#sorry this is a bit disorganized lmao
slytherinshua · 4 months
genre. fluff. headcanons. warnings. this is kind of a mess and disorganized cause i was just writing whatever came to mind ++ most of this is pretty sungho focused im ngl?? cause i wanted to focus on the dynamics and how it would be different from just dating leehan headcanons... pairing. leehan x fem!reader (reader is sungho's younger sister). wc. 966. request. requested by anon: I was wondering if you could do headcanons of what it would be like to be sungho’s younger sibling & you’re dating leehan a/n. this idea is rly cute :( and i wanted to do it earlier i swear and we are gonna pretend like this request isn't literally a year old IM SORRY 😞 bye its literally from last july that's embarrassing 😭 BUT IM GETTING TO IT NOW <3
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dating leehan when you're sungho's younger sister would be nerve-wracking as hell at the beginning of the relationship, specifically when you need to break the news to sungho
and more-so for leehan because you honestly don't care if sungho doesn't like that you're dating his friends, but you are a bit worried that it'll be awkward at first
whereas leehan is scared shitless because what if sungho suddenly hates him for it???
but sungho barely even blinks when you announce that leehan is your boyfriend because he knew that you had a crush on his friend and he also knew even more that leehan secretly liked you
he wouldn't have ever pictured you two together at first but once he sees how happy you both are, he's totally supportive of the relationship <3
but he does threaten you to never break up with leehan cause he doesn't want it to be awkward between him and his friend lol
sungho isn't particularly overprotective as a brother unless he needs to be, and then he is very protective of you
you two both have a very playful and close relationship, and more often than not you're just in a constant competition of who can annoy the other the most
and when you start dating leehan, sungho gets a massive upper hand in this game
because he knows your boyfriend better than you do at first, especially when it comes to leehan's habits
because leehan always tries to act as charming as he can in front of you
i mean, he's a boy in love, so of course he's always trying to put his best self forward <3
but it becomes quite hard to do that when sungho starts to randomly drop pieces of info about him just to piss you off lmao
poor leehan is caught in the middle of you two bickering and praying that sungho doesn't expose any awful secret to you or something 😭
another thing that would cause some frustration is trying to have any private time with your boyfriend :(
like i said, sungho doesn't strike me as overprotective but he absolutely will randomly open your door when he knows leehan and you are hanging out solely with the purpose of teasing you
does he get a pillow thrown at his head for this? yes.
is it leehan or you who throws it? who knows...
he also loves to make overdramatic gagging noises and disgusted faces whenever you show even an ounce of pda
even if it’s just hugging, sungho will act like it's the most disgusting thing he's ever seen
kissing is a whole other level like he'll deadass tell you two to get a room 😭
leehan originally thought that sungho must know everything about you given that he's literally your brother
but he's extremely disappointed when he realizes that he far surpasses sungho in y/n-knowledge 
leehan picks up on everything about you to the point that sungho is the one asking him things 😭
because when your birthday comes around, leehan has a whole list of possible things to get you and do for you
and sungho doesn't even know what your current obsession is
but something that sungho finds really wholesome about your relationship with leehan from an older brother perspective is how you match his interests :(
you'll absolutely do anything with leehan and engage in all of his obsessions, just like he does with you
and sungho likes watching that happen cause he does truly adore both of you 
and he learns to adore both of you together more than separate
he hates when he has to be a bridge between you two whenever you get into an argument though
he'll have to hear both sides of it before deciding which side he's on
because while he'd love to pick your side every time and put family first, he knows that sometimes you get into stupid fights over nothing
and leehan is usually pretty reasonable
when it is actually leehan's fault, sungho is pissed though
and if leehan didn't already feel awful about fighting with you, he now has to hear sungho give him an earful on how he better not make you cry ever again 
basically when you are happy and leehan is happy, sungho is happy too
except when he's forced to be a third-wheel, then he's questioning why he ever allowed this relationship to exist
yk that question of like "if you had to introduce your sister to one of the members, who would it be?" yeah sungho had always hated that question
but after months of leehan and you dating, he realizes that it's a lot better that you're dating one of his members than a random guy he's never met
because he knows leehan is a good person and wouldn't play with your heart or treat you badly ever and it makes him really excited that two of the people closest to him are in love :( it's wholesome
i rambled a lot about sungho so let me talk a bit about leehan <3
he always finds it funny when he sees pieces of sungho in you and he always points it out
any mannerism or preference that you have that is similar to sungho's, leehan finds it so interesting!!
he loves to play into sungho's disgust at pda by giving you a kiss whenever he enters the room 
or when you steal his hoodie and sungho catches onto it, leehan just wears the biggest most proud smile ever :( he's so in love with you and wants to show you off everywhere he goes
overall dating leehan as sungho's little sister just means a whole lot of extra teasing and your brother being utterly disgusted but secretly endeared at your relationship at every turn
↳ boynextdoor taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @rizzshimura,, @captivq,, @icyminghao,, @eternalgyu,, @metalchick529,,
@schmocolateschmchip,, @kpoprhia,, @candewlsy,, @weird-bookworm,, @blossominghunnie,,
@kangtaehyunzzz,, @snowflakemoon3,, @lovialy,, @lecheugo,, @okshu,,
@wccycc,, @seunghancore,, @ujisworld,, @sobun1est,, @emmylksblog,,
@talkingsaxy,, @talking-saxy
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wolfythewitch · 2 years
Tell us about the AU!!! I'm so curious please tell us
Idk how to word this it's still very disorganized in my head lmao this'll be a bit long
But essentially the story starts with Techno showing up at Phil's door, and young boy, his brother, hiding behind his knees. He's barely holding it together, fists clenched as if it can keep his magic from bursting, from hurting everyone around him. He begs Phil, the former royal wizard/sorcerer/idk, for help. To teach him. Phil, a tired hermit with a head full of unnaturally white hair and wrappings covering up his wrists to his elbows, says no. But he lets the stay the night, and he helps calm Techno down.
By the end of the week, they never leave, and Phil agrees to help him. He's always been too weak for his own good. ("I can never say no to you", he murmurs, and Techno knows it was not for his ears). So Phil helps guide Techno the best he can, to channel his magic like lightning in a bottle, like dew dripping down a leafstalk. He never uses his own magic. Techno sometimes tries to ask, but Phil only smiles and dodges the question. Tommy is left to wander on these days, and Phil had always told him that his bedroom was off limits, but seven year olds can be bored to the point of disobedience, and Tommy was no different. In his room, he finds an old, broken mirror, and a singular gem embedded into its handle. When he turns the mirror and the sunlight shifts, a face stares back at him, older and sharper, with wispy brown hair and the bluest eyes Tommy has ever seen. (Hello, the mirror murmurs, I'm Wilbur. Tommy almost drops it.)
Because the story really starts a decade prior, when Phil still lived within the palace walls, when he takes in an apprentice with magic too powerful to handle. Be it hubris or denial, Phil promises to help his apprentice, Wilbur, control his magic. In the end, he fails. In the end, his magic grows so strong and unstable, a lit bomb that threatens to level the kingdom, that he begs Phil to seal it away, and stop him. ("I can't say no to you.") But a sorcerer's magic is their soul, and by sealing it away, you seal them to the same fate. So Phil locks Wilbur's magic away into a hand mirror, the closest object available at the time. The strain of the spell puts him in a month-long sleep, takes away his magic, and bleaches his hair a snowy white. When he wakes up, he takes the mirror, and he steals away into the edges of the kingdom, where he lives alone. Lived alone. Because now he has company, he has Techno and Tommy, and he doesn't want to fail them again. But Tommy befriends the strange man in the mirror, (who hides away when Phil comes close) and so he visits more often. He'll take the mirror in his pudgy hands and ask Wilbur about his day, ask about what limbo was like, ask if he ever missed the sun. And Wilbur does, but not enough to want to break free.
One day, the gem in the mirror breaks. It's an accident. Tommy was talking again with his new friend when Phil bursts into his room, eyes wide with anger and fear. And Tommy loses hold of the mirror, and it falls to the ground, a muffled yell sounding from the reflection. And Wilbur is back.
And his magic returns to him like fire to gasoline. It's agony. He's seeing light after being in the dark for so long, and it's searing. For the first time in years, Phil uses his magic to keep himself and Tommy from burning up into ashes. Techno rushes in and finds Phil holding a terrified but unscathed Tommy in his arms, skin blistering with heat as his own magic burns him inside out. Wilbur is a screaming inferno of his own, magic pulsing in and out of him like a storm. Techno tells Phil to take Tommy and run, and he fights Wilbur, keeps him occupied until dusk turns to dawn, until Wilbur's magic dies down enough for the both of them to breathe. When Wilbur can finally speak, he mutters two words. "I'm sorry." And he runs away, a trail of scorched footprints at his heel.
Phil is a little worse for wear, half conscious in the garden with Tommy standing guard beside him, armed with a stick. They treat his burns and coaches the story out of him. No one knows what to do, not really. Techno can't fight him forever. Phil can't even use his magic without killing himself in the long run. It's Tommy who suggests it, to take part of Wilbur's magic and seal it away, or turn it into something.
It isn't that hard to find Wilbur, what with the glowing lights and the hurricane that surrounds him. What's hard was to get him to listen, the young man so very much in pain that it consumed him, his eyes alight with agony that glowed. (Help me, he breathes, please.) Tommy talks to him, calms him, tells him stories about his hometown and about the cow that he loved to ride on. Phil takes both of his hands, staunchly ignoring how his own hands start to burn and blister. He instructs Techno on what to do, tells Tommy to keep on talking, tells Wilbur to look at him, to breathe, to trust him. He uses himself like a channel, because while he can't really use his magic anymore, it doesn't stop him from being able to host another's. With Techno and Wilbur's magic flowing in him, like twin flames, he guides them from his fingers and they pour out like streams of light, like wisps of smoke, and slowly take shape, taking the form of a blue wooled sheep. (The bluest wool Tommy has ever seen.) It blinks awake, eyes sparkling with stardust, and nuzzles Wilbur's hand. And the winds come to a gentle rest, and Wilbur sags against Phil, his body too tired to do anything but fall limp. And Phil isn't really much better, limbs like lead by his waist. Tommy curls up beside him and Techno soon joins them. Wilbur runs a hand through the sheep's wool, soft like a cloud. "His name's Friend," Wilbur decides, eyes slipping shut, "after you lot."
Fambly :D
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lightning-and-sparks · 3 months
Ranking the New Tracks (brutal)
Spoilers for 2025 maybe?
Disclaimer: your opinions are fine don’t let me cramp your style, I just happen to be a bummer.
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I’m so sorry this just isn’t it. It’s believable to come from a Just Dance game but I would not use this one as a big promo song. The coach looks good but that’s about it. The background is mediocre. Looks like a Brezz map but worse, every original has its cheap copy lmao. The choreography is predictable which is a bummer.
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Yeah okay. It’s cute and not that bad. This would’ve had a chokehold between me and my two sisters fighting over characters. I’m not sure why the unicorn is such a huge deal especially with the marketing but she’s cute so whatever. The background is really cool and adds to the lore of them being humans trapped in the game. Song is odd but fine and choreography seems ok.
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Yes, and?
This map is so ugly I’m so sorry. I know everyone seems into this one but man, it looks so disorganized. Why are they in a basement looking ass museum? The random foot is so funny it saves it a bit. The coaches are ugly and the background looks unfinished. It’s a pass for me but ik missions are going to be linked to this one.
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Basket Case
If you know me by now this song is right up my alley. The background fits the vibes and reminds me of blue’s clues which is fun. I hate the other coaches on the left and right. They are so out of place but this whole map kinda looks weird so not as jarring as Yes, And? by any means. Can’t wait to play it seems solid enough.
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Poker Face
This is tough because I love the Gaga maps but seems kinda… cluttered. Theming is strange considering you already have the card suit motif at your disposal… oh wait it’s there just poorly executed. How many of you immediately knew the people in black are the club and spade suit? Yeah, readability is poor. Also, there are four card suits so why are you jamming hearts and diamond together instead of making a fourth coach? There are already so many three coach routines in the previews. Also, are you guys riding the high of the Darkest Hour floating heads because why are they everywhere?
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Request: Yasuhiro Hagakure x s/o general Headcanons
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Yasuhiro Hagakure x GN! S/O General Relationship Headcanons -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wow, I'm so surprised to see yet another Hiro liker! I think he's awesome, he's very good comic relief and he's got a heart of gold. Which apparently a couple shady individuals are after, but hey. Sorry about the wait on this one, I'm an active uni student lol. - Mod Tsumugi --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hiro is a very laid-back and relaxed person, and that carries over into your relationship. His easygoing nature helps balance out any tense situations you two might encounter. He doesn't get stressed over small details, and will often try to calm you down if you're feeling anxious. Granted, he's not the best when handling comforting other people, but he tries his best.
2. Hiro isn't the most reliable person, he's very scatter-brained and disorganized, so it's up to you to keep him on track most days. He doesn't often think things through all the way, but his heart is in the right place. Expect a sense of spontaneity in your date plans, as he'll try and surprise you at every turn. He might forget to text you back, but he'll make it up with a silly apology, and a heartfelt gesture.
3. As the Ultimate Clairvoyant, he'll always offer to do readings for you, especially when you're uncertain about something coming up. Though his predictions are pretty hit or miss, it's amusing to see how much he believes in his own fortune-telling abilities.
4. Hiro might not be the type to fight, but he is surprisingly protective of you. He would try to diffuse conflict with humor or by “predicting” the outcome to avoid danger. He’d do anything to keep you out of trouble, even if it means running away from danger together.
5. He believes in following your dreams and will always encourage you to pursue what makes you happy. He might not have the best track record with his own schemes, but he’ll always be your biggest supporter, whether you're trying something new or struggling with a big decision. Expect him cheering for you the loudest.
6. Hiro often ends up in ridiculous situations, which provide plenty of entertainment in your relationship. Whether it’s getting scammed by someone for the third time this week or showing up with a new “get rich quick” scheme, his antics definitely provide you with some entertainment.
7. Expect random hugs, silly compliments, whatever he can do to show you he cares in minimal ways. He's very casual about it, he won't be calling you over the top pet names, but you will definitely know he loves you.
8. He's a conspiracy theory nut, especially the outlandish ones, and will frequently go on rants about whether or not the moon is hollow or if lizard people run the government. He gets really excited when you humor him, and let him talk your ear off about it. While you may not always believe him, his enthusiasm is contagious.
9. He’s the kind of guy who thinks he's being cool, but in reality, he’s a bit of a lovable dork. Though he'll probably get pretty defensive about it lmao. Be nice to him <3
10. His love language is probably either acts of service, or words of affirmation. He's also a bit of a momma's boy, you will be hearing him talk about Hiroko (not me projecting cause I love Hiroko). In the rare case you get into a disagreement, Hiroko will probably be the one talking some sense into him lmao.
------------------------------------------------------------------- You sat on the park bench, watching Yasuhiro fumble through his deck of tarot cards with an exaggerated sense of importance. He was determined to give you a "perfect" reading, even though his last attempt ended in him predicting that you'd somehow bring the dinosaurs back to life?
"Alright, babe, this time it's gonna be 100% accurate," he said, shuffling the cards like a pro—or at least trying to. One slipped out and fluttered to the ground, and he quickly bent down to retrieve it, grinning sheepishly. "Whoops. Just the universe messing with us."
You couldn't help but laugh. "I don’t think that’s how the universe works."
He shot you a playful wink. "Ah, you just don’t understand the mystical forces yet." With a grand flourish, he laid out the cards, and after a dramatic pause, his face lit up. "Oh, wow! It says here you're about to have a sudden adventure with someone incredibly handsome."
"Really?" You raised an eyebrow, playing along. "Who might that be?"
"Obviously me!" He shot up from the bench, grabbing your hand with a grin so wide you couldn’t help but smile back. “C'mon, let's go somewhere fun. I don’t know where yet, but the cards say it'll be awesome.”
"Hiro," you started, laughing as he tugged you to your feet, "You didn’t even finish the reading!"
He waved a hand dismissively. "Eh, it was probably just gonna say something cheesy like, 'You're destined to be with the best fortune-teller ever.'"
You rolled your eyes, a wide smile on your face. Hey, who were you to tell the cards they were wrong?
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slothyykittee · 9 months
Criticism of Viv (this is a tad long and a bit disorganized, sorry):
One thing that bothers me about the whole Alastor thing (voodoo and whatnot) is that because she used real symbols, that feels like she's done enough research to see what they look like, but brushed over or didn't dig into everything else about it.
When you are unfamiliar with smth, do actual research! And also, maybe just make your own shit so you don't have to worry about this stuff lmao? Literally could've made her own symbols or smth, but nope!
I don't know much about voodoo myself, but if it is a closed religion (not saying it isn't btw, I just have absolutely no idea about it), at the very least be respectful of it and not demonize it.
I was also talking to a friend one time about the issues with how Viv portrays POC characters (especially Alastor), and they defended her with "Why does it matter if a demon is your race?" (She was white, talking to two POC folks 💀) and also "People have already ruined it and will continue to do so" like??? That should not matter lmao?
To any writers/creators/etc., just don't be ignorant, do research, and if you discover smth is funky in your story, change it and find or make a better alternative.
Exactly Anon! Like I myself a POC and to be honest, I literally thought Alastor is white until the Voodou thing. Viv is bad at art. Period. She's bad at character design, at writing, at colors. And she's the type to NOT get out of her comfort zone, leading her art to deteriorate.
Also, not surprising of Viv really. Searching about Vodou in Google only to add their symbols as spooky things to an edgy deviantart OC is par on the couse. Viv showd time and again that she only gives a fuck about something if it benefits her.
Im right now writing a novel, and the last point is important! The Internet is full of info, and as a user, you should use them on your creations indeed!
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ssreeder · 3 months
I would say my thoughts about it but I have too many thoughts but I also don’t wanna fill your asks with 20 million anons so,
after I finished it I decided to re-read from LIAB and bro…
That shit broke me.
The way you perfectly constructed sokka’s arc, like I swear everything was intentional
He literally went from “it took years for him to get comfortable killing” to “he was always so good with people, that’s was before he started killing them” and from “if he felt a way about something he would most definitely share it” to literally hiding everything that happened to him from people he trusts. Wow.
Once again, absolutely amazed by your incredible writing skills, like actually impeccable.
Enough of me being philosophical,
YOU GAVE BATO A BF!!! HE CAN FINALLY GET OVER HIS HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH!!! AND JEE GETS TO BE HAPPY!!! AAAAHHH!! I’m so happy for them (ik they aren’t even an item yet but still, super happy for them)
Hooray for Ara!! She got her closure, and now she can start a new, healthier, happier lifestyle. Congratulations to my favorite violent dog!! May she get what she deserves (ominous)
But the way she just.. told Katara about zukka being together?? Like, no hesitation.
“Whoops, thought you were banging my brother. Sorry lol.”
“No lmao it’s okay. Zuko’s deff banging him though”
“Yeah lol. Toodles!!”
And then she just- LEAVES?? honestly mood though.
i liked how sweet and genuine she sounded when explaining zukka’s love story though, that was so good of her, she didn’t even talk them down or anything. It was actually so nice.
Can’t wait to see what you do for Jet, really really hope my little street rat gets better. on agni we gonna get you some will to live!!
So many exciting things happening I can’t wait!!
-suki closure!!
literally have said this a million times but actually super scared for sokka for the last bit (zhao tea talks usually didn’t go well)
But I also feel like ur gonna make that an iroh pov… (I’m an empath) so I’ll stay tuned!!
Yue and La bless my favorite water tribe man Hakoda! He loves his kids so much I hope nothing bad happens to them (this is gonna be foreshadowing isn’t it?)
But anyways!!
I wanted to finally tell you about music!!
It’s gonna be a lot of mitski cus she’s one of my main artists I listen to but still,
I thought about “once more to see you” by mitski A LOT throughout RIA and a little bit now through ITF, it fits this part of the story perfectly (in my opinion). It’s literally just zukka through sokka’s pov.
Another one is “Christmas Kids” by ROAR, this one is more for LIAB, and a little bit of RIA, (can you tell I make the edits in my head?) But this time the choruses/verses change pov or can just be seen as multiple characters.
“First Love/Late Spring” by mitski fits zukka through zuko’s pov
And “I bet on loosing dogs” by mitski is Ara with zhao/shen
Now this one is very specific:
“Vampire Empire” by Big Thief
The first verse to the first chorus is LIAB-RIA kataang through aang’s thoughts about katara,
the second verse to the second chorus is zukka LIAB-RIA (and now more recently the current ITF situation) told as per sokka’s pov
And the third verse to the final chorus is how Ara feels about zhao. Like their entire history.
Okay that’s it sorry for bombarding you with my random ass disorganized ask 😭 I’ve been yapping too much, I know, I sound like Reho. Sorry if I said anything disrespectful!!
Anyway!! Can’t wait for the next update!! STAY SUPER DUPER AMAZING SSREEDER!!!
HI ANON WHO I ADORE & LOVE SO MUCH I AM SO SORRY FOR TAKING 10000 YEARS TO ANSWER THIS. (In my defense it’s a perfect 10/10 ask and I couldnt let it go right away<3)
I AM SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOO happy you enjoyed sokkas arc because damn, I really dismantled him throughout the series and the way you highlighted some of the details about sokka pre prison and how he did a drastic 180 is *CHEFS KISS* yeahhhhhh it was a long process but I’m glad you noticed the intentional dedication I had to ruining our boy sokka <3 (i know I know he’s not ruined but he’s not in a great spot mentally but he’s getting better but hell regress and progress and regress and yeah sokkas just not the same I mean but we will love him and he’s still our SOKKA)
JEE DID GET HIMSELF A BOY FRAND… He is smitten with our boy Bato it’s cute.
Ara is hilarious that’s all I gotta say about her haha.
JET!!!!! I love him!!! He’s not the besttttt influence on Suki but FUCK IT JET IS AWESOME (don’t expect any life changing shit from him but I’m excited that he’ll stay a part of the story) sorry Jet haters he’s staying in LIAB till death does us part of the story ends haha.
oh shit you sent this ask before the last chapter was dropped so now you know ITS AN IROH AND ZUKO TEA TALK (& let me tell you HAAAAA… they’re wonderful in a room together haha)
I was trying to listen to all your songs before I answered your ask but I couldn’t get through all of them, but I will!! I love that you are so passionate about music and the scenes and characters I feel the same way and that’s why I always try to give you songs I’m vibing with lol.
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shigarakisslutbag · 11 months
This isnt directly a request but if you do end up getting inspiration out of this then im glad! (wouldn't complain lol) Imagine how Shiggy would act if some villain with a big loving heart came in and just- somewhat adopted him. Shiggy gets injured? They're there soothing and scolding him. Ranting about video games or heroes? They're patiently listening. Makes my heart so happy negl.
Omg anon I actually really like this idea lol. I have no idea how I would write it as a fic or even organized headcanons BUT I will most certainly give you my disorganized thoughts on this because I have no self control.
APOLOGIES because I'm writing this at 1:33pm and I am very tired (but will likely not sleep until 3am.), THEREFORE, I probably have many typos because I didn't proof read an I am so sorry lol. Anyways, hope you enjoy my thoughts on this, feel free to add anything, I don't mind going back and forth on this topic (this goes for anyone btw! Not just anon. I love hearing everyone's thoughts on concepts I write for)
I feel like in this scenario of reader being a villain, reader's motives are either out of spite towards their hatred for capitalism or they're just kind of... goofy...and unhinged... in a bad way .. thatcopsandheroesdontlike YOU GET THE PICTURE OK? (Use your imagination bestie)
But regaRDLESS, you have a huge soft spot (and maybe some hard spots;) ) for shigaraki.
Which actually just ends up with you having a lot of compassion and care towards him. You can tell he's been through a lot. anyone can. and seeing him having clear struggles in his physical life and internal conflicts, you can't help but want to, well, help him.
I won't go into a huge back story because I simply... am tired LOL. But somewhere along the way shigaraki let you grace him with your presence.
So now you're here with your adopted introverted son and guiding him through his life full of terrorism, tyrants, and genocide 🫶 (you don't quite understand how he's both introverted and a menace to society at the same time. Shigaraki is what happens when an introvert just gets really fed up with capitalism ig)
Shigaraki actually really appreciates you're presence. Will he admit it? FUCK NO LMAO. he'd rather twist his eyelids off and eat them before telling your annoying ass he appreciates you. But he does. Just trust me, he does.
Besides spinner, no one really listens to his rants about video games, players, the fall of society. Dabi refers to him as "a cartoon villain on heroin who monologues " shigaraki didn't like that very much
But you listen. You really listen. You ask him questions, you validate his feelings and concerns, you make sure he knows that he's making progress, ect. You don't just hear what he says, you listen. You engage. Which is something he's needed for a very long time.
Especially when he gets injured, is when he gets the most attention from you. Honestly sometimes he wants to hurt himself just hear you cry over him LOL. He's low-key obsessed with you but don't ever bring it up if you notice.
Like the one time he came back to the bar after the U.S.J incident, all bloody with bullets wounds, you were... not handling it well to say the least. Lol. Shigaraki was fine, just chilling on the floor cursing the hero bastards, as he calls them. But you were "dramatic" as shigaraki says. "I'll be fine I'll just stick some bread in bullet holes and cover them with plastic wrap"
You, much to his dismay, disinfected the wound with alcohol and with kurogiris help stitched up the wounds and wrapped them with a compression bandage and made him rest while checking in every so often to change out his gauze and bandages and cleaning the wounds again.
You also checked in quite a bit to make sure he was hydrated (with water because all the idiot drinks are energy drinks and alcohol)
Going back to listening to his interests, you both share some of the same interests so it helps a lot with your bond with the leader of the league. Even political views.
He listens to you too, even if he doesn't understand some of your interests or is very knowledgeable on certain topics you enjoy, he loves listening to you. He actually thinks your way of speaking and the way your voice sounds is very, very cute. But again, he'll never tell you. He's too embarrassed to and doesn't want to ruin,,,, whatever reputation he thinks he has.
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darishima · 1 month
remembwr when i said this
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i am home now!!!! here is a pic of both shelves
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its a little messy n not well lit.. shelves are a little disorganized too especially the bottom two but its fiine ! lucky star shelf i showed you before is third down on the left. im gonna take better pictures to post here and on mfc once my sega power figure comes in and i move my toga and midari sections around
basic explanation, starting from the top on the left shelf: -combination toga and midari section, with my full ohshc manga set in the back -jiro section, with all my mha manga -lucky star section <333 -misc section, largely demon slayer, w assorted manga -another misc section, kinda where i stuck my least favorite figures LMAO im sorry guys right shelf: -mostly one piece section, partially disgaea section -yamato shrine plus kakegurui section runoff -mainly my edward shrine plus funkos lined up along my tokyo ghoul + tg:re manga sets, but my NSO section is slowly growing. plus miku -hxh section! mostly meruem, komugi, and neferpitou- theyre my 3 favs. couple misc figures next to them too -red box on the right of the lowest shelf is where i stash all my weed LMFAO isnt it a genius spot.. nobody would ever look or suspect. im soo smart.. anyway rest of that is misc manga and its kinda cluttered just pretend you dont see that
speaking of midari and toga sections! here are closeups of both !
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midari section is currently cramped and messy.. usually has kakegurui manga behind it (hence the empty spot) but hunter is borrowing the first few volumes rn so it looks sad and empty :( need to move the midari section to another shelf because it and the toga section next to it are getting too large to coexist on the same shelf anymore they need more room. and speaking of toga section
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wonderful angel.. also getting crowded mostly because banpresto always makes giant ass bases which take up lots of space on shelves </3 take a hint from pop up parade bp your base game SUCKS.
also just now realizing how BADLY tumblr annihilates quality... pls click on the pictures nd zoom in i promiseee they are better quality than that pls..
here is my jiro section !
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gets a whole shelf all to herself (except for the dabi figure.. who is my bookend). im on a quest to get every single (non-gk) figure of jiro EVER made and so far i am missing seven out of sixteen :( most of the rest are trading figures and funkos except for the bellfine scale figure which is hella expensive.. like $100+.. but she will be mine eventually. here are the ones im missing
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top 3 are trading figures, middle is still on preorder i think so it cant be mine yet , jst need to track down the other two somewhere. on the bottom are two of the funkos which are easy to buy but i dont LIKE having funkos and i dont WANT them but because its jiro i have to buy them anyway :/ im just putting it off. i almost ordered the first one the other day but decided to wait for the price to go down a bit. middle one is a gamestop exclusive thats bundled with a t shirt and i could easily buy it rn at, yk, gamestop, but i dont want the t shirt so i gotta buy th funko individually off ebay. last pic on the bottom is the bellfine scale, found it for $90 on a site recently when it usually goes for $120/$130+ so hopefully it'll be mine soon!1 anywayy sorry 4 yapping.. just love jiro will collect all her figures 4ever. wish i could do that for toga but she has too many :( 62 compared to jiro's 16 :( anywayyy more shelfies
the midari section was formerly just the kakegurui section but i had to boot these 3 figures out cause they wouldnt fit:
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mary nendoroid (which i got for a STEAL at $28 unopened, they usually go for like $70 or more), plus mary and yumeko pop up parades (they are holding hands). and next to them:
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yamato section! my beautiful prince yamato! the angle of this one sucks.. wtv. the big figure between the manga is the most expensive figure i've bought so far at $45, not counting the kangel L pop up parade figure i preordered for like $64 (doesnt count cause i dont have it yet). and SPEAKING OF KANGEL...!
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kangel pop up parade!!! i got her yesterday!!! and the goodsmile bonus p-chan (the sad kitty)! put her in front of my nso manga + switch game, im so so happy i got her :3 and i'll be even happier when i get the kangel L figure, which is wayy bigger and imo prettier
anywayy hope you liked my yappings bonesy if you see them n read them.. ^_^ and also anyone else who saw this on their dash and checked it out,, sorry for clogging your dash :(
figures are my passion my love my light my one true joy.. would love to answer any questions u have about them ever. need to take more closeup pictures also bc its so hard to see details in that shitty ass full shelf pic i took.. will take better pictures another time <3 shldve taken a closeup of my hxh section its so good,, or my edward section,, oh well
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riddlerosehearts · 7 months
Okay now EYE must ask you - how are you liking BG3??? How far are you?? Tell me about your Tav!!!! (Please and thank you <3)
hi!! 💖 i only started the game a few days ago and it was an impulse decision i made after having previously told a friend of mine that i definitely wanted to play it but that it'd probably take me a while to get around to it (and, because i thought i wouldn't play anytime soon i hadn't really been trying to avoid spoilers). but, i have the PC version and while it generally runs just fine, my computer is kind of slow and the game is so big that it took hours to download and install. so i kind of went ahead and started to come up with a whole character idea during that time LOL. sorry if my explanations of things get a bit too rambly/disorganized. i'm actually not very far in the game at all yet, i've been spending a ton of time doing stuff in the druids grove and i'm supposed to go find halsin but i haven't even gotten karlach in my party yet! i've recruited all the main companions except for her but i am excited to meet her. gonna put the rest of this under a cut for length.
my only background with DND is that i listened to the first campaign of the adventure zone and i've watched the legends of vox machina show. i also have a friend who's super into her own DND campaign and another friend who's told me a lot about dimension 20, specifically fantasy high--and i've considered trying it out for her but haven't gotten around to it yet! i think she actually told me the same thing about the episode lengths making it easier to get into than critical role, because i had tried critical role and it was just so long that i couldn't stick with it. but, yeah, i've also looked at the forgotten realms wiki a bit but i've never actually played DND. i have played skyrim and final fantasy 14 and some other similar RPGs with customizable blank-slate protagonists, and in those types of games i always have to make OCs to roleplay as--usually i'll think up a basic idea to start with and then flesh the character out as i get into the game. they're never really self-inserts but i do often project onto them a little.
so, in games like these my first character is usually an elf that specializes in elemental/destructive magic. idk why, that's just what i've always liked. in ff14 i started out as a black mage without knowing it was the hardest class to play LMAO. soooo i went into this planning to create a high elf sorcerer, but as i started writing out ideas and thinking about what to do, i ended up creating a half-high elf bard. they're transmasc/nonbinary and in my head they use he/they pronouns, but i picked the nb option in the character creator and that causes npcs to actually use they/them in dialogue which i think is so cool. i love that the character creator is so inclusive in regards to gender.
anyway, i named them elenion, which is something i took from the lord of the rings universe because i'm a huge nerd. in LOTR it's an elvish word that basically means "of the stars". here's a couple screenshots i took when i first started. let's just ignore the fact that this hairstyle clips into elf ears (and also that the face preset is from a mod i downloaded).
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i didn't really give him a tragic backstory or even the most interesting story haha--i'm wanting to do something bigger and angstier with another character on a second playthrough when i'm more familiar with the lore and world of the game. and i'll probably also end up changing or expanding on some things about this character later, but for now i just kind of made a normal guy with normal problems. i had this idea that his father, a human who attracted the attention of a beautiful elf woman, was also a bard and was a very successful musician in his youth. so elenion has always shared his father's passion and dreamed of being like him, being able to effortlessly tell incredible tales and inspire crowds of people through song, but no matter how much he studies and practices he never feels good enough. if he seems confident it's usually just because he's gotten really good at faking it. he's also pretty reserved and often avoids having to talk about himself by asking a lot of questions. see, i kind of wanted to specifically find a way to not roleplay the usual sort of loud, flirty, goofy bard, lol. not that i dislike those kinds of characters or anything though!
however, bards are meant to be super charismatic, witty, and persuasive and of course the game strongly encourages that with the dialogue options and skill bonuses you get. so my way of explaining this is to have elenion be a bit like raine from the owl house, in that they may be shy, but they're very firm in their ideals and are no pushover when it comes to protecting themself or their allies. they're clever and have a snarky side to them, and they're genuinely friendly and caring in a way that gives them a sense of quiet charisma. which reminds me that one of the spells i gave them at the start was sleep, and it's made me imagine that when they were a kid they tried calming a crying baby by playing a lullaby on their lute and accidentally ended up casting their first spell.
oh, and, i also wasn't really sure at first where in the world i wanted elenion to come from but i decided on something pretty quickly after getting multiple of those dialogue options suggesting that the protagonist is baldurian! i pictured them growing up in a somewhat small town with their family but moving to baldur's gate as an adult, hoping that if they left the comfort of their home and started to journey out into the world a little they'd eventually find their spark and become the bard they wanted to be. unfortunately they've had little luck so far because even after all this time they can't see that maybe their whole fixation on trying to be just like their father and achieve the exact same kind of success that he had is holding them back. the fact that their father died the year after they moved away hasn't helped either. and now, in the middle of traveling to a historical site that they'd wanted to see in person and use as inspiration for a song, they've been abducted by mindflayers and are struggling with the massive upheaval that this has brought into their relatively mundane life.
so. yeah. my tav for this first playthrough may not be the most unique or exciting character but i like him! i like figuring out what kind of choices he'll make and thinking up new ideas for what he likes and how he sees the world. also, i find it funny how in your reply to my ask you said you thought you'd be into gale but then you fell for astarion--because i thought that i'd be all over the edgy, brooding, snarky vampire man, but it turns out gale is so charming and funny that i'm probably going to romance him first. i'm also pretty intrigued by shadowheart and wyll but i'm so early in the game that i can't even say who i think my overall favorite companion will be because they all seem so interesting!! even karlach despite the fact that i haven't actually met her yet, i've seen a bunch of cool gifsets of her and my brother told me he's been romancing her on his playthrough. i really need to go find her soon.
i'm sure you can tell from everything i wrote here that i am definitely enjoying the game LOL. i can already tell that there's just so many different things to do and see, that i will both need and want to do a lot of different playthroughs and that it's going to be something that sticks with me. nothing wrong with using guides and walkthroughs btw! i do it too because i'm worried about missing too many things and have the world's worst sense of direction even with a minimap. honestly i probably need to look up some guides for certain mechanics that i don't feel like i've really figured out yet. there's a sarcophagus trap in the ruins early in the game that got me SO stuck and got my whole party wiped and then i looked up a video and found out you could turn off the whole trap system by pushing a switch... i felt so stupid askjdfgf.
anyway, i think this got to be way too long of a reply so i will stop here! but if you ever wanna tell me more about your tav or anything definitely feel free to and i hope you're having an awesome day!
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makigorogoro · 1 year
disorganized thoughts on fionna and cake eps 5 and 6
ok ive only seen the eps once each and im going off of memory so a lot of this is probably gonna be paraphrased and mixed up but whatever . also this post is really fucking long lol sorry
-obviously we are in the farmworld, not surprised but very happy!!!
-also not very surprised fionna and cake immediately went along with simon’s plan
-the whole time they were talking about where to find a crown i was like lol. simon don’t look behind you
-cake bringing fionna a dead rat was really funny
-the versucci gag or whatever was also really good
-but what made me die was fionna talking abt how she’s played a lot of post apocalyptic rpgs and then it pans over to “man who has actually lived through the apocalypse”
-was really cool to see how the farmworld has developed after what happened with ice finn, i think it’s interesting how they’re more technologically advanced since the first time an ice age happened in this world they pretty much reverted to medieval times (does that make sense. you know what i mean)
-i was SO convinced jay was farmworld finn’s little sibling so when he said dad my heart stopped
-the name jay didn’t immediately click until bonnie was revealed to be one of his other kid’s name and i was like HOLY SHIT PUHOY???
-veeeery interesting since assumingely golb destroyed/erased the pillow world
-i guess you could just chalk it up to finn would have named his kids the same thing in any universe?
-but i mean speaking of his kids GOD he got busy with huntress wizard
-i mean it has to be huntress wizard. one of them looks just like human hunter wizard
-sucks that she died though
-simon’s ship of theseus thing was so fucking funny oh my god he’s just like me fr (i started talking about the ship of theseus in one of my assignments a few days ago and i was like. is this too nerdy.)
-i haven’t really talked about farmworld finn yet. a little sad he turned out so cold (pun not intended oops 😭) because of what happened to him when he was younger
-good on him for saying simon was a damn fool or whatever for wanting to put the crown on lol
-i wish they actually had a talk though
-cake saying fionna should kiss him while knowing he’s just an alternate version of her??????? girl
-also farmworld jake still being alive was crazy
-so it did turn out the crown was destroyed in this world, i honestly wasn’t sure since the crown from the main world survived direct contact with a comet lol
-the romeo and juliet style romance going on between finn’s kid and big destiny’s kid was really good
-finn showing up with bartram lmao!!!!!
-dude i love bartram, the bit in finn the human where finn’s mom says that they have to sell the mule and then bartram’s head peaks out from the bed in the corner is unironically one of my favorite jokes in adventure time
-i kinda forgot what happens between here and the end
-so did farmworld finn fucking die????
-idk what happened there i sure hope not
-i really don’t know if we’re going to revisit these worlds in any capacity considering the amount of time left but i hope we do now!! i feel like we need to see what happens lmao
-now for ep 6
-wasn’t really expecting it to open on “fionna world” as they started calling it
-i was wondering how they were gonna balance gumball and marshall yaoi with what’s going on with the main trio
-they did it really well though i think
-i also wasn’t really expecting to be introduced to winter king right away once we got back to the main plot
-he definitely gave me weird vibes right from the start im gonna be honest lol
-blaah i don’t really remember what happens between that and the winter wonder world sequence
-so ill just talk about that. holy fuck
-every review i read before the show came out was really hyping this scene up and i get why now
-was really cool to see the beyond the grotto animation again and the song was so good it’s still stuck in my head
-but the moment the winter king said he overcame the crown with sheer will i was like. um. im calling bs
-i was just thinking however it did happen though i have a bad feeling about! felt really bad for simon and when he said that he sucked i was like. oh no ☹️ dude
-the moment i saw little ice marcy pretty much cemented it for me i was like oh no something fucked up is happening here. tbh i still can’t really figure out what happened with that but given what the winter king said about making an ice betty. uhhhhhhhhhh
-OH YEAH cake once again saying simon and the winter king should kiss . GIRL WHAT ARE YOU ON
-i looooved crazy pb
-i remember when people were saying she was a marcy pb child lmao.
-simon saying that he wanted to “fix her” while the winter king just wanted to kill her was really interesting. im trying to figure out what it means lol. like we know that simon wants to be the ice king again but also now knowing he would want to fix and save someone from that madness…idk
-her song was really good
-her playing those ominous notes on her keyboard made me laugh
-i haven’t really talked about gumball (im not calling him gary im sorry) and marshall. i thought they were really cute!!! could definitely see marcy and pb meeting in a similar way
-the juxtaposition between gumball talking about his creations to fionna fighting the fucked up versions of them was really cool
-i hope gumball doesn’t take what the lemoncarbs said to heart . they’re just like that
-ok so. I was honestly more shocked that fionna kissed (a version of) simon than him disintegrating seconds after lmaooooo
-i have to wonder why he immediately died here when in betty (the episode) he was dying relatively slowly without the crown’s magic
-ive been writing down a bunch of crack theories and the first thing ive gotten right was the winter king transferring his craziness to pb lol lets goooo
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-i was thinking that simon might’ve transferred it himself but then i was like nooo he wouldn’t do that….apparently he would do that
-idk despite how he seemed i think the winter king was still a little insane in the membrane.
-maybe the crown was still influencing him in some way? and that’s the message here? idk
-i can’t believe bi fionna is real
-back to gumball and marshall. gumball describing slumber party panic……oh my jod 🥺🥺🥺
-the baby world was so cute
-“and i’ll be cursed the right way” simon do you fucking hear yourself
Ok that’s definitely not all i have to say but this post is long enough lmao ,, god this show is SO GOOD i can’t believe it’s real. ok that’s all
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amphibifish · 1 year
ramble about nicky and rod’s subplot /nf
-your number one pookie
ON IT BOSS !!!!!! this is gonna be very disorganized lmao
rod and nicky's sideplot works really well to sort of almost mirror princeton and kate's ? i think ive made like 20 posts about how similar they are so i won't go too in depth abt it but basically they follow a sort of similar structure.
fantasies come true is one of my favorite songs for like. so many reasons. i'm gonna try and keep this on topic 2 just rod and nicky BUT JUST KNOW kate is very important to this as well and i will end up talking about her lol.
aside from the fact this is the song where rod finally believes he isn't alone his struggles and believes that he's finally found someone to care for him just as he's cared for them, this song sets up for the end of act i so so much !!!!
this is the song that shows just how much kate and rod care about princeton/nicky, and how much they truly mean to them. princeton and nicky are the people they have been waiting for all this time, the people that would stay by their side and love them and care for them just as much as they do to them(princeton/nicky).
the ending of fantasies come true is also so so bittersweet. like rod gets awaken and all of his dreams are crushed !!! he goes back to believing he is alone, and not only that, he has to deal with the fact that him and nicky truly weren't meant to be, and they will never work out. the script makes this SO SAD. like look at this.
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rods goodnight can be interpreted as him putting his fantasy (haha get it) of him and nicky being together to rest, and accepting that it will never be. despite this, he still longs for it, knowing it will never happen. ("he looks at nicky, wistfully")
this makes the end of act i so much sadder !!!! like kate thinks that princeton is just as dedicated to their relationship as she is then and then princeton ends up breaking up with her. rod also has it pretty rough.
already he's feeling lonely and envious (implied here but somewhat stated in act ii) of the bonds his peers have, and then his best friend, the person he though he could trust the most, goes ahead and betrays that trust by outing him in front of everyone. not to mention he's already mildly ashamed of the fact he's gay, and that christmas eve (indirectly) told him to stay in the closet + that he's good for nothing.
john tartaglia acting in the scene where rod kicks nicky out is so good btw ."!??! like when rod yells at nicky i jumped the first time i saw it, it gave me the exact feeling i'd have when someone starts yelling at *me*.
nicky doesn't quite understand the gravity of what he's done (ex. making a small joke out of rod implying he wants nicky to move out), so he's a little confused and very upset at these turn of events, but anyways act ii time.
act ii is pretty sad for the both of them. nicky getting kicked out of brian and christmas eve's place has some dialogue that implies a lot. when brian tells nicky to try staying with kate and/or princeton, he tells brian that he's already tried and they kicked him out too, most likely for similar reasons(being messy and not helping around the house too much). this implies that rod was the only one who cared enough about nicky to deal with all of his messiness and what not, despite the aggravation it caused him.
then nicky sings about schadenfraude with gary coleman but anyways let's just move along to rods one scene in act ii.
this is so so sad and made me almost tear up the last time i watched it so.
rod has the chance to take nicky back into his life, to mend their relationship, but he doesn't. despite him desperately missing nicky, he also doesn't want to swallow his pride and admit that he misses him after how much nicky had hurt him.
i'm gonna be honest i was a bit slow with this one but when rod goes to consult with christmas eve, it took me a second to realize that rod brought up nicky after his whole spcheel about wanting someone by his side that make him feel comfortable and safe not only because he loved nicky, but because nicky was the one who made him feel that way, and that's just so .? ? !.?!??
"why don't i have someone by my side? someone who makes me feel special and safe, someone who loves me the way i love them?" "i miss nicky."
nicky was that person for rod, the only thing was that he didn't, and couldn't, love rod the same way.
side note, this scene is also very sweet to me besides the sadder parts because it shows just how much rod trusts christmas eve. i mean he indirectly and very subtly comes out to her, something that rods been so so afraid of. also it's so so so funny to me that rods come to christmas eve with his problems so many times that she just started fuckin charging him money LMAO
the money song is nice because nicky and princeton sort of uplift each other in mending their relationships. i don't have much else to say about rod and nicky's plot in this since the song then focuses more on princeton/kate but yeah.
let's just skip to the end.
it's mildly fucked up but also sort of funny how everyone thinks that rod just fuckin killed himself at the end. especially christmas eve's "GOD DAMN IT" cause that implies she has had to talk rod off a ledge at least once which is like. damn.
anywho the end of rod and nicky's subplot is. well. look i do not mind ricky *THAT* much. i just think it makes the ending of their plot sort of weaker. it doesn't come to that satisfying conclusion.
i understand it's a comedy musical and it's supposed to be funny, which it is cause rods like all "ricky ??!? oh la la *heart eyes* let's go have gay sex" which makes me laugh every time BUT from the perspective of the story itself, it would have been a much more satisfying ending for rod and nicky to get together, or at least have some resolution to rods feelings aside from nicky vaguely implying he knew the whole time(or just missing the point ? i've seen some people say they though that the joke was that nicky didn't realize how similar they looked and just thought ricky was a nice guy but i'm more inclined to believe the former)
idk the ending just feels a little lackluster compared to how much rod went through in the musical, and how much it was shown that he loved and cared for nicky very deeply. plus nicky didn't have that much development as a character aside from that one line that's like "hey rod i won't be messy anymore thanks 4 all u do 4 me do u forgive me" despite having much more screen time than rod, and the ending just doesn't complete that very well. if nicky was also written as queer + closeted i guess it would've been a coming out story 2x but i think they could've written their way around that as well.
i've seen some peoples mention a ver their local theatre or something did in which nicky agrees to try having a relationship with rod, and seeing how well it works out, which i think provides that conclusion to rods feelings and also mirrors kate's "can we take it one day at a time?" very well, so it's too bad that is not the broadway version of the show lol
nicky being written just gay and closeted and just also hiding his feelings for rod would also make for a funny perspective on the story because it would seem like nicky is just hardcore projecting his insecurities onto rod. that's just my two cents though cause what's canon is canon and this musical is already 20 years old and i don't think they're gonna change anything about it lmao
anyways this is why we have the luurvefest "grow old with you" cover
this was much longer i think but then tumblr threw half of it in the trash so uhhh i might be missing half of what i said before cause i had to rewrite a shit ton of it lmao
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sollucets · 2 years
ok so. so i made it out of midnight museum e3 alive but im gonna have to do something normal and calming for a while now because oh fuck me too many moths even like skipping scenes and cringing away from the screen. im unwell. many disorganized thoughts go here
so i Was right about dome frankly. i mean the hints were there (jib dialogue last episode + the long time no rent thing from e1) but for me it was that hes too stupid to be a full person (sorry baby i love u). like saying ‘is this normal’ about resurrection and lit. just going with whatever happens to him and running headlong into stupid situations. he literally Only just woke up. he has no brain head empty hes just doing the One thing hes been told hes good at and useful for. oh no baby :( they really keep putting him through it every episode LMAO.
got a Lot more worried khatha this episode plus a bunch more face touching. and sitting by his bedside. tor is So good with those shiny eyes of pain like … i dont know how he does that but its incredible. his face. his little tsundere look away / posture adjustment when dome woke up like you didnt literally die for this man recently. they are getting gayer each episode. again ive established i dont care about “bl status” it doesnt matter to me if they kiss but boy its just so…. they HAVE to know what theyre doing with this
i really like this show i Would Not have put myself through this for less agh. i still almost quit multiple times
that opening flashback scene with triphob’s grandfather was really good. by the way. i love immortals i love immortality. i love the moon (showing up just barely in blurry flashbacks)
bright did fucking Great this episode. im not too familiar with him, mostly from f4 thailand bits but he was so fucking creepy!!!!! tragic little murdery sadboy. what a mess. the whole house invasion scene was Sooooooooo. augh. freaky. everything he did was fucked up
i have some…. thoughts…. about the girl in this episode, rin, and her agency / lack thereof honestly. combined with the bride’s “men writing her story” thing….. its. hmmm. but i’m not sure i’m equipped to express that properly without rewatching and frankly i dont know if im capable of rewatching this episode
if i turn my lizard brain off also the vampire moths are a great horror concept and they were very aesthetically cool to someone who does not have. a lifelong fear of those fucking things
also yeah ‘cycle of death and rebirth’ confirms the reincarnation thing but i’m thinking that not only did khatha enounter past life dome / “that person” / “chan” but also like. present life pre-memories dome? and that’s why he was surprised when dome didnt remember him. it wouldnt make sense for him to be surprised a reincarnation didnt remember him. they definitely met pre-wipe
v fun to learn that june is immortal too??? but like. frankly im still so confused about her lmao. she was an immortal museum worker before this?? but she became the bride?? but they all forgot her past but she remembers being immortal and the artifacts? but she has bride magic now??? dont get me wrong i like her a lot shes great for wisdom and being the only one nice to dome but hoo boy
ok. theres all the bits in no particular order
so. yeah!!!! yeah i was so proud of myself for being mostly chill with the first two episodes of murder and body horror but uh i was NOT good with this. gods fuck why moths
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rkn001 · 2 years
I've got to know, whats the process to your artwork, like how did you learn to draw poses and features as you do? Sorry if that's an odd question, just genuinely curious!
oh, that’s not an odd question; i appreciate asks like these haha! unfortunately my answer to this is going to be a bit long, so apologies in advance for that.
for poses, i devote an hour or two per week to practice a lot of figure drawing. it basically entails me collecting some references for poses, like the pose tool from posespace or pinterest (especially if i’m looking for some dynamic poses, though that entails being creative in how i search), and just... draw these poses from sight to the best of my ability. how i learn and how i practice is really just that. it's a great way for me to build a mental library of poses i can fall back to if i'm feeling like drawing freely without references.
but figure drawing can be hard and exhausting, and it takes time to work up to a point of drawing one figure for 10-20 minutes straight. and if that practice were my actual drawing process every time, i'd easily get frustrated every time i draw. so instead, (especially if you're starting out!) i recommend looking into gesture drawing, a method of capturing the dynamism of a pose in under a minute or a couple of minutes, or even a couple of seconds, without worrying so much about proportions and whatnot. imo this stuff is actually the backbone of figure drawing, because if you're not considering the overall movement of a character and just drawing the parts of the body individually, your character is going to look stiff and inanimate. think of gesture drawing as if it were like writing an outline to a school essay, before writing the essay! (in fact, i actually find that there are many components of gesture drawing which have wormed its way into my style.)
i guess face features are a different thing, because i tend to take bits and pieces of what i like from different artists' styles, and meld them into some alloy that is my style. sometimes i also do some face studies, but…not that much.
as for a general overall process to my artwork, i actually can’t give you a cookie-cutter recipe to do so; if you squint at my posts, you might notice that each does a different approach. it’s because i’m constantly experimenting with how i draw, and i’m constantly being inspired (re: borrowing some ideas) by many, many artists who do fantastic work all around. but...maybe i can give a simplified idea of my process, if that helps?
say that i'm drawing a character doing a thing. i would imagine the pose that the character is doing, maybe collect some references on said pose, and do a quick gesture draw using those references before drawing the character over that sketch while fixing proportions or whatever else. i guess an example of this would look something like:
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(i used this reference, which unfortunately isn't really a great example since it's a photo of a toy and not a human figure, but whatever.)
but as i said, this is pretty simplified for a process; the actual process depends! it can be hella messy, hella disorganized, and hella experimental. hell, most of the time i don't even follow the above two steps; for the sake of economizing my time (re: laziness), i tend to fall back on my mental library of poses (for the better or for the worse i guess). as for my coloring process...i'm still trying to figure that one out lmao
anyway, this is getting too long, my bad. well, i hope this answers some part or parts of your question. if not, feel free to ask more questions if you'd like!
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queen-rainy-love · 1 year
Hi hope im not bothering you!!
Can you do a scenario of Gumball stealing Mint Choco’s violin? And Cherry says that he’s taking this “rivalry” too far (hc of mine lmao). He says its fine, and that its better than exploding his stage. Pancake agrees with Cherry and tells him that Avocado will get mad at him, and says he has seen Mint Choco being stressed out too much if he doesn’t have his violin. Gumball thinks about it, but shrugs it off and tells them he think MC can do fine without his “precious little violin.”
Annnd…then we see Mint Choco having an entire meltdown about his missing violin. He’s hitting his head with his hands and walking around in circles with his eyes closed, not responding to his friends (going nonverbal). Vampire, Herb, and Sparkling are trying to calm him down. Herb holds Mint’s hands and reassures him that Rye, CC, and Almond are finding his violin. Mint Choco cries and shakes his head trying to tell him “No they’re never gonna find my violin” but Vampire tells them they will. Sparkling also says that whoever took it will face the consequences.
Almond and Rye eventually finds Gumball with the violin. Clotted Cream demands Gumball to come with them. They all go to MC and Gumball sees Mint Choco’s hair disorganized, tear stains, and he looks a bit sweaty. Almond pushes Gumball gently towards MC, and Rye tells him what he wants to say to MC. He tells him sorry for messing with him and for stealing his violin, and gives him it back. Mint Choco stares at him but simply “Hmph!” And stomps away from him, of course harshly getting his violin back.
Vampire tells Gumball he’ll probably accept his apology but also says this: “You really should’ve done that, he’s autistic and he gets extremely overwhelmed.” Gumball asked him what does autistic mean. Everyone just sighs in disappointment, and CC and Herb explain it to him. Gumball says: “Oh…I really messed up, didn’t I?” Sparkling tells him that he did but says maybe this will teach you not to mess with anyone else. Almond also punishes him by making do community service for a week.
(fun fact: this happened to me in 3rd grade before I got diagnosed with autism 💀👍. Sorry for projecting my experience. Sorry for also bothering you—)
(Also this is a 1/2. Part 2 soon.)
Hello! This doesn't bother me! I don't mind writing this. Also, this will be the first time I've written a character with autism, so please let me know if I did anything wrong.
Let's go!
*The scene is set in the Parfait District of the Cookie Kingdom. We follow Gumball, Cherry, and Pancake sneaking around Sparkling's outdoor bar. Sitting right on the bar was a green violin case.*
Cherry: *concern* Are you sure this is a good idea? Don't you think this rivalry thing is going too far? Won't we get in trouble?
Gumball: Don't worry, cuz. It'll be fine. And besides, this is better than exploding his stage with paint. I'm not dealing with Aunt Avocado again.
Pancake: I agree with big sister Cherry. Mom will get mad at you if you do this. Plus...I've seen Mint Choco stressed out whenever he's away from his violin. I don't think you should do this prank.
*Gumball thought about his prank a bit more. But he brushes it off and grabs the violin case. He then runs off, with Cherry and Pancake running after him.*
Gumball: (I'm sure Mint Choco will be fine without his precious little violin.)
*Three minutes later, the scene changes to Mint Choco having a meltdown. He hits his head with his hands while walking in circles and his eyes closed to keep tears from falling. Vampire, Herb, and Sparkling tried to calm him down, trying to get a response from him, only to find out that Mint Choco has gone nonverbal.*
Herb: Mint Choco. *gently grabs Mint Choco's hands* Everything is going to be okay. Rye, Clotted Cream, and Almond are looking for whoever took your violin. Let's sit down and-
Mint Choco: N-no! *starts shaking his head* No! They're not gonna find it! Never gonna find it!
Vampire: Hey...it's okay. They will find it. They're the best searchers in the kingdom.
Sparkling: And those thieves will face consequences once they're caught. I'm sure of it.
Herb: Let's get you to sit down and we can get you something to drink. Would that be okay? *Mint Choco nods* Alright.
Sparkling: I'll get you some grape soda to drink.
*Meanwhile, Almond, Rye, and Clotted Cream were still searching for Mint Choco's violin. They looked around to find the green violin case.*
Clotted Cream: Where could it be?
Almond: It should be around here...*notices Gumball holding something familiar.* Hey Rye...
Rye: I see him. Oi! Boy! *Gumball flinches and turns his head around* Whatcha got there?
Gumball: N-nothing!
Almond: Really? Because I don't remember your cannon being that small and green.
Gumball: Um...
Clotted Cream: Save it. We already know. Go give Mint Choco his violin back. Now.
Gumball: And if I don't?
Clotted Cream: We'll tell Avocado about this prank.
*The group walked all the way back to Sparkling's outdoor bar. Occupying there was Mint Choco, Vampire, Herb, and Sparkling, three of each were keeping an eye on Mint Choco and making sure he was alright. Gumball was shocked by what he saw. Mint Choco looked nothing like he usually looks like: his hair was disorganized, his face had tear stains running down his face, and sweat was dripping off his face.*
Almond: Go on. *gently nudges Gumball toward Mint Choco*
Rye: You better tell him you're sorry for all that you did.
*Gumball walked up to the older Cookie. He took a deep breath before speaking up.*
Gumball: Um...Mint Choco? *Mint Choco looks up and his eyes widen as Gumball hands over his violin case* I...I'm sorry for taking your violin. I was just pulling a prank. I didn't think it would go this far. I'm sorry.
*Mint Choco looks at his violin case, then at Gumball. Before Gumball could say anything else, Mint Choco harshly yanks the violin case away from Gumball.*
Mint Choco: Hmph! *stomps away*
*As everyone watches Mint Choco stomps away, Vampire flicks Gumball's forehead.*
Gumball: Ow!! I apologized! But he didn't accepted it!
Vampire: Oh don't get him wrong. He'll probably accept your apology but you really shouldn't have done that.
Gumball: How was I suppose to know that he'll react to like that?!
Vampire: Well, he's autistic! He gets extremely overwhelmed!
Gumball: ...What? Autistic? What is that?
*Everyone sighs, leaving Gumball feeling a bit dumb.*
Herb: You are a child...but you should still know about this. You see...Autism, and I'm simplifying this a lot, is where a Cookie has difficulty in social and communication skills.
Clotted Cream: Now, not every Cookie has the same symptoms for autism but there are some similarities that do contribute. Like a delay of spoken language, a.k.a. going nonverbal or being sensitive to loud sounds.
Herb: And Mint Choco will have his anxiety heightened if he gets triggered.
Gumball: Oh...I really messed up, didn't I?
Sparkling: You did, but hopefully, this will teach you to not cross a line with other Cookies. Pranks are only funny when everyone finds it funny, not just you.
Almond: That's a good lesson and I think you should also have a punishment to really let the lesson sink in. Community service for a week.
Gumball: ...That's fair.
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scaredofmyocs · 1 year
REBLOG MY ART AND ASK ME QUESTIONS LOSERS!!!! this blog is very disorganized
Frequently used tag for finding my posts
OC Guide
Trans women are cool terfs fuck off
if you see my art somewhere else be nice or maybe even ignore it i came here to be cringe
so ur probably like "who tf is this" well.
Time for questions that I ask myself frequently!!! LMAO
Who are you?
Nobody. That's my name. But that gets confusing so there's also Grim. or grave
2. What are you?
3. What is this blog?
Mine bitch lmao um I draw shit a lot. Mostly fan art rn but I plan on making my own comics eventually. The few things I will always occasionally get re interested in after a while are Sonic, Gorillaz, and FNAF. Anything that's only been around for a bit is in my blogs description thingy
before you follow ig
As a fnaf fan and a mentally ill person/hj i might draw gore sometimes but thats all itll be tagged ofc but like with "tw" and "blood" as 2 separate tags for example
I write @ Nobody_XYZ on all of my art somewhere very faintly
I haven't learned to remember the queue exists so I frequently just reblog a bunch of shit all at once but you can. try to block # reblog bc i tag them all that but I have no idea how helpful that is. really sorry. working on it.
people i block on sight
terfs and proshippers and racists and similar individuals
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charbunnies · 2 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRIMMY MY GOOD FRIEND GRIMMY you should talk about your unhinged ff7 au
OUHH MIMI MY FRIEND MIMI YOU FOOL. you have opened pandora's box and unleashed the eldritch beast that is my ff7 au. god where do i even start
this is going to end up so long i'm ACTUALLY going to put it under a read more. it's also (mostly) stream of consciousness so sorry if it's a bit disorganized :)
lllllet's see. i'll establish like, baseline weird character relationships because the valentine family is a mess.
here's a family tree to make this more readable LMAO
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vincent is the (world's first absent transmasc) father of reno, sephiroth, and aerith. sephiroth is half siblings with reno and aerith but reno and aerith are full siblings. the way that this happens is kind of convoluted because of course it is, nothing with me can ever be easy, but basically: reno eldest brother, sephiroth middle sibling, aerith little sister.
reno is the only one who escaped the vincent experimentation era fucking-up but, yknow, still half ancient. vincent takes lucrecia's place with the mid-pregnancy experimentation thing but like entirely against his will, and also lucrecia is still sephiroth's mother (she and ifalna are both transfem because I SAID SO), so sephiroth's completely unrelated to hojo. but yeah, vincent ended up with jenova cells and monster fuckery and more trauma and it's all fine and good (it's not. sorry vincent)
AERITH ended up especially fucked up, though. not only is she half ancient, she was also born like, YEARS after vincent got fucked up so she's got some of his monster fuckery too (she has a little bunny tail and glowy cat eyes and fangs among other things) and a little bit of jenova cells for good measure. she hears jenova whispers AND the voice of the planet and has learned to deal with that a loooot better than sephiroth did but yknow, still not fun! she hates jenova like crazy <3
reno basically ended up in an orphanage through mysterious circumstances when he was like 2. vincent entrusted him to a friend to look after him for a few weeks while he was out on a mission and came back to find his friend missing and reno with them. oops! so reno grew up in an orphanage in midgar hearing voices and being accidentally gaslit into thinking that the voices of the planet were just his internal monologue. he and rude grew up together in the orphanage and fell in love as they got older :) also when reno meets aerith and talks to her about her ancient stuff (she trusts him a lot) he's like "huh. weird. that sounds like what i have all the time" and she looks at him like he grew another head. he treats her like a little sister long before he knows she's his little sister. they're really close and it makes me wail
as for sephiroth... he's mostly the same, except for having known aerith and ifalna when they were being kept in the shinra labs and having a sibling relationship with aerith when they were both little. he broke ifalna and aerith out of the shinra building when aerith was 7 and she was tormented by having left him behind for the rest of her life until, yknow, *gesturing* they met again. they love each other so much though, even though it's kind of a messy relationship. a really messy relationship
when vincent and aerith meet in shinra manor, he almost immediately recognizes her as his kid (she looks just like ifalna, with vincent's fucked-up-ness) and babies her like crazy in the most vincent-y way. by which i mean lets her hide in his cape and hovers near her and lets her cuddle him despite him not letting hardly anyone else near him. vincent, sephiroth and reno all baby her and she likes it so much (autistic who loves physical affection)
i'm still workshopping whether or not i want ifalna to still be alive, because seb and i have talked about it extensively and i have Feelings about it but also it throws off the timeline a lot so Who Knows! but i'll talk a little about it laaaater :)
i promise this is all important information. it's not really but it's important TO ME. anyway.
this is very close to an everyone lives/no one dies au. zack, aerith and sephiroth all live. as to the circumstances of that, WELL!
zack narrowly survives getting shot a bajillion times because cissnei finds him as he's dying and brings him back to shinra hq just in time for *drum roll* hojo to steal his dying body and stuff him in the drum and keep him in a coma for another two years! cissnei and tifa go on a years-long search for him and come up empty! vincent finds records of him being kept there while sorting through turk documents after advent children (they hired him) and aerith and cloud go break zack out. zack started turning into a mako monster over those last two years from more severe experiments and now he has a big ass tail that he has Mental Trouble about. i will get into him later because ouuhhhhghhghghghg grabs him. chews on him
anyway. aerith lives because she limit breaks when sephiroth stabs her and keeps herself alive. she then proceeds to drag his ass out of the lifestream kicking and screaming by reminding him of their childhood in the shinra labs together and offering to help him. after slapping the shit out of him, of course <3 this was not how i initially intended it to happen HOWEVER mimi and i wrote it so well i felt like i was going to die and therefore i changed it <3
suffice to say, that's why sephiroth lives. aerith rehabilitates him LOL he's extremely fucked up and overprotective of her to the point of practically hissing and spitting when anyone so much as comes within 5 feet of her. he gets over it (somewhat) over time but she has her work cut out for her for real. he's also extremely overprotective of zack but that's later.
i think i need to make a powerpoint about this au actually. that's beside the point. ANYWAY
how long until i start talking about zack, cloud and aerith. not long i think
i will mention genesis first though. they find him around the same time they find zack, stuck in stasis in the basement of the destroyed shinra building, and sephiroth (alongside vincent) goes to get him out. they have some Unfinished Business (by which i mean a bad breakup that destroyed both of them that they REALLY need to resolve) to work through but admittedly they both still love each other and try to work it out. even though. they are both deeply traumatized and socially inept individuals. aerith has to play couples therapist. it's kind of a nightmare and i'm still working out how the hell they end up married but they do! and the remnants are their kids (eventually) :)
oh let me also explain how, like, the ending of ff7 goes because meteor still happens. basically despite the fact that sephiroth gets ripped out of the lifestream and everything, it's after sephiroth gets his hands on the black materia. which means jenova got her hands on the black materia. and essentially in this au jenova just casts meteor her damn self. the final boss then ends up being jenova herself, and midgar ends up destroyed the same way as in the original, but without the plot of advent children afterward because. aerith and sephiroth put together manage to eradicate jenova and therefore. no need for remnants, no geostigma, etc. aerith still summons holy/the lifestream and it eradicates the last of jenova and meteor and everything's (mostly) fine after that.
the two years after that are dedicated to building edge and tying up shinra's thousands of loose ends and trying to restore the area around midgar and just mostly. rebuilding. everyone trying to find or make lives for themselves after everything. i care the most about this part because i enjoy reading about and writing about interpersonal stuff and the struggle of finding a new life in the ashes of an old one and stuff like that. what happens After the hero's journey, yknow.
OKAY. NOW i will allow myself to talk about zack/cloud/aerith because ehhehehhehhe... bisexuals who make me feel insane.
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(seb's art refs for them which i stare at lovingly too often <3)
so obviously zack and aerith don't die. which makes everything initially very complicated wrt their relationships with each other and cloud. because zack and aerith were dating prior to zack's disappearance and zack and cloud were like... in the couple of years of pretending like they're just friends and zack openly flirting with cloud and going on dates and stuff and just acting like it's normal bro stuff and it was quickly turning into like, Actual Dating right before nibelheim. (aerith was aware of the fact that zack is poly and is fine with it, no cheating, i hate that and zack would never do that). so both cloud and aerith were in love with zack and didn't know each other at all and cloud forgot all about zack so when they first met they didn't really. have any fucking idea.
and cloud and aerith fell in love because of course they did (wails and wails and wails) and tried to move on for real while zack was "dead". and then cloud remembered. and they had to talk about that LMFAO but it was fine, if anything it just made them closer because it was like "oh. same trauma *handshake*" (despite cloud still having a LOT of mental health issues and only getting worse when he remembered zack and everything that happened with that. he still has a lot of the same problems he has in advent children, just no geostigma and no weird estranged marriage with tifa)
AND THEN. two years after, when aerith and cloud have started building a life together, they find out that zack's NOT dead. that he's actually alive in stasis and he had been right under their noses all this time. and they rush to get him back of course, dropping everything to go break his ass out of the drum, and then... have to figure out the logistics of their relationships all of a sudden. because they were both in love with him. zack was in love with both of them. they have a life set up and zack just woke up after seven years of being in a fucking coma pretty much. so it's. complicated. they settle on just bringing zack into their relationship in general because like. they all still love each other. they intend to work it out.
zack moves in with aerith and cloud in their apartment they set up in edge. he has to take a long period of rehabilitation because 1. mako fucked up, 2. years of muscular atrophy, 3. severe ptsd. he gets like, visibly depressed and has to go to doctors all the time to make sure he's stable and not, yknow, going crazy from mako exposure because, you know, He Has A Tail and they want to monitor him. he has a lot of insecurity issues because he worries he's intruding on aerith and cloud now because they've lived their lives and suddenly he waltzes back in on it (despite the fact that they're both just extremely happy and grateful to have him back at all). he gets better through aerith coaxing him into talking to her and his friendships with tifa and cissnei, but he still has a lot of problems with feeling like a monster and dealing with the trauma of being a child soldier and also being experimented on and losing his formative young adult years (he wakes up and he's twenty fucking five! he was 18!).
he works for tifa at seventh heaven fixing tables and learning bartending from her sometimes. he picks up various skills working with his hands (repairing things, woodworking, metalworking, stuff like that. he makes weird stuff just to have something to do) and also sometimes helps cloud with his delivery service. he helps out at a vehicle repair shop and works on the sds fenrir for cloud when it needs stuff. he has his own motorcycle and he and cissnei go out on rides sometimes and sing bad mid 2000s pop music as loud as they can over the wind. they're best friends btw and mean everything to each other and also to me <3
cloud has his delivery service but isn't so gone-all-the-time about it. he also picks up painting/photography as an outlet and aerith will sit still and let him paint her all the time :) he needs therapy and also to talk about his feelings more so bad but aerith and zack are both like, trying to pry him into talking about it. he's a bit better now that zack's around, but still like, that doesn't solve years of trauma lmfao.
as for aerith, she runs a little flower shop on the ground floor of their apartment building and no one knows how she keeps it so well stocked (cheating with magic <3). she's terrible at cooking, keeps plants everywhere, and loves jokingly ordering her boys around (they'd do it even if she didn't ask). she still wears her ribbon, but she tore it at one point and cloud bought her another ribbon to mend it with, so it's half pink, half green :) cloud and zack keep buying her more ribbons as presents but they sit there collecting dust because she loves her original one so much. wails about them forever and ever
i mentioned earlier that i would talk more about the potential ifalna lives part of this. we talked about her having mostly lost her memory and ending up in cosmo canyon, where she then meets aerith again when the party comes through and regains a lot of her memory over time. she and vincent were married (see: sort of courthouse marriage except it's hardly a legal marriage) prior to her and aerith getting yoinked by shinra so she's like :( "my husband". she joins the party—we discussed her being a dancer/white mage combo type class, so a support party member—and then shortly after, they find vincent in the basement and ifalna's like "MY HUSBAND!!! :)" and aerith is gagging. gentle friendly flower woman ifalna like "this is my husband!" and vincent, scraggly ass ran-over-by-a-car vampire freaklet who sounds like he smokes 10 packs a day standing next to her like "this is my wife" with the smallest smile because he doesn't know how to smile properly. they're cute i like my funny little rarepair
SPEAKING OF RAREPAIR. cissnei/tifa my friends :) the other canon ship in this au. they fall in love while they're spending two years hunting zack down together. lesbian road trip where cissnei tries to get tifa to talk about her problems and accidentally presses the wrong buttons sometimes but then tifa gets scared of ghosts and hides behind cissnei who is smaller and vastly less built than her and cissnei's like "oh. you are so cute". i feel like this is a separate post in and of itself but I Like Them So Much and have been intending to write them for a while
lastly, and on a completely separate note, i wanna talk about cloud and tifa because ouhhh they make me insane.
in my au, they were not even close to friends as kids. they in fact didn't really like each other at all. like, neighbor who kind of annoys you but who you've spoken to a total of like 10 times and not for very long. there wasn't the weird crush thing, cloud just kept to himself and tifa had her little friend group and they were both fine with that.
fast forward to the beginning of ff7 when tifa finds him fucked up at the train station. she looks at him and sees an opportunity: someone else from nibelheim, who can vouch for its prior existence, who can relate to her suffering with trying to cope with shinra covering up what happened to nibelheim. she wants someone who will give her a shoulder to lean on, someone who she can talk to, someone who experienced the same thing as her. but then cloud starts saying things that aren't true, things he shouldn't know, starts casting doubt on her memories of the story of what happened. and so they start fighting. constantly. they fight like cats and dogs and barret has to break them up and scold them like children. tifa gets mad at cloud for telling the wrong story (accuses him of lying A Lot), cloud gets mad at tifa for getting mad at him and because he doesn't understand, and it's just a downward spiral. it gets to the point where they can hardly be in the same room as each other.
it isn't until they go to gongaga that tifa realizes that there's just something Really Wrong with cloud. it's not that he's lying, it's that he genuinely has a memory problem. when he says he doesn't remember zack when the story he's telling is exactly what happened with zack, tifa gets pissed, but then when cloud comes up to talk to her and there is GENUINE confusion in his eyes, she stops being mad at him and instead just pities him. she feels bad for him. and she starts acting like a big sister, protecting him when he gets in hot water. she lets him do whatever, knows he can mostly handle himself, but if he gets into a fight with a guy way bigger than him, she'll step in the way and kick the guy's ass.
by the end of the og ff7 story, they're inseparably close best friends, going from nearly tearing each other to shreds to sleeping on each other's shoulders and saying that as long as they have each other, they'll be okay. it makes me sob for real. it's worse in the "zack and aerith actually die" version of this because it turns into them thinking that the next logical thing is for them to get married because they're the most important people to each other that they have left, but then they grow to hate each other from trying to love each other in a way that isn't right for them. and just end up divorced and miserable. and it makes me extremely sad. i think about it so much. i think about cloud and tifa in my au for too long and i explode
OKAY I THINK THAT'S EVERYTHING... or maybe not everything but a lot of it. most of it. i love this au so much it makes me sooooooooooo insane <3 the weirdest part about it is definitely the valentine family dynamic but you'll just have to accept this about me that i like mashing characters together that shouldn't ever really be in that kind of dynamic and making it fun. my crossover ship days will never truly leave me
if anyone actually reads all of that i hope you like my meowmeows <3 i put all of them in my mouth and chew on them like bubblegum
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