#splat tome
butchpeabody · 11 months
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d-buggers-org · 10 months
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TOMEVember 2020 - Days 21 to 25
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astralynx · 1 year
The new most annoying thing ever is when a sequel to a game comes out that keeps the same graphical style and base gameplay elements but otherwise are very different and people just call it “60 dollar dlc”
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dandelion-wings · 8 months
kicking wild AUs around with @theabysscomeshome and this is another in the Not Actually Going To Write It category, but this scene really stuck with me, so a brief snippet:
"Grand Sage," Lisa says as sweetly as she can manage, smiling at him. She very carefully doesn't look up and dare draw his attention, or that of the matra with him, to the branches overhead where Kaeya lurks. "How nice to see you. I was just taking my underclassmen to study in the House of Daena." She rests one hand over her catalyst at her belt, casually, as if she's not perfectly positioned to unhook the tome from its strap, and puts the other down on Collei's shoulder. Cyno has better self-restraint; he's rigid at her side, but most of his attention is on her, waiting for instruction. Collei has ducked a little behind her in what she suspects anyone else would take as childish fear. Lisa knows what she's really restraining. His lip curls. "This is exactly why I'm here. You and your instructor have coddled those *subjects* far too much. I'm reassigning them to another research team immediately, before you irreparably taint their research value."
Fury floods crackling through Lisa's veins, and a thousand and one retorts rise to her lips. None of them will make an impression on him, though. She knows what this is really about. Why he's really here.
*Zendik.* Kaeya was right. The strings he's been pulling lead all the way up.
"I haven't received any reassignment paperwork," she says, sweetly, teeth still gritted in a smile. She doesn't dare start to unbuckle her catalyst yet. There's four matra flanking the Grand Sage, and she has no intention of giving them an excuse. Not before Kaeya gets here.
"It will be forthcoming," the Grand Sage says, drawing himself up.
The matra are watching her tensely, and Cyno even more so; they, too, seem to be disregarding Collei as the frightened child she so often seems. So often is, Lisa corrects herself, but that doesn't make her any less dangerous. She's not sure whether to be more insulted on her behalf or on Cyno's that they're tenser about him, as if his desert skin and desert god make him an inherent threat to good order despite all his careful self-discipline, and as if *she* isn't the Witch of the Purple Rose.
"I see. In the meantime, why don't my underclassmen and I-"
"The *subjects*," the Grand Sage says, a muscle in his jaw jumping.
Which was exactly the wrong point to quibble on. Collei gives a choked, furious sob and tears away from Lisa, trying to dart past the matra towards the far edge of the plaza and the ramp down to freedom. The matra, focused on Cyno and Lisa, don't move fast enough; the Grand Sage, unfortunately, has even less ability at threat assessment, and snatches at Collei as she brushes past. He catches a hank of her hair, so recently freed from the bandages, and she screams.
The hair on the back of Lisa's neck goes up. She can feel the power pulsating from Collei's small frame, bare inches from going out of control--from being *unleashed*. Because it will be, if Collei thinks that's the only way out. The matra all quail, crying out in confusion more than in terror, uncertain as to why they're afraid and all the more frightened for it. Lisa steps in front of Cyno, yanks on the strap around her catalyst, and pulls it free, as if it would be any help against the Black Fire.
Kaeya hits the ground directly beside Azar, rolls, and comes up with his catalyst already glowing in his hand. He tosses it up to hover beside him as he reaches out to grab Collei's arm, and he digs his other elbow into the Grand Sage's gut to make him let go as he yanks Collei away. The man grunts and stumbles back, winded by the blow, and catches up against the railing of the platform-
And flails for just a second, eyes wide with terror, before he pitches over to plummet to the ground below. Lisa flinches at the distant, unpleasant *'splat'*.
Pulling Collei in close against him, Kaeya glances over the edge, looks up at Lisa, and shrugs. "Whoops."
"The Grand Sage!" one of the matra cries, comprehension returning and horror infusing his tone as the ominous weight of Collei's nearly-unbound power lifts away. "He's murdered the Grand Sage!"
"We'd been talking about storming the Sanctuary of Surasthana anyway," Kaeya says, throwing Lisa a wry smile before he turns to meet their leveled spears. "We may just have to do it a little ahead of schedule."
"I'm beginning to agree with you about getting answers from the Archon herself," Lisa tells him, ozone filling the air as her own catalyst starts to glow purple-bright along its bindings. "Especially since we can't ask them of Azar any longer. Though if Cyno and Collei could-"
"I don't think we have the time for that. It's fine. Collei, do you still have those daggers I gave you?"
Collei makes a small, determined noise and pulls two wickedly sharp blades out from somewhere in her clothing. Lisa sighs, sets aside the matter of arming small children to discuss with Kaeya *later*, and prepares to pair with him in a Superconduct that will make those blades more effective. There is value, she supposes, in teaching Collei alternative ways to defend herself.
"I don't have a dagger," Cyno mutters behind her, sounding put out. "Why didn't I get a dagger?"
"Later," Lisa tells him, firmly, and lets her Lantern Rose bloom.
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prettyswellaus · 2 years
(Splatoon AU) Edd's Crew's Lockers
(More to probably be added and soon)
Color: Green
Inkbrush Sticker
Inkbrush Holo Sticker
CARBV Poster
Bacon Cola Poster
SM-SM Character
SP0P-INK Graffiti
3TSCRM Character
Comedy Comic
Pop (12 Cans)
Monkey Crab in Silly Land
Octo King Country
Super Squid Collection
Purple Loose-Leaf Binder
Sea Snail Man (Ghost)
Lucky Can
Eddsworld Cereal
Color: Blue
Krak-On Splat Roller Sticker
Krak-On Splat Roller Holo Sticker
Krak-On Logo
PTYSQD-B sticker
SQDSN-B Character
SQSK Graffiti
SQSQD Poster
Susan (His bass)
Blue Candy-Drop Can
Record Player
Rockin' Music Quarterly
Contain the Kraken
Tomee Bear
Smirnoff Bottles (3 of them)
Black Dakronik (Specifically one shoe)
Small Amp
Aqua Water Bottle
Rusty Blue Harpoon
Color: Magenta
Splat Brella Sticker
Splat Brella Holo Sticker
FRGL Sticker
INKWR Poster
PRL Poster
King Matt Poster
Mirrors (2 of them. One hand mirror and one taped on the inside of the locker door)
Inkopolis Illustrated
Drip Squad
Surveyor Tripod
Pink Squid Friend
Cymbal Playing Monkey ("Little Tom")
Photos of himself (4 of them)
Micro Shelter
Japanese Umbrella
Sakura Paper Lantern
Old-School Radio
Color: Red
Splat Dualies Sticker
Splat Dualies Holo Sticker
MNA Poster
Robot Blueprints
Red Army Insignia Graffiti
Zekko D1MND logo
Zekko MLTY logo
Ink & Splatter
Commander Cephalopod
Fangirl Comic
Romance Comic
Sci-Fi Comic
Sharktooth Comix
Sharktooth Comix-Double
Sharktooth Comix-Special
Ultra Squid
Schoolyard Scrap Jack
Tordbot Action Figure
Octoleet Goggles
Pickelhaube Helmet
Color: Black
Blaster Sticker
Blaster Holo Sticker
Firefin FFN-R Logo
Firefin CH0 Logo
Squidforce Logo
SG-BNHPHN Graffiti
Cheesy Munchy Snacks
Ginger Ale (6 Cans)
Fiery Squid Friend
Chocolate Cereal
Orange Candy-Drop Can
Crunchy Snacks
Crusty Snacks
Processed Cheese
Salted Munchy Snacks
Tentacle Nights
Squidlife Headphones
Enchanted Robe A
Enchanted Hat
Enchanted Boots
Color: Pink
Aerospray MG Sticker
Aerospray MG Holo Sticker
N-Zap Sticker
Dancing Flower
Ice Cream Box
Pink Squid Friend
Fangirl Comic
Nostalgia Power
Romance Comic
Purple Squid Cushion
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regnumaves · 2 years
Once again, after a long rest for recovering the serious injuries from the previous battle, the petite priestess found herself in the middle of a fight, but this time, she wasn’t facing a common enemy, she was facing… a bird?!—
With amazement leaking from her rosy lips, she widened her goldenish eyes as the majestic creature flew above her head and placing at close distance just to study her movement, probably: it was the first time Sakura saw an hawk so big this close, but she knew as well it wasn’t a common bird of prey. He was Tibarn, the king of the bird tribe and one of the most powerful warrior of Tellius: she knew him for his heroic gestures and to be able to face him in a duel… was far more thrilling than anything else for Sakura. Plus, he was a big bird. Like, a giant bird. And she couldn’t help but smile at the massiveness of his size.
Keeping aside all those thoughts, she suddenly remembered she was in the middle of a challenge and without thinking too much at the consequences, she started to concentrate the spell.
“Pleased to meet you, dear Hawk King Tibarn. I’ll try to go easy..” and she lowered her gaze to the tome, casting the spell.
Sakura (5/5 HP) attacks with Banshee (ranged). 1d20 = 14, Hit!
Damage = - 1.5 HP. Tibarn is 4.5/6 HP.
Tibarn is stunned.
Despite the swift movement of the bird, the spell hit him completely and after some sort of discharge, he got stunned and fell to the ground, with a soft thud, since he didn’t got severely injured, and actually, he still was quite vigorous and tenacious, but still blocked due to the incantation.
Sweet, this got me the opportunity to hit again… but, is it right? She stopped for a moment, feeling guilty at the thought of hurting that giant bird – she actually wanted to pet him a little, but that was absolutely absurd at that moment. Focus Sakura, you need to take advantage of this opportunity…
Sakura (5/5 HP) attacks with Banshee (ranged). 1d20 = 1, Miss!
But the sense of guilty was far more present and powerful in her heart. She failed to concentrated and she couldn’t even cast the spell again.
“I can’t…” she said, with a sad smile.
After his chat with Edelgard has wrapped up, Tibarn takes to the skies again, looking for more targets. A few students get easily swept out of his way, and then...
Really? His next opponent is a cute little pink-haired girl? Alright then. He can see it, the tome in her hand, the spell crackling at her fingertips; with magic as one of the greatest weaknesses of the laguz, he knows better than to underestimate its user, no matter how small and gentle they look.
She looks up towards him and he sees the awe in her eyes as she stares at his form, for all intents and purposes giant compared to her, and were he not shifted and sporting a less expressive beak instead of his normal mouth, he would smile widely as she speaks; though a semblance of it can still be made out on his face.
"Sakura, was it? Likewise! Let's make it good."
With that, he accelerates, drawing a circle above her in the air, looking for a good chance to strike. But she finds hers first, and the magic flies towards him with swiftness he has not expected - if it ain't a spell that was flung at him back home, he's not familiar with it - and as it connects with him, he lets out a shriek of pain and surprise both; the first because ew magic, and the second when he makes the sudden realization that his body isn't listening to him.
Tibarn HP: 4.5/6; Stunned
He finds himself falling - the feeling most hated and feared by any Hawk - and it takes a lot out of him to maneuver himself into floating onto the ground safely, his legs and feathers thankfully cushioning the fall as he lands on his belly.
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An annoyed screech gets out of him as he fights through the temporary paralysis, though he would have to admit that, somewhere deep down, he is almost entertained at the thought of that precious petite girl bringing him down. Janaff would laugh so hard if he saw this. Him lying splat flat on the ground in front of Sakura had to be a hilarious scene.
Prayer Ring heals Tibarn. Tibarn HP: 5/6; Stunned
He expects another attack - but it doesn't come, and while he slowly gathers himself back up, his eyes meet with Sakura's again; and he has to chuckle quietly as his wings begin to beat steadily once more, taking him back into the air where he belongs.
"Aw, you're cute. Sorry girl, but right now, this is a battlefield!" After a few more careful flaps of his wings, finally a powerful one sends him high into the sky while blowing a breeze in her face.
"Do not go easy on your opponents, because they will not do the same for you!"
... Though not gonna lie, he IS going to feel a bit bad about this.
Prayer Ring heals Tibarn. Tibarn HP: 5.5/6
Tibarn attacks with Killer Knuckles and doubles (+6 Spd): 4d20=5, 8, 11, 8. Hit x4! Miracle procs. Sakura HP: 0.5/5
He swoops in and outstretched talons strike at the girl, though they are careful to avoid any vital areas, instead aiming mostly around the shoulders - the impact enough to send her falling onto her back.
He almost goes against his own advice, part of him eager to inquire about her well-being - he refrains for the time being, circling one more time before stopping near the ground, some distance from her... He should probably check on her.
"You got this, still?" He smiles, though it is not well visible on his beak. "Come on, I believe in you."
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gamersguide · 9 months
Baldur’s Gate 3: A Gamer’s Pilgrimage To The Forgotten Realms
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Hello fellow gamer! Today I am going to share my experience and review of one of my favorite games of 2023, Baldur’s Gate 3. If I praise the game a lot, ignore it because I only write about games I love. Now, you all gather ’round the virtual campfire, for I’m about to weave a tale of my journey through Baldur’s Gate 3, the latest chapter in this legendary RPG saga. Buckle up, ’cause we’re diving deep into dungeons, deciphering lore, and maybe even flirting with a tiefling or two.
Release Rampage:
Remember the early access days? Those were like storming Candlekeep with a rusty spoon instead of Minsc’s trusty Flametongue. Bugs swarmed, features flickered, and crashes were more frequent than bards at a tavern brawl. Larian Studios was weaving a tapestry of D&D gold, a true successor to Baldur’s Gate. Fast forward to August 2023, and the full release hit like a meteor shower raining loot. Polished, packed with content, and oozing that familiar forgotten Realms charm, Baldur’s Gate 3 was here, and it was awesome(for me atleast). It wasn’t just a game; it was a homecoming, a reunion with old friends and the promise of epic adventures yet to come.
Resuming the legacy:
Now, I’ve slain my fair share of goblins and romanced my share of mages in Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2. So, how does this new kid on the block stack up? Well, imagine walking into Candlekeep library after years away. The old tomes are still there, whispering familiar lore, but the shelves are bursting with new stories, unexpected twists, and characters that leap off the page. The Forgotten Realms are still here, vast and perilous, but Larian’s injected their own brand of magic. The story’s a labyrinth of intrigue, with betrayals sharper than Drizzt’s scimitars and secrets deeper than the Underdark. And the companions? Forget stereotypical party fodder. These are living, breathing characters with their own baggage, dreams, and moments of vulnerability that make you question who you can trust, who you can love, and who you might accidentally set on fire with a miscast fireball.
Subtle Sorcery: 
But Baldur’s Gate 3 isn’t just about epic battles and witty banter. It’s the subtle details that make your heart skip a beat. The way moonlight filters through leaves in a moonlit forest, casting dancing shadows that whisper of lurking dangers. The nervous twitch of a goblin’s ear before it lunges, betraying its bravado with a flicker of primal fear. The way a character’s eyes soften when you make a kind choice, or turn steely when you choose the path of shadows. Larian’s poured their heart and soul into these details, and it shows. Every corner of the world feels handcrafted, a living tapestry woven with secrets, beauty, and danger. It’s the kind of world that begs to be explored, every step a potential discovery, every interaction a chance to rewrite your legend.
Forget rusty spoons, adventurer, in Baldur’s Gate 3, you wield an entire orchestra of tactical options. It’s not just about clicking on enemies and hoping for critical hits (though let’s be honest, those never get old). This is a ballet of dice rolls and environment manipulation, where every spell slot and shove action is a note in your own personalized battle ballad.
The Divinity Dance: Larian’s Divinity 4.0 engine is your conductor, orchestrating a symphony of possibilities. Imagine setting the stage with an oil slick, then throwing out a bard’s thunderwave to ignite the flammable floor. Boom! Goblin barbecue. Or picture teleporting an enemy archer onto a precarious ledge, then nudging them off with a well-timed shove. Splat! Environmental takedown. This engine encourages creativity, letting you turn the battlefield into your instrument, each encounter a unique composition of tactical genius makes it lit!
Read More
Originally published at GamersGuide
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irlquicksilver · 7 years
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I don’t know what possessed me do it but just take it ig
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scribblehooves · 6 years
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Fancy Tome ladies!
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bowieandqueen11 · 3 years
Dating Cedric Diggory Would Include...
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Request: Please PLEASE Cedric Diggory x a fellow hufflepuff fem reader :((
Ahh Cedric I cry thank you for the request, I hope you don’t mind I started with headcanons, just as I’ve never written for Cedric before and want to ease into writing for him!
(I do not own Harry Potter or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @callmeali17.)
He’s just so cute I can’t!!!!! You two would legitimately be like the sweetest, and most perfect couple at Hogwarts - your fellow students just can’t help but ‘awww’ loudly and adore the two of you when you come walking into the Great Hall for breakfast in the mornings with your arms wrapped around each others waists. 
The two of you have known each other since your first year - after being put into Hufflepuff House by the Sorting Hat, you two nervous kids end up thumping down on the bench next to each other, all bumping knees and delighted smiles as you shook hands and introduced yourselves to each other. His eyes were so bright, so joyous when he gripped your hand and shook it so fervently you feared your fingers were about to fall off, but he was just so nervous that you wouldn’t want to be his friend. 
Well, actually, you’d first caught his eye *technically* on the Hogwarts Express just a few hours before. You had managed to squish your way in to a carriage filled with fellow first years, and in-between the giggling and sharing stories about families and the muggle world and if there really is a giant squid in the lake like ‘Hogwarts: A History’ states, you had been nominated to scoop up everyone’s gallons and go get some treats to share from the trolley. It just so happened, that Cedric had offered to go buy some pasties for his new found friends, and so the two of you managed to converge on the trolley witch from opposite sides of the rickety velvet corridor.
You were the first person to ever make Cedric Diggory stutter, and to be completely honest, the only person who can. When the witch turned her head to the two of you with a soft smile and asked who she should serve first, you grinned at Cedric and told him to go ahead. He stammered his thanks as he fumbled the money out of his robes, but the whole way back to his compartment he was staring down at his feet with a big dopey smile on his face, the normal peach of cheeks turning his freckles a deep red.
Cue to a few years later, and some of his mates on the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team were getting fed up of how often Cedric managed to splat onto the ground while reaching for the Snitch because he’s been staring up at you in the stands. Or the way he would chuckle as he changed back into his robes in the changing rooms, talking their heads off about how you had helped the Weasley Brothers set off firecrackers in the Slytherin Common Room the other night with a fond shake of his head. In the end up, they just grabbed him by the arms and lifted him off the ground and out into the main courtyard until they spotted you sitting by the fountain edge. Groaning, they elbowed him in the back until suddenly Cedric was standing, wide eyed, in front of you.
He tried to act all cool and collected as he stroked back the wild fringes of his hair, smiling as he tried to catch his words. He ended up just kind of blurting out ‘well, Y/n, you see. I was wondering if perhaps you wanted to go down to Hogsmeade with me this Saturday. As more than friends.’ He scratched the back of his neck as he continued, staring absentmindedly at a tree just to the left of his head as if too embarrassed to meet your eye yet, but acting too confident to make it seem like an accident. ‘Only if you like, I won’t be offended if you want to stay as friends, I’d more than eager to-’
Before he can manage to talk himself out of it, you reach up and kiss his cheek. Closing your astronomy tome, you nod your head eagerly in reply and then run off back to your dorm to tell all your friends. As you turn on your heel and try to stop your heart from hammering at what you had just done, you miss how red the tips of Cedric’s ears have turned. How it felt as if the air had been knocked out of his lungs, and his heart was hammering against his mouth as he slowly reached up to touch the slight wet marks on his cheeks that confirmed that was real. You had just kissed him, and he was about to burst.
As his friends came over to cheer and rub his hair with their knuckles, jostling him around the shoulders in congratulations, he was grateful. He felt that if they let go of him for one second, he would no longer just be standing there dumbstruck. His feet would leave the ground, and he would fly over the moon or go off like one of the Weasley brothers’ fireworks.
He can’t stop himself from smiling during the rest of his lessons - he’s still grinning from ear to ear when he comes to sit down on the bench next to you at dinner. He’s still too uncharacteristically flustered to say anything to you, so instead he decides to take a chance while Dumbledore begins rattling on about upcoming exams and grabs your hand, resting it on his knee under the table.
And it all just sort of takes off from there, really.
Late at night when he’s stressed about the next challenge in the Triwizard Tournament, just sneak up into the boy’s dormitory and come lay next to him. He can’t sleep properly unless his head is resting firmly against your chest, just above your belly button, and your fingers are running through the soft strands of his hair. With nothing to disturb you apart from the warm moonlight spilling through the copper curtains lining the arched windows, and the far off tweets from the owlery, he’ll just MELT against you in a tired tangle of limbs.
Sometimes, though, this is the time of day the two of you will finally get to have just to yourselves - no journalists, no training, no Colin Creevey trying to ask for pictures for the school paper he was trying to set up. The two of you will just lay on top of his duvet and talk about everything and nothing as he idly plays with your fingers.
He���s the kind of boyfriend who would make you stop on afternoon strolls down to the Great Lake. As the light shimmers off the diamond water, Cedric unlatches his hand from yours in the midst of the short, dewy grass just so he can wrap his scarf in a few loops around your neck and kiss the tip of your nose before heading on. After spending time laughing and laying in each others arms underneath the chill shade of a nearby willow tree, Cedric will try and row the two of you out onto a boat in the middle of the water to look at the stars.
However, you keep on having to move your head off his shoulder and push the two of you down underneath the wooden benches to stay out of the way of Hagrid swinging his lantern on his way back from The Forbidden Forest, or Filch following out Mrs Norris to peer out over the water through the fog with his usual disapproving scowl. With one more sniff, he wanders off, and you and Cedric nearly butt heads with how much you’re giggling lying side by side on the bottom of the boat.
Although Professor Sprout tries her best to be as strict with you two as she is with the other students, she just has this soft spot for the two of you which makes her incapable of telling you off - especially since she’s so proud that the two of you are such kind and gracious and outstanding exemplar students from her own House. So, the Slytherins used to groan and roll their eyes up to the cloudy top of the glass greenhouse when the two of you would slip to the back of the benches to examine your Fanged Geraniums. Yet time would pass, and the two of you would be simultaneously poring over the leaves while standing with the edges of your foreheads pressed together, chattering away as Cedric looked at you from the corner of his eyes as if you hung every star in the sky. 
Other students can always hear the two of you coming through the halls, because you’re laughing so hard at some awful joke Cedric’s been telling you on your way down from the Common Room and the moving staircases. You’re wrapped up tightly and snug in his jumper - that familiar smell of butterscotch, toffee and orange blossom making you lightheaded with bliss as he walks beside you. He’s carrying your potion books as the two of you make your way down through the dungeons, hips brushing against each others naturally and arms swinging side by side as if they couldn’t dare to part for even a millisecond. 
Although he’s not massive on PDA in public, he does like to make sure he’s close to you as often as possible. It’s imperative to him that you’re okay, otherwise something just feels off in his heart, some thorn piercing at his soul the whole day until he’s found you again and made sure you’re alright.
He finds you one warm summer’s day studying Newt Scamander’s guide on Beasts in the library with Hannah Abbott. He likes to surprise you by coming up behind your back, and either spinning you around in his arms if you’re browsing the bookshelves, or moving your hair and kissing the back of your neck if you’re sitting at the desk by the sun streamed Palladian windows. If you manage to pull him down to study with you for exams, he gets bored pretty quickly and you have to apologise pretty quickly to your friends when you’re dragged squealing out the doors. To be honest, he’s just spent the whole day wishing that he was snuggling up by the fire with you.
He’s 100% the big spoon, and an EXTREMELY tight hugger as well. He’s only comfortable if his chin is pressed into the curve of your shoulder - that slight dip down before your collar bone is the favourite part of your body (especially to leave sloppy, sleepy kisses on.) Only when his eyelashes lazily tickle your neck, fingers bunching in the front of your sweater, can he begin to fall asleep feeling safe and warm and loved.
Butterbeer dates down at Hogsmeade!!! It’s so sweet, he always wants to recreate your first date on snowy winter mornings, where he spends the whole time shaking the snowflakes off his hair with a chuckle and holding your hand over the table. The two of you feel all warm and fuzzy as he kisses the back of your knuckles, before the roar of the inn’s fire blazes its embers again and he’s brought back to telling you again about his upcoming Quidditch match against Gryffindor.
I mean OBVIOUSLY the two of you are couple goals at the Yule Ball!!! He didn’t even hesitate to ask you, instead as soon as the date was set taking you up to the astronomy tower and presenting you with a bouquet of flowers before asking you.
To be honest, although he was much more collected than the first time he admitted his feelings to you, he truly feels like the luckiest man in the world when you accept. And he truly believes that he is.
He’s so wrapped up with dancing with you, and staring at you with such an awe-struck twinkle in his bright eyes against the crystal backdrop of the hall, and laughing with you over punch and how the two of you still have two left feet after nights spent practicing ballroom dancing over the last few weeks, everything else fades into the background. He’s such a caring guy - he’s so busy fetching you drinks and making sure you sit down and rest against one of the ice-glazed tables that it’s as if you’re the one doing the Tournament instead of him.
To be honest, he only entered it to try and impress you in the first place. He’s already won the biggest prize in the Universe by meeting you.
The night of the Yule Ball is when the two of you have your first kiss. Being the ever respectful gentleman, he wraps his dress robes around your shoulders and offers you his arm. After he walks you back to the Common Room, he offers you one final dance before the night ends. The two of you can’t stop giggling though, his hand lowering down and twitching against the curve of your hip as his nose brushes against yours. The two of you twirl, and he dips you down gently in his arms. Before he can lift you back up fully, though, the smile seems to melt into his heart as time seems to freeze. He glances down at your lips, and before you know it, he’s pulled you back up until his hands are resting firmly against your shoulder blades. 
His breath is warm against your nose, chest heaving against your own as he pauses right by your lips.
‘Y/n’, he asks, breathlessly, ‘may I?’
You answer by reaching up and pulling him down to meet your lips. Despite how much love bursts against his lips as he leans down into you, he’s so tender and careful as his left hand reaches up to cup your cheek. You know it’s a promise - a promise of home. Of years spent living in devotion to you. Of vulnerability, and honesty, as if he had sought for this his whole life and now finally he was whole, and he never wants this feeling to end.
And in the end, after everything that happens at Hogwarts, the two of you deserve the content, merry and peaceful life you manage to lead after you graduate. Cedric finally manages to get his wish of never being apart from you again, and for the rest of his days he feels like the luckiest man alive.
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butchpeabody · 1 year
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sighs. my tromes
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creweemmaeec11 · 3 years
Random Angst snippet #2
When I'm feeling angsty, you get things nightmares like this xD
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"Are you holding up okay?" The hero asked in a pathetically soft voice as they walked up to the cell. Their feet padded across the floor rhythmically.
As if gentle bedside manner would make a difference; would change anything.
The villain scoffed, keeping their back to the advancing hero. A stance of careless disinterest.
"I'm serious," the hero pleaded, sounding as if on the brink of tears, "I wish things didn't turn out this way but-"
"This is your fault." The villain stated matter of factly, coldly, without so much as a hint of emotion, "Your doing. You made the choice that brought us here,"
"What else could I have done?"
The villain didn't respond aside from a sigh of irritation and a dry chuckle under their breath.
The hero stepped forward, desperately, right up to the bars, "please tell me you'll be okay,"
"I think you'll find, darling...-"
Suddenly the villain whipped around, thrusting their fist through the bars. The hero fell to their knees as the makeshift shank pierced their chest and lung, leaving them gasping for air.
"-that I'm suddenly feeling much better,"
The villain reached forward, unhooking the keyring from the hero's belt before pulling both their hands back, and thus ripping the shank from the hero's flesh.
The hero crumbled to the ground, coughing a splat of blood onto the floor as more deep red seeped into their shirt. One hand cradled their wound while the other clawed at their throat. They were trying to say something, but the villain wasn't interested.
They unlocked the door to the cell, stepping out casually next to the hero, before using their foot to shove them over, switching their places.
"Very kind of you to ask sweetheart. Even after stabbing me in the back, I can always count on you still caring,"
Swiftly they locked the cell door, swinging the key ring around their finger as they glared down at the crumpled figure before them, "My caring, little, darling, hero," they mused, every word spit with more and more venom.
"Hopefully, someone finds you before it's too late, but..." they drawled, tome lighthearted again as they walked away, tossing the keys carelessly into the nearby garbage can, "I wish you the best in telling whoever where the keys are,"
Then, just like that, the window opened, and they were gone.
How was this written by the same person who wrote kind touch what is this XD
Master Taglist
@llamaly @why-am-i-on-this-website-anyway @larinzz @sharraus @asrasmysoulmate @kaiwewi @akawrites000 @sunflower1000 @aroacewitchyacademic @seppycup @lbelle0527 @trappedgoose-in-a-writblr-room @freefallingup13 @enemies-to-idiots-to-lovers @homosexual-having-tea @friiday-thirteenth @chocomarsgalaxy @ravenshadow17 @daydreamed-snippets @stankyt0es @jinx1365 @rainy-knights-of-villany @fromtheo-withlove @maybe-a-cat42 @the-sky-writes @watercolorfreckles @noirewaves @digitalart-dwa @itsleighlove @chibicelloking @distractedlydistracted @kitsunesakii @daedae127 @wish1bone1 @ilikebooksbuttheresnousernames @defectivehero @vpow @dog-in-a-bog @hstoria @canigetanamenforbritney
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deathbydyingpod · 3 years
A Charming Monday Morning Prompt:
You’re at the window of your study, staring out upon an inspiring storm. What is your preferred form of precipitation?
Gentle Autumn Rain: The pattering of tiny droplets on dead leaves. The sky a misty gray, the trees aglow in orange and red. You curl up on a beanbag with a mug of warm cider, and allow your mind to wander. Perhaps you visit the memories of childhood, or imagine impossible worlds.
Classic Gothic Storm: A storm rages. Thunder, lightning, the works. You sit, grim and knowing, in your custom velvet armchair, with a glass of a mysterious tonic of your own design. There are rumors – people say it’s caffeinated. By candlelight you engross yourself in an ancient tome.
Soft Flurry of Snow: Snowflakes the size of nickels splat delicately on the pavement. They hug bare branches and dust the faded lawn. You snuggle by firelight, wrapped in 50 blankets, hot cocoa in hand, as you watch a nostalgic movie or nod off into a perfect, cozy dream.
Torrential Downpour: You abandon your home entirely, throwing yourself into the monsoon, guzzling buckets of rain as it jets from the sky. You care not for the abstract comforts of this world. You wanna live! You wanna dance in a storm and swim in the gutters like a little rat boy! Viva la YOU!!!!
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hgsn-moved · 3 years
DIMPLE for the ask game (giggling)
Sexuality Headcanon:
woah he's bisexual I didn't know that
Gender Headcanon:
transmasc. dimplegender
A ship I have with said character:
ekurei but like in a funny way
A BROTP I have with said character:
he and tome can cause so much property damage together
A NOTP I have with said character:
A random headcanon:
if you threw him at a wall he'd go splat and stay there like a sticky hand
General Opinion over said character:
puts him in a pringles can and shakes it
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trashy-slashy · 4 years
Devil in a Midnight Mass (Part 1)
Priest!Asa x Fem!Reader
Finally managed to get an idea written down. Shoutout to @quiveringdeer & @thesightstoshowyou for the idea!
Warnings: Religious themes, violence, 
It was freezing. You could feel every goose bump as damp clothes clung to your skin, your body practically vibrating in a futile attempt to bring your body up to temperature. Clenching your hands, you noticed blades of grass jutting from between your fingers. Your head pounded relentlessly, the pain keeping you crumpled on the floor. It was raining, not heavily thankfully. Where were you? You could barely remember anything, all thought consumed by the throbbing ache in your skull. Delicately, you cracked open an eye to get a glimpse of your surroundings. In the dim moonlight, you could just about make out a nearby line of trees, a few picnic benches between you and it. Your whole body pulsed uncomfortably, a thick smog of suffering that settled into your bones. What had happened to you?
“Heh, what’s this?” A voice broke through the night to your left. The stench of weed enveloped your senses and you grimaced. Sturdy boots stopped in front of your face; one pressed into your shoulder, tipping you onto your back. A small hiss escaped through your teeth. Your whole body groaned at the movement. “Bit late for you to be out here alone sweetheart” You couldn’t make out his face, features covered in shadow from the oversized hoodie he wore. The malicious grin on his face was evident however. Your eyes blew wide as you saw something glint in his palm. He whistled, the sharp noise aggravating your pounding head. “Guys, over here!” Your heart raced, the sound overwhelming your senses as it pumped adrenaline through your veins, temporary relief from your agony-stricken body. The man stepped away briefly, trying to catch the attention of his friends. Impossibly, you launched yourself to your feet, making a break for the small bridge to your left; across it, a hill, artificial light twinkling atop it.
Shouts erupted behind you. Your body screamed as you pushed it, you swore you could feel your flesh splitting and tearing with every step. The thuds behind you kept you on your feet, tears streaming down your cheeks as pain flared through every muscle. Despite your efforts, they were gaining on you. The lights were getting closer. Just a little more...
Your ears rang as your head hit the damp earth, the air knocked out of your lungs. Try as you might, every attempt to scream was a breathless whimper, uselessly dissipating into the night sky. Your body was pinned down by what you assumed was one of your assailants, his hot breath tickling the back of your neck. A dark chuckle made you whimper, mustering all of your energy to shout for help. The building ahead of you was maybe 20 meters away; maybe someone would hear. Dirty fingers clamped over your mouth. “Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” He snarled, nails digging into the soft flesh of your cheeks. You whimpered uselessly into his palm, eyes scrunching shut as you felt cool steel on your arm.
“I’m going to ask once. Leave her be.” Laughter erupted around you, agitating your searing headache back to life.
“Whatcha gonna do old man?” One of the men audibly spat onto the ground. “Pray us away?” You heard a tired sigh, exhaustion establishing itself in every fibre of your being. Your eyes couldn’t open. You couldn’t warn the poor man to just leave you be, the thought of extra blood on your hands leaving your gut unsettled. Warmth trickled down your wrist as the blade nicked flesh.
“Something like that.” There was cold indifference in the voice. The weight atop you shifted suddenly, leaving you frozen and weak in the soil. In your stupor, you could just about make out the commotion above you. Words barely formed on your tongue as you begged your saviour to leave you, murmuring pointlessly into the dirt. Why did they intervene? You were barely aware of pain in your body anymore, your senses dulling as the cold seeping into you. A heavy thud hit the floor beside you, splatting your form with chunks of mud. There was no fight left in you as arms scooped under you, heat radiating from the chest you were pressed against, enveloping you as your consciousness faded away.
* * *
The pain was back. You started to wish you’d just died. Maybe you had? Maybe this was hell, a life of eternal pain? You groaned, the attempt grating against the arid lining of your throat. Soft shuffling to your left caught your attention, a gentle hand pressing to your forehead.
“She’s awake father” A kindly voice spoke. You attempted to take a deep breath, pain racking through your torso. “Shh, it’s alright, you’re safe here.” Soft blankets enveloped your body, your flesh no longer damp and icy. You managed to crack your eyes open, catching a glimpse of the woman nursing you. She was a large build, dressed in a black veil and a corresponding gown, white cloth covering her chest. A small cross sat across it, the chain dangling from her neck. Glasses framed concerned eyes, her lips pursed as she watched you come to. She looked to be middle-aged, maybe slightly older.
“Thank you sister.” You recognised the voice from earlier, but you couldn’t make out the figure from your position.
“Could you pass me a glass of water please?” Her hand moved from your forehead to support your shoulders. “I’m going to try and sit you up a little, you think you can manage that?” You managed a small nod, gritting your teeth as she helped to position you upright. “Thank you.” The man pressed a glass to her hands, narrowed eyes glancing over you. He looked younger than the woman, dressed in a matching attire minus the cowl. Dark honey-coloured hair framed his face, combed neatly into place. A day’s worth of stubble adorned his chin. The priest had a kind-hearted expression, though it didn’t seem to entirely meet his eyes. You sipped at the liquid as it was offered to you, relishing the soothing sensation as it slipped down your throat. “What’s your name dear?” You stilled; you couldn’t remember. Your head still stung from an unknown trauma.
“I- I’m not sure.” You sighed dejected. The woman cooed over you, squeezing your hand empathetically. More of the room was visible to you now. Tomes lines the wall furthest from you, an ornate oak desk sat beside it. Various religious ornaments decorated the walls, some you recognised and some more uncommon. It seemed to be some sort of office, though it seemed you were laid on some sort of cot. Why would they keep a bed in an office?
“Oh you poor thing.” She glanced up at the priest. “Did you see what happened?”
“Perhaps she knocked her head when she fell. When I came outside, she was already on the ground.” The nun didn’t seem impressed with his answer, instead turning her attention to push a stray strand of hair out of your eyes. His gaze hadn’t left you the entire time, scrutinising the extent of your injuries. He hadn’t met your eyes once.
“T-thank you.” The smile the older woman gave you warmed your heart.
“I think it’s best you stay here a few days, just until you get your bearings.” You nodded gratefully. “She can stay in here then? I don’t think we should move her...”
“Of course.” Your eyes met his for the first time. You felt a pang of familiarity as he took your other hand, cupping it in both of his. The priest gave you a sympathetic smile as he addressed you, keeping his tone soft. “Take as long as you need, my child.”
“If you need anything” the woman chimed in, “ask for sister Deborah”. She climbed to her feet, clasping the cross around her neck. “I will be back in the morning. Get some rest, God will be watching over you.” Sister Deborah waited expectantly by the door, cocking her head. “Father Emory?” He released your hand, straightening his collar as he stood.
“Coming sister.” The priest gave you a small smile before following the nun out of the room. Your brows furrowed as the door clicked shut. Something didn’t seem right. How exactly did one priest manage to dissuade a group of hooligans? You’d only heard one voice so you doubted he had any help. Unless they never had bad intentions in the first place. You remembered the slash on your arm, glancing down at it, noticing the fresh bandages. Gingerly, you settled yourself back down, snuggling under the comfortable blankets. It wasn’t worth dwelling on it for now. How untrustworthy could a man of God be anyway?
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the mp100 squad goes skydiving heres how they respond
reigen: is terrified for his life but also kind of loves it like hes so high up he flails his arm around but when the parachute comes its just a mix of absolute blast. like a whole wave of euphoria and awe and amazement. also hes sweating and thinking abt splatting on the ground but he enjoys the view. adrenaline basically
mob: he already flies on ocassion but hes just kinda admiring it all. at the same time feels like he could jyst do something better with his time but oh well shishou already paid for it better enjoy the moment
teru: with grace he skydives with grace hes dramatic as fuck during it
serizawa: flails his arm around but also pretty confident in not dying uh. parachutes are just bigger floatier umbrellas am i right
shou: THIS IS SO POGGGERSSSSSS he says as he stares into the vlog camera
tome (had to include her ofc): "oh this must be what the aliens feel like as they descend to earth on their ufos" very excited and rather calm abt this whole jumping out of a plane shtick.
sash its okay you can just tell me you wrote mp100
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