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The Queen, King & Kittens
Decided to add an extra role in skyclan, Kings. It's the same role as queens but it's the father taking care of the kittens instead of the mother.
(ps: I accidentally wrote Tangledpelt as Tangledfur in the kittens ref, don't mind that😅)
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leafpoolstanblog · 5 months
Pinenose becomes a warrior.
Yarrowpaw and Bluebellpaw are apprenticed to Berryheart and Flametail.
Snaketail dies. Rubbleskip takes his place.
Spikekit dies.
Needlekit is born to Berryheart.
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Since we never got to see Ivytail’s mate or unborn litter before she died, I’m going to HC that Toadfoot was her mate and her kits were Grassheart and Spikefur, since both of them were apprentices together in Bramblestar’s Storm (taking place ~ 6 moons after the Great Battle) and are brown cats.
Since Ivytail was an apprentice at the same time as the original Three, I’m going to go out on a limb and say she didn’t die from old age, but retired early due to the grief of losing Toadfoot and/or injuries she sustained during the Great Battle. Grasskit and Spikekit would’ve either been newborns or still unborn (with Ivytail being heavily pregnant) since Flametail notices in Night Whispers that her belly has only begun to swell with kits, so a bulk of Ivytail’s role in the Great Battle would’ve been defending the nursery.
This would make Puddleshine, Lioneye, Slatefur, Birchbark, Whorlpelt, Flowerstem, and Snaketooth cousins, and being that Slatefur is mates with Cinnamontail and the others are either dead or have no confirmed love interest, this thankfully beats the incest allegations that will always plague ThunderClan.
An even more tragic (and equally plausible) scenario would be if all of Ivytail’s kits were killed in the battle. We know the Dark Forest targeted ShadowClan kits, with them having killed Pinenose’s first kit.
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This is a great headcanon, I will definitely be incorporating this into my belief system
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warriorstickers · 7 months
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Spikechase Born to Juncobramble as the result of an affair, Spikekit was immediately at odds with her father. She was viewed by the honorable tom as evidence of his 'mistake', and as her mother was quite bitter about this, so too was Spikekit as she grew up. Her father attempted to bond with her more once she was an apprentice, but by then, she wanted nothing to do with him. She just wanted to focus on her training, and told him where he could stick his 'fatherly affection'. She had never had it before, and she didn't want it now. As far as training went, she did well. She was sure-footed, making her both a good hunter and fighter, and she didn't hesitate to show off. She was even made a warrior a moon early! As she had proven to be a bold and forcefully Molly, who wasn't keen on letting anyone insult her, Cinnamonstar's little group quickly drew her in once she was a warrior. She couldn't agree more with their views, as she had always hated how they let the other clans push the around. She gave the group her full support. She also fell for Woodstrike, enjoying his equally brash nature and even finding herself drawn in by his darker tendencies. When he confessed his feelings for her, she happily became his mate. However, the two often fought like cats and dogs. Yet they were kindred souls, and always found some way to make up again. When the takeover happened and her mate was named Deputy, she saw a brighter future for herself and any possible kits she would have. She didn't want to raise soft-paws, who would allow themselves to be walked all over, she wanted warrior kits! Maybe now, with Woodstrike being Deputy, they could start a family.
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Dark Forest Residences: Whistletooth & Spikerose
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Aliases / Nicknames: Best Bro, The Sane Littermate
Gender: tom
Sexuality: heterosexual
Family: unnamed mother, unnamed father, Spikerose, Finchcry (sisters), Conehawk (older brother)
Other Relations: Hootspeckle (mentor)
Clan: ThunderClan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: manipulates his sisters into turning against one another so that he can be seen as the best
Number of Victims: 2
Number of Murders: 1 (indirectly)
Known Victims: Spikerose, Finchcry
Victim Profile: his stronger sisters
Cause of Death: neck snapped, killed by Spikerose
Cautionary Tale: ??
When it came to his family, Whistlekit got the intelligent side of the family. But when it came to strength, he was at a disadvantage.
He wasn’t weak in any way, rather he was quite strong, but both of his parents and his sisters were stronger, and next to them, he might as well be weak in the eyes of all of their Clanmates.
Whistlekit knew that he was better than them, but no one would ever accept it. They would laugh at his attempts at proving himself when he caught beetles, scolded him when he used claws to win a fight against Spikekit, and punished him when he escaped camp during the night to prove that he could survive alone in the dark. That owl hardly caught him! He could have hid away easily even if his father didn’t chase it off.
As an apprentice, he received some useful advice from his mentor--to focus on strengthening the skills he did have rather than on the ones he will never truly gain. 
Hootspeckle only meant for him to use his intelligence in battle to outsmart his enemy, but Whistlepaw was smarter than to limit himself.
Spikepaw liked to throw her weight around. She was a bully, something Finchpaw could agree on. What better way to rid himself of his sisters than to have them take care of each other for him?
But in spite of their spats, Spikepaw and Finchpaw were still close. But Whistlepaw could work with that. He was smart, smarter than any of them.
He spent as much time with Finchpaw and Spikepaw as he could, which never roused suspicion, being their brother. With Finchpaw, he fueled resentment towards Spikepaw. He pointed out how Spikepaw thought that she was better than everyone, how she only ever wanted to hunt with them because she knew their lesser skills would make her look better.
With Spikepaw, he made comments about how he bet their parents didn’t care about either of them, Finchpaw being their favourite and Whistlepaw and Spikepaw nothing but extras. Jealous that Finchpaw recieved their older brother, Conehawk, as a mentor, Spikepaw was quick to agree.
Arguments between the two sisters became more frequent and far more intense, more than once coming close to physical blows. 
The sisters complained to their brother about each other, who’s pleasure bubbled beneath the surface of his mask of concurrence. 
Bitterness began to overflow in warriorhood. Finchpaw received the name Finchcry, which also happened to be the suffix of their grandfather. Whistletooth sneered alongside Spikerose, never letting on than he was the one to suggest the name.
Right after this clear display of favourtism, the sisters had to sit silent vigil. Unfortunately, tensions were too high, and not only did they make noise as they insulted one another, but they actually, finally fought. Whistletooth pretended to get them to stop, his efforts only becoming more obvious when the yowling woke the camp.
Finchcry and Spikerose weren’t only punished, they were stripped from the warrior names they had just earned!
Whistletooth couldn’t have possibly planned for a better outcome. Not only did he look incredibly better than the two foolish, hot-tempered she-cats, but they ruined each other’s chances of being warriors--at least temporarily.
From there, it quickly got to the point where the sisters had to be separated for everything. They couldn’t hunt together, nor patrol or even eat. Their parents were distraught, but any attempts to fix what had gone wrong only ended with more fighting.
Whistletooth might as well be the most model Clanmate as far as everyone knew, speaking to both his sisters, now warriors once again, ‘trying to sympathise,’ finishing duties that they couldn’t whenever they stormed away from each other. 
But he had to keep going. If he stopped, and Finchcry and Spikerose’s relationship mended without him their to spin lies, he could lose all of the praise. Worse, they may realize what he was doing and turn instead on him.
So Whistletooth kept going. He no longer had to build resentment. It was already very much there now. In place of that, he began to suggest some....actions. 
First, he said how she should knock her sister around, and that maybe then the other would realize that she--she being whichever one he was talking to--was the better. His ideas slowly became more violent, until finally he made a comment that maybe if she made her sister fear for her life,  then they would stop trying to rile her up, too rightfully afraid.
It happened while he was sleeping. He was woken in the middle of the night to Spikerose standing over him, eyes wide in horror and her mouth dripping with blood.
She whispered so that no one else could hear her, saying how she needed his help, that she didn’t mean to kill her.
Whistletooth promised to help her, getting her to relax. He shifted to lick her head, moving so that he was closer to the entrance. Then he let out a yowl.
Whistletooth wasted no time in telling them everything. Well, sort of everything. He told them how Spikerose had just confessed to killing Finchcry, and that she thought that he would help her hide the evidence of their own sister’s death! As if he would ever help a murderer!
After a patrol was sent out to find Finchcry’s body, confirming the worse, Spikerose was exiled. Spikerose continued to plead with her brother, the one that was always there for her. In response, he sneered, spitting that she makes him sick.
In the moons afterward, Whistletooth gained more praise and a lot more sympathy. His Clanmates said how hard it must have been for him to chase his sister away after just losing another, risking his loss for the betterment of the Clan.
He really was better than all of them.
But as smart as he was, he failed to consider that someone who killed their own littermate could be willing to kill another, and Spikerose had not forgiven him for exposing her in front of all of their Clanmates and causing her exile. She had already been kicked out by all her friends and family, had murdered her sister and was disowned by her brother. Her ears were even blackened. There was nothing left for her to lose.
So when she spotted him patrolling near the border, she jumped.
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Aliases / Nicknames: Hot-head, The Better sister, The Stronger Sister, The Pitiable Sister, The Uglier Sister
Gender: she-cat
Sexuality: homosexual
Family: unnamed mother, unnamed father, Finchcry (sister), Whistletooth, Conehawk (brothers)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor
Clan: ThunderClan, rogue
Rank: rogue
Characteristics: she killed her sister after moons of being manipulated by her brother
Number of Victims: 2
Number of Murders: 2
Known Victims: Finchcry, Whistletooth
Victim Profile: her littermates
Cause of Death: frostbite
Cautionary Tale: ??
See Whistletooth
Additional Information:
--He didn’t directly plan for the death of his sister, possibly more just wanted them to get each other exiled, but he wasn’t about to complain with this turn of events.
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merunair · 1 year
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I'm doing the clangen thing but I have a problem so I'm doing 6 clans and coming up with complex lore for them. This is RainClan. They live near a waterfall. More under the cut.
These guys are a complete Mess. Most of the cats in the clan are very young because (barring the medicine cats, Eaglescar, Pricklestripe, and Nightwish) pretty much all of the older cats died following a large battle where it was them vs the rest of the clans who felt like they were getting too big and bossy, not to mention their old leader was basically a tyrant. Nightwish, Pricklestripe, and Eaglescar were banished during the time that the battle took place.
Stormstar is a baby compared to the rest of the leaders are 30 moons old, and was made deputy due to some shenaniganry by the old leader. She's adventurous, brash, and kind of a little shit. Her parents are Nightwish and Eaglescar, and her brother is Sunrain.
Fogmask is deputy and she's always got her head in the clouds. She wasn't born to the clans and was instead brought back by the three exiles after the old leader was killed. She got promoted to deputy because Stormstar wanted to impress her. All-in-all, she's actually good at her job so it worked out.
Sandgale and Moonfoot are the oldest cats in the clan and two thirds of the medicine cats. Sandgale is the Ultimate Grandma and Moonfoot is kind of a jerk. They perfectly balance each other out and have been working together since they were both apprentices.
Hareleap is the final medicine cat and she enjoys causing problems. Just a silly little guy. Also she's pink and I don't care if that's realistic or not.
Nightwish looks like an edgy dad, but in reality just has terminal resting bitch face. He, his mate Eaglescar, and Pricklestripe were exiled by the old leader for an attempted coup orchestrated by Eaglescar. He got his scars from said leader.
Pricklestripe is lovely. They are one of my favorites. They are kind, compassionate, and a bit of a goofball. They lost their leg during the failed coup. During their exile, they had a whirlwind romance with a mysterious stranger, and brought back the result of that romance... Cranepaw.
Eaglescar is the reason Stormstar is like that. She shares her daughters overall headstrong and adventurous personality, though tempered by time and experience. She got her name and scars after nearly being taken away by an eagle when she was an apprentice. She was brought to RainClan as a tiny baby, and had a brother who was taken to RiftClan. Some prophecy junk that never came to pass.
Dancingmoon is objectively the best fighter in RainClan, and among the best in all six clans. She is also very sleepy. Let her nap.
Heavyswipe IS an edgy dad. For a period of time after he was made a warrior, he'd disappear for periods of time, never tell anyone where he was, and one day brought back his three horrible sons, Spikekit, Springkit, and Hurricanekit. His brother is Dustcloud and they have a very strained relationship. Despite everything, he's a good and caring father.
Dustcloud is the opposite of his angsty brother. He's insecure, but friendly and tries to be positive. He's doing his best.
Thrushcall is one of the guys to ever exist. There he is. It's Thrushcall.
Shimmerfawn and Brokenbranch are sisters. They are orange. Shimmerfawn is nice and kind of dumb and Brokenbranch is mean and cynical. They're a comedy duo.
Cricketspark lives for drama. She will be the one to let a secret slip just to see what will happen. She loves running into other clans on patrol or during gatherings just for the gossip alone. I love her.
Rubblecrash is the granddaughter of Moonfoot, which isn't the best thing to be. She's very frequently stressed and overanalyzing her actions. Which is probably why she's close with resident goofballs Sunrain and Hareleap who help take a lot of that pressure off.
Sunrain is a silly guy who likes to make people laugh. He's most likely to become a mediator as he's a pathological placater who hates conflict. He buries his unhappiness deep underground where nobody can find it.
Poppypetal is the daughter of the old leader, and as such isn't exactly well-liked by a lot of the others in both her clan and outside of it. She is actually rather close with Stormstar who is pretty much the only one keeping her in the clans at all. Poppypetal herself is cold and quick-witted.
Strikepaw and Cranepaw are apprentices full of BOUNDLESS ENTHUSIASM. Cranepaw is very much the leader of the two and drags Strikepaw into all sorts of misadventures.
Spikekit, Hurricanekit, and Springkit are Heavyswipe's brood of horrible children. They're energetic and inquisitive and the only people who can even hope to keep them out of trouble are Heavyswipe, Sandgale, and Moonfoot.
All in all it's a wonder anything gets done.
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silverdawn1498 · 9 days
Warriors Series Five Rewrite
Dovewing's Silence Rewrite
(Version One)
-Basically nothing changes from the original
(Version Two)
-The new Clan debates what to do: if they should leave the lake or choose one of the old Clans' camps as their own
-Spikekit and Grasskit become apprentices with Tigerheart and Heathertail as their mentors
-The newly named Toadstar chooses Heathertail as deputy
-Songheart finds out she's expecting Lionblaze's kits
Bramblestar's Storm Rewrite
(Version One)
-Toadstep survives greencough
-Benny survives and is renamed Patchpaw as ThunderClan's new medicine cat apprentice
-Fernsong is now born a she-cat but identifies as a tom i.e. a he-molly: a she-cat or tom that identifies as their personal gender
-Jessy gives birth to hers' and Bramblestar's kits: Redkit (red-brown tom) and Wildkit (black she-kit) but when they're fully weaned, she leaves the Clan to go back to her Twolegs
(Version Two)
-Tigerheart and Ivystorm settle their grudge with each other
-Benny survives and is renamed Patchpaw as DawnClan's new medicine cat apprentice
-Fernsong is now born a she-cat but identifies as a tom i.e. a he-molly: a she-cat or tom that identifies as their personal gender
A Vision of Shadows Rewrite
(Version One)
-An unknown figure helps Redpaw with his warrior training but is unsuccessful as he is forced into the medicine cat position
-Twigkit is renamed as Mistkit
-Blossomfall gives birth to Toadstep's kits
-Darktail and a pale gray she-cat named Moonfall are revealed to be Blackstar's kits from his time as a rogue
-Dawnpelt, Lioneye, and Mistcloud are revealed to be alive since Moonfall went behind her brother's back and saved them
-Moonfall and Darktail fight in the lake which they both go under, a red spot slowly forms from where they sank and Moonfall bursts out of the water saying that she killed Darktail once and for all, and disbands the Kin
-Mistpaw is named Mistshade
-Moonfall becomes a member of the revived ShadowClan and asks to be renamed Moonfoot after Blackstar
(Version Two)
-Ivystorm gives birth to hers' and Tigerheart's kits: Shadowkit (unchanged), Leafkit (light brown tom), and Brightkit (pale silver she-kit)
-Darktail is dissatisfied that DawnClan is all there is left of the four original Clans
-Moonfall and Darktail fight in the lake which they both go under, a red spot slowly forms from where they sank and Moonfall bursts out of the water saying that she killed Darktail once and for all, and disbands the Kin
-Moonfall joines DawnClan and asks to be renamed Moonfoot after Blackstar
-SkyClan decides to occupy the old ShadowClan territory while DawnClan occupies the old ThunderClan territory
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pikaclan · 3 months
Moon 537
Season: Leaf-bare
Overarching Events
Not enough medicine cats!
Time has taken its toll, and Worm has noticed themself slowing down. They have worked timelessly for many moons, but it is time for them to retire.
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Sapkit stands alert when called: they know what they want in life - to be a mediator. They are named Sappaw and given to Seedthrift to start their training
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Worm, Conepelt, Rimekit, Peachpaw, and Pigeondart eat tainted fresh-kill and die
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Cloudbeam wails when they see the body of Worm and is grief-stricken It's like losing a tail, or a limb, and Bassfoot is grief-stricken Snipgorse and Hollowminnow grieve but are not stricken
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Gorsepaw grieves but is not stricken
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Raccoonrock and Runningleaf grieve but are not stricken (they have lost so many kits like goddamn)
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Quivershine grieves but is not stricken
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Popreed feels numb with grief when they hear what's happened to Pigeondart and is grief-stricken Cloveflower grieves but is not stricken
So much grief and death has taken its toll on the cats of PikaClan, Celebistreak and Hollowminnow are particularly shaken by it
Celebistreak brought a litter of 3 kits back to camp, but refused to talk about their origin. Assuming whatever deed brought the kits, it was done before he joined and he is not questioned (they indeed have outsider roots)
Spikekit (female), Blazekit (female), and Serpentkit (female) are born!
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Runningleaf was trying to fluff up their nest when they saw a thorn in their bedding. Another prank, but it could not fool them!
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Flutterbumble is caught breaking the Warrior Code
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Hemlockpaw tossed a snake out of the camp before it could bite someone
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Ebonyeye has a headache Popreed's running nose stopped Cinderstar's fleas left Blotchjay was wandering the territory too long and got frostbite Seedthrift's fleas left Raccoonrok's fleas left but got greencough Cloudbeam's greencough abated Shiningfrost's whitecough abated Longmoss's fleas left Dancinghaven's fleas left but got whitecough
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Relations: Moon 1
Starting cast:
Slatestar (leader), Dustheart (deputy), Burnetbelly (medicine cat), Daisydapple, Timberbee, Petalstripe, Rabbitcreek (warriors)
Females -- Petalstripe, Rabbitcreek,
Males -- Slatestar, Daisydapple, Timberbee, Burnetbelly, Dustheart
Slatestar likes Rabbitcreek the most.
Dustheart likes Burnetbelly the most, with Rabbitcreek a close second.
Burnetbelly likes Rabbitcreek the most.
Daisydapple likes Burnetbelly the most, and respects Rabbitcreek the most. They are most comforted by Rabbitcreek and Dustheart.
Timberbee likes Burnetbelly and Slatestar almost the same amount, though they respect Burnet more and find more comfort in Slate.
Petalstripe likes Burnetbelly the most.
Rabbitcreek likes Slatestar and Timberbee the most (respecting Timber more and seeing Slate as a greater comfort).
Slatestar dislikes Daisydapple the most (nothing on the dislike bar, but they're the only one with nothing on the platonic like bar. But Daisy is still respected).
Dustheart's least favourites are roughly tied between Slatestar (who is only a little liked but of the three is the most respected), Daisydapple (who is only a little bit more liked but a bit of a comfort), and Timberbee (who is a bit more liked than the other two, but a bit less respected).
Burnetbelly's least favourites are tied with Petalstripe (who is not liked as much but more of a comfort) and Daisydapple (who is liked a bit more).
Daisydapple dislikes Petalstripe.
Timberbee likes Rabbitcreek the least, but still respects him as much as others.
Petalstripe only likes Timberbee a little bit.
Rabbitcreek dislikes Daisydapple.
So far:
Pretty much everyone loves Burnetbelly. Rabbitcreek is a close second.
Daisydapple is the least liked by most, and disliked by Rabbitcreek. Daisydapple also dislikes Petalstripe (so far these are the only negative feelings).
Daisydapple was chosen as the new deputy after Dustheart retired.
Petalstripe left to be with a cat named Flaildart.
Daisydapple has a secret mate from another Clan.
Some moons later, Flaildart joined the Clan, but Petalstripe is still gone?? Flaildart decided to move on.
Not including Petalstripe, Flaildart likes Rabbitcreek the most, and dislikes Timberbee.
Petalstripe returned! She and Flaildart went back to being mates.
A loner named Drizzle joined the Clan, and is renamed Stagfleck.
Dustheart is caught breaking the code.
Slatestar was seeing arguing with a cat from another Clan.
Rabbitcreek and Dustheart die of yellowcough.
Petalstripe chased off a trespasser, but needed to be treated by a med cat.
Petalstripe and Flaildart adopt kits left to the Clan by a loner: Ravenkit, Sprigkit, Rindlekit, Squirrelkit, and Spikekit.
Slatestar lost all their lives when he was mauled by dogs.
Daisystar chooses Timberbee as the new deputy.
Relations: Moon 40
Daisystar (leader), Timberbee (deputy), Burnetbelly (medicine cat), Petalstripe, Stagfleck, Flaildart (warriors), Ravenkit, Squirrelkit, Sprigkit, Rindlekit, Spikekit (kits)
Females -- Petalstripe, Flaildart, Ravenkit, Squirrelkit, Sprigkit, Spikekit
Males -- Daisystar, Timberbee, Burnetbelly, Stagleck, Rindlekit
Daisystar really likes Burnetbelly, and has a crush on him. He also has a crush on Timberbee and Flaildart. He has the strongest crush on Flail, and though he likes Burnet the most, of the three he has the weakest crush him.
Timberbee likes Stagfleck the most, but feels no romance. He likes Daisystar the second most, and has a crush on him.
Burnetbelly likes Stagfleck a lot. Daisystar is second (but is also disliked).
Stagfleck likes Petalstripe the most and has a massive crush on her. Timberbee is a close second (no romance).
Petalstripe loves Flaildart. She also has a big crush on Stagfleck.
Flaildart fully loves Petalstripe. Other than her, she likes Sprigkit the most. She also likes Daisystar, and has a small crush on her as well as Timberbee (and a tiny crush on Stagfleck).
Ravenkit loves all her siblings a lot!!
Squirrelkit loves all her siblings a lot!
Rindlekit loves all his siblings a lot!
Spikekit loves all her siblings a lot!
Sprigkit loves all her siblings a lot!
Dislikes/Don't Like:
Daisystar hates Stagfleck.
Timberbee dislikes Burnetbelly almost as much as he likes him. He also has some dislike for Spikekit (bro?).
Burnetbelly dislikes Flaildart. Not quite hatred, but getting close. He also dislikes Petalstripe, though a bit less.
Stagfleck dislikes Squirrelkit the most (not by a lot), with Flaildart and Rindlekit a close second.
Petalstripe dislikes Timberbee the most (only a bit). She also dislikes Burnetbelly, but feels more positive about him.
Flaildart dislikes Stagfleck the most (not by much), with Timberbee, Burnetbelly, and Ravenkit close seconds (likes Ravenkit more than dislikes, and dislikes Timber as much as she likes him).
Ravenkit likes Daisystar the least, but finds comfort in him. Her feelings for Timberbee and Stagleck are currently blank.
Squirrelkit likes Daisystar the least (no dislike). Her feelings for Flaildart are currently blank.
Rindlekit's feelings for Stagfleck, Timberbee, Daisystar, and Burnetbelly are currently blank.
Spikekit's feelings for Stagfleck, Daisystar, and Burnetbelly are currently blank.
Sprigkit's feelings for Daisystar, Stagfleck, and Timberbee are currently blank.
Burnetbelly went missing, and was found dead.
Flaildart becomes Ravenpaw's mentor, and whispers encouragement.
Squirrelpaw is apprenticed to Petalstripe.
Spikepaw is apprenticed to Timberbee.
Sprigpaw and Rindlepaw are apprenticed to Daisystar.
Timberbee and Spikepaw die from eating tainted prey.
Flaildart is appointed as the new deputy.
Sprigpaw becomes Sprigfur.
Squirrelpaw becomes Squirreldapple.
Ravenpaw becomes Ravenlotus.
Rindlepaw becomes Rindletail.
Petalstripe believes she's meant for something greater.
Squirreldapple meets with a secret mate from another Clan.
Rindletail is killed by a dog.
Ravenlotus met Whirlsap, a former loner who joins the Clan.
Whirlsap and Squirreldapple leave camp early to watch the sun rise.
Petalstripe is expecting kits!
Flaildart was murdered.
Petalstripe is appointed as the new deputy.
Petalstripe has two kits, Rabbitkit and Hootkit, who look suspiciously like Stagfleck.
The same moon, Stagfleck and Petalstripe became mates.
RIP to Flaildart. Her mate cheated on her, she was murdered, and then her mate got together with the cat she cheated on her with (AND that mate just so happens to hate Flaildart).
Hootpaw is apprenticed to Ravenlotus.
Rabbitpaw is apprenticed to Stagfleck.
Stagfleck is now nonbinary!
Sprigfur finds a loner who joins the Clan: Baliyo.
Petalstripe had another kit with Stagfleck: Weedkit.
Hootpaw became Hootleaf.
Rabbitpaw became Rabbitbramble.
Daisystar was seen touching noses with a kittypet.
Weedpaw is apprenticed to Hootleaf.
Petalstripe retires, and Hootleaf becomes the new deputy.
Weedpaw was seen borderline-fighting with a cat from another Clan.
Squirreldapple's paw got stuck in a Twoleg trap, and was heavily injured.
Weedpaw becomes Weedspot.
Hootleaf runs into a branch.
Squirreldapple was seen touching noses with a loner.
Rabbitbramble was seen touching noses with a rogue.
Whirlsap finds a loner named Fleet, who joined the Clan and became Fleetdash.
Hootleaf was seen touching noses with a loner.
Hootleaf was murdered.
Ravenlotus became the new deputy.
Daisystar overheard Stagfleck muttering in his sleep: he killed Flaildart.
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wintermaractus · 7 months
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Wow, we're at the ACTUAL story now, fun! Anyway yeah we get Bumblekit and Spikekit's ceremonies first because they're 2 days older.
And ignore the like, 70 mistakes I made in this page.
Previous - Next
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fernclanwarriors · 10 months
Birchsong + Reedpaw †
The first warrior I want to officially introduce is none other than Birchsong, a young warrior (+queen), mate to Skinkflicker, and sister of Reedpaw, a brave young apprentice who died protecting his clan.
Who is Birchsong?
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Birchsong is a ginger dilute tabby she-cat with green eyes. She is loyal and brave, but not afraid to bite back when injustice is afoot. She was born alongside her brother to Lightfoot and an unknown father. Lightfoot's labour was a traumatic one, after which she was changed. She could barely recognise her own kits, save for few and far between moments of clarity. After Lightfoot abandoned the kits to go on a hunting trip, leaving them scared, starving and vulnerable, Lightfoot was moved into the Elder's den to be taken care of, and the kits were transferred into the care of Silvertail, who's kits had just recently left the nursery.
Growing up, Birchsong knew her mother was ill, and could only sometimes share tongues with her and hear stories. Lightfoot always preferred Reedpaw, who she claimed looked just like her mate. Birchsong would always bring her the first piece of prey she caught on hunting trips, and would sit in the Elder's den with her as she ate it.
After the Battle of Snakeclan, which Reedpaw died during, Birchsong felt betrayed and outraged that her clanmates had ruled in favour of the enemy cats Opalbreeze, Stoneheart, Skinkpaw and Screechpaw joining their clan. She treated the new clan members with vitriol, especially Skinkpaw, who seemed far too timid to be a clan cat, and would take the more of her ire.
But Skinkpaw heard her, one day, when she was trying to explain to her increasingly panicked mother that Reedpaw had died. Her mother called her a liar, and told her not to speak to her until Reedpaw comes back. Vinestripe stepped in to calm down the situation, and Birchsong had returned to the apprentice den, exhausted and miserable.
Skinkpaw spoke to her, and asked her about her mother, She responded coldly, and still Skinkpaw listened. She ranted about how pathetic she finds it that the clan would accept her brother's murderers into the clan without a second thought; that she was expected to share a den with them and stay polite and amicable. Skinkpaw shared her frustrations, and told her about his own history, escaping from a cruel two-leg den, and about his own lost sibling, who he wonders every day if she would even be waiting for him in Starclan, if he is even allowed there in the end.
After that, the two become closer. Skinkpaw is stupidly in love with her, and eventually, she falls in love with him, too. They become mates, and the two receive their warrior names: Birchsong and Skinkflicker. She's there to protect him, when his rash and recknless nature gets him into trouble; nearly drowning in the lake trying to save an apprentice, getting hit by a monster while chasing enemy warriors off their territory.
Eventually the two have their two kits, Icekit and Spikekit, and the two tell them stories of their fallen siblings, who's brave spirit shines through them, even now.
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leafpoolstanblog · 5 months
Stonewing becomes a warrior.
Cloverfoot leaves to join RiverClan to be with her mate, Copperfur.
Beekit dies.
Waspkit is born to Shrewfoot.
Spikekit is born to Grassheart.
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pawsinlightclan · 10 months
Welcome to Lightclan!
Though small, and relatively new, they somehow managed to find their footing amidst five other clans, wrangling up territory of their own. The cats of Lightclan come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, but! The most typical or 'average' Lightclan cat is usually a neutral hue, on the smaller side, with a lean build, wide paws, and long whiskers. Those features make them great tunnelers, and they're often thought of as cats with brighter futures. [This clan takes inspiration from Windclan, when they were divided into tunnelers and moor runners. This blog itself takes inspiration from Moons of Dewclan! Linked here; https://www.tumblr.com/moons-of-dewclan ] [The characters are randomly generated using Lifegen, a Clangen mod. Here's the discord link! Lifegen; https://discord.gg/4kv4rEhV7r ]
Onto Allegiances! [Starting at Moon 1! Allegiances will not be updated in this post -- keep an eye out for later cat list update posts!]
Leader - Rowanstar, a brown smoke she-cat Deputy - Dahliafade, a pale ginger tom Medicine Cat - Bigmoon, a ginger and white she-cat Mediator - Nettlepatch, a light brown and white tom (Apprentice; Curlewpaw) Warriors - Rimefoot, a gray tom Shellbite, an unusually dappled pale tom (Apprentice; Flippaw) Apprentices - Flippaw, a dark brown smoke and white tom Fumblepaw, a black tabby and white tom Curlewpaw, a pale grey tabby she-cat Queens - [Temporarily] Bigmoon Kits - Hatchkit, an unusually spotted brown tom Slatekit, a gray tom Spikekit, a ginger and white she-cat Swiftkit, a brown tabby and white she-cat Tarantulakit, a brown tom Baykit, a pale tabby and white tom Bluekit, a masked brown tabby and white tom
~.~.~ [Post will be updated as needed!]
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clansofseven · 2 years
The Seventh Cycle v2
It is a stormy afternoon. Moonkit has developed greencough and died. Reedpaw has become a wild young tom, eager to jump into battle, but with a gentler side for his younger siblings. Bumblestar and Nettlefoot rejoice in the realization of a third litter. Reedpaw pops his head out of the den for air and is surprised to find his siblings under his paws. Turtle wanders the farmland.
It is a clear afternoon. Bumblestar and Reedpaw share a vole as Nettlefoot leads Woolykit and Pricklekit to their new den. Turtle is ambushed by a rogue. There are now heavy scars over his eyes, but he can see.
A light snow is falling this morning. Reedpaw sleeps in his mother's den with the young kittens and Nettlefoot while she goes for a walk. Woolykit and Pricklekit fight over a frog. Turtle frightens off a trespasser.
Icekit - A medium-haired black mackerel tabby tom with golden eyes. He carries dilution.
Spikekit - A medium-haired black tortoiseshell queen with golden eyes. He carries dilution.
A light snow is falling this afternoon. Bumblestar has been wrongfully accused of neglecting the kittens when a Twoleg took Icekit and Nettlefoot chased her off. Nettlespot has led Spikekit into the snow with him to play. Reedstar tries to stay calm as Woolykit and Pricklekit express their distress at the loss of their little brother and mother. Meanwhile, Bumblestar has brought down a hawk in the forest at a different camp. She will create Oakclan alone. Turtle takes a nap in the window light in the barn.
It is a clear morning. Woolypaw is very loyal to Reedstar and is trying to take his mother's place for Spikekit. Pricklepaw hopes that she can lead after Reedstar, but she is too afraid to take charge to be a good leader. While Reedstar sleeps, Nettlespot tries to engage with the younger kits. The apprentices keep their distance from him, while Spikekit does not yet understand what has happened. Bumblestar has met a new queen and she harbors her in her den. Turtle enjoys the warmth of the newleaf sun.
Rippleshine - A medium-haired chocolate mackerel tabby queen with green eyes. She is 4.5. She hides her pain with impulsiveness.
It is a drizzly afternoon. Spikekit sits curled into Woolypaw's side while he shares a trout with Pricklepaw. Reedstar is shocked when he stumbles upon his father, blood dripping from claw marks in his chest. Bumblestar tries to have a calm conversation while Rippleshine playfully nips at her ears. Turtle feels the rain drip onto his nose. He will be a full cycle old next moon.
It is a rainy night. Woolypaw was taken by a Twoleg. Spikekit runs away in a panic and finds herself in Oakclan. She can smell a familiar smell, but she isn't sure who this tabby is and why she looks so sad. Confused, she keeps running. Pricklepaw is shocked to see Reedstar running back to camp with a bloody, mangled tail and rogues at his back. Nettlefoot hides in his den with a mouse. Bumblestar has been taken at the same time as Woolypaw. Ripplestar drinks from the falling rain, wondering who the kit she had recently seen was. She did know that she smelled very similar to her mate. Turtle catches a mouse in the hay. Spikekit has made it to the mountains and hides in a cave to dry her paws.
It is a sunny afternoon. Woolypaw and Reedstar gossip about Nettlefoot while he dozes not far from them by the stream. Ripplestar runs through the woods in the greenleaf heat. Turtle developed a parasite and died. Spikestar caught a minnow in the lake that sits in the mountains. She is proud of her accomplishment. She will name her space Mountainclan.
It is a rainy night. Reedstar developed a tumor and Nettlefoot was taken by a Twoleg. Woolystar wails alone in his camp, endlessly lonely and missing his older brother. He was supposed to make him a warrior in two moons. Ripplestar laps at the pelt of her sleeping new companion. It hurts less to have someone with you. Spikestar shakes the rain from her pelt. She is excited to be starting her own clan.
Fallenjump - A chocolate tom with moderate white spotting, green eyes, and stumpy legs. He is 4.5. He is extremely aggressive and believes in taking what is his.
It is a beautiful morning. Woolystar tears apart a rabbit, stashing the leftovers in his old den. Ripplestar shares tongues with Fallenjump in the bright sun. Spikestar wanders the mountains, thinking about how lonely she is.
It is a drizzly morning. The leaves are starting to fall. Woolystar has discovered a mate. He is over the moon with joy. Ripplestar died of a stroke and Fallenjump was discovered by a Twoleg not long after. Oakclan is now gone. Spikestar sleeps in her den.
Rushflower - A black queen with blind eyes. She is 1. She is excited to find a mate and she can be a little irresponsible.
It is a rainy morning. Rushflower is now expecting kits. When the enemy closes in on camp, Woolystar fights bravely and wins. Spikestar takes down a blackbird and marvels at the view from her home.
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saturnskyez · 3 years
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