#soy milk machine
david-watts · 2 years
ok maybe I wouldn’t say accidentally since the vending machine essentially flipped me off when I tried to get a snack but I accidentally let my blood sugar drop too low yeehaw
0 notes
bruhnze · 3 months
Apple tarts and tiramisu - Lucy Bronze x reader
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Lucy Bronze x Barista!reader
Summary: this story takes place in 2022, when Lucy just moved to Barcelona, ​​all fictional of course.
Wordcount: 10k+ because i yap too much
Apple tarts and tiramisu
It was Monday 7:00, you had an opening shift and was already in the shop for a good half an hour to get the machines starting and take the chairs of the tables. You had opened the doors of the small coffee shop and the still fairly cool Barcelona air blew in. The shop was quite popular by the locals but not really known by others, there was a fairly steady customer base, there were also some offices nearby, from where business people sometimes came in for a coffee or lunch.
But your favorite customers were the football players of FC Barcelona, ​​the coffee shop was down the street from the building where the club offered its players a house if they were international players or came from far inside of Spain.
In the middle of the morning rush an unfamiliar face walked in.
‘’¿Qué puedo hacer por ti?’’ (what can I get you) You said.
‘’Lo siento,’’ the beautiful women said in broken Spanish but with a nice accent ‘’todavía no hablo español, puedes hablar inglés’’ (Sorry, I can’t speak Spanish yet, do you speak English?)
‘’Oh yes, ofcourse’’ you smiled ‘’what can I get you?’’
‘’An iced matcha latte with soy milk please’’ The women said.
‘’Good choice’’ you stated ‘’finally something else then these café solos and cortados, and what is your name?’’
‘’Lucy’’ the women said smiling as she paid and walked to the other side of the counter were your colleague was making and handing out the drinks.
You went on to help the next costumers but not without watching ‘lucy’ as you just found out her name was, getting her drink after her name was called.
Lucy walked away with her drink and you couldn’t help but think about what brought her in, you thought she might be a tourist, even though at first you hadn’t expected that she couldn't speak Spanish, she didn't look like a tourist.
It went on like that for a couple of days, Lucy came in every morning that week. You worked Monday to Friday and had the weekend off, when you opened the shop again the next Monday you found yourself hoping to see the English lady again.
The past Thursday you had learned that she was English, that morning she had come in a little later and the shop was quiet, while you made her order you two had chatted, you asked how her pronunciation could sound so good if she could not speak Spanish, then she said that she could speak French and a bit of Portuguese and of course English, and that she was learning Spanish for her job, she had told you she moved from England to Spain for her job.
You hoped she would be in at the end of the morning again and not during the morning rush.
A few hours went by and you hadn’t had the time to wonder about her again because this Monday morning had been very busy and it seemed like about the whole office from across the street wanted a coffee today.
But then she walked in, and this time with a cute little white furred four-legged friend.
‘’Hola guapas’’ you laughed ‘’who have you brought with you, what a cutieee’’.
Lucy smiled ‘’hello, y/n, this is Narla, she is my dog’’
‘’Aw, why haven’t I seen her before!’’
‘’Well I didn’t know if the shop was pet friendly but this weekend I saw someone else with their dog in here so I thought it was okay’’ Lucy shyly admitted.
‘’Oh Lucy, you could’ve asked you know,.. also’’ you said as you pointed to the chalk mural behind you ‘’look, pup-cup and bowl of water $0,00’’ you read ‘’we love perritos here’’. (perritos = dogs)
‘’that’s nice, I bet she would love a pup-cup’ Lucy said, ‘’but also, I can only bring Narla when I have a day off, yesterday I played so today we have the day off’’ she turned to the dog ‘’right Narla, we are gonna have so much fun walking around Barcelona, don’t we’’ she said in a high-pitched voice, like most people do when they talk to their pet.
‘’Ahh’’, you said, ‘’now it makes sense’’
Lucy looked up ‘’huh?’’
‘’You’re a football player?’’ you smiled ‘’right?’’
‘’Yeah, I just signed for Barcelona, but what makes sense then?’’ she smiled questioning.
‘’Oh’’ you blushed only now realizing that you had kind of admitted that you had been thinking about her ‘’It makes sense that you know different languages and that you have come to this coffee shop every day, you probably live in one of the Barca apartments here’’
‘’Oh dear, you’re not going to stalk me, are ya?’ Lucy chuckled, partly laughing about your flushed cheeks.
You spilled a bit of the soy milk you were pouring, ‘’oh god no, sorry, I just-  I- , we have a lot of barca players coming in, it is known that there are players live here, they come in quit often actually’’
‘Haha, don’t worry, I was just kidding, I actually got recommended this coffee shop by one of the girls, and actually, I kind of figured you already knew, which I guess makes me kind off a dick, so—’
‘’Nah, you’re not a dick, you're really nice, actually, can I offer you an apple tart? Its on the house, its homemade and it has no sugar in it, but it's not disgusting like the healthy junk’’
Lucy smiled broadly ‘’food is always good’’ , ‘’and with that description you have made me curious, so yes please’’
‘’Good’’ you said ‘’you can take a chair outside or here’’ pointing to the tables inside the shop ‘’or would you rather have it to go?’’
‘’Hmm’’ Lucy said while thinking about it, ‘’guess ill take a chair in the sun, I have the day off after all, might as well take it to the fullest’’
‘’ Yes, I would do that too, good choice, here is your matcha latte’’ you said as you handed her the cup ‘’I will bring the rest to your table in a second’’
‘’Thank you’’ Lucy said as she walked outside.
Two other costumers came in and you helped them, they wanted two coffees to go. After that the shop was empty again.
After a bit you came out with a little cup of whipped cream for the dog and the apple tarte for Lucy. ‘’There you go’’
‘’Oh thank you, that looks good, did you make that yourself?’’
‘’Nahhh’’ you said ‘’my mother made it, this is her cafe actually’’
‘’Ah, that was that beautiful woman behind the counter this weekend’’ Lucy said playfully.
You pushed her shoulder ‘’hey’’
‘’what’’ she acted offended ‘’can’t I call people beautiful? I thought that was nice, also I reckon you said ‘’hola guapas’’ just now, and although my Spanish is not very good yet, I do happen to know what that means’’.
You laughed now too ‘’yeah yeah , I guess if I said that, you can do that too’’.
Then Lucy asked you boldly ‘’Do you perhaps have a bit of time to sit with me? Or do you have to get back to work?’’
‘’I guess I can, shop is empty, but if someone comes I’ll have to go’’ you said as you took the seat next to her.
‘’How come you can speak English so well?’’ She asked you after the two of you had chatted for a bit.
‘’oh that’s a good story actually, I studied to be an English teacher, and after I graduated I did that for 2 years, but then my mom got the opportunity to open a bakery, but she couldn’t find people to hire for this shop, so she wanted to turn it down, when I heard that I resigned and now I work here every workday so my mom can bake’’
‘Wow’ Lucy said after her mouth was empty, while you had told your story she had eaten half of the tart ‘’I love that you did that, because this tastes amazing’’ ‘’but if I understand correctly, your mother works every day, seven days a week, isn’t that tiring?’’
‘’Yeah’’ you laugh ‘’but you don’t know her, she is inexhaustible, sometimes I think she has adhd, but lately it has gotten better with staff, she hired more people, she even went on a holiday this summer, she hadn’t done that in like 5 years.’’
You talked some more and it also touched on Lucy's own experience with adhd, you found out that she had recently been diagnosed, but that it helped Lucy to exercise and since that was literally her job, she said it didn't bother her that much on a day to day base. When new customers arrived, Lucy thanked you and you gave her a tip about a nice spot with a fountain and some greenery before she walked off.
This is how it went for a few weeks, Lucy came to get a matcha to go before her training or if she was free a matcha and an apple tart, sometimes she came in with others.
This day she hadn’t come in, it was already quit late in the afternoon and then you saw almost the whole Barcelona femenino squad rounding the corner.
You had just wiped the whole counter and had put everything away, ready to close the coffee shop for siesta time.
One of them entered the shop, and talked to you in Spanish ‘’Hey I was wondering if we could eat lunch here? I know it’s really late but our team had some meetings which were running very late, so the kitchen at the complex was already closed and Lucia suggested that we could eat something here, but we see now that you are already closing things down so I thought I would ask’’.
‘’Lucia?’’ You asked
‘’Yeah, she is one of our new players, English, there’’ she said, while pointing at the dark haired defender ‘’honestly she doesn’t shut up about the apple tarts here’’
Lucy had walked in after seeing Alexia point at her. But you stood with your back to the door, talking to the football player so you didn’t see her walking up.
‘’ohhh Lucy, does she go by Lucia, I thought it was Lucy’’ you said back in spanish.
‘’Both is fine actually’’ Lucy said behind you ‘’but why are we discussing my name when we could be eating pastries’’. She laughed.  
You turned around, also laughing ‘’haha, yes sorry, tell them to come in and then you all can order’’
Not Lucy but Alexia walked away to get the teammates.
You asked ‘’so Lucia huh?’’
Lucy smiled ‘’Haha, both is acceptable, I mean on my passport is Lucia, but I guess because I grew up in England it just got Lucy and my dad was the only one calling me Lucia, but the Spanish girls like Lucia more I think, they all call me that’’.
‘’What do you like to be called the most?’’ You asked as the teammates were walking in and took chairs from the tables and handed out the few menus from the counter to each other.
Mariona called over ‘’Lucy you coming? You can sit here, what did you recommend again, I forgot what it was called’’.
‘’Oh I better go help her, but honestly I bet we could order anything and it’ll be tasty’’ she walked past you and whispered "but to answer your question, guapa is nice"
For a second you had to think about what she meant, but then it dawned on you, she had just told you she liked it when you called her guapa. Was she flirting? You thought and actually you hoped so, because if you were honest, the English lady was one of the most common topic of thoughts these last few weeks.
You had taken everyone’s orders and you now stood working behind the counter with the background sound of laughter and different conversations.
When the coffee was simmering, you grabbed the baked goods that had been ordered. While laying everything on plates on the tray you caught eyes with Lucy, she looked away quickly and pretended to listen to the conversations around her.
You kept looking at her while plating the baking’s and when she looked at you again you winked at her. Her cheeks flushed and she looked away again.
You grabbed the two trays and handed out the plates to everyone, ending at Lucy, ‘’the drinks are coming right up’’ you said in Spanish and repeated in English looking at Lucy.
‘’Nah’’ Salma said ‘’we say everything in Spanish to her, she wants to learn and she has to’’.
‘’Ah, español para la defensora inglesa, lo tengo’’ (ah, spanish for the english defender, got it) you joked.
‘’thanks Salma, I had just found someone in the city to whom I could speak normal English and not have to speak super slow and now you also order her to speak Spanish to me’’ Lucy groaned jokingly
‘’Sorry babe, pero tienes que aprenderlo’’ Salma said. (you have to learn it)
Everyone laughed and got caught up back in their own conversations.
You held Lucy’s shoulder ‘’we can stick to English if you really want that, but I was just thinking if you would like I can tutor you in Spanish, I normally teach English but I can teach you Spanish’’
You didn’t wait for an answer and quickly went back to the bar to serve everyone their drinks before you slipped in the back and started on some long overdue tasks that your mom had asked you to do a month ago but that were just boring storage chores.
After a good hour you went back in the shop, you still heard the girls talking and no one had pushed the call button on the counter so you knew the team was still occupied, you were freezing because the last 15 minutes you had spent in the freezer room doing inventory. With the clip board you went back behind the counter, ticking everything in to the laptop that was stood open.
You recognized the voice before you looked up, it was Lucy.
‘’hola guapa’’ you joked after seeing she was stood by herself.
‘’oh yeah, spanish, so you were serious on your offer?’’
‘’Que’’ you pretended to not know English anymore.
‘’Eh .. me gusta .. acepte  tu oferte .. oferta?.’’ (I would like to accept your offer about those lessons).
You smiled while you correct her ‘’Me gustaría aceptar tu oferta’’ “But okay, if we start doing lessons, we can keep Spanish for the lessons and stick to English for now”
‘’Thanks, it’s not fair really, the Spanish lessons I get are all about football and things around that, I cant really get by in real life with that knowledge’’ She huffed.
You got your phone out ‘’okay so when are you free, for me the weekend or evenings work best’’.
Lucy stared at you.
‘’The Spanish lesson?’’
‘’ah yeah’’ Lucy laughed nervously and also took her phone out of her pocket ‘’uhm, Saturday evening? I have a match in the afternoon so I have to rest after that,. but we can do it sitting down right?’’ She tried to joke but it came out sounding more cheeky then she had meant and she blushed immediately, ‘’I mean like we will not be running’’ she hastily added.
You laughed but replied bold ‘’Yes, we can do it sitting down and we will go really slow’’ but then added ‘’because fast Spanish is very hard to understand ofcourse’’.
Lucy got more at ease, realizing you didn’t mind her flirting even if it had come out unintentionally.
‘’Maybe we can text about the details?’’ Lucy asked handing her phone with the contacts open, ready for you to put your info in.
‘’Ah are you asking me for my number’’ you joked
‘’for educational purposes only’’ she stated ‘’and maybe to ask if the teacher would mind doing the lesson over some dinner?’’
‘’Dinner, that sounds nice’’ handing the phone back ‘’okay, just text me the details, I’ll be there, . with textbooks’’.
‘’Okay’’ Lucy said and turned around to go back to the tables.
You went back to the computer and wanted to get back to what you were doing until you heard her again.
‘’Oh I almost forgot I also came here to pay’’ she chuckled.
You laughed and typed something into the cash register before turning the card reader towards her. ´’easily distracted?’’
She typed in pin after tapping her card against the machine and murmured ‘’not easily but with pretty girls around, yes’’
‘’Oh I thought it was your adhd’’ you replied back
Lucy laughed ‘’oh yeah, maybe I should’ve gone with that’’
The register showed the little green check making clear that the payment was successful ‘’No, I think I like our little tradition,. Guapa’’ you said while handing her the receipt.
Lucy laughed ‘’Okay ill keep that in mind, thank you’’ while she took the receipt from you, her fingers brushed lightly against yours ‘’also thank you so much for staying open for us and making the kitchen dirty again, im sorry about that’’.
‘Haha, don’t worry, it was my pleasure, I hope everybody liked their food’’
The days went by pretty quickly, Lucy had texted you a few hours after the team had left the shop and after every time she had gotten a matcha latte she had texted you how good it was.
Today was matchday, also the day that you were going to teach her some Spanish over dinner.
Going from a teacher to a barista made you a bit more broke, a gap that you tried to overcome with some freelance tutoring and some translating jobs here and there, but one big improvement was the free time that had come with the change.
No more papers to grade, no more lessons to prepare. So now, just like every other weekend, you were done with breakfast and was thinking about what you could do this day.
After you had done some cleaning around the apartment, which was already pretty tidy and you had done the laundry, you suddenly thought about your ´date´ tonight, you plopped on your bed and texted your best friend.
@y/n: i met someone cute and tonight im gonna teach her Spanish , help what do I wear??
*incoming FaceTime*
You accepted laughing.
‘’What the actual fuck y/n!!’’ your best friend said.
‘’What?’’ You said, still laughing.
‘’No, don’t play games with me, I hear nothing for like two weeks from you, the last time we spoke was at the gym if I remember correctly, and here I was thinking, oh im sure she’s busy with some project again, damn maybe even helping out her mom, and now I find out you were withholding me from this information, share the details, now!!’’
‘’Hahaha, Im sorry, you know how I get, I forget everything around me when im busy’’
‘’yeah okay, now hurry up tell me everything’’
‘’I love that about our friendship, that we—
‘’Y/N! who , what, where, when? ‘’
‘’Okay okay, I met her in the coffee shop, she came in one day and since then she came in everyday, I found out she just moved here from England for her job, first I didn’t know what she did, then I found out she is a football player, because she told me, and a few weeks later she didn’t come in that morning but in the afternoon the whole team came in because they hadn’t eaten yet, so I took em in, while the shop was closed, then they were teasing her a bit about having to learn Spanish faster even though she just came to this country, and she does not even bad, I mean she has the accent under control, but she told me she is half Portuguese and also she speaks French…
You looked at your phone again, halfway through your ramble you had started staring out the window as you spoke, now you saw your best friend looking at you with her mouth open.
‘’what?’’ you asked ‘’did I say something crazy?’’
‘’Lucy Bronze?’’ She asked ‘’I think you spoke with Lucy Bronze’’
‘’Yeah she is called Lucy, funny how do you know that, although,, the team calls her Lucia actually and… she told me.. I could call her guapa’’.
‘’Wow, I mean, I know you said the Barca player visit your shop, hell, I even met some off them when I was there, but like, damn, you picked up one, and I will tell you how I know her name, she is one off the best players in the world, y/n damn, she won best player of the world did you even know that, also what? Guapa?’’
You explained everything with even more detail and when your friend was finally happy with everything she knew, she asked ‘’so you know she has a game this afternoon right?’’
‘’Yeah’’ you said ‘’I will watch that I guess, if I figure out how I can, you watch It right, can you explain how I can watch that, is it a tv channel?’’
‘’Bruh’’ your friend scolded ‘’I have tried to convince you so many times to watch with me, and now one hottie comes around and you do it in a second’’
‘’You should’ve told me the players were hot , I just thought you were watching for your PE teacher reasons, inspiration for your classes or something’’ you said.
‘’You have them in your shop every week y/n, you see by yourself how they look’’
‘’yeah I just hadn’t thought about it like that’’ you said ‘’wait what did you say her name was again, im on my laptop on Instagram, I want to look at her page’’
‘’Lucy B .. R.. O .. N..
‘’Ah, got it’’ you called out ‘’woah, she has a lot of followers jeez, hey you follow her’’
‘’Yeah, ever since she played at Lyon, that was really her prime, she was so good, she still is, but you know her age and everything..’’
‘’Age?’’ you asked ‘’and everything?’’
‘’She has had like 7 knee operations, and she is 31 I believe, in football that’s old., wait actually she is 31.. isn’t that a bit old for you?’’’
You thought about it ‘’well im 25, so I guess that’s fine, damn, is she really that old? She made a younger impression, hadn’t guessed’’
‘’haha, you should tell her that, in that order too, no actually I think I once saw in an interview that her age was a sensitive point for her, so maybe don't bring it up’’
You laughed ‘’pfft, im not not going to talk about such things, if her ego is to big or she has weird quirks im out’’ ‘’she is hot tho, damn, I scrolled down to far I think, Im now seeing a bikini pic, she has abs for days damn..’’
‘’well she sure is fit’’ your best friend said ‘’if I were gay I would want to bang her too’’
‘’Oh mierda’’ you called out ‘’fuck I liked it accidentally’’
Your best friend was dying of laughter ‘’guess she will very clearly know your intentions now’’
‘’Okay I followed her also and liked the top three pics as well, she probably wont even notice, with so many followers she surely wont have notifications on right?’’
‘’Yeah true’’ your friend said, serious again.
*@never2old4lionking started following you*
‘’huh’’ you said
‘’some -never too old for lionking- followed me, its an account with like 550 followers and 500 following, im guessing it’s a) Lucy herself or  b) a lucy stalker, what do you think?’’
‘’yeah stalker probably,, or maybe its like an secret account, because she is famous and all that, she cant follow her side chicks on her main’’
‘’Oh shut up’’ you huffed ‘’you pest, you-
You got interrupted by a dm, ‘’wait they send me something’’
@never2old4lionking: hola, you like my pictures? -L (maybe better known as guapa to you)
‘’OMG , it is her! Look’’ you screamed, and showed your laptop screen to your phone.
‘’Wow, reply!’’ your friend said ‘’just say you were curious about how you could watch the game because you don’t know how too and that’s why you looked her up’’
‘’Okay, lame excuse, but my brain is currently not working’’ you sighed as you typed something like that to Lucy.
@never2old4lionking: aw here I was, thinking you fancied me, and you were just looking for dodgy streaming links ☹
@y/n: why do think I was looking up how to watch, I have never watched a game, never knew there were hot people involved
@never2old4lionking: I thought you said the players are regulars at the coffee shop
@y/n: Do you have a link or what?
@never2old4lionking: I have tickets?
@y/n: what?
@never2old4lionking: its an at home game, so its around the block, just come and watch irl,
@never2old4lionking: I’ve heard the players look even better irl than on the screen 😉
@y/n: well if you put it like that..
@never2old4lionking: 1 or 2 tickets?
@y/n: I thought you were playing 😉
@never2old4lionking: hahah, your so funny! I mean do you want to take a friend with you?
‘’Say yes, say yes’’ your friend practically screamed as she heard you reading the conversation out loud while typing.
‘’Okay then’’
@y/n: ah, yes that would be nice, I have a PE teacher friend, they love football, she would be thrilled
@never2old4lionking: okay, I’ll send the e-tickets to you on WhatsApp, you sit In the friends and family section, ill try if I can spot you!
@y/n: watching my first football game live and in the family&friends section is something I would’ve never guessed
@never2old4lionking: first- like ever????
@y/n: yeah? Something wrong?
@never2old4lionking: yes? You have a friend that loves football, as you say, and you have never watched??
‘’See, I like her already, I told you sooooo manyyy times, just watch’’ your friend said excited.
‘’I can stop reading?’’
‘’ No no, okay ill shut up’’
@y/n: yeah, she asked me so many times to watch with her, she will probably either kill me when I tell her this or she’ll be your biggest fan, for getting me to watch
@never2old4lionking: hope the latter, need you alive tonight x
@y/n: yes exactly, Spanish lessons are v important ! I’ll tell her that.
@never2old4lionking: okay, ill see you soon, if anything doesn’t work just say you come for me, ill put your names on my list of guests
You shared your and your friends name and put your laptop off and away, ‘’ so now we can go back to what I was texting you about originally , outfits, but now thanks to you I have an extra event, not only teaching spanish  but also watching her play, I don’t even have a barca shirt’’
‘’which is crazy by the way’’ your friend interrupted you ‘’but I have three, so you can borrow one, do you want a training shirt, a shirt with my name on the back or Putellas?’’
‘’Who is Putellas’’
‘’omg, wait ill send you a picture’’
‘’oh her!, yeah I like her, she asked if they could sit in the café, she is polite’’
‘’that’s the team captain- , ugh y/n I love you so much, do you know how many people would lose their shit by what just happened, getting tickets to watch them from an actual player’’
‘’okay calm down, they’re just people, and they happen to have a special job, but should I behave different then?’’
‘’no no, I think this only happens to you because you are so pure’’ your best friend said
‘’oh come on’’ you called out ‘’just say thank you for the ticket, not all this soppy shit please’’
After your friend and you had hung up, your mom had called if you wanted to eat at your parents tonight, you briefly explained the situation, telling her you were eating dinner at someone else’s house and the plan about teaching her some Spanish.
But your mother saw right through you as usual, "so a date" she said excitedly ‘’wait you should bring desert, I made tiramisu, ill drop it off right now’’
Before you could even begin to form an answer she had hung up, 15 minutes later your doorbell rang and a bit after that your mom was gone again and you had an entire glass tray of tiramisu in your fridge.
You texted her thanks with a red heart, knowing she was the best mother you could ever wish for.
Your mom replied, ‘’good luck, she’s cute, hope it goes well’’
You didn't understand why your mother would know she was 'cute' but replied 'thanks'
Your friend and you had gotten through all the entrances and security and were finally sitting on the seats assigned to you. You were both wearing a denim skirt and an FC Barcelona shirt.
The team was doing a warm up and there was music blasting trough the speakers ‘’damn’’ you said to your friend ‘’was it always such a spectacle, they are putting on a whole show’’
‘’I mean live in the stadium it’s a show yes, honestly I should’ve thought of this sceme wayyy earlier, what a master plan! You flirt with players, we get to go to the matches for free’’ she laughed.
‘’you can forget it bitch’’ you said pushing her side
‘’what’’ she innocently said ‘’if Bronze doesn’t work out you could try Putellas, she is fruity too, and your already wearing her name’’ she laughed at that last part.
You pushed your friend again ‘’well shut up otherwise this’ll be the first and last time , I didn’t want to wear your name, what if she thought you were my girlfriend’’ you fake gagged.
Now it was your friends turn to push you ‘there was another option you know, the training one’’.
‘’Okay maybe I want to provoke her a bit’’ you admitted.
Your friend looked at you stunned not even knowing what to say.
‘’what?’’ you shrugged ‘’it will be funny, and if not, then I know I wont have to waste time on her’’.
‘’And you wonder why you are single?’’
Your friends hand waved before your eyes , you blinked.
‘’hellooo y/n’’ ‘’ the ball is on the other side of the field you know’’ she whispered.
FC Barcelona was 4 nil ahead and currently in ball possession, but that was indeed not what you were looking at, you were looking at nr.15 who had pulled her shirt up to wipe her sweaty face and was now running forward again.
‘’Damn, did you see her abs’’ you quietly said
‘’Bruh y/n, since when are you such a horny mf’’ she quietly replied.
‘’Its been a while okay, but also she’s very hot, it cant just be me’’
‘’No there are thousands of thirstraps made about her’’ your friend laughed.
‘the what what?’’
‘’huh’’ she now looked at you ‘’you don’t know what those are?, oh you are in for a treat!’’
She quickly showed you some things on her phone.
‘’NO’’ you held a hand before your eyes ‘’í cant be watching this, this is not okay, I am supposed to meet the woman in a few hours, sit next to her and all that, eat dinner, teaching her Spanish, damn’’
‘’sorry’’ your friend said, putting her phone away and holding her hands in the air.
‘’Wait can I see it one more time’’.
‘’Nahhhh’’ she laughed, ‘’you are right, you have to act normal later, just watch her here, look’’
And you were just in time to see her score with an header assisted with a corner shot from Guijarro.
That evening, after you had changed at home, you rang Lucy’s doorbell with a stack of books in your hands.
‘’Hello pretty lady, come in’’ Lucy called trough the intercom.
On the table there was paella, you were sure she had ordered it, even recognizing were she had ordered it, because you loved that shop too.
‘’Sorry I didn’t have time to cook, I had this thing this afternoon’’ Lucy joked.
‘’Ah, no worries, I had a busy afternoon myself’’ you joked back.
‘’Yeah I tried to look for you but sadly didn’t see you, you did come right?’’
‘’Ofcourse, wouldn’t want to miss that header of yours, wait’’ you said as you got your phone ‘’ill show you pictures’’
You showed her the pictures of you and your friend, you paused when it was a photo with your back visible, look we had a really good view, ‘’thanks again for the tickets, my friend had the best time also’’.
‘’Nice shirt’’ lucy grinned ‘’didn’t have a better one?’’
‘’To be honest, I borrowed this shirt from my friend, I don’t own any football shirts'' you grinned ''but whats wrong with it, you don’t like your captains shirt?’’
‘’No you look good, bet you’ll look even better with Bronze on the back’’ Lucy said still grinning.
‘’Hm, I’ll think about it, maybe if she scores more beautiful goals like that, I’ll walk past the Barca store and grab one’’. You said, acting unbothered.
‘’Okay okay, challenge accepted, next goal I score, you will wear a Bronze shirt’’.
‘’Sure’’ you laughed.
The evening went on, the two of you ate and practiced some Spanish, the books hadn’t been opened at all, it was more like Lucy said sentences and you translated them into Spanish and she repeated them to you and then used them in context.
‘’And what is -you played well today-‘’ Lucy asked
‘’Do you just want me to say that to you?’’ you laughed
‘no no’ Lucy laughed ‘now it sounds really bad, yeah no, I want to say it to Aitana, she cant speak english at all really, now i just say bien bien bien to her every second, feeling like a fool’’..
‘’ah okay, its ‘‘jugaste bien hoy’’ you laughed.
Lucy said it a few times, you looked at her nodding because her pronunciation was perfect.
The two of you were sat at the same side of the table, turned in your seats, facing each other.
Then she said ‘’I really want to kiss you right now’’
‘’Okay, I don’t even want to know who you’ll be saying that to’’ you joked, but its "Tengo muchas ganas de besarte ahora mismo". You looked her in her eyes.
‘’si, me too’’ Lucy grinned as she leaned in.
You accepted the initiation and pressed your lips against hers. She tasted amazing and also a bit like the paella you just ate. She placed her hands on you, trying to get you closer. You obliged and scooted forward. After the gentle exploration of each others mouths you pulled away slowly ‘’hmm, that was nice’’ you said, smiling at her.
Lucy nodded and smiled back ‘’very'', ''and just for clarification, that last sentence I did just wanted you to say to me''. She said while turning her chair, so she had the back rest in her back again but was still facing you.
You leaned in again, smiling against her lips you whispered ‘’I figured’’ and you kissed her again.
Her hands found your hips again, trying to pull you even closer to her, which wasn’t possible because your legs where already pushed against hers. The kiss deepened and you had your hand on the back of Lucy’s head. She was still pulling you towards her, you pulled from her mouth and kissed along her jaw. ‘’Come here’’ Lucy said with a heavy voice. ‘’Are you sure?, aren’t your legs like… tired and in need for a rest?’’ you whispered in her ear and kissed it softly.
Lucy laughed and held your face in front of hers ‘’thank you for caring but I really want you to sit on my lap,’’ ‘if you want that too ofcourse’’
You got up on her lap ‘’I haven’t learned you a lot of Spanish and now I’m disturbing your recovery, I hope I don’t have a bad influence on you..’’ you said in a seducing voice pointing a finger in her chest.
‘’Well, it sounds bad when you list it like that, luckily the dinner went well, but maybe we should make an extra effort for dessert’’ she wiggled her eyebrows at you on the last part.
‘’Mierda!’’ you said as you stood up. ‘’Shit, dessert’’
‘’I’m sorry’’ she looked a bit shocked ‘’did I take it too far, too fast?’’
You took her hand and said ‘’no, no, sorry for scaring you, I just remembered when you said dessert, that I forgot the dessert, its still in my fridge at home, mom made it and wanted me to bring it’’.
‘’You talked with your mom about me?’’ she grinned as she stood up.
‘’yeah, well no, I said I was going to eat dinner somewhere else when she asked me to eat at home, and then she filled in herself that it was a date and then she dropped off a tiramisu and emphasized that I had to take it with me because she was sure my date would like it’’ you rolled your eyes at that last part ‘’but I forgot so I don’t even know why I bring it up’’.
‘’ugh, I love Elena’’ Lucy said ‘your mom is actually amazing you know’’.
‘’huhhh, how do you know my moms name???’’
Lucy chuckled ‘’the beautiful lady behind the counter in the weekends? Oh you know, we talk about our shared interests’’
‘’Like?’’ you asked, faking a stern look at Lucy.
Lucy chuckled again and closed the gap between the two of you ‘’just food, nice weather and you know.. you’’. She laughed ‘’funny story actually, this morning she asked me If I wanted to eat dinner with her and her husband, eh your dad, because I had inspired her to make tiramisu again but she had made 2 trays accidentally and now she had to much, but I said to her that I really liked the offer but that I had a dinner date tonight, but that wanted a raincheck, but that she didn’t understand,,.. speaking of that, how do I explain raincheck in Spanish’’
You laughed and gave her a quick kiss ‘’wait now her text makes sense’’.
‘’what did she say’’ Lucy asked excitedly.
‘’She’s cute, hope it goes well, . I wondered how she could ever know’’ when you saw her cocky smile you pushed her to her chest ‘’don’t let it go to your head stupid’’.
‘’Soooo, are we going to yours?’’ She asked.
‘’Well I guess if you want that dessert, then yeah’’ you said ‘’but the dessert you were talking about just now also sounds kinda good?’’  
She gasped jokingly ‘’kinda good, you mean amazing, mind blowing, indescribable?’’
You laughed ‘’woooww, cocky much?’’
‘’Well I guess we should go to yours, then have both and you can rate it yourself’’ Lucy grinned.
The two of you were making out in the elevator but then the ‘ding’ sounded, that indicated you had reached the top floor, the floor of your apartment.
You had an apartment in the center of Barcelona, a quaint old building with nice high ceilings.
You opened the door and dropped your keys in the bowl that stood on the cupboard in the hallway.
‘’Wow’’ Lucy chimed ‘’this is nice, your place has so much character’’.
Your place had dark oak floors, and the accents of your interior were dark green with gold and orange accessories, there were plants here and there, including in the kitchen, where there were plants with edible leaves such as basil and chives. It was pleasantly cool in the apartment, not because of air conditioning but because the walls were so thick and all the window shutters had been closed all day.
‘’yeah i love this place, bought it a year ago through an acquaintance, I was really lucky getting it’’
Lucy smiled at you ‘’show me around?’’
After a while of looking at your view from the roof terrace you stood back in your bedroom, the air between the two of you thick with unanswered lust, as she stretched as you closed the balcony door you saw her abs as her t- shirt lifted up a little, she was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, and you saw an edge of her underwear, she was wearing boxers, - god - you thought to yourself - she's so incredibly attractive- and you couldn't help but I thought back to the thirst trap your best friend had shown you that afternoon.
You left the key in the door and walked over to her "where were we" you said softly in her ear as your hand disappeared under her shirt.
‘’hmm’’ she groaned as you placed wet kisses from her ear to her neck.
She picked you up and walked to your bed, "I believe we were kissing in the elevator, but I guess we can continue here."
Lucy sat on the edge of the bed with you on your lap, you pulled her shirt over her head, she wanted to do this to you too but you stopped her when you suddenly remembered that you hadn't put on any sexy underwear at all, you had wearing comfortable underwear that you had been wearing all day and when you changed to go to Lucy's for dinner you had only changed your clothes.
‘’Wait’’ you said ‘’i- im, I think im a bit underdressed’’ and your cheeks got red.
Lucy laughed ‘’and I thought your English was perfect, do you mean overdressed? because that's exactly what I wanted to help you with’’
You chuckled and held her shoulders, then you spoke in an uncertain voice ‘I mean my underwear, I’m wearing an ugly pair, I hadn’t really planned this far ahead’’.
Lucy brushed some hair out of your face, ''what do you want me to do, I'm sure whatever you wear you look perfect, but if you want me to do something or nothing, just say so, just talk to me pretty girl’’
You looked down and saw Lucy's beautiful body, she was wearing a black bra that fit perfectly around her breasts and below that her bulging abs were visible ‘’is it stupid if I put on lingerie now and then come back to you?’’
‘’I mean, you don’t have to do it for me, but if it gives you confidence I’m all for it’’ Lucy said as she took your hands from her shoulders ‘’or I can just undress you very quickly with my eyes closed’’ she smirked.
‘’Oh really, you don’t want to see, is that how much you care?’’ You teased pretending to be offended and crossing your arms.
She tickled you , making you squirm in her lap, you ducked to the side, onto the bed, and tried to crawl away from her.
‘’Okay okay, I surrender!!!’’ you screamed out laughing into the bed, almost running out of oxygen.
She rolled off of you and was now lying next to you on her side, you also turned to your side and you looked at each other, when your eyes met you both burst out laughing.
You stood up and she looked at you confused, ''give me one second'' you said to her, while quickly pulling a dark blue lingerie set from your closet drawer and disappearing into the bathroom.
That evening you wore tanned shorts and a matching blouse, both made of linen, with a very light green tank top underneath. You quickly took it all off and put on the blue set, then you just put your blouse over it, not caring to put on the pants and top anymore.
You opened the sliding bathroom door again and saw Lucy now lying straight on the bed, leaning on her elbows, with an expectant look in your direction. When she saw you, without pants, she sat up. You already walked over to her and climbed onto the bed until you were sitting on her lap again, for the third time this evening.
When your blouse, which you had not buttoned, fell open, her eyes took in your body.
''It's rude to stare'' you whispered as her gaze was still rested on your body.
She looked up, and you swore you recognized a twinkle in her eyes, ‘’sorry’’ Lucy said ‘’we talked about this before, pretty girls being distracting and all that’’.
You kissed her and pushed her back, forcing her to lay down again, after a hungry kiss your lips wandered to her jaw, neck, chest, then you removed her bra, she quickly cooperated.
You licked her nipples and placed some kisses along both boobs. You kissed lower and lower and landed at her stomach. You licked the lines of her toned muscles and sloppely kissed all the way to her hip bones.
She was still wearing pants, when you looked up you saw Lucy leaning on her elbows watching what you were doing, you raised your eyebrows as a form of asking for consent, she nodded eagerly, her eyes were full of lust and her pupils were dilated.
You undid the button of her pants and unzipped them, she already lifted her hips up to give you room to take off the shorts. Then you saw the black Calvin Klein boxers, with the white elastic band that you had seen a small glimpse of before, a dark spot was visible between her legs.
You placed your hands on the inside of her thighs and leaned towards her face for another kiss.
When your tongue slipped inside her mouth and your hands went a little higher up on her legs, she let out a low moan.
She tried to push the blouse you were still wearing off your shoulders, you took it off while you were still kissing and flung it somewhere next to the bed, you took of her underpants.
Lucy tried to flip the two of you ‘’nuh uh’’ you laughed after you broke the kiss and looked at her. ‘’don’t be impatient, let me make you feel good’’. You repositioned yourself so only one of your legs was in between Lucy’s and as you started kissing her neck again you pushed your knee against her core. Lucy groaned and her hips started moving, searching for some friction.
Leaving a trail of kisses along her body, you find yourself between her legs, you kissed her hips, thighs, groin, slowly working to her aching, throbbing pussy.
Lucy's hand found its place in your hair, she didn't hold it very tight but tight enough to direct your head to where she needed it most.
You decided you had teased her enough and started working with your tongue, after a few minutes she was a moaning mess, you licked her clit and also wanted to use your hand to satisfy her but you didn't know if she would like that so you looked up and asked "can I use my fingers?"
Lucy, who had laid her head down on the pillow, looked at you between her legs, your chin was glistening and there was a glint of lust in your eyes, which combined with you asking for consent could make her cum on the spot.
‘’mhmm’’ lucy moaned, her eyes rolling back ‘’please y/n, use your fingers’’.
In a few minutes you made her come, you had noticed that she wasn't really loud in the bedroom, well, of course you hadn't seen that much yet but so far it was only low groans and moans and the few words they had exchanged, you found it exciting when she had said your name and wanted to hear more.
So as you worked Lucy through her orgasm, you started to build up again, moving your fingers from circling her clit, back to inside her. Deserving a moan.
You brought your mouth back to her clit and hummed against it tasting her again. You sucked and licked, trying to discern from her reactions what made her feel best.
You took your time slowly working her up again, taking into account that she was still sensitive from the first orgasm.
When you found a good rhythm and did something that really worked for lucy, her grip on your hair tightened, "like that y/n’’ she said in a shrill voice.
Hearing your name from her mouth again was exactly what you needed and you pushed her over the edge again.
This time she came harder than the last, her legs clenched around your face, after her high, you gradually slowed your rhythm and cleaned her with your tongue.
You crawled up, because you wanted to kiss her again, and saw that she had a hand in front of her face, you pulled it aside and saw her with a completely blown out face, her cheeks were pink, her forehead was clammy and her eyes held complete bliss.
‘’Can I kiss you’’ you asked, not knowing if she would want to taste herself.
She looked at you smiling ‘’Of course you can, pretty girl’’.
‘’So… tiramisu?’’ Lucy asked as she pulled away from the kiss slowly regaining her consciousness.
‘’yeah’’ you said with a little disappointment in your voice, secretly hoping that she would give you something in return.
Lucy laughed, she had hoped this would be your reaction, now knowing that you wanted her as much as she wanted you, she said ''because I need some fuel for later'' and gave you one more kiss.
You threw a t-shirt and some briefs at her and walked to the kitchen, you were still wearing the blue underwear yourself, you put up your hair in a bun but you didn't put any clothes back on, enjoying Lucy's eyes roaming your body.
The cool air in the kitchen made your nipples hard, while you grabbed the tiramisu from the fridge and served it up, Lucy sat down at the cooking island on one of the stools.
"This feels like a dream" she said swooning, you looked up and asked "a dream?"
"Yes" she said, her eyes glued to your breasts "I'm in Barcelona with the prettiest lady I've ever seen, who just made me cum twice and now she's serving me the best tiramisu I will ever eat."
You laughed ‘’first of all, my eyes are up here’’ Lucy looked at you smugly ‘’and second of all , you haven’t even taste-
Before she could say another word Lucy had put a spoon full of the dessert into her mouth, her eyes rolled back dramatically and she moaned ‘’soooo delicious, definitelyy the best tiramisu I've eeever had’’.
You couldn't suppress your laugh, ''okay, even better, I was going to rate the two desserts, remember?’’ ‘’You don't like losing right, so you'll have to try your very best’’ you teased.
‘’i guess so’’ she smirked.
When you put the tray back in the refrigerator and put the plates in the dishwasher and was getting a cloth to wipe the counter, you felt Lucy coming up behind you.
She kissed your neck, while her hands held your hips, she whispered against your skin "I'm full of energy again" she kissed you just behind your ear, you shivered "how are you feeling?" Lucy asked.
‘’g- great’’ you muttered as Lucy pressed her front into your back.
‘’I forgot were your bedroom was, could you show me again’’ she whispered.
You giggled and turned around in her arms "got distracted during the tour?"
‘’Yeah like I told you before, pretty girls and all that’’ Lucy said to you and kissed you, she tasted like cacao and cream, you jumped a little when you were suddenly lifted up and grabbed onto Lucy tightly ‘’I got you’’ she said.
She walked you to the bed and carefully laid you down, you grinned at her.
‘’What?’’ Lucy asked suddenly a bit shy.
‘’You apparently knew where the bedroom was after all, I hope pretty girl wasn’t a lie..’’ you fake pouted.
‘’such a pretty girl’’ Lucy said as she sat on her knees between your legs, she looked at your breasts while her hands trailed up and down your thighs.
‘’do you like them?’’ you chuckled.
Lucy shifted her gaze to meet your eyes, she looked confused ‘’them?’’
‘’My tits’’ you said placing a hand on your chest ‘’you keep looking at them’’ you say still chuckling.
‘’hmm I don’t know, I haven’t met them properly’’ Lucy said resting her eyes back on your boobs.
 That statement turned your chuckle into a laugh, you sat up a bit more and took of your bra, you laid down again, pulling a pillow under your head.
Lucy looked eagerly and repositioned herself so she could reach your nipples with her mouth.
She slowly kissed her way down, you felt the air on the wet trail left behind, you thought it took way too long, Lucy took her time and seemed to kiss every inch of your body except where you wanted it most right now.
The goosebumps all over your body and the palpitations between your legs were almost too much, Lucy looked up at you, as your back arched and saw your frustrated look.
“Let's finally take this off,” she said as her fingers pulled at the sides of your thong, you lifted your ass off the bed so quickly that she laughed and she imitated what you had said to her earlier that night ‘’don’t be impatient, let me make you feel good’’.
‘’Impatient?’’ you moaned ‘’I waited all damn day’’.
‘’All evening’’, she tried to correct you.
You shook your head, ‘’no, you knew what you were doing when you lifted your shirt during warm up’’ you said pretending to be frustrated.
‘’hmmm, told you it was hotter irl’’ she laughed as she took her shirt off.
Your gaze immediately trailed to her abs.
‘’And you called me out for staring’’ she gasped ‘’don’t burn holes in them please’’ she joked as she put her hands before your eyes and kissed you.
A moan escaped your throat as the kiss became hotter and her hands were no longer in front of your eyes but everywhere else on your body.
She lowered herself to your pulsating heat, gliding two fingers between your labia she looked at you. You nodded eagerly and bit your lip.
She teased your entrance with her fingers and pushed one in slowly, your head fell back on the pillow and you closed your eyes to be able to put all your focus on the sensations that overtook your body.
As she slowly pumped in and out she kissed your inner thigh, you groaned from the extra sensation.
When Lucy felt you were ready for it she entered you with a second finger earning her another moan from you, she watched your reaction closely and had figured your body out quit quickly.
With her tongue on your clit and her fingers working magic you were almost coming undone already, she looked up at you ‘’don’t hold back y/n, come for me pretty girl’’ she cooed.
When her mouth was back on your sensitive button it didn't take long before the knot in your abdomen untied and you felt your orgasm ripple through your entire body.
She lapped up your orgasm and looked at you from in between your legs.
That image sparked a new hunger within you and you were ready to continue, you looked at her with longing in your eyes.
She came up to kiss you, but before your lips touched she asked "would you like to sit on my face now?"
You gulped and almost ran out of breath to answer ''yeah'', you answered breathing heavily from anticipation and the aftermath of the orgasm you had just had.
She kissed you and steered your body so that you were sitting on her lap again, it was so effortless, lucy was very strong, it turned you on how it felt like you weighed nothing to her.
You moaned into her mouth as you tasted yourself on her tongue.
You were holding the headboard as you were riding Lucy’s face, she seemed to be just as lost in the action as you were, she held you down with her hands, squeezing your ass, making you lean even deeper on her face.
You had thrown your head back and the noises you produced excited Lucy even more.
She moaned beneath you, the vibrations of that making you feel even better than you already did.
When you rutted against her face a couple more times, you came again, you rode out your high and when you felt Lucy's grip loosen you got off and laid down next to her on the bed.
Your chest rose and fell violently as you tried to catch your breath again.
Next to you, Lucy was now laying on her side, looking at you with her head resting on her hand.
You turned so that you were now lying on your side as well.
She took your hand in hers, brushing your fingers with hers ‘’was it good?’’
‘’hmm, very’’ you said closing your eyes.
She kissed your neck and your chest again ‘’ready for more’’ she asked against your skin.
You were actually quite tired already, but your hunger for more off Lucy was greater than that.
You moaned as she took a nipple into her mouth, her hand travelling further down, she entered you again, with two fingers, not just one first to let you get used to it like before.
You felt the tension in your core building up again, Lucy had an effect on you that you had never had with anyone else, just by seeing her you got impossibly turned on
She positioned herself so that she was thrusting her lower body with her hand, the fingers of which were inside you.
Now that she was sitting up straighter you had a perfect view of her abdominal muscles that flexed with every movement.
The ungodly pace she maintained, that made you feel like your body was leaving itself, floating on a cloud of pleasure, could possibly only be achieved by professional athletes, and you were amazed that she managed to do this even after 90 minutes of playing.
When she reached for your clit with her other hand and stimulated it exactly how you needed it, you came for the third time that evening.
But it was a different feeling, it overtook you, you were completely disconnected from the world and swallowed up by a sensation of pleasure that you had never felt before.
You felt so much wetness between your legs that you thought you had peed yourself, you felt it gushing out of you and when Lucy pulled out her fingers only to dip her head in, you couldn’t control they way your body reacted.
You head flung back and you arched your back, your hips jolted.
Lucy played into it and tried to push you over the edge again without overstimulating you.
It worked because you felt it happened again, this time your liquid gushed all over the lower part of Lucy's face who was still not moving away.
You were a moaning mess and you couldn't feel parts of your body, you felt too weak to push her away but you couldn't take any more.
Just as you were about to try and talk she stopped and was now placing soft kisses on you, all the way back up and she ended with a kiss on your forehead before plopping herself down next to you.
You summoned every bit of energy within yourself to turn towards her and lay down against her, half on top of her, with your head on her chest.
Her hand was on your back and every now and then she trailed a light pattern on your skin with her nails.
After a couple more minutes of blissful silence she spoke ‘’how do you feel?’’.
‘’Hmmm’’ you uttered not quite being able to speak just yet.
‘’Do you have a bathtub?’’ she asked you.
You moved your head against her chest and made a noise, you were sure she wouldn't understand but she gently got out from under you and walked to the bathroom.
After you heard the bath running for a while, and hearing other noises you thought were from lucy looking for some clothes and towels, you saw lucy nearing you again.
You smiled at her, having regained some of your bodily functions again.
‘’Hey pretty girl’’ she said softly ‘’ready for a bath?’’
‘’Only if you join me’’ you said cheekily, you stood up and intended to walk to your bathroom only to find yourself stumbling over your own feet.
‘’woah’’ Lucy said as she caught you ‘’wait let me help’’.
You yelped as she easily lifted you of the ground and walked you to the bath, she lowered you in carefully ‘’is the temperature good?’’ she asked.
‘’Perfect’’ you say ‘’are you coming in too?’’ looking at her expectantly.
‘’In a second pretty girl’’ she said a placed a kiss on you forehead ‘’were do you keep you bed sheets?’’
Your cheeks became redder then a tomato as you told her were she could find clean bedding.
‘Heyyy’’ Lucy said while cupping your face ‘’your not embarrassed are you?’’
You looked away ‘’yeah I am a little bit, it felt like I wedded the bed and just now tripping over my own feet, that was also kinda embarrassing’’.
‘’No, don’t be please, you just squirted and your legs will work again after the bath’’ Lucy smiled at you ‘’don’t be embarrassed pretty girl, it was very hot’’.
After the bath the two of you were drying off and Lucy asked, "Do you want me to go or stay?"
You looked at her in surprise ''stay of course’’ .. ‘’or did you want to leave?’’
‘’No’’ Lucy said ‘’I really like to be with you’’
‘’Is this some weird way of saying the sex was good’’ you joked
Lucy laughed ‘’no, but I’m glad you feel that way, I meant that.. I .. I if we .. would you’’.
‘’Oh spit it out’’ you laughed at Lucy getting lost for words ‘’ for a lady who just did all that, you can't be get all shy now’’ you poked her side causing her to drop her towel.
She quickly pulled it back up and around her and grinned ‘’do you want to date me?’’
You were still laughing about her nervousness but hearing the question you dropped your jaw ‘’you would want to date me?’’ you asked suspiciously.
She looked at you questioningly, and then a grin came on her face, ‘’yes I need unlimited desserts’’.
‘’’woowwww,  you could just befriend my mom you know’ .. ‘’don’t need to date me for that’’ you scoffed.
‘’Well yes, those desserts too ofcourse , but they can not teach me Spanish’’ she said, still wearing that shit eating grin.
You gasped exaggeratedly and reached for your heart ‘’is that all I am to you, a Spanish teaching dessert’’.
‘’well I mean, we said you would give ratings but if I may take the liberty to compare only the flavors, I don't know which would win, tiramisu on a close second I think’’ she winked at you.
You were too stunned to speak.
She went on ‘’but if we discuss the complete picture, the tiramisu obviously doesn't come anywhere close’’
‘’You have such a way with words’’ you say ‘’such a way with everything’’.
‘’Thanks?’’ she laughed ‘’ I hope it’s a compliment?’’
‘’Yes, it’s a compliment, it’s the reason why I say yes to your question’’.
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year
Cereal Debates
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Pairing: Alhaitham x (gn!) Reader
Summary: You get the urge to tease your boyfriend every once in a while. And today was another day like that. And what better way to do that than to bring up the age-old question: Is cereal soup?
Tags: Crack, a bit of fluff toward the end
A/N: I wrote this like a possessed woman when I thought about the idea. Especially since Alhaitham HATES soup... and don't we all want to rile him up at times? I sure as hell do, especially since he made me lose three 50/50s on his banner now -.-
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You sat on the sofa in the living room, flipping through the daily newspaper and eating a bowl of yogurt with fruits for breakfast. 
You suddenly hear the floorboards in the direction of the bedroom creak and not too long after you could hear a yawn and some feet shuffling towards the living room.
“Good Morning.” Alhaitham groaned sleepily. 
He rubbed his eyes and squinted as soon as he was faced with the morning sun falling in through the windows. He had always been somewhat of a morning grump and to be honest, it sort of made him look cute.
The disheveled hair and clothes, the imprint of his pillow still on his cheek, the sleepy expression, and the frown as he slurped his coffee in silence every morning. It took all your willpower not to jump and squeeze him tightly. No one would think someone like Alhaitham could manage to look so adorable, but you had proof he did.
“Good Morning! Slept well?”
“Mhm.” He hummed briefly before vanishing into the kitchen without another word. Like mentioned before - morning grump.
You could hear him press the button on the coffee machine before a familiar buzzing sound could be heard from the same device. He seemed to also get himself something to eat since you could hear him clink some bowls together.
Not long after, he emerged from the kitchen with a steaming cup of black coffee and a bowl in hand and sat down at the dining table.
When you decided to join him, your eyes couldn’t help but fall onto the bowl. It was a bowl of cornflakes that he was expressionlessly shoveling into his mouth.
You amusedly bit your lip because you knew he usually hated everything soup-like, and cereal was no exception to that. And you sometimes couldn’t help but want to tease him a little. And this morning the perfect opportunity presented itself to you.
“Never thought I’d see the day you'd eat soup out of your own volition.” You smirked, knowing full well that you said “soup” and not “cereal”.
“We had no more bread left.” He explained with another grumble, putting another spoon full of cornflakes in his mouth before suddenly pausing in his movement and looking back at you completely irritated. “What did you say?” He inquired horrified, with his mouth still half-full.
“I said, I never thought I see you eat soup voluntarily.”
He knitted his brows further before gulping and pointing at his bowl. “This is cereal.”
“Yes, I’m well aware of what it is. I have eyes. Cereal can be considered a soup-like dish.” You stated matter of factly as you bit back a smirk. 
You pretended to go back to eating your yogurt and reading your newspaper but you could see his completely shocked and low-key annoyed expression from the corner of your eye.
“Cereal is not soup. Cereal is cereal.” He grumbled.
“Is that so?” You raised an eyebrow in amusement.
“Yes. Soup is a liquid food, especially with meat, fish, or vegetable stock as a base and often contains pieces of solid food.” He recited the definition he knew, only Archons know where, from. Suppressing laughter became harder and harder by the minute, especially seeing how serious he was taking this debate all of a sudden.
“Especially with meat, fish, or vegetable…”, you pondered putting an emphasis on the first word. “So that means it is mostly cooked that way but not always. So milk can serve as a base just as fine. And technically if you use soy milk or pea milk it would count as vegetable stock, no?”
You could see the muscles in his jaw tense as he gazed at you, thinking hard of what to reply. You could practically see the gears turn in his head before he started to smirk triumphantly. You knew him well enough to know that he must’ve come up with, what he thought was, an irrefutable argument.
“There is something you just said. Cooked. No heating in the process of making a bowl of cereal whatsoever. It’s served cold - therefore it isn’t soup.” He leaned back in the chair with a self-satisfied grin, expecting you not to be able to counter his argument further.
But he shouldn’t count the chickens before they’re hatched.
You stayed silent for a minute and already had a counterargument in your head from the get-go. You just wanted to wait until he took a sip from his coffee before you dropped it.
“Explain Gazpacho then.”
You could see his eyes widen and train on you over the rim of his cup before he put it back on the table with a loud thud. He crossed his arms over his chest, looking annoyed once more.
“What about French Vichyssoise? Also not soup according to you, just because they’re served cold?”
“Okay, I get it.” He grumbled once again, before pondering for a brief moment. “But all of these soups have something in common.”
“Oh? Please enlighten me, Grand Sage.” You continued your teasing.
“It’s Acting Grand Sage.” He emphasized, lightly rolling his eyes with a huff. “But anyway. Soup isn’t sweet. Neither of the ones you named is sweet. They’re savory. Cereal is always sweet.”
He smirked at you once again, fully believing he now had you cornered.
“Ginataang Bilo-Bilo, Koldskål, Zenzai…” You started listing sweet soup dishes from all over the world, watching how his face showed an ever-so-slight hint of surprise as well as horror.
“Now you’re just making things up.” He huffed.
“Want me to show you the soup recipe book we have over there on the shelf? Not that you ever looked at it.” You replied with a teasing lilt.
He had his hand clutched so tightly around his spoon by now that his knuckles were beginning to turn white. You knew he hated losing arguments and battles of wits and this wasn’t going in the direction he had imagined at all. Much to your amusement, however. You could practically see little clouds of steam rise from his head because his brain was racing at a million miles per hour. You just knew he was wrecking his brain to come up with a counterargument once again.
“Okay.” he finally said getting up and grabbing something from the kitchen. He came back with a triumphant smile as he placed a raw, unpeeled potato on the table in front of you.
“What’s this?” He asked, motioning in your direction.
“A… potato?” You replied in confusion, unsure where he was trying to go with this.
“Correct.” He nodded, putting one finger on his chin after placing a bowl of dry cereal right next to it and looking at you expectantly.
“That’s cereal.”
“Also correct.”
“Alhaitham, I’m not sure I follow.” You raised an eyebrow at him, still highly amused about how invested he was in this crack debate.
“A potato is a condiment you can make soup from. But a potato by itself is just that - a potato. You have to prepare it in a special way in order for it to become soup. The same goes for everything else you named. Cereal is always cereal, whether it swims in milk, water, broth, or nothing at all.”
“Okay, fair. Can’t refute that argument.” You admitted with a nod, hearing a small sigh of relief from the other side of the table.
You were no longer able to hold back your laughter now that you looked at his borderline exhausted and relieved expression.
“What? Don’t tell me you still have a counterargument?” He inquired as his eyes widened.
You shook your head. “No, I don’t. You should see your face right now though, it’s hilarious. I was just trying to tease you a bit, I didn’t think you’d get this invested.” You wiped a tear out of the corner of your eyes as you continued giggling.
“You–” He grumbled playfully as he clenched his jaw before he started smiling. “Come here!”
He got up from his chair and lifted you out of yours, walking over to the sofa, and throwing you down it together with himself. He started tickling your sides while holding you tightly to his chest so you couldn’t escape his playful attack.
Out of breath from laughing so much you leaned your forehead against his chest before snaking your arms around him.
“I love you, you dork.” 
“I love you, too.” He replied, lifting your chin up and pressing a featherlight kiss on your lips. “Even if you start arguments about soup with me first thing in the morning. You’re lucky you’re so cute.”
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments, and asks about Genshin or my fics are always greatly appreciated and motivate me! Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
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keikikait · 10 months
a slice of almond tofu [aged up!megumi x f!reader]
pairing: au!biker!megumi x barista!mechanicsdaughter!reader (both are early to mid 20s)
word count: 3k
summary: you're the head barista at your local cafe. you see people come and go regularly, customers and employees. recently, a spiky, dark-haired biker has been coming in every day, and you suspect he’s always there to see you.
warnings: slightly ooc megumi haha, my limited knowledge of motorcycles, smut [18+ ONLY!], dom!megumi, sub!reader, public sex? (it’s in an empty office), nickname use [baby, sweetheart, pretty girl], name calling [slut, fucktoy, whore], cunnilingus, porn with slight plot, mention of a blowjob, use of the words ‘cock’ and ‘cunt’, clit slapping (?), choking (slight), hair pulling (kind of?), mention of a breeding kink (sue me idc)
a note: this is my first fanfic on tumblr, please be understanding lol. i tried to write this as body type, skin tone, hair color, and hair texture neutral as possible. please let me know if there's something i should add or take away! also, sorry if there are any issues with tense, i flip-flopped between past & present for a while.
please reblog and comment, it means a lot! let me know what you think!
It was late at the cafe, the setting sun outside causing a wave of soft golden light that further added to the warm, comfy aesthetic.
Your back was turned to the front, wiping down one of the espresso machines to clean it. Your head spun around when you heard the low growl of a bike outside. 
He was here.
He came inside, pulling his helmet off as he shut the door. He smooths his dark hair with his hand and took a look at the menu on the wall briefly before approaching you behind the counter.
He clears his throat before speaking in a calm, quiet voice.
“A slice of almond tofu and a hot caramel latte, please.”
You smile, plugging it into the register before grabbing a ticket to write his order on. “For here?”
“And soy milk, right?”
He blushes slightly. You remember him. “Yes, soy milk.”
You chuckle, capping the pen and setting the ticket on the espresso machine. He moved to sit down at his usual spot, a large dark brown leather couch in the corner of the cafe by the only outlet. It was directly across from the pick up counter, and you used this to your advantage, slowly stealing glances at him while he typed away on his laptop or read whatever book he had that day.
You got to work on his order, picking a large slice of the almond tofu before putting more of the frangipane and almond slices on top. You know he always wanted more almond on top, and even though it was an extra 50 cents, you never charged him. You made his latte, paying extra attention to the latte art. A heart would be too forward, you thought, so you did a fern.
You plate his order before sliding it onto the pickup counter. “It’s Megumi, right?”
He looks up from his laptop, his lips slightly parted. “Yeah, do I really come in here that much?” He stands up and collects his order before sitting back down.
“Yeah, but I don’t mind.”
He smiles before taking a bite of the almond tofu. “I like this cafe. It’s so comfortable and calming…plus the coffee and food are really good.”
He glances out the window briefly before turning back to you. He clarifies your name, and to your own surprise, he said it correctly.
You smile. “That's me,” You point to your nametag which had “HEAD BARISTA” carved into it under your name.
He glances at it and smiles at you. “How long have you been working here?”
You grab a rag from the sanitizer bucket and begin wiping down the counter. “About three years.”
He whistles, “That’s a long time.” He takes a sip of the latte. “I assume I’m one of your regulars.”
You smile. “Yeah, it’s hard to forget that bike.” You put the rag back into the sanitizer bucket.
He smirks, scratching his jaw. “Ah, so I’m memorable?”
You smile again. “Very. Also, you’re one of the only customers that gets the almond tofu. The matcha is the most popular.” You lean across the counter, propped up on your elbows.
“It’s one of my favorite things here. I love how simple yet sweet it is.” He looks out the window again before looking back at you. “Can I ask you for some advice?”
You’re taken aback, but you say yes anyway.
Megumi sighs, facing you completely. “So, I just moved here, and I’ve been having some issues with my bike, with the engine and the exhaust…my friend and I have been trying to repair it but nothing is working. Do you know of any auto shops around?” He reaches up and scratches the back of his head, and you had to force yourself to ignore how his bicep moved under his shirt.
You smile. You had this in the bag. “Actually, funnily enough, my dad is a mechanic,” You reach over to the napkin holder and pull a pen out of your apron pocket, scribbling down the address. “You can come by tomorrow, if you want.” You slide it across the counter.
His eyes light up. “R-Really? That's so sweet of you, umm…” He pauses. “How much would it cost? I haven’t gotten paid yet.”
You wave away his worries. “It’ll be on the house. My dad does free repairs for my friends.”
Megumi’s eyebrows raise. “Are you sure?” 
You nod, smiling again. “Come by around noon.”
He smiles down at the napkin before folding it up and putting it in his pocket. “Thank you so much…you seriously don’t understand how much it means to me.”
You step back from the counter. “Don’t worry about it.”
Megumi shoves the remaining tofu in his mouth before gulping down the rest of the drink, sliding the dishes to you. “Thank you so much. I’ll see you at noon tomorrow.”
You pick up the dishes, setting them aside to wash. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Megumi.”
You watch as he leaves, putting his helmet back on and climbing onto his bike. He drives off, into the sunset, and you can’t wait for tomorrow.
It was a hot day in Tokyo.
You get up early, taking your time to thoroughly get ready. He had only ever seen you in your barista uniform, no makeup with your hair pulled back, and an ugly, bulky brown apron on. You want to impress him, you need to impress him.
You look in the mirror one last time, fixing your hair and tugging on your thin sundress. It’s one of your favorites, pretty short, just hitting the middle of your thigh, a soft lavender color, and fairly loose fitting. A slight breeze would cause it to float up, but if Megumi saw that you wouldn’t mind too much.
You head over to your dad’s workshop, pulling open the heavy gate and stepping inside. You had lied and said Megumi was a school friend to secure the free discount for him. You pace around, antsy, occasionally glancing at your phone. It was already 12:15, and worry that he wasn’t coming was eating you alive.
Megumi pulls up to the workshop on the edge of town, parking his bike in front of the garage door. He walks up and knocks, hoping you would answer and not your father.
You pull the door up, smiling. “Hey, Megumi!”
Megumi smiles, trying to not let his eyes wander over your body. “Hey, sorry I’m late…it nearly gave out on me on the ride over here.” He starts walking his motorcycle inside the garage.
“It’s okay,” You smile. “My dads in his office, I’ll go get him.”
You rush to your dad’s office, knocking on the door and peeking your head in. Megumi tries not to watch your ass move in your dress as you walked, but he can’t help himself. 
Your father exits his office, greeting Megumi with a smile. You stand behind your father and watch; watch the way Megumi’s eyes lit up when he was discussing his bike, how big his smile was when your father confirms, yes, the repairs would be free, and how his arms moved as he gestured.
You want him. Badly.
Your father squats down by the bike, examining the exhaust pipe. He unscrews the covers on the side to look at the engine, and whistles. 
He stands back up, looking at Megumi. “This might take a while. I gotta go across town to get some replacement parts.” Megumi’s eyes widen, and he fumbles for his wallet in his bag. He pulls it out and starts inquiring about the payment when your father shakes his head. “On the house, you’re a friend of my daughter. Don’t worry about it.”
Megumi gulps. “Are you sure, sir?” Your father nods before heading over to you and kissing you on the forehead. 
“I’ll leave right now. I’ll be back in maybe an hour or so.”
You both say your goodbyes and the garage door shut with a bang as your father leaves.
Now it’s just the two of you, alone.
You finally break the silence. “Do you want to sit in his office? It’s air conditioned.”
He smiles. “Yes, please. The heat is killing me.”
You chuckle before leading him into your father’s office, sitting down in his big office chair. Your thighs smush together when you sit down, and it make Megumi’s jaw tick. You grab the small hand fan your father kept on his desk and begin fanning yourself.
Megumi sits in the chair across the desk. “So, do you help out here, too? Or do you just work at the cafe?”
A droplet of sweat travels down your collarbone. “I help out here sometimes. Mostly I’m an errand girl.”
You keep fanning yourself, pulling the dress down your thighs. You’re already hot and sweaty, and being around Megumi definitely doesn’t help.
He crosses his legs, trying to hide the erection that was slowly forming. You look so adorable in your dress, and Megumi can’t help but imagine kissing your shoulders and chest as he slides the straps down-
No. He has to focus and hold out. At least for a little bit longer.
He leans his elbows on his knees, wiping his lip with his thumb. “That's nice of you, to help your father.”
You swallow hard, sitting up straight and squeezing your thighs together. He’s so effortlessly beautiful. “Yeah, I guess so. He fixes my car for free.”
You continue to fan yourself. It gets awkwardly quiet, the only sound being from the clock ticking on the wall above the door.
He looks at you, rubbing his thumb on his knee in a circular motion. “Do you think he’ll actually take an hour?”
You nod. “He gets distracted at the store, talking to his mechanic buddies. Honestly, he’ll probably take longer than that.”
Megumi grins. “Perfect. I want you all to myself for a while.”
You bite back a whine and squeeze your thighs together again, finally responding with “Mhm.”
He smirks. “You okay? A bit hot?”
You nod, sheepish. “Yeah…a bit.”
“Mhmm, I can tell. You keep squeezing your thighs together. It’s adorable.” Megumi says. 
You nearly faint. “It is?”
“It’s the cutest thing.” He stands up from the chair and walks around the desk, kneeling in front of you.
You let out a soft gasp, shutting the fan and setting it down on the desk.
He smirks, and reaches up to touch your thighs. “Is this okay?” You nod, sliding down further in the chair. He groans, spreading his hands over your thighs. “God, these are driving me crazy.”
He leans down and places a soft kiss on your thigh. “Yeah. Been wanting to sink my teeth into them. Been wanting you ever since yesterday.”
You gulp. “Since yesterday? Even when I’m in my uniform?”
He nods, squeezing your thighs with his hands. They’re rough and calloused and you nearly cum on the spot. “You looked so fucking innocent, it drove me crazy. I almost crashed on the way home because I was so goddamn hard and I couldn’t stop thinking about fucking that little mouth of yours.” 
Your mouth dropped open, almost instinctively. “Um, I mean-I wouldn’t mind that.”
He smirks again. “I know you wouldn’t, baby.”
Baby. You let out a shaky breath.
He pushes the hem of your dress around your hips, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head when he sees your panties. Black, relatively plain, but there’s a little purple bow on the front and it makes his head spin. “Can I take these off?”
Your face flushes. “I thought you wanted me to…you know-”
“Gag on my cock?” Megumi finishes your sentence for you. “I do. But, that can wait. I need to get my mouth on you or else I’m going to die.”
You nod. You aren’t complaining, not at all. “You can take ‘em off, then.”
Megumi slides your panties down, pocketing them for later, and spreads your legs wide. He moans when he sees your little cunt for the first time. He wraps his hands around your hips and pulls you to the edge of the chair. 
You feel anxious under his gaze. Does he not like it? Is it pretty? Before you can even think about asking, he leans forward and slots his mouth over you.
You gasp, immediately going to thread your fingers through his hair. It’s soft, despite the gel. Maybe you should ask him what kind he uses after.
Megumi moans when he tastes you, moving his tongue flat in small circles over your clit. He can’t get enough, the taste is driving him crazy. And you’re so sensitive too, squirming and moaning his name.
He moves his mouth away and slides two fingers inside you. You whine at the loss of contact and try to push his head down again. He chuckles. “Patience, pretty girl, patience.”
You shake your head. You can barely focus on anything other than his long fingers pumping in and out of you. They feel so much better than your own. “Can’t, Megs, I can’t. I need you.”
“I know you do,” He coos, thrusting even faster. His thumb takes the place of his tongue, rubbing your clit in small circles. “Your cute little clit is so swollen, just for me. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
You nod eagerly. “Yes! All for you, Megs!” Your hips buck a little when his thumb speeds up.
He fucking laughs at that. “Sensitive little slut, aren’t ya?”
You nod again, nearly cumming at his condescending laugh and the pet name. “Your…your slut, Megumi.”
He smirks. “All mine. You were practically made for me, baby. I can just tell this little cunt is gonna squeeze my cock so well.” His fingers speed up and he moves his thumb to replace it with his tongue. 
His fingers rub against that spongey spot inside you and you cum immediately, clenching around his fingers as you grind against his tongue.
Megumi pulls away, a triumphant smile on his face. “Fuck. Good girl.” He gives your clit a gentle slap before getting up from his knees. He pulls off his shirt and starts to unbuckle his belt. “Bend over the desk. Right now.”
You happily oblige, moving your father’s papers aside and bending over the desk, hiking your dress up around your hips.
He grabs your hips tight, pushing your thighs open with his knees. “Fuck, sweetheart, you look so good like this.”
You shake a little. “I do?”
Megumi groans, rubbing the tip of his cock up and down your folds. “So fucking good. Makes me wanna take you home and make you my personal little fucktoy.”
You let out a shaky moan. Holy shit. “I-I-I mean I wouldn’t mind.”
He groans again. “Goddamn, you’re perfect. Maybe I should make you mine. Take you home, treat you right, fuck your brains out every night…”
His voice trails off, and you go to respond with a pathetic ‘Please, Megumi!’ when you feel his cock push against your cunt and slowly start sliding in.
Your eyes roll into the back of your head and you moan.
He grabs your hair roughly, right at the root. “Fuck.” 
Megumi’s cock slides all the way in and you almost cum. You feel like your choking, like his cock is in your guts.
“So big…” You manage to say. 
He reaches his other hand around and wraps it around your throat, and this time you do cum.
Megumi groans loudly. “God, fuck, did you just cum?” You nod pathetically and he chuckles. “Fucking whore. I love it.”
His hips start moving, the pat pat pat filling your ears. You can hardly think, quickly being pushed past your second orgasm as the third one looms.
You swallow some drool before it escapes your lips. “Megumi…”
“Shhh, pretty girl,” Megumi coos. “Just relax. Let me take care of you.” He squeezes your neck a little.
Your mouth drops open as his hips speed up. His soft moans are right by your ear, and even though you’re getting fucked stupid, you can’t help but imagine what he sounds like when you’re between his thighs gagging on his stupidly big cock.
You let out an embarrassingly loud moan when he squeezes your neck again.
He moves his hand from your neck to your mouth, covering it. “Shhh, baby. We don’t want your neighbors to hear you, do we?” 
You nod, agreeing with him. You can’t let anything ruin this moment.
Megumi keeps his hand clamped over your mouth as his hips speed up. “Fuck, sweetheart, I wanted to hold out but I don’t think I can last. Your little cunt is so wet and perfect, fucking hell.”
He tugs your head back further and your eyes meet.
Tears well in your eyes and you mumble against his hand. “Please cum inside me, Megumi.”
His eyes darken. “Yeah? You want me to fill you up? Get you nice and pregnant?”
You’ve never even thought about having kids, but honestly you would do anything for him at this point. You nod pathetically. 
His smirk fades as he moans. “Fuck, sweetheart, you’re killing me.”
Megumi keeps a tight grip on your hair as his thrusts speed up. His orgasm sneaks up on him. “Fuck, fuck, shit-baby, fuck, ‘m cumming!” He cums loudly, letting go of your hair and gripping your hips with both hands to keep you from moving away.
You lay there on your father’s desk, drooling slightly.
He flips you onto your back and sits you upright. “You okay? Did I go too hard?”
You smile softly. “It was perfect.”
Megumi grins before looking down at your cunt as his cum drips out. “Fuck. Do you have a tissue or something?”
You blindly reach behind you and grab the box of tissues your father keeps on his desk. Megumi takes one and cleans you up gently. 
He kisses your clit before slapping it again. “You’re such a good girl.”
Your legs are still shaking. “Your good girl.”
His eyebrows raise. “Yeah? You wanna be mine?”
You nod. “Wanna be all yours, Megs.”
Megumi pulls you close, wrapping his arms around your waist. “I think we can arrange that.”
The floor shakes as the garage door opens, signaling your father’s return. 
His eyes flick to the clock. “Hey, you lied! He only took 45 minutes!”
ahhh sorry the ending is so shit lmao, i had no idea how to end it. anywayz, let me know what you think!
pt 2? maybe.
please do not translate or copy my work!
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kkanabel · 23 days
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caffeine addiction - chapter 10 Bakugou Katsuki x Reader / Coffee Shop! AU
⇦ previous chapter - next chapter ⇨
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The morning started like any other. The smell of roasted coffee beans mingle with the hum of the espresso machine, and you find yourself in the usual rhythm of the café. Bakugou is already there, moving with precision and intensity, his focus unbreakable. The door chimes as the first few customers trickle in, and you brace yourself for the morning rush.
But today is different. As you step behind the counter, you notice the line snaking out the door, far longer than usual. The cold winter air rushes in. The chatter among the customers seems louder and more excited. 
You catch snippets of conversation, your name, and Bakugou’s name mentioned alongside words like “photo” and “Instagram”, but you don’t think much of it because they were probably just talking about their drinks. Each drink handed out was beautiful. You've been learning latté art recently from Bakugou during slower times, and each drink was topped off with a cute little heart (the only design you could do consistently thus far). Your phone buzzes in your pocket, but there’s no time to check. You and Bakugou exchange a quick glance, a silent acknowledgment of the chaos that’s about to ensue. The orders start pouring in, and you dive into action, your hands moving on autopilot as you steam milk and pull espresso shots as you go back and forth from the register to take orders and back to the espresso machine. 
“Two cappuccinos with an extra shot, an oat latte, and a soy matcha latte,” you call out, trying to keep your voice steady over the chatter of customers. Bakugou is at the machine, muscles flexing as he works with the kind of fierce determination that only he possesses. He works like a machine himself, but with an experienced and almost effortless flow– like a long-time painter with a paint brush. The sight of him focused, brows furrowed in concentration, is almost enough to make you forget the insanity around you.
The crowd is buzzing with energy, and you can feel eyes on you, watching your every move. You catch a few people glancing at their phones, then back at you, their whispers making your skin prickle. But there’s no time to dwell on it. A milk frother screeches, bringing you back to the task at hand. The pace is relentless, and you find yourself moving faster than you thought possible, coordinating with Bakugou in a well-practiced dance. Whenever you worked with him, things felt like they moved so much faster and much better. Part of it was the fact that Bakugou was insanely good at what he did, but also because he was amazing as a team leader.
“Order for Hinata!” Bakugou’s voice cuts through the noise, rough but steady. He slides a tray of drinks toward you, and you grab it, balancing it precariously as you make your way to the counter.
You drank too much caffeine. Your hands shake as they hold the tray. Some lemonade spills onto your wrists as you move, but you ignore it in favor of running over to the cash register to take the order of the college students at the front. Your arms have never been so sticky. There is whipped cream on your elbow that is slowly drying and crusting up– it feels disgusting every time you bend your elbow even a little. But it doesn’t matter- there are people waiting on their drinks, and Bakugou is moving at the speed of light. If you don’t keep up with him, there’s no more free coffee for you…
The line seems never-ending, and the café is hotter than usual, the combination of bodies and boiling water creating a stifling atmosphere despite the cold weather. You swipe at a bead of sweat trickling down your temple with your sleeve, barely noticing the way customers’ gazes linger on you and Bakugou. There’s a thrill to it, a rush that has nothing to do with caffeine and everything to do with the shared goal of surviving this madness. Well– given that you’ve been chugging espresso, it might have a little to do with caffeine.
The entire place is already full, and there are even people filling up all the outside seats. Luckily, Ashido was supposed to be coming at any momen-
“I’m here!” A chipper and breathless voice calls out, and you look at the girl who’s frantically tying an apron behind her back before instantly getting to work, stationing herself at the espresso machine. Because she’s making drinks, you can now focus on cleaning up the store and helping all the customers at the register. You weren’t able to clean the place for about four hours, and it was driving you insane. There were a couple crumbs and pieces of trash just on the ground, but you couldn’t move from the espresso machine or the register before– there were just too many people and not enough hands. 
Bakugou sees you picking up the broom and he blocks you from moving by clutching the broom and pan. “Hey. Go take your break.”
You look at him with a bewildered expression. “I’ll just clean up first. There’s this one straw on the ground and it’s driving me-” 
He furrows his eyebrows and grabs the broom and pan from your hands before very swiftly cleaning up the store himself, sweeping up the straw you were talking about and more. You shrug and grab a rag to wipe up a table that a group just left, but he groans- “Take a break. You’ve been working since opening. Go.” As of this point, he is grabbing your palm mid-wipe and pulls the rag from under your hand. He puts both his hands on your shoulders, turns you around, and pushes you towards the back of the café. 
Deciding to give up for now, you pick up your leftover americano on the counter when Bakugou gives you a death stare. “No more caffeine. You’re shaking.” And Ashido takes your drink and chugs it, a mischievous smile on her face, tossing the mug into the nearby simk. 
You frowned. Bakugou should be the one taking a break. He’s been going at it for longer than you have, but he just grounded you. Either way, you still settle down. Finally getting a moment to yourself, you slip behind the counter where the customers can't see you. Your coworkers give you a nod, knowing you need the break. The rush has finally died down a bit, but the café is still buzzing with energy. You sit down on a small stool and pull out your phone, feeling its weight in your hand as it buzzes incessantly.
Taking a deep breath, you unlock it and your screen floods with notifications. Instagram, messages, missed calls from your aunt and from Mitsuki. You haven’t had a chance to check anything since you started your shift. As you start scrolling through the chaos, you catch bits of conversation from the nearby tables.
“Wow, they're honestly even more gorgeous in person,” a young woman’s voice says, excitement clear in her tone.
“Right? And how come people who look like that–” she pauses for dramatic effect “--and are the children of extremely famous fashion designers working at a random café?” her friend responds, sounding just as awestruck.
You feel a knot forming in your stomach as their words sink in. You glance around the corner, seeing the two customers who are clearly talking about you and Bakugou. They’re both glued to their phones, no doubt looking at the photo that’s gone viral and showing each other photos that they secretly took of the two of you.
Your phone buzzes again, and you turn your attention back to it. Opening Instagram, your heart skips a beat. The notifications are endless. Thousands of follow requests and DMs. Your finger hovers over the notification tab, and you brace yourself as you tap it.
The first thing you see is the Masaki Official Instagram post. There it is, the photo of you and Bakugou, looking effortlessly chic in Masaki’s latest designs. The caption reads, "Fashion runs in their blood, and it shows." Even though Mitsuki didn't tag your personal accounts, it didn’t take long for people to find you.
You scroll through the comments, heart pounding.
“They’re perfect together! They’re like fashion royalty!” one comment reads.
“Nepotism?” says another.
The likes and shares are through the roof, and as you swipe through, you see countless news articles already picking up the story. Headlines like “Fashion Heirs Turned Café Workers: The Viral Sensation” with photos of the two of you working at the café and “Bakugou and (Y/N): From Runways to Real Life” fill your screen. Fans have started creating fan art and memes, some depicting you and Bakugou as literal royalty in the fashion world. It’s brought hundreds of people who were never into fashion into making memes and thirsting over you and Bakugou.
“That jawline can cut me any day and I’d thank him,” a post read, making you hold in a choked laugh that earns you a look from the man in question.
“This lady straight up looks like she came from the heavens and she’s serving people coffee? I’ve gotta visit this place..” another post says with an edit of the viral photo. They had cropped out Bakugou and put emoji hearts and effects all over your face.
You let out a slow breath, trying to process it all. Your phone buzzes again, and you glance at it. More follow requests, more messages. It’s overwhelming.
As you sit there, lost in the sea of notifications, you don’t notice the young man who’s been sitting at a table near the counter, stealing glances your way. He’s been there for a while, nursing a cup of coffee and pretending to study. 
When you finish your break with a sandwich that Bakugou packed, you step back up to the register to clock back in and take an order. The young man sitting at the table finally gathers the courage to approach you, standing behind the customer that you just finished speaking to.
“Um, hey,” he says, a little nervously. You look up at a guy slightly taller than you sporting a shy smile.
“Hi,” you reply, managing a small smile despite the whirlwind in your mind.
“I, uh, I couldn’t help but notice you,” he stammers, glancing back at his table as if seeking some moral support from his abandoned textbooks. “You and Bakugou… Are you guys, like, together?”
The question catches you off guard. “No, we’re not,” you say quickly, shaking your head.
“Oh,” he says, his face brightening. “That’s good to know. I mean, not that it’s bad if you were. It’s just… would it be okay if I got your number? I just… I thought you were kind of cute and I-”
Before he can continue, you notice Bakugou behind the counter, his eyes fixed on the young man. There’s a hardness in his gaze, an edge that you can’t place your finger on. The guy follows your glance and freezes under Bakugou’s intense stare.
“Uh, actually, never mind,” he mumbles, backing away quickly. “I should probably get back to studying.”
You watch, confused, as he practically scurries back to his seat. You turn to Bakugou, raising an eyebrow. “What was that about?”
“I’d prefer no workplace flirting,” Bakugou grunts, turning his attention back to the espresso machine, his movements a bit more forceful than necessary.
You chuckle softly. You stand up, smoothing out your apron. The break is over, and it’s time to get back to work. The café is still busy, the energy from the earlier rush still lingering in the air. As you step back into the fray, you can’t help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension.
This unexpected fame is overwhelming, but there’s a small part of you that’s thrilled by it. The attention means more eyes on your work, more recognition for the line you’ve poured your heart into.
As you move through the café, you catch bits of conversations, more whispers about the photo, the viral fame, and the sudden spotlight. You and Bakugou might not have asked for this, but you’re ready to embrace it, ambitious and determined to make the most of this unexpected turn. Free marketing.
And as for the guy who asked for your number? You can’t help but smile, wondering if he’ll ever muster up the courage again. Either way, you couldn’t lead him on knowing that work was currently more important to you. For now, you’ve got drinks to make and a whirlwind to navigate, one espresso shot at a time.
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⇦ previous chapter - next chapter ⇨
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fuck-customers · 9 months
I cannot get over this lady who wvery time she comes in makes a snide remark about how we dont have coconut milk. Like, lady, you come in wvery day and bitch and moan about the Fucking Coconut Milk. And then she ends up deciding to get 1/3 almond 1/3 soy and 1/3 heavy cream- i have been keeping an extra pitcher cleaned and near the machines because in fucking evitably shes gonna want her milk like that i cant use the dairy OR nondairy cup for it.
Oh and extra hot no foam. It sounds like the cries of the damned in the /very quiet/ coffee shop.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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jisungsdaydreamer · 1 year
Stray Kids as Different Kinds of Shopaholics
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Pairing: OT8 x gn!reader Genre: headcanon, fluff, crack Warnings: none
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1. Bang Chan- The Idiot
You would think that Bang Chan would be the sensible one when it comes to shopping 
This is false.
Unlike the other boys, he doesn’t really have super niche hobbies like art or dance, so he believes that he doesn’t need to spend so much money on such “unnecessary things”
He’ll even hoard coupons and try to use them, even though they expired months ago
But two seconds later, he’ll be whipping out his wallet to buy the most useless shit ever
He would 100% fall for stupid scams, like a self-stirring coffee mug or a “gravity-defying” umbrella hat
As long as they make “life more efficient”
But if you want to buy a book or socks or something, he’ll side eye you and scold you for buying dumb things, as if he just didn’t spend a fortune on an automatic shoe-tying machine
2. Lee Know- The Gordon Ramsay Wannabe
Now Minho is pretty wise with money, except when it comes to one thing
His kitchen
I can absolutely envision him wanting to have an immaculately stocked kitchen
After all, he likes to try making new and elaborate dishes, and he needs the tools for that
Minho will have no problem with buying the fanciest, most expensive supplies
He’ll have a bluetooth wireless cooking sensor to time his roasts from a distance, a soy milk maker, and that KitchenAid artisan mini stand mixer with the fancy beater
He’s so extra that he will even buy a juice extractor to facilitate his morning fix for green juice (gross)
Will get mad if you question his purchases.
3. Changbin- The Gym Bro
Every single exercise contraption known to man will go into his personal home gym
He needs fifty different kinds of weights, 
Maybe even those arm exercise bands for when he’s “on a road trip”
Also spends a lot of money on nutrition
Like those organic seed packets or high-quality kale or something so he can make healthy stuff for himself
If you even open your mouth, he will immediately get defensive, explaining why each and every one of his purchases make sense and why you need them too to be healthy
4. Hyunjin- Ariana Grande
The “I want it, I got it” mentality
Going shopping with him has no budget. He hates that word
The kind of person who doesn’t bring a shopping list; he just strolls the aisles and buys anything he wants
Likes buying name brands: Gucci, Versace, Tom Ford, Chanel, and of course, Celine
Bougie bitch right here
LOVES jewelry and accessories even more than clothes; anything that glitters
Might ask you to go shopping with him sometimes just because he needs someone to help him hold all of his bags
Simply will ignore you if you ask him why he needs $5000 in new shirts when he’s already got a closet full at home
5. Han- The Real One
Surprisingly, Jisung would be one of the more practical shoppers
He has a normal budget that he follows religiously, because there’s only one thing that he really wants
Whenever he goes out, he absolutely must buy a drink. Probably boba, to sip on while walking or when sitting in the car
He’ll have “secret” hiding spots in his room for his snacks
Can’t cook so loves taking it as an excuse to always get food outside & he loves doing it with you
Loves ordering-in all kinds of meals as well, whether it’s pizza or butter chicken
Every morning, Jisung needs to buy his coffee at Starbucks and be all aesthetic, or else he can’t do his work
Pouts when you remind him that you literally have a coffee machine at home.
6. Felix- Santa Claus
Now Felix is also a little like Jisung, being a little more realistic
EXCEPT when it comes to his friends & family, especially you.
Will spoil you rotten will all sorts of gifts, from new clothes to perfume
And he insists on taking you on shopping sprees and showering you with new things you don’t really need
Receiving expensive chocolates imported from Paris or somewhere is a regular thing for you
And he’s even managed to get you a designer bag that even the richest people have to be on waiting lists for
Doesn’t get offended at all when you tell him that he needs to cut down on the spending; he’ll just cutely hold out a pretty dress for you to wear
And how can you refuse him?
7. Seungmin- The Mom
Doesn’t give a crap about being fashionable; definitely stingy when it comes to that
“But Seungmin, that hoodie is seven years old…” “Well it fits, so I can wear it.”
Will lecture people (Hyunjin) on their horrible spending habits
Meanwhile, he’d rather spend time in the cleaning sections
He’ll stock up on extra paper towels and wipes and other practical materials
The kind of shopper to absolutely ADORE sales, and will buy everything with a discount
Would buy snow gear in June just because it’s 5% off and will force you to try on a hideous sweater just because it’s in clearance or something
8. I.N.- The Guilty One
Can’t be trusted when given money to go shopping
You could give him your wallet to tell him to go buy milk and when he comes back, he’ll have his arms full of crap that you didn’t even mention
Is such a binge-shopper that he has no choice but to live simple
Because the moment he steps into Target or the mall or somewhere, it’s over.
You had to stop giving him your credit card and just hand him a limited wad of cash when you need him to run errands for you
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TAGLIST @hamburgers101 @chansburgah @ajxreads @hash2013 @pixigreen @ana-marais98 @ohish @chizumiyoshi @lilydaisyyy @jetblackbelle @143hyunes
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weiying-lanzhan-fics · 7 months
transmuter by WithLoweredVoices
What a beautiful story in a grandiose and different setting. I enjoyed everything about it - the pain and anguish as well as the hope and mending.
Wonderful prose and characters ❤️❤️❤️❤️
(Therapeutic for me!)
Wei Ying stares at the boy now standing awkwardly in the middle of the café.  It’s like looking through time into some kind of twisted mirror.
The kid holds his hands like he doesn’t know what to do with them – like he’s been deposited within a new set of limbs and has yet to figure out how to use them. He’s sixteen at most, though he looks to be younger. He’s skinny and horribly pale, pale as milk, his lips the same ghastly color as his face. There is eyeliner smeared over his eyes with an unsteady hand, but it isn’t enough to hide the crimson shade of his eyelids.
The boy might be the youngest necromancer Wei Ying’s ever seen.
He’s just a baby – he’s not even full grown yet, not even a single hint of stubble at his face. There’s a chance he might never grow beyond this slender, small frame. You can only dip your fingers into death so many times before it starts to dip its fingers into you – and Wei Ying can smell the death on this boy.
Wei Ying lets out a long, shaky breath. He sets his mocha down and wraps the fingers of his right hand over his left wrist – a grounding trick he learned from his therapist.
‘Hiya,’ says Wei Ying brightly. ‘Welcome to Yiling Gardens. What can I get you?’
‘Wei Ying,’ says Lan Zhan. ‘I do not have to stay.’
He lifts a hand towards Wei Ying, then hesitates. He closes his hand into a fist, flexes it once, and then folds his fist behind his back. The hem shifts, revealing the sword hanging low from his belt.
Wei Ying’s traitorous brain feeds him a reel of memories: Lan Zhan, angrily raining a flurry of blows down upon Wei Ying in the training ring; Lan Zhan, wiping sweat from his face as he takes a break between drills, pointedly ignoring Wei Ying’s chatter; Lan Zhan, turning with the gold medal in his hand, not quite smiling, but triumphant all the same as he seeks out Wei Ying’s face in the crowd.
Wei Ying feels something like heartbreak clutter up in his throat. He looks down at the scuff-marks on his old shoes. He thinks about mountain ranges. He thinks about a kitchen table where nobody eats with him.
He thinks about a hand on his wrist, about the drone of Sentinels pushing close and, come back to Gusu with me.
Wei Ying summons his last ounce of bravery and looks up at Lan Zhan. ‘I don’t want you to leave.’
‘Mn,’ nods Lan Zhan. ‘I will not.’ His gaze flashes up towards the menu on the chalkboard. ‘I would like a matcha latte please. With soy milk. It is not a seasonal special,’ he adds, with an apologetic tilt of his head that is Lan Zhan’s equivalent of a shrug.
‘Okay,’ says Wei Ying.
He taps matcha powder into a mug and measures hot water into it with a few presses of a button on the coffee machine. I should say sorry, he thinks. He pulls the carton of soy milk out of the fridge and pours it into a cold pitcher. I should ask him how he’s been, he thinks. He froths the milk and taps out the bubbles. I should thank him for Burial Mounds, he thinks. He pours milk into the mug, forming a delicate fern leaf at the top.
‘Soy matcha latte,’ says Wei Ying as he hands the drink over, instead of sorry or are you well or thank you for not handing me over to Inquisition thirteen years ago.
Lan Zhan cups the mug in one long-fingered hand, while he keeps the other clasped behind his back. ‘Thank you,’ he says, and then, with a strange, wondering tone: ‘You used my favorite brand of soy milk.’
Wei Ying hates his magpie tendencies. It’s embarrassing, the way he collects facets of the people he loves, the people who once loved him, as though they could ever prevent people from leaving him.
Not Rated, 113k
Wei Ying gave up necromancy years ago. He should be done with hauntings, but here in his café, here in this quiet city at the edge of the world, there stands a ghost dressed in mourning white with eyes like warm honey at the bottom of the pot.
(The one where it's a café AU - only it's not.)
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samsammysamson · 9 days
really? a steamed vanilla bean frappe??? how basic, clearly you are just following what the tiktok girlies are ordering at starbucks *eyeroll*. If you really want something out there you have to invest in an at home espresso machine and use only authentic hand gathered organic beans, maybe even use some hazelnut milk if you really want to avoid being normal like everyone that uses soy or oat milk :\
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.............. Uhm............................
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cookiesupplier · 4 months
Catch You When You Fall - Part Three
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pairing: Nicholas Ruffilo & ofc (Catherine)
warnings/tropes: slow burn, angst, murder, mystery, smut, mentions of speciesism, mentions of violence, trauma... (to be added.)
summary: A new soul has arrived in the Afterlife. While she appears to adjust just like anyone else might in the new environment of the world of life after death, despite the ordeal she experienced with her death. The question is has she really, and can Nicholas help her without crossing lines that he knows he shouldn't?
Authors Note: Unbeta'd as usual! No Nicholas, but you got A Nick... getting closer!
To find the others in the Hell AU Universe: Combined Hell-Verse Masterlist
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tags: @missduffsblog @tearfallpixie @spicywhenspeaking @sorrowsofsilence @wild-child-7747
@lacktoesandtoddlerants @blackveilomens @valiantroeagleangel @bngurngheart @collapsedglasshouses
@embracethereaper42 @emmmm127 @sunsshinesunny @dominuslunae @xxkittenkissesxx
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Cat was slowly working out how to run the register, how to ring up the orders. She managed to make a few orders, simple ones, ones that only coffees. She knew how to use the machine, as it was the same as the one she’d learned to use at her after school job during high school during senior year. Thankfully, the customers had been rather patient with her, so far, well, most of them had been. There had been a few that had been trying, but she was willing to blame the fact that it was this early in the morning and everyone deserved a decent caffeine boost this early in the morning. From what she’d already learned so far this morning from some of the more grumpier customers, not only was this café the only vegetarian establishment in Hell. It also provided them with some of the more unique and sort after blends of coffee.
There were even some customers that came here just for the coffee and nothing else, one man had even made a point to remark he used to never even touch soy milk in his coffee. Ishtar however seemed to have converted him as the coffee she provided was just that good by his opinion. That had amused her. Another lady had chatted her ear off for almost fifteen minutes, causing a bit of a line behind her, while she hummed and haaaa’d over which blend to choose to enjoy with her Vegetarian Eggs Benedict with Spinach and Avocado. Cat had felt horrible because when she tried to ask her about her opinion, she couldn’t help her in the least, as she herself had never tried any of the blends personally. In the end, she had had to go and ask for Ishtar’s help, and she had handled the rest of her order. It would seem this was a common situation with that particular woman, so when Cat had attempted to apologise profusely after Ishtar had finished with her order, she assured her that there was no problem. It wasn’t her fault at all.
After that, Cat continued working at the counter, this time Ishtar taking time to make sure to check in with her while the morning caffeine rush continued along. She did enjoy meeting new people, even if it was only for a moment here and there in most cases. Unfortunately, just when there is another rush of customers which Ishtar was helping her with, Cat was just starting to be overcome with a feeling of being overwhelmed trying to keep up with the orders.
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Ishtar could see that Cat was struggling, she had been doing amazing, keeping up so far. Honestly, she had expected that she might have trouble when the rush started to hit in the morning, and that she would need to ask for more help, but so far that had only happened once. Either she was stubborn, or learned quickly but still needed more time to try to adjust to the new system and get used to everything. In both cases, Ishtar could tell that she was having some problems with some orders with how quickly they were coming and how demanding some of the customers became at this time of day. She didn’t blame her for that at all, Ishtar herself found it frustrating the way some of them behaved. 
Trying to take as many of the customers on herself that she could, making a note to definitely switch Kera schedule from bussing the tables and putting her full-time on the counter and not just helping as needed. That had been the plan when she started work tomorrow, Ishtar happily hired her the moment she finally quit the bar, she’d been supporting her in doing so ever since she left herself but never wanted to force her hand. As it was, it would obviously be better for all of them if they put an extra person on the counter anyway. It was starting to get so much more intense with the morning rush, the café hadn’t actually been open that long, only a few weeks, and the morning rush was so much more than she expected already. Ishtar had thought it would take much longer to become this popular.
Just as she was about to excuse herself from the line of customers in front of her to check on Cat again, she spied someone coming in, and she lit up.. Sunshine! Smiling the moment she saw Nick, the returning smile that came, she saw him slipping down the side of the line. Yes, she noted the couple of disgruntled frowns at him by-passing the line, but he wasn’t just a customer, they would just have to go along with it. If they didn’t like it, that was their choice, she didn’t care at this point, he was here for her, not them.
“Hey Nick, could you just wait a moment I just need to check on Cat, I-”
Before she could even finish, however, he was shaking his head, planting his hands on the counter top, leaning over it with a smile and kissing her cheek quickly,
“You keep working, I got this Princess, I’ll help Cat.”
He assured her with a bright smile from her boyfriend and soul bonded, who was here for his usual morning coffee and breakfast wrap that she had made and put aside from him like it always was. Truth was, she made his wrap for him at home, every morning it was all ready, and it could take it to work directly from there. They’d moved together shortly after they bonded, but no, he liked to come in to the café every morning, called it his routine. Watching Nick head around the counter to help Cat with the orders that were rushing in, she smiled, he was as sweet as always.
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Folio bound around the counter, rolling his eyes at any of the disgruntled stares of people that didn’t realise who he was here. They obviously thought he was just a stray customer who thought he could get uppity and walk right in, taking advantage of something, well, he was, but it was the owner, so, enough said. You’d think that they’d figure out him walking right behind the counter after talking directly to Ishtar, but from of the stink eye glares, some, were just that dense, or entitled, either way, he didn’t care. All he cared about, was making sure Cat was okay, because Cat was new and Ishtar wanted to make sure she was doing alright. She wasn’t just new to the café, she was new to Hell all around, and that could have an effect. He’d heard all about Cat from his Princess already.
“Hi! I’m Folio, the boss’s more raggedy other half, so, how can I help, where have we gone lost?”
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Cat was standing at the register, she was the one taking the orders as the rush had picked up, while the others were filling them. However, this needling feeling the more they had gotten irate with her, she would like to be able to just finish one order on her own, just one. Going back and forth, and having to rely on the others, yes she was just learning, and it was her first day, but some orders were so simple, surely just one she could do on her own? One of the simple cups of coffee, maybe? She knew how to use the machine, she’d been filling a few with the orders earlier, hadn’t she? She’d proved she could do at least that much, as simple as they had been those, she could do them, if they became too complicated, she’d pass them off. Still, the orders, they were coming in so fast she was lucky if she could take them and the payment before the others had already completed them. Yes she knew she should be happy she was a part of a team, and she was, she was, but sometimes, she wanted to be able to do something right now, and it just flustered her a little.
She knew it was a bit much, of course she knew, and her cheeks flushed with the frustration at both the situation and herself as she glanced at the man that was looking at her expectantly. When she struggled for a moment, he spoke again,
“Come on now, I’m here to help.”
That was when the demon at the front of the line spoke up about his order, sounding irate, and the very happy sounding Folio seemed to give him a look and Cat raised an eyebrow,
“Look, dude, can’t you see she’s just starting here? You want your caffeine fix that bad, go see Mitch or Ishtar.. I know, I know, you’ll miss my pretty face, and that is just a dog gone shame, but don’t be a dick about it.”
Cat had to giggle at the funny green shade the demon's grey skin went before he moved over to Ishtar to get his order filled after Folio’s remark, and he turned back to her. 
“Technically they are supposed to pay me, and then go to Ishtar and Mitch to get their orders filled right now.”
Folio grinned,
“They’ll figure it out, trust me, they are smart like that, just like we’ll figure out what’s going on with you. You’re stuck on something, problem with the register, what?”
She felt silly admitting to him what her actual issue was when it wasn’t really a problem. For a second, she felt her chest get tight as he helped her step aside so that Ishtar could move towards the register to help one of the customers pay for the order she had just completed for them. “I can do this, I know, I swear I can do this, I was doing it before.. I can even make the coffee, the machine is just like the one we used at my after school job, and I-”
Cat swallowed, shaking her head quickly and dipping it forward, she felt so stupid freaking out right now.. She’d worked jobs like this before, she had, not for years though, years, why was it so hard this time?
“It’s just going so fast, I know Ishtar said I only need to take their orders and pass them onto Mitch and her and when I get faster more comfortable, and there is less of a rush I would be able to fill orders myself, but I-”
Then she saw him grin bright, like something had sparked in him.
“You want to make someone's order again. You’ve been seeing all the cranky faces, and you just want to see a happy one, one order. I’m right, aren’t I?”
“Feel like I’ve done something, yes! It’s my first day and all I’ve done is push buttons on a machine like a robot. I feel useless.”
She felt awful, and stupid, and she was well aware she was being ridiculous okay, she was, and looking over to the others working so well behind the counter, maybe Bryce was right, she didn’t belong here at all.. She should just go back to the library with her books, where she belonged. 
“Oh please, Ishtar doesn’t think like that, you aren’t a robot, you’ve been looking after the money, at the end of the day, if that draw is still in balance, promise me you’ll come back tomorrow, okay? Now.. I have an idea for an order you can fill, the most important order anyone can possibly fill that comes in, comes in every morning, mine. What is even better, is it’s already half done. And guess what you have to do to finish it, other than making my coffee?” Cat looked towards him almost warily at the bright and intense smile on his face, it really was infectious though, and after a moment she couldn’t help but smile just a little towards him,
“I- ”
Why did she feel like she already knew exactly what he was going to say? Especially when after a moment that smile grew just a little bit too cheeky for him to be about to say anything that didn’t have specific meaning, and she just-
“Press buttons?”
Her voice so quiet, but she couldn’t even say she wasn’t half about to start laughing. Cat didn’t know if it was because she felt like it was because she wanted to cry with frustration, or that this entire situation was just so ridiculous that she didn’t know what to think.
“There you go, you got it.. Come on, let me show you how to finish making it.. Ishtar’s already finished most of it. She makes it at home and brings it in because I always like to visit her at work before I go to work. I know I could just eat at home, but it’s kind of our tradition, our first date you see, she broke my nose, I bought her a breakfast wrap-”
“Oh my god!”
Cat couldn’t help but utter under her breath at how fast this guy was talking, and him talking about his first date with Ishtar, she broke his nose. Folio had definitely not been the kind of man that Cat had imagined when Ishtar mentioned her boyfriend earlier that morning when she arrived. The fact he was the one dating the demoness was such a surprise. Since she’d arrived, she’d had this clear feeling from Bryce and most others that she’d been around, that most demons and humans, kept separate on this kind of level. So to meet these two in what seemed such an intimate committed relationship, it was, yes, surprising! Okay, okay, Folio could be a demon, he could be shape-shifted into a human form like Bryce, but there was something about him that just seemed so, human, maybe it was the way he’d understood, how she felt. How she was freaking out.
Folio showed her how to use the toaster oven and heat up his wrap, the final step to finish it, with, of course, a few presses of some buttons. After that, he gave her his coffee order, which she dutifully made him.
Once she was done with his order, she felt a weight come off her chest.
“I know this was silly, I know. I’m sorry.”
“Absolutely not, it’s not. Cat, this is so much more fun when I can do the dramatic entrance at the gates.. But Welcome to Hell.. you do you.. You are dead, and you need to figure out how to handle it. If this is what you need to do to make sure you have your feet firmly on the ground. You do it. One of my best friends, she knocks people around with a metal baseball bat to get out some aggression to do it. Don’t worry, they’re bad people, they all have to go to punishment, and they are always rude as shit to her first, if they treat us with any respect we just let them go right though.. But the nasty ones, damn.. Yea, you probably came through one of the nice death doors, I work at one of the crappy ones, punishment levels entrance.”
Cat blinked as Folio shook his head, remembering something Bryce had said about the people that worked in the office where she’d have gone if she was sent to be punished. That they weren’t the type of people that she wanted to know, he couldn’t possibly mean someone like Folio? He seemed so nice, and friendly. He’d just helped her through something that felt so silly and frivolous, something she wasn’t sure the demons would understand with the way he spoke about her being dead and needing this to ground her. Bryce had kept trying to push her different ways instead, Folio had just helped her. 
“So how about this, every morning when I come in for my breakfast wrap, until you figure everything out, and get on your feet here. You’re in charge of getting my order ready. I’ll tell Ishtar, okay? Deal?”
Cat paused as she glanced over at Ishtar, not sure if she should accept, this was something that the demoness seemed to do just for her boyfriend, and she didn’t want to step on her toes. However, when her eyes met hers instead of the look of upset she expected, she saw a smile on the other woman's face. She seemed to have heard at least some of the conversation, enough to understand some of it, and saw a nod from her. Her attention turning back to Folio, she accepted his hand back,
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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doulayogimama · 9 months
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Málaga is so beautiful. Spain feels like it really could be home. If it wasn’t on another continent from our families I don’t think I would think twice about spending a year here.
Groceries are affordable. I got a huge bag of groceries today; olive oil, veggies, soy milk, cheese, eggs, fruit. I filled a big cloth bag to the brim. It was only 29 euro.
Really nice two bedrooms in the center of Barcelona are $1500 euro per month when I look on idealista. 😳
I put my new Adidas in the washing machine because they were white and dirty and literally the sole broke apart. It’s like the glue dissolved?? I’ve washed all my sneakers many times and I was shocked.
Was stressed about spending 60 or 70 euro on sneakers and when I picked out the shoes I’m wearing in the photo my mouth nearly hung open: only $18!!!!! Not a name brand but who cares, I can’t find sneakers this nice for $18 in America (in a super fancy neighborhood, nonetheless).
This cathedral is right next to our apartment. I love it here ✨💗
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Hey Bee hows the coffee machine <3
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"Through the scientific method I am isolating the variable that makes me so bad at making those little hearts with steamed milk in my coffee."
"I tried five different milks- whole, 2%, almond, oat and soy. I calculated their steaming temperatures, viscocity over steaming time, and determined 2% is the ideal milk for a latte."
"Next I tried various temperatures of coffee. various bean blends."
"I watched fifteen how to videos on how to pour steamed milk and analyzed them for consistant tips and themes. So I could figure out the universal methodology of the practice. I categorized all this information into several excel charts."
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neptunehills · 5 months
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Taurus Gift Guide | Ten Great Gifts for Any Taurus
Celebrating a Taurus this season and not sure what to get ? Here are ten great gift ideas for the Taurus in your life :
Bown of London Womens Hooded Robe $129.99 - 100% Cotton in a multi-color way. Light robe that is perfect for the summer season!
Legend Bill Organizer & Budget Planner $32.99 - High quality large financial planner that comes in many colors. Bound in a vegan leather and is packaged in a perfect gift box!
Back to Roots Hydroponic Indoor Grow Kit $38.57 - Self watering countertop grow kit. Includes organic seeds and automatic LED lights.
Hello Kitty Taurus T-Shirt $19.99 - Super cute unisex Hello Kitty t-shirt. Comes in multiple colors and is fun gift for any Taurus!
Hap Tim Picnic Backpack for 4 $79.99 - Complete picnic set all nicely kept in a luxury backpack. Comes in dark grey or green.
Nespresso Vertuo Coffee & Espresso Machine $188.97 - 5 cup coffee maker that makes the perfect cup every time! Includes milk frother and starter pods.
Alice Mushrooms Nightcap & Brainstorm Duo Chocolates $52.50 - Mushroom chocolates that light up the brain with clarity or turn things down. Great addition to any medicine cabinet.
Vanilla Cream Soy Candle $26.99 - 19.4oz of pure vanilla cream scent. A 2 wick candle made with 100% organic wax.
Ugg Tazz Slipper $129.95 - A platform suede slipper in mustard seed. Comes in a variety colors. A classic slipper that always delights!
Conair Waterfall Foot Spa $42.29 - Gift a luxury experience with this Conair foot spa. A massage foot spa that is instantly satisfying with it s massage features.
These gifts are inspired by the need for comfort, relaxation, and pleasure. Gift the Taurus in your life a bit of luxury this year.
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11x13kyle · 1 year
microceleb au coffee orders?
kyle: iced latte, probably puts in sweetener himself because he doesn’t trust the barista to not make it too sweet. always gets oat milk because he’s definitely lactose intolerant
stan: frappuccino but iced mocha when he’s on tour, giving someone a coffee run his order, or when he feels randomly insecure about being a grown man ordering a milkshake at a coffee shop. also oat milk but it’s not for health reasons he’s just gay. he got into it during a 2 week vegan phase and just never stopped.
cartman: orders whatever tastes the least like coffee, so like those comically sweet frappuccinos or normal coffee but with like 6 pumps of caramel. he gets regular milk and thinks anyone who gets alternative milk is a pussy.
kenny: black coffee, maybe with creamer if he’s feeling whimsical. he wants to maximize the amount of caffeine in his drink as much as he can. he’s also just weird about food so this very much extends to coffee.
craig: never drinks coffee in front of people because he can only actually enjoy it if it tastes nothing like coffee and just straight up vanilla. he can’t risk being absolutely torn to shreds for this so he keeps his order on the down low and just takes those caffeine pills if he REALLY needs to be awake.
tweek: exclusively black coffee. he also doesn’t get coffee at shops if he can avoid it and prefers to make his own because he doesn’t trust other people making his drinks. wonder why that could be!
tolkien: iced latte, probably with some flower add on like lavender or rose. preference for soy milk but isn’t all that picky, milk is milk and coffee is coffee to him. when someone asks if he wants them to pick up a coffee for him he shrugs and goes “get me whatever idc” and this drives people INSANE. also prefers to make his coffee at home but for reasons unrelated to trauma and completely related to him having an incredible espresso machine.
clyde: not a coffee guy but is unashamed of it. he orders hot chocolate at coffee shops in any weather and says it loud and proud. coffee also makes his stomach hurt so he doesn’t wanna deal with that unlike some people (kyle).
jimmy: iced americano. got it for the first time on accident because he ordered it without knowing what it was to seem cultured and smart and then decided he never wanted to put milk in his coffee again. he’s also a big fan of just getting a tall bottle of cold brew and drinking it in like 3 minutes flat and someone not getting a stomachache.
butters: he makes sure to stay on top of when every seasonal or limited drink comes out so he can get them IMMEDIATELY. he makes a huge deal about getting his first pumpkin spice latte of the season every fall when it comes out. orders hot coffee in any weather like a freak.
wendy: iced latte, no sugar, just almond milk and coffee. she loves to order an iced latte and sit in a coffee shop for like 4 hours on her grindset just typing away on her computer, usually orders like 2-3 more in the time she’s there and leaves trembling like a scared chihuahua.
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bleujae · 2 years
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♡ Summary: Jungwon, do you feel the pain now?
♡ Pairing: Jungwon x fem!reader
♡ Genre: fluff
♡ Word count: 2.4K
♡ Warnings: mentions of alcohol (keep in mind that Jungwon and Yua are the age of uni students in the story and in Korea, all uni students are able to drink legally), *let me know if there's anything else I should add ^^*
"Beautiful love, 하늘아래 너와 있다면 숨쉬는것만으로도 좋아"
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Yua let out a muffled scream as she banged her head on her desk and her fingers were tangled into her long black wavy hair. She had final exams coming up and she felt like her head was going to explode. She had a million tabs opened up from all of her lecture notes and her notebooks were filled with the practice problems she had done in class and for homework. 
She was currently in an empty house since Jungwon was out with his friends, with her earbuds in both ears, blasting music that would motivate her. She sighed as she stood up from her desk to take a small break. She stretched by raising her hands above her head with her hands clasped together and squeezing her back. She heard a couple of satisfying cracks from her back and proceeded up to her neck, rotating her entire head to relieve tension in her neck. 
She put on her fluffy slippers and headed to the kitchen to make herself an iced matcha latte. She started to boil some water while she got out her matcha powder and liquid sweetener and put them into her favorite clear cup. It was a present that Jungwon got her, knowing how much she loves to make her matcha lattes in clear cups to see the pale green color and the ice nicely floating in the drink. 
She poured the hot water over her dark green paste to melt the flavors together. She headed towards the fridge to take out the milk. She paused when she could practically Jungwon’s voice in her head. 
“You better grab the soy milk. You’re going to complain that your stomach hurts later if you grab the regular milk.” Jungwon scolded, grabbing the milk carton out of her hand. 
“Fine.” Yua pouted, grabbing the soy milk instead. 
Yua chuckled at the way she could hear Jungwon’s nagging even when he wasn’t home. She set the milk carton back in its original place before grabbing the soymilk and poured it over the powder and syrup. She always loved this part, where the dark green liquid turned light green, one of her favorite colors.
After she placed a couple of ice cubes in the cup with a straw, it was ready to drink. She let out a sigh of content when she took a huge sip. The taste of the bittersweet drink in her mouth gave her a boost. 
She happily skipped back to her shared office with Jungwon, feeling like she was in a much better mood now that she had gotten her favorite drink. She plopped back into her comfy office chair and wrapped herself in the navy fluffy blanket around her body as she got back to studying. 
“One matcha latte with pearls. Regular amount of sugar and light ice please.” Jungwon ordered as he got his card ready in his hand so he could swipe on the machine. 
“Would that be all?” The cashier asked, giving him a smile. He simply nodded, waiting to swipe his card. 
“Are you sure you wouldn’t want anything else? Cause I sure would like your number.” The cashier gave him another smile, a flirty one. 
Jungwon sighed as he signed his name on the machine and put the pen back. “I would appreciate it if you would continue with your job and make my girlfriend’s drink so I can take it back to her quickly. She’s stressed while studying for exams.” Jungwon smiled triumphantly as the cashier automatically backed off, grumbling about how the cute ones were always taken. 
He walked back to the table where his friends were sitting and plopped down. “You ordered another drink?” He turned to see Sunoo peeking at the receipt in the younger male’s hand. 
“Mhm. Yua’s studying right now for exams and she’s really stressed.” Jungwon explained.
“Oooh look at what a good boyfriend Jungwon is being.” Heeseung teasingly cooed, making Jungwon’s ears go tomato red. 
“Hyung became such a simp.” Riki joined in the teasing making Jungwon’s ear go even more red and hot. “Ew a simp for my twin sister.” Riki added on to the joke while he fake gagged. 
“No I’m not.” Jungwon protested, placing his hands over his ears. 
“Yah yah.” Stop teasing him.” Jungwon threw Jake a grateful look before Jake spoke up again. “The poor shy boy’s ears are going to burst any minute now.” 
“Hyung!” Jungwon whined, feeling totally betrayed by Jake as the rest of the group laughed at the younger boy. “You guys are just jealous you don’t even have a girlfriend to treat this way.” 
The rest of the boys, except Jay and Sunghoon, groaned at the younger’s remark, knowing it was true. Jungwon had a smirk, knowing he had won this round. 
“Order #492!” Jungwon sprang up from his seat when he heard Yua’s drink order, receiving the drink from the employee. The rest of his friends stood up from their seats, knowing that they were gonna leave after Jungwon had gotten his girlfriend’s drink. 
“Did you start the song yet, Jungwon?” Jay asked the 04 liner male, making him shake his head. 
“I think I’m going to work on it when Yua has exams. Last time I worked on it when she was home, she got sulky with me.” He answered. 
Jungwon definitely learned his lesson when his girlfriend gave him the silent treatment, after practically ignoring her for the entire day. It wasn’t the first time it had happened and while Yua had been extremely patient with him, she also was pretty upset that this wasn’t a first time occurrence. These days, Jungwon tried to work on his songs, either in the company’s studio, or in the shared office when Yua had classes. 
“I want to have a movie night at my place, who wants to come along?” Heeseung announced, making a couple of the boys answer his question. 
However Jay and Sunghoon both said they couldn’t since they had dates with their girlfriends. Which made the rest of the group turn to Jungwon. 
“How about you, Jungwon?” Jake asked. 
“I think I might stay home tonight. I kind of want to have a movie night with Yua.” He sheepishly answered, bracing himself for the teasing. 
“Oi, now he doesn’t even want to watch a movie with us since he got a girlfriend.” Sunoo dramatically said, wiping his nonexistent tears making Jungwon roll his eyes slightly. 
“We’ve barely spent time together for the past three days because she was studying for her exams. Yesterday, she was even out for the whole day because she was at the library with her friends.” Jungwon pouted, making the rest of the boys chuckle. 
“Alright, alright. You can just join us next time.” Heeseung said, patting the boy’s back. 
And with that, the friend group dispersed, going their own ways. 
Jungwon headed back to his shared apartment with Yua. The bag that the boba was in was swinging back and forth as he went back home. 
I wonder if she’s done with her studies. 
Yua banged her head against the desk again, feeling a headache coming along just by looking at the study guide her professor gave to her class. 
How am I nowhere near done with my studying?? 
She groaned as she threw her head back, making it hit on the back of her office chair. She rubbed her eyes, feeling them get very tired after her long hours of studying. 
As she was about to get out of her chair, she heard the jingle of the door which indicated someone was punching in the numbers to open the door. 
“I’m home, love~” She giggled as she heard her boyfriend announce his arrival in a sing-song voice. 
“In the office, Wonie.” She called back, soon hearing the skipping footsteps approaching their shared office. 
She giggled again when she saw her cute boyfriend poke his head through the door, the dimples deeply prominent on his soft cheeks. “Guess what I got~” Jungwon sang again, as he waved the plastic bag in his hands. 
“You got me boba?” Yua gasped in delight, seeing the delicious drink in his hands. 
“Sure did.” Jungwon answered, giving her a kiss on her cheek when he approached her desk. He set the drink next to the computer which Yua immediately snatched up and popped the straw in, taking a sip. Her eyes lit up at the taste of her number one boba drink from her favorite spot and she wrapped her arms around the standing boy’s torso after setting her drink down. 
“Thank you, Wonie.” She murmured into his sweater, making him pat her head and smile. 
“Anything for you, love.” Jungwon chuckled. “Are you almost done with studying?” He leaned down to see what was on her screen. His nose scrunched up at the confusing mess on her computer. “I don’t get how you can do all of this.” 
Yua chuckled at her boyfriend’s cuteness. “It’s my major.” 
Jungwon shivered. “Still.” That made Yua chuckle again. 
“Well, I kinda wanted to have a movie night today. Are you free to do that?” Jungwon offered the girl. 
She paused for a bit, thinking if she did have time. “I’ll probably have time after I finish studying for my calculus class.” 
“When will that be?” He asked, making her think again. 
“I honestly don’t know, love.” She answered him truthfully. “I’ll let you know when I finish.” 
Jungwon was satisfied enough with that answer, nodding at her. “Alright!” 
Yua gave him a smile before turning back to her computer. Jungwon gave a slight pout as she turned her back on him. 
Well might as well start that project now.
Jungwon was getting restless. Sitting in that chair, in front of his computer with his project open but he didn’t have a clue on what he wanted to create. He knew he had a theme that the company gave him to follow. However he didn’t know what direction he wanted to go. 
He leaned back on his chair, letting out a sigh as he looked up at the ceiling. He tore his headphones off and looked over at his girlfriend, who was still focused on her computer and textbooks. 
Might as well get snacks for the movie night. 
He thought as he stood up from his chair. He put his hoodie back on and a beanie on top of his head before heading out the door and to the convenience store. 
It didn’t take him more than thirty minutes to go to the convenience store, get the snacks the couple liked and come back to their shared apartment. He placed the plastic bags on their small counter top where they always ate their meals, and walked back into their office. He peaked back into the office, sighing as he saw his beloved in the same position she was when he left. 
He slowly snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her body while putting his chin on top of her head. He buried his face into her neck that was bare from her wearing a loose crop top. He placed a small peck on the base of her neck, sending small shivers down her spine. “When are you finishing, love? I wanna watch the movie with you.” 
“I-” Yua cleared her throat. “I’ll probably be done in less than thirty minutes.” 
“Can’t you just finish it tomorrow?” Jungwon smirked as he could feel Yua slightly stiffen up at his warm breath going down her neck. 
“Be patient, Wonie.” Yua told him, making him pout. 
“But I miss you~” Jungwon whined, making Yua laugh at his cuteness. 
“I promise I’ll be done in twenty mins. I just need to finish these last two problems.” Yua said to him. 
“Fine. You promise right?” Yua nodded at Jungwon’s statement. “Alright then.” Jungwon turned her chair to face him and gave her a light peck on her lips. “That’s for the promise.” He said before giving her another peck. “And that’s the seal.” 
He grinned as he backed away from the desk, amused at her red cheeks. 
Yua shook her head when her boyfriend exited the room. 
“Such a dork.” 
As promised, after twenty minutes, Yua was finally able to stand up from her chair and stretch, feeling all the cracks in her back and neck. 
“Aigo.” She sighed as she rotated her head like earlier and as if he had freaking super hearing, Jungwon came bounding into the room. 
“You’re done!” He exclaimed, pulling her out of the office and into their living room. Yua could feel herself melting when she got to the living room. Jungwon had already turned on the TV and went to the movie they have been meaning to watch for months now. He had all their favorite snacks and drinks out. He even brought out the wine that Yua always loved to drink and the two clear cups they always used for drinking wine together. 
“This is all great, Wonie. Thanks.” Yua said before giving her boyfriend a small peck on his cheek. 
“Like I said before, anything for you, my love.” Jungwon responded back. He lighty pulled her to the couch, sitting down first before dragging her down. She sat in between his legs, before snuggling up on his chest. Jungwon got a warm blanket and placed it over both of them before laying back down and wrapping one of his arms around her waist. 
He hit play and the couple watched as the movie started to play on the TV. 
“Was this payback day for what I did last time?” Jungwon whispered into the girl’s ear as she tried to pour some of the wine into her cup. 
“Of course not.” Yua giggled before smiling mischievously. “But now you know how I feel when you’re working on your projects all day.” 
He chuckled before giving a light peck on the side of her head. “I’m sorry, love. I don’t know how you did it. It felt like torture.” 
She giggled as she brought back to his embrace after placing her wine cup back on the coffee table. She set her head on his chest, where she could hear her boyfriend’s heart beating in a steady pace. 
Both of them sighed happily as the rest of the night consisted of giggles, cuddles, and lots and lots of wine.
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vforvalensa · 3 months
tagged by @rathayibacter in a sense
Favorite color: purple but like in the sense of the transparent purple plastic they used to make gameboys
Last song I listened to: Aries by Gorillaz i've had the song machine season 1 basically on loop when im driving. that album is good
Currently reading: Comic wise; Drifting Classroom, Detective Conan, and the end of Jojo Part 5 (this one's been taking a minute). Novel wise; I've been listening to The Viscount Who Loved Me (the 2nd bridgerton book) by Julia Quinn and Authority by Jeff Vandermeer on audio book and been reading Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir and Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett as paper books
Currently watching: Right this second as i write this Mages and Murderdads | Baldur's Gate 3 | Episode 14 but also i've been watching Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman and Baywatch
Currently craving: nothing really i made burgers last night and had a leftover one for breakfast so i am without desire
Coffee or tea: tea. my preferred tea is chai with homemade soy milk and freshly ground spices
Tagging: @possumest @imsobadatnicknames2 @an-unimpressed-jackalope
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