#sorry to get angsty here y'all i just love this concept
beetled-juice · 2 years
I know I've totally talked about this before, but I had something come up that reminded me of it tonight.
I'm thinking about beej freaking out and getting really upset when he learns that you had a near death experience before you two met. Like it's something you kind of flippantly mention offhand or even crack a joke about because to you it's something you've had time to sit with and begin to heal from, but to him it's like a slap in the face because oh my god slash satan he could have lost you before he even met you.
Struck by this realization, plus the reminder of just how fragile your life as a breather was, he just starts to spiral. He immediately drops into a purple, blue, and black color scheme, radiating cold and beginning to look more dead than usual. Having your back turned you didn't notice right away - you thought it was odd he hadn't said anything to continue the conversation, but it wasn't until the cold hits you that you realize something isn't right. Turning around you're met with a beetlejuice you've never seen before (and one you'd never like to see again), so weighed down by his sorrow and fear that he's nearly crumbling apart.
You cry out his name and reach for him, completely confused as to what's going on and why he's like this, but you're unable to get close because the cold is nearly burning you. He's staring at you with vacant eyes, trapped in his own head imagining all the worst-case scenarios of ways he could lose you, and it takes a few increasingly panicked cries of "Lawrence!" before he finally snaps back to reality.
He croaks out your name, and is finally able to regain control enough to return the room to a more normal temperature and his body to a slightly less decayed form. He collapses forward, pulling you into his arms and sinking to the floor to hold you as closely as possible before he just breaks down into heaving sobs and whispered pleas not to leave him.
He starts babbling about how he'll search the netherworld for all eternity for you if anything happens, and that he'd give anything to keep you safe here with him. All you can do is reassure him that you're okay and that you're not going anywhere, and you pull him to your chest so he can lay his ear over your heartbeat and use its steady sound to calm himself. After the sobs have subsided and he's mostly quiet aside from the occasional sniffle, he quietly asks you to tell him what happened. You hesitate, not wanting to upset him again, but after a whispered "please" (a word you've never heard him use before), you explain.
He grips you tighter, as if he can physically shield you from any harm as you tell your story, and when you're done you both sit in silence holding each other while he tries to break out of the spiral he'd fallen into. When he's finally as close to normal as he can be, you both do your best to go back to whatever it was you were doing before this. You notice, however, that he won't let you out of his sight, and he spends the next few days never further than arm's reach from your side.
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dried-mushroom · 4 months
Omg can you please write about Lee Russell being mean to you in front of Gamby as like a power display or something but then when y'all get home (y'all are like Secretly dating since you're just a teacher) he's all nice and romantic to apologize?
YIPPEE I found another lee Russell lover! don't judge please I'm Australian so I have little concept of American education. I hope you like it.
Warnings: Lil angsty and implied sex
Be mean to me
Lee Russell x reader (well Christine sucks so she's not in this story)
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Life was pretty peachy as a history teacher in North Jackson high school, you were stuck teaching from a range of boring topics to your either half asleep, barely listening or teacher pet students, except you were sleeping with the vice principal, Lee Russell. You couldn't resist that southern charm radiating off his tongue when he spoke those words on your first day as a teacher, in the parking lot.
"Mornin' Sweetheart, are you lost? The names Lee Russell, Vice principal of this very high school and you're way too fuckin' pretty to be a high school teacher."
After taking a good look at the lanky man who called himself the vice principal, you couldn't help yourself, and after promptly introducing you to your fellow teachers, he briskly walked you to the janitors closet where you both spent all morning. Obviously, you both knew this had to be kept a secret, boss and employee dating is a no-go, although that did not stop you both from being affectionate when no was watching, sharing a peck when you went to visit him at his office or the grasp of his hand on your thigh under the table at meetings or after work, where it was safe to be yourselves and you could lay together watching borderline cheesy romcom movies whilst Lee critiques his heart out.
You sighed contently as the bell for seventh period rang, the mingled voices of your 6th period ancient history class rushed out the door to their next useless class and you could finally relax and start lesson planning for the next 45 minutes. You let your hands run down your thighs, smoothing out your new dress (this but more teacher appropriate). You brought this specifically for Lee, you knew of his love for colours, hence his usually eccentric clothing choices, you knew he'd love the pattern on you. You couldn't help but smile giddily and walk out of the classroom, you knew you could easily finish the planning later and you'd rather spend the last of the school day with Lee.
You swiftly walked down the hall to administration, smiled sweetly at Swift, because you knew how rude Gamby was to her for no reason, and she didn't deserve that, like Gamby seriously needs a reality check in your opinion.
"Afternoon Miss Swift, I hope you're doing alright and Gamby isn't giving you a hard time, I was hoping to see Mr. Russell, I had to discuss long service leave with him."
"Oh, thank you miss l/n, vice principal Gamby is albeit rude, but I think he's getting better, and of course let me get the door for you."
You knew she wasn't stupid, and you assumed she knew about you and Lee secretly dating, but it was better to come up with an excuse and be safe rather than sorry. Smith quickly opened to door and shut it behind you.
"Well, hello there honey, I was expecting you- and what's this? isn't this a pretty thing?"
He shot up from his desk chair and sauntered over to where you stood, he placed his hands on your waist and whispered in your ear.
"I can't wait to rip that off you gir-"
Suddenly the door swung open, and Lee jumped away from you, 'of course Neal Gamby, you had to come fuck everything up." you thought to yourself, now awkwardly fiddling with the hem of your dress.
"Russell. We need to talk. Why the hell are you here Miss. l/n? I thought Wednesday 7th period was your planning lesson."
Before you could reply to Gamby, Lee interjected,
"Exactly, Scram Miss l/n, I don't need nor want you here, I have better shit to do, plus what the fuck are you wearing? you look like a fuckin mess, pick a goddamn colour."
Your heart sank, an uncomfortable tightness sat in your chest as your face flushed in embarrassment. You knew Lee being a dick to you was only a ruse to throw off other teachers and admin but, fuck it hurt, it hurt so much to have him speak to you in that way. You nodded your head and headed to the door,
"Open or closed Mr. Russell?"
Gamby responded for him, responding in a curt 'Closed.' leaving you to silently shut the door behind you. You walked out of the administration office before your eyes welled with tears, but you waited until you reached your classroom until you broke, sobbing quietly at your desk. You just wished you and Lee could act like a couple instead of the cold shoulder act he'd be giving you. With the mixed signals and nausea swirling through your brain, you grabbed your left-over paperwork and bag before leaving. Usually, you and Lee would leave at the same time, but you couldn't bear to see him at the moment, all your hard work, making yourself pretty for him and resulting in him publicly humiliating you was just too much.
The short drive home eased you a little but when you had to walk up those steps of your shared home, it just brought back that sickly tension. You unlocked the door and set your handbag down (another reminder of Lee since it was an anniversary gift). You kicked off your heels and headed upstairs to your shared bedroom. You didn't bother to change and slumped into bed, fresh tears coming to your eyes, you didn't care whether you were quiet or not, sobbing yourself till you couldn't keep your eyes open.
Lee's POV:
He regretted the words as soon as they came from his mouth. He saw the hurt on your face, and he felt his stomach twist into a tight knot. He hated being a dick to you, hated it so much he hated himself for doing it. He realised he went way too far this time with you, and he really didn't want to lose you and couldn't help but fidget with his hands whilst blatantly ignoring whatever bullshit Gamby was bitching about.
"Sorry Gamby but I gotta run, not like you'd know what that is though. We'll talk about Brown tomorrow, now get the fuck outta my office."
Neal sighed, muttered some regurgitated insult but ultimately left. Lee rushed to grab his belongings and ran out the door, Smith tried to ask where he was off to in a rush,
"Sir, you can't just leave! where are you even going???"
When he pulled into the driveway, 'Thank God' he thought as he saw your car parked there. He got out, left all his belongings in the car, not a care. You were more important; you were the most important thing in his life. He opened the door and called;
"Shut the fuck up Smith, I can leave whenever the fuck I want and its none of your business where I am going."
Smith squeaked a reply, but Lee was already down the hall, he went to your classroom and groaned when he noticed a lack of you and your belongings. He ran to the parking lot, got into his car as soon as he didn't saw your car, without a doubt it was always parked next to his. He gripped the steering wheel tightly, knuckles turning white, he shakily exhaled, he knew he had fucked up and was hoping you were at home.
"Y/n baby, where are you? I'm so sorry about what I said."
The silence was nerve-racking, so after checking all the other rooms for you, he headed to the bedroom to check. There you were, peaceful and asleep, he couldn't have been happier. He walked across the room to the side to the bed you were facing, and sat gently on the bed, softly stroking your hair.
Your POV:
You slowly awoke out of a dreamless slumber to someone touching you. You flinched when you realised it was Lee, and you remembered everything that happened today. He felt your reaction and immediately pulled his hand away. He saw the tear streaks on your face and sighed,
"Y/n I am so fuckin' sorry; I should have never had said those hurtful things to you, you didn't deserve that, God, I don't deserve you. I didn't even mean them, I need you so much, and you do so much for me, and I take that shit for granted, please forgive me y/n, I love you."
You saw the raw emotion across his face and sat up, you could see the tears in his eyes, and you couldn't help but wipe the one away falling down his cheek with your thumb. You smiled softly and leaned into him,
"I forgive you Lee, and I love you so much. I don't think you meant it but what you said really fucking hurt, and this hiding our relationship is really hurting us, so please can we finally go public and not have to worry and hide anymore?"
"Thank you so much and fuck it! who gives a shit if you and I are together? whoever doesn't like it can suck my dick, I can't lose you honey."
You smiled, finally knowing you'd and Lee would finally be able to be yourselves without having hide and sneak around.
"You aren't losing me Lee; I wouldn't do that to you. Now kiss me, you idiot."
He didn't hesitate a second before crashing his lips into yours, your hands finding his neck before climbing into his lap. His hands sneaked around your waist bringing you even closer, you could feel his erection under you, and you couldn't help moaning into his mouth. He broke the kiss to whisper,
"Well now how about I make do of my promise from earlier?"
The End
I hope this was good! please leave comments or asks if you enjoyed :)
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starssgalore · 2 years
Baby please come back; namor x fem!reader
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A/N: alright y'all, this is the last part. You might be mad at how it ends but trust!! It's better than what I originally drafted out. But there are new things coming. But if you liked things like this PLEASE like and follow. I love writing and sharing stuff on here and I want to continue so please tell me or show me you like it too!!
warnings: brief mentions of drowning, very emotional, very angsty...
tags: @rose-bliss247 (sorry if this is not the right account!!), @caroldxnvxrs, @violet-19999, @omgsuperstarg, @deliciousfestsalad
part 2 playlist updated! taglist
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'I fucking knew I should have come, this is what I get for messing with a mutant god for 3 years.' The only thing you could think of is how dumb you we're, "No wHeRe nOt GoIng To nAmOr'S BeAcH." Should have left when you could have. But here you are, tied to a chair in a room that is all too familiar.
He still has that goddamn painting of his quote on quote, "glorious and vicious" battle with the princess of Wakanda. But nothing else has changed, the table cloth, the blankets and lights haven't changed one bit since you left. It was actually the first thing that drew you in when you first got here. Maybe he didn't change them because he knew you liked them. You wished he changed his kidnapping approach, almost died getting dragged down here.
"Namor, what do you want? I'm not gonna sit here and be tied to a chair while you have your general point their spears at me." For the last 10 minutes he's had Namora in the same defensive position, whilst he paces back and forth. "Silence, you no longer have any sort of authority here anymore. You lost that privilege when you left two years ago." "Authority?! Are you crazy, your people did not care if I was your so-called "close friend." Two years ago you kept me basically a secret and then asked me why I was mad being kept a secret?!" You can't believe this man, so full of himself. All he can say is 'you no longer have authority here.' "Namora, you may leave, go back to patrolling." Namor's expression was a mixture of tiredness and somewhat relieved, as if he's happy you're back. Even after he made that huge argument, he's acting like nothing happened.
"Namor, what do you want?" Leaning down to reach your chair, "I want you back." He whispers, his voice flowing through your mind like a familiar symphony. "You lost me the day you threatened me." Hold your ground, the last thing you want to happen is him thinking you're dependent on him. "This isn't an option, I've already told my people that there will be a new queen soon. I can't let them down y/n." Namor's proposal is almost infuriating, you wait years for Namor to tell his people about you.
And now when you leave he tells them? Fucking ridiculous. "What makes you think that I would even willing agree if this was an option." "Well it's what you want right? You said you wanted the people to know about you. So here I am telling them about you." A god who doesn't understand the concept of the past can't be fixed, shocking almost. "Namor, that was 2 years ago. I've moved on. I'm dating people, I hope that you move on too." "Move on y/n, I can't just move on. You were one, and I was just blind I didn't realize how much I need you in my life. You made me feel human again." His words make it so tempting to go back, to fall into those arms again.
To kiss his lips as if there the only thing you need, to rule by his side. Be his one and only, again. But there comes a time to be real and wake up from your delusional dreams. "Namor, mí amor." You caress his face, the feeling of his stubble underneath your soft fingers tips send a shiver down your spine, "I can't just got back to loving you. I would love to forget what happened but I can't, what happened 2 years ago will stick with me forever. It's best if we're just friends." The last couple of words you let out send a ringing to Namor's ears, as if he's gone deaf on the spot.
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Coldness is all he can feel throughout his body, numb to the words you spoke. A stage of grief hitting his body like a train, he's lost you. There's no way your coming back, your just "friends" now. "Oh... o-ok. I understand." The break in his voice makes you wanna give him the biggest hug Namor has ever felt in his life, but if you do you'll fall back into that trance. "Namor please, please don't cry. I still love you just not like I used too."
None of the comforting words you speak to him will make him feel warm again. To fall in love with a mortal is a dangerous thing is the only thought I his now empty head. The world spinning so fast around you, body feeling dry, as if he needs to dive, deep into the ocean to soothe it's hunger.
"Um y/n, I need to go. I'll have Namora come back and untie you. I'll see you sometime again, just not now..." And with those last words, Namor out of the room and into the ocean. Your heart aches, the amount of pain you feel is too large. You never meant to hurt him like that, it wasn't supposed to go like this. 'It's ok, just breathe. Namor is fine, he is ok, he will be fine. You did nothing wrong. He's ok, he just needs to clear his head.' Namora finally cuts the rope that holds you bond to your chair, and finally brings you back to your ship.
On the cruise
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The walk back to your room was slow. Filled with the conversation you just had, thinking about if you fell back to him, if you gave in. How it could have gone better. But too be in love again with Namor is dangerous, a commitment you're not even sure about taking. Sadly, your in depth thought is broken up by Kira's drunken state.
"Y/N?! Where the hell were you?" Words slurred together, "Sorry Kira, I had gotten caught up-" "Caught up in what Y/N? We're on vacation, you can't just leave me like that.." "I know I'm sorry it's just I need to like be alone for a second. I'm gonna go sit on the deck if it's still open." All you need is a place for you to clear your mind.
On the deck
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Maybe you should go back, what harm could be done. Well you could drown on the way back, but if you make it there what's the big issue. You could burn the world with him, rule with him, be Namor's one and only. Just swim back. The breeze is almost pushing you off the deck, as if it's trying to tell you to go back. Maybe the wind was right. It wouldn't hurt, like to be with what you thought was the love of your life.
The recliner was just at the guard rail, if you jumped now no one would see you. Plus you could always call Namor, or he would eventually come right? No. If you jump off now you'll be stranded in the water and Namor would be too depressed to get up and swim to the surface to grab you and rescue you to shore. And if you drowned, he wouldn't kiss you on the lips to start mouth to mouth because he's so sad about you. Maybe going to the deck was a bad idea.
The only way to resolve this is to get off the cruise and go back to the beach. The only way this "idea" will leave your mind is if you go back, which is physical impossible. You know what, there's nothing you can do, just sit down and relax, is the only thought running through your mind. How can you make it up to Namor, or if you should even make it up to him.
Well, I hope y'all are good with that cause this is the end! Not the end of my writing but I have more things along the way so don't unfollow me now!!! But as always...
hoshi 💫
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kittievampire · 2 years
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A friend of mine told me that the shit I write alone is too little, too boring, so I decided to fuck his dad. I also decided to open up a little request box. Shoot me an inbox to see what diamonds I have in my bag!
Obey Me
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I will literally write almost anything for my bois.
Mephistopheles, Thirteen, and Raphael
Though I believe STRONGLY that Raphael should be dominated and reduced to nothing but tears and whimpers, I just don't think I know enough about him to capture his character somewhat properly
Same goes for the other two
I'm a kinky bitch, so you won't be judged for submitting literally anything
I'll only be able to write female or GN reader, sorry boys
I wanna stick to what I know, and looking at my double x chromosomes, I think I only know a girl's bod
I'm also really fucked up in the head, so if you wanna be choked half to death by Belphie SAME
I won't do scat, piss, gore, or vore tho, sorry to the freakishly freaky freaks out there
If there's anything I'm uncomfortable with writing, I'll most likely lyk
That and if the concept is nice but it's just that one thing, I'll ask for an alteration
Don't be shy to request some rough shit though, I think we all wanna have rough hate-sex with Satan, it's fine, I get it
Absolutely will not write any smut about Luke, that's just a no-no altogether. Even when he's a grown-up and good-looking, he'll still be our lil chihuahua
Seriously, if you request Luke, I will respond with this
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There's a limit to how angsty you can get?
I guess cheating's the only thing that's a bit iffy for me (that Satan and Lucifer fic was a one-time thing, I can't put myself through that again)
Other than that, I'll lyk if there's anything I'm uncomfortable with writing. Same as smut rule applies here.
Lol ain't no restrictions here bub
I kill for sappy moments with my bois
I will literally do anything, I don't think you can go wrong with this area (watch y'all's asses prove me wrong omg)
I'll take any hc you think of. For spicy head canons, same rules as smut apply here
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I've started fiddling with the idea of writing some stuff about our dearest floor guardians, so I think I wouldn't mind too much writing some stuff about them
Just know that I haven't read the manga, but am planning to, so anyone who isn't present in the anime isn't going to be around
Once again, I feel it should be mentioned, I'm a kinky bitch
I'll do just about anything short of scat, piss, gore, vore, etc.
For these, I'll mainly do a female reader, sorry fellas, just wanna stick to what I know til I think I know what I don't
Will NOT write anything about Aura, Mare, or any other under-age characters in the smut category. They're still kids. No.
Will NOT write anything about non-humanoid (enough) characters
Aka, hamsuke is a no, lizardmen are a no, anything/anyone related is a no
Nothing to say here, I have no limits until someone suggests something truly traumatizing
No limits, don't think you can go wrong with these
Same rules apply as smut for the spicy hcs
Persona 5
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This was an impulsive add because I was so pissed that they wouldn't let me date Yusuke in the game, so I wanna imagine that I can.
I've only played Persona 5 Royal and watched the anime, so anyone not present in either will not be written about
I will NOT write about Futaba, Jose, or Shinya for this section, that is a NO
Other than that, request whatever you want for this section. Once more, I'm a kinky bitch. And I'm in love with Yusuke 🥰🥰🥰
Gore, vore, piss, scat, etc. will not be written about, sorry freakishly freaky freaks
Once more, for these, it will be only female or GN reader. Sorry, fellas
Anything short of cheating here would be nice
No real limitations here
Can't go wrong here, everyone's welcome
Anything's welcome
Same rules apply as smut for the spicy hcs
Twisted Wonderland
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I think I'm ready to start writing for this fandom, but I'm still relatively new so bear with me please
Che'nya and Silver are the only characters I don't feel I know enough about
These are VERY temporary restrictions, though! I promise I'll educate myself soon to remove these restrictions!
For this section, I will NOT write anything about Ortho. Yeah, no. he's too precious ;w;
Once more, feel free to request anything short of scat, piss, gore, and vore
I also strongly believe that some of these characters deserve to be topped to tears or should top the reader to tears, so you'll probably see some favoritism with some of the Housewardens (my beloveds)
Female or GN reader for this section! Sorry, guys.
No real limitations here. No cheating would be nice tho
No limits here
Same rules for smut apply for the spicy hcs
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Additional Notes
If I don't reply immediately, I'm most likely being fucked sideways by life and don't have the time
Doesn't mean I don't love you guys tho 💙
I will also be prioritizing Kin of the Demon Prince, or whatever other fic I may write in the future if I'm finished with that one, just be aware
If you tell me to surprise you, I'm gonna make whatever I pull outta my ass a complete self-indulgence, and you'll be the one to blame for it, sorry kiddo
If ya wanna just ask a question regarding my thoughts on certain things, my story Kin of the Demon Prince/other fics I may write, or myself (no personal stuff, just shit having to do with fandoms), I'll gladly answer them, just shoot me a question
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Still trippin over the fucking my friend's dad bit?
Don't worry, jeez, I didn't fuck his dad, relax 🙄
I fucked his mom.
I'll be your dealer, come down to my alleyway (inbox) and see what kind of diamonds I have in my bag, I'll be waiting~
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harrysbubba · 6 years
number 19!!! but harry and y/n absolutely hate each other and one day he comes over to pick up something and they get in a huge argument and it gets steamy and theres really rough hate sex and they pretty much use each other to feel good
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 loved this concept! I’d make a part 2 of this but it would be angsty asf hehe
Tags: smut smut smut
THANK YOU FOR 1K!!!!!!!! Love y'all xo
Title: Go To Hell
In the heat of the moment, Harry wasseconds away from throwing his phone at the wall. After sending a fiery text to[Y/N], it had him all stirred up and agitated. He kept replaying the lastsentence of his message in his head; hopeyou realise how much of a bitch you’ve been to me these past few days, I justgot off tour and this is how you treat me.
He hated using those sorts of harshwords, but that was their overview of where they were at now. Just as he hearda rustling of keys at the front door, Harry quickly retracted his hand andplayed it cool.
        “Did you just get up?” Anne walks in, two bags of groceries in tow.
        “Yeah, I decided to sleep in a bit.” Harry greets her by taking theheavy shopping bags from her possession.
        “Til’ three o’clock?” Anne dartsher eyes to the clock on the wall. Harry follows her gaze too, not evenrealising what the time was.
        “Yip.” Harry nods with uncertainty.
        “Right, well remember its scrabble night at the resting home in town andyou said you would play a c-“
        “Couple of songs and help out, of course I will.” Harry half smiles ather.
        “Good – and bring [Y/N] too, haven’t seen her in a while, I’m startingto miss having her around.” Anne adds and starts to unload the groceries intothe pantry.
Harry gives him Mum another uncertainnod since he couldn’t produce a definitive answer. The only problem withbringing [Y/N] is that she and Harry were no longer together. Anne knows howmuch of a gem [Y/N] is, always been there for Harry and his family, supportingher son and giving him the love, she thinks he truly deserves. Therefore, sheloved having her company and Harry found that quite obvious. Gemma on the otherhand, was equally the same. To her, it was like having a sister.
To make things worse, Harry hadn’t toldhis family that they weren’t seeing each other anymore and he had a partiallygood reason.
Harry and [Y/N]’s relationship ended inflames. There was screaming, yelling, crying, things breaking – hearts breaking. It was a mess. The lasttime Harry saw her was a week ago and neither of them officially called itquits. Overall, he wasn’t in a very stable position to tell Anne or anyone forthat matter, the sad news. But either way, Harry needed to go see her for a few reasons. One of them being that hestill has some stuff at her house that he has to collect, and two, because thecouple really needed to have aconversation about the circumstances they were on.
Harry flees from the kitchen, mainly sohe can avoid his Mum talking about [Y/N] again. He goes off to get ready, grabsa few items to take to the resting home, but he’s missing one thing…
        “Y’ haven’t seen my guitar, have you?” Harry asks as he walks back intothe kitchen with his brows furrowed.
        “No honey, when was the last time you used it?” Anne shook her head. Harry’smind traces back by her question, trying to think where he last used it, and then a heavy sigh left his lips.  
        “S’at [Y/N]’s.” Harry almost groaned but was wary about his tone in casehis Mum picked up on it.
        “Well that shouldn’t be a problem for you. You can go pick it up with[Y/N] and both meet us at the resting home, yeah?” Anne said.
        “Yeah Mum, will do.” Harry sighed again, not knowing what to do now.
He had no choice but to go. The rest ofhis guitars were in the studio in London,he only ever kept one at his house but eventually took it over to [Y/N]’sto bounce some melodies and songs off her. He spent most of his days writing inher presence – writing about her, it makes him miss his inspiration. Now thatthe two weren’t together, he has a more saddening type of inspiration.
Before leaving home, Harry sends anothertext to [Y/N] saying that he’ll be over to pick up a few things and that he won’tbe very long. Whether she was home or not – Harry didn’t really care, he owns akey to her house.
He parks his car on the curb and juststrolls onto the property, right through to the front door. Harry didn’t evencheck to see if [Y/N] was home, too wrapped up in thinking where the hell shewas? He stops for a second in the lounge, looking around at all the things he’sleft here. Photos, chargers, laptop, clothes, even an award he won one nightwhere he and [Y/N] decided to move the celebration back to hers. Not to mentionthe amount of memories he’s going to leave behind.
        “What’re you doing here?” The front door slams closed as Harry spinsaround in his spot.
        “Didn’t come t’argue, came to pick up my guitar. D’you not get my text?”Harry quickly defends himself before a dispute could take place. [Y/N]’s facequickly softened, letting down her guard a little bit at a time.
        “If you didn’t come here to argue Harry then you better watch what yousay to me – and I deleted your number.” She glares at him from side on as shewalks past him.
        “But, go for it – some of your stuff’s in a box in my room too, thoughtI’d make it easier for you but there’s some other thing lying around that youmight wanna take.” She nods in retrospective, heading off to do whatever sheneeds to do.
Harry doesn’t say anything other than thinksto himself if she’s already in the processing stage of leaving him behind. It’salmost scary for him because he hasn’t even emotionally dealt with it as clearlyas well as she has. Aside from that, Harry still owns a lot of stuff of hersyet to be put in a box too and returned back to her too. It takes him a whileto shrug away the thought before he goes around collecting his items and takingthem to said box on the floor of [Y/N]’s bedroom.
After setting a few things aside, Harrysearches for his guitar. He could’ve sworn it was somewhere in this house. Butinstead of asking [Y/N] where it is, he decided to keep it to himself in fearof an argument starting to rise. Already the two were walking on eggshellsaround one another that it was only time for someone to really snap. Afterspending a good five minutes in about every single room trying to locate theinstrument, Harry had to resort in asking [Y/N].
        “Have you seen my guitar?” Hewalks into the kitchen where [Y/N] is seated, scrolling on her phone.
        “No, sorry.” She shakes her head in response.
Harry huffs, knowing that her answer wasabsolutely no help to him, or at least the answer he just doesn’t want to hear.[Y/N] rolls her eyes at him, trying so hard to bite her tongue and not comeback with a snappy comment.
        “Well it was here last.” Harry points to the ground, indicating in thishouse.
        “Well, I thought you took itback?” [Y/N] replies with a trace of annoyance.
        “No it was here, I rememberbecause-“
        “If it’s not here, then it’s not here Harry. You’ve obviously misplacedit or left it somewhere or just not looking hard enough.” [Y/N] interrupts himwith the obvious statement.
        “How could it be misplaced? S’ a large object [Y/N], it has to be here! You probably misplaced it.” Harry raiseshis voice at her.
        “Don’t come into my house telling me what you think that I’ve done. You and your fuckingaccusations.” She equalizes the same amount of volume that Harry had in hisvoice, and by all means, [Y/N] was somewhat right.
        “See! You’re the reasons why we’re not together anymore, blaming me forshit. ” Harry yells, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
        “Great – always my fault isn’tHarry?” [Y/N] spits back.
        “You know what? Go to hell.” She hisses.
As Harry was about to search in anotherroom – more likely the same room for the third time, he retraces his steps backto [Y/N], leaning over her frame almost seething that she made that comment tohim. Harry knew right from day one that she had a mouth on her. But her zerofilter is what always made her so honest. Sometimes it was a good thing, othertimes…not so good, especially this situation.
        “Say it again.” Harry stares right into her eyes, centimeters away fromher face. [Y/N] didn’t know where it would get her if she repeated her words,nevertheless, she stood by what she said.
        “I said, go to hell.” [Y/N]repeats, right back in Harry’s face.
That was it.
With two hands, Harry grabs the sides ofher face, lips smashing onto hers like some sort of animal just overtook hisbody. In the very short amount of time, he was hungry for her and there was nodenying that she was hungry for him too. Harry backs [Y/N] into one of theisland counters, her lower back hitting and being pressed into the edge of it.She lets out a quick gasp against Harry’s mouth as the pain subsides, rapidlybeing replaced by a ball of arousal starting to enlarge within her.
Harry’s hips start to press into hers,making it known to [Y/N] how horny he’s getting too from about one minutesworth of making out. But that was Harry. He could get turned on by almost everythingthat [Y/N] would do. Even when she was reading a book, he could see the concentrationin her eyes, her bottom lip between her teeth whenever she read over somethingconflicting – he was heavily observant of her that it would really get him in the mood.
He creates a small space between theirhips with his hand, sinking down into her shorts and ghosting his fingers overher already soaked panties. She shivers at his touch, urging him to do more.
        “So fuckin’ wet.” Harry growls.
He skillfully shifts her panties to theside, fingers now curling up inside of her as her breath hitches in her throatas his other hand reaches the back of her neck to bring closer to his mouth. [Y/N]’shands instantly grip the edge of the counter, Harry chuckling lowly at hersubmissive reaction. His mouth leaves open kisses down the side of her jaw,right down to her neck, eliciting a guttural moan. Keeping up his repetitivecurling motions, Harry can feel her getting closer and closer to an orgasm.
        “Christ I’m gonna-“
But the bastard pulled away.
 His hand retracts from [Y/N]’s core,taking a step back to look at the flustered state she was in as he sucks on histwo fingers, clean of her juices. [Y/N]’s left as a panting mess, so close tothe verge that all Harry had to do was get her off once and she’d be over withand grateful. But she knew Harry was a tease and greedy, always had to have hisway.
        “Fuck you.” She pants, only seconds away from Harry colliding back withher, this time, spinning her around so that her lower abdomen now came incontact with the marble.
Harry happily bends her over the counterwith one hand, backside pushing into his cock. [Y/N] can feel through thefabric, how hard Harry is for her. He knows how much she wants him now, beggingfor him in moans.
        “Swearin’ isn’t gonna get yeh anywhere angel.” Harry chuckled deeply.
She could hear the metal of his beltcome undone, zipper coming down as he moves onto [Y/N] – ripping her shorts andpanties down in one swift motion. Harry’s quick to take down his boxers, hardcock springing out freely. Neither of them had gone without sex for two weeksor could go without it in general. Itwas only a matter of time before they would rekindle just for the purpose ofsex, or quite possibly move onto someone else.
Harry aligns his cock with her entrance,slowly pushing himself in before reaching the very base. She was the only onethat could take Harry fully and frankly, been the only one. He stretched her out well, the burning feeling lesseningby the second as Harry thrusted his hips once, sending a jolt through [Y/N].His eyes were nearly rolling to the back of his head, he’d almost forgotten howtight she was.
        “Fuckin’ hell.” Harry curses, placing his two hands on her hips, movingher backwards and forwards.
Soon as [Y/N] became properly adjustedto Harry, he did not hold back, rocking into her mercilessly like he had neverbefore. This was a different type of feeling, a fired-up anger for one another,or at least at one another. Harry and[Y/N] were never the ones to argue when they were dating, and if they did, themakeup sex was absolutely overwhelming. But this – this was on another level.
[Y/N] grew frustrated that she hadnothing to grab onto. Normally it would be his hair, biceps, thighs – anything,she just needed something. Instead, she bit down hard onto her bottom liptrying to stifle out her moans. Screaming out Harry’s name would only inflatehis ego, and god did he love it. He was so cocky about it too, knowing that herscreaming out his name meant that he was the only one who could make her feelfucking amazing.
          “God y’take me so fuckin’ well huhangel?” Harry throws his head back, gritting his teeth as he’s trying toprolong the pleasured feeling.
          “I asked you a question.” Harrygives a hard thrust, trying to pre-empt and answer from her. In response hermouth parts, struggling to talk at this point.
        “Y-Yes!” She cries out.
       “S’what I thought.” Harry remarked.
In that moment, Harry wasn’t consciousof time but knew in the back of his head that he had the scrabble event to goto. But he couldn’t give a fuck about it now. He’d rather be up [Y/N]’s gutthan play a couple of songs and quite frankly, they were both enjoying it. [Y/N]was just as much of a moaning mess as Harry, the two going at it like they hadnever before. When Harry’s thrusts became stagnant, [Y/N] knew instantly thatHarry was close, but so was she. Her walls clenching tighter and tighter aroundhim as he bears onto every last bit of sanity he has before losing it.
        “I’m…I’m so close.” She announces, almost choking on trying to catch herbreath.
        “Almost there baby.” Harry grunts, trying to be as consistent as he can.
Not even in a matter of seconds, [Y/N]’sthe first to cum in an overbearing tidal wave of euphoria not caring how manytimes she’s screaming Harry’s name or loud she was being. There was nojudgment. Harry was now in the same position as her, except leaning over herand gripping the edge of the counter as his hot liquid coats her walls. Amumble of swear words escaped Harry’s mouth as he remains still inside of her.His eyes flutter open to look down at [Y/N], heaving up and down just trying toget some air in. Slowly, he takes himself out of her as they both collect theiritems of clothing.
        “Hey.” Harry lets out an exasperated sigh.
        “What?” She swallows.
        “My Mum wants you to come to scrabble night with us.” Harry replies.
        “Really? That’s nice of her, guess I’ll go if she wants me there.” [Y/N]fixes her hair into a bun. Harry lets out a chuckle, shaking his head as he re-threadshis belt back through the last few loops of his jeans
          “You’re not coming.” Harry said witha straight face now.
        “You said your Mum-“
        “She wants you there – I don’t.”Harry makes it clear by interrupting her.
        “I don’t give a shit what you want anymore, but because I know this bickering will keep going, I’llstay put. I’m sick of this, tell Anne I said hi.” [Y/N] finally manages to shuthim down.  
After she recollects herself, she walksoff to her bedroom with nothing else to do and nobody to talk to. In a sense,she feels sad and now regrets that her and Harry just slept together. Harry onthe other hand is left in her kitchen dumbfounded at how well she was playingthis game. But it didn’t take him that long to realise that [Y/N] wasn’tplaying and that she was dead set serious about this. To him it seems as if shewants absolutely nothing to do with him especially after already deleting hisnumber, except, that was the complete opposite of how she perceived this.
Unsure of he should do, Harry decidesnot to complicate things and just leaves. He didn’t know if those were the lastwords he wanted to hear from [Y/N]’s mouth, but he was left with the unclearmessage of what she was fed up with. Was it their relationship? The situationthey’re both in? Was it him? Harry had no clue and now he started to regretwhat had just happened because now, he’s already starting to miss her.
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avatar-anna · 2 years
ReverieHS Question of the Week: It's your turn to recommend one of your writing, which are you recommending? And if you want, why? Does it have an emotional connection? Did you spent hours working on it even when you didn't feel like it? Did you spend hours researching? Or was it just fun? It's your turn to talk proudly of your writing, go on 🫶🏼
i would say that everything i write needs to have a purpose. if i don't feel invested in a concept, or if i don't like what i'm writing, i can't make myself write it. it's why asks/requests take me a long time to write bc i have to think about what i'm writing and if i feel it's worth writing/sharing. i have tons of unfinished drafts bc i lose interest in them, so the ones i do post are pieces i feel strongly about.
i think "falling" is really great, but maybe i like it bc it's the first story i posted here. i love the professor fic, i think i developed a really interesting/dynamic two characters. i think for me creating characters who can exist outside of their couples is really important. they need to feel like real, tangible people (even h, bc i think in fics he's a character and not necessarily the real life harry styles). it kind of makes things hard bc it takes longer than some might like and what could be a 1-2k word fic ends up being 5+, but y'all don't seem to mind, so i'll just keep doing my thing.
writing here is fun for me. it's an escape and creative outlet that i can go to when i need to, but i also want to write for anyone who wants to read. i like hearing what people like or don't like. i enjoy getting requests and putting my own spin on it, so hopefully other people enjoy it too.
and for anyone who is interested, i'm working on the third and final part of the pregnant!yn fic, so that should be coming soon, you angsty, angsty bunch
sorry if this was long, but thanks for asking! tpwk!!
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seljepw · 7 years
Over the Hills and Far Away: Part the 7th
A/N: You guys have been so patient.  And here you go!  Answers!  Obviously, this isn't the end, but at least you have all the info, now!  Thanks for riding this crazy train with me, y'all.  Oh!  And I'm always happy to add people to my tag list.  So, if you want a heads-up whenever I drop new content, tellll meeeeee!
Synopsis: The reader is Bobby's adopted daughter.  She, Dean, etc find themselves in a strange alternate reality wherein there are no more supernatural things.  Except, of course, the reader.  Turns out, this is the land of Faerie, and the reader is in fact half Fae (thus, the magic).  They are currently trapped by the reader's Faerie Godmother (yes, for real), and are generally freaked out.  What to do, now?!
Warnings: Canon-style violence, swearing, angstiness
Word Count: 1,600ish
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“The Sidhe, you stupid ape,” snarled Celine, somehow managing to make the word sound different, even though it was in fact pronounced ‘she’. “The ruling class of the Fae.  Your owner is a noblewoman, however loosely that term applies.” She flicked her eyes over you in a disgusted glance.  
You and Dean began talking at the same time.
“My owner?  Look here, bitch-”
“I’m sorry- are you telling me I’m a freakin’ faerie princess?”
“Of course not, girl,” snapped Celine (she ignored Dean completely).  “You are only half Fae.  Your birth was a necessary abomination.  Your cow mother never even knew what you are.  Or what you were born to be.”
You felt your cheeks flush, despite yourself.  “What was I born to be, then?”
“The Tithe to Hell, of course.”
“The what?” Sam said into the stunned silence.
“The Tithe,” you forced the words out through numb lips.  “It’s how faeries keep their immortality.  Every seven years, they pay Hell to keep Death off their backs.  It’s like blood money.”
“Not like, goddaughter,” Celine looked at you through her lashes, “It is quite literally blood payment.  Every seven years one of our people is sacrificed to Hell, to maintain the rest of us.  A few hundred years ago, we began to realize that even with our immortality, our numbers were dwindling.  We do not multiply as humans do, and eons of Tithes had decimated us.  Then, my brother hatched the plan to save us.  He discovered that he could mate with humans.  The resultant offspring would be half Sidhe- magical enough to pay the Tithe- but not of our own race, so our ranks would not diminish.  When the child reached seven years old, it would be brought to Faerie, and be reared here until its turn to be given over to the ruler of Hell.  You were bred for this purpose.  You are a sacrificial goat, nothing more.  But you were stolen from us,” she turned rage-molten eyes on Bobby, “and when we finally found you, you had been reared by humans, instead.  When we took you, we couldn’t just plop you in the pen with the other half-breeds.  We had to create an entire world, so you wouldn’t attempt to escape.”
“A whole world just for me?” You scoffed, sarcastically. “You really shouldn’t have.”
Celine continued as though you hadn’t spoken.  
“This pocket of Faerie that we are inhabiting- think of it as your holding cell.  We broke our backs to make it as comfortable as possible for you- going so far as to include your pet and his herd,” she waved her hand at Dean, Sam, Sarah and Bobby. “That even took a little burgling of Heaven, but we did it, to make you happy.”  She said it like she only had a passing acquaintance with the concept.  “However, you were continually ungrateful, and couldn’t just accept what had been handed to you.  So I had to step in.”  She sniffed.  “No matter.  My obligation is almost concluded.  The Hellking will be here to collect you when the sun sets again.”
You sensed Dean stiffen with a fear he couldn’t quite hide; at least not from you or Sammy.  He had been to Hell.  He knew what was waiting there.  His reaction terrified you more than you thought possible, but you fought to keep control of yourself.  
“Let me make somethin’ crystal clear to you, lady,” snarled Bobby. “I will be damned- again- if you are gonna hand my daughter over to Crowley!”
“Oh, but you are damned, old man.  Or as good as,”  said Celine.  She swept her eyes over Bobby and Sarah, and gave Sam a wicked smile. “You ate Fae food.  All three of you are ours, now.”
“What about me, huh?  Don’t want me after I kicked your asses, last time?”  Dean pulled Celine’s focus off of his brother.
“Oh, I would have loved to finally see you in chains, boy,” Celine sighed wistfully.  “But that mark on your back says you go with my goddaughter.”
“What mark?” You scoffed.  But Dean was shifting in his seat, looking nervous. “Dean?  What mark?”  
“When she tried to claw me,” Dean said in a low voice. “My back burned.  Like a brand.”
‘You Claimed him’ Celine had said.  Somehow, you had damned the love of your life along with you.  You thought of how you had spent last night- holding Dean, running your fingers across his lower back, fiercely telling yourself that you’d never be parted.
‘You Claimed him’
You began shaking your head back and forth, half in denial, half to clear your thoughts.  Dean would not go back to Hell because of you.  Sammy, Sarah, and Bobby would not be bound to Faerie because of you.  That was unacceptable.
“No,” you croaked around gathering tears.  You were on your feet.  You didn’t remember standing.  “No, no, NO!” You screamed.  “You can take me- fine!  Use me to pay your damn bar tab.  But you leave my family out of this!  You leave Dean out of this!  You hear me, bitch?!”
Your magic was surging through you again, and without conscious thought, you threw your left hand out towards Celine, like a shove.  There was another flash of golden light, and her head whipped to the side, as though you had slapped her.
Celine snarled and leapt out of her seat at you, but you were quicker.  You threw the silver knife at her, and it hit home- just under her collar bone.  At the same time, Dean ducked down to drive his ice pick into her side.  
Dean jerked back as lightning began to spark between the two blades, and Celine’s body arched in agony.  She screamed like metal scraping on a window pane, and... shattered.
That was the only word for it- she shattered like a glass vase.  You all threw hands and arms up to protect your eyes from the jagged bits of godmother-shrapnel.  A wild wind rose out of nowhere, and the glittering shards were swept up into a funnel of air and carried out the door of the shack, into the night.  
The knife and ice pick clattered to the floor.
A roaring silence followed, in which you all tried to make sense of what had just happened.  Sarah recovered first.
“Ok,” she said, looking around the shack, “we need something to use as paint.  Devil’s trap on the floor, sigils on the windows.  We are going dark until this shit blows over.”
“Blows over?” Sam looked at her, incredulous.  “Sarah, we’re stuck in an alternate dimension, waiting for the freaking King of Hell to come and drag away our sister-in-law!  It’s not gonna just blow over!”
“Maybe not,” said Bobby, “but that don’t mean we just sit here twirlin’ on our thumbs.”  He had cut his own arm, and was already using his blood to draw a warding sigil on the window over the sink.  
You all worked through the night.  There was some red paint on one of the shelves- it must have been leftover from when Cas made the sign, out front.  No, you thought, Cas was never here.  None of this is real.  How are we finding leftover paint from a sign that was magicked into being?  But you had more pressing non-metaphysical questions to deal with at the moment, so you used the paint for the devil’s traps at both doors.  No salt in the shack (no surprise there, Fae hate the stuff), but you were able to carve sigils into the walls and windows.  You emptied the cars of all your weapons and piled them on the table.  Sarah set to work organizing and cleaning them.  You watched her for a moment, as she oiled and checked the mechanism on a handgun.  She was perfect for Sam.  You mourned the fact that they’d never gotten together.  In the real world, anyway.  And now...  You swallowed hard and got back to business.
You were crawling around, focused on getting the back door devil’s trap just right, when Dean came over, crouched down beside you, and took the brush from your hand.  
“How you holding up, Hermione?”  The use of his personal pet name served to lighten the mood, but only by a fraction.
“Maybe you should switch to calling me Tinkerbell,” you gave him a half smile.  “Apparently, that’s more accurate.”
He pretended to think it over.  “Nah,” he said, “you’re too smart for that.  You’re my Hermione.  Always will be.  But you didn’t answer me.  How you doing?”
You sat on the floor, pulled your knees up under your chin, and regarded him for a moment.  Someone had found an old radio, and CCR was growling in the background.  
“Whoa, thought it was a nightmare, Lo, it's all so true, They told me, "Don't go walkin' slow, the Devil's on the loose." Better run through the jungle…”
“How am I?”  You pushed out a sigh that seemed to start in your toes.  “I am… freaking the fuck out. I finally get answers to all my questions, and the reality is worse than anything I could have imagined.  And I’m going to Hell.  And I’ve marked you as my carry-on.  It’s like… I'm so far past upset that I’ve gone numb.”
Dean scooted forward, careful not to smudge the paint on the floor, and wrapped his arms around you.  He held on so tight, your knees dug into your throat and your spine popped slightly and you didn’t care about the discomfort at all. When he loosened his hold, it was only enough to drop his big hands onto your shoulders and angle you to meet his eyes.  
“You listen here.  You are not going to Hell.  Crowley can come and give it his best shot, but I’ll go down swinging before I hand you over.  You hear me?  We all will.”  His eyes flicked around the room at everyone else.  He meant it as comfort, but it just reminded you that you had screwed things up. Not just for yourself, but for everyone you loved.  You put on your brave face and gave him a small smile.
“I love you.  So fucking much, it’s impossible,” you whispered.  Then you kissed him before he could say anything else, gave him a little nudge back, and said, “Now scoot.  I’ve got to finish that rune at the upper corner.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ Tune in next Thursday for more!  And there will be smut in the next chapter! (Weee!)
Tags: @mamaredd123, @raelady1184, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @icecream-and-gadreel, @deevoon, @aprofoundbondwithdean, @mrsgabrieltrickster, @singingphoenix, @spnguiltypleasures, @emilyymichelle
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annieoftheshitposts · 7 years
this post used to be a link to the old canons page but i’m turning it into a text dump of the revised one for people on mobile [or who have bad wifi/computers that the fancy schmancy script on the canons page wouldn’t play well with.] theres a lot sorry not sorry. here we go.
Canon Info
 Much more is said about Annie in external sources than the game itself, here's copypastes of all I know of and go by.
From the 3rd DLC Character Voting page:
As popular figures in nationwide folktales, a children’s television adaptation of Annie and Sagan’s adventures was inevitable. The show’s success lies in its pair of live action hosts, who are as convincing as their cartoon counterparts. Though what the public learns about the real Annie might surprise them. Annie is a seasoned fighter who has been around for a long time, acquiring many skills and powers along the way. Her sword is forged from a meteorite and can channel the power of the stars in its sweeping cleaves. Her right eye bonds her to her Remote Parasite and partner, Sagan, who grants her powers of a galactic motif. While some of her abilities carry more of a sparkly magical girl motif, Annie tries to execute them with the same sternness.
From "The canon info thread" on Skullheart Encore forums:
-Annie is several-century-old. Her immortality was gained when her parents wished on the Skull Heart so that Annie would never have to experience the hardship of adulthood, thereby making her forever a child. -She has had many different weapons and abilities throughout her life. - Sagan, her remote parasite. keeps her right eye in his mouth. - She’s physically not able to swear due to her condition - She is familiar with Double due to her experience fighting Skullgirls - Annie has encountered a lot of Skullgirls and has killed a lot, but not the same a lot. She’s seen the cycle multiple times and seen how they become stronger each time and is looking for the underlying source now. - The Annie of the Stars show is very similar to the Super Mario Bros. Super Show with live action segments with cartoons and PSAs and commercials in between. - Sagan can talk. Somehow. - Annie hides her immortality by getting a new hairstyle every few years. The show tells the audience that they have simply changed the actress. Eliza also pulls a similar trick
and finally some other misc. scraps that weren't covered above:
-annie has some kind of "super" or "powered up" form, in which she seems to fuse with sagan. it can be seen on her
move concept sheet, in the end of robo-fortune's story mode, and as a very tiny feature on one of robo-fortune's merch posters, but to my knowlege it's never really been talked about.
-she's been depicted with an "incognito outfit", presumably for going out in public and not being recognized by fans.
-sagan is named after renowned astrophysicist carl sagan. this isnt really relevant to anything but it's not on the wiki so i figured i'd share :b
-and this random pic of annie in the past with a different look, plus gun and minus eyepatch, apparently official art from the "digital art compendium". i haven't seen the source for this one myself though, and count this one more as speculative canon since that ingame image up there with her eye uncovered doesn't show a scar or any kind of damage from this.
-another canon fact about annie is she is strong and brave and i love her.
Headcanon (Annie)
this is pretty disorganized bc i come up with and revise random shit on a fairly regular basis, but the very least it should be all here and up-to-date. [though on this text post version i may forget to keep it updated oops.
she can still only normally see from the one eye in her head [and likewise probably has terrible depth perception lmao], but she can “project” her vision into the one sagan has if need be, during which time both he and her main eye are blind.
even though sagan’s vision is his own and she doesn’t actively “see” through that eye most of the time, the stuff he sees still becomes part of her memory and she can recall it if need be, though it’s far less tangible and kind of a surreal experience trying to do so.
the space where her other eye was is now just...space. like empty starry void stuff. yes, TECHNICALLY, you could put stuff in it but why would you. sagan can feel when something interacts with it and it’s really just weird and uncomfortable for both of them.as sagan is the source of their powers, the strength of her abilities is slightly dependent on her distance from him. something like long sustained flight is really only capable if they’re touching, but she still has ample firepower and ability to zip around for a pretty good range otherwise.
Not interested in anime
absolutely hates being called her full name; hasn't gone by anything other than "Annie" for longer than anyone that should be alive today should know.
part of her curse of eternal youth is remembering everything up until the point it kicked in and she stopped aging [i.e. when she was Actually a kid] exactly as well as if she hadn’t aged.
from that point however, a lot of it is hazy as shit aside from more recent times [as you’d expect from someone who’s been around hundreds of years]. this one's gonna be angsty as shit when i address it and you can thank @sandstriker for that. fucker.
also hates being restrained. by the concept sheet and beo's story, her fighting style is very kinetic and relies heavily on mobility; take that away and you get one very uncomfortable and very angry starchild. [this one's 'cause of y'all with the handcuffs asks. this is part of why she's so agitated rn.]
what's in the pouch? whatever is alternatively convenient. is it snacks? is it a quick incognito disguise? is it her whole entire sword? who knows. i think it might be infinite hammerspace in there.
i haven't put much though into this side of her story yet, but i've decided part of the mythos of the "annie of the stars" character as a figure of legend is that she literally lives, among the stars.
if there's enough folktales about her to base an entire show off of, i'm willing to bet she used to be less elusive when she was just about fighting skullgirls before dedicating herself to the whole "looking for the underlying source" thing.
Headcanon (Sagan)
tl;dr: as far as things go here, he's essentially a cat and/or younger sibling.
Sagan's canon information and characterization is basically nonexistant, so i got to do pretty much whatever i wanted with him lmao.
simply put, he's a little gremlin of a partner, but he is genuinely good-natured and a happy-go-luckly little dude. mischevious, loves to get up to Shenanigans, go off and hide/disappear to fuck knows where for several hours, climb and sit on tall things[or failing that, annie's head], etc. @sawkinator has described him, regrettably accurately, as "the Token Disney Animal Sidekick". he has a lot of mannerisms like an animal, but is still very much a being of at least average human intelligence. he's also surprisingly indestructible. far from invincible of course, but in canon he's been shown to be quite stretchy and...possibly have minor shapeshifting capabilities?? he's pretty much immune to being squashed and feels very little [if any] pain from most things. really, as far as i can tell he's pretty much a weird sentient plushie. like, if it's not going to damage a plushie, it's not going to hurt him; examples being: getting knocked back really hard or falling a long way? not a problem. fire? problem.
Sagan tends to be somewhat nonverbal and generally only uses a few words or short phrase at a time when he does speak, which sounds something like the voice clip below. that being how it is, he can be kind of inscrutable and more than a bit jarring to most people--though at this point annie's been with him more than long enough to be completely desensitized to it and doesnt quite get why anyone would be perturbed. fortunately, with that familiarity also comes understanding, and she can easily "translate" and articulate more from his expressions. this understanding is a two-way street, and on its other side is sagan's sensitivity to her moods. annie's not particularly...communicative of her emotions, but sagan can always tell when she's having an off day or something's bothering her, and is far better than anyone at helping her feel better. all things said and quirky antics aside, he and annie are exceptionally close and fiercely protective of eachother the moment it comes to it. they don't make a big deal of showing it outwardly, but they know they've always got eachother's backs.
he's taken quite a liking to beowulf as well, and beo defintiely shamelessly enables sagan's shenanigans.
as i see it, annie may be the passion and power of their operation, but sagan is the heart and soul. beowulf is like....comic releif and emotional support. not entirely necessary, but certainly welcomed to have around. yeah. listen im a big sap i just want them all to be good friends ok. i love them.
also sagan does like and watch a lot of anime.
Blog Canon
miscellaneous happenings that either have continued relevance/significance, or y'all just won't let die. there's not a overarching plot to this thing at all, but geez we’ve kinda gathered some history here huh?
taught sagan to say fuck [and other swears, in her stead]. he used to have to do it on command but he's gotten really good at filling in for her.has a
stoat fursona that beo helped her make. she thinks it's neat/cute but has no real attachment to it.
attempted to sue the crystal gems for ripping off her entire shtick [it didn't go well]
beowulf also taught her how to dab.
@sparkeletran is a nuisance and must be stopped
the 70$ pile of high school musical merch. sagan and beo both wear the t-shirts sometimes. she hates it. don't let her attitude fool you though this is actually the best and most important ongoing joke in this whole damn thing.
the first handcuffs stint. they’re gone now but they had a good ~30-post run, and she did take to learning lockpicking because of it.
hey. guess fucking what lads. handcuffs ROUND TWO 'cause y'all just don't fuckin' quit. the first mini story arc sorta thing, in which she visits the cirque des cartes and has an aggravting encounter with taliesin. [currently ongoing][hopefully soon ending]
[[redacted for ""spoilers""]] due to said encounter with taliesin
sparkeletran is a nuisance,
"the official annie of the stars instagram is just cat memes but with sagan" it's canon but i haven't decided whether it's something she would have had already or a recent thing. [either way, hasn't been touched on yet due to the arc taking so long]
badart annie is sorta like her own thing at this point but nothing that happens with her is canon; she p much just shows up for exceptionally dumb posts. we did give her noclip though which is terrifying. on that note i may as well include the things that are Not canon but y'all won't let me forget
beo's animated belt thing. look. it doesnt talk.
spray-on boots.
the lawnmower weapon
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh homestuck
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