francepittoresque · 1 year
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PATRIMOINE | Sotta (Corse) : vestiges du Néolithique mis au jour au sud de la Punta Campana ➽ https://bit.ly/Vestiges-Neolithique-Sotta Des vestiges d'un établissement datant du IVe millénaire avant notre ère, et ceux, un peu plus récents, d'une occupation au IIIe millénaire avant notre ère. La découverte est celle d'une équipe d'archéologues de l'Inrap, dans le cadre de fouilles préventives menées dans les pentes du flanc sud de la Punta Campana, à Sotta #Sotta #Corse #vestiges #Néolithique #Punta Campana
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istherewifiinhell · 6 months
um... uh ummm. happy birthday to the birthday fool (honourary) and follow blogger in arms......
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[ID: digital drawing of matoba as an anthro ferret, dressed as kuromisa. dress, hair and shawl kinda blowing in the wind. head tipped up, looking to the side, and one hand out as if testing the weather. in the other he holds an umbrella handle, but the umbrella shape is instead a eye like golden disk, surrounded by red (sclera) and black (lid). the disks corona reaching beyond this shape. red arrow like shapes in the background are coming down like rain. END]
i know u said natori in a dress but. gears were in motion
sketches v
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[ID: 1. pencil sketch of same concept, standing in profile, hands clasps in front, layer skirt, neutral look. 2. ms paint sketch, now mostly same composition. END]
u can see my first immediate instinct was victorian dress dghbdjhfs. sorry. love this guy. whats he look like? and at some point it got windy. u best believe theres a tf cropped 2cm to the left of the mspaint one
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drdarling · 10 months
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the-bite-of-87-lol · 14 days
Becomes Jeff the killer skydivinf
Never let me send an ask to a person ever again becuz I loike just got the worst anxiety ever necuz I thought someone was someone els
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cinemedios · 2 months
'Batman: El enmascarado': Recreando el origen
Desde 2021 se había anunciado una serie animada de Batman desarrollada por J.J. Abrams, Matt Reeves y Bruce Timm, los tres interesados en explorar las facetas iniciales del personaje y esa serie al fin llegó, ¡descubre todo aquí!
Desde 2021 se había anunciado una serie animada de Batman desarrollada por J.J. Abrams, Matt Reeves y Bruce Timm, los tres interesados en explorar las facetas iniciales del personaje y esa serie al fin llegó, ¡descubre todo aquí! Reseña | ‘Batman: El enmascarado’ Desde su primer anuncio ‘Batman: El enmascarado’ estuvo envuelta en expectativa, la participación de Matt Reeves, aplaudido por su…
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reisotta · 7 months
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data-reel · 1 month
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Justice League Dark: Apokolips War - (2022) dir. Matt Peters, Christina Sotta
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gailsfrog · 20 days
A very ridiculously long rant of my SMG4 and Mr. Puzzles Theory's (it's long;-;)
Has anyone ever thought its weird how Smg4 is PERFECTLY NORMAL the Saturday after IGBP!?! like Bro just got done being mentally insane like literally a few days ago and he's just like mentally FINE after all that!?? Nuh Uh- Aint no way- Smg4's probably still coo coo crazy a bit or a lot cuz yalls not gonna be chill after all that far as i know thats not how human minds work. >:/
In SMG4 doesn't meme for one second he's hardcore creepy vibes, ofc more memey ofc which is funny- (Bald Smg4💀) but still sinister none the less :0
then ofc him saying "time to come up with the PERFECT video" in SMG4 simulator then ofc im like NOO :C DOnt gO eVil again and idk do some crazy crap with mr. puzzles and make ur perfect video- amd go all evil- evan tho its cool and eerie-NO :C
Then smg4s really creepy/scarry coocoo cazy vibes in the MEME Factory. Cannon smg4 did actually have an effect on our poor meme boi like bro lost some of his sanity has Mr. Puzzles trauma and now is more antagonistic- which Mr. Puzzles said he makes a good villian Whitch he does in a creepy funny memey way witch is great! and sort of a plot twist cuz smg4 is all cute and bubbly and sweet then he goes all >:000 >:) Creepy and sinister is awsome! it would be cool to see Smg4 as a main antagonest for an arc although we got IGBP so its GREATTT!! AAAAAAAA-
I also sorta feel like Mr. Puzzles is like Smg4 but like: What if smg4 never had any freinds? so he like sorta obsesses and rellys on The TV and makeing entertainment so they dont feel alone or have some sort of purpose. Smg4 and Puzzles are really similar in a way just took a small but major path. Smg4: had freinds his whole life, like a main roll purpose (hes a frickin meme guardian!!!!!! >:D) home and ofc his youtube and whatever chaos happens in this world. Mr Puzzles: never had freinds, probably had crap parents and school bullys, (ISTG HE PRoBably made/re-created little shows with like socks pupets as a kid- AAAA_) anyway- Puzzles sorta just watched TV to comfert him and sorta be his 'freind' in a way which probably ended up inpireing him to proove himself as an actress and become fameous weather to proove the world hes good enough or loved or himself. (Poor Mr.Puzzke wuzzle :'c) So anyway Smg4 and puzzles are like opisites of what they have but similar.
(Mr. Puzzles Headcannon Back story time B) since i wanna type today ;-; ) So ive sotta headcannon mr puzzles childhood suck like- bro had no freinds crappy/neglectfull parents and overall a shit life back then like i sort of immagine his mom being like "shoo im buisy go watch TV or smthn" while on the phone or something idk sad sappy stuff- so little Winston Puzzles (if you have MR theres a first name so puzzles is last name, ITS WINSTON PUZZLES-) aNyWAYy- so puzzles just watched TV ALL. DAY. and probably went to school got bullyed for whatever reason :/ so the beginning basics of the story +Context dElUxE- when mr puzzles got older he bought the showgrounds (whitch in cannon used to be a circus/carnaval) so mr puzzles ran a carnaval place and did some sort of shows + amusement park stuff prbably for like a few years or a couple decades untul money came a problem or went out of buisness, (he still has his face btw lol) so he eventually closed the place and sorta abandoned it and probably the *iNteRnEt* was probably becomeing a thing by now (TV MAN OLDDD-) so he probably doom binges EVERYTHING on youtube in some apartment and works at MC deez or something- idk mOnEyY :/ eventualy yalls probably up at 5am waching Si-fi and stuff with robots get the idea of being a cyborg ither googleing 'hOw tO bE a cYborG EASY" on youtube like a maryos Plane Trip thing AKA Smg4 logic LMAO and probably winging it and then getting his SUppeR fAbulus and Iconic TV head and nows hes probably immortal now :/ (he was probably an old man by the time he finnisghed the body lol not to mention prototypes :/) then he probably did some evil villian laughter shit then downloadded the internet in his brain then eventualy selling the showgrounds to SMG4 and the rest of Puzzlevision continues :/
If yall read all that- WOW :/ its 1am and im typeing esays ;-; anyways this has been cooking in my brain for too long so now its all here now :/
*fades into the distance MEME STYLE B3*
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Developing Gerudo As a Language For MoaH
Ok, I wanna make this very clear at the top: I’m not a linguistist. I have a passing (conversational at best) knowledge of a handful of languages, only fluent in English. Part of the reason that Hyrule got the Arthurian coding for Mark of a Hero was because part of getting my BA in Literature required taking HEL and that included learning about Old English and I wanted to use that knowledge to divide Hylian and ancient Hylian most easily for me as a storyteller. To include making up words there. I came up with a new word for an ancient knife with this, a drifemece. It’s based on a real knife described in an old hunting manual but there wasn’t a name for it that didn’t require using a different weapon name (and Ambrose’s zweihänder has taught me why that’s an issue) and “Hero’s Hunting Knife” didn’t sound very cool. Also, I'm taking a whole bunch of accents out. I can't do them without doing alt codes and that's a pain. I already have to hunt down zweihänder every time I want to use it.
To circle back on topic. My point is that I have some small understanding on how languages form broadly. But I’m still not a linguistist. So usage of Gerudo is probably gonna get limited to that stereotypical bilingual representation of “occasionally uses words from language.” In my defense though, I’m reverse engineering a language from a vocabulary bank of like ten words from the games. There is no grammar for me to reference and because the languages I have rough understandings in don’t include the families of languages I’m pulling from, any development of is going to be surface level because it would take me years to learn these languages fluently. Which isn’t to say I’m not still trying but I’m also not in a place to get another language subscription to understand this perfectly for a fanfic project.
But let's get started. What are we pulling from?
Dictionary (Official)
Sav'otta - Good morning (Slang: Votta)
Sav'aaq - Good day (Slang: Sav'a)
Sav'saaba - Good evening (Slang: Sav'a)
Sav'orr - Good night
Vasaaq - Welcome
Sav'orq - Goodbye
Sarqso - Thank you (Slang: Sarq)
Sa'oten - (Surprise)
Voe - Man
Vai - Woman
Vehvi - Child
Vaba - Grandmother
Vure - Bird
So we start with the vibes of the language. With how it sounds. So far, Gerudo has a lot of words with harsh consonant, the V's and Q's, and then lots of vowels to balance it out. Sa-V-O-Ta. Sa-V-a-Q. Sa-V-O-R (I'm not grabbing the accented ones for actual phonetics, I always got them mixed up). To balance those harsh sounds, the language likes aspirated constants, like S and B, and also those long vowels.
There are some rules here. Conjugation seems to be represented with the apostrophe. I'm going to interpret that as conjugated words, likely because a second word has an aspirated consonant to start blending into a word with a harsh consonant at the end. So the word for "Good" in Gerudo is likely something like "Save" (pronounced more like Sa-vuh) and then the work for morning (as a time) is "Sotta." When said together, that second S is going to be dropped to make "Sav'otta." And then as a greeting, morning is "Votta." Because "Votta" is the slang, it likely was made after the words for "good" and "morning" (as a time), so they do need to be different.
Another rule we can draw is the V's tend to start words for personhood. Vai, voe, vehvi, vaba. That's why my Gerudo word for a nonbinary person is vyu. A V with the last two vowels not yet used. This also lined up really well with the term Siyu from "Ivarkaq'Siyu" or "Twice-blessed" for the Gerudo lineages. That "yu" sound now can be used for the Gerudo word for "two," "iyu."
For the rest, I'm also pulling from real languages if there isn't enough here to go off of. Right now, my main three languages for reference are Arabic, Hausa, and Oromo. I try to find words between them that have a similar spelling, indicating a similar root word. That's how we got the word for the "Ivarkaq." I pulled "albarka" from Hausa, "mabruk" and from Arabic (and I have "ibukun" written down but I can't remember where I pulled it from), and then we worked backwards to get some of these common sounds into the Gerudo ruleset.
So now we have an added bank that includes:
Dictionary (MoaH Original)
Vorsaa - Mentor, teacher (Formal: Vorsiisaa)
Vada - Grandfather
Ivarkaq'Siyu - Twice-blessed
Ivarkaq'Saya - Once-blessed
Ivarkaq'Si'a - Chance-blessed
Ivarkah - Blessed (person)
Vyu - Non-binary person
Vahana - Sibling
Alheri'Din - Din's Grace (expression/"Bless me")
Aba - Mother
Ada - Father
Ayu - Parent
Save - Good
Sotta - Morning
Saaq - Day
Sasaaba - Evening
Sorr - Night
One - Aya
Two - Iyu
"Aba" and "Ada" drop the V because these are the words babies first say. Hard consonants are not easy for babies, that's why you typically get "Mama" before "Dada." That said, "Vaba" was already a Gerudo word, so to follow that rule, it's "Aba" for mother. Following that scheme, that's how I got to "Vada" and "Ada" for grandfather and father respectively.
Which brings me to a point that gets brought up in the books too. A lot of people assume there aren't Gerudo words for masculine terms. I saw this when I was pulling up the original dictionary, and people couldn't decide if "vehvi" meant "child" or "daughter." I'm going to assume it means "child" as a gender neutral. If there is only one Gerudo male every hundred years (per lore), then it doesn't make sense to gender the word for "child." All children would be daughters except one. But because the Gerudo male thing, it is still central to the Gerudo culture that the term can't be exclusive. So instead, my interpretation is that a lot of terms around youth are gender neutral so that when there is the Gerudo boy born, he's not ostracized for being the one person with a different word before he's old enough to understand what the Hundred Year Male things means.
Also, assuming that Gerudo don't have gendered terms ignores that even in canon, Gerudo still have fathers. And from what TOTK showed us, know their fathers for a period of time. There would be words in Gerudo for that. So we do need a word for "father" and "grandfather" in Gerudo. But following the previous thought, that we can't make the one Gerudo boy feel ostracized, most of those words are for adults. You don't pick those words until you're old enough to be an adult and understand gender. Now we've come back around on developing culture through this.
Now, if you've read some of my other worldbuilding posts on how MoaH hands the Gerudo, you know part of this too is because there are multiple lineages of Gerudo, to include ones not affected by the Hundred Year Gerudo Male thing. This comes down to how Nintendo has demonstrated genetics to us. Gerudo mom and Hylian dad, always a Gerudo kid. That indicates a dominant trait. Why? Well, MoaH posits that it's because "divine traits" that diverted the lineages from human biologically are genetic markers and only one can be present. The exception is with the Gerudo. This is going to go into some of the revisions on Ganondorf in the setting and framing his campaign as an individual rather than representative of a people, but some Gerudo have multiple "divine traits." Because these traits are given literally by the Goddesses, accruing them has to be permitted by the Goddesses and only a small group of Gerudo pursued that. Those that did, the Ivarkaq'Siyu, also took on the Hundred Year Male thing to balance things out.
So how does all that impact the culture then too? Now, most of this is focused on Dirjaani culture, where the Gerudo language originates in MoaH, so there are variants in other regions. But. In general, "divine traits" aren't a marker for superiority. Because everyone but humans have them, they're just a trait you have. The divinity of it is the source of evolution (which we've seen throughout the series as a whole), but that doesn't make a people better than anyone else.
But because the history of the world is entangled with the whole "Ganondorf" thing, I think Dirjaani culture develops a lot of community first culture. That's why it's last name given name. Legacy is paramount to so many Gerudo, but the one thing more important is family. A huge part of that is a culture responding to "How do we prevent this curse from taking our son?" Because after the first Ganondorf, no one would name their kid that. That's a name someone chooses, that when the cycle reappears, someone chooses. The belief then in Rahaal is that whatever Ganondorf is truly (Demise), that possesses the Hundred Year Male. So how as a culture to we make sure he can fight it the longest? You build a culture focused around community. That's why the leadership of Rahaal is the Forum. That's why the spiritual leaders of Kohno are elders or use familial terms.
I know we've diverted a little from linguistics for culture, but the two are intrinsically intertwined. It's why so much of the added vocabulary I have focuses on family terms. And that's why you have to think about both in tandem.
I'll get back to reverse engineering now.
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burgershopsammi · 1 year
Started making some Bionicle Mocs. Here's some Matorans :)
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Daasi, the Dancer.
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Sotta, the Digger.
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Tuulani, the Gardener.
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Koda, the Peddler.
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Huvoni, the Gate-Guard.
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Kinotta, the Reef-Tender.
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tamtamthealmighty · 2 months
Here is ALLLLL the attacks I made for Artfight this year!!! I had so much fun I ALREADY CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR
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Worm God by Goldmanguyperson
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Hershel Rivera by qcumberSodazz
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Little Prince by XxIckyFoulBeastxX
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Chef by MDEV0
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Spike by Arcade_bot
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Li Zhenya by chzy_doodles
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Fen by Stairs
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The Owl by PanicPike
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Tundra by _Goose_
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Celestium by ResplendentVerdancy
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Junior by hyacinth43 and Aria by SketchyFeatherDealer (me :)
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Various Pikmin OCs by NovaDeluxe
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Beresta by RATscallion_
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Chimney, Tiffany, and Rad Detector (Brad) all by ValdizTeeth0
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Inferna by PiggiepieJacky
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Korobyaka by Mekmarchu
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S by Plush-bean
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Henry by MorganMackerel
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Smokey by LoftyRepose
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iio (sona) by Punkiio
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Zip by Moss_Starz, The Dreamspinner by Steampunk-Sunflower, Azriel by Metaperson, NEN [Ena] by sunst3rr, and DOCTOR SLICE N. DICE / "SCISSORS" by h3m0cyt3
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Katriah Darkoath by HeliosEyes
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Ross by cathusband
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Aphid by soulg3m, leona by squidinkcookiefan420, Harp by Fantasist, Lady Sotta by CrypticMoth, Switch | HK by leggybug, Aro - The Scorned Champion by morgombie, Aphid (Hollow Knight) by ApollyonArt, Floppert by wrensteria, and Tynn the Scholar by Pina - Gelada
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Madeleine and Amaru both by bellyjean
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starbooksye · 11 months
Here's three artworks for the Kitty cat au related to fire plus also Lance
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You have a grass fire were Lance is in a dead man zone a area were the fire that is most likely to burn in 5 minutes, than a forset fire is on were they can sotta create their own weather and the last one the fire in the tree burning it from the inside out meaning it can restart a forest fire.
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alexbgd · 2 years
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Che bella cosa 'na jurnata 'e sole L'aria serena doppo 'na tempesta Pe' ll'aria fresca pare già 'na festa Che bella cosa 'na jurnata 'e sole
Ma n'atu sole cchiù bello, oi ne' 'O sole mio sta in fronte a te 'O sole, 'o sole mio, sta in fronte a te Sta in fronte a te
Quanno fa notte 'o sole se ne scenne Me viene quase 'na malincunia Sotta fenesta toia restarria Quanno fa notte, e 'o sole se ne scenne
Ma n'atu sole cchiù bello, oi ne' 'O sole mio sta in fronte a te 'O sole, 'o sole mio, sta in fronte a te Sta in fronte a te!
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bumbookitten · 2 years
Cheater 2
Characters:Ajax petropolus, Xavier thrope x gn!reader
Summary:Xavier(Sotta) Comfort you
A/N: So like I said Part 2, and I’m not good with sad shit so yea. Also, listen to washing machine heart(I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to)
Part 1
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(Gif not mines:By zanephillips)
You looked up only to be greeted by a pair of green eyes.
“Oh sorry”
“You said before looking down, you heard Xavier sigh
“Come with me”
He said before holding his hand, waiting for you to take it. Putting your hand in his, tailoring behind him
He paused
“Are you ok?”
You stopped walking, looking down
“Yea,Why won’t I?”
You asked looking up.
* * *
You hugged Xavier more tightly than ever, crying your eyes out
“He was jerk anyway”
He grumbled playing with your hair, and you laugh. The first time he heard you laugh in a while. he laughed too
“Yea,I guess he was”
You said before rubbing your eyes. You heard a knock on the door ‘who could that be?’ You thought
“Hey is Y/N here?”
@lovserbrixd @corpsebridx
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sciatu · 2 years
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Russu - quasi cento versi d’amore
I russu, focu e passiuni vesti u to cori i liuni cu du russu culur du sangu chi duma a to anima i rangu chi ti fa signura e rigina ill’anima mei, a patti divina. Russa a to bucca i lava ca mei sempri disiava nte jonna chiù niri e dispirati ca vita era jaggia pi dannati, unni a to bucca era l’unica potta chi putia canciari ogni mala sotta da bucca chi sempri sugnava e chi era focu sa baciava. Russu focu, comi russu ranatu russu comi cori dispiratu russu comi u silenzio da motti a luna nova nto scuru da notti. Russu u to ricoddu a to essenza du surrisu ca me anima penza chi è luci, gioia, spiranza e disiu a fozza chi nuddu sapi o vinciu picchì, unni a mei arriva e finisci, dà a toi, ncumincia e ciurisci. Russu, comi curallu o rubinu senzu priziusu d’avitti vicinu, russu comi raggia, comi a gilusia picchì non po essiri vita senza i tia chi si tuttu, du me tempu signura piaciri, gioia chi sempri dura, si u me mari unn’ alleggiu affunnu si u cielu, c’abbrazza u me munnu si a rosa russa chi duma l’estati di jonna i focu, di notti ncantati. Russu comi curallu st’amuri, da vita sangu, ill’anima sapuri chi vinci lacrimi e malanova chi nte jonna biddizza trova e a mia ma dugna senza pinsari senza pritenni, senza limusinari picchi pi tia sugnu luci, sciatu, acqua, ventu attia ncatinatu. Russi i paroli a me lingua, i me vessi russi l’occhi toi disiati e mai pessi russu stu bisognu senza fini chi inchi u cori, a testa, i vini. Russi i labbri supra a canni janca u to ciauru chi studdi e mai stanca russu stu disiu chi nasci e mai finisci brucia l’anima e studdi quannu brisci. Russu stu to rispiru nto scuru chi è u me passatu, u me futuru. russa a to vaddata, chi voli e disia chi è patruna, chi è mavaria. Russa a to buci quasi na carizza vita mivuta , brizza dopu brizza. russu, u focu intra u to cori unni u mei brisci e sinni mori. Russu a poesia chi m’arrigali chi è u me rispiru i me ali chi tu cunfunni, studdi, spasci   ma chi sulu cu tia, sempri rinasci. Russu come a puma nvilinata comi na storia fausa e strammata russu pumadoru, russu girasa russu fragula, russu tettu i na casa russu u sangu di Cristu sabbaturi a so curuna i spini u so duluri, russu jammuru e russu calamaru russu stu pinzatti duci e amaru russu comu u pipi spizzeri chi bampa comi l’occhi toi chi nenti scampa russu u tempu chi passa viatu chi è patruni d’ogni cosa du criatu u tempu chi tuttu crea e cumanna chi ogni surrisu, mbrogghia e scanna Russu comi na stidda o funnu mari comi u vinu chi fa ridiri e cantari russu comi mantellu di nu paladinu comi a camicia di nu garibaldinu comi u curaggiu c’amu aviri p’essiri libbiri e a vita sapiri. Russu i to silenzi quannu l’amuri finiu e ca passiuni u focu eccu muriu resta na paci chi nuddu capisci chi bola pu munnu tuttu nzittisci e sugnu na fogghia motta, menza sicca tu u ventu ca pigghia e picca a picca auta nto cielu liggiera dà a manni cancillannu ogni duluri i sta me canni puttannumi unni nasciunu i stiddi unni i suli sunnu sulu spisiddi unni nenti dugna luci e piaciri dà, unni tuttu quantu pari finiri e i da supra, unni tuttu è nicu nicu capiri ca fini, tuttu quantu dicu avi pi sensu u nenti chi poi sugnu picchi sugnu, sulu l’amuri chi ti dugnu amuri chi jè focu, ranni, immensu amuri chi è ragiuni ed è sensu puru quann’è mussu contru mussu, amuri russu, russu e russu!
Di rosso, fuoco e passione rivesti il tuo cuore di leone, con quel rosso, colore del sangue che accende la tua anima di rango, che ti fa signora e regina, della mia anima, la parte divina. Rossa la tua bocca di lava che la mia desiderava sempre in quei giorni neri e disperati quando la vita era una gabbia per dannati e dove la tua bocca era l’unica porta che poteva cambiare ogni sfortuna, quella bocca che sempre sognavo, che era fuoco se la baciavo. Rosso fuoco come un rosso melograno, rosso come un cuore disperato, rosso come il silenzio della morte, la luna nuova nel buio della notte. Rosso il tuo ricordo, la tua essenza, quel sorriso che la mia anima ricorda e che è luce, gioia, speranza e desiderio; la forza che nessuno conosce e vince, perché dove la mia forza arriva e finisce, lì la tua incomincia e fiorisce. Rosso come corallo e rubino, il senso prezioso di averti vicino, rosso come rabbia, come la gelosia, perché non può esistere vita senza di te, che sei tutto, signora del mio tempo, piacere, gioia eterna, sei il mare dove lento affondo, sei il cielo che abbraccia il mondo, sei la rosa rossa che accende le estati, quei giorni di fuoco, quelle notti incantate. Rosso come corallo è quest’amore che è sangue della vita e sapore dell’anima, che vince le lacrime, la sfortuna, che trova la bellezza nei giorni e me la dona senza pensarci, senza pretendere o elemosinare perché per te sono la tua luce, il tuo respiro, l’acqua, il vento a te incatenato. Rosse le parole della mia lingua, i miei versi, rossi gli occhi tuoi desiderati e mai persi, rosso questo bisogno di te senza fine, che riempie il cuore, la testa e le vene rosse le mie labbra sulla pelle bianca, il tuo profumo che stordisce e mai stanca, rosso questo desiderio che nasce e mai finisce, che brucia l’anima e stordisce appena nasce. Russo il tuo respiro nel buio, che è il mio passato, il mio futuro, rosso il tuo sguardo, che vuole e desidera, che è padrona, che è magia. Rossa la tua voce, quasi una carezza, vita bevuta goccia dopo goccia, rosso il fuoco dentro al tuo cuore dove il mio inizia e muore. Rossa la poesia che mi regali che è il mio respiro, le mie ali, che tu confondi, stordisci, rovini, c+ma che solo con te rinasce. Rosso come la mela avvelenata, come una storia falsa e stupida, rosso pomodoro, rosso ciliegia, rosso fragola, rosso come il tetto di una casa, rosso sangue del Cristo salvatore, la sua corona di spine, il suo dolore; rosso come gambero e il rosso calamaro, rosso questo pensarti dolce e amaro , rosso come il peperoncino che brucia, come gli occhi tuoi da cui niente si salva, rosso il tempo che passa velocemente, che è padrone di ogni cosa nel creato, quel tempo che tutto crea e comanda che ogni sorriso imbroglia e uccide; rosso come una stella in fondo al mare, come il vino che fa ridere e cantare, come il mantello di un paladino, come la camicia di un garibaldino, come il coraggio che dobbiamo avere per essere liberi e conoscere la vita. Rosso il tuo silenzio quando il sesso e finito e che con la passione, il fuoco è morto lasciando una pace che nessuno capisce, che vola per il mondo e tutto azzittisce ed io sono come una foglia morta, quasi secca, e tu sei il vento che la prende e poco a poco, alta nel cielo, leggera la mandi, cancellando ogni dolore dalla mia carne, portandomi dove nascono le stelle, dove i soli sono solo scintille, dove nulla dona luce e piacere, lì dove tutto quanto sembra finire e da lassù dove tutto è piccolissimo capire alla fine, che tutto quello che dico ha come senso il niente che sono, perché io sono solo l’amore che ti dono, l’amore che è fuoco grande, immenso, amore che è ragione e motivo, anche quando è labbra contro labbra, amore che è rosso, rosso e rosso.
Red, fire and passion cover your lion heart,  by with that red, blood color that lights up your noble soul, which makes you lady and queen and, of my soul, the divine part. Red your lava mouth that mine always desired in those black and desperate days when life was a cage for the damned and where your mouth was the only door that could change any misfortune, that mouth I always dreamed of, which was fire if I kissed her. Fire red like a pomegranate red, red like a desperate heart, red like the silence of death, the new moon in the dark of the night. Your memory is red, your essence, that smile that my soul remembers and that is light, joy, hope and desire; the strength that no one knows and wins, because where my strength arrives and ends, there yours begins and flourishes. Red like coral and ruby, the precious sense of having you near, red like anger, like jealousy, because life can't exist without you, you who are everything, lady of my time, pleasure, eternal joy, you are the sea where I slowly sink , you are the sky that embraces the world, you are the red rose that lights up the summers, those days of fire, those enchanted nights. Red as coral is this love which is the blood of life and the taste of the soul, which overcomes tears, misfortune, which finds beauty in days and gives it to me without thinking about it, without demanding or begging because for you I am your light , your breath, the water, the wind chained to you. Red the words of my language, my verses, red your desired and never lost eyes, red this endless need for you, which fills the heart, the head and the veins Red my lips on white skin, your perfume that stuns and never tires, red this desire that is born and never ends, that burns the soul and stuns as soon as it is born. I snore your breath in the dark, which is my past, my future, red your gaze, which wants and desires, which is mistress, which is magic. Your voice is red, almost a caress, life drunk drop by drop, the fire inside your heart is red where mine begins and dies. Red is the poetry you give me which is my breath, my wings, which you confuse, stun, ruin, but which is reborn only with you. Red like the poisoned apple, like a false and stupid story, tomato red, cherry red, strawberry red, red like the roof of a house, blood red of Christ the savior, his crown of thorns, his pain; red like shrimp and squid red, red this thinking of you sweet and bitter, red like burning pepper, like your eyes from which nothing is saved, red the time that passes quickly, which is master of everything in creation, that time that everything creates and commands that every smile cheats and kills; red like a star at the bottom of the sea, like wine that makes you laugh and sing, like a paladin's cloak, like a Garibaldian's shirt, like the courage we must have to be free and to know life. Your silence is red when sex is over and that with passion, the fire is dead leaving a peace that no one understands, that flies around the world and silences everything and I am like a dead leaf, almost withered, and you are the wind who takes it and little by little, high in the sky, sends it lightly, erasing all pain from my flesh, taking me to where the stars are born, where the suns are only sparks, where nothing gives light and pleasure, there where everything seems to end and from up there where everything is very small to understand in the end, that everything I say has meaning in the nothingness that I am, because I am only the love that I give you, the love that is great, immense fire, love that is reason and sense, even when it's only lips to lips, love that's red, red and red.
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renee-writer · 1 year
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The Irish Lass and the Scottish Lad Chapter 2
“A pub will do you good.” Claire sighs, gathering up her jumper against the cool Scottish night. It is seven and all wants is to check on with her pop and mum, then head home to her flat for a simple tea and early bed. Geillis has other plans.
“Fine. But no more then an hour.”
They picked a good time, before the noise of the crowds was to loud. The music thumps but they can hear themselves think.
After ordering drinks, they turn back towards the dance floor and she sees him, on the other side of the pub. “Well look who’s here.” Geillis strains to see anyone they both know.
“My patient from earlier, the dislocated shoulder.”
“Oh, the wee fox “ Geillis sees him now. She gives him a wink but he only has eyes for Claire. “He is staring at you, love. Go on then and say hello.” She pushes her.
She guesses hello won’t hurt.
He sees her coming like a dream. Was it the pain meds or was she really here, nurse Beauchamp, the lass he can’t  get out of his mind?
“Hey, it’s  that sister from hospital. Come to give Angus another go.”
“Shove off, you numpty. Tis’ Jamie she is looking at.” Rupert says.
Jamie ignores them both.  Not a dream, she is truly here.
“Well, Mr. Fraser. I don’t  believe the discharge papers recommended a pub. The pain meds don’t mix well with alcohol.”
“Nae, it is a virgin.” He lifts his glass.
“Like he himself is.” Angus helpfully offers.”
“Come away you. Let’s go check out the lasses on the dance floor.” Rupert leads him away, with a look of apology to Jamie.
“Your mate has no filter.”
“Nae, and alcohol makes it worse. Sorry about that lass.”
She shrugs. It was him that could be embarrassed. “So, a pub is a proper out of hospital spot?”
“The lads,” he grins, “it is sometimes easier to give way.”
“Yes, my mate,” she nods towards Geillis, “I wanted a simple tea of beans on toast and an earlier bed.” They both laugh, “I am glad she dragged me here. It was nice to see you again Mr. Fraser.”
“Jamie, please.”
“Jamie, I’m Claire.”
“Sorcha,” he whispers sotta voice. “Claire, would you like to go out with me sometime?”
“I make it a point not to go out with patients.”
“Ah, but I am not your patient anymore. You didn’t even help fix my shoulder.” Again, that pouty face. She suddenly wants to kiss it away. The urge is so strong that it scares her.
“True.” She reaches out and takes his mobile out of his pocket. After entering her number, she returns it. “Call me.” Then she turns and walks away.
“You can count on it.” She turns and gives him a smile.
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