#sorry this took so long! I'm a dumbass and agonized over one sentence for like two days whoops
merrickals · 6 years
“Jeez, it’s f—er, hecking cold,” Merrick grumbled, peering around the dark field over his even darker lenses.  The sunglasses were an annoying precaution, but a necessary one; Merrick hadn’t really thought about the risks of having to disguise his bioluminescent sclera while out with strangers in the dead of night.  He’d simply volunteered to host the town stargazing night straightaway.  Thankfully, the chilly weather seemed to have put a check on turnout; tonight’s only attendees were a sleepy pair of elementary schoolers, their equally sleepy father, and a solitary young man who looked to be about Merrick’s own age. Merrick sighed.  He wouldn’t be able to count on much audience participation, but at least his secret would be safe. Probably. He drained the remaining hot chocolate from the styrofoam travel cup in his hand, set it down on the ground beside him, and switched on the karaoke machine microphone.
“Hello, everyone!  Welcome to the third weekly Community Cocoa and Constellations! My name is Merrick, your host for this evening, or alternatively, your guide to life! The universe! Aaaaaand EVERYTHING!” It occurred to Merrick that the joke was too dated to land for at least half the audience, but it was too late to worry about that now.  He continued,  “…Or, well, just the universe for tonight, but the rest of it’s 42, in case you were wondering.  Anyway!  If y’all would come grab one more cup o’ cocoa and settle on down, that’d be fantastic.  We’re just about to get started, and it’d be real nice if we could just soar on through without toooo many interruptions.” The smoother Merrick’s presentation, the sooner its end.
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