gimmeaweirdword · 8 months
[ spli-ne-tik ]
1. Bad-tempered
2. Of, relating to, or affecting the spleen
Synonyms (def. 1)
Late 16th century; from Latin "spleneticus," from Greek "splēnētikos," from "splēn," meaning spleen.
His splenetic response to criticism only escalated the argument.
Related Forms
Splenetically (adv.), Spleneticness (noun)
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theinkedknight · 6 months
And I wish you loved me the way you think you do
But I still want to come home and that's as sad as it is true
Do your friends at the bottom of your bottle love you like
Like I do?
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aceofvase · 1 year
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lizard-rose · 10 months
do your friends at the bottom of your bottle love you like I do?
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frimleyblogger · 1 year
Angry Tweeters
Researchers from @Kit_Kyoto have discovered that people are more likely to send angry #tweets when in transportation hubs
In my experience, the twittersphere in particular and social media platforms in general are not areas noted for calm, rational, and reasoned expressions of views. However, are there locations where social media users are more prone to express feelings of frustration and disgust? This was the question that a team of researchers from Kyoto Institute of Technology in Japan were keen to…
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stjohnstarling · 1 year
We really don’t talk enough about the spleen these days. People used to talk about the spleen like it was the king of organs, Shakespeare wrote it verse, these days you’re lucky if someone even knows they have one. Moby Dick opens with Ishmael going to sea to drive off the spleen, what have you done for your spleen lately? I want to be complemented on the splendour of my spleen, just once. I want to taste splenetic delights.
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inthefallofasparrow · 11 months
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neil-gaiman · 2 years
I feel like you're a fan of The Goon Show. Am i correct?
More or less. I missed The Goon Show as a cultural phenomenon: I was too young. I loved the copy of the Goon Show scripts I was given for my birthday when I was twelve, and the Goon Show record that was available back then (Tales of Old Dartmoor CW Dishonoured). These days I don't find it as easy to love the Goons -- it's all a bit too splenetic -- whereas I love and admire the brilliance of the first three seasons of Round the Horne even more than I did twenty years ago or fifty years ago.
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Dave: we really don’t talk enough about the spleen these days.
Dave: people used to talk about the spleen like it was the king of organs, shakespeare wrote it verse, these days you’re lucky if someone even knows they have one.
Dave: moby dick opens with ishmael going to sea to drive off the spleen, what have you done for your spleen lately?
Dave: i want to be complemented on the majesty of my spleen, just once.
Dave: i want to taste splenetic delights.
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mywifeleftme · 6 months
364: Various Artists // Israfel
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Israfel Various Artists 1997, Ape
A 1997 vinyl benefit compilation of mostly Middle American grindcore / powerviolence / emo acts, assembled in an edition of about 1000 by Bloomington-based DIY label Ape Records (active 1995 to 2002), in handmade sleeve with a recent release catalogue, a substantial zine, and a few priceless gag inserts (incl. YOUR HARDCORE SELL OUT DECODER RING). I’m not an aficionado of any of the genres Israfel covers by any means, but you’d have to be a real head to know most of these: in terms of notoriety, the Locust (who contribute a 47 second blast of lo-fi outrage) are basically Led Zeppelin compared to the rest of the acts, most of whom topped out with a couple of EPs and compilation appearances.
Of course, hearing music that would otherwise be basically lost to time is the appeal of taking a flyer on a comp like this. One of my favourite tracks is “Untitled” by Roanoke, VA’s the Weak Link Breaks, supposedly the first thing the band ever wrote (and, judging from their discography, nearly the last too). It begins with a very, very quiet spacy-Fugazi-style amble (the vocal harmonies couldn’t be more Ian and Guy) that explodes into a brief screamo-style D-beat section, and then some big heaving riffs that make me want to exaggeratedly lift and stomp my feet like a giant trying to keep his balance. I also dig Murfreesboro, TN’s Serotonin, an emo / post-hardcore act with a steely '80s shred band guitar tone who play like they want people in the pit to twirl around ecstatically instead of slam dancing. A lot of the other nasty yowling cat speedballs on Israfel don’t really catch my ear, but that’s okay—I’m weirdly proud of them 27 years after the fact for being themselves and getting out whatever they needed to get out through this violence.
The package’s tone is all over the place. The zine opens with a haunting description of the compilation’s beneficiaries, the family of a pair of little girls with spinal muscular atrophy (a common birth defect) whose condition worsened until they perished, leaving their parents distraught and financially ruined—and the 21-year-old compiler racked with guilt that he didn’t somehow do more to help. From there, it whips through his heterodox thoughts about the hardcore scene (despicably self-absorbed; unresponsive to requests from label operators); the state of emo (too abstract); the best way to bring about change (working within the capitalist system); rape (it’s bad; consent is black and white; can we stop litigating this in the scene?); calling the cops (fine to do); disrespecting the American flag (played out; tacky); and drinking/drug use (“when did self-destruction become rebellion?”). After he finishes up, each band (that got their artwork in on time anyway) gets a page to talk about themselves. This section is full of old school punk zine/leaflet treasures, with designs that mimic motel newspaper ads, postcards, messy handwritten perzines, and Xeroxed 7” grindcore sleeves.
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It's funny reading his scornful words about pseudo-rebellious drunkards stumbling toward “the day when punk rock is shelved for an 8 hour workday, Budweiser, and television” and then finding his LinkedIn, where he describes himself as “driving omnichannel excellence” and as “whimsical (after coffee).” You wouldn’t believe it from the splenetic angst of the Israfel zine, but the guy seems like he turned out happy and normal, with a few kids and a successful career. I wonder how the 21-year-old would see the 48-year-old, if he’d call him a sell-out or feel relieved that things worked out; if the 48-year-old would pity his former self, or feel ashamed about losing his edge. More one-time zinesters and hardcore kids end up looking square from a distance than you’d think (I certainly do if you catch me during the workday), because you usually stop hearing about them when they drop out of the scene. For most, the quiet part of life is the larger portion by far. It’s your choice whether to embrace that, mourn it, or seek your own alternative. But if Israfel reminds us of nothing else, it’s the importance of having a good scream at least once in your life.
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vladdyissues · 1 year
“I don’t ne-need your help,” Vlad muttered. His ice-cold fingers wrestled for dominance. They slipped once, twice, again.
“You’re half-frozen. Just let me do it, okay?”
The buttons vanished under Danny’s gloves as Vlad tore himself away. “I’m not an invalid!”
His shout rang through the cavern, the last word bouncing back in triplicate, taunting. Danny watched patches of splenetic pink bloom on Vlad’s face. Humiliation or fury, he couldn’t tell. But the tears hanging in his lashes had come from someplace deeper, a wellspring of trauma that had just been tapped.
“I know you’re not,” Danny said, inching close, meek; a child attempting to tame a wounded but dangerous animal. “I just want to help. That’s all. Please.” And when he gently pushed Vlad’s hands aside, they didn’t resist.
Familiar, Chapter 11: Syndis
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L is for -- Lily Bowen
Aaaand, another first for me! She was actually so much fun to explore, since I'd never really interacted with Lily in-game, except for when you first meet her, but reading through her dialogue and looking at her background was all very interesting, and also very entertaining 😅
I hope y'all like it!
And here is the 2k event masterlist, for your browsing pleasure!
Pair: Lily Bowen & g/n! Six
Dialogue: “I’ve got you.”
Word: Lull
Rating: SFW
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 900
“Let Gramma help you, Jimmy dearest.” 
Six almost smiled at the nickname, as Lily draped one large hand around their shoulders comfortingly, letting them lean their weight against her as they stepped inside their little Novac apartment. 
“You jus’ look like you been through somethin’ fierce. You get in a little scrap again?” 
They still couldn’t speak, hadn’t said a word since they stepped off the ferry and back onto this side of the river from the infamous Fort. 
Six had found what they were looking for, sure. Benny had been there. 
Had been. 
By the time they’d arrived though, there was little left of him, hanging there from the wooden cross. Dead eyes staring, pleading, as he had been, in the end. 
Maybe at one time, they’d have been glad to see it. It’s what they’d wanted, after all. At least, that’s what they’d convinced themselves they’d wanted to see. Benny, dead at their feet, that smug look dashed from his face, his limp hand dropping that cursed Platinum Chip into the dust. 
But this…
Six wouldn’t have wished this fate on anyone. Not even the man who sought to kill them at one time.
“Hm.” Lily hummed thoughtfully, as she led them to the bed’s edge, helping them take a shaky seat on the end of the mattress. “Shoulda brought Gramma with you, Leo says, pumpkin. Coulda chopped those Legion boys real good.” 
She turned away from them, once Six was seated comfortably, and they noticed the steam rising from the pot she’d grabbed from the small kitchen corner of the apartment. 
“Just as well as they deserve. Hmph.” 
Six smiled at her decisiveness, the action coming easier to them now that they were home. Now that Lily was here, doing what she does best, and caring for them.  
I’d have liked that… Maybe I should’ve brought her with me. 
Still though. Couldn’t have changed what happened to Benny. 
They were lucky to have made it out themself, though. Once Caesar realized they couldn’t help him, they could see that false pleasant glint vanish from his cold eyes– their usefulness dashed into the dirt like ashes from a dwindling flame. 
If Lily had been with me, they wouldn’t even have hesitated. It’d have been conflict from the first. 
And if I lost her...
Six sighed deeply, their headache still pounding, as it had been the entirety of the hot, restless journey home. 
“Somethin’ tellin’ me you haven’t eaten a smidge since you left us. That right, munchkin?” 
The smell of her dish finally hit them, and Six felt their stomach cramp painfully at the thought of it. 
She's right. Days, it must’ve been. 
They didn’t even have to shake their head for her to know the truth of it. Lily only nodded, releasing an exasperated little sound as she pittered her large form over to the counter. Taps and clicks of silverware and dishes made their way to Six’s ears, and their belly gave a loud, splenetic grumble. 
“Here, dearest.” Lily handed them a steaming bowl of stew, of some sort, and Six’s hands shook as they grabbed it, seriously contemplating if they should tip it back and simply drink the mixture straight down to get it into their system as quickly as possible. After all, she didn’t give them a spoon with–
“Not so fast, or you’ll find it coming right back up. Isn’t that right, Leo?” She shoved a spoon into Six’s face pointedly, as she turned to address the in-absentia companion of hers. “Oh, you’d know, wouldn’tcha? Can’t help himself with my cooking, that I know.” 
She gave, what passed as, a smile for the Nightkin, and Six was forced to heed her words as they slowly began spooning the medley of hardy vegetables and tender meat into their grateful mouth. 
When she could trust them not to scarf or guzzle, Lily turned to grab a bowl for herself, and took a seat at Six’s side, but didn’t eat. Instead, she watched them, something akin to worry shining through her stiff expression. 
“You wanta tell ole’ Gramma what happened out there, sweetie?” 
Her voice was as soft as the courier had ever heard it, as she took their– now empty– bowl from their hands. 
“That man…” Six finally found their voice, after almost 2 entire days of disuse. It was scratchy and quiet, but Lily leaned in to listen to what they had to say. 
“The man in the checkered suit that I was looking for… He was…”
Dead? Crucified? Maimed? 
The horror of the memories, of those disturbing images, must’ve shown through in their expression, because Lily’s arm was back around them before they’d even finished, pulling them into her warmth and comfort. 
She smelled like they imagined she would’ve when she was still human. Like old soap and prickly pear lotion, maybe even a hint of denture cream? Her warmth too, was there. A sweet grandmother’s embrace, care pouring through each finger resting on their shoulder, the capacity for fresh-baked sweets and thoughtful gifts there in just her simple presence. 
Six leaned into her hug, and felt themself shake in relief. 
They had made it. They were back home, back with Lily, who fawned over them and cared more for them more than any family they’d ever known of. Somehow, luckily, they’d been able to escape Benny’s horrific fate, and they’d been spared any semblance of guilt they might’ve felt over seeking him out to take his life. 
“Oh, sweet Johnny. Take a breath. Gramma’s got you…” 
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Cody Emmet Jameson Anderson, your aura hurts to be in the same multiverse as. I feel debased just knowing that you exist. I despise everything about you, and I wish you would go away. You are jetsam who dreams of becoming flotsam. You won't make it. I beg for sweet death to come and remove me from a world which became unbearable when you crawled out of a harpy's lair. It is hard to believe how incredibly stupid you are. Stupid as a stone that the other stones make fun of. So stupid that you have traveled far beyond stupid as we know it and into a new dimension of stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid cubed. Trans-stupid stupid. Stupid collapsed to a singularity where even the stupons have collapsed into stuponium. Stupid so dense that no intelligence can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot summer day on Mercury stupid. You emit more stupid in one minute than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid. It cannot be possible that anything in our universe can really be this stupid. This is a primordial fragment from the original big stupid bang. A pure extract of stupid with absolute stupid purity. Stupid beyond the laws of nature. I must apologize. I can't go on. This is my epiphany of stupid. After this experience, you may not hear from me for a while. I don't think that I can summon the strength left to mock your moronic opinions and malformed comments about boring trivia or your other drivel. Duh. The only thing worse than your logic is your manners.P.S.: You are hypocritical, greedy, violent, malevolent, vengeful, cowardly, deadly, mendacious, meretricious, loathsome, despicable, belligerent, opportunistic, barratrous, contemptible, criminal, fascistic, bigoted, racist, sexist, avaricious, tasteless, idiotic, brain-damaged, imbecilic, insane, arrogant, deceitful, demented, lame, self-righteous, byzantine, conspiratorial, fraudulent, libelous, bilious, splenetic, spastic, ignorant, clueless, EDLINoid, illegitimate, harmful, destructive, dumb, evasive, double-talking, devious, revisionist, narrow, manipulative, paternalistic, fundamentalist, dogmatic, idolatrous, unethical, cultic, diseased, suppressive, controlling, restrictive, malignant, deceptive, dim, crazy, weird, dyspeptic, stifling, uncaring, plantigrade, grim, unsympathetic, jargon-spouting, censorious, secretive, aggressive, mind-numbing, arassive, poisonous, flagrant, self-destructive, abusive, puerile and a Stupid Spoon Incelic Harry Styles.
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bepop-moon · 8 months
Dearest Dain Aetos,
I am writing to you on behalf of Rider Violet Sorrengail, of whom you know very well. With the recent circumstances, it has been deemed necessary to pass on an important message:
You are weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. You are grimy, squalid, nasty and profane. You are foul and disgusting. You're a fool, an ignoramus. Monkeys look down on you. Even sheep won't have sex with you. You are unreservedly pathetic, starved for attention, and lost in a land that reality forgot. You are a waste of flesh. You have no rhythm. You are ridiculous and obnoxious. You are the moral equivalent of a leech. You are a living emptiness, a meaningless void. You are sour and senile. You are a disease, you puerile one-handed slack-jawed drooling meatslapper. On a good day you're a half-wit. You remind me of drool. You are deficient in all that lends character. You have the personality of wallpaper. You are dank and filthy. You are asinine and benighted. You are the source of all unpleasantness. You spread misery and sorrow wherever you go. Maybe later in life, after you have learned to read, write, spell, and count, you will have more success. True, these are rudimentary skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. But we sometimes forget that there are "challenged" persons in this world who find these things more difficult. I wish you the best of luck in the emotional, and social struggles that seem to be placing such a demand on you. You are hypocritical, greedy, violent, malevolent, vengeful, cowardly, deadly, mendacious, meretricious, loathsome, despicable, belligerent, opportunistic, barratrous, contemptible, criminal, fascistic, bigoted, racist, sexist, avaricious, tasteless, idiotic, brain-damaged, imbecilic, insane, arrogant, deceitful, demented, lame, self-righteous, byzantine, conspiratorial, satanic, fraudulent, libelous, bilious, splenetic, ignorant, clueless, illegitimate, harmful, destructive, dumb, evasive, double-talking, devious, revisionist, narrow, manipulative, paternalistic, fundamentalist, and generally not good.
With all that said, best of wishes in your studies.
Kindest regards,
yours truly
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inthefallofasparrow · 2 years
Also Round 24, Round 25, Round 26, Round 27, Round 28, Round 29
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can you please give me a name to take away all the hate
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