#splash warfly
ultramantr1gger · 3 months
Is this true
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beevean · 1 month
What would you rather do?
Replay the entirety of Other M?
Replay a single level of Megaman X7?
I can replay the tutorial of X7 which is the least offensive level of the bunch (maybe Splash Warfly could also be feasible) and suffer for only a few minutes, unlike the 10 or so hours of my life I wasted injecting into my eyes and ears the most boring, cringeworthy, and at times offensive story-pretending-to-be-a-movie I've had the displeasure of experiencing in a videogame :P
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yuzukimist · 2 years
My Rambling Thoughts on Japanese Audio in MegaMan X7 (brought to you by me replaying the game again):
Honestly, I am having so much fun replaying X7 right now, both because I love the game a lot in general and because I’m playing it with the Japanese audio, which I think has greater emotional range in the dialogue by default. Granted, that could just be my impression, but I think it helps that I understand enough Japanese that I don’t need to expend my mental energy translating (because while the English dailogue is still there in the text boxes, sometimes the phrasing is different in subtle ways) and can instead focus on the nuances of their voices; it allows me to focus on how the characters are saying things not just what they’re talking about.
Also! Axl’s X7 Japanese voice actor is SO MUCH BETTER than his English dub VA. I mean, I’m sure his dub VA tried, but from what I understand the localization team didn’t have much time to record audio for the English release of the game (whereas the Japanese audio is better since it’s literally the country of origin and they had plenty of time to find good VA talent and so on) plus there’s just the inescapable fact that Axl’s English voice sounds…like a brat. His Japanese VA, though! Does a good job of getting across both Ax’s relative youth but also the struggle he’s going through during the course of the game. Like, when he talks to Zero about not remembering a lot of his past, he sounds a bit lost. When he and Zero talk later on about how he feels like he was used by Red for his copying ability, he sounds genuinely hurt and betrayed. When he talks to Soldier Stonekong about how Red Alert’s not doing the right thing, he sounds frustrated by it. When he talks to Hyenard, he sounds regretful. When you fight Splash Warfly, you can hear the mutual disdain between him and Axl. THERE IS NUANCE AND EMOTIONAL RANGE IN THE JAPANESE DIALOGUE AND I AM HERE FOR IT.
(Also, I highly recommend the Legacy Collection if anyone’s interested in replaying X7, because if you switch to Japanese audio it does it for gameplay too. Meaning you will not have to suffer through the English version of BURN TO THE GROUND during Hyenard’s boss fight. He does still shout stuff during the fight, but imho it is not nearly as aggravating as his nonstop howling chatter in the English version.)
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bass-treble2answer · 11 months
Neptune met splash warfly: TF are you!?
Splash wf: I'm a flying fish you dumbass
Mars: since when fishes can fly?!
Aki: They glide not fly!
Daini: Shut the fuck up!
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spinningbuster98 · 1 year
Mega Man X7 Ending
Ladies and gentlemen: it’s July 17th.
Today officially marks Mega Man X7′s 20th anniversary, as the game originally came out in Japan exactly 20 years ago today!
And what better way to celebrate than to finally put an end to this trainwreck of a game!
The first of the final stages, Palace Road, is one of the slowest, most awkward autoscrollers you’ll ever play!
Not only is it slow due to X7′s natural sluggishness, but the camera also does a miserable job at showing you incoming obstacles, enemies and bottomless pits, meaning that you pretty much have to avoid dashing otherwise you  ight just find yourself falling off a cliff and even then you will ram into enemies coming from offscreen more times than you can count. So we’re off to a great start already!
And then we have the final stage: The Crimson Palace
I dunno if you have noticed but this video is almost an hour long
About 90% of that time is spent in the Crimson Palace
It’s not that the level design is particularily awful, Sure it’s bad but nothing too out of the ordinary for this game
It’s just that it keeps going on
And on
And on
This level has the same issue as Gate’s second stage in X6 in that it keeps going even after the first boss battle
The fight against Red is one of the worst, if not THE worst boss fight in Mega Man history
You have to keep track of him as he teleports around this arena made up of platforms over a bottomless pit, as the camera makes no attempt at focusing on him, while you have to deal with X7′s controls and hit detection/boxes, making jumping precisely on those platforms a goddamn chore AND you also have to avoid his fake clones.
This fight is absolutely shit (and it’s shit that drags too, he’s got a lot of health) because you’re not actually fighting Red, you’re effectively fighting the camera and the controls.
The only boss fights that come close are those from Legends 1, and even then I’m generally more forgiving to those because
1) It’s an early PS1 game and issues with the camera and controls in 3D games were standard back then
2) Mega Man Juno may be a piece of shit but he’s not a piece of shit that you have to fight over a fucking bottomless pit!
And then the level keeps going through another series of boring and awkward platforming sections
Then we reach the boss rush
Credit where it’s due: the room is very creepy and atmospheric and the fact that the teleporters look like graves is really apt for this context
But fucking hell man!
I spent 20 minutes on this boss rush alone!
All because X7′s bosses are just so fucking tanky and their weaknesses are mostly worthless against them!
This is the absolute worst boss rush I have ever seen
20 minutes!
I could probably beat Eggmanland in less time! And that’s a whole stinking level!!!
And then we get to Sigma and every time he says “That’s right, folks!” and “Fellas” I’m expecting the Loony Toones logo to pop up around him
His first phase is nothing fancy
His second phase is another travesty due to, again, forcing you to platform in 3D over a bottomless pit with these controls
Luckily even if you get a game over here you just restart the second phase
I used to rage hard here but then I discovered on the Internet that he’s really weak to the charged version of Splash Warfly’s weapon. Whatever, so long as it gets the job done
The final cutscene changes depending on the character that dealt the final blow to Sigma
In X’s ending we can see that he hasn’t learned a goddamn thing and he’s still bitching about Axl using violence to deal with Mavericks, he even sounds arrogant when he says that “You can’t train someone to become a hunter like me”. Wonderful
Axl’s ending is a continuation of X’s in a way:
Zero’s ending on the other end is just a shallow tie-in with the Zero series (which was a thing by this point)
Was he just...napping while standing up...? Do robots need to sleep? I mean in X4′s intro he’s also sleeping and dreaming but he’s in a capsule so I assumed he was also charging up his batteries or maybe undergoing light maintenance or something. Then again in the Zero series we do see that Reploids have normal beds in their rooms so.... meh who gives a shit, certainly not the developers at this point
Happy Birthday Mega Man X7!!!
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moss-ball69 · 3 years
Some more unfinished sketches
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rosescotch · 2 years
He is going to combust and cheese will fly everywhere. Do not leave your machines unattended.
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megaman-fluffcanons · 2 years
I'd like general headcanons for Splash Warfly.
*Splash Warfly does not like being around others
*he has attacked others for no reason, other than the fact they looked at him funny
*Doesn’t exactly like being told what to do, either. 
*he loves destruction, and to cause it
*Whenever he’s bored, he’ll go find something that he can either fight or wreck
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theclumsyxeno · 3 years
Cossacks and Mavericks as Snapcube: The Piss Rock
*Zera aims her huntress weapon in shotgun form at Lisanna*
Zera: Get the hell out or I’m going to shoot Lisanna in the fricking face!
Pharaoh Man: No don’t!
Zera: I swear to God, I’ll do it, you bitches! Get out!
Boomer Kwuanger: *holds hands in forward position* Now there’s no need-
Zera, interrupting: I will pop her.
*The Cossacks and Mavericks grow tense and apprehensive*
Lisanna: Don’t give her my life for a rock!
*Sting Chameleon smirks as he pulls out a yellow chaos Emerald*
Sting Chameleon: Will you pop this Piss rock?
Zera, gasping in shock: Put the piss stone down! You don’t know what piss rock does to your… boing.
*distraction buys Wind Crowrang and Skull Man a chance to get to Lisanna*
Sting Chameleon, high-key lying: I like what it does to my… *mumbles* Zera!
Storm Eagle: *facepalms*
*Flame Mammoth, Drill Man, Splash Warfly, and Infinity Mijinion bust out laughing*
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11thplace · 4 years
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ultramantr1gger · 4 months
Were you cursed by a wizard
mmy fucking fork
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beevean · 1 year
We all bitch about the voices but wanna talk about DAT dialogue?
Reply: "Rusted old machines should stay home and play with their toasters!" 
goddamn splash warfly, calm down with the roasting
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yuzukimist · 4 years
Summary: Zero and Axl are so intent on surveying the wreckage of the battleship, looking for survivors, that they don't immediately notice a dark shape moving in the water, approaching them from behind.
(a.k.a. another Axl-centric MMX7 ficlet that no one asked for, lol. This time featuring Splash Warfly, because there is clearly some bad history there and no one can convince me otherwise.)
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My sis thinks that unlike Blaze Heatnix and Infinity Milijion. Splash Warfly would actually mature and become a Jerk with a Heart of Gold. (He’d still wouldn’t suffer fools gladly but he’d warm up to Axl more.)
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spinningbuster98 · 1 year
Mega Man X7 Part 2
Warning: Viewer’s auditory discretion is advised
So X7′s level design is bad, but mostly due to the controls and camera.
On their own most levels are bland, uninteresting and forgettable. Like there’s nothing I can comment on with Soldier Stonekong and Tornado Tonion’s stages other than the former’s has this nasty issue where oftentimes the midair dash just refuses to work over certain cliffs for some baffling reason, forcing me to hover with Axl to be sure.
Splash Warfly is long as shit and you can really start to spot how much the camera angle sucks here: it barely allows you to view what’s in front of you! That first miniboss is so awkward because it constantly goes off screen while the camera is stuck right on your ass!
There are occasions where you are allowed to move the camera, like with boss fights such as Tornado Tonion, but in this case the camera will ALSO keep track of the boss despite you wishes, and you can ONLY move it left or right, not up and down meaning you’ll be stuck with that shitty angle no matter what.
Flame Hyenard’s second half is a great example of this: you can’t see more than 3 feet in front of you in a level that constantly bombards you with enemies flying from offscreen, that can knock you in the insta kill lava that is still insta kill even if you have I frames because now is a good time to call back to Mega Man 1 I guess? Add the clunky controls and this just gets worse
And yeah Flame Hyenard.
If you know what you’re doing you can handle him easily enough, plus every time you hit him with his weakness he stops talking for a bit.
But if you DON’T have his weakness or just don’t know that the real one is on top of that giant robot goat thing and waste your time with his copies?
The memes are no exaggeration
As for each character’s gameplay style:
Axl has the barest essentials of the X gameplay formula, plus a hover but minus a charge shot.
The lack of a charge shot is the reason why I recommend you turn on rapid fire in the options because otherwise this game will quickly transform into DMC2′s cousin, forcing you to button mash non-stop throughout the levels. But with the rapid fire you can just hold down a button and things will die quickly with minimal effort. It ain’t fun but you’ll have to make do
Axl’s main selling point is supposed to be his ability to turn into certain enemies:
1) You have to kill an enemy with his Copy Shot which takes an eternity and a half to do the job, you CAN soften up enemies with normal attacks but sicne they have no visible healthbar you’ll have to count your shots so that you don’t accidentally kill them
2) There are only like 5 enemies in the whole game that can be copied
3) Their movesets are extremely limited and clunky, really only needed for 1 or 2 optional items
4) You can’t turn back until your weapon energy depletes on its own (or at least I’ve never found a way to do it)
So yeah I think I’ll be using it a grand total of once
The funny thing is that this ability was likely inspired by Mega Man’s original conceptual idea of being able to copy Robot Masters instead of stealing their weapons, and idea that will once again be proposed in some form in Mega Man ZX to better results
And as for Zero...
talk about a fate worse than death
His combos are slow, clunky, have no elegance, do less damage than previously, it’s pretty much impossible to avoid getting hit as you’re comboing.
Zero is absolute shit, aside from his double jump and SOME of his special moves being useful against some bosses (as you see here), but other than that no: he barely feels playtested, I swear he’s near unplayable in 3D
As for X...well you have to unlock him first! Yep! In a MEGA MAN X game!
And there’s a reason for that (though not a good one as you’ll see). 
You unlock him by either completing the 8 stages or by saving about 70 Reploids, which results in its own series of problems as you’ll see
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cwgames · 3 years
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Splash Warfly Pursuer from the Blue Sea
Splash Warfly is base of flying fish. He mean and hateful personality in Red Alert. He has a huge grudge against Axel
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