#sorry this is such a long post there's just so much audio and i needed to write it ALL down
butchsophiewalten · 1 year
Findjackwalten updated last night! To properly understand the content of this update, you'll probably wanna check out these other posts on the 6/27/23 update: [HERE] and the 6/29/23 update #1: [HERE] if you haven't seen them already.
This one's a fucking Doozy. The main page has updated to a full on Jack Walten Takeover.
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Most of the existing page has been put under a red filter, and images of Jack and Rosemary (cut off in this screenshot) Walten have appeared. The 'page under construction!' text has changed to read "CLOSED PERMANENTLY. (effect:072074)", the second half of that being the date Bon's Burgers shut down. The play button present in the site's previous incarnation is still here, but now plays various Christmas carols, rather than Battle Hymn of The Republic, starting with Silent Night.
The "CONTACT & INFORMATION" button that became clickable earlier in the day still leads to an unchanged /0714-74 page.
The "MEET BON!" button that also became clickable earlier in the day leads to a /mynameis-bon but with Bon himself now missing.
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The most significant update has been to /caretakerlibrary, which now contains four new audios from Richie.
Our first new Richie audio, Richie 3, is titled "AUD06-27-74opnn-nights" meaning it's dated for the 27th of June, 1974. The "opnn-nights" referring to it being the night before Bon's Burgers opening day. I've roughly transcribed this audio as follows:
Another day, another dollar, as they always say! Sorry- sorry, dude- just ignore that, I don't know- I don't know what I was doing, okay, uh, forget it. Yeah- yeah! Uh, tomorrow's the big day! You excited? Uh, Boss gave me some instructions to give you for today. So, uh- get those in a second. Uhm, I needed to- wanted to say I uhm, I put the chairs down. That, y'know, next to the tables, so uh, just- save you the hassle of having to do tha- having to do that tomorrow morning, so you're welcome. Uhm, uh, if you can, keep an eye on the uhh, the- whatchamacallit, Poker maze? It's, uh, pretty easy for kids to get lost in there. So, y'know, just, don't want anything to- anything like that happening. Just, uh, y'know, pop in like every minute or so, just make sure there's no kids crying, screaming, y'know. Actually, don't get lost in there yourself, either. You're still a teen, right? How old are you again? That's- doesn't matter, whatever, you'll be fine. Uh, don't worry about it. Unlock the generator room, uh, clean the bathrooms- especially the men's bathroom, more on that later. Uhh, right, right, right! Uh, keep the main stage curtains closed. Uh, for the time being, we uh, we transferred Sha to the secondary stage for this week, so she'll be next to Boozoo. The uh, Bon animatronic won't be performing this week, uh, he's uh- they- they gotta do an extra week of maintenance on him. So, that's a shame, but nothing we can't fix. Uh, luckily we do have a- uh, a costume! A, uh, Bon costume! Uhm, the uh, sister company gave it to us a while ago. So, y'know, if you wanna earn some, uh, extra bucks, you might wanna pop in that thing. Dance around, tell some jokes, whatever. Uh, Felix will probably tell you what to do, they're kids, they're stupid anyway, they won't notice. Uhm, just- try ignore the smell. Right, uh, that, uh- that reminds me. Uhm, uh- apparently, uhm, apparently some employee might've, uh, might've been, uh. Smoking pot. In the men's bathroom. Uh, so, uhm, just, just- um. Y'know, don't mind the smell, if you, uh, keep the windows open, just try and freshen up the place. Uh, make sure Felix doesn't notice. Uh- I- uh, wouldn't want whoever that was to, y'know, get in trouble. If, uh, if they did smoke pot in there, which I doubt. But, y'know, just in case. So, uh, yeah! That's it, goodnight.
The next audio, Richie 4, is titled "AUD07-01-74BCKSTG-DAY", meaning it was recorded on the 1st of July, 1974. I've transcribed it as follows:
Hey man! Okay, so, uh, we got some good news, and some bad news. So I'll start with the good news! So, uh, Boss is happy! He said we did good work- said we did good work on the first week. You did a good job with the Bon costume actually, I was surprised. I actually got it all recorded on film, so, uh, if you want, I can show that to you next week. Or, I could use it to blackmail you at some point in the future? Kidding, kidding, kidding. Uh, nah, I wouldn't do that. Uh, um, oh yeah, uh! I bet you're happy to hear: Bon will be back on stage by tomorrow! Yeah, uh, Felix set it up himself, so uh, maybe they worked out their differences after all! Sorry, just, trying to make a joke. Um, right, ah, okay onto the, uh, the not so good news. Uh, so, um, we- uh, we have a- um. We have a associate. I- uh, I believe she does the, uh, art for the restaurant. Um, she's been coming in a lot lately, she keeps going on about like, her, uh, husband or something. She's not well. Um, to put it lightly, I- I don't wanna sound mean, but. She, uh, there's something wrong with her. And, and uh, I- I believe you know her? Uhm, like, um, you've been talking to her whenever she comes in, um. I- I appreciate it, I appreciate it, right? Um, and I'm glad you are, y'know, helping her. Uh, but, mmn. How do I say this? Um, she's been- uh, she's been, uh, let go out of the company yesterday, and uh, so, it's now a company policy that if a former employee makes any sort of drama inside the restaurant, uhm, they'll be permanently banned from entering, so. Uh, if- if you see her again, tell her to keep quiet. It's, um, Boss' orders. Uhm, I'm sorry if that- I'm sorry if that's insensitive, um. Okay. Okay, uh, lighter note: nobody got lost in the maze! So, good job! Uh, you're a natural! Or whatever. Uhm, uh, okay, on with the, uh, bad news, I guess. More bad news, uhm. The backstage is now locked for the week. Um, I asked staff for explanations and they refused to elaborate, so um. Ba- uhm, Banny will be off the stage for a few days, uh, so, keep the curtain on Banny's stage closed. Uhm, what else? Oh, uhm, all of the, uh, animatronics must be sent to the men's bathroom at night, instead of backstage. So, uh, yeah! Uh, let me know how you've been. Um, I had a blast last week. I will say, uh, you make a really good cook! I'll tell you that. So um, yeah, see you tomorrow then. Goodnight!
The next audio, Richie 5, is titled "AUD07-12-74LLY-NIGHTS", meaning it was recorded on the 12th of July, 1974. The second part of this title likely is "Lily nights" and refers to Lily's birthday party. I have transcribed the audio as follows:
Uh, hola amigo! Is that how you s- is that how you say it? Agh, I never knew how to say it. Uh, yeah! Uh, good things are happening, my friend. Uh, the- the backstage is still locked. Uh, but! The, uh, the generator room is where we sh- should be, uh- should be keeping the robots for now. Right- uh, we actually, uh, we actually have a new one. Uh, agh, what's the name, what's the name? Bob- uh, Bobby the clown! Buh- buh- Billy the clown! Billy- ah- yeah, Billy. He, uh, just arrived yesterday, actually. Um, top of the line technology, man, I'll tell you. I- I was messing with their, uh, little radio thing all day. Uh, Bon seems to be working fine now. Uh, his- his, uh- his gloves keep falling off? Like, uhm- not gloves, uh, what- what're they called? Uhm, blue hand thing- y'know, the suit, uhm. And it's revealing the mech underneath. Uh, so just, uh, be careful with like, the hands and stuff. Okay, whatever, uhm. The, uh, oh yeah, we have a birthday party coming up! A birthday party on the, uh, the tw- no, uh, fourteenth? Yeah, the fourteenth. Uh, we're going to be using the, uh, Billy robot. It's actually, um, the daughter of one of our associates, uhm. Augh, what was the name? Forgot the name, doesn't matter. So yeah, uh, we gotta m-make it look extra good, okay? Uh, I might even come over, y'know, show up in the Bon costume myself. I dunno, we'll see how it goes. Uh, well, if you show up, actually, we could, y'know, stay smokin' in the arcade area? You smoke, right? Ah, whatever. Um, yeah! Look forward to seeing you there. Take care, man!
The last audio, Richie 6, is titled "AUD07-20-74CLSD-MRNING", meaning it was recorded on the 20th of July, 1974, the day Bon's Burgers shut down. Transcribed, it reads as follows:
C'mon, man, where the hell have you been? Some big shit happened, alright!? Whuh- we're- we're sh'down! It's fucking bad, dude, we are SHUTTING DOWN! We're DONE! We're fucking DONE, Alright? Augh, god, I- I- I clocked in last night, right? Some staff were still in the restaurant, right? It's all good, it's all okay. FOUR IN THE MORNING, I get a call from NORMAN, right, telling me the cops BROKE INTO THE PLACE, right? Some call about, like, SCREAMING inside the fucking restaurant? Whole neighborhood was freaked out. They- uh- they checked the place, most doors were locked so they just shrugged it off, anyway. There- there's nobody inside. But, uh, Norman's shutting us down! He said the- the- the scene it caused is humiliating. Alright, everyone's outside the fucking restaurant, claiming that somebody got killed! It's fucking BAD, man. Agh, he gave us, uh, THREE DAYS, we have three days to shut everything down. Ugh, sorry, oh god. Sorry, it's been a fucking crazy night. Uh, there is, uh, the bo- sorry. Uh, the Boss came up with a new plan, alright? He hasn't shared it with CyberFun yet. But, uh, long story short, we gotta take all the fucking items from this place and put them in a truck and take 'em to the storage place somewhere. Tha- he didn't say where. It- uh- it's BIG fucking money, dude, alright? It'll only take a few days. Uh, you in? Also, uh, just for the record, don't- don't tell this to anyone, okay? See you tomorrow, then. See you tomorrow, man. I'll be there at six, Bon's.
Revisiting the main page, the new Silent Night audio contains a peculiarity that might go unnoticed.
If you listen for long enough (a little more than four minutes), you can hear backwards text-to-speech audio overlaid on top of the end of The First Noel. When reversed, this speech can be heard as such:
Transcribed, this audio reads as follows:
"[We] here at BSI apologize for the confusion regarding the shocking scene from last night. Apparently, screams for help were heard inside our installations. Thanks to the help of the Brighton police department, this has been confirmed as a hoax and that nobody has been harmed inside our restaurant. Nevertheless, for budget reasons, we are shutting our doors until further notice. Thanks for joining us on this small adventure. Kindly, the Bunny Smiles family."
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walpu · 3 months
I need more content about who frequently reader 'kidnaps' Aventurine for my heart. Please walpie, give us your ideas on this (because I found it such a funny and also wholesome concept)
Hi!! So sorry for the delay 😭
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notes - gn!reader, fluff, established relationship, no beta, inspire be this post
"kidnapping" Aventurine
The IPC doesn't really know what to do with you, because surely the person who keeps breaking in is supposed to be arrested.
Not only it's pretty much illegal to sneak into Pier Point and make a mess in the Marketing Development Department, but it's also illegal to kidnap one of the Ten Stonehearts, thank you very much.
The problem is, director Aventurine doesn't seem to mind? At least, he doesn't fight back? He always comes back like nothing happened and tells everyone the situation is under control but then it all repeats again after a month or so.
When asked why he doesn't fight back, he smiles mysteriously.
"You think so highly of my abilities? Thanks, I'm flattered~ But sorry to disappoint, I'm not that foolish to think I can overpower a wanted criminal".
A wanted criminal who never even threatened him or anything. They just carry him away like he's a princess.
If you ever see him willingly jumping in their arms, you saw nothing.
Aventurine cherishes every single act of "kidnapping".
He knows he can't stop you from doing it, you insist on it no matter how many times he tells you to stop endangering yourself. You can just arrange normal dates, you know.
But it's still endearing. Your sincere and innocent desire to give him a break from the IPC, to save him. It warms his heart in a way he can't describe.
Subconsciously he even waits for it to happen. It's always a surprise!
You two may have a normal conversation on the phone but suddenly you say "hey, wait a sec, need to do something" and in a few minutes he can here explosions and people panicking.
"Darling, don't tell me-" "Yeah, I'm on the floor, see you soon".
He loves acting dramatic when you "kidnap him".
That one tiktok audio "mx. kidnapper, don't hurt me~" "don't worry, I'm not gonna touch you" "why not :("
When you're safe and away from the IPC, he clings to you and keeps playfully asking what such a scary criminal as yourself would do to him and what can he do for you to let him go.
"Should I beg you, my gorgeous criminal? Kiss you all over?? I'll do anything for you to let me go unharmed~"
Play along for a while, he gets a kick out of it.
He finds it so endearing when you brag about messing with Oswaldo's documents.
"Such a naughty little criminal you are. How should I deal with you, hm?"
The answer is always kisses ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Btw he's sure that Jade and Diamond know what's going on. But you can never be sure with them. As long as they don't get in the way, you both are fine with that.
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rainybubbles · 10 months
How COD men say the first "I love you"
Price, Gaz, Soap, Ghost, Rudy, Keegan
(Sorry in advance for my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. So sorry if it's badly written or if they're OOC.)
for more context (you don't need it to read) : here how you met them
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-He confessed with Gaz covered by whipped cream.
-Let me explain.
-After your first meeting based on a pregnant Shrek cake to his base and a misunderstanding, John became a regular of your bakery.
-So obviously for confessing his love, he thought of baking a cake.
-During the afternoon on the base, he tried to bake.
-Yes, he could have bought a cake with "I love you” on it. But John liked doing this on his own when it came to gifts.
-He liked the old-fashioned way of doing gifts himself.
-However, as the dough turned an unexpected purple hue, he wisely sought the expertise of Soap, a proficient pastry enthusiast.
-"Cap...your dough is..." Soap hesitated, unsure of how honest he could be.
-"Horrible, you can say it, son," John acknowledged.
-"I just wonder how you managed to make it turn purple?"
-"I used beetroot."
-"For a cake?"
-"Sugar is derived from beetroot."
-"Yeah, but in a Paris-Brest, you don't have beetroot."
-"...how can I fix this?"
-"Well, call Gaz. By three, we could finish the pastry in time," Soap suggested with a knowing smile.
-The collaborative baking commenced, yet Soap overlooked a crucial detail—Gaz sucked as much as Price when it came to bake.
- Entrusted with the delicate task of preparing the crème au beurre, Gaz inadvertently neglected to secure the mixer's lid.
-Chaos ensued as the cream erupted, spilling on the surroundings.
-Soap tried to stop it, but he slipped on the floor.
-Gaz couldn't see because of the cream, and John was looking at them reconsidering his life's chouce.
-Obviously, you decided to come back home at this moment.
-Yo were greeted by the sight of Gaz adorned in whipped cream, Johnny sprawled on the flour-strewn floor, and John enveloped in a cloud of flour.
-"I...is this a kinky food party, or did I miss something? Because usually, people are naked when they use whipped cream," you quipped.
-"I can explain, love," John offered.
-"Okay, what happened?"
-"I wanted to bake for you."
-"You know I don't need cakes or pastries; that's my job. If I crave a sweet tooth, I have plenty of cakes, honey."
-"I know, but this one was special. It was supposed to be a heart-shaped Paris-Brest."
-"Paris-Brest aren't heart-shaped."
-"Not when they're not employed for confessions."
-A moment of realization dawned upon you.
-"Fuck, you...you wanted to say 'I love you.'"
-"Yeah, but it's clear I messed up."
-"No, no. I mean, sure, Gaz covered in whipped cream, Johnny on the flour, and walls adorned with flour was not what I pictured, but it's perfect."
-"Good because I don't plan to cover Garrick in whipped cream every time I want to say it."
-A shared chuckle ensued as you joined Gaz and Soap in the aftermath, each contributing to the cleanup while John beamed with contentment.
G A Z :
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-He confessed with a vocal.
-After your meeting and your teasing when you found out Gaz listened to your spicy ASMR as a streamer, you noticed him.
-He was a regular, one of the fans who always leave a comment under each post.
-He became more than just a familiar username.
-Your bond deepened as you sought his counsel on scenarios for your streams and videos, a virtual confidant in the ever-expanding realm of online content creation.
-As time unfolded, your relationship transcended the digital realm.
-The spark between you two ignited, an intangible force that fueled your creative musings.
-Swiftly, meetings materialized whenever Gaz found a fleeting moment of respite from his duties.
-When he was on long deployments, you sent him exclusivity audios so he could be distracted from the horror he did or saw, offering a temporary escape from the grim realities he faced.
-Your voice became a comforting melody, a beacon in the darkness, ensuring that Gaz could find solace even amid the harrowing experiences he encountered. 
- In fact you could record yourself spelling a list of grocery and he would find it awesome
-Yet, despite the kisses shared and the intimate moments experienced, Gaz had yet to formally ask you out or declare those three potent words: "I love you."
-One night, as a gentle breeze whispered through the window, he turned to his friend Soap for advice, a hint of embarrassment lingering in his tone.
-"Hey, mate, can I ask for advice?" he queried, his eyes seeking guidance from Soap.
-"Sure," Soap responded, welcoming the opportunity to lend an ear.
-"How... would you confess to someone you've been flirting with for months?" Gaz inquired, his apprehension palpable.
-"Tell them," Soap replied matter-of-factly.
-"No shit, I wanted something special. They're... they're awesome, and I really want to make the thing memorable, you know?"
-Soap smirked, teasing Gaz.
-A playful shoulder bump ensued as Gaz protested, "Shut up, mate. I just... I feel like they're the right person, you know? I mean, they saw me during my lowest moments, and for people like us, it's hard sometimes to find those who can handle a lover with PTSD."
-"Yeah, I feel that," Soap acknowledged. "Well, maybe use your first meeting or something they love. If they're into soccer, bring them to a big match and confess during it."
-"But, you know, during a match, everyone screams? It's kinda dumb."
-Soap paused.
-Gaz looked at him.
-"Well, it sounded like a good idea at that time."
-Gaz's eyes widened. "Wait, you did that?"
-"Listen, it seemed like a good idea."
-"Oh my gosh, what happened?"
-"She didn't understand what I said and answered, 'You're such a good friend.'"
-"But it doesn't mean it'll be the same for you."
-"I know. I just think about things they love. I... can't confess by ASMR, honestly. It'll be cringe."
-"Maybe send an audio? No need for ASMR," Soap suggested.
-"Yeah," Gaz agreed.
-As Gaz found himself in his room, armed with his phone and ready to send a heartfelt audio message, he hesitated.
-The recorded voice sounded foreign and awkward to him, far from the eloquence he envisioned.
-Discouraged, he abandoned the attempt.
- Upon his return from deployment, sensing your unusual behavior, he confronted you about it.
-"You... sent me a vocal, but it only said 'Fuck you,' so I didn't know if I did something or not," you confessed, puzzled by the unexpected message.
-Gaz paused, the realization dawning upon him. He had forgotten to delete a frustrated attempt at confessing that slipped through the cracks.
-"No, it was not against you. I... I tried to do something, but I messed up. So I was mad at myself, and at the same time, I was recording a vocal for you," he admitted, vulnerability coloring his words.
-"Can I ask what was this thing?" you inquired, curiosity dancing in your eyes.
-"I... gear. I couldn't take off my gear," he lied, attempting to divert the conversation.
-"You're a bad liar," you chuckled.
-"Okay, I wanted to confess to you. And I tried to record something like you do, but it sounded horrible."
-"You know you could have texted?" you suggested with a playful smile.
-"Yes, I... I didn't think about it. I was so focused on voices and the perfect confession."
-"I reciprocate, if you ever wonder," you reassured him.
-A smile broke across Gaz's face as he squeezed your hands, grateful for the understanding that transcended words.
S O A P :
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-He confessed by drawings.
-After drawing you like Gollum because you flustered him, Soap, determined to prove his artistic prowess, pursued every opportunity to capture your essence on paper.
- Despite attending each modeling session and receiving your compliments, he couldn't quite capture the nuances—those wrinkles when you smiled, the sparkle when you ate, the delicate mole that graced your visage.
-Unyielding, he embarked on a mission of his own, drawing you ceaselessly between military duties, on the pages of his diary, and during leaves.
-Training, a familiar concept to a soldier, became his artistic discipline.
-You willingly played muse.
-The drawing sessions evolving into intimate conversations, forging a connection that extended beyond artistry.
-As your bond deepened, so did Soap's frustration.
- The elusive perfection he sought in his drawings continued to elude him, and he longed to express his feelings through his sketches.
- One day, returning to your darkened apartment, you discovered a trail of candles illuminating your path.
- Recognizing Soap's expertise with fire and explosives, you followed the flickering lights until the room burst into brightness.
-There, on the wall, an intricately arranged collection of sketches painted a portrait of your shared moments—coffee spills, date nights, and more.
-Overwhelmed by the domestic warmth of the scene, you couldn't help but murmur, "Shit, it's so cute."
-"I hope so, because I love you, baby. I want these sketches to continue, to wake up to you every morning, to draw you, to see you, to kiss you," Johnny confessed, closing the distance between you.
-A tender embrace and a heartfelt kiss followed. "I love you too."
-"Good, because it would have been hard if you said you hate me after I spent five hours gluing these sketches," Soap admitted, a playful smile gracing his face.
-Laughter filled the room, echoing the joy of two hearts entwined in love.
G H O S T :
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-He confessed with a monkey wrench.
-You were tired.
-The life of a mechanic on the base demanded a toll, and today, that toll felt almost unbearable.
- Fatigue etched lines on your face as you toiled among the clattering tools, your hands weaving intricate dances of repair.
- The camaraderie with your coworkers, usually a source of solace, had soured into an unbearable weight on your shoulders.
-Amidst the clinks and clanks, a sudden snap echoed through the air, drawing attention like an unwelcome spotlight.
-Your favorite monkey wrench, a faithful companion in countless repairs, lay shattered in your hands.
-A surge of frustration coursed through you, and against all reason, tears welled in your eyes.
- It was an odd vulnerability, shedding tears over a broken tool, but the accumulation of stress had reached a breaking point.
-Then, there he was—Simon, the enigmatic connection born from his bad driving skills and your repairing of his vehicles.
- Your eyes met, and the vulnerability you felt intensified.
-"Don't pity me, please," you whispered, a plea tinged with embarrassment.
-"I don't pity you, love," Simon responded, his voice a balm to your wounded spirit.
- He knelt beside you, his presence a comforting anchor in the chaos of the workshop.
-"I... I must look ridiculous?" you stammered, seeking reassurance.
-"No, you look quite stunning crying on the dirty floor with a broken monkey wrench," he teased, a glimmer of humor in his eyes.
- Your tears mingled with laughter, a cathartic release in the midst of chaos.
-"Yeah?" you asked, a hint of uncertainty lingering.
-"Yeah," he affirmed, his gaze sincere.
 -"Then Soap is the most stunning with his mohawk full of mud."
-"Hm, he can't beat you with your grease on the cheek," Simon remarked, using his gloved hand to wipe away a smudge.
-A quiet settled between you, broken only by the sound of tools and distant chatter.
-Simon extended his hands, a silent offer of support, and you accepted, rising from the dirt-strewn floor.
-"Thanks for... being here," you said, gratitude coloring your words.
-"I'm not always here, love," Simon admitted, a touch of vulnerability in his gaze.
-"But you're here when it counts, Simon. That's all that matters to me," you confessed, and with those words, you retreated to the solitude of your barracks.
-As you left, Simon watched you, and in that moment, an unfamiliar warmth enveloped him.
- It was the realization that he was enough—enough to be there for you, enough to be loved.
-The following day, a surprise awaited you in the form of a brand-new monkey wrench.
-A note accompanied it, bearing Simon's distinctive scrawl: "I hope to buy you more in the future."
- A subtle promise, a declaration beyond words.
- You smiled, for you understood—it was more than a tool.
-It was the promise of a connection that transcended the clangor of the workshop, a sentiment that spoke of a desire for something deeper. And for you, that was more than enough.
K E E G A N :
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-He confessed with Happy Meals.
-After all, it was how you met. Keegan ordered 20 happy meals, and you were a worker for McDonalds.
-( Even though you began to write an essay about how happy meals and military men seem to be an issue)
- Keegan and you became close.
-Since you saw him each night during his leave after your shift.
-At first, it was because some teenagers were here, threatening the employees after their shift, so Keegan proposed his help.
-And after that, driving you back home became a routine when he was on leave.
-And when one night you decided to ask him to drop you somewhere else, and it ended up being a restaurant, he realized you were asking a date subtly.
-Slowly, it became flirtatious.
-Even though you still didn't know how he could flirt when you were covered in grease-smelling potatoes.
-But Keegan had rizz even at 1 AM.
-He could say the more cheesy lines while you're covered in cheddar and coke.
-That's why he wanted to confess in a cool way, the same way, his flirt could make you smile through the worst shift.
-At first, he thought of a Happy meal where the toy could be a letter saying "I love you" with a selfie of you two.
-But he wanted something fun, as fun as when Ghost ordered 40 Happy Meals just to have all the skeleton toys.
-So during one of his missions, he used his phone and ordered food for your flat.
-Surprised, you opened the door to the delivery guy, saying you hadn't ordered anything. But you noticed it had your name on it.
-You sighed and took the bags.
-The 4 bags.
-Which surprised you because, hell, you won't eat all of that.
-And then you opened the bag to see happy meals.
-20 happy meals. Like Keegan used to order.
-You chuckled.
-It was a good prank.
-You sent him a text.
-"Okay, good one, I'll take revenge, I swear"
-But then you notice the Happy Meal is empty.
-Except for one who had a little toy.
-A heart toy.
-You squeezed it like it said on it
-And the little toy spoke with a horrible voice. "I love you".
-The cheesy smile you had when you realized it.
-"fuck, you got rizz even miles away, uh ?"you texted.
- "of course" he answered.
-"well, Mr Rizz, I can't send you Happy Meals, but I love you too."
-"thanks, love"
R U D Y :
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-He confessed with books. 
-After meeting Rudy in the library and realizing he was one of the few readers following your books. You ended up meeting with him when he was on leave so he could be your beta reader.
-He was a good help, he was not always saying "good", he had good remarks and ideas.
-He was the one bringing coffee during your late writing sessions.
-Even when duty called him away on missions, he sent texts 
-Texts traversed the ether, connecting your worlds despite the miles that separated you.
-In response, handwritten letters, carefully penned with the knowledge of his penchant for tangible memories, sailed back to him, becoming anchors of shared moments in his turbulent sea of duty.
-Thanks to his comments and ratings on sites, you slowly became more famous as an author, and you now live by it.
-Yet one day when you were writing, you were searching for one of the books you wanted to inspire your fight scene for, but...
-"I didn't order my library like that," you whispered.
-Your books, usually standing sentinel in perfect alignment, bore witness to an intrusion—an inexplicable disorder. 
-But you had this habit of putting in order books in a certain way. But it seemed someone messed it up.
-And it would be so strange for a stalker to just break into someone's house in order to...mess up their library ?
-What kind of shitty villain could do that ?
-You sighed.
 -The only one who could come in  your flat is Rudy, and it couldn't be Rudy since the guy was kind of obsessive with it too.
-Not a soldier for nothing, after all, being clean is part of it. 
-His library was impressive, he even gave advice to his local library about archives.
-So slowly, you pulled out one book, in order to put it back where it was supposed to be.
-You sighed, knowing it would take your night to do all the books.
-Until you noticed it.
-The letters.
-The first letters of each title were aligned.
-You stepped back, and you rode it.
-"I love you"
-You bite your lips and smiled.
-'Fucking idiot", you whispered, and you sent him a selfie with you and the books aligned.
-"Me too." you had texted.
-"I had thought you would never find it."
-"What do you mean ?"
-"It's been six months, it's like that."
-"What, no"
-"Fuck, you-"
-"I thought you didn't want to address it before I realized you just haven't seen it."
-"I'm so sorry; fuck, you must have been stressed."
-"Not really"
-False. He cried to Alejandro one month after he did it, and you didn't answer. But you would never know that.
-"Well, now you know it's reciprocated."
-"Thanks, love"
-"Have a good night, honey".
He smiled. It'll definitely be a good night, now he knows you said I love you.
If you want more : my COD masterlist
And my whole masterlist
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ratboyvince · 6 months
The Magnus Protocol - Glitch theory
In light of the current theory/assumption that in The Magnus Protocol, the audio glitches when the characters lie, I’ve been re listening!! And I’m going to be using this post and others to explore what this means for our beloved characters
The glitches aren’t on the transcript, sometimes there will be a direction like (uncertain) or (unconvincing), but thats the best i can do you for, otherwise you will have to take my word
First though, quick clarifications: what exactly is a lie in this context? - this is fairly obvious but i am including it for the avoidance of any doubt what i have gathered is that, in this theory we are assuming a lie is a character saying something they KNOW is not true in attempt to wilfully deceive someone
It is NOT:
A joke, or sarcasm
Believing something but being wrong
Finally, a lot of the lies i have so far are ones that are known to known to be untrue, what i will do is have a list of the blatant lies SO FAR to make my point, to work as support for the theory on this post then leave out any following ones to avoid making it excessively long.
The rest of them will be under the cut and more on a thread, sorted by episode. If i miss any, feel free to say!!
BLATANT LIES (theory support)
Teddy: Colin was just saying how much of a BLAST he’s having (GLITCH) isn’t that right?
Lena: oh really.
Colin: Aye, sure (GLITCH)
Teddy: And how he’d love to take the after party to the Pub (GLITCH)
Gwen: Sam? You okay?
Sam: um. Yeah. (GLITCH)
Sam: cinnamon swirl. Please. (GLITCH)
Gwen: Wait. Did you get me a coffee?
Sam: yeah. (GLITCH)
Celia: Sorry, sorry, there was an emergency at home (GLITCH)
EPISODES 1-11 (where applicable) UNDER THE CUT
Episode 1
Teddy: Nahh, we’ll stay in touch, right?
Alice: Course…(GLITCH)
Alice either did not intend to keep in touch with Teddy, or genuinely just does not believe they will.
* saying she’ll miss him was NOT a lie, so it’s probably the latter
Episode 3
Sam: right, right i get it. Consider me *scared straight* (GLITCH)
He wasn’t taking Alice seriously, underestimating how serious it actually was (maybe even as light payback for her not taking him seriously)
Episode 5
Lena: I am certain that if he finds his current assignment unmanageable he can request assistance (GLITCH) or resign, of course…
She knows what the deal is with Central IT (whatever “the deal” may be), and just refuses to help. Maybe even sets up a little hostility between Lena and Colin?
Episode 7
Alice: listen, if you need to step out for some air-
Celia: no, I’m fine, really (GLITCH)
Celia was infact, not fine, probably because she recognised Chester’s voice as Jon “The Archivist” Sims himself and she’s freaked out
Episode 8
Gertrude: well I’m…sorry, but I don’t think gerry can help you. (GLITCH)
Gerry: -And then i left
Sam: and that’s all?
Gerry: Yeah I’m afraid so! (GLITCH)
Gertrude and Gerry know more than they’re letting on, and intentionally not sharing.
*Gerry not remembering most of it being true, means that while he’s probably leaving something out, there’s more he genuinely is lost on
Sam: I…may have given you a quick google
Celia: then…yeah. I’m doing a favour for Georgie. (GLITCH)
She Is Not Doing A Favour For Georgie - the research (teleportation, time travel, different universes) is more personal!
Episode 11
Sam: you keep glancing at the door
Alice: ah. It’s nothing (GLITCH)
Alice: it’ll be nothing! I’m just jumpy (GLITCH)
Alice is dismissing her anxiety following the trip to the institute.
Alice: “What have I told you about thinking?“
Sam: “Don’t.”
Alice: “That’s right.” (GLITCH)
Probably meaning that Alice is starting to doubt her own ideas, but is just pushing that uncertainty away because that’s what she does and she’s still more comfortable in ignorance, even if she doesn’t think it’s exactly RIGHT to ignore.
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elfqueen006 · 6 months
Kiss and Make Up
Sunny Day Jack x Reader
Tw: post argument (after that one Jack audio), toxiiic, manipulation, cunninglingus lemon, dub-conny to enthusiastic
There was a knock on your door. You flinched not experiencing the sudden interruption of your solitude. You were still winding down after your argument with down after your argument with your “best friend”. Admittedly though, this was another blip in a long history of “shut-downs”. You did it with your parents, your boss, and Ian. It’s nothing special, but it doesn’t get any easier to work through.
“Shaun?” You called out tentatively. But of course, who else should answer but Sunny Day Jack? When he opens the door you check his body language - knit-brows, tense shoulders, and a grimace. He’s still upset, but not as much as before. Not angry. Still, you probably weren’t helping with bringing up the man that you both were arguing about. It was a knee-jerk reaction on your part, mixed with hopefulness and a fleeting callousness – not uncommon for your moods. But you knew better. Shaun wasn’t coming back for a while, as he was away for a meeting in L.A. with his agent, Olivia.
One might think being in either position would be a dream of sorts. But all you know is your college buddy is a big time director doing movie things, while you’re left here to stave off the remnants of your frustration in your ghost clown situationship.
You pulled your legs up to your chest as Jack closed the door behind him before approaching you. Thankfully, it didn’t close all the way. That gave you a sliver of relief. You didn’t want to be in a closed space with him right now; not after before.
He sat at the foot of the bed. You scooted up the bed further to where you sat on the pillows, subtly grabbing the edges as if they could hold you, keep you safe, free from this tension.
Finally Jack asked, “Are you okay?”
No. “I’m alright.” you replied.
“You sure? You didn’t come out of your room for a few hours.”
This is what I do when people raise their voices at me. “I just needed some time to myself…”
Jack nodded and gave an understanding smile. You resisted a frown, because for once the gesture made you upset. He didn’t deserve to be concerned when he got you like this. He didn’t deserve to be understanding as if you going through this had nothing to do with him. You smiled back though, you had to. You wanted the worst to be over even if he was acting like it was just a little hurdle. You always got over it before.
The bed creaked, snapping you out of your thoughts as you noticed Jack had gotten closer to you. Like right beside you. Tilting his head, he raises his hand and puts it just inches to your face.
“May I?” He asked. What else can you do but let him? You nodded, letting his gloved hand brush your cheek coming up to your hair before twisting your curls between his thumb and forefinger.
Softly, he spoke your name. You look at him, and the weight in your chest gets heavier when you look at those doe eyes. Big, brown, and wide, and pretty. With his eyes you think he’s saying sorry. You think, but his mouth will say something entirely different.
“You know, I care about you a lot right?” he asked.
You nodded slowly in reply.
“So I expect the same in return. And it’s not your fault, I know you do your best with… Shaun around,” his voice took on a dark tone at the mention of your roommate. “But I just feel so neglected whenever he comes around,”
“He’s coming between us.”
“I don’t mean to make you feel that way. And if I have, I’m really sorry.” you replied, “It’s just hard… balancing you both.”
“I know, Sunshine.”
And he smiled as if to congratulate you on your apology. Truthfully, you didn’t know why you did it anyway. It just felt like the right thing to say; it felt correct. It wasn’t as if he were asking for one, but it’s not like you could take it back now. It felt worse to have him angry and disappointed. And even if it made you upset now, when he smiled at you it was like you could accomplish anything.
“We can fix it, right?”
“Of course. Hey,” He took hold of your chin, “No time like the present, right?”
You had a bit of an inkling where this was heading when he pressed his lips onto yours. There wasn’t going to be an I’m sorry to placate this. Soft skin moved together rhythmically in a sensual kiss. Jack slipped his tongue inside and against yours, licking your wet muscle, and you found yourself eagerly returning the gesture. When there was an opportunity to taste Jack again, you sure would take it. You wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him closer. Jack pulled you up upon his lap and held you by your waist. You began to feel his excitement through his pants, promptly rolling your hips against him to get friction. He pulled away, leaving a line of spit between you.
Though you whined when the kiss was broken, you let him ease you down onto the pillow behind you. Jack chuckled softly, “You have to be patient. Be patient for me. Can you do that?”
Fuck that. The primal part of you didn’t want to wait, it was just focused on chasing that high Jack provided. But as you were about to protest, a haze took over your mind, sedating you, making you pliant to whatever was coming. The ache was still there, but it didn’t burn as strongly.
“Okay,” you breathed out.
Jack ran his thumb over your cheek again before leaning down to kiss it. He kissed up your ear, nibbling on the lobe. The action made you squirm. Jack smirked at your reaction before working his way down to your neck. He suckled on the skin to ensure the hickies would be there come morning. It wouldn’t be enough though. He wanted to mark you all over.
He raised up your hoodie and shirt over your chest. He undid the bra remaining there and tossed it over the bed. A shaky sigh passed through your lips when closed his lips around your nipple. All the while, he worked your other breast with his free hand, kneading the flesh under his palm and fingers.
Jack grazed his teeth over your nipple, humming in satisfaction when you moaned. One of your legs propped on his hip for leverage as you subconsciously rocked your hips up to the air, desperate to feel something – anything. His ego was living for all of it. No matter what he did, he knew he could make you melt under his touch. 
He truthfully did feel sorrowful for what he’d said earlier. 
“Goddammit Sunshine! You are impossible! I do everything right!” he spat. You hurriedly stepped back with wide eyes but he stalked closer towards you. You had to hear this and really see how he was in turmoil over you. He cared so much for you and still does. He deserved your attention more than anyone right now. But here you were, worrying about whether or not your roommate was faring well in L.A. though he’d updated you over the course of the month too many times for him to count!
When you retreated into your room he was still fuming. But after a while he got worried and had begun to feel like he pushed you too far. It was a spur of the moment reaction after all. Maybe he should have taken the time to evaluate what he could’ve said before lashing out like that. But it was done, and no matter what the after effects had been, he would always make a point to have your best interests in mind.
He pulled his lips off of your breast with a pop and moved down to your pelvis. He took your pants off, pleasantly surprised to find you without panties. Your cheeks burned when he shot you an amused smirk.
“If I didn’t know any better… I’d say you planned for me to eventually find you like this.” Your skin trembled as he rubbed circles on your inner thigh. “It’d be poor form outside the house. Why, you never know who’s looking at your sweet body.”
Your breath hitched when he kissed your mound.
“It’s fine here though. Because it’s all for me.”
The lave of his tongue sent a jolt of pleasure through your body. Skillfully he ate you out, making you arch against his painted face. You gripped the sheets beneath to keep you leveraged while you followed the rhythm of his licks. Jack grabbed you under the thighs and pulled you close to delve his tongue into your entrance. 
Your mouth dropped in a silent Oh. How long was that thing anyway?
Jack watched you writhe from below, savoring every pleasured shift in expression. Your eyes and nose scrunched tight, the smallest hints of flushed red skin on your face, and your bottom lip pulled between your teeth. When all of this was for him, he could say with no ego, he was your greatest lover.
You reached out to grab him by his hair, but he was way ahead of you, pulling your lower body up as he stood on his knees continuing to pleasure you. Your upper half still lie on the bed, with you desperately grabbing whatever was beneath to keep you grounded.
“Oh, please!” you cried.
Jack paused in his actions but didn’t move his mouth from your labia. “Please…what?”
“Let me cum!”
You felt the twitch of his lips against your lower ones.
“On one condition… you don’t talk about Shaun the whole month he’s away…”
Was he still on that? You’d long since forgotten with the way he was ruining you like this. You’d always be concerned for Shaun no matter how far he is… but thinking about it now, it seemed like such a silly thing to get in a dispute over. Shaun was a grown man. And you had to stop relying on his companionship, and focus on the one giving you the best head of your life.
“Yes. Yes, whatever you want!” you huffed.
Your high had ridden down, but Jack’s artful tongue only took a few more strokes to get you to climax. He’d have you all to himself now, with no outside influence or thoughts to get in the way.
🎵all of this looove is... Toxic~ all these kisses and hugs is...not shit🎵 anywaaay~ hope y'all enjoyed! It's my first day back from spring break making this. not too shabby if I do say so myself!
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mysticmellowlove · 2 months
yandere streamer with a reader who’s a cam!girl?
note; not me googling mmorpg (flashback to graal online classic which for some reason was my choice of poison godbless it's cursed soul)
warnings; fem reader, fem anatomy, yan streamer, masturbation, i don't know i was feeling a little wild tonight, nasty reader, sadistic reader, findom?, dirty talk, degradation
Seth didn't usually play with fans but when he did he always seemed to find something new and interesting to harp on about. However, as he joined the call with one of the people who had won the giveaway he noticed something strange. They weren't in the room yet but those lights, the audio set up and the insulating panels on the wall.
He recognised the room as well, that soft toned wall and the plush pillows on the bed. A stout cough left him as he let the information sink in.
This was without a doubt "sugarhunnie's" room. While she wasn't an overly popular camgirl she was one of his favourites. She had started streaming only a few months back, starting off much more guarded. A couple of videos of her dirty talking had popped up on his feed (yes he did use only fans, there's nothing wrong with supporting his favourite mature streamers) and he was hooked.
He had watched as she got more confident, soon moving to playing with those pretty nipples of hers, whining on screen about how she needed someone to 'soothe' them after a long day of being confined to a bra.
Then she finally showed her bare body and he was hooked. She was everything he never knew he needed. A wolf in sheep's clothing. He'd spent hours watching her videos repeatedly, attending every live and looking through all her posts. She was a hidden gem only he knew about it seemed. He and maybe twenty other people.
"Sorry, I'm late!" He nearly fell out of his chair as the door to her room seemed to shut and she came on screen, dressed in the softest looking hoodie he had ever seen... his branded hoodie.
"Sorry if this sounds weird but I never thought I'd be the one to win the giveaway, you're a huge part of my life..." she seemed to fluster a little as she looked at him.
"You almost always play in the background when I'm working graveyard shifts... but you probably hear that a lot." She laughed, her face crinkling up joyously as she smiled. It was infectious watching her, her face wasn't always visible in her videos but now he could see all of her.
He was in love, infatuated and incredibly turned on.
"Haha, well I'm glad." He sputtered out as he rubbed his neck sheepishly. His favourite girl watched his streams, she had his merch... she was talking to him right now. His hand shook slightly as he pulled up the latest mmorpg and set up a room.
"I just downloaded this so I hope I'm not too bad." She grinned as she logged on and sent over a friend request. He accepted it and watched as the username popped into his friend list.
"Sugar huh?" He smiled, trying his best to keep his tone even. She laughed and nodded, going on about an old nickname. Either way he happily logged on and walked her through the game, she was fun to play with her. They even went past the allotted time and when she had to log off he found that he was sad.
He had already gotten used to her being on his screen, her tongue slightly out as she focused on taking out the reinforcements as he grinded away at the boss. But... that also meant he could solidify his assumption. Was she really sugarhunnie or was he simply dreaming it up?
He double checked his settings, shut down his discord and opened up his browser, going through his usual routine of making sure things were secure, he couldn't let her identity be leaked to anyone associated with him. They'd take away her attention and now that he possibly had seen her face... he couldn't stand it.
As he logged on his heart began to race, she was live. He clicked on the notification and watched as it loaded up, her form already sitting in the middle of the bed. It was the same room, same bed and same walls. Same cushions and if he looked hard enough he could see his merch off to the side, thrown carelessly over an armchair.
"I had a chat with the cutest boy today." She started to talk, her hands trailing down her curves before settling onto her inner thighs, her fingers pushing into the fat to create texture.
"He was so eager and ready to please." A lilting giggle echoed into his headphones as he watched almost hypnotised.
"His sweet little expression, the way he blushed when I nailed something he taught me about his game." His breathing picked up, was she.... was she talking about him? She was talking about... him? Really she had to have been! She had to have been, he could see the lower part of her face... her grinning mouth.
"That's all he's good for, just a pathetic man to look at. Watching his eyes light up was intoxicating." She mused as her fingers went to dip into her cunt, fingers coming out slick with her arousal.
"Your eyes looking up at me as I praise you for how much of a good boy you're being." He couldn't help the hand that drifted down to his pants, his cock already pulsing and straining against the constrictive fabric. She had all these thoughts about him that she went live just to talk about it?
His body jerked a little as he brushed against his sensitive head through the fabric, hurriedly he unzipped his pants and shoved his hand down to cup himself.
"It's all you'll ever be good at huh? Just a little slut to please me, fuck your tongue into me." Her breaths came out in puffs as her fingers worked on herself, in and out he watched the movements as if his eyes were glued to the screen.
"I shouldn't see anyone in the live chat, you better be jerking off your pathetic dicks." She laughed playfully as she gave the camera a good view of her wet pussy, the arousal catching the light. He felt his mouth fill with saliva, as wanted to lean forwards and just... touch her, feel her. As expected there was no one in the chat other than the ones sending her money.
The sounds of her fingers plunging in and out of her were sinful as he let his hand move to the same beat she was, it was almost as if he was there with her. He wished he was there with her.
"Keep pumping yourself, you don't want to upset me do you." She teased as she moaned, her head falling back as she let herself be taken away by the feeling.
"You're to cum at the same time as me alright, I expect nothing less. You're my little slut right so you have to listen to me." She laughed as her spare hand went to play with her clit, rolling and pinching it teasingly as her hips fluttered with her movements.
"And after you cum I better see you sending me money, I don't take freeloaders alright." She scoffed as her cunt took her fingers to the knuckles, the squelching sound rattling around in his head as he fought to keep his eyes open and on her.
"Alright now, don't disappoint me." She grinned, her teeth flashing as she sped up her pace, focusing entirely on herself.
"Bet you wish you were here, right? Lapping at my pussy?" A breath left his mouth as he watched her intently, the way her thighs were glistening. Her sounds grew louder as she thrust her hips to the rhythm of her fingers, drawing herself closer and closer before she seemed to stutter.
A loud cry left her mouth as she shivered for a moment, her fingers languidly pulling from her body, catching the light as she stroked her wettened hand over her body tantalisingly. He too found himself cumming at the sight, her orders in his mind.
"Come on now, stupid sluts. I better see some donations." She giggled as she let her hands soothe her body. He shook as he pulled his hand from his pants and went to give her some of the money he himself had made, the donation blending in with all the others.
"Good boy, there we go. You're just a useless slut, only good for pleasure and a quick buck." She laughed as she sat forward, her nipples hardening as she showcased her breasts to the camera.
"I'll see you next time alright, you better be here or I'll be mad." She faux pouted before the live ended and he was left staring at the front page of her profile.
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heartbreak-sandwich · 8 months
Tumblr media
Summary: Getting caught speeding has its consequences. When you realize it's all fun and games for the both of you, you're willing to play along for the reward. A secret and spontaneous getaway in the woods -- it's the perfect place to work out your differences, don't you think? Words: 2.2k CW: Gator being kind of a dick, police encounter (pulled over for speeding), unprotected p/v sex, fem!reader, misogynistic overtones if you squint, minor oral fixation, technically public encounter. A/N: I'm sorry it has taken me so long to post! I really struggled through this one, but I've gotten it to a place where I'm okay with it. I hope you enjoy it, and thank you so much for reading my thing!!!
NSFW below the cut, 18+, MDNI as usual ✨
The air is thick with fog, and you let out a long sigh while you wait for the deputy to approach your driver’s side window. The red and blue lights flash in your rearview mirror, and you start to feel heavy with resentment for last night’s power outage that reset your alarm clock, causing you to wake up half an hour later than usual. You know you were speeding; you can’t deny that. You’re late for work, and this pitstop is the last thing you need right now.
You sigh with disappointment when you realize Gator Tillman is trudging through the roadside gravel to your window. Why did it have to be him?
“Mornin’, sunshine.” Gator grins smugly, a toothpick hanging half out of the side of his mouth. “Where are you off to in such a hurry?”
“I’m late for work,” you grumble, avoiding making eye contact with him.
You two have a history, if you can even call it that. Half-memories flash through your mind of the one night stand you had after a heart to heart and one too many at the saloon downtown. If you’re being totally honest with yourself, Jack Daniels and summer evenings still make you think of him, but you’d never say it out loud.
“Goin’ 69 in a 60, huh?” Gator holds back a giggle as he waits for your response.
“Really, Tillman?” Your eyes narrow at his juvenile comment, and his smile falls flat. His mood shifts in an instant, and you see him push a small button on his body worn camera followed by a series of small beeps as it powers on.
“Just so you’re aware, you’re being audio and video recorded. The reason I stopped you is you were going approximately 69 miles per hour in a 60 mile per hour zone, clearly marked. License and registration,” he demands coldly, holding out his hand expectantly. You search through your glovebox for the documents and hand them over, steeping in the icy silence surrounding you, thinking that maybe if you had just laughed at his joke, he would have let you go on your way.
Gator takes your documents, shuffling them as he looks each one over before speaking to you once more. “You sit tight. I’ll be right back.” You prop your elbow up against your door and rest your head in your hand, letting your mind wander as you try your best to be patient.
After just a few minutes, you see Gator sauntering your way again through your sideview mirror. The way he walks makes your stomach flutter as more flashes of your night together run through your train of thought – his teeth sinking into your plush thighs one by one, the hungry growl rumbling from deep within his chest as he tasted you, and the pathetic whimper he couldn’t hold back as he pushed his desperate, twitching cock into you for the first time –
“Here you go, Miss.” Your daydream is cut short by his drawl as he hands your papers back to you. “I’m going to need you to step out of the vehicle now.” Your eyebrows shoot up in disbelief at his request. Why the hell is he doing this?
“Excuse me?” You ask, incredulous.
“Am I speakin’ Chinese?” Gator was serious. He wasn’t budging. You’re kicking yourself on the inside at this point, knowing he was only doing this to get back at you for bruising his ego over his stupid joke. A pang of regret hits low in your chest as you realize telling him you were late for work was a mistake.
“Gator, please –”
“Don’t make this harder on yourself, sweetheart. Step on out now.” He looks far off into the fog as he waits for you to comply, but you don’t move. Taking the toothpick out from between his teeth, he points it at you, cocking his head to the side. “You don’t want me to ask again.”
“What is it you want from me?”
“What do I want from you?” Gator chuckles, bending down to rest his forearms on your car, his head dipping into your window to meet your eyes. He hits the small button on his body cam once more, and you hear the device power down. “You know what I want,” he whispers softly, being careful not to let the rest of the world hear him. He leans in further until your faces are only inches apart. Your heartbeat hammers in your ears as you take in the scent of his musk mixed with remnants of fruity smoke, and you’re suddenly feeling lightheaded.
And just like that, you’re drowning in flashbacks again – the candy sweet taste of watermelon flavor on his tongue, his hair falling into his eyes as he fucked into you hard and slow, and the way he begged you to say his name as you came for him – and now you’re aching to play his games. You know exactly how to get him going. Softening your expression, you concede to the heat building in between your thighs, and despite the bone-cracking urge to mouth off to him, you try something new instead.
You decide to comply and let yourself out of your car, closing the door behind you, and you see a hint of shock flash over his features as he fights to keep his composure. He clears his throat.
“Place your hands on the hood of the vehicle,” Gator orders, and you follow his instruction dutifully. You palm the hood of your car, a seductive curve in your spine, and you can tell his resolve is starting to crumble with the way he’s eyeing you up and down, biting his bottom lip.
“Do you like me like this? Helpless?” Your eyes grow round and wide with innocence – the look of prey – and you notice Gator’s eyebrows raise just a fraction, but he ultimately maintains his poker face.
“Maybe,” he admits, his voice low and gravelly, dark chocolate eyes boring into yours. “Maybe I like having that kind of authority. Maybe I like knowing I could do whatever I wanted to you right now, and there isn’t anything you could do about it.” He approaches you slowly, each step making your anticipation burn brighter.
“Just maybe?”
“Okay,” he admits with a scoff. “You got me. I do like it.” He leans in closer to you so you can feel his breath on your lips. “I like you helpless because I like knowing that if you were to beg and pray, I would have the power to tell you no.” He lets the tips of his fingers brush up against your arm gently. “I like knowing that there would be nothing you could say or do to stop me from…” he trails off, a smirk playing on his lips as he licks his teeth.
“From what?”
Gator’s hands glide up to hold your wrists, removing your touch from the hood of your car. He pulls one of your hands to meet his jaw, grazing your soft skin over his stubble before pressing an almost chaste kiss to the tips of your fingers.
“From doing anything and everything I could dream of doing to a woman,” he murmurs, grinning against your skin. He grips both of your wrists firmly in front of him once more and pulls you against himself roughly as he makes his demand. “Now, ask me again, politely, what it is I want.”
“I think I already know,” you whisper against his lips playfully before he crashes them into yours, his strong arms circling your waist. He grips your asscheeks from underneath and pushes you up onto the hood of your car as he licks along your bottom lip, and you deepen the kiss. His tongue rolls over and over yours, lips locking perfectly together, and you can taste his familiar sweetness as he pushes his hips into you, grinding his already hard cock against your sweet spot over your jeans.
You moan into his mouth as his thrusts become even more needy, and your nails dig into his shoulder blades through his shirt. You’re not even thinking about the fact that anyone could drive by at any moment and see what’s happening – you’re too tangled up in each other to care. In a swift motion, Gator swipes at the bill of his hat and throws it to rest on the hood of the car beside you. His body weight presses into you before he finally breaks away, taking a deep breath and looking at you with wild eyes.
You suppress a smile as you take in the way he surveys you, soaking up his energy, loving every sick second of stroking his ego, giving him glimpses of the control he craves and getting your own physical satisfaction in return. You have him right where you want him, and he has no idea.
“Should we go somewhere?” Gator’s crooked smile makes your knees feel weak as his gaze flicks back and forth between your eyes and lips, and you can tell he’s doing his best to behave at least long enough to pose the question.
The ground underneath the picnic blanket is hard and uneven, but you don’t even feel it anymore. The sun speckles everything around you through the trees, and you vaguely notice the rustling of leaves and twigs as the birds change branches above you every so often. Gator had taken the two of you in his cruiser just far enough up the nearest hill to escape the fog, and the nip in the air didn’t bother you at all as soon as he was on top of you, in between your legs, tactical gear still in place while he ran his hands over your body, his hungry eyes feasting on every curve.
He started slow and gentle, purring soft requests in between light touches everywhere you wanted them. It didn’t take you long to realize he was playing you the same way you were playing him, and now you’re here, rolling your hips languidly as you ride him, using the straps and pockets on the front of his vest for more leverage.
He’s a moaning mess underneath you, his blunt nails digging into the flesh of your thighs as he grips them to stay grounded in reality. You let yourself wonder for a split second if anyone has ever pleased him like this before – if he has ever been so loud, so free, so incessantly desperate for more of someone like he is right here, right now, with you.
You pick up your pace and lean back just enough to put yourself on full display for him, his length reaching the perfect angle inside of you, eliciting a filthy whine you couldn’t stifle if you tried. Your eyes brim with tears as the pleasure builds at your core like an explosion threatening to detonate at any moment. You reach down and pry one of Gator’s hands from your thigh, bringing his fingertips up to your kiss-swollen lips.
He grins through his own bliss as he realizes what you’re about to do. Almost unable to form words, he breathes, “I swear, you’re tryin’ to kill me, woman.” With a sinful smile, you graze two of his fingers past your lips and teeth along your tongue until they reach the back of your throat. Creating the perfect amount of suction, you move his fingers in and out of your mouth in time with your hips, your pussy flexing around his cock with the idea of being just a little bit more full of him.
A strangled half sob slips past Gator’s lips through his gritted teeth as his brows knit together, and his free hand pulls you down onto him harder and faster, the lewd sounds of flesh on flesh filling the space around you.
“Gonna cum. Don’t fuckin’ stop,” he demands, a string of expletives following just as the wave of your own climax crashes over you. Sordid sounds pour from your mouth as you release his fingers from its grasp, gushing and writhing on his cock in a way you know you’ll be ashamed to relive after this.
You feel a bruising grip on your thighs as he holds you down, burying himself up to the hilt in your soaked pussy while his hips buck and spasm against his will.
“Gonna fill you up so good,” he growls just before you feel a hot rush inside of you, his thick release coating your walls in bursts as his mouth falls open and his eyes roll back, his fingertips clawing into your skin, holding on for dear life.
Coming down from your high, you use your hands on his chest to steady yourself, resting your weight on your knees as you both catch your breath. The sounds of the woods in the background become louder again as you take in your surroundings.
“Damn,” Gator breathes, letting out a sigh and a small chuckle.
“Been a while,” you muse, a smirk playing on your lips as your eyes meet his once again.
“Sure has,” he agrees. “Can’t keep me waitin’ like that again.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you promise with a cheeky wink.
tagging: @mrprettywhenhecries @b1tchywheeler @stevesxyellowxsweater @atinyliliflower @darleenjade @floredaqueen - ily guys, thank u for your encouragement and love, it means the world to meeeee!!! 💕
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jupiter-va · 1 year
Identity crisis
So, I'm giggling as I type this right now because I feel a little bit stupid!!
So, for the last few weeks, I've been like...having a crisis about my queerness, and it was consuming my brain. Due to some recent realizations, which I won't go into detail on, I realized that I am in fact, NOT bisexual. It threw me into a spiral and I could not function properly. I thought I had all this BS figured out in high school but uh...apparently not. Comphet is a wild beast of an obstacle that I didn't even realize I was struggling with. I won't go into all of the details, but I try to share what I can and what I feel comfy with sharing, and this is something I contemplated making a post about for a bit. After a ton of thinking, I'm very much lesbian. I think I just pushed the notion away for a long time for the sake of potentially having a future where I would be accepted by everyone that is currently in my life, but it's just not realistic of me to live like that. I have a bad habit of doing things for other's that are detrimental to me, and uh, I'm workin on it.
It won't affect my content. I'll still do things for all genders because
I don't wanna switch it up randomly and
These audios aren't really for me to attract anyone personally. It's for the enjoyment of people in general and I have fun making all of my audios, regardless of who they are for. If a good plotline comes to mind, I'm gonna do it.
Anyway. Yeah. Sorry for the random disappearance, I was truly letting this consume my entire brain and I couldn't confidently get in front of my mic and make content with how distracted I was. I promise I will be back on schedule for everything, I have like 2 full audios that I need to edit and post and I'm working on commissions as well.
TL;DR: I beat comphet. I'm lesbian lol💕
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maniculum · 1 year
Pinned Post, or, What Is This Blog Exactly?
Given the recent influx of new followers, I figure I had better make us a pinned post so people know who we are and what we're doing. Because, as much as I enjoy just posting whatever, this is a podcast account and people should know that. Especially if they like weird medieval stuff, as that is our whole deal.
The Maniculum, available wherever you normally get your podcasts, is a show where we read medieval literature, make jokes about it, and then suggest ways to adapt it into TTRPG material (or other forms of storytelling). We try to pick especially strange medieval texts, most of which you would be unlikely to come across in your typical medieval-lit survey course, though we have done a few well-known ones (most notably our series on Egil’s Saga).
It’s hosted by Zoe and Mac. (This is Mac typing now; I do most of the Tumblr posting. Zoe sometimes posts as @meanderingmedievalist.) Both of us are medievalists with like degrees and stuff, so we at least kind of know what we’re talking about when we discuss medieval literature. Mac is in grad school, most of the way through a PhD. Zoe finished her MA a few years ago and got a job working on video games – she did narrative design on Pentiment, if you’re familiar with it.
The general structure of the podcast is that one of us (we take turns) chooses a text and reads / paraphrases / summarizes it for the other, who responds to it with comments & questions & jokes & digressive tangents. Then we close with a series of segments where we pull interesting features, ideas, etc. from the text for potential use in your TTRPG / storytelling projects.
If you want to check out the show but don’t want to start at the beginning where you have to listen to us figure out what we’re doing (the audio on the first handful of episodes is a bit rough, for instance), here are some suggestions:
Our 2022 Halloween special (link here), where we read a selection of medieval stories about undead creatures.
An episode (link here) about the dragon Fafnir and the famous slaying thereof.
The Story of King Constant (link here), a fairly short and obscure tale from medieval France. (The episode is still a normal length; the story is short enough that the full text fits comfortably into a single episode with no summarizing needed.) I include this one because I feel it’s a good self-contained representation of what we do.
The first episode (link here) of our two-parter on the Peasants’ Revolt, released to commemorate May Day 2023.
Lanval (link here), one of the most widely known stories by Marie de France. This is also good as a self-contained episode, and it's a story that may be familiar to you already.
And if you want to jump into a series:
The first episode (link here) of our seven-part series on the highly-regarded Icelandic text Egil’s Saga, about a Viking warrior-poet who is also kind of a dick.
The first episode (link here) of our ten-part series on Perlesvaus – our longest series on a single text so far, wherein we work through what might be the weirdest Arthurian romance out there.
If this just popped up on your dash, sorry for the long self-promotional post. Hope you come check us out. New episodes every other week.
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twwings · 17 days
so I spent the last few months just marathoning The Magnus Archives??? I was curious and I have a long-ish commute that I need to fill with audio, so I went for it. I was somewhat spoiled by fanart I saw randomly over the years but not entirely spoiled, and I quite enjoyed it. Some thoughts (both positive and negative thoughts below) because I wanted to write them down as I chew over the show. Also my ramblings might be pleasurable to folks who are big fans and enjoy hearing about people listening to their thing for the first time?
Spoilers for all of TMA, but as I haven't listened to The Magnus Protocol yet (I'm sure I will) no spoilers for that.
thoughts in no particular order:
didn't know that my trypophobia could be activated aurally! thanks, season one. it's good to learn about yourself
because I had seen lots of fanarts around, I knew that Jon/Martin would eventually be a canon thing, so I just spent the early episodes making fun of Jon whenever he was mean about Martin. Jon would be like "ugh, Martin, amirite?" and I'd yell at the car speakers like "lol you're gonna MARRY that guy"
sometimes I found the show a little boring or too expositiony (like the episode where Leitner shows up) and it made me think a lot about the conditions of production, like, having fans who were super into the show and red stringing it up clearly made them want to explain things sometimes in a way not necessary to the story - or, at least, it didn't feel necessary to me as a casual listener who was coming in after the fact and not part of the fandom. maybe it felt necessary for other folks, or to the cast and crew at the time.
relatedly, oh god, I did not keep up with all the plotlines and stuff. like it took me a WHILE to realize that the show was not just gonna be standalone/anthology stuff and would have an overarching plot so I did not pay attention early on to repeated names or plots. and because I was listening on my commute I was like "welp, can't google it, gonna let it go" and I did. I'm here to tell you that the magnus archives is still enjoyable even if you don't care that much about what's going on
when I did really start to care was the end of season four/season five. absolutely love that they went there with the end of season four (I thought it'd just be a buffy-style "now we fight a BIGGER big bad at the end of this season" escalation forever, but no, they unleashed hell on earth, baller move, A+, loved it
so I was spoiled that Martin (and Jon? I wasn't sure) died at some point, though I didn't really know where or how. I also saw someone post something like "oh TMA, great show, too bad it ends after five minutes into episode 160" so from that I kind of extrapolated that Martin died in episode 160? so my experience of listening to that one was REALLY on tenterhooks because the first five minutes was Martin going for a nice walk! and then Jon getting taken over by the statement! so while listening to the middle bit of 160 I was convinced that when Martin came back from his walk Jon was gonna kill him (while possessed, obviously) as part of the ritual thing. so really the following 40 episodes of Martin being alive were pretty sweet to me. Every episode after that when Martin was alive I was like, score, bonus, love it, I'm glad Jon didn't stab him three seconds after they got into a relationship
kept listening for a physical description of Jon to match all the fanart and never got one? I guess the fanon of what Jon looks like is just super consistent for some reason?
hated Tim, I can't disguise it, I hated Tim and I was glad when he died and I was glad he didn't come back, sorry Tim fans, live your truth and I will live mine
wish there weren't so many cops on this show, tho the show did seem to recognize that a little in S5 and try to do some things about it
I'm just a huge sucker for every genre experiment in S5. omg I loved it. Terminus gets a coroner's report, The Unknowing gets slam poetry, The Flesh gets a gardening manual?????? mwah. it made me excited for the format of the statements again when they'd gotten stale. so many smart and interesting genre experiments in S5! and I, like Jon, don't even like poetry (just write some prose! I've never identified with a character more), so you know I'm impressed when I'm exclaiming about some poem
seriously! the genre experiments!!! so good
"queer couple navigate their new relationship and also The Hellscapes" = amazing, ty, also ty for doing it twice
somehow I managed not to notice the line about Jon being asexual at first and then I saw some tumblr post about it and I was like, wait what? my brain had gone pretty far down into some non-asexual fanfiction stories before I got that bit of canon and had to record-scratch freeze-frame. anyway I am pleased by the ace rep and hope to go read some non-sexual D/s for them in the future, please tell me if you know some good stuff
please also tell me if you know about fanfictions where Martin consensually feeds Jon his own memories and it's weird and intense
saw a cute fluffy domestic fanart where Jon was blind (ie had blinded himself to escape the eye) and I laughed and laughed that this is a fandom in which the happy fluffy AUs are the ones where the characters have violently blinded themselves. not to say I'm not gonna read the fluffy AUs where they've violently blinded themselves, I am, I'm sure they're lovely, it's just funny
don't think I wasn't thinking about Crowley and Aziraphale in the episode where Jon is like "what if we ran away together" in season four. When Jon is like "What if we ran away together, you and me, we could do it, what if we did" and he absolutely knows that Martin is not gonna say yes and maybe he doesn't want Martin to say yes but he wants to ask him anyway, he wants to try it anyway, because the fantasy of escape, together, is overpowering. anyway don't think I didn't think about Crowley
also laughed and laughed at the like four episodes at the end where Jon is like "maybe I should . . . . . . . . . . . become the Torment Nexus? From the classic scifi novel, Don't Become the Torment Nexus?" and first Martin and then everyone else is like "Jon, don't become the Torment Nexus" and it's really clear that you should not become the Torment Nexus but then later Jon says fuck it and becomes the Torment Nexus
I say it's really clear but the idea that you should strand and isolate and burn out the powers is not a bad one. I did like that the second to last episode was just a debate on morality with no clear resolution. that's a lovely way to send off your characters. tho it didn't matter a lot to the end plot? but still.
Jon "I think I'll just become the Torment Nexus" Simms, istg
Sue Simms' voice is incredibly hot, Gertrude Robinson is absolutely deadass smokin, love how the Legend of Gertrude just built up over the seasons until by the end she was this like powerful callous avenging angel, no notes, might build a shrine in the woods with pictures of Gertrude in little jars
Gerry and Jurgen were both madly in love with her and she didn't notice or care because she was too busy kicking ass, no notes AT ALL
I really like the bit at the beginning of S5 where Jon is depression-listening to old archives tapes, like it's really effective to do the birthday party flashback just there when the world's just been apocalypsed, but I can't stop thinking about how Jon is listening to that tape and, in retrospect, being like "did Elias/Jonah use his all-powerful knowledge and vision to find out that there was cake in the office?" idk it really feels like Elias's motives in that flashback are like "eat cake" and no one else realizes that he's used his monstrous evil eye power to locate cake. anyway I imagine that Jon had all of these thoughts during his depression
Basira made me laugh ALL THE TIME, the voice acting was so good and she was so over everyone's shit. but at the same time there's this real softness to her at the end of S5 after she's killed Daisy, like she's still tough and grounded in her own perspective but suddenly more compassionate or sympathetic. she has such a good journey over the show
were Basira and Daisy a thing? I could not tell. maybe I should not ask. maybe I am not meant to know. maybe even asking shows how little I know, because their intense and murderous bond exceeds traditional relationship categories
I had a really nice time!!!
I will need to read fanfictions
I will need to watch animatics
I will need to seek out fanarts
the end
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r0-boat · 1 year
If honkai star rail man had audio accounts, pt.2
Read part 1 here
Gn! reader x Gepard, Welt, Luocha, Dan heng
Nsfw mdi
Cw: dubcon, consent noncon,yandere, creampie
( sorry that part two took so long ahhh, this is the final part for now since there is not enough sexy hsr men besides Luka and I guess Svarog for funsies. If you want me to do Genshin Impact men or make an audio headcanon list for women, let me know.)
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Man, he took pride in being a wholesome internet boyfriend who would only do sweet little audios of himself role playing as your boyfriend or love interest in different scenarios. And then the Reckoning... he posted an audio where him playing as your knight in shining armor takes a hit for you. And oh boy those gasp and growls and whimpers of pain he did while the reader was patching him up- the people wanted more.
He tried to do NSFW audios before but he couldn't do it his face would turn red and it's hard would be so hard he would clutch his chest. Here he was, a grown man practically on the verge of tears out of embarrassment. What would his coworkers think if they found out what he had done? What would Serval think? Nope, Nope, Nope! He couldn't do it!
But then the Stars aligned and he made a separate account when Gepard posted his first audio. A ramble fap, and oh boy his breath shuttering in the mic has he moans and wimpers, you could even hear him begging. Till now he never really noticed how talkative and, loudish He could be Gepard even try stifling his whines when he got gotten close.
Even though it took everything out of him to finally post it, he had to say it felt nice being praised. He only posted initially because he wanted to make his fans happy. He is a people pleaser, after all. And it did kind of feel nice... he doesn't usually get to let go like that, being his job as a Silvermain Guard and all... there's a lot of stuff he didn't realize about himself.
Pet names
Sweet heart
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It is the skeleton in his closet. His ultimate secret that he moans in a microphone for strangers that like his voice a little too much. His listener is absolutely adore him. His sultry voice and his personality drag people to him like a moth to a flame. He doesn't post very often but when he does everyone is crying and sobbing for more. And he doesn't write his own stuff either it's mostly just Scripts he tries to go along with the script says, but he can't help but sprinkle a little bit of his own kinks in there—praise, worship, oral fixation.
Even when he's stroking himself, he even catches himself murmuring about how much he wants to taste you and how good you are for him, how good you make him feel, and how sexy you are. His audios are always gentler, with lots of kisses and touching in that softer tone that makes you melt. From giving you some much-needed stress relief from a hard day at work to a hot heavy make out session after a dinner.
Sometimes he would make his own Scripts and even have some artwork he Illustrated to go with them. His own scripts and audios are very rare but are very well done, dripping with sexual tension and a good plot. He's pretty much allergic to porn without plot.
Call him crazy but he likes that his audio is put a smile on people's faces he wants to think that his posts brighten people's days he likes being relied on as much as he himself likes someone who he trusts with his life.
Pet names
Sweet heart
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Help, because why can I see his audio is being mostly corruption kink? Even his audios tend to lean more on the darker side. Though not by much, the most you can expect is a pastor who can't help but want someone he had been eyeing that comes to his church or a doctor who, while their patient was unconscious, laid his lips upon them and whispered how much they wanted them.
Mostly does dubcon or cnc; they almost did yandere content but decided not to post it. Even in his darker videos, he still keeps that gentlemanly gentle, sweet attitude with an odd obsessive undertone, perhaps even possessive., which many of his listeners fall for.
When close, his listeners can hear him mutter broken sentences about how good he feels and how wrong this is or how much he needs you before begging to fill you up.
He wants it to feel as real as possible so he gets the good mics the ones where you can feel his breath against your ear, and he always loads his audios with sound effects. He has good quality work, and he enjoys doing it too.
Pet names
Dan Heng
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Dan Heng rarely does scripts almost exclusively makes very short audio where you can hear his hand around his wet cock and his moans; he'll go on and on about whatever lewd thought was on his mind. About how much he needs a tight hole around his cock or something inside of him.
Dan Heng has absolute pan panic. One could only dream about having both at the pussy and cock at the same time, and that is a dream he thinks about constantly when recording new audio for his rabid fans to listen to.
He finally got himself a toy discreetly since his hand wasn't enough, and those grunts and frustrated growls eventually turned into shaky breaths and whimpering, the tight silicone walls proving too much as he tried to keep quiet himself. His hips buck up into the toy itself as he continues edging himself. Dan Heng, almost losing control, rolls his head back, whimpering about how much he wants them. His listeners ate that shit up.
Dan Heng makes very standard vanilla content and hardly ever gets too kinky, where he plays the role of a boyfriend. Sadly Dan Heng isn't too good at acting so the boyfriends he normally plays are people with authority or professionalism since his voice naturally sounds like that.
Pet names
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otomehonyaku · 1 month
Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden Drama CD Translation ☽ Vol. 4 Mukami Saga ☽ Track 5・The Things and People We Protect
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Original title of this track: 守るべき物と者 Voiced by Sakurai Takahiro (Ruki), Suzuki Tatsuhisa (Yuma), Kishio Daisuke (Azusa), Kimura Ryōhei (Kou) English translation by @otomehonyaku Click here for the audio (as always, BIG thank you to @karleksmumskladdkaka!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
This is the fourth volume of the Lost Eden drama CDs! I'll make separate posts for each track and update the links above as I go. This is the last track of this CD! I'm glad we got to have a little moment with Ruki in this one aaah... Happy listening and reading along!
Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
00:00 Yuma: Ah, the soil is bone-dry. This’s awful… Only proves how much power the man really had. It’s turned pretty much everything into a desert…
[You walk up to Yuma.]
Yuma: Oh, it’s you. What’s up?
[You say that you wanted to see how Yuma was doing.]
Yuma: Aren’t you tired?
[You tell him honestly.]
Yuma: Heh. Figures. We’re in the same boat. Well, about this… The soil’s so bad here that even if you properly take care of the garden ‘n try to grow somethin’, only desert vegetation could survive here. The soil’s pretty much dead. I actually wanted to try growin’ those seedlings over there, but I gave up.
[Yuma sits down on the ground.]
Yuma: Ah… And the garden was thrivin’ only a little while ago.
[You ask him whether it has to do with Karl Heinz’ death.]
Yuma: Well, yeah. This castle was like an extension of Himself. I know I pledged my allegiance to protect this place earlier, but I’m already feelin’ anxious. Relyin’ too much on a parent ends up bitin’ you in the ass after all.
[You pick up some gardening tools.]
Yuma: What’re you doin’? I just told you, the soil’s done for.
[You quote what Azusa and Ruki were saying earlier.]
Yuma: Heh. Hahaha! Well, you’re right. Can’t knock it ‘til you try it.
[Yuma joins you to till the soil and plant the seedling.]
01:57 Yuma: Thanks. It’s not like me to be all gloomy and pessimistic. ‘N to have you worry about me.  Alright. Now we just pour some water on it.
[You were going through the soil with your hands, but you end up cutting your finger.]
Yuma: What’s wrong? Oh. Ah, there’s broken shards of something in the soil. C’mere.
[Yuma pulls you with him to the sink to clean the wound.]
Yuma: This is Eden soil, so there aren’t any weird bacteria here, but… Underestimating these things won’t do us any good. Well, this should be clean enough. And lastly—
[Yuma puts your wounded finger into his mouth.]
Yuma: Your blood’s really sweet. Heh. I don’t think I could ever get enough of it. I want more. You owe me now, anyway. I won’t let you say no.
[Yuma bites you.]
Yuma: It’s your fault for having such delicious blood. I’m not of much help, am I? I only just healed your wound, ‘n now I’m hurtin’ you again. Heh. Thanks for the blood. 
[Yuma pulls away from you.]
Yuma: Agh… I’m getting sleepy. I’m goin’ back to my room. Sleep tight. And thanks for the help.
[Yuma walks off. Some time passes, and the scene shifts to Ruki bursting into your room while you were sleeping.]
03:58 Ruki: Eve!
[You sit upright.]
Ruki: I’m sorry to bother you while you were resting, but there’s no time. I need you to be quiet and come with me.
[You walk over to Ruki. He grabs your hand.]
Ruki: We need to hurry. I don’t have time to explain. Let’s go!
[The two of you run off.]
Ruki: Just now, I received word from a familiar that the Vibora are heading towards Eden. They must be looking to conquer this castle or to destroy the morale of the Vampire race. It took them long enough, and yet this is still quite sudden to us.
In any case, you need to hide. Aside from this castle, they must intend to capture you as well.
[You’re surprised and ask him why.]
Ruki: Word is spreading fast about the Adam’s Apple Plan. Everyone now knows that Karl Heinz has recognised you as the Sacrificial Bride of the Demon World. Some want to use you to ascend to the throne.
[You tell him you would never agree to such a thing.]
Ruki: I know that, but so long as that extraordinary blood runs through your veins, nothing else will matter to them.
[The two of you stop before a large door.]
Ruki: Alright. This is it. 
[Ruki opens the door for you.]
Ruki: Get inside.
[The door slams closed.]
Ruki: This is the Room of Time. You could see it as Karl Heinz’ living room, in a sense. This is the most secure room he had, located in the innermost part of the castle. You should lay low here while the commotion subsides. The rest of us will fight to protect Eden, like we discussed yesterday.
[You ask Ruki if they have any forces backing them up.]
06:12 Ruki: Not at all. It’s just the four of us. Not even the Sakamaki family knows what has become of this castle.
[You ask Ruki if there’s anything you can do.]
Ruki: All you can do is stay here, We have no reason to fight out there if we don’t know that you’re safe. Heh. Don’t look at me like that.
[Ruki suddenly pulls you into an embrace.]
Ruki: You were about to start whining. I know. Let me hold you. Just for a moment. I can’t let my brothers see me like this, after all.
[You stroke Ruki’s back.]
Ruki: Heh. Stop it. I’m not a child. It feels quite nice, though. Don’t tell the others, alright? Take this as a sign of my gratitude.
[Ruki bites you. It takes you off-guard.]
Ruki: Don’t act so surprised. This is more of a reward to you than anything else, after all.
[Ruki bites you again.]
Ruki: Ah… That’s enough playing around for now. I have to go back. You know what to do, right? Don’t leave this room under any circumstance. When things calm down outside, I’ll knock on the door four times. That’s when you can come back out. I’ll see you then.
[Ruki walks to the door and opens it.]
Ruki: Goodbye, Eve.
[Ruki closes the door behind him, leaving you all alone. The scene shifts to the brothers’ inner monologues.]
08:50 Ruki: Just like that, we went to meet an unknown fate.
Kou: I wonder if He expected things would turn out like this. However, we strongly believe this isn’t a trial that we can’t overcome. 
Yuma: We’ll protect Eden… and we’ll protect Eve. In the end, we probably won’t be able to obtain the Apple, but…
Azusa: Still… we have no choice but to move forward.
Ruki: As we dreamt of a new dawn breaking from the East of Eden, the next chapter in our lives silently began. Nobody knows what’s waiting for us on the other side of this fight.
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fairuzfan · 5 months
hi! I'm a linguistics major who's been interested in learning both modern standard arabic and palestinian arabic for a while now, but I've never gotten a chance to. (as a side note, we used some minimal palestinian arabic data in phonology and morphology, so I happen to have some base familiarity with the consonant inventory). my courses wrap up tomorrow, so I'll have until september to learn some of the basics.
I know you've posted some palestinian arabic learning resources on here before, which I plan on accessing. I was just wondering if you'd happen to know of any palestinian linguists, or perhaps could direct me to some blogs or sites that could help me out? in particular, I'd be interested in learning the language through the lens of the international phonetic alphabet, as a frame of reference for pronunciations. while I'm aware that the ipa is, unfortunately, rather western-centric, I plan on utilizing it purely as a learning aide. if you're aware of anything that might help me out, or know anyone who I could reach out to for more info, please do let me know!!
also, sorry to make an already long-winded ask even longer, but are there any common conventions when typing/writing arabic using the latin alphabet that I should know of, in case I come across it? while I absolutely plan on learning the arabic alphabet first and foremost, should I ever *need* to use the latin alphabet, it would be nice to know of writing conventions that arabic speakers might use.
thanks for taking the time to read this ask! it's a long one, but I just wanted to put it out here. also, thank you so much for the work you do on this blog. it's been an invaluable resource for me to get educated on the ongoing genocide, the history of palestine, and the beauty of palestinian culture. your posts have really encouraged me to go out of my way to learn a language and engage with a culture I wasn't previously very familiar with, and for that, I'm so grateful. 💜
thanks again! have a great day!
I'm sorry I don't know much about linguistics but that sounds really cool. There's actually a method for us to write in Latin letters to represent certain sounds and letters through digital communication (for example we use 7 to distinguish to h sound we say from the back of the throat as opposed to the softer h sound — ح as 7 and ه as h respectively).
If you see random numbers sometimes in the middle of words, that usually means that we wanna make sure that the full meaning is conveyed without ambiguity.
If someone else has resources about linguistics, lmk!
Thank you so much for saying this also, I really appreciate it!
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books-and-dragons · 11 months
I'm so sorry, I'm kinda drunk and dropping another idea, do with it whatever ye will.
Yknow how in the beginning of the game, Sojiro tells Ren he won't take care of him when he gets sick?
Consider: he's not used to city germs/being that closely shoved against other people on the train. He DOES start to get sick around Kamoshida's Palace, powers through it, and then is SUPER sick just after it's over.
He plans on sucking it up and hiding it, but Futaba hears his hacking coughs over her bug even when he's upstairs, followed by wheezing, maybe even a little weeping. He's constantly in and out of the bathroom, and he's starting to run out of tissues.
Futaba nervously texts Sojiro that the kid they took in sounds awful. Sojiro is gruff at first and says he's not a baby, he can take care of himself. She responds by sending him the audio and suddenly Dad Instincts kick in
obviously it's a YES, our brainrots continue because early-game ren and sojiro dynamics break my heart every time how dare you get me so invested in this idea, this post got too long so it's going under a read more
listen listen look i love sojiro and the coffee family okay, but early-game?? sojiro could catch these hands
ren has already been though so much by the time he arrives in tokyo, to then be put into a dusty old attic like a spare part would absolutely fit in with ren's own perception of himself at that stage. it would be almost too easy for him to put his own health on the backburner kinda like he's already used to it
very used to not taking up space, 'not being a bother', and then sojiro really reinforces this message when ren first gets to leblanc- so when ren inevitably gets ill a month into his probation, it's already doomed for maladaption
tokyo would be such a breeding ground for sickness compared to the countryside, and ren just doesn't have the consitution to deal with it. the dusty attic and poor eating habits don't help matters, and then we have the stress of kamoshida and the metaverse?? ren is not having a Good Time™
at first it's something he thinks he can shrug off, and is adamant that ignoring it is the way to go. a cold, it's nothing, he can handle this alone, no need to bother anyone else with it.
inevitably, he gets worse, because that's what happens when you don't rest and let yourself recover. a tickly cough becomes a tightness in his chest, mild congestion shifts into an attack on his senses and blurriness- but maybe that's the dizziness. he's not really sleeping, either.
it's something that's becoming increasingly difficult to brush off and hide, he even relented to finally getting some medicine (nothing as strong as he needs by this point, that would eat too much into his limited funds, but some painkillers to take the edge off). once or twice he's tempted to stay off school, at morgana's insistence, or a too close call where he definitely blacked out for a minute, but then sojiro's voice will ring in his head 'i won't be the one looking after you if you get sick', 'your parents got rid of you for being a pain in the ass', and all his worst insecurities come rushing back and he's resolved to deal with it on his own
meanwhile, futaba's been making use of her hidden audio bugs- normally they're a comfort for her in the daytime, but since the new kid- ren- has been staying at the cafe (part-timer her ass, how gullible does sojiro think she is?!), she's been listening more frequently. when ren gets sick, she figures it out quickly.
time goes on, he's not getting better- he's actually getting worse- and futaba starts to wonder if she's the only one who knows
(there's something in his sharp contrasts- the quiet kid who shuffles through the cafe and takes sojiro's scolding, to the coughing kid who cries into the silence of night when he thinks there's nobody there to see it- that stabs through her numbness. it feels like a companion to her own ghost)
one night she swears the kid gets up to be sick, and there's hardly any sound heard from the attic all night. if nobody's gonna help ren, then she will (futaba used to like helping, once upon a time).
she texts sojiro the next day, when ren doesn't say anything again, and goes off to school with what she bets is a fake assurance on his face
and you're so right, sojiro dismisses her concern really easily, claims the kid can 'take care of himself' and he won't 'baby' the part-timer. insists ren needs to learn some disipline, then maybe he'll stay out of trouble
frustration wells in futaba- if she was less fixated on what was going on with ren, she'd register it's one of the first changes of mood she's had for months- and she responds with nothing but an audio clip, an attached explanation that this is just from the past few days- it's been going on for weeks, then she waits, and hears the distant sound of her compilation through one of the bugs, a hitched breath from sojiro, curse words under his breath-
for all his earlier postulating about not helping ren if he gets sick, sojiro is immeditely struck with a pang of concern- it sounded bad, and if futaba's words were anything to go by, this had been going on for a while. the kid's at school now (at school, being as ill as that and he was still going to class-), so sojiro will talk to him when he gets back. there's a chance he goes a bit too over the top, between the variation of medicines he purchases, supplies he grabbed from home- if you accused him for over-compensating after maybe being too harsh on the kid in the beginning, you'd be right
and you just know ren would be so resistent at first to help, or even just the offer of staying off school. in his sickness-induced fugue, ren's filter-less in rattling off how he can't stay off, what will the students and teachers think, and he has work that afternoon, and a test soon, and he doesn't want to get in the way-
sojiro's heart just shatters
this kid, whose been silently carring the weight of the world and has apparently been falling to pieces for weeks now and sojiro didn't even notice?
(a part of it reminds him too much of the other kid he's got at home, the countless ways he's already failed futaba, and now ren too? he feels useless)
sojiro focuses on what he can do, and that's making the kid rest. work will understand, school can wait, ren isn't an inconvenience, he guides the kid to bed, calls takemi immediately (who rushes over, despite the fact she's technically closed at this hour, and refuses to take any payment),
even still, there's this stilted awkwardness between them when the quiet pushes on too long- they hardly know each other, afterall. sojiro is still figuring out the 'caring for kids' thing, and ren isn't familiar with any kind of parental affection, so some of sojiro's care veers a bit too close to clinical or mechanic, and ren still struggles to communicate what kind of help he needs, but it's enough for now.
for now, sojiro is there. he's trying, and at least ren's getting some colour back on his skin. for now, ren's willing to take a few days off and have some medicine, but he's over-apologetic and definitely tries to make up for his sickness once he's healed. it's gonna take them both a while yet, but luckily there's always their guardian hacker, ready and able to call them out when needed (and maybe some day she'll be able to keep an eye on ren and sojiro in person)
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putschki1969 · 3 months
hello, thanks for uploading the audio rip of kaji fes day 1 and 2! is it possible if you make a ISO image rip of the Bluray and create a torrent file for it ? :) we usually download some ISO from jpopsuki just few days after release but somehow nobody have uploaded ISO of kajifes there yet XD
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Hello there. Sorry for the delay, I've been holding off on replying to your question for a while. To be fair, when I saw this in my inbox just a DAY after my response to the Kaji Fes. MP3 ask, I was more than a little annoyed.
It's not like your message is inherently rude or anything (in fact, it's a bit more polite than the usual stuff I get) but it tells me TWO things about you:
You either purposefully ignored everything I wrote in that Kaji Fes. MP3 post or you never actually saw my original post and got the download link from someone who reposted it to another site. If you had made an effort to read my response from a few days ago, you would know that I always planned to share rips but first, I needed to receive my package. People are really out there thinking I have immediate access to everything. That is a misconception! The truth is, just like so many of us, I am at the mercy of endless shipping/customs procedures and have to wait very long for stuff to arrive at my place. Then I need to find the time to do all the ripping/encoding while working a full-time job and also having a life.
You've never actually visited my blog and thought it would be a good idea to use your first time here to make a huge request. I seriously doubt that you are one of my regular followers or lurkers because in all of my years running this blog, I've never ever provided t0rrents so I have no idea where you would get that idea from. Yes, I share a lot of content but I do this by uploading reasonably HQ files in converted formats to Google Drive for archival purposes. Early on, I considered providing ISO files but they proved to be too troublesome to handle on a personal cloud (they take too long to upload/download and use up way too much storage space - I already pay more than enough for my current plan). Also, I wholeheartedly believe that those who want raw files should simply BUY the Blu-rays and do the ripping themselves. You can't have high standards like that and not be willing to invest the necessary money and time. Contrary to what people may believe (based on the content I share), I am a big proponent of supporting artists by buying their releases. My main goal is to make life easier for overseas fans who struggle to overcome the countless hurdles between us and Japanese media but that certainly doesn't entail providing everything in the highest quality imaginable. To sum things up, all you can ever expect on my blog are encoded files which should have high enough quality to satisfy the vast majority of people.
Anyway, enough about that. I have good news! My package FINALLY arrived yesterday. BANZAI! Depending on how busy I am, I will hopefully be able to get the files uploaded by Thursday *fingers crossed*
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I’ve been meaning to send this request for a while now, but I let my desire for a seemingly nonexistent “perfect” moment get in the way. 😛
Anyway, your take on the Autobots’ names and their meanings is still one of my favorite posts of yours. I’ve come up with one or two meanings of my own for a couple of the characters, but I’m curious about what you think the meanings of the Decepticons’ names would/should be. :)
I've been meaning to get to this forever. Sorry this took me an eternity and a half to get around to writing for! Hope you like it!
Decepticons and their Names
Just like the Autobots, the Decepticons developed alternate names to keep their true names secret while still hinting at it. They didn't bother trying to appear more human or adjust their body language in any meaningful way. They simply never saw the need to comply with human naming conventions. However this does not mean that their true names aren't known to anyone.
Soundwave knows just about every bot's true name. It was part of procedure when it came to joining high command. A Decepticon couldn't rise through the ranks if they weren't willing to give Soundwave their true designation for security reasons. And while not the most well received of moves, it did end up keeping quite a few revolts from happening with the perpetrators true name on the line.
Soundwave however is not a mech who would abuse what power he has been given. As such, while he knows the names, he does not use them against the bot whom the designation belongs to unless absolutely necessary. Still there are times when he needs to reconfirm designations and he takes great care of them.
Megatron's true designation is long, a testament to his age and a show of his wisdom. His name has changed greatly over the millennia, but core features of it always remain even through every alteration. His name when translated into human language is roughly akin to [Resilient-Spark-Defiant-Fighter-Silver-Tongued-Truth-Speaker-Seeker-of-Change-Sword-of-Vengance]. It is as shortened a version of his designation that can be managed. If his whole name was written out, it would rival Optimus's in length. When spoken aloud his name sounds like a long forgotten chant, one whispering of times long gone all while the grinding of gears echoed quietly amidst it.
Shockwave's designation is an odd one that contradicts itself over and over again due to the changes he underwent on the Council's orders. Its almost painful to look at when written simply because of how unpleasant it is in its contradictions. His true designation is so unsettling to look at that Soundwave has put it away and refuses to even so much as glance at it until it comes time to check his files. The name comes out to be something along the lines of [Kind-Spark-Empty-Vessel-Hopeful-Light-Bringer-Endless-Void-of-Knowledge]. When spoke aloud it is both lovely to hear and painful for the audio receptors. It sounds like the humming of a spark within its chassis combined with the gentle whistle of wind, but is contradicted by the dull and toneless notes of steady clicking and grinding that nearly cancel the musical qualities out entirely.
Starscream's is surprisingly lovely and holds greater meaning than one would expect. Starscream was after all, not always a traitorous glitch fond of cowardly retreats and greed. Once, long ago Starscream was a noble leader for his people, doing everything in his power to protect them only to at some point lose himself along the way. His name comes out to be [Guardian-Star-Guiding-Beacon-Swift-Lord-of-the-Skies-Radiant-Jewel]. Starscream has always taken great pride in his true designation and has never once uttered it aloud, not for anyone. Even when giving his designation to Soundwave, he merely wrote it down and did not speak at all. However based on what can be gathered, if it was to be spoken aloud it would sound a great deal like the swaying of trees, the chiming of bells, and the constant thrum of a jet engine preparing for takeoff.
Knockout's designation is odd considering his personality, but Soundwave has always assumed that it is simply a matter of the medic having changed over his lifetime. However even with that in mind, there are still bits and pieces that apply to the persona Knockout presents. His designation translates into something similar to [True-Sighted-Spinner-of-Dreams-Faceted-Child-of-Visonaries-Bright-Sparked-Healer]. Perhaps his name spoke of an age where things were different for Knockout, a time where he was more hopeful, open, and friendly. But either way, when spoken aloud his name sounds like the distant trickling of raindrops on a tin sheet, the swaying of tall grass amid a storm, and the crackling of distant thunder all soothed by the gentle patter of stones down a hill.
Breakdown's name was by comparison far clearer and easier to see where it came from. His was straightforward, a perfect representation of his character and spoke of his true pureness of spark. His designation almost made Soundwave wonder just what the warrior was doing amid the Decepticon ranks. His name spoke of someone more suited toward the Autobot's ideals of purity, that with his name translating to mean [Warrior-for-Justice-Protector-of-the-Meek-Gentle-Giant-Comforter-Guardian-of-the-Vulnerable]. Even the sound of his name sounds like it should belong to an Autobot, that with it being like that of the quiet humming of a loving parent combined with the war chant of an army preparing to fight for their homeland.
Dreadwing's designation is one that Soundwave has no real opinion on but finds somewhat fascinating due to how it speaks of his character. It is fairly straightforward much like Breadown's, but like all true designations, it is special in its own unique way, even when translated to [Stoic-Watcher-of-Shifting-Tides-Bound-Protector-of-Spark-Shards-Enduring-Warrior]. Its spoken notes are much like the beating of hammers on an anvil accompanied why the bellows of a beast in the deep. However there is a soft undertone of wind rushing past rock, creating a gentle whistling sound. Overall a fascinating mix of sounds and meanings, but not too noteworthy in Soundwave's book.
Then there is Soundwave's name, the one he has not shared with anyone, not even Megatron. His true designation is something he has kept to himself simply because... he hardly remembers it. A true designation should be something a bot always remembers, but with what Soundwave was forged to do, only bits and pieces have stuck over the millennia. It is something that pains him. He wishes he could remember it all, but as he can't he has filled in his name as best as he can using what he does recall, earning him the translated name [Silent-Keeper-of-Knowledge-Custodian-of-the-Dark-in-All-Tireless-Watcher-of-Eternity]. He has not said it aloud, but he guesses that if it was, it would sound a great deal like the near silent murmurings of mecha long dead and the gentle swaying of all sorts of structures. His name would hardly even be capable of being heard if not for the quiet din of a stone falling into water that would echo quietly should his name be said out loud.
So many names, so many meanings, and Soundwave keep them all dutifully.
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