#specific meanings or relate to specific points in time irl but the lyrics twist so well to fit his story i'm gonna go ferAL —
quick-drawn · 1 year
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Dust Bowl Dance — Mumford & Sons
Saint Bernard — Lincoln
Like A Cowboy — Parker McCollum
Bilgewater — Brown Bird
Wolves of the Revolution — The Arcadian Wild
tagged by: @colecassiidy what a boss move
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PM: Complete General Information
Hello dear Readers! This chapter is some background information/context about the reader/MC (or whatever you want to call the reader that is gonna be in the story) and the contents of the story. Some of it is necessary, some of it is not. I might end up repeating myself sometimes, sorry about that. Please read parts c, e, and f. They are marked below and are the most important things you should read in this chapter.
This was created in order to inform the readers ahead of time what things they can expect to see so they can see if anything listed here may keep them from enjoying the story. I want this story to feel safe and inclusive for everyone.
Please remember that this is a story. Suspend your disbelief.
1.       Table of contents for the topics that will be discussed in this chapter. I’ve bolded the most important ones that I would suggest reading.
a.       Short Summary of All the Topics Listed Below
b.       Modern Witchcraft in Our World That is Used in This Work
c.       What Will and Will Not Be Specified About the Reader
d.       Reasons for Specifying and Not Specifying Certain Traits
e.       Important Aspects That Cannot Be Removed
                                                               i.      Please Read this one to see if any of these aspects may make you uncomfortable. The purpose of this is so that nobody will have dedicated time to reading this work, only to have to stop due to a major aspect or plot point making them uncomfortable.
f.        Warnings for General/Common Triggers That Appear in This Work and Mental Disorders the Reader Will Exhibit
2.       Extra Information Unrelated/ Vaguely Related to the Story
a.       About Reposting and Plagiarizing Other’s Works
b.       Extended Information About Previous Sections/Words with an Asterisk (*) Indicator
A. Short Summary of All the Topics Listed Below
              Do not attempt any of the spells or witchcraft mentioned without doing the proper research first. Most physical descriptors about the reader-character are unspecified, along with other traits, their gender, and their pronouns. It is up to you to imagine what the reader looks like. Some of these decisions about traits have specific reasons. There are certain aspects that cannot be removed, but they are partially flexible in a sense. There are some common triggers that will appear in this work, please check what they are.
B. Modern Witchcraft in Our World That is Used in This Work
Whether you believe in witchcraft or not, or if it really works is up to you, I'm not writing this fan-fiction to turn people into witches. (Also, I use the term witch as a gender-neutral title.) I bring this up because many of the spells the reader uses, and other methods of witchcraft are based off of what I believe to be real spells and rituals and the like. Many of the reader’s practices of magick can be found by researching them. If you would like to know the exact sources for my knowledge, contact me, and I can provide an online source or two. Do not attempt these spells or practices without doing the proper research first, as well as learning how to protect yourself. I am not going to be reckless and put out any spells I consider to be on the more dangerous side. It is for this reason that I am establishing that the reader is a beginner witch (or ‘baby witch’ as some may call them), so that I can reasonably have the reader have limited knowledge on witchcraft, and therefore limited knowledge on spells and the like. Practice witchcraft at your own risk. Leave your pride and ego at the door. Be reasonable and be safe.
C. What Will and Will Not Be Specified About the Reader
·       Unspecified
o   Sex (as in what the scientific male and/or female body parts they have)
o   Gender/gender identity
o   Ethnicity/race
o   Details about the reader’s skin (e.g. color, dry, oily, soft, rough, etc.)
o   Anything about the reader’s hair (color, type, texture, etc.)
o   Body shape and weight
o   Eye color
o   Romantic and sexual orientation
o   Religious beliefs and the like (this will never even come up)
o   There will be next to no specific physical descriptors
·       Specified
o   Reader is under 6’0”/183cm (or is at least shorter than Malleus)
o   Reader practices some mild/beginner Witchcraft (like spell jars, for example.)
o   The reader likes to sleep. They don’t appreciate being woken up.
o   The reader is at least somewhat romantically interested in boys
o   The reader is an adult. The exact age is up to you, but the reader is at least 18 years old.
D. Reasons for Specifying and Not Specifying Certain Traits
·       I want to keep any physical descriptors as vague as possible so that everyone can comfortably immerse themselves in this work.
·       I won’t say anything regarding hair because there’s so many different kinds and combinations of hair, some people don’t have hair, and some people may wear an article like a hijab.
·       Religion is absolutely never going to come up or be mentioned in the story, so don’t worry about that.
·       The reader is under 6’0” simply because I want to be able to specify some of the characters being much taller than the reader, but the reader will not be given a specific height.
·       The reader being a witch is kind of a huge part of the plot for this fic, so…
·       If you don’t like sleep, I don’t know how to react.
·       I will not budge on the age of the reader in regard to romantic scenes. No adult x minor here.
E. Important Aspects That Cannot Be Removed
              Any underlined text in this section signifies an aspect that absolutely cannot be changed. Everything else in this section is flexible and can be changed if wished.
If any of these points have something that makes you uncomfortable, please let me know and I will attempt to find a word-around to the best of my ability.
If the reader ever refers to themselves in third person (It is extremely unlikely this will happen), they will use they/them/their(s) pronouns.
There will be a notifier/warning before any scene with actual romantic content so that if you don’t like the specific character, you can easily skip it. As of now, romance scenes will not directly affect the plot.
No smut will be present in this work.
The reader is uncomfortable to an unspecified degree at the prospect of having to attend an all-boys school. The reason for this comfortability is unspecified and can be anything you wish (Some possible examples: the reader does not identify as male, the reader is not heterosexual and/or hetero-romantic, the reader has female organs/body parts in the scientific sense, the reader doesn't feel safe being surrounded by men (especially men who can whip out fireballs whenever they desire), etc.).
Since Night Raven College is an all-boys school, the other characters will assume the reader is a male and will use masculine pronouns when referring to them in the beginning, but this will change as the story goes along. When a character learns the reader's reason for being uncomfortable, they will immediately switch to using they/them pronouns for the reader ( I will use "(raison d'être)*" as the fill-in space for the reader’s reason for being uncomfortable). If those are not the pronouns you use/are uncomfortable with them, I apologize. The main reasons for this switch in pronouns are: 1) to be inclusive no matter anyone’s gender or identity. 2) signify a change in relationship, to signify that this character knows the (raison d’être), which can be helpful to keep track of which characters know and which don’t without having to look through different chapters to remind yourself. 3) to show that the character is trying to be respectful and considerate of the reader, not wanting to assume anything else about them.
The reader does not want anybody they don’t trust to know their (raison d’être). The reason for why they don’t want anyone to know is up to you. Every reason is valid, no matter how it seems like. Whether you or others regard it as a big reason or little reason does not matter. Any reason at all is okay.
The (raison d’être) causes the reader to try to fit in in a way that doesn't garner suspicion to the best of their ability when around people who don’t know the (raison d’être). I believe that the reader character would not want others to suspect that they are attracted to men, because they know that some people may then avoid them and/or ignore them simply because the reader is attracted to men while going to an all-boys school. (I’m not actually going to make any of the characters act like this. I put this reason in because I know that there are some shitty people out there who will immediately break friendships once they learn someone’s sexuality. I think that the reader would fear this possibility since they know it happens back on Earth. Maybe it has happened to them before.) This done for various other reasons as well: in order to fit in better, not garner suspicion, to prevent others from getting to curious—which could lead to them learning the (raison d’être) before the reader is ready to tell them—and so on and so forth. I’m assuming that if you’re reading this fic, you wanna romance some boys, meaning you'll be in a school full of pretty boys.
The reader is at least somewhat attracted to monster-like/inhuman features some of the characters have, like horns or fangs and such. How much of a monsterfucker the reader is depends on you. (I am very much a monsterfucker with naga/nagas being my favorite.)
The reader knows Disney stuff. They are quite familiar with Disney and they are definitely going to be singing some Disney songs sometime. I won’t just copy and paste all the lyrics to certain songs. It’ll most be just a mention that the reader starts humming or singing a certain song, or they emphasized a certain line of lyrics for some reason.
Reader is a fan of Starkid and their musical Twisted. I highly recommend it. You can find the whole performance on youtube. You might know Starkid from one of their most famous works: A Very Potter Musical.
Reader is from this Earth. Our Earth. The one you’re living on irl. Or at least an Earth that is nearly identical. Like so identical that the only difference is that someone coughed at 12:04 on a certain day but on the other Earth that person coughed at 12:03.
        F. Warnings for General/Common Triggers That Appear in This Work and Mental Disorders the Reader Will Exhibit
·       Triggers/Content Warnings
o   Nothing super prevalent yet. Please DM me any triggers you have if you’d like me to know them. That way I can place a warning if it ever comes up.
·       Mental Disorders
o    (These are based on what I have because I feel most confident in my works if it feels genuine. The best way to make characters feel genuine and like real people is to base things off of personal experience. Especially since this is a reader insert, I’ll end up slipping in these traits without even realizing it, so I think it’s best to incorporate them anyways.)
§  Social Anxiety Disorder—I’ve had this disorder for the majority of my life, so my writing reflects that because I don’t really know how to write otherwise. So the reader will have social anxiety. There will be instances where the reader will spiral.
§  Depression—there will be hints of depression paired with social anxiety sometimes.
§  Some aspects of ADHD, like the need to fidget with something or thoughts bouncing from place to place.
  Extra Information Unrelated/ Vaguely Related to the Story
Reader is a witch— as in modern Earth’s version of a witch: making spell jars and sigils, not the flashy kaboom magic where they’re hurling fireballs around or like the magic in Harry Potter. I'm sorry, but the reader won't be able to yeet wands out of others' hands.
I use ‘y’know’ instead of ‘yanno’ when I write.
Will Mothman make an appearance? Who knows? Maybe if I feel like it, he’ll show up.
Uh…spoilers. There’s gonna be spoilers for the main storyline of Twisted Wonderland. And also the Disney villains I guess?
Will the reader be the founder of fantasy OSHA? Because if it exists, it's clear that Crowley doesn't believe in it.
  About Reposting and Plagiarizing Other’s Works
Do not plagiarize anyone's work. Never plagiarize. Always cite your sources. If you plagiarize or fail to give proper citations, you can face serious repercussions. Some years back, a college student plagiarized a scholarly work on the subject of music and got away with it for years. They were found out many years later when a student at my college was using the original work and the other person's plagiarized work as sources for a project. This eventually lead to the plagiarizer having his college degree rescinded among other consequences. As you get older, the repercussions for plagiarism only get more severe.
Extended Information About Previous Sections/Words with an Asterisk (*) Indicator
*I know that 'raison d'etre' means 'reason of being/ purpose of existence.' Think of this 'raison d'etre' as being shorthand for 'Raison d’être mal à l’aise,' which means 'reason for being uncomfortable.'
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