n3onwraith · 3 months
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Redsbian vs. Lesblue- Round 1, Part 3, Poll 4
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southicut · 5 years
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Can’t wait for the new animal crossing am I right Bois
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shychangling · 4 years
Oh yes femslash. Alittle harder on me as I am only recently getting to feel comfortable enough to explore it. But i really enjoy the idea of Carolina and South having a bitter rivalry but its on friendlish terms. Where Carolina at the top and South while not yet bottom barreled out of her place with a jealous look at her. While Also at the same time South despises the utter fact of Carolina acting as if she’s better for giving a way an AI “out of a heroic means.” and sees it for what it is. or at least what South believes it to be. CArolina proving she can be the best without the help of an ai. its shorter but like i said femslash is new to me.
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arse-blathanna · 5 years
A gritty and dark southlina spy au
For the sake of not going insane I’m going to use a PFL framework and build from there. 
PFL is a secret spy organization that’s knee-deep in Shady Shit and with very little actually there to keep it in line. The Director is still Carolina’s father, North is also in the organization but North and South aren’t aware of this fact. The two of them are intentionally kept separate. Carolina is aware of this. 
The two of them get sent on a mission where they have to go undercover to sabotage Hargrove’s attempts to shut down the project. This not only puts them in an exceptionally dangerous situation, it also puts them in the line of fire with their own friends and family. Reporting to The Director in person is impossible. 
As the infiltration goes on orders get fewer and more far between, and more and more vague. The two of them make the decision to try and find out what’s going on themselves and that means that they have to break into their own base of operations. 
Almost immediately after breaking in they find themselves in a firefight with other agents. South ends up shooting her brother without knowing, and when she finds out afterwards she has a complete breakdown. Carolina does what little she can to offer comfort but the fact that she Knew North was in the project ends up weighing heavily on her. 
They get orders and go back to the grindstone. South starts taking more and more risks and Carolina finds herself looking for any way out of the project possible. When they abandon the mission and make their escape they immediately find themselves being hunted,and as long as PFL and Hargrove both exist it will never stop.
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autisticblueteam · 6 years
Unfair (South/Carolina)
[AO3] [Ko-Fi in Bio]
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 2428
Warnings: Argument within a relationship.
Summary: After the explosive Bjørndal debriefing, Carolina finds South and tries to make it up to her. 
Notes: I was planning on getting more than one fic out for @rvbrarepairweek but my hand pain refused to cooperate, but I got this done. Have some Southalina.
“Think I should talk to her?”
There was a sharp crack as the panel at the door broke, sparks crackling where it tore away from the wall. South kicked the screen on its way down for good measure, glass shattering over the ground. Huffing and rolling her shoulders, she disappeared around the corner.
North shook his head with a quiet sigh. “Maybe we give her a minute.”
Carolina nodded, though her gaze didn’t leave the now juddering doors.
Behind them, there was a sigh and a muttered order to summon maintenance, which was their final cue to leave.
They de-suited in silence. Out of the corner of her eye Carolina caught sight of the bandages still covering North’s wounds—stark white against the grey of the locker room—before he dragged on a shirt. Raising his hand in a quick wave, he turned and headed back towards the bunks. Left the room somehow quieter.
Snapping a hair-tie around the bottom of her braid, Carolina sighed and stood up. She figured that minute had passed.
The halls of the Mother of Invention were still. Most of the other agents would be in bed at this hour, but North had been discharged from medical and the Björndal debriefing had been called despite the time. Three days they’d waited for North to recover enough for the mission to be officially closed. Three days. The tension on the bridge that night had built up until it was so thick a bullet wouldn’t pass through it.
South had barely spoken to her in those three days. Even the previous night, when she came to her bunk and clambered into bed beside her, she didn’t say a word. Only draped an arm haphazardly over her side and huffed. They both settled down, but Carolina hadn’t slept a wink and she wasn’t sure that South had, either.
The anger that radiated from her was palpable. Anger that was directed at her, at least in part.
All she’d done was follow her orders. What else South expected of her she didn’t know. It wasn’t like she could just say no to the Director, refuse to get on the Pelican and stay behind—even if she’d wanted to.
Carolina sighed.
It didn’t take long for her to find South in the silence of the ship. The heavy thumps of her fists against the punching bag were audible from down the hall, her frustrated grunts and groans not far behind. Green light shone from above the door. An invitation, at least in South’s language.
The door slid open with a quiet beep.
“Fucking dumbass fucking bullshit fucking—” Streams of curses punctuated every punch, the chain rattling violently and competing with every other syllable. “Fucking cocksucking asshole fuck—”
“South?” Carolina said, her voice deliberately even. The two-one rhythm of the hits faltered slightly, but caught itself. “Are you alright?” she continued, flinching at herself.
South snorted, slammed her fist into the bag so hard that it smacked against the wall. “Am I fucking alright? Yeah, sure, I’m fucking fine. Dropped from the spot I’ve been working my ass off to keep for fucking weeks, because our fucking science professor of a Director doesn’t fucking get that putting unnecessary hard fucking time limits on a stealth mission doesn’t fucking work, but yeah. I’m fucking alright.”
“South…” It was a thoughtless question, she knew that. Why couldn’t talking to upset people be easy? “You’ll make the difference back up in no time. It’s only a minor—”
“Minor fucking setback, yeah yeah.” Another slam of her fist, the stilling bag jolted again. “Easy for you to say. Fucking— sending you in after us, like he knew we were gonna fail. You know how fucking patronising that is? Number four on the fucking board and they send me in with a babysitter.”
Huffing, she started tugging at the wraps around her fists.
Carolina sighed quietly, reached behind her to lock the door as she stepped further into the room. “I was sent along as an precaution, nothing more.”
“Yeah, like I said, babysitter. Two, actually. North fucking bitching in my ear the whole goddamn time, like that fucking helps.” The material of the wrap got caught under another flap and she grunted, tugging at it hard. “Fucking thing—”
“Let me.” Carolina approached her, holding her hands out.
“I can do it myself,” South mumbled, even as she shoved the hand towards Carolina. Taking it, she carefully freed the material and started to unwrap the rest. “It’s gonna take weeks to get back up.”
“It won’t—”
South cut her off with another snort.
“Oh it fucking will and you know it, Carolina,” she bit. Carolina carefully finished unwinding the wraps on one hand and took the other, starting the process over. “I worked fucking hard to keep that spot but I fuck up once, fucking— once! And— ugh!”
“It won’t take you weeks, South.”
Tugging her hands back, South tore the wrap away and threw it. “Shut the fuck up, like you fucking know shit. When was the last time you dropped any fucking lower than the top fucking spot, huh? When was the last fucking time you had to claw your fucking way back up?”
Exhaling, Carolina’s fingernails dug into her palms. “South—”
“No, really, when? Because fuck its easy to fucking say that it’s gonna be so easy when you’ve never had to work for shit anyway!” South snapped, throwing her arms out. Always so expressive, her entire body speaking for her just as much as her words. It made her so much easier to read than anyone else, circumvented Carolina’s usual issues with the subtleties of body language.
But it made her anger feel all the more vitriolic.
“That’s not fair,” Carolina said, the sharp sting of her nails burying into her skin.
South snorted again, spun on her heel and walked away. Stopped at the wall, slammed her palms against it and turned to look back over her shoulder.
“You know what else isn’t fucking fair? That you get to sit pretty up there at the top of the fucking board whilst I have to fucking put up with being punted down whole ranks at a time for shit that isn’t my fault.” The weight of her eyes pushed down on Carolina, but Carolina gritted her teeth and pushed back.
“That’s not my fault either, South!” she retaliated. Swiping the wraps from the floor, she balled them tight in her fists. “You know damn well I’ve worked hard to get to where I am, South. Don’t you dare imply that I don’t work for it. I came here to talk to you because you’re my girlfriend and you were upset, do not make me regret that by treating me like I’m the enemy.”
There was a single beat of silence… and then South’s shoulders dropped. “Shit…”
As the heavy weight of tension tumbled away from her, she let her head fall against the wall and took deep breaths. Smacking her palms against the wall one more time she huffed and spun on her heel, arms folding loosely under her chest but beckoning for Carolina to come closer.
Sighing, Carolina crossed the distance between them and rested a hand on her arm. Caressing slowly over the muscles and the scars, she glanced up and met South’s eyes for the briefest of moments before the discomfort pressing at the front of her skull was too much. The moment her gaze flickered away, South’s hand cupped her cheek.
“Fuck, babe, I’m sorry,” she said, her voice now softer. The undercurrent of frustration hadn’t faded entirely, but it was no longer aimed in her direction. Leaning into the warmth of her hand against her face, Carolina exhaled. “You’re not the fucking enemy. I know all that shit, I do, just— fuck. I’m so fucking tired of this shit, Lina.”
“I know.” Raising her own hand to the back of South’s, her thumb rubbed circles against the skin. “I’m not trying to... dismiss, that, it’s just—”
“That you’re kinda shit at comforting people?” South said, a hint of a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. Scratching faintly behind Carolina’s ear, fingers brushing through her hair, she teased, “Yeah, I fucking noticed.”
“I can still leave, you know,” Carolina countered, without conviction. “…I’ll train with you. Help you boost your numbers.”
South snorted. “You kicking my ass does not help boost my numbers babe.”
“It doesn’t have to be sparring. We can do that off the record, you might even learn something.” She pressed a kiss to South’s palm and squeezed the back of her hand. South rolled her eyes, but that hint of a smirk had spread.
“You work too fucking hard,” she said, and from her it didn’t sound like an insult. Like an admonishment. From her, it was this strange mix of praise and concern that took Carolina a moment to place. “That’s fucking where my anger-fuelled cockshit of a brain is really wrong. You work too fucking hard babe, its gonna be the death of you.”
Responding would be too much like admitting something. Too much like acknowledging everything that she’d rather not face.
So she didn’t respond.
South— bless South because she never pushed, she never knowingly overstepped boundaries she had no right to overstep. If she caught the hesitation, the way Carolina tensed, she didn’t say a word. The roughened pad of her thumb brushed over her cheekbone and she guided her in for the kind of gentle kiss so many would call uncharacteristic, but that Carolina had become well acquainted with.
Despite all her hard edges, her bite, her anger… South knew when to be soft.
The pressure of her lips slowly faded, South stepping back and standing straight, but Carolina’s arms hooked around her neck and she followed her. Stole another kiss away, eyes scrunched shut and their noses knocking together. Strands of hair fell against Carolina’s face and nearly poked her in the eye, quickly swept away by swift fingers and tucked behind South’s ear.
“Feeling better?” she said softly, letting one hand fall to rest against her chest. Behind her neck, she still clutched the discarded wraps.
“I could fucking lie and say yeah, but— nah, not really.” South laughed dryly, shook her head. “Fuck me, I took it out on you. That was a real bitch move. And shit, babe I love you but you talking to me still doesn’t change the fact I got fucking— kicked down a spot on the board and fucking talked down to.”
“Okay.” It wouldn’t have been any different had their positions been switched, Carolina could hardly deny that. Comfort… it meant something, but it didn’t erase multiple days, weeks or months of frustration and hurt. “Thank you for being honest.”
Another snort. Funny how that noise became almost comforting in its familiarity. “Agreed to be, didn’t we? Look, fuck— thank you, for coming after my ass. You didn’t have to fucking do that.”
Carolina shrugged. “You’d come after me.”
“Damn fucking right I would. Even if I am as dickshit at comfort as you are.”
“I suppose we are both pretty bad at this,” Carolina said with a sigh and a half-smile. Running her finger along the seam of South’s sports bra, enjoying the uneven pressure against her skin, her gaze flickered up to meet South’s for another fleeting moment. “I’m sorry that I intervened today. But I have to follow my orders and in the end, I can’t say I’m not glad I was there. You’re capable,” she said, South’s mouth snapping back shut, “but that machine gun turret nearly took both you and your brother out. I’d rather not know what would have happened if it hadn’t been the three of us.”
“Ugh,” South huffed, pulling Carolina’s hand up from her chest to shake it around, “why do you have to make fucking sense, huh?” Pressing Carolina’s knuckles against her lips, she exhaled. “Fuck. Look, yeah, I know you gotta do what you’re fucking told but I hate that you get told to do that shit. That fair?”
“That’s fair.”
“Good. Because it’s real fucking shitass. Shit, I know this shit’s gonna happen and I know you’re not doing shit to spite me but fuck, it sure feels like the Director is.” Carolina’s teeth buried into her lip. Dropping her hand, South stepped away and shrugged back into the upper body of her suit. “If I’d fucking set those trackers like North kept jabbering about I’d have gone over time and been punished anyway. Can’t fucking win around here.”
Nothing about this was fair, no, but what were they supposed to do about it?
Staying quiet, Carolina held out the wraps. South dumped them inside her helmet along with her gloves, sighed and turned to the pile of armour by the wall. She must have come straight here.
“I’ll help you carry your armour back to the locker room.”
“Thanks babe.”
Together they gathered up the discarded pieces of South’s armour, a comfortable quiet filling the room. The tension hadn’t faded away entirely, but there was always an underlying tension here. But three days of silence were over. They’d talked, they’d apologised, they were trying—that was what mattered. That meant more than words spat in anger.
“You know what you are?” Carolina asked, not hiding the amused smile on her face as she hip-checked the door lock. South raised a brow. “A swearsaurus.” South stared at her, unblinking, and Carolina muffled a laugh. “You know. A thesaurus of swears.”
A beat.
South laughed.
Real laughter, not that dry, humourless sound from before. The kind of genuine laugh that seemed to be growing rarer and rarer these days. Carolina enjoyed the look on her face as she backed out of the room, amused smile now a grin.
“Sometimes, I fucking forget that you do that,” South said through lingering laughter, kicking back at the door control as they left. “Your fucking terrible puns. Fuck.”
“I’m hardly wrong.”
“Nope, but its still a terrible fucking joke.”
“Made you laugh,” Carolina said, casting her a cheeky smile as she turned on her heel. “I’ll take it.”
That night, South was back in her bed and back to her usual self. No more uncomfortable, unnatural silence; just a warm body at her back and the attitude she’d come to know and love. Things would always be complicated, but dammit they were trying.
That had to count for something.
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tuckerfuckingdidit · 7 years
project freelancer, but every time carolina and south butt heads, it gets gayer.
C: “What is this, third grade? That the best you got? Hope your bite’s worse than your bark.”
S: “Bet you wanna know all about my bite.”
C: “Maybe I do.”
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aro-ortega · 4 years
please send me rvb ladies and/or femslash hcs
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sharkface-daydreams · 2 years
it's nice I can listen to music at work coz I've been evaluating my southlina playlist and writing in my head lol
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boner4murder · 3 years
Do you know/like any of the freelancer ships? Like SouthCT, Flyoming, Nork, Northington and yorkington, Southlina, TexCT, MaineWash and Mainelina?
omg no i didn’t even think of those i’m gonna rate them💪
south/ct: they are both hot bitches who felt betrayed. also look me in the eyes and tell me either of them are straight. you cant. 7/10
florida/wyoming: i think this is very funny and i like it. 5/10 need more info💳💥💳💥
north/york: wait….i kinda like it… i just think it works. 6/10
york/wash: same with york and north. it’s cute! plus i feel like literally everyone in pfl had a crush on york at some point. 6/10
south/carolina: ah they are both bitches and i love them So Much. 5/10 idk like together but it’s not bad at all!
tex/ct: i am now realizing all the pfl women are mean. as they should be. anyway like 7/10 where’s the fic🔪
maine/wash: i’ve seen this one a lot and i honestly don’t know my opinion on it. ??/10
maine/carolina: same with maine and wash but i think i like this one? i know my opinion on these two are not negative i just don’t know how to rate it. i’m gonna give a 5/10 to both
this is so fun for me thanks for the recommendations!!
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RVB Romantic Relationship Royale- Round 3, Part 3, Poll 8
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southicut · 5 years
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I just wanted some more femslash in my life, ya know??
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Results from my wee ship survey
There was only 46 responses but it was just for fun so that'll do
Grimmons (41 votes)
Chex (25 votes)
Docnut (21 votes)
Tuckington (19 votes)
Yorkalina (17 votes)
Churboose (15 votes)
Kimbalina (14 votes)
Mainewash (13 votes)
Chucker, OhSherry (12 votes)
SouthCT (9 votes)
PastryTrain, Washnut, Churchnut, TexSis (8 votes)
Sargegrey (7 votes)
Washlina, Lolix, flyoming, sargington (6 votes)
Churchwash, TexCT, Locoboose (5 votes)
Logrif, Tucklix (4 votes)
Tucksis, Northington, Robonuts (3 votes)
Yorkington, Mainelina, Texball, Southlina, Kailaina, washboose (2 votes)
Griflina, caboosis, sargedoyle, simmnut, Loyle, greylina, lolina, simmwash, and possibly EastOne (1 vote)
Also i want to add Locington and Docington onto the (1 vote) because i just remembered they exist and i want to vote for them
I'll post the OT3 responses later 👌
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arse-blathanna · 7 years
Elegance - [1/1]
Fic Summary: Agent South Dakota is really the person least suited to go on a mission at some uptight party. Really, this isn't something that she belongs in at all. Carolina's better suited for the job. They just have to get in, get out, and try not to leave too much of an impression. 
This should be easy.
Rating: M
Relationships: Agent Carolina/Agent South Dakota
Characters: Agent Carolina, Agent South Dakota
Tags: Canon Typical Violence, Project Freelancer Era, Mission Fic
Word Count: 8,580
Author’s Notes: Thank you all for reading! This is my last entry for Femslash February 2018, and I hope you all enjoy it. 
So there were a lot of reasons that South wasn't exactly looking forward to this mission. The fact that she had spent most of the night before in goddamn York's room of all places being put through a crash course on infiltration, emphasis on the crash - had a lot to do with it. The fact that she had to remain in formal wear was also a pretty damn big part of it as well.
The other half of her problem was that she was being sent along on this mission with Carolina of all people. Which left South feeling really inadequate.
[Read it on Ao3]
The two of them were given a room to share while they prepared for what was to come. South had been able to drag out some of her old formal clothes, which apparently her brother had been holding onto for some reason. Not that South really wanted to know why because it was sure to be sickeningly nostalgic.
Carolina, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a really frustrating effortless way.
South felt much less so. And she felt awkward on top of that, because she was in the process of trying to figure out the best possible way to strap a sawed off shotgun to her thigh. Getting knives into place had been easy, but if it came to a fight she wanted something a little more reliable.
You know, just in case. It was a mission after all.
"South?" Carolina said, her voice deadly serious as always and her face already furrowed down into the expression that she always wore when it was a mission day. Hard-focused and impossible to waver. Carolina. "Please tell me that you're ready."
"Yeah, something like that." South mutters, still very unsatisfied with what she's managed to do. She stands up and walks in front of the mirror that the two of them dragged into the shared hotel room. From where she stands she can see the way that the shotgun sticks out from under her dress. "Who the hell decided that I was a good choice for this sort of shit?"
"You know the answer to that." Carolina responds dryly. She's apparently prepared for a fight as well, but she managed to do it more flawlessly than South could. "I know it's not ideal."
"I just can't help but think there had to be better choices." South says, picking a hand up to at least try and fix her hair. With the dye she can't make herself look perfect for a formal anything. They should have picked someone else. Like Connie, or North, or their goddamn infiltration specialist. Hell, even Wash would have probably been a better choice than she was.
But no, apparently there was some sort of system which was always right. And that was a load of horseshit in itself.
Carolina sighs. She steps up beside South so that she can get a look at herself in the mirror. "It always gives us less than optimal matchups." Carolina holds her head up high, lengthening the line of her neck and beginning to slide some earrings into place. South catches herself staring for a little too long before ripping her gaze away.
"Yeah," South says, with perhaps a little bit more bite to her words than she would have preferred. "I know."
Carolina rolls her eyes, brushing her hair into place. She looks gorgeous. Her hair is perfectly in place, the gown she's wearing fits her perfectly, she looks like she could probably strike someone dead if they just looked at her.
By comparison, South feels gross, and wrong. The fact that she took a shower two hours before doesn't matter. It's still a feeling that she has, one that she doesn't know that she's actually going to be able to shake in time for the mission's actual start. Maybe if she's lucky she'll be able to sink into the background while Carolina draws all of the attention.
That would be absolute best thing for her. She could do stealth. In theory.
"It's going to be fine." Carolina sighs, already seeming more than disinterested.
"You're the one that looks like you actually belong here." South grumbles, reaching down to her leg and doing what she can to adjust how the shotgun lies. She needs to figure out a better solution, and South isn't confident that she'll find one that easy.
Maybe she could just bring in a second or third thigh holster full of knives. That could have worked. At the very least it would have been easier for her to hide.
Actually, just about anything probably would have been easier to hide.
North would have been able to find a way to hide a shotgun. The asshole.
“You’re going to be able to blend in fine.” Carolina replies, and she sounds a little bit annoyed at that point by the way that things are going. "You just need to try and blend in. Worry less."
South grumbled, because that wasn't going to be possible. She didn't really know the first thing about formal situations. The last time that she'd worn anything nearly as nice as it had been her and North's prom- and that had been awful and she hadn't even actually gone really. The night had ended up with them skipping out early to get cheap burgers and soda and play paintball in a field with some friends.
She looked down at the dress and the way that it laid on her body. Resigned to the way that things were going, she removed the shotgun from her leg and tossed it back onto the bed. South walked over to the mattress, since they still had a case of weapons on top of it and she needed to find the best thing to bring in. Carolina had probably already taken the best stuff too.
Carolina walked over to the bed and took a seat, making herself comfortable at the end of it while South searched for anything that she could use and feel comfortable using. "I just can't believe I got signed up for this shit. What was the Director even thinking?"
"He has a system and trusts it." Carolina says, like that will be able to make everything make sense. She still manages to sound bored, parroting the same thing that she’s said a hundred times before.
South knows that she has no idea how the system supposedly works, and she has reason to believe that Carolina probably doesn't either. She talked to York once to try and work out the math for their scoring on the leaderboard but York had just shrugged and said he didn't know either. Everyone else garnered similar results.
"The system is dumb." South groans when she finally finds something that might work for her. An old fashioned Ka-Bar and a Magnum. Definitely not enough to carry her through a full night or to help her if things got really ugly, but it's something. She'd wanted the shotgun more, but since her damn dress wasn't going to permit it, that wasn't going to work.
Carolina shrugged. "I can't say that I really disagree with you about that." She mutters, her eyes flicking away from South for a moment. "I didn't really want to go on this mission that much either. I would have figured that something that's at least halfway about charming people would have been better suited to other people."
South pauses, taking a step back purely out of surprise because that was something that she hadn't been expecting to hear out of Carolina at all. She'd figured that Carolina would just take whatever mission was offered to her and she would be happy about it all the same. Maybe Carolina just saw things as they were- she was better suited to a situation where she was able to run out and kick ass instead of playing intrigue or something.
In a way, it makes he feel a lot better about having been assigned.
She looks down at the Ka-Bar and straps it to her thigh, before doing the same with the handgun that she'd selected. South turns to face Carolina and holds her head up high. "I just want to get this over with." She says. "So can we please go out there and just get this done?"
"You know that we have to be patient." Carolina says, her voice harsh. "Just remember to stay on comms tonight, and keep your shit together."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" South snapped at Carolina. "If you wanted to say that I don't belong here, you could have just said it."
"You're the one that keeps on saying that you don't like the mission." Carolina retaliated, her voice just as harsh as South's had been.
“I don’t.” South muttered, “But that doesn’t mean you should say it.”
Carolina rolled her eyes. “Just get it together, South.”
South gave herself one last look in the mirror and pushed her hair out of her face before beginning to walk towards the door so that she could slip on her heels. It wasn’t enough to make things. feel right, but she could do her job like this.
She just really hoped that she and Carolina wouldn’t end up needing to run.
The banquet itself was exactly what South had been expecting. A lot of her keeping her eyes open for trouble, a lot of pretending to sip champagne because it made her look a little less threatening and helped her blend in, and a lot of just standing around and listening along to boring chatter by boring people.
Carolina seemed to be taking it in stride, blending in with small crowds and laughing along to jokes that were the furthest thing from funny. When she'd get away from the action for a moment, that was when Carolina and South were able to actually communicate. "Target’s speech will be starting in two hours." Carolina said into the communication channel that the two of them were sharing.
"Sure is." South muttered, having managed to slip away herself and off to the side. Carolina was standing over by the punch bowl, keeping her back turned away from anyone. South took a glance at her, and couldn't help but notice just how cleanly the lines of her gown fit her. It definitely seemed to suit Carolina a little bit better than armor,  but that didn't mean that South expected to ever see this sort of thing again.
"Once it starts, we'll do everything according to plans. No equipment or armor will be a problem, but we're both good enough in hand to hand that I'm not worried." Carolina carried on, and South couldn't help but note that it was an uncharacteristic amount of chatter for her. "Just keep an eye open."
"Way ahead of you." South grumbled before she turned her attention away from Carolina entirely. Just out of the corner of her eye, she could see that Carolina was looking at her just the same. Those bright green eyes flicked away too quick though.
With everything said that the two of them had needed to say, South just slipped back into obscurity and did what she could to get a better look at the layout of the building. Sure, she and Carolina were probably going to be able to handle themselves, but getting out of trouble was something else entirely. Something which South intended to be prepared for when it came.
Niner was going to be there, but South still wanted options. Just in case.
Two hours worth of mind numbing boredom ticked by without much excitement. By the time that all of the party guests were settling down for their meal and to hear some lectures, South slipped out of the banquet hall and took temporary refuge in the bathroom. Minutes later, Carolina joined her there, all of the false levity from earlier utterly gone.
"Ready?" South asked, giving herself one last look in the mirror. She really didn't like what she was given to play with that night. Too little equipment, and clothes that she didn't think that she was going to be able to move in all that well should things get loud.
"We should give them time to get started." Carolina said plainly, checking the handgun that she had on her leg for herself. "Once we're sure that they're completely distracted, then we make our move."
"Sounds good." South mumbles. Carolina stopped and moved her hand to her other leg, revealing a thigh as she removed something else from it. South looked over and saw that it was a small radio that she had probably managed to nab off of a guard. Maybe she'd played along in a small crowd and nicked it off of someone that wasn’t paying attention. Maybe someone had left it lying around. Either way, South intended to use this. "Where'd you get that?"
"Doesn't matter." Carolina says, turning it over and popping over the back. "Their comms are scrambled, but-"
South leans over, taking a look at the radio for herself. "There should be a frequency code in there."
"That's what I'm looking for."
South reached over and snatched the radio from Carolina's hands before beginning to dig out the batteries.
This was something that she knew. South turned towards the light so that she could see whether or not she could catch any lettering that had been left on the inside of the battery chamber. She stared it down.
“Try frequency 514.2.” South said, glancing over at Carolina. “It might work.”
Carolina nodded and removed her comm unit from her ear, beginning to tinker with it until she started to get more that she could work with. South watched, already reaching for her own. The two of them weren’t going to be able to swap between channels as effortlessly as they could when they were in armor or helmets, but it was something.
But Carolina's eyes widened and a tiny smile stretched across her expression. "You got it." She said calmly. "Nice work, South."
"Good." South replied, already beginning to tune herself into the channel. "We're going to have to keep the airwaves clear."
"So we won't be like the boys, then." Carolina joked, opening up the little bag that she'd brought with her and removing a small datapad from it. She looked it over and nodded before taking a breath and locking eyes with South. "They're about to start. We move on my mark. Sync?"
"Sync." South parroted, ready for action anyways.
The two of them waited for a moment by the door, and once it was time, Carolina gave the signal. She dipped out of the door first, and South followed not far after. Their seats at the banquet were going to be unoccupied, but because they weren't officially there together it was less for the two of them to worry about.
At least, that was the way that things seemed to look so far.
The two of them made their way through the halls of the building and far from the banquet itself. Carolina took the lead, which South was fine with because someone was going to need to watch their backs anyways. It would suck when the time came to start kicking ass when they barreled through people, but South fully intended on getting in on the action enough so that she wouldn't see a change in her position on the leaderboard because of it.
Together, the two of them found their ways to the stairs and finally the first guard came into view. South watched as she walked by, obviously armed but definitely not prepared for a fight. She was walking in a way that made it obvious she was very bored. Probably on her fifth or sixth circuit of the building that night alone.
More importantly, South knew what this meant- the people there weren't prepared for a raid of any sort. Nobody was likely to actually be prepared for what she and Carolina were going to bring to the table.
The guard saw the two of them and raised an open hand in a universal symbol for 'stop.'
"I'm sorry." She started, her head held up high. "But guests aren't supposed to be back here. You two are going to need to go back to the banquet."
"Sorry." Carolina said, a smirk already beginning to creep onto her expression. "I guess that the two of us must have gotten turned around."
The guard cocked her head to the side. “I don’t know how you would have managed to do that.” She turns and looks back at the hallway that South and Carolina had just come down. “There aren’t really many ways to get up here.”
South shot Carolina a look, and she saw the way that a shit-eating grin began to stretch across her face. “Well, I guess that you’ll have to get us back where we’re going.”
“I guess so-”  The woman said, already beginning to lead the way. Once she was turned around and not looking at them, South made her move. She slipped in behind her so fast that the woman wouldn’t have been able to stop her and pressed a hand over her mouth.
It was just enough to muffle a cry from the woman. South held her tight, and when she felt the woman beginning to sag into unconsciousness, she looked up at Carolina in search of some sort of idea. "So we're going to have to look for a closet now, right?"
"Closets?" Carolina laughed, craning her neck a little bit and shifting so that she could get a good view. "I think there is one near here that we can use."
"Good." South muttered. She did what she could to lift the guard and followed after Carolina until they found a closet. She dumped the woman inside more or less gracelessly, just taking enough care to ensure that there weren't any head injuries getting left behind because of her. "I don't want to have to do this again."
"I figured." Carolina said, keeping watch over the space behind South. "We're going to have to keep better watch than we did before."
"Wasn't much we could do in a stairwell." South grumbled as she closed the door on the guard. She took a few steps away and then began on the way up the stairs again so that they could get to their location. "We should move. How's the time?"
"Don't worry about the time." Carolina grumbled, following after South. “Try to focus.”
South couldn't help but to roll her eyes. "You sound like my brother. 'Set your trackers, don't worry about the time.' Please don't make me listen to it here too."
She reached the top of the stairs and pressed herself in against the wall so that she could peek around the corner. Nobody was there, and so South waved forward.  Within seconds she and Carolina were both up on the second floor and falling into place together.
Carolina fell into place at South's side but soon went ahead and took the lead. South rolled her eyes and followed after her. She didn't want to be stuck thinking about the leaderboard or something, but that's hard when she's there with always-number-one Agent Carolina.
South thought back to the briefing that they'd had before even leaving. The Director didn't seem to have many redeeming qualities beyond ‘marginally less creepy than The Counselor’, but he was able to get them accurate maps at the very least. She glanced back at Carolina, who was already removing the datapad from the bag that she'd brought along.
"Which way?"
"Left and up two flights of stairs. There should be a maintenance elevator around here."
"Elevators, really?" South laughed, craning her neck and looking around. She could have sworn that she could hear someone moving nearby. That wouldn't be any good, but she wasn't exactly opposed to bashing a few more skulls if she needed to. "Please tell me you know."
Carolina waved a hand, and South rolled her eyes before following after her. The two of them walked until they found a door that was marked clearly AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY in bright red text. Carolina tried to knob, and felt it open easily enough before smiling back at South. “I think we found it.”
“Yeah, whatever.” South muttered before making her way in. Carolina followed after her and hit the one button next to the door. It closed behind them and South shook her arms out, hoping that she would be able to relax at least a little bit.
Carolina laced her fingers together behind her back, stretching the line of her body and cracking her neck in the process. “I hope that you’re getting ready for a fight.” She said, calmly and coolly. “Because I figure that once this elevator stops, we’re probably going to be swarmed.”
“You say that like you think we aren’t up for it.” South responded. She didn't like that implication in any universe, but it also wasn't something that she wasn't expecting. The good thing was that they could probably trust that they wouldn't end up in a situation where such heavy armor as they usually wore would be considered necessary.
"I know we are." Carolina laughed, more than just a little bit playful. "But I just wanted to make sure you are paying attention."
"I'm on the board for a reason, C." South grumbled, checking the gun on her thigh. She made a mental note about it, one that she was going to have to keep track of herself because she couldn't just rely on a HUD to do the job for her. They only had so much ammo to play with. "I thought you knew that."
Carolina smiled, just slightly and so small that it was almost lost in the rest of her expression. "I just wanted to make sure you knew."
South smiled a little bit herself, removing the pistol. Twelve rounds. She was going to have to keep track of that to the best of her abilities. She moved towards the back of the elevator. If the door was going to open, she wasn't going to be the one in the front.
Carolina did the same and backed into the space beside her. "You're ready?"
"Always am." South muttered, taking a slow breath so that she could ensure that she was going to be okay moving forward. Calm head, keep track of the things around her. When they were out of armor like this, South and Carolina both knew that friendly fire was much more deadly. South wasn't petty enough to go there intentionally, and she didn't want to catch heat for it going back to the Project.
The door dinged quietly, and that was it. South braced herself and prepared to open fire, while Carolina did the same to her right. Sure enough, there right on the other side of the door and waiting for them was a group of guards, all with silenced guns that were pointing in their direction.
That wasn't going to be too fun for them, but the spare ammo was going to be useful to them. Without armor and equipment they were still Freelancers- South knew they could make do.
"Stop right there!" The man at the door shouted at them, decked out in deep red and halfway armored. The poor bastard hadn't even had the time to finish preparing for a fight. "Put your hands where I can see them!"
South rolled her eyes and put a bullet right between the man's own. He stumbled backwards and the other guards around them began to do the same thing, some opening fire blindly.
Carolina shot out like a bullet, throwing herself into one of the guards and grabbing at their hand to steer their aim over in the direction of one of their other assailants. She forced the guard to put a bullet into the leg of one of the other guards before Carolina brutally slammed an elbow into his face.
The man dropped back onto the ground, knocked out cold.
South sprang into action, throwing herself at one of the guards that was huddling to the back like they were either too afraid to move or were just plain new to the job. She raised an arm and clotheslined the guard who dropped to the ground, unconscious. Behind her she heard two silenced gunshots, and when South looked back, she saw that Carolina was holding someone close to her and they had two bullet holes blooming red from their chest armor.
“Watch your back!” Carolina snarled at her, red hair already falling into her face from the clean bun that she had gone out wearing. Behind her, South watched as a different guard got up and levelled their aim on the back of Carolina’s head.
South moved as quick as she could manage to shoot the guard in the head, managing to catch them in the eye socket just before their corpse dropped to the ground, dead.
Carolina understood what had just happened and swiveled, lashing out in a kick at someone else that was nearby. They dropped to the ground, and if they weren’t already unconscious the hit to the back of the head from Carolina’s toes definitely would have done the trick.
That at least left the area cleared out, and while there was a part of South that was mourning for the hem of her dress which was starting to soak in violent red, she did what she could to ignore it. Priorities were important.
“Come on!” She snarled at Carolina before taking the lead. The two of them knew where they were going, but if there had been a group of guards waiting for them there, then that meant that there was only going to be more to come later on. It was just a matter of getting to where they needed to be.
Carolina fell into step beside her though, expression serious and laser-focused on the task at hand. “We need to get to the offices before it can get any louder.”
“Already too loud for my liking.” South muttered. “Niner’s going to be there for extract, right?”
“She will be.” Carolina said, but it was clear- at least to South, that neither of them had actually heard from the pilot since their arrival. The entire thing just made everything difficult, and while they were doing their best, it wasn’t that simple.
South grimaced a little bit, but since she really didn't want to make things worse she kept her mouth shut. She wanted to have faith, but with next to no contact over the course of the night, that was difficult to get.
The two of them weaved through the halls in search of their target, doing what they could to disarm and incapacitate anyone that they came across in order to keep out of trouble. The mission led them up staircase after staircase until they finally were getting close to the top floor.
That was about when South began to feel nervous. A part of her wished that her brother was there- he was good at talking her down, whether she liked it or not. He would have made her feel better about the fact that suddenly things had started to get quiet.
South slowed to a stop, just before they reached the door that was going to bring her and Carolina up to the main office on the top floor.
"Carolina." South whispered her partner's name. Carolina hesitated and stopped, pressing herself back against the wall just the same way that South had. "I don't like this."
"Yeah." Carolina muttered, but it seemed like she was tense. Maybe she hadn't stopped gritting her teeth just yet. "Neither do I. But we're right there-"
"And we're also not actually sure what's on the other side." South poked at the comm unit that was hooked into her ear. "And I know that you've noticed that the radios are clear of chatter now."
Carolina grimaced and stood up tall, reaching down and tugging her dress out of the way at least slightly. "They've either figured us out, or we've taken out all of their forces."
"I don't like the odds of either." South mumbled, blinking and looking forward to the door again. "The Director might want us to get some files from here, but-"
"But we don't know if it's been compromised?"
"Yeah. That." South answered, balling her hands into fists. "We need a plan."
Carolina cocked her head to the side a little bit, trying to figure out what to do next. "You know, planning isn't exactly something that you do often."
As a jab, it's not something that South can pretend is exactly unexpected.
She grits her teeth and has to try really hard not to lash out at Carolina for that one. Maybe it'll happen when they get out of here with the data that they're looking for intact and they're on the Pelican out.
Maybe not, South thinks. Either way-
She reaches down and tears away a long strip of fabric from around her legs. If they were really that close to the end, then she is going to need to be able to move. South shivers, feeling weirdly exposed all things considered.
Carolina stands up tall, and for a moment South gets the feeling that she's actually being watched, but that feels wrong. But moments later, Carolina is doing the same thing as her, tying the torn fabric around her waist just in case she'll need it.
"You're right." Carolina mumbles, brushing the fringe of her flame red hair away from her face. "We go in. Be careful and try not to open fire until we know what we're dealing with."
"Got it." South confirms. It's easy enough. If they're lucky, the two of them will only need to get involved in hand to hand and their lives are easy.
South isn't counting on that.
"Sync?" She asks, locking her eyes with Carolina's.
"Sync." Carolina echoes back.
Carolina counts from one to three before muttering the 'mark' that is all that's needed for this to start. She rushes the door first, putting herself off to the side and leaving an opening for South to do her thing.
Because one thing that South is already sure of about that door? It's not very solid- probably flimsy as all hell with a bunch of surface dressing.
"Watch it!" South shuts before barreling forward and throwing herself into the door before breaking through it. A few shards of wood scratch against her skin and raise red welts, but South grits her teeth and ignores it, already moving to check her six.
Before she can get a look there are two gunshots, Carolina executing the two guards that had been in there waiting for them. South almost stumbles on her landing, feeling one of her heels snap beneath her feet. That's going to be a problem later, but for now she was going to make things work.
There's a man behind the desk, clearly hiding and trying to keep a low profile. He's armed, that much is obvious. He’s also holding the pistol like he’s never touched it before.
"Drop the gun." Carolina commands, taking a few steps forward and aiming her gun at his head. South isn't sure that Carolina actually has any rounds left, but she isn't going to question it. All that they really need to go for at the moment is the intimidation factor, and Carolina's got that in spades.
The man jerks back, his gun dropping onto the desk with a clatter. "I don't know what you're here for!" He cries, clearly already trying to deflect. South blinks and glances back at Carolina. "Really, I don't!"
"We need some things that you have." South explains, stretching and taking a few steps forward, kicking her way out of her heels along the way because she really doesn't have the time to deal with them. "And it would really be better for you if you played nice and let us have them."
"Who-" The man takes a deep breath. "Who are you? Who hired you? Was it Har-"
"Who hired us doesn't matter to you." Carolina says, holding her head up high and keeping her voice hard. "What matters is that you get us what we want."
"And if I don't?"
South shrugged. "I don't think we should have to spell that out for you?"
The man looks from her to Carolina, then back at her before letting out a resigned sigh. "And you will let me live if I give you them?"
South paused because she didn't really know how that fit the story. Carolina gestured towards the desk, and South took the instruction, taking the few steps forward until she was there at the desk.
There weren't any other weapons there that were obvious. Sure, there was a fountain pen, but that wouldn't have done much damage than a little bit of gouging. Not nearly enough to be effective. Not when she and Carolina both were packing guns and proper knives. It would lose every time.
"I need your hard drive." South announces to the man, leaning over his shoulder and grinning. There's a bit of blood on her face, and her hair has fallen loose from the style that it had been when they'd left. "If you don't mind."
The man just scoots out of the way so that South can do her work. She leans over him and finds his computer, data ports open and ready. South rolls her eyes and looks back at Carolina. "Have the chip?"
Carolina tosses it to her, and South slides it into place before beginning the wait. Immediately a green progress bar appears on the screen, slowly ticking towards 100%.
The man looks between the two of them, clearly confused. "Can I at least know what this is about?"
"We need to know some things." South says, shrugging. "And you're a science officer, so we're getting what we need to know."
"And what do you need to know?"
South can't help but laugh. "That's on a need to know basis."
The man clamps his mouth shut at that, which South is grateful for because it means that she’s going to actually be able to concentrate now. She checks the progress bar constantly, only looking back to Carolina to ensure that the situation is under control. Off in the distance, she can hear an Pelican’s engines and that’s how South knows that this is about done.
The data download finishes with a quiet beep. South yanks the data chip out of the computer as fast as she can before tucking it away and out of sight. Nice and safe. She makes sure to give the guy behind the desk a good knock on the back of the head, just enough to knock him out and make sure that she and Carolina can get a clean extract out of this whole thing.
“We’re good to go.” South says, looking at Carolina.
For some reason, Carolina's gotten quiet for the moment, and if South knew what was going through her head, she probably would have asked. But she also wasn't sure that she really didn't want to know, so South shrugged and walked over to the window, peering out to try and see whether or not their ride is there.
"How far away is she?" South asks Carolina.
"Should be getting here now." Carolina replies with a shrug. "Once she gets here, we should either be going back to the Mother, or-" She paused, lips pursing. "We might have another chance at the hotel room since we aren't technically checked out yet."
South nods. "Bed sounds nice." She can also feel her stomach growl, another reminder of what the two of them had done that day. The focus had been so intently on the mission that being able to get something to eat or rest had taken a serious back seat. It wouldn't have been the first time that she or Carolina had taken a mission that required them to pull 24 hour days- or longer.
All that mattered was that when they got back to the Mother of Invention, they were going to be expected to fall back into line with everything else that was expected of them. It would be straight back to normality and routine- without a word allowed to be said once they got out of debriefing.
"It sure does." Carolina replies. She takes a few steps back from the window and gives South an expectant look. South takes the few steps back herself and watches as Carolina fires three rounds into the window, shattering the glass. "Our ride should be here."
"So we're jumping?" South matches Carolina's eyes, because this isn't exactly nothing that they haven't done before. "Sounds easy enough."
"She'll be there." Carolina confirms, more than confident in 479er than she was in anyone else. She presses her fingers to the comm unit in her ear and nods, backing up again. "You can run, right?"
It's an unpleasant reminder of the fact that her heels are completely busted at that point. South looks down and frowns, she’s already barefoot and there’s broken glass everywhere- about to be more. It wasn't great, but it would have to work. Once they were on the Pelican, her shoe situation could be dealt with anyways.
"Should be able to." South grumbles. "Just say when, Carolina."
"When." Carolina sprinted at the door and launched herself out, disappearing into the background before South followed, just as quick and just as sure of herself.
Hours later, South found herself and Carolina back in the hotel room that they had been in before the mission. There hadn't been much time for them to relax initially, but at least now South was able to sit around with her hair down and in clothes that were actually comfortable to her. A t-shirt and some flannel pants that she'd stolen from her brother a few weeks back were heaven compared to being crammed into a gown all night.
Carolina had dipped out for a shower. South had been sure to call dibs the second that they'd gotten back to the room, because she felt a bit gross after everything. Lucky for her, Carolina hadn't felt much of a need to fight her on it.
The bathroom door open and Carolina stepped out, having slipped into a pair of running shorts and a robin's egg blue tank top.
South looked up from the show that was playing on the TV. It was nothing great- a pretty bad sitcom, in all honesty, but after a long night and months of having no access to television, South had wanted to indulge a bit.
She looked over at Carolina. "You good?"
"I am." Carolina replied before dropping down onto the bed beside South. "Nice work out there tonight."
Already there were a thousand things that South wanted to be able to go ahead and say to that. It had been good work out there, but it had felt like Carolina had carried most of it. Getting the recognition for it was nice though.
"Thanks." South replied, stretching her legs out and placing herself against the headboard at her back. "You did pretty great yourself. Always do."
Carolina nodded and smiled. "I wanted to let you know that you clean up pretty nicely." She cocked her head to the side, more playful than South had ever seen her. "I mean, when you want to."
"You aren't so bad yourself." South laughed quietly. "At least you looked like you belonged there."
"You blended in just fine by my view." Carolina responded with a shrug. "Exceptionally well, really."
"Dyed hair and all?"
"Dyed hair and all."
South smiled and tugged the blanket over herself, just a little bit. It was going to be too warm for that later, probably, but for the moment South didn't care so much. Really, she wanted to be able to take the time and relax, and-
And it seemed like that was something that Carolina needed too. Relaxation looked better on Carolina than that dress had, that was for sure.
South hadn't realized how long it had been since she or any of her teammates had been able to relax at all. Sure, they did their best when they were out on shore leave, but that was usually few and far between. it would be back to the grind by the end of a weekend and all of the fun would be quickly forgotten.
Well, all of the fun that hadn't been had when half of them were already blackout drunk would be.
Carolina reached for the bag that she had brought on the mission with  the two of them, but South reached out to stop her. "Hey," South said, making her voice as commanding as she could. "Mission's done. Relax."
"It isn't done until our debriefing is over and you know it."
"Which is in the morning." South took a breath. “It wouldn’t kill you to let yourself rest. We’ve got time.”
For just a moment, South can’t help but wonder if whether or not the suggestion is too much. It definitely feels a little bit like she’s crossing some lines, mostly because Carolina is her commanding officer at the end of the day.
“South-” Carolina sighs out her name. “You do realize that there is always more that needs to be done.”
“And we have an entire night, and a Pelican ride ahead of us to do that.” South grumbles, because that is the honest truth, really. “We have a lot of time.”
Carolina hesitates, but she does actually pull her hands back towards her. It’s definitely a concession, but South will take it. “I just don’t know what you want for me to do.”
“Relax.” South picked up the TV remote to Carolina. “We might be able to catch a Grifball game or something. Just… no more work tonight. Please. For both of our sakes.”
"I don't know what you're expecting." Carolina reached out and took the remote, leaning back into the bed a little bit more awkwardly than really suited her. "Seeing as this is just another mission."
South looks over at Carolina, and for just a single moment, she lets herself channel her brother. "It doesn't have to be."
"That's inappropriate, South. You and I both knew what we were going to be doing tonight. Trying to make it more-"
"I didn't say that I was." South bit back, furrowing her brow and feeling some sort of weird thing down in her chest at that. It feels like Carolina might have been reading in things that weren't there. Uptight, work-crazy Carolina reading into-
Well, that was something that South didn't even know she wanted to think about.
But at the end of the day, she knows the way that these things go.
She knows how this will end.
Carolina sighs heavily and shakes her head, her still damp hair flopping down into her face gracelessly. "I just want this all to be over with."
"It will be." South mumbled, letting her hands drop down to her sides. She feels the brush of her shoulder against Carolina's, warm and comforting and at her side, the same way she’d been in battle. "Just try and breathe for the rest of the night."
Slowly but surely, Carolina does begin to relax down at South's side. She flicks through channel after channel until she found an old romantic comedy. South wouldn't have picked her for the type. It isn't as though she really minds it all that much, either way.
As the movie plays, both of the two of them slowly drifted closer. A blanket got pulled over the two of them since they were going to be stuck sharing the one bed anyways. South was comfortable, and Carolina seemed like she was as well.
"This is nice." Carolina mumbled in her ear. "I never really would have thought about it this way though."
"What's that mean?" South picks her head back up and locks their eyes. "Because-"
"Just... doing this." Carolina replied calmly. "With you. Sitting around and watching bad movies."
"Too bad we don't have junk food." South muttered. Real popcorn sounded like it would have been absolute heaven to indulge in for a night. Or at least candy- god, what she would have done for candy.
Carolina's quiet.
"We can get room service."
God, if room service doesn't sound like the single most amazing thing that they could have possibly done. It wasn't as though the banquet they had infiltrated didn't have food, but the two of them had been given a lot of time to build up an appetite. Not that the food that they had at that dumb party would have been enough to actually satisfy anyways.
South lets out a noise that is high and embarrassing and definitely not suited to a Freelancer before rolling off the bed and stalking over to the phone. She rifles around with the things that are on the little desk until she finds the menu. South gives it a quick look over before shrugging and tossing it over to Carolina.
"Lady's choice."
"You're a lady too." Carolina joked, smiling and so much more lighthearted than South had ever really seen from her. "But if you insist. Oh, there's not a lot here that's healthy-"
"Yeah, sure-" South walked back over the the bed and flopped down onto it, landing about halfway on Carolina in the process. "But I could kill for a real burger after so much time on that dumb ship. I mean... don't you miss real food?"
"Real meat does sound pretty amazing."
"Exactly." South mumbled. She thought for a moment. "Two burgers and fries?"
"That sounds great." Carolina sighs before passing the menu back over to South. The two of them both know that whatever they end up ordering is probably going to end up on an expense report, but that doesn't matter so much. What matters is that they're going to have a chance to really relax and eat a real meal before they end up back on a diet consisting wholly of whatever passes as food on the Mother of Invention.
"Sure does."  South smiles and leans in against Carolina. The minute amount of distance between them is pretty amazing, something that South definitely intends to go ahead and really relish in while the two of them have the chance to do so.
Carolina smiles. "This has been really nice, South."
"What, the success?"
"You." Carolina replies, and she looks South directly in the eye, her own eyes that too violent shade of green that she has. "I don't think that I have ever seen you so nice."
"Yeah, well." South goes quiet for a moment, going back to some of the things that she had done when she was younger. "I'm still related to my brother. I'm secretly nice, and he's secretly mean."
"That's really it?"
"Well, yeah." South shrugs. "And I tend to like spending the time around with other ladies anyways. Besides,"
"Besides what?"
"I don't think that I've ever seen you act so nice either." South shrugs, blinking and looking away from Carolina for the moment. "For the record, I like you like this better than I like you as the boss."
"I don't like the boss either." Carolina said quietly. She folded her hands together in her lap, like she was almost afraid to touch for the moment. "I think that people tend to forget who I really am."
That makes some sort of feeling well up in South's chest because she knows that Carolina isn't the only one with that feeling for a fact. That's something that won't go away either, and South doesn't even care. People see her and they see someone that's pretty cutthroat. Clearly that's something Carolina can relate too.
South shrugs. "If this is the real you, I think I like you."
“I shouldn’t have to tell you that’s appropriate to say to a commanding officer.” Carolina said, but she sounded rather distinctly bitter about saying it. The slight frown quirking the corners of her lips made that all too clear.
“And?” South rolled her eyes a little bit, turning so that she and Carolina were really sitting face to face. “That doesn’t bother me.”
“It should.”
South cocked her head to the side. “My problems with authority are well on record. Besides-” South steals a glance at Carolina’s lips, curious. They look slightly chapped, but not unattractive for a second. “Everyone in our unit is in Freelancer because of problems with authority.”
Carolina smiles at that, letting out a barking laugh. “I wish that I could tell you that you were wrong.” But she grinned, challenging South all too obviously. “But I got to Freelancer by-”
“Following the rules?” South finished for her. Carolina gave her a look in response that only confirmed it. “I figured. But I also figure that you could probably benefit from breaking the rules for once yourself.” With that, South offered a challenge of her own, one that she didn’t know that she thought Carolina would take.
But for a second, she could have sworn that she saw Carolina's own eyes flicker down. South grinned, because there wasn't really anything else that she would have wanted for that moment. It reminded her of other times that night, moments where Carolina's eyes had seemed to linger on her for a little too long. South was equally guilty, but that wasn't what mattered.
"Still wildly inappropriate to say to a commanding officer, South."
"You know that technically, you and I are off the clock?"
"I do." Carolina sighed, glancing over to the door and sitting up. Her hair had fallen loose, and South wants to run her fingers through it. It looks soft, not like hers. "You seem bent on breaking the rules tonight, South. Should I prepare to put in a report?"
"Nah." South leaned in, dangerously close. "I think that you should just enjoy the fun. Worry a little less."
Carolina lunges forward, pressing their lips together, and South grins into the kiss. Carolina is soft and warm, and South takes the chance to get her hand up into her hair like she'd been thinking about. It's silky, perfectly groomed. She feels Carolina tilt her head into her hand, just slightly, and it's so pleasant.
This is something that South would be happy to keep in the back of her mind until the end of her life. The truth is she's been thinking about this for a while, and Carolina-
Well, if this is how she's going to get her to loosen up, then South is beyond fine with that possibility.
The two of them stay like that, pressed together but both somehow a bit nervous about going any further than they already have. It doesn't matter, because when their meals for the night arrive they're both happy to pull away.
Once that was done with, the two of them allowed themselves to sink into bed together for the rest of the night.
Not that they did much in the way of sleeping.
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supercasey · 5 years
What your RvB OTP says about you
((I saw a similar list, but it didn't include a lot of my favorite ships and also I thought this would be fun. Sorry if any of this offends anyone: it’s all in good fun and just some observations I’ve noticed over the years about certain shippers. Let me know if I missed any other big ones!))
Tuckington: Chorus crew is best crew. Wash and Tucker are your all-time favorites and you're so proud of how far Tucker has come. You probably hate/love Felix, there is no in-between.
Mainewash: You like to suffer; you have an addiction to fics that involve one of these two dying. You live for the Meta and Antagonist!Wash team-up. You probably ship Doc with them if you’re into polyam. Cat person.
Yorkalina: You adore York to the moon and back, and are honestly a sucker for “goofy person meets strict person and teaches them to have fun” pairings. You have a replica of York’s lighter that you’ve never used.
Grimmons: You deserve a Fandom Grandma/Grandpa mug, buddy. You’re so tired, and you’ve probably been here since at least season 6. One day it’ll be canon, you just know it. In the meantime, you’re suffering.
Churboose: My mom ships this so here we are. Caboose is the most perfect of good bois and you’re only watching rvb for him at this point. You’ve cried over Church every day of your life. You named a pet Freckles, probably.
Washlina: You are the most chill/sweet person in the entire goddamn fandom. Seriously, you’re so nice. You don’t care either way if it ends up canon, but the latest content is still very satisfying. You’re so kind, I love you.
Sargington: You’re having the time of your life and I’m so happy for you. Sarge is probably your favorite character, but Wash is a close second. You’re chill about other ships but this is the guilty fav; don’t feel guilty, you’re amazing.
Docnut: Precious cinnamon roll who is too good for this world, too pure. Doc when he’s doing the O’Malley voice is way too hot for you. You probably have written/daydreamed about these two having a farm together.
Pastrytrain: Congratulations for being a good person. The pinnacle of “I’m staying in my fucking lane” when it comes to fandom drama. I know you downloaded the Pastrytrain dating sim, don’t try to deny it.
Kimbalina: Never mind, you guys are the actual diehards for the Chorus trilogy. Carolina is your queen and she deserves the love that Kimball can bring into her life. That hand-holding scene is now your desktop background. Probably wlw.
Tucknut: Trans with an amazing sense of humor. You swear a lot and make more dirty jokes than you should, but people love that about you. Donut is your favorite but Tucker is funnier.
Churnut: Donut is your favorite. You hate that Church is dead and pray every single day that he’ll come back somehow. The Donut arc this season had you fucking THRIVING and I’m so happy for you.
Norkington: You’re either gay or trans or both, and that’s the tea. You’re still obsessed with the PFL seasons, despite how long it’s been. Your favorite version of Wash is the PFL rookie version.
Nork: Yeah, you’re gay, sis.
Flowarge: Where are y’all??? I know I’m not the only one. You want a sitcom of rvb that’s just Parks and Recreation but with power armor. Sarge is best dad and Flowers is your other, more dead dad.
Flyoming: You literally don’t need any canon evidence to ship something; if they breathe they’re in love. Florida is your fav, and tbh Wyoming isn’t even in the top ten, but you’re too into older men to care. Daddy issues.
WashCT: People claim you’re boring but tbh you have really good taste, everyone else just isn’t interested. Knives are one of your favorite things but odds are you don’t know how to throw them. You really miss CT.
SouthCT: The wlw energy is literally so powerful in your bones, congratulations. Team #SouthDidNothingWrong, as well as Team #CTDeservedBetter; you are correct on both accounts. South is best girl.
Southlina: Not sure where y’all are at, but you’re all about that powerful lesbian energy. You probably hate York; if not I’m sorry for saying that. On that note you probably hate the PFL seasons but you’re too desperate for content to complain.
Fucker: You little shit. You are 100% involved in fandom drama but you’re thriving regardless; it’s impossible for you to be affected by everyone telling you that you’re problematic. Tucker is your favorite, but Felix is hot af.
Locington: You say “Unfortunate” way too often but I love you nonetheless. You spent the entire hiatus between seasons 11 and 12 writing porn, and you damn well know. Hell, you’re probably proud of it. Locus is your fav.
Murdersandwich: Are you still here??? If you are, you’re braver than any us marine. Modern AUs where these three get together are your bread and butter. Tuckington is your second favorite ship.
Murdersandwich+Sharkface: You unapologetic, horny motherfucker. You’re living your best life while simultaneously sobbing into your pillow every night over Felix and Sharkface. Locington is your default fav, but this ship still rocks.
Lolix: Fandom veterans from the “Felix is problematic” wars and I salute you for your service. Here to have a good time, and ain’t nobody gonna stop you. You’ve probably written/thought about a “Felix lives” AU at extreme length.
Sharklina: Season 13 was so good in your opinion and you refuse to ever shut up about it. #SharkfaceDeservedBetter. You’re probably into punk aesthetics and you’ve made at least one playlist for these two.
Chex: #ChurchGetsPegged. Tex is your diehard fav and you will never in your life let RT forget that she exists. You’ll drag her out of her grave yourself if you fucking have to. You memorized Church’s speech from the end of rvb5.
Chucker: You cry each and every day about Church being dead. You’ve rewatched the BGC no less than twelve times, and that’s just this year. Everytime you see That Post, you reblog it. You know the one.
Sheipez: If Sheila were real you’d ask her to adopt you. Lopez is your current fav by default and you live for every moment he’s on screen. Caboose is your precious son and you’re willing to die for him.
Sex: You ship this purely because of the ship name. STFU, yes you fucking do. Tex is hot af and you love that one fancomic of sister without a bra on flirting with Tex.
Sucker: Despite popular opinion, you're not as horny as everyone thinks you are. Sister is your favorite and Tucker isn't even close but you love him regardless and think he fits well with Sister.
Suckington: I know you bastards are still here. Wash is your favorite but you love him being surrounded by these energetic shitheads who fill his life with energy and fun. Sister is best girl.
Greyington: I know for a fucking fact that this was a thing. Fucking sadist when it comes to your brand of porn, and Dr. Grey is your favorite character to ever exist.
Kimbones: You knew fuck all about Ladybones but you shipped her with Kimball anyways because you're a thirsty wlw. You've probably moved onto Kimbalina by now, but we will not forget the season 11-12 horniness you unleashed on this fandom.
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vonlipvig · 5 years
Fodder vs. Freelancers - Episode 3
(If you’re looking for past episodes, just check the “Survivor RvB” tag in my blog!)
Quick Recap! Last episode Tucker and Florida got sent to Exile Island, where Tucker found the hidden idol. Back in TC, Tucker pulled a much needed power-move for the Blue Alliance by playing the idol and saving himself from being eliminated, and getting Grif voted off as a result. Still, the Freelancers have yet to lose a member of their tribe. Will it be their time now?
The Red Alliance is now down to 4 members, but the Blue alliance has dwindled down to Caboose and Tucker, as Church has gone all lone wolf. But that means that he and Doc are possible swing votes...
But it’s Reward Challenge time now, and here are the results...
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FINALLY, the Fodder tribe gets their much needed win! (Can you imagine the Freelancers’ faces after they get defeated by these guys, especially after their winning streak? THAT’S an ego blow if I ever saw one!). They get flint, food, and the possibility to send a Freelancer to Exile Island, as well as someone from their own tribe...
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The Reds and Blues pick South to go to Exile, and of course, they pick Church as their own member. I can imagine South’s confessionals right now, she’d be pretty pissed, but also ready to go look for that valuable hidden idol. I’m feeling really bad for Church, but here’s to hoping he manages what Tucker did last time!
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Nope, none of them find it. C’mon, guys! What were you doing? Probably cursing their fellow tribesmates...
Anyway, it’s Immunity Challenge time, and the Fodder team neads this victory more than ever if they want to go into the Merge with good numbers. Will they be able to pull it off?
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THEY DO! Oh, rejoice, Fodder tribe, it’s your first immunity victory! No Tribal Council for you tonight! The Reds and Blues have managed to break the Freelancers’ momentum, and now it’s their time to vote somebody off! This is EXCITING! 
(Also, “Nut Bucket”, bow chicka bow wow).
Notable Tribe Events: So, apparently, Tucker and Lopez bond a lot. There’s an AU for all of you, it’s Alien Baby Daddy/Robot solidarity in the camp tonight. That’s interesting, cause Tucker is on a dwindling alliance, so keep that in mind, guys. In the Freelancer camp, South and Carolina also bond a lot (Any Southlina shippers out there? This one’s for you, I guess). South’s super tight with North, and I guess York will follow Lina, so we might have a 4 person alliance there...
It’s finally TC time for the Freelancers, and because Tex got the first Immunity Idol in the first challenge, she gets to use it now, so nobody can vote for Tex. Which leads to...
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The third person voted off from Survivor Blood Gulch is Florida. Flowers, no! It was a pretty close vote between him and Maine, so let me break down how the votes went, cause the Freelancers have tiny alliances:
Florida and Wyoming voted for Maine.
Tex and CT voted for Maine.
Carolina and York voted for Florida.
South and North voted for Florida.
Wash voted for Florida, because he likes Maine more than Flowers.
As I suspected, the Yorkalina Alliance and the Dakota Alliance voted for the same person, might they continue this kind of collaboration? And will Wyoming join Tex and CT (which makes no sense canon-wise, but give the simulation some credit, it’s doing pretty well), or will he somehow try to convince Washington to ally with him?
Find out in the next installment of Survivor Blood Gulch: Fodder vs Freelancers!
Next Episode - Beginning
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