#south park filmore anderson
north-park · 11 months
South Park Students #7
Grade: Kindergarten
Filmore Anderson
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Filmore is the most relevant of Ike's classmates and friends, debuted in Trapper Keeper he was nominated for Class President against Ike, and not being able to stand a non-winning result he forced the teacher to count the votes over, called lawyers and even his aunt, the real life person Rosie O'Donnell to force a victory (for the record Rosie has a dozen of siblings IRL I dont think Filmore is based on anyone in particular, also I just want to mention she is the woman Principal Victoria keeps a photo of in her office for some reason?), eventually he got bored and let Ike be president
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Ever since Filmore has appeared in a lot of episodes, specially if they involve the kindergartens like It Hits The Fans, Proper Condom Use, Miss Teachers Bangs a Boy, Royal Pudding, A Nightmare On Facetime and Tegridy Farms
In The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers plays the role of Gimli, but gives up to Craig to become join the kids playing Harry Potter
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In SOT he gives the player the Hide 'N' Seek quest to find him and 5 of his fellow friends to win their friendship, in TFBW he will make selfie with you if Ike follows you first
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His personality seems to be the avarage for a kid of age, but he is also very competitive and haughty and maybe even a bit spoiled, he immediatly tries to assert his superiority on Ike during his first day of school with his best friend Quaid and occasionally teases him in childish ways, but over time they seem to have become friends, hanging often together, probably due their brattyness in common
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alister312 · 2 years
Minor Character March Madness: Round 2
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After voting, please consider reblogging to support your faves! The post with Round 2 match-ups can be found here 💫
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Ike Broflovski and Filmore Anderson from South Park are kismeses!
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noizy-bunny · 6 years
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*insert Kyle asking Ike if he has a vape pen* Just kinda of a scene redraw I guess. I really need to practice drawing in my own art style more.
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Firkle: Ike said I only have 4 days to live.
Filmore: You're sick?!?!
Firkle: No, he just doesn't like me.
Ike, shouting: I'll fuck you up on Tuesday!
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
What are your guy's fears?
TRICIA: I guess I have a fear of heights
DOUGIE: Fear of spiders
KAREN: Fear of clowns,,
FIRKLE: Fear of conformists. Fucking hate them.
IKE: Fear that all the big tiddy goths are taken
FILMORE: Bold of you to assume I even ha v e a fear
TRICIA: Its death.
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southparkrpg · 4 years
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Howdy! Welcome to SOUTHPARKRPG. Please find the accepted application for FILMORE ANDERSON below:
name/alias: ( removed )
age: 20
pronouns: he/him
triggers: ( removed )
name: Filmore Anderson
age: November 2nd , 2001 (18 years old)
gender: cis male (he/him)
living situation: at home - with his parents
occupation: Student majoring in ‘wannabe football star’ - part-time at the build-a-bear
sexuality: Super repressed Bisexual
arrogant, douchebag-fuckboi type beat, athletic, extroverted, stubborn
Never before has South Park held in it’s hands the purest example of 'coming of age teen movie jock bully’- but here he is! Filmore’s grown up being very much into sports and craving a leadership position, leading to him constantly chasing after being quarterback etc. He wants to be a star player wherever he can be, even if its just a year or two when he doesn’t have to live in the shadow of those older than him- which, fuck them dude. He’s taking every opportunity he can, including the shitty sports teams available within South Park. Let him play!! He also makes sure to take whatever bit of popularity he can get, too. He wants power, dude. What with his parents rarely ever being home, staying at home to keep his money from being used up was ideal. That, and hello? Party place? He basically runs his house as a frat house. That only he gets to live in.And has way less room. And it has to be cleaned up now and again. But past that, it’s a hangout spot for the bois. He only really cares about the whole 'being stuck in South Park’ thing because he believes he could have gotten into a really good college on a sports scholarship >:/
He works at the Build-a-Bear with Firkle and hates every minute of it. Although he does take advantage of MILF’s and cute girls (of age) to flirt with so maybe its like a little bit okay.
Decent with kids. Fucking hates them, but the girls like it when you’re good with kids, soooo. He’s learned.
'I’m gonna call  you a SLUR’ type energy. Literally jock-bully character trope. It’s the internalized homophobia.
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popgoesthewiener · 7 years
Play Ball - Filmore Anderson/Firkle - SFW
Title: Play Ball Author: Daisy  Fandom: South Park Setting: Filmore Anderson’s Backyard Pairing: Filmore Anderson/Firkle Characters: Filmore Anderson, Firkle, Quaid, Michael Genre: Romance/Humor Rating: T Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1927 Type of Work: One-shot, Part of the Play With Me Series Status: Complete Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, Established Relationship, Innuendo, Headcanons Employed, Unbeta’d Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. Summary: Filmore just wanted to share everything with Firkle, including his football years. AN: Hey, everyone! It’s my birthday, today, so this is probably all that’s going to be written. xD I don’t think I have much more personal time. Anyway, this fic is for @filmoreandersonx, my good friend. ; u; I promised I’d have it done yesterday but some stuff happened. X.x Hope you enjoy!
Play With Me Series Masterlist Play Ball ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ “Come on, babe, it’s not that hard. I can do it.” Filmore chuckled to himself, tossing the football from one hand to the other, standing about ten feet from his loving boyfriend. The goth didn’t look very impressed with his explanation, crossing his arms over his chest and shifting his weight to one leg. Standing there in his black turtleneck, black jeans and too-large boots, he looked like a small stormcloud against the backdrop of the bright, sunny summer day.
“Yes, but you and I both know that you have no fear of balls raining from the sky. The only kind of balls I like are the ones I can fit in my mouth.” They both knew what he meant, and Filmore’s red cheeks showed it. Still, he readied himself to throw, form perfect, one leg back and arm poised, and Firkle’s first instinct was to flinch. “I’m not going to hit you.” The jock cooed sweetly. “You’re going to hit me because I can’t catch.” The goth replied with a cautious frown. “Just try for me? Please?” The pout that got Filmore out of more trouble than he knew slipped onto his face and that was the end of it. “Okay, fine, but if you hit me in the face, I’m going to make you sleep by yourself.” Firkle responded finally, sighing with defeat. Trying to get into a position to catch the football, he couldn’t deny he was embarrassed when his lover barked a genuine, enthusiastic laugh.  “I am definitely going to hit you in the face if you hunker down like that. Here,” Jogging over and showing off his muscles beneath the barely-there t-shirt he’d cut most of the side out of, the jock set the ball at their feet. Gently moving his hands over the other’s body, he turned his light caresses into easy angling, until he had Firkle positioned just right. “There. Now, I’m going to throw it, and you’re going to catch it perfectly because you don’t do anything in any way that isn’t totally flawless.” He winked, and Firkle’s eyes shone with adoration and acceptance. “Alright. Like I said, don’t hit me in the face.” “I won’t.” He promised, patting the ball Firkle hardly remembered watching him pick up again before getting into his best throwing stance. With that, he let it rip and the goth found himself trying his best not to flinch. Years of gym class where he’d been the target of rogue balls of all types left him fearful, even if he trusted his lover thoroughly. Sure, they had had their differences, there was that Month Of Swirlies bullshit from middle school… But Filmore had really grown since they had started this thing they had. He’d even told Quaid to fuck off when he’d been less than enthused to hear of their relationship. Still, a few months of trust did nothing to keep the goth from ducking and giving the world’s most Un-Goth Yelp ever as it finally hit the downward spiral that would lead it to his waiting arms. Instead, it bounced off of his ass as he cowered in the elder teen’s backyard. Filmore’s laugh was soft, this time, and he jogged right back over, picking Firkle up with his arms around his waist. Holding the slighter male against his chest in an almost crushing hug, he nuzzled his back gently.  “I told you I wouldn’t hit you in the face, didn’t I?” He chuckled, kissing the other’s spine. “You hit me in the ass, though!” But there was a laugh on Firkle’s lips, regardless. “I wouldn’t have if you would have tried to catch it.” He offered, grinning as the little goth began to wiggle in his arms. “Put me down, you meathead.” There was no bite to his words, and he yelped as the other fell back onto his ass, taking him down with him. Pinning Firkle down to the grass on his back, he nestled his face in the other’s neck. “Look, babe. I know you’ve had a lot of people that hurt you. Especially in gym, with footballs and--” “Quaid threw a medicine ball at my face once. It’s why my nose is a little off kilter.” Filmore made sure to press a gentle kiss into the bridge of it. “Your nose is beautiful. You’re beautiful.” And he’d say it a thousand times, in a million languages, until Firkle believed it just as much as he did. As much as all of his Instagram followers did. They had been pushing for Firkle to join in on videos and photos and things, and the goth just didn’t think he had a good side for the camera. It didn’t stop Filmore from making his favorite picture of them, the first one they took together, all snuggled up on his bed, as his lock screen on his phone.  “And you are known for false complements to get something you want out of someone.” Firkle’s smile didn’t falter, and he leaned in to nuzzle their noses together. Kissing him softly, the goth sighed, rather happy when his lipstick stuck and they both were smeared purple. “So, what do you want?” “All of your love is enough for me,” Answered the jock, before tapping his lip for a second like he was thinking, “Though if you didn’t chicken out when I threw a football for you, that would be a close second.” “I didn’t chicken out!” Though he knew he had, the goth wasn’t ready to admit to it. The look he earned was enough to have him looking away, decently shamed, “Okay, okay. I totally pussed out. If I try and catch it, now, will you stop pouting at me? Seriously, that look could make a tiger leave you alone.” “I always thought of myself as the tiger, not the prey.” Baring down and wiggling his ass playfully like a cat would, Filmore pretended to pounce on his lover, biting his bare shoulder gently and making him moan. Oh, he knew exactly what he was doing. And it was working, too. “So you’re going to eat me?” Squeaked the goth, writhing after those teeth only tightened on his flesh and his entire body seized after the grip grew vice-like. The choked moan that left him was enough to have Filmore giving an answering groan, and he knew suddenly that this was going in a bad direction to be so public. “I could.” He whispered, kissing the other’s ear, then the teeth marks he’d left behind, “But you have a ball to catch. I’ll tackle you and protect the sack once you’ve caught it. ‘Kay?” “Uh… Y-yeah, okay. You should have scrambled my brains after I caught the damn thing.” While he tried to sound grumpy, Firkle sounded more like he was pouting.  “Maybe with your brains scrambled, you won’t be so afraid.” Getting into a pushup position and then lifting off to a standing position, Filmore winked and ran to the ball, picking it up. “Come on, babe, I promise you I’ll toss it gently.”  Pushing up onto his hands, he brought his feet in slowly before finally getting them under him, he jumped a couple times and shook his head out. Trying to remember how Filmore had positioned him the first time, Firkle closed his eyes for a second, imagining the other’s hands on him, opening his eyes again when he was ready. “Throw it.” This time, instead of his All Star Throw, Filmore gave the football a gentle pass that landed against Firkle’s chest. He gasped as his arms instinctively shot up to grab it, and with wide-eyed wonder, he stared at the ball in his embrace. Excited, he looked up at the other with a blooming smile on his face, leaping for joy and throwing the ball down, watching it bounce off down the slight slope of the yard they were in. “And there he is, Firkle Ablah, number one, winning it for the Cows! And the crowd goes wild!” Filmore laughed, jogging over and picking the smaller male up around his waist again, facing him this time. Spinning them, he made loud hissing noises to imitate the crowd, .kissing the other’s stomach and up his chest a little bit. “Oh my Gods, Filmore Fucking Anderson put me down!” If Filmore made him laugh one more time today, Firkle was going to kill him. Maybe with love, however, before he cupped the other’s cheeks and leaned down, kissing him a la The Notebook’s DVD cover, minus the rain.  “I’m starting to think you actually believe my middle name is ‘Fucking’.” Filmore mumbled against the other’s lips, kissing him back softly and nuzzling their noses together slowly.  “Maybe it is. I sure call you it enough.” Firkle muttered, kissing the other’s cheek and rocking forward, pushing the other over towards the grass again. “Hey!” But that was all he got out before Firkle continued to kiss him. Tongues slipped wet and hot against one another, and the pair stayed like that for far too long. Possessively biting at Filmore’s lips, the goth made sure that his mouth would be very obviously claimed, much like his shoulder. Soon, their kisses turned to soft chuckles and giggles, hands wandering beneath the shade of the large tree in the back yard. Firkle eventually rolled off of his lover, snuggling up against him. “I’m never doing this sports thing again. You should have taken a video.” He informed, only half-joking. “Who says I didn’t? I’ve been streaming this whole thing, even if the angle might have messed up. My phone fell over.” “You what?” Shooting up, Firkle glared immediately at the other’s phone, frowning, “You ass, you didn’t even--”  Another kiss distracted him, and Filmore brought him into his lap, petting over his sides. “Shh, it’s okay, babe. Everyone wanted to see you. See us. I just wanted to prove that I’m with you, not Quaid. Since I only take pictures with him, they started to wonder.” “You are so lucky that your lips taste good and I love you.” That hadn’t been what he’d thought he was going to say. He had yet to say that out loud, and here he was, saying it for the internet to enjoy. “I mean-- I--” “You already said it, babycakes.” Filmore cooed, kissing his cheek gently, nuzzling him, “I love you, too.” He added, quickly, seeing the distress in the slightly younger male’s eyes. This didn’t, admittedly, help his fear, at least, not visually. “Quaid’s going to kill me, and Michael’s going to kill you.” He whispered softly into the other’s ear, pressing their cheeks together. “Let me think about them. You just relax in the knowledge that you’re mine, and I’ll protect you.” It was a comforting thought, but Michael wasn’t going to be an easy, open-and-shut case. “Alright.” He mumbled, kissing at Filmore’s cheek. “So, can we go back inside? I’m going to be on fire if I stay in all this sunshine much longer.” “I guess so.” Filmore pouted again, and Firkle wasn’t having it, leaning in and kissing him on the mouth.  “You mean ‘yes, Firkle, let’s go inside before you turn into a permanent tomato’, don’t you?” “Of course, babe.” Picking the smaller male up, he swung him over his shoulder and made sure to grab his phone and turn off the stream before carting the other up to his room to reward him for all he’d done this morning.  ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ AN: This was supposed to be a lot shorter. xD But who cares? I’m rather proud of this! I hope you guys like it. Happy Birthday to me!
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southerlypark · 5 years
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Prince Eric, prince Ike, and their entourages.
...so I’ve got this ATLA au where the fire nation and the ‘united water tribes’ are fighting for global dominance.
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alister312 · 2 years
Minor Character March Madness: Round 1
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After voting, please consider reblogging to root for your fave! Official post with match ups can be found here.
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What do you think of Ikes friends firkle?
Firkle: I hate, all of them. They force me to watch fucking cringey youtubers, all of them play fortnite, and I don’t know how Ike can handle being around them all.
Ike: I love them all! My friends are Filmore, Quaid, and Jenny, and our school likes to say we’re the reboot Stan, Cartman, Kyle, and Kenny but I’m not so sure??
Firkle: All you conformists are the fucking same. So it’s true. But I love you anyway, Ike.
Ike: I love you too.
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written-in-sunshine · 6 years
Controversial Yet Mundane - Filmore Anderson/Firkle Smith - SFW
Title: Controversial Yet Mundane Author: Donnie Fandom: South Park Setting: South Park High School Pairing: Filmore Anderson/Firkle Smith Characters: Filmore Anderson, Firkle Smith, Pete Thelman Genre: Romance/Humor Rating: K Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 268 Type of Work: Drabble Status: Complete Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, Fluff Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. Summary: What could have prompted such a dramatic change? AN: Alright, so, I decided that I wanted to write a fic (or ficlet) for all of my Firkle ships. xD It’s kind of a tall order but it’s worth it, I think. This is the first of many, actually, so I hope you guys are looking forward to it! EDIT: This is mega old. Sorry. I have sixteen fics to post and seventeen that need edited. If you’re someone that can edit for all kinds of fandoms, please message me. I really need some help. Fandoms needed for betaing what I have so far: Saw, Insidious, Insidious/Saw Crossover, Fallout 3, Heathers, Heathers/Dismissed Crossover, South Park/TheVVitch Crossover, Assassin's Creed, Kick-Ass, Left 4 Dead 2, Dragon Age and Until Dawn.
South Park Fic Masterlist Controversial Yet Mundane ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ When Filmore Anderson did anything, Instagram was the first to know. Most of the time, he just liked showing off and getting lots of validation. His ego was so inflated, Firkle didn’t know how his head stayed on his neck. He often thought about seeing what would happen if he decided to just lob it off one day. Would it float away on its own, still begging to be relevant?
At least he didn’t bother with Instagram anymore. That also meant that when Filmore debuted the beautiful, rich red tips to his dark hair, Firkle was unprepared. The tight black jeans and red button up weren’t helping the racing of the goth’s heart. Dammit, why was that asshole suddenly attractive? The red should have reminded him of Pete. It should have made him repulsed. Or, at the very least, ready to defend goth appropriation. Instead, all he did was gawk like some troglodyte mouth breather. Oceanic eyes were wide and almost innocent as Filmore glided past him. “Might want to pick your jaw up off the floor, Dorkle.” He teased with a smirk. So, his shot in the dark had worked. Taking the risk of losing his hand, Filmore reached over and closed Firkle’s mouth for him, patting his cheek with a smirk, “See you in English.” “Uh… Y-yeah.” What an eloquent sentence. Firkle could have killed himself on the spot for floundering so much. Filmore blew him a kiss before sauntering off to meet his friends at the other side of the commons. This left Firkle alone with his short circuiting brain and self loathing. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ AN: Another little short thing, but I’m still happy with it. I hope you enjoyed! Prompt: Seachange - A profound or notable transformation.
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Filmore: You lied about being human!
Firkle: I never said I was human, you simply assumed, and I never felt the need to correct you.
Filmore: Then what are you?! Only a god is capable of doing what you did!
Firkle: Well that’s not entirely true, is it? For I am certainly no god…. I am however, the one who births them.
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Filmore: tell me something nice, hit me with those positive vibes.
Firkle: The earliest recorded named cat lived 3000 years ago in Egypt and was called ‘Nedjem’ which means sweetie.
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
How close were you guys to Sally?
TRICIA: I wasn’t exactly close to her, I only allowed her to stick with us because of Karen.
DOUGIE: And because you aren’t the leader of the pack. Tricia never liked Sally for some reason, she doesn’t even want to talk about it.
TRICIA: Because that's none of your damn business.
DOUGIE: Yeesh- 
KAREN: I’ll. Take over. I was personally close to Sally, the others,, not so much. I do remember she came into class one day and just asserted herself into our lives. Although our lives are already crazy, the moment she walked into that door years ago was as if our lives had changed forever.
FIRKLE: That's. Deep Karen, holy shit.
KAREN: Huh? Oh, shoot. I’m rambling. Heh, my bad...,.,
FILMORE: Yeah, she just. Came in one day and nobody said a word about it. As if she was always here. And over the years she’s gotten pretty popular, we were considered ‘the lucky ones’ when Sally would hang out with us
TRICIA: Fil. Can you not? Use ‘we’ and ‘us’? I don’t want to sound like a bitch but you arent really in the pack?
FIRKLE: That sounds like your being a bitch.
TRICIA: Shut the fuck up. 
FILMORE: Haha, nope. I hang out with you guys almost all the damn time how am I not considered part of the pack?
TRICIA: That- Ugh. Yknow what. We’ll talk about this later.
IKE: Normally we’d end it there but really, if Sally is, in fact, dead, she did have a ton of ‘enemies’ at school though I don’ think they’d harm a fly. But she might've been nicer before but really shes like the Heather Chandler of our school with Hannah and Flora being the other two. She had bad blood with Jenny for some dumb reason but it was just petty drama over some boy or something
IKE: Sally would constantly shit on Jenny for some reason, but she totally changed during summer break. I dunno, I’m probably sounding really dumb right now its like.. Almost 1 am... H
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ask-ike · 6 years
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“That’s... a hard question man. Like I know a lot of people. South Park might be a small town but in small towns you know everyone. That’s still a lot of people to know. I guess... Kill Garrison? Marry Filmore, fuck Firkle I guess? Maybe Marry Karen she’s like great at sewing. Maybe she can sew more stuffed animals.”
Main Art Blog 
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