#spinster watches one piece
spinsterwolf · 4 months
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her shirt says 'EVIL' Nami ilysm
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spider-stark · 3 months
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Benjicot Blackwood x Velaryon/Strong!Reader
Summary - Stuck in the Riverland's on a marriage tour, you pretend to be Lady Strong when Benjicot Blackwood doesn't recognize you as the Princess of the Seven Kingdoms
Warnings - none except not edited!!
Word Count - 3.1k
// masterlist // send me your thoughts // comments & reblogs appreciated! //
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As if the prospect of a marriage tour was not horrid enough, your first stop was proving to be positively dreadful.  
You had imagined the lands surrounding the Trident to be beautiful. A lush, verdant landscape—filled with fragrant herbs and bright, blooming flowers, painting the Riverlands in rich, colorful hues. You pictured babbling streams and plush grass, stunning castles and, perhaps, some equally as stunning men.  
What you hadn’t imagined, however, was the weather.  
Even from within the confines of Riverrun—the ancestral castle of House Tully—you still feel the effects of the merciless heat beating down upon the sandstone walls.  
Your handmaids had tried to dress you accordingly, stuffing you into your thinnest—and, consequently, your least regal—gown, in hopes that it might prevent sunstroke. Yet still, even as three of Lord Tully’s own servants try fanning you while you sulk in the dining hall, you feel as though every inch of your body is drenched in sticky sweat.  
“This is miserable,” you groan to Ser Lorent, the Kingsguard who had been assigned to your tour. Flanking your right, you spare the knight a pitiful, sidelong glance. “I believe I would sooner die a spinster than be forced to live in this sweltering purgatory!”  
The servants, haphazardly positioned around the table, remain utterly stone-faced, not letting on if they found your comment about their homelands to be humorous or offensive.  
Ser Lorent merely laughs. “The Riverlands are known for their humid summers, princess.” With a wink, he adds, “If you ever bothered with your studies, you would know this.”  
“I study!”  
“With the blade, perhaps,” Ser Lorent muses, his teal eyes twinkling with lighthearted mockery. “But certainly not with books, princess.  
Rolling your eyes, you slump further into your chair, your body practically melting into the upholstery. “Leave the geography lessons to Jace,” you tell him, waving an idle hand. “After all, he's the heir to the Iron Throne. I am merely the prized broodmare—” focusing on your plate, and the half-eaten lunch upon it, you try swallowing the bitter tang now filling your mouth—“a royal womb to be sold off to the highest bidder.”  
And, at times, you aren’t even sure if that is considered an honest truth… You’ve certainly never felt royal.  
Like your brothers, you were born extraordinarily plain-featured. With no silver hair or lilac eyes, you appear more like a common-born peasant than someone of prized Valyrian stock—and it didn’t help that, unlike your brothers, you had no dragon, either.  
Ser Lorent watches as you absently push a piece of seared cod around your plate, sighing. “That isn’t true, my princess.” His words are tinged with sympathy. “You are being sold to no one. Your mother wishes for you to have a marriage born of love—not duty.”  
“Ah, yes,” stabbing the fish with the prongs of your fork, you bring it to your lips, “which is why I’m being forced to spend my summer meeting with the haughty sons of fat country lords—for love.”  
His tongue clicks with disapproval. “Your mother has given you a choice in selecting your own husband, princess; which is a luxury not granted to many women.”  
Frowning, you pop the piece of fish into your mouth, turning his words over in your head.  
You hate it when he’s right.  
“Fine,” you relent, still chewing. Turning sideways in your chair, you raise your fork to him in a mock threat, “But my earlier statement stands! If I must take a husband, then it certainly won’t be anyone from here—lest I become no more than a puddle of sweat.”  
Ser Lorent cracks a smile at you. “Should you turn to a puddle, princess, then I vow to mop you from the floor.”  
“How valiant of you, Ser Lorent,” you laugh. “I’m unsure of how I might ever repay you for such loyalty.”  
“I’m not sure you have to worry about that, princess—I don’t believe that puddles are much concerned with matters of debt.”  
Turning back to the table, another soft laugh spills from your lips. “I suppose you’re right, Ser.”  
All too soon, however, your amusement begins to fade. A warm breeze blows in through the many open windows lining Riverrun’s dining hall, the stifling air only accentuating the stickiness of your skin.  
Sucking in a deep, heavy breath, you ask, “How long do we have?”  
Ser Lorent doesn’t ask for clarification, knowing almost at once what you were asking him. “We’re expected back in the Great Hall in a little under an hour, princess.”  
You blow the breath out, groaning slightly.  
An hour—that's all the time you had left before you would be forced back upon the dais, expected to once again smile and be cordial as men and boys from all across the Riverlands made their case for your hand.  
How many of them could possibly be left? This morning alone you had met with dozens upon dozens of them, their voices all blurring into a monotonous hum as they spoke of the history of their Houses—if one can consider nonsensical legends from the ancient Age of Heroes as true history, that is.  
Noticing the dreadful pall cast over you, Ser Lorent clamps a comforting hand on your shoulder. “How about a walk before we go back? It might help to clear your head,” he suggests. Then, with a wry grin, “Perhaps you might wish to think back on the men from this morning—see if any of them might make you change your tune about life in the Riverlands.”  
You pin him with a playful scowl. “There’s not a man alive that could change that tune,” you vow. “But you’re right—a walk might be nice.”  
Rising from your seat, the servants around you lower their fans, silently dismissing themselves.  
“Will you be accepting my company on this walk?” Ser Lorent teases—though you know what he’s really asking is: will you be accepting my protection.  
“After this morning, I believe I’ve had enough company for a lifetime.”  
The knight’s brow draws tight, an apprehensive frown beginning to pull at the corners of his lips. You roll your eyes.  
“Oh, don’t worry so much, Ser Lorent. It gives you wrinkles,” you tease. Adjusting the slit running along one side of your dress, you reveal the dagger holstered on your thigh. “I assure you that if any of these Riverlanders dare lay a hand on me, they’ll lose some fingers.”  
Ser Lorent snorts, head shaking. “It’s not you I worry about, princess,” he jokingly admits. “Just stay close by, understand? Your mother will have my head if anything happens to you.”  
“Yes, yes—understood,” you dramatically gripe, already walking past him to the exit.  
“Oh, and princess?” He calls out just as the guards pull the doors open for you to leave. You glance over your shoulder at him, brows lifted. “At least try not to injure anyone.”  
With one last roll of your eyes, bright with mischief, you shout on your way out, “No promises, Ser Lorent!”  
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Wandering through the outer yards of Riverrun, the blistering sun beating down upon your skin, you find yourself overwhelmed by a sudden ache in your chest.  
You miss home. Desperately.  
You miss Dragonstone’s near-constant cover of clouds, forever shielding you from the heat. You miss the cool breeze rolling in off the Blackwater, the air peppering your cheeks with salty kisses.  
But even as you dream of a reprieve from the muggy Riverlands, you can’t help but miss your family—your brothers—most of all.  
Perhaps it is that feeling that led you here, to the training yard, guided by the familiar lull of splintering wood and steel slicing through the air, the sound offering a much-needed remedy to the homesickness twisting in your gut.  
Smaller than the one at Dragonstone, Riverrun’s yard was no more than a cramped stretch of dusty-dirt, lined with old training dummies and archery targets. Mostly encircled by the towering sun-bleached stones of the castles, only a small part of the yard remained open to the sprawling gardens beyond, sectioned off by ornate iron fencing.  
Striding over the open gate, your attention falls upon the lone boy standing in the yard's center.  
As the sunlight beats down overhead, long shadows dance around his feet as he glides through a set of movements—each step calculated, every strike deliberate.  
You step closer, keeping your steps light as you approach. With his back turned to you, you watch as sweat drips down his neck, glistening. It soaks into his tunic, the thin black material clinging to his lean, muscled back.  
He’s talented—you think, studying his form.  
Talent is something you're familiar with—intimately. You were raised around warriors—trained by the Rogue Prince himself. Yet never before had you found yourself so utterly bewitched by a fighter.  
He didn’t move like other boys.  
He wasted no time on the flowery style displayed by so many summer children—the ones who thought of battle as a performance rather than a matter of life or death.  
Instead, he moved with the lethal prowess of an apex predator—his blade cutting through the air with a controlled ferocity that, while lacking the flourish of other warriors, was undeniably impressive.  
Dirt flies as he throws himself into another set of movements—a series of strikes and parries, executing with unbelievable precision. With every twist and pivot, muscles tense and shift beneath his tunic, his body as powerful a weapon as his sword.  
He lunges forward—and wood cracks! as he slashes his blade along the belly of one of the dummies, a move that would have disemboweled a living opponent.  
Cutting through the sudden stillness, you bring your hands up to your chest, filling the yard with a slow clap. Back still turned to you, the boy's spine goes ramrod straight at the unexpected sound.  
“Impressive,” you muse, taking another step towards him. Mere feet remain between the two of you, now. “You move well—better than most, I’d say.”  
The boy spins around to face you, his once elegant movements now blundering as he nearly trips over his own feet. Biting your tongue, you try to hold in a laugh.  
Big, storm-cloud eyes meet your gaze, pinning you in place as he blinks, visibly thrown-off by your presence. “Sorry-” he stammers, out of breath. “I didn’t think anyone else would be coming out here-”  
You lift a hand, cutting him off with a smile. “Oh, no—don’t apologize on my account! I enjoyed the show,” you tell him. “Seems that you have a real talent for swordplay.”  
His cheeks flush, his lightly sun-kissed skin turning a stark crimson. “Thanks.” His laugh is a nervous, awkward thing—endearing, too. He sticks a hand out towards you, the other still limply holding his sword. “Benjicot. Blackwood,” he introduces himself, fumbling over his words, “but you can call me Ben or Benji—or anything, really.”  
You take his hand, biting your lip to mask your amusement. “Pleasure to meet you, Benji.”  
A beat of silence passes before confusion finally tugs at his features, his hand falling back to his side. “Uhm—” another sweet, awkward laugh— “and you are…?”  
Realization dawns on you, leaving your brows to shoot up to your hairline.  
Seven Hells. He doesn't know, does he?
A sudden speechlessness grabs hold of your tongue.  
You suppose you shouldn’t be surprised—after all, you aren't what many expected of a Targaryen princess.
Plain-featured and dressed in thin, common clothes, you imagine you likely appear no different than the servants surrounding you at lunch, fanning you to keep the heat from going to your head.  
Even so, it's rare that you met someone who doesn't know who you are. And, selfishly, after a morning filled with insincere compliments from haughty Lord’s, you like the idea of remaining nameless—titleless—for the first time in your life.  
“Wow—sorry—that was thoughtless of me, wasn’t it?” Tapping a finger to your temple, you laugh. “I’m Mylissa,” you lie, stealing the name of one of your handmaidens. “Mylissa Strong.”  
“Strong?” He echoes, brow furrowing. “Strange—you don’t sound like you’re from the Riverlands. Your accent is—”  
Benji nods.  
“Well, I’ve spent the better part of my life in the Crownlands, so I suppose I’ve picked up their accent,” you explain. “I’m here with the princess, actually—as her lady-in-waiting.”  
The mention of the princess—you—turns his skin a pasty white.  
Keeping a tight leash on your curiosity, you try not to sound too intrigued when you ask, “And what about you? Raventree Hall is a decent ride from here, is it not?” On horseback, the ancestral seat of House Blackwood was two days away from Riverrun, if not three. “Are you here to meet with the princess?”  
Benji shifts his weight, leaning from one foot to the other. “Supposed to,” he begins, his words tumbling out, “but I don’t know—I’m not so sure that I’ll go through with it.”  
Your expression falters, disappointment washing over you like a cold wave, combatting the intolerable warmth of the sun.  
“Why not?”  
He shrugs—a timid, shy gesture that feels so unlike the predator you had snuck up on. “There are over a hundred men in there,” he waves an arm to the castle, to the Great Hall within, “all waiting for an opportunity to impress the princess—meanwhile, I can hardly get out a single sentence without choking on my own spit.”  
Your laughter bubbles up involuntarily, a few giggles spilling past your lips. The Blackwood boy shoots you a playful glare from beneath long, dark lashes.  
“Well,” you begin, absentmindedly toeing the dirt between you, “perhaps the princess might find it endearing, don’t you think?”  
Benji scoffs. “Doubtful. I mean, think about it!—she’s a princess!”  
Your eyes widen, glimmering with mock-offense. “And what is that supposed to mean?”  
Once again, that crimson tinge returns to his skin, crawling up his neck, this time.  
“I meant no offense,” he defends himself, mistaking your expression for one of a Lady meaning to defend her princess. “But what could I possibly offer a princess?”  
You tilt your head, pretending to think on his words. “Well, the Blackwoods do have a history of being valiant warriors, do they not? And you seem to be quite skilled yourself,” you say, daring to let your stare drift down to his arms, the short sleeves of his tunic revealing well-muscled, sweat-slick biceps.  
He snorts. “I’m willing to guess that the princess would likely care naught for my skill with a sword.”  
“Then you would guess wrong,” you retort, a faint, teasing smile on your lips. “Many say that the princess herself is quite skilled with a blade—I imagine she would quite like a boy that’s capable of challenging her.”  
Benji’s eyes darken a shade, an unreadable expression crossing his features. “And what about you, Mylissa?”  
The false name catches you off-guard, but you do your best to hide it.  
“What of me?”  
A bit nervous, he asks, “Would you like a boy that can challenge you?”  
Your heart stutters in your chest—skipping several beats as his stare lowers, dipping past your waist and falling upon your thigh. On the dagger sheathed there, no doubt.  
Heat begins to crawl up your neck, hotter even than the sun's blistering rays. “Oh—” You stutter, words lost upon you.  
It’s true that you were used to the attention of men. After all, your morning has been filled with it, and soon enough the rest of your day will be, too.  
But this was different.  
Benji wasn’t giving you attention because you’re a princess, a mere royal womb to strengthen his House’s bloodline. Rather, he was doing it simply because he wanted to—a feeling that was utterly foreign to you.  
Wiping a clammy hand on his sweaty tunic, Benji misreads your silence, taking a half-step back. “Apologies, my Lady—that was too forward and-”  
You don’t let him finish his rambling. Taking a step forward, you close the gap he sought to create between you. “I’ll make you a deal.”  
“A deal?”  
You nod. “As you know, the princess will be in the Great Hall for the rest of the evening, holding court with the other Lord’s who’ve come for her hand. I'd like for you to meet with her.”  
Benji cocks his head, confusion crinkling the corners of his eyes. “I truly mean no disrespect to your princess, my Lady, but I was asking if you might be interested in–”  
“I know what you’re asking, Benji.” You lift one shoulder in a casual shrug. “And after you meet with the princess, if you still wish to inquire about my hand,” you say, placing a palm to your chest, “then I will happily hear you out.”  
In the distance, a bell sounds out—signaling the time, you realize.  
“If you’ll excuse me,” you start, already taking a few small half-steps backwards. “I’m expected inside.”  
Letting his sword drop to the ground, Benji lunges forward to catch your wrist. “So you agree to meet with me after court, then?”  
“If you’re still interested,” you muse, a tinge of anxiety laced through your tone, “then yes.”  
The corners of his lips twitch into a bashful smile. “I give you my word that–”  
You planned to interrupt him. To tell him not to make oaths he wasn’t certain he could keep, knowing that he may very well change his mind about you once he realizes who you are—that you’re not technically a Strong. But, before you can, another voice intervenes.  
“Princess!” Ser Lorent calls out, exasperated, as he walks through the gate. “We must hurry, princess,” he continues, pausing only to give a wary glance at Benji’s hands wrapped around your wrist. “We’re late.”  
Your pulse begins to pound, a surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins at being exposed as a liar by Ser Lorent. 
Benji’s face goes blank—then his eyes go wide, big as saucers as you snag your wrist from his grip.  
“Princess...” He utters, voice laden with disbelief. “Princess?!”  
You can hardly bring yourself to do anything other than grin stupidly at him, nearly stumbling over yourself as you back-up to where Ser Lorent is waiting impatiently.  
“It was lovely meeting you, Benji!”  
You hope he can hear just how genuine your words are.  
“I’ll see you in the Great Hall,” you call out over your shoulder, sparing him one last glance as Ser Lorent guides you to the gate, watching as he blinks in astonishment, still processing the revelation.  
Walking back towards the inner-castle, Ser Lorent glances down at you with a knowing look. “You seem giddy.” There’s a teasing glint to his words that makes you roll your eyes, cheeks flushing. “So,” he continues, his brisk pace never faltering, “does this mean that your statement from lunch no longer stands? That, perhaps, this sweltering purgatory may yet grow on you?”  
You bite your cheek, a permanent grin still etched onto your face.  
“Let’s just say that I’ve decided it’s best to keep my options open, Ser Lorent.”  
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a/n - you may ask yourself: lainie, why would you refer to him as mostly BEN in the last fic and BENJI in this one??
and the answer? I have not ONE clue. my brain is rotting and benji is cute.
anyways, hope you guys enjoy this one! feel like I got to explore more of his personality here. additionally, I need HBO to know that if this boy ends up not being benjicot blackwood then I'm gonna fucking riot
benjicot blackwood tag list - @a-song-for-ages @ghostinvenus
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fictionadventurer · 2 years
Pop culture reduces It's a Wonderful Life to that last half hour, and thinks the whole thing is about this guy traveling to an alternate universe where he doesn't exist and a little girl saying, "Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings." A hokey, sugary fantasy. A light and fluffy story fit for Hallmark movies.
But this reading completely glosses over the fact that George Bailey is actively suicidal. He's not just standing there moping about, "My friends don't like me," like some characters do in shows that try to adapt this conceit to other settings. George's life has been destroyed. He's bankrupt and facing prison. The lifetime of struggle we've been watching for the last two hours has accomplished nothing but this crushing defeat, and he honestly believes that the best thing he can do is kill himself because he's worth more dead than alive. He would have thrown himself from a bridge had an actual angel from heaven not intervened at the last possible moment.
That's dark. The banker villain that pop culture reduces to a cartoon purposely drove a man to the brink of suicide, which only a miracle pulled him back from. And then George Bailey goes even deeper into despair. He not only believes that his future's not worth living, but that his past wasn't worth living. He thinks that every suffering he endured, every piece of good that he tried to do was not only pointless, but actively harmful, and he and the world would be better off if he had never existed at all.
This is the context that leads to the famed alternate universe of a million pastiches, and it's absolutely vital to understanding the world that George finds. It's there to specifically show him that his despondent views about his effect on the universe are wrong. His bum ear kept him from serving his country in the war--but the act that gave him that injury was what allowed his brother to grow up to become a war hero. His fight against Potter's domination of the town felt like useless tiny battles in a war that could never be won--but it turns out that even the act of fighting was enough to save the town from falling into hopeless slavery. He thought that if it weren't for him, his wife would have married Sam Wainwright and had a life of ease and luxury as a millionaire's wife, instead of suffering a painful life of penny-pinching with him. Finding out that she'd have been a spinster isn't, "Ha ha, she'd have been pathetic without you." It's showing him that she never loved Wainwright enough to marry him, and that George's existence didn't stop her from having a happier life, but saved her from having a sadder one. Everywhere he turns, he finds out that his existence wasn't a mistake, that his struggles and sufferings did accomplish something, that his painful existence wasn't a tragedy but a gift to the people around him.
Only when he realizes this does he get to come back home in wild joy over the gift of his existence. The scenes of hope and joy and love only exist because of the two hours of struggle and despair that came before. Even Zuzu's saccharine line about bells and angel wings exists, not as a sugary proverb, but as a climax to Clarence's story--showing that even George's despair had good effect, and that his newfound thankfulness for life causes not only earthly, but heavenly joy.
If this movie has light and hope, it's not because it exists in some fantasy world where everything is sunshine and rainbows, but because it fights tooth and nail to scrape every bit of hope it can from our all too dark and painful world. The light here exists, not because it ignores the dark, but because the dark makes light more precious and meaningful. The light exists in defiance of the dark, the hope in defiance of despair, and there is nothing saccharine about that. It's just about as realistic as it gets.
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zepskies · 5 months
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean is your rock, but you’ve become his place of rest.
AN: Surprise! Just something short and sweet for Dean. 💜
Word Count: 600
Tags/Warnings: Established relationship; fluff, hurt/comfort, tinge of angst
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On nights like these, the urge hits you the most.
You’re already in bed, wearing one of his old shirts and little else. You’re waiting for Dean, watching him finish brushing his teeth. He wraps it up by splashing some water on his face.
He stops for a moment, with his hands on the edges of the sink. He looks at his reflection and rubs a hand over the thick stubble on his face.
It’s halfway to beard territory. He needs a trim, he’s probably thinking.
(You don’t mind a little extra scruff.)
He hesitates, looking deeper at his own reflection. You notice the lines around his tired eyes, the weight of the last hunt still heavy on his shoulders. It's weighing on yours too, having carved out another small notch in your heart.
But you also know how many more layers this man carries, including the ones he adds himself.
“Dean,” you prompt quietly.
His head turns in your direction, and you give him a smile, beckoning him over.
Again, he hesitates. But he goes to you. After dipping his side of the bed with his weight, he smoothes a hand over your hair in affection. He takes off his father’s watch; the last piece of the hunter’s armor before he lays down on his back beside you. The old metal and leather watch clunks on the nightstand.
He then opens an arm to welcome you over, where you routinely find a place against his side.
“Come ‘ere,” he murmurs, his voice low and gravel. Your lips curve, but you gently push his arm back down to his side.
“Turn over,” you say, making a rolling gesture with your finger. Dean’s brows knit together in confusion, but he’s just curious enough to heed the encouragement of your hands on his arm and his back. He turns onto his side, facing away from you.
You settle yourself higher on your pillows, and you guide him backwards, until he’s resting against your soft upper body. You wrap your arms over his broad shoulders, and your hand moves, soothing across his chest. Even now, you feel the tension in his frame.
“Relax,” you say in a near whisper. You press a lingering kiss to his cheek. “I’ve always wanted to be the big spoon.”
A smile raises the corners of Dean’s lips. He even chuckles, shaking both of you.
“Yeah? Feels kinda weird,” he admits. He doesn’t think he’s been held like this since he was a kid.
“Well, give it a minute,” you say, with a bit of cheekiness.
Then you sigh and settle into this yourself. When your arms cross over his chest, Dean grabs your wrist, holding you there. He lets out another deep breath of his own.
Okay, he agrees, if only in his mind. Not bad.
He does relax against you, inhaling the floral scent of your body wash, feeling the tickle of your hair on his shoulder, and the gentle rise and fall of your breath. It's all familiar, and reminds him that he's home.
Dean leans over to turn off the light on his nightstand, but he returns to your embrace. He reaches back, just to stroke your cheek in a silent thanks. Smiling in the dark, you lay another kiss on the side of his head, and you close your eyes.
Dean does the same. He lets your warmth seep into his body, releasing the tension of a shitty hunt. He tries to let go of the faces he couldn’t save.
And he actually rests. 
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AN: Just one of my little daydreams that I finally got a chance to write down. 💜
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Dean Winchester One-Shots
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Dean W. Tag List:
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms
@foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @roseblue373
@this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma
@iprobablyshipit91 @melancholictearz @nic-kolas @sanscas @sleepyqueerenergy
@wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons
@anticxrrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk
@midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19 @agalliasi @venicesem
@chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @deansbbyx
@candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @deanfreakingwinchester
@chernayawidow @mimaria420 @fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like @waywardxwords @waynes-multiverse
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2K notes · View notes
thebiggerbear · 2 months
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't." - Soldier Boy Prompt Response
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Summary: Hughie and everyone don't understand what you see in Soldier Boy but they also haven't seen what you've seen: Ben.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Female!Supe!Reader
A/N: This is part of the Soldier Boy/Beau Arlen/Dean Winchester/CJ Braxton/Alec McDowell/Jason Teague/Tom Hanniger/Russell Shaw/Boaz Priestly/Jake Gray/Jensen Ackles RPF prompt response project I've been working on the last month (previewed here). This idea immediately popped into my head for it.
All unbeta'd.
Warnings: language; implied past sexual assault (not SB); mentions of implied drug use; mentions of violence; mentions of death
Word Count: 2199
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel; @hobby27; @impala67rollingthroughtown
Soldier Boy Taglist: @birdiellie; @heartlessdelusions; @brightlilith; @muhahaha303; @just-levyy; @solacedthistest; @deansimpala; @foxyjwls007; @onlyangel-444; @faephoria; @believeinthefireflies95
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat; @deansbbyx; @lyarr24; @bts24; @deans-spinster-witch; @rebel-paladin; @nancymcl
Beau Arlen | Dean Winchester | CJ Braxton | Jake Gray | Jason Teague | Boaz Priestly | Russell Shaw | Tom Hanniger | Jensen Ackles RPF | Alec McDowell
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Once MM stormed out of the room, followed by a glaring Butcher, Annie, Kimiko, and Hughie descended on you. Frenchie stayed in the corner, beyond shocked — so shocked he forgot to puff away at his still burning cigarette.
“Seriously?” Annie spat angrily.
Hughie looked more disappointed than pissed off at you, and that somehow bothered you more than Annie’s fury ever could have. “Y/N, you’ve got to explain this one to me. I don’t…” He took a deep breath and began again. “The guy’s a fossil. A racist, homicidal, perverted piece of shit fossil.” Hughie placed his hands on his hips. “What do you even see in the guy?”
Kimiko furiously signed a repeat of the question.
You knew Hughie was right. Soldier Boy had done a lot of fucked up shit — shit that wasn’t forgivable in any way, shape, or form. But you also knew Ben, the man underneath all of that asinine machismo and false bravado. You’d seen glimpses of him here and there when no one else had, when Ben himself hadn’t even known you had. It also didn’t hurt that you’d seen memories of his childhood play in his mind or saw flashes of his strained relationship with his father — the man he could never live up to or gain his approval, no matter how hard he tried. There was a lot swimming underneath the surface of that green suit, under that indestructible skin, that had gotten corrupted and then shaped by easy fame, a greedy corporation, and more drugs than any person should have coursing through their system on a daily basis, even a Supe. All of it was certainly no excuse for the things he’d done, but you knew there was more to him than who he’d been, who he was now even — you’d literally seen it.
So you looked your oldest friend in the eye and spoke as honestly as you could. “Everything you don’t,” you told him quietly before walking out of the room in the opposite direction MM and Butcher had gone in. You came to a stop outside the door when you saw Ben standing there, his green eyes watching you sharply. 
He had obviously heard every word and while it wasn’t exactly something you wanted him to find out, you refused to act embarrassed or caught out. So you stuck your chin up a little higher, daring him to say something he would end up regretting should he piss you off.
“You saw a lot more than you let on when they had you do a read on me after pulling me out of the tube.” Not a question but a statement, one that didn’t contain any traces of surprise.
He was right; you had seen plenty — some things you’d rather forget. But you had meant what you said to Hughie just before, to Butcher and the team before that. There was more to him than the green suit, than the America’s Son bullshit facade, and even the horrible things he had done in his time. There was something there worth trying to extricate, to let see the light of day that hadn’t in a very long time. 
You didn’t respond to what he’d said; you had no need to. You only watched him as he watched you.
Ben took a few wary steps forward until he was right in front of you. He carefully reached out a hand to your cheek, laying his fingers along your skin when he saw that you didn’t immediately pull away from him. 
“So,” he started, his voice a little more gravelly than usual as he spoke quietly to you, only for your ears and his. He tenderly ran his thumb near the corner of your mouth. “I matter to you, huh?”
When you thought he was indeed making fun of you as he thought he might, echoing your words back to you, you noticed a small smile forming on his face as his eyes roamed over yours. You had seen plenty of smiles from the man since you’d first seen him a couple of months ago or so — mostly smug smirks or leering grins, usually aimed at everyone but you — but you had never seen this one before. It caught you off guard so much, you were captivated. “You know you do,” you murmured. 
He stared at you for a moment, glancing between you and your mouth, and then slowly leaned in. When his lips gently connected to yours, you felt an immediate electric shock travel through your system. So much so that you started seeing images playing behind your eyelids that weren’t your own. 
…Him listening to you and Hughie bicker in the next room about which Billy Joel song was the best (We Didn’t Start the Fire for you and Pressure for him) and how he smiled to himself when you told Hughie in a playful tone to suck it when the little whiny bitch tried to show you what the critics helmed the better song. 
…Ben getting angry when some piece of shit Supe had the balls to put his hand on your ass at Herogasm — a hand he immediately crushed.
…Him surreptitiously studying each interaction between you and Butcher, noting the hostility but begrudging respect between you, wondering if there was a story there and if there was, how he planned to convince you that he was the better man for you compared to the backstabbing Brit.
…Him rushing to protect you with his shield when one of Homelander’s team of misfits you didn’t see coming nearly killed you with a massive blow. You felt the rage coursing through his veins when he noticed a small trickle of blood coming from a wound near your scalp as you glanced up at him gratefully. Most of the Supes you had engaged had died that day and now you knew exactly why.
…Ben watching you out of the corner of his eye when you stood at the window, arms crossed and ominously silent, after MM had mentioned The Deep while planning on how to take out Homelander. He waited until everyone had cleared out, even Hughie who had squeezed your shoulder as he passed you by, and Ben carefully approached you from behind, torn between wanting to pull you back into his large frame to cage you protectively in his arms or to ask what was the matter. He had ended up going with the latter and you simply said “Kevin’s not a good person” and walked away, your shoulders a little more sunken down than he’d ever seen them. You felt his resolve from that moment and now knew why he had gone after The Deep with such a laser focus before even bothering with Homelander. 
…You reassuring him when he suddenly woke from a sound sleep, gasping and wide-eyed, as his chest began glowing — a result of him not self-medicating nearly as much as he used to. He had wanted you to feel safe around him so he’d cut back on the Bennies, the reefer, the booze, and even the women. He would never admit it out loud but he cared deeply about what you thought. Unbeknownst to you at the time, when you had first seen inside his head, he had gotten a glimpse inside of yours, too. And what he had seen…he wanted to be a man worthy of you. Or at least try his best. You were everything he hadn’t even known he wanted until that moment. So he had made a valiant effort to kick the drug and alcohol habit to the side but it didn’t come without consequences for him. Ben had dreamt he was back in Russia, stuck in a box as they poked and prodded at him, laughing and telling him he would never be free and he would never see anyone again. When he heard your voice telling him he was safe, he grasped for you and you let him, even though he felt you tense up at his greedy touch. “Sorry,” he gruffed out and immediately released you, worried he had either hurt you without meaning to or had made you uncomfortable in his bid to make sure you were real. “It’s okay,” you whispered, picking up his hand and placing it in between both of yours. “I’m right here. You’re safe.” When he felt your thumb tenderly swiping over his knuckles in reassuring strokes, he rasped out, “Did you see?” Instead of answering, you reached up to lay a hand against his cheek. “You’re home now and you’re never going back.” Your words were a fiery promise enforced by the steely resolve in your eyes. “I won’t let you.” He gently held his hand over yours and the glow in his chest receded; he believed you.
…Him watching you as you slept on the opposite end of the couch. You mumbled and sighed a lot in your sleep and it fascinated him. Earlier, when you had found the show he wanted, he had asked you to sit and watch with him, just in case he didn’t understand any of the references. You had obliged and promptly drifted off two episodes in. To Ben, it was a huge ego boost; you felt safe and comfortable enough around him that you could fall asleep near him. As he watched you, hearing your sounds, he really wanted to know what you were dreaming about, especially when your brows knit together and you let out a terrified whimper. He had picked you up without waking you and held you close to him. “You’re okay, doll,” he promised in a soothing murmur to your hairline. “I’ve got you and nothing is going to happen. I won’t let it.” He heard you inhale deeply and then release a contented sigh a moment later. You relaxed in his arms, curling into him, and he stayed like that the entire night: holding you as he watched episode after episode of Friends, something he had only picked because he thought you might like it enough to agree when he planned to ask you to stay. As much as he enjoyed the sound of your voice when you patiently explained things to him, the night turned out even better than he dared to hope, especially when you subconsciously buried your face into his neck and stayed cocooned there. Only when he heard you beginning to stir back into consciousness hours later did he gently place you back in the spot you fell asleep in, pretending not to notice when you fully woke up, opening one sleepy eye to find him in front of you. He shrugged off your apology and glanced over to find you softly smiling at him, causing a strange twinge to happen inside his chest, something reminiscent of when the nuclear reactor inside of him went off but far less dangerous…and much more pleasant.
The images faded as he slowly pulled back a few inches, his green gaze staring deeply into yours. “Was that okay?”
You slowly nodded, still beyond shocked not only at what you had seen or how gentle the kiss had been, but also the sensations it had caused to sweep through you — things you were pretty sure you’d never feel in your lifetime. Hints of desire and a lightness whispered throughout your body as another stronger emotion gained a foothold and blanketed your entire being. Whereas it might have frightened you before, it didn’t now. You knew you were safe, protected, and after this kiss, you now also knew you were cherished to a certain extent.  
Almost as if he knew what you were thinking, fleeting relief gave way to a small smile on his face and he tenderly placed his thumb on your chin. “Good. Because you matter to me, too.”  
You couldn’t help but smile in return, seeing his eyes light up, and you gently framed his face in your hands. You stood on the tips of your toes and pressed your lips to his again, eager to see more as he willingly put his guard down to let you completely in. You also wanted to experience that rush of sensations again with him and this time when he wrapped his arms around you to carefully hold you against him, you buried your fingers into his hair and only deepened the kiss. It wasn’t Soldier Boy who was kissing you back and whose thumb tenderly brushed against your jawline; it was Ben — the very Ben you’d seen hidden underneath all of the layers of toxic masculinity, simmering rage, and the Supe tamping down the man with years of drug use, womanizing, and an overinflated ego. And from the images and thoughts swimming in your mind that didn’t belong to you, your Ben by all accounts. Something that sadly Hughie and the rest would never understand or even be willing to try. But as Ben soundly kissed you, when he broke away to let you catch your breath and placed his forehead against yours, tenderly rubbing strands of your hair that had come loose between his fingertips, you found that part didn’t really bother you all that much.
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ravengards-rogue · 6 months
the evening stretch | warm-up series.
ft. the prompts, nsfw / "dinner" / arthur morgan.
✧ tags : afab!reader + fem!reader outdoors sex, oral (f!recieving), reader is an outlaw, established relationship, desperate arthur morgan, 18+
✧ wc : 2.7k
✧ a/n : hello! this is part of a little warm-up series i do on my other blog where i pick three prompts and try to come up with something. i normally do them in a rut. im working on a commission and im super stuck so.
this actually landed on javier four times in a row but im being kind and sparing a friend so. here's mr. morgan.
✧ synopsis : arthur thinks the place between your legs would suit him quite nicely.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖˚☽˚。⋆
Honest to God, Arthur's never been like this before.
He ain't all that pious to start, so perhaps the sentiment doesn't stretch as far as he would like it too. But it's true, all the same - that in all the lives he's lived, he's never experienced this much bone-deep desire for another human being.
Which is outright ridiculous, since right now you're just making supper. Dinner, you always clarify with that yankee accent. You're going to have dinner together, 'cause Arthur needs to eat. He works hard, according to you.
It's not much, but you're a better cook than Pearson. Even if that's not saying a whole lot. And you're insistent on making the man eat, always on his case about how it's hardly enough for a man his size.
Arthur can chalk it up to being that you love him, as you have told him foolishly many times. He's sure you're not gonna be happy with him in a minute since again - all you're doing is making dinner.
It's just... something. Something about you today. Dammit, he doesn't understand it neither. You've got a job together, and you and Arthur play convincing husband and wife since you practically are anyway. Arthur's been watching you today closely. You lie pretty. Smile with all your teeth, clever with a careful finesse and an honest knack for debauchery and indecency.
You love calling yourself an awful woman. Joking about dying an unweddable spinster given your crudity.
But Arthur likes it in you. Of you. Likes it so much he's done nothing but readjust his pants watching you squirm your way out of every difficult situation and sling the revolver on your hip like a tried-and-true gunslinger.
You're a fine woman to him. A fine one.
The fire crackles as you place a pot over the little flame of the faux stove. You've made a real dinner somehow - with some vegetables and creeping thyme and carefully butchery of meat. It smells good and you seem proud of it, stirring the thing with the sharp end of your knife. Careful not to scrape the pot.
Arthur watches the light glow orange on your face, carefully observing the way it shines on you. You don't look up at all when you speak.
"Gonna stare a hole into me, Morgan."
He feels something warm crawl up his cheeks. He scratches his beard instinctively, tucking his hat over his eyes.
"'m sorry," He says, unsure of how to cover for himself. "Been thinking about some things."
"Don't hurt yourself," You reply, sardonic and dry. Arthur adores you. He laughs to himself and feels warmed by the pleasant smile that seems to give you.
"I'll try. Ain't much used to thinking,"
"Penny for your thoughts, then Mr. Morgan." You reply, carefully moving the pot around so nothing burns. "Might help you clear your mind if you get some of it off your chest."
He's backed himself into a wall. Goddamn him and his big mouth. He hesitates, taking it off this time. Fidgety.
"Yanno, there ain't a lot women like you. Not that I've met at least."
You give him a look. Your lips pressed into a flat line, unimpressed by him.
"Is that so?"
He laughs to himself. "It is indeed. You're a real piece of work. 'Specially going around batting your lashes, making yourself out to be a housewife."
"Aw what, did you like seeing me all doe eyed?" You smile to yourself, teasing but not entirely insincere. "If it helps, since you're the fake husband, I'm only half-acting."
That makes him grin. Though you say it with confidence, the sincerity it makes you flush.
"It ain't that," Arthur says again, looking at your face for the second time in a few minutes. "Just that you're a fine woman to be around. What do they call it...resourceful. That's what I'm thinking of."
"Who taught you such a big word, Morgan?"
"Trelawny, I'd guess."
You laugh, loud and beautiful and Arthur smiles. You look at him from across the fire. "Well, I'm glad you like my company, Mr. Morgan."
"I do more than like it," He hums, offering a reprieve. He nods at you carefully, head tilted. "Come 'ere,"
Your eyes widen at him, but you don't deny him of what he's asking. For that he is awfully grateful. You're more than capable and much less than needy. There's victory in your deliberate desire for him, Arthur thinks. You want him enough to let him chase you.
You come sit by Arthur. You're a little awkward with him still but he don't mind. It adds to whatever he feels for you, sugar-sweet affection and all. You sit on your knees and Arthur turns his head looking at you.
Beautiful. Beautiful thing you are, really. He has a hard time finding the words to tell you.
He reaches up, hand cupping your face. You lean into the touch, palm resting on calloused hand. He adores you.
"And quit with the Mister Morgan nonsense. Drives me crazy."
"Arthur," You say, slow and deliberate. "You know you're looking at me like you wanna eat me."
'"Read my mind, then."
"Arthur," You repeat, scandalized. He would smile if he wasn't so serious. "We're supposed to be eatin' dinner. You got into a whole spat with them Leymone Riders just today. You need to recover,"
His smile widens.
"Lettin' me go down on ya will heal me just fine,"
You look at him exasperated. Arthur leans into your neck, placing chaste kisses down the line of your jaw. He kisses you just there - underneath your earlobe, knows it drives you crazy.
"Lay down, sugar. Help a poor, injured man heal."
You pull away from him with faux exasperation, fond smiling breaking your face.
"You can be such a dog some times, do you know that?"
"I'm afraid I do,"
You give him another unimpressed look, but you listen anyways. Arthur moves so you can lay down on the bedroll - his bedroll. He takes off his coat just before you lay your head, playing it underneath you to get you more comfortable.
"Dinner's gonna burn," You tell him, almost reflexively. He laughs as he looks at you, your hands folded over your stomach and flat. He laughs at you.
"Burn? You feeling warm?"
And he laughs again, catching your boot in his hand as you go to kick his chest lightly. He sets it back down as he stares at you. You're quite the sight. Adoration bubbles up into his throat, blooms out into a hum. The sound of crickets and owls and all sorts of night wanderers sound - but none are distracting enough to pry his gaze away.
"You're looking too much," You say, your voice a half tremble. He nods.
"Got too," Arthur hums, leaning forward into your space. You always smell good to him, some cross between soft earth, and sweet liquor and clothes left in the sun. Skin and salt and sweet. "Who knows how long I'll be around."
He presses his lips to yours gentle and you kiss him - but only once before pulling away. Your eyes suddenly serious, warm palm on his cheek.
"Don't say something so morbid. If you go, I go,"
"No buts." You affirm, pressing your thumb to his lip all serious. Your eyes meet and for a moment - just one minute, all he wants to do is stop time from moving. From stealing him from you in life at all. Even a few seconds, intolerable. "Don't feel to good to hear, does it? So don't say it."
"Alright, alright," He huffs, laughing against your neck. He kisses it again, right against your pulse - quickening under his teeth as he bites and scrapes. He mulls over how much he wants you, and how little time there is to do everything. "Jus' lemme...I dunno."
Now you're cheeky, smiling up at him. Lord above, you do something so terrible to him. "Now that's just not true, baby."
He laughs deep and raspy. It's not true, because he knows exactly what he's after.
Arthur lets his hands plane over your clothed body. He doesn't bother with the ritual of undressing you entirely - since the act doesn't deserve the intimacy. You do, maybe - but Arthur's head feels too foggy to do anything civilized. He has to settle for letting his hands grip the fabric of your skirt and push it until it bunches around your waist.
There's no real delicacy in it, save for the way your breath hitches as Arthur gives himself better access. He moves to lay on his stomach between your thighs. He wishes it were brighter to give him better view. He's seen it plenty but looking at your pretty pussy alone gets him harder than steel.
His hands go underneath every layer of fabric to undo the little tie of your undergarments. You squirm when Arthur takes them off, but you don't pull away.
It's pretty. Even with the dim light of just the moon and fire to let Arthur see it. What entices him mostly though is the scent, after a long day of riding out alone - there's something about the way you smell - sweat and all that makes the back of his mouth ache with want. Makes his teeth hurt just dreaming about it.
He doesn't let his animalistic urges take him yet. He knows you need the build up. His hand is soft as he grips onto your waist. He pulls your legs further apart and lets his lips brush the inside of your thigh. Starts at your knee and works his way up, his mouth burning hot - open kisses. You giggle at the sensation of his beard, but it's tamped down with lust Arthur knows like the back of his hand.
Slow, deliberate, sinful. He knows the way you liked to be touched so exactly, but the pace is set more by his desperation. It grows ten sizes listening to you sigh and huff, feeling your hands come down to touch his hair and play with it.
"Arthur," Your voice calls. Pleading. Wanting him. You're so good at making Arthur loose his composure with so little. It's hard to tease you as your voice clips off into a whine. "Arthur,"
"I've got you," He says, assured. He means it as much as he means anything he's ever said. He ain't a decent man, but this much he can say full ways. "I've got you, sugar. Ease up. Let me take care of you,"
And so you again, breathless - boneless and eager. You let Arthur into your space, and something about that. Something about you. His heart races, blood pumping through his body. It pulses in his ears, head swimming with nothing but praise for you.
You're a fine woman. You're a good girl. The best he knows.
Arthur can feel the way your clit pulses with want before he ever puts his mouth on you. Makes him chuckle, gloved hand resting on your navel. He uses his thumb to pull it back, before using both hands to spread you open. Then, in an act less then gentlemanly, spits on it hard. He watches it land, lewd as it drips between your fold. He laughs to himself.
Another pitchy call of his name and Arthur decides he's had enough fun to get him through the evening.
He kisses your clit first, thinks it's only gentlemanly. When your hips buck up trying to chase the feeling of his mouth - he laughs. His hands dig into your hips. You're soft, skin dimpling from just how tight he holds onto you.
When he finally gets what he wants, his own body lurches forward from want. He nearly slumps into the ground - half-way between relieved and utterly addicted. It's a sense of euphoria unmatched by the finest liquor or cigars money can be.
The taste of you fills his mouth as Arthur eats.
Arthur is not used to playing predator. Not interested in the act of devouring. You often compare him to some sort of herbivore. But there's something too hungry, too visceral, too primal for him to be anything but a coyote. A teethed thing, all screwed up from hunger.
He lets his tongue slip against the seam of your cunt, all the arousal collecting in his mouth. His senses flood with something heady, sweet but bitter and he groans shamelessly as a result. Spoiled by the taste and utterly debauched.
"Oh, god - Arthur, you're—"
Arthur is pleased by the way your words are cut off by your own moan. He slides his tongue back up, wet muscle firm as it lays flat against your clit. There's a slight twitch like it's asking for more attention.
Arthur is all to eager vtoo provide, closing his lips around the twitching bundle of nerves. He knows what you like. Learned over time just the amount of pressure he needs to suck with and the speed he needs to draw his tongue over your clit to get you right at the very edge of your orgasm.
He teases you to that pace. Slow increases in either or, until it's just at that perfect medium. Once he hits that spot, you always moan so pretty.
You shudder, your body lurching up as your hands get tighter in his hair. "Aah, fuck. Ngh, Arthur. Don't do this t'me."
You begging him not too makes him want to do it more. If Arthur were any less aroused, he would. But his brain can barely think up enough to stamina to do that. His own cock is strained against his work pants - hips instinctively rutting into the bedroll just beneath him. Silently seeking friction all while hoping he doesn't get enough to distract him.
It'd be a damn shame, he thinks - letting anything pull him from the taste of your pussy. From the smell of it, from the sight of it, from the feeling of you. Sticky, pulsing strings of arousal coating his tongue and turning all his thoughts to dust.
His cock throbs again as you rut against his mouth. Arthur pins you in place.
"Please," You say. A magic word he ain't much stronger than. "Please make me cum,"
You really are a good girl, the way you know exactly what makes him tick. Arthur moans into your cunt as he sucks and licks and eats. He'd die over it, and he does not mean it lightly. It's the only thing in the world he wants to do in the moment. He laser focuses on finding that sweet spot again.
And he knows he does when you start whimpering. Squirming and holding onto his soft brown locks and pleading for something you don't know about. He can feel how wet your getting - dripping along down his beard and face. Thick strings of your arousal stick and slide down his neck.
He's never been a messy eater, but you've been disproving many of his prior understandings of himself. He supposes it's only natural.
"Oh, baby," You say, not even his name. Arthur knows it's a warning that you're gonna cum. All he can do is encourage you. He hums into your soft, wet cunt and you groan again. "Fuck, Arthur. I'm gonna cum."
Arthur knows better. He doesn't do a thing but keep going. Lets you move and thrash and pull away but keeps you firm in his place and eats your pussy until you can barely think.
He knows the knot is untying before you do because of how much you squirm. When you cum, you cum hard. Your back arches up into a picture perfect curve, toes curling and hands tugging at his roots for purchase.
He can feel every pulse of desire as you finally do let go. You cry out, loud enough to startle any nearby critters. Your fingers grip tight at the base of his hair as the orgasm washes over you. It's just as magnetic as it was the first time.
He's sure that will always be true.
When Arthur pulls away from your pulsing, wet core - he can feel just how much of his lower face is sticky. He's sure you also know, if the way you laugh is anything to go by.
And he's not long to follow after. Not even a few seconds and he can feel something in pants tighten - a mess of white staining the front of the denim in an onset of lust damn near shameful. Is he a teenager again? Lord above.
Breathlessly, you look down at him after you've ridden your high out.
Pulling up Arthur by the collar, you look at him slowly and frown. You look impassioned and a little frustrated.
You kiss him tender after you've come too. Once, then twice, then a another time with your hand still drawn into a fist. Arthur grabs it closed, opening your palms before kissing the palm of your hands until you're no longer mad.
"Hate how good you are at that," You admit, a little drunk of the euphoria of all of it. "Make me feel so crazy."
Arthur beams at you unapologetic.
"It's good to be that with me, sweetheart." Arthur says, kissing the corner of your mouth. "Now how about you go and give me one more?"
You laugh breathlessly but don't go to stop him at all.
"Insatiable man."
"Only for you, my girl."
.𖥔 ݁ ˖˚☽˚。⋆
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inknopewetrust · 3 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐮𝐬𝐭 [Part One]
Summary: When the longevity of sin is threatened by the factions of a feuding family on the brink of war, a choice must be made to protect the secrets of a heart torn in two. [ser erryk cargyll x targaryen!fem!reader] [wc: 10.7k]
Warnings: minors dni (18+ only), smut, angst, mentions of death/war, themes consistent with show, spoilers for the show (season 3).
quick links: masterlist | this is a love letter, albeit a sad one. comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated. @zaldritzosrose for banner source.
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There is no duty without sacrifice, nor reward without submission. In a world as cruel as this, you often pondered in wilted daydreams of a world at peace.
As golden springs and chilled autumns once brought virtue and good fortune, the hallowed corridors of Dragonstone in the middle of a long, bleak war brought nothing but a faded memory of the past.
The halls whimpered with the martyrs it kept.
And the phantoms snickered at those in wait and the sacrifices one makes for the duty of their house bears scars on those left in their tormented wake.
Night fell with a deep, dark shadow lingering above. A hand gripping the castle as the maids scrubbed the blood from the chamber floor of the Queen.
He was dead.
And you felt a piece of you die with him.
“Sister,” Rhaenyra spoke but her voice was distant.
In an echo chamber of your mind, the noises funneled around you. A heavy weight of air pressed upon you as your hand picked at the wooden edges of the chair beside the fire.
“Leave us,” the Queen spoke to her guard and Elinda quietly.
The door shut behind her and in careful steps, she could see your eyes trained heavily on the spot now covered in a yellow rug. Toys remained from her young boys which struck the shell of her own heart with a fury.
Death lingered in Rhaenyra’s chambers and there was never a moment to mourn. A war roars on the mainland in her name; people perish in acts of heightened emotions and sacrifice puddles even the strongest of soldiers.
“Sister,” she cleared her throat. “To what—“
“When Harwin died,” your voice was hoarse from a weary day, “did you mourn the man you loved?”
Rhaenyra halted behind the settee. Her hands settled to trace its carvings.
“I beg your pardon?” She inquired.
You were lost in a haze of self destruction. Lost within yourself with a haphazard will to move on. Hours had passed, mere hours, and those on the council that sit around a painted table forget the tragedies that have befallen a great house in a matter of weeks.
You mumbled incoherently and Rhaenyra furrowed her brows. She seldom saw you blink in the light of the fire; the waterline of your eyes pooled with tears. One slipped down the cheek closest to her.
She had watched you absent in your own mind as dirt filled the grave in the early morn. It should not have come as a startle that those feelings remained.
“I fear I do not know what to do with myself,” you whispered. “I-I d-do not know what to do.”
“What for, sister?” Rhaenyra approached as she would her smallest child. “You needn’t do anything at this moment.”
She took a seat on the cushion and reached for your hand. It barely brushed your own before something snapped. A arrow shooting from its bow, breaking your stupor and sending you out of your seat.
You removed yourself from the chair and stepped away from her. Your hands shook as your lip trembled.
The death that grieves in isolation swells. Ribbons of torment become suffocating, choking until awoken with a shake.
“I do not wish to be alone,” you all but wailed. “I’ve been alone for so long, so long…”
“Do you speak of sleep? Or, or marriage?” Rhaenyra drew confused. You had been adamant for years, threatening your life and title to remain a spinster the history books would forget.
The Virgin Princess, she imagined the books may speak of.
You let out a weak, strangled laugh at her. Eyes cutting and red, she felt the tremors of Harwin’s pain bubble inside of her. It made her uncomfortable in her skin.
“I loved him, Rhaenyra.”
For the first time, you saw your sister truly look at you.
And she did not see her elder sister.
She did not see the girl, simply two name days older, who was fond of reading and politics.
She could not see the girl who would beckon Rhaenyra to braid her hair while recalling stories of Old Valyria and the conquests of their ancestors.
She did not see a now grown woman who sought independence; someone who tried to subvert the traditions of a name such as the one you shared.
Rhaenyra saw a widow.
She spoke your name softly and you shook your head at her.
“I loved Erryk. I loved him so.”
Rhaenyra let your confession sit.
“I followed you to Dragonstone,” you spat. “I left the only world I’d ever known to remain in your court because you’re my sister, Rhaenyra. But this place,” your eyes trailed along the vaulted ceilings and the wet stones. “This place has done nothing but bring us suffering.”
“Sister,” Rhaenyra sat forward. “We all make sacrifices—“
“No!” Your voice raised as tears fell consistently. “We are weak, Rhaenyra! This would not have happened if we had been prepared!”
“You speak as though his choice was my fault.”
You let silence fall. Diverting your eyes away from Rhaenyra, she felt a grip on her heart go numb. You believed it to be her fault.
“My grief,” you closed your eyes to darkness. “My grief pokes holes in the agony of my life. It heaves within me for a purpose that is not there and I do not know what to do with myself because of it. He is gone. He’s gone, Rhaenyra. I loved him and he’s gone.”
“Is that why you have never agreed to take a lord husband?”
You nodded your head and sank down on her bed.
“Did you truly love Harwin Strong?” You asked, following it with an awkward chuckle. “I find it to be quite amusable that we two daughters loved men in the cloak.”
Rhaenyra shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “I did.”
“And when he died, did you grieve him as I do Erryk?”
“I did.”
“But you have a memory of him; pieces of him always with you.”
She never spoke aloud the paternity of her sons. Rhaenyra was not daft in knowing people knew, but even to you, her dear sister, she never spoke of it.
Rhaenyra did not shy away from having Harwin keep a long distance between their children. She had seen you and Harwin get along well in the presence of her children and often wondered what the world would be like had she been able to marry him in place of Laenor.
Everyone would have ended up in a much happier place, she believed.
“I do," she whispered against the dead of night. "I do, yes."
"And I will never have that," you stressed. Gaze more frantic than before. You shook your head at the thought. "I never would but I still wanted something to be mine. For me to hold and love and cherish but there is nothing I can do now but sit and ponder the "what ifs." But at war, I am not meant to dwell on them."
"Yet here you are, asking about them anyway."
That dreaded silence fell between you once more. It did not escape her that the lives of innocents were at stake while this war met on the steps of each great house. Her son, Helena's son, good men, and kind women were killed for nothing more than fodder.
It was moot; the tragedy of errors.
“I loved him,” your repeated. “I loved him dearly.”
"Tell me," she tried to offer a tight-lipped smile. "How did it begin?"
"Oh, Rhaenyra," you bemoaned. Sniffing and trying not to focus hard on the spot where he fell on his sword. "I do not-"
"But I would like to hear it," she got up and joined you at your side. Rhaenyra took one of your hands in hers. "I do not wish to hear all the details, however."
You envisioned him in your memory. His eyes, smile. How in the shadows of your chambers he was a different man than he one who served your father, your sister.
He was magnetic and quiet.
Erryk was a lover and a fighter.
You laughed and she smiled. "There was something about men in the cloak..."
"I would have to agree," she said. Her eyes gleamed with a memory of Harwin. She loved him. "Dutiful men indeed."
"It felt so scandalous... but he served me."
"In more ways than one," Rhaenyra blushed and you knocked her shoulder with the back of your hand. She had given birth to five children and still remained a form of pious when broaching the subject.
Your tears still fell but Rhaenyra felt the joy of love bloom.
“I was simply jesting,” she started but you gave her a cutting, mischievous glacé.
"Did you not say you wished not to hear of it? Do you want me to tell you all the details? He was quite good, you know? A very fine fuck indeed."
"Oh Gods!" Rhaenyra laughed loudly and for once, you forgot the pain. "Please, spare me of it!"
“He was b-“
“Please!” She spoke your name in a shriek. “I do not wish to think of you in that way!”
"You truly did not know of it?" You questioned her in a striking bewilderment. You never thought yourself to be shroud in secrecy but surely someone had to have noticed your folly in his presence.
He was your father's, then her own, sworn sword.
"I had my suspicions on occasion," Rhaenyra admitted. "It was Harwin who first spoke of it. I did what I could to protect you. It was not long after the wedding. Harwin said he had crossed paths with him," she smiled sheepishly, "though he was not sure of which twin at the time."
Rhaenyra heard a small intake of breath from you. You squeezed her hand.
"But it happened more than once. The happenstance was too peculiar to not think of it in that way, sister. But Harwin was the one to believe it was Erryk. After a while it became easier to tell them apart and he appeared sure."
"I truly did not think it that hard."
Rhaenyra gave you glance of disbelief yet you had been serious.
"Laenor favored him, as did Harwin. That is why I knew he could be trusted. Not only as a fine Kingsguard but with my sister's heart as well."
"Rhaenyra," you sighed in kindness. A tear from your eyes dropped onto your intertwined hands.
"Harwin spoke of his candor. How devoted he was. Yet he broke an oath for the sake of his honor."
"As we all do."
Rhaenyra hummed and thought of her own indiscretions for the sake of love. How Daemon had taken her to the Silk Streets at the same time you were discovering womanhood with one of the Kingsguards. A peculiar life; one caged and riddled with power.
"I would have married him... had he wished to break his oath," you admitted to her and the sheen in your eyes returned. Kingsguard were only released from their duty in death. "But the Gods had other plans it appears."
"I do not doubt it," she replied in turn. "Do you think father knew of it?"
You shrugged your shoulders in indifference. "I fear the Hightower's may have. Even more so now. It takes much to strike a Dragon so deeply. Surely their motives were amplified when he deserted their cause."
Rhaenyra nodded, looking at the children's toys on the rug. She wanted to find the good in the gloom.
"Tell me of him. Tell me of the Ser Erryk I did not know."
“Please,” she nearly begged. “Let us find a happiness. As you spoke there had been nothing but pain. There is a part of you that I do not know of and I wish to know now.”
You were not sure when to begin.
The first time you met? The first time you spoke? Those times were trivial and basic. She did not want to hear of your scandals in detail but you could start at the night where it changed. Where womanhood came to you in a way you were not expecting and the wine settled too deep in your bones.
You should have known it was doomed to fail because on that same night, a man died at Rhaenyra’s wedding feast.
But you were too wrapped up in Erryk’s arms to notice that evil lurked in the Red Keep.
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The wedding of Rhaenyra and Laenor was no small affair.
It was said that an entire week was to be planned full of tourney's, feasting, and ending in the penultimate betrothal of your sister to your cousin, Laenor, who had all but been absent for the entirety of both your childhoods.
He knew nothing of her but appeared kind.
As the drums beat and the violins soared in the great hall, the two-to-be-wed danced a traditional Targaryen dance that entranced the scope of the room before the guests who dreamed of dancing on the same floor as the heir to the throne joined them.
You sat at the table as Alicent conversed with her uncle in the corner and Daemon squandered his late wife's relative with the pad of his thumb. You downed your goblet of wine as Gerold Royce backed away in embarrassment and Daemon smirked in victory.
“Do you not feel sorrow for your late lady wife?” You asked Daemon who’s look always reminded you of being hunted.
“We were not fond of each other. So, no, I do not.”
"You are a cunt, Daemon," you cut. Your father made a noise of objection and Lord Hand Lyonel Strong choked on his wine.
Daemon laughed. He spared you a glance before turning it back to where Rhaenyra was dancing.
You knew of her infatuation with your uncle. Her eyes kept darting to the table as if no one would see.
Viserys muttered your name in dissatisfaction.
"Brother," Daemon snickered, "it is fine. The Princess was just expressing her admiration for me."
You scoffed as a squire refilled the goblet to the brim. The wine spilled over and the young man went to make apologies but you brushed him off with the wave of your hand.
The wine was gone faster than it had taken to refill it.
"The ire may lay elsewhere I inquire," Daemon gave a smoldering squint of his eyes. "Tell me, good niece, how it feels to be second in a tourney where you have always been first? Seeing the heir of the throne marry before you?"
"You overstep, Uncle," you cut.
"But I am a cunt, remember?"
You sat back in your seat as the air around you became uncomfortable and suffocating. Alicent returned with a strained greeting to which she received nothing in return from you.
It perturbed you that a girl, years your junior, had become your stepmother.
The squire returned to fill your cup but nearly spilled it over your hand as it covered the top of the goblet.
"Squire," Daemon's playful voice was etched with a sinful glee. "I do not believe the Princess needs any. She needs something a bit more sturdy to lift her spirits." He motioned with his pointer finger up to the sky lewdly. “A good fuck would do you well.”
"Daemon," your father spoke and Alicent looked away in a rose-colored blush.
"All in good fun, Brother," Daemon defended as he said your name in a question. The squire escaped quickly from the table; the music changed in the room and the dancers from noble houses joined at a more jubilant pace.
Lord Lyonel eyed the floor as his son, Harwin, danced with Rhaenyra.
Daemon leaned into Lyonel's personal space with a quiet voice.
"Have you been to the Silk Streets, Princess?"
"Daemon!" Viserys ordered loudly. His voice caught the attention of the Velaryon's at the end of the table. "I will not have such talk at this table on this day! It is my daughter's wedding!"
"Of co–"
"It's alright, Father," you turned to him as the weakened look on his worn face became more present. "I believe the eve has gotten the best of me."
Rising from your seat, Viserys objected and Alicent latched herself to your hand.
You felt an evil burn your skin.
"You mustn't go," she pleaded on your father's behalf. "It has only just begun."
"I assure you tomorrow will be a much better day," you told her and wiggled your arm out of her grasp.
Viserys sighed in defeat. He scoured the room for Ser Criston to escort you to your chambers but you had not allowed him the chance to speak. You turned away and stepped down from the risen floor and towards the exit to the left of the Iron Throne. In his sight, Ser Erryk caught his attention.
He could only tell the difference because his helmet had been removed.
"Ser Erryk!" Viserys barked.
Ser Erryk had been a Kingsguard for near three years with his brother, Ser Arryk, alongside him. They had been nothing short of loyal to Viserys in the time since their joining.
"Your Grace," Erryk stopped before the King as he turned around and pointed to his eldest daughter's escape from the Throne Room.
"The Princess wishes to retire," Erryk turned his head to watch you disappear beyond the archway. "Please escort and stand watch until Ser Thorne can return to his station outside of the quarters.”
"Yes, Your Grace."
Erryk did his duty and followed obediently after you. Daemon remained laughing quietly as the reminders of you were left. Wine on the table, a plate untouched of food grew cold as the night wore thin.
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You traced your hand along the stones of the hallways of the Red Keep. Ancient and sturdy, the ancestors who crafted these corridors knew not of the stories they would tell; how much each turn of the stone would witness as the years passed and the shadows became ingrained in its pattern.
The wine you had been drinking began to catch up with you.
It had been not more than three cups and you felt flushed and warm. Still with your senses, you felt angry and jolly at the same time.
Yet the frustrations of your family still lingered heavier. You felt the steam roll from your shoulders, loosening itself into tendrils of anger as the sounds of jubilance became faint and the halls became darker and filled with the candlelight of night.
You continued to walk in slow steps as the weight of tiredness fell upon you.
Sounds of armor approaching caught your ears, nonetheless.
You breached the foyer of the grand staircase and turned to rest against the stones. Hands grasping the corners behind your back, you looked down the golden hallway to the armored guard approaching.
"Ser Erryk," you acknowledged as the light illuminated his features before you.
You felt the danger dissipate from your body.
"Princess," he spoke. His accent was notable among those who rallied between common-folk and high-born in the Crownlands.
In the years he and his brother Arryk had served the crown, your paths have crossed. They both presented a fine and reputable record of loyalty and devotion to the cause.
They were good men. A rarity, in the world as you lived it.
But Erryk had always captured your attention more than his brother had. Taller and more attentive to your sister and yourself, he had always caught your eye. You wasted countless minutes of your life simply looking at the knight in hopes that he would look back.
You had memorized his face in a matter of seconds.
"May I ask why you are following after me in such a haste?"
"Your Grace has asked me to escort you, Princess," he continued his approach without explicit permission.
As he came into a closer view, you took stock of the man. A strong face with determined eyes; lips plump and shoulders square yet fitted by the silver of his armor. He had a mole on the left side of his cheek above his lip.
He was beautiful. You were not sure you had ever seen a man with such refined beauty before he had joined the Kingsguard some three years ago. In the times his eyes caught yours in the midst of the chaos of your house, your opinion did not change.
You felt your heartbeat pulse faster.
There was something alluring about his eyes. So focused and intent on the subject upon whom he was speaking to, the unwavering devotion of his trade ever present beyond the armor he wore.
"I see," you muttered. "And what of Ser Thorne? He sees to be my escort often."
"Occupied, Princess. It is a busy evening for the family."
Erryk used your title in a way the others did not. He held it in such high regard, you felt.
You hummed and turned back toward the direction in which you were headed originally. The stairs loomed in the darkness like a warship approaching its moor. The wine that had settled let a small chuckle escape your lips.
"I do wish there were magic in these walls, Ser Erryk. Then I may simply float into bed and there would be no need to leave the nice party."
Erryk was not sure how to respond. He knew you not to be a silly woman. The eldest of Viserys' daughters had always appeared to him to be attentive and near motherly in the wake of Queen Aemma's death.
In the times he had spoken to you, you never feigned such girlish impulse before. It was new. And it surprised him.
Therefore, Erryk took his own leap of difference.
"Princess," he caught your attention and in the light, he wished he had never taken the oath.
Your eyes gleamed with such delight; pupils blown wide from what he deduced to be the wine of the evening and lips plush and slightly parted. The bodice of your gown fit every curve and plush part of your skin in an entrancing way that sent his mind to the places he neglected to attend to.
He knew of what the men in the Kingsguard did. He listened to the conquests of his brothers, both blood and by sword, while he refined himself to his oath.
But his heart nearly stopped at the sight of you. It had never happened before.
He felt ashamed for feeling such a way. For him to imagine what it would be to feel your skin above and below your skirts, listening to the soft sounds of content as he let his lips draw new patterns on your collarbones.
You were a Princess. He should not have such thoughts.
"If I may speak plainly?" Erryk asked you and you nodded for him to continue. He cleared his throat, shifting on his feet.
"Dragons exist in this world. I do not see why magic could not exist as well. There are whispers of such people amongst the townsfolk. Though, I cannot say their rumors are true.”
The sides of your lips began to quirk up into a smile. "Yes. I suppose you are right about that."
You smiled at him and he could not look away. The sides of your eyes creased in delight in regard to the silliest of items: a childish want to be lifted into bed because your feet were too tired.
It was not often that a naive nature still remained in adults.
"Do you not wish to return to the celebration?" You queried. “I saw even Ser Harold tap his feet at the music.”
"I have a duty to you, Princess. The celebration will not miss me."
Erryk did not miss nor question the way your eyes flicked between his lips and his own eyes. He could not resist the urge to do the same to you.
You wet your lips with your tongue in a small jut. Your top teeth tug the bottom lip in before releasing it gently. Attention falling to the chest of his armor before you blinked in a rapid succession and he felt your body radiate a warm sensation.
You pulled the back of your hand to your cheeks to sense the heat.
“My,” you said breathlessly. “I seem to have let the wine get the best of me.” Sheepishly looking down, your gaze returned to him with doe-like admiration.
He felt the blood rushing. Erryk swallowed his nerves.
“It does happen, Princess.”
Your heart beat rapidly against your ribcage—you felt as though it were going to explode.
His eyes were piercing you. Dim in the light of the hall, you could barely decipher where he was truly looking but you felt the stare. You could have felt it a million miles away.
“Ser Erryk—“
Gustily, he cut you off. “Erryk, Princess. You may call me Erryk in confidence.”
It was your turn to swallow the nerves that built up in your throat. You observed him again and in the way he stood. An arm limp on his side while the other held onto his sword tightly.
There was no fear, nothing helpless within you.
Your curiosity painted what his hands looked like under the white gloves. How strong and handsome they must be to match the face of the man. You wondered how they’d feel pressed against you; holding you in ways no woman should wonder.
The feel of them on your breasts, the way they’d play differently than your own in the dead of night.
You released a staggered breath from your nose and he caught the shake that emitted from your chest.
“Erryk,” you clarified your previous mistake. "Please use my title sparingly, then. I wish to be informal when able."
"Of course," and he tried your name on his lips for the first time.
For the first time, you felt at ease.
"I've never asked, but do you enjoy the Kingsguard? After all that is asked of you, your brother, and those in the cloak?"
"It is a honor," he stopped himself short of using your title. "I cannot envision a life outside of it."
To be one of the seven to protect the family was the most profound honor. Only the finest of knights were bestowed the honor.
"I suppose you do get to sleep in the most grand of castles," you quipped.
"And you? Do you like being the daughter of a King?"
Erryk observed the way you pondered deeply. Even if he spent every waking minute with a family of high stature and of the utmost importance, he would never truly understand the perils that came with great privilege.
"Would it be silly if I said no?"
"No," he shook his head. "There are many who wish to be you, however."
"I do not envy them," your gaze saddened at the prospect.
"What is not to be envious about?"
"Freedom... or the lack-thereof it."
The wine was making you feel all sorts of ways that evening.
"Freedom," he reiterated. "That may be more rewarding than both of our positions, Princess."
You narrowed your eyes at him to which he returned with a sly, small smirk and his own look was playful. Erryk was subverting your expectations beyond a reasonable doubt.
Your heart leapt at the idea that he was dallying with you.
You were both young and engaging in a fools errand.
Down the corridor from which you originally came, footsteps began to heighten. You could barely make out the silhouettes of more guards making rounds.
"I wish to retire to my room, Ser Erryk," you called out loudly enough for those to hear.
In an instant, a wall had gone up between the two of you and the wine was drained from your body. Erryk offered his arm in the way a Lord would as you conquered the steps one by one.
The guards surpassed you by changing their route and following down another corridor as the two of you made it to the middle landing of the grand steps.
"Oh," you feigned in their absence.
"There was nothing improper of our conversation, Princess," Erryk reassured you.
Everything and the Gods were improper for a high-born lady–even one unmarried and passed over as an option of heir.
"I know," you replied, feeling the cold metal of his armor simmer the heat of your palms.
You continued up the stairs with him and did not let go once the journey was complete.
"Do you see me a spinster, Ser Erryk?" You asked him and once more, he found himself a loss for words in your presence. No other high-born lady would give conversation so willingly. Yet you always had in your short meetings together.
“I am a few years beyond my sister. I am unwed and untethered. Not ideal for a husband to seek, no matter if my father is the King.”
"I do not believe it appr–"
"I really do not mind," your face concentrated on the passage of doors and miscellaneous objects littering the living quarter hallways. "You are not a stranger."
"Nor am I a friend," he felt the need to clarify.
"Then what are you?"
You stopped in the middle of the hall and turned to look at him. The skirt of the dress twirled and scuffed his hand. His fingers twitched to grab onto it.
"I am a sworn member of the Kingsguard, Princess. I have a duty to your name, to the crown."
"And such forsakes you from being a friend?"
"Do you wish me to be your friend?" He asked boldly.
In the same moment, a rumble of thunder roared through the sky. The open courtyard that found itself in the center of the wing of the keep whirled with a ruinous swirl.
You opened your mouth to speak but nothing voiced itself into words.
“I do not believe that would be appropriate.” You completed his previous sentence.
The earthy thunder echoed in the sky.
"What would be appropriate?" Erryk tested the waters.
He sensed the colors of his white cloak becoming sullied by his own greed. He took a step forward as the rain began to spill from the clouds above.
"My young sister is to be married," you cautioned. "Before I am to be and I–"
"I cannot take a wif–"
"No," you shook your head and sighed. "I do not wish to marry."
"I do not want to be the wife of a Lord twice my age. I want to make my own choices."
Erryk saw the determination in your eyes. He and Arryk had the same as they left home and declared themselves to be willing trainees for the Kingsguard. They gave everything to live a life of stewardship.
"The guards spoke of your abstention," Erryk admitted. "How you abdicated your inheritance and now Princess Rhaenyra is heir to the throne."
"I am clear of the understanding that you cannot take a wife, nor bear any children. I do not seek that either."
Erryk breathed in deeply. "What do you ask of me, Princess?"
Your observances were flicks of nervous ticks. The way your gaze was scattered across the hall; shades of gray became wet with rain and the fires that lit the way began to waver.
"I fear I ask something the Gods deny me."
The two of you stared at one another for seconds before you turned away and returned walking in a wade of self-destruction.
As the rain poured heavy, chaos erupted in the Great Hall as it did in the quarters above. Erryk looked to the sky through the pillars of stone to listen for a sign.
The Gods rumbled in fury.
But Gods be damned.
The clang of his armor filled your ears faster than the force of his hand encircling around your bicep and spinning you around without much warning. His other hand grasped the bottom of your jaw, filling the space of your cheek and brought his lips impatiently to your own.
You could not hear the rain when time ceased to move.
Erryk's hand let go of your bicep and wrung an arm around your back to meet the top of your dress' bodice. His fingers gripped the back of it and you could feel the fabric of his gloves itching against your skin.
The giddiness of the anxiety that had formed with you made your hands shake. They found purchase on his chest plate. Erryk's thumb caressed your chin and then exchanged its position to the back of your head.
You broke the kiss in breathlessness before he brought his lips to yours again.
Your body buzzed without thinking.
There was no returning to the therebefore.
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Not a year into Rhaenyra's marriage to Laenor did she give birth to her first son, Jacaerys, who appeared more like a common boy than a Targaryen.
In the following years, another boy was born with the same complexion and you questioned it not as she had come to you nine months prior and declared her third pregnancy happily.
It was an unkempt secret.
It was also one that you were fortunate not to share.
Ten years to the date of the wedding, both your and Rhaenyra's lives were inexplicably changed. Your father's condition worsened to where it was a battle to walk from bed to door. Alicent's ascent into her own form of motherhood rivaled Rhaenyra's as you kept your distance the best you could.
Alicent made efforts to get to know you better as an adult but you saw what she was. She was a devil disguised as a saint.
She was younger and tried yet to replace what your mother left vacant inside of you. You ignored her with what snide nature the Gods had granted you as you had gotten older.
It was your solitude that kept you sane as the keep grew louder.
That, and the life you kept in the shadows. Though, your nephews did bring a smile to your face.
"Jace!" You shouted with a laugh as the boy stumbled in the courtyard. His wooden sword went tumbling out of his hands after one strike from his brother, Lucerys.
They were so little and innocent.
"You must hold onto it if you want to be a great knight!"
"I was!" His little voice argued back as he went to pick up the word and Lucerys lifted his fist in victory.
Ser Harwin Strong stood on the sidelines of their small battle circle as you took a seat on the bottom step not far from their escapade. The yard was full of workers and knights, both those of the Kingsguard and City Watch.
"Not strong enough, My Prince," Harwin gave him a stern glare that sent Jace into a rigid stance wanting to prove his worth.
The boy was ten yet he wished to be a knight at that very moment.
"You must listen to your Aunt if you want to be a good knight," Harwin pointed at you to which you shook your head, scoffing at his words. "She has fought many a battle; can swing a sword as furious as an axe!"
Harwin laughed as you rolled your eyes.
You could see why Rhaenyra loved him. Why she would risk her entire being to bear his children in absence of Laenor's.
"You lie!" Lucerys accused him.
Harwin knelt down beside Lucerys. "I jest, My Prince. But you should know," he leaned his face closer to his sons, "your brother has a weakness..."
Harwin's voice went quiet and Jace put his arms up in defeat. You went to stand but as you gathered your skirt in your hand and went to push upwards, a hand was presented to you.
You looked up nearly blinded by the sunlight that peaked through the clouds and was met with Erryk's face.
He too had changed over the years.
His hair long was reminiscent of the Targaryen tradition of not cutting it so long as they remained the winner in battle. A beard now flocked his face in full but his heart remained the same.
"Princess," he mumbled as you took his hand, lifting yourself from the stair.
It had been two days since your last meeting but for both your hearts, the beat had not changed since the first night.
"Ser Erryk," you greeted. Lost in yourself, you neglected to drop his hand. "Thank you."
"I bring news. Princess Rhaenyra has begun her labors," he alerted you. “She has asked for your presence.”
You looked to Harwin and the boys, the prior already staring in your direction, eying Erryk with inspection. You dropped his hand in an instant.
"That is wonderful news," you replied with a kind smile. Erryk scanned your face for a sign of dejection at the admission. You noticed he had been doing that as of late and it irked you.
Harwin approached in heavy, quick steps.
"Ser Erryk," he greeted with a nod. "Are you to train with the boys today? Ser Cris–"
"I would not call this training," you clarified. The boys were but 10 and 6. "Play fighting may be more applicable."
"I came to tell the Princess that Princess Rhaenyra has begun her labors, Ser Harwin."
Erryk watched as Harwin's eyes contorted in a way he knew nothing of. A sliver of hope, joy, he was not sure. But it changed the way he felt inside.
"May the Gods grant the Princess good will," Harwin declared.
"Yes indeed," you added. Harwin glanced between the two of you as Erryk's eye-line focused on Jace and Luke putzing in the dirt.
“The Princes’ are most excited to meet their sibling. They have talked of nothing else for the past few days.”
“Speaking the truth, Ser Harwin,” you chuckled. “I pray it not be another boy for her sake. I do not know if she can handle such behaviors.”
Lucerys began to hit the ground with his stick in hard, deliberate strokes.
"I should distract the Princes then," he spoke lowly. "Thank you, Ser Erryk."
"Lord Commander," Erryk bid Harwin farewell as he walked back to the boys. Jace was occupied hitting the wooden sword on his feet and Lucerys came running towards the two of you.
"Ser Erryk!" The boy called jubilantly. "I took down my brother!"
"Oh?" Erryk responded in kind. "A very fierce battle ensued, I am sure."
"Yes! And I will do it again!" Luke smiled at him and it made your heart grow three sizes. “I wish to be a fine knight as you are, as Ser Harwin is.”
“One day, My Prince.”
"Luke," you looked down at the boy to which he put his small hand in yours. "I think it is time to choose an egg for the babe.”
The small boy's eyes lit up like a holiday. "Do you think so!?"
"I do," you squeezed his tiny fingers. "Go to your brother. Tell Ser Harwin that he must take you and then return you to your chambers once the egg has been collected."
Luke hugged at your leg tightly before running off to his brother with a screech.
"Take me to my sister," you told Erryk. "I must be with her."
"Of course, Princess."
Every corner of the keep was filled with spectators as the news of Rhaenyra's labors filtered through the castle. Erryk walked steadfast on your heels as your pace became more quick with noises of her strain making itself known.
"Gods," you said exasperated by her shouting.
"It will be alright," Erryk reassured quietly.
“I am inclined to say you have never seen a labor.”
“No,” he said quietly as you passed a guard walking in the opposite direction. “I have not had the privilege.”
“Far from a privilege, Erryk. It is gruesome.”
As her labor chambers came closer with your steps, the fewer guards and people were permitted in the hall.
"The Septa's once told us that boys were never easy. I fear this one will be a repeat of before."
"A boy?"
Without thinking, you replied: "the genes are far too strong."
But Erryk knew what you meant because in the corridors behind the walls of the keep, Harwin and Erryk had crossed paths in their escapes on more than one occasion.
He spoke your name and pulled at your arm to come to a stop outside of her chamber door. You could practically feel her pain emitting from the wood.
There were no guards standing watch outside of the door which you knew was the fault of the Queen.
"All will end well. Rhaenyra will see it to be true. Your sister is a hearty woman."
You nodded at him. "I know it to be so."
And you planted a quick kiss on his lips.
"Come find me tonight," you pleaded. "I wish to see you."
"I will do my best, Princess," Erryk glanced down the hall before cupping the back of your head and kissing you tenderly. "I will do my best."
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"Oh," you gasped. The breath had been taken from your lungs as your airway cast a shudder. One of your arms around his shoulders, hand snaking itself to cradle the nape of his neck under his hair while the other hand danced along the side of his face and its thumb traced the line of his lower lip as a set of trembling pants melted together to make a seamless one.
Erryk's hands, worn and calloused from a day's work, trailed the sides of your body and traced the curve of your hips to your thighs. His grip wavered between the harshness you had craved for and his gentle mask.
“These days,” he grunted, teeth clenched tightly together as his jaw flexed with concentration, “have been unforgiving, Princess.”
It had taken him five days to find time with you after the birth of Prince Joffrey.
And so much had changed in those five days.
You lifted yourself up in a rhythmic careen as your heart began to pound against your chest. His eyes seldom left your face. Erryk watched for every bated breath and each staggered exhale while his hands helped guide your hips in genteel rolls.
Between your legs, the feel of his cock was slick and hot. Entering in and out, in and out as he helped try to ease the burn of your thighs working toward elation.
Your hand fell from his face down to his arms. A ghostly light dusting to meet his right hand that had been assisting your movements.
Loosely bringing his hand to your mouth, Erryk’s lips parted as you covered all his fingers with your own except the middle, and brought it to your lips. You kissed the pad of his finger gently.
As you kissed his finger, you lifted yourself from his cock to the tip. He waited for the cool air to hit but it never came as you sank back down and opened your mouth with a mewl as he filled you again.
At that moment, you took his middle finger into your mouth and wet it with your tongue.
He could not speak. For his words were lost in the warmth of your cunt and mouth as your tongue swirled around his digit with a wanton pant. Erryk let his head fall to your chest; lips lingering on the skin of your breasts with nipples taught and pert beckoning to him.
Erryk’s other hand loosened from your hip and grasped your left breast. He palmed the skin before squeezing and letting his palm run over the nipple. You sucked on his finger a bit harder at the sensation.
The hairs from his beard scratched your skin in an insatiable pattern. It was familiar in an exact moment where the past was no more and the future was everclear.
You wanted it memorized. You wanted it traced upon your body.
He tilted his head lower to latch onto your nipple before letting go with an audible “pop” against the lewd sounds of the room. It was morning but the whispered breaths of lovers and the sound of their coitus woke with the rising sun.
You released his finger from between your lips and he lifted his head. His eyes met yours and they glimmered with the same refractions of light one gets as the sun peaks between curtains.
His heart was as large as the sea.
“Lay down,” you wet your lips and held his hand no different than before.
Erryk used his free hand to keep you steady as he laid back on the bed. He bent his knees and planted his feet against the duvet to give you leverage.
“As the Princess commands.”
You bit back a smile. The butterflies in your stomach never ceased to exist.
With your hand eclipsed with his own, you guided his now wet finger down to your clit and he needed no further instructions. The pressure of his finger felt like a lightning bolt shooting through thunder. You gasped as your legs quivered in delight.
And then you smiled fully. Erryk smiled in return and Gods, did you feel the world open up before you.
You placed a hand on his chest before leaning down to kiss his lips still quirked upwards in a sheltered grin. The ministrations of your pleasure not stopped at the joy.
Erryk laid back against the ends of the pillows and watched you lift yourself back up, hand grasping his wrist of the hand to your clit, and began to move faster. He could not help but become entranced in the way his cock disappeared in your core. Your tightness aching for him as it became more slick every passing second.
You breathed in deeply. A hitch in your timber sent his eyes back to yours and you rolled your body deeply—feigning coy in the smoked out candlelight. He could not his gaze roaming the way your breasts moved with every bounce.
The sun was rising behind you.
Enchanting or entrancing, he was captivated as always by his royal woman.
With his hand on your hip, he raised it to trace your spine and felt your muscles begin to shake. Bumps on your skin from his touch made him groan.
You faltered and leant forward. Hands now planted beside his face, your eyes met his own and Erryk gave a small nod. He removed his finger from your clit and ran both hands up your back as you laid your weight on him.
He held you tightly and began to move his hips at an aching pace. Your eyes closed as you hummed in content. Erryk let his face fall beside yours, mouth beside your ear.
"Is this alright, my darling?" he barely whispered and you smiled, he could feel it.
"Yes," you gasped. "Yes."
He laid a kiss on your earlobe in response. With your eyes closed, you could feel bursting colors inside of you. You imagined them swirling behind you eyelids in intertwined wisps of reds and pinks. Yellows of happiness adjoined with the blues of bliss.
In the years you laid together, Erryk was not one to speak loudly nor much during those times. He admired you in its absence. Watching and waiting with bated breath of what pleasure would bring you and he to follow.
It was when he held you close that he felt the oaths he sinned against were foolish.
The touch of a woman, the touch of you, brought him a fantasy he'd never thought of chasing.
You inhaled deeply, legs shaking as he worked you to your orgasm with precision. You turned your head to capture his lips with yours; swallowing his groans when you utilized the last bits of your strength to move your hips at his actions.
Crying out as your body jolts, your right hand snaked itself into the hair that fell on the side of his face.
"Gods," you whimpered. There was little more you could do to hang on.
Erryk's low grunts matched his thrusts the faster they came.
He gripped the back of your thigh and brought your leg upwards, changing his angle. Your shoulders tensed at your growing inability to hold on. A string was snapping inside of you, waiting for it all to be enough.
And at once, it became enough.
You tilted your head upwards with a high-pitched gasp; the sound elongating the second he felt your muscles tighten around his dick and loosen a second later with a fury. He continued to thrust through your tremors. The jerking of your body erupting his own orgasm and with three thrusts, his breath became staggered and wanton.
Against his chin, you rested your forehead uncomfortably to gather yourself. A droplet of sweat beaded from your breasts pressed against his chest and to his skin.
As he recovered his own breathing, a hand of his own rubbed careless lines on your back. Erryk could feel the pulse of blood rushing to your center. He took his hand away from your back and brought it to your face to turn it to him.
Your breath was hot against him as he was certain his own was against yours.
"I apologize," his voice had grown ragged. He spoke softly yet you could hear the hoarseness of his throat. "For not fulfilling your request."
"Come find me tonight," you pleaded. "I wish to see you."
"No," you brushed back hairs from his face. "It warrants no apology."
Erryk sighed deeply. You moved a finger to trace the edges of his beard lightly. He looked at you with a furrowed brow. You pressed a finger to the worrying crease.
"What worries you, my love?"
He appeared hesitant to speak freely in that moment. The comfort of guilt had been eating at him as of late. Act that soiled his cloak in sin, he had forsaken his duty to chase what he had denied himself for so long.
It was the evening chatter amongst the Kingsguard as they sat for supper that churned in his stomach.
"I do not worry," he answered. You did not believe him.
"Your face tells different story, Erryk."
"Do you regret this arrangement, Princess?"
You stopped your movements and locked eyes with him. Just as your heartbeat had started to slow, it picked up again at a rapid pace.
"I– " you paused to find your words. "Where might have gotten that impression?"
"No impression," he clarified. "It was simply Princess Rhaenyra's children–"
At the mention of your sister, you lifted your hips and removed him from you with a shallow shudder before rolling to your side and sitting upright in search of your dressing gown.
"I do not wish to speak of my sister while I lay with you," you informed him. It had never been a subject discussed in the decade of knowing one another. "That is the last person I wish to think of."
"I do not mean it in that way."
"Then in what way do you mean?" You gathered the gown from the floor and put it on in rapid movements.
"It is no secret that the King continues to search for a Lord Husband befitting of your status," Erryk spoke as he sat in the bed you shared. "I never imagined–"
"What?" You drew defensive immediately.
Something deeper lingered inside of you. He knew nothing of the matter.
"When I swore the oath of the Kingsguard I did not imagine being the one who stands in the way of the King's desires."
"He does not know, Erryk. I stand in his way. I refuse the proposals."
"Because you love me."
"Yes!" You exclaimed. "I told you that I wished to carve my own life with what little power I do have of it. This," you stuck both hands outward to him, "is that power."
"And if he were to find out, my fate would be far more severe than being exiled to my homelands."
Ser Harwin left yesterday morning at the instruction of the King.
Rhaenyra would not see anyone in her quarters for hours.
You did not question his comment.
"Have you found someone else to warm your bed?" You asked an impossible question. Erryk let the sigh of disbelief pass his lips.
"I would not inflict such pain on you. Do you truly question my devotion? After what I risk to love you?"
A piece of you constricted with the knowledge you held. How this was likely your last morning together for some time and you were leading it to a deep crevice of spite.
"You question my own devotion for what cause?" You countered. "I do not regret this. I will never so long as I live because we chose to do this, together."
Erryk moved off the bed and slipped on his trousers and linen shirt with the ties undone.
"I do not ask out of a want to be removed from my circumstance."
"Then why ask it?"
"Do you never feel guilt? Of allowing me to besmirch your honor–"
"Please," you begged him and sat on the settee that was littered with books of old. "I do not wish to hear it."
You did feel some guilt. Guilt of a secret that had been eating away at you for a day.
The troubles of life had long settled itself within the walls of your chamber. These conversations had been occurring more often as of late and you knew not the cause but had a rousing suspicion that his honor, duty to the crown levied a darkening cloud over his consciousness.
The culpability of a sin unforgettable to his stature buried him. Now having witnessed the removal of the Lord Commander, and Hand of the King, for the consequences of lust weighed like torture.
A dam of large proportions was meant to break in the keep.
The blood of Rhaenyra's childbirth was still being washed from the halls and with it, the stones cracked under pressure.
Erryk picked up the pieces of his armor from the floor and laid them before himself on the bed. Ingrained in his mind, he assembled each piece to the best of his ability before moving toward you as the birds began to chirp outside of your windows.
The cool breeze of autumn filtered in through the curtains.
It was then he saw the wetness of your cheeks. A silent cry had formed in his wake and he had not seen it. He had given no time for care; he feared your needs were not satisfied.
Before he could stumble out words, you coughed out the admission.
"Rhaenyra is leaving for Dragonstone on the morrow."
"She asked for my council... to go with her."
Erryk felt a terrible wall grow in front of him.
"I do not wish to leave you."
"Are you to go with her?" He asked.
A part of him knew the impossible task. He and his brother were inseparable. Being twins, perhaps it was expected of him to be close as thieves but the bonds of a sister had tethered two souls closer than even he could ponder.
He would die for his brother, as you would your sister.
"Yes," you cried. A sob escaped your lips and you let your head fall into your hands.
Erryk tossed his armor back onto the bed, kneeling before you and wrapping his arms around you as his heart stung.
"It is not my place to beg you to stay," he admitted. "You must do as your future Queen commands of you." Spoken like a knight.
"What if my leaving is the last that I will see of you?' You questioned. You lifted your head and cupped his face. "I love you, Erryk. I do not regret my actions."
"And I you," and instead of Princess, he said your name soothingly. "I speak in fear. You speak of what little you have, but with what I do have, my body and soul are yours to keep."
"I do not think I can bear being parted for long. I will not take a husband, I will not take another lover," you declared.
You made your sentiments known. He was not going to question it again.
"Nor I," he agreed. "Nor I."
You pulled your lips to his own.
"I wanted to tell you," you wept, “but I could not find you. I wished not for this to be our parting ways. I do not want to you to remember me this way."
"In what way?" He hummed with a strained, sorrowed smile. "You are as beautiful as the day we met. If this is to be our last moments together, my only regret is not holding you longer."
You let out a wet, sad laugh.
"We will find each other again," he reassured you. His blue eyes shining in the golden glow of morning as the sun blessed the skies in a red and pink dream.
"I swear it, by the old Gods and the new."
You rubbed your thumb across his cheek to catch a tear most of the Kingsguard would never admit to falling in the presence of their lovers. You nodded at him.
"I love you," you whispered.
You wouldn't see him for another six years.
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The gates of King's Landing were tall and colored in an ugly terracotta.
You peered out the slim slivers the grated windows of the caravan allowed as it trudged the rocky roads along the shoreline of the city. Glimpses of a cooling fall air, the sun was shielding itself behind clouds with every inching second that wheels churned closer to the keep.
"Surely the city cannot have changed that much since our departure, good sister," Daemon's words were shrouded in a snicker. His eyes are always cutting and looking for a battle.
Eyes tearing themselves away from the outside, you looked at Daemon as he studied you.
"It has changed greatly, Uncle," you retorted. "Perhaps if you had spent more time canvasing it during the light of day you would be able to say the same."
Daemon's lips lifted themselves into a sly, cunning smirk as Rhaenyra shook her head.
"Must we bicker as such? Play civil for only a day and then we shall return home. Might we find some excitement beyond the boor?"
When Daemon became Rhaenyra's husband after Laenor passed, you wished your dragon would swallow you whole.
Rhaenyra said you were being dramatic.
"Vaemond is a peddler," you reassured her, taking her hand in yours and peering back outside of the slits. "Your sons have little to fear."
In the years that have passed over Westeros, every soul had been changed by the tenants of the Red Keep and those who watch over them like vultures at a feast. Rhaenyra's ascendance to Viserys' heir should not have been a catalyst for the pain suffered by those in their watch but yet it could not help itself.
Your fingertips ghosted the wooden edges of the carriage as the latches of the gates began to swing outwards and opening themselves up to you once more.
Rhaenyra understood that her sons had nothing to fret regarding their futures. Viserys had turned a blind eye for years and the sentiment would not change so long as he remained on the throne for the years to come.
She squeezed your tender fingers with her own.
Daemon's eyes wandered from the trusted hands of two sisters to his wife's face.
"I do wonder," Daemon cleared his throat and adjusted in his seat. His sheathed sword knocked the golden accents of the interior. "If there is something of worry for you, good sister."
Rhaenyra's face twitched. A challenge, he imagined.
"I've heard that the Queen has been looking to secure a marriage match for her children."
"Daemon, you forget yourself," Rhaenyra spoke. Your eyes were lost in the courtyard that began to form around you.
"She has evaded such for years," Daemon defended. "I know of no other high-born lady, a princess, who is beyond marrying age and still remains relevant. Alicent is playing chess against an enemy that stays hidden on a cliff."
"Why is the concern so pressing?" Rhaenyra questioned, her eyes narrowing as her hand gripped yours tighter.
"You said it yourself, if Vaemond has the will to bring into question Jace and Luc, then the family will fall into a pit before being able to hoist itself up again. A match may not be out of the question to cease the concerns of other houses who question our ability to rule."
"No." Rhaenyra shook her head. "My father-"
"Knows nothing. The green bitch does his bidding. We all know about it."
The wheels of the carriage struck a bump causing the three of you to lean in one direction before falling back. The sounds of Kingsguard and City Watch members clambering for the arrival of such a caravan began to make themselves known.
"Where do you hear such secrets, Daemon?" You tired of hearing your life being planned without your consent. You narrowed your eyes at the blonde man. "I am near twenty years elder of her children. I am far too old to be the wife of–," there was a part of you that could hardly speak it.
And Daemon chuckled at the prospect.
But then again, he was older than both you and Rhaenyra.
It may have been the proper way of great households, but it was one that you detested. You had seen what marriage had done to your sister, your family, and closest friends. So many lost to what they had known for the sake of alliances and duty.
The memories of your trysts lay present in your mind. He was there.
A piece of Rhaenyra and your mother's stubbornness had harbored itself into you for the last sixteen years when womanhood had finally made sense to you.
There had been a glint in Rhaenyra's eyes at one time and you'd be dammed if you let your family take that from you as well.
"Besides," you diverted. "Father has tried many fine men of great houses to force my hand and yet," you lifted a hand void of jewelry besides a golden dragon that slithered up ornately on your pointer finger.
"Trying times call for trying actions."
You needn't respond to Daemon for him to understand the conversation had ceased. Rhaenyra put pressure on your hand once more before removing it and placing her own back on her belly that grew another child of her and Daemon's.
Outside the caravan of black banners and red sigils, the scattered sounds of court disappeared behind walls rattled with the hooves of the steeds. The carriage came to a rough stop and Rhaenyra gave you a stressed smile.
There was no fond greeting for those who escaped to Dragonstone six years ago.
"I sense the welcome is not as it once was," you whispered to her. Her brows furrowed as she had not paid any mind to the sounds and sights beyond her small party. A sinking feeling landed at the pit of your stomach.
The clatter of tools and wooden planks stopped as the caller announced the members to descend the steps.
And as you thought, the welcome was as the keep had become: vacant of the reverence it once had.
Each member of the Targaryen's who had been nothing short of exiled for their own safety waltzed into the pit of a raging green beast with a poor reception on behalf of the crown the heir expected. It spoke plainly of the disagreeable nature floating between two sides.
With a creak, the doors to the Keep's entrance opened and one soul, Lord Caswell, looked ridden with worry which struck a chord within Daemon, Rhaenyra, and yourself. He approached the heir with a solemn face before bowing.
"Welcome home, Princess."
"Lord Caswell," Rhaenyra responded in kind. His eyes bounced between each of you. He hadn't welcomed any of you to the keep in six years time.
It was as though a century had passed in a second.
"The King is anxious for your return," he continued. "He spoke of nothing but for these past two days. As well as to see his grandchildren, so grown and presentable." Lord Caswell nodded at them.
"Take us to him, if you please, Lord Caswell. It has been a weary journey," Rhaenyra began to walk off as he stuttered.
"Surely you would like to rest first, Princess? I will have your things taken to the visiting quarters."
"Visiting quarters?" Rhaenyra questioned, stopping in her tracks. Daemon was on her heels and her eldest son, Jace, halted with the rest of the children beside you.
Your eyes danced around the courtyard in a silly hope to find a pair.
'Of course he would not be there,' you scolded yourself.
You wondered if you had changed since your last meeting. Would he be able to recognize the woman you had become in the desolate castle?
"The Queen has taken residence in your former quarters, Princess."
Rhaenyra paused before speaking with an understanding that while here on the business of securing her son's legacy, her bygone friend has seized more than just your father.
But as you took in the surroundings you envisioned a world differently than the one that presented itself to you now. One of freedom and without greed; no one playing a long game of power and where lives were not seen as pawns, but as people.
Rhaenyra took a deep breath. She held her hand to her stomach and rubbed a thumb across it gently as the overcoat she wore buried the chill with everything she had lost inside. She glanced at you as your eyes looked everywhere but hers and followed as they met every Kingsguard in the court.
She saw the light dim in the slightest.
"Lord Caswell," She spoke clearly, "take us to my father please." 
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Seldom would have prepared you for the state your father was in.
Forced with an eternity of pain, Viserys was a shell of himself in the bed he laid. Each minute he suffered in the stillness of the Milk of the Poppy and it guided him only to lead him astray; every swing of an ax, a sword in the courtyard, would bleed the remnants of happiness that lingered in his dusty room.
He barely recognized you as you held his hand.
It struck your soul when he mistook you for your dead mother.
"Aemma," he croaked as though it took all his strength to talk."
Rhaenyra stilled beside you. You put on a brave face.
"No, father," you reminded him of you. "We are all here now."
He repeated your name brokenly.
"Sister," Rhaenyra approached you with her own son, Viserys by name, on her hip.
You had resigned yourself to inspect the dusty model of King's Landing that had once been a prized possession of the man who could not will himself to stand. The disease had overtaken his body to the point of immobility.
Viserys groaned in pain in his bed.
It was a sound you wished not to hear once more.
"Why don't you find your nephews and reintroduce them to the Keep?" She proposed. Her attitude was emitting more positivity than it should.
"I am sure they have already made their way," you took a finger and swiped it through the dust.
"And they could do well with a guide," she pressed.
You sighed, taking a glimpse behind you and surveying your father as he hid behind the curtains of his bed and cooed at Rhaenrya's other son, Aegon.
"He will be alright, sister."
"I do not share the same confidence, Rhaenyra."
She bounced Viserys on her hip. The boy played innocently with her hair without worry of the world evolving around him.
It was turning sour.
"Go to them," Rhaenyra ordered. "I would start at the training ground... you know how my boys are."
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You heard the sound of swords before you saw them.
For once Daemon had been right about the Red Keep: it truly hadn’t changed from your time spent away. The same people found themselves completing the same mundane tasks each and every day until the Father called them home.
At the top of the long steps, you took in the sights you had missed.
It smelled of shit and metal. The people were loud and crowding around a scene of two men sparring along the edges of the yard. In your vision, Jace and Luke were fumbling through the materials they reminisced of as young children.
A chunk taken out of the stone, the wooden swords still available to train with.
You leaned against the barrister of brick. Below, just out of sight, two knights sparred in their time away from the king. Their fierceness caught the eyes of the two Targaryen boys who were in awe of the sights around them.
“Look,” Jace put his arm around his brother and pointed to Erryk and Arryk’s valiant efforts.
The eldest was in awe of such gallantry.
“It is just as we remembered, isn’t it?”
Luke watched as everyone stared at them unabashedly.
“They have always been valiant fighters,” Jace continued. “I remember Ser Erryk helping us adjust our stances. We were all but six and ten.”
"That was not Ser Arryk?"
Jace laughed. "Ser Erryk was the one to help you after I pushed you into that pile of horse shit when you were four. He gave the best advice about watching your opponents."
“And what good did that bring you?” Luke jested and received a slap on the head. He caught you monitoring them from above on the landing of the steps.
“It seems motherly is untrusting of us on our own,” he told Jace who clocked you watching before the sounds of metal swords clanging caught your attention.
“She will not object to us,” Jace picked at the swords on the cart. “She let us hit each other with these same sticks when I was not yet ten. I do not think our Aunt minds if we explore our old home.”
“I do not think she cares about us at all,” Luke spoke of you as he watched the two brothers push one another backwards.
They let up with a shake of their hands and if he could tell them apart, he would say Arryk looked up at you and paused.
“Brother,” Arryk called to Erryk as the latter went to reestablish his footing.
“What?” Erryk heaved in a tired breath. “Again, Arryk. We do not have much time.”
“Brother,” Arryk now insisted and pointed his sword upwards to the tops of the steps.
When he turned around, it was as though all life paused around him. Two worlds gone completely still because for the first time in six years, you and Erryk had finally converged to one place. 
It took his breath away.
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A/N: I lied! I made this into 2 parts because it was getting far too long. Next part will cover the reunion, more smut, and of course the remaining bits of Erryk’s story.
As always, thank you for reading. Comments and reblogs, as well as likes, are greatly appreciated. I loved that this character has captured our hearts so much. There truly are no small roles.
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missmungoe · 6 months
“Makino?” Buggy asked, but then in terms of names, it was as un-flashy as the rest of the village. “Who’s that, your mayor?”
That had Bucket Hat huffing, before he straightened his narrow shoulders. “I am the mayor,” he said, although it wasn’t long before he conceded, “But they’re right; she’ll know what to do. She owns the bar over yonder.” He gestured with his walking stick to a house down the street, before walking off, grumbling under his breath about today’s youth. Buggy didn’t correct him to say he was almost forty; compared to that knot of limbs, he probably was a youth.
The broad who owned the tavern was probably similarly ancient, but then places like this were usually made up of retirees and spinsters; everyone else either enlisted or set out to sea under a different flag, or just to try their luck in a city somewhere. This barmaid was probably twice his age, and with his luck, twice as mean. Why else would the villagers be so eager to send him her way, other than to see him chased out of her bar with a broom?
The bar in question was the only one in the village, but then that wasn’t a surprise. Party’s Bar, the sign read, which he might have paused on, because this town didn’t look like it would know a party if one showed up, but Buggy barely glanced at it as he shoved through the bat-wing doors―
―only to come to a halt, the doors swinging wildly behind him, and his wide eyes staring at the cheerful interior of a common room that looked so unlike any bar he’d ever set foot in, he almost went back to double-check the sign out front.
The rest of his crew filed in behind him; unlike Buggy, still staring at the neat interior, they reacted with delight and approval.
Movement behind the bar dragged his eyes to the woman there, only to freeze.
Wide, doe-brown eyes considered him, and the crew crowding her doorway. She looked surprised rather than afraid, as she said, carefully, “Hello.”
Buggy barely heard the greeting, still staring at her face. He’d expected an old bat, spine like a fishing hook and with barnacles growing in the grooves of her face; the kind who breathed salt and rum and whose apron had stains older than the bar.
The one watching him from behind the counter was barely thirty, and more than that, she was―
She was―
“Captain,” someone behind him whispered. “You’re blocking the doorway.”
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dw-writes · 2 years
Out of the Woods - Fae King x Reader
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summary: when confronted with a possibility you despise, you run to the woods for comfort and straight into the arms of someone you never expected.
Hi. Its been a while. here, have some SMUT but specifically MONSTER SMUT because i don’t have anything else to post and i wanna post something that i think is good. let me know what you think
ps: this is related to another smut piece i wrote titled The Woods are Dark so if you wanna hunt around for that also, you can. I’ll try to link it here eventually. It was an earlier piece so im not sure if the smut compares but, you’ve been warned.
trigger warnings: SMUT, double penetration, vaginal/anal/unprotected sex, monstrous partner
You always watched when your sister left for the woods. You knew she wouldn’t be alone – you had threatened Raoul with an axe in the head if he made her walk through the woods by herself – but it still frightened you. There was something off about those woods. Something odd. Sinister, maybe. You couldn��t put your finger on it.
You crossed your arms, standing at the end of the path between the corn, until your sister’s deep brown hair blended in with the shadows of the forest. Your father called your name behind you and you turned. He limped down the stairs, using an old, thick stick to help him walk. His pale skin was stark against the gnarled brown wood and you frowned.
“Mother said you hurt yourself fixing the plow,” you stated. Your father grimaced as he touched the ground and groaned while he sat on the stairs. You paced over to him. “Perhaps you should stay inside.”
“The last time I checked, you were my daughter. Not my mother,” he jested. He grinned and patted the space next to him. “Come. Sit down. Let us talk.” He brushed his hand over your hair as you sat. You stretched your legs out and stared at your boots. The leather was cracking where your toes were. “You know now that you are of age,” he started slowly.
You groaned and shot to your feet. Your boots rolled just a bit and you stumbled. “I am not marrying,” you protested. He started to argue. “No, these people – they’re barbaric! They treat you and mother both with such disdain – and you expect me to marry one of them?!” Your words stumbled over each other as your anger grew and boiled over. Your father gripped his stick with both hands and watched as you ranted. “I refuse to!” your voice cracked as it shot up an octave. He opened his mouth again. You crossed your arms. “No.”
That was it.
He shut his mouth and sighed. “You cannot be a spinster,” he said softly. He tilted his head to the side and down, then looked at you through the mess of dark red hair that hung from his scalp. “You know someone must stay in this house.”
“No one must stay in this house,” you spat, “If the village wants to keep someone between them and the forest, they can fill the house themselves.” The anger in your voice struck your father. He looked down. You released a scoffing sigh. “I just….” Kneeling in the dirt, you placed your hands on the shoes of your father and stared up at him. This close, you could see the color of his brown eyes growing cloudy with age. “They are just woods,” you whispered. You shook your head. “This is a punishment neither you nor mother should have had to endure.”
He was silent as he watched you. Leaning in, he pressed the softest of kisses to your forehead and sighed. “You must hunt before it gets too dark,” he murmured. He said nothing of the house or of the woods. Just a soft, “Stay in sight,” as he stood and limped back into the house.
You stayed kneeling on the ground. The door creaked as it was shut behind him.
You wanted to scream.
Rising to your feet, you stalked between the garden of herbs and flowers, and the tall stalks of corn, and made your way to the ramshackle barn nearby. It was larger than the house by at least half and the wood of the barn had lightened considerably with age and sunlight. You struggled against the sliding door – the metal inside must finally be rusted – until you pushed it completely open. The dark smelled like dirt and tasted like metal. You walked only a few steps inside to your hunting weapons – your musket and your axe – and donned them both. You thought of your father’s words again, all of them.
You had to marry? Had to? Would he force you?!
You walked from the barn and headed into the woods, far from where you had watched your sister enter them, and far out of sight of the house. You would hate to mistake Raoul for prey, especially while in such a foul mood. You followed another path, this one with bent grass and small prints that indicated rabbit, until the house disappeared behind you and the sun filtered green through the trees. You kept your eyes on the trail as they filled with angry tears.
“If people fear these woods so much, they can guard the town themselves,” you spat at no one. You gripped the strap that held your musket to your back until your knuckles paled. “It’s not a job for outcasts,” you growled. You thought of your sister and mother, how their dark brown skin was a stark contrast to your father’s. How you all were always the subjects of narrowed eyes and cruel whispers.
You whirled on your heel and stumbled, screaming into the trees, “We’re not outcasts! There’s nothing wrong with us!” Your voice fell flat.
“No one here has said such,” came a voice behind you.
You spun around, gasping, struggling as your boot twisted in the dirt. You tumbled, fingers digging into the ground as you scrambled backwards. Your back hit something solid.
“Careful,” said the voice again, right above you, “You’ll hurt yourself.” The voice was deep – deeper than Raoul’s, deeper than any voice you had heard before. It sent a shiver down your spine. Hands slid over your shoulders and down your arms, helping you off the ground. Another two hands brushed over your hips, steadying you. You held your breath. “Are you alright?” the voice asked, “You’re not hurt, are you?”
“No,” you breathed, “You startled me.”
The musket was carefully pulled over your head, until the long strap dangled far above you. You carefully looked up, then watched as it was placed gingerly on the ground. Your ax followed it. Long fingers brushed your hair back from your face as whoever stood behind you leaned down. “Apologies. I never meant to scare you.” Warmth breath smelling of cloves and tobacco rolled over your cheek. You closed your eyes, relaxing as the fingers slowly pressed into your skin. They pulled the collar of your loose blouse down over your shoulders. “You’re much more beautiful up close,” the voice whispered.
“You’ve seen me?” you asked.
The hands – all four of them – turned you around to finally face whoever they belonged to. He towered over you far more than any normal man would. At least, you thought him to be a man – his lack of trousers revealed two erect cocks between his legs, each a different size and girth. You dragged your eyes away from them to his face. Long golden hair was twisted out of his face, with braids tucked carefully behind four long and pointed ears. His eyes were large and round and glowed in the evening sun, set into a face as brown as the trees surrounding you. A blouse of silver hung off his shoulders, half open as though he’d been interrupted in removing it.
“Hard not to when you watch the woods so intently,” he answered. He asked after your name, not to claim it, but to make sure he knew it correctly, then gave you his, “Zephyr.” He smirked, showing sharp fangs that he licked with a thick, pointed tongue. “King Zephyr,” he corrected himself.
His hands moved as he spoke, stroking your hair, loosening your blouse until it fell down your arms and exposed your breasts to the cooling air, kneading your hips through your skirts, and tugging them up your legs.
“King of what?” you whispered.
A finger brushed over your mouth while a hand squeezed a breast tight in his palm. Your tongue traced what pushed against your lips as you granted him access he hadn’t thought to ask for.
Zephyr groaned. The sound shot straight between your thighs. “Anything you ask for,” he answered. His hands gripped your hips and picked you up like you were nothing. “Everything you ask for.”
You held two arms as you swirled your tongue around the appendage in your mouth, digging your fingers into his skin as he carried you deeper into the woods. The hand left your breast and delved beneath your skirts to rid you of your bloomers. You gasped, then whined as the digit left your mouth, trailing saliva down your chin and around your neck. Your heart raced against his palm. Zephyr growled as he broke through the trees to a clearing. Your own hands left his arms and slid over his shoulders to take hold of the thick braids that tumbled down his back unseen. You tugged him to you once, only once, and he bowed his head to devour the whimpers leaving your mouth unheard as deft fingers toyed with your clit.
He knelt in the grass, pulling you over his wide lap until you felt his cocks slide against the slick that dribbled from your aching cunt. He grunted, adjusting your hips, then groaned as a hard cock slid between the cheeks of your ass. You gasped, and he didn’t miss a beat; his pointed tongue rolled into your mouth, which he coaxed open wider with his own to fit the girth of it between your lips. You whined.
Zephyr pulled back with a breathless gasp. His hips rutted against yours and his fingers rolled your clit between them while his hands quickly rid you of your clothes. Your trembling ones pushed off his light blouse.
“You’re so much more beautiful like this,” he murmured as he moved down, trailing his tongue over your skin. You swallowed, licking your lips, tasting the viscous liquid his mouth left behind and shivering. “So beautiful and wild and open,” he said around your nipple.
You mewled as his fingers delved into your soaked cunt, swearing as he spread it open for the thicker of his cocks. Your hands fluttered over his chest as you choked out a stuttering, “Wait!”
“Hm?” A hand squeezed your unattended breast and rolled the nipple between his fingers, while the one around your neck loosened its grip, and a third caressed your back and down the curve of your ass.
“Wait,” you gasped. You rolled your hips and felt both cocks slide over both your empty holes. “Can I take both of them?” you nervously asked, “Both of them, two different spots?”
Zephyr’s eyes lifted to yours. They glittered with mischief as his hands left your body. “Oh?” he asked, then chuckled, “I knew you were special. I could see it.” He lowered you to the ground, where the grass parted to fit you. He shifted down your body and licked his slick lips. “Both, then? One will need assistance, of course,” he murmured.
You nodded. “Please,” you begged.
Two hands pressed your thighs open, moving them until your hips tilted up. Another hand returned to your breasts, alternating between them as it squeezed and pinched your nipple while the last of them encircled your neck and squeezed. His tongue first lapped at your dripping pussy, and he groaned at the taste of you, then moved down to your untouched ass hole. His tongue circled the puckered hole, smearing not only the juices he’d collected from your cunt but the slick saliva that dripped from his drooling mouth.
You arched your back with a loud whine. You shivered and slid your hands down your body, squeezing the breast that Zephyr ignored while pressing your fingers against your throbbing clit. You slid them into his hair and bucked your hips into his face.
The king snarled against your skin. His tongue prodded your puckered hole carefully, and muttered as rumbling, “Relax.” His hands pulled your legs over his shoulders and left them, taking your hands and pulling them from your body. “Relax,” he repeated. He pulled his tongue back and slurped at your cunt, swallowing, then blazed a trail of teasing kisses up your body. He sat back enough for your heels to catch on his shoulders. He moved both of your hands into one palm and lifted his free fingers to his mouth.
You watched him, gulping, eyes wide, lips parting as he thrusted his fingers into his mouth and groaned. He pulled them free, a string of thick liquid sticking to his lip, and dropped them to your ass. He traced your puckered hole with one, and carefully pushed the other in, to the first knuckle, then the second, and the third. It was warm and thick and spread your hole wider than you’d ever felt before. He thrusted the finger slowly, and you whimpered a pathetic, “Zephyr!”
He squeezed your throat tighter, eyes darting from your face to the nipple he tugged unkindly at, to the fluttering of your cunt as it squeezed around nothing, and finally to his finger sliding in and out of your ass.
You squirmed, gasping, feeling light as the air was cut off from your lungs. You’d never felt anything like what he gave you, and you hoped that there would never be a night without it ever again.
His grip on your throat loosened enough to release the loud whine that had built up in your mouth. He carefully pulled his hand back from your hole and lined up the thinner of his cocks to it, pushing in slowly, carefully, cooing at you to relax whenever he met resistance. He groaned as you fluttered around every inch of him, squeezing him as he bottomed out even deeper than his long finger had reached.
Your eyes pricked with tears. You tugged at the hand that held your wrists together and squirmed beneath him, babbling, begging him to keep going, to fill you up.
“Anything you wish,” he groaned as he lined up his second, thick cock with your cunt. He tugged you up onto his lap and sheathed you over him in one quick move, your legs dropping from his shoulders to his elbows. He held your hands above your head. Your bent legs sank as he wrapped two arms around your waist, bouncing you slowly on both cocks, while his fourth hand rolled over your clit. He lowered his head to your neck and sucked on the exposed skin. “Anything you fuckin’ wish for, my love,” he rasped.
“Lemme stay here with you!” you wailed, “Lemme stay! I wanna stay with you!”
“Then stay you will,” he growled against your skin. He bounced you faster, mindful of his pace and the feel of each of your holes around his cocks, making sure that you were still able to take him as his thrusts grew erratic. His hand released your wrists to wrap around your back, his fingers digging into the plump flesh of your hips.
You looped your arms around his neck to stay upright, mewling and moaning into two of his four ears and chanting his name until your throat was sore. Your head swam, and your body ached as your walls clamped around his cocks again and again, chasing orgasm after orgasm until you thought your body would split apart.
Zephyr lowered you back into the grass, using two hands to press your legs up against your chest as his thrusts grew harder and deeper, his cocks swelling in size as he finally neared the apex of his high. His fingers rubbed fast circles against your clit until you were seeing stars.
The last of your orgasms snapped a coil tight in your belly. You threw your head back and shrieked into the night, tears welling in your eyes as everything spasmed and shook. Zephyr, in turn, buried his face between your breasts as he snarled loud. Hot, thick cum filled you, spurting in such large ropes that it seeped out around his cocks and down your thighs to the grass below. You wrapped shaky arms and trembling legs around his large form as he relaxed against you, his growl tampering off into a low, rumbling groan. All of his fingers smoothed over your sweat slick skin.
Somewhere beneath your heaving pants, you finally heard the cacophony of moans and grunts around you. You dropped your head against the ground and looked around, catching sight of other couples or groups, each deep in the throes of ecstasy as they fucked or sucked or licked anything they could get their groping hands on.
Your heart stuttered. Zephyr hummed, his hot mouth kissing the skin of your chest. “I apologize, my love,” he murmured, “This was the best place to go where no human eyes would feast on your body.” He brushed the hair from your face as you watched him, took in his features until they were imprinted in your mind. “Such a wild thing,” he whispered, “They don’t deserve you out there.”
“Where are we?” you finally asked. You dropped a shaking hand to his cheek and cupped his face, smoothing your thumb under his mouth.
“The woods,” he answered with a slow smile. He took your hand and placed a gentle kiss against your palm. “Though this is the Revelry, and the Revelry only takes place in my court.”
“Are the woods your court?” you whispered.
“Not all of them,” he replied, “Only the part where the door to my court is.” He leaned into your touch more. “We went through it. And we can go back through it.”
You cupped your hand around his other cheek and pulled his face to yours, pressing a gentle kiss against his wide mouth. He rolled his hips into yours as his tongue traced your bottom lip. You whined. “I meant it,” you breathed before he could steal your words, “I want to stay with you.”
“And you shall,” he replied. He snapped his hips against yours, his cocks hard once again. The squelch of your mixed fluids sent a wave of heat through your body and into your face. He smirked. “First there,” he groaned with another thrust into your fluttering holes, “And then here. You have my word, and my word is law.” His thumb tugged on your chin. “Now, open your mouth.”
You had never obeyed a command faster.
Your father was anxiously waiting in the early morning hours when you finally left the woods, your musket and ax over one shoulder while you carried a bundle of rabbits over the other. You explained that you hadn’t meant to take so long, that you had to camp when you realized that you were too far to make it through the woods at night.
Your sister, however, failed to believe you when you tried to share that story with her. She eyed you, crossing her arms, watching as you carefully sat outside while your father worked to skin the rabbits in the kitchen.
“Where were you, really?” she asked.
You merely smiled and shrugged. “In the woods,” you answered.
She turned when someone knocked upon the door of your family’s cottage, then whipped back to you when the sounds of your mother talking with another man drifted through the house. You stared at the back door, frowning, and stood with her, heading inside. A man stood just inside the open front door, towering above your mother and father. His crisp, golden hair was tied back with a black ribbon, and he dressed far too well to be standing in your family’s small cottage.
“I apologize for barging upon you and yours so early,” he said. You leaned against the wall of the storage room, watching him through the opening leading to the rest of the house. His voice was so familiar, the deep tones vibrating in your rib cage. “But the priest directed me here when he heard I was looking for a spouse.” He cleared his throat and bowed at the waist. His dark brown eyes cut across the house to you, as though he’d known you would be standing there. His lips quirked up in the slightest of smiles. “My name is Zephyr. And I’ve been told much about your eldest, so much that I would be honored to extend the offer of marriage.”
Your heart skipped and your breath caught as a smile slowly spread across your face.
~*~Thanks for Reading~*~
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tennessoui · 1 year
“You don’t want me.”
I don’t have any au preference. I just know the potential with this one has me vibrating!!!!!
ahhh ok ok so !!! this is the long-awaited (im telling myself this) regency au snippet where obi-wan and anakin meet!! here is the tag for the au on tumblr to find the other snippets + bonus ao3 christmas tide oneshot, but chronologically this takes place first (with minor tweaks to the existing au: obi-wan always knew anakin was the duke, mace was there their first time meeting each other)
(2.4k) (squick tag: a/b/o)
At the very edge of the dancefloor, Obi-Wan stands with his hands tucked neatly behind his back as he watches the members of high society spin around the ballroom as if it’s some sort of contest.
He supposes it is.
And being unwilling to participate in such pageantry has found him invariably pushed him to the edges of their circus, his tattered, off-season clothing only cementing his place there.
He has stopped caring four seasons ago, taking his cue from his elder brother. The people who could not hold their tongues called Mace spinster to his face, and conceited behind his back. But Obi-Wan was there at his side the first time his brother realized high society had moved forward without him: he had seen the relief that accompanied his slumped shoulders, had seen how much lighter his eyes grew when the last of the alphas at the ball dragged their eyes past him as if he were invisible.
Almost immediately, Obi-Wan, all of ten and seven then, had wanted that freedom for himself. Alphas were exhausting. Society alphas even moreso. When his brother had stepped back to a nominal role in the season—present only in body, only as chaperone to his four younger omega siblings—Obi-Wan had been eager to step into the shadows with him.
“Alas, my ankles hurt,” he told every alpha—of which there were only a handful—who asked him to dance over the past few seasons.
Eventually, they stopped asking, though Obi-Wan still attended every dance of the season, if only to witness Bant trip over herself in front of her flutist, or to watch Aayla dance the night away with a bright smile on her lips.
He’s startled out of his contemplations by the arrival of his brother, who offers him a discreet flask from his coat pocket. “To the beginning of another season,” Obi-Wan tilts the flask towards his brother with a smirk. “May we be fat with children come spring.”
Mace huffs out a snort and takes the liquor back from him, medicating with a hearty swig before he tucks it out of sight once more. “You know, Obi-Wan, you do not have to wear the cloak of the cynic just because you like how it looks on me.”
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” Obi-Wan replies, looking across the ballroom. On the other side of the cavernous space, people are starting to flock towards the doors, each louder and more enthusiastic than the last.
Beside him, his brother lets out a sigh. “I remember a boy who took great pleasure in his dancing lessons once upon a time. What turned him into this man, who I have not seen take to the floor once in five years?”
“His dancing partners,” Obi-Wan quips back, stealing the flask from his brother’s coat. “What do you think that is all about?” He inclines his head to the gaggle of alphas and omegas alike, clamoring at the base of the great staircase.
Mace shoots him an incredulous look. “Brother, surely you must know.”
Obi-Wan scowls. He does not appreciate the tone nor the implication that he is behind on some great piece of societal news.
“The duke Skywalker has arrived,” Mace says quite slowly. “He is spending the season here, as these are his ancestral grounds. The king wants him to settle here apparently. We have been ungoverned for too long, and are thinking of dangerous ideas. ”
“Hah,” Obi-Wan replies. “I suppose it is of no coincidence that he has arrived at the start of the season? Is he in want of an omega?”
“Surely he must be,” Mace dips his head. “Though I believe it wouldn’t matter if he were not,” he raises his eyebrows pointedly in the direction of the crowd.
“Because everyone else is in want of being his omega,” Obi-Wan finishes and shakes his head, a strange surge of pity welling up in his chest for the alpha duke. It is not often he recognizes someone so thoroughly trapped, which is the only thought in his head when the doors finally open and reveal their duke.
The man stands tall in an outfit of daring red, a color that has not been popular for at least a few seasons. Obi-Wan thinks this is probably about to change now that society has seen the way the shade looks on the duke’s well-muscled body,  the way its darkness highlights the tarnished gold of his wild hair.
From his position on the landing, the duke looks over the crowd. Obi-Wan can see the way his eyes widen slightly at the crowd that awaits him at the bottom of the stairs, though he cannot be surprised. He barely resists the urge to snort when he sees the way the alpha’s nostrils flare as he scents the room. In the city, this must be acceptable practice, but here? It is uncouth to the extreme. But of course someone as wealthy, handsome, and eligible as the duke will be able to get away with the action.
The duke’s face darkens suddenly, head still tilted a touch too high to be natural. Ignoring the guards who have announced him and who now are trying to gently urge him down the steps to his doom, he steps forward to lean against the marble banister as his eyes focus on the party below him, as if intent on making eye contact with each of his subjects before deigning to walk amongst them.
“It will be the mating of the century,” Obi-Wan says, taking another sip from Mace’s flask.
“It will be a boon onto our business,” Mace replies. “If the amount of omegas through our doors just for tonight’s dance is any indication.”
Obi-Wan blinks. He’d noticed that the business in their tailorshop had increased rather substantially in the past month. He hadn’t realized the duke’s presence had anything to do with it, though he supposes it makes sense.
“And here I thought our recent fortunes were due to your clever hands.”
Mace snorts and confiscates his flask. “One day, my vexing brother, your clever tongue is going to get you in trouble.”
Obi-Wan is a respectable omega and gentleman, so he does not stick out his tongue in response. Alright. He does not stick his tongue out at his brother for very long.
“Pardon me, I believe I should say hello to Mrs. Dubrey,” Mace nods across the way. “Smooth over Depa’s fourth late-to-return library book.”
“Mrs. Dubrey’s standing by the refreshments table,” Obi-Wan points out. “You’re not fooling anyone. And I would like a honeycake, thank you.” 
Mace rolls his eyes and claps him on the shoulder. “Then I’m sure a strong and willful omega such as yourself will find a way to get one.”
He takes his leave to the sound of Obi-Wan’s displeasure, which is apparently music to his brother’s ears.
Not two songs have passed before Mace is back in front of him, strange, troubled expression on his face. He offers Obi-Wan a honeycake wrapped carefully in a linen napkin.
“Why do you look so perplexed?” Obi-Wan asks, taking the food gleefully from his brother’s hand. “Was Mrs. Dubrey immune to your charms? Do we owe her a horse to pay for Depa's fees? Can we lend her Depa instead? With the stipulation we care just as much about a properly observed return date as Depa has in the past, of course.”
“I…I ran into the duke,” Mace says, ignoring everything else, eyebrows furrowed. Obi-Wan startles. “Or—the duke accosted me may be more accurate.”
“I was chatting with Mrs. Dubrey, and then suddenly, he was standing before me. It startled me half to death, mind you, he is...very intense, but—”
His brother breaks off and tilts his head as he looks at Obi-Wan. “Was he untoward?” Obi-Wan asks, preparing to set his honeycake aside to approach the duke and challenge him to a duel for his brother’s honor, should the situation demand it.
“No,” Mace says sounding only slightly unnerved. “No, he—scented me from afar, and asked whose scent I wore over my own.”
Obi-Wan blinks and then stares.
“Obi-Wan,” now Mace’s voice is more hushed as he leans forward, hand grabbing his shoulder. “The only scent I could possibly carry apart from mine is yours.”
Obi-Wan shakes his head slightly, eyebrows furrowing for a moment before a curl of a new scent shocks him into stillness.
Cedar and snow, clinging to the edge of Mace’s coatsleeve, and Obi-Wan is leaning forward before he even realizes it, mind focusing only on the sleeve—the smell—the cedar—the snow.
“What did he—” he starts to say, but before he can finish the question, his attention is captured by cedar&snow growing closer, stronger. 
Overwhelmingly closer. Overwhelmingly stronger.
“Pardon me,” a voice says from behind him, and Obi-Wan is turning around as if someone else is controlling his puppet strings.
Cedar and snow threaten to tear his senses asunder, so crystal clear is the scent. For one moment, he blinks in sudden, unnatural quiet as the duke Skywalker comes before him. He’s taller than him though only by a few measures. He’s older than him too, though only by a few years. Perhaps five seasons more mature, at most. A scar cuts through his brow, giving him the appearance of some sort of devilish rogue, despite the neatness of his outfit. His hair has much more shades up close than it had far away.
And suddenly how close the duke is as he stops to stand directly before him, eyes roaming over his face not unlike a starving man looks at a feast.
And then the duke bows in front of him, to him, and it is so incredibly wrong that Obi-Wan can only gape from his figure down to the upturned hand the alpha holds out. 
Mace nudges him; it’s effective in snapping him into action, though it does little to make this reality sensible again.
He rests his palm in the alpha’s hand, and the duke curls his fingers around it as if he has been given the most precious jewel in the entire kingdom.
The duke’s nostrils flare again at whatever scent Obi-Wan must be leaking into the air around them, and Obi-Wan darts a nervous look towards his brother. He is wildly out of his depth, but Mace does not offer much help.
“May I have this dance?” The alpha asks. His thumb strokes along the inside of Obi-Wan’s wrist, so close to one of his scenting glands that the action feels scandalous.
Obi-Wan swallows. “May I have your name?” He asks, clawing at normalcy as his instincts and body begin to revolt. But he would not be Obi-Wan Kenobi if he allowed himself to be so easily overpowered by his sudden urge to show his throat to a rather intense and powerful (and handsome and sweet-smelling) alpha.
The duke blinks, but rather than scowl at what can be nothing but a slight, his face breaks into a smile. “Anakin,” he says eagerly. “My name is Anakin Skywalker.”
Obi-Wan is helpless but to smile back. “Charmed,” he says because it’s true.
“May I have this dance?” The duke asks again, much more insistent now that the newest song has begun.
“You do not want my name?” Obi-Wan asks.
“I will learn it,” Duke Skywalker says so confidently that Obi-Wan would be hard-pressed to doubt him.
He opens his mouth—to tell him his name, to tell him he will dance, to tell him he cannot—but before he can get more than a breath into his lungs, his eyes are dragged away from the duke’s face by movement behind his shoulder.
People staring, whispering, tongues wagging as they observe.
Obi-Wan takes his hand back, cold reality seeping into his field of vision. “You don’t want me,” he tells the duke quietly, leaning his head forward so that the words stay as private as his shame. “I promise.”
The alpha rears back as if Obi-Wan has said something deeply offensive. “I assure you, I do.”
“You do not,” Obi-Wan says firmly, turning slightly away toward the surety and safety of his brother.
“May I have this dance, omega?” The alpha catches his elbow. “Please.”
“You do not even have my name,” he says—the words are supposed to leave his mouth scathing, but instead they fall to the ground between them, heavy and lost. Before the alpha can reply, Obi-Wan shakes his head, so cognizant of the onlookers that he can hardly move his lips. “The song is almost over.”
“Thank the heavens then that the night is still young,” Duke Skywalker says immediately.
“My ankles hurt, I would be a terrible dance partner,” Obi-Wan murmurs. Mace makes a noise next to him, one that is half-disbelief and half exasperation.
“I shall have no other,” Anakin replies, stepping forward and carefully touching the dance card Obi-Wan has strapped to his wrist. “I would take all your remaining dances for myself.”
Obi-Wan’s lips curl up into a small smile. “I think that would lead to a riot, your grace.”
“Ah. So you know who I am. I wasn’t sure.”
“Know who you are? You bowed and gave me your name. I was listening.”
“You are vexing,” Anakin decides with a smile, as if the discovery is one to be worshipped or at the very least treasured.
Obi-Wan does not truly think of his actions or of their consequences. 
The last person who called him vexing had been his brother.
He is acting purely on learned behavior when he raises his chin and sticks his tongue out at Anakin. A second later, of course, he remembers himself and startles back, feeling the blush grow over his face as he blinks at the duke in front of him.
His brother groans. “Obi-Wan,” he swears as if his name is a curse. “For the love of—”
Anakin’s eyes have gone very dark. “Obi-Wan,” he repeats, testing the name on his tongue.
Obi-Wan swallows, and then, perhaps minutes too late, bows to the duke. 
“May I have this dance, Obi-Wan?” the alpha asks, extending his hand between their bodies.
This question, repeated for the third time still just as sweetly as its first iteration, causes the blush to darken across his face.
He allows his hand to rest in Anakin’s.
With his other hand, he deposits his untouched honeycake into his brother’s open palm. After a second’s consideration, he maneuvers his dance card off the circle of his wrist as well, dropping it next to the pastry. 
He has a feeling that he will not be needing it for the rest of the night.
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morgana-ren · 1 year
Tav with a bard class uses Astarion likeness in saucy romance novels they write. Astarion is in on this because of the major boost to his ego. He makes Tav re-write his segments in the book if he thinks it’s too out of character and it happens so often Tav is considering making him a co-author.
Ooh, listen, listen, listen, baby. There are a lot of housewives in Baldur's Gate. Women who stand behind important men and-- well, don't do much else of note. Clean the house, or scold the people that do, nanny the children, or scold the people that do, and pretend to be oh so interested in the monotonous shit their husband says. Very similar to the modern-day housewife, these poor girls are bored, but more than that, they're lonely. So lonely that it edges on painful, and bids them seek out relief in their imaginations. Their life path has already been set in stone, and yet, here they can escape it.
The lukewarm romance that inevitably fizzled out and dies-- assuming it was ever genuine in the first place. Rearing children, and all the screaming, miserable mess that comes along with it. Watching life pass you by through the closed window. Sunrise, sunset, and sunrise again folding over and over into borderless eternity, and the only solace they really end up having would be fantasy.
The clever bard would realize this and bank on it.
And what is sexier than that fantasy with a hybrid mix of taboo? Something that anyone with common sense wouldn't touch, but it sits so tantalizingly close. A very real monster and a fantasy that, while never truly having the chance to come true, is just real enough they can taste it on their tongue if they try.
The Pale Elf that stalks the streets of the city at night, prowling for a meal, or perhaps something decidedly more salacious. The bored and busy housewife on her way home from the market at shadows fill the winding cobblestone streets. A chance meeting that blossoms into something deeper, darker as the pages turn. The forbidden tryst that evokes more emotion than anything they've ever felt in their waking lives and exists as nothing more than scandalous words on a page.
They're the kind of novels that women hide beneath the groceries and glance around a few times before stepping out of the store. The kind husbands scoff at, missing the blaringly apparent red flags that their wife's affection is dangerously close to waning nonexistent behind the imaginary, fanged face of another man. One they picture behind closed eyes on those miserable, duty-filled nights when their husbands reach for them in bed.
Save it's not entirely non-existent, is it?
Truth is, the 'dark and sexy vampire' is very much a real man, and his clawed fingers are very much stirring the eros pot and being licked clean shortly after. The riches are nice, yes-- and by Bane, are there riches-- but truthfully, it's just nice to give something back!
And truthfully, he's quite good at it. Astarion is seductive by nature (when he's not being a ridiculous goofball) and it comes as naturally to him as breathing (even though he doesn't quite breath anymore. He can if he chooses, thank you very much.)
The two of them manage to write loads of the damned things. Ideas are easy to come by. A few words with folks on the street, and it flows like wine. The princess forced into a miserable engagement; the isolated widow fated to never find love again; the housewife trapped in a loveless marriage; the free-spirited spinster who cannot be tamed by any mortal man-- you get the picture. Life imitates art, and by the Gods, inspiration is everywhere.
Knowing that there are countless women and men around Toril who fantasize about banging him-- whether they know it or not-- has wrought havoc on his damned ego. If you thought his head was big before... yikes.
The more they sell, the more active in the writing process he gets. Starts stirring in little pieces of himself and his genuine personality. It's not a problem, it actually serves to make it more realistic. It is, in all but name, just self-insert Astarion fanfiction by another name, and people eat it up.
(It actually has caused problems by romanticizing vampires. You know, the real vampires that will very much drink your blood. It has, unfortunately, made it much easier by being the new 'sexy' creatures. They're getting a bit forward. Even have some willing volunteers. Guards are exasperated and there have been several PSAs about please stop wandering the streets at night looking for them.)
He's actually becoming quite the author.
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spinsterwolf · 4 months
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I replayed these five seconds to listen to Franky's keee ha HA HA laugh over 10 times
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sea-owl · 2 years
Remember how I said how I like to make AUs of my AUs? Well, I got one for the polin portion of my Yandere Bridgertons AU.
Instead of Colin becoming too comfortable with leaving Penelope alone until he's deemed her ready because he can rely on his siblings. (Aka my excuse in attempt to keeps some of the books long time jump) Colin has some sort of freak out during her second or third season and steals her away in the middle of the night.
Maybe it's after Benedict's and Sophie's wedding. Anthony, Benedict, and Colin were in having a drink celebrating Benedict finally finding his soulmate again when Benedict makes a comment that catches Colin's attention, and not in a good way.
"It feels so freeing finally having Sophie with me, especially after I thought I was going to lose her."
Colin looked confused. "What do you mean?"
"Had the charges not been dropped who knows what would have happened to Sophie in that jail, and there would be nothing I could do to stop it," Benedict explained. "I felt so helpless, and useless. The Bridgertons protect their soulmates and there was nothing I could do without making it worse for her. I still plan to cut out that bitch's tongue though."
Anthony nodded in agreement. "I know what you mean. When Kate had her accident, I could only sit by and watch her heal. The doctor is very lucky she did heal perfectly."
Neither noticed their younger brother stiffening up. He always knew that his little nymph would never be taken away by another suitor, but what if something happened out of his control and he wasn't home? What if she got sick? Or hurt? Or some bastard decided he would force her? Or she decides she actually does want to be a spinster for the rest of her life and runs away to where he can't find her?!
No, Colin would not let that happen.
Colin stands. "Excuse me gentlemen, I have some last-minute preparations to make for my trip to Ithica."
Starting by adding a detour.
Penelope was surprised to see Colin still at Number 5 when she came to tea the next day, and not any other member of his family.
"Colin!" Penelope exclaimed. "I thought you would have left already."
Colin smiled. "Without saying goodbye to my favorite person? Never."
He offered her some team which Penelope accepted. She paused; the aroma of the tea smelled very sweet.
Colin let out a nervus laugh. "Sorry Pen, I accidently spilled too much sugar when I was making it for you."
"It is alright, you'll make me the perfect cup one day," Penelope joked. She took a sip of the tea. Damn, he really did put lot of sugar in it. "Eloise tells me you plan to next visit Ithica?"
Colin nodded. "Yes! The home of your namesake is it not?"
Penelope laughed. "Yes. Queen Penelope of Ithica, who waited ten years for her husband Odysseus to come home and fended off suitors the whole time."
Colin muttered something under his breathe that Penelope didn't catch. Actually, she was having trouble hearing him in general.
"Colin I'm sorry, can you repeat-oh!" The cup dropped from Penelope's hand. Why did she drop the cup? It was not so heavy a minute ago.
Colin moved closer, sitting right next to Penelope. He brushed a piece of hair out of her face. "It's okay Pen, just go to sleep."
Colin caught Penelope. He didn't want to poison her drink, but he couldn't risk her saying no and rejecting him. Saying she only saw him as friend, or worse like a brother. Besides they can take this trip together as their honeymoon. She'll understand when she wakes up and he explains it to her.
By then they'll already be on their way or even better crossing the border into Gretna Green.
Colin loads into the carriage with Penelope, gently laying her head in his lap. He strokes her hair as they begin moving.
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To Have Loved and Lost Part Eight
Previous Part | Masterlist | Next Part
Pairing: George Russell x Reader
Rating: M
Notes: Hiiiii welcome baaaaaack thank you for reaaaaadiiiiiiiing this chapter is hecking looooooooong
Warnings: Still slightly angsty but not nearly as angsty as the one that i wrote, what, 87 years ago; Gilded Age Manners™; pining; The One That Got Away; not a traditional happy ending
Bonus points if you catch the Gone with the Wind reference in this chapter
Summary: It was as if his entire world had been tipped on its head. He’d squared facts away with himself years ago. His affections had been mislaid; his hopes were dashed, and he’d been thrown over for a far richer man. In his youth, he had put the letters that he had received away rather than burn them, and for what? To someday rub her face in them? To tutor Larry in false hopes, in the often fickle affections of the female sex? 
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The ball at Mrs. Fane’s was where Larry began to put the pieces together. 
The two of them had each given him individual pieces of the puzzle—one, an edge, the other, a middle. One by one, a picture built clearly in his mind. 
It had started with his father’s remembrance—a bitter little smile as Gladys fretted over a dress. 
“The pout reminds me of a girl I once knew,” He’d admitted, watching Gladys turn to and fro, eyeing herself in the mirror. “She used to say that fineries made her uncomfortable, that she looked awful in them. As if she was,” He chuckled, “‘A mule in a horse’s harness’.” 
“A girl?” Larry asked. “The one before mother?” 
Discomfort had flashed across George’s face so quickly that if Larry had so much as blinked, he might’ve missed it. His father's typically calm demeanor had replaced the upset just a moment later, and he’d given a short nod. 
The admission had been a surprise—and the phrase that his father had uttered had been so unusual that it had stayed in Larry's mind. 
Hearing it again was jarring. Larry had only been trying to pay a compliment to the latest family to be drawn into their orbit. His mother had implored him to take a turn or two with a spinster cousin—just a couple of dances, Bertha had insisted, something to flatter the poor woman.
They’d made easy enough small talk during the following two waltzes, and Larry hadn’t excused himself the once the songs had ended. Instead, he kept his hold on her arm, steering the two of them toward the refreshments table. She seemed a quick woman, smart, and clever, with none of the spirit that he’d expect of a spinster. 
“Your dress is lovely.” 
He had meant it sincerely. But she’d chuckled, and his own smile had faltered.
“There’s no need for exaggeration, Mr. Russell.” 
“I look like a mule in a horse’s harness.” 
It was as if another puzzle piece clicked into place. Larry couldn’t help but stare, his face going hot with realization as his gaze darted between her, and where his parents were conversing on the other side of the room. As soon as he saw his father begin to glance in his direction, he guiltily turned away, plucking up a glass of lemonade and taking so hasty a swig that he nearly choked on it. 
She regarded him with confusion then, brow furrowing. 
“Are you quite alright, Mr. Russell?” 
“I am,” He plastered on a smile. “I apologize, I thought I…Where was it you said that you were from?” 
Her face twisted with slight confusion. “All over,” She shrugged, “But, most recently, our family settled up in Albany.” 
“They’re not from Albany, then.” 
“No, no,” She chuckled, casting her gaze around. “Nothing as grand as all that. Franklin and I were raised in a very small town out West. Of course, it boomed when oil was found.” 
“Of course. Whereabouts? I’m sure my mother mentioned, but I seem to have forgotten.” 
Her fingers tightened imperceptibly around the glass, raising it to her lips as she admitted, “Stevensville.” 
And then she took a long sip, as if she needed to wash the taste of the town’s name from her mouth. 
“Did you enjoy yourself?” 
“Very much,” Gladys smiled gratefully, “But I’m awfully tired.” 
“You ought to get up to bed,” Bertha urged, “We have a meeting with Miss Barton in the morning.” 
“Of course. Goodnight, father. Goodnight, Larry. Goodnight, mother.” 
George watched as Gladys ascended the stairs. Larry followed not far behind, and Bertha excused herself to speak with Mrs. Bruce about tweaking arrangements for the following day. That was more than alright with George. He made his way to his study, recalling his evening of stolen glances.
She had looked lovely. The dress had suited her, though she had seemed a touch uncomfortable. He smiled at the thought. She always hated fineries. George hadn’t meant to watch, and he was certain that every look had gone entirely unnoticed by her—especially when she’d taken a turn with Larry. She certainly danced better than she used to. George had taught her—or, tried to—when they’d been together in Stevensville. It had started as a friendly endeavor, before their feelings for one another had flourished. She’d asked him, and he couldn’t help but oblige. 
He’d taken her hand, unable to help noting the dry roughness of her palm from her hours of work, and led her out to the field of high grass behind the boarding house. He’d shown her the steps one by one, encouraging her as she tripped over her feet, and urging her on as her steps became more smooth. He’d seen a spark of joy in her eyes, a wide smile turning her lips up. It was a look that he’d quickly become addicted to. 
George opened the door to his office, glancing down the hall before shutting the door behind himself. He’d received a small parcel from Clay before they’d left for the ball, and hadn’t had a chance to open it before they’d gone. Now, he crossed to his desk, opening the drawer where he’d left the bundle of papers. Clay’s note was on the top in his neat scrawl. George couldn’t help but smile a little. He hoped that Clay was home getting some rest, the poor devil. He’d been in Stevensville for nearly a week chasing down the answers that George had sought. 
George took up his letter opener, slicing open the top of Clay’s note and drawing it from the envelope. His eyes skimmed the contents, catching on mother’s death certificate, boarding house, post office, and unsent letters. 
Unsent letters…
George’s eyes dropped to the remaining stack of letters. He set down Clay’s note, reaching for the first time-aged envelope. He skimmed her familiar handwriting, eyeing the address—the first boarding house that he’d stayed in once he’d arrived in New York. He opened it gingerly, unfolding it as though it may disintegrate in his hands if he wasn't careful.
Darling George—
I trust that you have, by now, safely arrived in New York. I do hope that I’ve written this to the correct address. I did check it against the one that you gave me at least four times. If I’m wrong, I shall never live it down, and I hope that you won’t be upset with me. I am trying, love. 
Everything seems so much more difficult without you here. In truth, nothing has changed, but I feel your loss so greatly. Days seem to move far slower—evenings go at a snail’s pace. I find myself searching for you in the face of every stranger. Please send for me once you’re settled. I would be there now if only you’d let me leave with you.
George couldn’t finish it. His heart had begun to pound in his chest. He dropped the letter on his desk, taking up the next and opening it with far less care than he had the first. 
My dear, George,
It’s been three weeks since I’ve heard from you. I can only hope that it’s because you’ve been terribly busy, and not because you’ve forgotten about me. I have my bag packed, and I’ve saved enough fare for the train. I will come the moment you call. I hope that New York is treating you well. 
He dropped that one without finishing it as well, fumbling fingers reaching for the next one as his blood ran hot. He tore the next one open with such vehemence that the letter itself wound up with a small tear in the middle as he opened it, the crinkling of the paper clogging his ears—
Are you hurt? Are you unwell? I find myself wondering if you’re perhaps laying in a gutter somewhere, unable to ask for help. Perhaps your fingers have been crushed and you’re unable to write, or you’ve caught some deathly cold and your throat is too raw to dictate a letter. Or perhaps you’ve changed your mind about our life together. 
I implore you to send me any signal that you’re well, even if it is to cut ties. I’ve been losing sleep for worrying
He dropped it atop the other unfolded letters, opening the next, and the next, and the next. As he reached the bottom of the pile, he dropped into his chair, his hand raising to undo his bow tie and yank open his collar as his face flared with heat. God’s teeth, when did the room become so hot? When did his hands begin to shake? 
He wanted a drink. He wanted to throw something. He wanted to find some way to go back to Stevensville, to take her with him when he’d first left. It could’ve meant scandal of her family, but they could’ve found a way—a rushed, courthouse wedding to appease propriety. George pushed a harsh breath out through his nose, his hand raking through his hair. 
It was as if his entire world had been tipped on its head. He’d squared facts away with himself years ago. His affections had been mislaid; his hopes were dashed, and he’d been thrown over for a far richer man. In his youth, he had put the letters that he had received away rather than burn them, and for what? To someday rub her face in them? To tutor Larry in false hopes, in the often fickle affections of the female sex? 
George lowered himself into his seat, scrubbing his hand across his beard. He found his gaze drifting toward the clock. It was far too late, far too late, but—
For the first time in a long time, he was unable to control himself. He hopped up, snatching the letters and binding them up in twine again. He rounded his desk, yanking the rope to call downstairs. He wasn’t sure quite what his plan was—if he got the butler, or if he caught her in her night clothes—Poor thing, she’d likely feel the need to redress, and after the ball, too, but he couldn’t wait until morning. 
“Yes, sir?” 
“The carriage, Church.” 
He glanced up, just catching the sight of Church’s startled expression before he nodded, “Yes, sir.” 
He took a step back, nodding and closing the door behind himself. George reached down, fingers fumbling to do up his bow tie and rebutton his collar. If he was going to turn up at such an unfortunate hour, he could, at least, keep from seeming as though he was in his cups. 
You turned in your vanity seat back toward the door with an expectant frown, brows raising. “Yes, Kate?” 
“There’s someone here to see you.” 
Your brow furrowed, eyes darting toward the clock. At this hour? It must be a very great emergency. 
“Who is it?” 
“It…” Kate glanced over her shoulder nervously before skulking deeper into the room, whispering, “It’s Mr. Russell. He’s waiting in his carriage.”
Your heart dropped into your stomach, and your face twisted with confusion. Surely it couldn’t be the younger Mr. Russell; you hadn’t left anything at the Fane’s, and you knew better than to expect that you’d somehow aroused the passions of a young man with two waltzes. You cleared your throat, turning back to your vanity as heat rose in your face. 
“I see,” You nodded. You needed a plan of attack. You needed to dress, see him inside and make this as quick and painless as possible. You cleared your throat, leaping up. “Help me dress.” 
“Should I wake Mr. Hughes?” 
“Thank you, no. If Mr. Russell wanted to speak with Mr. Hughes, he would’ve asked for him. Have Barker invite Mr. Russell inside.” 
It was a herculean labor, but you were hurrying down the steps of the rented house within fifteen minutes. You tightened your coat around yourself, glancing warily up and down the block before you poked your head into the carriage. You could just make him out in the low light of the evening. 
“May I invite you inside?” 
“Your man already tried,” George nodded over your shoulder. “Please get in.” 
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Mr. Russell.” 
“What causes your concern? Your reputation?” George’s brows rose. “We won’t move from this spot, but I need to speak with you in private.” 
“We could speak privately inside. No one else is awake.” 
“Your servants are, and servants talk.” 
“But footmen don’t?” You arched a brow. George’s lips twitched before he opened the door, forcing you to step back. 
“Please,” He urged, holding a hand out. Your stomach flipped as you glanced toward it. You suddenly had a flash to your past—to the fields of high grass behind the boarding house in Stevensville, and the low hum of his voice marking out the pace of a waltz. You hesitated a moment more before you took hold of his hand, letting him help you up and inside. 
You settled back in the seat opposite his hesitantly, glancing around the plush interior. You would have to get Franklin one of these. You froze, realizing that you’d been staring—and that Mr. Russell was watching you, still. You forced yourself to sit up straighter, flattening your expression and clasping your hands in your lap. 
“You can hardly expect me to stay out here in this way for long, Mr. Russell. This is highly irregular and incredibly improper.” 
For a moment, Mr. Russell said nothing, and it was a fight to keep from wringing your hands. Then, you watched him reach into his inner coat pocket, fishing around for a moment. You heard the rustle of papers, and you frowned. 
“Surely any contracts you’re entering into with Franklin can be handled by—” You fell silent once you saw the parcel in his hand. Your brow furrowed. He held it out before you could ask for clarification. You reached for it, careful to keep your gloved fingertips from brushing his as you took hold of them. You looked down, brow furrowing more deeply at the sight of the letters, your heart skipping in your chest. You knew that handwriting—you knew that address. 
“...Where did you get these?” You breathed. You tipped the stack toward yourself, throat drying. “You’ve opened them.” 
“I did, but only tonight.” 
“An associate of mine recently recovered them.” 
The fact made your stomach churn. George pushed on: 
“They were at the post office in Stevensville. It seems that your mother paid and ordered any communications between the two of us stopped and held.”
You couldn’t help it, then. You slouched back in your seat. 
“I thought you’d always had them,” You admitted quietly. 
“I thought you’d abandoned me.” 
“I thought the same of you.” Your eyes flitted toward George, then away again as you cleared your throat. “Have you anything else that you came here for?” 
“Well.” You set the letters aside, and stood, climbing down from the carriage. “Then I’ll thank you to come back when the sun is up, and at a regular time, Mr. Russell.” 
“And what would you like me to do with these?” He leaned forward, taking up the letters and holding them out. 
“Read them, burn them, line a birdcage with them. It doesn’t matter to me.”
“You’ve nothing to say?” 
“On this matter, no. I am resigned.” 
Mr. Russell’s hand landed on yours the moment you closed the carriage door. You hurriedly yanked your hand back from the door, face flaring with indignant heat. 
“I could never imagine you as resigned.” 
“No?” Your brows raised. “Not as resigned, but you could imagine me as a fickle, unfaithful, uncaring shrew? Perhaps you could imagine some way for the two of us to turn the hands of time back and keep my mother from filling your head with lies. But I know better than to believe in miracles, and I think I’ve had quite enough of your imagination for one evening, Mr. Russell. Goodnight.” 
You turned without waiting for an answer, striding back toward the house. You fought to keep your composure in front of Kate, thanking her for her help and service, and—
“Please do not mention this to Mr. Hughes.” 
“No, ma’am.” Kate took a step back toward the door, froze, then took a step forward again. “But if he should ask?” 
“Tell him that he can take the matter up with me directly.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
“Thank you again, Kate. Goodnight.” 
She smiled on her way out, and you did your best to find it genuine—but you could only imagine the way the staff tongues would be wagging. You could practically see the way they’d eye you at breakfast, the smug sidelong glances and nudges as you gave the day’s orders. Of course, you hadn’t been in the carriage long enough for anything of substance to happen, but that didn’t matter. In future, you’d have to ask Mr. Russell to refrain from taking any actions that would put you in a compromising position. 
Well, in future, you were certain that your interactions with Mr. Russell would be fairly limited. 
“Of course, my theory is rather far-fetched—“
“On the contrary!” Marian insisted. “The prospect is intriguing.” 
Larry ducked his head bashfully, turning to face the park’s path. Gladys and her ladies maid were not too far ahead of them. He couldn’t help but wonder at the way they were taking turns, glancing back toward him and Marian every few moments before leaning in and giggling with one another. 
“Do you really think that she and your father knew one another in Stevensville?” Marian pressed on, seemingly unaware of the intermittent attention that they were receiving from out ahead of them. 
“It’s certainly a possibility. Of course, the phrase that my father mentioned may simply be a local colloquialism, and I may have the wrong end of the stick in this matter.” 
“There must be a way to approach the matter delicately.” 
“Approach?” Larry’s brow furrowed as his steps slowed. “You don’t really mean to bring this matter to her?” 
“Why not? Perhaps she and your father could be friends again. Strengthening their bond could strengthen the business between your families.” 
Larry’s lips pursed as he considered. 
“Perhaps,” He conceded. He glanced down to find Marian watching him curiously. He chuckled nervously, brow furrowing. “What is it?” 
“Mrs. Fish mentioned a production of Romeo & Juliet coming to the city. It will be performed at one of the more reputable theaters. Aunt Agnes is not a fan of theater, but she considers Shakespeare’s works significant. Perhaps we could go, and invite Eleanor. We would need chaperones, of course,” She leaned in, lowering her voice a touch. Larry couldn’t help his smile widening at the sight of the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. 
“Of course,” He conceded. “But if we’re wrong?” 
“Then we've all simply spent a pleasant evening at the theater without consequence. But if we’re right?” 
Larry thought for a moment, his stomach twisting with nerves. If they were right…Perhaps all hell would break loose. 
The theater was a grand space. The box’s interior was plush, with cushioned red velvet seats. You’d perhaps unfairly expected it to be something of a squeeze with your evening gowns, as well as Eleanor and Marian’s, but the seats were spaced well enough. You sat in the middle of the three seats in the back row of the box, seated somewhat awkwardly between the two Mr. Russell’s; Larry sat on your left, closer to the stage, and George on your right, further from it. Eleanor sat just in front of you, in the very front box seat, and Marian was to her right, in front of Mr. Russell. 
You never attended much theater. It was considered obscene by your mother, and Franklin had only had a single occasion to take you to while you were in Chicago. That play had been dreadful—long, and boring. It had been a battle to stay awake.
This invitation had taken you by surprise, but you’d been glad for it. It had become increasingly difficult for Eleanor to be left out of social events, and she’d been growing antsy and moody, having to spend so much time at home. She seemed bright and eager now, unable to keep still or contain her giddiness.  She was peering around the theater in wonder, pointing the various features out to Marian—the gold filigree decorating the walls and ceiling; the fineries of other theater patrons; the grandness of the stage. For your nerves and discomfort, you couldn’t help but smile at Eleanor’s joy. 
“Are you familiar with the play?” Larry asked softly as he leaned toward. 
“Not particularly,” You admitted, shaking your head. 
“It’s a tragedy. A tale of star-crossed lovers.” 
The words made your stomach flip. You swallowed thickly, fighting the urge to shift in your seat. It sounded familiar. You fought the urge to glance toward Mr. Russell, to see if it pricked the same memory, the same interest. You saw the flash of his cuff link out of the corner of your eye, and your hands tightened around your fan. You could push the feeling away—you would push the feeling away. The evening was certain to be a long one if you couldn’t manage it. 
“The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine.”
It was as though a spector had sprung your past and put a scare into you. The utterance of that line made your heart leap into your throat, your face going hot. Your grip grew so tight on the fan that you were certain you would break it. You felt faint, almost—as if you were set to swoon back in the chair, only to be awakened by a dose of smelling salts. A cold sweat broke on your brow, and you raised your glove to dab at the few beads. You fought to keep your breathing steady, and even, biting the inside of your cheek and forcing your eyes to remain on the stage, even as the play moved on and simply washed over you. 
“Are you quite alright?” 
It would be an innocent enough question from anyone else, but coming from George Russell, it felt like a targeted barb. You could see Marian and Larry tipping their heads to glance at you in your periphery; you were grateful that Eleanor is so immersed in the play that she didn’t catch on Mr. Russell’s query at all. 
Your stiff nod was your only reply. You didn’t trust your voice in this moment, certain that opening your mouth would let out the wail building up behind your lips. 
It was in the past. 
“The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine.” 
It was a time that you had known once, and would not know again. 
“The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine.”
The presence of the man who had once murmured those words, who had once pressed a cuff link into your palm as you’d given him your best ribbon, was purely and painfully coincidental. 
You managed to hold completely still and keep silent throughout the remainder of the first half, but as soon as the curtain closed for intermission, you were out of your chair, murmuring, “Excuse me,” and leaving the box before either man had a chance to rise to their feet. You hurried to step into the hall, walking at double the polite pace, desperate to find some air or quiet as the theater began to fill with chatter, and the hall flooded with people. 
You were almost certain that the small side balcony that you found was not meant for you. For the stagehands, perhaps. It was littered with cigarette butts, overlooking an alley that reeked of piss and garbage. Still, it was quiet, and secluded, and it gave you the space that you needed to quietly shake apart. 
You shed far fewer tears than you thought you would, your hands grasping so tightly to the railing that you were certain the skin would become irritated beneath your gloves. You were unsure how long you had been out there, but you were certain it was well past intermission. 
“There you are.” 
The interruption nearly scared you out of your skin. You squeezed your eyes shut, tightening your hold on the railing. 
“You shouldn’t be out here.” 
“Neither should you,” Mr. Russell argued. 
“Who is watching the children?” 
“Mrs. Fane is looking after them.” 
Well. That was a small relief—but it was certain to get back to Mrs. Russell, and Mrs. Van Rhijn.  
“Are you well?” Mr. Russell plied, and a strangled laugh escaped your throat. 
“I will be fine in a moment.” 
“The second half of the play has started.” 
“I will return presently.” 
You expected and hoped to hear the retreat of George’s feet. Instead, you heard a soft sigh, and the gentle thump of his dress shoes against the balcony’s wooden slats as he grew closer. 
“You ought to go back inside, Mr. Russell.” 
“Not until I am certain that you’re well.” 
“My wellbeing no longer any concern of yours.” 
You nearly flinched away from his hand as he rested it on your shoulder. Rather than draw it away, he slid it down a touch, turning you to face him. You kept your gaze set stalwartly on his bow tie, even as you longed to meet his eye, to try and ascertain what he may be thinking. 
“You’ve been crying,” He murmured. 
“I haven’t,” You grumbled petulantly. 
“You have. I’ve seen that look before.” He raised his hand, gently curling his gloved fingers under your chin and tipping it up. You glanced away still, stubborn in your upset. 
“For the sake of our families,” He said softly, “Might we put this quarrel behind us?” 
“I have no quarrel with you.” 
He sighed again, tipping his head into your gaze. You were desperate to look away, but his dark, knowing eyes held to yours, and you were powerless to draw yourself from it. 
“We were young,” He insisted, “And we were lied to. I am sorry my reception of you was so cold when we first met in New York. I did not know any better.” 
The words made your lower lip tremble, a fresh wave of tears springing up in your eyes. He let you pry your chin from his grip and turn your head then, reaching into his pocket and proffering his handkerchief. You took it with mumbled thanks, dabbing at your eyes. 
“And I am sorry that my mother acted as she did,” You managed after a few moments. 
“You’ve nothing to apologize for. You couldn’t know.” 
“I should’ve suspected,” You shook your head. “I should’ve known. I should’ve tried harder to find you.” 
He made no argument, simply watched as you dried your eyes before you held the handkerchief back out to him. He waved you off lightly, and you drew it back to yourself, balling the fabric up in your hands. 
“Would you like for me to call for your carriage?” He offered. 
“No! No,” You shook your head. “Eleanor would insist on coming with me—She’d be devastated if we left before the play ended.” You sniffled softly, rolling your shoulders back and forcing a neutral expression. “Go on back inside. I’ll be there in a moment.” 
“If you’re not, I’ll come and get you myself.” 
The warning was a teased one, and you were stunned to find Mr. Russell smiling at you, just a little. You were stunned that it made you smile, too. 
“Go on,” You urged again, nodding him back toward the door. He turned, giving you one last look before leaving. You took the chance and the quiet to raise the handkerchief, blowing your nose properly. Lord above, could it truly be that simple? Things between yourself and Mr. Russell would never be the same, but perhaps you could step forward together in this way, with mutual respect, mutual understanding, and a true mutual want for the well being of one another, and your families. 
It seemed almost too good to be true. 
“Did you enjoy the play?” Marian plied.
“I did,” You nod before nodding toward where Eleanor had fallen asleep on you with the swaying of the carriage, “And Eleanor did as well. Thank you again for extending the invitation.” 
“Not at all,” Marian smiled. It was a moment before she offered, “Mr. Russell said that you had a slight headache at intermission.” 
A good cover. You would have to thank him for that later. “I did,” You fibbed, “The excitement of the theater overwhelmed me, I think.” 
“And you’re quite well now?” 
“I am. Mr. Russell was kind to check on me.” 
Marian nodded, but in the low light of the carriage, there was a look in her eye that you just couldn’t place. Whatever it was, it disappeared as the carriage hit a rough patch in the road, jolting Eleanor awake. 
“Are we home yet?” She mumbled, and you smiled. 
“Nearly, darling.”
“Oh…Wake me when we are?” 
“No. I’ll leave you to sleep in the carriage.” 
“Auntie,” She groaned, burrowing more deeply into your shoulder, and raising a hand to plug her ear as you and Marian laughed. 
“Mm?” George turned back to look at Larry as he passed his hat off to Church. 
“You’re certain she was quite well?” 
“Yes,” George said firmly. Larry had asked him twice before in the carriage, and he was beginning to grow weary of his prodding. “She merely had a headache from the excitement.” 
“It seems rather a small thing to incite such a reaction.” 
“There are some things, Larry, that you and I are used to that she is not.” 
“I suppose,” Larry conceded, looking down as he removed his gloves. “She seemed in far better a mood when she returned.” 
“I had an attendant fetch her some water. The headache abated.” 
“That’s a relief. I was certain she would want to leave.” 
“She said that she didn’t want Eleanor to miss the play.” 
“She is quite kind.” 
“...She is,” George nodded, lowering his hand to absently pat the pocket that was now missing its handkerchief. “Thank you for joining us, of course.” 
“I was happy to.” 
“I hope Miss Brook enjoyed herself?” George tacked on with a knowing smile. It widened as Larry cleared his throat and turned his head briefly, his ears going red with embarrassment. 
“I believe she did. Excuse me—Goodnight, father.” 
“Goodnight, Larry,” George chuckled softly. He turned away, not making it a point to watch his son go. As he headed for his room, he couldn’t help but pat the pocket where his handkerchief had been. She still had it. That was hardly a crime, but the monogrammed piece of cloth could draw questions. It was a folly to leave it with her. If she was seen with it—
No, of course she wouldn’t be. She was surely too careful, too wise and world-weary to allow herself to be seen with it. Her first instinct when he’d appeared to comfort her had only been for the children, not for her own well-being. He admired that about her. He could see it now—where she had lost or chosen to give up her chance, she was trying to give Eleanor every opportunity, every comfort. 
It was commendable. She’d grown into a kind, beautiful, clever woman. 
He sighed softly as Watson helped him to ready for bed. 
“Is something on your mind, sir?” Watson plied carefully. George shook his head a touch. 
“I suppose my mind is still on the play,” He admitted. “And how one’s heart and mind can change.”
Tag list: @foxilayde ; @massivecolorspygiant ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink ; @amneris21 ; @nominalnebula ; @missredherring
40 notes · View notes
thebiggerbear · 1 year
Only Ever Holding Onto You - Three - Same Old Shit
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A/N: Hi all! I hope you all like this chapter. Personally, this is one of my favorites so far because I love Poppernak dearly but also I wanted to delve into the reader a bit more. This is unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine.
Warnings: a ton of shit (literally)
Word Count: 7114
Series Masterlist
Series Taglist: @deans-spinster-witch; @rieleatiel
This chapter was recc'ed by @winchestergirl2 here.
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You cursed quietly when you stepped in dog shit yet again. You took a deep breath to center yourself, knowing there was nothing you could do and that you would have a good hour or two of cleaning every single tread on the sole of your shoes when you got home to make sure all of the fecal matter was gone. For now, grass and a piece of cardboard that Poppernak hopefully had in the back of his car that could double as a floor mat would have to do. You opened your eyes and surged forward…right into another pile of dogshit.
“Motherfuck,” you hissed as you felt the familiar squishy feeling under your foot and the smell predictably wafted up to assault your nose. This place was a goddamn minefield!
You should have known, seeing the state the house was in as well as the makeshift garage. Not to mention the elderly age of the owners and the large lawn mower that clearly sat unused if the yards of rust covering it was anything to go by. This land hadn’t been worked in a long time; how could you expect that they would clean up dogshit where it remained hidden by grass that was long enough to wave with each passing breeze? Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Pops very carefully moving forward on his chosen pathway, obsessively checking the ground before he took a step. It just hit you that there could even be snakes in here and you could be walking through their damn living room. Son of a bitch.
“Hey Pepper Snaps, be careful! There could be snakes,” you called.
“I wasn’t thinking about that but now I am. Thanks, Y/N.”
You may have rolled your eyes and hoped he stepped in the next pile of dogshit instead of you. 
“Did you find Goldie yet?” An old man shouted from behind you.
You turned around to see Lee Knutson, a man in his eighties, watching you from his porch along with his wife Marilyn, also in her eighties. Both of them owned this property and they had placed a call to the police reporting their dog Goldie as missing. They were frantic and because Helena PD loved to pass calls like this onto your department from time to time, here you were, looking for a dog in a place that could double as Jumanji to appease an old couple who loved their dog more than life itself. Hoyt had passed the call onto you with a smirk, saying “You’re an animal lover, right, Y/L/N? Why don’t you and Pop take this one?” Based on her passive aggressive comment, you knew she was still holding a grudge about your calling the Feds in on the Avuna Pharmaceutical case. You knew she had it in for you before that but now, you knew she was doing everything she could to make your life even more of a living hell as punishment. Especially when Beau publicly backed your play; that just made her burn even more. 
Having no choice other than to send Pops alone, you found yourself entering the previously uncharted wild jungle of Helena, Montana, with him right behind you. You both were wading through shit and a yard that looked like it could double as an apocalyptic landscape because you’d had the audacity to try to do the right thing in a case where all parties were concerned. Something that from what you’d heard, Hoyt would have most likely done herself back in the day. You knew deep down though that her fury at you had more to do with Beau refusing to bust your ass than the Feds getting involved. You had decided that you would let it continue to be her problem and just do your job, like always. But damn if you had imagined it would get this bad. You supposed you should be grateful she hadn’t sent you and Pops into a dangerous situation where you might not escape unscathed, like exchanging fire with a perp, though the smell that smacked you in the face when you turned to face the old man had you almost wishing she had. You’d take anything else anyday over this crap.
“Not yet,” you yelled back. “But don’t worry, Mr. Knutson, we’re still looking!” You hoped you sounded more hopeful than you felt. 
It really had been a shitty week, pun fucking intended. 
The morning after the very weird night you’d had at The Boot Heel, Beau wasn’t in the office. Madge told you he had simply called out, claiming that he was taking a few vacation days, and that he knew the department had things handled. You thanked the woman and frowned at Beau’s closed door as you passed. 
You had texted Beau the night before when you arrived home as he had asked you to, and he wished you a good night, letting you know he was safely home as well (he knew you too well). That had been the last time you heard from him which wouldn’t be that strange if he had shown up for work. You forced your worry back down and told yourself you were fretting over nothing, this spike in nerves you had was just a remnant from the previous evening. Your compass was most likely still recalibrating. Beau was fine, everyone and everything was fine, he had a right to take his well-earned vacation time especially since he never really took a day off — you were overreacting. But just to be safe, you texted Emily to check in. She got back to you within a few minutes, letting you know that she and her mom had a full day planned since they now had time to start painting their new home that they had moved into a few months back. 
Carla had been ready to leave Montana after Avery’s death and Emily’s abduction scare but Beau thankfully had talked her into staying, for Emily’s sake, for his sake — all of their sakes. As soon as Carla sold the property she had shared with Avery, Beau helped her and their daughter move into a new home in a closer neighborhood that she was able to get a good deal on. You knew Beau had been relieved when Carla agreed to stay and you had as well, for him and for you. There was no way you wouldn’t try to follow him back down to Houston if he had gone, especially not when Hoyt might take his place where she could make your life miserable full-time and on the county’s dime. Just like she was already doing this week.
Emily promised to send you pictures of the finished product and you wished her luck, telling her to call you if they needed a hand once your shift was over. Em and Carla were fine; that just left Beau.
Before you could type up a text to check in with him, a quick meeting assembled that you had no idea had even been planned. Hoyt took charge and completely dismissed you, laying down the law for the next few days. She would be distributing calls and deciding who to dispatch. Which you found awful funny because that was bound to create issues with the system Beau already had in place. Madge looked slightly put out until Hoyt wrapped an arm around her shoulders and told her she would need the older woman’s help. You watched the entire scene unfold, arms crossed and leaning against the doorway, smirking and enjoying the show. It didn’t surprise you in the least when she approached you and Pops last with your assignments for the morning, a triumphant grin on her face.
“A couple of calls came in late last night that I’d like you two to follow up on.” She handed the sheet of paper to Pops who took it and scanned it quickly. “You don’t mind, do you, Y/L/N?” 
Your smirk widened. She was clearly challenging you, practically daring you to say something. Beau had made it plain to her and the department often enough that you and Hoyt were equal in his eyes. Neither of you had authority over the other one. He told you later when it was just the two of you that he had done that out of respect for your career and experience thus far but also to give you a leg to stand on when it came to Hoyt. He understood that she worked hard in her position as undersheriff and he wasn’t trying to take that from her but he wanted you in the department working with him and he wasn’t going to demote you to make that happen. You were more than appreciative of his willingness to not only take you on and keep you with him but also to make sure you didn’t go backwards in pay or in your career. You found out later he had even taken a slight pay cut himself when he brought you on board, which you duly chastised him for later, not wanting him to sacrifice anymore than he already had. The response he gave you was a simple wink and his usual boyish smile. 
So Hoyt and the department knew where you stood, something the blonde was testing right now because Beau wasn’t here. The department didn’t give a crap if she took advantage and lorded it over you as long as it wasn’t them, and she expected you to either fold or go running to tell Beau or something along those lines. She clearly didn’t know you at all if she expected any type of reaction she was trying to get out of you. Your grin matched hers. “Not at all.”
Her blue eyes narrowed but then you could see the triumph in her smile, thinking she had won some imaginary victory over you. “Great.” You pushed the urge to roll your eyes deep down, knowing that if anything happened with the department over the next few days, the responsibility was on her alone, officially. Unofficially, you’d keep an eye out during Beau’s absence and not let everything turn to complete shit.
Your smile grew so much that your cheeks started to hurt.
Hoyt began to say something else but before she could get a word out, your phone started ringing. You pulled it out of your pocket and the name on the screen sent your heart into overdrive. “Excuse me. I have to take this.” You didn’t wait for Hoyt to respond or Pops, but one quick glance confirmed she had seen the screen as well. The glare she was currently gracing you with was the glare to end all glares. You ignored it and stepped away as planned, hearing her snap at Pops to make sure you didn’t stay on the phone too long and to get out the door, before storming away.
This time, you did roll your eyes, and you picked up the call.
“Mornin’.” He sounded okay though his voice seemed a little more gravelly than usual. You attributed it to the early hour. 
“Morning. You okay?”
He cleared his throat. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Just taking a few days.”
“Long overdue,” you agreed.
“Yeah,” he sighed. 
You glanced around and lowered your voice. “You really are okay, though? You’d tell me if something was wrong… Right? Like you coughing twice or asking me to take the pineapple slices off the pizza to indicate you’re being held against your will.”
He let out a laugh and that made you feel lighter than you had a moment ago. “I’m good, Y/N, I promise. Pineapple on pizza? How in the hell is that a pizza topping? I still don’t get it.”
“You would if you would ever try it when I order it.”
“I will never eat that crap. Who puts fruit on pizza anyway? Besides you?”
“A lot of the population in fact. That’s why it’s so popular,” you teased him.
“I’ve lost all hope for society.”
You finished taking a sip of your coffee. “Really? You’ve been working this job now for two decades and a yellow and very delicious fruit put on pizza is what finally did it for you?”
“Fruit doesn’t go on pizza, Y/N. I’m not having this debate with you again. Not this early,” he groaned.
“The trick is to get it without the sauce. That’s how I order it. It’s only weird tasting when the sauce is added into the mix.”
“If there’s no sauce, then how is it pizza?”
You snorted. “Pizza is all about the cheese.”
“And the sauce. Without sauce, it’s just bread and cheese.”
“Which incidentally are two of the most important ingredients for pizza.”
You smiled in victory when an exasperated sigh came down the line. “Okay, you win. So how do I get out of this conversation that’s happening against my will? Do I sneeze twice or ask for extra cheese?”
“Ha ha. You called me, remember that.” In your peripherals, you noticed Pops signaling to you and pointing to his watch. You nodded and held a finger up. Yes, you knew Hoyt couldn’t wait for you to go out on your crappy call list for the morning, and add more to it during the day most likely. Her pettiness could wait a few more minutes. Guaranteed, this was going to be the best part of your day and you weren’t giving it up that easily. “So, what are your plans for today? Have any or are you just taking it easy for the day?” 
“Actually, I’m gonna head over to Carla’s and help her and Em out for the day.”
A small smile settled onto your face. “Em will be really happy to see you.” And both she and Carla would be happy to have the extra practiced hand no doubt. You almost wished you could join them, to help Emily prank her father by rolling paint all over his clothes if for nothing else.
“Yeah, it’ll be good to see her, too. I didn’t get much sleep last night so I spent a lot of time thinking. About work, about life and…everything, and that’s why I took a few days off. I’m gonna try to convince Em to go camping with me over the weekend. I want to spend some time with my daughter before she graduates and goes off to college.”
“Don’t worry. You’ve got some time before that happens,” you murmured soothingly. You knew this was something he worried about, he’d told you often enough. He felt like he was losing time with Emily, that the window he had was closing more and more with each passing day. That feeling only ramped up after Em had been taken hostage. You couldn’t blame him; for the first few months after, you’d hugged Emily a little longer and a little tighter whenever you saw her, something she endlessly rolled her eyes at but kindly allowed you to do each time.
“Not much.”
You bit your lip, choosing to ignore Pops who appeared in front of you, frantically gesturing behind him. Rolling your eyes, you turned to the side, lowering your voice further. “I think it’s a great idea. I’m glad you’re doing this, taking some time for yourself and to spend with Em. To hell with everyone and everything else these next few days, you hear me?”
“Yes ma’am,” he chuckled.
“And if anyone calls you from the department, I will personally run over their cell phone with my car. Twice.”
“About that…”
“Beau,” you growled in warning, walking away from Pops who was dogging your every step.
“That’s why I’m calling you. I’m not taking any calls from work for the next few days, especially if I get Em to go camping with me. I don’t want any interruptions and I trust that you and Hoyt will have a handle on things while I’m gone.”
You pressed your lips together, hating to lie to your best friend, but it was important for him to take this time. He never willingly took time off and you knew he needed this time with Em, even before he said anything. And for him to have come to this decision so suddenly, you knew he meant it. There was never a single second that Beau hadn’t made himself accessible, day or night, for anyone in the department. So for him to go radio silent intentionally for any period of time, he meant business. “Understood,” you agreed.
“But, Y/N, saying that…I do want you to call me if anything pops up that you think I should know about.”
And there it was, the caveat. “I’m not calling you, Arlen. Like you said, we’ve got this.”
“I mean it. I’m only available to you, Y/N, no one else. I trust your judgment and I know you’ll filter out most of the white noise. But also, if you need anything…you call me.”
“I appreciate that but we’ll be okay,” you reassured, quickly stepping into an empty interrogation room and shutting the door on Pops. You managed to wedge a chair underneath the knob before he could try it, smirking in satisfaction when the door failed to give way and he started knocking instead while calling your name. “And listen, I don’t want to intrude on family time but if you do need a hand with the painting, I can always drop by later, repaint everything you did, take my pineapple pizza I’ll definitely be ordering for a job well done, and go.”
“Hey! I know how to paint!”
“Yeah, you also told me you knew how to cook, too.”
“I can grill,” Beau snapped.
You heard the chair beginning to budge and you pressed all of your weight against the door, trying to prevent Pops from opening it. “Uh huh. I think the charred left corner of your deck would beg to differ.”
“Wow. That was one time and everybody was okay. When are you gonna let that go?”
“Whenever you allow me to call in some hot Helena firefighters next time to put out the fire and let me watch rather than making me extinguish the flames myself with a fire extinguisher I luckily had in my car that day. I was cheated out of muscles and sweat and big, big fire hoses that get everything wet….all that water pressure—”
“Ah, ah, alright, alright. Stop. Bad images in my head. Never coming out now thanks to you.”
You couldn’t help but snicker. “You deserve it. Now, seriously, go enjoy your time with your daughter and leave the department to us. If you need help later or if you just need anything, give me a call.” Pops was pushing against you and you were ashamed to admit you were losing the battle. Your feet were sliding against the floor as the door struggled to open, the chair having been lost some moments ago.
“Thanks. I guess I’ll let you go so you can get to work. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Okay,” you struggled to get out. “Have fun. Give Em a hug from me.”
“Copy that. And Y/N?”
Pops finally pushed into the room and you had no choice but to abandon your post or be flat up against the wall. “Yeah?”
“Be careful out there.”
Pops was hunched over catching his breath, glaring up at you and pointing to his watch, mouthing “Hoyt”. You smiled sweetly down at him. “You know me. Always am.”
You hadn’t heard from Beau later that day but it was just as well. You had had the day from hell just as you’d expected. You settled down on your couch in the comfiest clothes you could find and binged Real Housewives of Dallas. You normally couldn’t stand these types of reality shows, but this one had grown on you and always provided the perfect distraction. That and Floribama Shore. Beau had been present for at least the first two episodes of the latter to which he stared over at you in disbelief, promptly got up to grab a beer, and told you that he didn’t know you. And you replied back that you didn’t mind as long as he was willing to bring a perfect stranger a beer from your kitchen.
While you were indulging in your comfort show, Em had sent you pictures of the painted rooms as promised. It looked good and you liked the colors she and Carla had picked out. You broke into hysterics when one picture had Beau posing in front of a perfectly painted wall with a smug smirk and holding his arms out proudly. Beau was so lucky you didn’t have the password to the department’s website; you would have uploaded the picture so fast it would have made Poppernak’s head spin. Another picture showed a great selfie of all of the family. You liked that one, all genuine smiles and plenty of paint all over every single one of them (Em obviously had taken your suggestion and started a paint fight, you were so proud), Emily posing in the middle between her parents. It was nice to see them enjoying themselves, especially after the year they’d had. 
You knew it hadn’t been easy for Carla to choose to stay in the same area she and her daughter had experienced so much trauma in; she had told you as much. It was important to her to keep what family she had left together, that’s why she initially wanted to move back to Houston. But when Beau had convinced her to stay, she did it to keep Emily’s family together though it cost her quite a bit personally. You did everything you could to help, leaning into the friendship you used to have with her back in Texas. Not to mention Carla and Cassie had also formed their own sort of friendship thanks to the mutual links of Beau, you, and Emily. There were quite a few times Denise had mentioned to you that she and Cassie had stopped in for tea when Carla was still trying to sell the old property. You all provided as much support as you could, to let her and Emily (and Beau by extension) know that they weren’t alone here.
Your phone chimed with the arrival of a new picture. This one had you bowled over with laughter for the next two minutes. Emily had taken a selfie of her and Beau making horrified faces at the camera, an open box of Hawaiian pizza next to them, the pineapple clear as day on top of the cheese (sans the sauce as you had ordered). Emily had added in text: “Thanks for the pizza…I guess?” You rolled your eyes, smiling, and texted her back that it was pizza and if she could get her dad to eat a piece, she absolutely had to record a video and send it to you. She sent a winky emoji back with a thumbs up when a new message came in from Beau.
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You shrugged and quickly typed out a reply. 
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You snickered at the emojis he sent in response. Beau didn’t usually do emojis, that had to be Em’s influence, and you sure were getting a kick out of it. 
Satisfied that you had more than made your point about pineapple on pizza being superior, you snuggled down into your pillows and started another episode of Real Housewives. Seeing location shots of Dallas intercut with the episode caused a little pang inside your chest. Perhaps that’s part of the reason you tolerated such a dramatic show. You had only been to Dallas once or twice but still, the images reminded you of home and it provided a tiny salve for your heart, something you needed after such a rough day. Smiling when you were flooded with happy memories, you slowly closed your eyes and you were out like a light before Leanne and Brandi could start fighting for the umpteenth time over who betrayed who while Stephanie watched from the background looking torn.
And the rest of the week had been just as rough. You had come to refer to it as Hell Week between you and Poppernak. Hoyt made sure to give you the worst calls she could pull from the list each morning, either giving them to you directly or giving them to Pops knowing you would join him so he had backup. And you were pretty sure she had Madge dispatching any bullshit calls to you both during the day. Truthfully, it was starting to wear on you a little but you refused to show any trace of it to Hoyt or anyone in the department. That’s exactly what she wanted and you’d die first before giving that spiteful little blonde one goddamn inch.
Poppernak had even mentioned something one afternoon as you rode about an hour outside of town for a new case. It wasn’t his norm to make comments on the ongoing conflict between you and Hoyt, choosing to cruise in neutral territory instead, but that’s how much of a fucked up week it had been.
“Man, what did you do to piss off Hoyt this time?”
You shrugged a shoulder. “I was born, I guess.”
He chuckled nervously and shook his head, turning his gaze back onto the road. “Or something.”
“Or something,” you echoed. 
You hadn’t heard from Beau in a couple of days except for a single text message to let you know that he had convinced Emily to go camping after all. He asked if everything was going okay and you assured him that all was well. It was a lie of course but you refused to tell him the truth. You were a big girl and you could take care of yourself. Besides, you chose to meet Hoyt’s petty bullshit with indifference. 
And now you here were, schlepping through three foot long grass like you were on a fucking safari, looking for some old couple’s runaway dog and finding every conceivable pile of dog shit for you to plow through. Pops was whistling and calling out for the dog in his area and you were pretty sure he hadn’t moved any further since you warned him about potential snakes. Normally, you would have rolled your eyes and planned to tease him later about his apprehension, but in this situation, you couldn’t help but think that he was the smart one. You kept surging forward blindly, hence the crap all over your shoes. 
You had made it a few more feet when suddenly a dark head popped up not that far from your position, startling you and making you gasp. Your eyes went wide when you realized what you were looking at. Was that a…wolf? A goddamn wolf? 
Poppernak called out the name of the dog, and the wolf’s head snapped in his direction. You were stunned, but you still had enough presence of mind to call over to your partner albeit calmly so as not to startle the animal in front of you. “Pops! Shhh.”
“What was that, Y/N? I didn’t catch that. You see something?” He yelled back, making you grind your teeth together.
You carefully raised a hand in his direction to get his attention. “I need you to be quiet,” you carefully enunciated as you watched the wolf staring you down. “There is a wolf in front of me.”
“I’m sorry, did you say a wolf?” Poppernak cried out in a mix of disbelief and alarm. You bit your lip to keep from screaming out at him to shut his trap like you desperately wanted to. The more loud sounds that were made seemed to agitate the wolf and you were right in its sights. If you somehow survived this, you were going to give Pops a serious talking to. If you told him to shut it out in the field while working with him, he needed to shut his damn mouth, no questions asked, case closed.
“Pops, stop making so much noise. You’re pissing it off,” you said as calmly as possible.
“What do you want me to do?” Pops chose to loudly whisper instead. “Should I call Animal Control?”
The wolf bared its teeth at you and growled. Great.
“Don’t think that’s gonna help.”
You watched as the animal tensed and coiled in a backwards motion, almost as if it was getting into an attack position. Your instincts warred with one another; you wanted to reach for your gun to protect yourself but you also didn’t want to make any movements that might pose more of a threat. From the continued growling and its yellow-eyed laser focus on you, it was obvious you were already considered one.
“Y/N,” Poppernak stage whispered to you. “What do I do?”
“I don’t know,” you whispered back. “They didn’t cover wolves in training at the academy.”
“I don’t know, either.”
“You’re from around here, Pops. How the hell do you not know what to do?”
“Hey, they didn’t cover this in training here, either. That’s why we have Animal Control.”
“Okay, okay. Whatever you do, don’t look it in the eyes. I think I remember my grandpa telling me if you do that with a bear, they’ll take it as a challenge and it’ll make them want to attack.”
The wolf growled at you and coiled back further, making you let out a nervous breath. “It’s a little late for that, Pepper Snaps.”
“Hang on, Y/N. I’m coming.”
“No! Stay where you are!” You yelled out in shock, wincing when you realized your mistake.
You saw more teeth and heard another growl. You decided the hell with it, and slowly moved to grab your gun. This thing was going to attack you, that was obvious, and while you’d rather it just turn and run in the opposite direction, you had to defend yourself. At that very inopportune moment, your phone vibrated in your pocket and your head snapped up, gasping when you noticed the animal ready itself to spring at you. This was it; you were done for. One of your last thoughts was that you hoped your being mauled by one of the apex predators of Montana finally lit a fire under Beau to prompt him to action and he ripped Hoyt a new one for sending you and Pops out into the fucking wilderness with no backup or protection.
“Goldie!” The old man called out from the porch. “Here, girl!” He’d obviously given up trusting that you and Poppernak would find his dog. Based on the wolf in front of you, you had a feeling you knew where the missing pet had gone. 
Almost as if it heard that thought and it had reached its limit on irritation, the animal growled and sprung forward at you, making you surge backwards and cry out as you fell promptly on your ass, right into several piles of dogshit you had somehow missed before. You held an arm up in front of your face as a last defense and closed your eyes, anticipating the feeling of those sharp teeth you had seen and the ensuing pain.
“Y/N!” Poppernak shouted. You could hear him running towards you. “I’m coming!”
 Much to your surprise, the pain didn’t come. The impact didn’t even happen. Your eyes snapped open in time to see a tail whooshing past you. In shock, you watched as the wolf broke into a run towards the house. 
“Pops! It’s heading towards the house!” You managed to get out. “The Knutsons!”
“Oh shit!” Had this been any other time, you would have laughed in surprise at Pops’ cursing; he never cursed. But this wasn’t any other time. “Mr. Knutson, get in the house! Get Mrs. Knutson and get inside! NOW!”
You went into a panic when you saw Lee make eye contact with the animal and instead of grabbing his wife and fleeing into the house as Pops instructed, a huge smile broke out onto his face and he held his arms out. “Goldie!”
The wolf increased its speed and you pulled your gun, jumping to your feet and running as fast as you could, Poppernak not too far behind you, both of you thinking the same thing: Lee was old and his eyesight might not be the best. He probably believed he saw his dog running towards him and being overwhelmed with relief, he didn’t think anything of it. He probably hadn’t even heard Pops’ yells too well, either, but even if he had, he’d probably think the deputy was mistaken. He was seeing his dog returning home to him. There was no way you were going to match the speed of the animal, it was going to beat you to the Knutsons, but you were determined to try. You just hoped you got there in time enough that the injuries wouldn’t be too bad. 
You heard the wolf bark as it jumped onto the porch, right at the old man. “Get back, sir!” Poppernak yelled next to you. Your lungs and legs were burning, but you pushed yourself to pick up speed and gave it all you had, making leaps over little objects that littered the portion of the yard you were in to give yourself more momentum.    
But to your surprise, the wolf stopped right before colliding with Lee, and instead raised up on its hind legs, placing its paws on his chest. “Shit,” you panted out and pumped your arms to help you move even faster. The wolf’s tongue was hanging out in between barks and you were close enough now to hear it let out a few cries, too. But thankfully, it didn’t attack Lee, or Marilyn when she got up and hurried over, the smile on her face mirroring her husband’s. It also didn’t bite Lee as he petted its huge head.
“Goldie! Where have you been? We’ve been so worried about you!” The wolf barked in the man’s face, making him laugh.
You and Poppernak came to a halt right in front of the house and began to raise your guns to porch level and stopped, thinking the older couple was still confused. “Mr. Knutson, be very careful,” the deputy warned. “Don’t make any sudden movements.”
Both Lee and Marilyn glanced down at you in confusion. “What do you mean?” The former asked.
“Mrs. Knutson, carefully step away, slowly,” you added. You were still working out in your head how you were going to get Lee safely out of the way and how you could scare the wolf off so you wouldn’t have to shoot it. Poppernak could then call Animal Control and get them out here so the Knutsons would be safe. Catching a whiff of yourself, realizing it was actually wolf shit you had been trekking through this entire time, you even entertained the thought of looking into getting someone out here to clean up the property for them.
Marilyn’s brows furrowed. “Why? You found our Goldie!”
“Ma’am, that’s not Goldie,” Pops calmly stated, both of your eyes still centered on the large animal who growled in your direction.
“Yes, it is!” Lee insisted.
“Sir,” you began. “I’m afraid it’s not.” You really didn’t desire to tell these people that their beloved dog was gone, most likely killed by the predator in front of them, but that was something you could worry about after everyone was safe. 
“It is too Goldie! Watch!” Lee glanced down at the animal, forcing it to make eye contact. “Goldie, sit!”
And to both yours and Poppernak’s shock, the wolf jumped down and did just that, looking as docile as any well-trained pet. 
“Good girl,” Lee praised. “Now, lay down.” The wolf again did as the old man instructed, wagging its tail.
You and your partner exchanged a mystified look; had the Knutsons been feeding a wolf this whole time? And now it was following their commands? How was this even possible? Just when you thought you’d seen everything.
Lee began to laugh. “Oh, I see. You think she’s a wolf from the wild, right?” 
You failed to see the humor and swiftly nodded, still keeping your eye on the animal. “She’s not?” Poppernak asked in disbelief.
“Oh my Lord, no. Goldie here is a hybrid. We’ve had her since she was a pup. Got her from a breeder. So you can relax now and put those guns away. You’re making her nervous.”
Poppernak slowly placed his back in his holster but you simply lowered yours. The wolf may now be watching you in keen interest, tongue lolling out of its mouth and panting heavily, but you still remembered how aggressive it looked back in the yard when you came across it. You weren’t blindly trusting what the old man was telling you; you needed proof first.
“Mr. Knutson, when I asked you what your dog looked like, you told me it had black fur and yellow—”
“Eyes,” Lee finished for you. “That’s why we call her Goldie. They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”
One glance at the wolf confirmed the rich gold staring back at you. 
“But when we asked you the breed, you said it was a mutt, half King Shepherd. Not to mention it was about to attack Y/L/N here.” You gave a subtle nod of appreciation to your partner at that last little mention. Both of you were trying to desperately make sense of this odd situation. Especially since you asked for a photo of Goldie and you were told you didn’t need one since she had to be lost on the property somewhere, possibly hurt or dying. It wasn’t like her not to come home by nightfall; her being missing for two days straight, she was in trouble. Their urgency overrode your attempts to get a visual of the animal you were looking for. You’d even tried to persuade them to supply you with a photo anyway but Lee had been adamant, which is exactly why you and Pops had been making your way through the endless yard.
“That’s her dog half. And a hybrid is a mutt,” Lee mused, smiling down at his pet. “I know she’s big and scary looking but I assure you she’s harmless. You probably just scared her is all. She doesn’t care for trespassers and she’s a little wary of visitors.” Marilyn nodded along with him.
You looked over at Pops who gave you a shrug, unsure of how to proceed. You let out a heavy breath and slipped your gun back into your holster, your gaze landing back on the wolf who laid her head down on her paws, almost as if she was trying to look innocent of the accusation that had just been made against her. Your eyes lifted to her owner when a thought hit you.
“You got her from a breeder, you say? Surely you’ll have papers for her then.”
Lee scratched at his head. “We do, somewhere. It’d take us forever to find it but, hey! You ask the sheriff or Miss Hoyt. They know Goldie, they know she’s legal.”
Your jaw tensed at the mention of the undersheriff. You knew she was saving the worst calls for you to go out on and you had accepted this week was pure hell that you would get through no matter what, but this…this was just plain vindictiveness at its best. Now the smirk she’d given you when giving you this call made sense, along with her insisting Animal Control wasn’t needed when you mentioned it and the Knutsons were a lovely old couple that just needed a little hand holding since they didn’t have anyone else, their kids and grandkids having long ago moved out of state.
“Y/L/N, the dog is probably somewhere in the yard and they don’t even know it. It would mean a lot to them if we respond to let them know we’re taking it seriously. Just go out there, look around, whistle a few times, and if the dog doesn’t come running, then tell them we’ll put flyers up. Open and shut case, trust me.”
You weren’t a violent person by any means. You could certainly hold your own in a fight but that wasn’t the way you preferred to resolve things. But if Hoyt were here in front of you right this second, you would have decked her.
You glared over at Poppernak who was gaping over at you. He seemed just as surprised as you so that made you feel slightly better. At least the whole department hadn’t been in on this. You gave Lee a curt nod and turned to head back to the car, more than done for the day, when you heard a loud gasp from behind you.
“Oh, honey.” You spun around, thinking the worst only to find Marilyn holding a hand over her mouth, her gaze intent on you, while Lee appeared to be struggling to hold in a laugh. You knew it before she even said it. “You are just covered in…in…”
“Dog shit,” Lee finished for his wife and burst out into laughter. Goldie began barking excitedly, almost as if she was trying to laugh along with her owner. She ignored the glare you sent her way and kept on barking. You glanced down and you were indeed covered in the excrement. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Pops hold a closed fist up to his mouth, making a sound that suspiciously sounded like a chuckle and taking a step away from you. You scowled over at him, daring him to join in the laughter. The chuckle morphed into a sudden cough mixed in with a throat clearing, his expression turning sheepish.
Marilyn didn’t laugh, though. “I have some baby wipes,” she offered.
“Thank you,” you grumbled, not able to inject any gratitude into your voice just then. You hoped you didn’t sound too rude. Baby wipes were certainly better than nothing. 
“Of course. I’ll be right back.” Marilyn hurried inside the house and you couldn’t help but continue to glare at the dog who watched you intently, tongue hanging out, not a care in the world, and a gleam in her golden eyes that confirmed for you that she found your predicament just as entertaining as her owner did. You shot her a ferocious glare as you worked to get your jacket off carefully with Poppernak’s help. Seeing the excrement now caked underneath your fingernails, you left out an irritated huff. Hell week indeed.
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A/N: This was the image I had in my head of Goldie btw (black fur, yellowish eyes):
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This is a full on wolf but definitely the look could fit the hybrid I think, depending on genetics and the dog breed of course.
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aylacavebear · 7 months
She Thought She was Normal
Story Summary: Maria really thought she was normal, for most of her life. It was normal for people to have natural talent, she would tell herself the older she got. Many things came easy for her, and that was probably how their rivalry began when she was five and he was seven and she met the Winchesters. Little did either of them know that it wouldn't stay like that forever, both having a far larger destiny than they could imagine.
Word Count: 484
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter.
Warnings: Fluff
----------------------------------------- Epilogue
In the spring of the following year, they found a piece of land that would hold four homes with plenty of space for privacy. Maria did use her powers to make it all legal.
Then, when they were standing there on the land, she let her powers bring their dream homes into reality. The houses were spaced far enough away from each other that sound wouldn’t travel, and they wouldn’t bother each other.
Sam and Jess took the house closest to the front of the property since the two were still going to college, and it would be a shorter drive on and off the land. John and Mary took the one that was further back and to the right of that first home. It was a simple home since it was just the two of them with no plans of having future children.
To the far left but still near the front of the property, she teleported Bobby’s home and his scrapyard to the land so he could continue doing what he loved, other than hunting, which was working on cars. There was one more home, nestled in the back of the land. Maria and Dean hugged everyone before they got in the Impala and made the short drive out to it.
She bit her lip as he parked in front of the two-story home. It was beautiful. The exterior was adorned with a covered porch, including a porch swing in just the right spot to watch the sunset. Even with the home having just been created, it was like the architectural design was timeless, with a pitched roof and dormer windows on the second floor, allowing natural light to filter into the cozy spaces within. The exterior was painted in warm, earthy tones, blending harmoniously with the landscape's natural beauty. 
“Come on,” Dean told her, taking her hand as he got out of the Impala.
Maria took a deep breath, letting him lead her out of the car and up the few steps to the porch. He smirked as he leaned down and picked her up, bridal style, causing her to squeal in surprise before he opened the door.
“Well, gotta do this the right way,” he smirked as she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck.
“We’re not even married yet,” she giggled, but her heart fluttered at the thought.
Dean carried her inside but didn’t set her down; he just kicked the door behind him and kissed her, “I love you, Maria.”
“I love you too, Dean,” she replied softly.
Maria knew that due to what she was, she wouldn’t age, not like he would, but that wasn’t going to stop her from spending the rest of his life with him on Earth. Then, when the time came, she’d join him in Heaven, and the two would have eternity together. Oh, the adventures they could have then.
----------------------------------------- A/N: The End Folks. Thanks for taking this interesting journey with me. I may or may not revisit this and add to it, or I may write some as one-shots. Stay tuned...
Tag List: @deans-spinster-witch @kazsrm67
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