#sorry not sorry but. u guys know me. Most of these will likely be sparklez family based
apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
I run until I begin to understand (what holy men really mean)
the handwriting within is familiar, almost as if he's seen it before. that can't be, though, as the leather-bound journal looks to be nearly 50 years old, at least, and from the sheer amount of dust and cobwebs he'd shaken from it, it must've been hiding back here for at least half as long as that. most of it is written in a shimmery purple ink, although certain parts have since been crossed out with a deep black, rendering them illegible. the front page only reads, "captain's log." there are no dates, only days, resetting once after day 100 and ending abruptly after day 110.
tubbo realizes the crossed out sections must have once been names, and can't help but wonder if that was the doing of the original owner, or another person entirely. there is one name—or, more accurately, one title—that hasn't been crossed out, almost as if the person who did it didn't have the heart to go through with it.
"My Lady," it reads, causing something ineffable to tug on tubbo's heart.
tubbo has never considered himself a religious man. maybe, at the start of it all, he could've been, but after all the war and bloodshed he's seen, he can't find it in himself to believe in anything but a cold, uncaring void. when he stumbles into an old, tattered journal in the depths of eret's archive, though, he begins to reconsider that stance, setting out to return it to its original owner, and maybe get some answers along the way, even if they don't end up being the ones he was looking for.
[send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i would write to go with it]
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The 11 Facts tag
Rules : Tell your followers 11 random facts about yourself and tag 11 people.
@bryony-raylene Thank you for tagging me~! Sorry it took me a long time to answer this. Midterms has been kiiling my brain and soul. OTL
1. I suck so much in math. That’s the only subject that I have a line of 7 grade back when I was in highschool. (TAT)
 2. I really hate overcrowded places because I’m a smol potato and I’m easily swallowed up by the crowd.
3. I’m the only child in our family so I’m glad that my parents made an effort to let me get to know my relatives expecially my cousins back when I was a kid. Now they’re like brothers and sisters to me and it makes my life a little less lonely at home because I have people to hang out with.
4.I didnt really want to keep cats as my pets since my parents hates them, but then once I gave them food they just wont leave. So fastforward eight years after, they’re already the fluffy kings of the house and my parents don’t have any choice but to love them.
5. I love traveling long trips late  night because there’s no traffic, it’s less noisy, the freezing wind is really refreshing, and the stars and moon are out. I can’t help but feel relaxed and temporarily forget my problems.
6. I mentioned this over and over about how I love books. But what I’m really addicted to are stories with zombies in it! (>U<) I have been hoarding lots of ebooks about them XD. So far my favorite is World War Z (it’s makes me sad that the actual movie is totally different from the book. TuT )
 7. My wi-fi connection is limited at home so instead of streaming I just download movies or  kpop videos (esp. now that Monsta X Ray is already airing and it takes like an hour to dl OTL) in school. Yep, the struggle is real.
 8. I love listening to Daeho, Eric Nam, & Jason Ray song covers and watching 1 Million dance choreographies.
9. Back when I had unli wi-fi at home I used to binge watch Domics, Jeffrey Fever, Pewdiepie, and Buzzfeed videos all day during summer.
10. I mass dl Monsta X fanfics, but up till now I don’t have the courage to read most of it because 1) fluff overload would kill me *coughs* showhyuk *coughs* 2) angst rips my hear out ESP. MAJOR CHARACTER DEATHS. ✿ <~THIS RIPPED MY HEART OUT 
11) I love super love listening to song covers by Utaites. They are people who create song covers of Vocaloid songs. The thing that I love about Utaites is that most of them don’t divulge their identity so they remain a mystery and it stops anyone from judging their quality as a singer based on their looks.
Here are few of my favorites utaites with my favorite song covers from them (please give their songs a try and it gets even better if there is an english sub on the video):
Glutamine- Glow
ShounenT( aka Sako Tomohisa who sang )- Calc & From Y to Y
Clear- Nee
Nero- Souzuo Forest
 I’m gonna tag @minmoongie93 @ameehhhhh @ghoul-idol @cookieangelwonho @to-move-on-means-to-grow @hwn-hs @sukiiieee @m-b-b @mon-army @mon-army @attack-on-sparklez
I want to know more about you guys~! (UuU) But it’s okay if you don’t want to do it. ^^
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