#spn and ableism
soullessjack · 6 months
idk i just think it’s a little weird that almost every character who gets the “innocent baby” / “little ray of sunshine” treatment usually ends up just having neurodivergent traits and actual negative traits in the show that nobody pays attention to. like idk man it just feels like diet infantilization to me and it’s a teeny weeny bit uncomfortable to see all the time
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what's so tragic about Mary's death and why Dean actually has such a problem processing it is that ultimately it's not anyone's fault (except Chuck's), it was an accident caused by Jack being overstimulated and having a meltdown and Mary not knowing how to help
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suncaptor · 2 years
Decided to go into my Sam Winchester is flawless era I won't hear anything else. Oh he's a serial killer? Who isn't.
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wormieapple · 1 year
yk, the thing abt cas (autistic icon) to me isn’t that i want to be him, it’s that he is me but i can’t be him. i don’t get social ques, or pop culture references, or sarcasm, or just people in general even tho i try to. and i’m squinty and mean looking and generally not approachable unless u actually know me. i am the canon version of cas, but hey guess what ableism is so deeply ingrained in our society that i cannot be that. i have to suffer through smile headaches and making myself look soft and approachable and interject at just the right times while keeping my mouth shut otherwise i’m the worst thing since sliced bread. i have to actively think about what my face is doing constantly cause if i don’t then i’m no longer socially acceptable. and then i see cas get to be me and be absolutely adored by so many people, the same people mind u would would h8 me if i wasn’t masking all the damn time, and it just pisses me off. ableism i will kill you with my bare hands.
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quietwingsinthesky · 10 months
no wait sorry okay expanding on my post about jack being infantilized. like one, we have to acknowledge that 90% of the time it’s just that people want there to be a baby in their story. and they don’t want to make an OC baby when they could use a character people will recognize and who they can tag. And look at that, Jack is conveniently there existing and technically like 3 years old in canon, so they zap him with the baby laser and the result is. not jack, but a baby with jack’s name doing baby things. but also, as far as I know, people don’t really do this to the two other characters in a similar situation to Jack: Amara (was actually a baby on-screen before she grew up fast) and Claire (proximity to cas means people use her as a destiel child.) so if people aren’t infantilizing Amara when she ages the same way Jack does and people aren’t infantilizing Claire when she’s also considered a “destiel kid” then. like. why jack. and the only thing i can cynically come up with is that its really, really easy for people to see an autistic-coded character purely as a child. and like I said in my original post, I don’t think this is malicious, I think it’s more a combination of unfortunate factors: people want a baby in their fanworks -> they can make jack into a baby without thinking too hard about the implications there.
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cas-coding · 1 year
good news guys i just posted a new fic, it's called in the stands!
"jack's teeball team is having their final game of the season. with dean as coach and ben as assistant coach, the whole family decides to come watch, including cas, who struggles with loud places and chaotic events.
is their family a bit messy, gigantic, and complicated? yeah, it is, but that doesn't mean they can't all cheer on jack's teeball team."
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zo1nkss · 11 months
Something about directly stating someone should be forcibly isolated and studied clinically bc they're traumatized just sits very very wrong with me, even as a silly lighthearted joke.
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castiel-ten · 2 years
Omg thank you for that post on Fandom using ableist language. I cannot tell you how incredibly uncomfortable I was on Dean's birthday when Jackles and Co threw the bday party and the language surrounding that was so horrible!!! So much "deranged, mentally ill, unwell, insane" just Casually thrown around like "oh haha we're joking" but it made me feel like absolute shit. I felt so much shame from it and literally had to block so many people and just stay offline all day. Yeah sure I understand people don't mean it negatively, but it still has extremely negative connotations, especially in the way Fandom uses it, like Jensen SHOULD be ashamed for caring about Dean as much as he does... He should feel wrong and bad. Their language is like what people NOT in Fandom say about us, and just bc we're all in Fandom doesn't mean we're all okay with just blatantly saying that shit and implying something is Wrong™ with us for loving something..."he's so unwell <3" what if I just screamed 🙃
yeah, people don't realize it but ableist language is a microaggression. And absolutely, that is how non-spn people talk about us, and then the fandom goes and does the same thing. it doesn't make it less ableist if you're talking about your favorite actor or yourself.
I'm glad someone else sees it though, thanks anon, and I'm sorry you were made uncomfortable :/. we'll just scream into the void together until people come around
edit: if you reblog this post go reblog my other posts with resources please. be part of the solution <3
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unloneliest · 2 years
is there a questionable content tumblr community. i’m blazing through a reread right now and the only thing in my mind is these prototypical blorbos
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soullessjack · 11 months
autistic spn fans: hey I relate a lot to jacks character and feel really represented as an autistic adult who has the same issues and experiences he has in the show :) here’s why I think he’s autistic and I’m gonna ask the silly actor man if he meant to do that bc he did it so well :)
silly actor man: I think he’s definitely a little bit on the spectrum, most of his traits were just from not being fully human but it’s important that people get to see themselves represented on tv and I like having that connection with you guys :)
the rest of the fandom: yay that’s so cool we love representation that’s so important he gets to be autistic just like his dad we love our autistic nougat child 😝😝😝
autistic spn fans: hey since we all agree that jacks autistic could you guys like dial it back on the baby thing it was cute at first but now that’s like the only content you ever make with jack and it’s kind of irritating and infantilizing
the rest of the fandom for some stupid fucking reason: I mean yea but I just like this better 😋😋 so cute and domestic and destiel family yay 😁 he’s basically a toddler anyways already its not hurting anyone 😜
autistic spn fans: … he literally says he isn’t a child and hates when ppl treat him like one and half of your reasoning for him being a child is just his autistic traits
the rest of this stupid fucking fandom for some stupid fucking reason: anyways i actually think that jack should’ve always been a baby and never ever an adult so that dean and cas can be uwu soft domestic gay dads with him 😝😝
autistic spn fans who related to jack as autistic adults and felt represented by him enough to thank the actor for his portrayal:
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Dean: "Listen, Mr. Spock, you speak when I tell you to speak, okay?"
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[Image ID: Spock raising an eyebrow, eyes widening, and turning away dismissively End ID]
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shallowrambles · 2 years
If they did try to intentionally write them as psy-pop alters...
...then Dean absorbed John's abuse as The Good Son, and Cas as The Total Unemotional Soldier protected Dean from the most heinous crimes like murder of innocents ("I'll kill this girl, so Sam and Dean won't have to.") He's the cosmic shield: associated with amnesia, memories being stolen by Naomi, because not even Cas could look at his crimes without breaking. ("I am not...the things I've done.") When Cas tries to overpower the misbehaving angel alters and contain the worst of the monsters to do it, he winds up fracturing Sam even worse by breaking his wall and (symbolically) unleashing the Leviathan. Dean and Cas stress each other out, because they both surveil the health of the system by preserving the human parts and cutting out the "bad" parts. They also want to protect their loved ones, which ultimately fractures Sam more and "harms" his identity (psy-pop, Hollywood version of DID, remember). (Notably, Dean withers without the protection of Cas, so if they ever WERE based on real people that real Sam-Jack knew in his real life, Cas died first, and Dean died shortly thereafter, and Sam, either due to his childishness or immaturity, couldn't understand why or even what they were to each other and how that might've factored in to how it all went down.)
At some point, JACK, the hidden deep personality, thinking that maybe if he could just be born ... have a do-over ... but with Sam (my idealized self), and Dean (my idealized brother-caretaker figure), and Cas (my idealized father-protector)...maybe since they learned to love and forgive each other, they'd love ME and I'd be ALL RIGHT instead of becoming the monster I believe I am.
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coldflasher · 2 months
5, 15, 27?
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
For this fandom I don't think so, but other fandoms yes. I am a known and vocal destiel hater partly because I hate castiel but also because I think the spn fandom is so obnoxious about the ship (sorry destiel-shipping mutuals i don't mean you, but i have seen things...) Also I will come to hate ships from shows I've never even seen if the fandom is annoying/vocal enough. 911 fandom, i'm sorry, but i do not wanna see those firefighters ever again.
tbf that fandom seems to have calmed down lately, or maybe i just unfollowed or muted the people who post it excessively, but there was no escaping them for a while
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
Season 4 of The Flash was actually really good. Most of you quit watching too early and didn't give that season a chance!! The huge ableism issues with Devoe aside, that arc was actually really compelling and ngl I find it frustrating that for YEARS we were like "PLEASE give us a non-speedster big bad!" and they finally did and everyone was like "no :) " and refused to watch it
Devoe was scary!! He was more than a match for Barry without being a speedster which I thought is what we all wanted! Plus season 4 is actually the funniest season. I hadn't seen it since it aired because the fandom had me convinced it was bad and then when me and my friend watched it we were CRYING during the first few episodes because the comedy beats were so impeccable.
Season 4 also had so many fantastic character beats for Barry, amazing conflict, CONSEQUENCES FOR HIS ACTIONS!! He literally got suspended from work because he was "harrassing" Devoe and broke into his house and it was SO interesting to see him face actual repercussions for letting Flash stuff bleed into his personal life! It gave us the prison arc! It gave us GOOD HAIR!
The actual downward spiral of the show began in season 5. Nora I love you but... that season had a lot of rough spots. Season 6 was also good! Now season 7 onwards deserves all the flack it gets but I maintain the show was still good way past the first 2-3 seasons that are held up as gospel and some of you are missing out on some actually really good television.
I think part of it is like... Coldflash besties, I love all of you, but The Flash was never Len's show. He was never a main character. And I think sometimes we get a bit caught up in acting like it was more Coldflash-centric than it was and like it was no longer worth watching as soon as Len wasn't in it. I get for some people (including me!) that the ship was a major part of enjoying the show but like. That was never the goal of the show. It was never trying to do that or tell that story, or even really focus on Len at all outside of a very minor big bad of the week role, and we do it a disservice by acting as if that ship was all the show had to offer, you know?
Some of my favourite episodes actually happened in the later seasons and I'd love to be able to share my love for those episodes and analyze them the same way we analyze the same 30 seconds of coldflash interactions but half of you wouldn't even know what I was talking about :( I could do it anyway and I still do, see my rant from the other day about Caitlin's s8 mad scientist necromancer arc, but it feels like shouting into the void sometimes... sigh
27. Least shippable character?
Hmm I'm tempted to say Caitlin. They put that woman in so many relationships and they were all soooo boring. Tbf I do quite like her and Ronnie (snowstorm?) but other than that... her and Jay? Boring. Her and Julian. Boring AND nonsensical considering he had such an issue with metahumans. Then there was that weird arc in season 8 where she goes on like 2 dates with a random dude and she's like "I want to tell him about Team Flash because I see a future with him and want him to be a part of my life" and then like one or two eps later she goes "nvm" and just dumps him. It was so funny. But all these relationships except with Ronnie were meh at best and by the final few seasons she was so detached from everyone anyway, they really didn't know what to do with her after Cisco left and instead of trying to have her bond more with the new characters they just shrugged and had her stand in the corner and do nothing
I have attempted to ship her with Iris in the past but it's hard work cos they gave us NOTHING. I wasn't sure if Danielle's acting was the issue and it was because she didn't have good chemistry with her love interests but I have no issue shipping Frost with people so? Idk what it is.
Kamilla is another one, which is ironic because her only purpose was to be Cisco's girlfriend but girl had no personality whatsoever, i'm sorry, she deserved better.
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cattytheartcat · 1 year
Been here since 2015, so I feel I should make an actual bio thingy. For those who has known me since 2015, I'm so so sorry for who I was then. I was 12 years old when I began Tumblr, and was immediately groomed and thought I was mature enough since my 13th birthday was the next day or so at the time. I'm 20 now, and learned from my mistakes and absolutely got therapy. Anyway uhh--
This will get rlly long so I'm adding a "read more" thingy so you dont gotta scroll through my post, but if you're new to my blog I advise checking this post out.
♡she/her [cis woman]
♡bisexual • polyamorous
♡artist, sometimes writer, shitposter, reblogger
♡Creator of The Matrix 5; Reformations AU, Ashesverse AU, Running Like Hell ARG, Slendyverse (MLP x Slenderverse) AU, Grand Eden Hospital, Nightmares In Paradise (fan spn) AU
♡assistant Public Relations, assistant Music Department Head, and Artist Lead for PoniesOnline
♡creator of the blogs; Ask Psychosishy, Ask the Ashesverse, Ask the Hugoverse (multiverse of Hugo Weaving), Ask All MLP OCs
v--links to ask blogs--v
♡past creator of the blogs; Ask Slenderverse (deleted), Ask Zalgoverse (deleted), Ask all the mlp OCs (deleted for a long ass time lmao), RaveV blog (deleted), Smynth blog (deleted)
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[Divider by etNoir on Deviantart]
《If you disregard any of this "just to spite me" you are getting blocked immediately》
☆proship/profiction (any content that fetishizes, sexualizes, glorifies and/or romanticizes pedophilia, zoophila, necrophilia, incest, abuse, etc)
☆loli/shota content
☆feral NSFW (feral x human, feral x feral, feral x anthro, etc)
☆LGBT-phobia (exclusions included. I.E ace/aro erasure, pan vs bi discourse, neopronoun discourse [not including obvious trolls that put a bad rep], etc)
☆racism, sexism, ableism
☆(irl person, ethnicity, etc) fetishizers (i.e, asian fetish, fat fetish, etc)
☆controversial content/persons (until clear evidence is provided during drama, I wish to NOT partake or be involved)
☆(irl people) shippers
☆TC/Simon/ChurchGrimmed [personal issues]
☆Dandelionmoths [personal issues]
☆Freakwolffreakish/Caresse/GoreyBloodyTeethsArts [groomer, erp as a minor character x an adult character, drama queen]
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[Divider by King-Lulu-Deer on Deviantart]
💜frequent tags💜
♡important -> something I think is important to know. PSAs, warnings, etc
♡very important -> similar to the above tag, however much more urgent
♡wishlist -> things I might buy for myself
♡[name] aesthetic -> aesthetic posts that remind me of my OCs or favorite characters/people
♡[ship name] -> aesthetic posts that remind me of my ships
♡my art -> art I've made
♡old art -> art I've made from 2015-2020
♡amazing -> Tumblr classics baybee (funny or really bizarre things really)
♡other art -> artwork made by others
♡fanart -> artwork made by others for me
♡towards toxicity -> vague posting towards toxic people who fucked up my heart big time
♡witchy tips -> tips and stuff regarding witchcraft
♡art tips -> helpful artwork tips!!
♡me fr -> stuff that I feel represents me!
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[Divider by King-Lulu-Deer on Deviantart]
Deviantart: CattyTheArtCat
Art Fight: CattyTheArtCat
Toyhouse: CattyTheArtCat
YouTube: Catty TheArtCat
Instagram: catty_the_art_cat
Discord: [gotta be someone I know lol]
Kofi: Catty The Art Cat
RedBubble: Catty The Art Cat
That's all really lmao. Yeah I may have been in some shitty situations and been a dumb fuck of a kid but uh. I'm better now weehee
Also even though my account says "NSFW", it's moreso because I post/reblog (cartoon/drawn) gore and blood and violence. Yknow, creepy Grimmdark Creepypasta shit. I also post/reblog suggestive content, maybe even sexual humor, but I never post flat out porn (at least, not anymore). Do NOT follow me if you're expecting trans fetish bullshit or cheap PornHub shit. I don't do that shit.
Another thing I wanna add is that even though I'm anti-proship, I DONT CONDONE HARASSMENT AND DEATH THREATS. That's just as low as the proshippers themselves, you are no better. Most proshippers are a hive mind (teehee The Matrix reference go brr), yknow, saying the same shit; "antis should kay why ess!!", "Minors DNI unless you're an anti", "being anti [pedo, rape, incest, etc] = evangelical puritanism even though they mean actually bad shit not kink and sex in general!!", etc. They are hypocritical bastards that push and push until they can milk out "receipts" to publicly shame you.
If you're an anti but go out of your way to "prove them right about antis being horrible", you are not welcome here. You are the reason why people prefer proship rather than. You are the reason why we are seen as the "bad".
Know me from petty immature drama? Here's some clarification!!
My stance with minors interacting with my accounts
My stance with Palestine [I also have a post about trying to support Palestine and Lahaina]
My response to the Pyro situation
My stance and response to Rashad
If you want more info or evidence for any of these DM me and we can talk it out like actual mature adults 👍
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queermania · 2 years
also re: my last reblog, it has never been more abundantly clear that y'all never actually cared about the racism or the misogyny or the homophobia or the ableism in supernatural. you've just been parroting that rhetoric because you wanted a "legitimate" reason to hate on supernatural, instead of just admitting you're mad the two white men never had sex on screen. which, btw, is a perfectly fine reason to not want anything to do with spn anymore but if that's your reason, then be up front about it!!! don't mindlessly hate on a show that you have never even watched that is genuinely and earnestly trying to right the wrongs of its predecessor (and doing a pretty damn good job of it!). what is wrong with you
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hotpeoplesimp1 · 8 months
This I a new blog. I have another account named @fictionalpeoplesimp but it’s on my IPad, which is broken. So this is my new, main blog.
I’ll write for Merlin, OUAT, MCU, SPN, TVD, TO, TW, celebrities, and a few random characters that pop into my head. Most will be smut, or have smut included, so MDNI.
I won’t post often because I have a lot going on, chronic illness, school work, mental heath issues, etc. so please be patient if you request something and I don’t get to it straight away. I also tend to forget things, so be ware.
But I WILL be taking requests. It’ll give me some motivation.
Any racism, homophobia, sexism, ableism, body shaming, and all nasty things like them, will NOT be tolerated.
I will right mostly Fem!plus sized characters or readers. THICK THIGHS SAVE LIVES!!!
If anyone needs to talk, I’m always here. Remember to eat, drink some water, go outside once in a while, and have fun.
Have a lovely day my gremlins!
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