#sorry sindel
fearxtoxfreedom · 10 months
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when u fist the wife.
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itsamoronha · 3 months
it's funny how some people on this website make better characterizations of the mk characters than the fucking NRS
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cienie-isengardu · 8 months
[MK1] Bi-Han & Kuai Liang. Good brother? Evil brother? Nah, just different reactions to trauma, part 1
Author's note: the first part is not directly focused on Kuai Liang and Bi-Han as characters but at the worldbuilding, our knowledge about Lin Kuei and tradition that shaped Sub-Zero & Scorpion, and Liu Kang's acceptance of things as they are.
Lately it feels like Lin Kuei fandom split into either Bi-Han’s supporters or Kuai Liang’s supporters and the dispute over who is a good brother and who is not is an ongoing issue. This is greatly upsetting because both men have their share of flaws that sometimes fans exaggerate to demonize one or another. For me though, the brotherly conflict is not about who is good and who is bad, not even who is right and who is wrong, but about how two men groomed since childhood to be a living weapon deal with the trauma in totally opposite ways. As in, one is rebelling against the tradition and the other willing to uphold the system. 
With Smoke, the adoptive yet no less traumatized brother, stuck in the middle of that.
Bi-Han and Kuai Liang being survivors of a great psychological and physical abuse is the most true for previous timelines, however hear me out - just because Lin Kuei falls now under Liu Kang’s authority it does not automatically erase the possibility of both brothers experiencing things that no child should. To better illustrate my point, let’s take a moment and look at the Empress Sindel and Umgadi system. 
Sindel in general is presented as the ruler who does not seek an open conflict with Earthrealm and whom Liu Kang openly admires. As Fire Lord said himself, Sindel was destined to “rule Outworld firmly, but fairly” and it is her rule that brings peace to the otherwise conflicted Outworld
Liu Kang, story mode: Its past has been difficult. Though the last thousand years of Empress Sindel's reign have been a true golden age... the memories of that strife still linger.
Sindel's Bio: Her early reign marked the start of a new Golden Age.
That is what the character's Bio and the main story mode outright says or implies about Sindel. 
But then intro dialogues bring a different side of the beloved Queen. The people infected by Tarkat illness are exiled, their property confiscated by Sindel’s edict 
Kitana: When you became ill, your assets were taken? Baraka: As required by your mother's edict, Princess.
and in result forced to slowly die in poverty far away from healthy citizens. Those who sympathize with suffering infected people and won’t “report them for quarantine” are treated like criminals, as was seen when Li Mei and her men disrupted the Royal Family’s procession while leading arrested and tied up people.
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The bad treatment of infected people, according to Mileena and Baraka endings, will improve thanks to the new Empress, who not only reaches a hand to suffering but would go so far to reveal her own illness to reduce social stigma against the sick. Mileena is seen as hot-headed, violent and not the best material for a Queen compared to Sindel, the supposed wise and kind ruler or even compared to her younger sister, Kitana. But it is the brash Empress that would actually make an effort to change her Empire for better.
Similar things can be said about the Umgadi system, which forces Outworld families to give up their first-born daughters for a training that will turn their children into living weapons to uphold the Royal Family’s rule
Liu Kang, story mode: Umgadi, like Tanya, are warrior priestesses... Selected from the first born daughters of Outworld. From infancy, they are trained to defend the royal family."
The daughters in question will never know their biological family or where they were born to ensure their absolute loyalty to the Royal Family, even though not every candidate will finish their training. Once they obtain the title of Umgadi, they can’t marry or be in a relationship, we have no idea if they even are paid anything for their service. So far Li Mei is the only known woman to leave Umgadi, and she did so due to the death of Sindel’s husband for which she was unfairly blamed. And again, the tie-in material implies that the change to Umgadi system will happen because of Mileena, who is willing to reform an organization that is deeply rooted in Edenian tradition, not the “kind and good” Queen Sindel. 
So just because a character is set on the Good Guys Side, it does not mean the said character is crystally good with no flaw at all or that breaking up with tradition is inherently evil, because the tradition alone is just a system of beliefs, practices or behaviors established in the past and passed down from one generation to another within a group of people or society and not a determinant of being good or bad. 
Now, the important thing - Umgadi and Lin Kuei are very similar organizations. The similarities are especially true for old timeline(s) Lin Kuei, as we have more or less idea how training adepts looked through the ages. However, what we learned through sources about Liu Kang’s version of the clan still brings a lot of parallels to Umgadi - and I think we all can agree that objective speaking, the Umgadi system is very unfair to first-born daughters and benefits only the Royal Family.
Through the story mode and intro dialogues, Liu Kang does not question the nature of the Umgadi system. Quite the opposite, the intro between Geras and Tanya suggests that Umgadi was Liu Kang’s innovation
Geras: The Umgadi was one of Liu Kang’s best innovations. Tanya: My order sprung from his mind?
A man who does not see anything wrong with enrolling little girls into never-ending servitude to the Royal Family, logically thinking, won't question the process of making Lin Kuei warriors nor the nature of their duty.
In previous timelines, Bi-Han and Kuai Liang as children were kidnapped and forced into the life of assassins by their own father (original timeline) or unspecified Lin Kuei member, presumably grandfather (alternative timeline). Their choice was to adapt to this hardship or die and so they survived and both became great warriors on their own. The fandom has been torn about their brotherhood for years, as if Bi-Han was a good brother or not. Personally, I do not think this was even a matter of one brother being inherently good and another inherently evil, as both men are the result of the abusive environment in which they grew up. And I truly can’t stress this enough - Bi-Han and Kuai Liang were survivors of great abuse and pathology more than anything else. 
Now, in Liu Kang’s timeline Bi-Han and Kuai Liang were born into a place of power, as both are sons of Grandmaster. Sub-Zero as the oldest was meant to inherit the leadership once his father would pass away, or possibly abdicate. So in theory, Fire Lord improved the living of both brothers. However, the same as the previous, both men weren’t given a choice, as Lin Kuei clan is bound to serve Earthrealm while their existence is kept in secret. 
Liu Kang said: “The Lin Kuei is a centuries old clan dedicated to Earthrealm’s defense” while Sub-Zero’s Bio adds “As the Lin Kuei's Grandmaster, Sub-Zero leads his ancient warrior clan in the defense of Earthrealm from external threats. For centuries, it has been their solemn task” and this is the tradition that will define the whole life of Bi-Han and Kuai Liang. Because they, as sons of Grandmaster, were expected to uphold and continue that service.
We do not have a full picture of how Lin Kuei daily life or training looks like in Liu Kang’s timeline, but the sources give some idea. And so we have an examples from story mode
Scorpion to Kung Lao: We're trained differently. It takes years to master our ways." 
and intro dialogues
Sub Zero: The Lin Kuei are trained from childhood.
confirming both brothers were prepared for their role as Earthrealm Defenders (Liu Kang’s Special Forces) since they were children. Scorpion’s words alone brings another vital clue, as “trained differently” is what distinguishes both brothers from Liu Kang’s chosen Champions. We could see a glimpse of that during the Lin Kuei mission in Ying Fortress, as both Sub-Zero and Scorpion did not hesitate to kill their enemy and Kuai Liang’s “fit of rage” illustrates well how brutal Lin Kuei can be in a fight.
As story mode and intro dialogues point out, Lin Kuei weren’t trained for the glorious yet honorable Mortal Kombat Tournament, as members of this clan have never been chosen to represent Earthrealm
Kitana: Why are Lin Kuei never Earthrealm champions? Sub-Zero: So that Outworld doesn't lose every tournament.
but they were trained to eliminate any threat to Earthrealm’s safety, be it by killing or capturing those whose activity concerned Liu Kang. As could be seen with the Lin Kuei brothers mission to capture Shang Tsung.
Intro dialogue Sub-Zero vs Reiko adds another detail about process of making Lin Kuei warriors:
Sub-Zero: To kill, one must be cold-blooded. Reiko: My veins are as iced as yours, Sub-Zero.
Thus we may assume Lin Kuei training was not just about a physical aspect but psychological one as well. Both brothers were prepared from childhood to kill - while that was never demanded from Earthrealm Champions. In story mode Liu Kang said:
“No tournament participant has ever been grievously injured or killed."
“I would never send my champions unwittingly into mortal kombat."
so I assume the reason Liu Kang send his Champions to search for Shang Tsung was A) threat of the sorcerer that wasn’t supposed to learn magic in the first place and B) they were in Outworld, so he couldn’t call for Lin Kuei without Sindel’s knowledge.
Another detail about Lin Kuei comes from Scorpion vs Nitara intro dialogue
Nitara: Had you ever known hunger, you wouldn't judge us. Scorpion: I have, and I will.
and though we don’t have an idea if Kuai Liang was forced to endure hunger due to training - as happened in old version of Lin Kuei according to Mortal Kombat novel by Jeff Rovin:
 Many young people died during training: some could not hold their breath for five minutes and drowned, others weren’t fast enough to avoid the weapons of the masters, some starved or froze or dehydrated when they were stranded, naked, in deserts or on mountaintops and told to make their way home. But those who survived were the Lin Kuei.
Or was that a reference to economic problems of Scorpion’s clan, which at some point faced so great famine that it touched even the son(s) of the ruling family. Whatever the case, it gives us a sense of hardship endured by Lin Kuei members.
This leads us to another detail - father’s teaching (tradition) mentioned by Kuai Liang and Tomas through the story mode:
Kuai Liang: Glory? We fight for duty.
Tomas: Our clan doesn't govern. It serves.
while intro dialogues adds
Raiden: The Lin Kuei won't be allowed to govern. Sub-Zero: We will not be frozen out, Raiden.
Furthermore it is important to note that every Liu Kang’s Champion had their own life outside the fighting - Johnny was an actor, Kung Lao and Raiden were farmers, Kenshi was Yakuza on path to redemption and saving his clan. Lin Kuei? Not so much, as Bi-Han’s Bio points out Sub-Zero leads his ancient warrior clan in the defense of Earthrealm from external threats. For centuries, it has been their solemn task. 
After the Tournament, the Champions easily will return to their life - in the case of Johnny, benefit greatly by making his own movies based on the events, while the Lin Kuei would come back to the never ending training in preparation to defend Earthrealm and repeating the cycle by pushing their children into the same service. And it would go like that for generations, if not for the Titan Shang Tsung’s meddling that interrupted the “natural” order of things.
Let’s establish another thing - namely Lin Kuei duty in recent centuries.
Sub-Zero’s Bio suggest the Earthrealm hasn’t be threatened in generations:
But Earthrealm hasn’t been threatened in generations, and Sub-Zero sees no point in limiting his clan to preparing for dangers that may never come. Under his leadership, the Lin Kuei will come out of the shadows and fight for its place as one of Earthrealm’s great nations.
This lack of need to dispatch Lin Kuei to eliminate threat is supported by intro dialogues:
Reptile: The battle against the sorcerers was your first real fight. Smoke: It was a baptism by fire, Syzoth.
Kenshi: How is it you haven't been to Outworld? Scorpion: Earthrealm's defense has never required it.
However Bi-Han alone suggest something else:
Story mode: After years of idleness, it pleases me to again face kombat."
And so do the information about their mother:
Sindel: Both your parents were excellent fighters. Scorpion: I can only hope to live up to their example.
Sindel in another intro says, she knew the previous Grandmaster 
Sindel: I knew your father. He was a great man. Sub-Zero: Yet he never understood the Lin Kuei's potential.
So I think it is safe to assume Sindel was familiar enough with Bi-Han and Kuai Liang’s mother to praise her skills and is not just praising her out of politeness. But the thing is, Kitana’s intro confirms the Lin Kuei warriors weren’t chosen for the Mortal Kombat Tournament, so how did Sindel know if their mother was an excellent fighter? That to me suggests she either witnessed it outside the Tournament or it was reported to her and the latter may imply Bi-Han’s mother took part in eliminating the threat on Liu Kang’s order, maybe even in Outworld. We know from source material that Outworlders do not tolerate Earthrealm’s unauthorized activity on their land. However in the story mode alone, Sindel herself admitted that Liu Kang’s “interventions have kept Outworld at peace for centuries”
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while the vast tie-in material agrees that Sindel’s Court is full of intrigues and dangers - both to the Queen and her daughters. So, if Liu Kang is a close friend of King Jerrod and Queen Sindel, it doesn’t feel that far stretched to think Lin Kuei could be dispatched to ensure the Royal Family's - and in greater perspective - Earthrealm’s safety.
Now, if there was no need for Lin Kuei service in the latest generations, why a woman
considered to be an excellent fighter - thus presumably in great shape
who also happens to be wife of Grandmaster - thus presumably having access to the best medical care the clan could offer
died in some unspecified time before main story happened? That doesn’t sound like a natural death, as Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are what? In their 30s at the worst? Which gives the chance she was a middle-aged woman, not an old person who dies out of age. The Grandmaster alone, also an excellent fighter, died in an accident, though story mode does not tell us what kind of accident it was supposed to be. Did it happen on a hunting trip? During mission on Liu Kang’s order? 
So again, for a supposedly peaceful time, it seems like Kuai Liang and Tomas are those who did not have much part in Lin Kuei activity - in contrast to Bi-Han and presumably their parents. 
Going further, the sources claims Lin Kuei clan is dedicated to defend Earthrealm from external threats, and indeed Lin Kuei warriors fought against vampires (Nitara’s people)
Bi-Han, story mode: As a boy I heard tales of battles against your kind. I had thought them tall ones.
and apparently their might is know in Outworld
General Shao: Finally, the chance to test the Lin Kuei's mettle. Sub-Zero: It will end with your humiliation.
However Lin Kuei apparently took part in solving the internal problems too, if Sub-Zero vs Kenshi dialogue is something to go by:
Kenshi: My ancestors say they've tangled with yours. Sub-Zero: Has it occurred to you to ask them why?
For a quick summary, through the sources, we learn that Lin Kuei:
were meant to serve, not govern
trained from childhood not just to be an excellent fighters but to be capable of killing
do not have a life outside their duty the way Earthrealm Champions do
endured hardship (hunger)
each generation is trained to perform their duty
and presumably, even in supposedly peaceful times, the fighters may not survive to an old age nor die in a natural way (the fate of mother and Grandmaster).
So I think that objectively speaking, we can agree that Lin Kuei does not benefit much from its service to Earthrealm, while Liu Kang got an excellent Special Forces that kept Earthrealm safe for centuries.
[Next part] Bi-Han and Kuai Liang and how Lin Kuei training affected who they are.
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cclawthorne369 · 3 months
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I apologize for the dirty and seriously wrong drawing in anatomy, but hey, digital art is hard as hell T-T I just wanted to share what it would be like if MK1 Sindel met MK11 Kitana in my hc
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outlawssweetheart · 7 months
I miss them, and I need them to fuck nasty again.
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1-up-chump · 2 years
mortal kombat MK 3 roster SFW general HC
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Cyrax is a sweetheart and pretty moderate with showing affection, Although he won't go father than a hug and a kiss. He tries to keep you at a distance with the lin kuei and his more personal business, but regardless of what happens he's still going to love you. And when he inevitably becomes a cyborg, loving you will never be reprogrammed out.
Cyrax prefers quality time than gifts, time being a precious thing, he would rather spend it with someone he cares about deeply. He enjoys conversation even if neither of you have to say much, the little things matter to cyrax and especially after becoming a cyborg
Cyrax would sacrifice a lot of things but for you especially, netherrealm would freeze over before he'd allow you to get hurt, much less suffer a fate similar to his.
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Sektor is a bit stiff with showing affection but the smallest gestures with him mean a lot. He's always been loyal to the lin kuei, not even you could change that. However he's softer on you than others, it may not seem like much, but it matters.
Like cyrax, quality time is his preferred way of showing affection, maybe even the only way. But to him time is even more precious, and spending it with you is his greatest gift.
Sektor may be conflicted when you get hurt, preferring that you could handle yourself. Perhaps even try to get you to eventually become a cyborg like himself so you both can work together and be of superior physical capability. But even if you refuse, sektor might actually fight his reprogramming for the first time if he's ever sent to harm you.
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Oh he will not shut up about you, kabal will brag about you and not afraid to get a little handsy in public. You do the same to him however is a different story and he'll get all flustered.
Kabal will give you any kind of expensive thing, mostly out of "societal expectation" of whats the best way to win your heart. But really he likes to just do things for you, hold your hand, even talk with you. Really kabal is kinda insecure of a dude (i mean his face literally got messed up bad) so he might try to overcompensate but once you reassure him, he's very sweet.
Kabal is dead serious if anyone threatens or harms his darling. They'll be dead before they even realize it, before you probably even register you were ever in danger in the first place.
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(Ok im gonna admit, he's my least fave mk character EVER but I'll try to write him good)
Stryker is a bit of a serious kinda guy so when it comes to relationships, he's gonna be a bit stiff with PDA but not so stiff you can't do something simple like hand holding and kissing. Private is a different story he's more lax but kinda traditional in the sense that, he's more likely to take the lead in certain romantic situations like opening the door for you or carrying you bridal style. Although he's not gonna complain too much if you insist on doing all that too.
The most you're gonna get in ways of gifts is flowers, maybe a cute bracelet he saw that he knew you'd like. Its not that he doesn't want to, he just thinks spending time with someone and doing things with them is more important than material. To Stryker, material things is just the icing on a cake, too much and its just a tub of frosting.
Stryker is absolutely not gonna let you get hurt on his watch. If you're not the fighting type or not fit to, he wants you out of harmful situations asap no questions asked. But if you can hold your own, he's still going to be a bit more protective than necessary bc he can't afford to lose you, Stryker doesn't believe he could ever emotionally recover from that.
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Oh he's such a gentleman with you, he's simple with public affection but in private he's very romantic and heartfelt. He takes the relationship seriously.
Any gift he gives you is gonna be handmade, from jewelry to food, its all made with love. But he shows his love in many ways equally mostly with relaxing in silence at night, star gazing with you is his favorite moment.
Hell hath no fury than nightwolf seeing you get hurt. The greater the injury, the greater the pain inflicted on whoever is unfortunate enough to get an axe to the head, And a spirit animal biting their guts out
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Sindel shows affection in that regal sort of way, nothing too intimate but probably more intimate than kitana would be comfortable with. Needless to say, sindel is gonna treat you good. Even when corrupted by dark magic she still is generous to you, of course by the twist of said magic she expects you to not mind being the "submissive" one in the relationship from time to time. She's a queen and expects to be treated as such either way.
Lavish, rare and expensive gifts are to be expected. Both received and delivered, but if you're with sindel your status should make it relatively easy for you to find something sindel would like. Sindel is a words of affirmation kind of woman, she loves to give praise and hear it back. Sindel loves to remind you how much she loves you, but she won't shy away from getting physical if her words alone aren't enough. Just a fair warning, sindel likes to "squeeze" a lot
It should be obvious that it's a bad idea to mess with sindel, let alone hurt her lover. Sindel isn't afraid to personally get her hands dirty to "make an example" out of someone. Fortunately you've learned to pack a few spare earplugs in such a case even if the poor victim is far away from you. Sindel's scream can carry sound even from far distances
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Sheeva is sort of like goro when showing affection, but not as "show offey". Like she just appreciates your presence more than anything, but doesn't shy away from declaring her love.
Her gifts come in the form of armor, something to protect you, but also act as a show of love and devotion. Strong armor that won't break so easily. Sheeva also likes to "play wrestle" with you from time to time, take that as you will.
Sheeva would rather take someone who can defend themselves physically, however appreciates other forms of strength as well. But regardless, if you're hurt badly, sheeva is gonna skin alive whoever hurt you and wear them as a mini coat
Smoke/tomas vrbada
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Tomas is a sweetheart and knows the danger of showing affection and others potentially using this knowledge for malicious purposes. Despite that he tries to get away with lowkey hand holding and kissing you in the shadows as much as possible.
Tomas is a kind of homemade gifts kind of guy. Whether that be origami or he makes you a homecooked meal, its from the heart. But he's very smooth yet humble about it. The only lavish gift he'll give is a beautiful wedding ring later down the relationship.
Despite the terrible fate he ends up having, no amount of reprogramming will remove his love for you. Fighting within an inch of his soul to keep you from harms way, even from himself. You'll always be able to snap him out of whatever evil thing the lin kuei did to reprogram his mind, body, and to a degree his soul.
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(So sorry motaro enjoyers this was the best gif i could find)
Everyone doesn't know whether or not to be shocked that someone was crazy enough to be in a relationship with motaro, or that motaro even has a relationship in the first place. But regardless, the Centaurian carries you around like royalty.
Don't expect much in the way of gifts, but motaro's love language is fighting or hunting alongside you. He might even show off a bit and prance around with pride if you're impressed.
Even if you suck at fighting, motaro may be highly annoyed trying to protect you all the time. But he will always make sure no one would even lay a finger on your head, at least while still intact and not crushed to death.
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readyplayerziggy · 4 days
Does Sindel have her suitor’s delicious, creamy, and refreshing dairy with every meal of the day? Lord knows he’s milkier than the galaxy.
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"Oh goodness no, not with every meal. Some of the foods I consume would be ruined if eaten with dairy, if only from the sheer amount. And of course there are times where I simply feel like the end product could do with a bit more refining, you know? A few days to let him simmer, some special supplements to alter the flavors, change the yield."
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chaosrealm · 3 months
Wes, I need you to put Aella on the phone. I need to ask her something.
When Reiko walked out and started shadow boxing in front of Raiden at the tournament, what was your reaction? 🤣🤣
I rolled my eyes initially. My first thought was that he's a fool, but… he's my fool. If Liu Kang hadn't meddled with the tournament, Reiko surely would have beaten that Earthrealmer to a pulp. I only wish that after Reiko's defeat, I could have challenged Raiden myself and wiped the smug smile off his face.
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dubiousdisco · 1 year
Sindel's intros in mk11 feel like they were written by a bunch of men with a dominatrix fetish
they do! was playing mk11 with my friend yesterday and we took a time to hear her intros and JESUS CHRIST WHY WERE THESE MEN SO INSPIRED WHILE WRITING HER AND WHO ALLOWED THEM TO KEEP GOING
kinda unrelated here's a drawing i made of her biting johnny's tits after we watched her intros with him, what was up with that.
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he's crying
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bigprettygothgf · 1 year
I was about to make it about Sindel but I guess you hate Sindel
ive never been more insulted than by the implication that i would ever hate sindel.
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fun-k-board · 1 year
Mortal Kombat 1 Intros with a Spider-Man Reader
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Characters included : Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Kitana, Mileena, Sindel, Syzoth / Reptile.
Notes(s) : There are adult ones, which are either romantic/flirty or platonic. Then teen ones, which are just platonic.
MK1 with a Venom Symbiote Reader here!
Johnny Cage
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Adult Reader -
Reader : Cage, you can't be serious.
Johnny : Oh, come on, at least imagine kissing while you're invisible, please.
Reader : For the last time, I'm too busy fighting crime to be in your movies.
Johnny : Come on, babe, a cinematic universe with Spider-People? It'll be a hit!
Johnny : No, wait, just hear me out, Man-Spider, a Spider gets bitten by a radioactive man!
Reader : I don't know why I talk to you...
Johnny : You seriously couldn't have chosen a better suit.
Reader : It's not meant to be sexy, but if it can distract you in this fight I'm all for it.
Teen Reader -
Reader : Wait, you're serious? I can be in one of your movies?!
Johnny : Sure, kid, anything for an adoring fan.
Reader : It's... It's such a dream to meet you, you're so awesome in Ninja Mime, I-
Johnny : Let me guess, you want an autograph?
Johnny : So, a radioactive Spider is still out there, making more of you?
Reader : I may have accidentally killed it before I knew...
Johnny : Hah, I'm a martial arts superstar, some spider-kid isn't getting the best of me.
Reader : I've defeated men twice the size of you!
Kung Lao
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Adult Reader -
Reader : Yes, webs come out of my wrists, why?
Kung Lao : Do they come out of... Anywhere else?
Reader : I do everything I can to protect the people I love.
Kung Lao : Would I happen to be one of them?
Kung Lao : You're always missing our dates...
Reader : I'm sorry, but crime is everywhere and I need to stop it.
Kung Lao : You're buying me dinner at Madame Bo's for the incident at Johnny's.
Reader : I didn't mean to activate my electricity in the pool!
Teen Reader -
Reader : Why would I crawl on Madame Bo's ceiling?
Kung Lao : There's webs up there, they fall down on the food sometimes.
Reader : I can't take a break, someone could get hurt-
Kung Lao : You're a kid, this isn't your responsibility.
Kung Lao : Ah! You can't sneak up on me like that!
Reader : It's not my fault, I didn't realise I was invisible!
Kung Lao : Wait a minute, you're part Spider, but afraid of them?
Reader : Don't say it so loud, someone could hear!
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Adult Reader -
Reader : I don't know, can you handle my electricity?
Kitana : Don't underestimate me, Earthrealmer.
Reader : Kitana, I don't understand what you mean?
Kitana : I mean, Earthrealmer, I would love to see what those webs of yours can be used for.
Kitana : That magic you possess, it's incredible!
Reader : I got bit by a radioactive Spider, it's not magic.
Kitana : Stop turning invisible around the palace, it's making Mileena suspicious.
Reader : I can't help it, it happens when I relax!
Teen Reader -
Reader : Once a great man told me that with great power comes great responsibility
Kitana : He must've meant a lot to you
Reader : I'll zap you if you get too close!
Kitana : Ha, are all Earthrealmers so immature?
Kitana : I doubt you'll best me in Kombat.
Reader : Just know that you'll never live it down when I do.
Kitana : I can't believe my mother thinks so lowly of you, you're only a child.
Reader : You'd be surprised.
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Adult Reader -
Reader : I don't think your sister likes me much...
Mileena : It's because you keep crawling on the ceilings.
Reader : I'm sorry for electrocuting you.
Mileena : I was under the effects of my affliction, you were only defending yourself.
Mileena : You're awfully close to that Earthrealm girl.
Reader : Gwen's just a friend, Mileena.
Mileena : That's a cute trick you have there.
Reader : What about spider webs are cute??
Teen Reader -
Reader : Can you train me?
Mileena : Only if you teach me your own moves.
Reader : I'm more than capable of fighting!
Mileena : I understand the feeling of being underestimated, Earthrealmer.
Mileena : Your abilities are useful in Kombat.
Reader : I want to protect anybody who can't match them.
Mileena : Never go invisible during an Outworld dinner again.
Reader : I'm sorry, I got nervous!
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Adult Reader -
Reader : I apologise for accidentally using my powers last night...
Sindel : Don't be, dear, it was an interesting experience.
Reader : With great power, comes great responsibility.
Sindel : Inspiring words, I trust you to live up to them.
Sindel : Your abilities are promising, let's hope you put them to good use.
Reader : I'll do my best, I always try to.
Sindel : I never thought I'd feel this way again...
Reader : What? I don't understand, Empress.
Teen Reader -
Reader : Oh, come on! It's so fun to swing around!
Sindel : It's childish at best, Earthrealmer
Reader : You're so level headed...
Sindel : And you're immature.
Sindel : Hah! Liu Kang sends a child?
Reader : Will you people stop acting like I'm incompetent?!
Sindel : You are a worthy adversary, but far too much of a jester.
Reader : I fight crime flawlessly, I should get to joke once and a while!
Syzoth / Reptile
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Adult Reader -
Reader : I love you, Syzoth, but I can't stay.
Reptile : I won't fault you for returning to Earthrealm to protect your family.
Reader : You want us both to be invisible while we-
Reptile : It was just an idea.
Reptile : Our abilities make us challenging adversaries.
Reader : It's only fitting that we come together as one.
Reptile : You are always away from me.
Reader : I have responsibilities at home, Syzoth.
Teen Reader -
Reader : Woah, you can turn invisible? So can I!
Reptile : But are you as stealthy as me?
Reader : Look at me! I'm upside down!
Reptile : I can see that, Earthrealmer.
Reptile : You need to stay home, even with your abilities, it's far too dangerous here.
Reader : I can handle this place!
Reptile : Just because you can electrocute people, doesn't mean you're prepared to fight Shang Tsung.
Reader : I have to at least try.
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cienie-isengardu · 11 months
There is visual storytelling with Bi-Han's frustration with Liu Kang, but story mode does nothing to validate his frustrations at all, making said frustration seem unjustified, and that he's in the wrong for feeling this way, as he's the only Lin Kuei who actually is frustrated. Not everyone saw his frustration, so is the visual storytelling intentional, or coincidental? It's ironic, as Mortal Kombat is not known for its subtlety at all.
In advance, forgive me for starting with introduction-digression about Mortal Kombat 1’s storytelling - I promise it has a point related to Bi-Han.
Mortal Kombat 1’s main purpose is to set the ground for future storytelling so understandably, we can’t expect this game to spell out every detail to us at once right away. We, as freshly introduced guests to Liu Kang’s timeline, take a lot at face value about characters and setting because we simply don’t have enough knowledge about them yet. However I wouldn’t say MK1 lacks subtlety or it didn’t show us a pretty nuanced world already. The best example is the Edenia admired and praised by Liu Kang, as a beautiful, knowledgeable and wealthy place
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and indeed the first impression fits well what Fire Lord told his champions. Yet under the gorgeous facade lurks the much darker, uglier side of Edenia - and by extension, of Royal Family. 
When the wonderful and joyful parade was disrupted,
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the scene following was there to explain the conflict between Li Mei and the Royal Family, however the visual side of story foreshadows what Baraka’s chapter will reveal - the sick people are treated like unwanted trash. Here alone, they aren’t peacefully led outside the city, they are bound like criminals - both (potentially) sick and those who refused to hand them over to the authorities for "quarantine" (a word used by Li Mei, but as next chapters will shown, the quarantine means banishment and dying slowly in miserable conditions). This one chapter alone gives us two sources about Edenia - Liu Kang’s words and the background details which frankly paint two different pictures. Liu Kang noted how Sindel spared no money for the festival and Tournament (Mileena added it is to honor the memory of Sindel’s late husband and her father)
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and how he does not judge the Queen, only admire 
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- but apparently the Queen cared more for Festival/Tournament and to make Edenia look as a great nation than she cared for her sick subjects who for years were dying in poverty, excluded and persecuted by edenian society. She even blamed Mileena for getting sick and said that to her face. Sindel also accepts Umgadi system that literally forces edenian families to give up their first daughters for training (indoctrination), so the ruling Family have a loyal Palace Guard to uphold their safety - and power -  and Liu Kang, like most of characters, admired those warriors showing no criticism toward such practices that strips born-free citizens from their freedom, family, even from right to fall in love. All in the service of Edenia’s monarchy. 
My point is, what we are told about Sindel - the beloved good Queen - and what we are shown by details happening in background or brought by tie-in materials (character BIOs, intro dialogues) are not mutually exclusive, but those for sure highlight the contradictory and flawed image the new Mortal Kombat saga introduced in its first installment . However the main criticism toward Sindel is not focused at presented by story flaws and errors, only at her relationship with Liu Kang and Earthrealm and comes from General Shao and his allies. Considering who he is, it is easy to side with Sindel yet we can’t say the game didn’t laid some solid ground for a very serious criticism, both for Sindel, the ruling Family and Liu Kang who always spoke highly about the Queen, King and Princesses.
Now, let’s talk about Bi-Han.
On one hand, intro dialogues and story mode itself are too consistent and repetitive about Bi-Han’s firm take on freedom & enslavement to think it is coincidence, especially for a character so sidelined as Sub-Zero was. Clearly, someone made a deliberate choice to emphasize those two values in regard to motives behind Bi-Han’s action, even if the official BIO itself appointed POWER as his main theme. 
On another hand, there is no doubt that the game was not intended to focus on Sub-Zero’s frustrations nor examine its roots in any great detail, at least not at this early stage of introducing a new timeline. It doesn’t help that Bi-Han was seen in two first chapters, one his own (ch. 8) and in following Scorpion’s (ch.9) to disappear from the story for good and returning as the Champion/Titan Sub-Zero only as an alternative choice of player.
However! Even with such limited focus, the game in my opinion laid enough ground, both as what we are told and what we are shown by story mode alone, to get the feeling Bi-Han’s frustration didn’t come out of nowhere. Could it be handled better? Of course! But I must disagree with the opinion that visual storytelling didn’t do its work. It may not hit fans straight in the face with all its nuances, yet there is a clear difference in how Lin Kuei characters are treated by Fire Lord in contrast to other Liu Kang’s Champions and friends.
And this is not just about Bi-Han, but also about the treatment of Kuai Liang and Tomas. 
For one, the story always presented Lin Kuei doing Liu Kang’s bidding - be it testing the new Champions or eliminating a threat (black op mission). We do not see Fire Lord interacting with them outside of Lin Kuei servitude, while he clearly spent time with Johnny, Kenshi, Raiden and Kung Lao outside of their main (game) purpose. This is especially visible at the end of the story, when all of them dinner together at Madam Bo’s, clearly celebrating their success. Bi-Han’s lack of presence is understandable, yet Kuai Liang and Tomas? All we are told about Scorpion is that he was tasked with making a new clan to replace the rebellious Lin Kuei (thus he is doing another bidding of Fire Lord while Champions are allowed to take a break and enjoy time with friends)
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while Smoke is completely omitted - even though the man fulfilled his duty to Earthrealm as any other Liu Kang’s Champion did and now helps to build Shirai Ryu clan. 
Frankly, not acknowledging Lin Kuei in itself contrasts a lot with how Liu Kang interacted with his Outworld friends and Champions. Bi-Han has never been addressed as Grandmaster of Lin Kuei (nor by his codename?), even during introductions to Kung Lao, Raiden, Kenshi and Johnny. Meanwhile, the edenian Royal Family’s titles are always respected. Jerrod is called outright a friend and so is Geras - yet not once in story mode Liu Kang expressed regret over the premature death of Bi-Han, Tomas and Kuai Liang’s father. Smoke actually was omitted all the time by Liu Kang and visually/story-wise speaking, Liu Kang alienated Tomas more than Bi-Han did in the few scenes the brothers shared together.
Even the recruitment of new Champions is questionable. Liu Kang took Bi-Han - a Grandmaster who had his own duties to a whole clan  - on a trip to test the new fighters. Since Bi-Han and his men weren’t fighting to the fullest of their strength, what was the point of dragging Sub-Zero in the first place instead of just picking fighters more closely in level to Kung Lao, Raiden, Kenshi and Johnny? Was Bi-Han’s presence there truly necessary, when already two other sons of the late Grandmaster took part in the test too? All done just to lose so the precious Champions could brag about their victory? That alone must be frustrating if we remember that members of the Lin Kuei weren’t trained to fight the “honorable kombat match”, as in one on one, but to kill the enemy as fast as possible - as chapter 8 and 9 clearly showed.
Sure, the story mode - be it the words taken at face value or visual storytelling alone - didn’t go out of its way to hit us in the face about Bi-Han’s frustration yet there is a clear contrast in how Liu Kang treats his Lin Kuei subordinates and how he interacts with people he openly admires and likes. There are plenty of nuances laid out for people who will bother to look for those hints and compare them to the rest of presented material. 
Also, a thing worth to remember: just because Kuai Liang and Tomas are content with their life and duties, it does not mean Bi-Han shouldn’t be frustrated by things the way they are. Just because he is not trying to be sympathetic, doesn’t mean his feeling of injustice is invalid or that his points have no merit whatsoever.
I may be disappointed with the creators' choices, but I can't say that MK1 is devoid of nuances and interesting contradictions. All comes down to fans and their personal perception of what the story tells us through characters and what shows to actually happening.
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shrowded-eng1ma · 1 year
Flirty Intro Dialogue’s
Characters; Kitana, Sindel, Li Mei x oblivious Gn!Reader
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Kitana; How could you be an earthrealmer with the looks of a Edenian?
Y/n; is… is that a pick up line? Even Raiden can do better.
Kitana; I may be a princess, but I’m also a woman who knows what she wants - and that’s you
Y/n; wait, isn’t Mileena the princess? Royal words are confusing.
Kitana; When I look into your eyes, I see a future where we’re unstoppable together
Y/n; why? Is outworld and earthrealm having a 2v2 tournament? Could I get Jade on my team?
Kitana; Just as my fans return to me, my thoughts keep returning to you
Y/n; oh crap.. look I apologized for taking your wine! I thought it was mine…
Kitana; Just as my blades are sharp, my attraction to you is equally cutting
Y/n; um… please don’t cut my limbs off?
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Sidnel; I’m the Empress of Outworld, and you could be the king of my heart, if you dare
Y/n; hey, Johnny said that too! I didn’t think you’d get along…
Sindel; You must be a powerful enchantress because you’ve cast a spell on my heart
Y/n; no I’m a copy ninja
Sindel; Just as my hair flows, so do my feelings when I’m around you
Y/n; um… I’m sorry for taking your daughters wine?
Sindel; Just like my scream, my heart skips a beat when I see you
Y/n; your.. screams skips beats?
Sindel; would you care to accompany me to my chambers? I have some-
Y/n; Nooo thanks. Tanya and li Mei would kill me, heir like.. really protective of you.
Li Mei
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Li mei; Your smile could rival the sunrise in Outworld
Y/n; really…? No wonder my jaw hurts when I smile.
Li mei; Just as I fight with determination, I’m determined to win your heart
Y/n; I-I think I’d rather NOT have my heart ripped out of my rib cage.
Li mei; If we were in a Mortal Kombat match, I’d choose you as my tag-team partner for life
Y/n; wait, so what kitana said was true?! We’re having a tag team battle with outworld!? Sick!
Li mei; Meeting you feels like finding a hidden treasure in the depths of Outworld
Y/n; you have time to go world exploring?
Li mei; Just as I’ve trained in martial arts, I’m ready to put in the effort for your heart
Y/n; please don’t kill me, this is just a spar… right?
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outlawssweetheart · 7 months
A daily battle against the feminine urge to call MK11 Sindel & Shao Kahn "Mommy & Daddy" because I feel like I'm supposed to, but I don't even think about them like that. 😰
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iliketangerines · 4 months
hii it's the anon whom requested the cat!hybrid reader from last time :p
since it was hybrid reader, maybe hybrid Shang Tsung as well? specifically, he's half snake now after a failed potion (or spell, whichever works) and he just breeds his gf reader? maybe also with a little bit of obsessed shang tsung bc I have some thoughts after reading that obsessed shang tsung fic..
take ur time with this, prolly ain't gonna be my last time requesting (and sorry if I'm requesting Shang Tsung a lot it's just that he's lacking fanfics 😞 I have some very inappropriate thoughts abt him that I need to share)
wrapped around him
a/n: writing this, i feel like my writing style has changed since i've come back
pairing: snake hybrid!shang tsung x afab!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), pussy eating, breeding kink, not proofread
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Shang Tsung observed the snake tail slithering behind him, a beautiful shade of yellow mottled with some darker parts, and he tilted his head at his newfound appendage
he had drank a botched potion, thinking that it would work, and he was in agonizing pain as he felt his bones rearrange and his flesh meld and stretch
but then the ache had finally faded away, and Shang Tsung could properly admire his newfound addition
it was beautiful, elegant, almost terrifying, and the sorcerer wondered what other changed to his body that the potion had made
he slithered over to the mirror nearby, which had taken an embarrassingly long time with how he had to retrain his muscles to slither rather than walk
but it was worth it as he looked at his body, looking at how his face had changed
his arms had remained unchanged, but on his face…two new slits were now on his face, one on each side of his face that extended from the edge of his mouth to the edge of his face
his eyes were no longer pupils but slitted, like a snakes, and Shang Tsung opened his mouth, finding his fangs much longer than he remembered
but, Shang Tsung opened his mouth even more, and well, his mouth horrifyingly opened even larger, almost like his jaw had come off its hinge
he could see in the periphery how longer fangs popped out from the top of his mouth and sprayed a clear liquid, and then Shang Tsung closed his mouth to a normal amount to observe his tongue
it was forked, but he found he could smell much more if he stuck his tongue out into the air
an odd change, but not an unwelcome one…yet
Shang Tsung crossed his arms, drumming his fingers against his arm as he thought of the cons and pros of the entire situation
he wouldn’t be able to go out in public like this and gather his materials, but he felt stronger, faster, energetic
he supposed he would have to go back to his old ways of finding his materials in the forest, but then again, working with Sindel meant having to appear in court
he would have to transform back soon: he was due for a meeting with the Empress sometime next month
slithering back to the potions table, he’s struck with the thought of you, somewhere upstairs sleeping on the bed or sitting at the table and reading
how would you take his new transformation?
and suddenly Shang Tsung felt nervous
he valued your opinion, one of the few that he did, and he was devoted to you as you were devoted to him
he supposed you would have to his transformed state at some point, and if you would accept his changed body, he was sure
struggling to slither up the stairs, Shang Tsung found you absent from the living room, and so he figured you were still laying in bed, perhaps reading an ancient scroll
he made his way to the bedroom door and opened it slowly, and there you were, sitting on the bed with a cup of something and a scroll he had found for you to translate
you look up at the door with a glare before you realize it’s Shang Tsung, a smile coming over your face as you ask him if he was done for the day
he blinks and not quite, before swinging the door open to show his predicament
your eyes widen in surprise before you start laughing, full on slamming your fist in the sheets and nearly spilling your drink in your other hand
Shang Tsung scowls at your amusement, but it was a bit amusing considering how he was supposed to be a talented sorcerer and still managed to muck up a potion
eventually, your laughs die down into giggle, and you finally step out of the bed, revealing the soft expanse of your legs
you walk over to him, peeking over his shoulder to observe the rest of his tail, and you touch his torso where the skin and the scales blend together, sending a shiver up Shang Tsung’s spine
your observations are slow and deliberate as you walk up and down the length of his tail to observe the length and the pattern and the color
after a while, you stand in front of Shang Tsung, and you tell him the look suits him
the sorcerer chuckles and says for you not to get used to it because he would have to change back soon enough to meet with the court
you pout at him playfully before shrugging your shoulders and crawling back into bed and beckoning him to lay underneath the warm sheets and sun with you
he obliges and curls up around you, his tail wrapping around the two of you as you translated the ancient scroll in your hand and sipped on your morning drink
he would be rid of his tail soon enough, so he might as well enjoy it
well, that’s what Shang Tsung thought except no matter how many times he brewed the potion, it bubbled and fell flat or bubbled over and caused a mess in the labs
even worse, he couldn’t focus on his work, the scent in the air pervading his sense and something raging building up inside of his body
it was hot and heady and something he had ignored for the better part of two weeks, but he really couldn’t manage this building feeling in his body
he slithered out of the lab and up the stairs, hissing in anger, something else that he couldn’t control about his body
he hated this feeling of the loss of control, where he couldn’t even control his damn body
Shang Tsung perks up as his tongue flicks out, tasting you in the air, and he moves as silently as he can toward the door and cracks it open
you’re not doing anything in particular, just catching up on some light reading for you, some books on translations and ancient languages
and yet, you look so enticing, the sun glinting off your hair and shining on all the right parts of your skin and god you smell so tasty right now on his tongue-
you look up from your book, seemingly able to sense his staring, and you close it, placing a bookmark in gently and placing it on the bedside table
he opens the door fully and makes his way over to you, tongue flicking out over and over again because he can’t get enough of your smell
you question if everything was okay, but he can’t seem to hear you over the buzzing in his head and how beautiful you look right now and how you would taste on his heightened senses
Shang Tsung leans down, breathing in your scent from your neck, and his tongue darts out to lick the soft skin
he moans, licking at the slight sheen of sweat you have on your skin, and you tangle your hand in his hair as you laugh and ask if he’s just feeling a little needy
the sorcerer pulls back, and you realize something’s a little off, his pupils are so wide right now and staring right at you and his grip on your shoulders are tightening
he collides his body into yours before you can even think, and he’s tearing off your clothes and ripping off his and his mouth is on yours, nearly devouring you whole
it consumes him, this sudden lust for you, and he needs you, needs to taste you, to fuck you and secure a future
never had he ever thought of something like this, perhaps he had wondered about having a family when young, but almost never again as an adult
right now, his entire body was obsessed with breeding you, seeing you round with his children and to secure his heirs and his future
he presses hurried kisses into your neck, panting like a wild animal, and he can’t stop moaning into your skin as he trails further and further down
it’s an addicting taste, but he wants a slice of your sweetest part
his tail has somehow found time to wrap around your waist, squeezing you tight, and his hands spread your thighs for him, showing off just how soaked you were for him
he can see your slick dripping onto the sheets and dives down, not wanting to waste another drop, tongue lapping furiously at your pussy
it buries in deep, prodding at the deepest parts of you, and you can’t help but let out a cry as he fucks you on his tongue, especially as it bumps against that one spot
Shang Tsung can hear your cries, your whimpers of pleasure, and by the gods, he wants more, needs to hear you crying out his name, that you belong to him
somehow, his hands spread your legs even further, and he shoves his face into your pussy, nose firmly grinding against your sensitive clit
it makes pleasure move up your spine and coil in your head, filling it with a haze, and you whine out his name, moving your hips on his face as you chase your release
you can feel it coming, with the way the pleasure builds higher and higher, and SHang Tsung knows too with the way your hips buck and legs twitch
he wants it too, and his fingers dig bruises into your soft skin as he doubles his efforts, barely breathing as he thrusts his tongue ever further into you
humming against your clit, Shang Tsung is looking for your release, and you let out a cry, pussy clenching down on his tongue and head thrown back as you cum on his face
Shang Tsung’s closes his eyes and moans at the taste of you flooding his tongue, and he laps at you, trying to get every single drop, determined to not let it go to waste
your hips are still grinding on his nose, and you hands are gripping onto the sheets desperately as you ride out the last vestiges of your orgasm
finally, you open your eyes and find Shang Tsung’s face hovering over you, staring at you with those slitted eyes of his and grinding his cock into your wet cunt
his cock, cocks?
Shang Tsung all but purrs as he leans in close to your ear and whispers in his smug voice that his body can now accommodate for two
and with that, he pushes in slowly, and you whine loudly, hands flying up from the sheets to grab onto his shoulders and dig your nails into his muscle
but he doesn’t seem to mind, watching how your chest rises and falls rapidly and how your face scrunches up in both pleasure and pain
his mouth presses against yours, catching every little sound you make for him, and one of his hands go down to rub at your clit
it helps you relax, and Shang Tsung pushes a little further, letting out a breathy groan into your mouth as he finally bottoms out
you’ve never felt so full, so fucked-out and stretched, but it’s pleasureable, the way the sting burns around the edges and mixes with the pleasure
you beg him, please, please move, you need him to fuck you
Shang Tsung gladly does so, moving his hips slowly at first and then quickening his pace until it’s the wet squelch of your pussy in the air
he has to breed you, needs it carnally, has to fuck his cum into you, and it’s all Shang Tsung can think about as his instincts kick in
it’s almost feral how he fucks into you, hand rubbing fast little circles onto your clit as he fucks you on his cocks, and you let out a cry as you cum, still sensitive from your previous one
but he doesn’t slow down, or mock you, or tease you, rather he just continues with his animalistic grunts, teeth gleaming in the sun’s beams and eyes so black you’re not sure if there’s even an iris
all too quickly, another orgasm rises up in you, and Shang Tsung pushes you over the edge over and over again, filling your senses with him and only him
the pleasure and pain stings together, and you start to cry, tears falling down your cheeks
Shang Tsung licks them up, smiling at how you’re crying, and it only spurs him on for his tail to raise up your waist so his cocks hits a different angle inside of you
it makes you see stars and moan out his name as you clench down on him and squirt, the liquid coating his torso and his skin and dripping down onto the sheets
but it’s what Shang Tsung needs as he finally groans deep and cums inside of you, thrusts sloppy and slowing as he fucks his seed into you
his hips never stop, only moving much slow than before as he watches for any singular spilled drop from your pussy
and then finally, he buries himself deep to keep you plugged with his seed, and he loosens his grip on your waist to wrap his entire tail around the two of you as he drifts off to sleep
he has a protective grip on you, head buried into your hair, and you can’t find yourself holding onto consciousness much longer either as you fall asleep as well
Shang Tsung finds the cure a few days later, and then a few months later in the forsaken island as he accrues his powers, he finds that you’re pregnant
he almost hopes that they’re half-snake
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fsfghgee · 1 year
Bi-Han Breakdown: because I think he deserves it. And unfortunately, he's receiving a lot of hate for no sane reason
Bi-Han is not a saint, but clearly complex and misunderstood. I hope this post can help you to understand his character and alignment in MK1 better.
Bi-Han letting his father die is the main reason that make people think he is evil, but let's think about it...
Bi-Han let his father die, he didn't kill his father in cold blood and Liu Kang knew about it! Why he kept Bi-Han close, had high hopes for him (his words) and still wants him back if he is so evil?
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Liu kang: Come in from the cold, Bi-Han. ("Come in from the cold" Definition & Meaning: to become part of a group or of normal society again after one has been outside it.)
Bi-Han: And again kneel before you?
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Liu kang to Scorpion (about Bi-Han): I had such high hopes for your brother.
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Scorpion to Geras: I want to see the moment my father died. (so yeah, Liu Kang knows how Bi- han/Tomas/Kuai Liang's father died. And he doesn't blame Bi-Han for his death)
Besides, who said his father couldn't have done the same thing with Bi-han's mother, since she was also a warrior who followed Liu Kang and letting someone die is not a big deal for Lord Liu Kang...
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Tomas: Did you intend for me to be orphaned?
Liu Kang: Some threads must be cut to weave time's fabric. (Translation: YES, I DID. WHAT YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT?)
Why doesn't he resent his mother for following Liu Kang like he does with his father? Why does he genuinely believes that she would be pround of his actions?
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Tomas: If mother were alive...
Bi-Han: She would applaud my actions.
C'mon, look at his eyes! You can see the pain in them:
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Bi-Han to Kitana: Your mother's death is regrettable.
He never shows remorse for anything, but he's truly sorry for Sindel's death, because he wasn't there to help them defeats Shang Tsung's god counterpart and maybe prevent her death. He truly admired Sindel. Also, Sindel was a mother. And he loves his mother.
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Bi-Han to Sindel: You wield the power that I aspire to.
Bi-Han to Sindel: I don't want your throne. Just part of Earthrealm.
He only despise his father and Liu Kang's authority...
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Bi-Han to Liu Kang: My father was a fool to follow you.
Kenshi to Bi-Han: Why do you so resent Liu Kang's authority?
He keep saying to everyone:
Father was a fool, lacked vision, never saw the Lin Kuei's potential etc. Then, you can say BUT HE NEVER SAID HIS FATHER WAS EVIL...
True. But who knows? He doesn't see himself as evil for not trying to save his father (nor Liu Kang, a GOD.) when he had the chance, but a lot of people thinks he is evil for it. And his father was a man of many secrets...
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That demon who thinks it's cool kill "evil creatures" whithin her parameters to get what she wants "a pure form/soul": There are many in the Netherrealm (hell) just like you.
Bi-Han: You conflate ambition with evil, Ashrah.
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Bi-Han to himself: Our father was a man of many secrets.
I truly love Tomas, but Bi-Han not accepting him as a brother in front of him, doesn't make him evil. Tomas's family was murdered by Lin Kuei's warriors in front of him and the grandmaster (Bi-Han's father) took him in to make of that broken child a powerful warrior who could also kill! In Bi-Han's eyes, Tomas was always a potential threat to the clan and he state it in his face:
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Bi-Han to Tomas: Your treachery does not surprise me.
But despite everything, he also, multiple times, recognize Tomas as a worthy fellow Lin Kuei and even as his brother:
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Look at how proud Tomas seems to be 🥺
How could Bi-Han think about harm Tomas when everything happened so fast?! He couldn't even see where Tomas was, he rushed to check where he was and not even looked at the ground to purposely kick a rock on him:
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Liu Kang: Your brothers regret losing your fellowship.
Bi-Han: Then they shouldn't have disobeyed my commands.
He clearly recognize Tomas as his youngest brother, just not in front of him. You ask me why he doesn't do the same in front of Tomas? Firstly, he always had a foot out the door in his relationship with Tomas because of his background (TOMAS'S BIOLOGICAL FAMILY WAS MURDERED BY HIS CLAN); Secondly, Tomas was supporting all that Kuai Liang's mourning for their father's death and Bi-Han was clearly fed up and lost it. You can even see how surprised Tomas was:
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He clearly wasn't expecting to hear him talk like that.
And we can't forget that Bi-Han was Tomas's idol before his betrayal. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't idolize and really miss someone who is constantly mean to me, so yes, I don't believe that Bi-Han was constantly an asshole to Tomas, just cold how his own statement:
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Tomas: You've always been cold to me.
Bi-Han: Because your blood is not Lin Kuei.
And after defeating Nitara and Ermac the first thing that comes to his mind is the physical integrity of his brothers. He checked BOTH of them:
We must have been watching different things, because there's no way that the GRANDMASTER of an ancient warrior clan, who can easily kill and is trained for it since childhood, would miss this chance if killing his brother was his true intention:
They trained since childhood, Tomas not even tried to separate them...
You ask why? Because he is used to it! They trained since childhood, they fight against each other since childhood too.
He only shows up to check Kuai Liang when he worries that Bi-Han could have blinded him, that is, gone too far.
And he quickly goes back behind the scene when he sees it was just a scratch:
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End this, brother! Embrace the future!
He wasn't trying to kill him (look how he deliberately made this blow go soft here), he was trying to PUNISH him for disobey. And then, I ask you, with whom do you think he learned to do that?
And after this blow, he was holding back so much that he lost to him
They feel betrayed by him, Bi-Han also feel betrayed by them, but Bi-Han actually betrayed earthrealm and more than once offered them the chance to join him, which they refused because they just want to defend earthrealm not govern it. Which hurts Bi-Han so much, since the entire clan and his best friends (Cyrax and Sektor) believe in his vision, make the clan great again (lol, I mean, achieve greatness, bring glory and respect to his clan etc), but his brothers don't:
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Kuai Liang to Tomas: You forget Cyrax and Sektor. Their loyalty to Bi-Han is absolute.
Tomas to Kuai Liang: That the Lin Kuei won't aid us is unforgivable. Bi-Han has corrupted them totally.
His only wrongdoing was trust in Shang Tsung and Shao. They fooled him with false promises. And he already regrets having believed in them:
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Bi-Han: I was wrong to trust you.
Shao: Yes, Earthrealmer. You were.
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Shang Tsung: You have been cold to my entreaties.
Bi-Han: Because you proved you can't be trusted.
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Havik: We were both played for fools.
Bi-Han: Shang Tsung and Quan Chi will pay.
But, unfortunately he has been hunted for helping Shao break out of prison and they are calling him a traitor for it, nothing more:
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Sindel: With one act you betrayed two realms.
Bi-Han: Neither deserved my loyalty.
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Bi-Han: I helped you, but I've earned no respect.
Shao: Because there's nothing lower than a traitor.
Bi-Han: You would still be in prison, were it not for me!
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Raiden: I never thought you would betray Earthrealm.
Bi-Han: My only loyalty is to the Lin Kuei.
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