fivefeetfear · 4 years
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Chapter 5
“What the? What happened? Oof… my head.” Spinel mumbles placing her gloved hands on her face. Her world felt like it was spinning, in an agonizingly slow pace. Her stomach is in knots feeling the urge to vomit her ice-cream. The pink gem slowly opens her eyes to see spots of lights invading her vision.  A groan escapes her lips using her fists to rub her eyes to readjust her sight. Once the flashes of lights were gone, the first thing that she sees is the orangey-pink sky. Her world was then flipped right up when she came to the realizations she is laying on her back in an open field.
Spinel slowly sat up with a loud grunt using her arms to support her from behind. This place…it looks familiar. The ocean breeze blew gently through her hair as she scans her surroundings. A large lighthouse caught her attention and the gem knew instantly where she was. Negative feelings of regret twisted in the pit of her stomach as she averted her gaze away from the lighthouse. Why was she here? How did she even get here?
The sound of crying caught her attention and the pink gem turn towards the sound. In the middle of the grassy field sitting in a tight ball was (Y/N). Did she bring them here? How? Why?  Throwing her head back Spinel heaves a heavy sigh, she had to go talk to her to figure that out, didn’t she? Or she could just leave her here alone. Spinel’s jaw tightens at the mere thought; it left a bitter taste in her mouth. Even she wasn’t that cruel. How was Pink able to do it so easily? Carefully Spinel stood herself up and walked over to the crying gem. The sobs got louder the closer she got. Guilt begins to slither up the slender gems back knowing she was the reason for her tears.
‘Way to go Spins You hurt someone else.’ She thought bitterly as she sat behind (Y/N) not knowing what to say. What could she say? Sorry? Are you ok? Those didn’t seem like it would do much for her case. Spinel sat down in deep thought as she tried to find a way to make it better since this was all her fault. (Y/N) just wanted to be her friend; she was being kind and patient. And how did she repay her? By letting her emotional trauma control her actions.  Spinel hadn’t noticed (Y/N) crying subsiding as the gem wiped her tears away.
“Y-you know, I was so excited t-to meet you.” (Y/N) stammers looking up at the sky as she sniffles. Spinel frowns as she wrapped her arms around herself a few times, as she sat silently listening to (Y/N) talk.
“For a w-whole year, I…I wonder w-what you were like, and how y-you were doing.” Remorse screws Spinel’s face in shame as she held herself tighter.  
“Why?” the pink gem mutters weakly. She has been asking that question a lot lately, and yet she failed to receive a genuine answer.
“Because…because you found me. Right here.” (Y/N) says as she patted the ground below her. Not this again, the pink gem sighs in exhaustion. Her arms released their grip and pools around her lifelessly.  She is way too tired for her mind games, she just wanted this to be over. Spinel’s gloved hands slap softly over her own face before pulling down at her skin.
“What are you talking about? How did I find you? I just met you! Nothing you are saying makes sense!” Spinel whines in frustration, reaching up to yank on her pigtails roughly. The physical pain was distracting her from the emotional turmoil she was currently experiencing. Why won’t she make sense?! Why was she being so confusing! WHY!?  
“With your injector, when you first came to Earth.” Spinel cries out in anguish as she clenches her head in her enlarged hands. Squeezing it tightly as she closed her eyes still not understanding what is going on. Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes as she bit down on her tongue to choke back the sobs curling into herself. Was she torturing her by reminding her what she did wrong? News flash she already does that on her own! She doesn’t need anyone to narrate it now or ever!
“(Y/N)…please….just stop.” Spinel begs softly, tears falling down her cheeks. (Y/N) frowns sadly, as she peeks over at the crying girl.
“You weren’t the only one Pink forgotten.” (Y/N) mumbles, this caught Spinel’s attention as she instantly stops hurting herself. Did she hear that correctly?
“Wha?” Spinel asks softly. (Y/N) eyes watered again as she wrapped her arms around her legs pulling her knees to her chest.
“It was during the war when she went by Rose Quartz. She was my fearless leader that was fighting for freedom and against injustice. I was loyal to her and did my best to serve her; there were many times I was nearly shattered for her. Then the other Diamonds sent an attack to the Earth, it left my allies, and friends corrupted.” (Y/N) voice shook with anger as new hot tears cascade down her cheeks.
“Corrupted?” Spinel heard about gems becoming corrupted but she never witnessed it. The (C/G) gem nods as she reaches behind to unzips her dress. Spinel’s face flushed a dark pink as she averts her eyes away. She was getting really tired of asking questions. It didn’t seem like it was getting her anywhere
“I was fighting the corruption; I was doing my very damn best to maintain control, but it was no good. My view on the world warped for the worse and my rationality was slipping into madness. I couldn’t keep it together and Rose didn’t want the other gems to see me that way. So she took me here to this very hilltop to keep me safe. My powers were on the fritz and my skin was beginning to discolor.” (Y/N) paused as she relived that moment. The slender gem slowly moves her attention back to the curvy the (G/S). Her eyes widen as took in the sight before her. She recognizes the large patch of discoloration from before, but she didn’t notice the lightening patterns that scarred her back. It stopped just below her gem that rested on her neck. It seems that the scars reach lower down the skirt of the dress and wraps around her front. Spinel hasn’t seen anything so terrifying but also beautiful in her life. The pink gem eyes soften as she marveled at the sight before her, zoning out as her hues follow the pattern on the short gems back.
(Y/N) stiffens when she felt a tickling sensation rushing up and down her spine. She turns her head to the side to see Spinel tracing the scars on her back ever so gently. The tip of her finger brushes over the textured skin, her digit leaving goosebumps in its wake. The short gem sighs quietly while her cheeks grew warm from the tender touch. (Y/N) did her best to ignore the heat pooling in her chest and continue her story.
“Rose would visit me in the lighthouse to check up on me, but one day I accidentally addressed her as Pink Diamond and I saw the fear in her eyes when I did. I knew of her true identity and I was sworn to secrecy, but I became a liability. So I begged her to poof me, she had to! I was losing it and I didn’t want to be the reason for her downfall. I had to be bubbled and put away with the other corrupted gems.” Spinel remains quiet as she continues to mindlessly trace over every curves of her scarred back, she found a sense of peace as she did.
“But she didn’t do that!” (Y/N) cries, jolting Spinel out her daydream, her eyes sadden as she watched (Y/G) shoulder’s shake.
“She just buried me! She didn’t send me to the temple like I hoped she would, she just buried me right HERE!” (Y/N) shouts slamming her glowing fists onto the earth surface. Spinel’s brain seems to be out of commission for the moment because, without thinking, her arms instinctively loop around (Y/N) waist and pulling her back against her chest. She could relate to the grief the (G/S) was feeing, she knew that pain all too well. The stretchy gem places her chin on top of the crying girl’s head trying to bring her some form of comfort. (Y/N) welcomed the embrace as she turns in Spinel’s around and buries her face in the crook of the pink gems neck.
“B-but then you c-came with your injector and planted it on this exact spot, with my bubbled gem only a few meters below the drill.” Spinel head jerks up as she observed her surroundings; she extended her neck to get a better view of what (Y/N) exactly meant. Then she saw that they were sitting in the direct middle of the heart-shaped crater.
“When Steven began healing the Earth again, he stumbled upon my bubble. If it weren’t for you, I would have been completely forgotten.” (Y/N) mutters, she then shifts her weight to look up at the pink gem with glossy (E/C) eyes offering her best smile. Spinel’s arms tighten around the (Y/N) as she buries her face in small females hair. A smile of her own found its way to her lips as she blinks back the tears. Had she actually done something right for once? Even though it was completely by accident. The (C/G) gem adjusted herself so she was sitting on her knees between the taller females legs. The spinel had coiled her arms around the short gems form about three times. (Y/G) cups Spinel’s cheeks as she wipes her tears away with her thumbs. The slender gem immediately melts into (Y/N) hands, loving the feeling of her warm small palms brought to her face. Spinel leans into (Y/N) open hands snuggling into her touch.
“I know what you did, and yes I judged you at first but when I heard what Pink did to you; I knew it was fate that would bring us together. I knew that someday you will come back, and when you did I wanted to be the gem you needed. I wanted to help you in any way I could, I wanted to give you your second chance at a good life.” (Y/N) admits as she watches Spinel open her watery eyes, her face still in her hands. The pink gem burst into tears as a wave of relief washes over her. A feeling that she had long forgotten. Hearing those words meant everything to her. They ringed with truth and compassion. New feelings were overflowing through her gem as the weight of loneliness lightens in her chest. Spinel unwinds one of her arms and places her larger hand over one of (Y/N) smaller one.
“I’m sorry, a-about everything.  I’m so sorry!” Spinel cries out quietly as her body trembles.  
“Shush, none of that, all is forgiven.” (Y/N) coos as she kisses away the tears pouring down the pink gems cheeks. Her lips pressing delicately onto the crying females face as she pulls their bodies closer. In this very moment, Spinel felt everything. It was overwhelming but in the best possible way. Never had she felt like she was floating but also grounded at the same time. These feelings scared her tremendously; it made her was to run and hide. However, in a wild turn of events, her fear was outmatched by her newfound hope. Hope for getting the proper second chance she desperately needed, hope for self-healing, and hope to love again. The possibilities seem endless and she was very excited for what’s to come. Happy tears began to fall from her eyes, only to feel lips kiss them away. The two gems lean forward until their foreheads are pressed against one another. Both of them soaking in this moment of acceptance wanting it to last a little longer.
Spinel lies on the grassy ground on the hilltop, the cool summer breeze blowing around her. The pink gem was staring up at the night sky stargazing. The events of today finally processed in her head; it seems like things were going to get worse before they got better. But things worked out so much better than she had expected. A smile plasters itself on her face as she sighs in content. She couldn’t ask for a better outcome.
The sound of Spinel’s phone chiming interrupted the peaceful quiet. She carefully reaches into her hoodie pocket not wanting to disturb the sleeping gem on her chest with her movements. (Y/N) head is currently resting on her gem, her arm wrapped around Spinels hips as she curls into her side. The pink gem tightens her hold on the short female as she plants a gentle kiss onto the (C/G) gem forehead before checking her phone. She got a messaged from Steven.
Not Pink Diamond- Hey Spins are things going well? Do you need me to pick you up?
Spinel smirks as she opens her camera app, she stretched out her arm to take a selfie with the sleeping gem in her arms. Satisfied with the angle she took the picture and sent it to Steven.
Spinel- Nah, I think I got it.  
The curly-headed boy responded within seconds and the text brought color back to her cheeks.
Not Pink Diamond- Hey this is Amethyst- Wow Spins I’ve never pegged you as the adventurous type ;) Be a lady and zipper (Y/N/N) dress back up. Hoped you had fun!;)
I hope you guys liked this chapter! Please like and heart to support this story! I may or may not update over the weekend! 
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