#spoilers -> saw a review that mentioned this is in the movie lol
evanbuckwad · 1 year
Alex Claremont Diaz you will always be a child of divorce to me
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your-name-is-jim · 1 year
TOS fans, you may want to read this comic series!
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Sooo I recently read this series of comics called Star Trek: Year Five, published in 2019-2021 by IDW Publishing; I heard it was good, but I didn't expect it to be that good!
If you haven't read it, I suggest to check it out! (it's also not hard to find it if you get what I mean)
The art overall is great and, more importantly, the characters act like themselves and there are several references to their canon backgrounds, past and future experiences! What I absolutely loved was also seeing a lot of "old faces" from TOS show, as well as mentions of events from the series and the movies.
As the title suggests, the story takes place during the last year of Kirk's five-year mission on the Enterprise. I'd like to tell you more, but I enjoyed the surprise of a lot of things I didn't expect, so first of all I'll post a few pics without major spoilers from the first 11 issues (there are 25, so you still have a lot to discover!):
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I especially love how Bones and Sulu are drawn, they really look like them! Scotty and Uhura too, but that depends on the artist. Speaking of them, if you like a little Scotty/Uhura, this series has something good about it!
The joke about Kirk thinking there's something strange with the way the Klingons look now cracked me up. LOL
Also, I'm not sure Chapel would call McCoy "Bones", but she is very right in that panel. :)
The last panel is classical James T. Kirk's ass appreciation lol
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Sulu has a love story with an alien who doesn't understand human genders and uses they/them pronouns. As someone who headcanons TOS Sulu as attracted to any gender, that was great to see :D
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I'm also posting this "end-of-the-episode" panel because it's just perfection. TOS in a nutshell. Aww, look at Kirk and Spock just looking at each other! <3
I must say, you may be a little disappointed if you expect to see many moments with Kirk and Spock together, BUT the scenes they have together are really good! I won't say anything more, just read until the end and you'll see! :D
By the way, this series has a Valentine's Day extra, which is the only part where Kirk has a love interest (a female original character). Yeah, you heard me: in the main story, Kirk doesn't have new romances with anyone; Sulu is the one who gets all the action! ;)
The Valentine's Day issue is not linked to anything else and I don't think Kirk's female love interest is mentioned outside that story, so you can easily skip it if it's not for you. However, even if I can't say I'm especially happy with that story, I personally found something interesting there, for example this:
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I think I saw this out of context once, but I didn't know where it was from, so sorry I'm just going to lose my mind thinking about ladies or GENTLEMEN in Kirk's life and Kirk not correcting her about his sexual preferences. Anyway, I might make a separate post someday about this special from a Kirk/Spock shipper's perspective, because I do have a lot of thoughts about it :)
So, if you haven't read Star Trek: Year Five, I hope I convinced you to check it out! I hadn't been lucky with other Star Trek comics before, so I had almost lost hope to find something good… and then here it was! Something that made me feel like it was really written with a lot of love for The Original Series! I really needed it!
If you decide to give it a try, I'd love to see your thoughts and see your favorite parts! I hope you enjoyed this little review. :)
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aen-hen-ichaer · 29 days
just saw romulus im so so normal about it NO IM NOT. GOD IM NOT IM GNAWING AT THE BARS OF MY ENCLOSURE GAAAUUGH
my thoughts + spoilers under the cut :3
• giger would be so proud of this film. so yonic. so phallic. my god. Every vagina shaped thing gave way to the most sinister form of life. Every penis shaped thing was violently penetrating. Super duper leans into the original underlying themes of SA. got under my skin like crazy
• this film combined all my favourite elements of alien (slow burn immersive horror), aliens (great action) and resurrection (human/xeno hybrid) I literally cannot fault it at all
•the offspring (babymorph as me and my bf dubbed it) BAD BAD SO BAD THROWING UP IN MY MOUTH I was legit shaking and had tears in my eyes I have never been so close to screaming in a cinema. 1000/10 creature design. I knew something horrific and fucked up was gonna happen after the pregnancy reveal but JESUS
• Andy's actor was AMAZZINNNGG. The way he played "regular" Andy vs "evil fuckass weyland-yutani synth" was seamless and perfect and he was my fav character
• Ian Holm's cameo felt...... weird. I generally don't like dead actors being reanimated in cgi anyway even with the consent of the family yadda yadda but... blegh. The cgi felt a little dodgy on his face as well but tbh the glitchy jilted nature of it really added to him being a damaged synth LOL
• references were v cute. might be ott to some but I liked it
• the whole birth scene shook me to my coooorrree. As someone who wants to be pregnant and give birth nothing has gotten so under my skin like that before. The ides of doing your best to nurture what will be your child only for this fucking horror to come out of you.... oh my god......... AND LACTATING THE GOO?? ARE YOU FR????????
• mostly smart characters in this movie which I appreciate! the whole zero g acid blood vortex scene was very funsies
• great score. Calls back to the original but not too much
• PERFECT set design. Felt like watching alien isolation as a movie
• I love that they went back to a more analog clicky buttons/flicky switches aesthetic, the holograms and touchscreens of prometheus and covenant never felt right
• the black goo as an almost intelligent substance is so so fun. It "speeds up evolution" but it's smart enough not to destroy its host outright. The offspring was gestated in an egg sac containing fucking acid BUT it didn't hurt kay (until she birthed it and it no longer needed her)
• also the offspring not growing its xeno tail until it consumed the last of the goo from kay? Very nice touch
• this films chest burster scene... dare I say....scarier than the original. Watching her ribs crack with the xray machine.... YUCKY
• me and my bf has settled to calling the black goo Promethean Fire. This isn't part of the review I just like that hehe
• when I heard the name Romulus I mentioned to my bf about Romulus and Remus being raised by wolves and I was like "what if this is the start of the crossbreeds like in resurrection?" AND I WAS FUCKING RIGHT BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
•Sound design was excellent, the thumping huge heavy footprints of the xeno felt sososososososo good with the cinema surround sound auugghhg
ANYWAY I FUCKING LOVED THIS MOVIE. If u wanna share any thoughts pls do in insane about this :)
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cowboycannibalism · 2 months
Not quite a review just some thoughts on Longlegs (spoilers!) ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
so I saw Longlegs and while I loved it I can see why a lot of people don't. it's loose in the plot at times because it's personal. Oz Perkins himself has said that he made it for himself, that it's a story of a mother's love and how that can sometimes be used to do harm; if I remember correctly his words were something along the lines of mom's lying to their kids out of love. He started writing this story with that. Even Nicholas Cage has said that he brought elements of his mother to the role, having had to live through watching her struggle with her mental illnesses.
It's beautiful to watch, the cinematography is so fantastic that I can't even describe it. I loved the flashbacks being shot/shown in that smaller ratio and how it took us out of the present day yet somehow didn't feel like a flashback if that makes any sense lol. the sound design is insane to me, I felt so tense the entire time! I thought the title cards breaking it into 3 parts was such a good way to move the story along and sort of get the audience ready for what came next.
I do think it was overhyped and that's why so many people are disappointed with it. But it was still an amazing movie and it will reach the people who it was meant for.
Now for some negatives :( the satanic angle was interesting but it could have done more, not too much like Maxxxine but just a tad. I really liked the decoded Revelation lines and wish more of that had been included and expanded on, though I came out of theater with my own connecting thoughts as someone who grew up with catholicism, I think for the general public it didn't mean a whole lot or do much.
I would have loved if the movie was a little longer tbh. like was her mom under any kind of influence from the devil or was she really just so protective of her daughter that she really would have done anything and everything to keep her alive? Also iirc they mention that the hair on the dolls were human, who's hair is it? I love that Lee and Ruby's birthday are both the 14th but it's never thought about that Agent Carter's family could be in danger because HELLO your family fits the description of the victims!!! I'm a little disappointed we don't follow the thread of Lee not having a father like the rest of the families and her first thought at the sight of the triangle in the mental health evaluation is Father.
Also saw someone say they didn't understand how he targeted the families and that it was too random to make sense, but for me personally I drew the conclusion that because Ruth was bringing the dolls as a nun as a "gift from the church" then those families must have been avid church goers/openly religious. Except Agent Carter's family, that one felt like it was done purposefully because of his connection with Lee.
The performances in this movie especially by the three characters the story revolves around (Lee, her mother and Longlegs) were so compelling. I don't think anything could have distracted me while watching this film. aside from the guy in front of me who was on his phone the ENTIRE MOVIE! But even then I was so enthralled by this film that I even forgot he was there after a few minutes. (but yeah my sister said he literally was on snapchat through the entire movie. also him and the people he was with were drinking and constantly getting up out of their seats)
Aside from my not great theater experience, Longlegs is definitely one of the highlights of my year so far! it is sticking with me and I plan on seeing it again hopefully before it leaves theaters.
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methaim · 1 year
This was originally going to be a post about literary criticism but bc the OG post was about Nimona, this is now a Nimona post lol
So let me start off by saying that I love literary criticism, and the reason I love it is because when done right, there's obviously so much passion behind the criticism and analysis. When done right, the spirit of "there are no right or wrong answers" you hear in English class lives on. But it's all dependent on perspective and the lens you view a piece of media through. That's why you can disagree with someone's literary criticism without them being entirely wrong.
I bring this up bc I was looking through the Nimona tag and saw someone's analysis of the film. As I was reading it, I disagreed with their analysis, but they weren't entirely wrong considering the evidence they used. I won't be linking to the post bc I don't want to start any beef with OP, I'm merely observing a phenomenon when it comes to literary analysis and criticism and why perspective matters.
Spoilers for Nimona under the read more.
So OP claimed that Nimona was misogynistic, and based on their evidence their analysis wasn't entirely wrong. They stated that one of the main characters was a man (Ballister), a gay romance between two men was prominent (Ballister and Ambrosius), and that the main antagonists of the story were women (The Director, who was nameless throughout the film save for her title, and Gloreth). They also implicitly claimed that the movie didn't pass the Bechdel test (which save for the backstory scene with Nimona and Gloreth, isn't entirely untrue, but it doesn't mean it wasn't a good movie). Given this evidence and only this evidence, then their argument isn't necessarily incorrect: in Nimona, women are antagonistic and the story primarily revolves around the story of a man trying to reclaim himself after being wronged by a woman. At first glance, this doesn't scream "feminist media."
However, this analysis would be what I would consider from a feminist lens perspective. In terms of analysis, OP did a great job providing evidence and explaining how that evidence supported their claim.
But I still disagreed with their analysis. And that's because I viewed the movie and analyzed it from two different lenses: a queer lens and a racial lens. Now, again, when doing literary criticism and analysis, it is important to choose which lens you're looking at the film from. Choose too many and you contradict yourself if you aren't trained to write a review (OP wasn't writing a review, they were writing a critical analysis).
The thing about Nimona is that, in my opinion, it isn't a feminist movie; it's a movie that deeply criticizes institutional violence while also being an allegory for transness. A feminist message isn't at its core, but that doesn't mean the movie can't be viewed from a feminist lens, especially if viewed from an intersectional feminist lens.
A lot of people have already pointed out that The Director is supposed to be representative of White women, i.e. the violence inflicted due to White women's fear of those they deem "dangerous"(i.e. non-White non-cisheteronormative individuals, sometimes even extending to All Men including White men but especially men of color). Not only does her fear wrongly villify a man of color (Ballister), but it also directly causes the death of a Black woman (The Queen). This could be seen as a criticism of the current radical feminist movement in which anyone who isn't a White women is immediately a target of White women's fear.
While this movie does explore racism and the role of race when it comes to intersectionality, I've seen most people describe the primary internal conflict as representative of the divide between cis queer people and trans people. This is the queer lens perspective I mentioned when it comes to critical analysis; while the role of race is a theme that is explored in this movie (and I'll try to get into it as much as I can in a Tumblr post), there is a focus on the queer—specifically trans—allegory. Ballister is a gay man and this is explicitly showed rather than implied; his romance with his love interest (Ambrosius) is an important plot point in the movie. He is implied to be cis (narratively speaking) given his initial treatment of Nimona and his inability to understand her and his initial rejection of who and what she is. Although he grows to accept her for who she is by the end of the movie, it's a learning process that ebbs throughout, and his progress reverts at the climax of the movie (when he calls Nimona a monster and reflexively grabs his sword when she shows anger). This is reflective of how even cis queer people can be insensitive to trans peoples' experiences and have much to learn. There's another great Tumblr post out there about how Ballister, although vilified, still has a chance at redemption if he chooses to reject Nimona (the bar/restaurant scene), but Nimona has been demonized and has no chance at redemption bc she has only ever been viewed as a monster. This reflects the divide between cis queer people and trans people in terms of societal treatment; while non-heternormative monogamous couples are being more widely accepted (in the United States at least), trans people are being further demonized as evident from the current political climate.
OKAY so this started as a commentary on the nature of critical analysis but now this is just my Nimona analysis and honestly I'm excited to talk about the racial implications in this movie bc they were apparently. Obviously Ballister is a Brown man (voiced by Riz Ahmed, most likely modeled after him as well) but I have been wanting to speak about Ambrosius for so long bc I have seen very little about his racial implications given that he is explicitly Asian (revealed in behind-the-scenes/making-of) and also modeled after Eugene Lee Yang, an openly queer Asian man (love him <3). Obviously we know the racist implications of Ballister being vilified for 1. being poor/a commoner (explicit reason in the movie and 2. a Brown man (implied). He's up against a White woman in power who is driven by fear (which is why I didn't agree with the feminist analysis of the movie). BUT AMBROSIUS. He's an Asian man, and I personally have not seen many explorations of racism faced by Asian Americans in popular media (not that it's not out there, I just don't think it's very common). There was something about Ambrosius being placed on this pedestal that he didn't ask to be placed on and also leading the search for Ballister. Obviously he did this so that he could bring Ballister in safely since someone else might try to hurt or kill him. But the fact that 1. Ambrosius was seen as an ideal knight and 2. he was being manipulated by a White woman made me think of the stereotypes placed on Asian Americans (there's a reason we're known as the silent and invisible minority). Ambrosius' race played as much of a role in the story's implications as Ballister's race did and as an Asian American person I was so drawn to it. I don't know if it was intended by those who worked on the movie but it just. I'm losing the words for it but it really did mean a lot to me as someone who constantly feels like I'm not allowed to talk about my experiences in any circles when it comes to regards to my race/ethnicity. It all boils down to "Asian person being set up as a model for others (i.e. other races) to aspire to by White society who only wish to use their Asian-ness as a tool." NOT TO MENTION the scene in the car with Ambrosius' meltdown, things he wanted to say but couldn't because The Director had certain expectations from him... THAT hit me hard as well. Someone else please do a deeper analysis about this because all I can do is scream about it without being completely coherent.
Anyway, if you read this far, thank you! Again, this started as an observation on the nature of critical analysis as a whole but spiraled into my own analysis about Nimona. I'm sorry if it seemed messy and rushed, this wasn't well thought-out, it was more of a stream-of-consciousness ramble. I would love to hear your own thoughts, or see other analyses of Nimona. Also if you know the OG post I was talking about PLEASE don't harass OP, from what I could see I don't think think they were a TERF or radfem I think they were just analyzing from a strictly feminist perspective.
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pocchi-poket · 1 year
Spoilers for Nimona movie (and comic)
I finally got around to watching Nimona (forgive me for taking two weeks, it’s exam season in Italy) and when I tell you I broke down crying when I saw the Nimona “memorial wall”. The contrast with the ending of the comic, where Ballister is the only one who doesn’t see Nimona as a monster, while in the movie everyone sees her as a hero and there is an entire wall with “We love Nimona” plastered on it just, got to me. 
And, since some drawings were actually made in the style of the comic, to me it also felt like those were messages from all the people who read Nimona through the years who were thanking “her” for making them feel less alone. Maybe I’m reading too much into it, idk, I’m really emotional rn. 
Rather than filling the hashtags with my thoughts I guess I’ll just write a mini review:
They did many changes from the original comic, indeed, but it’s fine. In the end they’re two different things and they’re both GREAT. This movie is the proof that adaptations can be different because, if they’re well made, we can get not one but two masterpieces. The humor wasn’t always my thing, but it’s fine: it’s a matter of taste after all. Ballister and Ambrosius are different from their comic counterparts, but I loved them nonetheless. And, of course, my fave shapeshifter was everything I could wish for and more (yes, this is partly a joke on the fact Nimona’s a shapeshifter).
What really surprised me is that they managed to cover many things, even with depth, and the movie never felt rushed, which is something I can’t say for most movies I saw lately. And yeah, the trans/queer metaphor was really more blatant in this one, but I found it masterfully done, and maybe it should, for once, be blatant.
I also want to spend two words on the animation because, tbh, in the trailers I didn’t like it at all: things and characters felt a bit made of rubber. But I actually loved it watching the movie??? Idk why, maybe on a big screen (rather than my phone, where I watched the trailers) you can actually see the details, lol (and overall it was really fluid and well made). The 2d animations sequences were also beautiful. Of course, it’s no Spiderverse, but I’m pretty sure the budget for these two movies is vastly different. 
Also, love how in the credits we can see that the monopoly (who, for those who might not know, is THE game about how capitalism sucks) rip off is called “World Domination”. I love a good ol’ capitalism critic.
Anyway, thanks to ND Stevenson, Annapurna and all the people who worked on this masterpiece (and I guess Netflix too gets some thanks). Hoping this movie is the first of many of its genre.
Edit: forgot to mention my actually only qualm, which is about the italian version of the movie, where they translated Goldenloin's name roughly as "Goldenlimbs" or "Goldenedges". Cowards
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bahamutgames · 1 year
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Movie: The Super Mario Bros. Movie (April 5th, 2023)
Console: Fuckin' uuuuuuuh.... DVD player....
I wanted to do this when the movie launched but thought to myself "oh I could write my thoughts up in a twitter thread who cares what I think about mario bleh bleh bleh" so I didn't bother. But like 5 months have passed since I first saw the movie. I've watched it about 4-5 times now and I STILL haven't written up my thoughts. So no, clearly I CANNOT write my feelings up in a twitter thread. And YEAH, no one cares what I think about Mario I'm very aware of that. But FUCK YOU I'm gonna tell you why I think this movie is actually amazing!
I've been seeing some people talk about it lately but most comments I see about it nowadays are a little negative. And a lot of the sentiment around this movie before launch was negative. I was in this boat too prior to the first trailer coming out. But I gotta be honest, no, like. I really really REALLY like this movie. And I just gotta gush about it a little bit.
EVEN FOR A MOVIE (which I'll probably never do this again until maybe Sonic 3 comes out lol) THIS IS NOT A REVIEW! This is just me throwing up my thoughts on the movie now that I've watched it like 200000 times.
So, some of you may know, some of you may not. I used to be a big Mario fan. I've mentioned it in the past on twitter and such but this series used to be my LIFE. I'm not kidding. I was obsessed with it for YEARS, since I was child. I loved studying it and brainstorming headcannon and thinking about it and learning about it and just talking about lore stuff with people from the series. And I'll be honest, while lately I'm kinda still into it here and there, I haven't been super into it that intensely in a long while. For a lot of reasons. So I was very hesitant on the Mario movie. I wasn't sure if I was gonna like it. But I went in DAY 1 to see this movie. I had faith, I had to see how it would go.
And when I left that theater I was BLOWN AWAY. I LOVED IT!! I went and I saw it again about a week later. And I STILL LOVED IT! I bought it on DVD and rewatched it 2-3 more times with the rest of my family and I STILL LOVED IT EVERY TIME! It's not perfect by any means but in this chaotic write up I hope I can explain why it hit me so hard as a returning Mario fan. To get it out of the way, I'm gonna open up with my problems with it and then go into the praise.
Stuff I didn't like
So again, I do have some complaints so I'd like to start there just to get them out of the way. First up, I still have a problem with some voice actors. For the most part, they're all pretty good. I think Chris Pratt is better than the trailers would have you believe (which I fucking called I knew they were picking his worst lines for the trailer) and I was pleasantly surprised with how good Seth Rogan was for DK. Bowser, Toad, Luigi, they were all great! But dude Cranky's voice SUCKS so bad. I hate it. And I liked Peach but I wasn't in love with the voice? But not as bad as Cranky lmao.
And the pacing IS weird. This is a big issue I've seen a lot of people complain about and it's totally fair. It's not well paced. I think it's better on rewatches, but it's not perfect by any means. Like they jump back and forth between Mushroom Kingdom and Dark Land so much but at the same time Luigi just kind of isn't in it enough? It's very weird. And I feel like it progresses a little oddly between the different areas. But ultimately again, it's fine it's not as bad as people say even though it is weird.
And of course, the issue of removed music. I think that pretty much all the copywritten songs used in the movie were the wrong choice when the remixes that were absolutely superior were available. 'I Need A Hero' works for sure, I didn't mind that. But 'Take On Me' is SO out of place especially when they had a fantastic DKC remix to use for that! THANK GOD they actually used the Starman theme cause it would've ruined what was otherwise one of my favorite Mario scenes ever (we'll get to it).
Also, like, Toad is just toadally dropped by the end of the movie. He barely speaks towards the end and it's a shame cause I LOVED Toad in this movie! He absolutely deserved more attention in the second act of the movie. Thankfully he still shows up even though he barely gets to participate (did he even fight in the final battle? I hope he did)
And I have some other nitpicks. No Toadsworth L. Not enough powerups get used. Again, not enough Luigi.... Why is Lumalee in it? I assume it's to build up to something in the sequel. But still. Odd. BUT other than that? Man I just gotta sing the praises. There's so much positive to talk about.
Stuff I liked
OKAY! There's a lot I gotta compliment with this movie. For some basic stuff. It looks LOVELY! I love everyone's design! Mario and Luigi are so cute, Toad easily could've been creepy but they make them work fantastically, DK looks cute, BOWSER IS AMAZING! Peach looks a little odd but I still think she's very beautiful to me! And the environments are super stunning. The Mushroom Kingdom looks great, Dark Land looks fantastic, Rainbow Road looked SO GORGEOUS! And the music is AMAZING! So many cues from so many different games and themes. The basic Mario themes, Bowser's various themes, Galaxy stuff, there's even a cut SMRPG song apparently!? The music is amazing and relistening to it now it's blowing me out of the water all over again!
I know it's gonna sound like I'm overhyping it or exaggerating. But this movie is SUPER good with how it handles the source material. It's pretty much exactly what I would want out of a Mario movie at least in terms of how the world is presented. The shots of Mario overlooking the Mushroom Kingdom on the big shroom is AMAZING. All the hills and mushrooms and floating blocks. I adore the way it takes game mechanics like power ups and floating blocks and puts them into a non-game setting in a way that works SO well. In a way I've always envisioned the world to work myself. I LOVE seeing blocks as naturally occurring things in the Mario world. I love when Mario first appears in the world and you see Biddybuds walking around, you see Cheepcheep swimming, you see even a fucking Bramball walking exactly how it does in the games but like, it's not in a game! It's alive! They took how these creatures act and put them in a living world exactly how they would be! It's amazing! They even managed to take traditional Mario levels like the Cheepcheep bridges and turn them into a real area you could visibly see yourself walking in! It's not just in a video game it looks and breathes like it's real! Does this make any sense? I'm blown away by how they put game stuff into it but it doesn't feel like game stuff, it feels how this game stuff would feel irl. I love how they explain the powerups, I didn't think they'd even touch the Super Mushroom! But the idea it makes it you taller and gives you super human jumping is GENIUS! That's perfect! I hadn't even seriously considered how the growing and shrinking works, but this movie does it perfectly!
I think the best example I can give about this is the scene where they are camping in a field of fire flowers. This scene is genuinely amazing to me. This is a setting I've always DREAMED of seeing in a Mario game. But it's just not exactly something you'd ever get to see in a Mario game, but this movie does it. I LOVE seeing the power ups being naturally occurring in nature. Naturally occurring Fire Flowers are something I LOVE thinking about in my own head canon. They look so gorgeous in this movie and the whole scene looks so amazing. I love seeing Peach grab one and the slow transformation sequence and how they turn that into a practical thing and how Peach uses the Fire Flower not as a video game weapon or item, but just as a simple tool to start a campfire. I don't know if I'm describing it well enough but this is stuff I've always DREAMED about the Mario universe working like if you lived there. But somehow this movie just GETS IT. Naturally occurring floating blocks, powerups growing in nature, enemies existing in nature as animals! It's perfect!
And even the crossover between the "real" and "mushroom" worlds are done SO well! I am a pretty staunch "Mario was BORN in the Mushroom World and there is no Real World" kinda guy but this movie brings it back PERFECTLY. I love seeing Mario and Luigi as kind of losers? It's not an angle you ever really see with them, not that I need to have a sad NSMB game where Mario and Luigi are losers, of course lmao. But still it's neat! And seeing them living a normal life is cool! It's something we've gotten from previous Mario projects but never really with the games or something that follows the games so faithfully. But I adored seeing this side of their lives in a way that usually I'm not super die hard into as "canon"? If that makes sense? But I LOVED seeing the Mario family. I audibly GASPED when they showed up!! LIKE WHAT!? OFFICIAL MARIO MOM AND DAD FACE REVEAL!?!? I NEVER WOULD'VE SAW THIS COMING AND I DON'T THINK PEOPLE APPRECIATE HOW INSANE IT IS TO SEE MARIO RELATIVES IN 2023!!! THAT'S NUTS I NEVER THOUGHT THAT WAS GONNA HAPPEN BUT AGAIN THIS MOVIE DOES THE IMPOSSIBLE! And this movie made me really appreciate the whole "real world vs mushroom world" concept in a way I never have before. While I still prefer the idea Mario was born in the Mushroom world I think there's a really good "You Could Wear the Mask" element that comes from him being from the real world. Which is cool! It makes Mario an everyman the same way Spiderman is. Which I like!
And even the characters themselves I think they're all handled super well. Mario being super brave and standing up for himself, but still folding when he's approached by his father. It's interesting, again, something that could never be tackled with a version of Mario in the past. I love how kind Luigi was and how he's cowardly but still has moments of strength. And he's his own person not a Mario clone. And I love how much brotherly love the two genuinely show for each other. It's something you only really get to see in the RPGs and Luigi's Mansion honestly. I love that Princess Peach was still cute and high femme but totally kicked ass and at no point in the movie did they go like "BWAH!? A GIRL DOING BOY THINGS??? HUH?" NO! They just let Peach be a bad ass! I loved it! I loved DK being a showboating super jock type guy who also wants to impress his dad. It's probably not something I ever would've thought to do for DK but it's SO good and it makes such an interesting parallel between Mario and him. I LOVED Mario and DK's rivalry. I wasn't expecting DK to become a main teammate so that was WONDERFUL to see. When they work together in the eel and when they get to the Mushroom Kingdom and when they still bicker and argue I love it it's so cute it's such a good way to interpret this dynamic! And Bowser is done SO well I love how utterly psychotic he is. The way they handle how much he hates Mario without EVER MEETING HIM is so perfectly done! And I love that they don't pull any punches. He's ruthless and cruel like how Bowser is. And they don't waste any time trying to redeem him or make him seem like "oh well he's just a big softie :(" NO, HE'S A MANIPULATIVE FREAK! I'm so glad they actually beat the shit out of him! They make him scary and big and imposing and they take him down! It's SO wonderfully done!
But without a doubt, my favorite part of the movie is the finale. It's straight up amazing. It gives me chills just thinking about it. The whole finale where they end up back in the real world might be one of my favorite Super Mario scenes across the entire franchise. Where Bowser beats the shit out of Mario and sends him running away scared into a pizza parlor. It's scary it's not something you usually see. And when Mario is cowering while Bowser calls him a loser, it's interesting, again you don't usually see this lack of confidence in Mario. He's genuinely bruised and banged up. Like, he has physical damage on him. Not just "OH I'M SHORT NOW!" Damage, but REAL painful injuries you can physically see. Again, this isn't something I'd probably want in a Mario game but for a movie it's daring, it's crazy they were allowed to do it. It's unique. This type of edgy stuff is something I LONG to see in the Mario series in some way and it finally happened. And the whole part where the ad they made at the start plays glitched out and gives Mario the newfound confidence he needs. It's beautiful again it gives me chills. And he gets back up and fights it's so cool. THIS IS THE MARIO I LOVE, AND IT'S JUST SO INTERESTING TO SEE THAT PERSONALITY CHALLENGED! It's a similar reason I love the Sonic movies so far, he's different he's more childish he's not always 100% on his game like in the games. It's cool to see them do these things with these characters. But then, the best part. Is when Luigi takes a stand and saves Mario from Bowser's breath. "As long as we're together, everything will be okay" it's beautiful. I'm actually getting a little emotional writing it up. It's perfect. Mario and Luigi are a TEAM. They are a DUO, I WANT TO SEE THEM WORK TOGETHER TO FIGHT! AND THEY DO! I LOVE WHEN BOWSER TRIES TO KICK THEM AND THEY STAND TALL WHILE THE ROAD BREAKS BEHIND THEM!! SEEING THEM KICK THE SHIT OUT OF THE WHOLE KOOPA TROOP WITH THE STARMAN THEME PLAYING IS GENUINELY BREATHTAKING I LOVE THIS WHOLE FUCKING FINALE! AND SEEING THEM SWING BOWSER AROUND AND THEN STOMP HIM THROUGH THE FLAMES IS SO COOL! IT'S AN AMAZING FINALE THAT'S DONE SO RIGHT WITH SO MANY LITTLE CHARACTER BEATS BETWEEN MARIO AND LUIGI AND EVEN BOWSER JUST SO PERFECTLY I'M UTTERLY BLOWN AWAY BY HOW GOOD THIS FINALE IS!
I just fucking love this movie man. Sure it is a lot of references, it's not perfect, but it's a genuinely good Mario movie. And more than that, I'd go as far as to say it is a genuinely good movie straight up. I don't watch a lot of them, but I've seen enough to say I love this movie as a movie.
Responding to Criticisms
I've seen some criticisms of the movie I'd like to address. Some of these are from friends, so if you see something you said here PLEASE do not take it as an insult! No hard feelings what so ever I just wanna give my two cents! Please understand it is COMPLETELY fine to have not liked this movie, but in the same vein it's totally okay for me to give my peace on what I think about other people's toughts.
For one, a big one, "it's just an hour of Mario references." Yeah? I mean kinda. But a lot of those references are just... World building or the Mario world as it is? Like... Were you mad when the Chaos Emeralds showed up in Sonic 2? That's a reference, but it's a part of the world. In my opinion I think most of the big references are in the background anyway, so it's okay if they're laid on a little thick. Plus, again, a lot of the references are just to how the Mario world would work. Plus there's a TON of original stuff and original interpretation on these concepts.
"Ah it's just a kids movie there's nothing interesting in it" Again I could not agree less. Sure it is a kids movie. But there's still some good themes in it, some fantastic concepts and interpretations on the characters. Some kinda edgy stuff in it. iirc they actually say stuff like "Hell Hound" and Kill and stuff you wouldn't expect from a Mario thing. And again, you see Mario bruised up! THAT'S CRAZY!! DOES NO ONE ELSE THINK THAT'S NUTS!?
"It's probably canon so it's not doing anything interesting" I'm sorry, no. For a fanbase that's so intense on Mario lore and going insane any time Mario isn't some sort of bible lore heavy series. I think people are seriously overlooking fascinating elements and mysteries present in this movie. Such as how do the real world and the mushroom world relate? How are they combined after the first movie? Where does Peach come from? Where did the star come from? What's gonna happen with Bowser going forward? This movie, while following the Mario world closer than say, the Sonic movies. It is absolutely doing its own thing. And I'm sure more and more unique things will come from future sequels. It's an interesting movie in of itself.
"Princess Peach is so bad in it" I don't agree! I don't think she's perfect but again she's a total bad ass while still wearing cute dresses and being high femme like I said. And like I said, they never are like "WOW GIRLS CAN'T DO BOY STUFF HOW SHE DO THAT!?" They just let it happen, they just let Peach be cool. But also it's neat to see her doing princess stuff and they still show her having weakness, I LOVE when Bowser manipulates her by torturing toad (that's such a fucked sentence) because it shows she really cares and she has to make hard choices but she still fights through them! And again, it's not like she's the only competent character. She lived in that world I would hope she's better at it than Mario lmao. But the other characters absolutely hold their own and are just as strong as she is! She's works perfectly.
"Bowser doesn't even know Mario why does he hate him?" That's the idea! I can't find the post now but someone explained it SO well! The whole concept is that he has this idea of Mario built up in his head. Bowser is totally delusional. Peach not loving him has NOTHING to do with Mario and everything to do with Bowser being a psycho! And again in my opinion that is such a good interpretation of the character and even Mario and Bowser's relationship!
"It's not as good as the live action Mario Movie" This is a matter of opinion of course but I gotta be honest. This movie is way better. And I want to make it clear: I LOVE the live action Mario Movie. I liked it before you did. I'm gonna be up my own ass about this one cause I know it's true cause for YEARS y'all were saying it sucked until suddenly it became popular to like it out of nowhere. I ran a President Koopa RP tumblr for a while and had seen the movie multiple times before it became the cool thing everyone liked. And while I still love that movie, I just gotta say as a Mario fan I appreciate how this one handles Mario and Luigi's relationships more and I appreciate the more close to canon look at the world. Live Action Mario is certainly more unique, but doesn't fill me with the same sense of child like wonder that makes me feel like the Mario franchise still has magic worth holding onto even nowadays.
But again, this is all a matter of opinion. You are ABSOLUTELY allowed to not like this movie. That's fine. But similarly, I should be allowed to absolutely gush about how amazing the movie was to me and how much it means to me as a Mario fan who had their whole life changed by this series.
Final Thoughts
That was a lot. I can't contain myself sometimes. But I'm glad I finally got to at least in some way gush about this movie. Cause I really did love it and writing my thoughts on it really makes me wanna watch it again. So I probably will this weekend as a birthday gift to myself.
I find it a little difficult to be so plainly honest about Mario things I love. For multiple reasons. I think this fanbase is a little poisoned. And I feel like being genuine and enjoying what you like about the series can be kind of met fairly negatively a lot of the times. And again with how teetering-tottering I am with my love of the series lately it can only make it more difficult. So I hope I don't come off as annoying about this movie. But Mario whether I like it or not means a lot to me and I have a lot to say about this movie.
I had a friend tell me I couldn't possibly give a non-biased take on the movie. And maybe that's fair. But honestly I don't think it's entirely fair to write off why I love the movie because of that. I genuinely love this movie, not only as a Mario fan but just as a casual movie watcher. I thought it was good. And yeah maybe I wouldn't like it as much if I wasn't so insane about the series for so long. But I do genuinely hope you can understand after seeing all this why it means so much to me and why I think people are being a little unfair to it. I genuinely think it's being nitpicked too hard. It's a truly incredible Mario experience that I loved.
From the way game mechanics are translated to a living world, to the way characters are reinterpreted, to yeah, even just the little references. I flipped when a small part of the Luigi's Mansion theme played, so what? I like Mario, man. So what!?
So yeah. I'm sure I could say more but I'm getting a little embarrassed. So I think I'll wrap it up now.
Thanks for reading, if you somehow actually made it through that whole ramble. You are an absolute hero. I waiting a long time to talk about this (still not as long as I took to talk about Sonic 2 though lmao) but I hope in any small way I could convey why this movie really hit home for me in a way I honestly didn't think it could.
I'm genuinely interested to see where the Mario movies go from here and I'll gladly watch them all. I'll be there day 1 to watch the sequel, the DKC movie, the Luigi's Mansion movie. I don't care if it makes me a sheep you've got me hook line and sinker. I'm so blown away by how well it got the series down and I cannot wait to see where it goes from here.
Thank you again for putting up with my insane ramblings. Please follow me on twitter if you wanna... idk see me be a crazy person more.
That's all from me, go out and watch a movie that really makes you emotional!
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sleepymarmot · 2 years
Glass Onion
Yes, I had been waiting for this movie for a while and dropped everything to watch it the day of release. What about it?
Is it bad that I’m already like “I want all of these people to die”? Well, maybe not Lionel I guess.
Lol a bit of sci-fi to justify the actors not wearing masks for the entire movie
Is the bad CGI robot some kind of Star Wars legacy? :D
Aww, poor Benoit Soo, one of the guests plans to murder the host for real, and invites a detective to frame another guest?
It’s been 30 minutes, can people start dying please (Not Andi though, that’d be uncool)
Love the scenery, and Craig’s outfit is nice
Cool shot where Andi has the same expression as the Mona Lisa
“This is reckless. And you’re gonna get somebody killed.”
Okay, so far we’ve established the motive for: Peg, Duke, Lionel, maybe Claire. What about Birdie? And the random guy hanging around? And Andi? Is Andi automatically disqualified because we saw her destroy the box? That could be a real alibi or a red herring.
Nooo, so awkward, I can’t watch this Oh, he did it on purpose, that makes it a bit less painful
Huh, he didn’t mention Andi in the monologue...
Oh good, exactly an hour into a murder mystery, someone finally died! Yes, yes, of course it was an attempt on Miles’ life, I thought we’ve already established he’s who everyone wants dead. Cool trick to keep Norton among the active cast, I thought it was weird for the most famous actor to play the victim. (It’s nice to see Norton again btw, I wondered a while ago why I hadn’t seen him in new movies recently.)
Lmao the lights! Now this is fun
Oh no, Andi! :(
Plot twist!! Well now he's responsible for an innocent woman’s death, that’s going to give him a motive to find the killer
This shit is wild
Hell yeah she’s alive!!!
Is she going to attack the Mona Lisa?..
I feel bad about the painting. The way this was framed as a triumphant moment has the same energy as that Tumblr post about destroying famous paintings because rich people like them.
[Additional spoilers for Knives Out, The Last Jedi, Midsommar, and The Handmaiden]
The film takes too much time to get started. The characters are too flat to carry it until the plot actually launches. Only gets good after the plot twist. The secondhand embarrassment scenes are excruciating.
The plot: “rich people bad, the detective teams up with a pure-hearted woman of color and helps her win”, take two. Are they going to make a whole franchise out of this? Not a great foundation for murder mystery: just look for the most entitled white man and that’s your killer.
Benoit Blanc himself, though, is a good character to build a movie series around. A classic independent detective with a kind heart and a taste for adventure — I want to see more of him. Many people have said it already, but I want Blanc to replace Bond as Daniel Craig’s #1 role.
The biggest strength of the film were, of course, all of the clever and fun twists and reveals. As you can see from the liveblog, I was misdirected very successfully and loved it every time.
And now for the biggest flaw of Glass Onion in my eyes. Just like Knives Out, this film has an extremely fun outer layer wrapped around the heart that I find a genuine downer. Most of the shallow, annoying characters got off scot-free, and what was harmed the most in act 3 was an innocent painting. I’ve already seen The Last Jedi, I don’t really need the same ending scene as the Canto Bight storyline — except worse because the writer doesn’t see the difference between “rich asshole’s property” and “priceless piece of art”. Which is a bad enough take to see on Tumblr, but straight up baffling to encounter in a high budget movie, written by a professional filmmaker. (Amazing timing, though. How did they manage to release this not only in the middle of the Musk major meltdown/Twitter takeover but also soon after the Van Gogh soup discourse?)
In retrospect it also reminds me of a couple of other famous scenes with a female protagonist involved in destruction, and the comparison is not in Glass Onion’s favor. Midsommar also ends with the heroine and a huge symbolic fire, but it’s a horror/drama, and the event takes not only the lives of those caught in the fire but the soul of the heroine. The Handmaiden, on the other hand, features a scene of art destruction that is genuinely positive and cathartic, but the nature of art and the role it plays in human lives is radically different.
[Edited to add] I’ve seen people who liked the ending defend it by saying that people are more important than art. The thing is, if this were framed as the trolley problem — if destroying a priceless work of art were presented as the only way to save an unknown number of lives — I would feel differently. Instead, the film seems to want the viewer not to value the Mona Lisa just because the rich amoral characters do value it.
In a more Watsonian and practical sense, I don’t see how this is a win for Helen. She was the one who burned the painting. The fuel played only a minor part, the painting would have been destroyed just the same without it (in fact, that’s what expected Miles’ lighter to be for). But even if it were otherwise — okay, so this new fuel can easily cause a fire; well, so can electricity and gas if you’re not careful! Not great for PR of this specific product, but not a death sentence either. Most importantly, it’s the person who committed arson that will be charged for it, not the person who unwittingly provided the fuel for the fire.
I did have a good time, to be clear! Very worth watching unspoiled. The release was timed well: the overall lighthearted tone, clever twists, vibrant visuals (bright colors, stylish outfits, idyllic location) make this a good holiday movie.
I’m having trouble with a numerical grade (the worst part of IMDB and Letterboxd is that they make me care about grading, even though it doesn’t work with how I think about media at all). Glass Onion feels like a 7, but I gave Knives Out a 9 and they don’t feel two whole grades apart.
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joeeatsdvds · 1 year
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hey look it’s me posting a non-christmas film review that’s kinda crazy! anyways i saw this film today because i’ve been meaning to and now’s the perfect time with it leaving cinemas in a matter of days.
there’ll be spoilers under the cut for Elemental in this review!
for anybody who doesn’t know of Pixar’s ‘Elemental’ is the 27th feature film to be produced by the studio and being directed by Peter Sohn (also known for directing ‘The Good Dinosaur’, another Pixar film and a Pixar short ‘Partly Cloudy’).
‘Elemental’ when it was first teased to audiences received some criticism for how it looked, i would know because i was one of those people. though unlike the other people who were complaining i was simply sick of watching the trailer after months of it being shoved down my throat at every trailer showing at the cinema, on instagram sponsored posts, youtube ads and even a few ads on some mobile games. after the film came out though this seized mostly so my opinion once again became neutral of the elements and their element city.
originally lined up to be released in the uk at the same time as the us release the film was delayed until july 7th. upon its release the film was a flop and not doing very well at all earning it the title of Pixar’s lowest grossing movie in the box office on opening weekend. however ‘Elemental’ made a come back in the coming weeks making a splash in the overseas market when it released outside of the us. there was a lot of negative press surrounding the film when it came out however stating it was “the death of pixar” and being called “woke” for the inclusion of the studio’s first non-binary character who barely actually features on screen. reviews were harsh to say the least. things seem to have softened now though and so time for my opinions on the matter at hand, the film.
i do have my complaints about my experience but those aren’t actually anything to do with the film more about having to sit next to some random child for the whole movie + opening short.
before i go into the actual film i want to quickly talk about that teaser, the first glimpse at the world of element city, and where we meet our main two characters Wade and Ember. well scrap everything you know about that because that doesn’t actually happen in the film. both Wade and Ember do in fact go on a train and some of the stuff that happens in the teaser do happen in the film but that meet cute between Wade and Ember that you see where Ember’s headphones are knocked to the ground and both her and Wade go to pick them up at the same time? doesn’t happen lol. i get that they didn’t include this in the film because it wouldn’t make sense within the context of the film and the teaser was just to give you the faintest glimpse at the world and characters. Ember is very hesitant to even follow Wade onto the train in the actual film and when she’s on the train trying to find where he went she’s very cautious of those around her and one could say she’s even scared (as stated in the film by Ember herself she doesn’t like going outside of fire town because element city isn’t built with fire people in mind and she has everything she needs in fire town). also another complaint is that i don’t remember them introducing themselves to each other properly in the film but that might just be my brain forgetting that little unimportant detail.
something i question about the theatrical poster that was used (in the uk at least) is the inclusion of random irrelevant characters. sure you have Ember, Wade, Clod and Gale up at the top but why are Marco and Polo there? Lutz too. and the rest of the characters featured are all seen in the previously mentioned teaser and really aren’t that relevant at all in the final final.
the animation in this film was wild! everything is so polished and the rendering is just beautiful. i loved the little details of each of the elemental people. my favourites were the water people for sure and i especially loved the water bubbles present throughout their bodies that come and go throughout the film. the setting for the film worked really well with it all feeling colourful and lively with the colours of elemental city and fire town contrasting each other but eventually at the end of the film after fire town is rebuilt and the other elements begin to mix in with the residents of fire town more you can see more colours as they begin to harmonise together. my favourite scene has to be the scene of all of the flowers blooming as Wade and Ember swim around the tree it was truly spectacular!
the film’s story at its core is about the experience of being a child born to immigrant parents and the challenge of trying to fill the shoes of your parents who worked so hard to give you a good life and sacrificed everything to do so. i won’t go too in depth on this because i’m not the one to talk about this because i haven’t experienced any of that, i can’t begin to imagine what those emotions must feel like but i can sympathise with them and understand as an outsider. the film also features xenophobia between the different elemental people with most of it being prejudice against fire people, “elements can’t mix” is something that’s repeated several times throughout the film but it’s not until Wade and Ember touch each other’s hands for the first time is it found that elements can indeed mix. these core parts of the film’s story come from Sohn’s own personal experiences being born to Korean immigrant parents, growing up in new york during the 70s and marrying outside of the korean culture he was brought up in.
i appreciate that Ember was able to come to the realisation that running her dad’s shop wasn’t what she wanted to do with her life and that it wasn’t her dream. and i also appreciate that her father was accepting of that and that the shop was never the dream it was Ember herself who was the dream, she was everything that they had worked for. i’m glad that in the end both Ember and her father got happy endings as Ember gets to follow her passion of glass making and her father gets to retire from working the shop everyday.
as for Ember and Wade’s relationship (a major part of the film) they’re cute together. they genuinely want to be around each other and despite their elemental differences and being total opposites they make it work because they make each other happy. they go against the long standing “elements don’t mix” that they were taught and they show everybody that they can. i didn’t really feel too strongly for the pair of them initially (though to be fair it did start with Wade writing every code violation the store came under and Ember desperately trying to get the notebook back from him before he could ruin the family business) but they grew on me. i didn’t enjoy the kiss scene but that’s just a personal thing that i don’t like seeing in movies there’s nothing inherently bad about it. it was funny seeing all the kids in the cinema’s reactions to it though.
there were some iffy jokes in there that i didn’t think we’re very funny and more felt simply weird. of course obligatory mention of the “just a bit of pruning” joke but also the “hanky panky” joke at the end when Ember and her dad are saying goodbye. that last one just confused me like are they allowed to say that in a kids a film?
my favourite character in this movie is no doubt this one water person from the first teaser who as far as i’m aware isn’t present in the final film (or at least i couldn’t spot them that is)
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rest in peace to this one water person in particular.
before i wrap this review up i just want to say that prior to seeing the film in my graphic communications class me and my friend were redesigning film posters and originally my friend made a poster entirely consisting of Gale and only Gale. it was a very low quality collection of Gale images as the film was just out in america. very funny considering that they just kept on using the same model for her in all of the promotional art that features her including the theatrical poster featured at the start of this post. gotta love that big smile and vacant stare, it truly looks like there isn’t a thought behind those eyes.
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jokes of Gale aside i think that ‘Elemental’ is a good little film that (except for the weird jokes) did a good job of portraying the message it wanted to portray. the way that the world building was set up makes it feel like Disney/Pixar is going to milk a few more films or shorts or series out of it but personally i think that this film is good enough on its own. i really don’t think it needs a sequel but disney will be disney and no doubt there’ll be something else on the horizon if they deem it a big enough success.
overall i’d rate this film a ★★★ and a half stars out of five!
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ursaribbon · 1 year
actually, i DID do something productive for my own versatility as a human being
since i was so sleep deprived today i just kinda huddled in a corner and put my head down for a bit and then i still couldn't fall asleep
so i decided while i had some extra time i would finally watch ratatouille, which i've somehow never seen despite hearing about it on the internet every now and then and being a disny kid at heart
i was talking with my brother about it a while later and he said he's already seen it at least twice even though he's younger than me which is like?? then how the heck did i avoid it all this time
and then i was talking about it at dinner and my dad was like "i think we all saw it as a family once" and my mom was like "and i think we saw it when they were doing those free kids movie screenings at the theater that one summer" and i was like "no bc i literally didn't know ratatouille was the name of a dish they serve in the movie until a few days ago and i had no idea what the plot was at all before i saw it today"
and then also my dad mentioned that he heard they were making a sequel to turning red (i looked it up and apparently it was just a rumor) and my brother said he didn't like turning red and i was like why and he was like "bc they never told her about the panda curse and blah blah blah something about the pacing of the movie that wasn't even how it happened and didn't make sense as an argument" and i was sitting there like "BRUH IT'S A METAPHOR FOR HOW PEOPLE WITH UTERUSES ARE MADE TO FEEL ASHAMED ABOUT THEIR PERIODS AND ALSO WTF ARE U TALKING ABOUT" and then my dad was like "i actually really liked it" which kinda surprised me but like go off king
so anyway back to ratatouille so uh it's one of my favorite disney movies now. i saw john lasseter and brad bird in the credits and i was like ofc it was them lol
bc like. it's so disney but it's also so unique and poetic and my mom texted me during like the last 5 minutes during ego's final review and i was just. frozen. could barely peel my eyes away for more than 2 seconds to respond. i already liked the movie, the suspense was perfect and it wasn't too suspensey in an annoying way because it was like they were always solving suspense while new suspense was being introduced. like it was more of an underlying thing that you can still enjoy the movie while it happens but you still kinda wonder what's gonna happen with some stuff
like. ego's review was really the moment where it all came together. it was like time stopped and all the themes of the movie came together in a cohesive whole like the cheese and the strawberry or whatever and it was just friggin pristine
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thebigpalooka · 2 years
I finished Sonic Frontiers!
Copying my Twitter thoughts over here because I had a lot of thoughts!
This is gonna be a sort of general review, gameplay and experience type stuff. No spoilers (gonna make other posts for that), although I do mention the names of locations and minor combat stuff so if you’re trying to be TOTALLY without info going in, I’ll put things under a read more anyways, here we go:
My overall sensation emerging from credit roll was that, when it comes to the gameplay itself, almost every specific critique I read was fair, but the game is fun in spite of all of them, and occasionally it's SO great that it kind of resets the I-ain't-putting-up-with-this-shit meter to zero.
I struggled with the controls quite a bit but it felt like a skill issue to me, lol. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve never actually played any 3D Sonic games, only watched playthroughs, so this was my very first time. I didn't notice any of the glitchy behavior others reported (like falling through the map etc) and was usually too task-focused to be bothered by the pop-in, EXCEPT on Chaos Island where it's legit hard to see what's going on due to the 2D camera lock, which was my least favourite part of the gameplay by far.
Ares Island definitely felt like the high point in pretty much every respect.  Shark Guardian was FUN AS HELL, as one example, and Ares Island also has the absolute best, coolest, dumbest, most fun Titan fight in the game.
I saw a lot of folks talking about pacing issues towards the end, which ... I didn't have a problem with like, the rate at which things occur, but there's def a bizarre halt of natural momentum at the end of Rhea Island, and I really felt like the order of the last two islands should've been swapped.
Without spoiling details, the plot point which happens at the end of Rhea Island should've happened at the end of Ouranos Island, and either you proceed right to the final boss fight OR proceed to Rhea Island at that point. But yeah, feels like the game is building a sense of urgency and then just... changes its mind lol.
Anyway.  Having said all that, the dialogue and character interactions are definitely a highlight and while I don't think you'd HAVE to be a Sonic fan to like the game, I can easily see losing patience if you're not.  The story itself never felt in-question, and there's basically zero surprises but that's ... not a bad thing? Not for me, anyway. I got exactly what I expected and am satisfied. And the music is A+++ without exception. So yeah, in a way, it feels like the game's themes of growth and improving yourself are hugely fitting for the game itself as a whole. It’s got a lot of rough edges but a huge amount of potential.  Really feels like the same experience I had with the Sonic movies, where I really loved the first one in spite of it being obviously imperfect and missing some cool opportunities. My hope is that we get to see the same arc, another game that builds on what was established here and is sort of more confident about what it wants to be.
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spite-of-artemis · 2 years
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I posted 16,203 times in 2022
That's 15,749 more posts than 2021!
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#grian - 7 posts
#thor love and thunder spoilers - 6 posts
#memes - 6 posts
#thor spoilers - 6 posts
#userbbelcher - 6 posts
#funny - 6 posts
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#thor love and thunder - 5 posts
#stranger things - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#the resource pack should also give creative mode players fake hearts and hunger bars so that wilbur doesnt notice until he accidentally flie
My Top Posts in 2022:
my favorite part of the new dumbledore movie was him confessing his gay love for grindelwald and then being sent to superhell right afterwards
11 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
im stealing this idea from wilbur soot because i think its really interesting. i want people to fill out this survey, and lie about every answer. its all completely anonymous and is only 15 questions
13 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
16 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
hermittwt ive had a realization that other people have definitely already made. the idea came to me while i was watching Animagicians video (this one, specifically)
while i do think the video was really cool i wanna focus on one small offhandedly mentioned thing. when ep 17 came out and we all saw the “im from a season where mumbo was mayor” we all thought that meant that our grumbot knew it was a fake reality. but, in the video Ani mentions that maybe the same thing happened to new grumbot. my thought process is what if thats exactly what happened. he was left there in that fake box, watching a still and lifeless image of the island, left to corode away into the now rusted and green tinted grumbot that entered into the new season. left in that false reality until one day he was able to notice the cracks. the sky never going to night, the island never changing, the small bits of light shining in from an odd angle for a second every time mumbo or grian came to visit. he asks grian why the island never changes, why there hasnt been any new shops, or games, or anything happening, and the guilt of lying to his son overwhelms grian. he tells grumbot the truth, mumbo didnt become mayor, but they didnt want him to feel like he was a failure so they hid him into his own little world until the rest of the server forgot he was even there.
His Grian was sorry too.
142 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
if we get a fourth traffic smp series and we have a fourth winner i suggest we get the four winners together on an mcc team and that it be called the Teal Traffic-Lights
250 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
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I posted 95 times in 2022
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#httyd books - 38 posts
#httyd book fandom - 34 posts
#httyd book series - 31 posts
#httyd - 22 posts
#book hiccup - 20 posts
#httyd book spoilers - 13 posts
#alvin the treacherous - 12 posts
#book!hiccup - 11 posts
#book fishlegs - 10 posts
#camicazi - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 116 characters
#but yeah even besides werewolves n stuff just giving characters ears or tails or wings or whatever is really fun lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
Saw some troubled bird memes and while im sure this has been done before i wanted to do it anyways
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90 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
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Alvin throughout the entire series
118 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
I had wanted to make this post for a bit but I just never got around to it lol
So I know people have talked about about how Hiccup doesn't really fit into the typical gender roles of a Male Hero Character
He's quiet, polite, likes books, doesn't like fighting unless he has to, is generally just a softer hero than usual
And that's all true
But I haven't seen anyone mention how Stoick and Valhallarama also don't fit the typical Gender Roles of Mother and Father
Usually it's the mother that's kind and caring, takes care of the house and the kids
And the father is colder, more rough, distant
That's what the did in the Movies with Stoick and Valka
But Book Stoick and Valhallarama are the opposite of that
Stoick is the one who stays home and takes care of Hiccup, is openly affectionate towards him, is much more parental
And Valhallarama is more reserved, often gone, not very emotional, not particularly parental
It's never 'oh Valhallarama needs to stay home, be a mother, Stoick shouldn't have to do all this'
Those are just the roles they have
Idk I just think that's neat
Another thing i appreciate is that Valhallarama being less emotional isn't portrayed as a bad thing
Like her not paying attention to Hiccup, her often leaving, and Hiccup feeling unloved by her is the problem
But not the fact that she's unemotional
Once she explains things to Hiccup and he understands that she does love him, but she's not the kind of person to openly express that, he's not angry about it
He never expects her to become more loving and emotional
That's never something that she's supposed to do
Pretty much she just has to own up to the fact that she made mistakes and work to fix them and her relationship with Hiccup in a way that makes sense for her
She doesn't have to change her whole personality to be seen as good, as loving, as caring
She's allowed to be unemotional without being emotionless
As someone who's bad at emotion and is uncomfortable with verbally and openly expressing love and stuff, it's nice that she's not made out to be horrible because of that
I really appreciate that about her character
148 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
If Hiccup isn't AroAce then explain this
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Ha, checkmate Aphobes!!
295 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Pride flag with colors eyedropped from each of the httyd books
With colors arranged in order of books:
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With the colors rearranged:
See the full post
392 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
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iwonderifthatisart · 2 years
Vee!! I saw Top Gun 2 yesterday and would love to hear your thoughts 😍😍
OKAY OMG. you probably weren’t expecting this much stuff, but you gave me a chance to talk about it so here goes.
first off, spoilers for top gun maverick, be warned.
So. lol. I'll preface this by saying that my thoughts on this absolutely arent objective in any way... i waited 3 (t h r e e) whole years for this movie to come out and honestly up until i was sitting in the movie theater i still thought they would push it out again, didnt feel real lmao
now a few of my thoughts, in no particular order:
i arrive at the cinema. i sit down. the lights go out. i lean over to my friend. i whisper: i hope they play Danger Zone. they HAVE to. my friend agrees. the movie starts, and lo and behold, the first notes of Danger Zone reach my ears. My crops are watered, my skin is clear. i look to my friend, we nod at each other. we turn back to the screen. we understand. we know this’ll be good.
Thought 1 flows neatly into Thought 2, which is that they knew exactly what kind of movie they were making. like, the main target audience for this movie were Dads™ and they hit the right balance between making it attractive in terms of nostalgia vs. new stuff. i think i saw a letterboxd review that phrased it like "having references to the original without being distracting" and that’s exactly what i felt like (see re: the Danger Zone example). And also: iconic homoerotic beach volleyball scene set to the tune of "playing with the boys"? turned into fun football scene on the beach set to New Music From Today (which was good, but the whole scene could've been gayer imo.)
sure. it's basically military propaganda, i know, we all know, it is known. It still looks cool as hell, i love people flying planes and say smart stuff and click a lot of buttons that look very complex and professional
AND that opening was so perfectly maverick i love it. he just HAD to push a little further
it was SO FUNNY at times! there were sincere (and at times cheesy) parts, but there were a few really funny moments that worked really well
rly liked all the new young pilots, though i expected them to focus a little more on them? but tbh it worked as it is, i didnt really felt like too much was missing (again, maybe a lil homoeroticism but you cant have everything)
Listen. Jennifer Connelly. Penny. Her character was... well. I liked her! But also. Well, she was a lil two dimensional, but idk? Or maybe its bc she was the love interest of Tom Cruise, who i really cant imagine in any kind of romantic relationship, no matter what movie he's in. I didnt really expect too much and i felt like it was done alright. it was solid.
(also... i kinda dont like tom cruise as a person, mainly bc of the whole scientology thing, but lets not get into that here. no negativity in this ask)
ofc ICEMAN!! RIP my man. Obviously wished he was in the movie more but *waves at the real life complications with Val Kilmer* still though, mav and ice texted throughout the movie and it was. so gay. like, i've read fanfiction that might have had these exact messages in them lmao
also. the whole thing about ice and mav? like we all expected there to be more of a rivalry, but they're just out here texting and chilling with each other. good for them.
"it was a nice moment, dont ruin it" lmao.
phoenix...loved her :) my girl :) also loved that they didn’t make a big deal out of ~oh shes a woman among men~ and she has to be the Strong Female Character, because that just falls flat 90% of the time
when they explained the mission to maverick and mentioned that there are still a few f14 tomcats there i was like *cocks checkovs gun* that'll come in handy later! and it did and i loved it!!
the scene where they had to fly the route in 2 mins 30 seconds and everybody’s like “thats impossible” and maverick is like “hold my beer” and does it in 2:15 and yeah i’m LIVING for that shit! call me a basic bitch i dont care!!
maverick and goose vs. maverick and rooster. we love cinematic paralles in this house
so yeah. theres probably a lot more but i didnt want this to get so long slfksjlks.
i know its not a perfect movie, it has it’s flaws, but i enjoyed it so much! there were a lot of scenes and tropes that could’ve easily been super cliche but i thought they worked really well. or maybe i'm just biased.
please!! enlighten me with your own hot takes if you feel like it. id love to hear them <3
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miekasa · 4 years
fluff alphabet: levi ackerman
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↯ pairing: levi ackerman x (fem) reader
↯ genres and warnings: modern au, fluff…. obviously, no real warnings i don’t think, oh spoilers for his ova? 
↯ word count: 3k lol don’t ask me how
↯ notes: i was going to take requests for this for valentine’s day, but i figured i’d just do them all in one post lolol. i feel like i haven’t posted for levi in a while, so here we go
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Activities — What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
If you ask Levi to do something, there’s a good chance he’ll try it at least once for you. Unless it’s something he’s said he explicitly dislikes or doesn’t want to partake in, he’d gladly try it out with you.
He strikes me as the kind of person to like trying new restaurants. Not necessarily the trendy or popular or exclusive ones; but local places with good recommendations or reviews.
Down for late night drives, but you have to be the one driving. He’ll drive if you become too tired, but he prefers to sit in the passenger seat and just let you take him wherever. He doesn’t mind, and it’s a sign he trusts you.
I also think museum dates would be some thing he enjoys. Not history museums—I feel like the concept of stolen artifacts on display would piss him off more than anything lol—but art museums. That’s not to say he’s extremely into art, but I think something about a museum environment is somewhat calming to him. He doesn’t mind.
One more activity I would say suits him is watching movies or shows together. Levi’s the kind of guy that catches you watching a series and expresses how it looks stupid or boring at first, but still hovers around and backseat watches it anyway. After a while, he just gives up and starts actively watching it with you and becomes invested. He just won’t admit it.
Beauty — What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
In the least cheesy way possible, everything. Levi sees people, and his s/o in particular, as a whole person, rather than the sum of their parts. He understands that everything about you—physical, emotional, or otherwise—contributes to the person he loves. There’s something to appreciate about all of it at different times.
He’d probably admire and/or find little habits you have beautiful in some way or another. Probably things you might not even notice about yourself unless he pointed them out to you.
Personality wise, he’d admire it if his s/o were blunt and/or the kind of person to stick up for themselves or their friends. A little bit assertive; not going out of your way to make other people feel small or be rude, but simply refusing to shrink to make room for others.
Physically, again, I don’t think he has a preference for most anything, but if I had to pick, I’d say he’s a thigh/ass guy.
Comfort — How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack, etc.?
Levi is observant, so he would be able to tell when you’re struggling perhaps before you’re ready to realize it yourself, and long before you’re about to burst.
However, he would ask you how he can help. For as observant as he is, he’s also not a mind reader, and if there’s something specific he can get you, he would want to know, even if it’s seemingly small or superficial.
He would be pretty proactive about it, too. The second he figures out how he can help, he’s on it. You need a new desk to work from home? He’ll have it built by that weekend. You’re feeling overwhelmed and behind on your tasks? He’s already doing the ones he can do without your help.
He does his best to try and help you relax if the issue is a stressor, and if he could, he would eradicate the root of the stress from your life completely. Unfortunately, in the real world, that’s not always possible, but it’s nice to know that he’s willing. 
The other obvious answer is tea, but allow me to expand it more generally to food. Going along with the theme of acts of service being his love language, Levi would try to provide the basic necessities for you in order to allow to focus on solving your problems and/or feeling better. If not worrying about dinner is one thing that can help you, Levi’s happy to cook for you.
Dreams — How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Simple, but fulfilled. Levi just wants to be happy—to have someone to care for, and to have someone who will care for him.
Truthfully, I don’t think he’d mind children later down the road, and I think he would be a good parent. It might not be something he talks about outright at first, but as time progresses, and perhaps the timing becomes right, it’d be something he would want to consider.
Equal — Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
It’s equal. Levi doesn’t want to have more power, nor does he want to be passive. However, there are things he doesn’t mind handing over to you, and conversely, responsibilities he doesn’t mind taking on himself.
Compromise would be a big part in the relationship—not for the sake of compromising on your dreams or ambitions, but rather, to reach a middle ground if there’s any kind of argument.
I think it’s a give and take with him. And I don’t think he would want it to be any other way. He doesn’t strike me as someone who’s on either polar end.
Fight — Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
When you do fight, it’s a lot of pointed frustration. He doesn’t raise his voice, but he can get snippy, and a little closed off—speaking in clipped sentences, using underhanded phrases, focusing on past points. What drives him crazy is the aftermath of the fight, and if you give him the silent treatment, he’s bound to crack much sooner than later.
He’s quite easy to forgive. Canonically, he doesn’t like to fight with his friends or the people he cares about, and he would rather reach a solution as quickly as possible.
We saw that with Isabel and Farlan, despite the way he was firm on his decision for them to stay behind, they were able to break his resolve pretty quickly. He cares a lot about the people in his life, and I don’t think he’d like to go long with a riff between him and you. Especially if he thinks he might regret not talking to you about it sooner.
He’s one to keep a promise, but not to hold a grudge. That is to say, he understands that forgiveness goes both ways, and to work in a healthy relationship, both parties have to forgive themselves and each other at some point.
Gratitude — How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Yes and no. It might take a minute for Levi to understand the depth of your actions—especially the ones that appear more mundane or are not as explicitly romantic.
Once he does, he is very aware of them, and as such, if very grateful. He didn’t every really think he’d be able to create and be apart of the kind of loving relationship the two of you have. He really cherishes it.
Honesty — Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He has secrets by way of omission. He doesn’t lie to keep things hidden from you, but sometimes he doesn’t tell everything about himself, especially towards the start of your relationship.
It’s not always with malicious or even self-protective intent. He just doesn’t share because he doesn’t think it’s important, or that you might care. If you pry long enough or insist that you want to know just to know and because you care, then he’s happy to share.
As previously mentioned, it might take him a while to realize just how much you care about him, and his past and interests by extension. 
Inspiration — Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
As your relationship progresses Levi comes to learn that you genuinely find him attractive not just physically, but emotionally and psychologically. That you actually want to know him and that he’s worth knowing.
So, his biggest change is in the way he approaches his thoughts about himself and his self worth. But he also begins to pick up on your habits, your interests, and tries to understand your general approach to life, too.
He would probably change you in some ways, too. Most notably in the way you organize and clean your space, probably. He’s not sorry about it.
Jealousy — Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
No, he doesn’t. To him, jealously would imply that someone has something he wants. Firstly, you’re not an object to him, and secondly, he has you. There’s nothing more to it.
He’s not childish, nor is he out of check with his emotions, so he wouldn’t lash out on you, especially if it’s not your fault. In his small momentary slips, you wouldn’t even have noticed he was jealous at all.
He wouldn’t like it if someone was repeatedly making advances on you, especially if you’ve explicitly told them off/they were making you uncomfortable. In situations like that, he would simply try to get the both of you out of there/away from the person as quickly as possible.
There’s also an element of trust to this with Levi. He wouldn’t expect you to try and make him jealous out of spite; and he would trust that you wouldn’t play on the advances of other people if you notice them.
Kiss — Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He is a good kisser. Mainly because he’s very perceptive to what you want and how to give it you.
The first kiss was sweet. Knowing Levi, there was probably quite the build up to it, so even if it was sweet and innocent, there was a layer of tension and a crash of emotions coming forward in the moment. It was memorable, to say the least.
Love Confession — How would they confess to their s/o?
I have imagined this time and time again… and I think it really depends on the foundation of your relationship/friendship with him before.
In the most generic scenario, it would probably be a little backwards—you would have, intentionally or not, gone on some dates before he realized what his feelings really were, and then take it from there.
If you were friends for a while before hand, it can probably go the implicit dating route—that is you’re both exclusively emotionally invested in each other, and basically involved in most relationship aspects without having realized it or put a label on it. You kind of naturally morph into a relationship, and it probably takes a verbal confession or kiss or two to solidify it.
It can also go the sexual tension route, and one day one of you finally snaps and makes a move. The verbal confession would come in the aftermath, but your actions will have solidified and expressed your feelings long before that.
Marriage — Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Again, yes and no. Without taking into account the legal aspects, the actual concept of marriage is that juxtaposition of sweet and powerful that Levi likes; the idea of devoting yourself to someone and receiving a special kind of love for the rest of your life.
And while all of that is beautiful to him, there are the unfortunate cultural norms or marriage, especially in a modern au. The legality of it all, especially the financial defaults, would be a headache. Not to mention all the fluff and grandeur and gender expectations about it. He thinks all of that fucking sucks.
Above all, he doesn’t get why people expect him to pay for what’s basically an expensive document that tells the federal government he lives with you and loves you. He could do that without them in his business.
If you want to get married, then the proposal is sweet. Intimate, and probably a call back to something in your relationship, or a significant date/event for the both of you. He wouldn’t dare do it in public or even involve anybody else, other than maybe asking a friend or two.
Marriage with Levi is much like being in a long-term relationship with him. The way he acts in marriage isn’t exponentially different than the way he had been acting as your boyfriend. It’s all still very quiet, very sweet, very domestic.
Nicknames — What do they call their s/o?
He calls you by your name, unless you ask him to call you by something else. He might call you by an actual nickname, that is a shortened version of your name, if that’s the name you usually go by.
He’s not big on pet names and they slip out from time to time, but not in place of your actual name on an every day basis. If anything, he calls your name with a very unique tone to his voice. He rarely calls for anybody else with the same tone and/or emotion.
On Cloud Nine — What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It’s not… not obvious to his friends, but he doesn’t look like he’s been shot by cupids arrow or anything. If you know Levi, you might pick up on the fact that he seems a bit happier, less stressed, has taken up new hobbies/habits, etc. But there’s not he’s not shitting rainbows and sunshine all of a sudden.
Love is very personal and intimate for him. He would do his best to express to you that he loves you and loves the love he receives from you, but he doesn’t feel that everyone else needs to know.
So, it’s somehow simultaneously noticeable and unnoticeable when you’re together in the presence of other people.
PDA — Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss when others are watching?
Levi isn’t big on PDA. He’s not hiding your relationship, but he doesn’t care to boast it to every person he meets, either. If somebody asks him, he’ll happily say that he’s in a relationship, but he doesn’t bring it forward himself.
He’s not hiding it or shy, but he doesn’t feel the need to be all over you in public. He doesn’t anything to prove to anybody. Besides, nobody wants to see that shit. He knows he wouldn’t.
There are some displays of affection, though. Hand holding isn’t abnormal, though likely not in a casual space with your friends or family. He’ll brush is hand along your arm when he’s walking past you, might ruffle your hair if the occasion calls for it, squeeze your thigh under the table.
Quirk — Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He’s canonically good at math. This comes in handy when you’re at restaurants and trying to calculate a tip quickly. Somehow, he knows how to figure out 18% of your bill in 3 seconds flat.
It also comes in handy when you’re trying to organize things. Along with math comes a pretty good understanding of spatial reasoning. Somehow Levi is always able to put away your left overs using the smallest and least amount of tupperware possible. It’s kind of ridiculous, he might be a wizard.
Romance — How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
In the traditional sense, he might not appear romantic, but he’s the kind of person to say or do or gift little things that would take a much deeper romantic understanding of his partner than some grand, generic act like buying a thousand roses.
His romance is tailored to you and your relationship, not general expectations of what it means to be “romantic.”
Support — Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Levi is very devoted to you, so if you ask for his help, or he can help without stepping on your toes, he will. He wants you to not only succeed, but feel fulfilled through your achievements, and he’s happy to help you get there.
He believes in you wholeheartedly. If it’s something you really want, Levi wouldn’t dare doubt that you could achieve it.
Thrill — Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He doesn’t feel the need to try out new things based on expectations, but if you want to try something, or if he wants to try something, you can have a conversation about it, and eventually try it out.
There’s a sort of established routine in a domestic sense; a sharing of a mutual space and the behaviors associated with that. But there’s not, like, established date nights or “week-a-versaries.”
In that sense, he can be pretty spontaneous; bringing up new places to go or activities to try when the idea strikes him. But I suppose it’s never something… too adventurous? Not dangerous, at least lololol, he’s not going to randomly suggest you go skydiving as a bonding exercise. 
Understanding — How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Very well. Levi kind of makes you his business—in the most non-intrusive way possible. He’s perceptive and picks up on things about you with relative ease, and genuine interest.
He can predict how you might respond in a situation with pretty good accuracy, can guess what you might pick off the menu at a new restaurant, if given a choice has a good sense of which option you’ll choose. Very much a “I knew you would say that/do that, I don’t know why I even asked,” kind of person once he gets to know you. 
He can be pretty empathetic, and I think he would be in a relationship.
Value — How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Your relationship is pretty damn important to Levi, and he devotes a significant amount of time and attention to it. Not in the place of giving time for himself, his friends, family or interests; but he is very much devoted to you.
However, he’s not the type to give up solid opportunities (ex: financial, for his family/mom, career-wise) for the sake of a relationship, especially if he’s not in the position to do so; and he wouldn’t want you to give up exceptional opportunities that align with your goals for him either.
Everything is relative in that sense, I suppose. He cares for you, deeply, and knows that you do, too. That, contrary to popular belief, is what enables you both to be strong enough to bend and not break.
Wild Card — A random fluff head canon.
I’ll give you a few :)
If you want him to, Levi will do your hair for you, and he’s pretty fucking good at it, too; hair type or texture be damned, he’ll take his time with it, and do it well for you.
When he’s alone, Levi hums himself to sleep. Usually singing/humming his mother’s favorite songs and/or songs he remembers hearing as a child.
He always gives you the lighter bags when you take your groceries upstairs/into your house. He doesn’t tell you, but he knows you don’t like to ‘make’ him do all the work.
He always makes dinner if he gets home before you.
He’s a pretty good artist, and has even drawn you once. He’s never told you or shown you, but he keeps the picture folded up in his wallet. Or behind his phone case.
XOXO — Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Affectionate in private, yes. He doesn’t mind it if you’re all over him, and truthfully, has his moments where he’s shamelessly all over you, too. Especially in the morning, he’s a cuddle bug.
Kisses are always good, he would never oppose them. He’s quite easy to persuade with kisses, actually. And most physical touches; he doesn’t get them often, so he kind of melts when he does. 
Cuddles, too. Again, all of this is private and in the comfort of your own home. His favorite way to cuddle is to either have you completely on top of him, or to lay his head in your lap. Because he loves the feeling of you playing with his hair.
Yearning — How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Levi will take part in things you like or things you’ve claimed in your shared space.
For example, he might find himself eating your favorite foods more often, sitting on the spot on the couch your sit in most often, rolling over to your side of the bed in his sleep.
He also likes to look back on pictures of the two of you. He doesn’t particularly like to be photographed, but he likes having these physical memories of your relationship, so he’ll indulge you when you want to take a picture together. And they come in real handy during times like this.
Zeal — Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Levi will definitely put up a fight for you, so long as it’s mutual. He wouldn’t pour his effort into someone or a relationship in which he feels like he’s not receiving the same.
I’m not sure what great lengths there would be to go to in a modern au, but he definitely believes that relationships are hard work, and as such, is prepared to put in the work when things get hard. He’s not a quitter, and he knows that love is foundation and requires time and energy.
He cares about you too much to let you go without reason.
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thebusylilbee · 2 years
I didn’t like No Way Home either. I didn’t really like it at all. I found a really good article that explains the flaws with the movie: collider*com/spider-man-no-way-home-spoiler-review/
Ooooh thank you for sharing that article with me anon, I love shitting on this vastly overrated film ! "Spider-Man: No Way Home largely feels like bad fan-fic" yep yep yep, it feels like something written by the most uninspired teenager ever, with tons of meme references forcefully inserted into the blandest story because who cares about substance as long as we can wink at the audience to make them laugh, right ? the important part is that the public can go "omg he repeated 'I'm something of a scientist myself' so funny haha !!!" or "oh yeah Tobey Maguire is repeating 'you're amazing' because Andrew Garfield's movies were called The Amazing Spider-man haha, get it ?! get it ?! it's not cringy I swear" like truly the writers are geniuses...
Not to mention the Daredevil cameo played in the most idiotic way possible because super-protective-of-his-secret-identity Matt Murdock is apparently dumb enough to bother catching a brick (thrown inhumanely fast at a window on the last floors of a high building btw ?! the Hulk must be the culprit) when it was targeted at a superhuman who could have stopped it just fine with no injuries. okay... logic and coherence deserve to be sacrificed for a wink at the audience, that's the rule !
And don't get me started on Electro's little "I thought you'd be black" moment which was the laziest and weirdest way to hint at Miles Morales ever. We already saw Miles' uncle in Homecoming and it was years ago, and fucking nothing since ! give us something bigger and better written than "*wink wink wink* where is the black spidey lol", like actually introduce Miles Morales or at the very least his uncle again or shut the hell up !
But the worst reference has to be aunt May saying "with great power comes great responsibility" after so many years, when Peter already expressed this exact same idea during his first scene with Tony Stark... What a way to show that no character development happened since ! As the article says "you could stroll into No Way Home having never seen Homecoming or Far From Home and not have missed anything important about who Peter is as a character. He doesn’t grow between movies as much as he’s just got a different conflict, and it’s a conflict that frequently overshadows his personal stakes." But it's the movie of the decade right 🤪🤪🤪
The very foundations of this movie are weak as hell too. In the comics the erasure of people's memories is done by Mephisto, a literal demon, who does not care about fucking up with people's minds and lives, and it's done when Peter feels cornered and desperate because people are coming after his family now that his identity is public and aunt May just got killed ! It was still a stupid decision in the comics but at least he had a good reason to panic ! But in the film Peter decides to mess with humanity's memory because of... FUCKING M.I.T. ??? Are you kidding me ?!! What a privileged moron !!! And grown ass adult Dr Strange thinks that's a good reason to mess with innocent people's lives ??? Unreal. Absolutely unreal and completely immoral. Garbage story telling. Beyond stupid characters.
Also the article makes a GREAT point here: "the notion that Peter feels compelled to “save” [the villains] doesn’t feel rooted in anything because, again, the MCU Peter Parker isn’t rooted in anything. He loves the people in his life, but nothing that’s happened so far says that Peter feels like he must save supervillains, especially when he didn’t seem too broken up about Mysterio’s death. It’s not so much that I believe Peter would be indifferent as much as it’s a dramatic inconsistency in the way he’s written across this series." Like for real, why didn't they exploit Peter's trauma of having to fight people and watch them die ? Why is Peter not traumatized by his near death experiences (and real death with the blip) and the people he couldn't save ??? THAT would have helped explain his irrationality in No Way Home ! But god forbid we have emotions other than "i'm kinda sad that Tony Stark is gone" in our marvel movies !!!
And the visuals don't save any of it. As the article says "No Way Home solidifies for me that [Jon Watts] is a deeply uninteresting filmmaker." Totally agree. The action scenes were generic as hell, like how many times are we going to get a bland fight scene on a bridge good god, enough is enough. There isn't a single iconic shot in this film and the colors are fuck ugly, the last half hour is exactly as described in the article: "brown-grey dishwater".
In conclusion: "is this all movies are supposed to be ? Is it nothing more than recognizing the thing ? [...] The only point of No Way Home is to make the audience nod and smile at the things they recognize before the film ends." This film is soulless.
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