#speaking of tumblr reccomending tags
pastadoughie · 7 months
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many people were confused about some of my previous posts, so for the sake of clarity i am condensing everything! tumblr has extremely transphobic moderation practices, often flagging completely innocent posts as explicit, solely for containing trans women in them or mentioning transgenderism. while letting untagged porn in sfw tags (ive literally seen porn tagged as "sfw agere") and blatent hatespeech, especially twards trans people (just look at the "gender critical" tag) go completely unchecked recently the CEO of tumblr had a big public hissyfit about people (rightfully) calling him transmysogenistic, going into random trans womens dms to harrass them, and saying that predstrogen saying she "hopes he explodes with hammers and then explodes again and hammers fly everywhere" is a death threat and saying he is calling the FBI on her (repeatedly misgendering her and calling her "it") and many bloggers, apon speaking out about it or even making harmless jokes (one trans woman posted a picture of a car and a hammer with the caption "reblog to scare matt" and got nuked for it) and many are very very angry (rightfully) about this whole affair and tumblr in general. if you would like to look into it i reccomend scrolling the "predstrogen" tag as she is the case most people are talking about at the moment. So, what can we do? this is clearly an ongoing issue, and, dispite having lost a lawsuit about their transphobic moderation in the past (see : https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21274288-tumblr-nycchr-settlement) its clearly not gonna stop with just user complaints, as staff members are perfectly content to just go scorched earth on users who even so much as lightly poke fun at them well if you want to help you should contact the human rights commision (i will give clear details further down) ! you dont have to be in the US, nor be an adult to file, and it only takes a few minutes. this is the best and most effective method to fix this, because it hits tumblr where it hurts. human rights acencies have a lot of legal and financial power and tumblr CAN NOT just ignore them, and given that this will be the seccond time this is happening, the commisions shouldnt be playing nice anymore eaither. its really important that AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE FILE, and with different examples! while maybe your case might not be enough to prop up a lawsuit on its own, we need to prove a general trend. so every little bit counts! to respond to another question abt this ive gotten, as for what exactly to report, you should a) write about an act of discrimination youve recieved on tumblr that was eaither administered by a staff member OR that staff refused to give adequate moderation action in for example : a terf posted some blatent hatespeech targeted twards you, and you reported them, and staff looked at the issue and refused to persecute it. example 2 : you were unfairly flagged, deleted, or otherwise punished by a staff member and you are queer ( AND the post they banned you for has some kind of tie to your gender, ex : a sfw transition progress photo ) OR b) if you have not personally recieved something like that, please look for other peoples stories (THEY SHOULDNT BE HARD TO FIND, within the last couple of hours trans people have been being banned LEFT AND RIGHT for trying to speak on this. i would reccomend checking some of the tags related to what happened with predstrogen) and you should describe that incident as best as possible (be sure to disclose that you are speaking for someone else, ideally you should tell the story of someone you know, if possible.) you can also mention any reports you have made twards people posting blatent hatespeech that, opon reveiwing tumblr refused to prosecute dispite it being very obviously against terms of service. just so nobody gets confused about the filing process, im laying it out in more plain languadge!!
first you should email the SF HRC (san francisco human rights commision), at [email protected] and say something along these lines :
Hello, I am [full name] from [country or state] and I am filing a complaint against Tumblr, witch is owned by the parent company Automattic Inc. located at 60 29th St, San Francisco, CA 94110.
Tumblr has had previous issues with the NYC DHR for their moderation being unfairly biased against trans women (see : https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21274288-tumblr-nycchr-settlement).
Despite a legally binding agreement with the NYC DHR, staff members still regularly harrass users based on their gender or sexual orientations. For example : on [date of most recent infraction] [describe incident] (if you are describing an incident that did not happen to you specifically, say something like) This incident involves the user [username] who I am not affiliated with (or/) who I am filing on behalf of.
I can be reached for further inquiries about this incident at [email you want to talk over] or [phone number you want to talk over]. (if you would like to be anonymous) However, In the event of legal prosecution against Automattic I would refer to be kept anonymous, where possible, in court proceedings. alternatively, you can also call the SF HRC at : 415-252-2500, you can use the above text as a starting point for this as well, next you want to fill out the form for the NYC DHR (new york city department of human rights) here : https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/about/report-discrimination.page for company you wanna put : Automattic and/or Tumblr for address you wanna put : 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 for phone number you wanna put : (646) 513-4321 and for category of discrimination you can put : Discriminatory harassment and basis of discrimination you can put : Gender; Gender identity you can then use a similar script on the written section of the form. when describing a specific incident, you should attach as many screenshots and links as possible! (for links, include both a live link and an archival link, so take a capture with the internet archive and have that as an alternative, incase a staff member gets petty.) this should only take a few minutes at most, and it helps alot! you can fill this out if you are a minor, and you dont have to be a us resident, please please take the time!!! and, just to clarify because there are many posts going around that are confused about this tumblr moved offices to san francisco recently, so their main HQ is at : 60 29th St, San Francisco, CA 94110 they DO still have an office in new york city, and thats where their PREVIOUS HQ was, the address is : 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003
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silkysousaphone · 8 months
Tumblr seems convinced that I want to see h0cky content for some reason..... like not in a sporty way but a fandom way.... fascinating
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paralysnooze · 7 months
Woah woah woah- qsmptwt is coming here to Tumblr? Well, I must greet them!
Hello people! I'm not much aware of how it is on that part of the fandom (Twitter), but I heard about scary things. But don't you guys worry, you guys can stay here as long as you want :D!
The name's AB, I've been a resident here for a bit, and I think of it as my little vacation home. It's gonna be a little confusing at first, but I bet you all will get a hang of it :P
There are still discourses here on Tumblr, yes, but it's given already that we shouldn't quickly assume on things without any reliable facts and we shouldn't leave horrible threats to others. Some people have negative feelings, some have hopes, and that's normal! We'll get through this together :>
Some Tumblr tips:
I reccomend reading this post! This is the post that helped me navigate around Tumblr.
You can reblog as much as you can (even your own posts), leave little messages in the tags, and customize your Tumblr's appearance!
The con I do have to warn you guys about is the algorithm. It's not that good.
Just some quick tips from me:
Continue to like and leave notes to the contents you want to continue to see.
Follower counts are not visible; we don't make a big deal on people's followers
Go to your settings and filter some tags and/or words you don't want to see (because I guarantee some nasties are going to eventually show up on your feed. This filter system is actually pretty good!)
Report bots and block em'! Don't get tired on reporting/blocking them.
Go to the visibility on your settings, and enable the prevent third-party sharing thingy so that the Ai won't scrape off your blogs.
Tumblr doesn't have the auto translate feature but NEVER be ashame to speak or to type your mother tongue/ other languages here.
I reccomend cutting (adding a "read more") on longer blogs like this.
Lastly, be NICE, CIVIL, and RESPECTFUL!! Learn to take a few steps back on things you've seen/read, and look on the bigger picture.
ofc, BE SILLY!! Have some fun!
Welcome again!! Just take some deep breaths buddies, because we'll get through this ^_^
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siffrin-enthusiast · 6 months
hello! I don't follow you but I've seen your post about the fact Tumblr is banning trans women, black people and censoring posts about palestine for no reason float around, I had no idea that was happening, so thanks for pointing that out, but also, do you have more info on that? This might be a huge ask but this is such a strange and sad thing to hear about and I want to know more about it if that's okay.
hi anon! i would like to point out that i'm not one of the marginalized groups being censored by tumblr (as i'm a white, american transmasc) and i recognize that i'm very privileged to not have been censored and have the ability to speak on this, with resources predominantly gathered by trans women and people of color, so in future i would reccomend you ask someone who is a victim of transmisogyny/racism by the tumblr staff. that being said, i'll do my best to educate you and point you in some good directions. if anyone else wants to add anything that i missed to this, or correct any mistake i've made, feel free to do so!
tw for transphobia and screenshots of explicit calls to violence (there will be a clear TW so you know where it is.)
if this gets my account exploded, it’s been real.
the most recent example that made site-wide news was banning the transfemme user predestrogen (also known as rita) who was undergoing transphobic harassment and mass false-reporting for sfw pictures (here's a second tumblr user i found undergoing the same kind of harassment and here's a second account of rita's experience with photomatt from a friend of hers). she reported these threats and false reports, to no avail (as a post here details matt's response to terfism), and got pissed off and made a VERY obviously joking post about the site's ceo mattphoto’s car being exploded with hammers. this was very clearly one of the absurd joke threats tumblr is known for. this resulted in predestrogen getting banned, with matt nearly calling the police on her, and furthermore, followed onto twitter by matt.
here is the tumblr post in question that started everything.
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here's one of MANY tweets of matt's to rita, and to do your own research a post i found with multiple more of them.
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following users to a platform without them mentioning you? IS REALLY BAD. he deliberately searched for that account and sent multiple replies back to predestrogen. and hey, while we're here, he also..stalked the tags for a little while LMAO and kept replying to random users.
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as you can hopefully see, this is very obviously a joke threat. "i hope your car is covered in exploding hammers" is not a credible threat of violence. all of this over..this post.
you don't even need to take my word for it. here is a dropbox folder of screenshots of his that you can personally look through.
please note that this is ONE recent example of a disabled trans woman being banned without violating the tumblr terms of service in the sea of many trans women and people of color who have likewised been banned despite not violating TOS, unlike a few that i can find within about three clicks from my post that went viral. i have reported both of the below replies openly calling for violence against immigrants in the comments of this post already yesterday, and they have not been removed.
tw: explicit calls for violence.
scroll past this section if you do not want to see them.
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these are not joke threats. i don't think i need to explain why talking about shooting immigrants is really fucking bad. i’m aware that tumblr has to deal with a large number of reports, but i hope you can recognize the absurdity of exploding hammers being banned and having the threat of a police call and followed on a different platform while actively calling for death to immigrants remaining unchanged at the time of posting this.
tw ends here.
while we're here, have some receipts of matt being not exactly pro-palestine.
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to show that this is not a one-time thing, here's him following a zionist on this platform. funnily enough, from math that i could be wrong about..
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the right screenshot says transmascpetewentz reblogged with the pro-isreal comment eleven days after its original date, feburary 12th, which means feburary 23rd. which happens to be the same day photomatt followed petewentz. i am not saying matt followed petewentz because of this post, i just noticed a coincidence.
i encourage you to do your own research, ask trans women and people of color on this site, and come to your own conclusions, anon. i hope this could help point you in a helpful direction.
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tsaritsa · 9 months
tagged by @fullmetalscullyy, @firewoodfigs and @littlewitchbee for the greatest hits of 2023. ty all for the tag!!! i admit, it did take me a little bit to think of 10 diff things that i found good, so a new addendum to my usual 5 new years resolutions is to make a point of noting down these good things, lest they be lost to the ether like the others haha
my beloved eri came to visit me and it was such a joy to welcome her into my home and just talk and gossip. we got to feed penguins!!! i got to show her the milky way!!!! we got drunk and watched hunger games with emma. i'm so blessed to have friends that are so dear i want them to come crash at mine and i want more of these sorts of things to happen (as best we all can in a cost of living crisis lmaooo).
speaking of friends, i'm pleased to say that i was able to grow my small group of friends -- online and off -- to slightly-less-small! y'all know who you are, and i'm grateful to each and every one of you <333
i got a lot of tattoos. they're dope. my artist is like my tumblr feed personified. she just Gets It.
i built my own pc!!! it was a very scary and intimidating process, but she runs baldurs gate 3 like a CHAMP. (anything for my astarion).
i successfully finished nano, and now this month i'm basically doing another nano as i try to finish up this new fic. i cannot believe that i've broken 100k words and i'm STILL not done. maybe with a 150k draft i'll have a story in a coherent plotline (doubtful. i waffle a lot. rip moobeam who promised she'd edit it for me).
i've also gotten back into reading fiction a little more seriously -- entirely because of emma, but i am very grateful for her reccomendations. there's a few of us doing a bookclub and i cannot wait to have a discussion this month when we're all at the halfway mark!!! it's gonna be lit.
in other real life stuff, i worked really hard to build up my savings. hopefully 2024 will bring more money to me, or at least i'll get a better handle on my spending. (she says, despite booking flights and holidays HAHAH).
part of that ethos was investing in pieces of clothing/accessories that would stand the test of time, and i want to continue these kinds of purchases into the new year. i think the next big purchase for me will be a replacement pair of leather boots -- my current ones are getting towards the end of their life with the inner sole.
despite working full time, i also completed two seperate courses for study! one was directly related to work, but the other was for purely personal pleasure: an introductory course for tikanga māori. the next step of the tikanga course wasn't avail for me this year, so instead i've signed up for night classes for te reo māori instead. i want to incoporate more reo into my work and feel more confident in conversations, so this was a natural step. i've also got another work-related course on my plate too, so i will be a very busy bee for 2k24 hehe.
in 2023 my health had to take a bit of a backseat but in the last few months i was able to get back on top of it! this year is already off to a great start for me: i'm getting back down to a more comfortable weight, my strength is still improving, and my mental health and sleep hygiene are feeling more... within my control??? i've sorted out my priorities a bit there. turns out living on 4 hours of sleep on the regular isn't healthy lmfao
tagging @beesbeesdragons, @mountainhaunt, @liquorisce, @soufflegirl, and @dairogo -- only if y'all want to!
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ctommy-antigone · 23 days
hiiii :3 i'm FINALLY making a pinned. 3+ years on tumblr and Im finally making a pinned.
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I change names a lot but for now you can call me Eliza or Doc (or Khads if we're mutuals)
I'm fine w any pronouns but rn im liking she/it
probably greyace & greyaro but idc okay i literally have homework to do
quite possibly the only muslim in dsmpblr right now (if u r in the same boat id love to be friends!)
Im kinda awkward but i love talking to people!!! hmu anytime (i speak french too)
if u want to get the full eliza ctommy-antigone experience i'd reccomend opening ctommy-antigone.tumblr.com as i am quite proud of my blog theme (it's anemone by seyche & it works on mobile too!)
webweave, moodboard and stimboard requests are open!!! u can request any character, dynamic, theme etc. from any of the fandoms im in, or just a general motif from. life ig?? it'll probably be done within two weeks but who knows
zionists + terfs get blocked on sight dont fucking try me (plus anyone being racist, sexist, antisemitic etc, but these two are what I've seen the most on tumblr)
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this website gives you a random vetted palestinian fundraiser to donate to
here's a list of fundraisers that are very low on funds (will update this link regularly)
here's el-shab-hussein and nabulsi's spreadsheet with several hundred verified fundraisers
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I do NOT support cc!wilbur or cc!dteam!
that being said I will be reblogging stuff about their characters, if this makes you uncomfortable i understand but this is probably not the place to be (I will tag it upon request though)
idgaf abt queer discourse i think ppl should use whatever labels they want as long as theyre not hurting anyone
also dgaf about shipping discourse ok i dont even like shipping most of the time (too aromantic for this <3) but i follow the ship and let ship principle & if i cared to align myself with any side in this stuff ig id be an anti anti? but also i dont care
i might block you if u post a lot of sbi or c!emeraldduo, it's nothing personal i just dont like them
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we mostly post mcyt here (primarily dsmp but also many others including life series, sdmp, lifesteal, and more recently whitepine!). ctommy has been taking up a worrying amount of my brain space since 2021
other interests: hypertext fiction, Joan Didion, musicals (specifically ghost quartet, heathers, hadestown, merrily we roll along and into the woods), rottmnt or tales, the lego ninjago movie, alex rider (the tv show, the books are alright but i personally like the show better), web development, and poetry
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UNDER CONSTRUCTION: fics masterpost, webweaves masterpost, neocities
I don't have much of a tagging system but im TRYING okay. ctommy stuff goes under #chommy <3, clingyduo under #the clingysss, interactions w/ mutuals goes under #friends tag, stuff i really like is #fave or #fave ever.
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I want to emphasize to you that you are not a bad person for posting what you did on the intersex tag. You are not. Yes, you were misinformed and it may have ended up hurting people, but I understand completely where you are coming from. It's okay, and you're not evil for wanting that. Wanting to have mixed sex traits is not a bad thing in any way. I just don't think you quite understood what intersex means, which, hell, I didn't either. I got a similarly awful reaction when I talked about this, and thankfully some of my mutuals supported me. I would reccomend the term altersex, and honestly, if you are in an emotional crisis, do NOT think about the semantics of language. You matter so much more than whatever intersex/altersex discourse goes on on tumblr. <3 stay safe.
-A transmasc with a hormone imbalance
thank you, i just really needed to vent, i didn't mean to hurt people even though i knew speaking my mind would upset some. hopefully, i can find comfort in altersex and stop acting and thinking like this.
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cedarspiced · 2 years
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I posted 18,709 times in 2022
That's 4,409 more posts than 2021!
245 posts created (1%)
18,464 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 9,172 of my posts in 2022
#image - 7,069 posts
#video - 641 posts
#mutual aid - 546 posts
#gif - 424 posts
#colored text - 321 posts
#cedar speaks - 217 posts
#ok 2 rb - 217 posts
#donations - 174 posts
#amazing art - 82 posts
#ask to tag - 78 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and then there were teachers who wouldn't let me draw in class bc ''it's a distraction'' then wondered why i was failing their class so bad
My Top Posts in 2022:
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hey tumblr blaze, look! it's Bloodborne Weed™
380 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
sometimes i will be questioning if i'm really truly asexual but then i see a video of some dude ripping open a watermelon with his bare hands and then i go look at the replies and one of them is abt how the replier had never felt their heartbeat in their nether regions so fast and i go OH. oh yeah. you people (allosexuals(neutral)) get quite literally hot and bothered when you see someone you consider sexually attractive. right.
547 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
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monke ⬆
686 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
can y'all reccomend some good video essays abt internet drama or subcultures or stuff like that? i've gotten rly into them lately and they're nice 2 listen to at work
6,418 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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11,125 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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randomwords247 · 2 years
My Tumblr reccomended page is suddenly completely filled with posts in Arabic (ithink). I cannot speak Arabic. None of these posts are tagged. I cannot temporarily block the tags to clear my reccomended because there are none.
How did this happen. I do not follow anyone whos posts are solely in Arabic (or has any in it). How did Tumblr think I can speak it. I live in the UK. I am not Arabic. Help
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sophieinwonderland · 3 years
I just got a reccomended post from the #endo tag of someone celebrating you being deactivated 💀
Glad you're back, stay winning queen 💯
Yeah, there was a lot of pettiness prematurely celebrating my demise in the endogenic tags.
Thank you!
And speaking of winning, I want to make it clear to anyone considering mass reporting again that this is over. For real this time!
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I have no doubt that reports of actual misconduct will be taken seriously. But this strategy of falsely reporting me to get the system to initiate a ban automatically won't work again.
My account was banned, reviewed, unbanned, banned again, and then unbanned. And now it's whitelisted to prevent further abuse. Any further attempts at false reporting will be a waste of not just your own time, but that of the already-overworked Tumblr staff who, frankly, have more important things to do.
If anyone has a problem with seeing my content or with me responding to posts they make in public tags, the block button is incredibly effective and easy to use.
You don’t have to listen to me.
But you will not silence me.
Have a good day! 🙂
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gringolet · 4 years
under the cut for absurd length
The Arthuriana fandom is very broad and there's no one piece of media, which can be confusing for people just getting into it! There’s no right way to engage with arthuriana, and no minimum level of knowledge or reading you need to attain to qualify. 
The basis of the Arthurian Legend is a body of hundreds of texts written across the medieval and early Renaissance period in dozens of languages and cultural traditions. Which can seem pretty overwhelming, but there are a lot of modern vernacular translations-- you absolutely don’t have to learn old French or anything. I’ll go more in depth on where to get started with texts further down.
You also don’t have to read texts at all. As I said, there is no minimum basis-- if you prefer to engage with modern adaptations, or want to engage with medieval arthuriana outside of reading texts, that's also cool! 
In terms of modern adaptations there is a wealth of choices, which I am very much not an expert in lol, so I’m afraid I can’t give much in the way of reccs. Books I have heard good things about are, Exiled from Camelot, Idylls of the Queen, The Buried Giant, the Squire's Tale series, and Gawain by Gwen Rowley (warning that this one is apparently erotica? Good for him). I trust @princesslibs  for modern book reccomendations. and if you speak French Kaamelott is purportedly a very good tv show. Frankly no modern adaptation will ever be better than Spamalot to me, but that's just my personal take. 
If you are curious about engaging with texts but (understandably) don’t want to read a ton of dense medieval literature, one really cool resource is Norris J Lacy's New Arthurian Encyclopedia, which you can pick up at most used bookstores for under ten bucks. It’s a very thorough easy to look through reference of characters stories and texts. I know a lot of people like the Nightbringer wiki, though I personally am wary of it because it basically never cites sources. It’s a good quick reference though and a lot of people like it, I’d just take it with a grain of salt. Sparknotes also has a lot of summaries of the major texts like Le Morte D’Arthur and the romances of Chrétien De Troyes. You are not a fake fan for doing this I promise. And of course you’re always welcome to send me an ask <3 
Finally, getting started with texts. Quick glossary of terms:
--Verse Romance
    A verse (poem) story which can vary a great deal in length. These deal with the adventures of individual knights, usually Gawain, and tend to have a great deal of magical elements and the stereotypical monster slaying, questing, damosel rescuing knight adventures.
--Prose Novel or Romance
    A non poetic narrative, more like a modern novel, more likely to deal with the fall of Arthur, sword in the stone, Mordred, fall of Camelot sort of affair. They are usually quite long. Most famous of these are Le Morte D’Arthur and the French Vulgate, but there are a slew of late medieval Prose novels floating around. Eluding Rey.
    I’m gonna b real these are boring I think. These are, as the name suggests, written as accurate depictions of history.  They very much are not, but they claim to be. Most famous of these is Jeffrey of Monmouth, Mr Jeff Mouth himself, and his History of the Kings of Britain, which I haven’t read because it bores me. You can if you want. It’s in Latin. Whatever. These tend to be some of the earliest texts, and include the “lives of saints” stories. Life of Gildas is the only funny one.
    These are only arguably texts, as most of them were written after the time of the “canon” being composed. But I like them. These are songs telling stories, recorded by people like Francis Child and Thomas Percy. They are very short and fun and include stories like The Boy and the Mantle, Kempion, and King Arthur and the King of Cornwall.
    A specific type of French verse poem, usually quite short. The most famous collection of lais are those of Marie le France, including things like Bisclavret and Lanval. 
    Since Arthuriana was written all over, there are different literary traditions across time and space. The French tradition is one of the most famous, including works like the vulgate, Chretien and a lot of verse romances. The English tradition is one of the most influential on modern adaptations, including the Morte D’Arthur and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. There are also Welsh, German, Dutch, Hebrew, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Greek, Belarussian, Scottish, Irish, Breton, and probably even more. There’s a lot. It’s very cool and sexy.
A note that there is also a big tradition of Victorian revival Arthuriana. I wrote a starter guide to that here, it’s all very fun and like, aesthetic. 
Alright, now, which texts do you start with?
If you’re a little intimidated by long texts or medieval lit, starting with short verse romances in modern translation is a great place to start. These include Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, which is very good and gay and well known, Lancelot and the Hart With The White Foot, which is very good and gay and underappreciated, or Lanval, which is homophobic but funny. 
If you want to start with what is considered the oldest King Arthur Story, Culwch and Olwen is short and fun!
If you want to read about the grail quest, you can start where it started with Story of the Grail or Percival, then the four continuations, Essenbachs Parzival, the vulgate version of the Grail quest which you can buy paperback for like 5 bucks (I can also scan my copy for you just shoot me an ask <3)
If you want to read about the fall of camelot, I have the Vulgate death of Arthur section scanned here. There’s also the Alliterative and Stanzaic mortes, which are in middle English. I have scanned Simon Armitage's Alliterative Morte translation here. I’m working on my own translation of the Stanzaic but it’s not done lol. If you want the first third or so DM me lol. King Artus is very short and readable and it’s a Jewish text which is really cool.
If you want to read about Lancelot, Chrétien de Troyes Lancelot is his first text. He also has a whole long vulgate section, the first part is scanned here by val <3, and there's Lanzelet,  Sebile is in it so it’s probably very good. He’s also basically the main character of Le Morte D’Arthur which I might as well talk about here uhm. It’s long and fun in places and boring in others but it does have like the version most modern adaptations take from and tells the whole story of Arthur and Camelot from beginning to end. The Keith Baines version scanned by val is the most readable but it is an abridgement I believe. people who like le morte usually read this version so its probably the best choice lol
If you want to read about Gawain, good news! He’s in basically everything. Even texts that aren’t supposed to be about Gawain are doomed to become The Gawain Show Featuring The Protagonist Of This Text As A Sidekick. Which is so funny of him. The Roman Van Walewein is very funny and long and Gawain™. I also recommend, L’atre Perilous, Diu Krone, Sir Gawain and the Turk, and I could go on but for brevity's sake let's start there. 
If you want to read about Tristan, go shoot an ask to Valentine @lanzelet on tumblr because Tristan scares me. 
Thank you to rey @gawain-in-green for helping me find links and put this together! They are also a super great resource for stuff and very cool and nice <3 They have a tag on their blog for full text resources so deffo look at that if you want more scans and links, and an info tag and tons of cool shit that is way better organized than my blog lol
Okay finishing this off, if you want content warnings for any texts, feel free to shoot an ask! I know medieval lit can be A Lot and there aren’t a lot of good warning systems, so if I’ve read it or know someone who has I can give you warnings if you want to read something but are understandably wary . <3
In terms of tagging, Arthuriana and Arthurian Legend are the main ones on tumblr. Arthurian Mythology is also used but tbh shouldn’t be. On Ao3, we’re trying to get our own Arthurian Literature tag but <3 its a whole thing. Anyway the tag is Arthurian Mythology, but I’ll b real, it’s kind of flooded with stuff that doesn’t really belong there, because even though it’s a fandom tag other people unknowingly tag stuff as Arthurian Mythology when it’s like, a knight au. Which is not their fault bc it’s confusing but, ah, alas. ANyhow, feel free to drop in my inbox anytime with questions, suggestions, reccs, etc!
Okay godspeed!! Have fun reading, watching, browsing, etc! 
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floatingbook · 3 years
Hey! I love you blog, it feels like if a seperationist community centre was a Tumblr blog :) anyways I was wondering if you had any good woman led/woman centred/feminist podcast reccomendations?
Thank you for the praise, I'm glad you enjoy it ;)
As for the podcast recommendations, the ones I've been listening to regularly are mostly in French (I will list them below) or not necessarily women-centered.
For English-speaking podcasts, I have enjoyed "Advanced TV Herstory" (about women and TV, be it content creators, famous women and how they were depicted, or fictional characters), and "Deviant Women" (about bold and talented women). I think I've listened to a few episodes of one called "the 4th wave" (or something adjacent) but I can't find it again. I also like listening to "In Our Time" episodes about women. And there's always some random ones for which I find the link on here and add to the weekly exploration list.
On youtube you can look at Radical Ramblings and at Lisa Michele, and more generally look through @smalldarlinglesbian's blog (here and here are two of her masterposts on the subject, you should be able to find other links tagged 'youtube').
En ce qui concerne les podcasts en français, j'ai toujours beaucoup aimé "Un podcast à soi" et les interviews de femmes dans "La poudre", beaucoup moins "Quoi de meuf?" (même si j'y prête une oreille de temps en temps pour savoir ce qu'elles racontent). Moins centrés sur les femmes, j'écoute aussi avec plaisir certaines émissions de "La série documentaire (LSD)" et certains épisodes de "La méthode scientifique" (je choisis en général mes sujets en fonction soit du sexe des intervenants, en privilégiant les intervenantes, soit en fonction du sujet, car il y a régulièrement des épisodes sur des femmes scientifiques). Une mention spéciale aussi à arte.tv et à ses documentaires.
As always, those recommendations are food for thoughts, and some of the opinions and affirmations shared in these pieces of media are to be taken carefully.
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faejilly · 4 years
Hello! I have recently gotten into Shadowhunters and been reading a whoooooole lot of fic! I have loved all of your fics that I’ve read so I was wondering if you had any reccomendations for other authors or fics in the fandom that you’ve really enjoyed
awww, thank you nonny! 
I both love and hate these sorts of questions, because obviously I love talking about writing and reading but 1: I don’t know what you liked about my stuff, so I don’t know what you’d like about someone else’s to rec it, and 2: I always forget someone and feel bad about it later...  But I shall try my best!
Angelus Ex Machina (series) by @bluemeridian has everything I tend to like in a Shadowhunters fic. Malec feels (& smut), parabatai bond complications, interesting magic & angelic lore, Clary Being Terrifying! (Lightwood Family Feels!)
Everything by @poemsfromthealley / paperiuni (AO3) for both lovely prose & characterization, and for a perfectly complicated & appropriately unreliable-as-narrator Magnus whom I endlessly adore (Witcher!AU! Lighthouse Fic! Soulbonds! FEELINGS EVERYWHERE plus that one time there were some truly beautiful tentacles.)
blame/thank @lynne-monstr for the tentacles (she’s also a good one tho, obviously)
clottedcreamfudge is probably my current favorite fic!drug. I’ve re-read most of her Shadowhunters fic more than once, and I just adore the chemistry she gives Malec. (It’s a lot of porn, if you uh, don’t like that sort of thing, stick to the fluff series.) 
But she ALSO riffed off my favorite The Institute is Kind Of Alive thing that @beatperfume did so well in and I will be your shade... speaking of! You should also probably read everything by beatperfume, if you haven’t yet.
OH MAN, I keep thinking of more people, but some of them aren’t really *in* Shadowhunters fandom any more, so I’m not sure if I should tag them here on tumblr or JUST do AO3 links, and I know that I’M FORGETTING A LOT OF PEOPLE, OMG, sorry nonny, I’m definitely going to have to make this like a weekly feature to try and get my brain organized *laughs* But for now? That’s what came to mind, and should be enough to get you started, and I will try to pick an actual theme for next time!
/or possibly I’ll just think about it for the next six months? One never knows with magpie!brain.
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amintyworld · 3 years
So I heard some Twitter Peeps are here. :D
Welcome to both the most chaotic and most calm place on the internet, drinks not included - I've been on here for about three years as of this coming August, so I'll share some tips to make your stay here enjoyable, esp some stuff I wish I knew when I first started.
So... you guys know tags? The little hastag stuffs at the end of each tumblr post? Yeah, they're kind of important here - on Tumblr, people search up and categorize posts by what they're tagged. So, please make sure to tag stuff that could potentially trigger or make others uncomfy so the system can filter it out for them. On the flip side, if there's certain stuff you don't want to see, go to your settings by clicking on the little person in the corner and scroll down to add tags and words to filter from your dash. To block tumblrs, just click on the three dots while visiting their blog, and click 'Block'.
That's another thing - don't be ashamed of blocking tags or even other tumblrs. Your internet experience is your experience and you're allowed to change and customize it to make you the most comfy. All comes down to you. <3
(Also, sometimes people hide and add extra stuff and speak in the tags, so be on the lookout!)
Also, check out the tumblr search bar and search up your fav fandoms and categories to follow - that way, they'll show up on your dash and reccomended. While there, check out a few blogs to follow too, there's a lot of cool and creative people on here to check out.
By the way, let me introduce you to the reblog button (Looks a lot like a retweet button, next to the heart-shaped like button.) By reblogging something you're showing it to all those who follow your blog and spreading their awesome work so others can see and experience it. NOTE: When you LIKE something, it saves to a tab on your blog that you can change for your followers or only you to see. REBLOGS spread it so everyone on your blog can see it, including you.
Anyway, my inbox is always open if you guys have any questions! I hope you enjoy our little corner of the internet. <3
- Minty
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aethelwynne · 4 years
Tumblr Tag Thing
Tagged by @adoonin!!
1. Preferred name - Ash
2. birthday - February 23, 1997
3. where do you live - Pennsylvania, United States
4. three things your doing right now - laying on the floor of my step dads moms house, typing this, half listening to them sharing stories
5. fandoms - My Hero Academia, Haikyuu!!, and Tokyo Ghoul.. among many others!
6. how has the pandemic treated you - 🤢
7. a song you cant stop listening to - Toxicity by System of a Down.. bc of an inside joke with my work wife!
8. reccomend a movie - I just watched Run with Sarah Paulson on Hulu, it was pretty cool
9. age - nobody likes you when you’re 23
10. school, uni, occupation, other - I dropped out of college 3 years ago and have been working for a bank ever since.
11. do you prefer heat or cold - cold because I like to cuddle up in blankets
12. name a fact others might not know about you - I’m a former emo kid
13. are you shy - yes 🥺 it takes a lot for me to get the courage to talk to new people
14. preferred pronouns - she/her
15. pet peeves - when people don’t clean up after themselves, customers not acknowledging me speaking to them, and people who don’t wear masks or wear them properly
16. fave "-dere" type - what?
17. life rn 1-10 - 6
18. main blog - this blog
19. side blogs - aethelwynnee
20. what you need to know b4 becoming my friend - I am incredibly insecure, but I will also blow up your DM’s with memes and tiktoks at odd hours, and then not respond for a long ass time. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Tagging: @missazure @shoritecakexx
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zarinaa113 · 4 years
10 Questions Tag
Rules: answer 10 questions and ask 10 new ones.
A thousand thank yous @mynameisgoliath for tagging me!
1. What is your favorite subgenre (fairytale retellings, comedy of manners, alternative history, etc.)?
Fairytale Retellings without a doubt!
2. Do you prefer writing poetry or prose?
Prose, I’m usually too lazy to rhyme.
3. What’s your favorite book from where you live (interpret this as broadly or as small as you want to)?
A book that a dear friend of mine has fisnished her first draft of and not yet published. I’m her beta. Its amazing and I can’t wait for ya’ll to read it!
4. Do you watch any reality tv?
Hard no. I have watched Extremem Makeover tho and I might pick it up again for its wholesomeness. Does Project Runway count cause I watched it a lot in my early teens.
5. Who is your favorite “sidekick” (from Robin to Ron and Hermione)?
Toothless (HTTYD), Manny the Headless Manhourse (DT17), R2-D2 (SW), Riley (National Treasure), Olaf (Frozen), Timon and Pumba (The Lion King). Those are who spring to mind anyway, there’s lots others.
6. Do you prefer warm or cold colours?
I like them both. But since I’m in love with Athohallan’s colors I’ll go with cold.
7. What is your favorite type of art to do?
Draw by pencil and/or markers
8. What was your favorite subject in school?
Recess History, English and Torah
9. Do you like writing book reviews?
I’ve never tried. I love disscussing books I’ve read with people who also read them so maybe I should join a book club.
10. What’s a short story I should read?
“In Spindle Towers: Five Stories” is a collection of five short stories by an author I love, Merrie Haskell. (I just found out she’s got a Tumblr! @merhaskell, go follow her!) All those stories are simply supercalifragilisticexpialidocious but if I had to reccomend one it would be “Rampion in the Belltower”. A retelling of Rapunzel that is the best retelling of said fairytale I have ever read. Period. The other stories are splendid, "The Girl-Prince" and "Huntswoman," are also fairytale retellings and are wonderful while "Currer Bell Comes to America," and "The Library Seed” are intreging origonal stories. I adore them all and highly reccomend them to all anyone.
Tag 10 people: @jewishicequeen, @fantasticallytragical, @sassyandclassy94, @coneygoil, @local-dragon-haunt, @howtodrawyourdragon, @booksofbayern, @elite4steffi, @ghosta-r and @humanityinahandbag if you wish, I would love it if you’d answer these ten questions:
1. What is your favorite holiday and why?
2. If you had to cunduct an interview with someone who is now dead who would you pick?
3. If you had to cunduct an interview with a fictional character who would you pick?
4. What is your favorite word from a language you do not speak?
5. What is your least favorite book you’ve read?
6. What toppings do you like on your ice cream?
7. Do you think Hiccup and Toothless are the greatest example of platonic love in modern media? Why? WHY? WWHHHYYY???????
8.  Did my last question make you uncomfortable?
9.  Do you have a favorite toe and if so why?
10. Which film do you think I should watch and why?
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