#sounds beaut
coockie8 · 10 months
saying the Newfoundland accent is just how all Canadians speak is like saying the New Orleans accent is how all Americans speak
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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Miss Europe (Prix de beauté) (1930) Augusto Genina
February 4th 2023
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orcelito · 1 year
i hope ITNL readers know what a butte is. if not, ur gonna find out, i guess
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elegantdemoness · 10 months
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twostepstyless · 11 months
Thinking about next years met gala already tbh
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briefinquiries · 1 month
Tyler Owens x Reader: Don't Take Him
Request: Anonymous said: "hi! oh my gosh i love your tyler x reader writings so much. could you do one where the reader is watching the tornado wrangler's livestream while they're chasing and suddenly it cuts out & she's worried something happened to tyler? with just fluff and angst and all that? thank you <3"
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: angst
A/N: I'm afraid i'm officially down bad for tyler owens (and glen powell). send help.
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The notification popped up on your phone while you were cooking dinner in the kitchen. 
The Tornado Wranglers started a live video. Watch it before it ends! 
You rolled your eyes and smirked. Tyler and his stupid channel, you thought. 
After wiping your hands on a dish towel, you swiped your thumb across the notification, letting it take you to their feed.
Boone’s face was the first you saw. His goofy, contagious grin flashed across the screen. “Alright, it’s rollin’,” he said, flipping the camera to show Tyler in the driver’s seat. “How we feelin’ today, T?” 
Tyler beamed, his smile causing his eyes to crinkle the way you loved so much. As annoying as it was to constantly be competing with tornadoes for Tyler’s affection, you had to admit that his passion was admirable. 
“Oh, we’re feelin’ pretty good, Boone– why don’t you show the viewers what we’re chasin’ today!”
The screen panned over towards the windshield, showing the storm ahead. The footage was a little grainy, but the impending storm in the distance was obvious.
“Ain’t she a beaut?” Boone marveled. 
“Now y’all got fireworks last week– this week what do you say we give rockets a go?” Tyler said, just as Boone turned the camera back on him. 
“Idiots,” you mumbled to yourself, shaking your head. You rested your phone against the utensil jar, propping it up so that you could continue to maneuver around the kitchen and listen at the same time. 
After a while, you got lost in the recipe you were trying, tuning out your boyfriend and his friends.
“Alright, Boone– Lilly?” Tyler said as you continued to chop the vegetables on the cutting board in front of you. “You ready?” 
“Oh, I’m ready!” you heard Lilly chime back. 
“Here we go, folks– as always, don’t try this at home!” 
You briefly turned your attention back towards the video as they began actively driving into the tornado, your view limited to Boone’s shaky camera work as Tyler’s driving undoubtedly turned chaotic. 
To avoid motion sickness, you looked back towards the food in front of you.
“She’s gettin’ close, boys!” Lilly yelled. 
You heard their collective cheers and hollers. 
“Anchoring time–” Tyler said. 
There was a brief pause before you heard Boone. “Hit the button, T–”
“I am hitting the button,” Tyler said firmly. 
“Tyler–” Lilly said. It was the hint of urgency in her tone that had you looking back towards your phone again. 
“It’s jammed–” Tyler said. “Here, gimme the screwdriver.”
Boone had clearly ceased thinking about camera angles. All you saw was the edge of Tyler’s face in the corner of the screen.  
“Tyler, we gotta lock it down–”
“I know, Boone. I’m tryin’ here– the damn button’s stuck again.”
“Guys–” Lilly warned. 
Your eyebrows furrowed as you watched the frame. 
“Guys, it’s getting closer.”
“I know–” Tyler said. “Boone, move your hand.”
“C’mon, man, let me try–”
“I’m telling you, it’s stuck–”
“Look out!” you jumped at Lilly’s sudden scream, followed by the sound of a loud bang, that echoed even through the screen. 
“Oh shit–” Boone yelled, camera flying. 
You grabbed your phone urgently, but all you could see was the ceiling of Tyler’s truck. Suddenly, gear was flying through the screen– almost as if the truck was flipping. You held your breath, panic and dread flooding through your entire body as you watched helplessly. 
“Hang on to someth–” Tyler’s voice was suddenly cut off along with Boone’s feed. 
The Tornado Wranglers live stream has ended. 
Even after their video went dark, you continued staring at your phone– like you were hoping Boone would pop back up any second, laughing like this was some sick, twisted joke. 
Except you waited– and waited, and Boone never popped back up. 
And neither did Tyler. 
Frantically, you pulled up your contacts and clicked on Tyler’s name. You had an unspoken agreement that no matter what he was doing during a chase– if you called, he answered. 
So that’s exactly what you did. 
But your nerves weren’t settled. In fact, you stopped breathing all together when Tyler’s phone went straight to voicemail– something he swore he’d never do. 
Hoping that he just had bad service, you called a second time– and then a third. But each time you heard Tyler’s voice telling you to leave a message at the beep, you felt the pool of panic inside of you rising higher and higher. 
“C’mon Tyler,” you muttered to yourself. 
Stupidly, you let your hopes get up when Lilly’s phone actually rang. But when that went to voicemail too, your hopes just about shattered. You didn’t even bother to try Boone– he may have been the camera guy, but he almost never had his own phone within reach. 
After your fifth attempt to reach Tyler, you finally did leave a message. 
“Hey, it’s me. I was watching the livestream when it cut out and I–” your voice cracked, causing you to stop and take a shaky breath. “Listen, I just need to know that you’re okay. So please call me back.”
With that, you hung up the phone, setting it on the counter after finally realizing it probably wouldn’t be beneficial to try calling him a sixth time– no matter how badly you wanted to. You stared ahead out the window that was over the sink. It was blue skies where you were– just a few wispy, thin clouds overhead. Nothing that remotely resembled what Tyler had just driven through.  
You didn’t even know where he was chasing today. You’d meant to ask when he’d called you last night from his motel room, but you’d gotten distracted by the dog whining to go out and ultimately forgot. Now, you had no way to contact him and no idea where he was…  
Suddenly, a sob bubbled in your throat. Before you could filter or control it, you were letting out a shaky gasp– shoulders shuddering as you gripped the edge of the counter and doubled over. 
You felt it everywhere– from your mind down to your toes, your entire body reacted to the cruel, impossible idea of something happening to Tyler. 
Maybe he was fine, you told yourself. Maybe Boone just dropped his phone and the feed cut– But even as the thought crossed your mind, you knew it was ridiculously unlikely. You saw those things go flying– you heard Lilly’s scream. 
Maybe the car flipped, maybe it was crushed. 
Maybe Tyler was pulled right from his seat, tossed into the oncoming storm. 
Maybe he was hit with flying debris, his body mangled and bruised and broken–
“No,” you whimpered to yourself, shaking your head. “No, no, no– please– please don't take him, please don't take him.”
You weren't even sure who you were pleading to, all you knew was that you couldn’t imagine Tyler not being okay. He was the strong one– always steady, always certain. He was your rock, the person you leaned on for absolutely everything. And the idea of him being hurt somewhere was unfathomable. Tyler didn’t get scared– Tyler didn’t get hurt. Tyler drove into oncoming tornadoes and stayed strong. 
To your absolute despair, all you could do in the upcoming hours while you waited for any sort of news, was hope to God that was still the case. 
Eventually, you found a home on the kitchen floor– back against the cabinets and knees hugged tightly to your chest to try and withstand the dread raging inside of you. 
Tyler put his truck in park outside of the house before running a hand through his damp, windblown hair. After the day he’d had, he’d never been happier to be home. 
It wasn’t the first time he’d flipped in the truck. Thanks to the roll cage, they wound back upright with next to no damage– but Tyler knew it’d been his fault. The stupid rods had malfunctioned again– something Tyler had been meaning to take a look at for the past month. Except every time they got stuck, he’d managed to fix the jam before the storms actually hit. But this time, he’d been too late. 
Luckily, his two passengers were even bigger adrenaline junkies than he was. The truck had barely landed back on its wheels before Boone was hollering and pounding his fist against the ceiling in excitement. And Lilly wasn’t far behind him. Meanwhile, all Tyler could do was look down at his shattered cell phone and hope to hell you wouldn’t need to reach him for the rest of the night. 
As soon as Tyler walked through the front door of your shared house, he noticed signs of you everywhere. The lamp near your reading chair was turned on, and the blanket you always used was strewn across the couch messily. He noticed the mug resting on the coffee table, thinking to himself that it was almost certainly half full of the tea you always insisted on making at night but never finished. 
He smiled to himself, as he bent over to untie his muddy boots, eager to spend the rest of his night holding you close. 
He had barely managed to toe off his final boot when he heard shuffling from the kitchen. 
He could instantly tell that something was off– your voice sounded so muffled and choked up.  
“Hey,” he said, turning to offer you a smile. But it faded from his face at the sight of you. Your body was trembling, shoulders slumped and arms wound tightly around yourself. Your eyes were bloodshot and puffy from what looked like hours of crying. 
“Baby?” he said. 
In response, you covered your mouth and hunched over just in time for a sob to escape your lips. 
Instantly, Tyler’s stomach dropped to the floor. 
“Hey,” he said, hurrying forward. He hesitated, hands hovering near your shoulders. He’d never seen you like this– so fragile and broken and obviously devastated over something. But he had no fucking idea what it was– which meant, he had no fucking idea how to fix it. 
Your hair had fallen in your face, but he could still see the tears rolling steadily down your rosy cheeks as you gasped for air. 
“Hey,” he repeated gently, tilting his head down so that he was closer to your height. 
“I-I saw– And I thought–” you stammered frantically, jumping to the next sentence without finishing the first. 
In that moment, Tyler decided against his earlier hesitation and risked reaching for you. Just standing there and watching you fall apart went against every instinct he had– he wanted to protect you, keep you safe from anything that could cause this kind of harm. 
But as soon as his hands grazed your shoulder, Tyler knew that he’d made the wrong choice. The moment he made contact, you lunged forward– hands planting themselves on his chest before you gave him a shove. 
“You asshole!” you yelled through a sob. 
Tyler staggered backwards– more from being caught off guard by your sudden burst of anger, than from how hard you pushed him.
But he barely had time to recover before you were lunging for him a second time. Using what little energy you had, you shoved him again. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” you shouted. 
Tyler took a simple step back, eyes scanning the length of you– trying to decide what the hell he should do. When you attempted to push him for a third time, your arms barely had any energy left in them.
“Hey–” he breathed, gripping your wrists when they landed on his chest a fourth time. 
“Let go of me!” you yelled, wiggling from his grasp. “You’re an asshole, Tyler!”
“Stop,” he begged, releasing your wrists to wrap his arms around your shoulders. You fought his hold, fists colliding with his chest instead. But this time, he didn’t let go. 
“No!” you sobbed, but he could already feel you slowing down. Not like your shoves or fists hurt before, but with each pound, the impact grew lighter and lighter. 
“Stop,” he repeated, forcing you to his chest, despite your resistance. You were pushing him away– but everything about your demeanor screamed that you needed his comfort. 
Finally, whether it was his persistence or your exhaustion, you gave up fighting and let your body melt against his.  
Tyler planted one palm between your shoulder blades firmly and used the other to cup the back of your neck, anchoring you to him securely. As soon as Tyler tightened his hold on you, you erupted into a fit of sobs– like all the dam inside of you needed was just a little bit of pressure to break. The trembling turned into violent shaking, and you began gripping at the fabric of his t-shirt like your life depended on it. 
And Tyler had no fucking idea what to do– 
So, he did the only thing he could do, which was hold onto you tightly and let you stain the front of his plain gray shirt with your tears. 
“I got you, baby,” Tyler whispered as he pressed a lingering kiss against the top of your head. “You’re okay, I got you.” 
Eventually, he heard you take a ragged breath and pull away just enough to look up at him. Tyler cupped your jaw with his large hand and used his thumb to stroke your cheek. “Talk to me,” he pleaded.
You bit down on your quivering lip before speaking. “I-I was watching– I was watching Boone’s livestream when it cut out– and then, your phone– I couldn’t reach you. I- I called like– so many times, but you didn’t answer– I thought– I thought something had happened– I thought you were hurt– or-or worse–”
“Oh, baby,” Tyler exhaled, guilt spreading through him at the thought of you having to see whatever got streamed from the accident earlier. He was the reason you were so distraught in your shared kitchen at eleven o’clock. He was the reason your eyes were red rimmed and swollen. He was the reason your cheeks were stained with tears. “I’m so sorry.”
“I thought I was gonna get a phone call– from the hospital or- or your mom or something– I didn’t think you’d- I didn’t think you’d come home, I thought you died,” You broke on the last admission, like something inside of you had cracked. You collapsed in on yourself, hunching over and wracking with heaving sobs.
Tyler pulled you back into his embrace, like he was the only thing preventing you from drowning. Gradually, his soft touch and gentle murmurs brought you to the surface again. 
“I’m so sorry, baby,” he repeated, lips ghosting along your temple. “I’m right here. I’m okay.”
“But- the truck– it flipped–”
He nodded above you. “It did– I couldn’t get the screws bolted down in time. But we have the cage, the truck rolled right back upright. Everyone is fine. I mean, Boone might have a few loose screws, but there’s no tellin’ if that’s from the rolled truck–”
Your tone immediately hardened as you sharply pulled back again. “Are you seriously making jokes right now, Tyler?” 
And truthfully, Tyler wasn’t entirely sure how to react. He looked down at you pathetically, chest aching to see you so upset. You being this angry with him was uncharted territory. 
“You could have died!” you said loudly. “I know you think you are, but you’re not invincible, Tyler! This isn’t some movie where you get to drive into tornadoes completely unscathed ten times out of ten. This is our lives! I-I mean, what the hell were you thinking?”
”Everything’s okay–”
“Everything is not okay! I’m not okay! Do you know how helpless I felt? Watching that stupid livestream? I tried to call, but– but you didn’t answer, I couldn’t do anything but wait here! I mean, what if that had been me? What if you’d seen a video of me crashing my car– and then had no way to reach me? What if you had to spend all night wondering if you were going to get a call that I was dead in a ditch God-only-knows-where?”
For once, Tyler had no response. Because the truth was, he knew everything you were saying was right. He’d be equally angry and frustrated and horrified if the tables were turned. 
You wiped the tear falling down your cheek, lip quivering. “I– I can’t live in a world without you in it, Tyler. I really can’t–”   
In the deafening silence, he sighed. “I know,” he said quietly, stepping forward to bring you back into his embrace. He was surprised when you willingly let him wrap his arms around you, head falling to rest on his chest. 
Tyler’s hand ran through your hair. “I know. I’m okay, baby. I’m right here, I got you.”
He was okay. He was alive and he was right here– you could hear his heartbeat beneath you–  feel his breath against the side of your neck. He was alive and unharmed. 
You kept your eyes closed and tried to memorize the sound of his heartbeat. You let it seep into the cracks of your heart and heal whatever had been broken in the last few hours of worrying– wondering if he was alive. You focused on the way his arms felt around you– impossibly warm, and so, so safe. 
Gradually, your breathing and your mind slowed. Until all that was left was Tyler. 
Your voice was shaky when you finally pulled away. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” you exhaled. “I didn’t like not being able to reach you.”
Tyler’s hand stroked your hair gently, “Baby, I’m so sorry I made you worry– my phone broke when we rolled. I’ll get a new one tomorrow, I promise.”
You nodded slowly and placed your hand against Tyler’s chest. 
“You okay?” he asked. 
You blinked a few times, realizing how tired you were. “Yeah–” you said, nodding. You felt Tyler’s heartbeat beneath your palm.   
Each beat reminding you that he was here and he was alive and he was okay. 
“Can you–” your voice cracked slightly, making you wince. “Can you please just stay with me the rest of the night? I just–” you glanced down at the floor, embarrassed to admit how much you needed him. “I just need to be close to you tonight.”
Tyler’s eyes softened. “Of course, baby. Where else would I be?”
You nodded slowly. 
Tyler grabbed your hand and led you towards the couch. He took the blanket you’d left sprawled out from earlier and wrapped it around your shoulders before pulling you down beside him. He laid back against the cushions and made a spot for you. Without even hesitating, you curled up between his legs and rested your head back against his chest. 
“I need you to promise me you’ll be careful,” you pleaded. “I know you love chasing, and I’d never ask you to give that up, but I don’t know what I’d do if anything ever happened to you.”
You felt Tyler sigh beneath you, his chest rising and falling steadily. “I promise.” 
“And I need you to promise me you’ll get those damn screws fixed. That’s like the third time this month you’ve told me that they’ve jammed.”
You felt his chest rumble as he chuckled softly. “I will. Believe it or not, I didn’t like rolling in my truck, either.”
You lifted your head from his chest so that you could get a good look at Tyler’s face. Even after all these years with him, he still managed to leave you breathless.  
“Well then maybe it’s time you take a break and just stay home for a little while,” you teased, lips curling into a soft smile. 
The corner of Tyler’s lips tugged upward as his green eyes sparkled under the dim light. “You know what, that might not be a bad idea.” 
You raised your eyebrow skeptically. You knew you shouldn’t get your hopes up, and yet, that was exactly what you did. “Really?” 
Tyler’s hand tucked a loose strand of your hair from your face before his thumb grazed across your wet cheek. He nodded sincerely. “Really.”
You were a mess– eyes puffy, lips cracked. You were exhausted and so shaken up from everything that had happened. And who knew how long Tyler would have to put extra effort into helping make you feel safe. 
But right now, wrapped in his embrace on your shared couch, all you needed was him.   
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yandere-daydreams · 7 months
Title: Intoxicated.
Pairing: Yandere!Fae King x Reader (OC).
Word Count: 1.0k.
TW: Non/Con -> Dub/Con, AFAB!Reader, Aphrodisiacs/Sex Pollen, Unbalanced Power Dynamics, Unhealthy Relationships, Orgasm Denial, and Obsessive Behavior.
[Commissioned piece. Donate to Palestinians in Gaza here.]
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His chambers reeked of honey and lavender.
A stark improvement when compared to the raw stench of sweating bodies and animal fervor that’d hung over the celebrations still raging on in his banquet hall, but strong thick enough to turn your stomach, still choking enough to leave your head spinning, your vision distorted and dark around the edges. A thick, lilac smoke clouded the air, courtesy of the herbs smoldering in jars of stained glass on a nearby windowsill – only adding to your current haziness. It went without saying that none of it, of course, was aided by the clever, slender fingers slowly drawing lazy circles into your clit, the stimulation too much to block out entirely but not nearly enough to bring you any real satisfaction. It was hard to be frustrated, though, when you considered who that stimulation was coming from.
Aisling had positioned himself behind you, propped against the ornate headboard of his almost comically oversized bed. Two long, hoofed legs stretched out on either side of you – flecks of golden pollen still dusted over his dark fur. His chest was bear and cool where it pressed into your back, and his unoccupied hand alternated between wrapping snuggly around your midriff and prying your thighs apart when they attempted in-vain to shut. His touch, like most other things about him, left much to be desired. You’d lost track of how long you’d spent here, how much time had passed since he carried you out of those wretched rituals his kind called revelries, but couldn’t have been any longer than a few minutes, even if it felt like a small eternity lapsed by every time you let your eyes droop shut. He prided himself on his adeptness in all things frivolous and pleasurable, and you couldn’t imagine him taking this long to bring you to climax.
“I’ve grown quite fond of your meekness, you know.” His voice was a deep rumble, less a string of words and more a prolonged, inflected purr. Cold lips ghosted over the curve of your ear, and his fingers found a new pattern; one with enough force behind to it make your head lull forward, a slight whimper slipping past your grit teeth as the loose knot in your core began to tighten. “At first, it was rather irking to realize I would never be able to make love to you under the light of the full moon to the accompaniment of my finest bards, but I think I’ve come to like how—” A quirk of his wrist, a strange crescent-like motion. You withered against him, your hips bucking stiltedly into his hand. “—reserved your kin tend to be. It feels more intimate, locking ourselves away like this. Like we share a common secret.”
That fucking smell. The sickening sweetness of it seemed to claw and tear at your lungs, to lodge itself in the hollows of your skull and send a warm, steady pulsing down the length of your spine with every slight movement of Aisling’s fingers. You let your eyes fall shut, your hands kneading at the silk of his sheets as the knot sitting in your core coiled ever-tighter, as you came so, so close to that—
As Aisling pulled away, his touch skirting over the inside of your thigh before forcing two fingers into the dripping entrance of your cunt. You couldn’t bite back the fractured whine that bubbled past your lips, arching your back as he spread and curled his digits inside of you. “Still,” he went on, sighing in mock-disappointment. “I feel like our relationship has been far from reciprocal, as of late. I do adore taking care of you, and I don’t mean to sound unthankful, but—” Another pause, another sigh. “I am beloved to all folks of the land and air, worshiped by the valleys and mountains alike, and dearest to all beings with the wisdom necessary to appreciate true beauty. Why is it that the one I cherish most so evidently detests my very existence?”
“Be—” A broken moan cut you off, draw out by a particular scissoring motion of his fingers. It was a fight to find your voice again. “Because you’re a fucking prick.”
“Your honeyed praises will have to wait, for now.” The heel of his palm ground into your clit, but the friction was too soft, too half-hearted to do anything. His lilac smoke seemed to claw its way down your throat and dislodge a pathetic string of whimpers and mewls, filling the new vacancy with a sort of… a sort of liquid heat, strong enough to leave you panting and hot enough to have you squirming against him, eager to get that much closer to his frigid body. Your desperation earned a melodic laugh from Aisling, a tender nuzzling of his cheek against yours. “Oh? Do you have something you’d like to ask for, little fawn?”
He forced a third finger into your terribly empty cunt, and something inside of you seemed to break open. “Please, Aisling, I—” You paused, gasped as his fingers curved against the clenching walls of your pussy. “I need to cum. I can’t take another—”
Whatever you might’ve said dissolved into a broken, pained moan as he drew back entirely, his slick-stained hand moving to your chin and tilting your head back, his lips finding your own before your shock could fade into hurt. Pointed, cat-like fangs burrowed into your bottom lip as his rough tongue laved over your own, the gesture less of a kiss and more of an attempt to permanently attach a part of him to a part of you. His taste was one of fresh fruit and sugared cream, and by the time he pulled away, you were panting, heaving, clambering to stay as close as him as you possibly could, to get as much from him as you possible could. Aisling only laughed as you rushed to straddle him, taking your face in both hands and pulling you into another long, lingering kiss – his mouth just as sweet as his poisons.
“Such a beautiful song,” he muttered, pulling back far enough to speak, but not leaving quite enough distance to disguise the crooked smile spread across his lips.
“Perhaps, by the time we’re finished, you’ll love me enough to deserve to.”
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amorebeaute2012 · 2 years
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Stay warm this winter with Amore Beauté double layer velvet and wool felt curtains. Not only do they add luxurious style to your home, but they also provide insulation and noise reduction. Plus, they repel dirt and grime. Give them a try for a cozy and welcoming home.
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lushrue · 3 months
hockeyteam!141 x figureskater!reader pt 2!
part 2 of this au finally! i'm so glad people like it! comment if you wanna be added to the taglist, already planning pt 3 so there will be more where this came from 💗
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8
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your name was announced through the loudspeaker as you skated onto the ice, all covered in sequins and polyester. you’d always thought it was a little bit silly, the conventions around figure skating costumes. that fit that Margot Robbie threw in I, Tonya about the ridiculousness of it? yeah, you’d had a moment like that once or twice. the rough fabric scratched your arms, the glint of the sequins drew focus away from your expressions. but you still felt elegant as you set your mark at center ice, hitting your starting pose in the silence before the music began.
breathe in, breathe out. focus. momentum is everything, remember your character, focus going into your jumps.
in the moment before your routine started, you flicked your eyes up and scanned the crowd. it was something that you’d done ever since your first routine that you took to competition. usually, you were looking for your parents, their smiling faces and the flash of your mom’s digital camera. now, though, it became more curiosity, finding a spot to let your eyes settle when you weren’t looking at the judges’ table. it was then that you saw them. four big, brutish hockey players sat shoulder to shoulder in the stands. the one with the mohawk (soap, you remembered) lifted his hand to wave at you, only for the man beside him (kyle, you guessed from this distance) to swat it down.
the shock must have played out on your face, because you saw price smirk as your music began playing. you let the sound seep into your bones and just like that, it all melted away and you skated.
the four of them watched pretty intently for the first few seconds of your routine. price was focused on the placement of your body, how you kept your center of gravity in the middle at all times. he had to admire how precise you were in your movements, like you knew the physics behind all of it. for all he knew, you did. he could tell you were skilled and he liked that about you. talent recognizes talent, or however the saying goes.
kyle was simply admiring your choice of music. Moonlight Sonata, though basic, was like black coffee, he thought. a classic choice that never really got old, but so many things could be added to it to make it new and exciting. and watching you skate to it, he felt like he’d never heard it before. he watched your face more than anything else. you were so expressive, a story playing out in your eyes, and he soaked it all up. it was like reading a novel, and this one was a page-turner.
ghost was watching the lines of your body. it was like you were painting the air as you moved, each flick of the wrist and lift of the leg deliberate and purposeful. it all served to make a pretty picture. every now and again, he’d look at the thin lines your skates left on the ice, the swirls and curves detailing everywhere you’d been. much prettier than the harsh notches he left behind when he stepped out of the rink, he thought. just like you, they were delicate.
soap was far less interested in the artistry or skill of it and more focused on you. the way your hair moved as you spun on the ice, the way your costume clung to your skin. he couldn’t even act as if he wasn’t watching disrespectfully, thinking of what your body might look like under the spandex and sparkles. you lifted your leg and began spinning, and soap thought he might keel over right then and there. ghost nudged him as he adjusted himself on the bench, a silent gesture that told him to behave.
johnny gestured to price behind kyle’s back, getting his attention. “didn’t i tell ya, cap? a right beaut, that one,” he said, earning himself a flick to the head from ghost. price chuckled, turning his attention back to where you were winding up for a jump. two turns in the air and you landed perfectly. he knew you would, you talented thing. “yeah. a beaut,” price responded, a small smile curving his lips.
you skated remarkably, in your opinion. it was a relatively simple routine, but with every completed skate, regardless of skill level, came a sense of accomplishment. as you hit your ending pose, you made eye contact with your hockey players in the stands again. ghost’s face was unreadable from this distance, but you caught the pleased expressions of the other three as they clapped for you. soap had a glint in his eyes that spelled mischief and made something in your stomach tighten. kyle was looking at you like the artist you perceived yourself to be, almost how you imagined someone would look at their favorite painting. and price’s face had pride written all over it. you caught an almost imperceptible nod from him, as if to say well done.
you bowed to both sides of the rink and skated off the ice, a performer’s smile on your lips. it wasn’t entirely fake, not like it had been at some competitions. this time, it was born of the idea that four of the men you’d been watching, nay, pining after for a month were finally turning their attentions to you. for the first time in a while, you wondered what someone besides the judges thought of your routine. the worst part was, you needed them to like it. you felt the intense need to please them, keep them coming back for more.
the four of them found you in line for the concessions, grabbing a hot chocolate to soothe your cold bones in between programs. your free skate was coming up next and you knew you’d need a little pick-me-up before then. as you thanked the high schooler who’d poured your drink, you turned to walk away and almost collided with a wall of solid muscle. price, you’d realize as you looked up. “told ya we wanted to see ya, bonnie!” soap’s voice chirped from behind the broad shoulders of the team captain.
you glanced around him, noticing kyle and ghost stood off to the side. kyle was all polite smiles and ghost looked as though he was aware of how much space he was taking up, supremely uncomfortable as people brushed past him. soap was stood off to the other side of price, arms crossed over his chest. then your eyes turned up to the captain himself, feeling a sense of pride radiating off of him. you weren’t sure why; this was a man who barely knew you. but it made your stomach flutter all the same. “good performance you put on out there, love,” he said, the rumble of his baritone voice more compelling when it was directed at you. you’d seen the boys scramble to follow his orders before during a game, but you’d thought it was just his rank on the team. no, you realized, it was definitely the voice.
“thank you,” you replied sheepishly, clutching the warm styrofoam cup in your icy fingers. “i’m glad you all liked it.” kyle spoke up, stepping a bit closer to where you stood. “liked it? i loved it! you’ll have to tell me more about how you choreographed it, the musicality was insane!” “easy, garrick,” ghost’s voice rumbled from where he stood, a bit muffled by the black surgical mask. “don’t wan’ to scare off our pretty bird.” oh, you could get used to that. you spoke up, your eyes flicking between the four of them. “actually, i still have another program to skate.” you hesitated, almost worried you were being too forward. but then you continued. why not live a little, take some risks? “if you all wanted to stay, that is.”
you didn’t have to tell them twice.
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taglist: @cadotoast
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agendabymooner · 11 months
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summary: he finally understood why she loved her shithole of a flat so much.
content warning: smut under the cut (minors dni!), use of explicit language, pwp, mirror sex, mentions of exhibitionism/voyeurism (suggestions of the grid watching), size kink, praise kink, fingering, squirting, overstimulation, my man danny ric is filthy asf
note: i blacked out while writing this so whatever i wrote in here i’ve no control over. enjoy xx
something sinful (smut) masterlist
a - n masterlist
o - z masterlist
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the ceiling mirrors were installed in her room out of pure joy. she enjoyed creative photography and had often taken photos of herself — the creativity coming straight from the mirrors as she had no one to have her photos taken of but herself. 
daniel ricciardo loved it. he loved her independence and cozy little flat — though he kept convincing her to move into a bigger place. she deserved so much more than this shitbox, but she insisted that she needed to earn more money before buying a better place. her independence was what drove him insane. 
all he wanted was to treat her like a queen— one that she deserved to see herself as. 
and that was how she ended up leaning against him, her legs spread wide open and her head leaning back against his chest. his tattooed arm kept her lightly strained while his hand held her chin up to face their reflections, gripping it gently whenever her eyes would shut close thanks to the pleasure brought by the fingers that slowly fucked her. 
she heaved a sigh, feeling too overstimulated from previous orgasms he’d given her who knows when. her body limped against him while her hand tried grabbing onto his, only for him to tut quietly and smack her cunt slightly. 
“don’t you fucking dare touch,” he warned her quietly. 
“‘s too much, danny,” she cried quietly, her eyes closing tightly as she squirmed. yet her walls clenched around his fingers when they slid back in. her moan protested against the words she just uttered. 
“but y’look so fuckin’ beautiful like this, doll,” he teased her, his mouth nibbling on her ear as he tapped her chin. watching her open her eyes, he then praised her, “see? a fuckin’ beaut is what you are. can’t believe i’m allowing you to live in a shithole like this.” 
“you deserve so much better than this, princess,” daniel continued to speak, grinning breathlessly when she squealed at the curling of his fingers. 
the sounds of squelching of her cunt filled the small space as she watched his fingers disappear inside her, partially watching in disbelief at how much he’s filling her. those were just his fingers. she couldn’t imagine how his cock looked when he’s fucking her with it. it was too big.
“‘s it because of these mirrors, doll?” he asked although she couldn’t answer anymore. her brain was turning hazy from the overstimulation, sending her to a certain state of pleasure as he continued to taunt her, “you like watching yourself touch this pretty cunt of yours, huh, baby? ‘s that why you wouldn’t move?” 
not receiving an answer from her, his dark eyes watched her reflection squirm away from his touch.
he continued to smile widely, his fingers now curling and hitting the spot as he increased his pace and began fucking her rigorously. “if you want to see yourself look all pretty getting fucked like this you could have just asked me, baby.” 
“you know that i can’t refuse my princess,” he hummed, vibrations on her back making her cry out and babble inaudibly. 
“danny, mmmm~ ‘s too much,” she didn’t even notice that tears were beginning to form, her sight turning blurry while she watched his fingers fill her hole like they were meant to be there. “too- too much, i- hah~ ngh~ fuck danny!” 
“yes, i know princess,” he cooed in her ear quietly, his gentle voice contrasting with the way he fucked her as he murmured, “you’ve more in you, baby, let it go. doin’ so good f’me. let go~” 
daniel’s eyes gleamed in excitement watching her cunt drench his fingers with pleasure. she soaked his fingers, and her sheets were covered with her pleasure as she came for the third time tonight— all from his fingers. 
her body that once convulsed reacted when his mouth slipped in his tongue inside hers, already too fucked out and sensitive as she moaned quietly. “so fuckin’ good f’me, princess.” 
she hadn’t expected him to continue on with the night as she let out a squeal, her legs being hoisted up by him as he leaned back and slid his cock inside her without a problem. 
“i- danny, want more-“ she babbled, her head tipping over to watch the ceiling mirrors as she witnessed her cunt sinking into his thick cock. she moaned at the sight, already clenching around him. she really loved the sight of him bulging in her stomach— that and the filthy words that slip out of his mouth as his hips moved up and down to fuck her.
“god! you’re so fuckin’ hot,” he growled from under her, meeting her eyes over the ceiling mirrors while he chased his climax and hers. “y’like watching huh?” 
“yes!” she cried out, his cock hitting the spot as she spoke. “love your cock, love you s’much!” 
“such a pretty girl,” daniel said, “i fuckin love watchin’ you writhing, baby— wish everyone in the fuckin’ grid can see you— d’ya know how much they wanna fuck you?” 
feeling her clench at the comment, danny chuckled and thrusted up at her, “oh- ya like that, hm? you wan’ them to see me fuck you?” 
she only uttered a moan, sinking down to meet his thrust halfway through. 
“you like that huh?” he taunted her, “maybe next time we should make them watch and have them realize that nobody can make you feel like this but me.” 
“they won’t be happy that it’s not them fuckin’ you, baby. i’m sure we can both agree that no one can fuck you like this but me— and i’ll make sure they know that.”
a queen was what she was. if daniel could only, he’d show everyone in the grid that she deserved to be treated like one— and he’d show them all how to treat her like one.
but for now, he needed to fuck her like a queen then install a ceiling mirror in his place in monaco if they both liked to watch him fuck her like this.
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nurse-floyd · 5 months
A Mother’s Day to Remember
Warnings: Just pure smut.
Unbeta’d but I’m tired and want to post this before Mother’s Day ends!
Blame (or thank) @vivwritesfics and @localwhoore for this!
Lando wants to give y/n a special Mother’s Day gift.
It was a warm Sunday evening and you, Lando and your baby girl Emma, had been enjoying a wonderful mother’s day together.
As the sun began to set, you gently rocked Emma to sleep in your arms while singing a lullaby. With a full belly and the busy day you’d all had, it didn’t take long. Lando stood in the doorway looking at the pair of you with nothing but love as you gently lay Emma down in her crib once she was sound asleep. Lando joined you from behind as he wrapped his arms around your waist and placed a kiss on your cheek as you both watched your baby girl sleep.
“You’re an amazing mum, you know?" he whispered into your ear. “I love you with our baby…makes me want to give you more.”
You let out a soft laugh as you turned to him and ushered him out of the room before either of you woke Emma. “Lan, babe. You just about dealt with my pregnancy hormones last time!” you teased.
“And I’d deal with them all over again.”
You blushed at his words as you smacked him lightly.
“Anyway, I still need to give you my gift,” he said as he held out his hand and led you towards the bedroom.
You looked at him confused but let him lead you, “Lan, you’ve already given me so much today,” you continued before he interrupted you with a kiss.
He broke the kiss as he looked into your eyes, “that was all Emma. I want tonight to be all about you,” he continued, his brown eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief, “I want to show you exactly how much I love and appreciate everything you do for us.”
Your breathing quickened as he continued pressing soft kisses along your jawline as his hands roamed over the rest of your body. He urged you back toward the bed while his hands continued to explore your body with a mixture of tenderness and hunger. He nipped at your neck, his breath warm and inviting, “so fucking beautful.”
With gentle hands he grabbed the hem of your shirt and lifted it over your head, his gaze filled with adoration as he looked up and down at your body. He removed your pants next, leaving a trail of kisses down your stomach as he worked at the buttons of your jeans. Once you were in your bra and panties, he took a moment to really admire you. His eyes held just as much love as they had done before Emma was born, he appreciated every inch and curve of your body.
He lay you down on the bed as he straddled on top of you. He lowered his head to your chest as his mouth left a trail of kisses from your collarbone down to your breasts. He took one nipple in his mouth and sucked gently as his free hand drifted lower and teased at the wetness between your thighs.
You let out a moan as his tongue swirled around your nipple while his fingers found your clit and began stroking it gently. He kept one finger circling and flicking your clit while his other fingers teased at your entrance.
Your breaths quickened as the pressure built in your core as you started to rock your hips against his hand, “please Lan,” you whispered, “need more.”
Lando smiled against your skin and obliged as he pushed his fingers inside of you. You let out a gasp, your walls clutching around his fingers as he gently moved them in and out, stretching your open while his thumb continued teasing your clit.
His mouth left your breasts as he trailed kisses down your stomach. Your body arched off the bed as your pleasure built as a moan escaped your lips.
“That’s it baby,” his own voice hoarse, “tonight’s all about you.”
Your breaths came even quicker as you felt his fingers curl inside you to find that sweet spot that finally pushed you over the edge. You groaned out his name and your body shook as the orgasm washed over you.
Lando looked blissed out as he watched you come undone, but he wasn’t done quite yet. Before you could think straight again Lando’s mouth was against yours as he positioned himself between your thighs once more. You could feel his hard length pressing against you and you eagerly wrapped your legs around him and pulled him closer. He guided himself into your entrance and slowly pushed his way inside. He let out his own gran against your mouth at the sensation of your warm pussy around him.
Your eyes fluttered closed as you felt him fill you completely. He stilled for a moment as he let you adjust to his size before he began to move his hips in a slow and steady rhythm.
“Fuck. You feel so good,” he groaned.
You pulled him closer to your chest, your nails dug crescent shapes into his back and were sure to leave scratch marks as you dug your nails down his skin and relished in the sensation. Lando’s thrusts became more desperate and his breath came in harsher gasps as he chased his own orgasm. You matched his pace as you rocked your hips against his in perfect sync. You moaned as you felt your walls clench around Lando and with a few more desperate thrusts you were both in bliss.
Both satisfied, Lando collapsed onto the bed beside you before he pulled you into his chest. “Happy Mother’s Day,” he whispered as he pressed a soft kiss to the side of your head.
“That was the best Mother’s Day ever,” you murmured as you felt your eyes growing heavier, blissed out and exhausted from the day’s activities.
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wintfleur · 1 year
ꔫ lavender and vanilla
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°. — pairings ( Oscar piastri x fem! reader )
°. — summary ( oscar was such a good boyfriend, he always took such good care of you. Now it’s your turn to take care of him and help him relax after a stressful day )
°. — details ( g; fluff. w; kissing, slightly suggestive at the end. wc; 1.9k )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( I came up with the whole plot in the shower listening to ‘motions’ by Naomi Scott, I highly recommend giving the song a listen, her music is so good and sooo underrated. Is anyone a doctor? Because I need my mind to be cleaned from all the Oscar brain rot I have…I can’t focus on anything but him! ˙ᵕ˙ )
“Keep on going to the daylight, if it feels right” you sang along to one of your favorite songs, your voice echoing through the lavish hotel bathroom. You didn’t have to worry about being quiet since you were the only one in the room, and you knew that neighboring hotel rooms were empty, the occupants all at the track. It was a late Thursday, and from the text you received a few minutes ago from your boyfriend, you knew he would be walking through the front door of the room; any minute now and you couldn't wait anymore. 
You missed your boyfriend dearly, you had stayed at the hotel all day only going out a few times to get some things, while he was stuck at the track for press conferences and getting ready for Friday and the weekend. You knew by the time Oscar walked through those doors he would be absolutely exhausted, he hated having to do media. Hours earlier you laid in bed wearing one of Oscars hoodie, breathing in his scent and wishing he was there to keep you warm instead. 
You had been scrolling through your phone, looking through all the pictures of you and him. There were some pictures of you and him when the two of you were younger-and strictly just friends. Then pictures of the two of you on the dates and vacations he would take you on, you were so happy. He took such good care of you, and now that's all you wanted to do. So, you got out of bed, got dressed and went out to get some things for tonight. Determined to have tonight be relaxing for your boyfriend. 
And now here you are hours later, sitting on the edge of the huge bathtub watching as the hot water fills up the tub and mixes with some of the lavender oil you put in. The scent of the lavender water and the few vanilla scented candles you had placed around the bathroom created the perfect aroma. The cold edge of the tub caused goosebumps to appear on your thighs, your body just itching to get in the hot water.
You heard the familiar sound of the front door unlocking and opening and the faint sound of your boyfriend calling your name. A big smile spreads on your watermelon Chapstick flavored lips (his favorite) and you quickly shut off the water before basically skipping out of the bathroom and into the large room. Your eyes immediately go to the bed where you see your boyfriend's back, his shoulders sagged as he dropped his phone and keys on the bed, his backpack on the ground. 
Oscar quickly turns to face you when he hears your footsteps, a smile appearing on his tired face at the sight of you. He had also missed you dearly. He had only a few seconds to get a good look at you before you threw yourself in his arms, your arms around his neck and his arms tightly wrapped around your waist. Oscar nuzzled his face into your neck, taking a deep breath and taking in the smell of your perfume, his favorite smell. 
“Hi pretty girl” he mumbled into your neck, his tone showing how tired he was. He pulled as close to him as he could, his hands massaging your hips. 
“Hi handsome” you beamed, your hands trailing down his arms as you pulled away from the hug. Oscar kept his hands on your hips as you took a step back, his eyes took in the sight of you. You were wearing a pair of green silk shorts that stopped in the middle of your thighs, and a matching camisole. Your hair was pulled back with a ribbon, you looked absolutely beautiful. 
“Look at you, all dolled up for me?” Oscar purred as he moved one of his hands from your waist, to cup your cheek; his thumb caressing your cheekbone softly. You leaned your face against his hand before whispering sweetly “I have a lot more for you to.” 
Oscar raises his eyebrow at your words and a smile adorns his face, curious on what you mean by that. You say nothing as you grab onto his hand and pull him into the bathroom. As he steps into the bathroom, he's hit with the relaxing smell of lavender and vanilla and the soft sound of music playing from your phone. When Oscar sees the filled-up bath, he realizes what you meant, and he can't help but ask “What's all this for?” 
“You always take such good care of me Oscar, i want to take care of you tonight” you expressed softly as you looked lovingly into his eyes, pulling him closer to the hot bath. Oscar smiled at your words, he was so lucky to have such a caring and loving girlfriend like you. Oscar brings your hand he was holding to his face and places a soft kiss on the top of your hand before saying “Well let's not wait any longer then.” 
You giggled at your boyfriend's eager tone, you let go of his hand before taking a step back from him, your hands going to your shorts to get undressed. Oscar takes his focus off you and instead focuses on undressing himself, sneakily looking back at you a few times. Oscar lets out a loud chuckle when he feels you slap him on the back with your top, when you catch his stare on your bare chest. 
You grab your clothes and pick up Oscars that he left on the floor with a roll of your eyes. He had a habit of leaving his clothes in the middle of the floor. You set the clothes on the counter while Oscar slowly sinks into the hot bath. Oscar lets out a heavy breath, his eyes closing as he rolls his shoulders, the hot water and lavender already doing wonders on his tense body. 
You lifted your leg and dipped your toe in the water, testing to see how the water is. It was hot enough to give you tingles, but not too hot for you to want to get out. Oscar lifts his head from leaning back against the edge of the tub and opens his eyes when he feels you slowly sink into the water. You had your back to him, and you were sitting between his legs, the bath was big enough for three, so you had no trouble fitting. 
Oscar let his arms dip under the hot water, where he grabbed onto your waist and pulled you back against him, the water sloshing at the fast movement. You leaned back against him, your head on his chest. Oscar smiled and rested his hands on your lower half, whispering in your ear “Now that's better.” 
You absentmindedly start playing with his fingers as you tilt your head to see him, he was already looking down on you; a smile on his lips, the tense look he had already gone. You were happy to see that. You spoke in a soft tone “is it too hot? I can put in some cold water if it is.” 
“No, it's perfect, don't worry…just like you” he trailed off into a whisper at the end, chuckling when he noticed how flustered you got from his words. You look forward and watch the dancing flames coming from the gas fireplace that was in the wall. The two of you relaxed in silence, and you silently debated if you should ask him what's been stressing him out lately. You have known Oscar for a long time, so you were quick to realize that something has been bothering him, and you had an idea it was work related. You wanted to reassure him, but you also didn't want to ruin the moment. 
“What has got you thinking so hard baby?” Your boyfriend's voice breaks you out of your thoughts, one of his hands moving up to softly massage your arm. He could see it in your eyes, that there was something on your mind. Seeing as he noticed, you took that as a sign to ask him about it. 
“I’ve noticed you have been stressed more than usual lately, is everything okay?” 
“Just some race related things, nothing for you to worry about” Oscar spoke in a reassuring tone, he didn't want to bother you with his silly nerves especially since he knew it was over nothing. Oscar's hands absentmindedly trace random patterns on your stomach, his eyes focused on your side profile. 
“I always worry about you osc, you know that” you spoke sweetly as you turned your body slightly to face him more, your leg draping over his leg. Oscar sat up straighter and rested one of his hands on your thigh, softly caressing it. Hoping that you wouldn't notice how red he got from your words, you meant so much to him. 
“I know, but I’d tell you if it was something serious” Oscar promised before placing a kiss on your shoulder, smiling when he sees the goosebumps that form from his touch, placing a few more delicate kisses on your neck. You smile before whispering “Promise?” 
“Pinky promise” Oscar chuckles as he lifts his hand from your thigh and holds out his pinky. You join him in laughter at the sight of his pinky before breaking out into a smile, you interlock your pinky with his. Oscar leans closer to you and takes your lips in a soft kiss, only pulling away to whisper against your lips “I love you.” 
“I love you” You whisper back, bringing your hand up from the water to cup his cheek and capture his lips in a kiss. Oscar was eager to kiss you back, following your lead as you took charge of the kiss. You tilted your head as you deepened the kiss, sucking his bottom lip into your mouth and teasingly biting it, causing your boyfriend to moan against your lips. 
Oscar felt himself slipping deep into the kiss, his mind getting foggy at the feeling of your plump lips against his. The feeling of the water dripping down his neck from your hand gave him tingles and he felt his breath being sucked away from you. You rested your palm against his rib cage and slowly pulled away when you felt him pant during the kiss. A small smirk adoring your face at the sight of your flustered and panting boyfriend. 
Oscar still had his eyes closed as he tilted his head back, his lips were parted as he tried to catch his breath. His lips were red from the bruising kiss the two of you shared. If Oscar was stressed before, he definitely wasn’t now because all he could think about was you and your dangerously addictive lips. You felt his chest rise and fall under your hand, you leaned down and placed a delicate kiss on Oscar’s collarbone before turning back around; your back to him. 
You let yourself lean back against Oscar, your knees coming up to your chest and poking out of the water, the cool air hitting your legs causes goosebumps to littler your legs. Oscar—who still had his eyes closed, moved his hands to rest on your stomach again. You closed your eyes as well, finding comfort in being in your lover’s arms. You could tell that the water was starting to get warmer, and the lavender scent was becoming dull, but you weren’t ready to get out yet. 
“Oscarr” you couldn’t help but let out a whine when you feel something poke at your lower back, of course your boyfriend wouldn’t be able to control himself. You glance back at him to see him giving you a sheepish smile, his cheeks red. 
“What? You can't kiss me like that and then expect me not to get hard.” 
°. — taglist ( @iloveyou3000morgan )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( I’m not sure how I feel about this one, it’s kinda rushed at the end but I just really wanted to get this out. but omg Oscar!! I’m so proud of him! He’s absolutely killing it! )
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poppy-metal · 2 months
need to ride patrick’s fat cock and tease him so much that he loses his shit. like, you’ve been slowly grinding on him for hours and he’s at his limit. he decides that enough is enough, he needs his pussy now. So he grabs your hips above him, holds them steady, plants his feet and goes to fucking town. You practically fall over from the intensity of it.
He grabs your wrists, holding your arms hostage behind your back and goes completely feral. all you feel are your tits bouncing against his chest and his cock piledriving in and out of your sopping pussy. the sound of his balls smacking against you with each thrust drives you both crazy. he loves how practically helpless you are above him, this is his revenge for all your teasing. he watches your eyes roll back into your head and makes the decision to give his pussy a nice thick load of his cum. she deserves to be fed :)
god big fat breeder balls beating your pussy up from below. holding your hands hostage. hic', sniff'. "yeah - you'd rather daddy do all the work - lay there while I drill this sloppy fucking hole -" and well, he's right. it's his fault for being so big and thick and strong and using you like a ragdoll.
he just hits that gooey spot inside you so fucking better when he's in control. you could spend hours bouncing on his lap and never find the right tempo, but the second he yanks you against his chest and you fall against him. limp - you can't even latch onto his chest, his throat, to suck on his skin - your mouth just open and whimpers spilling out as you're used -
it's a juxtaposition, though. the way he cradles your head to his shoulder like you're something precious - while he holds your wrists captive with his other hand and fucking pummels his hard cock into you. so, so, so, fucking good.
"m'gonna cum." his lips pressing against your sweat slick temple, "this fucking pussies gonna make me cum -" and you don't want anything else. just wanna be a hole he fills up. your cunt clenching and fluttering around his length to stimulate is, encourage his cum inside, milking him for all hes worth. please. please, please, please.
you don't realize you're saying it out loud until you feel his fingers against your scalp, sliding and gripping you even closer still - "I got you, baby. c'mere." you don't know how he can pull you closer but he does, somehow. sliding you even more up his chest until your face to face and then he's kissing you - and you feel like, yes, this is what you needed. even if you can't really kiss back as much as you want to. your mouth lax against his as he licks inside.
"you want it inside?" a stupid question but you love it everytime he asks. love replying and showing how eager you are for it. you nod eagerly, feeling his fingers in your hair slide with the movement - you want it so bad, so fucking bad - "m'gonna give it t'you." he groans - pulls your lip between his teeth. the slapping of his balls against your cunt is downright vulgar. fucking sloppy and slick - you feel his cock twitching inside you- knows he's so close- he's so close to filling you up - spilling that thick fucking load inside -
"fuck - fuck - oh, you fucking take it - fuckin' milk my balls just like that - shit - baby, yes -"
your bodies are slick and hot - sliding and melding together as he fills you to the brim with his cum. it splashes inside you hot and sticky - your hole squeezing around him - milking every drop possible from his sack - his thighs fucking tremble from the intensity of his orgasm - moaning brokenly against your mouth.
you love this part best, you think. you love all of sex with patrick zweig, but this part. the comedown. when your bodies are drenched with sweat and you're pressed impossibly close, close enough to feel like one person. and he's just cum inside, and he's still thrusting - slow sensual rolls of his cock sliding in and out of your tender cunt, his cum rolling down from your filled pussy - you just love it. he's so beautiful too, in the afterglow. his blissed out face - completely vulnerable with no walls around his heart - nothing in the way. face flushed - freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks. dark hair sex mussed and wild. his eyes lazy with ecstasy.
he lets go of your wrists, you know they'll be a little sore tomorrow, but you'll love the reminder, honestly - he cups the sides of your head, carding both hands through your hair. looks up at you - "too fucking pretty," he murmurs. pulls you down for another kiss.
hes still inside you, and honestly, you don't think you want him to pull out. not for awhile.
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gilverrwrites · 22 days
I know they’re not an older man per se, but lately I’ve been thinking about Jason or Dick having a good cop-bad cop dynamic with Slade, where Slade is just incredibly mean to you but then Jay or Dick is there to coo sweet words at you
I know the obvious here is Bad cop Slade, good cop Dick or Jason. And I love that. Good cop Dick especially is MWAH! 💕 and I absolutely need to write actual smut for this, anon you beaut! Like Slade pistoning into your puffy, swollen, cum-filled sex, calling you ever name under the sun. Spanking your red raw ass, and calling you weak when you start to sob. But its okay baby, shh, shhhh. Dick is underneath you, kissing your tears, stroking your hair telling you how good your doing as if he's not contributing to your overstimulation, fuck!
But I implore you to stick with me here when I say, AK! Slade and Jason - bad cop, WORSE cop.
Specifically: AK!Jason/Bat!Reader/Slade
As per, Slade is loyal to the money, but this is definitely a darker portrayal of Jason.
Warnings: Dub-con, swearing, interrogation kinda, choking, restraints, humiliation. No smut, but maybe I’ll write an extension.
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The first thing you notice is the smell, you're underground somewhere for sure. Then you feel the cold, a chill across your warm skin, making your hair stand on edge. From that, you register very quickly that you’ve been stripped down to your underwear.
Appalled, you shoot up, reaching to cover yourself but only manage to make it an inch before cold, hard metal cuts into your body. You're tied to a chair by a multitude of pressure points that both hurt and rouse something salacious.
Shit. Shit shit shit. You can’t believe you fucked up this bad. Bruce had told you to get out of the city but you’d refused. You had to be on your top game but you’d fucked it, caused more problems.
Accessing your surroundings your eyes dart around the room until then fall on your captor. Deathstroke is sat a few feet away, leaning back on his chair, seemingly examining something on a tablet. It's hard to tell, the one eye hole in his mask shrouded by shadow. You hadn’t expected him to be at the militia checkpoint. He’d taken you down easier than you’d like to admit, but you’d put up a fight. Tooth and nail. So seeing him so relaxed without so much as a chip in his armour is a little disheartening.
“Trackers in your suit, right?” His deep voice echoes through the room, making you jump. “I would’ve just patted you down, but the boss man didn't want to take any risks.”
His head turns, and you can feel his eye raking across your bound and exposed form. “Not that I'm complaining.”
You recoil into yourself, disgusted by his blatant perversion, and the warm flush it sends through your body.
“Tell your ‘boss’ to come face me himself.” You spit between gritted teeth. His response only adds to your unease.
“Don’t you worry, pet. He’s on his way.” It’s infuriating, the name, the way he words things so tenderly but laces it with obvious, sickly amused derision. If you could feel any smaller, that would do it. “And between you and me, I get the feeling he’s pretty excited to get his hands on you.”
As if on queue, the piercing sound of an opening door creaks behind you. Despite the squeaky warning, you nearly jump for a second time when it slams shut once more. Heavy boots forebodingly stamp against the concrete floor. As much as you want to, you refuse to crane your neck to get a better look. It’s all you can do to maintain even a little bit of power.
“Well, well, well.” The modulated voice is even more sinister in person. His hand grabs the back of your chair, pulling you back a few inches, no doubt just to prove that he could. To instil fear. He leans over you, close enough that the cold metal of his helmet brushes the side of your face, but still, you refuse to look at him. “If it isn’t Baby-Bat.”
“Don’t call me that.” Your venom surprises you. You haven’t heard that nickname in years and it brings out a visceral reaction. It’s what Jason used to call you in jest. Baby-Bird and Baby-Bat, heroes in training.
“Or what?” He challenges, shaking one of the wrist shackles, as though you’re not already well aware of your less-than-ideal predicament. “You’re in no position to be calling any shots, babe.”
“Not for long. Batman will save me, he’ll save the city.” He has too. “You won’t get away with this.”
“Ha.” Deathstroke’s sneer is dry. When you look over to him he gestures his head toward the top dog but you remain resolute in your refusal to look at him. “I’d keep that name out of your mouth, if you know what’s good for you.”
“Wh-“ The words are cut from you before you can get them out. The Arkham Knight, either pissed at your pitiful attempt at a power play, or the mention of Batman's name; lifts you and your chair completely by your throat, turning you mid-air, then placing you back down, precariously balancing you on the seats back legs before getting in your face. All the while his tight grasp on your neck never waivers.
Face hidden, tall, broad, he’s an intimidating sight. The whole display makes your heart race.
“He…” Red-hot rage drips from every word, and you feel your body temperature rising to meet it. “Can’t. Save. Shit.”
The sound of his ragged breathing is amplified by whatever tech he’s using to distort his voice. Each pant sends a shockwave through your body. And you press your legs together to suppress its effect.
“Get fucking comfy.” He barks as he releases you and stands back, watching as you heave for air and teeter wildly before willing the chair to balance on all fours. “Cause he’s not coming for you. Nobody is.”
“Case in point.” Deathstroke finally approaches. It takes his long legs less than 5 steps to reach your side. He stands about half a foot taller than the already gigantic Knight. The way in which they both tower almost impossibly tall makes you tremble, and you’ve no idea if they notice. You can’t stand the added authority they possess simply by being clothed and masked while you sit practically naked for them. Fear is one thing, you can handle being afraid, you’ve been trained for that, but their deliberate show of power, how they make you feel so fragile is awakening something you don’t know how to curb. “Take a look at your hero.”
A screen is thrust into your face, a live feed of a rooftop somewhere in Miagani Island. Batman is on his knees, fists pounding the floor. His mouth is moving but you can’t lip-read him from the angle. Clearly, he’s not okay. This isn’t like him, he must be dosed up on something. In the depths of your brain you know he’ll overcome it, he’ll save Barbara, you, everyone. But you can’t deny how dire things are beginning to look. The doubt must show on your face because The Arkham Knight's robotic voice lets out a short, cold laugh.
“Now you’re getting it.” The wicked pleasure he gets from teasing you is ten times worse than Deathstroke’s blatantly false niceties.
“W-why am I here?” You internally curse yourself for the way your voice breaks. It sparks you to muster a little more spunk as you keep questioning them. “You could have killed me, why didn't you? What do you want?”
“Bring us up to speed on what he knows.” Deathstroke poses. “His new hideout.”
“How he’s getting his gear patched up.” The Knight continues. Neither are looking at you, having turned the tablet back to themselves. “We know you know.”
When you don't respond The Knight slants his helmet upward to consider you, slowly cocking it to the side as you stare him down.
Eventually, Deathstroke follows suit. You wait until the device is tucked away, until you're certain you have their full attention to speak. “I won’t give in that easy.”
You keep your chin up as they turn to look at each other, but despite your bravado, you flinch when Deathstroke sharply drops into a crouched position. The rough fabric of his tactical gloves scratches the soft skin of your inner thigh as he wedges his fingers between your legs. You’d been pressing them closed, hiding how their interrogation had inadvertently been siring your arousal, but he pries them apart, shattering what little dignity you had left.
“Looks like he owes me another 10.” He nods at you before he turning back to the man in question. The Arkham Knight returns the look. Assholes, they’d bet on you. Now they’re having a silent conversation one in which you are the subject, but aren’t important enough to be privy to. Humiliating.
Finally, Deathstroke removes his hands, tracing them along your torso as he saunters behind you but before you can clasp your thighs back together The Knights boot comes down on your crotch, in a fast, precise motion. Pressing hard enough to make you keen and squirm. The chair rocks unsteadily beneath your withering.
“I thought you were better than this Baby-Bat.” No voice distortment can disguise his zeal. Something in the back of your brain suspects he’d been expecting, even hoping for this. And while you certainly hadn't been, you can't deny the sick intrigue you feel for whatever they have planned.
In shame you turn your head, screwing your eyes together as though blocking them out might make it all disappear. The grate of Deathstroke’s gloves on your face keeps you in the moment however, keeps your moral compass spinning.
“Gettin’ paid to break a cute thing like you.” He sounds wistful, gruff voice sinfully musing in your ear as he forces your head forward once more. “That’s a good day's work.”
“And you will break.” The determination in the Knight’s tone, the loudness of it has you peeking through your lids at his mask which is now inches from your face. Fear and excitement invoke a shiver that runs down your spine. “We’ll make you come apart, piece by piece, and we’ll enjoy every second.”
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yaut-jaknowit · 2 months
Perhaps the reader is teasing Vic’tao too much, maybe it’s time he truly gets his revenge lol. 🤔 I wonder just how good he is at tying rope
Pushed Too Far
Pairing: Vic'tao (male Yautja) x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: rough sex (like I may have gone a little overboard), P in V, P in A, anal, kind of painal, rope usage on reader, pain kink, rough fingering, consent. (I may write rough scenes but there's always consent between my characters. Said in the one-shot or not.)
Word Count: 3457
Summary: Vic'tao is peacefully catching up with a few hunt brothers before you come along. You sneak into the cockpit and distract him from his friends. Oh, how you will pay for that.
Author Note: I just came to realization that consent isn't always said in my writings. I will state that consent between my characters is always there. It may or may not be said in a one-shot but it is there. I do try to make sure there is a subtle pause to show in rough scene that the Yautja or reader is cared for, no matter what.
In the cockpit of the ship, sat the handsome, lean form of Vic’tao. His off yellow scales covered his hide. He relaxed into a comfortable position in the co-pilots chair. One arm holding up his head. His bright eyes observing the screen of three other Yautjas. A smirk spread across your features.
Best of all Uihoy wasn’t here to interfere. Depends on his mood to either join in on the torment or tell you not to.
Since living on the ship for the last two years, you’ve learned the ins and outs of the space. You carefully lowered yourself down and snuck around the edge of the cockpit. All while staying out of his and the camera’s line of sight. He may be a hunter, but you know him well enough to be stealthy.
It works. You crawled underneath the main console and began to move closer to Vic’tao. He may not look entirely engrossed in what the three other Yautjas were speaking about, he was pay attention. That much could be told by just his eyes alone. They were zeroed in on the screen. Perfect. You continued on and crawled all the way to his seat. He never once changed his gaze.
Within those two years, they have taught you useful skills as a hunter. Skills you used to sneak forward on your knees until you were knelt between his open legs. This was always a sight you loved to see. The handsome face of your mate above you. You smiled then gingerly placed your hands on his knees. He jerked at the touch, head whipping down to find you.
That curl of your lips was dangerous. The yellow Yautja relaxed in front of the camera. His free hand dipped down to rest on top of your hand on his leg. You leaned forward and placed a kiss against the inside of his softer thighs. The muscles underneath your touch tensed.
His finger twitched against your wrist, nails slightly digging into feeble skin. Another kiss to the tense muscles had one of his mandibles quaking. He may be a hunter in a lot of ways but his strength leans at your gentle caresses.
The intensity of his eyes met yours. Warnings floating around in the yellow irises. Warnings you’ve never listened to once in your life.
When you leaned down again, you ran your tongue up a few inches. The hand on your hand snatched the top of your hair and pulled you off. All in his eyes shone need. A need for you. You airily giggle and stuck out your tongue at him. Vic’tao lifted his head off of his other hand and stuffed two fingers into your mouth.
You choked on the two long digits invading your mouth and swallowed awkwardly around him. Vic pushed down on your tongue. Your mouth was forced open. A hum sounded from the male before his attention snapped back to the three Yautjas beginning to chitter. You only knew some of language to understand they were teasing Vic.
The sound you had made reached the microphone and relayed to them. Vic’tao grumbled and rolled his eyes but refused to take his fingers out. Drool began to drip down your chin, unable to swallow properly.
“I wanna see the beaut that has Vic’s attention,” one taunted in a deep voice. “Why don’t you show them off? Fuck them on the chair you’re on?” Your eyes snapped wide while gazing up at Vic, wondering if he would just that.
A resonating snarl ripped from the tall male above you. His fingers gripped the strands of your hair tighter. “Don’t even imagine what they look like. They are ours.” Your core fluttered around nothing. Fuck, you loved when he got possessive with you. The marks they permanently scarred your skin with are a clear sign that you belonged to them. As much as they belonged to you.
“Look at little Vic, showing his nature off,” another jesters and laughs. Neither Vic or Uihoy would allow for another to see you naked. It is their privilege; one you agree with. Only they are allowed to see every inch of you.
The screen disappears before your very eyes. Vic’s mandibles are wide in a display. He drags his fingers out of your mouth and wraps that hands around throat. Despite the trust in him, you couldn’t help but grasp at his wrist. Your nails dig into his scales, unable to break the surface let alone leave a dent in their wake.
Vic drags you to your feet and bends down to push his face into yours. “Little hunter grew brave today. But will come to learn how much of a mistake that will be,” he rumbled and squeezed around your neck, fortifying his words. You held back a giddy smile and looked at him with wide eyes. “Fight me all you want, but you are begging for this.”
Instantly, you knew you were in deep.
Your scalp is released. He leads you out of the cockpit and towards the bedroom door. His steps are long and quick, forcing you to stumble and rely on his hold to keep you upright.
Once in the confinements of your shared bedroom, he shoves you back and let’s go. You are finally free. Or are you? The look in his eyes increases, showering you in a predator expression. A shudder runs along your spin. You felt like prey but you weren’t going to run away.
His fist slams against the keypad by the door, officially locking us in here together. Vic stalks to the side, towards one of the hidden compartments around the room. “That was sneaky of you.” The cabinet opens at a single touch. “To come while I was distracted by some of my old hunt brothers.” He grabs something colorful before it’s hidden by his torso. “Then to tease me, knowing I couldn’t expose you. I would never expose you in front of anyone besides myself and Uihoy.”
He spins on his heel to face. Rope was held in his large hands. “It irks me they dared to ask such a thing. Only your skin is for our eyes to see.” He stalked towards you in a slow, deilbrate manner. Every one step, you took two backwards. “I will punish you. You don’t get to tease me and walk away freely.” A smirk pulled at his mandibles. “I should say, you won’t be able to walk at all.”
Your back met the smooth, cool wall, shoulders jumping. Vic stood less than ten feet away before he ate up every foot between the two of you. His torso trapped you to the wall, officially pinning you in place. You had no place to run to.
Two fingers pinched your chin and tugged it up to face him. Your hands were splayed on the wall, frozen in place. His other hand trapped your neck. That’s when your own wrapped around his wrist, nails again biting into thick skin. The Yautja chuckled lowly into your ear. “Give me a good fight, little hunter,” he purred. The vibrations caused goosebumps to appear on your arms.
He wants you to fight him, like a female would.
A brow was raised at him before you locked down. One foot kicked out struck a softer area on the inner thighs. He grunts, hand loosening. You took the chance to force his hand off of you and kicked him in the torso. Vic stumbles back and stands up straight. A glint enters his yellow eyes. You forcefully swallow down a growing lump.
Vic’tao lunges. You roll just in time out of the way and scramble away from him. He follows. Like a game of cat and mouse. Every time he would attempt to grab you, you would dodge barely in time. He growls his frustration after the fourth time.
“Such a good game. Able to stay away but for how long can you keep this up?” His claws skate across your arm, leaving nothing in their wake. “Soon you’ll tire.” His heavily body crashes you to the floor and captures both of your wrists in one hand to pin them above your head. Vic leans down. “Then, you’ll be at my mercy.” His long, skinny tongue licks up a bead of sweat rolling down your face.
Despite the weight difference, he uses just enough to keep you pinned in place to the hard, metal floors. Your legs kick out, kneeing him in the back. But, he just uses his lower legs to trap your thighs, effectively trapping you.
His palm touches your sternum and dipped down a little before ensnaring your throat again. “Remember the time you had tied me up? Remember that? When you had the time to do anything you wanted?” Your lips pressed into a tight line. That’s why he pulled out the rope. “I think it’s your turn.”
Your breath came out in shuttering pants.
You were turned onto your stomach before he slipped off to be knelt at your side. “Now, be a good little ooman,” he purred deeply before maneuvering you into position. The fight had left you. You wanted to experience what he was about to punish you with.
He put you on your knees, chest pressed to them with your arms back. With the rope, he tied both your forearms and calves to one another. This forced your ass up into the air to keep a more comfortable position.
One of his hands caress the swell of your butt cheek then grabbed a handful. You couldn’t help the whimper that escaped you. “This is a sight to behold, little hunter. Bent over and at my mercy. Paya smiles down on me today.” His hand lands beside your head as he curls over your back. His mouth next to your ear. In a low voice, he whispers, “Say red and I’ll immediately cut the ropes off.”
“Okay,” you responded quietly as well. He hummed then returned to his knees. Both of his hands touched the small of your back and ran up its length. All of your clothing still hugged your body.
This isn’t the first nor will it be the last he’ll have you tied at his mercy. Your empty cunt fluttered around nothing as he touched you in a non-sexual way. “Do you know the ways I could take you? And there is nothing you could do to stop me. These ropes far too thick for you to break.” The back of your shirt was crumbled then torn straight off of you.
A gasp tore at your throat. Not that you were surprised. It seemed to be a favorite thing for the two of them. “Vic’tao!” you scolded and pulled on the ropes but they didn’t even groan in protest. Fuck, he’s got these on there tightly.
“Hmm, much better.” He drags his claws over your exposed back. You tried to arch away from him but couldn’t due to the position he’s tied you in. They never cut. He hooked a claw on the waistband of your shorts and pulled. It tears through the fabric easily.
You whined at the feeling of being so exposed to him and tried to inch forward away from him. Until he palms at your soaked underwear. All movement stops. Only thing you could hear is the thundering of your heart and his deep laugh. He hooks a finger around the section blocking off your pussy and pulls. Before it could rip, he lets go and it snaps against your skin. You mewled, body trying to straighten despite being tied in a certain position.
It stung against you throbbing clit. You turned your head to press it against the cool floor and closed your eyes. He pulls at the fabric again until it rips from his strength. The rough pad of his thumb is soaked and pushed against your clit. You panted out mewls and whimpers. “My little hunter is singing for me. I sure do love the sound.” Your hips grinded down on his thumb, sending pleasure up your spine.
Fingers grabbed at the roots of your hair and tugged you up. A cry left your lips. “Such a needy little ooman, grinding on my fingers. Are they not good enough for you?” He eases your head down back to the floor.
Dulled nails prodded against your soaked entrance before three were shoved in. Your eyes snapped open as you choked on a gasped. The soft, plush walls of your pussy clenched down on his hand. He roughly presses down on your sensitive bundle of nerves sending shocks of pleasure-pain up your spine.
“So tight around my fingers. You could push me out if you wanted but I feel how greedy you are. You are sucking them in. You want me deeper, hm?” He continued to push more into you, overpowering the muscles of your vagina. “You want me deep. Say… here?” His fingertips brushed against the smooth texture of your cervix. Your knees knock against each other at how fast your closed them. As if that’ll do anything to stop him.
A groan resonates from his wide chest. You squeaked out his name, feeling overwhelmed. He pulls out his fingers and licks them clean. “Don’t fret. I’ve got something better than just my fingers. Something that’ll reach that deep.”
The familiar feeling of a pointed cockhead pressed to your entrance. As you took a breath in to relax, he forced the entire length inside of you. You cried out and clawed at you calves; the only thing you could reach. It hurt but fuck, it felt so good.
Vic’tao placed a hand between your shoulder blades and leaned down. His palm rubbed soothing circles there. “Good little hunter. I feel you so tight around me,” he praised before lifting back off of you and pinned you down by your upper back.
There was no time to recooperate your feelings or emotions. Vic’tao pulled back until only the head rested inside of you then shoved all the way to his hips. And he didn’t stop. You whimpered and whined while shimming your knees wider.
“That’s it. I feel you opening up to me. You like it when I take you rough, like I would do to a female Yautja,” he growled and slammed harshly into you. You hissed behind clenched teeth and panted heavily. “You want me to bend you over any surface and push my cock into you. I can do that. Anytime. Lay my claim on you on every surface of our home.”
His pace began to speed up. If it wasn’t for the pressure between your shoulder blades, he would’ve pushed across the floor.
Obscene sounds echoed back at you from the force of his thrusts pushing your juices out. You whimpered and glanced over your shoulder at Vic’tao. The man had a possessive look on his face. His hunt brothers’ words probably whispering into his ears as he ravaged you. He growled when he noticed you peeking at him.
The hand that held your hip in a bruising grasp moved. The slightly wettened thumb toyed with your other hole. You inhaled sharply and whipped your head up. It wasn’t like they haven’t before but you weren’t expecting the touch. Vic pressed in. A low moan escaped your throat. The feeling of being filled in such way was delicious.
“You just got tighter. I wished Uihoy was here. He may not like the fact I treat you so roughly despite you craving it. But when the two of us are inside of you at the same time…” Vic’tao trailed off into a groan, head tilted back. “It’s a feeling I would never forget about.”
Then, Vic’tao pulled both his thumb and cock out of you. You shouted and whipped your head to look at him angrily. You were getting close. Yet, the glint in his eyes before the head of his cock shoving into your other hole had you screaming out. Pain shocked through your system and lightning raced up your spine. You groaned and squirmed. His sharp hip bones kissed the swell of your butt cheeks. He stayed still.
The weight of his hand lifted off of your shoulders when he curled over you again. “Remember, red if you want to stop. Is this okay? It’s not too much, right?” he whispered into your ear. One of his hands cards his long digits through your locks.
At first you groaned, soaking in the pain. “I-I’m fine,” you responded in a quiet voice. With every molecule in your body, you trusted not only him but Uihoy with your life.
He grunted but stayed blanketed on top of you. His hips shifted and pulled his cock out slowly. You moaned. The head stayed nestled inside of you. Vic pushed at the same speed as before and filled you again.
There was something different, maybe primal about the way he’s claiming you. It reached deep into your heart and brought out a whole different person in the moment. Not only does he need this connection with you, but so do you. You need to feel him everywhere.
One of his hands reaches below and goes between your legs. Rought finger pads pressed against your throbbing clit. A high pitch whine escaped you at the extra pleasure. Your toes curl in. He hooks his entire arm around your throat and forces you slightly up. Your arms fight against the ropes to claw at his arm. Yet, the ropes stayed.
“That’s it. Take it. Good, so good for me,” he growled and started to pick up his pace. The pain melted away like always and brought forth a different kind of pleasure soaking into your bones.
Your muscles allowed him in, relaxing. It wasn’t long before harsh slapping echoed back at you. With the way his arm surrounded your neck, your weight and his forceful thrusts slowly deprived you of air. Your head grew light, face turning red. There wasn’t anything you could do to stop it.
And you just let it happen.
Vic’tao tensed the muscles in his arm and quickened his speed of his thrusts and fingers. Your legs began to shake before you knew it. “Yeah, yeah. That’s it. I can feel you tightening. Come around my cock and milk me inside of your ass.”
With a choked mewl, you harshly locked down on his pounding cock. A grunt echoed in your ears. Your entire body locked up, unable to move from this position. The lack of air made you dizzy, uncoordinated. You felt like you were floating above your own body.
The harsh reality slammed back into you when he didn’t stop rubbing his fingers across your oversensitive clit. You tried to squirm away from the assaulting digits but he didn’t relent. Your eyes widened. Pained pleasure washed over you and rubbed every nerve raw until you were crying.
A familiar pain expanded your hole wider before sitting just past the tight ring of muscles. You groaned with relief when the fingers stopped, body going lax in Vic’tao’s hold. The Yautja grunted and continued to rut his hips ruthlessly until the last drop of seed was spilled inside of you. Only then, he carefully slid his arm from underneath your neck and let you lay limp on the ground.
Massive hands petted your back, soothing your panting and subtle whines. A body draped over you. Warm digits brushed through your hair to get a clear view of your face. “How are you feeling?” he questioned in a voice that matched the soft ambience of the new scene.
You peeled open a crusty eye and found him peering down at you softly. A throat hum answered him. He returned his own. “Hm, that’s good to hear.” He worked on a knot in your hair for a moment. “I hope you remember this punishment for interrupting me. It’s a lesson well learned.”
Despite the drool leaking from your lips, your mouth curled into a subtle smirk. “Yeah, lesson well learned,” you mocked and laughed hoarsely. If that punishment meant you got tied up and pounded within an inch of your life, sign you up again.
His claws dug into your scalp for only a moment. “Oh, you sneaky little devil. If only I hadn’t knotted you. I’d show you how much of a punishment I can dish out.” The grin didn’t leave your lips. You purposefully clenched around him. He snarled straight into your ear. “By Paya’s name, you’ll won’t be able to walk or even sit down properly once my knot goes down.”
All you could hope for was for that to be a promise.
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chosolovers · 12 days
this was rushed and also one of the smut fics i wrote for my gf so!
for as long as you could remember, as soon as you and yuji became friends sukuna would always appear right onto his cheeky to leave some snarky, dumb comment about you.
“you look fat.” sukuna’s voice suddenly speaks up as you grab a chip bag, glaring at sukuna’s mouth as yuji slaps him away.
“oh, sorry y/n-!!” yuji awkwardly says with a big smile, obviously feeling bad but still happy!
“you look weird today.”
“ew, don’t wear that.”
“ugh, not again.”
his deep, annoyed voice always spoke up at random moments! it always made you roll your eyes, scoff and shoot a glare. to which before yuji could smack away he would just smirk at you.
“nice ass.”
“your tits look beaut-“
“look at that body..”
huh? were you hearing this correctly?? “sukuna, stop-!!” yuji’s almost whiny voice spoke up. obviously getting annoyed with sukuna’s inappropriate comments from these past few days.
now, here you were! training with yuji, sparring and just stretching. you took a little break, your back turned to yuji as you search in your bag for your water bottle.
“hey, yuji do you-“ “i’m not yuji.” sukuna’s deep voice suddenly spoke up, making you jolt a bit and turn around, your eyes wide as you look up at sukuna’s form.
thankfully it wasn’t his true form..you heard rumors that sukuna had two fucking di- “so, y/n. how about we check you up for being such a brat, huh? the way you roll your eyes isn’t the best thing to do to the king of curses. i’ll make them roll back in a different way.”
sukuna’s deep voice said, making you gently gulp and continue to just look up at him.
now, a few minutes later here..moaning, panting, whimpering, whining all in the training room. your back on the wall as he fucks into you.
“fucking brat..” sukuna mumbled as he gripped your ass harder, groaning occasionally as he fucks into you.
“slutty hole too..you’ve been waiting for me, haven’t you? slut.” sukuna’s mocking voice says with that dumb, stupid grin.
“mmf~ hngh~ f-fuck you~!” you spoke up, shooting a glare at him in between your soft moans that sounded like a perfect melody to him.
“ah, but i’m the one fucking you, dumbass.” sukuna grumbled before fucking up in you harder, making you whimper and moan louder.
one of his fingers traveled up to rub and apply pressure on your clit. wet slapping and squelching sounds all heard from the room.
“kuna, k-kuna, kuna!!” you whimpered out as your eyes rolled back, your face suddenly grabbed by him with the same hand he used to rub your clit as he forced you to look into his eyes.
“y/n, look at me while you cum. fucking slut.” he sneered at you being going even harder, not to long leaving you panting, vision slightly blurry and now resting on the floor with him hovering above you.
“i knew it was tight.” sukuna’s mocking voice said as he looked down at you. after a few seconds yuji managed to gain consciousness, his eyes wide before passing out.
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