#sorry that’s a little harsh
lamolaine · 2 years
Im a simple woman. I don’t have many pet peeve’s but only 3, people who chew loud, those who leave grocery carts ramped in the parking lot, AND PICKY EATERS
Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s perfectly fine if you have dietary restrictions like gallbladder disease or something. But if you willingly choose to eat bland food…why? They literally will eat a burrito with chicken and rice, and that’s their favorite meal. ARENT YOU BORED LIVING THIS WAY???? venture out have a cheeseburger or something.
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m-comma · 4 months
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The pages remind me you'll always be a villain, your desires convince me you've always been human
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donnyclaws · 11 months
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A1 posters for school, using my spec bio setting idea as the backbone. Only had 6 weeks to make everything you see here, truly and honestly drug me through the mud in a My chronic pain is much worse now kind of way. Happy with the work, bitter about how hostile university is ect. I'll post more development stuff from my backlog later, and it's something I want to keep working on. For now enjoy my penguins and open this in a new tab to read 🦭
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violent138 · 5 months
Lots of the newer heroes struggle with gadgets, hacking, or need some guidance on the finer points of superheroing and when they find their way to Batman they're super nervous. What they don't expect is that a massive nerd with tons of experience teaching kids, who's heard every stupid question under the sun, and is more than willing to help them with what they need to know.
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angelsdean · 1 year
sam's "do i have to?" as his first line is so funny to me because some people will cite this as some kind of symbolism for the theme of autonomy issues and being forced to do things against his will (it's a halloween party, dude) but all this line really does reveal to us is that sam is a boring nerd who never goes to parties (he confirms this himself in 1x07) and is also whiney (younger siblingism) and a stubborn taurus (doesn't wanna go to the party! is trying to get his way by dragging his feet abt it) and kinda being a lame partner bc jess clearly wants to go, is all dressed up and excited, and sam can't even put in any effort? or even just, share in her enthusiasm? and his excuse is "not being a big fan" of halloween and that jess "knows" how he feels about it, except she really doesn't. because sam has not told her the truth about anything ever. so he just looks like a stick in the mud for no good reason. boo sammy. could've done the most low effort costume that i've done many years in a row, just get some cat ears, wear all black and draw a nose and whiskers with some eyeliner. done! and it's not even a monster or ghost or ghoul or anything to remind you of your hunting past
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bthump · 14 days
I’m sorry maybe I’ve misinterpreted your posts, but to clarify: Griffith selling his body to Gennon you consider rape/SA, but Grifith forcing himself on Charlotte is just "having sex"?
I'm gonna take this in the best faith possible and assume at some point I referenced one or both of these without an accompanying explanation or link to one, so here:
That said, two things:
a) if you've already read those or similar explanatory posts and still sent this then there's no real point in engaging because we're coming at this from two different incompatible angles and I can't have a productive discussion with someone who responds to the characters as if they're real people when I'm talking about narrative framing, thematic resonance, and authorial intent.
b) I hope you didn't mean to imply that you think an adult having sex with a prepubescent child can be consensual. I can respect the position that they're both rape, even if I think that ignores the aforementioned narrative framing themes and authorial intent, but if you think I got it backwards then yikes.
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acredb · 20 days
the new minecraft movie looks like shit
yall are forgetting the actual minecraft movie
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okwonyo · 8 months
hello lovelies, i have been nicely informed (by the owner of atrirose) that there are rumors going on about me being archlstarvlle— and i thought it would be logical to debunk these before they get spread all around and the situation gets out of hands.
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first a of all; archlstarvlle has been plagiarizing people's work, under the username wricxv, before i even knew the existence of enhablr and, frankly, tumblr as a whole. not only this, but they plagiarized my first work that i made back in august (that is currently being revamped).
second of all; saying that everyone involved with me has been plagiarized, is far from the truth— if you took ten seconds and scrolled down their account, you would notice that. and, i am not an attention seeker, hurting people isn't my source of happiness, i have proved this many times.
third and last of all; i, personally, think that i have gotten a lot of attention on this plateforme. i like to think that i am a good writer and i do not need to steal other's people releases to get any attention.
it is crazy, that despite how nice i could've been on this application, there is still people that think i would be mean enough to steal works from the people i love the most— and this, for the sake of ‘attention’.
tagging some moots ... @okwons @byhees @atrirose @wonryllis @wvnrqs @seongclb
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potionwine · 1 month
Thinking about Margrace as Joshua's name post-Phoenix Gate.
In FFXVI the Undying choose their own names (Cyril explains this in-game), and many of them have names drawn from Final Fantasy XII, including their leader 'Margrace' himself, from Al-Cid Margrace. The page for Al-Cid notes that Margrace is likely an alternate form of the title 'margrave', an old title for military commanders on the border.
That aside. This is the name chosen (by the boy himself?) for the boy who should have rightfully been known henceforth as 'Your Grace', 'His Grace'.
Grace (style of address), from the Oxford English Dictionary:
With a possessive adjective: a title of respect, esp. for a person of royal or noble rank. Frequently (in 'your Grace') as a form of address. Now archaic or historical. Formerly (in England until the reign of Henry VIII and in Scotland until 1707) used for a monarch or prince; now replaced by Majesty or Highness. Even so, "Majesty" for the sovereign of England was not used exclusively; it arbitrarily alternated with both "Highness" and "Grace", even in official documents, until "Majesty" finally became the official style to the exclusion of others (source).
Grace (other meanings):
1. Divine favour, benevolence, or providence bringing about worldly benefit or advantage. 2. A person's lot, destiny, or fate; luck, fortune. 3. The quality of being pleasing; attractiveness, charm; esp. (in later use) refined elegance of manner, expression, form, or movement, esp. regarded as natural or effortless; gracefulness.
Whatever the etymology of margrave, the name Margrace in-game is probably meant to call to mind the meaning of 'mar' as in damaged, spoiled, ruined. All the grace that ever belonged to his family, his home, his birthright—marred, of course.
Mar+Grace, the last heir of the oldest unbroken ruling dynasty in the Twins at the time of the opening events of the game**.
The living ghost, carrying the desecrated corpse of his legacy in his new name. Introducing himself by his humiliation: "Hello, I am Margrace", "Hello, I am the ruined dignity of my house." "Call me Margrace", "Call me the wreckage of one fallen from divine favour." "My name is Margrace", "My name is blemished fortunes and diminished nobility".
It's appropriately brutal and dramatic for such a character, especially since the game is frustratingly silent on how Joshua personally feels about the loss of his duchy which is a rant for next time.
In the Year 860 (Prologue year/Phoenix Gate), Rosaria is about 260 years old (est. Y600). Older, if you count from the time of the Rose Alliance (est. Y550). The Rosfields have been on the Rosarian throne since the inception of the duchy in Y600, and prior to that House Rosfield was already known to be the chief of/the preeminent house of the Seven High Houses that united to found the duchy. House Rosfield has held ruling power for 260-310 years at a minimum.
For reference, England's longest-reigning dynasty was the Plantagenets, who held on for 300+ years. Rosfields aren't doing half bad!
Veldemarke would have been older had it not been overthrown by Barnabas; therefore Waloed is the youngest nation state at the time of the prologue (only 17 years old). Also we do not know much about the governance of Veldemarke, although as a 'kingdom' it was likely some type of monarchy.
Sanbreque was formed 100 years after Rosaria, and at any rate is not actually a hereditary monarchy. The Holy Emperor is voted into office by his fellow Cardinals, likely the five who form the Council of Elders. We are also explicitly told that Sylvestre 'won his throne' in 865; there is no indication either way that his predecessor emperor was a Lesage. The wording suggests the throne is not Sylvestre's by lineage or birthright. How this is supposed to relate to the concept of Sanbreque having a 'crown prince' (Dion) is unclear and contradictory, since an emperor by election should probably not have the authority to unilaterally decide on the succession of the throne, and his issue—legitimate or no—should not automatically be in the line of succession.
Dhalmekia is a republic with elected officials.
The Iron Kingdom apparently has a royal family, but nothing else is known apart from it being impotent and sidelined by their state religion.
The Northern Tribes likely do have hereditary rule, and Jill is referred to as a princess, but once again little is known.
Ergo—and I am ceaseless in this propaganda—Clive and Joshua are really, properly posh! Absolutely baffling that Anabella would allow anyone to put down the pedigree of her sons when they are so blue-blooded precisely because she is! For someone with such entrenched ideas of blood purity she should not stand for it, no matter how she feels about her eldest.
#sure i'll accept the game just gave josh this name because al-cid was from rozarria#but i like it to have additional meaning because it gives joshua depth#every time you say his name you call him a failure and a stain on his family's proud history!#how long is it until he can accept being called by his proper title#how long before it means something beyond a painful mockery or a reminder of weakness#i rather vehemently thought ffxv could have done more to showcase noctis' feelings as a king in exile#but ffxvi somehow manages to do bugger all for joshua#sorry xv i was too harsh on you#please stop creating royalty if there is no interest in exploring how that character relates to sovereignty and leadership#don't say oh but xvi did explore that with clive because yes i know they did but consider this clive is not rosaria's sovereign#ffx had no sovereigns in the main party and every relationship was solidly crafted#it's such a frustrating business because we literally know how so many other side characters feel about their kingship#yes you barnabas you made benna and sleipnir do all the talking at the consult where you were bored out of your mind lol#yes you elwin ready to send your 10-year-old into war for your people#yes you sylvestre you don't give a shit about the replaceable riffraff#we even know how martha and l'ubor feel about leading their little towns ffs#but we have only the tightly clenched fists and the cold shaking hands of a boy who died at ten#okay okay okay okay i'm not salty#ffxvi#final fantasy xvi#joshua rosfield
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zer0point5ive · 11 months
dadbod lawrence. sound of everyone cheering !
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lunarsolar1 · 2 months
This isn’t what my blog is about and I usually try to avoid making post about things not related to the tv show fandom I’m in but someone needed to call this people out because going to this tag and seeing war everywhere is so tiring and exhausting so imma make this post and HOPEFULLY PEOPLE WILL READ AND LISTEN!!!!!!!!
Buddie shippers needs to seriously CALM DOWN:) and back off!!!! (This also applies to BUCKTOMMY shippers)
Going to the others tag just to HARASS and bully people over FICTIONAL characters is so ridiculous and stupid and people need to stop. It’s a TV SHOW!!!! YOU aren’t the ones writing this, the writes are and they’ll know how they want to finish THEIR story because that’s THEIR characters!!!! Not yours!!!!! People (both sides) need to stop harassing one another and just stay in your tag and enjoy the ship and the characters. There’s no need for hatred or war, especially since in the tv show all 3 are FRIENDS (so fighting about it is so???!!!) just stop. Y’all acting like babies, get some manners and learn how to respect each other preferences and continue enjoying yall ships in PEACE!
And please leave the actors alone as well, they’re just actors they cannot decide what they’ll do next seasons. There’s literally no reason to harass and bully people over people that doesn’t exist. Just enjoy the SHOW and enjoy the SHIP and LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE!!!!!!! And stop using the incorrect tag please, I know some yall are doing it on purpose but please stop that is so annoying. (And I know yall KNOW how that feels like so stop!)
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curemoonliite · 1 year
Let me just preface this by saying I am a huge Spiderverse fan and I largely love the fan community, but I swear to all things holy that the latter will not remain the case if this is what gets y'all to push back against the strike. I get it, I'm hyped for Beyond too, but we knew even before the strike that crunch time was a huge factor in making these movies.
I want to believe a lot of you in the fandom are putting your money where your mouth is when it comes to social issues, but I've also seen how the strike has affected other fandoms and fan entitlement overall. So I'll only say it once: if you sing Spider-Punk's praises in one breath and try to shut down strikes for delaying your fave movie franchise in the other, you're a massive hypocrite. End of story.
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twnj · 2 months
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'A sour mix of guilt and sympathy burrowed through Temari’s veins as she looked down. She began picking at her thumbnail, chipping away at the deep purple shade that reminded her far too heavily of Kankuro’s bedsheets not to bite her lip. She shook her head and looked back up, blinking sharply, to find Shikamaru still staring in horrified disbelief. A lone tear trickled down to the point of his nose and pooled at the side of his nostril, and the acid inside her bubbled, burning until she eventually felt numb.
Numb enough to speak without thinking.
“If tears brought back the dead, my mother would be reborn ten times over, at least. But they don’t.” Temari waited as her words registered in his eyes, and his brow began to soften before continuing, “And time doesn’t stand still for the living just because those they love die. Life isn’t fair like that — nothing about it is — and we just have to deal with it. You understand that, don’t you?”'
Grandmaster on ao3 by @notquitejiraiya
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snzluv3r · 9 months
maybe beginning the deep clean of my room on a day where my nose was already more sensitive and sneezy than usual was a bad idea…perhaps i should’ve thought a little harder about how itchy and allergic the combination of dust and lingering cat hair would make me, let alone on top of what i’m worried might be an oncoming cold—and a very sneezy, hitchy one at that.
my room might be cleaner than when i started but i’ve certainly made a mess of myself and am sneezing so frequently still that i can barely make this post
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fictionadventurer · 9 months
After very little research into the other writings of Laura Ingalls Wilder and Rose Wilder Lane, my hypothesis about the Little House authorship question is that the writing is mostly Rose's, but the heart is Laura's.
In Laura's newspaper columns, the parts that sound most like Little House mostly come from the extracts she shares from Rose's letters (incidentally, it's kind of adorable how proud she is of Rose: "My daughter's in France!", "My daughter's in Albania!", etc.) The prose of Old Home Town, Rose's inspired-by-my-childhood-home novel, has some of the same concise descriptive prose that I've come to associate with the Little House style (I could hear passages in the voice of the Little House audiobook narrator).
Yet the Little House soul is all over Laura's columns. She's fascinated by the simple tasks of life, believes in home and family and hard work, believes in holding onto the goodness of childhood and looking forward with hope toward the future. There's an optimism, almost a romanticism, about life. The children's series that bears her name clearly comes from the same woman.
Rose, by contrast, is much more pessimistic. When writing about childhood, she's almost cynical about the life of a small town. She highlights the dark stories underlying the wholesome exterior, is extremely sensitive to the pitfalls of the social scene around her. Part of the difference is that Rose is writing for adults, but there does seem to be an essential difference in the personality behind the pen, despite the stylistic similarities to Little House.
(At the risk of pop psychoanalyzing people long dead, Rose seems much more neurotic and introverted and sensitive than her mother. In her writings and in the books about her childhood in Missouri, she comes across as child of a fairly comfortable modern life, with all the modern anxieties, in contrast to a woman who grew up starving on the prairie and knows that there are much worse things to endure than small-town gossip).
It's not much of a thesis, but I'm just fascinated by the fact that the Little House series can share so many stylistic similarities with Rose's writings, yet feel so much more like Laura.
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liquidstar · 10 months
I thought himbo meant very oblivious (and I guess dumb, but I've seen it mostly as just lacking certain situational awareness) but deeply caring guy who's also very attractive. I've never really seen it in the context of being slutty, just super hot. Sometimes the sexual nature is brought up but that's just Tumblr being horny on main
Anon I'm very sorry to tell you this but... The word has always been sexual. It means stupid slut. It's existed for a long time, well before Tumblr, and has meant stupid slut (and pretty much ONLY stupid slut. All that stuff about being nice and caring is pretty much just a Tumblr addition to make it less threatening or something)
It's basically been completely babyfied on Tumblr to the point that people forget this, but if you actually have conversations outside of here you'll quickly remember that the quirky "nice dumb guy uwu" connotation is a very online thing. And the word does in fact mean stupid slut, it's just been totally neutered by fandom blorbo posts to be less charged and more cutsie. But the real life connection doesn't actually magically go away once you apply it to real life people either
Also, hell, even if you do take out the sexual connotation to make it more generally approachable IT'S STILL A FUCKING INSULT THAT MEANS STUPID!!!! YOU CAN'T GO AROUND CALLING REAL LIFE PEOPLE STUPID LIKE THEY'RE YOUR FUCKING ANIME BOYS!!!
And you know what, if you wanna use it to talk about your blorbos like that IDC! That's totally fine and not hurting anyone. But sometimes it's important to remember that perhaps people's real life little siblings aren't free game to talk about that way, because that's weird and creepy on so many levels (even with the neutered definition tbh) like, what are we doing here rn?
It's a word that's always meant stupid slut, fandom people watered it down as fandom tends to do, and now there are plenty of people who forget how to act about it in non-fandom ways when it comes to real people. A tale as old as Tumblr....
My little brothers aren't blorbos you can talk about however you want, you can't go around calling them words that are sexually charged or insults just because you decided they actually mean something cute now. Like, imagine if I called your (teenage) family member a sexy idiotic whore and decided "sexy idiotic whore actually means nice person :) that's how me and my friends say it so that's what it means. So I said a nice thing so don't be mad 🤭" like that's weird right? That would be weird. It's kind of the same fucking thing. Stop that forever.
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