#spirit writing
marxalittle · 4 months
I woke up and this was in my notes app
Sylvanas stepped down into the Scar, trying her best not to focus too much on any one detail, aware in every fiber of her being of what lay just beneath the blighted earth. She closed her eyes and concentrated, humming quietly, reaching out for what she needed. They came at her call, the lilt of the cavalry song familiar to them, and she gathered them close: three chargers, spirits faint but bright, like distant stars. A wave of her hand and they surged out of the ground, alicorns broken but heads proud, jostling for position and knocking ragged barding against each other as they mustered. She reached out to take one under the chin, almost smiling as it tossed its head and ducked into her palm.
"What are you doing?" Alleria's voice was flat.
"It is a long way to walk, and dangerous to linger." So was hers.
"You mean us to ride--" the disgust in her older sister's voice was suddenly too much to bear; the numbness which had descended over Sylvanas abruptly evaporated, leaving her raw and anguished.
"Stop it!" She was aware that she was screaming-- not wailing, screaming-- but she didn't care. The horses shifted their weight, but didn't shy away. "Don't treat them like they're filth!" Sylvanas could feel her eyes burning brighter, the tear tracks on her cheeks smoking, as she rounded on her sisters. They stood a few feet back from the Scar itself, just as they always held themselves slightly apart from her. As if it would corrupt them if they deigned to touch it. As if she were contagious.
"How dare you," her voice was low now, growling, the banshee echo dark with rage, "How dare you turn away from them. These horses charged into the teeth of hell, fearless and faithful, for Quel'Thalas. Their horns broke and their hooves split upon the armies of her enemies, and every blow bought another life escaped from Silvermoon. Here they fought and here they fell for Quel'Thalas, horses and riders both, at my order, and even still," she looked back at the horses, watching them a moment.
Sylvanas raised her hand in an old familiar gesture, and the three chargers dropped their forelegs, ready for their riders, "Still they serve." It came out in a whisper. "At my order."
Vereesa hiccuped. She heard Alleria shift her stance again, the creaking of her boots and the rustle of her cloak; she imagined she could hear her older sister's jaw clench, too.
"Do not you dare to stand before those who did what you did not, and be revolted by what their sacrifice made of them." She turned her back on the both of them, ready to leave them there and carry on with this folly alone, ready for a knife between her shoulders, "Don't treat them like they're beneath you."
Don't treat me like I'm beneath you. The words would never cross her lips; she did not doubt that Vereesa, at least, heard them anyway. Her horse rose and settled under her as she swung into the saddle, still parade-perfect as an elven warhorse should be, and she flexed elbows and knees until they faced the distant Spire.
"Turn back now, if you cannot bear to face what survival cost your people. Return to your ignorance. Your comfortable superiority. Or come and see the empty grave of the quel'dorei, but take care. The shame of what happened here is not theirs to bear."
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zurich-snows · 10 months
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“We are more alive in the spirit world than you are on Earth. We can see you, hear you, touch you and feel you”
Auto writing or Automatic writing is also called “psychography” , a claimed psychic ability that allows a person to produce written words without consciously writing. They do this by holding a writing instrument and allowing the spirits to manipulate the practitioners hand. The instrument can be a standard writing instrument or one specially designed for automatic writing.
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A hard wind is blowing. It is a different time now. We shutter our windows at the cold. But subway prophets have been wrong before and as the politicians gather round to burn the martyrs and the witches of the age, baby we need to take a different door. Fly down into the same old patterns or move on into the blue. But make up your mind fast. What has been written will soon come to pass. If you don't make your move, your time will be past. The time is coming to make up your mind, which side are your on, the good and the right, or the weak who fight to maintain the balance of power. Singing about ringing a bell does not ring it. Until the chimes toll out, justice is not done. Truth and justice are hard fought battles. The soldiers are weary and the world can always use more. What are you fighting for?
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animelover20 · 10 months
So this is probably going to sound ridiculous but hear me out because this is insane.
So me(and some of my family members) have the ability to do something called spirit writing. Basically it allows spirits to write stuff down through our hands(look it up if your confused)
Now I was bored and recently found out there's a spirit in my room specifically near my desk and I asked him if he liked anime,he said yes. I asked him his favourite anime and he wrote this. (See the second picture to if you're struggling to read what it says)
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I asked what his favourite character was and.
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WE EVEN LIKE THE SAME BLONDE. (also I asked him if he had a thing for blondes and the yes in the corner is the answer)
I asked him. Outside of the strawhats who is your favourite character AND YOU KNOW HOW THIS MOTHER FUCKER RESPONDED
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(it's hard to see but)
What the fuck,that's sick as but also weird. Also his nickname is Sonal.
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thespiritualscripter · 5 months
I Experienced Automatic Writing For The First Time!
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On April 22nd, 2024 I discovered that I could automatic write without even knowing what it was or what was happening to me.
I got this random idea in my head to start journaling because I am on a self development journey and I wanted to get better at memory retention and communication. I told myself I would start Monday night. So after work I did my usual wind down and popped an edible, turned off the lights to my bedroom, turned on a dim light and cracked open my journal.
I began writing about my day and eventually my edible kicked in and I did not have anything else to write about so I began doodling. Eventually I drifted into an extremely calm meditative state as I scribbled randomly in my journal with a clear mind. (It's important to note I was not thinking of the past or the future but I was just in the present moment with my thoughts.)
Eventually I felt tingles in my hand and it's like something took it over and began scribbling on the paper. Me being high I was fascinated by what was happening so I watched in disbelief until my anxious thoughts took over my mind and I threw the pen out of my hand and jumped out of my meditative state.
Since that encounter I contacted my sister who is also spiritual and more knowledgeable than me and informed me that it was called spirit writing/automatic writing. I began doing research and discovered it's a form of divination used to communicate with spirit.
The only form of divination I used previously was tarot cards and the 4 pennies Yes/No divination used in Hoodoo. Tarot cards have always been tricky for me to fully understand as I believe I am neurodivergent but that is another story for another day. Having a divination tool where I can get direct answers and not leave me second guessing was an amazing feeling so I sought after to do it again the following day.
This day I did everything with intention and recreated the same steps of taking an edible, turning on a dim light, and focusing on the present moment. This time I asked to speak directly with my spirit guide and the connection happened instantly before my edible even kicked in. I told my guide to used up and down motions as "yes" and circle motions as "no" and began asking questions.
Without giving too much away I asked if they were my spirit guide and they made and up and down mark indicating yes. I wanted to confirm that I would get correct answers and I wasn't crazy so I asked them what my name was and they wrote out the first initial of my name in cursive. Then I went deeper and asked if my husband would receive a promotion he recently interviewed for and they told me yes undoubtably, weeks later he received confirmation that he did in fact get the position!
I also asked about my goals, as I have been going hard on them this entire year and my dream is to be self employed. They confirmed to me that I would be self employed (wish I asked by when lol).
The next morning I had another connection but this time with my grandmother on my father's side. I asked if it was an ancestor and they said yes so I asked if they were on my mother’s side and they said no but said yes to being on my father's side. I asked if I knew them and they said yes so I asked them their name and they wrote out "Nanny" which is what we called her.
A few days later I was able to get in contact with my great grandparents on my mother side because my mother had questions about my great grandfather's passing. He confirmed that he was fighting to stay alive in the hospital because of my mom and finally let go when he heard her whisper in his ear that she would be okay and he did not have to worry about her (the following day after she whispered that too him he passed away) and we both cried.
Since my initial encounter I have been practicing daily to get better and stronger at my spiritual gift but the first 3 days were the strongest and after getting a reading done on me I realized this was all apart of the plan. April 22nd was a full moon in Scorpio and I am a Scorpio sun. There was no coincidence about this especially knowing that I am 29 and currently in my Saturn Return.
I added a few shots of my journal and blurred out my text so I do not give my identity away because I would like this to remain an anonymous spiritual journal as I have no plans on monetizing this gift but only using it for the protection and knowledge for me and my loved ones. Please also note that it's really hard to read what spirit is telling me but through practice I was told I will get better with this and receive more legible answers.
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I would love to know if you've ever experienced.
P.S. my right hand has constantly been in a tingly state ever since and I was told that this is my new norm now that I have unleashed my gift. I am now practicing spiritual protection daily and diving more into my spiritual interests of astrology, crystals, and numerology. I even asked my spirit guide through automatic writing if I was allowed to anonymously document my spiritual journey through Tumblr and they wrote out yes.
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[ I want to end this by saying that I protect myself before during and after each divination. Now that I have this gift I know that any spirit whether good or bad will want to contact me but I have the ultimate power of who I allow to connect with me. So please do not try this on your own for funsies because now I have to really practice protection work daily to keep me protected from negative energy. ]
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archivist-crow · 11 months
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On this day:
On October 31, 1873, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, written by Charles Dickens, appeared in the bookstalls of America. Dickens wrote the first six chapters while he was alive and the last six chapters after he was dead.
Famous mystery writer Wilkie Collins had challenged his friend Charles Dickens to try the new genre. The novel was serialized in twelve monthly instalments by a magazine, published in Britain, and then shipped to America. For the first time in Dickens's writing career, he had insisted on a contract stating that his heirs would receive royalties if he should die. Dickens passed away halfway through writing the fascinating story.
Three years later, in Vermont, a capricious young man named Thomas James moved into a boarding house owned by a woman interested in Spiritualism. In October 1872, after a year of attending séances in the parlor, James declared he had been contacted by the spirit of Charles Dickens, who asked James to let himself be used by Dickens to finish The Mystery of Edwin Drood. The landlady gave James free room and board until the book was complete. Witnesses testified that the gadabout would go into long trances and write furiously, declaring Dickens was dictating to him.
As word got out, James was accused of fraud by the newspapers who doubted the finished book would appear. But appear it did—attributed to "the spirit pen of Charles Dickens." Controversy over the authenticity of the mystery's solution circulated among the early scholars, each arguing their case based on clues found in the working notes left behind by Dickens and the vignettes on the cover of the monthly installments. The case was investigated by Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle said that James did not have the mental agility to complete the novel without help.
Text from: Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored by Juanita Rose Violini, published by Weiser Books, 2009
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zoomar · 1 year
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Writing by Spiritual Impression
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demaparbat-hp · 4 months
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The Perfect Prince
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Shipping is fun and all but I swear every single time someone makes a comment, whether as a joke or in a legitimate analysis, about there being "no other explanation" for a pair's interactions, I lose just a bit more of my sanity
Like, no, you guys don't get it. Romance is not about the Amount of devotion, it's about the COLOR. the FLAVOR of it all. a character can be just as devoted to their platonic friend as they are to their romantic partner, and they don't love either of them more, just differently.
But because the majority of people still have it stuck in their minds that romance exists on the highest tier of love, I'm stuck seeing endless takes that boil down to "these two care about each other too much for it to NOT be romantic" as if that's the core determining factor to how literally any of this works
In conclusion: stop telling me that I don't understand the story if I don't interpret the leads as romantic, I am TIRED
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chiptrillino-art · 15 days
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(ID in ALT text)
just some kuruk tests
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clockwayswrites · 2 months
5 Times the JL Learned Batman was Married and the 1 Time They Met the Spouse.
One. Two. Three.
“I am sure that it is clear to everyone that the mission was almost a complete disaster.”
“Almost?” Superman asked with a smidgen of a smile.
Hal thought it was brave and very, very stupid of Superman to ask that while Batman was glaring at all of them like he’d squish them if they were just small enough for him to step. And if it wouldn't get his boots too dirty.
Batman’s glare narrowed to focus on Superman alone. “We’re alive. Barely.”
“No,” Batman shut down Supes’ argument with a barked word. “No. While you might be unconcerned, not all of us are indestructible, Superman.”
That finally made Superman lose any amusement that he had and he look away from Batman, properly cowled. Hal felt a little sorry for the guy, but also Supes deserved that. Not all of them were naturally bullet proof and Batman didn’t even have any powers (it seemed).
“Everyone write up a report: what went wrong, what little went right, and what we should do differently. We will discuss it next week. Expect there to be more training sessions scheduled soon,” Batman ordered.
And then he turned and left with an overly dramatic flare of his cape.
“What?” Hal asked.
“He’s just… leaving?” Superman asked. He sounded a little lost.
Batman didn’t just leave when there was work to be done.
Diana rested a hand on big blue’s shoulder. “I believe you rather overstepped, my friend.”
Oh he was more hurt than any of them knew.
Hal jogged after the retreating form. “Hey, hey Spooky, wait a sec!”
Batman’s shadowed form almost hunched forward on itself as he stopped but didn’t turn around.
“Just…” Some of Hal’s bravado left him now that he was actually having to ask; luckily Hal had bravado in spades. “I wanted to make sure you were too badly hurt. You took some hard hits out there and like you said, not all of us are bullet proof.”
Hal wasn’t sure if Batman would answer. More, Hal wasn’t sure if Batman would answer him of all people. They had found more of an understanding with each other lately: Hal let Batman do the planning and Batman trusted Hal (a little) to break the plan in the field, but they still clashed a lot.
Then Batman let out a weary sounding huff of air. “There is nothing major. Everything will heal, though I could use plenty of ice and a good whiskey.”
Hal let himself chuckle at that. “Man, I feel that. A good whiskey, or lots of bad beer, sounds good. I just wanted to make sure. You’re rushing out of here like there’s a fire on your ass. Would hate for you to be bleeding out or something.”
Another long pause that Hal tried not to fidget through.
“It’s late. I would like to get home to enjoy my anniversary while there is still any of it left.”
“Your— oh, shit, yeah man, get out of here!” Hal said, waving Batman away.
What the hell, Hal wondered as he watched Batman sweep away for a second time, Spooky was married?
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somnimagus · 10 months
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My page for @sheikahzine; about Impaz's duty to her village, empty of people and full of memories.
[id in alt text]
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versias · 2 days
Bruce Wayne’s soulmate died when he was 17.
At the time, it was just another senseless tragedy in the misery that was his life. He was too wrapped up in his grief for his parents and his planning for his mission to really think about what it meant when the words on his wrist drained of color.
Later, he would wonder about the person he had been fated to be with and how they died. Secretly, guiltily, Bruce was relieved that whatever had happened to them had happened before they met. He wasn’t sure he could take another tragedy in his life.
Prompt: Danny is Bruce Wayne’s soulmate. Unfortunately, Danny died when he was 14. Like with all soul marks, his drained of color when its mate died. Danny’s mark is its match, but vibrant and full of life. He’s happy to have finally found him but… how on earth is he going to convince his soulmate that he is who he says he is???
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legendary-cookies · 5 months
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I've been working on this on and off for like a long time and honestly I kinda hate it now, but this is like a revamp of these but with the Beasts too lmao
This also has a headcanon I have of if the Legends had virtues like the Ancients and Beasts
Also yes I'm aware Fire and Moon might fit more if they switched but I have lore reasons leave me alone
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thespiritualscripter · 5 months
My ancestor spoke to me through a TV show!
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So something amazing happened to me the other day.
I begin automatic writing like I try to do daily and I got in contact with my ancestor who wants to work with me. I found out that they are a higher ancestor that I never met in this lifetime and they are originally from Africa and they are a woman.
I couldn’t make out their words so I asked them to draw a picture for me of what they wanted to tell me. ( I didn’t have an direct questions so I just asked them to reveal to me what they want me to know )
They begin drawing a face with a short fro. I originally thought it was a man but they corrected me and wrote out “woman”.
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On the next page they drew a fruit tree and grass underneath.
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I wasn’t sure at first but then I muttered out “Mother Nature?”. And they began writing out Mother Nature across my journal.
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[ the words are really sloppy but I can make out the letters by my hand movement. ]
I couldn’t get more context out of the images or what they were trying to tell me until later that day I was watching “Dead Boy Detectives” on Netflix and I was on episode 6 season 1.
This will be a spoiler so if you’re interested in watching please skip this.
2 scenes really resonated with me. The first was the man in the fish. When the Night Nurse looked down at his hands and pointed out his many rings with different gemstones, something clicked in my head.
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I’ve been getting downloads to start collecting real gold Crystal rings specifically to help me sharpen my abilities. I didn’t know if that was just something I thought of or if my ancestors were telling me to do so but this scene solidified that it was indeed them and I’m so glad I already bought my first piece.
The other scene is way more astonishing to me. The scene where Crystal lost her psychic powers and was knocked out by the witch. She went inward and discovered a place where all her maternal ancestors who share the same abilities as her. WOMEN right NEXT TO A TREE!
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The same image that my ancestor drew out for me!
Knowing that the spiritual realm doesn’t have the linear concept of time and all things happen at once it makes so much sense that my ancestor would draw something like this out knowing that I would connect the dots later.
I believe my ancestor is trying to say to strengthen my spiritual gift I need to practice and use tools to help me like the Crystal rings. And I also believe she was telling me I come from a line of strong spiritual Black women who I can tap into to get ancestral strength. ( which makes sense because I had a reading done and was told I have very strong spiritual women on my mothers side )
Everything seems so surreal but I’m ready for this journey of discovering who I actually am and the ancestors that paved the way for me to be here today.
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Do you think maybe that there’s a chance you are REALLY, REALLY behind on current events & the statue is the beast? I mean literally. Like the statue sits there until the apocalypse & then it turns out it’s an actual robot that a consciousness can switch into when they decide it’s the right day. I’m sorry to be scary, but It is. It’s not just a warning. This is really happening, just like all those other signs you see are also there. It’s there because it’s supposed to be hidden in plain sight to then be switched on, just like other things/statues/etc hidden in plain sight. You’ve been warned many, many times, but each time until the end there’s always a chance to change the future. It’s never hopeless, but you have to come to terms with the fact this has been right in front of you for a very long time. Do you want to take it seriously or do you want to ignore it till it’s too late? The decision is always in your hands.
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