welzenis · 4 years
Bring refugees on the Greek islands to safety
Appeal from European doctors: bring refugees on the Greek islands to safety. As doctors in Europe, we call on the leaders of our governments and of the European Union to take immediate action to ensure the safety of refugees. In recent years, the refugee camps on the Greek Islands have become increasingly overcrowded. The corona pandemic that threatens to overwhelm the camps will have catastrophic consequences for the refugees, the Greek inhabitants and the rest of our European society. It is an illusion to think that a COVID-19 outbreak in these camps could be kept under control. 40,000 people are living on a few square kilometres, and there are only a handful of doctors present. Many children and adults are already ravaged by physical and mental traumas. If Europe looks away now, this situation could escalate to become a medical disaster, which would represent a serious violation of the norms and values of European healthcare. It is our duty to prevent this from happening, for the refugees, for the Greek people who have been in limbo for years, and for Europe as a whole. As doctors, we have sworn an oath promising to provide medical care to all people, irrespective of their personal background. As European doctors, we are obliged to do everything possible to prevent this looming medical catastrophe. The leaders of the European Union also made a promise four years ago that each country would take in a fixed number of refugees from Greece and Turkey. Not a single EU country has complied with this agreement. Moving refugees to camps on the Greek mainland is not an effective solution; the camps on the Greek mainland are already overcrowded. We call on all leaders of the EU to comply with the agreement from 2016, and to take refugees into their countries, in order to prevent a medical disaster on European territory.
This Dutch initiative was initially started on March 24th, 2020, and in the short time since launching, has already been signed by thousands of European medical doctors. To sign the letter, please go to https://en.sosmoria.eu The letter has been signed by a number of prominent Dutch including, amongst others: Doctor Louise Gunning-Schepers – Professor at the University of Amsterdam and founder of The European Public Health Association (EUPHA) Gerlach Cerfontaine – Chairperson of the Association of Dutch Medical Professionals (www.vvaa.nl) Doctor Maria van den Muijsenbergh – Professor at Radboud University Medical Centre Doctor Ivan Wolffers - Emeritus Professor at Amsterdam University Medical Centre
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antifainternational · 4 years
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May 18, Amsterdam - Leave No One Behind Demo
In an effort to call for the immediate evacuation of the refuge camp Moria we will hold a silent demonstration on the Dam Square.   Along the edges of Fort Europa it is becoming more and more clear that the border policies of Europe are sacrificing the lives of those who are in desperate need of help. No where is this more clear than Moria, the refugee camp on Lesbos with 24,000 people squeezed into a camp built to house 3,000. Before the COVID-19 crisis this situation was inhumane. Now, it is tantamount to a death sentence. While we believe that we must respect the rules of staying home in order to protect those most vulnerable we also believe that we cannot stay silent while human lives are being sacrificed. We want to demonstrate in a way that demands our governments, even our local governments take action to protect not just us, but all those who need shelter. 📢📣HERE IS OUR CALL TO ACTION:📢📣 ⏳🕠When? Monday 18th of May 5pm to 6pm, silent demo at 5.30 pm for 10min🕡⌛️ 🗺Where? in Amsterdam at the Dam Square 🗺
🎨How? Bring a pair of shoes, a stencil, chalk, and/or a banner, sign, or flag with a message ( #LeaveNoOneBehind, Burger Inspreek=Noodzaak, #SOSMoria)🎨 👤Then join us for a 10 min silent demonstration to honor those who are not with us👤 😷Please remember: As always we will respect the corona restrictions. If we want to help vulnerable folks in Moria we must keep in mind vulnerable folks in our direct community. Please wear a mask and gloves. Come and leave your mark and then join us for the 10 min silent protest at 5.30 pm, standing at least 2 m away from each other!😷 If you do not feel comfortable leaving your house, you can still participate by dropping a banner from your window, taking a photo, and sharing it online (or send it to us here on facebook)
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alkmaarcentraal · 4 years
Spanning stijgt bij gemeente Bergen voor stil protest #SOSMoria
Spanning stijgt bij gemeente Bergen voor stil protest #SOSMoria De spanning stijgt bij de gemeente Bergen voor het stil...
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langedijkcentraal · 4 years
Nervositeit groeit bij Gemeente Bergen voor stil protest #SOSMoria
Nervositeit groeit bij Gemeente Bergen voor stil protest #SOSMoria bit.ly/…
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Huisarts Steven van de Vijver: Niemand van ons kan later zeggen: ‘we hebben het niet geweten’ Hij is wel wat gewend, als ‘Congo-veteraan’. Maar wat Steven van de Vijver in vluchtelingenkamp Moria op Lesbos aantreft, raakt de Amsterdamse huisarts diep in zijn hart. Door de COVID-19-pandemie dreigt er nu een ramp in het kwadraat. Dus luidt Van de Vijver de noodklok voor de mensen op het Griekse eiland. Moria is een bizarre gewaarwording. Want dit kamp bevindt zich niet ergens ver weg, maar op een Grieks vakantie-eiland, in ons eigen Europa. De plek op zich is al unheimisch, met hoge muren en overal prikkeldraad. De omstandigheden waaronder de vluchtelingen er leven, tart alle beschrijvingen. Tijdens gesprekken met de kampbewoners besef je: dit zijn mensen zoals jij en ik. Mensen die in veel gevallen met hun gezin op de vlucht zijn voor de Taliban. Vaak hoogopgeleid. Ik heb artsen ontmoet, architecten. Als artsen hebben we ooit de Eed van Hippocrates afgelegd. Daarom móeten we nu handelen. Niemand van ons kan later zeggen: ‘dit hebben we niet geweten’.” Lees het hele artikel op https://www.artsenauto.nl/we-moeten-nu-handelen #corona #covid_19 #coronacrisis #coronavirus #refugeeswelcome #geenmensisillegaal #keinmenschistillegal #nooneisillegal #moria #sosmoria #vluchtelingenwelkom https://www.instagram.com/p/CAqxQN_llo7/?igshid=13g3m3co1n01o
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Via No Border Kitchen Lesvos: When will europe take it's supposed responsability and adhere to it's precious human rights and end this situation of perpetual dispair? The hatred of the uniformed officers of the police and the coastguard continues to premate everyday life on Lesvos, keeping people in line in service of the status qua. And not only the officers, but also the bureaucrats are activly pushing the racist agenda. Inventing or making up rules that make it almost impossible for migrants with asylum status to obtain a social sercurity numbers that will allow you to get a job, rent a house or open a bank account. The state apparatus on this island is drenched trough and trough with only one message: we don't want you here, status or not. And with this message clearly understood, dozens gathered at the port of Mytilini last week hoping to leave the Island. For a few days some people with an open card where allowed to get on one of the ferrys to the mainland. Since then, dozens have gathered, with or without open cards, in the hope to get on the ferry and leave the walls of fortress europe. They have been met with heavy handed police violence, and in some cases people with valid tickets and open cards have been removed once already onboard the ferry. The amount of police brutality again shows the spectacular disdain the local police force has for migrants. With sticks in hand they keep beating and beating and beating people, shining black batons hitting skin to leave visible marks of europe's hatred and disdain. Accompenied agressively shouting for people to go away. But where can they go? In Athens, the squares are filling up with people from the Islands, homeless with no opportunities, no better off then on the island. The pushbacks of the hellenic coastguard are getting more violent and brutal. These agents of state, that the politicians call "defenders of the homeland", are in fact criminals that through their well published and documented actions spread the message of europe of the waters of the aegean sea like oil. Read more on their facebook page! #corona #coronacrisis #coronavirus #covid_19 #covid19 #sosmoria #noborders #searescueisnotacrime https://www.instagram.com/p/CCLGZbZFAPh/?igshid=18kycdsgf7vk6
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Deze zaterdag op verschillende plekken in Nederland: Solidariteitsdemo voor vluchtelingen Refugee Lives Matter. Meer info op stopthewaronmigrants.noblogs.org 20 juni 14:00 Amsterdam, museumplein Utrecht, domplein Leiden, van der werfpark Wageningen, plantsoen Amersfoort, varkensmarkt Rotterdam, detentiecentrum Tilburg, naast de concertzaal Enschede, stationsplein #blm #refugeeswelcome #richtouristsfuckoff #covid_19 #covid19 #corona #coronacrisis #coronavirus #fortresseurope #sosmoria https://www.instagram.com/p/CBkNlxJFPGF/?igshid=ksq7vlwbdw34
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Afgelopen week riepen meer dan honderd politici, artsen, hulporganisaties, wetenschappers, vertegenwoordigers van kerken en moskeeën, het kabinet op om het voorbeeld van andere EU-landen te volgen en alleenstaande kinderen te evacueren uit de kampen. De Groningse burgemeester Koen Schuiling (VVD) deed zijn oproep vanaf het dak van het Forum om 11.58 uur, want het is volgens hem twee voor twaalf. Nederland weigert. De regering, bij monde van staatssecretaris Ankie Broekers-Knol, vindt dit namelijk geen ‘structurele oplossing’. Maar het gaat hier om minderjarige asielzoekers die hun familie kwijtgeraakt zijn. Dit is een noodkreet. Dit gaat om Menschlichkeit. Maar dat is in Nederland ergens verloren gegaan. #covid_19 #corona #coronavirus #sosmoria #refugeeswelcome #geenmensisillegaal #keinmenschistillegal #vluchtelingenwelkom #nobordersnonations https://www.instagram.com/p/CARylVFl8Ez/?igshid=xmw3ruiegsgg
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The situation in Moria has not improved. In fact it has become worse. But the problems that prevent the people from taking washing their hands every 5 minutes and keeping 1,5 meters distance are not new. They where there 6 months ago just the same. Corvid-19 does definitly pose a real tangeable threat to the people who are forced to live in the prison that is called Moria, but it only serves to underscore the structural problems that where present from the day it was openend. No one knows how long this corona crisis will last, and the after effects are already promising to put an even greater strain on the already fragile situation at europe’s borders. Lesvos is quite well known, and also Moria is a place that receives a lot of attention internationally. But lets not forget about Chios, Samos and Patras. Or Serbia or Calais, or many more. We stand in solidarity with the people who share our struggle, in times of corona, but also after. As always, Get Angry. Get Organised. Read more on https://noborderkitchenlesvos.noblogs.org #covid_19 #coronavirus #leavenoonebehind #sosmoria #refugeeswelcome #noborders #stopdeportations
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