#spn 14.16
deancasforcutie · 1 year
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the way spn is positively ENTRENCHED in queer cinema history
(see captions for context)
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lower-the-volume · 5 months
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14.16 Don't Go in the Woods
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ardentpoop · 7 months
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castiellesbian · 2 years
John Shiban:
1.06 Skin
1.07 Hook Man
1.11 Scarecrow
1.15 The Benders
1.20 Dead Man's Blood (with Cathryn Humphris)
2.02 Everybody Loves a Clown
2.09 Croatoan
2.15 Tall Tales
2.19 Folsom Prison Blues
Davy Perez:
12.04 American Nightmare
12.12 Stuck in the Middle (With You)
12.15 Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell
13.06 Tombstone
13.11 Breakdown
13.17 The Thing
14.04 Mint Condition
14.11 Damaged Goods
14.16 Don't Go in the Woods (with Nick Vaught)
15.04 Atomic Monsters
15.11 The Gamblers (with Meredith Glynn)
15.15 Gimme Shelter
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foxthefanboi · 4 years
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14x16 - Don’t Go in the Woods
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mittensmorgul · 4 years
I'm watching SPN with my little sister and we're just getting to the end of season 4, and I started wondering just when it was that Dean started to truly care for Cas - I feel like he wasn't quite there during season 4, but it potentially started during season 5?
Hi there! And yeah, it takes a while for Dean to truly begin to care for Cas. I think the first time he even starts to think of Cas as something other than a pure antagonist is the conversation in 4.07 on the park benches. The “I am not a hammer” chat. I personally sat at attention in several later s4 episodes where it seemed that Dean was truly beginning to see Cas as someone who actually did care, in his own way, and was at least a true ally and on his side rather than someone to fight against at every turn.
I think Dean was honestly surprised by Cas’s attempt at compassion in 4.16, for example. The first time Dean actually refers to Cas as his “friend,” though is after he believes Cas had given his life in the attempt to stop Sam from killing Lilith and freeing Lucifer, so any positive takeaway after that sort of gets swallowed up in the ongoing angst over the whole apocalypse situation and the Sam and Dean trust issues. 5.03 is like a breath of fresh air for Dean, but as soon as he begins to feel content and happy to have Cas around working with him, Cas... flaps away and goes back to doing his own thing, leaving Dean nothing but to work on his relationship with Sam. And then 5.04 sort of shakes him, serving as a warning of what would happen if he actually did become friends with Cas (let alone anything more). I don’t think he really began to get over that until much later.
Now, I do think he did actually care for Cas at that point, but circumstance kept getting in the way of him actually expressing that care to Cas, you know? And that would become the theme of their relationship for more than a decade to come. It’s not an absence of care, but a fear that Dean himself corrupts what he touches, which is also a theme for years to come, even if it’s not stated so plainly until much later in canon.
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thefandomsinhalor · 6 years
Sam: Jack we need you to stay here.
Dean: to help. Here. In the bunker. Because reasons.
*both look awkwardly everywhere but at Jack*
Me: you’d think they’d be better liars after passing their entire life lying.
*literally 5 mins later*
Jack: a ghost? What’s that? What is this thing you speak of?
Jack: I’m two. Twenty. Twenty-two years old yes. Me.
Me: I know where he learned it from.
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Dean + coffee | SPN 14.16
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nerdygeekyscience · 6 years
What's a ghost? ... I should go
Jack Kline-Winchester
ICONIC I love him so much lmao
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teamfreewill2pointo · 6 years
Jack: What would the Winchesters do?
Winchesters: Tell Jack to lie to get what he wants by encouraging him to use fake IDs to buy beer.
Jack: Lies
Can we blame him?
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deancasforcutie · 2 years
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how do we know spn is queer on purpose? because the hayscoded gays coparenting a child is literally just text like HELLO
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Tom: Whoa. Do demons really look like this?
Jack: Uh, no. They don’t have horns. They actually look like smoke. Unless they’ve possessed a human. Then they could look like me, or you, or anyone. They’re incredibly evil. Demons take the form of someone you love, and they torture, or main, or even kill their victims in incredibly gruesome ways. *seeing their faces* And, lots of other bad stuff we probably shouldn’t talk about.
Stacy: *clearly worried* Really?
Jack: Yep.
Tom: And you’ve…seen one before?
Jack: *nods enthusiastically* I help Sam and Dean fight monsters like demons all the time.
Tom: So, like, are all supernatural things bad?
Jack: No, I guess not. Like, Sam told me there was a demon named Meg. She fell in love with Castiel, who’s an angel, so she kind of became half-good? And Crowley was Dean’s friend, only he betrayed Dean and the others because of something to do with my father, Lucifer. And to make up for it and save the world from an apocalyptic reality, he stabbed himself with an angel blade, and died. That’s the day I was born. *smiles cheerfully*
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lillysilverus · 6 years
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Dean Winchester- 14.16 Don’t Go Into the Woods
Oops Jensen.
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nancylou444 · 6 years
She ran into the blade.
Oh how quickly they turned on Jack.
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thefreakboy · 5 years
really, this is shit 😂😂 I think I’m losing the touch. this could be a hundred times better. sorry @castiel-saved-me-from-myself , I’ve failed you(???
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
maybe you can provide some clarification on something that’s been confusing me; back when jack killed mary, dean was both royally pissed at cas for not telling him about the obvious giant red flag of jack killing his snake, but also shut down any mention of the snake because it was so insignificant?
hmm... okay... Remember how Dean was kinda freaked out by the snake and everything surrounding the snake in 14.15? The whole “does the snake want bacon maybe” conversation in the kitchen, and then bringing the snake on the road trip to Donatello’s? He was so weirded out by the snake and Jack’s new obsession with it that he wouldn’t even get in the car while Jack was in talking to Donatello. He was just... really uncomfortable about the whole situation. To the point where he allowed himself to believe THAT was the cause of his own personal concerns about Jack.
Dean feels uncomfortable and wary around Jack --> Jack is suddenly obsessed with a dead gorgon’s pet snake --> Jack is acting kind of off and distant in general --> Dean is kinda giving that whole situation as wide a berth as he possibly can because HE IS FEELING UNCOMFORTABLE --> but it obviously can’t be discomfort with JACK because Jack is fine, right? RIGHT?! Jack has to be fine... --> gotta be the snake... right? Please tell him it’s the snake, because if it’s not...
And then everything goes sideways (and we know it wasn’t Jack, it was Chuck interfering directly and making everything go sideways, because Drama™), and Dean can’t even admit to himself that he knew something was horribly wrong with Jack, because then it directly becomes HIS FAULT (in Dean’s mind, because that’s how he is) that Mary is dead.
I mean, his last interaction with Jack before that was Jack literally popping in, saving Sam’s life when Sam was literally mostly dead, and then popping back to Mary. He’d just told Jack he did a good thing. He hadn’t seen what Jack did to Nick. He couldn’t know what Jack was about to do to Mary (driven to it by that horrible ringing noise we only later realized had to be Chuck ramping up the pressure on Jack to 11).
He didn’t see any of the signs, right? RIGHT?!
Except... Cas had seen what Jack did to the snake, the “mercy killing.” And it had unsettled him so much Cas left the bunker to seek help from Chuck directly.
But unlike Cas, Dean had a very different personal experience of Jack and the snake. Cas was repeatedly pointing out that the snake had been the sign to him that Jack was Not Right. Dean... had used the snake and Jack’s fascination with it to dismiss his own concerns about Jack. So Cas saying his warning sign was the snake, over and over again, was like driving a nail into it for Dean...
He SHOULD’VE known, he shouldn’t have dismissed his own discomfort. He’d been pushing his own feelings of guilt away, because of the snake. And now he can’t. Because the snake should’ve been the sign to Dean, too, that something was seriously Not Right with Jack.
So now... it’s Dean’s fault again, and he can’t take it, so he lashes out about the snake. He can be angry at Cas about not having mentioned what he’d seen, or what his fear was about the state of Jack’s soul, or the danger that presented. Because otherwise, Dean will have to blame himself, and ow...
And even once he ADMITTED OUT LOUD that he knew it wasn’t Cas’s fault, and agreed with Sam that they’d all seen signs that worried them, NONE of them had actually voiced those concerns out loud. It was on ALL of them for ignoring the issue and hoping it would be okay.
And then they learned the real truth in 14.20, that Chuck had just arranged all of this for his own entertainment...
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