#spire metering technology
spiremt · 29 days
SpireMT - Advanced Ultrasonic Heat Meters are Powering the Global Shift to Smart Energy
In an age of climate consciousness and sustainable living, energy efficiency has become a central concern worldwide. SpireMT, a reputed ultrasonic heat meter manufacturer and supplier in the United States and rest of the world, has been at the forefront of this technology, offering innovative solutions that not only save energy but also reduce costs. In this blog, we will explore how SpireMT’s…
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visit-new-york · 1 year
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100 Most Fascinating Facts About the Chrysler Building:
1. When was the Chrysler Building built? The construction of the Chrysler Building commenced in 1928 and reached completion in 1930. It was inaugurated on May 27, 1930, amidst the enthusiasm and anticipation of a rapidly evolving New York City.
2. Who designed the Chrysler Building? The architectural genius behind the Chrysler Building is William Van Alen. His innovative vision and meticulous attention to detail are the driving forces behind the building's iconic Art Deco design.
3. Why was the Chrysler Building built? The Chrysler Building was commissioned as the corporate headquarters for the Chrysler Corporation, headed by Walter P. Chrysler. Beyond its practical purpose, it was intended to serve as a symbol of progress, engineering prowess, and the evolving modern age.
4. What is the architectural style of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building stands as an epitome of Art Deco architecture. Characterized by geometric patterns, sleek lines, and decorative elements, this style emerged in the early 20th century as a celebration of technological advancements and modern aesthetics.
5. How tall is the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building rises to a height of 1,046 feet (319 meters) including its iconic spire, which contributes significantly to its overall verticality and distinctive appearance.
6. Is the Chrysler Building the tallest in New York City? Although once the tallest in the world, the Chrysler Building is no longer the tallest in New York City, as other skyscrapers, including the Empire State Building and more recently, One World Trade Center, have since surpassed it in height.
7. What materials were used in the construction of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building's frame is primarily composed of steel, providing structural stability and allowing it to reach impressive heights. Its façade is adorned with decorative elements such as stainless steel, limestone, and brick, lending it a visually captivating texture.
8. How long did it take to build the Chrysler Building? The construction process of the Chrysler Building was notably swift for its time, taking approximately two years, from 1928 to 1930, to complete.
9. What is the significance of the terraced crown on the Chrysler Building? The terraced crown of the Chrysler Building serves both an aesthetic and symbolic purpose. Designed in a distinctive stepped style, the crown was inspired by radiator grilles and hubcaps of automobiles, paying homage to the prominence of the automobile industry in the 1920s.
10. Can you visit the top of the Chrysler Building? No, access to the upper floors, including the iconic crown, is typically restricted to building personnel due to security and logistical reasons.
11. Is the Chrysler Building open to the public? While the upper floors are not accessible to the public, visitors can appreciate the building's exterior and visit the lobby, which features exquisite Art Deco detailing.
12. What businesses or offices are located in the Chrysler Building? While the Chrysler Building was constructed as a corporate headquarters, its interior spaces have housed various offices and businesses over the years, contributing to its commercial importance.
13. What is the address of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building is situated at 405 Lexington Avenue, New York City, standing as a testament to its strategic central location within the bustling metropolis.
14. How does the Chrysler Building compare to other famous skyscrapers? The Chrysler Building is renowned for its striking Art Deco design, setting it apart from other iconic skyscrapers like the Empire State Building and One World Trade Center, each contributing uniquely to New York's skyline.
15. Was the Chrysler Building the tallest building in the world at any point? Yes, the Chrysler Building proudly held the title of the world's tallest building upon its completion in 1930, towering over the cityscape and symbolizing mankind's architectural achievements.
16. How has the Chrysler Building influenced architecture? The Chrysler Building's innovative Art Deco design, intricate ornamentation, and graceful vertical lines have left an indelible mark on architecture, inspiring subsequent skyscraper designs and influencing the broader Art Deco movement.
17. Are there any replicas or similar buildings to the Chrysler Building? While there are no exact replicas, the Chrysler Building's design has inspired other structures worldwide, particularly during the Art Deco era.
18. What is the cost of the Chrysler Building's construction? The construction of the Chrysler Building, an ambitious endeavor, carried a price tag of approximately $20 million during the late 1920s.
19. Are there any notable events associated with the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building's completion coincided with the Great Depression, impacting its initial occupancy and economic viability. It weathered the challenges of its time, reflecting the resilience of New York City.
20. How has the Chrysler Building been depicted in popular culture? The Chrysler Building has graced the silver screen, adorned book covers, and inspired countless artworks, becoming an enduring symbol of urban aspiration and sophistication.
21. What is the significance of the eagle gargoyles on the Chrysler Building? The eagle gargoyles perched on the corners of the 61st floor serve as potent symbols of ambition, freedom, and the American spirit, echoing the prevailing sentiment of progress during the 1920s.
22. Are there any special lighting or illumination features on the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building's crown has been illuminated with various colors during festive occasions, infusing its majestic form with a vibrant aura that captivates onlookers.
23. How did the Great Depression impact the Chrysler Building's construction? The Great Depression cast a shadow over the initial occupancy of the Chrysler Building, challenging its financial viability as economic difficulties prevailed during its early years.
24. Is the Chrysler Building considered Art Deco? Yes, the Chrysler Building is an iconic representation of the Art Deco architectural movement, characterized by its sleek geometric forms and lavish ornamentation.
25. What is the history of the land on which the Chrysler Building stands? The land on which the Chrysler Building proudly stands was leased from the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, reflecting a collaborative endeavor between commerce and education.
26. What other works of the architect William Van Alen are noteworthy? While the Chrysler Building is his magnum opus, William Van Alen's contributions extend to other notable structures in New York City, further enriching the city's architectural landscape.
27. Are there any myths or legends associated with the Chrysler Building? While not enveloped in myths, the Chrysler Building's remarkable design and history have woven it into the fabric of New York's urban legends and tales.
28. Can you see the Chrysler Building from other parts of New York City? Owing to its lofty height and strategic location, the Chrysler Building commands panoramic views, rendering it visible from numerous vantage points across the city.
29. Has the Chrysler Building undergone any major renovations? The Chrysler Building has experienced various restoration and maintenance efforts aimed at preserving its historic grandeur and safeguarding its structural integrity.
30. How does the Chrysler Building contribute to New York City's skyline? The Chrysler Building's distinctive silhouette, crowned by its terraced design and decorative elements, contributes a sense of elegance and history to New York City's iconic skyline.
31. What makes the Chrysler Building unique compared to other skyscrapers? The Chrysler Building's Art Deco flair, intricate detailing, and its pursuit of vertical elegance set it apart, positioning it as a timeless architectural masterpiece.
32. How did the Chrysler Building get its name? Named after the visionary Walter P. Chrysler, founder of the Chrysler Corporation, the building serves as a tribute to his influence and contributions to the automotive industry.
33. What was the original purpose of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building was initially conceived as the headquarters for the Chrysler Corporation, reflecting the ambitions of its namesake to establish a prominent presence in New York City.
34. How many floors does the Chrysler Building have? The Chrysler Building boasts 77 floors, including both functional office spaces and levels dedicated to mechanical operations.
35. How is the interior of the Chrysler Building designed? The interior of the Chrysler Building, while less famous than its exterior, exhibits Art Deco influences through meticulous detailing, marble elements, and geometric patterns.
36. Are there any environmental or sustainability features in the Chrysler Building? Given its construction during a different era, the Chrysler Building lacks modern sustainability features. However, retrofitting efforts have aimed to enhance energy efficiency.
37. What challenges were faced during the construction of the Chrysler Building? The rapid construction timeline posed challenges in coordinating intricate design elements, managing resources, and aligning with financial constraints, all while adhering to safety standards.
38. Who owns the Chrysler Building today? The ownership of the Chrysler Building has shifted over time. In recent years, it was owned by the Abu Dhabi Investment Council and managed by Tishman Speyer, but ownership arrangements may evolve.
39. Has the Chrysler Building been featured in any films or TV shows? The Chrysler Building's distinctive appearance has graced the backgrounds of numerous films and TV shows, solidifying its status as an enduring cultural icon.
40. What role did Walter P. Chrysler play in the building's design? Walter P. Chrysler's vision, ambition, and financial backing were instrumental in turning the architectural vision of the Chrysler Building into a towering reality.
41. Are there any guided tours of the Chrysler Building? While access to the upper levels is usually restricted, the lobby and its Art Deco features have been open for guided tours, allowing visitors to glimpse its interior beauty.
42. How has the perception of the Chrysler Building changed over time? The perception of the Chrysler Building has transformed from being a symbol of corporate prominence to a revered architectural gem, embodying the essence of an era.
43. What is the symbolism behind the Chrysler Building's decorations? The decorations, inspired by automobile motifs and Art Deco designs, symbolize progress, innovation, and the forward-looking spirit of the 1920s.
44. How did the public react to the Chrysler Building when it was completed? The public marveled at the Chrysler Building's height, design, and the testament it stood as to human achievement, particularly during a time of rapid technological advancements.
45. Are there any famous photographs or artworks featuring the Chrysler Building? Countless photographs and artworks capture the Chrysler Building's grace and grandeur, immortalizing it in the visual history of New York City.
46. How does the Chrysler Building represent the Roaring Twenties? The Chrysler Building encapsulates the exuberance and optimism of the Roaring Twenties, echoing the era's love for innovation, luxury, and bold statements.
47. What is the current use of the Chrysler Building's interior spaces? The interior spaces of the Chrysler Building have been used for offices and commercial purposes, maintaining its role as a business hub within the city.
48. Are there any famous quotes about the Chrysler Building? Various luminaries have waxed eloquent about the Chrysler Building, with descriptions highlighting its elegance, grace, and architectural significance.
49. How did the Chrysler Building impact the history of skyscrapers? The Chrysler Building marked a turning point in skyscraper design, pushing the boundaries of architectural innovation and contributing to the evolution of cityscapes worldwide.
50. What is the role of the Chrysler Building in New York's history? The Chrysler Building serves as a touchstone in New York's history, representing an era of technological leaps, urban ambition, and architectural creativity.
51. How does the Chrysler Building contribute to Manhattan's cityscape? Amidst the modern skyscrapers, the Chrysler Building's graceful curvature and Art Deco embellishments offer a nostalgic touch to Manhattan's dynamic cityscape.
52. Has the Chrysler Building ever been sold or changed ownership? The Chrysler Building's ownership has shifted over time due to various financial transactions, illustrating its status as a sought-after asset.
53. Are there any plans for the future of the Chrysler Building? Future plans for the Chrysler Building are subject to ownership decisions, potential renovations, and urban development trends.
54. How do architects and designers view the Chrysler Building today? Architects and designers continue to admire the Chrysler Building as a paragon of Art Deco brilliance, studying its design principles and innovative approach.
55. What is the relationship between the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building? The Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building shared a fierce rivalry during their respective constructions, both vying for the title of the world's tallest building.
56. Has the Chrysler Building won any awards for its architecture? While not awarded a specific architectural prize, the Chrysler Building's enduring popularity and architectural significance stand as its ultimate accolades.
57. What role did the construction unions play in the building's creation? Construction unions played a vital role in the building's realization, contributing their expertise, labor, and craftsmanship to the project.
58. Are there any hidden details or Easter eggs in the Chrysler Building's design? While not widely known, it's possible that the Chrysler Building's design conceals subtle details or symbolic elements that may hold hidden meanings.
59. How does the Chrysler Building look at night? Illuminated against the night sky, the Chrysler Building exudes a magical aura, showcasing its graceful spire and crown in all their splendor.
60. How has technology influenced the preservation of the Chrysler Building? Technological advancements have facilitated the ongoing maintenance and preservation efforts, enabling the building's distinctive features to be upheld for future generations.
61. What role did William H. Reynolds play in the Chrysler Building's construction? William H. Reynolds served as the general contractor overseeing the meticulous execution of the Chrysler Building's construction.
62. Are there any safety features incorporated into the Chrysler Building's design? While the safety standards of its time were adhered to, modern safety features have been integrated into the building over the years to ensure the well-being of occupants and visitors.
63. What is the architectural legacy of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building's architectural legacy lies in its role as a global symbol of Art Deco elegance, inspiring architects and enthusiasts alike with its groundbreaking design.
64. How did the Chrysler Building impact the surrounding neighborhood? The presence of the Chrysler Building contributed to the transformation of its Midtown Manhattan neighborhood, attracting commerce, visitors, and further development.
65. How has the Chrysler Building's perception changed since its completion? From its initial role as a symbol of corporate might, the Chrysler Building has evolved into a cultural icon, celebrated for its architectural brilliance and historical importance.
66. Can you see the Chrysler Building from Central Park? Yes, parts of the Chrysler Building are visible from certain viewpoints within Central Park, showcasing its elegance against the urban backdrop.
67. How did the Chrysler Building's construction impact the economy? The construction of the Chrysler Building provided a crucial source of employment during the challenging economic climate of its time, offering jobs and stimulating local economy.
68. What was the tallest building before the Chrysler Building was constructed? Prior to the Chrysler Building's completion, the Woolworth Building held the distinction of being the world's tallest building.
69. What are some interesting anecdotes about the Chrysler Building's history? Anecdotes include the competitive race with the Empire State Building for height supremacy and the influence of the automotive industry on its design.
70. How has the Chrysler Building remained relevant in modern times? The Chrysler Building's timeless design, combined with its status as an architectural icon, has allowed it to transcend time and maintain its relevance.
71. What engineering innovations were used in the construction of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building utilized innovative techniques like riveting and a steel framework to achieve its impressive height, setting new standards for skyscraper construction.
72. How has the exterior of the Chrysler Building been maintained? The exterior has been subject to periodic restoration efforts to preserve its distinctive Art Deco ornamentation and maintain its visual impact.
73. What is the role of the Chrysler Building in celebrating Art Deco? The Chrysler Building stands as a prime exemplar of Art Deco architecture, celebrating the movement's emphasis on geometric forms and luxurious detailing.
74. How has the Chrysler Building's fame influenced tourism in New York? The Chrysler Building, along with other iconic landmarks, has undoubtedly contributed to New York's allure as a global tourist destination.
75. Are there any architectural controversies related to the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building isn't associated with major architectural controversies, but its height race with the Empire State Building sparked competitive debates.
76. How has the Chrysler Building's architecture influenced other structures? The Chrysler Building's Art Deco style has served as a muse, inspiring subsequent architects to incorporate elements of its elegance into their designs.
77. Can you see the Chrysler Building from the Statue of Liberty? While quite a distance separates the Statue of Liberty and the Chrysler Building, the latter's towering presence allows it to be visible from various viewpoints.
78. Are there any restoration projects planned for the Chrysler Building? Restoration initiatives may be undertaken to ensure the preservation of the building's historical and architectural significance, although specific plans can vary.
79. What are the architectural details of the Chrysler Building's lobby? The lobby features marble walls, geometric patterns, and ornate decorations that echo the building's overall Art Deco aesthetic.
80. How has the Chrysler Building survived natural disasters and weathering? The building's sturdy construction has enabled it to withstand weathering and minor natural events, showcasing the enduring quality of its design and materials.
81. What role does the Chrysler Building play in the history of New York real estate? The Chrysler Building played a role in shaping the landscape of New York's real estate sector, adding a touch of elegance and verticality to the city's skyline.
82. How did the construction of the Chrysler Building impact local employment? The construction of the Chrysler Building provided jobs during a period of economic uncertainty, offering employment opportunities for workers in the construction industry.
83. Can you see the Chrysler Building from Times Square? Yes, certain vantage points in Times Square offer views of the Chrysler Building, contributing to the city's vibrant visual tapestry.
84. How does the Chrysler Building symbolize New York's ambition? The Chrysler Building stands as a symbol of New York's unyielding ambition and its continuous drive to push the boundaries of architecture and engineering.
85. What is the role of the Chrysler Building in the city's identity? The Chrysler Building has become an integral part of New York's identity, representing its aspirations, innovation, and architectural excellence.
86. How has the Chrysler Building influenced the aesthetics of modern skyscrapers? The Chrysler Building's Art Deco elements have left an indelible imprint on the aesthetics of skyscrapers, impacting subsequent designs with its unique flair.
87. What role did the automobile industry play in the creation of the Chrysler Building? The building's design, with its automobile-inspired motifs, pays homage to the automotive industry, reflecting the era's technological advancements.
88. How does the Chrysler Building stand out among Manhattan's skyscrapers? The Chrysler Building's ornate crown, intricate detailing, and Art Deco embellishments set it apart, granting it a sense of timeless elegance within the skyline.
89. What impact did the Chrysler Building have on the Art Deco movement? The Chrysler Building is considered a pinnacle of the Art Deco movement, influencing subsequent Art Deco architecture and contributing to its popularity.
90. How has the Chrysler Building's lighting been updated over the years? The lighting of the Chrysler Building has evolved with technological advancements, offering dynamic displays and illuminations during special events and celebrations.
91. Can you see the Chrysler Building from Brooklyn? Yes, the towering presence of the Chrysler Building can be seen from various parts of Brooklyn that have unobstructed sightlines toward Manhattan.
92. How does the Chrysler Building compare to other landmarks like the Flatiron Building? While both are iconic, the Chrysler Building's height and distinct Art Deco style differentiate it from the Flatiron Building, which has its own historical significance.
93. What are some lesser-known facts about the Chrysler Building? Lesser-known facts include its rapid construction time, William Van Alen's competitive nature, and the role of car motifs in its design.
94. How has the Chrysler Building been depicted in architectural literature? Architectural literature has often highlighted the Chrysler Building's architectural significance, its role in the Art Deco movement, and its influence on skyscraper design.
95. What role did the Chrysler Building play in the city's skyline competition? The Chrysler Building's race for height supremacy with the Empire State Building epitomized New York's ambition and fierce competition during its construction.
96. How does the Chrysler Building embody the spirit of the 1920s? The Chrysler Building captures the exuberance and dynamism of the 1920s through its groundbreaking design, reflecting the era's technological advancements.
97. What was the public's reaction to the Chrysler Building's completion? The public responded with awe and admiration, considering the Chrysler Building a symbol of human achievement, modernity, and progress.
98. How have preservation efforts impacted the Chrysler Building's future? Preservation efforts ensure that the Chrysler Building's architectural and historical significance remain intact, safeguarding its place in New York's skyline.
99. Can you see the Chrysler Building from the One World Trade Center? Yes, the One World Trade Center offers sweeping views of Manhattan, allowing visitors to behold the iconic Chrysler Building amidst the city's panorama.
100. How has the Chrysler Building inspired artists and creatives over the years? The Chrysler Building's distinctive silhouette, elegant design, and historical significance have captivated artists, photographers, writers, and filmmakers, becoming a muse for creative expression. Its enduring presence in various artistic mediums speaks to its lasting impact on culture and imagination.
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oddcryptidwrites · 8 months
Worldbuilding in Five
Both @thetruearchmagos and @theprissythumbelina tagged me in this! I'm going to tag @anyablackwood, @laffy-taffy-creations, @mikathewriter, and whoever else wants to play!
Rules: post 3-5 images of a place in your world and tell us a bit about it.
So I feel like NYTF gets enough love...how about the world of Ateine? This is slightly more than 5.
Base Sky (Watcher settlement)
Base Sky is the primary Watcher (rebel) settlement, and is the host of its extensive government. Despite having a large population (well over one million people), Base Sky looks like an uninhabited jungle, as buildings are designed to blend into the trees and stretch deep into natural and hand-carved cave systems. Its crowning feature is a large, underground arena where Arena Combat Simulations are held, along with other large-crowd events such as concerts and performances. Base Sky is located in the dense, tropical jungle about 50km from Kaptol.
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A bastardization of the word "Capital" and sometimes spelled Kp-tol, Kaptol is the large hexagon city where the first Ateineians were created/born/arrived (depending on your religious sect). It's a very large, technologically advanced city which erases its past as it builds to new and grander heights. The culture here is a massive melting pot, borrowing from each of the six partages. It is built on a peninsula, bordered to the north by a dense tropical jungle. The cliffs along the edge of the city drop of precipitously, lifting it high above the water.
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The High Sanctum
In the midst of the hi-tech and quickly-evolving Kaptol is a building seemingly untouched by time: the High Sanctum. Built by the god AllPower herself, it is the religious, governmental, and cultural center of Ateine. It is a grand building of white stone, full of vaulted ceilings, towering columns, and 6 massive statues of the six gods. Each is over 10 meters tall, and on their pedestals, people leave offerings and sacrifices. Throughout its grandiose halls, the theocratic government of Ateine operates.
The High Sanctum's tallest spire is the highest point on Ateine; nothing can be built higher. High rises and skyscrapers throughout Kaptol and Ateine try to creep as close as they can.
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beautyproducts-posts · 9 months
world biggest building Burj Khalifa history
The Burj Khalifa, standing tall in the heart of Dubai, is a marvel of modern engineering and architectural ingenuity. As the tallest building in the world, its awe-inspiring height and distinctive design have made it an iconic symbol of the city and a testament to human achievement.
Construction of the Burj Khalifa began in 2004 and was completed in 2010, taking approximately six years to finish. The ambitious project was led by the South Korean company Samsung C&T, with the renowned architect Adrian Smith from the American architectural firm of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill overseeing the design. The vision for the Burj Khalifa was to create a mixed-use structure that would not only serve as a residential space but also house offices, retail outlets, and a luxurious hotel.
One of the most remarkable features of the Burj Khalifa is its staggering height, reaching an impressive 828 meters (2,717 feet). To put this into perspective, the building stands more than twice as tall as the Empire State Building in New York City. The skyscraper boasts 163 floors, with the majority of them dedicated to residential units, while the lower levels accommodate commercial spaces, a hotel, and observation decks.
To support the immense height and counteract the forces of wind and seismic activity, the Burj Khalifa is reinforced with a combination of concrete and high-strength steel. The exterior of the building is clad in reflective glass, providing both aesthetic appeal and functionality. The Y-shaped structure not only adds a distinctive look to the building but also enhances its stability by reducing wind-induced vibrations.
The construction of the Burj Khalifa was a complex engineering feat that required innovative solutions. The foundation of the building, known as the "mat," is a massive reinforced concrete slab that spreads across an area of about 8,000 square meters. This foundation is essential for distributing the immense load of the building and preventing settling.
The tower's construction utilized advanced technologies, including a high-performance concrete mix and a jump-form system that allowed for the continuous pouring of concrete during the building process. The construction team faced numerous challenges, such as pumping concrete to record heights and dealing with the extreme temperatures of the desert environment.
The Burj Khalifa's observation decks, located on the 148th and 125th floors, offer breathtaking panoramic views of Dubai and beyond. The tower's spire, which crowns its pinnacle, is not only a structural element but also serves as a functional component, housing communication equipment and lighting elements that contribute to the building's stunning nighttime display.
Beyond its structural achievements, the Burj Khalifa is a symbol of Dubai's rapid urban development and economic growth. It has become a global landmark, attracting millions of visitors who marvel at its sheer height and elegant design. The tower's completion marked a significant milestone in the field of architecture and engineering, showcasing the capabilities of human innovation and determination on a grand scale. The Burj Khalifa continues to stand as a testament to what can be achieved when vision, technology, and skilled craftsmanship converge in the pursuit of architectural excellence.
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quotesfrommyreading · 2 years
High-rises have become so ubiquitous, it’s easy to forget what a triumph it is to build even a humdrum office tower. For millennia, our ancestors inched slowly but steadily toward the clouds. Archaeologists have called the Tower of Jericho, completed about 10,000 years ago, the “super-skyscraper of its day.” It reached a grand total of 28 feet. Around 2,600 B.C., the Great Pyramid of Giza broke records when it hit 480 feet—less than half the height of the Eiffel Tower—and humans took nearly 4,000 years to go higher. (The spire of an English cathedral eventually surpassed the Great Pyramid in 1311, but only by about three floors.)
From the Tower of Jericho through the Industrial Revolution, there was basically one way to go high: stone. Traditionally, masonry walls supported a building’s weight and structure, which curtailed their height. Going taller required thicker walls, which, beyond a certain point, risked monopolizing floor space and squeezing tenants into sunless cavities. The New York World Building, briefly the city’s tallest in 1890, had some walls wider than a garbage truck.
Steel skeletons sent us higher, to mixed reviews. As skyscrapers began appearing on the New York skyline at the turn of the century—back when skyscraper meant any building with more than a dozen floors—observers warned that these buildings were a “menace to public health and safety” that would surely collapse. After a building spree in the ’70s, the urban historian Dolores Hayden criticized skyscrapers as “phallic monuments” that had been forced on cities by unchecked capitalists and stood as emblems of “architectural rape.”
And yet for as long as we’ve been finding new ways to build taller, we’ve usually felt uneasy about doing so. The biblical story of the Tower of Babel is an early example of our altitude-lust going hand in hand with regret over our hubris: After that supertall scraped the heavens, God supposedly punished humans by taking away our shared language and scattering us around the globe.
Some cities tried to restrict skyscrapers after watching them transform New York’s skyline in the early 20th century, and lots of places still have laws meant to limit buildings’ height. Bali restricts buildings to the approximate height of a lanky palm tree, and Washington, D.C., imposes a height maximum based on street width. Even China, after a two-decade supertall spree, recently imposed a height limit of sorts, outlawing the construction of buildings over 500 meters—slightly taller than the Steinway Tower outside my window.
But humans keep hungering to go higher. “Boy, it is innate in us,” says Bill Baker, a structural engineer at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill who played a key role in designing the Burj Khalifa. During the latter half of the 20th century, the record for the world’s tallest building crept up approximately 16 stories; in the past 20 years, it’s shot up nearly 90 floors. We’ve never witnessed buildings rise so much, so quickly. From high-rises, we’ve stretched to supertalls and even megatalls (double the height of a supertall), and engineers are already discussing “ultratalls” that would take us higher still. Over the past few decades, new combinations of materials like microsilica and fly ash (a residue that results from burning coal) have made concrete steroidally strong—“10 times as strong as the stuff down on the sidewalk” in some cases, Baker told me—and steel has gotten sturdier too, all of which has helped spur the supertall boom. Advances in elevator technology—such as ultra-strong, lightweight cables and algorithms that efficiently consolidate passengers—have also helped buildings stretch. But engineering advances aren’t the main reason supertalls keep growing. “It’s a message of power,” the developer Don Peebles, who in 2021 proposed a 1,600-foot tower in Midtown Manhattan, told me. “It’s not trying to blend in. It’s trying to stand out.”
The symbolism attached to height is no doubt part of what makes tall buildings so divisive. A century ago, many New York churchgoers felt a moral duty not to let offices rise over their houses of worship, whose spires had dominated the city’s skyline for decades. In 1923, rallying around a cry to “restore the cross to the skyline!,” a Methodist congregation unveiled plans for a skyscraper church that would be the tallest building in history, topped with a glowing, revolving, five-story cross. But the building never reached its full grandeur, topping out at a little more than three stories as new, taller office towers continued to overtake the skyline.
The evolution of our nation’s tallest structures can arguably be divided into three broad phases. First the tallest buildings were built in honor of deities, then commerce, and now: billionaires.
  —  The Marvels—And Mistakes—Of Supertall Skyscrapers
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desertsafari67 · 24 days
Dubai’s Architectural Wonders to See in 2024
Dubai is a city synonymous with opulence, innovation, and architectural brilliance. Known for pushing the boundaries of design and engineering, it offers a skyline that is a testament to modernity and ambition. As we step into 2024, Dubai continues to dazzle with its groundbreaking structures and visionary projects. Here’s a look at some of the most awe-inspiring architectural wonders you should explore this year.
1. Burj Khalifa
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No list of Dubai’s architectural marvels would be complete without mentioning the Burj Khalifa. Standing at a staggering 828 meters, it remains the tallest building in the world. Designed by the renowned architect Adrian Smith of SOM, the Burj Khalifa features a sleek, tapering silhouette that symbolizes a desert flower.
Visitors can enjoy panoramic views of Dubai from the observation decks on the 148th and 125th floors. In 2024, the Burj Khalifa continues to be a focal point of Dubai's skyline and a symbol of its rapid growth and ambition.
2. Museum of the Future
One of Dubai’s newest gems is the Museum of the Future, which opened its doors in February 2022. This futuristic building is located in the heart of the city and has quickly become a landmark. Designed by the architectural firm Killa Design, it features a distinctive torus shape with an asymmetrical opening that represents humanity's quest for knowledge.
The museum’s façade is adorned with Arabic calligraphy that illuminates at night, creating a mesmerizing visual effect. Inside, visitors can explore interactive exhibits and immersive experiences that offer a glimpse into future technologies and innovations. As of 2024, the Museum of the Future remains at the cutting edge of conceptual architecture and futuristic design.
3. Dubai Creek Tower
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Dubai Creek Tower is a testament to Dubai’s relentless pursuit of architectural excellence. Designed by Santiago Calatrava, this ambitious project aims to surpass the Burj Khalifa in height. Scheduled for completion in 2024, the tower is inspired by the lily flower and will feature a series of tapering spires that resemble its petals.
The Dubai Creek Tower will be situated in the heart of the Dubai Creek Harbor development, offering breathtaking views of the city and the creek. Its design incorporates cutting-edge engineering techniques and aims to set a new standard in skyscraper design.
4. Palm Jumeirah
The Palm Jumeirah is one of Dubai’s most iconic landmarks and a marvel of modern engineering. This artificial archipelago, shaped like a palm tree, extends into the Persian Gulf and is home to luxury hotels, residences, and entertainment venues.
Notable structures on the Palm Jumeirah include the Atlantis The Palm hotel, with its distinctive Arabian theme, and the recently opened The Royal Atlantis Resort & Residences, which boasts a futuristic design and luxurious amenities. As of 2024, the Palm Jumeirah continues to evolve, with new developments and attractions further enhancing its status as a premier destination.
5. Dubai Frame
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The Dubai Frame is an architectural masterpiece that serves as both a landmark and a museum. Designed by the architectural firm FMG and constructed by the National Engineering Bureau, this towering structure stands at 150 meters tall and 93 meters wide.
The Frame is designed to resemble a picture frame, offering visitors stunning views of both old and new Dubai through its glass bridge. The structure is divided into two towers connected by a sky bridge, providing an impressive vantage point for observing the city’s transformation from its historical roots to its modern skyline.
6. Al Wasl Plaza
Al Wasl Plaza is a central component of Expo 2020 Dubai’s site and remains a significant architectural achievement. Designed by the engineering firm Arup and the architecture firm Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture, Al Wasl Plaza is known for its massive, dome-shaped structure.
The plaza features a 360-degree projection surface that displays captivating light shows and digital art. The dome is supported by a network of steel arches and is surrounded by beautifully landscaped gardens. As a key part of Dubai’s cultural and entertainment district, Al Wasl Plaza continues to draw visitors with its dynamic and immersive experiences.
7. Bluewaters Island
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Bluewaters Island is a man-made island that showcases Dubai’s prowess in waterfront development. Home to the world’s largest observation wheel, the Ain Dubai, this island offers spectacular views of the city and the Arabian Gulf.
The island also features upscale residences, dining venues, and entertainment options. The Ain Dubai, designed by Starneth Engineering and the architectural firm Meraas, stands at 250 meters tall and offers unparalleled panoramic views of the cityscape. As of 2024, Bluewaters Island remains a vibrant hub for leisure and tourism.
8. Dubai Opera
Dubai Opera is a cultural and architectural landmark that reflects Dubai’s commitment to the arts and design. Located in the Downtown Dubai area, the opera house is designed by the architectural firm Janus Rostock and features a striking dhow-shaped structure.
The building’s unique design allows it to transform into various configurations, including a concert hall, theater, and event space. Its glass façade and distinctive shape make it a standout feature in Dubai’s skyline. Dubai Opera continues to host a wide range of performances and events, making it a key destination for cultural experiences.
9. The Address Boulevard
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The Address Boulevard is a luxury hotel that epitomizes Dubai’s elegance and sophistication. Designed by the architectural firm, EDAW, and located in Downtown Dubai, this hotel offers stunning views of the Burj Khalifa and Dubai Fountain.
The Address Boulevard features a sleek, modern design with a glass façade and luxurious interiors. It is renowned for its exceptional service and amenities, making it a popular choice for visitors seeking luxury and comfort in the heart of the city.
10. Dubai South
Dubai South is an ambitious urban development project that is set to transform the southern part of Dubai into a thriving metropolis. It includes the Expo City Dubai, which continues to evolve with new infrastructure and attractions.
The development is designed to be a smart city with a focus on sustainability and innovation. It will feature residential, commercial, and recreational spaces, all integrated into a cohesive urban environment. As Dubai South progresses, it promises to be a key player in the city’s future growth.
Dubai’s architectural wonders in 2024 reflect the city’s unwavering commitment to innovation, luxury, and design excellence. From the towering Burj Khalifa to the futuristic Museum of the Future, each structure tells a story of Dubai’s evolution and ambition. As the city continues to grow and develop, these architectural marvels offer a glimpse into a future where imagination and engineering blend seamlessly. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, Dubai’s architectural landscape is sure to captivate and inspire.
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spiremt · 29 days
SpireMT - Unlocking Accurate Flow Measurement with the EF10 Clamp-On Ultrasonic Flowmeter
Different types of ultrasonic flowmeters are required for various purposes in industrial applications. These meters are energy efficient and installed in a smart way to ensure better productivity. There are a number of added benefits associated with these meters that you will get after their installation. Clamp-on Flowmeters are very important meter for industrial applications.. They are required…
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visit-new-york · 8 months
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Empire State Building Location: New York City, New York, United States 20 W 34th St., New York, NY 10001
What was the Empire State Building built for? The Empire State Building was officially constructed to serve as a hub for corporate business offices. Unofficially, it was also designed with the intention of claiming the title of the world's tallest building. Constructed in 1931, it faced competition from other iconic New York City skyscrapers of the time, including the Bank of Manhattan Building and the Chrysler Building.
Where is the Empire State Building located? Situated in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, the Empire State Building stands proudly on Fifth Avenue at 34th Street. Prior to its construction, this location was occupied by the original Waldorf Astoria Hotel on Fifth Avenue.
How did the Empire State Building get its name? The Empire State Building earned its name from a colloquial term for the state of New York. Although the exact origin of the nickname "Empire State" is uncertain, one of its earliest documented references dates back to a letter written by George Washington in 1785. In the letter, he commends New York's resilience during the American Revolution and designates it as "the Seat of the Empire."
Why do the Empire State Building lights change? The Empire State Building's lighting system undergoes color changes to commemorate major holidays and celebrations throughout the year. This tradition, initiated in 1976 with the installation of the building's first lighting system, has continued with the introduction of a new LED lighting system in 2012. This technological upgrade allows the skyscraper to showcase a myriad of colors, enhancing its visual impact.
The Empire State Building, a towering 102-story steel-framed skyscraper, was completed in New York City in 1931, reigning as the world's tallest building until 1971. Situated in Midtown Manhattan on Fifth Avenue at 34th Street, it stands as an enduring symbol and exemplar of Modernist Art Deco design, holding a prominent place among the most iconic structures in the United States.
During its construction, an intense rivalry unfolded for the coveted title of the world's tallest building. The Chrysler Building briefly secured this distinction in 1929, only to be surpassed by the Empire State Building in 1931, reaching a height of 1,250 feet (381 meters), accentuated by its distinctive spire initially intended as a mooring station for airships. In 1950, a 222-foot (68-meter) antenna was added, elevating the building's total height to 1,472 feet (449 meters). However, a subsequent replacement of the antenna in 1985 resulted in a reduction to 1,454 feet (443 meters). Meanwhile, One World Trade Center, inaugurated in 1972, had claimed the title of the world's tallest building.
The driving forces behind the Empire State Building's construction were John J. Raskob and Al Smith. Raskob, a self-made business magnate and former chairman of the General Motors Corporation finance committee, formed an unlikely partnership with Smith, a former Democratic governor of New York. Despite their contrasting backgrounds, their enduring friendship likely stemmed from shared experiences as children of struggling immigrant Roman Catholic families. Before embarking on the Empire State Building project in 1929, Smith enlisted Raskob as chairman for the Democratic National Committee and as campaign manager for his unsuccessful 1928 presidential bid against Herbert Hoover. This defeat underscored the public's reluctance to jeopardize the economic prosperity of the 1920s by electing a Democrat and signaled an unwillingness to choose a Roman Catholic candidate who might challenge prevailing Protestant values.
After losing the 1928 election and relinquishing his governorship to pursue the presidency, Smith found himself unemployed. Whether the initial idea to construct a skyscraper on the former site of the original Waldorf Astoria Hotel originated from Raskob or Smith remains uncertain. However, they mutually agreed that it would be a sensible and attention-grabbing joint venture at the midpoint of their lives. Raskob, a crucial financier responsible for securing other investors, and Smith, a personable public figure, assumed the role of heading the project. The Empire State Building Corporation was established, and Smith, as its president, unveiled plans for the groundbreaking building on August 29, 1929, designed by Shreve, Lamb & Harmon Associates to exceed 100 stories.
Construction commenced 200 days later on March 17, 1930, amid the backdrop of the stock market crash in October 1929, marking the onset of the Great Depression. Despite these challenges, construction persevered, providing essential employment opportunities in New York City. The formal opening of the Empire State Building took place on May 1, 1931, astonishingly concluding in just 410 days. Despite the building's extensive publicity, the concurrent Great Depression significantly impacted its inauguration; much of the office space remained unoccupied, leading to the nickname "The Empty State Building." It took nearly two decades for the structure to become financially viable.
Despite its gradual start and eventual loss of the world record it aimed to achieve, the Empire State Building has evolved into a lasting symbol of New York City for both its residents and the world. Observatories are situated on the 86th and 102nd floors, with a small viewing platform sometimes referred to as the 103rd floor. These observatories attract millions of visitors annually. Since 1994, a yearly contest has granted couples the chance to win an exclusive wedding ceremony on Valentine's Day at the 86th-floor observatory.
The Empire State Building, prominently featured in some of the most romantic films of the 20th century, may have been the catalyst for the inception of the contest. Notably showcased in Love Affair (1939) and its later remake An Affair to Remember (1957), these films immortalize star-crossed lovers making plans to reunite at the summit of the Empire State Building after a prolonged separation. Sleepless in Seattle (1993), a beloved romantic comedy, directly references An Affair to Remember, with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks's characters finally meeting on the observatory deck of the Empire State Building. Beyond its romantic associations, the iconic skyscraper has made notable appearances across various cultural mediums, notably in the 1933 film King Kong, shortly after its inauguration. An exhibit within the Empire State Building pays tribute to its widespread influence in popular culture, featuring a montage of its appearances in films, video games, comics, and more.
Additionally, the Empire State Building has earned acclaim for its commitment to green architecture initiatives. In 2020, the skyscraper completed a decade-long retrofitting project that significantly reduced its energy consumption, slashed emissions by approximately 40 percent, and enhanced overall efficiency.
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yourusatoday · 3 months
Spire Inc: Comprehensive Overview of Locations and Operations
Spire Inc is a leading natural gas company in the United States, providing energy solutions to homes and businesses across several states. This article offers an in-depth look at Spire Inc's locations, operational reach, and strategic initiatives, highlighting the company's commitment to delivering reliable and sustainable energy.
Spire Inc: A Nationwide Presence
Spire Inc's headquarters is located in St. Louis, Missouri. This central location allows the company to efficiently manage its operations and maintain strong connections with its diverse customer base.
Regional Operations
Spire Inc operates in several key regions, ensuring a widespread and reliable natural gas supply. The company has a significant presence in the following states:
Missouri is a primary operational hub for Spire Inc. The company serves over 1.2 million customers in the state, including major cities such as St. Louis, Kansas City, and Springfield. Spire Missouri is known for its robust infrastructure and commitment to customer service.
In Alabama, Spire Inc operates as Spire Alabama, serving nearly half a million customers. The company's operations span major urban centers, including Birmingham, Mobile, and Montgomery. Spire Alabama focuses on providing safe and efficient natural gas solutions to both residential and commercial customers.
Spire Mississippi serves a growing customer base in the state, with operations concentrated in cities like Jackson, Hattiesburg, and Gulfport. The company is dedicated to expanding its reach and enhancing service reliability in the region.
Spire Inc's presence in Kansas includes serving communities in and around the Kansas City metropolitan area. The company prioritizes safety and customer satisfaction, continually investing in infrastructure improvements and technology upgrades.
Spire Storage and Transportation
In addition to its regional operations, Spire Inc also manages extensive natural gas storage and transportation networks. These assets are critical for ensuring a stable and reliable supply of natural gas, especially during peak demand periods.
Spire Storage
Spire Storage operates in the Rocky Mountain region, providing underground storage solutions that enhance the company's ability to meet customer demand. The storage facilities are strategically located to support Spire's service areas and ensure supply reliability.
Spire STL Pipeline
The Spire STL Pipeline is a vital component of the company's transportation network. This pipeline connects the Rockies Express Pipeline in Illinois to the Spire Missouri system, facilitating efficient natural gas transportation and supporting regional energy needs.
Strategic Initiatives
Commitment to Sustainability
Spire Inc is committed to sustainability and reducing its environmental impact. Key initiatives include:
Renewable Natural Gas (RNG): Investing in RNG projects to provide cleaner energy alternatives.
Carbon Reduction: Implementing strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across operations.
Energy Efficiency Programs: Encouraging customers to adopt energy-efficient practices and technologies.
Technological Innovation
Spire Inc leverages advanced technology to enhance operational efficiency and customer experience. Key technological initiatives include:
Smart Metering: Deploying smart meters to provide accurate billing and real-time usage data.
Pipeline Modernization: Upgrading infrastructure to improve safety and reliability.
Digital Platforms: Utilizing digital tools for customer service, billing, and communication.
Community Engagement
Spire Inc is dedicated to giving back to the communities it serves. The company’s community engagement efforts focus on:
Education: Supporting educational programs and scholarships.
Health and Human Services: Partnering with organizations to improve health outcomes and provide essential services.
Economic Development: Contributing to local economies through job creation and infrastructure investments.
Operational Excellence
Safety and Reliability
Safety is a top priority at Spire Inc. The company adheres to stringent safety protocols and invests in training and equipment to protect its employees and customers. Spire's commitment to reliability ensures that it consistently delivers natural gas safely and efficiently.
Customer-Centric Approach
Spire Inc places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction. The company strives to enhance customer experience through:
Reliable Service: Ensuring uninterrupted service and quick response times during outages.
Innovative Solutions: Offering new products and services that meet evolving customer needs.
Proactive Communication: Keeping customers informed about service updates, safety tips, and energy-saving practices.
Spire Inc's extensive network of locations and robust operational framework position it as a leading natural gas provider in the United States. The company's strategic focus on sustainability, technological innovation, and community engagement ensures that it continues to meet the energy needs of its diverse customer base while fostering long-term growth and resilience.
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inchbrick-realty · 9 months
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Dubai is known for its stunning skyline and modern architecture, attracting tourists from all over the world. The most populous city in the UAE, it is home to numerous high-rise towers, 88 of which are over 180 m (591 ft) tall. Built using state-of-the-art technology, these towers symbolise wealth, success and prosperity. One example is the iconic Burj Khalifa, which is 828 m tall and contains 900 apartments. For those interested in learning more about the city's iconic buildings and towering skyscrapers, this article will provide information about the tallest residential properties in Dubai.
Discover elegance in the sky: Dubai’s tallest residential tower
Dubai has become a hub of real estate innovation and is known for its impressive towering residential buildings, one the most famous city to buy property in Dubai. For those looking to rent or buy an apartment, there are plenty of high-rise buildings that offer stunning views and luxurious amenities. Here are some of the city's most impressive skyscrapers.
Burj Khalifa
The Burj Khalifa is a stunning sight and is undoubtedly one of the most famous tourist attractions in Dubai, also one of the most important investor's considerations to buy property in Dubai. The world's tallest building is an impressive 828 meters tall and has 160 floors. Among them, the 19th to 108th floors constitute The Residences area. There are 88 floors to explore, so why limit yourself to 20?
In addition to being the most famous place to live in the world, the Burj Khalifa offers more than meets the eye. It has 900 residential units, including studios, one-, two-, three- and four-bedroom apartments. The apartment features beautiful dark wood floors, high-end furniture and tall windows offering stunning views of Dubai.
Pier 101
If you want to buy property In Dubai the most favourable location of investors is Dubai Marina, Marina 101 is an impressive building with 101 floors. The hotel offers 1, 2 and 3 bedroom serviced apartments and penthouses, as well as spacious hotel suites. The building has fitness facilities including a swimming pool, gym and spa, as well as a children's play area and barbecue deck. This makes it the second tallest building in Dubai.
Marina 101 will offer a range of residential properties in Dubai, including one, two and three-bedroom apartments as well as penthouses in a variety of layouts. All apartments feature marble floors, walk-in wardrobes, built-in wardrobes and fully equipped kitchens with wooden cabinets and granite countertops.
Princess Tower
Dubai is home to the world-famous Princess Tower. The iconic building is an important part of the city's skyline and was previously the tallest residential building in the world. The 414m, 101-storey tower is now the world’s second-tallest residential building and the city’s third-tallest building, located in the exclusive Dubai Marina area.
It contains 763 residential units, eight retail spaces and 957 parking spaces. For those seeking the ultimate view, penthouses are also available. Like many postmodern residential properties in Dubai, the tower is striking, with a decorative crown and a dome topped by a spire. Apartments for rent in Princess Tower are priced from AED 65,000.
23 Marina
The luxurious and elegant 23 Marina is one of the tallest residential towers in Dubai and one of the most favourable residential properties in Dubai. With a 6-storey entrance hall and sloping glass walls and floors, it’s no wonder it’s considered the epitome of luxury.
The 88-story, 1,289-foot skyscraper features two- and three-bedroom apartments and four-bedroom duplexes with an outdoor pool and 62 elevators. The building also houses a running track, health club and spa. If you are planning to rent an apartment at 23 Marina, please note that prices start from AED 125,000.
Elite Apartment
Elite Residence is one of the most striking and majestic residential properties in Dubai. It is 1,250 feet tall, has 91 floors and has various high-end amenities, making it a popular choice among the city's wealthy.
The striking building in Dubai Marina was the third tallest residential building in the world when it opened in 2012 and one of the most attractive points for investors to buy property in Dubai. However, upon completion of 432 Park Avenue in New York, it dropped to fourth place.
The hotel has 695 apartments and offers a shared swimming pool, gym, jacuzzi, sauna and business centre. If you are looking to rent at Elite Residence, you will be happy to know that according to Inch & Brick, prices start from AED 65,000.
IL Primo
Emaar Properties, one of the leading developers in the United Arab Emirates, has created IL Primo, a 77-storey tower, recommendable buy property in Dubai located in the Opera District of Downtown Dubai, within walking distance of the Dubai Opera House. It offers apartments with 4 to 6 bedrooms and a podium that includes a cigar lounge, fully equipped gym, fitness centre, library and spa.
IL Primo's interior design is sophisticated and elegant, with high-end fittings and materials. The lifestyle here is one of top luxury, with on-site dining and retail options offering absolute comfort and ease. There is an infinity pool at the foot of the iconic Burj Khalifa with stunning views.
Pier Torch
Marina Torch, also known as The Torch, is one of the tallest residential towers in Dubai, standing at 1,142 feet tall with 80 floors. It contains 500 apartments available for rent or purchase, ranging from 1 to 3 bedrooms. There are also four duplex residential suites for those seeking a more exclusive living experience. The building's amenities include a swimming pool, fitness centre and more which makes it most recommended ready to buy property in Dubai. With rental prices starting at AED 65,000, The Torch apartments are popular among city professionals due to their easy access to business hubs and entertainment facilities.
In conclusion
We have now concluded our discussion of the tallest residential structure for residential properties in Dubai. Are you eager to buy or rent an apartment in one of these towers? If you're not sure if high-rise living is right for you, contact our professionals to get some valuable answers.
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spiremt · 29 days
SpireMT - The Important Role of Spire MAG888-DC Magnetic water meters in Sustainable Water Solutions
In today’s world, efficient and accurate water management is essential. From residential homes to industrial facilities, monitoring water consumption is crucial for sustainability and cost-effective operations. The Spire MAG888-DC Battery-Powered Magnetic Water Meter is a cutting-edge solution designed to provide precise measurements, reliability, and ease of use. In this blog post, we’ll delve…
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iiireflexiii · 3 years
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The Cologne Cathedral stands tall amidst the ruins of the city after Allied bombings, 1944.
Seen here is an aerial black and white photo of the famous Cologne Cathedral during World War II. The cathedral suffered fourteen hits by aerial bombs during the war. It did not collapse, but stood tall in an otherwise flattened city. The twin spires are said to have been used as an easily recognizable navigational landmark by Allied aircraft raiding deeper into Germany in the later years of the war, which may be a reason that the cathedral was not destroyed.
The attacking pilots used the cathedral as a reference to their location, but this would not have been so important in the last days when the Allies had complete air superiority. Many in the military wanted to respect the buildings due to their cultural significance. Lower level bombers were more accurate in hitting their targets, but high level bombers were notoriously inaccurate. The pilots were lucky if even a fraction of their bombs landed over their real targets. Targeting a cathedral, even one this large, was simply very difficult with the technology of the day. A pilot account: “It took 108 B-17 bombers, crewed by 1,080 airmen, dropping 648 bombs to guarantee a 96 per cent chance of getting just two hits inside a 400 by 500 feet area (35-40 meters square)”.
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Star Wars Alien Species - Ssi - ruu
Lwhekk was the capital planet of the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium, located beyond the main disk of the galaxy in the remote Ssi-ruuk Star Cluster.
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The jungles of Lwhekk were broken by spired cities which appeared to be quite fragile against the jungle. The planet also had volcanoes and a large part of it appeared to be covered by oceans.
Known locations on Lwhekk included the volcano Mount Skar'lak, the underground Caves of Ss'laath and the Cree'n'aak Palace which served as the residence of His Potency the Shreeftut, the supreme ruler of the Ssi-ruuk. The planet's sentient species were the saurian Ssi-ruuk and P'w'eck races. Lwhekk was also home to the fft, small multi-legged lizards which were the main source of food of both Ssi-ruuk and P'w'eck.
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The Ssi-ruuvi Imperium had two seats of power; the Conclave, the religious body, and the Elders' Council, the political body. The Conclave and the Elders Council often competed for control of the empire and only the leader of the Imperium could prevent civil war from happening. The leader of the Imperium was known as His Potency the Shreeftut and was the supreme ruler of the Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium.
The society of the dominant Ssi-ruuk was divided into a rigid caste system based on skin color. Their caste system comprised five main groups: blue, gold, yellow, red and green. The skin of a Ssi-ruuk represented his political standing. One color dominated each Ssi-ruuk's body and it was forbidden to mate with a different colored Ssi-ruuk.
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Blue-scaled Ssi-ruuk were the politicians and leaders of society while gold-scaled individuals served as the religious caste. Yellow-scaled Ssi-ruuk were responsible for the technology used by the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium while red-scaled Ssi-ruuk dominated the Imperium's military. Green-scaled Ssi-ruuk formed the work force of Ssi-ruuvi society.
Below them were brown hued Ssi-ruuk who were the offspring of two Ssi-Ruuvi from two different castes. These were considered outcasts by Ssi-ruuvi society and performed the most menial of jobs. Last of all were the P'w'eck—a related species—which served only as slaves.
When the Ssi-ruuk expanded into space, they conquered several worlds and enslaved their inhabitants, most of which were primitives. Eventually the Ssi-ruuk discovered the art of entechment and began enteching subjugated species. The practice of entechment of lower life forms became common; even the P'w'eck, cousins of the Ssi-ruu were used. But gradually it was learned that containment of these "souls" for long periods would result in madness and it was decided that the Imperium needed to expand its realm once again. Another reason was due the dwindling resources in their isolated region of space.
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Prior to that, the Imperium had never before dared to expand beyond its cluster, partly because of the large distances involved, partly due to the xenophobic nature of the Ssi-ruuk, and partly because of their religious fear of traveling to 'unconsecrated' worlds. In 2 BBY, the Ssi-ruuvi's supreme ruler—the Shreeftut—received visions through the Force of a hooded Human who revealed himself to be Emperor Palpatine, ruler of the galaxy. He offered the Ssi-ruuvi dozens of worlds and millions of Humans to entech, in exchange for the use of Ssi-ruuvi technology. Thus, they decided to venture into Wild Space, where they conquered the small Human colony of G'rho, capturing and enteching numerous members of the populace. Due to their secret agreement with the Ssi-ruuk, the Imperial leadership covered up the incident and blamed the Alliance to Restore the Republic for the attack.
However in 4 ABY, Emperor Palpatine was killed during the Battle of Endor onboard the Second Death Star. With the Emperor unable to fulfill his promise, the Ssi-ruuvi launched an invasion of the edge of the known Galaxy. Expeditionary forces were sent out against both the galaxy proper and the neighboring government in the Unknown Regions, the Chiss Ascendancy. However, neither expedition was very successful: the Ssi-ruuvi only narrowly succeeded in conquering the Human world of Cattamascar, and were utterly defeated at Bakura.
Likewise, although several minor Chiss worlds were taken, the Chiss retaliation was massive and unexpected, and laid waste to Lwhekk. After the Chiss raid on the Imperium, a small Rebel Alliance task force appeared in Ssi-ruuvi Space. The Rebel force had come to stop the Imperium's expansion into the known galaxy. Seeing the Imperium in ruins, the Rebel Alliance believed that the threat from the Ssi-ruuk was over.
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The Ssi-ruuk consider themselves to physically, mentally, and spiritually superior to all other Species, which they regard as cattle. Most Ssi-ruuk dedicate their lives toward preserving and expanding their empire and subjecting lesser Species. The Ssi-ruuk avoid direct combat when away from their homeworld. An intensely spiritual people, they believe that if they die away from their home soil, their spirit becomes lost and forever wanders the darkness of space; few Ssi-ruuk can think of anything more horrifying.
Adult Ssi-ruu stand about 2 meters or 6.6 feet tall and weighs 85 kilograms or 187 pounds. They walk on two powerful hind legs, with balance aided by a muscular tail, ans have two upper limbs that each feature three prehensile claws. They have beaked muzzles with large teeth. Their eyes are large and solid black, with triple eyelids. The bodies of Adult Ssi-ruuk are covered in shining scales that range in color from dark brown to brilliant turquoise.
Ssi- ruu age at the following stages:
1 - 5 Child
6- 10 Young Adult
11 - 55 Adult
56 - 90 Middle Age
91 - 115 Old
Examples of Names: Firwirrung, Ivpikkis, Kirrsirri, Shreeftut, Sh'tk'ith, Skuwkrith.
Languages: Few Ssi-ruuk understand Basic, and even fewer are capable of speaking it. The Ssi-ruuvi language consists of melodic clicks and whistles (Giving rise to their nickname, "Fluties"). Ssi-ruuk traveling outside their home space usually rely on Droids, slaves, or hirelings to translate for them.
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nothisis-ridiculous · 3 years
Take Me Home Now: Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fourteen: Another Head Hangs Lowly
Set after the events of ME3.
A rewrite. Ao3.
Jane watched the shuttle depart with growing unease- she was so close to the one she loved. After eight hundred and fifty-four days, Kaidan was within arms reach if she would just try. Her entire crew, possibly a call away. But trying was hard. Her body shuttered, growing cold for the countless time over the past couple of days. Her mind threatened to leave again, returning to that odd static space that made everything around her feel woozy.
But Jane wasn't Mary.
Why would they come back for Jane when they had forsaken Mary?
Why hadn't they come for her?
Jane could still reach them, grab a cab... pull the whole last minute reuniting in the spaceport bit. It would be romantic- a story of a tragic misunderstanding. Of sorrow and unbearable loss. Or it could be an awkward rejection—a judgment of what she did not do.
She was so close to returning to a part of her old life- how far that would go, she didn't know. She wanted to trust the process, hoped that the Alliance would treat her with compassion; eventually, they would find her. There was only so long she could avoid biometric scanners and technology that would reveal her. The longer she dragged it out a worsening consequence she would face. The Galaxy quickly returned to normal it seemed every day that a part of the old way returned. Jane didn't want to go back any longer... the extreme the thought reached became reprehensible.
The Recruit stalked back into the house, catching the tree-lined glimpse of the bay in the distance. The city's spires were in poor shape, although it was no longer burning. As the memories came filtering through, with the full strength of a Reaper laser igniting in her headspace, she had to turn away from the view. She ran her hand along the couch before slipping onto the surface, flicking through the channels to try and distract herself from... well, everything.
She stopped upon a familiar sight, a chrome android stood behind Joker. The static erupted through her body. Jane knew the beam had not destroyed the AI, but to see an example... without warning, without a chance to realign her perceptions before seeing something so jarring. Joker alone was enough, she turned off the TV before her world blurred entirely.
This would be a long few weeks in the Alenko household.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Evelyn babbled on about the wonders of the galaxy, the kid most excited about her visit to the Spectre visitor center. In contrast, the spectacle of other planets, multiple species, and wondrous vistas were left on the wayside. Helen and Roy seemed to enjoy their time with Kaidan; Roy was a lot more boisterous about his visits but the joy was peppered with worry. Helen watched her quietly. Jane was careful not to betray emotion.
"I'm glad you all had a good time," Jane forced a smile, the ugly jealousy squeezed her heart, "but I should be going."
"But Kaidan's coming over for dinner. You should stay," Roy gruffed.
This was the exact time she should have come clean. She should have come clean long ago. When she first found out who they were. But after these last weeks and the threat of running headfirst into the man that had abandoned her, Jane was running scared.
"That's nice of you, but I made plans already," it wasn't a complete lie, though plans were just a hotel room near Alliance headquarters.
"That's a shame," Roy conceded.
Jane left for her room, but not alone. Little Evelyn trailed behind her.
"So, I met another Spectre, well three actually," she said smugly once they were behind closed doors.
"Kaidan is a Spectre," Eveyln said matter-of-factly, "did you know him?"
Jane slammed her footlocker shut a little too violently, "yeah."
"I learned there was only two human Spectres," The kid shuffled onto the bed, leaning over the locker. The kid's light brown eyes looked at her with scrutiny.
"Yup," it came out nonchalant, but a tear slipped out.
Evelyn grabbed her face, morphing it around, "you're the Shepard."
"He was sad too."
"There's things-," Jane sighed, gently pulling her face away, "did you tell anyone?"
"Spectre missions are super-secret," She replied solemnly, "I got you something, though! Close your eyes!"
She complied, squeezing her eyes shut.
A grin crawled across her face, the largest sticker she had seen covered the top of her footlocker. The SPECTRE logo proudly displayed on the top of the otherwise plain luggage," this might give me away."
"Or make someone think twice before messing with your stuff!"
"Good point," she tried to hide the roll of her eyes. It wasn't that the gift was stupid; it was just another fucking reminder.
Jane said her goodbyes to the rest of the family.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
It was, admittedly, an excursion to the shuttle station hoisting a footlocker around. Over a shoulder, with both hands, even floating it biotically grew tiring. She could have taken a ride, but she claimed to want the walk. She liked walking.
True enough.
But it was to avoid questions or from her mouth from spilling out secrets that were way past due. Was it a betrayal at this point? One more in the past, when they feared what had happened to their son. She could have offered some insight, some answer other than the limbo of possibilities.
The locker tumbled from her grip, descending down the path forcing her to jog after it. A few tumbles down, and clothes and her possessions started to fly from the footlocker littering the trail. Taking up precious time to sweep up the articles as the crate came to a stop on the base of the downward slope.
"You okay?"
"Just clumsy," she mumbled, playing through an inventory of her things, "fuck, the chit."
"Let me help," the man's omni-tool lit up, "ah, over there-"
The figure's shadowed arm pointed to something a couple of meters downhill of them, Jane ducked past him beelining for the chit. His tool fired a beam of light in the direction he pointed out, cutting through the twilight darkness with ease. Jane slid to the ground, but the man had the same idea the light from his omni-tool directly striking her in the face.
"You must be-" his voice trembled, gentle fingers snaked over her wrist, "Shepard?"
Her eyes slowly adjusted, the moment dragging as the light dipped out of her direct vision. His left thumb caressed a scarred cheek making sure he didn't see a ghost again. No, she was tangible, different, but it was the woman that haunted his life.
"Kaidan?" he was little more than a blur.
Tenderly she was pulled to her feet but not so carefully crushed into him. The line of his jaw pressed uncomfortably into her skull, nuzzling into the padding of hair beneath it. Pulling in an unfamiliar sweet scent, one far outside the simple requisition supplies the military offered. He liked it.
"Mary, you-" she felt the tears before the break of his voice.
"You didn't come back for me," Jane snarled, shoving him away from her.
Kaidan's back cushioned him against the tree and now she could get a better look at him. His hair had grown out, the curls cresting his earlobes still salt and peppered down to the scraggly beard- it was likely a little past regulation but who would dare fault him? His shirt fit tighter around the torso, but it looked good on him. The tired and hollow eyes she did not like.
"You were dead," he exclaimed, charging back for her, "they found your tags, what little remained of your armour."
"I waited for- waited for you at the beam! Eight hundred and fifty-two days and you couldn't manage to come looking for me?"
"I told you I couldn't handle losing you again," he wasn't entirely angry, the sorrow coming out in every beat but he stopped his charge. His hands scrounged through his hair, eyes wild as they searched for something, "I didn't want to see- to go back to-"
"You couldn't handle what I had done?"
"What?" Kaidan's head shook, "besides, it's not like you made it easy. Who is this Jane? Did you not want to come back?"
"Fuck you!" she screamed, blue light dancing around her.
"Don't be irrational," Kaidan chided.
Jane took the first few steps forward, the man mirrored her. While he sought peace, she could only feel the bubbling of resentment. Everything in her ran hot, then suddenly cold in rapid succession. At the moment, she didn't know if she wanted blood, a screaming match, or to be held. The reality was a mix of all three.
"Mary! Kai!"
The biotics stopped, glancing up the hill.
Helen wedged her way between them, no fear showing from the small woman, the immensity of her aura enough to overcome the obstacle of darkness. Kaidan backed down first, his head lowering. Jane took a few moments longer to quell but only looked away with a huff. She wouldn't be cowed.
More footsteps followed in the silent moments that followed.
Mr. Alenko was the first to come into view, his hands resting on his legs as his breath caught up, "Helen, what's wrong? You left in- Recruit? Kaidan?"
"Roy, you should meet Mary Shepard," Helen half hissed.
Jane's head hung, running a hand through her hair in an effort to soothe, now she was cowed into submission. All the fight wound out of her, drained like a ballon of water.
Helen returned her gaze to the two of them, "you'll both come back home and talk this out," her finger pointed at both of them, "like adults. We are not breaking anything. Kai? Ja-Mary?"
"Yes, Mom."
A small hand took Jane's, pulling her down once the rest of the group was out of earshot, "You would have won."
Jane shot her a look, despite how little it mattered under the canopy of trees and stars.
"I wanted to see a Spectre fight."
It felt unnatural to laugh.
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fatebreaking · 3 years
The Spire of Ghosts
Ori’s PsyOps AU. Inspiration taken from my Metroid AU, Project AU and other personal works.
Designation: FEF. Alias: Rust. Threat Level: 0 (10).
“You were supposed to be there for me. When you left, I had nothing left - not even my dreams.”
The world has fought many battles, charted many wars, and left behind an endless history of casualties for the common good. It comes as no surprise, then, that there are abandoned cities. Empty relics of a bygone age, a testament to a past too far behind to consider reclaiming.
The Spire of Ghosts is just one of these ancient relics, situated in inhospitable land. A massive city in its own right that seems eager to piece the sky, its mix of rusted metals and gleaming chrome interweave like spiderwebs. For thousands of meters in every direction lies abandoned scraps and broken parts. The city, abandoned by man, remains a solitary landmark against the horizon.
There is just one woman who lives here. She whispers to the metal, gathers the scrap from the outlands, and manages the city like a caretaker - from its lowest quarters to its highest arches. She is alone, save for the metal figurines and mannequins that inhabit the city. In a city so large, catching a glimpse of her is so rare that she is treated like a ghost by distant onlookers - to see her is perhaps a good luck charm or an ill portent.
But those reasons would not be enough to call this place the Spire of Ghosts. She is a rare sight in the daytime, but the ghosts all come alive when ghosts should - at night.
When the sun sets, the city lights up and groans. Its boundaries sink into the ground, revealing endless and lethal chasms. The city defends itself from outsiders, jamming vision and repelling any psychic or technological attempts to intrude. The city seals itself off every night, coming alive.
And all the machines come to life. Their eyes glow, they interact, and the dead city - like a museum of machines in the day - becomes the Spire of Ghosts at night. Always a little different. Always a little shifted. And sometimes, in a different place altogether.
As if the Spire isn’t sure what it should be, where it should be, or when it should be. And the lone woman? Never to be seen once night comes.
That is the Spire of Ghosts. In the day, a playground for a lone woman. In the night, a party for metal spectres. A place just a little bit haunted.
“I’ll wait for you. I promise. You’ll always have a home to come back to.”
Spoilers and additional details for the AU below:
In truth, Ori is the core of the city itself. When she goes to sleep, her soul spreads throughout the city and brings it to life. Privy to the existence of timelines and teetering on the edge of life and death, she creates a stage for actual ghosts to exist. They play in her city, settle their regrets, and move on. And she sits there endlessly, as she and the city twist between timelines, picking up stray ghosts.
She is waiting for someone ( could be you! ), but the loss of this person either caused or was part of a chain of events that led to Ori being the sole caretaker and living humanoid in the city. However, she’s made a promise to create a home for this person ( who she may be struggling to remember... ), so she manages the city until they come back.
The Ball does not exist in this AU. Ori has a prosthetic arm and leg. She’s still a lightning-using technopath, but appears extremely harmless and a little crazy. But she’s very nice. In case it’s not obvious, the fact that she’s solely responsible for animating an entire city makes her threat level high.
It’s unclear whether ( as time progresses ) she’s actually dead or not. Unlike many other spirits, she definitely has a strong sense of self, but she may just be a poltergeist, or something more. I’ll keep that much quiet. 
Somehow she’s kept her part of the world safe from BRG, PsyOps, and High Command.
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sonicringbond · 4 years
Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey - Scene 51
Well, a lot happens in this scene, though it took me forever to put it together due to all sorts of problems on my end. Unfortunately I’m a horrible proof reader so I hope the events flow and don’t feel wasted. So, instead of panicking and throwing a fit about it, I’ll let everyone dive right into...
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    The hanger doors folded out and a chill wind rushed into the belly of the Skyskipper, Zooey’s coral red airship. Normally it served as home for Zooey, Tails, and Rosy, but when they first found a red star ring it became their base of operations, including for Sonic and Mighty. As Claymore’s Banquet unfolded below, it also served as an observation platform for the Engineers, who Zooey had forged a strong alliance with while sky racing using Sonic and Tails’ planes; the Tornado and X-Tornado. Today though, it was Sonic at the controls of the Tornado, with Rosy blissfully on his lap in the now cramped cockpit.
    “I kind of feel like I should have taken Tails’ plane.”
    “Don’t be like that, Sonic~♥,” Rosy giggled and Sonic rolled his eyes before looking out at Zooey who was preparing to man the deployment arm for the plane.
    “You ready to bail if things go sideways?”
    “Not too far. Besides, the Ring Gate Beacon is working perfectly. You shouldn’t have any trouble getting back here.”
    “Then we’re off!” Rosy shouted excitedly and thrust a fist cheerfully in the air.
    Sonic smirked as he dodged Rosy’s enthusiasm and began throwing switches as he started up the silver-winged, red biplane. With Rosy’s arm up in the air though, he noticed a light blinking from under the cuff of Rosy’s glove. “We got a call, kid. How about you say hi to Tails while we head out.”
    Bringing her arm down and trying not to get in Sonic’s way, Rosy depressed a button on the wrist device she wore. “So, is this Mighty or Tails!~♥”
    -Oh~! This technology is amazing! It’s a lot more advanced than what we installed on my ship.-
    “Blister?” Rosy asked confused. “Why do you have–”
    -Don’t worry about it Rosy-lass,- Gill’s voice came across the wrist radio next He also seemed to quickly change his mind. -No. Definitely worry about it, Rosy-lass. That knight is more trouble than we realized. But we got in contact with Tails, Mighty, and the koala before he took them out of here. Tails insisted that we get their stuff and meet you at the stage. He’s worried Rosy-lass. Real worried, especially after I told him that Claymore sent most of his autogolems into the catacombs. He insists that your lad is going to need to stop someone. We don’t know who, but Claymore called him a Ring Mage.-
    “Ix!” Rosy declared with surprise.
    “You don’t know that,” Sonic countered, but Rosy did not even puff up her cheeks as she countered him. She attempted to wear a smile for him though.
    “Just call it my girlish intuition.”
    “Right,” Sonic replied offering her a more comforting smile before flashing Zooey a thumbs up. “We’re good to go, Zooey. Send us on our way.”
    “Just come back please. Sonic, Rosy. And make sure you bring Tails and Mighty with you.”
    “You got it!” Sonic promised Zooey as she activated the launch arm, and the Tornado was lifted out of the airship.
    “We’ll bring our new friends too,” Rosy cried out as the Tornado was released and fell away from the airship. “You’ll love them!”
    ~Normally I would love flying sitting in Sonic’s lap while he pilots his plane. Tee-hee~♥ This might be my first time. I don’t think we ever have. But the thing is… Well, something isn’t right.
    ~I know Sonic doesn’t believe in destiny. He believes in forging his own path. But the gods are real. I don’t remember, but Sonic I’m sure does. The Rings will always remember, and he can create Ring Bonds, so he surely does. I know we must have met a few. And this scene as we fly past the other airships and towards the main cathedral, it looks like something they would do.~
    The scene before Rosy was ominous, even as it was beautiful. From the complex of towers that made up the main cathedral of Tower Point, the spire of the main one was aimed straight at Yoluku above. Behind it, the sun rose into the morning sky, and began to set behind Yoluku. An upside-down sunset and the spreading of an ominous smile.
    Beyond the clouds that adorned the blue sky, an eclipse night began to fall, and the stars came out to watch the banquet below, the red crack in the sky splitting their number.
    It was a sight that many below marked as the beginning of the end of the world. Claymore the Purple however would not stand to let Yoluku win. With Tails, Mighty, and Draw with Mote hiding in his coat, trailing him, Claymore descended a massive stairwell that took him and his contingent of autogolems onto the stage that overlooked the main plaza. Compared to the three-meter-tall suit of armor, the stage looked small. Looking up as he did past the tower and to where Yoluku mockingly watched the festivities, it was Claymore who looked small.
    “Ho!” Claymore shouted out in victorious triumph, challenging the small planet in the sky to face him. “This is why we host this Banquet my good people! To show you that as long as even one Knight of the Order of the Sword stands, foul Yoluku is but a harmless bauble in the sky. It is only those that would carry out Yoluku’s will that you need fear. And one comes to us now!”
    Turning his attention, and in turn that of the gathered masses to the skies, Claymore eyed the Tornado as it weaved through the airships.
    ~I bet the scene from the stage is amazing! But it’s getting hard for me to pay attention. The Gear Star Ring that sometimes replaces my left iris is back, and it hurts so much. I guess that means the gear is turning, so something big is about to happen. Or maybe Saber the Red is here.
    ~It’s really hard to say what is going on though. I just hope it isn’t as bad as it sounds like Tails thinks it is.~
    “Hey kid, are you okay?” Sonic asked noticing Rosy clutch at her shoulder, and her cards within the shoulder puff of her leotard.
    Rosy didn’t hear him though. Her cards were freezing, and there was a voice creeping through her skin whispering in her ears.
    It’s alright. You can still have fun. There is yet still plenty of fun to be had…
    “Amy!” Sonic yelled and shook Rosy from her stupor.
    “Oops!” Rosy apologized and stuck her tongue out. “Sorry. I think something was trying to talk to me. But I’m here!”
    “And so are we,” Sonic let Rosy know that they had landed.
    “Aw~! I missed you do a flyover didn’t I!” Rosy whined as Sonic playfully chucked her from the cockpit. “Ack! What was that for!”
    “You were taking too long, and got a little distracted,” Sonic smirked as he flung himself from the cockpit and glared across the stage. “And I don’t think our host is willing to wait much longer.”
    “Ho!” Claymore shouted and looked taken aback as Rosy took Sonic’s offered hand and helped herself up. “You would treat the medium under your care so carelessly. You are no knight Ring Mage!”
    “And what about you, Sir Buckethead,” Sonic countered. “Attacking people out of the blue to kidnap little girls–”
    “I’m not a little girl!”
    “–and kidnapping her friends when that fails,” Sonic continued ignoring Rosy’s rebuttal. “That doesn’t sound much like a knight either. Or maybe I’m just out of the loop and you guys don’t put much stock in being honorable anymore.”
    Pulling free the finger he had started scratching at the inside of his ear with, Sonic looked at it a moment before blowing on it and walking away from Rosy. She didn’t wait at the plane and took up pace behind Sonic as he approached the towering autogolem.
    “You would challenge my honor? Ho!” Claymore laughed. “You are brave Ring Mage, but your friends remain unharmed.”
    Motioning out with a hand, Claymore displayed where Tails, Mighty, and Draw were in shackles under autogolem watch. Mighty offered Sonic a shrug as Sonic’s look begged to know why he hadn’t broken free. Draw just looked irritable, which was almost expected of the young koala. He knew he was in trouble, but there were some naiveties that he still possessed that kept him from panicking. Tails was not so fortunate.
    “Tails!” Rosy cried out, the obvious fear and dread on her best friend’s face tearing at her heart. “Just wait right there! Sonic will have this cleaned up in no time!”
    “There’s no time to wait!” Tails yelled back. “I’ve been reading since I got here, and if what I’ve read is true, if we don’t stop the Ring Mage in the catacombs below the city, the Near Lands will be blown apart and absorbed into the Far Lands! Rosy! The whole Near Lands are a Red Star Ring!”
    “What…?” Rosy asked confused, but still trembled at the implications of Tails’ words.
    The statement even gave Sonic pause and he looked out at Tails questioningly. “Are you sure about that Tails? I’ve already used two of them. I would think I would have noticed.”
    “How would he have found that out from books in the cathedral?” Claymore’s stunned question answered Sonic’s question and he turned an angry glare back onto the knight.
    “You had a problem like this stirring, and you came to pick up our fight,” Sonic nearly snarled.” I don’t think you have your priorities in order, Sir Buckethead.”
    “You underestimate the armies of the Preservers,” Claymore countered and drew his sword. “A Ring Mage who would challenge me to battle and is in possession of a medium is a far greater threat!”
    “Your wrong!” Rosy interrupted and held a hand to her heart. “Sonic doesn’t hurt people unless they’re already hurting others. You took our friends because you wanted to take me. You wanted to know if I could hear Yolk saying something. You obviously want to protect this beautiful world. That makes you like Sonic and all of us then. Ix though… Ix won’t stop. He told me the world has to be righted. That he has to find to his friend no matter what. That once he does that the world will be returned to how it should be. If he’s here and he can affect everywhere and the Red Star Ring these lands are built on, everyone’s homes… then you have to let us stop him!”
    “And how can I know you can be trusted, Lady Medium?” Claymore challenged Rosy’s pleas. “Do you think me blind to the Yoluku Device in your eye? Even now Yoluku could be whispering in your ear–”
    “If that’s Yolk then please tell them to get out of my head!” Rosy yelled as she squeezed her hand tightly around her shoulder.
    “Rosy! Don’t tell me…?” Tails’ panic shifted as he saw the pain clear as day on Rosy’s smiling face, as well as her trembling knees and the water vapor that flowed out of her sleeve. “Rosy! You have to put your cards down, or at least give them to someone else!”
    “You remember that too, huh, Tails?” Sonic remarked and surprised Rosy.
    “Sonic? What are you talking about?”
    “This isn’t the first time you’ve had a god messing with you through your cards, kid,” Sonic spoke, fighting to keep his anger in check. To help, he turned again towards Claymore, a ready recipient of his ire.
    “I wanted to wreck that tin can you’re wearing and reveal the fairy I’m pretty sure is hiding inside,” Sonic began before turning his back on Claymore and walking away, a guiding and protective hand on Rosy. Looking back as he returned towards the Tornado, he continued with cocky anger, “but it looks like you’re getting my help whether you want it or not.”
    “I will not accept the aid of a puppet of Yoluku,” Claymore countered and took a step towards Sonic and Rosy, reaching for them with his empty hand.
    “I figured you’d say that,” Sonic shrugged as he tossed Rosy into the cockpit. “But fortunately, I’ve already planned for it.”
    Sticking his fingers in his mouth, Sonic whistled and made quite the show of the signal to action. Looking back at Claymore one last time, he smirked and wagged a finger. “And I’m no one’s puppet. My only master is the wind that blows free!”
And we survived XD I hope the scene flowed well, and I’ll do my best to make sure the rest of the Season 1 finale is good. As you can probably guess by this text, at the time of this commentary I haven’t written it yet. Things have been pretty crazy, and hopefully are less crazy when this posts. Still, I’m really hoping I have a great finish in store for everyone! Wish me luck!
Scene 51 · CLEARED Party Crashing, to be continued
Special Thanks to Cutegirlmayra Story by @JoshTarwater/SonicFanJ Inspiring Song – Insatiable (From “Final Fantasy XIV”) - Vocaloid Version – Azina, Masayoshi Soken – Insatiable (From “Final Fantasy XIV”)
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Sonic the Hedgehog and all affiliated characters and logos are the express property and Copyright© of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS used without permission under Title 17 U.S.C Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 in which allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. “Fair use” is use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be considered copyright infringement. The Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey alternate universe (AU) consumer written work of fiction is a non-profit transformative work primarily for personal use and can and will be taken down without warning or prior notice at the request of the copyright holder(s) should it not be recognized under “fair use”.
*Sonic Ring Bond logo created by DEE Art – twitter.com/daryliscute.
Sonic Ring Bond AU and Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey are the creation of Joshua David Tarwater/ynymbus/sonicfanj/@Joshtarwater and is to be, including all contents herein considered for all legal purposes the property of the Sonic the Hedgehog intellectual property (IP) and copyright owners, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS. All story contributors via prompt, suggestion, written scene, art, and all and every other contribution acknowledge that all contributed material is forfeit for legal purposes to SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS upon official request from SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.
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