#sorry this took me forever :(((
microwaveango · 1 year
Bestie can you please put Sigma back in the microwave, we let them out and look what happened
(going insane over this episode oh my-)
hold on let me just -
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and then -
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sigma is never leaving the microwave again. no more adventures into french prisons.
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Hello how are you doing? What is your opinion about Tomura, Toga and Dabi?
Hello, I'm going good! Sorry this took me a second to respond to.
Dabi: I actually like Dabi as he is in the manga but I really don't like how the story around him has formed. I think a lot of people lost sympathy for Dabi when it was revealed that he wasn't the perfectly sad victim with torture porn people envisioned, which is disappointing. Horikoshi did this weird thing where he tried to make the LoV sympathetic by doing things such as have them kill a bunch of bigots and show them having genuine bonds and reasons for their actions, but then abruptly changed his tune and did something like depicting them as unhinged mass murderers, mainly to reestablish the whole black and white morality of the series when he was getting a bit too lose to implying there were serious flaws in hero society and the villains gasp had a point?! Anyway, I like him, but now that Endeavour is basically heading the Todoroki family plot, he's been kinda cast aside and made to take the blame for a lot of the issues they're facing rn when it's... literally all Endeavour lmao. Like I don't think he really had to be portrayed as particularly caring or nice for the narrative to acknowledge that he did have a point, and that similar patterns in the Todoroki family are being repeated again, with condemning him for being obvious about and exposing their dysfunction, instead of Endeavour for causing it. Also literally why did he need an ice Quirk as well the whole fucking point was he was an 'imperfect creation' why did he need that what was the point-
Toga: She's cool, kind of boring. Her character is pretty clearly based on some of Horikoshi's weird fetishes, but she's far from the only one, so whatever. I'm really not a fan of hers and Ochako's arc honestly - it feels like they're trying to queerbait without putting in any of the narrative work as to why Toga and Ochako would connect beyond girl and sure, Ochako might feel sympathetic towards Toga, but like her specifically? Villain hero relationships are cool because usually, the villain reveals a new side to the hero, maybe a foil that causes them to question their morality or the person they could have been (ex: Shigaraki for Izuku and Dabi for Shouto). Toga is... not this for Ochako, and Ochako is not this for Toga. Her implied backstory is interesting but I all in all think she's one of the least interesting League members and it's a pity, because we're not really given enough about her.
Shigaraki: I fucking loved his arc for a while there, then they ruined it. Seeing a villain who actually grows from an immature, whiny kid to a legitimate leader who even seems to care about his subordinates was fantastic, and his backstory builds up very well to who he is as a person now. Though, then they regressed him, bought in the inner child that's crying or whatever, and I lost interest. Shigaraki has a compelling character design, was a main villain who grew into the position which is rare, and his Quirk is awesome, and his motivation? Has merit! He had the potential to be a great main villain had they just let him actually grow past AFOs influence, like a mirror to Izuku growing past All Might. But well. They didn't do that. Imo they wasted Shigaraki - for a while there his writing was great and he was one of the best parts of the manga for me.
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the-raging-tempest · 1 month
pragma + 2, agape + 5, & eros + 3 for the 'seven forms of love' ask game, pls ! 👀
Sam! Sorry it took me forever. The sickness and also these ended up as ones I really had to chew on. Really good questions for Lariel. She's also a character that's more internal rather than external. So I hope I answered these and explained them okay haha. 💕💕
What is the biggest challenge that your OC has had to overcome in a long-term relationship or friendship? What helped them get through this?
I totally misunderstood this question. So know I had paragraphs typed only to realize half way through I read this completely wrong LMAO
I had to think about this one for a long time. This one had me a bit stumped. Because really I’m not certain she has ‘overcome’ the challenges in the way I think other people can understand easily.
A lot of the challenges Lariel faces in her relationships (until she escapes her family) really have to do with others not listening nor respecting her autonomy, feelings, or boundaries. And the problem with the people she’s dealing with in particular is that, they don’t want to change. They don’t want a relationship that is equal or respectful. 
So her overcoming the challenge is not her forcing others to respect her. It’s realizing they won’t. And that she HAS to escape and leave them behind. That there is no way to make them understand her. Because they don’t want to. That includes her family and her fiancé. 
And not in the moment but in retrospect her relationship to Venan made her more cautious and aware of others using her. It doesn’t stop her from being kind or caring. She just knows that there’s always a risk that someone will use her sincerity and naivety against her. So she tries to balance her eagerness with caution. Often why she kind of acts like an outsider. Offers kindness at a distance. A watcher. She’s wanting to see what people are like before she offers up her heart.
Does your OC find it easy to empathize with their enemies? Or do they see it as important to dehumanize them in order to combat them with sufficient determination?
Lariel does find it easy to empathize with her enemies, but this is also another brain scratcher. I'll do my best to articulate. She is hyper aware that her own experience is limited. At times she's down right embarrassed and self-conscious of it. There's an understanding that while she has had a very lonely life, that she was not treated with love or kindness, that she struggled, there are other's who never had the luxuries she did. She's lost control of her own magic before. She understands what it's like to not have autonomy. She's been at the mercy of others. She emphasizes that not everyone has the privilege of choice.
Fundamentally she does want to understand why people act the way they do, or how they rationalize their actions. That doesn't mean it changes what she ends up doing. Her quiet kind of being stubborn. She may believe she's not much, but she knows only she can look out for herself. No one else will. Because that's been true her whole life. Not that she won't look out for others. Quite the opposite. She does, just often she doesn't want them to know. She doesn't want them to feel any debt towards her kindness.
She holds guilt, for acting in her own interests, her own joy. Because it always seems to come at such a great cost. But it's all she can do to survive in her own way.
How do they feel about public displays of romantic affection? Does it make them uncomfortable?How do they feel if a romantic partner kisses them in public?
This one is so cute. I know I joke about it a lot, Lariel is the kind of person to go bright red. And she might SEEM uncomfortable. But she does love displays of affection. Yes, even public ones. She's shy and doesn't like to draw attention to herself, but that is easily overridden by being shown genuine affection or love. As embarrassed or uncomfortable she is with attention it doesn't mean she'd stop someone's show of true reciprocated feelings. I'm of the mindset that you can be made uncomfortable by something new, but that doesn't mean that's bad! It's just new for her! But she'd love it. Covering her face and stuttering but love it 💕💕
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brocktonbay · 2 years
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The bottom seeded three-way matchup between Flashbang, Kevin Norton, and Gregor the Snail has ended in a decisive victory for Gregor the Snail. With his sultry looks and unconventional underdog status, Gregor has captured the hearts and twisted imaginations of the wormblrinas. Though his odds going into round two against Sexyman Favorite Jack Slash are exceedingly low, Gregor stans should remain hopeful. There's plenty of him (and his slime) to go around.
In an outcome that's sure to please the serial killer flower crown edit side of tumblr, Jack Slash has handily defeated Eidolon. Fans of sopping wet meow meows, Harry Du Bois, male pattern baldness, and @datmoongamer were heartbroken at these results, though not entirely unsurprised. Minority voters of this massacre of a match are advised to seek refuge with the Danny Contingent. Should they organize well enough, they might just be able to make it out of the upcoming DILF bracket alive.
The dubiously moral "heroes" conference was fraught with sexual tension, thanks to canonical gay representation and some… particular artistic choices from @heyitschartic. Armsmaster came out on top 😏 of Legend, but if he wants to advance to the semifinals, this tinker techbro is gonna need more sponsorship than a Larry David cryptocurrency Super Bowl commercial.
One of the most surprising games of the weekend saw wormblr-favorite Accord struggling to maintain an edge over Lung’s smoking-hot physique. After a sloppy first quarter, Accord managed to pull ahead and secure a win. But with his confidence shaken going into round two, Accord might not be a shoe-in for finals as predicted. Can he get himself together and stick to his numerous game plans? Or could we anticipate an upset?
The closest match of the night was in bracket five, where Danny Hebert beat out Crawler by a slim 2% margin. Artists both rejoiced and despaired at the fact that Crawler would not need to be drawn in any further rounds. Fans of Crawler take heart; though he may have lost early in wormblr’s 2023 sexyman tournament, us commentators suspect this won’t be the last we see of this monsterfucker-friendly face. Some athletes are growers, not showers.
The bishi showdown between Marquis and Mr. Gladly ended in a definitive and widely predicted win by Marquis. It seems that voters who are hot for teacher just couldn’t face the raw sexual charisma of Amy Dallon's father. Inside sources at the Birdcage have told us that Marquis is also pursuing a career in modeling, so stay tuned for next year's cellblock leader calendar, where he'll be starring as Mr. May AND October!
Trickster made excellent use of his top hat and gamer knowledge, defeating a colorfully costumed Nilbog in bracket seven. But unless he can pull a new trick out of that hat, our analysts aren't too optimistic at his chance of advancing into the semifinals.
Last but certainly not least was the Thinker Off between Coil and Number Man. Thanks to an aggressive pre-season campaign from @cpericardium and subliminal bulge messaging, Number Man golden ratio'd his way to 79%, leaving the remaining 21% of voters (sexually) confused at Coil's cake.
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aroacesigma · 9 months
For the ask game ummmmmmm obligatory sigma but also chuuya <3
ok !!!
first impression - sigma
honestly i thought he seemed like a nice enough guy going off the whole thing where he let the man win . a bit bossy when he was talking to teruko but honestly i was kind of rooting for anyone but the hunting dogs at the point so i was like yeahhh go buddy . you got this . also thought he was very gender
first impression - chuuya
i thought he was REALLY fucking cool . loved his design instantly . like about half this fandom i thought that was a ponytail for ages but noooo . terrible mullet . look dazai was my fave at that point but i still laughed when he got his ass kicked by him lmfao
impression now - sigma
ok . deep breaths kai you can say this normally . i love him very much and he is my fave . as you can all tell . finding out his whole backstory and watching him go through the sky casino arc and the mersault arc was so fucking ... god . hes so tragic . i love him so much . he tries so very hard all the time and nothing ever comes out of it does it . i just want him to be happy .... he really deserves it . hes not a bad person but hes done bad things out of necessity which honestly makes you root for him more doesnt it ? its so heartbreaking every chapter watching him do everything , throw himself into danger, hurt people, hurt himself just so they can get a home... i really hope he does . very much . fucking hell
impression now - chuuya
pretty much exactly the same . hes so fucking cool and i love him . i think he should be allowed a weekly quota of kicking the shit out of dazai . stormbringer tore my soul to shreds that hurt which made me feel terrible for him also . hes a wonderful character and i really do love him and wish this fandom treated him a little better
favourite moment - sigma
oughh this is hard . uh . probably when we get his backstory honestly . everything really makes a lot of sense about him once you get that . its really sad but it really hammers in just how desperate he is to find a home. they dont really have anything else , their sense of being human is shaky at best because no matter how much he says hes just an ordinary man he knows he isnt . so having a place to belong to make up for the fact that there is nothing like them in the world and there never will be is something hes totally desperate for and their backstory hammers that in HARD . and just the art is just so well done ...something about the image of him just sitting alone in the desert really shatters my heart every time . honourable mention also goes to when he kicked the shit out of teruko , purely because its an excellent counteraction to people saying dumb shit about him being weak and pathetic
favourite moment - chuuya
ohhh..i think i really like the scene where the flags throw him a party . its nice to see him hanging around with his friends . even if theyre all a little bit fucked up . he deserves nice things even if he didnt fucking get to keep them god asagiri why
idea for a story - sigma and chuuya
ok i NEED YALL TO HEAR ME OUT on this crack theory that definitely will not happen but imagine if it did . now i trust dazai will come back for sigma butttt if he didnt . well dont you think mori , who sent chuuya into mersault , would be extremely pleased to have someone with an ability like sigmas . and sigma wouldnt really have too many options would he . being left behind again would probably kill any trust he had in the ada and really all his ability has ever been suiteed for is criminal activity right ? and that is how we get pm!sigma . which means chuuya and sigma interactions . they can bond over shared experiences like having somewhat funky relationships with humanity, terrible haircuts theyre somehow pulling off, and wanting to kick the shit out of dazai .
unpopular opinion - sigma
this is more of a bsdtwt / bsdtok problem but yall do know if you like a characters design but not their actual character you can just say that instead of making up an overused fanon personality for them right
unpopular opinion - chuuya
idk if this is unpopular exactly but it is blatantly obvious when people only like him in relation to dazai like it is not subtle at all
favourite relationship - sigma
ooh this is hard . if we're talking about shipping exclusively then sigzai is my fave (almost got put off it by the aforementioned annoying bsdtwt though lmfao) . but i do also find it very interesting how he interacts with and views fyodor and nikolai . i do wish we had more on how they were like as an organisation
favourite relationship - chuuya
again, talking shipping id probably have to go with skk , but even in a non shipping context it really does interest me how him and dazai interact . theyre so fucking weird
favourite headcanon - sigma
living up to my duties as ceo of transmasc sigma , thats obviously my favourite headcanon . hes soooo trans guy coded its insane . bless him . also my headcanon that he always has that new book smell hanging around him no matter what . cause . yknow .
favourite headcanon - chuuya
ok i also love to headcanon chuuya as a trans guy like honestly asagiri what is it with you accidentally coding all your funky little guys as trans . also i reckon hes a tea drinker . he will fuck that shit up . hes got all the fancy ones yknow those really weird flavours that honestly are barely even tea anymore thats just a fancy drink but hey the box is pretty so
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featherstcnes · 11 days
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@deathsconsort asked: “i'm in love with you.” for cassian ( hi i missed you 🥺 )
some days, cassian wasn't entirely sure how he'd ended up with every day next to the woman beside him. it had felt like the universe had given him this happiness and was dangling it in front of him with the intention of pulling it away. he knew that was the doubt in him talking, the part of him that always felt like there was some impending doom on the horizon. but nesta was here, now, and so was he. there was nothing holding him back from being open with his feelings. he was never the best at voicing things. he'd made his feelings very clear to nesta in a lot of different ways. whether it was with a kiss, a touch, a look in his eyes when they'd meet their gazes across a room. but hearing those words from her lips never failed to make a feeling rush through his chest.
" i love you, nes. " his words were quiet, voice honest, as a hand reached out to brush some hair behind her ear. his fingers brushed against the point of her ear before he moved his hand down to run along her arm. " pretty sure i have from the moment i met you, even if you intimidated the hell out of me, " he grinned boyishly, shaking his head before moving a bit closer to her. his hand that was on her arm squeezed ever so briefly, his thumb rubbing against her. " does this mean i'm stuck with you forever now? " his voice was teasing, paired with a small smile that tugged at the corner of his lips.
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rangikuxmatsumoto · 10 months
@retiredshinigami continued from here.
Seconds drag out for eternity – she’s prepared to walk away, even going so far as stepping back off the small step from the clinic’s door – but the commotion from behind the closed door stops her in her tracks. A curse, a scream – the guttural noise was impossible to miss, but impossible to decipher as well.
Instinctively, her palm reaches for the door handle, there’s no resistance but she feels the faintest jiggle from the other side. Her palm retracts back to her side just as the door slides open, vision lifting to find an older, yet familiar face staring back at her.
She wasn’t sure what she had been expecting. Twenty plus years was a drop in the bucket for shinigami – she doubted she looked like she had aged more than a day since he had last laid eyes upon her. Sure, her hair was different but that was probably the grandest of changes for her. But twenty years for a human…was a quarter of their lifetime.
“Shi…” His former title, name, life, died upon her lips as she gave a little shake of her head, a faint smile tugging the corner of her lips upwards. “Isshin…You look like you’ve seen a ghost…”
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bobfloydsbabe · 1 year
I was tagged (almost two weeks ago) by @desert-fern, @blue-aconite, @ryebecca, @ereardon, @sylviebell, @wkndwlff, and @attaboylew – thank you so much, and I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this.
LAST SONG: Mean (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
CURRENTLY WATCHING: 1923 (prequel to Yellowstone)
CURRENTLY READING: The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare
LATEST OBSESSION: Lewis Pullman. I don't think this is going away any time soon, and honestly? No regrets.
Everyone's already done this, so I'm not going to tag anyone. If you want to do it, though, please feel free to tag me!
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laylaeelfaouly · 1 year
tag game
Thank you to @yenneferthemage for tagging me 💕✨
Rules: spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters.
Labour (Paris Paloma) Andante, andante (ABBA) You’re the voice (John Farnham) Left for dead (Kiki Rockwell) Another place (Bastille & Alessia Cara) Easy (Troye Sivan & Kacey Musgraves) Exile (Taylor Swift ft. Bon Iver) Like real people do (Hozier) Feet don’t fail me now (Joy Crookes) Another brick in the wall, pt2 (pink Floyd) On the ground (Rosé) Under pressure (Queen) Light on (Maggie Rogers) Young blood (Noah Kahan)
I tag: @loriane-elmuerto @nelsonnicks @sakiisha @eizagonzalezs @heartmis @livingincolorsagain @speakncwtv @milkovichys @saryasy @jesperfahxey @karmas @sharpesjoy @heroeddiemunson @rubysmatthews
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risingsh0t · 2 years
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@detectivelokis asked: 🎨 + arielle
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dulcewrites · 1 year
I would kill for some family moments between the fcc characters, whether it be between Aemond and his mother and siblings, Myrah’s parents and sister or Aemond and Myrah and their children
There will be more stuff like that in Life with You but here’s two small little things 🫶🏽 featuring Myrah’s granny (after the twins are born) and with Aegon and alicent (with a 10 year old Maelor and a 6/7 year old Baelor). A bit out of order
Family ties
The room was silent. Despite the sun beaming through the windows, frost had began to gather on the seal. An unusually bitter cold front swarming into the Red Keep.
“Their hair is very light.”
Myrah blinked in confusion, nodding slowly.” Yes, because Aemond’s is.”
She was met by a grunt from her grandmother. Both sets of eyes stayed trained on the twins in their cot. Alysanne full on drooling, deep in sleep, while Saera squirms silently.
“This one does not like to sleep,” Myrah leans down to pick her up. “Alysanne sleeps like her dad, like the dead. But Saera and I are morning people, isn’t that right sweet girl.
Saera lays her head on her mother’s shoulder, wide awake. Large dark eyes watching her great grandmother now. Dark eyes that match Farrah’s kohl lined ones.
“They look like you already. That is good.”
Myrah had to fight back the laugh. She was quite nervous since receiving the letter that her grandmother was coming to visit to see the kids. There was no asking, just telling; very much in her grandmother’s behavior. Despite how much she adored her grandmother, Myrah knew that Farrah could be a bit… crass when she wants to be.
Farrah had greeted the Queen, King, and Dowager Queen with fake pleasantries. Aemond got an unimpressed once over. The only people she seemed to be warm with was Myrah, and the children.
“She does not like me,” Aemond muttered the evening Farrah arrived. One tense dinner later and he was sure of it.
“No,” Myrah shook her head, moving the decorative pillows from the bed. “She doesn’t like most people. Big difference.”
Most men really.
The only man Myrah had seen her grandma actually cordial with consistantly was her late husband, Myrah’s grandfather. He passed when she was just a girl but she still remembers the brightness of his laugh and callouses on his dark hands. A swan ship builder turned merchant traveler with a warm sense of humor.
Myrah always feared her grandmother’s happiness would be buried with him.
Saera coos and Myrah bounces slightly.
“No more for you,” Farrah runs a gently finger over Saera’s chubby cheek. “They are almost as big as you.”
Myrah laughs. Aemond had told her he would give as many kids as her heart desired, whispered it after she gave birth to the twins. Even in the chaos of labor, milk of the poppy, and realizing there were two babes, she melted a bit. The look he gave then was probably the reason why she ended in a bed, exhausted and ears ringing from the sound of cries.
“Esme was quite big when she was born. Alicent told me that all of her kids except Aemond were as well. Must run in the family.”
Farrah raises a faint brow, tossing the end of her wrap over her shoulder. “And you are happy here?”
Myrah gets a whiff of the lavender oils they use in Saera’s hair and looks over to see Alysanne’s lids fluttering. She beams. “Of course.”
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It was Alicent who first found them. She heard the giggles before seeing them but when she did she let out gasp. Taking the messy state of her grandsons.
Baelor, bowl in one hand and other hand fingers deep into sticky substance. Maelor, next to him also scooping the sweet treat out of the bowl. Alicent has recognized the golden liquid immediately. It was used to fill the lemon cakes that were so popular amongst those at court.
Both of the boys had ducked their heads in slight guilt once spotted by their grandmother.
When she asked who took the bowl from the kitchen, they proceeded to point at each other. With a sigh, Alicent crossed her arms. She walked them to the council chambers knowing their fathers would be there.
“It is not good to take things that are not yours,” Alicent reprimands as they down the hall.
“Yes, grandmother.”
They reply in tune with each other. It makes her want to laugh and her heart ache at the same time. The two of them reminder her so much of Aemond and Aegon at those ages. She was in no state to enjoy their youth, still feeling like a girl herself at that point.
Alicent can only try to replace the sadness she feels about that with the reassurance that her kids, at least on the surface, seem to have a better handle of it all. Things feel easier as she interacts with her grandchildren. Mayhaps she can try to give them the warmth she wanted to receive; the warmth her kids did as well. She drops them off, taking the bowl to return, but not before turning and whispering.
“If you ever want sweets. Just come to me, I’ll sneak you some.”
Aemond was the first to stand, frustration on his face, when they walked in the room. While Aegon just laughs, still seated at head of the table. Both Baelor and Maelor both giggle along with him in response till Aemond narrows his eye at them.
“Fine,” he shrugs, gaze on Baelor. “You can tell me who took it or I can go get your mother.”
Baelor’s resolve falters a bit, but he does not say anything. Aemond turns to look at Aegon. His older brother sighs, resounded because he knows Aemond will not drop this.
“Maelor, I am sure you would not want me to do the same,” Aegon pipes up.
Both boys exchange a look before both loudly blaming the act on the other. Aemond and Aegon just stand there watching as they passionately throw the other under the bus.
“Ok,” Aegon holds his hand up, feeling a headache from the wine he had and the yelling coming on. “Why don’t we call it a wash and both of you apologize to the cooks.”
Maelor replies with a ‘yes father’ while Baelor nods with a ‘yes uncle egg’.
“Good, now ask one of the maids to help you two get cleaned up.”
Aegon motions to one of the guards to get them. Baelor shoots his dad a cheeky wave before leaving.
“We need to step up the amount of guards they have,” Aemond sighs.
Aegon shrugs. “Trust me, they will find trouble as long as they have each other. Regardless of how many people are watching them.”
Aemond doesn’t say anything because he knows it is true.
“It is good that they have each other.”
Aemond looks at Aegon.
“Yeah it is,” he thinks about the fleeting moments of the youth he had when it is was him and Aegon getting into something they should not. “I guess a little trouble is not so bad.”
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chanrizard · 2 years
tagged by @alrightyaphroditie @jinniebit @snug-gyu @njaems 💕💕
rules: put your spotify on repeat playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up
1- connected (bang chan) 2- another life (key) 3- i got it (han) 4- eighteen / end of my world (key) 5- autobahn (monsta x) 6- mirror (skz) 7- hot (svt) 8- taste (danceracha) 9- fearless (lsfm) 10- blow (jackson wang)
tagging @bangchanies @chanstopher @changbeens @bangzchan @hyunebear @bangzchan @babychicklix @minzbins @agibbangs @christakisbang @boba-skz no pressure as usual but i'm nosy and i love getting song recs for free lmao <3
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xrphansrevival · 1 year
🙌 ( both aggressive and flirty obv 👀 )
A deal had been made, months ago, between the two roommates. A fallen tower of cards, a brief kiss, and the lingering feeling that one or two just wasn't enough. An ache that Yuri just couldn’t shake.
Yuri Soria is bound to his word. He feels no need for lies or deceit, saying exactly what he thinks even if it's unconventional. In this instance, he gave Backup full permission to kill him with the proclamation that Yuri intended on taking his own life anyway- he'd rather die the way he wants. The world has taken too much away from him, he would not let it take his life. Backup is his rival, his only friend, his closest ally, his enemy, and possibly his lover all rolled into one.
It should come as no surprise that Backup would spring an attempt at Yuri’s life when Yuri wouldn’t expect it.
The two were a little closer than normal, working on a project. While Yuri might not have too much of an interest in intimacy, the fact that Backup was withholding it from him drove him crazy. Yuri craved the attention Backup would not give him. He found himself making excuses to get closer and closer.
Backup smiles, letting out a quiet laugh.
“You’re cute when you’re desperate.”
Yuri frowns. In his mind, he is not desperate. He just wants what he deserves, and what he deserves is his friend-rival-lover’s attention. His fully undivided attention. When he opens his mouth to respond, his breath is taken away. Backup wraps his hands around Yuri’s neck and pushes him down onto the desk. Yuri’s eyes widen with a mixture of excitement and surprise. Why does this excite him?
The smile becomes Cheshire-like as Backup tightens his grip.
“What are your thoughts on death by asphyxiation?”
Yuri can’t respond, but the look in his eyes tells Backup that Yuri thinks he wouldn’t do it. The fingers curl ever so slightly tighter, daring Yuri for a challenge. His face changes in hue, multiple shades, as his body begins to involuntarily struggle for oxygen. Yuri reaches out to cup Backup’s cheek.
A tense moment passes. A quick gaze above Yuri’s head. Backup lets go of his throat, but before Yuri can take his saving breath, Backup presses their lips together. It’s much harsher than their first kiss, but just as brief. Finally, Yuri is able to catch his breath.
Backup grins ear to ear. “Did you want me to kill you that bad?”
“That’s not...!”
“So, if it wasn’t death you wanted…”
Yuri sits up straight, pouting. He turns his head away. “Shut up. I don’t need anything from you.”
“Poor Yuri, you can talk about your feelings, you know…”
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lilypixels · 1 year
When you get this, list 3 facts about your favorite sim and send it to the last 3 people in your notifications! Let's get to know each other's sims!💞
I miss my alien boi nico so let me come up with some more for them (we love casual gameplay sims slowly becoming ocs💆)
I use gender neutral pronouns for nico but I think they’d use like he/them pronouns ?? Like maybe alien species doesn’t have gendered words but coming to earth it’s like “oh” so nico just picked it up?? Idk but I enjoy the thought of genderfluid/neutral aliens
Saved strangerville from mother plant and is now a hero looking to go to college (where’s scholarship for that huh?) now conscious is clear
Saw dog biscuits at store and was horrified (human friend mark had to explain pet food after that)
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teacup-tyrant · 2 years
New chapter is up!!
This one features: bed rest! sulking! and making too many assumptions.
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congregaticn · 2 years
@alatibule​​ asked: "I'm sorry. I'm having trouble understanding any of this." // steven to wanda
   - from stranger things s4 starters ( x ). 
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    “ What’s not to understand?” A laugh covered up the nervous look in her eyes. These disruptions were becoming... irritating. First the toy helicopter, then the radio, then the beekeeper emerging from the sewers... And then Geraldine. If that was even her name. Wanda could only hope the man in front of her wasn’t another thing S.W.O.R.D, or anyone else, had sent in. “It’s just a park. My family and I are having a quick picnic. Nothing out of the ordinary.” Then a pause. “Are you okay? Do you need help?” 
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