#sorry to thanatos hades game but thanatos kid icarus is who i think of first whenever i see that name
ghoststrawberries · 4 months
be careful who you call ugly in middle school
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northernscruffycat · 3 years
OH HERE WE GOOOO~ (gonna put most of this under a cut, because it'll get long) Momus: Sexuality HC: Gay. He thinks he's bi at this point in the RP, but he is gay.
Favorite ship(s): Momus/Heracles, obvs, but I also like Momus/Morpheus and the awful Momus/Theseus stuff as well
Brotp: Momus, Hypnos & Icarus
Notp: Uhhh... Momus/Asterius?
Happy HC: Momus thrives in the modern era and has basically been waiting his whole existence to live in this time period so he can drive everyone mad by becoming a memelord. I also love describing his awful outfits too much.
Angsty HC: Nyx never acknowledges him and this hurts him more than he admits.
Random HC: If he existed in the actual game, he'd be a character who screws over the player late into a run (probably only spawning from Elysium onwards). He takes any perks you've gotten from gods and makes it so instead of doing plus the base damage, it does minus the base damage (although obvs caps before ur doing no damage at all). Because I'd want players to reeeally hate him. Like "I was doing so well, but then I ran into Momus and he ruined it!" Seems fitting for the God of Mockery.
General opinion: I am highkey obsessed with Momus in a way that I've never been this invested in one of my own OCs before. How dare he do this to me. OKAY, EVERYONE ELSE UNDER THE CUT:
Heracles: Sexuality HC: Bi, also a furry
Favorite ship(s): Momus/Heracles again, though I love how soft he is for Morpheus in the recent RPs
Brotp: I feel like him and Icarus could be this once they know each other better
Notp: I mean, there's a lotta ppl who deserve better than this guy
Happy HC: Like, you've already set him on this path of awesome character development to the point that I actually want good things for him for the first time. I hope that the clown parade have an excellent world tour together and that he can start to trust himself again.
Angsty HC: His canon is angsty enough
Random HC: He has a preference for twinks, whether he wants to admit it or not.
General opinion: I can't believe you've made me stan Heracles now. He's shot up my fave characters roster. The banter that him and Momus has is top tier, but then the genuinely emotional moments between them hit just as hard. You can actually see how much they've been through together and how, now they've got their feelings out in the open, they genuinely love each other and want this to work. UGHHH I LOVE THEM Pasithea: Sexuality HC: I mean, she's your OC, but I assume she's bi
Favorite ship(s): Pasithea/Oizys
Brotp: Pasithea & Zagreus
Notp: None really? Even after everything, I don't really dislike Pasithea/Momus, although it's best they both realised that wouldn't have worked out
Happy HC: She becomes queen and everyone respect her like they should!
Angsty HC: Her whole situation with Thanatos and that she didn't get the closure she deserved.
Random HC: She do be liking them goths tho
General opinion: I love Pasi! I think she's just as much the main character as Momus is at this stage and I'm glad that her whole arc showed her giving the middle finger to everyone who oppressed her and coming out on top. Morpheus: Sexuality HC: I honestly don't know :0
Favorite ship(s): Momus/all of his simps (Icarus, Momus & Heracles)
Brotp: They only had that one short scene, but I like Morpheus & Pluteus
Notp: None yet
Happy HC: He gets to travel the world and everyone simps him like he deserves
Angsty HC: There has been enough angst in this man's life. The time for angst is over.
Random HC: He is an unsuitable replacement for owning a thesaurus and should not be used in such a way.
General opinion: Another top favourite! I love the directions you've gone in with him, the whole "he's a doll come to life so Pasithea and Hypnos could cheat the Fates and not have kids" angle is brilliant and he's definitely a character who I'm always keen to see what will happen to him next. Icarus: Sexuality HC: bisexual and sweaty
Favorite ship(s): Icarus/Morpheus and Icarus/Momus so far
Brotp: Icarus, Momus & Hypnos, also potentially Icarus & Heracles
Notp: Icarus/Zagreus LMAOOO
Happy HC: He might not be an inventor, but he eventually finds his true calling in being a technician and becomes incredibly successful with his skills for improving upon inventions that have already been made.
Angsty HC: He's fuckin icarus. everyone knows that story lol
Random HC: His whole existence is one big joke that Momus will never stop laughing at.
General opinion: He's still finding his feet as a character, but I have high hopes for Icarus and think we'll get a lot of mileage out of him. Oizys: Sexuality HC: Obstinately gay
Favorite ship(s): Oizys/Pasithea
Brotp: I mean, she had a good friendship with Pluteus before the timeskip, so hopefully she still does
Notp: Oizys/Pluteus as a romo ship
Happy HC: God I hope she can be happy someday.
Angsty HC: She's not as co-dependent as she claims to be and played up needing Momus's help when they were growing up so that he wouldn't leave her.
Random HC: Oizys gets a slight kick out of the concepts she's goddess of, but doesn't realise when they overwhelm her.
General opinion: It's complicated, but I want to hope she figures it all out. Pluteus: Sexuality HC: Ace/Aro
Favorite ship(s): Maybe they'll figure it out with Aphrodite again one day
Brotp: Pluteus & Oizys, also Pluteus & Pasithea is funny
Notp: Pluteus & depression
Happy HC: Pluteus is happy to be a terrible actor who believes that they're a great actor.
Angsty HC: I feel like there's a sense of not being fulfilled inside Pluteus, but they don't want to address it.
Random HC: Pluteus will always refer to Pasithea as their mother, whether she likes it or not. Sorry Pasi.
General opinion: I like Pluteus as the occasional support character and they're excellent for comic relief, but they're one character who I don't think needs to be part of a bigger story. ...Okay, so there's also Daedalus, Nemesis, Eris and a few others, but I think that I've covered most of the ones who've had a lot of focus for now? Let me know if I missed anyone :0
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