ivoirloup · 5 months
Writing a crossover SPN/TeenWolf were Stiles is Dean son is also seen Dean becoming what John never was.
I'm having fun.
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clotpolesonly · 7 years
Hi! I'm reading your "One For The Road, One For Me" and It's such an amazing fic, and you're wonderful. I love SPNxTW crossovers, but I don't see many out there, such a shame. When I was looking for it I didn't see your fic first, searching for crossovers in AO3 is confusing ... So! I was wondering if you know other SPN crossover and what's your favorite thing about this universe. Thank you!
heyyy!!! thank you so so much, this is so exciting ^u^
there isn’t nearly enough SuperWolf fic out there, tho tbh i haven’t read all that much. mostly because the most popular ship there seems to be Dean/Derek? and i don’t quite see that, ya know? i’m much more inclined toward Dean/Stiles but most crossover fics seem to have them related (instead of having the Winchester related to Allison instead because helloooo missed opportunity much???)
anyway. yeah lemme see..... yeah so those are my favorites that i’ve read so far!!! i’d totally read all of these over again, probably multiple times.
Resurrection is really good. Derek-centric, brotp with Dean as they try to escape purgatory together.
Hold The Door also has Derek in purgatory, but this time Stiles&co blackmail the Winchesters into taking them in to get him
No One Chooses This Life is SO GOOD. it’s a(n unfinished) series but it’s already 213k and tbh it’s the thing that got me writing on my fic. it doesn’t have any actual romance in it, not end game at least, but the Stiles/Dean relationship is just wonderful all the way through anyway. magic!Stiles with serious issues, out of BH and determined to be a hunter. it’s got 9 completed fics in it so far.
Roamers is really really good too. it’s super long and has no romance whatsoever, even though it’s Stiles, Derek, Dean, and Castiel all traveling and hunting together. totally worth the read anyway, even if you ship those things.
favorite thing about this crossover verse. seriously honestly just putting Dean and Stiles in the same room and letting the snark fly, not even gonna lie about it, lol. it’s not always easy to make the worlds mesh just because of the different ways each canon have interpreted the lore and mythologies (they both have werewolves, banshees, kitsunes, wendigos, but they depict them all very differently) but the intersection of the characters makes it completely worth the hassle of explaining those discrepancies away.
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