me, kissing my head and caressing my back. 
“Good morning baby, did you rest well?” his warmth irradiating through his t-shirt and feeling incredibly comforting.
“Yeah I did, I haven’t slept this well in a long time” I snuggle on his chest, his arms reaching for the frypan and moving it aside, so the scrambled eggs don’t burn. 
When we’re done with the breakfast, a long silence between us arises. It’s comfortable but at the same time, it scares me that it'll make us talk about our feelings. Thankfully Layla jumps on my lap, wanting to play with me. If this ends I’m also gonna miss her and I just met her. 
“Damn, Layla has never acted like this with anyone before, it’s crazy… She likes you a lot. It's just like she has accepted you’re her mom or something haha” Jake says, fascinated by how his dog is acting towards a total stranger to her, like she has known me since forever.  
“So… does Layla need a mom?”
“Yeah, her dad needs a mom too” Jake looks at me and we start laughing, filling the house with the sound of our laughter, the smell of toast and a happy Layla, who gets to have a mom from that day on.
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mediumgayitalian · 6 months
The slam of his car door is loud enough to make him jump, echoing across the dipping valleys and proud hills. He curses to himself, standing frozen, one, two, three, four, but no one comes running. A light dusting of snow falls in a perfect circle around an invisible border, and Lee shivers as he jogs over to it, worn sneakers squelching over the wet, half-thawed grass.
As soon as he steps onto the bottom of Half-Blood Hill, he feels the difference, the balmy breath of warm summer under the clear December sky. The power of Thalia’s tree sends its usual shiver down his back, and he touches it, briefly, as he speeds past, sending his usual prayer of thanks. He pauses at the crest of the hill, using the bright gibbous moon to survey the camp, marking his path.
“Two, four….twelve,” he mutters to himself, craning his neck to map every one of the patrol harpies. He crouches for a while, watching them, tracking their patrol: paired, hexagonal, staggered circuits around the cabins. Four minute window of opportunity.
He can do four minutes.
As the two harpies walking the Apollo-Artemis circuit begin to cross the common, Lee bolts. He keeps low and close to the shadows, sprinting fast and on the balls of his feet to stay quiet, and ducks behind whatever shadow is closest whenever something looks his way. By the time the harpies turn back towards Cabin Seven, he’s already on the rickety porch, tossing his backpack inside the window Michael left open for him and throwing himself in after it.
He lands palms-first, tucking into a roll to absorb the momentum. He freezes, panting, by the leg of what is usually Amir’s bed, straining to hear past the crickets and cicadas.
One, two, three, four.
He’s good.
“Took your damn sweet time, didn’t you.”
“Hello to you too,” Lee grumbles, pushing himself upright. From across the cabin, lounging on his bed like a goddamn French monarch, is his dick of a brother, grinning like the little shit he is. “Haven’t seen you in weeks, most people say hello, et cetera, et cetera.”
Michael shrugs. “You’re late. I watched you on the hill; you coulda made that run twenty minutes ago.”
“Nobody asked you.”
“I’m always asking me.”
“Get over her, boogerbrain.”
“Real mature,” Michael mocks, but ambles over anyway. He retches like a twelve year old when Lee hugs him, but twists his hands in the back of Lee’s shirt when he lets go too fast. Lee hides his smile in his over-gelled hair.
“You might miss me less if you actually write me letters, you know.”
“I didn’t miss you,” he responds automatically. “And I wouldn’t have to write you letters if you stayed home, already.”
Lee sighs. “…I have school, Michael.”
“Oh, yeah. I’m sure your dumbass bio teachers have loads to teach the guy who can do open heart surgery with his eyes closed.”
“Yeah, yeah. If anyone could do with a good, old-fashioned, public school humbling, it would be you, hothead. You ready to go?”
Michael pulls away with a roll of his eyes. “Only since yesterday. Been waiting for your sorry ass.”
“My sorry — your sorry ass doesn’t have a car!”
Michael snickers, jogging back to his bunk and grabbing the black duffel bag resting under it. Lee makes quick work of packing his own bag, stuffing in a couple squares of ambrosia and and giant roll of bandages, just in case, before creeping over to the only bed left with someone still in it.
“Hey, kiddo.” He folds over the sheet pulled all the way over messy blonde curls, immediately plaguing the cabin with loud snoring. He rests his palm over a sleep-creased cheek, mapping his thumb over the freckles dotting pudgy cheekbones, and brushes back the hair plastered to his baby brother’s forehead. “Will, sweetheart, get up.”
It takes him a couple minutes of gentle prodding — when Will is out he is out — to wake up, squinting blearily in the dim fairy lights strewn across his bunk. He blinks, one, two, three, four, then gasps.
“Oof,” Lee grunts, shifting his weight as he is abruptly accosted with an armful of child. He smiles, curling around Will’s flailing, chattering form, tightening his hold on his waist and resting his forehead on his shoulder. “Hi, buddy.”
“—missed you so much! Is this why your letter was late? Are you staying? Is this why Diana left yesterday? Is she here now? Is Cass coming? Is everybody coming? Can I —”
“C’mon, Motormouth,” Michael interrupts, cuffing Will’s ear as he walks by. “Go get your sneakers on. We’re going for a drive.”
“‘Kay,” Will days happily, dashing off to find the light-up Star Wars shoes he refuses to throw out, even though there are literal holes in the soles.
“You got his bag?”
“Yep,” Michael affirms, holding up a straining backpack. “Toothbrush. Hairbrush that he won’t use. Three comic books. Change of clothes. And two more changes of clothes for when he inevitably destroys the first one,” he adds when Lee opens his mouth. He shoots him an exasperated look. “Me and Diana have been chasing after the little brat for four months, dude. I got him.”
“Alright, alright,” Lee grumbles. “Heaven forbid I double-check.” He turns over to the door, where Will is tying his shoelaces, tongue peeking out of his mouth. “You ready, Will?”
He tugs on the two loops. The entire knot unravels. Quick as a flash, he stuffs the laces inside his shoes, scrambling to his feet.
“Yes,” he lies. He scratches at his throat.
Lee and Michel sigh in unison.
Luckily, the reaction is hardly more than itchy eyes and a cough. Lee herds him towards the door, sliding the backpack over his shoulders and holding out his arm and —
“Hold on a sec.”
“Why?” Will whispers.
“Shh,” Lee says.
Window cracked open, Michael exhales. The release of his bow hardly makes more than a soft hiss.
The angle is odd, limited space as there is, but Michael never misses — the clunky arrow whistles through the open window, sailing past the sloped roofs of the west wing cabins, and thunks somewhere behind the first layer of trees in the forest. Immediately, it lets loose a burst of sound identical to a dropped bottle and a group of teenagers cursing. In seconds, the curfew harpies are screeching, descending upon the source of the noise with the fury of a thousand sun chariots.
“Go go go go go,” Michael orders, wrenching open the door.
Will, immediately, takes off, gleeful at the opportunity to run away with permission (usually, he’s running from one of them, screeching at him to get back here). (Or Chiron, although Chiron has a much easier time catching up, what with the six limbs and all). (…Is Chiron an insect? Technically?)
“How long do we have?” Lee whispers, once Michael has caught up.
He shrugs. “Seven minutes, give or take? More than enough time.”
Lee worries his bottom lip. “More than…” He glances at the forest. Vaguely, in the low firelight, he can see the odd wing, hear the odd screech. Nothing looks very close. He glances at the rapidly approaching Athena cabin, just a few yards out of their way. Hm.
“Detour!” he decides. “Will, c’mon!”
Ignoring Michael’s hissed complaints, he veers towards to neatly maintained cabin. He slips in the space between Cabins Six and Four, holding tight to Will’s hand. He counts the windows as he passes — one, two, three, four — and stumbles to a stop, crouching down in the dirt.
“Oh, are you — for the love of Zeus.”
Lee ignores his eye-rolling, scanning the ground for pebbles. He selects a handful of them, careful not to choose anything too big, and jogs a few steps back.
“What’re you doing?” Will asks, too loud, but at least he tries to whisper.
Instead of answering, Lee launches the first pebble at the window.
It pings off harmlessly.
Waiting a breath for the harpies to come running, he continues, firing off pebble after pebble with increasing strength. Finally, after pebble #7, a face appears behind the clear glass, bleary eyes widening when they take in the sight in front of them. Quickly, the latches are undone, and the window is yanked open.
Lee grins. “Hey, Carter.”
“What’re you — you’re — it’s December! What’s going —”
“I need a favour,” Lee whispers. “Can you — cover for us?”
For the first time, Carter looks away, brows raising as he notices Micheal, who taps his (watchless) wrist obnoxiously, and Will, who waves brightly. Carter waves back, small smile tugging at his lips.
“Cover for you?”
“Just, like, infirmary stuff. I don’t think anything will happen, and if it does we’re an IM away, but —”
“Lee,” Carter says exasperatedly, “cover you guys for what?”
“Oh.” Lee clears his throat. “I, um. I need to do something for my family.”
Smiling, Carter rests his elbows on the windowsill, chin in his hands. “Mysterious.”
“We’ll be back by tomorrow evening,” Lee assures.
“And then you’ll stay for a bit?”
Lee’s mouth goes dry. “You want me to stay?”
Carter ducks his head, fingers tracing a mindless path on the windowsill. “I wouldn’t mind seeing you for a while.”
A thousand gods of prophecy could not predict the sound that comes out of Lee’s throat.
Something between a whimper and an awkward laugh, his voice cracks four seperate times. Carter giggles. Lee prays, genuinely, that a crater opens up beneath him and drops him right at Lord Hades’ feet.
“Everything okay, Lee?”
“Peachy,” he croaks.
Carter giggles again. Lee flushes. Michael gags exaggeratedly behind him, pausing mid-heave to whisper something to Will, and then there’s a giggle, and then two people fake-retching. Carter peeks through his dark eyelashes, pleased expression softening his heart-shaped face, and Lee counts twelve of his own capillaries straight-up explode.
“Well,” he says, too loudly. “I’m — well.”
“I think you have harpies to run from,” Carter suggests gently.
“Indeed.” Lee clears his throat, nodding. “As you have so astutely observed, we do —”
Michael, recognising the strained tone to his voice, groans. “Fucksake, Lee —”
“— and so I bid you adieu —”
“Dude, oh my gods, snap out of it —”
Lee can’t. He barely has control over his own mouth.
“— and vow to see you again in the eve.”
Feeling his soul exit his body, settle in front of him, and then crumple up and die, Lee fucking bows. There is the very distinctive sound of a hand slapping over a mouth, muffling an eruption of giggles, and then the hand of mercy, also known as Michael Yew, clamping on the back of his lava-hot neck.
“Please excuse him,” he says grandly. “He was dropped on his head as a child. He’s normal, usually.”
“Except when you wear your glasses,” Will pipes up. Lee makes a mental note to find Clarisse’s spear and shove it through his own eye. “He gets real weird when you wear your glasses. Once he walked into a wall and broke his nose.”
“…Did he.”
“Yep. And last time he —”
“God, this hurts me to say,” whispers Michael, “but I have to put a stop to this conversation. We’re on a time limit. C’mon, Will. Bye, Carter. Sorry for — well, you know. Apollonian dramatics, not always easy to control.”
He turns, dragging Lee, still hunched over, out of the Cabin Six shadow.
Lee does not un-hunch until they are well over the crest of Half-Blood Hill, harpy screeches beginning to echo behind them.
“I have never been more embarrassed to be related to you in my life,” Michael informs him, the second he’s upright. “Like, genuinely, I’m considering disowning you. That was atrocious, Fletcher. You need to get ahold of yourself. Where is your game? Your dignity?”
“I think he lost it when he was born,” Will says thoughtfully. “Or maybe when Carter smiled at him the first time.”
“I hate both of you,” Lee croaks.
Neither of them seem too incredibly bothered, snickering to each other as they duck into the car.
Willing his flush to go down, Lee herds them into his car. He takes a moment in the cool air to chill the hell out, closing his eyes and breathing deeply, then slips behind the wheel. He checks that Will is belted in properly, slips the car into neutral, and coasts down the road, waiting until Thalia’s tree slips out of sight before turning it on and hitting the gas.
“Where’re we goin’?
“You,” Michael says, flipping down the vanity mirror to glare sternly at Will, “are going to dreamland. It’s three in the morning. Time for bratty children to sleep.”
“What? No! I’m not tired!”
“Fine, fine,” Lee says, exchanging a grin with Michael. “Stay awake, then. As long as you like.”
Will narrows his eyes. “Really?”
“No trick?”
Lee crosses his fingers. “‘Course not.”
“Fine,” he relents. He settles into the booster seat Lee dragged out of the trunk for him (which he hates), arms crossed over his chest, and stares out the window.
Counting off on his fingers — one, two, three, four — Lee and Michael begin to hum.
At first, nothing happens. Will taps absentmindedly on his knees, humming along to the parts he knows, but soon his fingers slow. Lee and Michael keep it low and quiet, cycling through quiet folk songs Michael’s dad taught him, matching with the rumbling of the car, the slight breeze of Lee’s cracked open window. Michael kicks softly at the base of his seat, one, two, three, four; and matches the rhythm of the radio static, the click of the blinkers on every turn.
Will’s out in twenty minutes.
The drive is long.
Michael curls up sometime around four, fogging up the windows with every snore. Lee keeps the radio on a low hum, letting the background noise keep him focused as he navigates. The Atlantic Ocean is ink-black in the early morning, and the waves crash loud enough that he can hear them over the sounds of the engine, and for a while they’re still far enough from the city that the air smells fresh. Even when it starts to sour, and the noise gets a lot more urban, it’s early enough and he’s east enough that the traffic is minimal. Never non-existent — he actually cannot imagine what a traffic-less New York would look like; he doubts he’ll ever live to see it — but enough that he keeps at a steady 35.
The drive through Jersey is uneventful. Farmland and suburbs, nothing he hasn’t seen every day of his life, nothing he didn’t see the last time he made the drive. He entertains himself by counting every brown car he sees, randomly wagering the number by the time he gets there. He’s relieved when he finally crosses the memorial bridge, driving down the exit ramp and pulling into the first big parking lot he sees. Michael wakes up as he puts the car in gear, killing the engine.
“We here?” he asks, popping the joints along his spine.
Lee yawns. “Pretty much, yeah. Pulled off the highway.”
“‘Kay.” He glances in the backseat, where Will is starting to stir. “You nap. I’m gonna find a place for him to change and brush his teeth, maybe get breakfast for all of us.”
“Sounds good”
He crawls in the backseat as Michael guides Will out of it, accepting the blanket tossed his way. He slides his hoodie over his face, lies back, and conks out in minutes.
“Yo, Lee. Get up. I got food.”
“Timizzit?” he asks, shaking the grogginess from his limbs.
“Eleven. You slept for four hours. We gotta be at the theatre in an hour.”
“When’s she on?”
“Fuck if I know, man. Diana said noon, I’m gonna be there at noon. You wanna piss off Diana?”
“No.” He rubs the heel of his palm into his eyes, reaching blindly in the direction of Michael’s voice. “Food, please.”
A bag of grease is deposited into his waiting hand. He is pleased to find three cheeseburgers within it, and immediately tears into them with a fervour that can only be described as ‘ravenous’, or perhaps ‘revolting’. Esurient, perhaps, if one was feeling poetic.
Finally awake enough to function, Lee looks critically at the scene in front of him. Michael is dressed in the same button-up and slacks he wears to his dad’s performances, on the years he’s in the U.S., and Will is in jeans without grass stains, real shoes, hair mostly brushed. Michael has even managed to find a shirt that’s not half-unraveled from Will picking at the seams.
“Nice,” he says, nodding in approval.
Michael picks at his nails, visibly preening. “Oh, it was no big deal.”
“Yeah, yeah. Dweeb.”
He polishes off his last burger, then ducks inside the nearest store to find somewhere to get changed. Diana told them it didn’t matter, really, what they wore, but Lee knows better. He knows what this means for Cass, and while yeah, sure, it wouldn’t really matter if he showed up in sweatpants, he wants to show her that he put in the effort. That even if her mother couldn’t, or wouldn’t, they will. All of them. He wants her to see them and know that they did this for her. He wants her to see them and know that they tried, that they care.
Hair perfectly placed and clothes as unwrinkled as he can get them, he hurries back to the car. The theatre isn’t far, and they have a little under an hour, but he doesn’t want to push it. Finding parking will be hard enough.
“Are we on a quest?” Will asks, five minutes out on the road.
“Eight year olds don’t go on quests.”
“Diomedes was ten when he fought the Trojan war.”
“Are you Diomedes?”
“Are you ten?”
“Then no quests for you.”
“Your quest can be being quiet for twenty minutes,” Michael grumbles, making a face when Will sticks his tongue out at him.
part two
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sixofcrowdaydreams · 7 months
Six of Crows Russian Edition
Today I found this gorgeous gem at the bookstore!
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So a few years ago I moved overseas to live in a Russian speaking country. I am not in Russia, for the record. The national language here is not Russian, but it is commonly spoken in my city.
Today at the bookstore I looked for a copy of Crooked Kingdom for the cast of Shadow and Bone to sign this May when I go to A Storm of Shadows and Crows convention in Paris. I don't own a copy of SOC or KC in English and there's no chance of finding one where I live. The next best option was getting a book in the local language and calling it a souvenir of my time abroad. To my delight I found this lovely Russian edition of Six of Crows!
More stunning artwork below.
There were multiple versions of the books to choose from. The original art and the Netflix artwork were available too. The most impressive part was finding copies of the original covers WITHOUT the Netflix sticker. (Haha, suck it Netflix.) To the right, not pictured were King of Scars and Rule of Wolves.
I've never seen this cover variation before. It was an exciting find!
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The Russian version I bought is illustrated by (I assume Russian?) artist Eva Eller.
I didn't see a copy of Crooked Kingdom with illustrations by the same artist at this bookstore, but it must exist. Mine was the last copy of SOC with the Russian artwork. Maybe it was sold out?
Google Translate titles the book Six of Ravens, lol. But that's just a translation error because a little google-foo showed that ворона (pronounced vorona) means crow. Interestingly, while typing the title, I learned that вор (pronounced vor) means thief. Interesting how similar the words crow and thief are in Russian. Checks out.
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Above is the art printed on the side of the pages. Love how it still includes the side of the pages colored, just like the original books.
The hardcover underneath the jacket is a crow. It's not the same as pictured on the original CK cover, but it is similar. Love the messy, broken, bent feathers, yet the crow is still able to fly. Metaphor for our six characters? Absolutely!
The book was wrapped in cellophane so I didn't realize there was even more art inside! Here is the inner cover. IT'S BEAUTIFUL! The back is the same. It captures the foggy haze of Ketterdam so well.
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The flaps of the book jacket are images from the inner cover. But there's a cracked texture over them that gives it a gorgeous grittiness.
The candle is the left side of the inner book jacket. Sorry the image isn't flat, I didn't want to damage the jacket by straightening it out.
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The right side of the book jacket shows all the Crows!
Let's appreciate how Matthias looks snow pale and serious. Inej is taller than Nina -- she must be standing on a step stool. No clue why both of their eyes are closed, especially when Nina is the one pointing to the paper. They are lovely. Kaz has on his scheming face. Jesper is as handsome as every version of him should be. And Wylan looks bored AF because A.) he's already memorized the map he drew or B.) he can't read whatever document Kaz has in front of them. Wait, no, Wylan is making heart eyes at Jesper. All of the above can be true.
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Inside is a small illustration at the beginning of each chapter, which changes with each section.
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You can also see the Crow's names written in Cyrillic. Inej, Kaz, Nina, and Matthias translate easily. Jesper uses the д (letter D) and ж (pronounced like zhe) letter combination that makes his name sound like Zhesper since there is no J in Cyrillic. It's worth pointing out (again) that Wylan's name does not translate perfectly. There is no W in the Cyrillic alphabet. (As someone who also has a W in their name, I sympathize with Wylan here.) I'm no expert in Russian, but I'm pretty sure -- with the help of google translate -- that Wylan is pronounced as Oo-ai-len. Poor boy can't catch a break.
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Each of the five section of the book use different chapter art. They all do an excellent job capturing the atmosphere.
The paper is so thin that you can easily see the printing on the opposite side. Not ideal for an edition that's otherwise this lovely. Oh well.
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Given that Ravka is fantasy Russia, it's not a surprise to find the Grisha Verse books in Russian.
I am so excited to bring this book to Paris for the cast to sign!
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magicalmysteries777 · 8 months
"You're clueless, you know that?" - Reader x Eddie Munson & Reader x Steve Harrington (fake)
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Summary: You agree to accompany Steve to Enzo's for Valentine's Day with only one shared goal in mind - to make Eddie so jealous he has no choice but to have the one conversation he's being avoiding.
Pairings: F!Reader x Steve Harrington & F!Reader x Eddie Munson.
Chapter: 1 of 1.
W/C: 2314.
A/N: Happy Valentines Day, besties! This trope paired with Steve and Eddie has had me in a chokehold for a while now and I'm so happy that the lil ADHD gremlin in my brain has finally let me write the damn thing. <3
This one-shot can also be found on AO3 here.
“You really think that’ll work? Pretending to go on a date with you?” you asked, leaning against the counter at Family Video.
“It better work. Personally, I’m sick of hearing you pine over him. He’s had a thing for you ever since you joined Hellfire but he’s completely clueless when it comes to all the hints you’ve dropped,” Robin chimed in without looking up from the ‘returns’ pile of videotapes she was sorting through.
Clueless didn’t even begin to cut it.
You’d known about Eddie’s crush on you for months now, ever since Dustin slipped up and spilled the beans at lunch one day. The poor kid made you swear on your own life that you wouldn’t tell Eddie you knew.
True to your word, you kept the secret and began dropping hints instead. Eddie couldn’t read the room to save his life.
Any time you caught him staring, he’d break eye contact before you could smile back at him. Any time your hands accidentally touched, he’d move his hand away and play it off if you didn’t keep your hand perfectly still.
“I think it’s perfect,” Steve smiled. “There’s nothing like a bit of jealously to make you realise what you want.”
“I dunno,” you mumbled, chewing your cheek while you weighed up your options.
“When he sees you all dolled up, thinking it’s for me, the dots will connect. Trust me.”
“Fine, I’ll find out when he’s working.”
Steve’s plan had been in the back of your mind the whole time you’d been sitting around the table with your fellow Hellfire members. It was a long game of highs and lows all night. Despite the distraction, you’d manage to come out of the battle victorious with a mere five health points left. The party, albeit a little bruised and battered, was one step closer to defeating Myrkul and Eddie was in a good mood.
It took the usual fifteen minutes to pack up Eddie’s maps, dice, tokens, and other various game pieces before you climbed into the passenger side of his van. “Sorry for the mess,” Eddie apologised.
“You say that every week and yet you never clean it.”
“I do, it just gets messy again,” he smirked.
You were halfway home when you glanced over at Eddie. His hair was frizzy, sticking up in places from all the near misses in battle where he’d had his hands running through it. The rings on his left hand were glowing gently from the reflection of his lit cigarette as he used it to control the steering wheel. His right hand was methodically fiddling with the busted cassette player that he’d been meaning to fix for months. As always when Eddie was concentrating, his tongue was sticking out and resting against his top lip.
“Got it!” he exclaimed as Rainbow in the Dark started blasting from the speaker, a huge grin spread across his face.
“When are you going to buy a new one?” you chuckled, prodding at the battered box.
“Stop touching it,” he slapped your hand away. “It’ll start crackling again. I’ve picked up some overtime next weekend, I’m hoping the gents will be tipping big to impress their dates.”
“No Valentine’s plan with anyone special then?”
“Nope, just work. Doubt there’s anyone out there who would want to spend their Valentine’s Day with the ‘Freak of Hawkins’ anyway.”
“You’d be surprised, some people like their men a little freaky.”
“What about you? Any plans?” he asked, the change in tone rather subtle.
For a moment, you weren’t sure if you were going to go through with the plan. Steve’s words echoed through your mind listed the pros and cons. ‘Trust me.’
“Yeah, I’ve got a date at Enzo's. At least I don’t have to worry about it going bad now if you’re working, you can come over and scare him off for me.”
“That’s great. Wow, a date. Um, yeah, I’ll fend him off for you if things go pear-shaped. Do I, uh, know the guy?” he stuttered.
“I don’t want to jinx it,” you answered, remembering Robin's claims that a little bit of mystery would be the key to the whole plan working.
“Of course,” Eddie agreed, a sarcastically dumb look plastered on his face. You couldn’t help but notice that this was exactly how he used to act when Dustin mentioned Steve. “Would you look at that? Here we are. Once again, dropped off in one piece, as requested.”
“You okay, Ed?” you ask, one eyebrow raised.
“Yep. Fine. Tired,” he mumbled through an unconvincing yawn. “Long game. I’m gonna go and, uh, get some sleep. Night.”
“And he said it exactly like that?” Steve asked.
“Yes, Steve, how many times do I have to go through it? He basically kicked me out of the van,” you answered.
“It’s definitely working.”
“Are you sure?”
“One hundred percent. Wait until he finds out it’s me, he’s gonna freak.”
“He might not react at all. Believe it or not, he is professional at work.”
“Bet on it?”
“Shut up.”
Eddie had been an asshole all week.
Jeff and Gareth got the worst of it. You, however, had been getting the silent treatment. It was Thursday lunchtime when Eddie finally acknowledged you again.
“So, what are your plans this weekend?” Dustin asked Mike.
“Movies with El then dinner, you?”
“Arcade with Will. What about you, Eddie?”
“Work and band, why?”
“It’s called small talk,” Dustin answered. “What is with you this week?”
“Nothing, I’m fine,” he snapped.
“Tell your face that, man,” added Jeff.
“Lay off it. Why don’t you ask her what she’s doing this weekend instead and leave me alone?” Eddie prompted, gesturing in your direction. He did not stick around to hear the answer, walking away dramatically.
“Well, what are you doing?” asked Dustin.
“I’ve got a date,” you answered quickly and quietly, sinking into your seat as a sense of guilt began to creep up on you.
“You what?!” asked Gareth.
“I said I’ve got a date.”
“Yeah, I heard you. The fuck do you mean you’ve got a date? With who?”
“Does it matter?” you ask asked.
“Evidently it does. I’ve been taking the brunt of his crap all week and you’re telling me it’s because you’re going on a date?”
“How was I supposed to know he’d react like this?” you quickly try to defend yourself.
“Are you blind?” Jeff asks.
“No, but he is. I’ve dropped hints. Lots of them. If he doesn’t want to acknowledge it then that’s on him.”
“Wow,” smiled Steve, looking you up and down. He took your hand, albeit rather dramatically, and began leading you to the car.
“Save it for the restaurant, you dingus. Does this look okay then?” you ask.
“The dress alone might kill him, never mind the heels and hair.”
Ten minutes later, Steve parked up outside Enzo's.
“When we get in there, sit with your back to the bar. You’re about to get the full Harrington charm, okay?” he asked.
“Got it.”
“Hi there, table for two under Harrington,” Steve told the hostess.
“Follow me.”
“Here we are,” the hostess said as she gestured to a small table. “Here are your menus, the waiter will be over to take your order shortly.”
“Thank you,” you replied, taking the seat that Steve had pulled out for you.
“So,” you began.
“So,” Steve replied with a grin.
“I’m not going to lie, Steve, I feel really awkward.”
“I can tell,” he responded. “Relax. We’re just two friends, dressed up, and having a nice meal. Loosen up a little and have fun, or this isn’t going to work.”
You tried to relax, really, you did. But you couldn’t help shake the feeling that Eddie was burning holes into the back of your head with his staring.
“Welcome to Enzo's, my name is Ruben and I’ll be your server this evening. Any drinks to start?”
“Sparkling water for me, and…” Steve prompted.
“Lemonade, please.”
“Awesome, I’ll get that put in at the bar for you. Any starters today?”
“Do you-” Steve began, turning his attention back to you.
“More of a dessert person,” you answer.
“Me too,” smiled Ruben. “What mains would you like?”
“Lasagne for me, please,” answered Steve.
“Chicken Alfredo, please.”
“Awesome. I’ll get all that put in for you, enjoy your evening.”
“Thank you, ‘preciate that,” Steve told him before he left the table.
After a couple of minutes of the usual “how was work?” and “how was school?” small talk, Steve’s gaze quickly shot behind you as he sat up a little bit straighter.
“Here’s your lemonade,” Eddie announced, placing the glass down in front of you.
“Thanks, Eddie. How’s your shift?” you asked with a smile.
“So-so. Started going downhill about twenty minutes ago,” he answered.
“Nothing worse than a shitty Friday shift,” Steve chimed in.
“Evening rush,” Eddie responded, unwilling to meet Steve’s gaze. “Everything okay over here?”
“Great, thank you,” you respond.
“Harrington,” Eddie muttered, placing Steve’s water in front of him with a little bit more force than he did the lemonade, before heading back to the bar.
“He won’t even look at me, this is working even better than I thought,” Steve chuckled.
One hour and one chicken alfredo later, Ruben returned.
“Well you two are looking cosy over here,” he told you. Steve had been giving you cues on how to sit and when to laugh all evening. “How about that dessert? I highly recommend the ‘brownie and ice cream for two.’ Chef special tonight.”
“Sounds perfect,” answered Steve.
“Alrighty, that’ll be about ten to fifteen minutes. Any more drinks?”
“The same again, please,” you answer.
A couple of minutes later, Steve gave another instruction.
“Rest your left arm on the table.”
Steve let out a sudden laugh and adjusted himself in his seat. He placed his arm on the table, his fingertips slightly brushing against your own.
A loud crashing noise from behind you had heads rolling to see what was going on. Every pair of eyes in the restaurant landed on Eddie.
“Sorry folks,” he announced. Eddie quickly began picking up the larger shards of glass whilst another bartender brought over cloths and a broom.
“Hook, line, and sinker,” Steve whispered, loud enough for only you to hear.
You really were getting the full Harrington charm, as promised. Steve had been feeding you brownie on and off for ten minutes, his glancing over to Eddie quickly now and again.
“It’s almost time,” Steve whispered.
“Time for what?”
“The grand finale.”
Steve leaned in slightly and wiped the side of your mouth gently with his thumb. “Ice cream,” he smirked.
“Is that really necessary?”
“One hundred percent. On my cue, you’re going to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom,” he began.
“If this whole fake date has gone to plan, which by the way has been lovely, then I do believe Munson won’t let you make it that far. Go now.”
As instructed, you excused yourself from the table and made your way towards the bathroom. Just as you got to the door you felt a hand close softly around your wrist.
“Hey, can we talk?” Eddie asked.
“Everything okay?”
“No, actually, it’s not,” he answered. Eddie glanced around before pulling you through a door labelled ‘staff only’.
“Eddie, wha-”
“You can’t date Steve.”
“I can date whoever I like Eddie,” you respond.
“Why him?” he asked, his hand still wrapped lightly around your wrist.
“Why not?”
“Because,” he began, pausing in thought. “Because he’s… he’s got a reputation. Surely you’ve heard all the rumours?”
“And we both know him well enough to know he’s not that person anymore,” you answer, your gaze locking with Eddie’s who, surprisingly, held it.
“You just can’t, please,” he pleaded.
“Give me a good enough reason as to why I shouldn’t go back out there and I won’t.”
Eddie stayed silent for a few moments, his big, brown eyes locked on yours. The small staff room became stuffy all of a sudden, the air so thick it felt like you could barely breathe. You held your ground, waiting for him to speak, but he didn’t. You stared back at Eddie, your eyes pleading with him to just say something. Anything.
You broke your gaze from Eddie’s and turned towards the door, ready to give up and go home. Eddie’s grip on your wrist tightened and he pulled you back towards him, using his free hand to cup your face as his lips met yours.
You weren’t sure how long you’d been there, Eddie kissing you, but it felt like forever. The tension in the air vanished, leaving you with a cozy feeling deep in your stomach, where the butterflies used to live. 
“You can do better than him. You deserve better than him. You deserve someone who knows that you take extra sugar in your coffee when you’re studying. Someone who knows that you’re a completely evil genius in the best way possible when it comes to D&D. Someone who knows you’d rather be in bed with a book at-” he glanced at his watch, “nine o’clock at night. Someone who apparently isn’t very good at making the first move.”
“You’re clueless, you know that?”
“I am?”
“Yeah,” you replied, leaning in to kiss him again.
If it wasn’t for Ruben who knows how long you would have stood there, entwined together, lost in the moment.
“Hey man, you heading home?” Eddie asked casually, placing a little distance between the two of you.
“I was, but turns out I’m staying late. Guy with the hair on table twelve tipped me a hundred bucks to finish your bar shift and fetch a fresh brownie out. Said you ‘owe him one’ and you can ‘square it up later’. Brownie will be out in five. Enjoy.”
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sunshine-scented · 2 years
Helloo again, I wanted to thank you for making my last request, i loved it <33 I don't know if it's still accepting requests, if not it's ok you can just ignore it ^^, but if so, I could make a hcs of wukong, macaque and nezha with your wife s/o dragon (again sorry kk i love dragons) pregnant? I imagine dragons are like rabbits and have lots of children, how would they react if your wife wanted more children after she had already given birth to her first child? having nsfw along, sorry if it's too much can just ignore ;w;
Sora!!!! I love these dragon requests so much oh my gosh I'm obsessed!!! (Also, thanks for adding Nezha, now I can finally brainrot about him hehehehehe~)
❀ Dragon Family ❀
: Dragon s/o wants more babies!! Give the big scary dragon her babies!!!!!
: Sun Wukong, Macaque, Nezha x fem!reader
: Fluff and a generous amount of Smut :))
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Sun Wukong
• would absolutely agree with you, a hundred percent
• he has so many monkey friends so he's used to taking care of multiple things
• and if it makes his wife happy??? It's already an immediate yes from him
• like, you didn't even have to try to convince him
• he's already planning the names of the babies as you speak
• excited to see more children run around the mountain
• suddenly, he's not so lonely anymore
• sobbing
Wukong carefully set you down on the bed, his lips catching yours in a heated kiss as you wrap your arms on his neck. He trails his hands on your waist and softly starts to grind against you.
You tugged on his hair making him groan and bite your lip as he lets go to stare into your eyes "My beautiful wife" he takes one of your hands and places a chaste kiss on your knuckles "My oh so precious wife"
You giggled at his affectionate behavior making him smile, he leaned in towards your ear biting against your skin, gently pulling it with his teeth making you shiver and moan out his name.
"I'm gonna pump you up with my children yeah? Gonna make you look so full of me, and only me~♡"
Six eared Macaque
• he's a little hesitant to agree with you
• he's not used to taking care of something so...fragile
• and yet you want more??
• that's what he tells himself, yet that look on your face as you ask him over and over again made him double take
• the sight of you kneeling down before him, your hands hugging his waist as you look up at him with those pretty eyes of yours
• heavens, save this poor man
• eventually, he agrees to your requests
• with a small price of all your time tonight~
"Ahn~ Macaque.." you whined as he pinned your hands over your head, his tongue licking your neck and biting your delicate skin against his fangs, a low chuckle was heard from him.
"What's wrong? Isn't this what you asked of me, Darling~?" His suave voice made your knees weak as he picked you up and placed you on the kitchen table, squeezing your thighs and capturing your lips in a sloppy, messy kiss.
He groans at your warmth and how willing you are to give all of your being to him, sends shivers down his spine as he pulls out and stares into your half lidded eyes. He smirked and slapped your thigh, erupting a moan from you
"Shh, quiet now. Our little baby is sleeping, we wouldn't want to wake them up from their precious nap now would we~"
• sorry that's my bad
• anyways, he's similar to Macaque
• he has both the map of the samadhi fire and the jade emperor to protect, both of which isn't an easy job to do as it is
• but you're just so irresistible ♡
• and a huge tease
• surely, you would gladly take responsibility of the absolute mess you made him to be, no?
You started to grind you hips onto his lap, making cute little sounds right beside his ear as you felt him take a breath to try and calm himself down, he's just so adorable
He suddenly grabbed your waist in a tight hold making you gasp as he took the opportunity to shove his tongue inside your mouth in a sloppy wet kiss, you hummed his pleasure as you start to trail your hands onto his chest.
You tugged and pulled on his hair near his scalp making his breath hitch as he pulls away, a string of saliva connecting your mouths "You're playing a dangerous game, (Name)" he breathlessly whispered to you with a furrowed brow.
Yet you licked your lips and started you caress his thigh and leaned in closer to him "I know, I just want to know if you're strong enough to play with me~" you mocked a baby voice on him as he finally snapped, grabbing a fistfull of your hair and pulled your head facing upwards making you moan as he started biting onto your exposed neck.
"Lucky for you, I love a good challenge~"
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No I don't have favoritism, what are you even going on about silly
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silverwhittlingknife · 10 months
the reason why nu52 Dick is so simultaneously messy and yet boring is because they don't let him be bitchy enough whilst simultaneously making him a little bitch
sdfsdfdsfs I don't totally understand what this means and yet I feel like I agree with the spirit, anon <3
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Outsiders 21 - preboot Dick yelling at Bruce my beloved
Yeah, caveat that there's plenty of nu52 Dick stuff that I haven't read and I don't think it's all bad, but also... man, he is not for me. As far I'm concerned, the main good thing that came out of n52/Rebirth is some setups for sad!Dick fanfic. And yeah, "Dick is not bitchy enough" is actually a pretty good summary of my complaints sdfdsfs
The thing is, nu52 Dick has some similarities to preboot Tim, in that he'll sometimes be insincerely fake-cheerful even when actually upset, plus he periodically seems uncomfortable with direct confrontation so instead he lies to avoid confrontation. And mmm I mean, I like these qualities in preboot Tim, so it's not like I think these are terrible traits to have!!
1) Preboot Tim has no authority. But preboot Dick does, and it's frustrating to take it away from him in nu52.
There's some post-2011 panel where Dick lies to Batman and is cheery about it, a la Tim bragging to his friends about lying to Batman in Teen Titans, and I had to stare at it for ages trying to figure out why it felt like such a record scratch moment to me.
But it's because there is a huge difference between a presumably independent superhero lying to another superhero vs. a sidekick and his sidekick friends secretly joyriding in Batman's car.
Like, Tim lies to authority figures more-or-less constantly, because he doesn't want to be told what to do, but also because - importantly!! - those authority figures reasonably assume they have authority over him that he has to evade. Of course he tries to avoid direct confrontation with the JLA / Batman / Red Tornado / Starfire - they're not his equals and a direct confrontation would end badly!
Whereas Nightwing lying to Batman feels like putting him in a subordinate position in a way that preboot Dick never is. Preboot Dick always tells Batman off to his face, because preboot Dick cares about being equals and refuses to accept being subordinate. He doesn't sneak around behind Bruce's back - he fights back! If he doesn't agree with Bruce's position, he tries to argue Bruce into his own. He'll do stuff without asking Bruce's permission, but he won't conceal it; he'll make a point of making sure Bruce knows what he did and also that he isn't sorry.
2) Preboot Tim's lying / tendency to be fake with people is a consistent personality trait that's also consistently problematized. nu52 Dick's characterization is wildly all over the map.
In preboot, Tim is a liar and obsessive compartmentalizer, which is both a strength (disguises, sneaking around authority) and a problem (loved ones who are hurt by it). He's self-aware about his lies, periodically resolves to lie less, and generally fails at it.
Tim's consistent enough that you can track this character trait in all his relationships: he lies to his dad. He lies to Batman. He lies to his girlfriends. He refuses to tell Babs his real name for ages for basically no reason. He stalks Dick and then tries to run away from him in his origin story and then tries to avoid telling Dick his name. And this evasiveness consistently causes him problems!! Dick's suspicious of him. Ariana's suspicious of him. His dad is suspicious of him. Young Justice and Steph get annoyed with his secret-keeping. Young Justice want him to take off the mask. Steph wants to know his real name. When she finds out and calls him by his real name, he has a panic attack and literally runs away. When upset, he insists he's fine and fake-smiles at people. In Teen Titans, when Tim's busy being fake-cheerful and Conner is startled to see him there right after his dad died, Tim gets upset and angry at Conner and demands that he not tell anyone about Jack. Fine, Conner says, I guess it's another secret. In AC 3, he's lying to Conner again and Conner accuses him of having an insincere "Starfire voice," which is a hilarious callback to Tim being fake-agreeable-yet-secretly-bitchy at Kory when he first meets her. I feel like I get that the lying is a Tim Character Trait which is sometimes endearing and sometimes less so and which all the people who love him are gonna have different feelings about.
By contrast, nu52 Dick spends a ton of time lying but it's hard for me to model his characterization in the same way? He's sometimes fake and ... sometimes that's totally cool and sometimes people punch him! also, does it say something about him? ehhhhh maybe? no? who can say!! At the end of nu52 Nightwing, he doesn't want to go undercover and Bruce beats him up, but then in Grayson he seems totally on board with his mission and willing to actively lie to everyone, and then in Batman and Robin Eternal he carries out a whole secret mission behind nuTim's back because he thinks nuTim is maybe a spy and is scared (?) of confronting him directly, but also he's so sloppy about it that he gets followed and the bad guys find nuTim's parents. Oopsie! He represents The Heart and is super-caring but also somewhat ditzy with a tendency to leap before he looks, and also he's very very very goodlooking and Grayson would really like you to know that.
You can try to make sense of this character's internal motivations and I have read various enjoyable fanfics that do, but in the comics I don't feel like he's clearly characterized.
3) Dick should be a convincing team leader
I know I kind of talked about this earlier but it bothers me SO MUCH that I have to talk about it again dsfdsfds
Preboot Dick is a natural leader: he seizes control of the feuding personalities in the Fab Five; he does the same thing in the NTT; he stands up to Bruce. He can overrule strong personalities like Pantha and Roy; he can hold his ground against the Outsiders. He doesn't back down and he doesn't quit. He's got instinctive authority, and he's a forceful and aggressive enough leader that he can lead teams even when his teammates are feuding or difficult or arguing with each other. Sometimes he's a little too forceful and it backfires on him, but for the most part, it works!
By contrast, nu52 Dick often comes off as kinda... hapless? He's definitely not a force to be reckoned with.
Like, just to take one small example, in post-Crisis's Red Robin 14, Tim and Damian are fighting and Dick wants them to cut it out, so he throws a batarang at Tim's staff and snaps at him, and the fight stops immediately. By contrast, in nu52's Batman and Robin 10, Tim and Damian are arguing and Dick wants them to cut it out, but nuDick is incapable of confronting anyone over anything so he just sighs about it, passive-aggressive and ineffectual.
And "ineffectual" is too often the vibe I get from n52 Dick in general. You put that man with Pantha, and he'll probably be bemused, but he won't be able to make Pantha do anything, and he wouldn't be able to make Danny Chase do anything, and he can't or won't stand up to Bruce so he has to lie the way Tim does, and he would never have a fistfight with Roy over the proper way to lead a team.
And in a lot of ways this makes sense, because n52 Dick isn't a team leader, because they've deleted the Titans. He's just a guy. He's nice, I guess.
But even though he gets all kinds of excellent woobie plotlines that I'd normally enjoy (an evil organization is stalking him personally! his dad is beating him up and forcing him into becoming a spy! he's losing his memory!) his personality is usually so far off from the character I like that I struggle to get invested.
Because the thing is, Dick's leadership instincts aren't incidental to what I like about him. They're all wrapped up in his outsized sense of personal responsibility and instinctive belief that if anything is going wrong anywhere near him then it is his obligation to handle it and if anything goes wrong then it's his fault if he was involved and also his fault if he wasn't involved and actually if you have ever gotten within five feet of him and unrelatedly something bad happened to you then it's probably his fault and he FAILED. This belief gives Dick a lot of control issues and makes him bitchy sometimes and is not great for his mental health, but it's also very endearing and an outgrowth of how much Dick cares!
Anyway, re:bitchiness, I have similar feelings about various choices in Batgirls and in Tim Drake: Robin and in current Nightwing; like, I don't think any of these stories are bad ipso facto, I don't begrudge anyone who likes them, and I certainly enjoy fluffy fanfic sometimes - I don't always want the same things in transformative fandom that I want in canon.
But in comics, I often want the characters to have a bit of edge, to be cranky and difficult and just... y'know, clearly the kind of people who would choose to be vigilantes. I want them to care enough to be bitchy about it. And I often feel like I'm missing that, post-2011.
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harrysmimi · 8 months
Maybe If You're Lucky
Synopsis: One where Harry is smitten like a kitten
More of my work | Based on this ask
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Harry had been so smitten lately. He thinks he might be in love even!
So it all started when he met this girl who was apparently new to town and was asking for directions to him, also apparently her google map was confusing her and she was joining her new job that day. He of course helped her out that day, never thinking that she would take the same route everyday to work from then.
One day he finally gathered up enough courage to to go approach her. Yes, he is more shy when he's not on the stage.
Turned out she did seemed to know who he was and what he did for living, in fact she said she was a One Direction fan at some point but, soon enough Taylor Swift took over her life, which is fair enough. Now she does listens to few of his solo songs, his debute solo album is her most favourite she told him.
Now he got to know she moved to London for her new job as the assistant manager at the headquarters of her firm. It was a big day for her, which Harry gladly saved.
Now he's got himself a date with her!
Her nervously got ready, in just a simple black dress shirt, with a pair of pants, he had let his hair be messy. He quickly put on a nice pair of dress shoes and threw on a coat before he was out of the door. He drove directly to the restaurant where they were supposed to meet up. He only had to wait exactly two minutes before his date was jogging upto the restaurant.
Her bag thrown over her shoulder, a beanie on her head and glove covered hands. She was trying to walk as quickly as she can, huffing put of breath. Harry decided to walk upto her even though he have to walk back towards the restaurant.
"Hey," he greeted her with a big smile.
"Hi," he huffed, and slowed down her her pace. "Sorry, I am really not used to walking."
"That's alright, let's fo in and get you some water first." He grabbed a gentle hold of her hand, he knew she was at work. She had some extra work so she was working on Saturday. That's why their lunch date became a dinner date. Just as they were about to get into the restaurant, YN gasped.
"I swear I was on the same bus, why did I got down like 10 minutes away!" She groaned in frustration, earning a giggle from Harry.
"You'll learn, come on now." He urged her inside, it was warmer and she needs water. They finally sat down and waiter served them some water. "I'll take it your day at work was good then?"
"Oh yeah!" She nodded taking a big sip of her water, "I thought I'd enjoy it more here, meeting new people and all, it's someone as worse as back home. Sorry I am complaining. How was your day?"
"No you're not!" He defended, "my day was pretty good, very productive day." She smiled in reply on hearing about his day.
Soon they ordered their food, and hot know more about one another. Just the mandatory first date things, he got to know few little things and that was pretty much it. Harry could see she was getting overwhelmed. Of course, she has been working all day and she is most definitely tired.
"Come on I'll drop you to your place." Harry suggested as he helped her put on her coat.
"Oh you don't have to really, I can take the bus." She said politely, "thanks though."
"You sure? It's quite late." He pointed out. To be honest he did not wanted the night with her to come to an end. He really did enjoyed the time spent with her. "I insist."
"Okay, thank you." She accepted his offer. Harry so kindly got the door her like a gentleman he is. He drove her to her place, it was a safe neighborhood in a complex. He stopped just right by her building and got out with her. "I had a good evening with you, Harry, thank you for being such a gentleman."
"Thank you for giving me your time," he blushed, "hope we could do this again sometime?"
"Yeah." She beamed a rather contained smile.
There was going to be a second date!
It's been three months, the second date happened.
It was a picnic. She brought some delicious home cooked food which reminded her of home. But it's been a good month and half since they both saw one another. Harry had to be in New York for work.
Harry was dying to see her again, hug her again. He was invited over to hers for lunch when he gets back to London.
YN on the other hand was trying her best to get accustomed to the new country and people around her, Harry definitely helped alot and she made a few friends. Her neighbour, Nina was definitely one those people for her who introduced her to her friends. Her weekends were hardly ever spent at home since. Harry said he looked forward to seeing hearing about her weekends on Monday when they have a nice little call during her lunch break.
YN adjusting to her work was really nothing out of blue, she definitely did got the promotion a couple of months before she got to know they needed her at the headquarters. She was used to the work load and pressure. And her colleagues seemed have not to like her much as someone superior at work.
Well, her dad is the CMO at the branch back home, she had joined at junior executive at the age of 18 and made her way up. Did her dad being CMO helped her growth? You can say that. And she is clearly aware of that fact. But her own superiors did not gave a crap about her dad being CMO at the headquarters or at the branch back home, and she worked hard to be where she is. She gave ten years of her life to the company.
And with her sharing these tid bits with her parents had them have a surprise visit to her place. It ruined her plan with Harry. She haven't told her parents about him yet, though they had a idea there was a boy involved. She doesn't even have the heart to tell Harry the truth.
She was at work and her parents and brother were out that dah exploring the city on a Monday. Harry had went in to visit YN. He looked all cosy and snuggly in his winter clothes and a visitors pass hanging around his neck. He'd brought in lunch for YN.
"Hey!" He greeted her the first thing with a hug as she approached him in the waiting area.
"Hi," she hugged him back, "you look handsome!"
"Thanks, love." He smiled shyly, "you look pretty." He tucked loose strands of her hair behind her ear and fixed the fringes she impulsively got last weekend. No she wasn't drunk.
"Thank you." She had a hold her his arm as if she is nervous to tell him something. It was like when she her parents found out that she snuck a kitten in her school back pack on her way home a day after she did pretty badly on a test. "I have to tell you something."
"Yeah, you want to tell me over the lunch?" He suggested, "it's getting cold."
"Oh, yeah, yeah." She realised he was holding a paper bag with take out food containers. She showed him the way to cafeteria and they both sat down at the table farthest away in the corner.
"What is it you wanted to tell me?" He brought up the topic.
"So, my parents are here." She started but paused for his reaction. He isn't really surprised, he really didn't know how to react.
"And...?" He asked.
"I am sorry we'll have to postpone the lunch, they're staying for two weeks." She shared.
"That's fine, love," he shrugged it off, "don't worry about it."
"I haven't told them about you and I, yet..."
"That's completely fine too." This took YN by surprise. But he's told his entire family about her, he had told his mother about her even though they haven't even made it official yet. Hell, they've only been on two dates.
It's a different story that Harry is completely head over heels for her already, that he ended up telling his mum about her and hence his sister and dad and step mother too. She doesn't have to do the same.
"I don't know what to tell them." She shrugged, "the last time I told them I am seeing this guy in junior college, they grounded me!" She let out a chuckled sigh, feeling embarrassed. And here too, it's a different story she was being delusional just to late find out that boy already was double dating two other girls. So her grounding was to really ground her.
"Hey," Harry switched seats to sit next to her. "It's alright, I know we haven't made things official yet but we haven't had the chance to have that conversation yet."
"Do you want to make it official?" She asked carefully, looking at him through her lashes. "It's been pretty official to me."
"I'd love nothing more than that!" He grinned a toothy smile as he placed a kiss on the apple of her cheek. She held up her pinky, he hooked his own around hers. "But do take your time to tell your parents about me and us, there is no rush."
"You're just too perfect, stop!" She hugged his arm making him giggle. She was honestly too nervous about telling him that her parents do jot have any idea about him, but no more than telling the people who birthed her that she is dating a white man. A British white man to be exact!
"I try." He giggled.
They had a good time during her lunch break. YN went back home that evening and decided to tell her parents while she prepared for dinner with her dad. Well, surprisingly her dad was the easiest to handle, he doesn't get angry easily. Her mother on the other hand, she is a tough time. So she decided to tell her dad who will later handle his wife in his own way, he can take all her wrath for his only daughter.
"Well, I knew." Her dad told her, "Jerin told me that there was a lad visiting you today on lunch." He emphasised on the word 'lad' making her chuckle. "Why don't you invite him over for dinner this weekend? Of course, if he is ready."
"You sure?" She asked cautiously.
"Yeah. I'll tell you mother later on." He assured her.
It was Saturday, and least to say YN's mother was just dealing with it. Given the fact her daughter is dating a British guy. She did not approved that. She would rather her daughter marry an Indian guy from a well sophisticated family. But she was willing to put up with this dinner for YN.
Harry on the other hand was lowkey panicking. He had been ranting about this to his therapist for entire week. His nerves were all time high, though he was pretty good at hiding it. He had picked out a pretty semi formal outfit for the evening, a baby blue dress shirt, and black dress pants, with a pair or his faux leather shoes, he chose to wear just few of his rings leaving out his initials rings. He didn't wanted to seem narcissistic on the first meeting with his girlfriend's parents.
He picked up a bouquet of flowers for the mother of his lady, and a rose for her. When he finally got upto her flat, he could hear the laughs and commotion coming from inside of the house. It definitely did calmed his nerves down a bit. Her family seemed a little inviting already, even though he is just a door away from them. He rung the bell, and a few seconds later a young man opened the door.
"You must be Harry?" He said, "I am Veer, YN's brother. Come on in!" He moved aside so Harry can get in. "Please take off your shoes, YN just cleaned her entire flat today."
"Oh, okay." He nodded. And just as they entered the living room, he saw YN on standing on the edge of the backrest of her sofa which was pushed against the wall, hanging up pictures frames. She clearly looked a bit frustrated, her eye bags gave it away. She still looked gorgeous, dressed in an oversized beige jumper and a pair of loose fit jeans and her Cars socks. Her hair tied up with a claw clip on the back of her head. She had just one of the picture hug up before Harry caught her eye and she turned red in embarrassment. There was still a pile of frames stacked up on the coffee table.
Her flat was pretty small for four people to live in, but perfectly too bit for one person. Given all he knows her family is staying with her at her place. The living room was small and cosy, and door which lead to the bedroom. A kitchen which he missed by the hallway. It was all cute, and interior reflected YN's personality in it.
YN quickly got down from the sofa and approached him. "I am sorry about that."
"It's alright, love." He told her calmly.
"This is my mother, Harry. And Mumma this is Harry." YN introduced both of them. Harry went to approach her mother carefully and have her the bouquet of flowers.
"Nice to meet you, Mrs. YLN."
"Thank you for these Harry, and like wise." The lady smiled. Which took YN by surprise. "And this is Veer, YN's brother."
"Yeah, we met at the door." Veer said, "go on, why don't tou meet dad he's in the kitchen."
"Oh, yes!" YN grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him back towards the hallway he just came in from and to the kitchen.
There the man was, a look alike of his girlfriend. Gray hair and beard kept clean and nice, a pink appron wrapped around his waist as he cooked up some amazing food.
"Papa, meet Harry!" YN announced, "Harry this is my dad."
"Hello sir, nice to meet you!" Harry smiled shyly as he approached with a handshake, but YN's dad surprised him with a hug.
"Nice to meet you too Harry." YN's dad said patting his back. "So Harry, do you like to cook?"
"I am not very well at cooking I'm afraid, but I can cook some pasta dishes." He shared, "this smells very fragrant, I should say!"
"Papa is the best cook ever," YN started, "his best dish is the Chicken Pulao he makes, since you're vegetarian he's just making veg today."
"That's very considerate, thank you!" He again smiled shyly.
"You kids go out and have fun, food is almost ready." YN's dad suggested, "we'll have a chat over dinner."
"Sure, you want any help?" YN asked to which her dad declined. She took a hold of Harry's hand and walked him out.
"Harry you want to see YN's baby pictures?" Veer announced.
"Oh god!" YN groaned rolling her eyes as she followed Harry to the sofa, he quietly handed her the rose he got her.
He sat down as Veer shared back stories of each of YN's baby pictures. He got to know YN is the youngest, she's got yet another older brother is stuck at work unfortunately. There was a family picture frame where YN seemed to be around 22-23, she had worn a gorgeous black sparkly saree with a slick back bun and a bold burgundy lip. Oh how Harry was smitten again!
Another picture from the same day with both of her brothers. And a few other pictures pf her with her niece and baby nephew. The reason behind all these pictures was her mother who didn't wanted her daughter to feel alone all the way in another continent. Which is very sweet in Harry's opinion. It's a rather good option to stay grounded when you can see pictures of people who you love and who love you everyday.
Soon the dinner was ready and least to say, Harry felt very welcomed in her family. He felt all his worries melt away the more he got to know her parents. Yeah, her mum is a little tough but she is like a marshmallow inside who loves her daughter dearly.
Harry also noticed YN had the tose he got her tucked over her right ear nicely. She looked adorable that way.
Again he did not wanted the night to come to an end but he had to leave, he's got to go studio the very next morning. YN walked him back to his car.
"It was fun meeting your parents, your dad is amazing!" Harry shared.
"Seems he already likes you, more than me might I add." YN giggled.
"What about your mum, she did not seemed much impressed by me, did I do something wrong?"
"Don't worry about her, she'll come around." YN assured him. "I don't want you to go though!"
"Trust me baby, I don't want to leave either." Harry sighed as he leaned back on his car reaching out to pull her closer with his hands on her hips. "We'll spend the next weekend together, yeah?"
"Yup!" She nodded, "thank you for the flower, it's very pretty!"
"You make it look prettier." He swears he's falling in with this girl every passing micro second, he's just too nervous confess just yet. His compliment made her blush though, "anyway, will I be able to see you in a saree in person?"
She squinted her eyes as if she is thinking hard. "Maybe if you're lucky. One day, yeah."
"Oh if I am lucky?" He raised his eyebrows acting surprised, "aren't I lucky now? Have got you in my arms."
YN's awkward senses kicked in as her nose scrunched up to mock him, "you are lucky, yeah!"
Harry let put a defeated sigh, "I don't want to leave."
"You have got an album to make." YN pouted sadly looking at him with puppy eyes behind her glasses. "I have be up early tomorrow as well, apparently my dad's got a surprise which requires getting up early."
"Well do share with me what the surprise is." He said to which she nodded, they stayed in silence for a couple of minutes before he impulsively asked her, "can I kiss you?" It's shocking? Not really, they haven't kissed yet. Well, they hardly saw one another.
YN reaction was holding back an embarassed laugh covering her mouth, "I haven't done before, so sorry if I suck. But yes, you can kiss me!" That made Harry giggle.
"You are adorable!" He went in for the kiss sliding up one his hand on the back of her head. He pressed his lips on hers gently, in a closed mouth lips which lingered longer than YN anticipated. "See it was amazing!" He announced again making her hide her fave in his chest. "Alright, you're making it harder for me to leave now."
"It's working then." She mumbled again the fabric of his shirt. "Okay, okay I'll let you go now. But text me when you get home yeah?"
"You know I will." He pressed a kiss on her hair. She reluctantly pulled away from him and took a few steps backwards before she was running back into her building.
Now it's been a couple of more months. Harry birthday passed by. He got to finally take YN to see his mum and sister, he said he'd take her to see his dad some other time as he seemed to be busy around that time.
Harry was invited to one his best friend's birthday and album released party. Ed Sheeran, his best friend. To which of course he decided to go, he asked his girlfriend to be his date. It was going to big party at one Ed's Villa. It was a themed party, everyone was supposed to wear something black.
So Harry put on one his simpler suit, styled up his hair and put on some nice cologne, got a rose for on the way. He went over to pick up his girl. He went upto her flat instead amd what he saw left him in complete and utter awh!
There she was wearing the same saree he saw her wearing in those pictures few months ago. She looked exactly as stunning in those pictures, or somehow even more. This time she had her hair pulled up in a low slick bun, and wore a smokey eye look and the same bold burgundy lip. God he could kiss her right then and there!
So he did, he pulled her in a big smooch on her mouth. "God, you look stunning baby!"
"Thank you!" She smiled shyly, "oh can you please help me get this?" She turned around and there was a top hook left opened which she couldn't get, so he helped her with it.
"Also, I'm gonna do this." He placed the rose carefully on the side of bun. He'd especially asked the florist to cut the stem short because he's figured YN loved wearing roses he gets her.
"Aw, that's cute, I'm gonna go look at it!" She bunny jogged to her bedroom and came back out just as quickly. "It looks so nice!"
"It does indeed." He agreed grinning ear to ear.
"Okay let me wear my shoes and we can leave." She clapped her hands silently and was hopping her way to her shoe rack before he stopped her.
"And where is your coat, miss?" He asked.
"Oh, I don't need that. It'll ruin my look!" She whined as she looked for her shoes.
"Nuh-uh, we're not going anywhere unless you wear your coat. It's fucking freezing outside, don't want you getting sick. Get your coat or a cardigan at least." He insisted, but firmly. He seriously wouldn't budge, he'd got to know her well in these five months that she gets sick way too easily. Like every month she has to catch a fever or a cold.
She slump walked to her room and got a coat, which he helped put on. And once she put on her shoes they were headed out. Harry drove her to the party.
"I can't believe I am casually going to Ed Sheeran's birthday party!" She fangirled in the car. And even told Harry about how she impulsively bought very expensive looking tickets to his shows, two of them so she is not alone and can drag her friend along. She had just started her new job at the very minimal salary. More than half of her monthly salary went into buying those tickets (the nosebleeds!!) and she gradually saved up enough to book a hotel room and train tickets as the concert was in another city. Those were best chaotic three months of her life.
Finally Harry stopped in front of the venue. It was a party thrown by Ed's manager and least to say the mans did not shy back on spending money. There were valet for every guest. YN felt at ease now knowing she won't be over dressed.
She enjoyed the party would be an understatement, she had a blast. Especially Harry introduced her to Ed in person, her inner fangirl did not shy off. YN was bursting with joy when they left the party.
"Oh my god! I actually got to meet him!" She fangirled on her way back to Harry's car with a little hop to her walk.
Harry was just happy to see her happy and bubbly. They finally stopped by his car by the passenger side, he pulled in close with his hands on her back, under her coat softly caressing her exposed skin.
"Did you enjoyed yourself?" He asked, moving in closer.
"I actually had a blast!" She exclaimed again making him giggle.
"Haven't got to kiss you all day." He pouted sharing. He was actually hesitant of ruining her makeup, thinking her lipstick might smudge or something.
"I was with you the whole evening, why didn't you?" She looked at him confused but could feel her heart melt.
"Don't want to ruin your makeup and smudge up your lipstick." He looked at her with puppy eyes.
"You know I wouldn't have mind, plus my lipstick is tranfer proof." She shared watching his fave lit up.
"Why didn't you tell me that before!" He gasped, and the next thing YN knew was feeling his lips on hers in a needy kiss.
In that moment he knew, he loved her.
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pinazee · 5 months
First season wrap up:
Okay, to start, i should mention my general opinion on first seasons for shows, especially cable shows, is not to read too much of it as canon. The writers, producers, actors- everyone- are all trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t, so i give them latitude, particularly when it conflicts with later seasons. That being said, i do enjoy jumping through the hoops to make it all fit haha
So heres a few leftover notes i had as i revisited the eps to rank them:
I bet part of Lassie was craving the father figure in Henry, since we find out later his own father passed away when he was quite young. I wonder if thats part of the reason why he became a cop, as they are portrayed as the protectors and in the 80’s they were mainly men (i don’t really remember if he states his reason later, i suspect he did and im just not remembering). So when Henry didn’t meet up to the expectation he had in his mind, i bet it hurt a little more as it reminded him of what he lost :/
I think the other reason Shawn plays dumb so much, besides hiding his genius so ppl believe hes psychic, or for laughs, is because its how he gets people talking. Like in Shawn vs. the red phantom, he purposely guessed the wrong room number so the boys would correct him. My apologies if someones pointed this out before, i haven’t combed through the internet for everyone’s theories 😬 i only now noticed. I’m not the quickest at picking these things up lol
If i had to guess, Shawn didn’t want to be a cop for halloween, he probably wanted to be something star wars related to go with Gus’s Lando. So i wonder at what age Shawn stopped trying to please his dad. But also, why didn’t his mother ever stand up for him?? I’ll come back to her later -_-
I somehow missed it the first time, but shawn clearly asked Gus to come to the dinner and Gus even points out that it was a big deal for henry to reach out. Soo, yeah, shawn obviously didn’t wanna be alone with his dad, and even henry seemed nervous about it as hes pretty drunk.
Shawn has a right to be afraid of pointy things, his dad hid his easter eggs under glass when he was 6! Not to mention he later gets stabbed 3 times! (Also its just a legitimate fear???)
So far the list of Shawns knowledge (things i wouldn’t expect an average person to know) includes (beyond the obvious observational skills, deductive reasoning, reading people (poker), and all things police (marksmanship, police codes, etc.)):
Incredible spatial and physical reasoning skills (knowing how much money could fit in the duffle bag, knowing to rotate the water pitcher to catch the reflection from the tv)
Kurt Vonnegut (well, I didn’t know who he was at least)
How to spell aggiornamento (and probably all words because of his photographic memory)
Handwriting expert
Casually spoke and understood german
Has every road he’s driven mapped in his brain, and likely all of Santa Barbara
Familiar with paint (enough to know to mix latex enamel for no messy drips)
Animal tracks (i went back and forth on this but ultimately decided he must have known what to look for)
And heres a list of Gus’s niche interests:
Spelling bee
Safe cracking
Historic rifles
Comic books
Astronomy (even though he was going to the planetarium for the girl)
Local tennis
Online poker
Lastly, Ive decided instead of ranking them, im putting them in tiers. I feel like too many of them are hitting at the same level and I can’t differentiate:
Sweetest, Juiciest Golden Pineapple Tier
Scary Sherry, Biancas toast (ohmygod i just got the biancas toast 🤦🏽‍♀️)
Blue Psych Logo Tier
Weekend warriors
Forget me not
From the earth to starbucks
Poker? I hardly know her! (Sorry @pineapple-psychic!)
Pepto Bismo Pink Tier
Spelling bee
She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me oops hes dead
Who ya gonna call?
Shawn vs the red phantom
Oops Canadian Flag Tier
Cloudy with a chance of murder
9 lives
Game set muuurder
Speak now or forever hold your piece
Woman seeking dead husband, smokers okay, no pets
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soft-mafia · 6 months
Buggy Shenanigans[Buggy x Reader]
warnings: fem reader, nsfw, smut, dry rubbing, nsfw drabbles mixed with fluff, scent kink, blowjobs, slight daddy kink, face fucking, barely proofread
a/n: just little short shots of Buggy and Y/n on the ship. I’ve also run out of pictures to use as borders😔sorry if this post seems a bit bare
Buggy was throwing another party on the ship, shoving his face with pasta and getting sauce all over him, almost like a child. You could barely tell what was pasta sauce and what was his clown makeup, it was adorable nonetheless. Y/n was sitting on his lap as she always would.
“You are such a messy eater…” Y/n commented, to which Buggy replied with a wide grin after swallowing another forkful of pasta.
“You would know.” He replied, then laughed after seeing her reaction to him flicking his tongue at her.
“Let’s see if I can break this in half.” Buggy said with a wide grin as he grabbed a metal rod. He was trying to break things to impress Y/n, as stupid as it sounded it seemed like it was working, she was giggling and paying attention to him. Even though it was childish, Y/n had to admit the way Buggy’s muscles flexed and tense every time he broke something was hot. And it was impressive how many things he could break.
“OW!!” Buggy screeched, “I PULLED MY SHOULDER!!” He fell to his knees, grasping his shoulder. Y/n quickly rushed to his side and wrapped her arm around him, “Aww! Do you need ice?”
Buggy pouted as he sat on a barrel, feeling embarrassed as he had an ice pack resting on his shoulder. Y/n kissed him on the cheek, “Rest your arm for the next few days and you should be fine.” She said as she held his face in her hand.
“I just wanted to impress you…” he grumbled. Y/n giggled and gave him another kiss at his temple, “What? You think you didn’t?” She gently squeezed his arm muscles on his good arm, making his cheeks go red, “My strong man~”
Y/n was on her knees, face pressed up against Buggy’s crotch as he held her there firmly. He rubbed her face around the outline of his cock and she could smell the musk coming off of him. She whimpered as he rubbed her lips over the bulge of his base, looking up at him with smeared mascara.
He let out a low chuckle, an elbow resting on his arm rest. He was supposed to be charting a map right now, but Y/n walked in at the perfect time. All he had to do was tell her to get on her knees and she obeyed. As he continued to rub his erection with her face, she got more of that musky smell. She knew he rarely ever bathed, but the scent was so strong near his crotch, it made her tremble and weirdly enough it turned her on.
Buggy groaned and leaned his head back, cock throbbing in his boxers, he hooked his leg around Y/n and used his foot to push her body closer to his seat. He pressed her face in deeper, making her let out another whimper that sent vibrations through his boner. “Good girl, good girl…” Buggy grunted, his muscles tensed when he came.
He unzipped his trousers and fished his cock out, letting her lick all of the cum off of his cock, then making her lick it off from his boxers. Buggy couldn’t get enough of the sight, her sucking and licking the cum off of his underwear was the hottest thing he’d ever seen.
When they first got together, Buggy avoided kisses. Well, she could kiss him all she wanted, but he never returned them and he never let her go as far as to kiss him on the mouth. It made her feel bad, but he always had an excuse, “Ehhh… bad breath.” “I just drank.” Or, “Oh, I just ate *your least favorite food.”
One day she was determined to finally kiss him on the lips. Buggy walked up to her, excited about a new map they found after pillaging, but in the middle of his hyperactivity, Y/n leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips. However, as her lips pressed against his, his nose also pressed against her face—
That took Y/n off guard and she pulled back, “What was that?” She blinked. Buggy was red in the face, his eyes widened. After a long moment of silence, he then growled and began to grumble, “OH JUST GREAT!! Go ahead!! Go ahead and dump me because of my stupid nose!!” He shouted at her, “Yeah, it honks!! Laugh it up!!”
Y/n quickly had to calm him down, “Buggy- it’s not that big of a deal, I thought it was cute!!”
Buggy was taken aback, “C-Cute?” His face increasingly got redder, he then growled and stormed off, “You’re crazy!!” He shouted while gripping the map in his hands as he tried to hide how flustered he was.
“Put some more sugar in there.” Buggy said as his head loomed over Y/n’s shoulder, his body was busy mixing together the ingredients for the icing.
“No, Buggy. That’s gonna ruin the cookies.” Y/n said as she read the instructions from a cookbook they found on a candy island they stopped by. “Since when has sugar ever ruined anything?!” Buggy scoffed.
“It’s about the distribution of ingredients or whatever. Putting too much of one thing in will ruin everything.” Y/n replied to him, “Are you done with the icing- STOP EATING ALL OF IT!!” She said when she caught Buggy scooping a huge glob of icing into his mouth. Y/n quickly rushed over to the bowl Buggy was supposed to be mixing, only to discover that the bowl was almost empty, “BUGGY!”
“What?! It was only a couple of spoonfuls!” Buggy tried to defend himself, but the bright pink substance around his lips told a different story. “Literally all of the icing is gone!”
“Not all of it…” Buggy mumbled, to which Y/n replied by throwing the bowl in his face.
Y/n held the base of Buggy’s cock in her hands, she bit her lip as she dragged her finger along the base of it, then giggled as she watched it pulse subtly. Buggy groaned as he sat across the room at his desk, inking a map.
“Stop teasing me! I’m trying to work.” He grunted, cheeks red with his brows furrowed. Y/n just giggled and ran her tongue along his slit that dripped with precum, Buggy shuddered and let out a groan behind grit teeth. He slammed his fist down on the desk and growled, “Y/n!! Don’t make me come over there!!”
“Or what?” Y/n tested, giving his balls a soft lick. With another growl, Buggy stood up and walked over to Y/n, making sure to unzip his pants so he could connect his penis back to his body once he was close enough. Suddenly, he grabbed the back of Y/n’s head and forced her mouth around his tip as she gasped. He let out a soft, maniac laugh as he pushed her head down deeper, he then leaned his head back and groaned. “Oh yeah… that’s much better.” He growled lowly as he looked back down at her.
Y/n gagged and whimpered around his cock, looking up at him with wide eyes as he got her down to the base, her nose pressed up against that wild fluff of dark blue pubic hair. He then grabbed either side of her face and began to move her back and forth, thrusting his hips along with those movements. Y/n’s gags and moans sent vibrations through his body, making his teeth clench as he let out more soft grunts and groans of pleasure. It didn’t take long for him to cum in her mouth, and by that point he had her how he liked her— mascara running down her face and her lips flushed and plump, wet with saliva and cum.
Buggy zipped up his pants and let out a relieved sigh, “Ahhh… that hit the spot.” He grinned innocently, “Let this be a lesson—” he firmly grabbed her chin and made her look up at him, “Don’t bother daddy while he’s working.”
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engie-ivy · 2 years
“About bloody time! Merlin, I’m glad it’s finally out in the open! I’ve been telling Sirius to come clean about his feelings for you, and just tell you how madly in love he is, for like a year now.”
James forgets mistletoe is a thing and jumps to conclusions.
Keep Kissing Me Under the Mistletoe
Merry Christmas - Ed Sheeran and Elton John
James checks the clock.
It’s almost twenty past three, which means Remus is almost twenty minutes late. James is supposed to help him with his Transfiguration essay, and it’s nothing like Remus to forget.
James wishes, not for the first time, he brought the Map, so he could check where the hell Remus is. He’s just about to leave when Remus comes rushing into the library.
“Sorry, Prongs! I got... hold up.”
James stares at Remus. “Blimey, Moony! What the hell happened to you?”
Remus looks flustered, his clothes are ruffled and his hair is messy, sticking up in all directions, like someone has been running their hands through it.
Remus grins a tad awkwardly, trying to look nonchalant, but not quite meeting James’ eyes. “Sirius just kissed me.”
James blinks a couple of times, but then a huge grin breaks out on his face. “About bloody time! Merlin, I’m glad it’s finally out in the open! I’ve been telling Sirius to come clean about his feelings for you, and just tell you how madly in love he is, for like a year now. That guy is so smitten, it was starting to get quite frustrating to watch him pine after you.”
Remus looks at him wide-eyed, his mouth opening and closing a couple of times, before he exclaims “James! We got stuck under that enchanted mistletoe from Mary!”
“Oh,” James says eloquently. “Right. Mistletoe. I had forgotten that was a thing. Strange tradition really, don’t you think so? I wonder who invented it. Or, well, a plant isn’t invented, of course. I mean the tradition. Who would-”
“Can we please go back to the part where you were telling me that Sirius is madly in love with me?!” Remus interrupts.
James taps his chin. “Interesting proposal, but may I counter that with a suggestion that we pretend that never happened instead?”
“Oh no.” Remus places his hands on his hips. “You can’t tell me something like that and then expect me to forget about it!”
“Come on, Moony!” James pleads. “I’ll be the worst best friend ever!”
“Oh no, what did you do now?”
Remus and James turn around to see Sirius standing there, carrying Remus’ Transfiguration book, which he must’ve forgotten in the... consternation.
“Nothing, we were just-”
“James told me you’re madly in love with me!”
“Remus!” James glares at Remus.
“James!” Sirius glares at James. “How could you! I trusted you!”
“It wasn’t like that!” James protests, before angrily turning back to Remus. “You’re twisting my words!”
“It’s literally what you said!”
“Well, taking my words out of context then!”
“What context?”
“The context that I didn’t know there was a mistletoe involved!” James exclaims.
“That’s no context!”
“Yes, it is!”
“How then does it change anything about the meaning of what you said?” Remus demands.
“Maybe not the meaning, but the reasoning behind it.”
“That’s not what ‘taking out of context’ even-”
“By all means!” Sirius says loudly. “Continue your little semantic discussion! If anyone needs me, I’ll be crawling into a hole and dying.”
Remus turns to Sirius and studies him. “So that’s why you were so... enthusiastic under the mistletoe.”
Sirius shrugs. “I thought it’d be my one chance to ever kiss you, so I guess I wanted to make it count. And,” His cheeks slightly redden as he continues. “I was hoping, if I made it really, really good, maybe you’d want to do it more often.” He looks down at his feet before quickly adding “And then marry me in an intimate ceremony in your parents’ backyard, buy a cosy cottage on the Welsh countryside together, adopt five dogs and live happily ever after.”
Remus bursts out laughing. “Oh, Padfoot,” he says, wiping at his eyes. “You’re so wonderfully ridiculous. It might be a bit soon for that last bit, but as for the first one part,” he steps close to Sirius and gently places a hand on his cheek, stroking it softly with his thumb. “I’d say you succeeded pretty well.”
“And it’s all thanks to me!” James exclaims.
Sirius scoffs, but soon finds it’s hard to be mad at James when Remus is leaning in to press his lips against his.
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