#sorry this got so long the headcanons ran away from me
mvshortcut · 2 years
hey thank you so much!! sorry it took me so long to answer this-
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Ok the idea that Curtain, Garrison, Milligan, and SQ's dad were on the rowing team together in grad school has taken up rent in my brain and refused to leave (from this post by @nobody33333333 and this art by @jukio8o
Also consider: Curtain competed singles/without a team in college. He only lost one race and that was to some random freshman named Rhonda. Of course, he was a whiny sore loser about it and he's spent years tracking her down so he can brainsweep her to make her forget she ever beat him. This is the real reason why Rhonda is on the "To Brainsweep" list and not because she was working with Nicholas.
Number Two and Milligan have a rivalry where they compete in those food-eating contests at little county fairs. Number Two is ahead 20-3.
Preteen Constance listens to nightcore
McCracken was flirting with Milligan the whole time (I can't prove this at all I just think it's funny)
this is more of an AU but SQ was in the same orphanage as Reynie (like when they were really young, before he got brought to the institute) and was also the only kid who was nice to Reynie. They recognized each other after Mr. Benedict helped SQ recover some of his buried/stolen memories
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
I think Mr. Benedict should be a little snarky. As a treat
Also I love writing Milligan as Peak Dad. Like he's a great father, grill dad, dad jokes, etc. But internally he's freaking out because this is new to him and he doesn't know what he's doing at all! So basically Milligan being like "Oh no I'm a failure I'm just not cut out for this dad stuff" while literally being the best dad on the planet
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sunflowerrosewood · 7 months
Your First Fight and Makeup Headcanon ~ Ushijima Wakatoshi
Author's Note: Since my other account @cheekyredwillow got deleted. I am adding some of my favorite fanfictions to this account and revamping this one with new ones. I hope to make an actual list of fandoms I am still a fan of! NO requests for the time being.
On to the headcanon!
Fight Fight
~You and Ushijima have been dating a few months and you have gotten used to his intense training schedule
~He is not normally home often and when he is, he is usually ready to go to bed
~ You've gotten used to the busy schedule and it was fine for a while
~But when it went on and on and on
~You felt worn down as you can't remember the last time you two had a night together
~When you would bring it up to Ushijima, he would say he would plan something at some point but he was busy
~So it hurt when nothing was planned over time
~Ushijima came home from practice and you were waiting for him with a hug
~He came in and walked past you. He mentioned having a long day training and wanted to take a shower.
~So you told him that you would wait for him with dinner which he just agreed and walked away.
~As Ushijima finished his shower, he came out to see you and he sat down. He began eating quietly
~You mentioned going out for a date and Ushijima rolled his eyes
"Y/n, what did I say to you. I will schedule one eventually. You knew dating me would get this schedule." He growled as you turned your head down.
"Well I haven't heard anything in a bit nor seen anything planned. I wanted to ask. I miss our dates Toshi." You said softly as he sighed.
"I have a busy schedule you knew this." Ushijima said and stood up. "I'm going to bed. Come when you want to."
~Ushijima stormed off and went to bed leaving you in the kitchen alone
~You let some tears fall down and stayed at the table. You got up and cleaned the plates.
~After that argument, you felt bad about it. So when you got ready for bed, you decided to not cuddle against him like usual. You left him on his side
Make Up
~ You haven't been cuddling against him for a couple of weeks now. You've just been a ghost fixing dinner and welcoming him home
~You felt yourself getting drained by this
~As for Ushijima, he was at practice trying to come to terms with what was going on
~He was losing you quickly and he did not know what to do
~He talked with some of his teammates and his manager and they all mentioned going home to you
~As he returned home, he saw a duffle by the door, he felt panic hit his chest and ran to the bedroom
~You were packing a small bag and Ushijima ran in. His eyes were with wide with panic
"What's going on?" you heard Ushijima exclaim. You hadn't heard that emotion in a while.
"Ushijima, I'm taking a few days for myself. Just need to clear my head and think about us." You said softly.
You began to turn and were met with Ushijima's hard chest. You looked up and Ushijima held your face.
"Don't go Y/n. What do I need to do to fix this?" He asked as you shook your head.
"You have a busy schedule Ushijima and I'm wanting a relationship. We have two different things going on and two different outlooks. I-I don't know if this can work long term." You said softly and felt Ushijima's hands on your face.
"Y/n, I don't want to lose you." Ushijima said.
"I can't do this. I need something. And these past few weeks have been nothing. I can't." You said as Ushijima pulled and hugged you. "Wha-What?"
"I'm sorry Y/n. I don't know relationships very well. You are my first long term. I'm so sorry. Tell me what to do."
"Toshi, I don't want this entire thing to change. I just want us to go on some dates here and there. And I want to feel like we're in a relationship. The whole kissing when you get home and cuddling in bed. That's all." You said as a few tears fell from your eyes.
"I will try to work on that for you." Ushijima said softly and brushed your tears.
~The two of you went to bed that night with Ushijima's arm wrapped around you
~He kissed your temple before falling asleep against you
~You cuddled against him and fell asleep quickly
~Within the next few days, Ushijima was working little by little with you
~From planning and going on a little date to kissing when he gets home to even having a movie night before he goes to bed
~You brightened up and felt this relationship blossom for the better. Ushijima felt a ton better seeing you happy. He also felt like the relationship was on a better footing.
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bloody-peach · 8 months
The Sun Always Shines on TV (Hazbin Hotel: Vox x Reader)
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SURPRISE! I'm not dead! So my buddy @omniuravity got me into Hazbin and especially my new husband Vox, and after a few headcanon chats, I just HAD to write something. So I did. Is it canon to Vox's behavior? I dunno, I haven't seen the full season, but I've seen clips, and I think I at least got a vague idea. So, sorry if not, but oh well. Still fun! This was kind of done in a rush of hyperfixation, so sorry if it's a bit rough. Anyways, enjoy!
Taglist: @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered @neonvehk @omniuravity and anyone else who loves Hazbin and Vox!
It was midnight when the hourglass finally ran out. The counter read '000', showing that time was up. You knew what today was.
Extermination Day was here again.
The day where angels would come down to hell and massacre hundreds of sinners as a form of population control. You could hear the screams of terror outside as crowds of sinners would scurry and try to escape their fates. You could've easily been in that crowd, getting impaled through the gut by an angel's spear.
Vox pulls you close to him, his arm around you as he watched the carnage from the couch on the large TV. He knew that it was hard for you to watch sinners get butchered alive, so he would let you hide your face in his chest when things got gory. When he heard you whimper, he looks at you, a concerned look on his face, saying, "You ok, Y/N?" You look at him and nod, "Yeah..it's just...it could be me out there...what if I'm next?" Vox brushed a lock of your hair behind your ear and said, "You won't be. As long as I'm here, you're safe. I won't let them hurt you." You hug him, snuggling in his chest for comfort, glad that he was there.
In truth, Vox was just as scared as you were. You could easily be in the crosshair of an angel if you were out on the streets. He would low-key panic if you weren't there with him each Extermination Day. He couldn't stand the idea of losing you, not to anything or anyone.
He still remembers seeing you watch his show from an electronics storefront. He noticed how you were drawn to the show, but somehow, his hypnosis didn't have an effect on you. But he was amazed that even without it, you still tuned in and watched with excitement. That day, he felt there was something special about you, so he kept a close eye on you, watching you through various tv screens when you weren't looking. Then one day, he met you through a chance encounter.
You worked at Valentino's studio as the camera operator and Vox happened to show up one day. You caught a glimpse of Vox talking with Valentino and you couldn't stop staring at him. You felt a ball of anxiety in your gut build as you watched him, admiring his good looks, charismatic attitude, and mesmerizing voice. You couldn't help but swoon to yourself.
"Y/N! Are you listening?!" Valentino's voice broke your daze and you quickly ran to him, so not to enrage him. "I-I'm sorry sir! I-I just sent the footage to the editor and they'll get it done right away!" Vox saw as Val smiled at you and he felt a bit of rage. He didn't like how Val looked at you with his sleazy gaze, undressing you with his eyes. He's the only one who should be allowed to do that.
Once you started to walk away, Vox trips you and you start to fall, but he catches you before you could hit the ground. You look at him and could feel your face blush and your heart flutter. You stood up and bowed your head, "I'm sorry sir!" "Hey, no need to apologize. And no need to call me 'sir', either. Just call me Vox. Now, who may you be?" "I..I'm Y/N..." "Y/N...what a nice name. So you work for Val?" You nod, saying, "Yeah, I work the camera." Vox walks closer to you, saying, "Oh, sweetheart, your cute face doesn't deserve to be hidden behind a camera. It deserves to be displayed on TV." You blushed pure red and Vox knew he had you in his grasp.
Vox buys you off of Val and he lets you live with him at his mansion. While you were amazed by the opulence an overlord possessed, all that mattered to you was that you were with Vox. As things went on, Vox noticed how caring you were towards him, comforting him when he was stressed out over Alastor or helping him fix his screen or repair his wires when he gets hurt. He would always turn to you for comfort before anyone else. He always enjoyed being around you, loving the way you laughed, smiled, made jokes, everything. Eventually, he realized that he was in love with you.
When Extermination Day came, you were just leaving the porn studio from a long night of doing re-shoots. The bell rang and you felt your heart sink. You tried to look where to hide, pushing your way through the screaming crowd. You pass by the electronics shop when you hear a familiar voice. "Y/N! Over here!" You turned and saw Vox's face on a screen. "Vox! It's time! Extermination Day! Oh my god, what do I do?!" "Listen to me, you're not too far from where I am. Find a place to hide and stay there, I'll come get you. Ok?" You nod, tears in your eyes. He sees your fear and says in a comforting voice before signing off, "It'll be okay, Y/N. I won't let them hurt you."
With that, you look and find a dumpster. You immediately hop inside and hide, keeping quiet. Seconds felt like minutes, and minutes felt like hours as you laid there, your anxiety and fear through the roof. You kept hoping that Vox would get there soon. You then feel a wire coil around your waist and pull you out of the dumpster and hold you. You look and see it was Vox, carrying you and rushing back to his house, dodging any angel nearby.
Once you got inside, Vox grabbed you and held you, causing your emotions to crash over you as the adrenaline ran out. You hugged him tightly and cried into his chest. "Shh, shh, it's okay now, Y/N. I'm here. You're safe. You're..safe..."
You could hear tears choked up in his voice and he hugged you tightly as you both dropped to your knees. He tried to hold back his tears, but he couldn't.
He could've lost you. When he heard the bells ring, he was so scared. He needed to find you and take you home. He couldn't lose you. He couldn't. Not you. He scanned every television in the district to find you and was so relieved when he did. He rushed out the door and ran towards the studio. And now that you were here in his arms, where he knew you were safe, he started to break down. His screen started to glitch and his audio started to skip as he tried to control himself. He was usually an narcissistic egomaniac, caring about himself, but when it came to you..it was all different. He needed you.
"Y/N..please...stay with me...don't go...I love you..please..."
Those words made you cry even more, out of joy now.
"Vox...I love you too..."
And with that, you both cry out your built up emotions and soon, you both were in bed together, forgetting the world outside and only listening to each other's moans and words of love.
Ever since, Vox claimed your soul and you were now permanently his. From now on, you were under his protection. If any demon fucked with you or disrespected you, that was a direct insult to him and they would be dealt with. You would work as his assistant and co-host on some of his shows, entertaining thousands of viewers all over Hell. And whenever Extermination Day hit, you stayed at home with him, sitting with him on the couch and listening to him cheer and laugh as each sinner was killed. Sometimes it helped you, other times it didn't. But he knew that.
Vox stands up from the couch and shuts off the TV, saying "Come on, let's get to bed. It should be over soon anyways." You nod, following him. It's not too long til you both lay in bed, holding each other close. The bedroom was higher up from the ground floor, so the screams and sounds of death were much more distant. You lay your head on his chest and you hear his circuits buzzing rapidly, a sign of his anxiety. You lift your head and look at him, concerned. "Vox? Are you okay, honey?" He looks at you and smiles, but his face gave away that today kind of disturbs him too. It would remind him of the day that he almost lost you. He cupped your cheek and said softly, "I am, knowing that you're with me." You smile and lean up, kiss him softly and tenderly, the kiss showing so much love. Vox reciprocated the kiss and held you close. Once you broke the kiss, you hear the bell ring out, signaling the end of the annual massacre. Vox chuckled, saying, "Perfect. Now I can get some sleep. Night, babe." You lay on him, your head resting on his chest as you respond, "Night, sweetie. I love you." Vox wrapped his arms around you, gently rubbing your back as he said softly, "I love you too, Y/N."
I hope you all like it!!
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hidden love
headcanon summary: gambit reacting to mutant gn crush who can hide their presence
content warnings: none
fandom: x-men/deadpool and wolverine
character: gambit x reader
anon request
a.n. - i'm so sorry if the accent doesn't come out quite right in writing, i've never really had a chance to write accents! please let me know if there's any improvement i can make :)
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your power allows you to disappear in a sense, where you fade from existence seemingly. it created a problem when you were younger, where you felt cut off from your peers when you faded from lack of control over your powers. it was a feeling you took with you into your adult lifetime though, when you were recruited by charles into x-men to hone in on your skills. now you're better at disappearing when you want too, although it can subconsciously happen when you space out or get startled easily.
you still felt a bit ignored by your peers, although not unused to the feeling, but you were hoping to branch out and gain some family or close friends. it wasn't until remy showed up in your life that the feeling of being invisibile you got so used to changed. now it seems like others now had an easier time seeing you as well.
you initially ran into remy on the stairs, rounding the corner a bit too sharp, the resounding smack into his chest causing you to inhale a sharp breath. it's not like you meant too, your throat closing up at the idea you could get in trouble for this, the one time you're seen. you simply curled into yourself and you thought about hiding, and then simply vanish into the air. you couldn't help it - you bumped into a really attractive man you hadn't met before, feeling too incredibly embarrassed beyond your stuttering to offer a napkin or apologize to the man you caused to spill his coffee on himself.
"huh? cher?" he asks, looking around for where you could have possibly gone. he shrugs after a second, purple eyes glancing around, and walks away, back upstairs towards where you assume his room is to clean up. you come back into visibility after you're sure he's gone, a small smile on your face after hearing him speak, gaining a damning crush on a man you barely know. (you can only assume you haven't seen him before was because he just got recruited or he's been on a bit of a long mission away from here, long enough for you to be recruited a few months ago. which would make you feel worse if he just got back and you spilled his coffee on him.)
the next time you see him, you're both in the kitchen for breakfast. he glances your way where you're nervously making your coffee, not used to him continually looking at you, not through you. usually people give you a glance over, not able to really focus on you too much when you fade in and out because of a fear response towards conversation. something you've carried with you since childhood.
"ah, so you're the cher i've had the pleasure of running to, no?" he asks, his accent thick, pointing out to the slight disappearing act you have right now, fading slightly. you're mesmerized, hanging onto his words. which you're sure he notices, considering his smirk your way. he plays with his cards, as he waits for your response and the stovetop to heat up.
you nod though, focusing intently on stirring your coffee before you take a sip. he walks over to you, looking you up and down. it creates a nervous break in you, causing you and your mug to disappear completely now, another aspect of your power - you can cause certain objects you're holding to disappear as well, some bigger items needed more concentration you've found.
he holds his arm out, wondering if you could still be felt. and you let him, as he touches your shoulder, eyebrows raised. he thought your power is really cool, not hesitating to tell you so. it makes you feel warm, like you're finally seen as you come back into view.
and that was the beautiful start of your friendship. the both of you found any time you could to hang out, where you would spill everything to one another. you, talking about how scary it is for you to talk to others on the team because of your younger days, where others really never made connections with you because of your disappearing act. (he loves parading you around to the others, and they do really want to get to know you. it's just getting over the fear.) he also talks to you about his thieving guild days, thankful for your understanding and how you welcomed him with open arms.
he's also very flirty with you, although you think he's that way with everyone. you've seen how he is with rouge as well, and as someone with low self esteem, you assume that he only wants friends with you, and that he's just acting friendly with you. which you're okay with. (little do you know that he really likes you. he's just been practicing lines with rouge, and didn't realize you had overheard for those moments.)
it only took a few months after what you saw for you both to reveal your feelings for one another, which happened on one of your many missions together that went awry. you tend to fade in and out during fights based on what strategy is best, and you had faded to help a prisoner of the enemy escape by becoming invisible as well. an enemy saw you disappear though and took an educated guess to where you were and shot you. it causes you to come back into sight of remy who saw you get shot, falling to your knees.
remy rushes your way, throwing cards at the enemy who shot you, falling next down next to you. others took over the fight, one already close to finishing, so he's able to focus his attention on you to stem the bleeding. you've both never seen so much panic on the other's face like this, facing potential death and the fear of being unable to spend more time with another.
"oh, hold on mon cher. you'll be okay." he cradles your head with one hand, another on your waist. you grasp onto his wrists, vision fading, the last thing you hear is "je t'aime mon couer."
you come to eventually in the infirmary, vision fuzzy before it clears. you feel a weight in your hand, remy beside you sleeping in the uncomfortable chair next to the bed. his hand in yours. it makes you lightly smile, glad he was there. you tug on his hand, to signal you were up. he was quick to wake up, wanting to attend to your needs.
"oh, couer, you're finally awake now. ya need anything, anything i can do?" he hovers over you, hands stroking your face, feather light. you hold one of his hands, kissing his palm.
"just you. i love you too, you know." you tell him, and from there you both start your relationship, confessing to one another.
in the end, you're happy you're able to be with the man who can see you for you.
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zhvakinnn · 4 months
I have a request 🤓 !! Can I get a SBG one shot or headcanons (I don’t really care ) where the reader is extremely closed off, she doesn’t get close with the group and doesn’t even talk to them in school. She’s very vague and overall not communtive. The thing is, is that she’s not even shy, she’s just like that !! She’s not really close with anyone in the group but hangouts with her other friends in school. She doesn’t even discuss plans with them.
Maybe you could do a little something by where she has a journal and she uses it a lot. That’s what I was thinking. She puts all her thoughts in there and just leaves it in class and it just had like all these little notes about the group and positive things about them.
IM SO SORRY IF THIS IS TO MUCH, or this goes against your guidelines 😕
BYEEEE !! 😊😊😊
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I don't see and ship with the reader so im expecting this is platonic ^^
Paring: sbg x fem reader (platonic)
✨as always i don't know much English so if something is wrong correct me✨
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Many people are making fun of you, you even got a nickname
Loner wolf
There's just slight happiness in a lonely world but sometimes you wish for a friend but never got the chance since elementary you were known as a loner because you thought being alone is peaceful and fun
But as you grow up people tend to tease you and just completely made you into a ghost, ignoring you and stuff
Then you made a friend even if it's one you were happy you didn't feel invisible by the others naked eye but again the problem is you began to have trust issues when you got a friend you didn't want another one you feel like you're gonna be left out and your friend accepted your opinion and stayed with you all the time
They knew how you were a loner before and understand your feelings
Then this girl came bumping to you making you glare at her but became soft she had brown eyes, hair she apologize then a boy came waving at her
Tyler Hernandez a baseball player and it must be his twin who i just bump into though i don't know her name
You didn't take long to break your eyes from them and walked away
You lost your friend in the crowd when it was the bell rang you kept peaking through the people in the way, you didn't notice you bump someone again
Its the same girl Hernandez
"ahahaha looks like we bump again to each other" she said saying sorry again, you only make a quiet sorry before walking away again she only made a confusing face because most of the time you ask for the name and kinda became friends, looks like her expectation is false
You finally found them and went to the class you looked at the chairs and saw names you came looking for yours and finally found it you sat down and wait for the others to come
The teacher introduce himself now it was out turn since we're at the back my friend and i are the last one to introduce ourselves
When it's my turn i stand up and simply said my name and my hobbie/s when you looked at your side the twin of Hernandez was looking at you then she smiled you only made a little nod then sat back at the chair
Then at lunch you came across with a blonde boy and Barron on some corner of the school looks like their chatting but their not your about to ignore it but when you saw Barron hitting his head you know what he was doing your friend ask you where your going and only said 'somewhere' they shrugged it off but told you where to meet you nodded at them
Once you got there Barron noticed you and not even caring that he got caught cause no one will believe you and no one even dare to tell on him
You grip at his arm and said let go of the blonde boy, you don't know how to fight, your not strong enough so there was only thing you could do, you can't go 2 against 3 so
You kicked his balls and ran with the blonde the other two were chasing you so you both went to a crowded place and finally you both lost them
The blonde boy and you were catching your breaths when you were okay he said 'thank you' and then introduce himself
"thank you so much im Logan, Logan fields we both have the same class" oh right you didn't pay attention to them introducing you didn't notice this was your classmate
You only nodded then walk off waving at him you texted your friend were they were at
You began to write journals about them like
'i just know the other Hernandez name, she's Taylor'
'the ginger girl is scary but somewhat sweet'
'the other blonde boy looks crazy and how does he have red eyes? Is he a vampire?'
'the tall dude looks attractive not gonna lie'
'logan is so sweet'
'why does Tyler kept glaring at me'
And yada yada then one day you accidentally left it on your desk and Ben found it he gave it to Taylor and when she took it there was a paper that fell when she read what its says it was like
' i want to make more friends but im not sure if they would like me and not tease me for being a loner before they're all so kind and sweet but still'
When tyler said they shouldn't invade someone's privacy The Notebook was long gone in Taylors hand it was now in Aiden when he started to read they all got curious about it
When Taylor gave it back to you, you thank and smiled at her
Little did you know they're planning to be friends with you and your friend
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That's it for to day loves
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barefoot-joker · 10 months
Yandere!Crimson Headcanons
Hey, guys! Long time no see (or is it read?)! I know it’s been a while and I do apologize. I recently got into Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, so if you’re interested you can send requests in. Today I bring you Crimson headcanons, which I’ve never done before so this is going to be interesting. I’m sorry if he’s OOC as well. Anyways, here we go!
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-There are several ways you could have met Crimson: a client, family of one of his members, perhaps even a target
-However, let’s go with the idea that your family is a financial backer for the mob
-Crimson was visiting your family’s estate to discuss the need for more money
-Your father and him were talking when a knock interrupted them
“Come in!”
Crimson turned to see the oak door open and in step the most beautiful creature he had seen. Jewels the mobster had seen couldn’t even compare. “Crimson, I’d like you to meet my daughter Y/n.”
The mob boss held out his hand and took yours, landing a kiss on the knuckles. “It’s a pleasure to meet ya, sweetheart.”
“Same to you, Mr. Crimson.”
-And with that your fate was sealed
-It had been a few weeks since Crimson and you met, the two of you going about your lives
-However, you had never left the mafia man’s mind
-With that, he gave your house a ring and asked you on a date
-Your father was apprehensive while your mother was elated
-You, on the other hand, weren’t too interested
-You already had a boyfriend, a man by the name of Zeke
-The two of you met at a local cafe and hit it off ever since
-You brought up your concerns, but your mother thought that having multiple suitors was no big deal
-Besides, you never say no to the mob
-So you said yes
-That night, Crimson was at your door with a bouquet of roses and the two of you entered his car
-He took you to dinner at a fancy restaurant where he regaled you with stories of his job
-You felt uncomfortable the whole time and would rather have been at home
-The date ended with him taking you back and saying he enjoyed his time
-You lied and said you did too
-You got out of the car and he left
-Several weeks had passed and you hung out with Zeke a lot
-You were happy to say the least
-If only you had noticed Crimson’s men tracking you down
“What do you mean she’s seeing someone? She belongs to me!”
“She’s been seeing this Zeke fella for a while now, Sir. Apparently, they are lovers.”
“Not on my watch they’re not! Where does this Zeke work? Looks like I have to have a chat about touching what’s mine.”
-Crimson had a little “chat” with Zeke a day later and made sure to leave reminders (some bruises here and there) to have him back away from you
-The mafia boss even allowed him to keep his eyes as he was feeling generous
-That night Zeke spilled about what had happened to you
-Needless to say you weren’t happy
-You called up Crimson and the two of you met in a nearby park
-You explained that you were in a relationship and that while Crimson seemed nice, he wasn’t your cup of tea
-Crimson disagreed
-Grabbing your wrists, he pulled you close and whispered how you were his and nothing would change that
-You tried to pull away but he grabbed your hair next
-He explained that you were his and that he’d seal the deal in a couple of days
-Terrified, you jolted away and ran
-Crimson having a huge smirk on his face
-Sure enough a few days passed, and Crimson invited your whole family to his estate
-You begged your parents not to go, but they implore you all did
-Next thing you know; you’re sitting at the dinner table with Crimson eyeing you up and down
“What do you want with us, Crimson?”
“Be patient, doll. Business comes after dinner in this family.”
-After everyone was done, you all met in the foyer, and everyone shared drinks
-You didn’t dare drink any of yours, to uncomfortable with the whole situation 
-Your attention became diverted when Crimson tapped his glass
“Now, I know it’s odd that I called you all here. However, I wanted Mr. L/n’s approval before I began.”
The imp knelt down in front of you on one knee and snapped his fingers. One of his lackeys plopped a box into his hands. Upon opening it, you gasped. A golden ring with a sparkling diamond on top sat within the red cushion of the small box. “With your permission Mr. L/n, I’d like to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage.”
“Daddy, please don’t! I love Zeke! You know that!”
“No need to worry about him anymore, sweet cheeks.”
“What do you mean?”
Snapping his fingers again, a plaque was brought over to your side, and you couldn’t hold back the scream. Nailed to the wood was Zeke’s horns, stating his dead status. “How could you?!”
“He was in the way of what I wanted, doll. And I always get what I want!”
-He snatched your hand to place the ring, but your father spoke his piece
-He wasn’t thrilled with Crimson’s approach and the three of you went to leave
-However, the sound of the safety being clicked off on a couple of guns made you all freeze
“You better rethink your options, old man.”
-Tears formed in your eyes as your father looked around before nodding defeated -Crimson tightly grabbed your hand and jammed the ring on your finger   
-He went in for a kiss and you wished you had never walked into the meeting that fateful day
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kichikichiko · 6 months
Hello! I hope you're having a good time,I would like to request Kazuha and scaramouche with a gender neutral reader Who almost died protecting them?
If you don't feel comfortable doing this, don't do it. Thank you so much!
Don't you dare leave me!
I've had this request in my ask box for MONTHS and Ive planned to write it when I got it but ykkkk life happens.
Ty Anon for sending this in and sorry it took me this long to write your request 💔
Synopsis: How your partner would react to when you risk your life to save them.
Pairing: Kazuha x Gn! Reader and Scara x Gn! Reader
Cw: Semi proof-read, Fluff, headcanon, slight blood mention, cursing for Scara, Established relationship (Kazuha), kiss at the end (Scara)
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KAEDEHARA KAZUHA ¤ Scarlet leaves pursue wild waves
It was around the time the Raiden Shogun declared the vision hunting decree, and right after Kazuha's dear friend Tomo passed trying to withsand the musou no hitotachi.
You were away for training with your teacher. And as you walked home you heard of the commotion on the streets
"That guy died from the Shogun's strike" "what was he thinking?! He is obviously no match for the Shogun"
Hearing all of the whispers made you a little worried. And something told you that it was terrible news. What if that was someone you knew personally?
Assuring yourself that it's probably just some stupid samurai off the streets is what you did. Trying to block out all the whisperd and worries of the city folk.
Until you heard his name from a group of people talking about what just happened. "...Kaedehara...."
Your boyfriend who you haven't seen since this morning. You stopped on your tracks and turned around hoping you heard that wrong.
"What did you say?"
"Pardon?" The person asked.
"The name." You repeated "the name you mentioned before, what was it again?"
"Kaedehara. Kaedehara Kazuha?" The person said confused by your expression growing more and more distraught by the second
"What happened to him? Did he..." you couldnt even get yourself to finish that sentence. You didnt want to believe that HE was the one who challenged the Raiden Shogun
"No dont worry (miss/sir) it's not him who died. Its another guy, but Kaedehara was seen on the scene taking the dead vision and running off. From what I've heard he's running away right now"
Without wasting another second you booked it to the nearest port. You had no idea if he was going to be there as he escaped but it's worth the shot anyways.
Panting and gasping through the bamboo forest while thinking about the fate of your boyfriend isn't the best combination.
"What if he got caught?" "What if he already left?" "What if that stranger was mistaken?" The what if questions were not helping you at all.
So all you did was to hope. Hope that he is still alive, hope that he is still in Inazuma
Your legs were killing you and your lungs feel like they're about to explode if you don't stop running. But you can't
You need to see Kazuha.
As if the Archon's heard your prayers, all of a sudden you hear a guard shouting in a distance "Kaedehara Kazuha you're under arrest under the vision hunting decree!"
"It's him! He's still here!" Relieved he hasn't made it out of Inazuma yet, you started running even faster to the scene.
When you got there you saw Kazuha fighting a bunch of the Shogun's guards left and right. "Kazuha!" You shouted out in relief, as you drew out your katana (sword) and began helping him fight.
You bear no vision, but the adrenaline was pumping into your veins you didnt give a second thought and dove into the fight.
"(Name)??" Kazuha turned around to look at you for a split second. Honestly if it werent for the current condition youre both in, he'd hug you real tight
"How did you find me?" He asked before turning his head around and defend himself from the guards.
"I heard from the city folks hat you ran away after a man died from the musou no hitotachi" you responded, blocking a strike from another guard.
He made a mental note to explain to you the story after the fight is over.
Speaking of which, the fight lasted for quite sometime until all of the shogun's minions were down.
You turned around and hugged Kazuha, throwing your weapon onto the ground.
"I'm so glad youre safe Kaz" you burried your bead into his shoulder, still panting from all that fighting, adrenaline and running.
Kazuha was panting as well, hugging you tighter like never before and kissed your forehead softly "Me too (name), I'm so sorry I didn't come to you sooner and told you anything. Everything happened so fast, I had to leave before I got caught."
You pulled away from the hug and smiled at him softly, your breathing becoming more stable after a while "That's alright, I found you just in time-"
Something was moving behind Kazuha and you couldn't make it what it was until you could.
It was the Shogun's guard again, with a bow and arrow... aimed at Kazuha's back. Your heart dropped
before the guard should release the arrow you pushed Kazuha away and took the hit.
The arrow ended up piercing your shoulder which earned a shout from you. It hurted like hell and blood started flowing out of your shoulder by the minute.
At first you felt dizzy from the blood loss and then everything went dark. You were going in and out, Before you blacked out completely, the first time you saw Kazuha charging up to the guard and fought him. The next time you saw him picking you up bridal style
And the last thing you heard was " (name) Don't you dare leave me!"
The first thing you saw when you woke up was a wooden ceiling above you. "Where am I?" You sat up and hissed from the pain on your shoulder. You took a look at thr soirce of the pain and to your surprise, the wounded area had been wrapped with a compression bandage.
Looking around at the area you realised you ended up on a ship. But how?
Before you could ask more questions, the door in front of you opened, and standing there was Kazuha. The man saw that you were awake and sped walk towards you.
"You're awake! Thank goodness. Don't worry everythings alright. We're on a ship of a pirate captain from Liyue and she got her crew to help stop the bleeding on your shoulder."
Ah, he basically just answered the questions that were popping up in your head. "Looks like we'll have to thank this pirate captain for her hospitality"
You looked at the current condition of your lover. His shoulders were tense and his lips forced into a small smile.
You could tell it was so that you wouldn't be alarmed. And you could tell he was still shaken up by the stunt you pulled earlier.
"I'm sorry my love, for scaring you like that." Placing your hand on his shoulder, then slowly making your way up to his cheek. "I'm safe, youre safe. That's all that matters."
You could see his eyes softening and his shoulders becoming less tense
"Youre right... youre right. You just got me worried back there. I was afraid I might lose you too." He whispered softly, cupping his hand over your hand.
Subconciously he gripped your hand hard enough to make you notice but not hard enough to hurt you.
He didn't have to elaborate any further for you to realise that his dear friend was the one who died.
"I won't leave you here alone dear. That's a promise." pulling him into a hug, which he reciprocated quickly
"What now?" Is a question you both will figure out later.
Right now, the only thing that matters is the two of you.
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Being the Balladeer's assistant was no easy job
Having to deal with his yelling, degration, mocks, (tantrums) and bad temper required patience. Lots of it
But no matter how many times he left you out in the snow to freeze, or mocked you in front of everyone, you stayed by him. Honestly no one understood how and why (and neither did Scara but he would never question it)
Partially because the pay is good (the harbingers decided to pay you extra because youre dealing with Scaramouche), partially because you don't get treated as half as bad as his subordinates and because sometimes he isn't so bad in general.
What I mean by "not so bad" is that sometimes, barely, but once in a blue moon. He shows that he cares and appreciates your help and loyalty.
When he was sent out on a mission to Inazuma, you couldn't come to help him due to unfortunate circumstances. He was pissed to say the least
surprisingly not at you but at the higher ups for not allowing you, his assistant to come
he brought you a souvenier from Inazuma. Nothing much and nothing grand, but it is something from your boss so you treasure it.
Another time you got sick with the flu, at first he was pissed (when is he not 💀🖕) but then at night, he came over to give you some soup
By the Balladeer's words it is to "Make you get better soon so you can work again. I can't manage all this shit by myself"
Which you translated it to "I miss your company and I need your help with my tasks"
Either way you appreciated his kindness.
Scaramouche and you were sent out on a mission together to the chasm. Usually they wouldn't send the harbingers down there, but an important relic from an unknown lost civilization was found, and the fatui wants to study it.
As the 2 of you were down there, all you (other than trying to find the relic) did was listen to his occasional rants and curses to the other harbingers for sending him on this mission.
"Annoyed as always" you rolled your eyes.
When the relic was found and secured safely, the two of you nodded at each other as a sign that you both should head out as soon as possible
Luckily Scaramouche and you didn't run into any enemies which was....
"Strange" you mumbled to yourself, brows furrowed and eyeing the caves
"What is?" taking a glance behind to look at you as he was right in front of you
"It's just that we haven't bumped into any monsters or enemies during our time here." You started
"There's always enemies down here at the chasm"
Scaramouche shrugged at you "Maybe theyre taking a nice long nap, or maybe they know their place and not to mess with us." He was half sarcastic and half serious. Either way, he wasn't bothered by this at all
You nodded at him. Not necessarily because you agree with him
But mainly because you're quite unsettled about the whole situation to the point where you'd just hope he was right
Something must be wrong with the universe because not long after, a mob of hillichurls showed up
Scaramouche groaned, getting ready to fight "Great you jinxed it."
They were just a bunch of hillichurls so it really didn't take long for Scara to handle it while you guard the relic
"Let's just get out of here before I have to deal with those i-" before your boss could finish his sentence an abyss herald showed up
When it showed up, you drew out your weapon getting ready to fight. He was no easy foe and even if you knew Scara could handle it...
Something was telling you thing's were about to go south.
You and him started fighting the Abyss enemy
Scara with his electro powers and you with your (vision of choice)
"Hey (name) fuck off I can handle this myself you know?!" He shouted at you
"No you can't Scaramouche!" You retaliated, not listening to another word he says because you were getting more and more pissed by his antics "Just shut up and let me help!"
With the way you disobeyed his orders AND talk back at him got him taken aback and angry at you
"Why this little bitch!" He wanted to say
Scara just gave the abyss herald an opening to launch an attack at him
"Scara watch out!" Luckily you saw right on time and threw yourself in front of Scara to protect him
The attack was so bad you started coughing out blood from the impact. Everything started to become blurry and you lost your balance and strength, dropping your weapon in the process
Before you blacked out you heard Scara scream out something you couldn't quite make out and then... total darkness.
"Don't you dare leave me here!" Echoed in your mind before you awoke in a bed in a strange place. This wasn't Snezhnaya and you know it.
"Where am I? And who said that sentence when I was asleep?" You asked yourself, slowly sitting up from the bed with a groan.
The door on your right opened and in came your boss
"Scara..!" You managed to say. Your voice came out soft and sort of like a wheeze. The impact of the attack seemed to affect your ability to talk as well
"Shh. Don't talk. The doctor said your vocal cord needs rest." Making his way to your bed, and sat by the edge
You closed your mouth but it was clear you had many questions. Scara frowed a little but started answering the questions he knows you'll anyways
"We're still in Liyue. I managed to carry you out of the chasm and the relic I handed off to some fatui members I saw on the way to the doctor.... and you've been out for 3 days now. I was..." he paused and looked away
"Starting to get worried." You didn't have to see his face to know that his expression softened.
Now it all makes sense, you now know what Scara said before you blacked out.
"Don't you dare leave me here!" It was also the sentence that echoed in your mind while you were asleep.
You knew long ago that the all so scary Balladeer had developed feelings for you. It was the little things he did for you that made you question but today, this whole incident made it clear to you that the 6th Fatui Harbinger harbours feelings for his assistant.
You did as well of course. Even though he was a pain in the ass sometimes, it feels as if no one understand you more than he does, and likewise.
Scooting closer to the harbinger, you brought your hand up to his cheek and made him face you.
He saw your expression and even though you said nothing, he knew what you meant. "I'm not leaving you here."
You both slowly moved closer and kissed each other, removing all the tension in the balladeers shoulder.
Masterlist here!
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wonderingpanda · 11 months
May I request reader catching the bayboys staring at them? Lovesick, maybe?
I just love the Eugene staring at Rapunzle scene.
Lovesick Stares
Bayverse!Turtles x Reader
Hi! Sorry for not posting in so long, I’ve been really busy the past month. I also want to apologise, there was another Bayverse request in my inbox but I must of accidentally deleted it since I can’t find it anymore. If the person who sent me it wants to re-request it feel free to do so. Now, I decided to not really do headcanons for this one but I wouldn’t call them oneshots either. They’re more like mini-scenarios. Anyway, with that all out the way please enjoy.
I was just in the lair sharpening my katanas when I noticed Y/N sit down next to me. “Mikey becoming too much for you?” “Nah, I’m just tired and don’t feel like skateboarding right now.” They pulled out their phone and began doing something on it but I couldn’t see what. I decided to just focus on my blades since I was losing concentration. After a moment or two I heard the sweet sound of Y/N laughing and turned to see them smiling at some video. I couldn’t help but let my gaze linger for a moment, they were so pretty and calm I couldn’t look away. Y/N must of realised that I had stopped sharpening my swords since they looked over to me curiously. I immediately fixed my eyes on something away from them but I knew it was too late and I’d already been caught. “You do realise you’re staring at mouldy pizza right?” Yup, caught red handed. “Well I mean mouldy pizza can be interesting. Anything can hold a story. You never know this pizza could’ve been through amazing things, lived an incredible life.” “Ah yes an incredible life of slowly dying on a sewer floor.” We laughed together for a moment before Y/N decided to lie their head on my arm and smiled with their eyes glued to their phone. “You know if want to stare at me you can. I do it to you all the time.” “Heh, thanks… wait what?”
I swear sometimes my brothers piss me off too much! It was late in the evening and I was beating up a punching bag to let out my rage. I was so focused on hitting the thing that I didn’t realise Y/N had walked in. They leaned against the wall and just looked at me. I stopped what I was doing and turned to face them. “What is it?” “I was just waiting for you to finish up.” “Why? You want to use it?” “I’d appreciate it.” I smirked and stepped aside as Y/N walked up to the punching bag, this was going to be interesting. I was surprised when they began to land pretty tough punches on it. “Wow, who got you so riled up?” They leaned back and rolled their shoulders. “Just an annoying co-worker, don’t worry about it.” They then threw their jacket onto the floor and continued to beat up the punching bag. As they went at it I kept wanting to look at them, their face and arms, eyes, lips… I shook my head and blinked a bit when I saw Y/N staring right back at me. “Is there something you want to tell me or…?” “Uh I think I hear Donnie calling me, I gotta go.” With that, I ran off. All I could do was hope they didn’t read too much into it.
I thought it would just be another long night in the lab. I had been spending the night working on a few adjustments to my computers. Some of them were glitching and one had stopped working completely so I was trying to fix them up asap. I figured I’d be alone the whole night since everyone seemed to have already gone to bed but I was proven wrong when I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Agh! Oh Y/N, it’s just you. Wait, Y/N! What are you doing here this late?” “Well I was spending the night studying alone but I got bored, and knowing you I knew you’d still be up and awake in your lab.” “I suppose that makes sense.” I slid my chair to the side slightly and gestured for them to grab the free one I had sitting in the corner. They pulled the chair up next to me and sat down. “Oh, and apologies for not knocking. You didn’t answer before and when I peeked through you seemed so involved in your work that I didn’t want to disturb you too much.” “Not a problem. So, were you wanting to study or join me in my computer repairs.” “I figured I could just study while you do your thing, I was just desperate for some company.” “Understandable. I’ll just get back to this and feel free to ask me if you need any help with your studies.” “Of course. Thank you Donnie.” I grabbed a few of my tools and got back to work as Y/N began researching stuff on their laptop, looking through books and writing notes down. I looked over to them and noticed the way their face scrunched up at certain things, how they seemed so hyper focused on whatever they were typing. They were simply a sight to behold. My thoughts were cut short when Y/N sent me a curious smile. “What?” I figured I must have been staring and gave an awkward laugh, looking away to the computer I was currently fidgeting with. “Nothing.” Soon enough I heard the sound of books closing and felt a heavy weight slump onto my shoulder. “I know I should be heading home right now but I think it’ll be ok if I’m a little late to class tomorrow.” “Goodnight, sleeping beauty.” “Night, turtle boy.”
I was bored, and I mean really bored. Nothing was happening! Leo and Raph were training together and Donnie was locked up in his lab again. April was busy with Casey, Master Splinter was meditating. I was so close to giving up on everything when a voice filled the air. “Oh guys! Guess what I brought?” I snapped my head around only to find my gorgeous Y/N standing happily with a stack of pizza boxes in their hands. I ran over to them but before I could grab a box they pulled the pizza away from me. “Uh excuse me! You’ll be waiting for your brothers before laying a hand on this pizza.” “Ugh! But everyone else is already busy. I’ll just take a few boxes and be on my way, pretty please?” They gave me a deadpanned look. “Mmm no.” “Well then…” I stepped back and readied myself. “I’ll just have to take it by force.” I lunged at Y/N picking them up and pulling the pizza out of their grasp. “Mikey, put me down!” “Mmm no” “Michelangelo Hamato I swear to god!” They proceeded to grab my face and get close enough to the point their nose touched my snout. “If you don’t put me down safely and hand over that pizza this instant I will beat you up with your own weapons, understood?” I wanted to make some sort of witty comeback but as I looked into their eyes I found myself at a loss for words. I knew they couldn’t really beat me and they knew it too but the determined look on their face was so adorable I wanted to just let them. After a little while I felt something hard flick my forehead. “Ow! What!?” “You zoned out dummy.” “Hey I’m not a dummy! You’re the dummy.” “You sure?” “Uh huh.” “Turn around.” I twisted my head to the side and noticed that all the pizza was gone! I looked back to Y/N only to be met with a fist to the face. But to see their cute face up close it was totally worth it.
I hope this was okay. Again, sorry for not posting in a while. Please have an amazing day/night wherever you are!✨
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sugar-omi · 1 year
PLSSS I BEG OF U COVE HOLDEN X FEM!READER NEWLY MARRIED AND R JUST SO LOVEY DOVEY AND CANT GET ENOUGH OF EACH OTHER let me stop with the caps anyway as i was saying newly married cove and fem!reader on their honey moon to (insert place with nice oceans and views but you can take them anywhere you want) and they’re just sooo IN LOVE ITS DISGUSTING HOW IN LOVE THEY ARE you can add spice and intimacy if u want 🤷🏾❤️‼️
IM SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE THIS ITS BEEN SITTING IN THE DRAFTS FOREVER.... im gonna blame it on my demon cat, its his fault he always wants to play outside i wanted a cat not a dog wtf !!!!! anyway here you go anon i loved writing this sm bc i have been thinking abt honeymoon hcs for awhile mmm<3333 also i jus wanna say cove is very much a "grabs your stomachs n prbly shakes it" man, like yk how your boyfriend is always grabbing your stomach idk at first i thought it was weird like "wtf is he grabbing your stomach n shaking it" but now i know. n cove does it ok i wont explain it but he also rubs anywhere, hes tracing your body n making shapes w his fingers on you, hes just so TOUCHY eta: I JUST REALIZED THIS LIKE 70% SMUT BUT UM.... ANYWAY 😁😁i hope you like it anyway, also added a hc's i forgot at the v bottom <3333
tags : fluff, step 4/wedding dlc, fem/afab reader (could be okay for masc/amab/nb readers as well if you ignore cove calling you 'wife' once), buff tatted cove, headcanons at the very bottom below the nsfw
+ NSFW (at the bottom), fem/afab reader, rough raw sex, creampie, missionary, v horny cove <3
perhaps i should make a part 2 with all the times n places cove fucks you during your honeymoon, mmm thats a good idea write that down write that down
synopsis : you and cove on your honeymoon to the bahamas !!
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surprise to literally no one, you two pick the Bahamas for your honeymoon
it wasn't a hard pick. it was just a matter of where had the nicest views, open hotels, and safest locations, and with how cove got more starry-eyed with each solidified detail, the Bahamas was your destination.
if it wasn't for the fact that you just had an eventful wedding full of love from friends and family, plus the plane trip, cove would've dropped everything and ran for the glittering water.
once you're checked in and changed from your flight clothes into something a bit more dressy but comfortable, you and cove make your way for some much anticipated dinner.
when you're seated, the silence between you two is so easy and filled by the bustle of the restaurant.
across from you, cove is watching you with his chin hiked atop his clasped fingers, easily looking like a puppy.
"what? what're you staring at?" you laugh, taking a dip if your drink to uselessly wash away your fluster at your husband's blatant staring.
cove already has a rosy tint to his cheeks and if he was younger cove would've caught fire at being caught staring. instead he just grinned cheerily and happily, with a gaze of a man sick with love. "just admiring my wife."
you can't help but tuck your head a bit, flustered by his direct compliment. God you're in for a long marriage.
thank god, you think distantly.. a lifetime of being flustered by each other no matter how long you're together doesn't sound to bad at all.
while you're eating, you two respond to your family blowing up the "[Last] - Holden family" group chat, that was so courteously made by your snickering sister and cousin leading up to your wedding.
after a lovely dinner (only after you reassured cove that you had a few days to try out everything on the menu before the trip was over) you two took a well deserved nap together with cove tucked into your neck and your fingers in his hair. <3
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okay listen... would it be bad to say you planned your wedding around your honeymoon
there's a reason!!!
i imagine you and cove (mostly cove) wanted to rent a house on the beach, or at least close to it, but i imagine its hard to snag one so once you finally got a place the wedding just fell around it
while you're in the bedroom sleeping, recovering and recharging, cove still gets up early to go play around on the beach.
not without a fight though!
when he wakes up the sky is still navy, and he flips over, feeling antsy to start the day and your activities.
but there you are, laying next to him in one of his shirts that you've stolen and your face is still scrunched up a bit from cove's movement which makes him settle down.
cove reaches to stroke your cheek, running his hand over your hair and he admires the way your face relaxes from the touch...
he feels like kicking and screaming right now, now looking at his ring(s) and remembering that you're married and you're his and he's yours and...
he's going to bawl his eyes out again.
so instead of crying and watching you until you wake up, which definitely won't be for another hour or more at least, he slowly untangles himself from you and the sheets.
it kills him a bit to do so, wanting nothing more than to be close to you every second of the day but he also wants to make you feel special today. he also can't stay in bed that long, he's too much of a busybody to do that..
so when you finally wake up, after much struggle and a lot of stretching, you drag yourself from the bed and tame your wild hair before you find your husband.
cove is leaning on the porch overlooking the beach, a random song playing lowly on the radio that you left on last night.
he whips around when you tug open the sliding door and abandons his orange juice to pull you into his arms and cove's rocking you two back n forth, kissing your jaw and cheek and he's holding your hand and compliments you.
"you look so pretty..."
"nice ring, your husband is really lucky." he says it with a smirk and you both laugh.
when he finally snaps out of his daze, totally bewitched by the warmth of the sun, view of the beach accompanied by the sound of waves and the way you lean into him had cove in a trance.
he leads you over to the kitchen where he insists you sit and watch while he makes breakfast.
in the end, you do end up spending most the day at the beach house. so when lee shoots a series of text asking about your day and if you did anything, you respond with a picture of you two buried in the blankets and a christmas hallmark movie on the TV, you laugh at her spam about how you should be enjoying the sand and waves instead of a out of season movie and respond with a meme.
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the next day you spend a lot of it outside, and i even imagine you rent a boat to take out for the day or smth like that and it reminds you of when lee took you all out on a boat, but this time it was just the 2 of you
let me just say.. everyone even 5 miles away can tell you're on your honeymoon
cove is always looking at you
whether its to see how you react to a good joke
or you're telling a story and he's watching in admiration at your mannerisms while you speak
or you're at the booth ordering ice cream for the both of you
or even better, he's trying his best to capture you imagine as you walk back to him, squeezing out your slip/coverup that blew away and you laugh at him for capturing this moment instead of helping you.
"stop laughing! haha, it's not funny! *swats at him with the coverup* im taking your shirt to cover up with!"
many many pictures and videos of your honeymoon. they're mostly of you
or your shared favorite:
you're on top of cove and his eyes are closed so he doesn't notice you're recording him.
"you've gotten more tan. y'know that reminds me of when we were kids, you had such bad tan lines!" you laugh, the camera shaking.
he squints at you, squeezing your hips when he realizes you're recording him. "i did not."
"you did, i saw it. you had different tan lines from your shorts!" you tease loudly and giggle, thinking about the varying darkness of teenage-cove's tan lines because of how some of his swim shorts and pants hung lower than the other bottoms he'd wear.
cove jumps up a bit, laughing as he sputtered. "you saw that?!"
"yeah! you were the one with your v-line hanging out all the time, mister "i don't like wearing layers'!"
his look is full of love, and so is cove's hands running up and down your hips and back. but he's still smug when he says it and the wide smirk on his face makes you wanna kiss it off him.
"well you were the one looking, i didn't hear any complaints.."
you hit his shoulder, "you're so smug, you brat!", the camera shaking from your laughter.
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cove is very handsy during this time
something about being married now has him seeking you out and keeping some form of contact between you
whether its holding hands, locking arms, or kissing you in public
he's always pulling you into him, wrapping a arm around your waist...
but when you're at the beach house.. well i hope you keep the curtains closed for the most part especially in the bedroom because clothes are pretty optional/limited during your honeymoon
usually cove's sex drive is pretty average, or low (i feel like at this point his drive matches yours but it's always a little lower depending on how high yours is, but thats for a different post okok)
so it surprises you how.. horny he is
he surprises himself too honestly
but he just wants to be close to you so bad!
you look so beautiful, and so happy... and now you're married and its like when he was a teenager all over again
the sun is coming through the windows, warming up your naked back.
you hum, enjoying the warmth and you feel the bed shift and now there's lips on your forehead, and cove's hand is running up and down your spine, rubbing soothingly across your shoulders.
"g'morning, y/n..." cove's gravely voice sends a shiver down your spine. "mmm, hi.." you tilt your head to the side, letting him kiss your cheek and the back of your neck.
you peak at him, still sleepy but enjoying the warmth and attention. you try to stretch your body, stretching out your legs and with how cove is leaned over you, your butt brushes against him and makes him gasp, his fingers squeezing your shoulder reflexively.
"at least let me brush my teeth..." you laugh, sitting up and after a second of looking at your clothes on the floor, you grab the robe on the chair beside you and lazily wrap it around you and shuffle to the bathroom.
cove is looking at you, you can feel his gaze and the second you disappear behind the door you hear him shuffling around before he comes behind you, dressed in nothing. cove didn't walk around naked often, only if he was walking around your bedroom finding his clothes for the day, but man was it a treat.
he wraps his arms around you, his hand rubbing your stomach and the other is wandering.
"c'mere..." you mumble, grabbing cove's toothbrush and sitting on the counter to brush his teeth for him. he lets you, and you laugh throughout the process because its a funny thing to do but you get through it and he spits in the other sink beside you before he picks you up and carries you back to bed.
on your way back to the bed, your lips find his shoulder and you add onto the array of marks already bloomed on his neck.
cove lays you down on the bed, shuffling your bodies closer to the pillows, tugging off your robe as you fumble around and throwing it somewhere. you're definitely making him clean up the room after this, but first..
you bring him in, letting your tongues tangle together and cove stretches his arm, looking for the lube and a rubber.
"ah-" cove sits up, and he looks back at you sheepishly. "there's no more.. um..."
you grin, already looking forward to cove's reaction. "that's okay. just fuck me raw, won't be the last time. right, covey?" you tangle your fingers in the sheets and get comfortable while you watch it sink in.
it isn't the first time, but fuck it always turns cove on and it makes him impossibly horny.
cove curses and he moves down, pushing your legs up and he kisses your inner thighs, sucking on the skin very close to your cunt that his cheek brushes against you and you whine, your hands finding his hair.
cove teases you a bit more, but he's teasing himself too so his mouth happily finds your cunt, grinning at the way you jump when his tongue runs over your sensitive clit.
even though cove ran a pleasurable train over you last night, your cunt sensitive but still pulsing with need.
your leg is shaking in cove's hold, his hand holding up one of your legs to give him easy access to your wet cunt but he happily lets your other leg shake on his shoulder, your foot bumping against his side and toes curling as he thrusts his tongue in and out your twitching insides.
he kept tongue-fucking you, his thumb petting your clit and he mumbled praises against your cunt as you came, your slick pooling on his tongue.
you buried your face in the pillow, always left twitching after cove sucks your soul from your body. you peak at cove spreading the lube on your sexes, lining himself up and sinking into you.
"ah fuck..."
cove looks so attractive like this, sunlight streaming in through the sheer curtains and leaned over you, shaded by the broad expanse of his torso and caged between his arms.
"cove!" your nails dig into his shoulders, your mouth falling open with a sharp moan when cove snaps his hips, burying himself inside you.
cove tucks his head into your shoulder, both of you panting and pulling each other closer even though the air between you two is balmy and hot.
"i'm gonna move..." cove kisses your jaw, tearing himself away from you to show you his flushed face. you whine when cove picks up your lower body, stuffing a pillow under you and the movement makes his tip bump your insides.
cove throws your legs over his shoulders and grips your hips in his hands, kissing your ankle that has your anklet hanging on it.
you throw your head back and moan loudly, cove starting a rough pace from the beginning.
you're so sensitive from last night, and cove abusing your insides again has tears coming to your eyes. "oh fuck! please, cove-"
you reach for him and cove offers his hand and intertwines it with yours. you don't know exactly what you're asking for, for him to be more gentle? a kiss? for cove to fuck you harder?
you just want more of him, to be closer, to be one with him...
"its okay, that's it.. good girl." cove shushes you, putting his free hand by your head to lean over you, your legs almost flush with your chest as cove practically mounts you.
something about the sharpness of cove's eyes and his flushed face makes you want to mess with him, so you bring his hand up to your mouth, wrapping your fingers around his tattooed wrist and sucking on his middle and ring finger.
cove groans, watching the way your tongue slides around his wedding band(s). "you.." cove pushes on your tongue, thrusting his hips up to bump against the spongy spot deep inside your cunt.
your eyes roll into the back of your head when cove picks up the pace again, his hips rolling back and slamming against your butt hard, making your body bounce, pushing his cock deeper against your walls.
while you're moaning and crying out so sweetly, cove squeeze's his hand between your bodies to rub your clit, the proximity of your bodies not leaving much room for anything more than tight circles against the poor sensitive nub.
"cove.." you huff, feeling your cunt gush more slick and adding to the wet, loud squelching. "cove, kiss me, please. oh fuck- oh fu-" cove's lips cut off your mindless babbles, muffling yours and his loud moans as he fucks you with shallow thrusts.
he breaks apart, panting and stealing small kisses in between his sentence. "i'm- *kiss* oh god- i'm gonna *kiss, kiss* cum.."
you whimper and hook your shaking leg around cove's back, the overstimulation makes you want to pull away but you're so close and you want cove to make you cum, and to finish with you. to finish inside you.
"cum inside!" your nails scratch down his back. "please, cum, cum inside-"
cove whines into your neck, the rhythm of his thrusts falling apart as he comes closer to finishing. he rubs faster circles on your clit, and when your fingers drag down his back as you cum, cove's hips push your body deeper into the bed as he fills your cunt with his thick cum.
he leans lifelessly over your body, panting into your neck and pressing kisses into your shoulder as he sits up to give you a kiss.
"i'll..i'll run us a bath, okay?" cove smiles dozily, stroking your hips. you blink, trying to regain your vision from your orgasm.
"and carrying me to the bath!" cove nods at that, accepting the fact he's basically rendered your legs useless for the morning. "and you're making breakfast too." you grin at him. "its punishment."
cove kisses your cheeks. "mm, trying out new methods?" cove teases.
you smack his arm and push him away, breath hitching when he pulls out.
cove watches out his cum starts to leak from your poor, twitching cunt and before he can get any bright ideas you put your foot on his shoulder and nudge him. "stop looking!" you tug the sheets over you and cove gets up with a sheepish laugh. "okay, okay!"
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is very very whipped for you
does anything n everything you ask the whole trip
when he goes out and it comes up somehow, he'll tell anyone and everyone he's on his honeymoon w his lovely spouse <3
if you do any underwater activities like snorkeling or smth, you're holding hands underwater <333
yes you hold hands everywhere you go, he's so in love with you he just has to be close to you
if you're not holding hands than he's trailing very close behind you or you're at least wearing his shirt
every young person is ither inspired by your relationship or is sick of seeing you at the beach, go HOME
the old people love you and talk your ear off in the middle of the store, telling you stories of their marriages and tips on how to have a long happy marriage
when you tell them you're childhood friends/lovers though they laugh and tell you you already have it down then since you've known each other so long!
when you finally get on the plane to go home, i hope you rmbr to get some foundation or at least tell cove to wear his hair down and a t-shirt instead of a tank top because his neck and back/shoulders are Marked Up
liz and lee tease you about how glowy and refreshed you look <3
cove is very flustered if any of your friends or family see any marks or scratches
or even worse if someone asks if you had a good wedding night, etec
if you want to have kids n give birth, liz also jokes that shes too young to be a grandma for real (you sputter n tell her you and cove arent her kids n shes exaggerating!!)
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yulin-pop · 1 year
⤷ ✧ 𝐊𝐚𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝!!
order 82 | one-shot | Jade | Gender Neutral
❀ NOTE: Initially it was going to be headcanons but this works fine too.
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You were in your own world. You happily kicked your feet and quietly giggled as you read your little book. No one else was around to judge you for it! You never liked to admit it but those awfully corny romance shojou mangas are just too good. Call it a guilty pleasure.
You stared intensely at every line and every word on every page. Their relationship is perfect. The book must’ve casted a spell on you because you can’t stop reading.
“I’m sorry, did you hit your head, love?” Aoi asked with deep concern.
“You… what are you doing?!” Dia shook her head in annoyance. Dia tried to slip away only for Aoi to block her with his arm.
“Before that, I need to ask why you want to see him so badly. You won’t even look me in the eye and you’re running away… to see him?” He has tears in his eyes as he said that.
Without you realizing, a shadow loomed over you. The new presence was dangerous yet you kept on reading each page. It wasn’t until you felt a large hand on your shoulder. You froze, you didn’t even scream or move, you just froze in fear of who it was behind you.
“What’s this ya got here?” It was Floyd— the worst person ever! Out of all people that caught you reading corny romance manga— it was him?!
“Floyd, so why are you here out of all places?” You went to the most empty spot you could find which was the forest near the botanical gardens. No one ever goes there even for educational purposes.
Floyd brushed off the question and pointed to the book in your hand. “You came here to read comics? I thought you’d read history books or 18th century novels or something.” He smiled politely.
You shyly close it and slide it under your leg. You tried to think of something to distract from the fact you were caught red handed.
“You’re an eel right? You don’t belong in a forest.” You scoffed while crossing your arms. With that attitude, Floyd knew he caught you doing something that was supposed to be a secret.
“You’re so rude… Don’t discriminate against me because I’m from the ocean. I just wanted to play…” He sniffled and frowned. He kneeled down in front of you to make proper eye contact with you.
You shook your head, “Okay but what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be helping out at Mostro?”
“My whole life doesn’t revolve around that place. It was too boring and empty so I went searching elsewhere.”
You half heartedly smiled at him as he grinned back at you. But he began asking questions again. You sighed, grabbing your bag and standing up quickly. You gave a small careless excuse and apology before leaving with haste.
I guess I’ll just have to read another time.
Floyd stood up to chase after you but looked down underneath where you were sitting. You must’ve been rushing to get away if you forgot your book. Not thinking much of it, he let you go but picked up your book for a quick read.
Floyd sat down on his bed, taking off his school blazer. Jade walked in and smiled at his brother. “You finally came back.”
Floyd shrugged, “I wasn’t gone for that long.” It seemed he was still bored, maybe even more bored than before he left. Jade took off his hat and placed it on his desk, though he noticed he may have placed it on top of something else.
He picked up the colorful manga and looked at the front then back. “Is this yours?” Floyd looked over and shook his head.
“Nope, that’s Shrimpy’s. I found them reading that book but they ran away. That book is nothing like I’ve ever seen!”
“Did you steal this from them?”
“Actually no, when they ran away they left it there. I was gonna give it back to them tomorrow.”
Jade turned to the backside of the book and read the summary out loud. “Dia is an over achieving honor student, top of her class her first year of high school. But she pushes away anyone who attempts to get too close, making her a loner. Her life takes a turn when her old childhood best friend, who had moved away nine years ago, moves back into town. Aoi attempts to reach out and reconnect with Dia only for her to refuse. And the pursuit continues.”
Floyd laughs and lays down on his back, staring over at Jade. “I never would’ve guess MC would’ve read this sort of literature…”
“That’s what I’m sayin! They were really into it too.” He laughed.
Jade flipped back to the front, with an intrigued look. “Floyd, do you mind if I give this a read?”
“I don’t care. Actually, how about you give it back to them tomorrow?” He flipped on his side. Jade gave his brother a stare, though he was staring in the other direction, he could sense his twin’s displeasure. “You’re the one who touched it last!”
You had been a mess all day. Everyone could tell just by the way you stared at the floor with a melancholy expression that you were not okay. Despite nearly everyone asking, “What happened?” “Are you alright?” “Cheer up!”
You could feel no better.
After all, you were left on a major cliffhanger. Then again maybe it was your fault since you lost the book. You swear you had put it back in your bag!
You went back to the tree after realizing it was gone, but it wasn’t there.
Maybe Floyd took it… You thought with a scowl on your face.
“Damn, what did the floor do to you?” Ace laughed, but he didn’t have a smile.
“You’ve been glaring at the ground for almost the entire lunch.” Deuce said in concern.
Epel pressed a cold drink against your cheek.
“Ah, thank you.” You thanked out of obligation. You took it into your hands but didn’t move to open it.
“Ya better be. Now, are ya finally ready to tell us why yer all glum like a plum.”
The three of them sat besides you. You raised your head and glanced at the three of them. Though you only smiled at Epel’s words. “Glum like a plum? What does that even mean..?” You looked at your drink and he had even gotten you something plum flavored.
Epel held back his words only because he knew you were upset.
There’s no way you could tell them why you were so depressed. “I’m really sad because I was reading this really good manga but I was left on a cliffhanger because I stupidly lost the book and cannot find it”— They’d most likely get mad for worrying them that much over something so minor.
Deuce took the drink from your hands and opened it up for you, handing it back. “Drink something. Maybe it’ll make you feel better?”
You thanked him and took a sip, still wondering if Floyd stole it. That thought was killing you. At that point it was all you could think about. The cliffhanger wasn’t your biggest concern. FLOYD HAS THE BOOK? What if he destroys it? Or maybe he read it and now your image as a sophisticated, mature student is ruined in his eyes?! Or what if he tells other people and your reputation is ruined?
Before you knew it, you had found yourself stomping into Mostro Lounge. Though it was surprisingly empty. There was only one person as far as you saw. You got closer and it turned out to be Jade Leech. Not quite the one you needed to see.
Nonetheless you approached him with a slightly nervous smile. “Hello Jade, do you happen to know where Floyd is?”
He gave you an unreadable stare, “Why are you here? Today is a maintenance day for Mostro Lounge.”
“Is that so…? Well pardon the intrusion but I must know where Floyd is.”
As expected of the Vice Housewarden of Octavinelle, he accommodated your needs. In fact he offered to escort you there.
God bless him! He walked beside you, having a small conversation, just idle chit chat.
“How come you need to see Floyd so badly?”
“It’s just… something’s between us and I think he took something he wasn’t supposed to. Which is why I must go see him!”
You sped up and walked ahead of him. Which was the moment Jade chose to strike. His hand grabbed your wrist and swung you backwards into the wall. It was all very fast, you nearly hit your head.
You blinked as Jade stared down at you. You wanted to ask him what he’s doing but the words just wouldn’t come out.
“I’m sorry. Did you hit your head, love?”
What? Did he just… You must’ve misheard him. But that look on his face. He never looked at you that way before…
“No I didn’t…” You said under your breath. You realized how close he was when he got closer.
“What was that? I didn’t hear you, speak up.” He took his hand that was holding to wrist and moved it to you chin.
“I didn’t hit my head thankfully! Will you take me to Floyd now please?!” You began to slip to the side slowly, trying to get away.
Your heart jumped out of your chest, your eyes widened and you looked to the side to where Jade slammed his hand. You felt the wall shake. You looked back at him slowly but only one word inside your head.
“Before that, I need to ask why you want to see Floyd so badly. You won’t even look me in the eye and you’re running away… to see him?” Jade has that same smile and hint of mischief in his voice. as always.
“I believe he has something that belongs to me so I was going to ask him if it’s whereabouts…!” Your voice strained trying to keep composure.
“Oh my, did he trouble you? I deeply apologize on his behalf. But I think I have what you’re looking for.”
You softened your gaze and mouth opening to explain himself. But soon he reached into his coat with his other hand that was not against the wall.
“Deep into the Heart by Nana F. Hopefully this is what you’ve been searching for.”
You stared blankly at the book, your hands reached out and snatched it from his grasp, which he let you do. You really didn’t have any words for him, mostly out of confusion and intimidation.
“Floyd told me that you left it behind when you ran away from him. He brought it back with him to our dorm after reading it through himself. The premise piqued my interest so I also read it. Hopefully it all makes sense now.”
You understood what he was doing when he did all of that. He was just teasing you. He smiled as he stepped away from you. “Also, Floyd stormed out 30 minutes ago. I’m sure he’s found somebody to amuse himself with by now.”
Now you were just embarrassed, you held the book up to your face to avoid eye contact. You were concerned about Jade and Floyd knowing your taste in literature. The unpredictable nature of the two intimidated you. Surely they wouldn’t tell anyone…
“Thank you Jade. I’m going to head back now.” You turned around and lowered the book.
“Allow me to escort you—“ he cut himself off as you sprinted away.
“No thank you!”
“No running in the lounge!”
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Heeeey, if you’re taking requests still and not too busy could you please do some headcanons for Alpha-17 with a pregnant SO?
So You're Going To Be A Dad...
Summary: Alpha-17 finds out his cyar’ika is pregnant.
Pairing: Alpha-17 x F!Reader
Word Count: 986
Warnings: Pregnancy
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly @kimiheartblade @mire-draws-things
A/N: So, I'm not so good at headcanons, so have a short story instead? I hope you like it and I'm sorry it took so long!
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So the relationship with Alpha is supposed to just be a fun thing. Stress relief for both of you. He has a hard job as the ARC Trainer, and you have a hard job keeping people in one piece. So the relationship developed as a way for you to keep yourself sane.
It was never supposed to be “real”. 
But you’re so busy, that sometimes things fall through the cracks. Things like getting your implant updated when the timing ran out.
You didn’t even realize that the implant wasn’t working anymore until you got a free day and took the time to check your calendar and saw the note reminding you that you needed a new implant several months ago.
And your heart just sinks.
Because despite the implant no longer working, you haven’t been having your period. And you should have been. In fact, that’s generally how you tell that it’s time to get a new implant.
There are two options. Option 1, you’re so stressed that your period just hasn’t started. Or option 2, you’re pregnant.
You’re not dumb, you know that option 2 is the most likely option, even if you’re hoping that option 1 is the actual answer.
A quick run back to your lab, and an even quicker pregnancy test, answers that question once and for all.
You’re pregnant. And, since it takes two people to make a baby, the first thing you do is call Alpha-17 to your quarters so you can tell him the news. He is the dad after all.
Alpha comes to your suite after he finishes his work, and he immediately slides his arms around your waist, and starts raining kisses against your lips, face, and down your neck.
Normally, you’d be more than okay with this. Alpha is the best lover you’ve ever had, but not today.
So when he moves to catch your lips with his own, you lift a single finger and press it against his lips. “Not tonight, Alpha,” You whisper up to him, and he arches a single brow.
“You called me here because you don’t want me, cyar’ika?” He asks, amusement coloring his tone.
“I called you here because I need to tell you something.” You correct as you lightly trail your fingers down his chest, more for your comfort than his, “There’s no easy way to say this, I suppose, so…I’m pregnant.”
Alpha blinks at you. Twice. And then he sets his hands on your shoulders and he pushes you back slightly, “What?”
“I karked up. I was so busy that I wasn’t paying attention to my own medical needs, and the implant ran out several months ago,” You ramble, “And I’m pregnant. Several months along, by my best reckoning.”
“You’re sure?”
“Pregnancy tests are very accurate,”
He exhales slowly, “Okay. Okay, so what do we do?”
You bring your thumb to your mouth and start biting your nail, an anxious habit you thought you had grown out of, but not so much it looks like. Alpha quickly takes your hand and pulls it away from your mouth, folding your hands in his.
“Um…right.” You mumble, “Well, I could, in theory, tell people that I’m pregnant with donor sperm, I was off Kamino for a couple of weeks a couple of months ago.” You frown, “But, unless the baby comes out looking exactly like me, then it will be obvious that they’re half-clone. And we both know what will happen then.”
“The Longnecks will claim them as theirs,” Alpha says.
“Yeah.” You pause, “I suppose I could tender my resignation and leave Kamino before it gets too obvious—”
“Absolutely not.” Alpha interrupts, “You don’t get to raise my kid without me.”
“Okay, then what do you want to do?” You demand.
“I’m thinking.” He glances to the side as he thinks, then he looks at you again, “For now, you need to sit down. Have you eaten anything yet?”
“You’re pregnant. You need food, and if you’re not going to take care of yourself, then I’ll take care of you for you.”
You stare at him in surprise, whatever you were expecting when you told him you were pregnant, his becoming aggressively overprotective was not it. “Uhm…there’s leftovers in the fridge, I was just going to heat that.”
He narrows his eyes at you, “Pull up some baby books, and some maternity books. I want to know what kind of stuff you should be eating.”
“I can eat whatever I want, Alpha-17!”
“You eat like shit anyway, I know you skip more meals than you eat.”
“That is…inargueably true.”
“So you agree that you need me to take care of you.”
“I forget to eat sometimes, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“It is when you’re growing another person.”
“Fine,” You fold your arms and drop on your couch, “I’ll do what you ask, but I’m doing it under protest.”
Still, you can’t help but think as Alpha starts making a proper dinner for both of you, he’s going to be a better dad than you ever hoped. Assuming that a solution for the Kaminoan problem ever rears its head.
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Two weeks later, Alpha locks you in your medical lab with the rest of the civilian contractors. He says that it’s because it’s the safest place on Kamino, and the entire medical facility is blaster-proof and explosion-proof.
You think it’s a weird thing for him to say, right up until the shooting starts. 
When the doors slide open six hours later it’s to a very different Kamino. And Alpha comes to you with a small smirk on his face, “I handled the problem. Kamino now belongs to the clones.”
“And you, cyar’ika, need medical attention. Desperately. Let’s move.”
When Obi-Wan Kenobi arrives on Kamino to investigate the attempted assassination of Padme Amidala several months later, it’s to a very different Kamino than anyone was expecting.
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beababoobies · 6 months
this is an embarrassing ask but can u write sir pentious x succubus reader headcanons, sorry if this lacks any detail im gathering dust from sir pentious x reader stuff 😪 its okay if u dont wanna and/or aren't comfortable with it.
giggles maliciously. why yes. yes I can, lovey. SIR PENT X SUCCUBUS!READER HCS
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the normal warnings you’ll find under a succubus-centric post. minors dni, cvm eating, cvm-centric (LOLLL)
✖️You had decided… finally, to become a better person. You couldn’t stay down here forever, and you honestly… had a guilty conscience from how many sinners thought you were in love with them after using them. So this.. hotel it was.
✖️In fact - you might’ve even liked it here. The people were so sweet, some even kind of.. hot, thought you brushed that out of your mind. Life was easier in here.
✖️Or so you thought. See, a succubus can only go so long without a fresh batch of food. And after a week? You were starving. You couldn’t sleep that night, curled up in on yourself, whining softly as your body begged and writhed for someone to milk dry. Slick ran down your thighs, you were drooling so much, so painfully ready to pray on a tired honey sinner.
✖️So that’s why; when a certain snake boy you had been not-so-secretly crushing on came to your door in the middle of the night quietly asking you to let him help you, despite your protests, you pushed away your pride and pounced on him.
✖️There wasn’t a single moment spent wasted on foreplay, or teasing, he was already hard, both of his cocks were - at the sight of you shaking and whining, trying not to drool all over the floor. So when his cocks spring out, you wasted no time going to work on them with your mouth.
✖️Lucky for you, double the cocks meant double the cum. As soon as he whined and grabbed a fistful of your hair, you knew you had him. Swallowing everything his first cock gave you graciously, feeling that pleasureful and warm sensation in your gut of finally being fed, you let out a satisfied sigh as you pulled your mouth from his cock, now dripping with drool, and went straight for the other before he could protest.
✖️As soon as you were done pulling cum from him with your mouth, you practically pounced on top of him. Whines of “I-i’m still ssssensitive, my dear-“ made you practically delirious. Like a starved man who has finally gotten his first take of a five-star meal, you used your hand to push his cocks together, and dropped down on them with an obscene squelch. ✖️And god, the stretch was something you had been craving since you first got down here. It was almost embarrasing how quickly you came, slick practically pouring down his bases as he whined beneath you, biting his lip like he might draw blood.
✖️”feels ‘s good baby, thank you for letting me milk you..” you drawled out as he whined and nodded frantically, hips bucking up into yours as you rode him, feeling your walls clench around his cocks was something he wouldn’t have imagined ever happening. He hadn’t even been with anyone since he’d gotten down here. So to watch a pretty succubus that he’d been obsessed with since the moment he’d seen her walk into the hotel bounce so greedily on him had him cumming almost immediately after you.
✖️Needless to say, he passed out under you. After five rounds, he was nearly shooting blanks inside of you, and you were deliriously full, tummy bulging ever so slightly at the amount of cum that has been shot inside you, ten big loads not or mention the ones you’d pulled from him with your mouth.. even just thinking about it made you feel hungry again. But you had been fed, and so you collapsed on top of him, cocks still nestled inside you, gently falling victim to slumber as his arms wrapped around you.
A/N: kekekekeke.
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
Could you write headcanon Seb and Omi being mean at reader so they cries and run away. The boys come to them to apologize.
Sebastian and Ominis say Awful Things During a Fight
A/N: This turned out a lot more like a blurb than headcanons, oops! I liked this one, angst is fun. I'm sorry it took me so long, finals are KILLING ME!
You're sitting in the Undercroft with an ice pack to your head. Admittedly, you shouldn't have dove into the cave without a Wiggen weld potion. But you don't regret going in, how else would you save the Merlops from dark wizards.
Luckily you got out with just a concussion, Poppy dragged you away just in time.
But Sebastian heard the news in the form of a rumor, and he didn't hesitate to run out of charms class and towards where he hoped you were.
"Mc! Oh Merlin, what did you do?" He didn't even greet you as he stormed into the cold room.
You winced, half because of the pain and half because you had hoped Seb wouldn't find out.
"Hello, Sebastian." You greeted without turning around. After all, you weren't sure you could keep from crying. Sebastian grabbed your shoulders and turned you to face him gently.
He simply shook his head in wonder as he took the ice pack and examined your head. "It looks bad."
"It's really not." Sebastian frowns at your dismissal. "Okay, well, either way, it needs to be healed. The hospital wing isn't a good idea, they'll just ask questions. I'll run and grab a wiggenweld...no, I should stay with you. Anne taught me a healing charm a few years ago, I can attempt it if you would like."
"On second thought, I shouldn't try an unknown charm on you. Is it more of an aching pain or sharp pain? I have some herbs in my bag and-"
"Sebastian." He looks up at you fiercely. Around anyone else he hides his emotions, but around you it seems they flow right from his sleeve. Is he shaking? He is, you decide, but because it's cold. At least that's better than admitting he is shaking because of the fear you caused him.
"I'm alright."
"No, you're not. Look at this lump! How did you even get it?" the uncomfortable silence told both of you that he didn't really want to know.
"It will heal Sebastian."
"You didn't answer my question."
"It doesn't matter."
"It does!" Sebastian stands up with his hands in his hair. "Merlin, it does! You do this every bloody week, go off on some quest and come back beat up. Why don't you ever ask somebody to go with you? Is it your pride? I bet it is."
Taken aback by his outburst, your eyes widen. "I just ran into an unexpected group of poachers, Sebastian I promise."
"I don't doubt it. You...you probably scouted them out, right? You're always looking for more ways to get into danger anyways. You don't trust me. That's why you don't ask me to go with you. Either you don't trust me, or you're lying." He paces a small portion of the room.
"I do trust you, Seb. I just want to protect you."
"Is that what you call it? Lying to me about where you're going and then hurting yourself?" He turns to face you and steps closer. "Let me tell you something. You're going to die out there. A slow, painful death because you're too fucking stubborn too ask for help." When you don't budge, he narrows his eyes. "Will anyone grieve? We will miss you, but we all would know it was coming. Every one of us would know, I promise. And as much as we would miss you, we wouldn't have to worry about you anymore."
"Fuck you."
And then, you're off. A blur of tears, are you shaking? You are. No sounds but the thumping of your feet on the corridors. Your head hurts.
You couldn't comprehend what Sebastian had said, it was too painful. A fog filtered through your mind and you didn't stop to think somebody might have seen you running. Everything inside hurt.
If you were gone, it would be a burden off of everyone's back. That's what he said. It hurt so bad you clutched at your chest.
In the dungeons, you couldn't run anymore. So you collapsed into the nearest wall in a mess of sobs. Of course, he was right. Of course he was. Had he ever been wrong?
And it's three days (or really, an hour) until Sebastian comes and finds you. He has tears running down his face too.
"Fuck off."
You might agree with him, but you don't want to see him. He sits down opposite of you, and he's still shaking.
"I shouldn't have said that."
"I didn't mean it."
"I swear, MC, I was just worried and-"
He stops when you turn to face him. "Sebastian. Shut up." The harsh words shock him. "You were right."
"No!" Those eyes you love so much widen. "I wasn't, don't say that! Mc, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, let alone Hogwarts. I would- no, the world would be devastated to lose you. All you were trying to do was protect us and the innocent creatures. I was terrified something happened to you, and took it out in the worst way possible. I am beyond sorry, my love."
You frown as you took in his face. Wide brown eyes, messy hair from sprinting towards you, swollen eyebags and a red neck from the near hyperventilating breaths he had been taking.
"I'm sorry too." He smiles and holds a hand out halfway too you. An invitation, maybe. "You don't need to be. How about this? I'll work on taking my anger out, and we can come up with a way for you to tell me if you're about to, you know, jump into a poacher ring."
"Sounds like a plan." You shake his hand.
Yet again, the two of you were arguing.
It all had started a few days earlier with a letter from Ominis's parents. They had found a wife for him, a distant cousin capable of legilimency. With her powers and his Parseltoungue, they could make the ultimate heirs of Slytherin.
You wished that Ominis was able to forget things. He never had been, and never would be, but it would make your life easier. Instead, he fixated on a story his older brother had told him of one of their second cousins. Albert was his name. And he had refused to marry the bride his parents picked out. He was forced to marry her with a blade to his sisters throat and a noose around his beloved's neck.
It was probably just a tale, you told him. Maybe it was, but Ominis could never take the risk. You had spent the last few days trying to get into his head, but he prevailed. The attempts had ended in pure passive agression.
All he wanted was too keep you safe from his family, but all you had waned was him.
Here you sat, on the quidditch pitch in the middle of the night. An odd place to be sure, but it was secluded. And you could put as much distance between the two of you as you wanted.
"Are you even going to try and fight for us, Ominis?"
"try? I've been trying! I've done everything but refuse, and if I do it will kill you."
"You don't know that!"
"MC, it's not that easy. I love you too much to-"
"Love me so much you're willing to marry someone else and write me off? How is this fair to me?"
"It's not, and it's not fair to me either. But I don't have a choice." You glared at him as he swept a hand through his hair.
"like hell you dont!" You snarl. "Run away with me."
"MC, you know we can't do that. They'll find us." His look of pure heartbreak would have hurt if you weren't pissed off. "MC..."
"I don't want to talk about this right now. I don't want to talk right now." He frowned at your words. "this isn't easy for me either, MC,"
"I didn't say it was."
"Are you even trying to listen to me? Do you EVER listen to me?" Ominis runs an angry hand through his hair. "Do you listen to me MC, or do you ever listen to anybody?"
"Oh really, Ominis?" you stand. "you want to go there?"
"I swear, MC, you only care about yourself." You raised an eyebrow. "And that's why I saved hogwarts, and your ass right?"
"Just leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with you."
"You don't mean that."
"Oh, but I do. I never loved you."
Logically, you knew he was under a lot of stress and trying to protect his own feelings. But emotionally, it hit you like a bullet to the chest. You take a deep breath and turn to walk away.
"You're going to run away now?"
You started running. And didn't stop until you got to the Undercroft. Sure, he could find you there, but it was far, far away from the pitch and that's all you wanted in the moment. You crumbled against the wall and cried. How could he ever say that? It kept playing in your mind, over and over.
Tears kept coming, then they came some more, and eventually you fell asleep. It was exhausting to cry, after all. And when you woke up, there was something in your hair.
A hand.
Ominis was sitting next to you, running a hand through your hair, his face pale and blank. You had never seen his eyes so devoid of emotion. Instinctively, you curled up to him, but when you remembered what he said, you jumped away.
He looked down at you with sad, sad eyes. "I'm not even going to try to apologize. I don't deserve to be forgiven. Just, please don't make this more painful than it has to be. I know you never want to talk to me again. I just wanted to say goodbye."
"Fuck off." You groaned, scotting away from him. "I don't want to speak to you."
"I know. I just wanted to apologize before leaving." He sighed, raking a hand through his unusually messy hair. "I didn't mean what I said. I love you more than I could ever put into words. I am nothing without you. I have only ever wanted to protect you, and if that means having to say goodbye, so be it."
You stared at him for a moment before shaking your head. "You, Ominis, are an Idiot. I want you. I don't want you to say goodbye to protect me. All I want is for you to fight for me. I'm not mad about you saying you didn't love me. I was, but I know you didn't mean it. I am, however, furious that you aren't giving me a chance to fight for you, and that you aren't fighting for me."
"I want too. I will send an Owl to my parents first thing in the morning to tell them I won't marry her. That they can either cast me from the family or accept it, but it's what's going to happen."
You look up at him, wide eyed at his willingness to fight for your love.
"Really?" You ask and hate that you sound rather like a small child.
"Really." He wiped your tears with his thumbs and smiled gently. "I know you aren't ready to forgive me yet, but I'm here and I'm not leaving."
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crabdrabbles · 7 months
Hiii Crab so happy to see you write outside of our rants/idea chats and my fellow delulu cod enjoyer! Would love to request Platonic!141 + Reader (sorry if this is long and somewhat confusing lol). You can do headcanons, drabble or whatever you comfy for. An idea that popped in my head kinda semi personal: Civ or 141! Reader though has parents and family is the reader is quite something else. Reader despite having somewhat normal upbringing still feel empty; they shouldn't be feeling this numb and empty deep inside of them. The reader craves the love that they give but couldn't or lack of receiving it back, though they don’t expect it or selfishly want it. Just someone who understands them even in their deepest darkest secret or flaw then boom cue the task force 141 unexpected yet welcoming to their life and maybe the one that the Reader can lean and let them be vulnerable on (finally).  
Take your time on doing this Looking for to your other writing genuinely -Cee, your fellow Soap delulu
GN!Reader & 141 (Mostly Price)
Warnings: Slight angst Ships: None. A/N: This absolutely ran away from me and I do not at all regret it, hope you enjoy, Cee!!! Words: 3549
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Almost your entire life had been a cycle of self doubt that also started to churn and twist into self-hatred. You blamed yourself for the feelings. Afterall, you had a relatively normal upbringing. Two parents who were both present in your life, both of whom worked so that you all had food on the table and a roof over your head. A luxury that very few had.
The least you could do for them is follow the path that they wanted to put you on, no matter how much you didn’t want to do it. Because you loved them. 
So you excelled in your education, studying hard to try and impress your parents– to make them love you just as much as you loved them for everything that they did for you for your entire life. They wanted you to do all three sciences despite the additional workload it would add to your already stretched thin time? Then you would do them, take any extra classes after school in order to keep up with the work and not lag behind any of your peers. 
There was no such thing as a social life, either, not when you had homework and projects due. Friends were few and far between. Generally, most people left when they realised how hyper focused you were on your grades instead of social interaction. 
Did a classmate get a higher grade than you on a test? Well obviously you didn’t study hard enough, you just needed to dedicate more time to school even though school was all you had.
Did you get the highest marks in the class? Good, that was what was expected of you. Why didn’t you get full marks? You were better than that. You would do better because you loved your family. They showed it in their own way, of course, by encouraging you to study harder and get better grades. That was their love language, and yours was doing as they asked without a second thought. Because, at the end of the day, you were lucky to have an upbringing like you had. You would ignore the hollow void clawing at your chest because you had no right to feel that way– not when you had a roof over your head and parents that loved you(?).
It was when you came top of the class with full marks in a recent test, you came home with a beaming smile on your face and proudly showed the test to your parents. They took the papers from your hands, flipping through your work with critical eyes, before handing the papers back to you. 
‘Well done, we’re so proud of you.’ That was all you wanted them to say to you. That was all you needed to hear. To know that they loved you. 
‘Your penmanship is terrible.’ Was what you got instead. When you tried to point at the big 100% in green pen, you were waved away. ‘How are you expected to get a job when you write like a child? I’m surprised the teacher could even read your answers’. 
After several years of balancing a work and educational life and paving a way for a line of work that you didn’t want for parents you should have been grateful to have, you decided that enough was enough. 
No matter how hard you worked, no matter how high your marks were, they would never be proud of you. They would never return the love that you had for them until you nearly killed yourself trying. 
Spending your entire childhood, teenagehood and all of your current adulthood trying to please your parents predictably would damage one’s psyche. You had no friends, family who had never been devoted to you as you were to them, and high grades serving as the foundations to a prison-like future.
You dropped out of University. The only option forward that you saw was joining the army in the vain hope that the empty feeling inside of you would dissipate when you actually did something that you believed was more worthwhile than any University course. 
So you threw yourself into the military, working harder than all of the other recruits and training at every chance you could.
Your skills and determination became widely recognised amongst your peers. It took several years, but you eventually caught the eye of none other than Captain John Price. 
Impressed by your willpower that not many soldiers possessed, he offered you a place on the 141. 
Naturally, you agreed. You believed that being part of such a well renowned and respected team would finally beat back the lingering self doubt and emptiness that had curled itself around your heart.
It didn’t. If anything, it made it worse.
You were invited to join the 141, sure, but they had already established their own relationships between each other, had already bonded into a close knit group, and you were simply an outsider. Yes, you had been hand picked by Price himself, but that didn’t mean you were part of the team. They had their own inside jokes that they told to one another, leaving you feeling left out on most days.
And you felt… lacking around them. Ghost was stronger, Gaz was faster, Soap was smarter (he was a demolitions expert for crying out loud!), and Price was almost all of those rolled into one. They all complimented each other as a team. Meanwhile you felt like a spare tyre, a master of nothing and barely a jack of any trade. 
Despite how you felt about it all, they all called you ‘kid’. Regardless of age gaps between yourself and the rest of them, the nickname stuck mostly because you were the newbie. It came as a surprise that it wasn’t spat with vitriol as your peers before had, but it was in fact said with… an affection you couldn’t quite place.
You couldn’t ignore the hole in your chest that had been chipped at over the years, forming a gaping maw that no reassurances could really mend. 
Doubt lingered in the back of your mind, chipping away at your sanity as you prepared for the worst. How long would it take before they realised you weren’t good enough? 
You were so deep in your doubts that you didn’t realise that you had been distancing yourself even more than before until you overheard a conversation in Price’s office a few months down the line.
“-- they don’t belong on the team.” Gaz said as you passed Price’s office and your heart dropped. It was only the tailend of what he had been saying but you had gotten the gist. You wanted to stay, to listen to the conversation more and listen to what your team had to say about you, but you didn’t. What you were going to hear were likely things you had already told yourself right from the start. You keep walking on, ignoring the sting of tears burning in the corners of your eyes. The blood rushing in your ears prevented you from heating the rest of the conversation. 
“-- not only are they acting like they don’t belong on the team, but they’re acting like they’re not good enough.” Gaz continued, sighing in frustration.
“Maybe they need more time.” Ghost rumbled in reply, “Let them come out of their shell a little bit. Best not rush these things.” He was talking from experience, after all.
“Aye… maybe I can invite them out for drinks or sommat? I wouldn’t want them getting transferred before we got to know them a little more.” Soap had been the one that had tried the hardest to get close to you but had also tried to give you space so as to not suffocate you with his personality. 
“They won’t be getting transferred.” Price said with conviction, tapping his desk, “I chose them to be part of this team and this is where they’re going to stay. Let me have a word with them first.”
“Aye, sir.”
— — — — — —
You found yourself in the smoker’s shelter outside the main building. It was late enough that most of the soldiers had gone to bed or off to do their own things elsewhere so you doubted that you would be bothered for a little while. Just enough time for you to get your thoughts together. Your tears had dried in your eyes a few minutes ago, making them sting in the cold air. You didn’t need to look in your reflection to know that you probably looked like a wreck– entirely unbecoming of a soldier of your apparent status. 
You didn’t want to get transferred. Despite your distance with the 141, you didn’t hate them. Far from, actually, you held a great deal of respect for each and every one of them. It was just that you felt like you didn’t have your place amongst them. Not good enough to be associated with them. 
“Bit late to be out here in the cold, chuck.” A voice startled you out of your thoughts– one that you would recognise anywhere from the low rasp of a smoker's lungs. 
“Captain.” You croaked, wincing at the patheticness in your voice. There was a scuff of boots as Price came closer, leaning into your line of vision with a furrowed brow which only furrowed more as he took in your dishevelled appearance.
“Something on your mind?” He asked kindly, perching on the arm of the bench to give you some personal space. He left his question open, allowing you any chance to steer the conversation how you wanted to. There was no judgement for catching you at your lowest, no disgust at your red rimmed eyes— just polite understanding and a non verbal offer of pleasant company. 
“Why did you pick me, Captain?”
The question made him tilt his head, a frown beginning to tug on his features. You were worried you had insulted him.
“What brought this on, huh? Someone say something to you? Need me to have a word with them?” He straightened his back, scowling. Whilst you felt like you didn’t have a place in the 141, you could never deny the shield of protectiveness that Price held over his team. You remember in the back of your mind the day that some General who thought he was hot shit had the audacity to undermine Soap as nothing more than a ‘yappy dog’ when offered the Scot’s demolitions expertise. Price had appeared almost out of thin air and almost ripped the General a new one and things would have escalated into a fist fight had Laswell not intervened. It wasn’t as though Price didn’t think his own soldiers were capable of defending themselves, but he couldn’t care less about punishments aimed his own way over that of his Sergeants and Lieutenant. It was just a surprise that the protective streak extended over you, too, despite your distance to your teammates.
“I’ll sound stupid.” You mumbled, looking down at the ground as if expecting him to chastise you like a child. He didn’t.
“I’ve had my fair share of stupid over the years. Try me.”
“... and ungrateful.”
“I once had a guy punch me in the face two seconds after I took a bullet that would have killed him.” Price countered with a cut off chuckle once he remembered what was probably a mission long finished and cleared his throat. “C’mon, tell Captain what’s on your mind.”
And he sounded so sincere when he said it. Sounded like he genuinely wanted to hear what was going on in your head– that he was willing to waste what was already his important and limited time on someone like you. 
“John.” Price corrected gently, crows feet more noticeable at the corners of his eyes scrunched up when he smiled, “We’re off duty, you don’t need to be so formal.”
“... John.” You echoed, finding that you really didn’t like saying that. It felt like calling your teacher by their first name in primary school or a classmate’s parent other than their last name. 
“Now, c’mon, tell me what’s on your mind. Might not be a therapist, but I’m better than bottling it up.” You wondered in the back of your mind how often Price did this. Sat with his soldiers and talked with them, offered them a listening ear to hear their vents and fears. You couldn’t help but feel honoured to be one of the few he willingly offered said time to. Your silence stretched on as you thought of the words to say, how to phrase what you wanted to say without sounding unappreciative of the opportunity that Price had offered you when he requested you join his team. 
“I don’t feel like I belong here.” You blurted once the silence had stretched on for long enough to border on uncomfortable. John’s face fell and you quickly realised how bad that sounded and rushed to correct yourself.
“No, no, wait, let me explain–” the Captain closed his mouth to allow you to continue speaking, but you could tell that it was hard for him. “I just… you could have anyone better than me, you know? I’m not a demolition expert. I’m… I’m not the best Sniper. I’m the slowest on the team, pretty sure I’m the weakest–”
“Nope.” Price interrupted, finally breaking the bubble of your personal space as he took a proper seat next to you on the bench but still respecting the distance enough to keep a few inches between you. “Nope, not lettin’ you say another word.”
“But you could have anyone better—“
“But they wouldn’t be you.” He deflected easily. Far too easily. He leant back on the bench, crossing one leg over the other as he folded his arms over his chest. His fingers twitched and you could tell he was itching for a cigar but didn’t light one out of respect. 
“Alright, sure, I can ask Laswell to give me one of the best soldiers in the SAS and have them brought here tomorrow. They could be the best of the best, top of their class, better than you and maybe even better than me. But that’s a bit of a stretch.” He winked and earned a weak chuckle from you. “But they won’t be you. I don’t pick just on skill alone, kid, I pick based on how I feel people would fit into the team. I chose you because I knew that you’d be perfect.”
“As for not being a demolitions expert, let  me let you in on a little secret. I’ve no fucking clue about demolitions, either. And you don’t have to be on the team to be the ‘best Sniper’. You’re better than most, and that’s what’s important. As for being the weakest– did you or did you not bodily lift Gaz in a fireman’s carry during training the other week while he was trying to act as an injured civilian? Quite dramatically, might I add. Swooned and everything.”
You remembered that practice mission. Quite fondly, actually. Gaz was a civilian and , after being struck by a foam bullet from Soap, had dramatically screamed in agony and crumpled to the floor. When you had lifted him up and over your shoulders, the bastard continued to wail something along the lines of telling his non-existent spouse that he loved them and that his money be given to his equally non-existent children. Soap got in another shot to the man’s head, knocking off his cap in the process. Distracted as you were trying to haul your teammate out of the danger zone, you couldn’t help but laugh thinking about it now. 
“Last time I checked, Gaz is somewhat heavier than a sack of flour. Don’t tell him I said that, I’ll hurt his feelings.” Price was right, you supposed. You were more than capable of carrying Gaz over your shoulders, maybe even Soap or Price himself if the time called for it. Ghost you weren’t so sure about, though. The man was a walking mountain. 
“What I’m trying to say is that you have to give yourself more credit. You’re more than good enough to be on my team. I chose you for a reason.”
You… did not expect that sort of reassurance from Price. You had hoped for something along those lines, yes, but perhaps with a thrown in criticism or three. You waited for a ‘but’ that never came. The man snorted beside you and when you gave him a quizzical look, he waved off your concern.
“Shit, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think the next thing out of your mouth would be that your parents never hugged you as a kid.”
Your silence made him slowly turn his head towards you. It would have almost been comical if the situation wasn’t. His face crumbled and a wounded sound emerged from his throat.
“Sometimes they did!” You rushed to defend the people that raised you. “And they gave me food and shelter, clothes when I needed them–”
“Fucking hell. No, that’s what they’re supposed to do because they’re your parents. What about telling you that they were proud of you? That they loved you? I saw your records. Top of your class in not just your training but in your education, too. Triple sciences, mathematics, all of it. They had to be proud of you for that? My parents would have killed for me to get even a passing grade in my GCSEs.” You looked down at the ground and it was Price’s turn to have his eyes fixed on you. 
“They were proud of you, weren’t they?” He asked again, leaning forwards so he could catch your eye, his own filled with concern. “Kid?”
“I don’t talk to them much anymore.” 
Price inhaled sharply and he leaned back again, looking around and clenching his jaw as if fighting back his anger. His fingers twitched again. You admired his self control as he was still yet to grab a cigar that you knew he kept on his person. Usually in his breast pocket while his lighter was in his right pocket.
“Listen to me.” The Captain said, a more stern edge to his voice now that he had gathered his thoughts together. “Whatever your family said to you— how they treated you? Forget it. They showed you obligation. Not love. They didn’t want what was ‘best’ for you, they wanted bragging rights. What you’ve achieved– here, in bootcamp, in university and in school, is something to take pride in– no, no, look at me.”
Your gaze had trailed to the side so you avoided looking at your Captain in the eyes. He noticed and clicked his fingers to gain your attention back on him.
“Don’t look away from me because I want you to listen to what I’m gonna say and I want you to look at my face as I say it.” Your eyes met his blue ones, “You should be proud of everything that you’ve achieved in your life. I’m sorry that your family never told you that and I’m sorry that I haven’t said that enough to you since you joined 141.”
You opened your mouth to say something– to argue or disagree but he shook his head.
“No. It’s my turn to speak now. I’m proud of you. I am so proud of you. Everything you’ve done and everything that you’re yet to do, I will always be proud of you. You’re an exemplary soldier and I knew the moment I saw you that you would be a perfect addition to the 141 and you have proved me right time and time again. You belong on this team just as much as the rest of the boys. Do you understand?”
So many words– proud, proud, proud. That’s all you had wanted to hear for so many years from someone whose opinion mattered to you. You wanted to be seen and Price, this godsend of a man, had seen you and more.
“Kid, do you understand me?”
You nodded once and then realised that Price wouldn’t have been able to tell through your shaking. Tears blurred in the corners of your eyes and you nodded again, not trusting your voice in case it shattered. 
“What do you need from me?” Price’s voice was oh so soft, like he was talking to a frightened fawn. He could see how much his words had affected you and it clearly broke his own heart.
“A hug.” Your bottom lip wobbled and his face softened as he opened his arms, twitching his fingers to urge you closer.
“I can do that.” 
You leaned into him and he quickly wrapped his arms around you, drawing you in close. You could smell the lingering scent of his last cigar. The smell of his office and cleaning oil. You felt his chin on the top of your head and felt how his chest rumbled as he spoke.
“You’re part of the 141 whether you like it or not, alright? Me and the boys want you here for as long as you want to be.”
At that moment, for the first time in your life. You felt wanted. You felt appreciated and you felt seen.
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have a request? send one in!
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ioniansunsets · 10 months
I love all your Heartsteel hcs they are making me melt <3
Can I request a scenario of Aphelios going to non musician!readers house after a long day and then just spoil them with cuddles and hugs until they go to sleep? Hes my fave and I’m just so normal about him and the rest of Heartsteel thank you <<3
✖ Heartsteel!Aphelios Chilling with Reader ✖
✖ Word Count: 1.5k
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: SORRY FOR TAKING A WHILE!!!! Wrote this with Worlds in mind! Also imagining their little collab with Knotted + The Rocklove apparel drop❤️ Our boys have been busy.
I...also got really carried away, I just like soft warm domestic established relationships..........
Also doing this with the headcanon that Aphelios can still very softly whisper (like how he talks to Alune). He can sign, he can type fast with just one hand but! His favorite thing is to let you, his precious partner, hear him when it really matters.
It was a long month for Aphelios. He wasn't, miserable, to speak but he was slowly reaching his (already low) mental limit. The stress of performing in front of millions truly catching up to him.
Heartsteel was finally going to perform on stage so it has been practice after practice. Photoshoots, interviews, Instagram lives, meetups for collabs at stores, showcases for new merch, feedback for social media content, approving this and that. It has been non stop work and Aphelios was far beyond burnt out.
He was exhausted and he hasn't seen you in days. As such, when Alune finally squeezed some time out of everyone's schedule to give them a day off (after a grueling final full dressed practice run right before the actual performance day) the first thing he did was grab a ride to your place. It was a quick goodbye wave to the other members, thanking the staff with a curt bow before he ran to grab his stuff, change and fucking book it. Dropping you a message on Discord to let you know he was finally done and coming over as he calls for a ride.
It was late already too, the sun had set and all Aphelios could really do what think about you. Actually, all he could think about when he wasn't working on band stuff was you.
His hands and legs jittery, itching to finally see you, feel you, hear you, hold you. Oh gods, to have you in his arms again. He sucks in a breath at the thought.
How he so craves you to salve his faltering, exhausted soul. He sighs, turning up the music in his headphones as he leans against the window of the passenger's side. Fingers tapping to the beat as he tries to calm down, a smile on his face already at the thought of seeing you again.
He wasn't used to this. Being away from you this long and being so busy as to not even be able to chat with you often. Before Heartsteel picked up traction the two of you were practically inseparable, he would spend time writing songs in your room as you worked. Or Aphelios would just invite you over to his place to chill as he made music. The simple joys of being able to work from home as an artist. But alas, fame comes with responsibilities, and as much as he loves finally making it in the scene, it was tough going through the withdrawal of not being by your side.
His heart races in anticipation as the car stops at an all too familiar road. Grabbing his things, he pays and leaves, slamming the door to the car shut.
Aphelios was practically flying up the steps to your apartment, out the cab he half walked, half ran to your door. Standing by the gate as he calls you to let you know he's here.
When you finally open the door, you're met with the most excited smile, his eyes almost close with how wide he is smiling.
Your usually calm and cool boyfriend dropping everything he was holding to throw himself into your arms the second the door opened. The softest of his whispers as he presses his cheek against yours.
" I've missed you, so much."
You could tell, the way his body sinks into yours. The way his arms grasp you tighter than he ever has. The way he lightly nuzzles you. So uncharacteristic but so understandable at the same time. You laugh a little, telling him how much you missed him too as you held him close.
" Let's stop standing by the door. Come in Phel."
His shoulders rise and fall in a silent chuckle as he picks up his things form the floor to step into your house.
It was the usual domestic slice of life happenings that he was so used to doing. The absolute heartwarming comfort of just going on autopilot. Putting his things in the same spot he always has in your room. Going to get a bath, grabbing a change of clothes from his own shelf by your bed. The way you already helped make him dinner while he was bathing because you just know he hasn't eaten all day. It was perfect, it was like how things always was. A reminder that even though so much was going on, he was still yours as much as you were his.
" I'm excited for you. But you sure you can stay the night? You'll have to wake up earlier than if you stayed with the band you know?"
[ Being by your side is the only way I'll be able to calm down before tomorrow. It's worth the hour of sleep I'll miss not being in the venue hotel.]
The two of you update each other on your lives as he ate. You telling him about the things that happened through the month, watching small videos he took behind the scenes of the shoots, making fun of the other members together as you sit by his side by the dining table. You telling him about your time with your friends, telling him how much you missed him, how happy you were to be with him again too. And oh, the way his leg would reach out to yours, his foot lightly hooking you by the ankle to feel you close as his hands were busy with eating and typing to you about his day. It was nice. It was right. It was the cute little things that you were so used to with Aphelios. Your own hand reaching back out to hold his side. Aphelios' eyes closing as he takes a deep breath, enjoying the feeling of you holding him close after day after day of the noisy meals with the band or the desperately lonely silence of eating in a changing room between sets. It was a nice change of pace to finally be here with you.
Time ticks by and soon enough it was getting really late. Aphelios insisting to help you with the dishes since you cooked, so you did him a service by just hugging him lovingly from behind, giving the back of his neck soft kisses as he smiles with his head tilted to the side so you can rest your head on his shoulder.
" Sleep?"
You ask him softly as he puts the dishes away and dries his hands. Aphelios nods, it was getting late and he had to wake up at 5am to go through even more preparations tomorrow, but that's tomorrow Aphelios' problems. He shoves the thoughts to the back of his mind as he focuses back on you and your beautiful face.
Slowly the two of you walk up to your room, just like everything else, a warm familiarity as he walks to lie down exhausted, on his designated spot on the bed, pulling over some of his plushies that he left at your place as you join him in bed. As you crawl onto the soft bed and lie down, almost instantly you were pulled in close, his arms wrapping around you tight as he sighs again with a smile, enjoying the skinship.
The two of you get comfortable, his face lightly pressed into your shoulder as he laid in your arms. One of your hands around him as the other lightly strokes his hair, comforting him from all the work he has put in to reach where he was. Aphelios just couldn't help but feel all his trouble melt away, that ache in his muscles magically leaving him. Trying his best to fight off sleep as he wants to spend every minute more with you. It was not enough, never enough. Hours, days, years, spent by your side but in the end, all he can do now is but enjoys the little seconds before his consciousness wanes.
Once again, the warm comfort of the usual that has now become but a precious rarity. As he flits in and out of consciousness, he does one final act of love. You smile as he pulls himself up closer to your ears.
" I love you. Goodnight..."
As you adjust yourself to face him, you're met with a warm smile, his dyed hair falling softly around him on you, an almost ethereal glow on his skin from the moonlight seeping in from your window as he blinks at you with half lidded eyes, barely open from exhaustion. Truly a beautiful sight, one that you can't help but to cherish.
" I love you too Phel. Rest well."
You reach out to give him a gentle goodnight kiss on his lips, and just like tonight, and all the nights you have spent, and will spend, with him, he reaches out and kisses you back. So matter of fact, so expected that it was almost comical. He loves you and you love him. And that was right. Slowly the two of you fall asleep in each others arms once again.
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salty-croissants · 11 months
Crossing blades ( Bullfrog x g/n reader )
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Big thanks to @angrylez for this other very cool concept ! 
I ended up making a whole story out of it since I liked the idea a lot :D
By the way , just wanted to mention that Imma need to close my writing requests for a bit , at least until I get all the other ones done : you can still send anything unrelated to requests in my asks , I’ll put a little something in my bio to let you know when I’m open to do more headcanons and stories for the boys again 👍
Anyway , hope this turned out okay !  Sorry if it’s a bit out of character ;I
Details : use of g/n reader ;
reader is very skilled with knives ;  
enemies to lovers ( kinda ) ; 
presence of slightly suggestive themes and occasional swearing
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“Now , listen carefully because I won’t repeat myself : 
this is y/n , your target . 
They have been working as an elite assassin for Eden for a very , very long time , which would make them a very useful source of information for us .
Your task tonight ? Capture them and bring them back here … 
Alive . 
You can deal with their eventual security as you see fit .
Now go .” 
The Warden’s words resonated in Bullfrog’s mind as he ran through the tall corridors of your underground cove … 
Dolph and his teammates were currently busy taking care of the rest of the guards outside , which meant he was going to have to face you on his own . 
He could tell that it wouldn’t be an easy task , judging by your flawless record of murders over the years , so he was going to be as careful as possible handling this situation - 
“Quoi … ?”
He suddenly turned around , barely able to see a silhouette quickly passing by him to then suddenly disappear like it had never been there …
It seemed like he already found them .
Bullfrog took a deep breath , looking around him and readying himself for any surprises from Eden’s elite assassin .
< Bonne soirée , y/n . 
I am very sorry for the intrusion , but if you just allow me to expla - > 
He was barely fast enough to avoid the knife you threw in his direction , leaving a cut on his cheek : it looked like it wasn’t going to be that easy to convince you to follow him back to the Warden’s headquarters …
< Your intentions already seem pretty clear to me … sir . > 
Bullfrog sensed a movement behind him , and saw you appear from the shadows , calmly walking towards him .
He could see it in your eyes … you weren’t someone to underestimate . 
< I’ve heard your friends up there … want my advice ? You should all be more careful not to make this much noise when sneaking up on someone to kill them . >
Bullfrog let out a little chuckle in response , his eyes never leaving yours as he took a step forward . 
 < I assure you , we are not here to cause you any harm . > 
< Really ? That becomes pretty hard to believe when a bunch of armed strangers appear at your place out of nowhere . > 
< Well … c'est vrai , but if you just come with us it will be way easier . > 
His expression changed … he stared at you earnestly , carefully taking another step in your direction . 
< Eden is not what you think it is y/n … they have been using you and your abilities all while taking countless innocent lives .
If you were to become a liability , they would not hesitate to get rid of you . > 
You remained silent for a moment , barely even listening to the noises of the furious battle still continuing downstairs before shaking your hand , grabbing more of your knives …
< I … literally got no reason to trust you . 
I don’t know who you are or what your deal is , but I can tell you that I have a job to do , a job that Eden gave me when I had nothing left , a job that gives me purpose and a reason to live …
That’s what’s real to me . 
I can’t throw all of this away … I’ve worked too hard to get here . > 
Bullfrog sighed , readying his blades for the approaching fight … 
< Then … je suis désolé pour ça , y/n . > 
*hours of fighting later …*
< Sheesh - these guys were tough ! > 
< I swear , if another one of these fuckers shows up out of nowhere I’ll - > 
< Let’s just get this over with . >
< Yeah , hopefully Bullfrog managed to deal with that y/n … things have been really quiet down there . Maybe he needs help ? > 
< Only one way to find out . > 
Dolph lead the way , followed by Jade and Pey’j : they were all beat up and tired , but still ready to take action if it would’ve proved necessary . 
… but when they eventually found their teammate , it definitely seemed like his fight against you had been … 
very intense : 
Bullfrog was standing on top of you , the two of you panting , full of bruises and cuts on your clothes …
< *ahem* … are we … interrupting anything ? ~ > 
You both gasped , turning around to find the three staring at you , slowly realizing in what a compromising position you currently were in .
< This - this is NOT what it looks like !! > 
< Absolutely not !! > 
< We were just  - uh — > 
< You know , if you wanted to spend time alone with them you should’ve just said so ~ > 
Jade’s remarks only served to make the two of you even more flustered , and Bullfrog quickly stepped away from you , hiding his face in his hoodie … 
Not like you were doing much better .
< Enough . > 
Dolph walked forward , grabbing your arm and pulling you back up on your feet .
< You’ll be coming with us now .
Try anything and it won’t end well for you . > 
You sighed in response , aware that you were exhausted and also out of knives …
You were in no position to even think about trying anything .
When eventually you found yourself on the Ghosts car , traveling back to their base , you and Bullfrog would occasionally glance at each other to then immediately look away , still very flustered about what happened back in your cove …
You would’ve never said such a thing out loud , but it was very rare for someone to last long when fighting with you , so one way or another he had earned your respect .
Something even more difficult to admit was the fact that you … 
… didn’t quite find it entirely unpleasant when Bullfrog fell on top of you during your confrontation .
That was crazy , considering the fact that he was an enemy with intentions that you didn’t even fully figure out just yet , but you just couldn’t lie to yourself convincingly enough to cover up those … odd feelings . 
You stared outside the window at the neon lights of the city , watching the clouds in the sky slowly getting illuminated by the approaching sunrise : 
you had been in stickier situations before , so being held captive wasn’t exactly your main concern … 
Instead you thought about the things Bullfrog told you about Eden , deep down wondering if he was really just tricking you or if maybe , just maybe … there was some truth to his words .
Well , all you could do now was wait and see . 
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