#space hero and all
akuzeisms · 1 year
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  CONTINUED     ⤷ @grownpale
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At this point, she was surprised he’d joined her. Pleasantly so, but she was. Their reunion was more than awkward, but he was one of the last people she expected to agree to what was… well, effectively about to be a suicide mission. And that was assuming they even found what they needed to about the Collectors; they were still working on that part. Right now, she needed people—people that she could trust.
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“Uh… Kat’s—fine.” Rubbing her neck awkwardly, she smoothed her hair down over her shoulder, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. “I mean, technically I’m not Commander any more, since I’m not active duty. Not with the Alliance, anyway.” Sure, she was in charge of the ship—its commander, in a sense—but she felt odd having him call her that. It felt too formal, too unfamiliar, even if she’d earned that level of respect.
Nevertheless, if he wanted to call her that, she wouldn’t fight it. “Uh… anyway, the airlock here leads to deck two, so we’ll start… here, I guess. To the left here is the bridge—not cockpit, though if you call it that, Joker will probably giggle like a little schoolgirl about it for a week,” she muttered, rolling her eyes. Peering around the corner, she could see their pilot’s chair was empty; now that she thought about it, Joker had mentioned something about eating a real meal on the Citadel. “Joker’s our pilot. Well—Joker’s his nickname. Flight Lieutenant Jeff Moreau.” Leading him down the long path away from the bridge, she stopped in front of the large room before them.
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“And this is… well, where all of the action happens, mostly: The CIC. Galaxy map keyed to biometric data, so only I have access to it unless access is needed by someone else for whatever reason. Oh, I should also mention that, uh… the ship itself is equipped with an AI. Shackled, but… yeah.” Even still, she was wary about EDI, even if the AI had proven useful. “So if there’s any questions you have and I’m not around, EDI probably has the answer.” She led him around the CIC, pointing first to one side. “Armory’s over there. I’ll let you look around there later; Williams offered to get you set up with some gear. She’s… a bit of a firearms enthusiast, so if there’s something in particular you want, she’ll find a way to get it. Other side is the tech lab, and Mordin said he’s working on something, so we’ll visit that… later, probably.” Better to leave the overly chatty salarian to his own devices, after all.
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christadeguchi · 2 months
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if nothing else can save america this zero-year-old fairy baby otter with no gender can. chiitan's platform is love. and chaos.
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bet-on-me-13 · 7 months
Why are there so many gods here?
SO! One day, the Eternal Trio decided to Check if they had ant past lives using Magic.
They already knew that Tucker was the Reincarnation of some Pharoah, so maybe they were also some historical figures in a last life.
It does not go as expected.
Danny finds out that he was the Ancient of Space, and the reason Clockwork was so invested in keeping him from being erased from Time is because he's his Brother apparently.
Sam finds out that she was the Embodiment of The Green, and Undergrowths attempt at Adopting her was some scheme to become the Parent of his used-to-be Queen while she was in Mortal Form, therefore overthrowing her.
Tucker finds out that Duulaman was just one in a long line of the Reincarnations of the Sun God Ra, and that he had been quite a few more historical figures in the Past.
They were surprised to figure this out, but then they got curious.
They tested the Spell out on Jazz, and found that she used to be an Amazonian Goddess, alongside Pandora.
They test it on Dash, and find that he used to be Hermes, God of Travel and Speed.
Ellie was an Embodiment of something called the Speed Force, who was also a child of Space before their rebirth, apparently.
They slowly realize that almost every person of note in Amity Park is the Reincarnation of some kind of God or Spirit. And none of them seem to realize that.
Why are there so many reborn Gods in this town?
Constantine is actually asking himself the EXACT same question at that very moment, after a botched teleportation spell landed him in Amity Park.
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 214
“I did an oopsie.” 
Clockwork paused in his work, gaze turning from his work towards his ghostling (it didn’t matter if he was an adult, he’d always be his ghostling) who was smiling nervously, avoiding his eyes. 
“Oh?” He kept his tone light, even as he worked on untangling a time knot. Honestly at least Danny was immune to any effect of time, even if he couldn’t look into his timelines in exchange. It came with being the other half of Infinity. 
“Yeeah… you know that corner of the multiverse you told me not to go to because you’re working on some time problems? I might have stumbled into one of the worlds in the corner…” 
He stopped his machinations, fully turning towards Danny- Space, his Core whispered and quivered in utter delight at having an Equal in power- with a raised eyebrow, leaning on his staff and silently telling him to explain. 
Danny poked his fingers together, giving a nervous laugh. “So uh, I was just exploring right? Well me and Ellie, you know how she gets when she can’t wander, and um… I er, we might have messed with some things in the creation of it… I didn’t know it was part of that universe, I swear! It was so far at the fringes and halfway into the Zone and I couldn’t just let a universe die before it began and-”
Oh- Oh! His ghostling (and his grand-ghostlings it sounded like) had claimed his first universe! He could put off these time knots, this was a grand milestone for any Ancient, nevermind such a primordial force as one of theirs.
And this is how a DC world came into being with humans evolving with more avian traits. Like wings. And claws. Look, Dan thought it’d be funny if they gave baby humanity wings and Ellie started rambling about how much farther they could travel if they had them and Danny thought it could be cool. Oh well, time to keep an eye on their itty baby world now…
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forgetful-nerd · 6 months
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It's their mission to Indoctrinate every Leo they come across.
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minty364 · 9 months
DPXDC Prompt #141
Danny’s school held a contest where their students would have to write about a member of the Justice League that they admired. They framed it as a normal assignment and then mailed them to the hero. Danny didn’t think anything of his letter until he gets a few letters pop in front of him, apparently if you burn a letter for a ghost the recipient will get it. Danny thinks back to his own letter to Martian Manhunter and he remembers mentioning in his letter that not all ghosts were bad and he wishes they had the same rights as aliens did.
Of course the Justice League shows up to town and Danny is star struck as Martian Manhunter shows up to Danny’s doorstep to ask about his letter.
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bluerosefox · 9 months
Danny "I know a Guy"™
Danny works for the JL as a engineer and is the guy that always seems to 'know a guy' for all types of situations.
It's starts with either the Teen Titans or the YJ needing something silly/dumb and it later spirals into "but who reads [insert dead language or alien language here] its impossible!"
Danny' working nearby and sees it: oh! That's [name of language] I know someone. If you don't mind them being a little... ghosty."
When something big bad death/powerful realted happens later though. Danny is helping repairs on the JL tower, Constantine is there talking about maybe summoning a powerful protector spirit that had defeated the Ghost King a while back, someone jokelying and tiredly asks Danny if he knows anyone who can help.
"No..." Danny gets silent for a moment, stares at them before saying as he transforms "I am the guy this time."
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nina-scribbles · 5 months
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Finally done with this piece for my 🪐🛸Space Au🚀🌌 !!!
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+ some bonus closeups on details i really liked 💕
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2000dragonarmy · 7 months
HHEEELLLOOOOOO for all my peeps who haven’t seen this, there’s an absolutely baller group of works by @zylasweetbean and @aimportantdragoncollector about humans as space orcs!!! It’s super sick and y’all should totally read it (I for one am absolute OBSESSED with it), also here’s art for the fics I’ve made :)
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emrrys · 7 days
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when your teachers pull out this pose at school picture day
forcing myself to remember how to draw by doing a redraw of one of my favorite pictures
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mayaskribbles · 11 days
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heres the full version of the doodle page ^_^ i have a few more to get to!!!!! and i promise they'll be done soon!!!!!
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burningtheroots · 6 months
A common question and critique, both in feminist literature and in (online) feminist spaces, is ”Why aren’t the good men doing more for women? Why are they still so passive despite being the 'good' ones?”
Okay, so the answer is actually pretty simple.
At best, these self-proclaimed or so-called "good men" don’t care as long as it isn’t inconvenient for them personally.
At worst, they either secretly or openly enjoy women‘s oppression, humiliation, violation — both due to mere sadism and due to the fact that they actively benefit from it, personally as well as systemically.
That‘s why "good men" are nearly non-existent. Some might be allies when it comes to certain topics (though probably not for genuine women-oriented reasons, and yes, intention matters), however, they‘ll still be misogynistic and oppressive in other ways, or tolerate those who are.
And the concept of a "good men" who‘s "passive" is completely ridiculous. If you, as a member of the oppressor class who‘s advantaged by our systemic & worldwide oppression all the damn time, think that not doing anything makes you "good", you‘re merely a bystander, and hence a (silent) enabler. Not a "good man who‘s just being passive".
Silence is complicity.
They don’t deserve to be labelled as "good". Not harming us with their own hands is the barest minimum. And we deserve to raise our standards, and we also deserve that our sisters raise theirs.
Women for Women. That‘s it. That‘s the only way.
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mishy-mashy · 1 month
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 275
Pokemon crossover? Indeed. Because there’s so many ghost pokemon, and many that are specifically stated to be dead children that I bet? They would absolutely adore the Dannies. In fact? They adore the entire Team Phantom. 
Who are in fact on vacation, taking a summer to not have to deal with ghosts. Do they know what Fright Knight is doing back home? No, but they’re on vacation and don’t care. Look at these lil guys! Tucker, don’t steal the rotom- oh they’ve adopted you? Okay. Fair enough. 
Now their world? Pokemon doesn’t exist. And by that I mean not even as a game or series or anything. So it is new and fun and like exploring the zone all over again! 
They’re having fun, making friends with people and pokemon alike. Danny has discovered that pokepuffs don’t become violent if revived and many of his new friends love having snacks they can chase after. Dan absolutely delights in taking care of more than a couple of the evil organizations- and there might have been a cult form, no one asked. 
They had to drag Tucker away from several bits of technology, quite literally drag him. And they had to carefully drag several pokemon away from Valerie because they adore her and her suit. Sam- erm, where did Sam and Ellie- oh there they are. Oh Ellie found a clone friend and Sam. Sam that’s a legendary. 
That’s so cool! But like, they do have to go back home- oh, oh they’re coming with. That’s a lot of pokemon. Oh well, it’s fine. They brought souvenirs for their friends and family and plenty of plants- like Sam would let them not do so. 
So now they’re home and with… okay that’s way more friends than they thought, but it’s fine! Let’s go see- oh hey Frighty, erm, what do you mean heroes arrived?? We don’t have much of an issue anymore???
Fright, teacher of theirs, where are the heroes, did you toss them out- FRIGHT-
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coladaminx · 9 months
So are we all in agreement that katsuki is behind that giant door that izuku has locked up tight? because at This point I feel this might be the case 🤔 think about it Izuku is clearly supressing his feelings for katsuki refusing to think about him and he's scared about a power he can't control or get this FEELINGS TO BIG TO FACE THAT HE'S NOT READY TO FACE OR ACCEPT while consciously putting the plan they had and everyone else at stake for one man THIS IS ACTUALLY VERY CRAZY BECAUSE WTF izuku moved away from the floating island to protect kacchan's body THEN to the ocean because kacchan is now on the ground out of commission!! YA'LL HE LOVES HIM!
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minty364 · 7 months
DPXDC Prompt #142 Part 1
It had been a few days since his birthday, his parents forgot again but that was how things went in his family. At least his sister, Jazz knew how to throw something together quickly so he at least got to spend it with her and his friends. Speaking of his friends, they were hanging out in the park together. They had gotten close over the summer. Trips to the Nasty Burger, followed by trips to the mall and then late night sleepovers were the normal weekend pattern for the trio especially the later in the summer it got.
They’d talk about all sorts of things while swinging or chilling around the slide. Currently their conversation had drifted towards which superpower would you like if you had the meta gene. Strangely the whole town seemed to be meta free. Not that anyone in the town hated metas just that no one possessed the gene. 
“I think I’d like to be able to control Technology with my mind.” Tucker said, pointing toward his forehead in emphasis, “ I’d never have to set poor Lucy down again!!” He hugged his current PDA tightly. 
Sam and Danny shared a look while Sam rolled her eyes. “I think I’d like to control plants like Poison Ivy. I wonder if she’d be up for a goth side-kick” Sam said, punching the air in front of her with her fist. “What about you Danny?”
Danny took a few minutes to mull over the question before answering, “I think I’d like to fly. Even if I don’t get into the college I want I’d be able to fly up there anyways.”
“Pfft, bring me back a piece of a meteorite when you do,” Sam chuckled. They all knew their dreams of getting powers would never come true. Not without the meta-gene anyways.
“Sure,” Danny shrugged, “Oh, by the way since my parents are out of town I’m going to check out the portal to see if I can get it running for them. Want to see it?”
“Dude, that’s sick! Unfortunately my parent’s cousin is flying in tomorrow and I’ll need to help prep stuff” Tucker said sadly. 
“I don’t know about that Danny, your parents are great but I don’t know if I trust this portal” Sam said, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I wouldn’t worry it’s not likely to actually work or anything,” Danny shrugged. 
Soon the trio had to get back to their respective homes. Well Sam and Tucker did. Danny’s parents were out of town at some convention. 
They had left Danny and Jazz home alone and they gave instructions for Danny and Jazz to take turns cleaning the lab and making sure the portal didn’t suddenly turn on while they were gone. They had tried before heading out for their trip but unfortunately nothing happened when they turned it on. 
Danny wanted to check it out for them when he was done cleaning. He also figured if he could help his parents with their science it would be easier for him to get into the college he wanted to achieve his dreams. 
He quickly finished cleaning, and then put on his hazmat suit. Sam had once made fun of the Jack Fenton sticker placed on the front and fortunately it was easy enough for Danny to remove. Then he took a calming breath and stood in front of the portal. As it stood at the moment, it was a dark hole in the wall that seemed to suck all the light out of the room. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he suddenly got the urge to run out, maybe he could come back with Sam and Tucker? Unfortunately he knew his parents were back tomorrow so if he wanted to help he needed to do it now.
Stealing his nerves he took a step forward and then another. Into the tunnel he went. It was then he realized he made an error when he found something caught on his foot. He flailed as he tried to catch himself and his hand pushed some kind of button on the wall.
A flash of white light and he felt an eternity of agony. It felt unbearably hot as Danny could feel himself being melted and then put back together. Soon he lost consciousness as everything went dark.
He wasn’t sure how long he was out but he definitely wasn’t at home anymore. He seemed to be in the hospital, the usual medical supplies seemed to be all around as well as a few things he couldn’t identify. He didn’t seem to be attached to any monitoring equipment which seemed a little off but the fact he weirdly didn’t seem to have any burn marks on him. He was sure the portal should have killed him and the fact that he was somehow completely unscathed made him a little worried. Maybe he did die?
His thoughts were interrupted as someone walked into the room. They had messy blond hair, blue eyes, and wore a trench coat. He looked relieved when he saw Danny was awake.
“Took you long enough, kid you were out for a whole week!” The newcomer exclaimed. 
A week. 
The thought swirled around in Danny’s head. That meant his Family thought he was missing. Sam and Tucker knew he was missing. That also meant he missed the first week of school. That probably wouldn’t look well on an application. 
He could tell his thoughts were spiraling a little but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t even know what exactly caused him to be out for that long. 
He thought about what could’ve happened to end him up in a hospital and then the thought occurred to him. 
The portal. 
“What about my parents' portal?” Danny asked the guy.
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