#soundwave knew it was happening but let it because the opportunity of both more blackmail to hoard and getting shitfaced
A tidbit idea: the War Over party was planned by Optimus, Megatron, and a small collection of vehicons. Oppy just said "we have a speech planned, we trust you to take care of the ither details."
So it was basically a vehicon party with a few surprise conjunxings in it. Which has some of the most beautiful implications.
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
A (bad but gets better) Meeting With Tarantulas
Tarantulas calls Prowl to fret over him ask about what he should do at future movie nights, since Prowl didn’t want Starscream to see him. Prowl told Tarantulas that it was now a non-issue because Starscream was banning Prowl from going to movie nights, and by the way never come over again because Starscream has threatened to shoot Tarantulas, and also Prowl doesn’t care about doing anything at all to change the situation. Tarantulas fretted even more.
Eventually they kind of awkwardly hung out in semi-silence.
It’d been quite some time since Tarantulas and Prowl had so much as called each other, but it’d had to be that way though, right? Prowl had asked them to do “nothing” for him, and Soundwave had convinced Tarantulas to actually listen and obey him this time. No unnecessary comms, no visits, no prying, just… nothing.
Tarantulas decided this’d count as a necessary comm, though. Movie night was fast approaching, and they had a few things to straighten out first.
«Prowl? …Do you have a moment?»
Typically, unless Prowl is asleep or in the middle of an emergency, it takes very little time for him to reply to a new comm.
Not so today. It took nearly an hour before he finally replied, «… What?»
It took everything in Tarantulas’s power not to verbally jump on Prowl. Deep vents, Tarantulas.
«We, ah. Never discussed the situation concerning Starscream. Considering how soon the next movie night is, I thought it ought to be addressed.»
The first answer out of Prowl’s mouth seemed to be his default response these days: «Doesn’t matter.»
But Tarantulas needed more detail than that. He needed to know exactly WHAT didn’t matter. «I’m not coming back. Starscream won’t have an opportunity to see us together. Just stay away from him and don’t talk about me out loud if he’s there.»
He – what?
«I – is there any reason in particular that you’re not coming? And it’s not merely that – there’s also the matter of visiting your apartment, which I still don’t understand why something can’t be worked out, one way or another.»
«I’ve been forbidden from leaving my quarters in holomatter anymore. I don’t expect you to understand—you don’t know Starscream. All you have to know is you can’t come.»
«No, I don’t know Starscream, but that doesn’t preempt you trying to explain to me why – why, any of this. Why are you forbidden? What happened? Why would it even matter whether or not Starscream knew I existed? What’s going on? »
Prowl let out a heavy sigh that he didn’t have the energy to try to suppress. Okay. Of course. Stupid. I don’t expect you to understand, stupid. This was Tarantulas. Of course he wasn’t going to let it lay until he understood.
«Starscream tried to insist that I take a new job duty. I refused. He’s revoked what liberties I have. That’s it. And if Starscream knows you, he’ll try to exploit you. If he can’t exploit you, he’ll try to destroy you. That’s why it matters whether he knows you exist.»
Tarantulas definitely heard that sigh, but for him it was all the more reason to keep pressing. The self-control Soundwave had mostly convinced Tarantulas into was crumbling by the second.
«What job duty was it? I, I –» A small frustrated noise. «You can’t seriously think Starscream would be able to get his claws on me. I live reclusively in a pocket universe of my very own, and – well, even if he did try to hunt me down, is that anything different than how I’d be hiding from him right now? Besides, I can’t hide forever – better to reveal myself and come up with some way to let him think he’s exploiting me than to cower in the shadows. As much as I prefer the shadows, being relegated to them is a prison unto itself, one – one without you in it, Prowl.»
…Scrap, did he say that last part out loud?
«Doesn’t matter. I’m not accepting it.» Doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter.
«You seriously underestimate Starscream. You might be able to hide from him—as pathetically restrictive a life as that would be—but he knows I’ve had an invisible guest. If he finds out who you are, it will take very little time for him to figure out that you have the exact skillset necessary to be said guest. He’s got his hands on me—do you think there’s a chance that he won’t use threats against me to control you? And then threats against you to control me?
«Stay in the shadows. As long as he doesn’t know who you are or have a reason to want to find you, you’ll be able to move more freely.»
«It does matter – it’s eliminating every privilege you have left!» And a large chunk of Tarantulas’s, as well.
«That – but if we –» More frustrated noises. «Then he’s already got us both, Prowl. You, and now me by proxy. Nameless I might be to him, but he knows I exist, and that’s enough to factor me into his plans, whatever those might be. We – we might as well be proactive about this. We’re already in the game, we might as well play it properly.»
«It doesn’t matter because it’s not going to change. I’m not doing it so who cares what it is.
«No. He doesn’t got us both. If he had us both, we would be getting blackmailed into doing things we would never do with threat of bodily harm or death to the other. There is no game. This isn’t a game, I’m not in it, and I’m not playing. Stay away from Starscream.»
« I care.» But Tarantulas would leave it at that for now; he’d drag the topic back up later.
«It was a – a bad metaphor, then. But we can’t just do nothing, Prowl. I’m not saying I should introduce myself to Starscream, most definitely not at this very second, but it’s just –»
– I can’t do this. But Tarantulas couldn’t say that, because he knew what Prowl would say in return. Then don’t. Just move on to the next Prowl. No. No no no.
«I don’t.
«Just what? Simply try to not make contact with him. That’s it. That’s all. Why is that so hard.»
«Not making contact with him means far more than you think, then. Or at least, if you have teased it all out, you don’t care. » …Ouch. «It’s not just being in the same room as he is, it’s anything at all, any visits to your apartment, any interaction aside from comms, and even then I’m sure there will be some restriction there too. It’s – it’s anything to do with you, anything he can monitor, at least.» A pained laugh. «I don’t understand how you can’t see why that might be hard for me.»
«Starscream said that if my “invisible visitor” ever comes back—and I quote—"they will be shot, captured, and held, in that order.“ No matter how unpleasant that is, I’m not going to risk you.» Beat. «… Risk it.��
Tarantulas could have sworn his spark just sputtered out. Had it been the blatant threat, or was it that slip-up at the end? Both, maybe… but in any case, it had him stunned silent for a while.
«…We wouldn’t have to risk anything if – if somehow I did make contact with him with a plan in mind, got the upper hand, or the middle hand even, and arranged terms, or, or…»
Prowl wasn’t going to budge on this, was he. Tarantulas wasn’t sure whether he should feel flattered or devastated.
«He’s not going to let ANYONE in here. And you’re not going to risk it. Don’t give him someone he can use against me.» That time, it wasn’t a mistake.
Tarantulas choked, silent again for a moment. «I wouldn’t – he couldn’t use me against you, I wouldn’t let him.» The slight waver in Tarantulas’s voice belied defeat, though. «You already know I’d do anything. Anything at all. And you’re clever enough to sort something out, I – I know you are. All we need to do is think this through, I’m sure there’s a solution here - not just for me, but for you, for this - this job thing, this - everything. I’m sure of it.»
«He’s clever, too. He’s as clever as me. Maybe more clever.»
A heavy silence.
«… I’m not trying to sort something out. With this job thing. Everything.»
«You’re sorely underestimating yourself.» A weak huff. «You can’t just let Starscream rule you, Prowl. He may be your boss – your leader – but he’s not your emperor. And don’t – don’t tell me it doesn’t matter. Even if it doesn’t matter to you, it – it matters to me. »
«... You're right. It doesn't matter to me. I don't want to get out.»
Mild panic. «Wait, was – was that not what you meant before?»
Was what what Prowl didn't mean before when? «What.»
«I – nevermind, it’s – why don’t you want to get out?»
«Doesn't matter.»
Tarantulas clenched his paws on the other side of the comm, waiting a shaky second before he responded. Something was wrong, worse than he thought it was, and being hasty about replying wouldn’t do him any favors.
«Prowl, let’s – I need to get this straight. You turned down a job offer from Starscream, yes. Now he’s cutting you off from everything and – and threatening violence against me if I break your restrictions. And you’re simply – you don’t want to alter the situation? You don’t think it matters? That is – you'd prefer to simply... wait it out?»
Oh, thank you, Tarantulas, for offering Prowl a way to respond that he didn't have to waste the energy to think up himself and that didn't sound completely awful. «Yes. I'm waiting it out.»
That was… odd. Something about that just didn’t feel right.
«…How long are you going to wait it out for? How long do you anticipate it'll last?»
Maybe until death. «As long as it takes.»
«That – that only answers the first question.»
«If I'm going to wait as long as it takes regardless of the length of time, then how long it will last doesn't matter.»
«But if I’m thinking I might not want to wait as long as it takes, then it does matter!»
A longer silence than there should have been. And then, finally, simply, «You'll wait.»
Instantly Tarantulas’s spark felt like it’d sputtered out again.
«…Give me one very, very good reason why. Because – if –» He choked on his words, then decided just not to finish the sentence.
Silence. A reason?
Because Prowl was so so tired and he didn't have the strength to come up with a reason why, much less the words to express it. Because Prowl didn't have the mental energy left to contemplate the possible outcomes if Tarantulas didn't wait, and therefore he had to wait.
He said, «Please.»
Of all the things Prowl could have said, that might have been the most wickedly potent. Tarantulas’s spark was no longer sputtering – he could’ve sworn it’d constricted down to a pinpoint.
A long pause. «…I – oh Prowl…» More agonizing silence.
Prowl didn't know what that meant.
So he didn't say anything.
It took a while for Tarantulas to drag himself out of his own head again. Unusual, for someone who detested silence so much.
When he finally spoke up, it sounded like it was being strangled out of him. «All – alright.»
Dull surprise.
«... Good.»
Prowl felt like he was supposed to say something else. But he couldn't remember what.
It probably didn't matter.
Tarantulas felt like he was teetering on the edge of saying something too, but he couldn't possibly encapsulate the feeling in words. Ah, but how much of a struggle the previous stuttered word had been already...
He settled on saying something different, a defeated statement. «...You're not going to tell me anything more about all this, are you.»
«There's nothing else worth discussing.» In other words, no.
«Not even –» …Not even what? Tarantulas could think of a million and one things to say, but none that Prowl would actually care about.
«…We could discuss – something else. To – not think about it, then.» To help Tarantulas not dwell on how he’d just sealed his own fate, sentenced himself to the horrifying prospect of never actually seeing Prowl anymore, for Primus knows how long.
«... There's nothing I want to discuss.»
«But I don’t – I don’t want to end the call, Prowl, it’s –» A tiny whine. «…This is the one thing I have now. The one thing you have now.»
Then, finally, «I don't... have anything to say.»
«Not – not even something about…» Commence grasping at straws. «About work? Are you still allowed on the construction site?»
«I've been sent back.» Not allowed. Sent.
«Oh – well, I suppose that’s good?» Hopefully. «And the Constructicons? They – the same for them? Regarding this whole situation, that is.»
«The same. Not that it was ever different for them.»
«A-ah, I see.»
…This was so painful.
Silence. Tarantulas had asked him nothing, he had nothing to say.
Tarantulas waited as long as it took Prowl to say something, which… Well. Turns out, he couldn’t wait that long. Sweet, sweet irony.
«Can you – can you just stay on the line with me…? Even if we don’t talk.»
«Okay.» That was easier. No pressure to have to come up with something to say. Like sitting in a room together doing separate things.
Apparently words had begun to fail Tarantulas already – his response was just a thin, grateful hum. Oh, but how he longed to just, just touch Prowl, wrap an arm around him, cup his face, something, anything.
This was going to be hell.
So he kept the comm on, silently. For hours, if that was what Tarantulas wanted.
After all, it didn’t matter to Prowl. He didn’t need that comm line for anything else. For the first time in… how long was it?—he had nothing important he needed to do.
So he read. One of the mystery novels Crosscut had given him. When he was no longer able to pretend that he could absorb what he was reading, he set it aside and pulled out his magnets, turning them over and over in his hands. When his hands had gone so numb that he couldn’t even tell how many magnets he was holding anymore, he put the magnets away and tried to watch something, one of the baseball games he’d recorded from Earth but hadn’t yet gotten around to viewing. And when he lost focus again, he once more tried reading, this time one of his textbooks on architecture.
Maybe soon he’d be tired enough to sleep.
Of course, this was both exactly what Tarantulas had wanted and the opposite of what he really wanted… but he settled.
He settled for hours, yes. Hours of pacing the hallways, pacing his lab, pacing his room. Oh, he did get work done, cleaned up a few things, did some maintenance, but they were only chores. His spark certainly wasn’t in any of it – likely it was in fizzling weakly his tanks instead, or choked up in his vocalizer.
At first he was just as silent as Prowl was, but eventually Tarantulas started muttering to himself intermittently. That then turned into a running commentary of what he was doing – while working in the fume hood, he’d ramble about switching it on, what settings he’d adjust it to and why, the colors and textures contained in the petri dishes, the state of his equipment, and needing to run his autoclave soon.
The commentary phased in and out, Tarantulas occasionally getting lost in his own thoughts, but it always came back. The silence he usually didn’t mind was deafening now that he was sharing it with Prowl – he had to fill it somehow.
One chore done – then came the light, sharp sound of clawed feet pacing the halls again. Another round of tests – more footsteps, more meaningless chatter.
Tarantulas didn’t expect Prowl to respond, and that was alright; he could keep this up indefinitely on his own. Just – just so long as Prowl didn’t hang up.
The more Tarantulas chattered, the less Prowl's floundering attention span could focus on anything else. And then the less he wanted to focus on anything else.
Gradually, he gave up on trying to read, or watch something else. None of it mattered. He was just filling the time. Anyway, he couldn't concentrate on it.
But on Tarantulas, he could. The meaningless chatter, the explanations of what he was doing, steady enough to fill his thoughts but not enough to overwhelm him in data. Soon, he was just curled up into a ball, optics off. Listening.
He had been silent for several hours, and even Tarantulas was briefly silent but for the sound of his footsteps, when finally, finally, Prowl softly spoke: «You're sterilizing something?»
«Hm? Yes, I’m –»
A clatter as Tarantulas dropped what he’d been holding. For a split second he’d thought he was answering himself, not an uncommon occurence, honestly, but no, that was – that was Prowl. Prowl had said something, after hours of… nothing. Something.
Some shuffling and clinking as Tarantulas gathered his dropped goods. «H-hyeh, yes. Somethings, plural. You can’t trust soap or acetone or bleach as much as good old-fashioned autoclaves. Besides, liquid sterilization is such a hassle without them. Although – if I had to use a human autoclave – I don’t even know what I’d do with myself, they’re just so unnecessarily sluggish and sweltering. I really pity humans sometimes, you know, or really any sort of species that ha – hasn’t…»
Tarantulas trailed off in an awkward half-laugh. «P-pardon me. I – cut you off, didn’t I. Or – something like that.»
«No. You didn't.» All Prowl had wanted was to prod Tarantulas into speaking again. «"Any sort of species that hasn't—"?»
Oh, so Prowl just wanted Tarantulas to… keep going? He could do that.
«Well, maybe not so much a single species as their planet, given the way technology bleeds over like that, but – yes. Anyone who hasn’t… what was I going to say? Oh – hasn’t managed to sufficiently develop their radiation sterilization to replace pressure/temperature autoclaves in laboratory settings. Last I saw, they were getting there though…» A little sigh. Ah, humans. Funny little fleshbags.
Back to silence. Tarantulas is talking again; Prowl returns to simply listening.
Tarantulas had been just a tiny bit hopeful that Prowl would engage again, but alas. Time to keep talking to himself, then.
A shuffle and a series of clinks. «…You know what I wish I could do – I wish I could easily levitate and control things instead of carrying them. For all the arms and legs I have you’d think I wouldn’t mind it much, but it’s a chore, and I can’t hold everything. And I wouldn’t have to worry about protective gear for me, and about contamination for the object in question…»
Then, «Why don't you make that?»
A wistful sigh. «Too complex a project for something I could just continue to do without the technology. Maybe if I have more free time down the line, but at the moment… not so much.» A little contemplative quiet. «Besides, I’m not a wizard. Levitating anything that’s not moderately magnetic is more the realm of magic, I’d say.»
«You stitched scraps of stray reality into a pocket dimension.»
«But that’s different. » A huff, as he tried to find the words to explain how. «I – I knew what I was doing there. I don’t know which direction to go as far as levitation manipulation is concerned, and that requires research and backreading and – a bunch of things I don’t really have the time or patience for right now. I have to really be invested in a project, and if something is for mere convenience it’s far less likely to be as engaging.»
Prowl had been responding more to Tarantulas's claim that he wasn't a wizard. But there wasn't really any point in clarifying, was there? «Mm.»
“Mm?” Well, “mm” was better than nothing. Best keep chattering away, then.
A whiny sigh. «I suppose we can’t have everything we want, can we…» The sound of a door opening and a whoosh of air. «Ah, alright, I’m here now. All I have to do is figure out which of the autoclaves is occupied now, and… yes, three and four will do.»
And on he went, describing what he was putting in the autoclaves and what settings he was using for the sterilization process. After the autoclaves came a short trip into the organics sector to check on his specimens (oh goodness, look at those pinkies, have you ever seen a newborn rat before), then back to the main lab for more work on his console.
Now that Tarantulas was talking again, Prowl fell silent again. Just listening. Letting Tarantulas's voice distract him from all the noise in his head.
Eventually, gradually, Prowl slipped into recharge. His comm remained on.
Of course, Tarantulas had no clue at first that Prowl had fallen asleep, but eventually when he fell silent for a while and Prowl said nothing, Tarantulas assumed as much. A few quiet verbal pokes in his direction solidified his suspicions.
Should he… hang up? Leave the comm on for Prowl to wake up to? Ultimately Tarantulas decided to end the call, reluctantly leaving Prowl alone with whatever dreams occupied him in recharge.
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