#sorry replier person this is a bit heated but like. not at you specifically just the arguments you make lmao i am Not A Fan of them
butwhatifidothis · 2 years
Covering their names just in case but
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Explain CF then.
Byleth sides with Edelgard before the timeskip. Byleth chooses Edelgard’s violent ways of disposing of Rhea, which are extremely similar to Hopes!Claude’s way of disposing of Rhea (invade the Kingdom that gave her refuge and kill her). So if Byleth is the key factor here in Claude choosing or not choosing to enact violence onto Rhea, then why would Byleth themselves choosing violence not thus influence Claude to enact violence? Why would Claude oppose Edelgard for the entire war, up until she quite literally forces him out of Fodlan altogether?
Byleth would’ve clearly lost Rhea’s approval after siding with the one side of Fodlan trying to murder her, which would mean that Claude would’ve also, by this logic, been influenced to also try to murder her since now there’s no successor to take on Fodlan after Rhea. If his Hopes and 3H versions were genuinely in line with each other, then CF!Claude would’ve joined Edelgard off the rip. If Claude feels that Byleth not being approved by Rhea would make him get rid of her by force... then why does Byleth not getting approved by Rhea NOT make him get rid of her by force?
Like, I can post shit that comes from WC, VW, AM, SS, I can even post shit he mentions that happens well before the game’s plot and story. But the thing that arguably most definitively debunks Hopes!Claude’s existence (past Part 2) is actually CF. Rhea is depicted as the big bad that has to be killed to gain peace, Byleth is opposing Rhea and has this be a known fact since before the five year timeskip, and Edelgard - just like she does in Hopes - doesn’t bother talking with Claude even the slightest until AFTER she’d already invaded his land. But despite that, Claude - despite having no wins against the Empire unlike in Hopes, and despite having far fewer people on his side unlike in Hopes, and despite not having to deal with Almyra unlike in Hopes (and in fact having them be straight up ALLIES here who are NEVER said to have invaded during the timeskip) - does. Not. Side. With. Edelgard. 
Despite “but he was under duress from the Empire!” being MORE TRUE IN 3H than in Hopes, and despite Byleth ACTIVELY APPROVING OF KILLING RHEA unlike in Hopes, he doesn’t side with Edelgard! Even to try and trick her! Almost like that ain’t had SHIT to do with why he did or didn’t side with her, and it was HIS BASE MORALS THAT HE HAS IN HIS BASE CHARACTER THAT NO ONE INSTILLED INTO HIM that influenced him to not side with Edelgard! Crazy idea, but Claude’s his own character with his own internal reasoning for doing things that don’t have to necessarily be tied with Byleth, or Rhea, or the Church, or anything or anyone else for him to have!
And also, Hopes!Edelgard may not have ever been the Flame Emperor to the students of Garreg Mach, but “never did fishy things”? Bruh, did you forget the whole part where she
When she invaded the Alliance and Claude says, quote, “The Central Church is headquartered at Garreg Mach. And the fastest way to get there is straight through Alliance territory. So far, the Empire hasn’t tried to negotiate with us at all. Which means they plan to force their way through here”? That thing that Edelgard literally does, and then literally goes on to lie about? Those things that Hopes!Claude just doesn’t give a shit about for no reason, and then GOES ON TO DO HIMSELF TOWARDS THE KINGDOM? 
And Edelgard’s “compromise” isn’t even that great considering that both Claude and Holst know that once the Kingdom is gone the Empire will likely use their superior might to force over majority/complete reign over the Faerghus region before making Leicester into a vassal state. In Hopes!Claude’s own mind, she still doesn’t genuinely respect Leicester as an independent state - he just... doesn’t give a shit about doing anything about that. He just keeps going on mindlessly attacking the Kingdom anyway because, at this point, Who Fuckin’ Cares Lol. 
Hopes!Claude is intrinsically contradictory and thus can not and does not make sense. To himself or to 3H!Claude. His character’s writing is treated with no respect and only has the purpose of “giving something different” without any care put into making that different thing any kind of sensical. Sorry, but I’m just not gonna bother trying to make sense of a character the writers clearly didn’t give a shit about after a very blatant point in their story
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librauxprime-blog · 7 years
Rules and info for Mobile users
Updated 11/23/2017
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- ⚜ — I don’t have too many rules, but more might be added later if needed.
So far I only play Optimus in the Aligned verse, but I might open other verses like G1 depending on how this will go. Not too concerned with verses within Aligned otherwise.
Threads are exclusive to mutuals, so if I’m following you and you’re following me, we can play, though rare exceptions can happen. I reserve the right to choose which threads I play or drop & who I rp with. I won’t follow back everyone, but it’s nothing personal against you.
The blog is Multiship and looking! Not overly picky but interested especially in Megop, Optiratch, Optilita, OptiCee, MagnusPrime, IronPrime, etc. Just ask away!
NSFW-content can happen, but I’ll try to keep them under read-mores and tag them. I WON’T SHIP WITH MINORS!  
Pls trim & tag your posts!
I’ll tag anything you like! All I need tagged is non-rp content. Also, no need to clump them all under one tag, I’ll block each one separately so it’s cool!
Magic!Anons accepted.
Pls no God-modding or anything, try be considerate and I’ll try my best to return the favor.
NO bullying, just in general don’t be a jerk and we should be cool.
I probably won’t participate in threads with heavy subjects like rape or so but I’m open to suggestions.
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- ⚜ — general info
FULL NAME: Optimus Prime of Iacon
TITLE(S): 13th Successive Prime of Cybertron, The Last Prime of Cybertron
ALIAS: Former data clerk in the Iacon Hall of Records, Orion Pax
NICKNAME: Optimus, Prime, (Orion)
OCCUPATION: Leader of the Autobots forces of the Great Cybertronian War
AGE: about 50 million
ETHNICITY: Cybertronian
RELIGION: Believes in Primus and the lore
LANGUAGES: Neocybex, Primal Vernacular, Iaconian and other dialects, English
LOCATION: Former Missile silo in Jasper, Nevada, United States of America, Planet Earth of the Solar System in the Milky Way Galaxy
- ⚜ — physical traits
ALT MODE: Custom Peterbild truck
EYE COLOUR: Icy cyan blue
PAINT: Metal red, metal blue and metal grey
HEIGHT: 31 feet (9.5m)
- ⚜ — personality
INTELLIGENCE: Highly educated, above average intelligence
LIKES: Reading, taking long early morning drives, peace, Ratchet
DISLIKES: Injustice, tyranny, evil, unnecessary suffering, Megatron
DISPOSITION: Stoic, calm, patient, stern but gentle, caring, distant but always present, brave, strong, wise, understanding, informed, hard-working and kind
- ⚜ — relationships
PARENTS: Was born from the Well, raised by Alpha Trion
SIBLINGS: A deceased spark-twin, who never even made it out of the Well. Optimus doesn’t know of him.
EX-PARTNER: Megatron
CHILDREN: None yet (that he knows of) (Smokescreen is his son in one verse)
Hello, call me El :3 
I’m 21+, some weird demigirl, androgynous, genderfluid or something kind of thing (haven’t really figured it out, you can use she/her or they/them of me, I never really cared about that and I don’t care if you call me girl or woman BC I never really understood gender anyway. I’m still learning of this nonbinary stuff despite I’ve had gender dysphoria on and off -and having little logic to it- since my teens and have considered myself multiple nb identities without my knowledge it was even an actual thing until in the past few years. Anyway, all this gender stuff is still kinda weird to me and bit of a sensitive subject because things can get unnecessarily heated around here and tbh if I could choose I’d probably identify as neither cis nor nb at this point but idek) 
I’m from Europe and I speak English as a second language
I’m hyposexual (specifics not very clear at this point, I was asexual romantic at one point in my life, demisexual at another point, aromantic at another point, and definitely none of these at yet another point so ???)
In a relationship!
I’m chronically ill and have a disability which hinders my writing so a fair warning: I’m going to be a slow replier
I have some mental disorders; PTSD, depression and bad anxiety being the most notable ones, and I’m pretty sure I’m also neurodivergent (awaiting assessment, I got clear indicators of APD, ADD and something else which is going to be really fun to try figure out with all my other issues on top and I’m not expecting it to happen without a fight and then some)
I can be really shy so I’m sorry if I don’t always approach you first ;w; I don’t bite though, it’s ok to talk to me!! Thanks for reading!!
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