dipperscavern · 15 days
let's talk about warming cregan's cock 😇👫
like you have so keenly established, mf can not sit still. this is the warden of the north we are referring to. the wolf of the north. he is well experienced in battle, a brilliant swordsman and lord of his house. he's used to abstaining during battle and experiencing dire circumstances over patience. surely he'd be able to let his pretty girl warm his cock?
WRONG 🙅‍♀️ someone, please fetch me a comedically large red buzzer to slam. thank you.
he's so restless. your stoic, burly, reserved, and patient man - reduced to ragged breaths and gritting his teeth because he can't sit still. here sits his pretty girl, batting her lashes at him, "cregan, can i please?" and it starts out well enough.
but you're so warm. so sweet. maybe he should be working on something - battle plans or lordy duties that define his bloodline. cregan's got an active mind, ever analyzing and preparing. he's hyperaware of everything in that moment - the way you slightly move your hips, wriggling in his lap. when he makes a comment about it, you just pout, telling him you were "adjusting." 🙄 yeah girl okay you just wanted to feel the godly girth 3000
the way you softly sigh admist the quiet chamber. maybe you do something as simple as sneeze - but when you do, you clench around cregan. and he's losing his shitttt.
can someone please find the meme of the guy sitting at a desk with his blood vessels about to burst as he's sweating? because that is our lord stark.
he tries breathing through it, for your sake. i imagine you would be the one to propose it, for whatever desire and circumstance brought you to the moment. cregan is trying :(( it's just so hard. like him, TEHE. all he wants to do is flip you over and ravage you. just leave little bites and nicks along his pretty girl's flesh :((
this is torture for him.
- 🔄❄️
okay but seriously i am so so so sorry you got lost in my inbox. please i beg of you, come back!! the ponderer has returned, and we miss u!! REVERSE ELSA ANON IF U CSN HEAR US PLEASE SAVE US i call out to the winds. if you return, you shall never be lost again. this i swear to you 💔✊
ANYWAYS. CREGAN STARK COCKWARMING. here’s your buzzer m’dear 🚨 when you suggest the idea, cregan is a bit perplexed. you don’t want him to make you cum as many times as you want? but you bat your lashes and ask so sweetly, and you don’t ask for much. plus, cregan is a warrior. a hardened, battle surviving lord — he can stay still for his pretty wife.
or so he thinks.
because once you sink down on him, his grip on your hips is like iron. you’re warm and wet and so inviting, and you don’t want cregan to move? gods have mercy. cregan is usually pretty held together, but his breathing turns all ragged and his gaze is glued to where his [REDACTED] meets your [CONTENT DELETED]. and even worse, you’re relishing in his loss of self control.
even so, he tries to be so good for you.
it gets easier over time, and when cregan feels you relax and sigh against him, he thinks it’s not so bad after all. cregan is in control, and things are okay. until a few minutes later, you sneeze. you clench around him, and he grits his teeth, lax grip on your hips tightening once more as he fights the urge to move.
“This is torture,” he breathes, trying with all his might to stay still for you :( <3
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sabeedraws · 10 months
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sorry Anna, your sister died in Ahtohallen and came back wrong :'(
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ilovefredjones · 10 months
the frozen ii ending makes me soooooo angry like the whole POINT of frozen i was that elsa learned that she could rule arendelle with her powers and with anna by her side!!! literally in the bway musical she sings ‘i know i’ll never see that sunny day / when this trial is finally through / and it can just be me and you’ like. elsa WANTS to stay with anna
and they try and explain this somewhat in into the unknown, with the ‘who knows deep down i’m not where i’m meant to be’ but. WHY isn’t she where she’s meant to be. all of the first film was her learning that she belonged in arendelle and her powers/herself wasn’t something to be afraid of. why isn’t she meant to be with her family? with her sister who’s been desperate to reconnect with her? why doesn’t she belong where people readily love her and accept her and want the best for her?
and then, what about anna? there is no mention of her wanting/being ready to be queen in either two films. we don’t even see the offer on screen; we don’t get the sisters’ quiet, vulnerable conversation where elsa admits to wanting to live with the rest of the nature spirits and anna offers to take her place as queen. we don’t see anna begging elsa to stay in the forest because she can rule if elsa’s happier there. we never see their dialogue. it’s just so sudden. is anna once again just going along with what her sister wants? is elsa isolating herself all over again? we just don’t know. they both seem happy, but there’s barely any indication that it’ll lead up to that point.
it just makes no sense for either of their arcs, or their previous wants/needs. if they were meant to stay together, why separate them again? they just got each other back. and now they’re alone again.
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glorytoukraine2022 · 2 months
Hi fellow Frozen fans! I’m here to talk about an opinion from the Frozen fandom that has been bothering me since Frozen 2 came out. I’ve heard several people claim that Elsa was selfish for abdicating the throne to Anna to become the Fifth Spirit. Some people even seem to imply that Elsa doing so is ruining Anna and Kristoff’s lives and their plans for the future. I don’t know where all of this is coming from, but based on varying complaints from the fandom, I have a few ideas.
I think, that some people are just upset because they would rather Elsa remain the prim and proper Queen of Arendelle and Anna, the carefree, bubbly princess. The people who sport this idea annoy, and even anger me to some extent. Anna and Elsa are so, so much more than that. Do you all just want them to remain frozen in time? You have no desire for them to grow as people? If you truly love and appreciate the sisters as characters, then you would WANT them to grow, and reach their full potential.
Why shouldn’t Anna get a chance to lead her people? Why shouldn’t Elsa, a woman who was locked away in her room for thirteen years, get a chance to experience true, complete freedom? Why should she be denied the chance to be happy? To live a happy and fulfilling life?
Is it because she’s the first born and you feel she needs to live out the rest of her days fulfilling that obligation? There were undoubtably plenty of first born Kings and Queens who assumed the throne yet had do desire for such a burden. Nobody should have to be resigned to such a fate. Especially such a unique person like Elsa.
Another reason that I have heard mentioned, is that some people prefer the “Two Queens“ ending. For the people who believe that Elsa and Anna should have ended up ruling Arendelle together, as equals, let me start by saying that that’s not how monarchies work. A monarch usually refers to a single person. A person of royal blood and related to the Royal family.
Yes, a monarch usually does wed another person, but the person who marries an heir apparent only shares their rank and title. They do not have any sovereign powers over the kingdom. They do not rule. Any political power they have is limited to what the monarch allows them to have.
So, the “Two Queens” idea would not work not only because the power of the monarch can only belong to one person, but Anna is Elsa’s sister. Yes, there WAS insest in real life monarchies, but as two females, an heir would never be able to be produced. This was the main reason why monarchs were, often forced, to marry. To produce an heir. The only reason Anna was able to ascend was because Elsa abdicated without a child of her own. They could never have ruled Arendelle together.
I know that part of the reason that this idea appealed to people is because it fit in with the “two sisters“ theme of Frozen. Many people believe that Elsa leaving Arendelle goes against that theme. Or that Elsa leaving Arendelle won’t strengthen their bond. I understand where people are coming from, but again, I disagree.
Elsa is 24 years old. She’s an adult. She’s around my age, and I have many friends who have moved out of their homes. That doesn’t mean that the bonds they have with their parents and siblings deteriorate or that they don’t love them anymore. It just mean that they’re independent. Same with Elsa. It’s only natural that the older sister is the first to move out of the house. She’ll always lover her family and can visit them at any time she likes.
As I mentioned above, Elsa is not ruining Anna and Kristoff’s marriage and lives in the future. She isn’t shoving off uneeded responsibility onto Anna. While Anna may not have been groomed to be Queen growing up the same way that Elsa was, she probably was made aware that as the second born daughter of the King and Queen, that if anything happened to Elsa, Arendelle would look to her. It’s not like Anna is coming into this with zero understanding of what’s expected of her.
I don’t know how many of you read any of the artick of interviews with Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck when Frozen 2 came out, but I did. They stated that the entire point of the movie was for “Anna to become Queen and Elsa to be free.” So the outcome that you’re complaining about was always the intention. Sorry.
Chris and Jen said that Anna should become Queen because of her deep love for her people and that Elsa doesn’t deserve to be trapped in a box. I couldn’t agree more. Anna loves her people and wants to help and do things for them. That’s what being a Queen is all about. That’s why Anna would want and do well in the position. She would be helping her people.
Elsa is a unique person with a unique gift. Even though her powers had been accepted by the people of Arendelle and she was a beloved Queen, she was still somewhat restrained for the sake of fitting in. Elsa could have never embraced her powers and all that she is if she had remained in Arendelle as its Queen.
Elsa abdicated the throne because she had a higher calling. As guardian of the Enchanted Forest, a place where the magic of nature is respected, Elsa can be herself and use her powers to the fullest extent to protect the forest and all its inhabitants.
In conclusion, By abdicating the throne to become the fifth spirit and leaving Anna to become Queen, both Elsa and Anna get the chance to grow into their best selves. This is about what is best for both of them and their happiness. Not about your fantasy preference for their future.
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lovewillthaw-j · 1 year
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The flood didn't stand a chance
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anakinisvaderisanakin · 4 months
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I'm not even attracted to women but I would 100% marry her.
She's everything.
Hot take: I never cared much for Frozen until Frozen II came along, and F2 has become one of my favourite comfort movies.
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Love all these instances of Elsa and Pocahontas being next to each other 🤎🩵
They're both nature-loving girlies and are good friends with the Wind! 🍂
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— ❄️🍂
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queen-daya · 1 year
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Kristoff’s Proposal
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jessi-skylark · 10 months
Frozen concept art: Elsa merges powers with Bruni and starts unleashing the Fire Spirit to Let It Go…
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Check out rest of the Fire Chapter (still work in progress)
Art by @jessi-skylark
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celadons-penultimate · 2 months
Midnight Suns, because I got Marvel on the brain:
Spirit Rider / Demon Rider / Kushala
Doctor Voodoo
Nightcrawler (+Hopesword)
Moon Knight
Elsa Bloodstone
Sister Grimm / Nico Minoru
Cloak & Dagger
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{When The Mouse found out these two were in a relationship behind the scenes, let's just say these were the consequences. Of course someone is nonchalant since it ain't their first rodeo. }
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disneyfanatic1993 · 3 months
I’m Done Holding Back, Chapter Forty-Nine: Part One
All art from the chapter of my Cassarian fanfic, “Chapter Forty-Nine: Ready”.
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tenshichan1013 · 1 year
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group hug
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horrorartist23 · 1 year
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Honeymaren and Elsa Version 2
Other one is still in the works
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semetarycosplay · 7 months
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Show yourself, step into your power. Grow yourself, into something new. Photos: Adriana Ramos Photography
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martianbugsbunny · 11 months
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Elsa Appreciation Post
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