#spikey punch
angel-blitz · 8 months
According to the official trading cards, spikeys puppets are named Judy and punch! Isn't that cute😭😭😭
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dualshadowcos · 2 years
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goro wears 10 seperate nonfunctional belts, one arm has two and his waist belt holds up nothing. maybe 2 are functional bc they’re attached to the cape. there’s also two small belts under his shoes but they don’t have buckles
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 months
Logan Howlett x Cyclops variant male reader
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Reader is a Cyclops variant, just extra spikey, because Scogan is one of my guilty pleasures. I don’t know a whole lot about the X-men, so this I try to keep it vague.
I’m also very sick, so if this sucks, that’s why. I didn’t get a request for this, but I just needed it out my system.
Deadpool and Wolverine Spoilers ahead!!
The void was a strange place, it didn’t take Logan long to learn that. Being stuck with Deadpool meant he had come to expect seeing weird shit, but a very angry, very bloody, almost half feral Cyclops was not one of them. You were simply so… angry. From what the resistance could tell them, your deep connection to the punch dimension, and whatever else had you picked up by the TVA and dumped into the Void, kept you safely out of Novas grasp, even if she very openly wanted you by her side.
Seeing the familiar visor made Logans heart ache so deeply, but that snarl on your lips reminded him too much of himself. Deadpool being himself immediately started cracking jokes, only for you to blast him with your eyes. And instead of just throwing Deadpool back, it seemed to completely disintegrate arm right off his body. Logan later learned that was one of the reasons the TVA picked you up. Apparently, your mutation was… wrong. Cyclops wasn’t meant to slice people in half with his eyes, just throw or punch them back. But whatever life you had lived, had shaped you differently.
Working side by side with a Cyclops again took some getting used too, and for you it was difficult too. But that rivalry but underlying respect was still there. You couldn’t decide if you wanted to hit him or kiss him when Logan absentmindedly called you Slim for the first time. In the end you nailed him in the knee with your one of your beams, just enough to get him to trip face first into the ground. That had caused Logan to snap out at you with his claws, but there had been no real heat behind it.
After everything, with Nova, with the TVA, and with you and Logan for some reason settling down in Deadpools dimension, things were up in the air. The X-men still existed in this world, and neither of you felt much want to join them again. Both for the fact that they clearly already had a much more stable Cyclops, and their Wolverine had been dead for years at this point. So, in the end you two just stuck together, tracking down different mutant traffickers and other bad guys, and dealing with them in your own violent manner. Your beams and other abilities, and Logan technically being dead in this world kept you both an unknown card in this world, to everyone but Deadpool at least.
Sure, at some point your actions would catch the attention of the X-men, but it would take them a while, and during that time the relationship between you two brewed into something new and different, but still good. At least, you thought it was good, and if Logans shoulders growing less tense and his eyes less haunted meant anything, then you could only assume the same from him.
Seeing Jean, Remy and Anna Marie on a hit wasn’t something you expected though. Logan had never truly dealt with his grief of losing them, and you had over dealt with it, to the point where you felt nothing but an empty black hole, which fueled the more deadly part of your powers. In the end, you sent Logan away, as you distracted the present X-men, with the fancy black beams you had mastered, keeping their appearance different enough that they wouldn’t be able to tie it back to their Cyclops.
Maybe the reunion with past familiar faces was what broke the camels back with Logan, as the moment you guys got back to your motel room, you found yourself flung onto the bed, Logan easily ripping your baggy clothes off your body. “Logan- hold up” you grunted out, as he descended upon you like an animal, sinking his teeth into your neck, your shoulders, your chest, as his hands grabbed and kneaded at you. Unlike most cyclops, you had a healing factor, so it was fine, but still, seeing him so fervent had you worried.
Logan had never been one for talking about feelings, but he also wasn’t gonna force you to do something when you clearly wanted to talk about it first. In the end, you two wound up laying side by side, Logans ear resting against your chest to hear your heartbeat even if his heightened senses easily could have heard it anywhere else. It was clearly painful for him to talk about it, how he felt, what he wanted to do about it but couldn’t, what he thought of himself, so on and so forth. And through it all, you just found yourself rubbing his back and caressing his hair, giving him replies when he needed it.
Getting all the nasty details off his chest seemed to be what Logan needed, as he became so much more relaxed and softer afterwards. You had never imagined you’d see the wolverine of all people being soft, but him laying on your chest and drawing small shapes on your stomach was proof it was real. Hearing it all from Logan brought of some of your own suppressed memories, stuff you wanted to forget or stuff you had overanalyzed till it lost all meaning, but still, you found yourself spilling it all to him. What happened to you, your own x-men, your powers, how you ended up in the void.
It left you both feeling vulnerable, like an exposed nerve, but also so much closer. It was at this point you two officially started your relationship, and would also be the day you celebrated anniversaries, even if Logan acted like he didn’t care.
In the end, you two hadn’t really planned too far out in the future, what you would do, where you would go, you just kinda lived at the edge of your seats and went where the wind took you. Of course, you guys joined Deadpool and his little gang of misfits every now and then, whenever you were around his territory. You shouldn’t have been surprised when the X-men finally fully tracked you down. Apparently, Colossus had been a great guy and kept you two hidden, since you in his words “needed time to heal and find yourselves”.
Them having Kurt bamf into your motel room was too much though, especially as Logan almost skewered him on his claws, only avoided by old instincts of Kurts taking him out of fire. They had all been near tears when they saw Logan, some happier or weepier than others. He fit in so great with them, and made that lonely sour feeling rear its ugly head as you sank into the background.
Logan, being ever observant, pulled you to the front, and introduced you by his nickname for you, easily stating that you were his, and that was that. Your visor had been lost a long time ago, replaced by whatever shades or goggles you two could find, but it was pretty clear who’s variant you were. It left the X-men floundering when it became obvious you two were more than just allies. Your preference for bloody violence was also pretty new, but what could they really do.
You both denied joining the X-men, blaming it on not wanting to settle down in one place. Xavier had a very knowing look on his face, so you wouldn’t be shocked if he knew exactly why neither of you felt comfortable amongst their ranks, at least for a long while. That didn’t keep different X-men from pulling up on you two any chance they got. Apparently seeing an edgier more rebel version of their leader and/or headmaster was quite a hit. They talked about you offering students beer for months, and how sour this worlds Cyclops looked about you made you cackle. So maybe it wasn’t all bad. But only the future could really tell, but with Logan, and your shared group of randos, then that future didn’t look too bleak .
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378262 · 2 years
i want to kick someone really hard why is everything fucking up :/
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midnightwriter21 · 11 months
can we have the first meet soulmate thing for sorcerer! reader please?? w gojo only
jjk hcs: satoru meeting sorcerer!soulmate!reader
characters: satoru gojo x reader, megumi (mentioned), yuji (mentioned), nobara (mentioned)
warnings: u kill a cursed spirit, possible injury but not rly, mature language (reader cusses gojo out lmfao), the kids & reader lowkey bullying gojo lol, gojo is kinda suggestive at the end
AN: soulmate au where the first words your soulmate says to you are tattooed somewhere on your body!! read the non-sorcerer version HERE
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being called in as back up for a mission involving a 2nd grade cursed spirit was not on ur to-do list today
but guess where you are!!
an empty mall!!
an empty mall where you’re currently watching 3 teenagers run around like headless chickens
the curse is ugly… as most of them are but..
this one is NASTY looking
several different colored eyeballs sticking out of various places on its body
it’s oozing some sort of greenish brown liquid
and the smell
dear lord it’s bad
the poor pink haired kid is simultaneously holding his nose and trying to fight the curse with one hand
and it’s main attack seems to be the ability to spit that greenish brown liquid at whoever it’s attacking, rendering them immobile
almost like a glue trap for mice
the curse backs the three kids into a corner and prepares to spit that sticky liquid at them
and that’s when you decide to make your entrance
jumping from the second floor of the mall, in front of the kids, and drawing your weapon
you block the attack and jump towards the curse
severing it’s head and therefore exorcising it in one quick movement
you sheathe your weapon and turn to the kids, “why the hell are you three taking on a 2nd grade mission?”
the pink haired boy from earlier explains, “our sensei was supposed to be with us but when we split up he went to the food court… and uhhh… we haven’t seen him since.”
you give the kids a sour look, “your sensei must be a complete moron”
all at once the kids agree
“he is” -the girl with the hammer
“yeah, pretty much” -the boy with the black spikey hair
“i mean.. kinda, sometimes” -the pink haired boy
you sit the kids down on a bench so that you can check over them and access any possible wounds
mama bear mode activated.
you ask the boy, who you now know as megumi, to get in touch with his sensei
when his sensei answers the phone, megumi explains that the curse has been exorcised
but before he can explain about your presence, you snatch the phone from him and let out a string of expletives directed towards the man on the other end
“you must be a fucking idiot huh? your kids could’ve died taking on a 2nd grade alone and you’re off being an irresponsible jackass somewhere-“
before you can continue you hear the dial tone
he hung up on you
without even saying a word
nearly growling in anger you shove the phone back to megumi and move over to yuji
you take his hands in yours and begin to wrap his hands in bandages saying, “you know, if you keep punching through walls you’re going to end up really hurting your knuckles”
as you wrap his hands you’re not really paying attention to your surroundings, so the smug voice coming from behind spooks you a little…
“it’s good that a pretty little thing like you came to the rescue or else my kids could’ve died since i was off being an irresponsible jackass”
he’s throwing your own words back in your face
whipping your head around fast enough to give yourself whiplash, you prepare to launch into another ass chewing
but your words get stuck in your throat when you’re met with a tall, blindfolded, white haired man
a man known to everyone in the jujutsu world
Satoru Gojo
in response to your stunned silence he lets out a chuckle, “what? cat got your tongue, pretty?”
his mocking snaps you back into reality as you fire back, “no, i’m just surprised on how someone like you can be such a complete and utter dumbass!”
“awww cmon is that the way you’re supposed to talk to your soulmate?” he smirks down at you
you give him a confused look before it hits you
his first words to you from earlier…
“it’s good that a pretty little thing like you came to the rescue or else my kids could’ve died since i was off being an irresponsible jackass”
those exact words are printed on your back underneath your shoulder blade in neat handwriting
looking up at him with wide eyes, you watch as he turns his back to you, pulling off his uniform jackets and lifting up his shirt
ignoring the faint gagging sounds from his students
and there it is, printed in the exact same spot as yours, in your handwriting
“you must be a fucking idiot huh? your kids could’ve died taking on a 2nd grade alone and you’re off being an irresponsible jackass somewhere-“
“no. fucking. way.” you say in disbelief as he turns back to face you
“you have a dirty mouth, sweetheart,” he leans in and whispers softly in your ear, “can’t wait to see just how dirty it can get,” he leans back and says in his normal voice, “but we’ll save that for later!”
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https-milo · 18 days
no need to beg brother, I got youuuu!
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Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
Summary: Being the sibling of Yuji Itadori had its perks... Like the fact his best friend was a total cutie!
m. list
1.1k words
Reader is adopted • Yuji is 16, the reader is 15, Choso is 19 • No sorcerers AU • slight miscommunication trope • fluff
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"Fushiguro!" My brother greeted his friend happily at the door as he let him in. The spikey black hair silhouette was one I was all too familiar with, seeing as he came over every couple of days.
"Hi," Megumi greeted. He noticed me standing in the doorway of the kitchen and waved. "Hey, Y/N."
"Oh um, hey, Fushiguro," I replied. I didn't let him get another word in before I rushed off to my room and closed the door behind me. I jumped onto my bed and screamed into my pillow. My older brother, Choso, walked in. He must've heard me scream from his room since the walls are thin and I'm right next to him.
"Uh, Y/n?" Choso asked once I stopped. I refused to move my head and just hummed, a sound that was muffled by the pillow. "Are you okay?"
I sighed and sat up, holding the pillow close to my stomach. "No, blueberry is here."
Choso's eyes lit up and he sat beside me. "Yuji said he would be. How does that make you feel?" He teased as he poked my side.
I hit him with my pillow. "Shut up, you're so annoying. Man, curse Yuji for having cute friends." I groaned and leaned my head against Choso. "Every time he is here, a piece of me dies." Choso patted my back comfortingly. I sighed dramatically and walked downstairs to the living room where Yuji and Megumi were.
I found Yuji on the couch but Megumi was nowhere in sight, I looked around confused. "Where'd Fushiguro go?"
"Oh, he had to use the bathroom," Yuji explained as he used the TV remote to look at different movies to watch with Megumi. I nodded and sat on the loveseat that was next to the couch. I watched as he flipped through the different movies Netflix offered in its catalog. Megumi came downstairs and sat on the end of the couch. He looked at me and tensed when our gazes met, his eyes quickly darted away from mine and faced the TV. I blushed furiously at just looking at him and covered my face with my hands, trying to cool my face down.
"Uh... You okay, Y/N?" Yuji asked.
I swiftly removed my hands and nodded enthusiastically, "Yep! Ahahahah why wouldn't I be?" Yuji quirked a brow at me and Megumi squinted in my direction from the corner of his eye. 'Oh my god! He is so cute! Someone euthanize me!' I internally squealed with glee. My face only flushed redder and I tried looking away from him as the movie started, but I would find my gaze back on him occasionally throughout the movie.
Halfway through the movie, Choso called me away. I went upstairs to his room and lightly punched his chest in excitement. "Oh my gosh, Cho! He's so majestic and ethereal! Like an angel on earth!" I squealed.
"That's why I yelled for you," Cho said, taking my punches. He pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of the living room. In the picture, I was staring at Megumi with visible hearts in my eyes while Megumi and Yuji watched the movie intently. "I went and got some water a couple of minutes ago and saw this. You're so obvious."
"How can I not be? He's so dreamy," I sighed whimsically. "Curse Yuji for bringing him around!" I huffed with faux anger. "It's torture being around someone I can't have constantly!"
"Sounds like you need to do something about that," Choso said with a shrug.
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Megumi hadn't come over in two weeks. I honestly felt like I was going through withdrawals from not seeing him. I was doing my homework when Yuji appeared in my doorway, "Hey, did you say something to Fushiguro the last time he was here?"
I tilted my head, "No? I didn't say anything except hello. Is everything okay?"
Yuji nodded, "Yeah. He's just been avoiding coming over here lately." Yuji shrugged. "Well, whatever, I'll just have to convince him. I want him to watch Human Earthworm 3 with me again."
I deadpanned, "Haven't you already forced him to watch it with you like... 10 times?" Yuji nodded and walked away. I sighed and looked back down at my homework.
A couple hours later, Megumi Fushiguro was at my front door. I was the only one downstairs, so I answered it. "Oh hey, Fushiguro," I greeted with a red face.
"Hey, Y/n," Megumi replied as he stepped into my house and took his shoes off.
"I'll go get Yuji," I said. I was about to turn away but Megumi grabbed my wrist and made me look at him.
"Do you hate me?" He asked solemnly.
I was in shock looking at his hand around my wrist, but I snapped my head up at his question. I fervently shook my head. "What? No of course not! Why would you think that?"
Megumi let go of my wrist and crossed his arms, "I heard you and Choso talking. You said; 'Every time he is here, a piece of me dies' and 'Curse Yuji for bringing him around'." His eyes narrowed at me.
I blinked and my eyes widened. "You heard that?! That's so embarrassing..." I groaned in annoyance.
Megumi's eyebrows furrowed, "So you do hate me?"
"No... there's more context for those," I sighed and bit my lip in contemplation. "I don't know how to explain it other than when I'm around you, I feel the need to be fatally shot."
Megumi's eyes widened, "What?" He was utterly confused.
"W-well, it's just... You're so beautiful and cool I don't deserve to be in the same vicinity as you! I like you a lot and I know I shouldn't because you're Yuji's best friend but I can't help it." I hid my face in my hands. "Ugh, I look so dumb right now, huh?"
Megumi chuckled before nodding. "Only a little. How crazy do you have to be to admit to wanting to die because of how attracted you are to someone?"
I chuckled lightly, "I think it runs in the family."
Megumi hummed, "Well, I think you're pretty cool too." He rubbed the back of his head. "Actually, me and Yuji had a talk about me liking you a while ago. He said he didn't mind." His face was a bright red as I looked up at him with stars in my eyes. "I think that's why I was so worried about you hating me."
My eyes widened. "You better not be joking right now. I swear, if you are I'm going to kill you."
Megumi shook his head. "I'm not." He cleared his throat and looked at me bashfully. "So... will you give me the honor of being your boyfriend?"
"I think I'm dreaming..." I mumbled before nodding enthusiastically. "Yes, literally 1000% yes."
Megumi smiled, "I'm glad. Do you want to watch Human Earthworm with me and Yuji?"
I sighed, "Anything for you. This will be my 100th time rewatching it though."
Megumi chuckled, "Yeah, I think he can say the script by heart at this point."
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
Thank you so much for reading <3
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eclecticqueennerd · 1 year
Bad Dream
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You rolled over in your shared bed with Ben and faced your nightstand. Cracking an eye open you read the digital clock, 3:30 in the morning. Sleep, slowly taking you back to dreamland, you hear the jiggling of the room door handle and the creaking of the door being opened. Hearing the soft padding of feet on the hardwood floor approaching the bed, a small, shadowed figure stood by your side of the bed. Opening your eyes fully, you see your son, clad in his cowboy pj’s, gently shaking you awake. Propping yourself up on your elbow you say,
“What wrong baby?”
“I had a bad dream; can I sleep with you and daddy?” You shift a little in the bed, making room for your son to climb in between Ben and you. Your son got settled in between the two of you, and wrap your arms around him, gently stroking his hair to calm him. During all this, Ben did not stir in his sleep, you’ve always been impressed with how deeply he slept.
“What was your dream about baby?” you asked your son gently.
“I had a dream that you and daddy died. In my dream, a supervillain and wanted to kill you for trying to get him in trouble.”
“Oh, well that is a scary dream. It’s okay honey, daddy won’t let that happen, he’s very, very strong. You, me, and daddy are all safe.” With a few more reassuring head rubs, your son fell back asleep, tucked against Ben. Sleep found you shortly after.
A few hours later, the sunlight poured into your room through sheer curtains framing your bedroom window. You shift in the bed to face your boys but noticed that the bed was empty. You slowly sit up and rub your eyes. You hear the soft cluttering of pots and pans and your son’s voice coming from the kitchen. Peeling back the blankets on the bed, you make your way into the kitchen and see Ben preparing breakfast while your son was drawing a picture at the counter.
“See daddy? This is what the supervillain looked like!” your son holds up the drawing and your stomach drops. A tall man with blonde hair adorned in a suit of red, white and blue, bright orange lasers coming from his eyes. Ben turns around and looks at the drawing,
“This is the guy? This guy is just puppet in a suit. He can’t hurt us, and if he tries, daddy punch him so hard his head will fly off.”
“But daddy I saw it! He used his laser eyes on mommy, and you were so mad, you then tried to beat him up and he used his laser eyes on you!”
“Sammy, I’m not letting anything happen to you or Mommy. It was just a dream, okay champ?” Ben reached out to give Sam a hair ruffle. You approached the two boys, sitting next to Sam.
“Let’s draw something else okay baby?” The two of you busied yourself while Ben made scrambled eggs and pancakes for breakfast. Before eating, Sam held up his drawing, proud of himself.
“Who are these people honey?” You point to a man in a trench coat with spikey hair and a fuzzy beard, a girl with claws on her fingers and scowl on her face, a short man with a mustache with big brown eyes, a large black man with a beard and a small, framed man with curly hair.
“They’re gonna kill the supervillain Mommy!”
“Okay, breakfast is done!” Ben said, placing the food on the counter.
What you didn’t know was that this was your son’s first power appearing, his power to predict the future.
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First Interactions
Feat. Oikawa, Kuroo & Osamu
Your friend has been bugging you for what feels like forever for you to go to see the volleyball team practice with her, and you have been denying it for the same time. It’s not like you didn’t know that your school was one of the power houses in the whole Miyagi when it comes to volleyball, you did know that. You’ve seen them play, and you actually like them enough to go to support them in official matches.
It’s the amount of girls screaming what annoyed you.
You understand it, really, Oikawa IS handsome and has a flirty personality, it’s no wonder so many girls like him. But you’ve never been fan of loud places when it’s not in the appropriate place. On a real match? Sure, it makes sense to cheer loudly for them, but it was unnecessary on a practice match.
But still, your friend has tried so hard to convince you that you could at least accept once.
You were entering the gym, but since you didn’t come here often outside of PE classes, you enter the building through the normal doors instead of the ones leading to the viewing area. A big mistake from your part.
You could hear the sneakers running around, the loud sounds of the ball hitting the players arms. Seijoh versus a school named Karasuno. After a point passed to your team, you started looking for some stairs to get out of the floor, completely missing that the infamous Oikawa was about to serve.
A loud sound from his hand hitting the ball and a loud sound from the ball hitting the court was enough to make you look that way. Just on time to see the ball coming directly at you with an ungodly speed and force. You hear some screams your way, but couldn’t make up what they were saying to you, you were only able to lift up your arms right before the impact.
Before you realize it you were on the floor, your wrist hurting so much that you couldn’t even scream in pain. Your ears were ringing, your eyes were watery; yet you could hear sneakers getting closer and some shadows appearing in front of you. They were moving their mouths, but you couldn’t make up any sound until someone kneel in front of you, making you sit properly while holding one of you arms.
“Hey, are you okay? Can you hear me?” you finally were able to process, your vision less blurry helping you make out the brown hair and worry eyes of the perpetrator of the serve. A bunch of the players looking at you with worry
“My…my wrist” you say. At that Oikawa takes your wrist on his hand carefully, making you gasp in pain
“She should go to the infirmary, Oikawa’s serves are too strong for a normal person to take” one of the coaches say as the players quickly start to disperse to resume the game
“I suggest Shittykawa to take her there. He hurt her, he should do it” said the spikey black hair dude, hitting the back of the Captain’s neck when he complained “or I could always punch you”
“Okay, okay, I’ll take her” Oikawa says, helping you up carefully “Let’s go”
The walk towards the infirmary wasn’t long, but it was awkward to the say the least. You knew he didn’t hit you on purpose, yet you didn’t know what to say to him. Once there, the nurse instructed him to hold an ice package on your wrist for a few minutes before bandaging it up, so you both stayed in silence sitting there, you in a horrible pain.
“I’m…I’m sorry” he finally says “I did saw you there, but I didn’t thought the ball will go directly at you. I’m still working on controlling that serve”
“It’s okay, I guess I shouldn’t have enter that way” you also say
“No, it’s totally my fault” he lifts up his head, looking at you with a small smirk on “if I didn’t knew better I would think that you did this just so I could hold your hand”
“You are full of yourself, not everyone likes you, you know?” you defended yourself, hearing him laugh
“And yet I’ve seen you in every match I’ve played” he smirks again, making you blush. He has noticed you multiple times, something about you always makes his eyes find you even in the largest of crowds. Maybe it was because you absolute indifference towards him in particular, maybe it was because you solely seem to focus on the sport, but that was enough to spark some interest in him.
“Me liking volleyball has nothing to do with you” you say blushing
“Sure…Let’s have a fresh start, okay? One that doesn’t involve me hurting your wrist?” he smiles at you, that smile that he gives whenever he wants something. And that something now was getting to know you.
After returning to the gym, this time entering through the right doors, your friends greets you excitedly, asking a bunch of questions about Oikawa. However now you’re with a hurt wrist and a promise to grab some coffee after the match finishes.
You were late.
You were on cleaning duty for your class today and were supposed to meet your classmate around 10 minutes ago to start arranging the tables and chairs, but something had happened in the subway and you had to go on a big detour just to be able to arrive on time.
You quickly took the school shoes out of your locker and put them on, getting it done on a record time in comparison of how you normally do it. However, is well known that speed can blind you from your surroundings, which was the case here.
Kuroo had arrived while you were getting ready to put your shoes on. On a normal morning he would say hi to you, after all his shoe locker was a mere few rows away from yours, but he saw how quickly you were doing your things. Honestly, he didn’t even knew that your locker was near his. He had see you around more than one more time, walking to your classrooms, on school events and such, and he honestly had thought more than one more time how pretty and elegant you were; however, since he has captain duties early in the morning and until late in the afternoon, he hadn’t found the time to properly greet you.
Until you bumped into him.
Once you were ready with your shoes on you immediately turn around to run towards the classroom; however, instead of finding a free corridor, you only found something sturdy in your way, crashing directly on it and almost falling if it wasn’t for some arms wrapping quickly around your waist. You look up to find out that you had bump into the chest of the one and only Kuroo Tetsurou, the captain of the volleyball team that was making noise not only for his handsome looks but also for how smart he was. When did he got here? How did you not noticed? Those were the questions running around your head.
“Sorry! I didn’t see you arrive” you say apologetic, only to receive a light laugh and a big smile
“No problem! Be careful though, speed is a curse, it narrows your view and makes it harder to breathe” he says, stabilizing you before letting you go “what are you even rushing for?”
“Eh... I’m late, I’m on cleaning duty today” you manage to mumble, still in shock
“Late? It’s 7.15 and classes start at 8.45, I would say that’s plenty of time to get your class ready” he smirks at you, which grows even wider once you realize the time.
“Ah” it’s the only thing you manage to say, it turns out you weren’t even late. This only makes him laugh louder
“Well” he starts saying as he stops laughing “since you’re here already and I could probably bet you didn’t even had breakfast, want to go and grab something from the convenience store with me?”
“Ehh…sure, why not” you say quite embarrassed, chuckling at your own mistake “I’m Yn by the way”
“Kuroo Tetsurou” he smiles at you widely “next time take things slowly, okay?” he says as he waits for you to change back your shoes. Sure, he had to be at the gym by now, but he could arrive late once in a while for occasions like this.
Your day has been getting worse and worse by the second…or at least that’s what it feels like right now.
First thing in the morning you somehow managed to get your locker confused with someone else’s, almost getting into problems when a teacher find you there. Then you received a bad grade for a test that you actually did study for. And now that it’s lunch break you made one of the Miya’s fan girls mad by simply existing.
Well, being in the same class as Miya Atsumu has always been full of squeals of girls, random confessions throughout the day, and an unbearable amount of random gifts sparse through the floor; so in a way you were used to being around those type of girls. Today, however, your teacher decided to pair you up with the famous Miya.
It’s not like you didn’t like Atsumu, despite his cockiness he’s actually quite nice and even caring; which showed when he approached you during lunch break and sit with you when he saw you alone in there. It was a great gesture, you knew that he did it so you wouldn’t be left alone, and you knew that he didn’t know what the implications for that may be.
His fans were staring at you like you were the most disgusting person ever.
This lasted until Atsumu had to leave to some quick meet up with his team, when one of those girls decided to drop her water on you ‘accidentally’. This leads you here, outside of the school grounds and in front of the vending machine trying to buy a goddamn coffee to feel some comfort through this horrible day. But of course, the machine decided to not work this time, it didn’t even gave you your money back. Nothing could be going worse today.
“Fuck!” you cry in despair, kicking the vending machine to release some of your lock down emotions
“Hard day?” you hear from behind as you lay your forehead in the cold machine
“Horrible” you whisper without even looking back
“I saw my brother talking to ya through lunch, did some of those stupid girls did something to ya?” you hear, making you curious about who was talking to you. The other famous twin was looking at you in a mixture of confusion and empathy as you turn around and lay your back against the machine
“Yeah, but honestly the whole day has been awful” you admit to him “and now I can’t even drink coffee”
“Ha! That machine has some weird tricks on it” he says, moving closer to it and carefully moving you aside. He puts some coins on it and press the button hard, the sound of the drink going down as he puts more money to buy something else. Right after he hands you one of the drinks, the coffee you tried to buy, not before opening it up for you “Ye’re Yn, right? I’m Osamu, my idiot brothe r has said some things about ya, how ya were a good classmate and all”
“Yeah, that’s me” you drink a sip of the warm coffee, finally some comfort rushing through your veins. You didn’t know if it was for the coffee or Osamu though “Thank you for the drink”
“Well of course, if ye’re having a terrible day I can at least offer ya some coffee” he says with a small smile. He has heard some things about you from Atsumu, however he recently started to notice you himself whenever you both go to the nearest convenience store to buy some food or when you pass next to him in the halls, always exchanging a snarky remark with his brother and a polite smile to him
“I can’t wait to this day to be over” you sigh
“Ya know, our captain just told us we don’t have practice today…do ya wanna go grab some food after class?”
“Food? After class?” you say incredulous
“Yeah, that way ya have something better to look forward until the day is over. It’ll be my treat too”
You look at him surprised at the sudden invitation, and honestly, a little worried as well, he also had a lot of fans here. However he was right, this day has been one of the worst ones so far, so why not take this opportunity to go out with this boy?
“Sure” you smile
“Then look forward for that instead. See ya” he says leaving, a smile on his face too.
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cyborg-franky · 7 months
I read that you don’t do stories with kids. But I was just wondering if you do one if they were just turned into a child. Like Toshi Toshi no Mi has the power to alter the ages of people. Example “Like if WB or Marco was turned into a child but they were still adults on the inside and how the crew would react.” It’s fine if it’s a no I just wanted to ask. Thank you.
Oooh these are fun. I can have a good time with these : D
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He’d been around longer than most of the crew so seeing a tiny little pineapple with fluffy hair and wide-open eyes caused many different reactions.
Ace can’t stop laughing at how silly he looks and how high-pitched his yoi’s come out. His clothes are so big and baggy on him like he’d stolen from a much bigger person.
Thatch can’t stop laughing either and just calls him little guy and baby bird alot which causes Marco to huff and stomp around the deck irritated.
Pop’s thinks it’s cute, he remembers when Marco was a young boy. Izou met Marco when they were both young so it doesn’t really phase him.
Everyone is either shocked or highly amused at him.
However, Marco is still the ships doctor and must carry on his duties until the effects wear off.
It’s surreal seeing Marco needing a pile of cushions to sit at his desk. It’s an incredibly bizarre scenario to have to talk to someone who looks like a child about medical issues.
Marco doesn’t like being in this form and his normally cool and calm attitude is challenged with some of the crews reactions.
The nurses adore him though.
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Well, his arms back at least? Everyone just stares at this small spikey-haired kid whos screaming and yelling at the top of his lungs, already pissed off that everyone is gawking at him.
“What are you fuckin’ idiots lookin’ at?” He snaps, stamping his feet on the deck, hands on his hips as he narrows his eyes. It looks so silly seeing his enraged brat in an oversized coat as he starts to throw punches at the legs of his crew.
Killer feels his small fists against his leg, sighs, and just picks him up. Letting Kid get a piggyback ride because he likes to be up high. 
Kid is furious about the change and even uses his skills with metalwork to make himself big shoes to walk in, hating feeling so emasculated. 
He’s still loud as all hell and his crew is smart enough to hide laughter and amusement behind their hands.
“If any of you tell that shitty doctor or straw hat about this, it’ll be the last thing you do,” though it was hard to take a threat from a 6-year-old very seriously.
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He couldn’t give a fuck if he was turned into a kid, he knew it would wear off in time so he just shrugged his shoulders. 
Until Sanji said something, going for the kill [and by kill I mean he smacks at Sanji’s ankles or bites his legs] 
Everyone either sighed, laughing, or just stood in pure bewilderment at Sanji screaming and shaking his leg as hard as he could while a small Zoro held onto his leg by his teeth for dear life.
Nami is the second biggest problem to Zoro’s current predicament though. Every time he tries to drink booze she slaps it off the table or out of his hand [typical orange cat behavior] and starts to wave her finger in his face telling him he’s too young to drink.
Luffy tries to play with Zoro like he’s actually a kid, swinging him around and yelling happily.
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Ever seen a grown man have a total breakdown? I mean, if you know Buggy that’s probably daily.
He’s small and he’s flapping his arms and screaming but everyone is just crouched down and looking at their beloved captain in complete awe. He’s so adorable, everyone who tries to pick him up either gets a foot or a fist square in their face as he hisses and curses.
Galdino and Alvida sigh, they look like single moms who just got back from the school run as they drag Buggy away from everyone. They already felt like a babysitter and they didn't need it to be literally.
All his crew are completely besotted with how adorable their captain looks as a kid. Buggy half loves the attention and half wishes everyone would take a long walk off a short plank. 
It’s not like people take him super seriously anyway but he didn’t need to have people trying to pinch his cheeks.
If Shanks finds out about this Buggy will never hear the end of it. Maybe Alvida snuck a few photos for some blackmail at a later date when Buggy was being his unreasonable self.
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weirdmarioenemies · 6 months
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Name: Destiny Del Vecchio
Debut: High School
G-g-g-gulp!! Prom night at Wet-Dry High is TOMORROW, and I still don't have a date! I wish I could ask Destiny Del Vecchio, the most popular girl in school, but there's no way she'd ever go out with a nerd like me!!
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Thank god I have you, Spikey, my best friend from chess club! Nerds like us ought to stick together, I say!
What's that? You say you know a way to infiltrate Destiny Del Vecchio's social circle? No way! I think you're nuts! But well, it wouldn't hurt to try, I guess...
(Later that day...)
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Excuse me, are you the guy they call... "the informant"...? The one who knows all about everyone in school?
"Heh, depends who's asking!"
Um, I'm a friend of Spikey's? I need your help! How can I get Destiny Del Vecchio to like me so I can take her to prom?
"Heh, I usually charge 30 bucks for a juicy piece of info like that, but a friend of Spikey's is a friend of mine! The key to Destiny Del Vecchio's heart is easy- everyone knows she can't resist a bad boy!"
I see! Thank you so much! I really owe you one!
"Heh, don't mention it! By the way, would you like to check out my YouTube channel? I do some pretty sweet prank videos!"
Erm, I think I'll pass. But thank you anyway!
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Phew! I did it! Now that I've totally reinvented my image as a bad boy, Destiny Del Vecchio is totally gonna want to go to prom with me for sure!
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Look, there's Destiny Del Vecchio right now, with her friends! Excuse me ladies, may I have a moment?
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Hey Destiny Del Vecchio, baby! I'm a total bad boy now, so whaddaya say you and I go to prom together, baby?
"I'm sorry, but I have to decline. It offends me that you think I'm shallow enough to only judge people based on appearance. I'm sure we could have gotten along if you hadn't distanced yourself from others due to your perceived social status, but it's too late now. Relationships take time to blossom."
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"Besides, I've already agreed to go to prom with the hottest guy in school, Teen Mario! He's so cute! Squeeeeeee!"
Aw, shucks! Looks like someone beat me to the punch, so I've learned no lessons from this situation whatsoever. Hey, there's always next year, right? Right? I don't actually know if prom is every year. Am I right?
What's that? You say YOU still want to go to prom with me...?
(The next day...)
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Gee willikers! I've finally learnt the True Meaning of Prom, and it was friendship all along! I couldn't have realized this without you, Spikey! Looks like this story had a happy ending after all! Now, LET'S BOOGIE!!!
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luca-is-a-pengu · 2 months
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did this for uni long ago. the ultimate spider-man meeting Miguel O'hara. I feel like Peter's hyperactive cartoon version would really bother Miguel.
[Frame 1] Spider-Man Earth 12041 meets Spider-Man Earth 928
[Frame 2] Spider-Man from Earth 928, Miguel O'hara, standing. minding his own business
[Frame 3] Spider-Man from Earth 12041, Peter Parker, popping up behind him, saying "Who are you?" - "Another Spidey?" - "Have you met Miles?" - "Why are you here?" Miguel unbothered.
[Frame 4] Peter jumping to Miguel's left side, while Miguel pulls up his arm to punch him with no real effort. Peter saying "HEY! It's friendly neighbourhood spider, not angry neighbourhood spider. I thought you knew"
[Frame 5] Migurel turned to the left but Peter used to power of Cartoons to now pop up on his right. Peter crouching and poking the spikes that are on Miguel's forearm. Peter saying "Those look really spikey. Careful or you might hurt someone..." - "Is that even legal?"
[Frame 6] Peter now in the foreground, left corner, pausing the scene like he does in the cartoon and talking to the audience. Peter pointing behind him. Peter says "He is getting ready to charge. But don't worry." - "I can't die. I have plot armor"
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lasandra · 16 days
Sketches of the Dragon Age men I've romanced + my reactions to their romance! For funsies!
Under the cut because it's quite long... There are spoilers for DA:O, DA:2, and DA:I (Probably not an issue because all these games have been out for 10+ years but I wanted to say, just in case).
These are just how 'I' feel about them. I'd love to hear everyone else's opinions on the characters as well! One thing I love about Dragon Age is that the characters are so complex that people can have very different opinions on them (and mostly not kill each other for it! :P).
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Alistair was the reason I started playing the game back in 2010. My father had been given the game by his best friend and he would always let me watch him play games. He hadn't gotten further than defeating the Ogre in the Tower of Ishal before he quit playing, however, much to 12-year-old me's disappointment. I had immediately fallen in love with Alistair and wanted to see more of him! I asked if I could play and fortunately my father was not as careful about checking game ratings/content and said sure!
Words cannot describe how stunned I was when I found out you could romance companions in this game, this was an entirely new concept to me that blew my 12-year-old mind. To this day Alistair is my favorite fictional man and I would destroy all of Thedas to protect him.
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I didn't have as positive an experience initially with Zevran as I barely took him anywhere with me initially (so my approval with him was always pretty low). Back then I figured he always would betray you when Taliesen shows up. One day I decided to run a playthrough where I romanced him. When I knew I was getting close to when Taliesen showed up I was sad, but thinking he was still going to betray me, I removed all his weapons and armor so that it would be easier to kill him. Boy was I surprised when he didn't betray me and was instead punching the other crows in his underwear... It was that playthrough that I realized how important it was to check approval lol.
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Anders and Nathaniel Howe had been my favorite Awakening characters. In my canon playthrough, I had protected the city but lost the keep, with Anders and Justice along with it. Or so I thought. When I loaded up DA:2 and saw him, I thought him being alive was a bug and was so excited that he wasn't dead! And when I saw that you could flirt with him, 13-year-old me was like, "Yeah, I'll be doing THAT!" It was all going great until the end of the game when he BLEW UP THE FREAKING CHANTRY! I was so upset, I wondered what I did wrong to make him do that. I loaded so many saves and started the game over 3 times trying to figure out how to avoid that. When I realized I couldn't stop him no matter what I did, I was completely and utterly devastated and PISSED. He is the reason I have trust issues in Dragon Age. I still choose to romance him sometimes because the guy is such a romantic but I do so expecting sadness and anger in the end lol. Knowing Hawke will never be as important as the cause and the fact that he LIES to Hawke, tricking her into helping him without full knowledge of what she's taking part in, will never cease to annoy me.
A lot, I know... He just makes me feel a lot of things xD It's a complicated love-hate relationship.
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It took awhile for me to warm up to Fenris but he is by far and a way my favorite DA:2 romance now. Things are complicated with him and within the romance but it's very clear that he actually cares about Hawke. I can relate to him a bit in one way, the reason he leaves after he and Hawke get together in Act 2. Trauma like that can really ruin things that should make you happy, and it can be very frightening when memories of the traumatic event surface, and the last thing you want to do is make the person you care about feel bad or like it's their fault. It just makes me want to give him a hug. Poor spikey boy...
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I really wish Bioware had had the time to do more with Sebastian. I really do. His romance has some cute moments (and there are some interesting implications if you rivalmance him) but he was made as a DLC companion and it shows. I still quite like his character though, I know a lot of DA fans aren't fond but yeah lol. He can be a bit of a dramatic pain in the butt if you don't kill Anders though. That is very valid criticism.
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Ah... Cullen... He was always controversial. A lot like Solas is now. There are people who hate Cullen's guts and people who adore him. I am quite obviously the latter. I wanted to romance him in DA:O, I wanted to romance him in DA:2, and then we finally got him in DA:I and it was better than I ever could have imagined.
Honestly, I kind of suspect that if I hadn't done Alistair's romance first, that Cullen's would be my favorite in the series. It's so sweet and he PROPOSES and married you IN-GAME. That's freaking awesome! And his ending slides after Trespasser just make me really really happy lol.
Alistair is still my favorite but Cullen is a very close second.
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Blackwall is a solid character and a sweet guy; his story and romance are very well written as well. Honestly though, he just looks too old for me. I was 16 when Inquisition came out and I'm 26 now. Dude looks like he could be my dad and so it's hard to convince myself that my characters would be interested in him. No shade to those who like him, just different preferences, and like I said, he's still a very compelling character and if he were younger or less bearded, I could probably enjoy the romance too.
While I make a big deal about Blackwall lying about being a Grey Warden, it's mostly just me picking on him. I actually do think it makes for an interesting narrative. It's so easy to sus him out when you've played Origins though lol! That being said, I DO make him become a legitimate Grey Warden because it just feels right to me and ensures that every Dragon Age game I play has at least one Grey Warden companion (so that everything is right in the universe).
Please don't hate me Blackwall fans lol!
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Am I a massive hypocrite for loving Solas so much while not being all that fond of Blackwall? Probably yes... But I can't help it! To be fair though, before I finished Inquisition for the first time (this was before the Trespasser DLC btw), I didn't even think I'd be interested. I'm a diehard Solavellan now, but I had initially just seen him as a pajama-wearing fade nerd (aren't I sweet?). As I've said I was 16 when I first played Inquisition and was too busy romancing Cullen to notice all the (in hindsight) obvious signs that there was more to Solas than met the eye.
When I saw that he was the dreadwolf... I kind of flipped my ever living shit. Fen'Harel had been the most interesting of the elven pantheon to me since I played my first dalish elf warden in Origins and now my Lavellan had the chance to romance him??? So naturally I did just that my next playthrough.
I didn't use the internet like I do now so I had no idea what was coming in Crestwood though. OOF! I was in shock. How dare this pajama-wearing fade nerd elven god just dump my poor Lavellan like that! Then Trespasser came out I had round 2 of getting my heart ripped out of my chest, dashed into a thousand pieces, and strewn about the fade in the most tragic way possible. *Is dramatic*
Cullen and Alistair may be my favorite romances for the romance itself, but Solas is my favorite romance for the overarching story. I mean, because the Inquisitor is seen by so much of Thedas as the Herald of Andraste, Lavellan is canonically a religious figure of the chantry whether she agrees with it or not. Solas is a religious figure of the elves. This means two religious figures from two separate religions get together and that is just SO interesting from a story perspective!
I can't wait to see what they do with the Solavellan romance in Veilguard. I hope it doesn't hurt too much xD
The Iron Bull:
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16-year-old me was not prepared for this romance... At ALL. My poor mostly innocent eyes lol (Cullen's too!). It's a fun romance though, and my default inquisition romance for my Qunari and dwarf characters. He's cool. Plus I had a bit of a crush on Freddie Prinze Jr when I was a kid so like, that makes it kind of neat!
Final Thoughts:
Bioware has always written truly amazing characters and romances and I am so excited to see what Veilguard has to offer. I am probably going to have to do two playthroughs at once so I can romance Lucanis and Davrin so I can play both without knowing too much in advance.
Like I said at the top, I'd love to know what everyone's opinions of the characters are! Loveya!
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cosmicladyy · 1 year
// not smut, but not exactly pg //
If there was one thing Bowser enjoyed doing the most in the entire world, it was being a ruler.
It filled him with pride whenever he'd give his kingdom a once over, marveling at how much it's grown and developed. His home has never looked better, in his humble opinion.
From the blindingly bright jewels that glitter so prettily in his treasure room from numerous raids to the unwavering loyalty of his many citizens, he was a force to be reckoned with.
there was a weight of respect that came with being the King of the Koopas.
The only thing better than that? Being married to you.
The day he was officially able to call you his was one of the proudest days of his life. After ruling alone for (not that) many years, he finally had an equal to sit next to him and enjoy the spoils of his thriving kingdom.
Someone to help him shoulder any burden that might fall on him to fix. Someone to hold him when he's able to relax after a grueling day of ordering his minions around.
Someone who gets to see him.
he also wasn't opposed to the handsome statues of him that would pop up in various places around the kingdom.
what he didn't like doing, was sitting through meeting after meeting every few weeks with his minions about what they did/didn't do in their assigned jobs around the growing kingdom.
no matter how many times he'd moan and groan about it being 'a complete waste of time' and 'something a super cool king should NOT be doing', he'd always be dragged out by the horns by either you or on the very rare chance, Kamek.
you'll admit, it's not the most fun way you could be spending the afternoon, but it's a necessity to keep the kingdom in order.
he'd try to postpone or get out of it, none of which worked because he wasn't as sneaky as he'd like to think he is.
he once tried to skip it because he claimed he was terribly wounded earlier that day and needed to recover.
(it was a papercut)
Today's focus was mainly touching on any reports or disturbances the minions had from the patrols. Bowser knew that there wasn't anything major that needed his attention, but it was protocol in the kingdom to discuss any and everything that they'd seen.
At least, that's what Kamek said.
He could already feel the headache coming as he begrudgingly got ready, perched on his side of the bed.
"Why can't one of the koopas step in for me? not like anyone'll notice the difference." He tried to bargain, buckling on his signature spiked wristbands.
"I doubt it, you're the only one of your...stature." a grumble is your only answer.
you barely paid any mind to your spikey husband's whiny ramblings, too busy primping yourself for the meeting. you offer him a pensive 'hmm.' and turn to him.
"How do I look?" You ask, giving him a small twirl to take you in, as the fabrics you've dressed yourself in move with you.
"Ehh.." He shakes his hand from side to side.
"Jerk!" You gasp and jump at him, earning a belly laugh as he barely tries to fight off your punches to his firm side, even though they don't hurt him in the slightest. "Easy there, sweetheart, only joking." He grabs your hips carefully and straddles you over his lap.
"You're absolutely stunning, no matter what you wear."
even after all that time together, you can still feel your face heat up at his compliment.
wrapping your arms around his neck, you softly kiss his snout and smile at him lovingly, "Keep talking."
he chuckles deeply and lets out a puff of hot air through his nose.
"you're absolutely alluring. I find myself lucky to be in your presence."
a giggle bubbles in your throat as you bury your face in his scaly neck.
"y'know.." his claws run up and down your back slowly, "we don't have to start on time."
"Oh?" you lean back and raise an eyebrow at him.
"S'not like the throne room's goin' anywhere." you can practically feel him undressing you in his mind as his fiery eyes look you up and down.
you bring your hands up to his rough face and bring him closer, "Someone's feeling needy."
"when it comes to you? always."
you chucked at his attempts and pull away.
"Nice try." you tease, relishing in the dumbfounded look that materializes on the Koopa king's face, and give his cheek a pinch, "C'mon, it's about to start."
your only answer is a deep, bellowing growl as you hop out of his grip.
As expected, he was bored to pieces,
Guard after Guard, General after General, he absentmindedly nods in acknowledgment as they drone on about their shifts. Whenever he felt they fell short of their jobs, he'd 'loudly encourage' them to do better.
("Be nice," you whispered at him harshly after he reprimanded a shy guy for delaying an expected shipment from the kongs.
"Well, I would be if I had more competent men," he growled back.
"Watch it.")
He's particularly ticked after learning about a recent run-in with a certain denim-wearing tumbler.
"What do you mean he 'outran' you?" He tensely questioned a high-ranking Koopa who patrolled the outskirts of dark lands, wings nervously twitching behind him.
"H-he, uh, managed to slip into a pipe at the last second, your majesty."
from where you were sitting, you could see him start to sweat bullets as your husband balls up his fist tightly, the fire deep within him close to erupting out of his sharp-toothed mouth.
As he prepares to fire off in a harsh tangent, you quickly jump from your seat and address the general.
"I'm sure you've tried your best, I know slippery he can be," not really, you've probably met him a few times, "just be on the lookout next time and keep up the good work."
The koopa rings his hands out as he shakily glances over at Bowser, who seethes quietly from his seat and looks like he's two seconds away from frying him alive. The general looks back at you gratefully and nods, spouting how he'll be faster next time and won't let you down; he was also thanking you a hundred times over for saving him from scorching demise.
As he moves back to his place in the room, another general, a goomba, steps forward and begins his report.
The giant Koopa next to you lets out an annoyed groan, earning his righthand's attention and a light smack to the arm from you. he sinks lower into his throne and taps his nails on the headrest, counting down the seconds until he's relieved from duty.
Sensing his king's rapidly decreasing mood, Kamek clears his throat and hurriedly addresses the crowd.
"His Royal Highness has graciously allowed time for a fifteen-minute break and not a minute longer. Return here on time or else." The old Magikoopa threatens.
A resounding breath of relief fills the throne room as the varying generals and lackeys all walk out, occasionally bumping into each other to leave as quickly as possible.
Kamek quickly dismisses himself in a cloud of pink and leaves you two alone.
whipping your head around, you lightly glare at your royal pain in the ass.
"Y'know, you could pretend to be interested in what they're saying."
all you get is a "feh." and a backhanded wave as he plops his chin into his clawed hand, holding himself up on the armrest closest to you.
an exasperated sigh escapes your lips. at this rate, he'll burn the place to the ground from boredom and annoyance; or at the very least, turn a few unsuspecting koopas into skeletons.
bribery should work, you think as you lean closer to his aggravated form.
"I'll let you do that thing you really like," you whispered huskily, running a hand up his scaly arm.
almost comically, he shoots up straight on his throne and excitedly looks over at you, "Really?"
"If you make it without yelling at anybody else," you add on.
watching the gears turn in his head, a smug look sweeps across his face, "how about a sample?"
he chuckles at the roll of your eyes but is quickly rendered silent as you pull him in by his collar, your lips connecting with his own.
his eyes slide shut as he feels you move your hands from to hold onto his broad shoulders.
the kiss, starting sweet and welcoming, is quick to turn passionate and heavy as you both chase one another, refusing to part for air.
you briefly pull away, only to hop from your throne to his and straddle his lap, similar to the position you were in a few hours ago.
he chases after your lips and pulls you in, sealing your lips together as he claws at your top, the other slowly climbing up your thigh.
the air around you is steadily growing hot, the previous silence being filled with moans and groans of a different nature from both of you.
bowser pulls a breathy, loud moan out of you as he grinds into you in a way that has you seeing stars. a growl rumbles deep in his chest as you run your nails along his fiery, red hair by his neck.
as quickly as it started, it ended when you pulled away, having already heard the echoing marching from the incoming troops.
bowser narrows his ruby-red eyes at you as his chest heaves, "So that's how you wanna play it?"
his only answer is a satisfied smirk as you fix yourself in your seat as if you didn't just pull him into a soul-searing makeout session.
the doors are swung open as guards of different sizes pile into the room once again, random conversations filling the once-quiet atmosphere.
You greet the returning group with a smile, watching as they take their seats and mentally prepare to hear the rest of the reports.
Kamek appears right next to the larger koopa in the same cloud he left in and looked expectingly at his king, "Shall we continue?"
You can practically feel his piercing gaze on the side of your face before hearing him whisper to his advisor.
"How about a quick bathroom break?"
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billdecker · 2 months
The Mills & Boon book I'm reading, Gentle Savage, continues to be incredible. Here's what's happened so far...
At 17, Kelsey is kissed by her father's friend and business associate Marshall (I know, ew), who is in his mid-20s and constantly calls her honey-bee (yet another ewwww) then fast forward four years and it's the eve of her 21st birthday and Marshall is randomly taking her out for dinner.
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Kelsey works at an interior design place in London and is constantly sexually harrassed by the boss's son, Greg, who has ever proposed to her. Anyway, so Kelsey goes to dinner with Marshall where they eat some weird fish and almond on lettuce concoction, and there are many ladies there with their dates who are staring at them because he's dated them ALL. He is the most man is have ever men'd. Before dessert they go for a slow dance and. they're joined on the dancefloor by a woman named Jade and her partner Kent. Jade is all up at Marshall and being spiteful but flirting, and then he reveals that Jade is actually married to Kent and, basically, Kent get your wife the fuck away from here before I punch you (yes, he is that dramatic).
The following day is Kelsey's 21st birthday party and Greg is there, drunk, and he's telling everyone from their company that they've been seeing each other so to save Kelsey from SOCIAL RUIN (this book was written in 1993, not 1953), Marshall suggests a fake engagement because Kelsey's dead dad would want him to save her. Kelsey is a spikey young lady and she's not taking any of Marshall's shit. Greg tries to get all gross with her again but Marshall saves her and they announce the engagement and Greg drives off in his sports car.
To also save Kelsey from COMPLETE AND UTTER SOCIAL RUIN FOR SAYING NO TO GREG, Marshall is giving her a job to renovate a villa in Portugal he has just treated himself to. That means she'll get to live over there for six months so by the time she returns she can call off the engagement by saying he's a total cad and people will feel sorry for her because apparently everyone hates him just as much as she does.
The day after that, Marshall turns up to take Kelsey out for a drive and she spots a wedding and she's like, 'Let's watch!!!! The bride is so pretty!!!!!' So they stop and Marshall is suddenly VERY SAD. Turns out he just loves and leaves the ladies as he does with his big masculine prowess because he OBVIOUSLY HAS A DEAD WIFE. We do not yet know what his wife Laura died of, but the bride looks just like her and he is SAD.
He says he's taking Kesley for afternoon tea and they rock up at this manor house but it's not a country hotel like he told Kelsey but his HOME. And he's not a cold, hard headed brute at all, because HE LOVES AND ADOPTS ORPHANED DOGS, and has an old couple called the Rooks living with him who work for him.
By this point they have shared several kisses and Kelsey has realised she is in love with this man, who is only ever described as dark and sardonic, and she is absolutely desperate to bang the absolute life out of him. This is where I've got up to but when I've finished I'll update, but I'll leave you with this amazing quote describing one of their kisses.
'...he was completely still and then his arms went around her, drawing her to him as his mouth plundered hers. His kiss was violent in its intensity, a fierce hot hunger seeming to take hold of him, ripping the veneer of civilisation away in a second of time.'
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 9 months
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Yeah the Hezrou never left, they just made it to round 2 automatically for its performance in the loser's bracket! That said, moving into the big leagues hasn't made life eastier. On the left, the Hezrou, 8ft (2.4 m) spikey demon toads! Lotta bipedal toads on the chaos side of things. Just bring some sort of protection against stench. They're simple creatures. They like to fight and they like following orders. They'll happily barter or try diplomacy, and can give orders just fine, they just prefer to be given a task to do. Preferably one that involves punching.
On the right, the Glabrezu! 12 ft (3.7 m) tall, and surprisingly enough these are actually all about trickery and temptation. They'll happily fight if it's the best option but typically just use thier incredible intelligence. So they've got it all! Brains, brawn, cool coloration, magic, and claws! They can even grant wishes!
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m00nymonster · 2 months
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Discord convo shenanigans. I think Ratthi is overly enthusiastic about cats and always scares them away, MB ignores fauna in general unless it's eating humans so cats LOVE it and it doesn't get why. Deep breath guys, this is a two page comic so it's gonna be a long image id, oof.
[ID: first page of a six panel comic. First panel is a splash image of a birthday party, with a banner saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY over a big window, a table with cake and punch, and a circular rug on the floor. The left wall has a framed picture on the wall, the right a closed door. The image is in black and white markers. In the background Murderbot sits in the corner in a comfy plush chair, listening to music with its eyes closed. In the foreground Amena and Mensah are having a conversation; next to them are Gurathin, Ratthi and Pin-Lee. They are observed by drones. In the left corner Small Human is poking a drone. A cat is approaching MB's chair. The next three images focus on MB in its chair. In the first the cat sits next to MB, it observes with a drone but doesn't otherwise pay attention to the cat. In the second the cat is jumping onto MB's lap; it looks startled. In the third the cat curls up into a ball, and MB stares at it, befuddled. Fourth panel: MB stares at the cat with an eyebrow raised as Small Human approaches and says, Oh, Miss Kitty LIKES you! Well you can't move now, you'll wake her up! In the last panel someone yells CAKE TIME! offscreen and Small Human runs off, yelling Ooooh! Wait for me! /ID]
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[ID: Second page of a two page comic. There are four panels. The first has Mensah standing at the door, waving and saying Goodbye! See you soon! The second is a closeup of Mensah looking scared as someone offscreen says in a spikey speech bubble, Dr. Mensah, help. The third is a splash image, same as the first panel in the first page, but now the cake is eaten and the punch bow is empty. There is a spilled cup on the table. Murderbot sits in the corner, arms crossed, staring at the cat. It says verbally, I am trapped and cannot move. Mensah laughs behind her hand. Fourth panel: there is a large rectangle with LATER written on it in the left corner. Under it is Ratthi's chibi head, with a feed text box that says, GASP! In the center of the panel Murderbot stands in the center of the room, looking uncomfortable as Miss Kitty bats at its drone Small Human stands next to it, looking amused. On the right a feed text box says, with a crying Ratthi head beside it: Miss Kitty likes SecUnit more than me??? Below it is Gurathin's head, with a feed text box that says HAHAHAHA! Below that is another feed text box, this time with Ratthi's head with an angry expression yelling Not funny Gurathin! Finally at the bottom is Pin-Lee, smirking as her feed text box says, That's not funny, that's HILARIOUS. /ID]
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