#speaker minds
dkettchen · 5 months
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she would've told them unlike her canon! version who decided not to be an ally smh
#one piece#trans!sanji#sanji#kiku#yamato#ワンピース#I'm practicing my japanese shhhhhh#(日本語のペラペラ人:俺は文法とか書く方とか間違ったら教えてください😅ありがとうございます)#translation:#Yamato: I'll be able to get as strong as Oden?#Sanji: Probably... 🤔#[meanwhile Kiku is remembering the time in the hot spring]#(Sanji: Nami-chan!!!)#(Nami: Shut up!! The women's bath is supposed to be a peaceful place!)#Kiku: I am also ⚧️ ... o.o#(y'all english speakers had me all to yourselves for a decade it's about time I start to also sometimes make stuff in my next language lol#notably for media *from* that language#same as it made sense to make fan content in english for [american superhero franchise we don't talk abt anymore] back in the day#(happy seasonal reminder that Ren Is Not A Native English Speaker and This Is My 5th Language hi 😅))#while looking up reference for this I learnt that the straps to tie back the kimono sleeves are called tasuki#also I decided yamato get big muscles cause he got them kaido genes in im (I also gave him his dad's young-man-facial hair)#the more I do transition projections for one piece characters while tryna adhere to the style the more I learn that sometimes stylisation#uses bones less as literal determinants for where things go and just kinda exaggerates shapes based on vibes alone instead#meaning trans characters' bones wouldn't literally stay looking the same in that stylisation in the way they do irl#they'd get exaggerated differently based on what the surrounding stuff is doing#I still think oda's transition demonstration when we first met iva was unreasonable even with that in mind tho
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squishykitty825 · 26 days
Jason, amidst a heated argument with Bruce: Does my death mean nothing in this family?
Out of nowhere: "In the arms of the angel. Fly awaaaay..."
Jason: What the hell?
Tim, low on sleep and caffeine trying to convince Jason to give him back his coffee: You think your time as Robin was bad, you never had to deal with Bruce after your death.
Jason: Maybe not. But I was a little busy being dead, Timbo.
"In the arms of the angel. Fly awaaaay..."
Jason: Again?!
Damian: Stop being so childish, Todd.
Jason: I died. I can do whatever I want.
"In the arms of the angel. Fly awaaaay..."
Jason, now seriously confused and angry: WHO IS DOING THAT?!
Dick whining to Jason about life after his death: You died. I didn't have anyone to talk to.
Jason: I'm so sorry my death was such an inconvenience to you.
"In the arms of the angel. Fly awaaaay..."
Jason now infuriated with whoever is playing the song every time he mentions his own death: I AM GOING TO MURDER WHOEVER IS DOING THAT!
Jason storms off in search of the culprit, leaving Dick staring after him wondering what he's on about.
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eirianerisdar · 5 months
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As a Chinese person from Hong Kong I'm going to officially say this absolutely blows my mind. Here's why.
In the video, Charles and Carlos were plainly copying calligraphy stroke-by-stroke from a large image in front of them. What makes Carlos' attempt so impressive is that he's effectively gotten nearly all the proportions, starting and ending brush pressures and tail-offs, and the structure right. It's not perfect. But it's damn well near perfect.
Compare it to Charles': Charles didn't do a bad job at all, and has successfully copied many of the requisite features, but he has seen each stroke as a line, as many people who write Chinese characters with ballpoint pens do nowadays - point A to point B, with natural loss of shape and flow in between. It's not necessarily a problem. Charles is writing the characters. But interestingly, Carlos isn't writing at all.
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On rewinding the video you see why Carlos' was shaped so perfectly. He doesn't know Chinese. He doesn't know anything about stroke order, or speed. But he knows detail.
If you look at his hands as he writes he separated each stroke into a shape. Then he did his level best to recreate each shape as carefully as he could by pressing the brush until he could see it formed the right thickness of the line.
He didn't write, like Charles did. He painted.
If this is how good Carlos is at copying a language he does not know I wonder how amazing he would be at painting if he actually spent time to learn.
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mbohjeezart · 6 months
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Im never doing this perspective again
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Something Old, Something New
Spencer Reid used to know everything about Y/N Y/L/N. But what happens when ten years after they last saw each other, they just so happen to bump into one another.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
TW: Brief mentions of domestic violence, the slightest implications of DV, mentions of guns, Spencer hating JJ, colorful language.
Notes: This is my first ever fan fiction and so I’d absolutely love some feedback! I really want to expand this into either a full sized fic, or a series. Would anyone be interested in that ???? This takes place during S7E1 in which the team is on Trial because of their actions with Ian Doyle, Declan Doyle, and the others. One of my fav Reid episodes, and just a good one overall. Side note, it’s barely edited, apologies in advance. 
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GIF not mine.
“If you want to punish me for taking a risk, then I encourage you to do that, but do not put the rest of my team on trial for something I suggested.” The words flew out of his mouth. Some might think it was because he wasn’t thinking clearly. But he was. Senator Cramer was not amused. “Calm down Agent.”
“This is calm, and it’s doctor.”
“That’s all then, Doctor Reid.”  
“Thank you, Senator.” His chair scraped across the floor as he stood up. Spencer turned around and exited the jury room, door slamming behind him.
The team all stared as he stalked past them, and out towards the bathroom. JJ started to follow him before Derek put his hand up in front of her.
“Let him go JJ.”
She sighed before turning around and walking the opposite direction. Just then, one of the clerks opened the door to the room and requested that Technical Analyst Penelope Garcia enter next.
As Spencer walked towards the bathroom, his mind was racing a million miles an hour. His anger was surely justified and the Senator was not listening to him, at all. Especially since the only thing the committee really even wants to do is have an excuse to transplant every one of his teammates—
Spencer had collided with someone. Head on.
“O-oh, I’m..” He quickly bent down to help her pick up the various items now strewn across the floor, due to his negligence to his surroundings.
“I’m so sorry.” He managed to sputter out before actually managing to look up to the person he bumped into, holding out the remaining item on the floor–a small black binder, clearly heavier than it looked.
The woman he had run into smiled quickly, but kindly at him.
“It’s okay—thank you—don’t worry about it. Could’ve had a coffee or something in my hand and then we would have had a serious issue.” She placed the binder back into her bag, somehow already neatly organized despite being completely empty and on the floor a minute before. She laughed a little before smiling at him.
Reid smiled back at her.
“I-I really am sorry about all your….” He tapered off. “Y/N?”
Y/N really looked at him for a moment before her whole face shifted. “Spencer?”
Both stared at one another in the hallway until a voice called over to the two of them “Hey Pretty Boy, we’re getting called in.”
Y/N tilted her head, a small smirk making its way across her lips.
“...Pretty Boy?”
“Yeah—–Well. No. It’s his nickname for me, uh..”
She smiled at him. “Go Spencer. I’m here all day. Maybe you should look for me downstairs in the library when you’re done testifying in…” she peered around him and looked at where Derek was standing. “Federal Court? Oh Spencer, didn’t know you had become such a rule breaker.”
“A lot’s happened in the past ten years Y/N.” He smiled at her before turning around and walking towards Derek who pushed his lips together, trying not to make a bigger scene than before.
“Are we going to talk about whoever that is?”
“Nope.” Spencer pushed past Derek and into the courtroom.
Once the team, except for Prentiss, was released into the hallway, JJ tried to grab Spencer's hand.
“Not now Jennifer.” Spencer quickly maneuvered himself away from JJ, and headed towards the double doors at the end of the hall.
“Reid…” JJ tried again, but Spencer just pushed past the doors and walked down the stairs. He walked down two flights before exiting the stairwell. He found himself in front of the library, next to a small local cafe that clearly catered to exhausted lawyers and their incessant clients. Reid walked past the little cafe and entered the library. He realized that he didn’t know what type of Law Y/N practiced so he wouldn’t know where in the library she would be, but it wouldn’t matter since she was sitting at one of the tables next to the windows, trying to soak up as much sun while she withered away in the library. She sat with her back to the doors, maybe because the glare was too blinding on the laptop in front of her, or maybe because she couldn’t stop looking up at the entrance hoping a certain Doctor would enter.
Spencer approached her and stood in front of the empty chair.
“This taken?”
Y/N looked up, smiled, and nodded.
“By you Doctor Reid. Please, have a seat.”
Spencer laughed lightly and sat down.
“I feel like I’m in a client meeting.”
Y/N shook her head and closed her laptop.
“Not unless you have something you need a divorce lawyer for Reid.”
Reid looked at the books scattered in front of her, noting what books she had, and what cases she had opened them to.
“Tough case?” He nodded towards the books that she was busy tidying and shoving off to the side. Y/N sighed and stacked the books on the side of the table near the window.
“Not necessarily anything I can’t deal with, it’s just brutal to see someone be repeatedly assaulted by their husband, and–I’m sorry. That’s so…That’s so grim, I didn’t mean to bring the mood, um, down.” She laughed nervously and tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear.
“Believe it or not, that is probably a regular topic on a weekly basis for me.” Spencer gave her a sheepish smile.
“Wh-” She smiled and shook her head. A ray of sun was slowly stretched across her face, illuminating her eyes, and captivating Spencer. “Well, Doctor Reid. Tell me what a man like you is doing with three PhDs and multiple Bachelor's degrees these days in which you deal with such graphic topics and have to be on trial in Federal Court?”
Reid smiled at his folded hands. “I’m a–uh–profiler for the FBI’s BAU—Behavioural Analysis Unit. We, uh, look at the way an unsub–unknown subject–behaves, as well as the victims behavior, and create profiles based off of that information to help law enforcement agencies, at every level, across the country.” Spencer finished his ramble by biting his bottom lip, and smiling at her. “As for the trail…my team led an operation that was…not at all by the book.”
Y/n nodded, choosing, for Spencer’s sake, to not prod further into the reason he was at the courthouse.“So can you analyze people just by…looking at them?”
Spencer nodded at her. “Yeah, I mean that’s not all that we do. We make preliminary personality profiles yes, but I’ve also made linguistic profiles and geographical profiles–But, uh, y-yeah I can do that…”
“So profile me then Doctor Reid.”
Reid’s brain short circuited at that moment. “I-uh, you. Um. You want me to….”
“Profile me. Yes.” Y/N bit her lip. “Unless, you’re lying to me Spencer.”
Spencer took a breath before locking eyes with her.
“You’re wearing a tailor made dress for you, which means you have enough money to be able to buy nice clothes, and buy someone’s labor to make them for you. Since the dress is well made and uses an expensive material, the case today is really important to you–from the books I’m assuming a messy divorce involving domestic abuse since that is what all of your books are about, and it involves weapons of some type, most likely guns, because one of those books is dedicated entirely to United States versus Hayes, which deals with convicted domestic abusers not being allowed to purchase guns or have a gun license. When I sat down you also had one of the books open to District of Columbia versus Heller, which deals with an individual’s right to possess a firearm unless they’re a convicted felon or mentally ill. You’re not wearing any makeup which means you’re confident about this case, and your client, regardless of her current physical state. It also means you’re confident in yourself, and don't feel the need to hide your face in any way. You’re wearing shoes that add about three inches to your height so that you’ll appear taller in court to make yourself seem like a bigger presence, as well as assert your previously mentioned confidence in this case and your stance in it. The binder you carry is smaller in size, but heavier than expected meaning you probably have a tablet, maybe an IPad, in there for any paper you don’t actually need a physical copy of, which tells me you’re environmentally conscious, or you’re trying to be. Because you also had a plastic water bottle in your purse which means that you knew you had a long day today, but probably also had a long day and or night yesterday since your prep towards yourself was minimal—shall I keep going?”
Y/N was looking at him with that look he simply could not figure out. “If you want Spencer. I’m quite enjoying it.”
He licked his lips before nodding at the coffee cup on the table. “You’re exhausted. I can tell since you’re no longer wearing your shoes, and your hair is now up. You probably work better with your hair up, which stems from the fact that you danced as a child. Hair up means getting to work. You’re also exhausted since you needed espresso. That cup says you’re drinking four shots of espresso in your latte. But it’s probably because you’ve put a lot of thought and time into this case. Which is good for your clients since they need someone who is compassionate and empathizes—” Spencer stopped short. His realization did not go unnoticed by her.
“Did you figure something out, Doctor Reid?”
“You…..Was it….?”
“No.” She sighed before reaching across the table and putting her hand on top of Reid’s clasped ones. His entire body was immediately filled with static.
“No Spencer. But maybe that’s enough profiling for the day, yeah?”
Spencer nodded before darting his eyes around the library.
“Would you, uh, maybe want to go get lunch, um, with me?”
Y/N smiled at him and nodded. “I would love nothing more, Doctor. Shall we?”
Spencer nodded and stood up, watching as she quickly, yet efficiently packed away her laptop, the binder and the rest of her things. She stood up, grabbed all three of the books, her bag, and her coffee.
“At least let me carry one of those books y/n–”
“Spencer, thank you, but I got this. Remember? Strong, confident woman here.” She teased him before walking over and dropping them off at the librarians desk. Reid followed behind her, still trying to fully decode the woman he once knew everything about.
“Want to take the stairs? I have this irrational fear that I’ll get stuck or die in an elevator, or both.” she mused looking at Spencer.
“As someone who has gotten stuck in an elevator, I have to agree. Did you know that according to the National Elevator Industry, there are approximately 27 recorded elevator-related deaths a year, with over 10,000 related injuries?”
Y/N paused before she opened the door to the stairwell. Spencer thought she was going to cancel the lunch. He had spewed before they even made it out of the building. But instead, she laughed a little bit.
“There’s a National Elevator Industry Company?” Out of all the things to come out of her mouth, that was not what he had expected.
“Well, yes. They’re technically the National Elevator Industry Incorporated, but yeah.”
She made a sound surprise before nodding and heading into the stairwell. “Well I’m glad we’re not volunteering to be victims 28 and 29 then.”
Spencer smiled again, and let out a laugh of agreement.  
“I did want to ask you about that sweater vest though. It’s quite....something Spencer...”
By the time the two had reached the main doors to the outside, both were giggling incessantly as Reid recalled the time he got stuck in an elevator with his coworker, Derek. Y/N paused their conversation to say a quick goodbye to the security guards working.
“You know all of their names?” Spencer was slightly astonished, knowing how quick the turnaround was for a job like that, barely even considering the sheer amount of security guards.
“It’s important to thank them since they have to stand there and deal with every single person who comes in or out of the Court. Might as well try to make their day a little better. Besides..” She opened the door for Reid to exit through. “When you’re nice, they’re a little more lenient about…oh I don’t know…plastic water bottles and other things that you’re not technically allowed to bring into a courthouse.”
Spencer smiled at her as they walked down the steps. “And you called me a rule breaker.”
“Well Pretty Boy, I can’t follow all the rules, what fun would that be?” Spencer became flustered as she smiled politely and waved to some of her colleagues as they finished walking down the steps.
“So Mr. Profiler, where are you taking me to lun–”
Spencer outwardly rolled his eyes, his face steeling up at the sound of the heels coming towards them. Y/n was now profiling him as he excused himself and turned around to face JJ.
“Wow–uh—Spence look, I–”
Spencer huffed in annoyance. “Is there something you want Jennifer?”
JJ gave Y/n an apologetic smile before turning towards Spencer. “Hotch and Strauss need us back at the office. We have to, uh, discuss next steps in case of reassignment.”
Y/n watched as Spencer managed to steel himself up tighter than before. “Yeah. Alright. I’ll meet you all there.”
“Well actually we—”
Spencer tried to cut her off again before Derek decided to interrupt, He had been watching the whole interaction. He moved over to the small group. “Reid, we have to leave now.”
Spencer huffed in annoyance and shot him a look but Serek didn’t notice. He had turned towards Y/n at that point, and turned on that classic Derek Morgan Charm. “Didn’t know Pretty Boy could even associate with such a beautiful woman. The name’s Derek.”
He held out his hand for Y/n to take. And she did, shaking it twice before retreating her hand.
Spencer turned to you, with the hint of a devious smile, and nodded in Derek’s direction. “That’s the Derek.”
Y/N’s eyes lit up with amusement, before turning back to Derek. A smile burst across her face. “Oh my god, Spence. This is him?”
Derek looked at Reid, and then back at Y/n, and then back at Reid. “Reid, what is she talking about…”
Spencer just shrugged before turning his back completely to JJ, who seemed more upset by the second at Spencer’s distantness than at Morgan’s blatant attempt to charm his way into Y/n’s heart.
“Yes! Doctor Reid here was just telling me about your adventures on the BAU.”
Derek smiled and nodded at Spencer. “All good things I hope.”
“Oh absolutely. It’s an honor to meet the person who got stuck in an elevator and freaked the fuck out with Spencer all those years ago.”
Derek’s jaw hit the floor, and JJ was pretty speechless herself. Spencer had the smirk of a lifetime written all over his face. Y/n took the opportunity to walk over, and give Spencer a quick kiss on the cheek.
“You still owe me lunch sometime, Doctor Reid.” She winked at him before pulling out her ringing phone, and answering.
Spencer, JJ, and Derek watched her walk away.
“Who the hell was that?” Derek eventually managed out before looking at Reid with a mixture of awe and proudness across his face.
“My former ‘girl next door’.” Spencer smiled, before walking off towards Hotch, Rossi, Garcia, and Emily, ready to head back to the BAU with a newfound determination. The first was to get this god forsaken meeting over with. And the second was to find out everything he could about Y/F/N, Y/L/N.
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astrologysaysno · 2 months
I would like to pitch to all of you a Senator Mobei Jun and House Speaker Shang Qinghua in a federal government AU
Qinghua, a long time rank and file member of the Cang Qiong Party, became a surprise Speaker candidate that spontaneously gained momentum among the Cang Qiong Delegation, currently the largest party in the House, holding a majority. He begrudgingly accepted the role to ensure stability as potential runners stepped down to clear the way for him.
Mobei, a former environmentalist lawyer, turned Senator appointed to the Environment and Public Works Committee as well as the Senate Judiciary Committee. Locked in a power struggle with his uncle, the leader of one of the many opposition parties in the Senate.
Shang Qinghua and Mobei-jun begin to collaborate to pass a bill on both Congress floors and then emerges one of the biggest romances in the capital.
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fxreflyes · 4 months
there’s something so fun about how the way you listen to music impacts your experience w it. some songs are meant to be listened to with headphones on with the sound so close you can feel it shaking ur skull, oddly intimate & for u alone. some songs are meant to be listened to on the radio w the windows down where even the volume turned up to the highest setting is never enough to entirely drown out the rush of the wind. some songs are meant to be listened to on a speaker, the sound floating until it becomes a presence of its own that if you closed your eyes you could half believe you could reach out & find it warm to the touch
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I would like to propose "geistvoll" as the german equivalent for "brills" cause the words literally translates to "ghost-full"
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samubytheocean · 2 months
Kuroo Tetsuro, and whatever teenage is.
Last summers end just before you come to a closure about whatever childhood was, and from there it’s all a rush to somewhere else- and at last, in the car ride, you wonder if one thing had been different, would everything be different?
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Because Kuroo, that tall, lean, built, handsome man that he has grown up to, now you realize that you’ve loved him all these years along. Now you see the stupid dances, the new years countdowns, the dumb traditions you’ve laughed at your friends fussing over, he has been right next to you all along. Growing up is cruel, and funny. Because finally, like the late summer afternoon breeze, it sweeps you over that in his laughter, there always had been some glaze of hope. It always had been you, in the corner of his gaze.
And it pains you to look over at the window, at the passing of the neighborhood you knew by name. Each turn is an age, and if anyone asks you, you can almost act out all those memories, so dear and, God, so you. The walks home, where Kuroo had his arms around Kenma, nagging at his posture and you laughing. The scent of the frame is so clear, because even then his other hand was hovering across yours, only inches away. That space between, now looking back, you sheepishly almost dare to hope to fold and have those young, dumb hands meet.
It truly is a beautiful thing, you think that behind the word teenage, maybe people came up with the form of it, because nothing will truly capture that time other than muttering out wistfully, truly that was the age of something. Something. Something. You wish it was something. You wish you did something, said something. To whisper out an invitation to the movies you went with him and Kenma a little different. To have had the chance to truly look at his nervous eyes before the match and give that hug a second longer, just enough for Kuroo to even guess if both your heartbeats bass the same. To have held his hand, just yesterday even. You could’ve, and it’s bitter because even then you knew, that “stay” from you could have lighten his desire to take the step to believe in love, as doubtful and afraid he is of it secretly in the inside.
But you pass his house. The blur, soundly familiar with the unspoken you now have the wisdom to name love all along makes you look back for a moment longer. In the movies they’d turn the car around, and you’d come running into the house for a breathless kiss, a perfect ending to a coming of age movie. That cut would be perfect, the credits coming up before crowds wonder about the monstrosities of entering college with a long distance relationship back home. That ending, careless and too easy, that you honestly long for right now, would be perfect.
Lost in you thoughts, you almost miss the ringing of your phone. Almost shameful, although not knowing why you should be caring about now recognizing your feelings about your childhood best friend, you hurriedly answer without looking.
“Have you left yet?” Kuroo’s rushed voice spits out as soon as you tap the screen. Instinctively, although you don’t know why, you step on the brakes in the middle of the streets, pulling up the the nearest corner.
“I- no. I mean I am.” You hush out. You don’t recognize your voice, and it would have made you laugh if you weren’t busy trying to figure why the hell you were so desperately getting out of the car, unfamiliar tears fogging up your senses.
“I’m right by your house though. I-“ you cut him off, just for him to interrupt almost helplessly.
“I have to tell you something- God no there’s something you’ve left here- shit just-“ he’s blabbering now, and you’re sprinting now. Each step, in the street you can name each shadow of the afternoon branch, of your childhood, of all you know, is a courage. Almost drunk of the moment, this age of somewhere in between and growing up, you come home just one more time.
“I can see you.” You come home to that familiar figure standing outside his house, that stupid familiar hair still jagged up. Maybe four steps closer, he starts sprinting closer as well. Kuroo runs up to you, arms opening to catch you slowing down to look at his face. His lips are all bitten red, and his hands are visibly shaking.
“You- I was scared-“ he starts again.
“Yeah.” You breathe out, shaking away the tears with messy laughter.
And you open your lips, not sure what to say through all these feelings, maybe to echo out what he was trying to say? But ease comes to you, just like growing up. Love is courage, and taking those steps you were too young to even recognize. Because with him it’s okay, no. You don’t even care if it’s okay. It’s just Tetsuro. And it’s just you. You’ve seen this from the beginning, like that Easter egg in the beginning of the film. Just like time passing, too easy and beautiful and regretfully-
He leans closer, the space rapidly closing with his cluttering hands on your shoulders, he looks at your eyes a millisecond before capturing that moment with a swift sigh.
Whenever the movie cuts, whatever the plot may be, you feel his hungry, careful kiss.
Reckless? Yes. But love. And love all along.
So what’s the matter?
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feminetomboy · 1 year
I guess I'd just like to make an appreciation post for any non-binary people out there who speak heavily gendered languages. The folk who cannot just "make pronouns everyone else's problem", because their language doesn't allow it. People who are forced to choose a binary gender to even just articulate their thoughts. Who have to choose a box, even if they don't like it.
I promise I see you. I know it's tough. I am holding your hand tightly, as we walk this road together.
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tabieeee · 7 months
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what do u do if ur boyfriend casually takes his head on and off
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lichtbrenger · 3 months
charlie and empathy
I’ve seen some thoughts about Charlie floating around (always love to read them, everyone has unique thoughts, namaste 🙏) and there seems to be a lot of discussion about Charlie having little actual empathy for the people around her and I don’t know if that is a fair assessment based on what we’ve been shown so far.
Long one so I’m putting it in the read more <3
The idea that Charlie has strong feelings of sympathy without feeling empathy kind of befuddles me, because the jury's still out on what sympathy actually is when compared to empathy. The most intuitive answer would be to separate them by saying sympathy is feeling for someone and empathy is feeling with someone. I wrote out a whole thing about this (that empathy does not directly motivate helping behavior like sympathy does and that empathy can lead to personal distress (a self-oriented reaction of distress to another’s suffering)) BUT I don’t think that’s the point I want to make here 😸 hihi. So I’m solely going to focus on the thought that Charlie has low empathy.
If we look at Charlie and the way she expresses empathy (which, if psychometrically sound is seen as multifaceted in nature; usually cognitive, affective and somatic (sliding scales referred to as CASES)) the only thing she seems to be lacking is cognitive empathy.
Cognitive empathy allows us to understand and interpret emotions more analytically. This is sometimes also called empathic accuracy.
Cognitive empathy is more like a skill, a skill Charlie never got to work on. Charlie has lived her whole life in uhm, hell, where people don’t respond well to genuine feelings of empathy/sympathy from others. Charlie has tried and failed again and again in reaching out to people, and these experiences haven’t provided her with a reason why. A lot of people point to the Angel Dust Situation as a moment where Charlie shows that she’s not empathetic, but I don’t actually think that’s what’s going on there. Charlie seems to have a lot of empathy for Angel is this episode, she is however completely unequipped. Everything takes her by surprise, her emotions are intense and she doesn’t understand the stakes of Angel’s situation when she first tries to help. This doesn’t means she’s unempathetic, this means she’s in over her head. She doesn’t have a lot of experience with people actually wanting/ needing her help and she hasn’t had any experience in Angel’s scene. She fumbles, but a lack of empathy isn’t the issue. Her feelings aren’t wrong in these very complicated moments.  
I’ve also seen people discuss Charlie's relationship with Vaggie and with that I feel like people forget that Charlie knew nothing about Vaggie’s life before her until the meeting in heaven. We don’t know what Vaggie told her, but I doubt she told Charlie about her trauma or hangups surrounding coming down every year to slaughter her people. Charlie has no real reason to think Vaggie isn’t her equal, her partner, capable of handling the same things she does especially since that’s probably exactly what Vaggie wants her to think. Charlie trusts her and doesn’t have a reason to think she’s not being forthcoming. Again, naivete, maybe; a lack of empathy, I don’t think so. I also think that, while we as the viewer may recover quite quickly from the shock of Vaggie being an ex-exorcist, Charlie is allowed to give it a little more time. She’s been lied to (in quite a big way) by the one person who has stood by her and she trusted unconditionally. She’s known her for years (I assume) and there are certain patterns of thought and behavior that just wear into a relationship, and you can’t expect someone to snap out of that all of the sudden. Charlie realizing Vaggie has her own specific demons and what that entails for their relationship is going to take time, I think it would take time for anyone.
Tldr; I don’t think Charlie suffers from a lack of empathy, she suffers from a lack of practice and positive experiences, mostly. She’s ill equipped in some instances, and purposefully left in the dark in others.
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terreurihardlyknowher · 3 months
est ce qu'il y a des français dans la salle
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sneeb-canons · 1 year
Bluetooth picks up Mind as an audio accessory.
Headcanon #150
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charliesarchivee · 1 month
Idk if this is relatable but two ladies plays in my head loudly when im trying to be serious
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tomfrogisblue · 11 months
Can't wait for tomorrow when a group of traumatized parents set eyes on something vaguely child-shaped and every single one of them loses their minds
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