whumpninja · 7 months
*crashing in through the whump community’s skylight*
oh hey, what’s up? I’m Jack, I’ve been lurking in the shadows of the community for way too long and I’m now revealing my presence!
Name: it’s Jack, didn’t you just see it up there? I will also accept Jacques, Jack-Jack, Jackrabbit, Jackalope, Jack Sparrow, Jack Daniels or J-Money
Age: old enough to drink, not old enough to say “back in the good old days…” while I stare wistfully out the window (I could do that, but I’d just be reminiscing about when everyone wore their jeans around their knees)
Pronouns: he/him, they/them, hey/you, call me whatever you want as long as you don’t call me late for- nope, I’m not finishing that joke
About Me: why are you asking? who do you work for? WHO SENT YOU?! Just kidding. Here are some things I like doing- writing, thinking about whump, thinking about writing whump. Here are some things I like doing but am bad at- cooking things, climbing things without falling off of them, running without feeling like I’m going to die. Here are some things I don’t like doing- studying, going to the gym, watching romantic comedies, eating canned vegetables, getting my socks wet.
About Whump: love it. Love, love, love it. Whump is great. I like almost all flavors (but hold the nuts and butts and sexy bits.) My particular favorites- defiant whumpee, whump with magic/fantasy elements in it, whumpers who just suck, uh…whumpees in gladiator fights?? But…cage matches. Not bare-chested men in loincloths stabbing each other.
Here are some blogs about whump I really like: @smellofsnoww @weirdstrangeandawful @whumperofworlds @whumperfultime @redwingedwhump @painsandconfusion @newbornwhumperfly @pigeonwhumps @caspia-writes @spookyboywhump @oddsconvert and literally so many more, I have been lurking here for *a while* also I will probably make a blubbery post about why I like these blogs the next time I have a drink
About WIPs: I have a grand total of one. It currently exists as a complicated red-string-board of a Google Doc with way too many characters and at least three plotlines. It’ll probably still have too many characters and plotlines when I post it. It’s mainly about vampires and humans whumping each other into absolute oblivion, so if that’s your speed, stay tuned, sports fans.
Anyway, it’s me, finally coming out of the shadows to join the whump community in their mission to make fictional characters suffer! I have the power of God and whump on my side- AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH-
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wingedwhump · 2 years
Let’s Discuss: BBU
Here I am with one of the most popular tropes in the whump community; the BBU! Many writers have various ways to write about it such as @albino-whumpee with Albus and Sann, @spookyboywhump with Wren and Zander, both of which are amazing writers and you guys should definitely read their stories if you haven’t yet
What is the BBU?
BBU stands for box boy universe, it’s a very popular trope in the whump community that’s sort of like build-a-bear workshop but for human pets
How does it work?
This is vary depending on how you write your story but usually from what I have read, there’s a form the whumper fills out with certain aspects they prefer including:
Whumper 1 prefers a tame box boy to avoid the trouble of training them whereas whumper 2 enjoys breaking their box boys and orders a defiant box boy
Whumper 1 orders a hybrid box boy for those extra opportunities and dehumanization whereas whumper 2 wants a human pet so they know what to expect. See my Hybrid Discussion for examples on that
Whumper 1 wants a pet who can read and write whereas whumper 2 wants them to be as blank as possible
After filling out the form, the owner will get their box boy/boxie/pet shipped to them. The whumpee will be trapped in the box waiting for their owner to let them out. There are also a few different types of boxies:
Guard Dog: pretty self explanatory. These boxies are usually large and are trained to fight and protect their masters. @redwingedwhump has a couple of stories of their ocs (David and Riley) who are both guard dogs.
Romantic: Romantics are pets that are trained to provide pleasure to their masters so a majority of these stories are 18+ and can contain noncon/dubcon. I believe @whumpfigure has an oc named Etienne/Tee that is a romantic as well as Asa by @lonewhumper
Domestic: I think these are also self explanatory. Domestics are pets that don’t usually fight but they also aren’t used for pleasure. Some owners have one simply for the power or to have a lap dog. Of course they still do get punished for behaving badly according to the owner’s standards
I’m going to make a part 2 going over training and rescue/rehabilitation but if I missing anything here, please feel free to add on any information ^-^
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whumpawink · 2 years
My Favorite Whump (or whump-y) Series
@pretty-face-breaker ‘s Emir’s Masterlist (1973)
@deluxewhump ‘s The Blackmuir Reign
@deluxewhump ‘s True North
@whumpwillow ‘s Hazeshift
@whump-in-the-closet ‘s Liberosis
@ashintheairlikesnow ‘s Erase to Control
@whumpering-heights ‘s Behind the Masks
@deluxewhump ‘s Frathouse Boxboy (Z2) (some NSFW)
@whumpsday ‘s Kane and Jim
@/coldresolve ‘s Moneymakers (pls do not tag as whump)
@whumblr ‘s :
Home is Where the Hurt is
Custody Series
@painsandconfusion ‘s With You
@whump-world ‘s Deal with the Devil (NSFW)
@spookyboywhump ‘s Wren/Zander/Cain
@whumpshaped ‘s Devil... h-hot... (crack whump) (SOME NSFW)
@whumpshaped ‘s 7 Minutes in Hell
@whumpzone ‘s Linden and Colton (SOME NSFW)
Tomas and Rowe
@the-bloody-sadist ‘s Dancing with Death
@hurting-fictional-people ‘s Whumpee Betrays Caretaker
@whump-tr0pes ‘s Honor Bound
@whumpers-inc ‘s Who Wants To Be A Whumpee?
@thoughtsonhurtandcomfort ‘s Arrin and Alex (SOME NSFW)
@secretwhumplair ‘s No Warrior (some implied NSFW)
@whumpacabra ‘s The Black Knight
@ shameless whumper’s Jericho series
(since this is gonna be ongoing and constantly edited pls lemme know if every time i edit it tags yall again and i’ll unlink the @‘s 😅💖)
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ofallthelostdogs · 2 years
Lost and Found
i think it feels appropriate that the first chapter posted on here introduces a new (and slightly old) character. with lots of fun backstory.
word count: 5,835
TW: female whumper (briefly there, does no actual harm while there), running away, interrogation (kind of), memory loss, past whump, uhh. i think that’s it!
tldr its not really whumpy, a sweet boy runs away from his owner and finds an azure shelter to help him. tagging @spookyboywhump bc naturally. also shoutout to allen for helping write this bc my brain is MUSH. mush i tell you. i havent posted a writing in so fucking long uh. eenjoy.
The plan was solid, if he didn't mess it up. He had counted the minutes second by second, every day until he was certain he would get it right.
She got up, showered and made coffee. He waited patiently for her to collect him, to bring him downstairs and make breakfast. He helped cook like always, and laughed quietly along to her chit-chat. His heart raced in his chest, his throat tight with anxiety.
"Will you collect the mail for me, sweetness?" She asked. Lost smiled gently and stood up, nodding his head. It was almost over. Finally, it was almost over.
He fetched the mail quickly, hurrying back to her side so as not to arouse suspicion. She wouldn't notice a thing for hours, if everything went according to plan. She was going to leave for work after breakfast and reading the news. It took her an hour to get to and from work on a good day, and about a half hour more if the traffic was bad, which it always was on a Monday. He wanted as much time as he could get.
His owner kissed him goodbye as she left, grabbing her purse and her coat and leaving a bright red stain on his forehead. She waved as she closed the door, and locked it behind her like always.
As if he hadn't learned how to unlock it.
Once she was gone it was time. Lost hurriedly made his way to the bathroom, rubbing the lipstick off of his face as quickly as he could and tossing the wipe into the bin.
He needed something to hide his collar, which took the form of one of his owner's scarves, wrapped around his neck with the hopes of it covering his face enough to bypass anyone recognizing him. It was soft, and as he stared into the mirror he stroked the fabric and paused.
Was he really making the right choice? What if she was angry, oh and she would be. She could have someone track him down, he could be dragged back kicking and screaming and she would hurt him, punish him for his disobedience, because how dare he leave her like that?
Well, wasn't that the point? She had told him his mother was cruel, that she rescued him but… he couldn't remember anything before her. His whole life was just… blank. Every memory erased. Nothing came before her, not in his memory, or in his life. There had to be an after. He needed there to be.
She wouldn't have heard him anyways, but Lost always found himself creeping down the stairs as if every little creak of the wood was going to summon her, and she would see him and know he was going to leave. His stomach turned at the thought, making him nauseous. It would take at least an hour before she was home even if she found out, that was why he chose today. He had even checked her bag the night before to ensure she wouldn't forget anything, and hidden a twenty dollar bill from her wallet in his favourite pair of shoes.
Lost wasn't sure how long he stared at the door, willing himself to build the courage to unlock it. Once he made it past the driveway he was set, he could get anywhere he needed to. He had even written down the directions to the nearest Azure shelter, a name he recognized from her scorn of the company's mission.
How dare people want to be free.
He barely recognized his own hands as he reached in front of him, pressing numbers into a keypad and hoping she hadn't changed the passcode. She got notifications on her phone if he pressed the wrong number, and he knew that she would never let him forget his mistake if she caught him.
The keypad lit up green, and a high pitched chime signaled as the lock clicked open. Lost blinked, almost unbelieving. It was working.
He was going to get out.
It chimed again as he shut the door behind him, and he flinched. All he had to do was punch the code back in, and she wouldn't know he had left until she was inside after work and it was far too late to find him again. One two oh eight.
One two oh eight.
It beeeped at him when it locked shut, and he smiled slightly. He was almost free, for real. No more false promises.
Lost turned on his heel and began to walk down the driveway, cutting over the front lawn and slipping through a break in the fence that he had found months prior. Conveniently hidden by hedges and his owner's precious flower bushes.
He looked at the house for a moment as he walked away and pondered. Anxiety sat like lead in his stomach, still unsure of whether or not he was making the right choice. He had to be, right? None of his fears could be as bad as she was. He could be a person, on his own, if he wanted to. He just needed to learn.
He just needed the chance.
It took him longer than he had expected.
By the time Lost made it to the shelter the sun was much higher in the sky than when he began, and his mouth and throat were dryer than he could ever remember. His legs felt weak and his head felt light, making him dizzy. He imagined the scarf wasn't helping, as the sun beat down on him he was sweating hard enough to soak the front of his shirt. 
He promised himself it would be worth it. 
The shelter was at the end of a very inconspicuous block, and the only things marking it as anything besides an ordinary apartment complex were the security measures and small Azure logo above the door. Lost faltered as he saw two large men standing outside, the bravery he had built up wilting and cowering at the sight, at the idea of what they could do to him. One of them took notice and watched him backtrack for a moment, before calling out. 
"Do you need help?" 
Lost stood in place. Yes, he wanted to cry. Yes, yes please, please help me. Save me. I need help. His hands shook, along with his legs. He had walked too far to turn back, too far to hide and run back to his owner with his tail between his legs like a dog. 
He stepped forward and nodded. The man quietly acknowledged his hesitation, crouching down slightly when he spoke again. 
"Did someone hurt you?" Another nod. 
The man smiled sympathetically at him, and Lost noticed a collar similar to his around his throat, with a shiny silver plate that said Zander at the front. 
"We can help you, you don't have to rush but… when you're ready, we can go inside and I can get you help. You came to the right place." Zander said. 
Lost nodded, slowly coming closer. "I- I, I don't… I don't wanna be owned any muh-more…
He collapsed just a few steps away from Zander, who caught him and held him close, feeling how violently he shook. "You're gonna be okay," He murmured. "I promise, nobody is gonna hurt you again." 
Zander adjusted his hold on the boy and stood up, lifting him easily. The security guard he had been talking to opened the door for them and shot him a sad smile, familiar with the fragile state of many rescued and escaped victims. 
"Thanks." Zander acknowledged. He scanned a card that unlocked a more secure, interior door and pulled it open, hitching the small boy in his arms up to not drop him.
Alondra noticed him coming back in immediately and rushed to his side, standing on her toes to get a look at the boy he carried. 
“He just showed up.” Zander explained to her, and she nodded, understanding right away. 
“He looks exhausted,” She said, looking at Lost sympathetically, “here, come with me.” She told him, and Zander followed her as she led them back to a more private room. Zander was able to sit Lost down in a chair but he didn’t seem quite ready to leave his side, hesitant to do so at first when Alondra instructed him to go grab the boy something to drink. 
He did so after a moment regardless, and Alondra looked at Lost worriedly, asking him, “Would you be okay with removing your scarf? You must be really hot…” She spoke softly and gently, not wanting to pressure him into anything.
Lost nodded slowly, reaching up slowly to unwrap it. "I… d-didn't want… anyone t-to notice… it…" He mumbled, gesturing at the collar around his throat when he pulled his owner's scarf away. He wanted to hold it, despite all of his sense telling him not to. It was her's, not his, and he didn't want it. 
He tossed it across the room to dispel his desire to cling to it, to his life as a pet. He wanted out. "C-can you help me t-take it off? I- I don't, I can't, it, it's locked…" 
“Of course.” She told him, getting closer to get a better look at the lock. “It might take us a little bit to get it off but we’ll find a way, I promise.” She assured him. 
Zander came back shortly after, bringing Lost a nice cold water bottle which he handed to him right away. 
“I called Eli while I was out there.” He told Alondra.
“That’s good, he should be able to help us get this collar off him.” She said. 
Lost watched the two of them tiredly, holding the bottle in his hands. It was so cold, it felt nice. He held it to his forehead instead of opening it, breathing slowly. "Uh, um. Um, excuse me," He spoke up. "Wuh- what t-time is it?" 
Zander looked down at his phone. "It's uh… just about twelve." Lost sighed with relief. His owner wouldn't be home for hours yet. 
"Th-thank you…" He said, smiling politely. Finally he opened his bottle of water, having cooled off enough to feel present again. The cold water was a welcome relief, soothing his parched throat. The poor boy was so small his feet barely touched the ground, and he kicked them slightly and shut his eyes happily as he drank.
They gave him time to cool down, knowing he must be tired. They still had to wait for Elias to get there before they could even attempt to get that collar off of him. Alondra let him drink, waiting until he had finished before trying to make him speak again. 
"So, can you tell us what we should call you?” She asked. Though she could easily check the collar around his neck, she didn’t want to assume that was the name he’d choose to answer to.
The boy looked at her with wide eyes, seeming to mull it over for a second before answering. 
"Muh- my name is, um, my n-name is Lost…" He said quietly. He looked down at his feet as he said it, almost ashamed to admit that he had been so far gone as to be named by his owner. He wrung his hands together nervously, hoping with all his might that these two would continue this level of kindness, that his many shortcomings weren't going to earn him lashings, or the silent treatment for days. Worse still was his owner saying she was disappointed in him, sitting him down to tell him all the ways he's failed her in the past… well, however long it had been since she did it last. 
However neither of them seemed shaken by his response, and he let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't his fault that his name was Lost, or that his real name had really been lost to time. He was Lost, or sweetness, although the latter made his skin crawl. He shivered slightly. 
 “Alright, Lost,” She said with a smile, “my name is Alondra, and you’ve met Zander.” She said, gesturing to him. “Once our friend gets here they’ll probably have some questions for you, but you don’t need to feel like you have to answer anything you’re not ready to, they’ll understand.” 
He nodded. These people seemed nice enough, and although he was in an unfamiliar place he was already feeling better about his decision than earlier that morning. It was smart of him to leave early, the kind of thought that would have gone unappreciated by his owner, and her constant efforts to keep him feeling and behaving like a child. 
 After some time passed there was a knock on the door, and Zander commented on how that must be Eli before telling him to come in. Elias opened the door, taking a step inside but he seemed to pause in the doorway, looking directly at Lost. He almost looked a little bit confused, his head tilted to the side just slightly, but he caught himself and smiled at him, trying his best to appear friendly. 
 “Hello there.” He said to him, closing the door behind him. “Zander told me you came here looking for help?” He asked, trying to get a good understanding of the situation.
Lost nodded. He was quiet, and hadn't said a word since telling them his name. When he did speak, his voice was soft. He almost seemed afraid to speak above a whisper. "I- I wanna… I wanna be, um, I…" 
He stumbled over his words for a minute, getting frustrated with himself the more he stuttered, and the frustration seemed to make it worse. Eventually he gave up, puffing his cheeks out and sighing and settling for another nod. 
 “It’s alright.” Alondra said to him softly, trying to be reassuring, before she looked to Eli. “He needs help with this collar, it’s locked.” Alondra told him. 
 “I thought that might be an issue.” Eli said as he stepped closer, stopping before he actually got close enough to touch the collar. “Is it alright if I touch you?” He asked Lost. “I should be able to get this off, I haven’t found a lock I couldn’t figure out yet, I just need to take a look at it first.”
"P-please… please g-get it off of me…" Lost whimpered, lowering his head. "I… I don't, I don't want it… please t-take it off." 
 “Don’t worry, I’ll try to do this as quickly as I can.” Eli told him, still being very careful as he checked the lock. He’d come prepared for this scenario, as this wasn’t the first time somebody needed to be freed from a locked collar. 
The collar was simple, leather stained a light purple collar with thick blue stitching. The lock hung off the back, with a little heart shaped tag on the front that read Sweetness. Lost had never seen the other side of the tag, but he had been told that it said his owner's name, in case he managed to escape her and was found by some well meaning individual.
And just like Elias had promised, he was able to get it off rather quickly, and immediately handed the collar over to Zander to take a look at the tag. “We can get rid of that for you, you won’t have to worry about it anymore.” Eli assured him.
Lost's hands shot up to his throat, touching the skin that had been covered for years now. His eyes were wide, his mouth slightly agape. He looked up at Elias and his eyes shone, the hint of a smile twitching at the corner of his mouth. 
"Thank you…" He mumbled, his hands gently placed against his throat. He could barely believe the feeling, the freedom of having his throat unbarred and unhidden. The last restraint, the one constant reminder of his ownership, of his place. Finally gone. And so quickly, he barely had the time to process it before it was taken away from him, before he would never see it again. 
For a moment, he regretted tossing the scarf away from him. 
He almost hoped that his owner had been lying about putting her name and address on his collar, and that they wouldn't be able to find her. He almost didn't want her to know that he was gone at all, and wished he could somehow leave without really doing so. A part of him knew deep down, that there was something wrong with how he had been treated, that he was not a pet, or a child, or anyone's property. 
He didn't watch what Zander did with his collar, and put his head back down, pulling his knees to his chest with the hope that curling in on himself would protect him. 
He couldn't imagine finding someone in his state and returning them to the name listed on their collar. He could imagine a thousand scenarios, but all of them ended the same way; with that person as far away from any "owner" as they could possibly get.
Now that the collar was dealt with, Elias pulled up one of the chairs so he could sit across from Lost, so he wouldn’t be standing over him anymore. He didn’t try to make him look at him, but he was closer to being on his level and he spoke to him kindly, being very careful with what he said. 
“I know you’re probably tired, and we’ll let you rest as soon as we can, but we would like to ask you some questions if that’s okay?” Eli asked him. “We’d appreciate anything you’d be willing to tell us.”
Lost looked up at him through his eyelashes and nodded slightly. "Uhuh," He whimpered, and sat up a little straighter. He focused on Elias' freckles, the scar on his face, anything to avoid looking him directly in the eye. "I- I can."
 “If you’re comfortable with it, what can you tell us about the person who did this to you?” Eli asked him gently. 
 “We’ll look into the name on the collar, but if there’s anything else you can tell us that you think would help, that would be good.” Zander added.
"I…" Lost began, looking immediately anxious. "I, I don't… know. She, she's my owner… um, wuh- what do you wanna… know?" 
 “I guess we should start with how she got you in that situation to begin with. Did you know her before or was she just a stranger?” Eli asked him.
"Um…" He scrunched up his face uncomfortably. "I… don't… remember. I- I'm sorry." 
 “That’s alright,” Eli said, “Even if you can’t remember now, if you do remember anything later you can always tell somebody then, everything helps. Is there anything at all you can remember from before you were with her? Any family or friends? We’ll try our best to contact them for you.”
Lost's expression grew more frustrated, puffing out his cheeks again. For years now it had been the more he focused on it, the less he was able to recall. He could remember a terrifying, filthy cell and his hands restrained above him. He remembered being beaten, and screaming for help, and then… nothing. Nothing before, and nothing after until waking up on his owner's carpet; terrified and shivering only to be brought into her arms. 
He could remember her petting his hair, holding him and comforting him. He remembered her giving him the name of her sweet little lost pet. But nothing else. Nothing but her. 
"I… I remember my… my Miss, I…" Lost placed his hands on the back of his neck and whined quietly, starting to rock back and forth. "I remember Miss. I- I don't… know about… before her. I j-just, I just don't… it's not… there."
 “Hey, it’s okay.” Eli said gently. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stress you out. We can stop or take a break if you’d like, we only have to keep going if you want to.”
Lost whined again, putting his head between his knees. "I, I… just, I just rem'mber g-getting… hurt… I… rem'mber waking up… 'nd she was there, Miss wuh, was there 'nd… and… and I don't… have anything… before. Just, just her."
 “It’s alright,” Elias said softly, leaning forward in his seat just slightly. “You don’t need to force yourself, I understand. We can talk about anything else, we can leave this alone.” He told him, trying his best to stay calm and calm him down as well at the same time, he couldn’t stand seeing him so distressed. “We don’t need to worry about before until later, right now and how you’re doing is much more important.”
Lost sniffled, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his shirt. "I," He stammered, eyes welling up with tears. "I don't wuh, wanna be useless… I, I'm sorry… I just… I just wanna go home…" 
Eli's heart panged. It wasn't going to be easy to get any actual information out of him, least of all because he seemed to not know any. The poor boy was already so distraught, it was almost a wonder how he had gotten all the way here on his own. 
"I shouldn't hah, have left…" He mumbled, shaking his head. 
“That’s not true, it’s good that you’re here, we’ll keep you safe.” Eli told him. “We don’t need to rush anything.” He looked around worriedly, but it wasn’t uncommon for new rescues to be emotional, and Alondra had already grabbed a box of tissues and offered it to Lost. 
 “Here, it’s okay to take a break if you need to.” She assured him gently. “No matter what you can or can’t tell them, you’re still going to be safe here.”
He took the tissues with a soft little "thank you," and began wiping his face, taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down. It took him a few minutes, sitting in silence and wiping at his face occasionally.
"M-miss is, um, she…" Lost began carefully. "She's… pretty. Um, she hah, has light hair, l-like, real light. And, and blue eyes like, like mine. She… she isn't muh, much bigger than me. She… she wears pretty dr-dresses, and shoes that make her t-taller. Her friends are… scary…" 
He paused for a minute and squeezed his eyes shut, balling his hands into fists and slowing down his breathing. 
"Her friends… do b-big, big bad work. Th-that… that's where I think… I came from. They… all have… pets…" He lowered his voice, as if the word itself was dirty, tainted by these people and their actions. "One of them h-hated me… I, I dunno why." 
“Hated you?” Elias asked, his eyebrows raised. He briefly glanced at Zander, wondering if he was thinking the same thing he was, the other man seemed just as intrigued by this. The thought that had been at the back of his head since the second he saw Lost was bothering him more now, he took his phone from his pocket and only searched for a minute to find the picture, almost hesitant to show it to him. “I’m sorry, you said her friends did bad work, do you… do you recognize this man…?” He asked him, showing him a picture of Nicholas Fairfax.
Lost's face dropped, the courage he had just built up leaving him in an instant. He pushed himself back in his chair, his breathing kicking up into quick, panicked breaths. He whined loudly, pulling his hands up to his chest protectively. 
"Uhuh," He whimpered, nodding. "I, I, I h-hate him, I hate him, he's, he's so mean. He doesn't, he doesn't t-tell the truth!" Lost buried his face in his hands, shaking his head and whimpering. "He's a buh, bully! And his pet is t-too…" 
 “I was worried you would say that…” Eli scowled, quickly putting his phone away so that Lost wouldn’t have to see the image again. “I’m so sorry that they treated you that way, but you won’t have to worry about him or his pet anymore. The fact you knew who he was is helpful on its own, so thank you for telling me.” He had to remind himself to stay calm, he could be upset later, right now he just needed to focus on Lost and trying to keep him comfortable. 
"He… he's m-mister Fairfax. I… I'm not allowed to c-call him by his um, his first name." Lost said quietly. "Good boys um, d-don't." He added, almost as an afterthought. 
 “Did you… have to spend a lot of time with him?” Eli asked, though he had a feeling he already knew the answer to that.
"Not… at first." Lost chose his words carefully. "I… I wasn't… allowed to. For, for a while. I… I d-disobeyed. And, and I th-thought… he would be nice to, to me. When, when I was wrong… miss didn't care anymore. Cus, cus it was… it was m-my fault." He wrung his hands nervously, looking at Elias. He didn't trust them, not yet, all that he had heard about the company from his owner's angry ranting was that they took pets away, away from where they belonged. He didn't have any idea what was done with them afterwards. 
"She j-just kept, kept leaving me wuh, with him. All the t-time. Cus I earned it and, and she had, had places to g-go." 
 “I’m… I’m sorry… that wasn’t your fault, you never deserved any of that…” He told him. He tried to be careful about what he said, he didn’t always know what would or wouldn’t upset somebody in this situation, but he hated to think he believed he’d earned or deserved any of what happened. It sounded like pretty standard behaviour from Nicholas, but he didn’t want to comment on that to him either.
"Miss t-told me I did," Lost said, as if that made it fact. "She said I'm b-bad, and, and he said so t-too. They, they're… smarter than m-me." 
 “Well… I don’t think you’re bad… and neither of them are going to bother you here, we’ll make sure of that.” Eli said. He wanted to tell him that they were wrong, he was never bad no matter what they said, they weren’t smarter just because they acted like it, but he didn’t want to overwhelm him, no matter how angry he was that they made him think that way.
"They're mean," Lost replied. "They… th-they suck! I, I don't l-like them." He had finally settled on sitting with his knees up, his arms crossed and his chin resting on them. He pushed his face into his arms, covering his eyes and sighing heavily. 
Really, he wasn't sure how he felt. His mind felt strangely blank, although his heart raced and his eyes watered. He wasn't… upset, but he wasn't happy about it, either. Everything seemed so overwhelming. He wanted the questions to end, his head hurt and he was so tired, and hungry, the more he focused the more he realized just how much of a mess he was. He was exhausted, and covered in sweat, his feet, legs and back ached so badly, and his scars burned. He wanted to lay down on the floor and let it swallow him, but the effort of moving even that far made him want to cry. He hurt. 
"I… I don't wanna do th-this anymore puh, please…" Lost whimpered, burying his face further in his arms. "I'm so tired…"
 “That’s okay, you don’t have to.” Eli quickly assured him. “Alondra can go make sure a space is ready for you, and we can let you get cleaned up and bring you some new clothes and then you can relax.” He told him. “You can take all the time you need to rest, we don’t need to rush anything.”
Lost nodded, too tired to do much else. All of the exhaustion he was feeling before seemed to have doubled, and he barely stopped himself from falling asleep in his chair. 
Alondra headed off to set up a room, while Elias left with the promise to return with clean clothes and towels. Zander stood awkwardly in the corner of the room, having not been given a task he seemed to remain stationary, his hands in his jacket pockets and his eyes fixed on the floor. Occasionally he would rock on the balls of his feet, scanning the room while Lost stayed in place.
He was far too tired to move. Presumably, he was going to be offered a shower but the thought only exhausted him more, if only partially because he wasn't used to bathing himself anymore. After four years of being babied and doted on for every little thing, he wasn't quite sure where to begin taking care of himself. 
Alondra returned fairly quickly, the same gentle, yet friendly smile on her face that she had offered while he struggled to answer Elias' questions. 
"I've got a room with a bed for you, if you want to come with me," She said softly. Lost whined. "You don't have to shut the door if you don't want to, we won't lock you in. And you aren't sharing with anyone, it's just for you." 
Lost continued to whine, rubbing his eyes against his arms. He produced an array of colourful explosions behind heavy eyelids, trying with all his might to keep himself awake. He shook his head, grunting in disagreement as he found that words simply refused to obey him. 
"Do you want me to carry you again?" Zander spoke up, taking a step out of the corner. Lost mulled it over for a moment. Fresh clothes and a bed did sound better than curling up in his current state, on that chair no less. He groaned something resembling a yes and looked up tiredly, eyes red and puffy. He reached out to Zander with both arms, and Zander picked him up easily. The boy weighed next to nothing, clearly his owner and Nicholas hadn't been doing a great job of keeping him fed, which wasn't uncommon. 
Zander followed Alondra down the hallway, up a flight of stairs and around a corner to a hall with many rooms coming off of it, each one having either a blank tag beside the door, or the occupied ones with names hastily scribbled in. 
They arrived at a door recently labeled with his name, in a curly, swirling text that he could only assume was Alondra's. Inside was a bed, a table and chair, and a small dresser. Lost noticed a closet around the corner when Zander put him down on the bed, with empty hangers ready to be filled. 
His own room. 
The most his owner had given him was a kennel.
Elias came back quickly, carrying the items he had promised as well as a small stuffed shark, which he handed to Lost with a shy smile. 
"You don't have to want it, or like it, but… I always find hugging them helps me calm down. I thought you might like one." 
Lost stared at the small blue plush, with its embroidered black eyes and sharp white teeth. It smiled at him, and he found himself smiling back a little. He tucked it into the bed beside his pillows and smiled at Elias, his eyes shut with sleepiness. 
Eli smiled back, and placed the towels and clothes on the bed bedside Lost. 
"I got you some sweatpants and a tee shirt as well, um, there wasn't a lot of options so they're blue and gray. I hope that's okay. The showers are just down the hall to your right, there's signs in case you get mixed up too." He explained, gesturing to the general direction of the showers. 
"Th-thank you…" Lost mumbled, stifling a yawn. "I… I think 'm too… sleepy… though… um…"
"Oh, that's okay!" Eli exclaimed, not wanting Lost to feel pressured. "You can do whatever you'd like." 
"I…" Lost continued. "I wanna… um… new… n-new clothes… and… and… slee… sleepy…" He paused for a minute, looking down at his feet nervously. After a moment he looked at Elias again, big blue puppy eyes pouting up at him from the bed. "Wuh, will you… st-stay with… me? I… I don't… want m-miss to… to find me… please…" 
 “Oh- of course, if that’s what you’d like.” Eli told him. He was almost surprised he wanted him to do it but he didn’t mind helping, anything to make him feel better. “I can step out so you can get changed but I’ll come back in when you’re ready. I’ll make sure everything is okay while you sleep, you don’t have to worry about her.” He assured him.
Lost smiled. He mumbled another thank you and resisted the instinct to refer to Elias as sir. Eli left the room for a moment, and Lost made sure he kept the door at least an inch ajar, and that he wasn't trapped before hauling himself off of the bed and into his new closet to change his clothes. Lost liked small spaces, and he could imagine setting up a little den of sorts in there to recharge himself. 
Changing went quickly despite his exhaustion, and he meekly called for Elias to open the door again as he dragged himself back to bed. 
"I… am so t-tired." He stated flatly as he pulled the covers back. The bed was warm, and clean, and the room outside was cool and comfortable. It was a gracious relief after walking so far, and he almost began to feel like he deserved it. After all, he was only human. Lost grabbed the plush that Elias had given him, and held it to his chest before laying down and tucking himself in. He had always preferred to go to sleep with something to hold. 
"Thank you," He called again, looking up at Eli with sleepy eyes. "Um, um… th-thank you. 'M, I… I… am… sleepy. Good… goodnight." 
 “Of course.” Eli smiled at him. “I hope you sleep well, goodnight.” He told him, taking a seat in the chair in the room so he could stay with him. He hoped he’d feel better once he’d had some time to rest, he couldn’t imagine just how exhausted he must’ve been. 
It only took a few minutes for Lost to fall asleep. He curled up around his plush, hugging it close to his chest and laying almost fetal. When he closed his eyes the darkness embraced him kindly, wrapping him up and taking over easily. Lost let himself be lulled into sleep by the sound of people working outside his door, knowing that if anyone wanted to come in; they would have to answer to Eli first. 
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let's Talk Whump No.13
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community. I’m Malice and I’ll be your host. 
Our wonderful interviewee for today is @unicornscotty!
Let’s start with something none non whump related about yourself!
I do Karate and have done for as long as I can remember. I've gone to a few abroad competitions such as World and European championships and hope to do them more in the future. It is a huge part of my life outside Whump.
What does whump mean to you?
I think its just a type of writing that is very different for everyone. To some it is a way to deal with trauma or it is a release. I don't know exactly what it is for me but... its a small corner of the Internet where I can write without judgement and that makes me happy. Also whumping OCs is fun.
And how did you find the whump community? What made you want to join? 
Well I just found it through prompts on Pinterest. Then I found some Tumblr blogs through Pinterest and became a recurring anon on the amazing milk-carton-whumps going by the unicorn emoji who convinced me to make a blog and now here I am.
Are there tropes you now love/hate that you didn't at first? 
I don't think there's been a big difference. I haven't read as BBU lately but at the same time I haven't found any new BBU/ pet whump. I know it's out there. I'll keep looking. I have been writing it privately with Milk.
And your favourite whump tropes?
Mistaken identity, hidden injury, royal whumo.is always good
Favourite piece you've written? Hype yourself up, we want to hear it!
My Pirate story I do love Alex I am proud of ch 10, but it holds alot of spoilers for the previous chapters. https://www.tumblr.com/unicornscotty/681796100215144448/chapter-10?source=share
Do you have a standard writing routine?
... I just take what I can get. My brain refuses to write sometimes!
Is there anything you struggle with writing?
Ummm I haven't written enough to find that yet. Once I get into the story, the words usually flow quite fast.
Anything new you’re working on?
I'm about to get a lot more free time in about 2 weeks and I plan to start writing a lot more.
Care to share a little bit of writing advice?
Oh no uhm... it doesn't matter what you write in the first draft, just write it, get it out of your head and onto paper or the screen.
Shout out to your favourite writing/whump blogs, bffs or people who've inspired you.
Trying to remember usernames now!
@milk-carton-whump as I have mentioned 
@tears-and-lilies (they haven't been in for a year but their work is amazing!)
Anything you'd like to add? 
Keep writing, don't worry about whatever one else thinks.
It was a pleasure to have you on the show, @unicornscotty! Thanks so much for joining us today!
And to all you folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
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whumpitisthen · 1 year
1. Do this uquiz
2. Do this picrew
3. Tag people
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The quiz result looks like that bc i did this at like 2 am on my phone and my screen dimmer was on so don't mind that
Anyway i was tagged by @whumpshaped and the og chain by @headlinesdontsellpapes was becoming too long so i decided to put it into a separate post :)
Random tags: @spookyboywhump @pigeonwhumps @whump-galaxy @whumblr @ziptiesnfries everyone who sees this yes you you are tagged now live with the consequences of glancing upon my blog
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what's your favorite whumpiest novel (like actual published book if you have any) (otherwise longest original whump fic you recommend)
For novels I'd like to say two of my latest reads: Stephen King's The mist (fantastic read, it isn't very long but I can't recommend it enough) and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. And one can never go wrong with a Leslie L. Lawrence book either (and I just read up on him, unfortunately it doesn't seem like many of his works are translated to English, which is a great shame)
And I can't resist recommending at least two fics here that I adore (I have so many I love, and it pains me that I'll only write this measly, short list, but I'm trying to go with one's that I remember are the longest) namely @there-will-always-be-blood 's The Crow and the Dove and @spookyboywhump 's story with Wren and Zander
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spookyboywhump · 1 year
i cant believe wren is hand bisexual. follow spookyboywhump dot tumblr dot com for more amazing facts
I always like the idea of Wren initially telling Zander he’s ambidextrous and Zander is like oh shit me too!!! But when Wren starts talking about using both hands for shit Zander stares at him and goes oh I thought we. I thought that. Was the thing where you were attracted to more than one gender. I’m that.
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mannerofwhump · 2 years
Just run and run and run
Whumptober day 2 - nowhere to run | cornered | caged | confrontation
content: villain whump, (probably) failed escape attempt
tell me if i missed anything
Villain dashed across the hallways, searching searching searching for an exit. They didn’t even know where they were anymore, the compound enough of a labyrinth that the only chance they had to have any clue where they were were if they’d studied the layout in advance. Which they hadn’t. It occurred to Villain that an escape attempt like they were doing right now was probably the reason it was designed the way it was. But that didn’t stop them from trying. They had to find a way out, they had to.
Hallway after hallway, they found more hallways, more doors, more rooms to get lost in. Villain didn’t even know if they were back where they started. Couldn’t even tell.
It didn’t help when they remembered the tracking chip Hero had planted in them.
Just run just run just run, Villain repeated in their head, like a mantra. You can worry about everything else later, but for now just run.
Suddenly, they skid to a stop. Why did this place have dead ends? They were turning around when…
“Damn, you’re pretty good at not finding dead ends, you know that? I’ve been waiting for you to get yourself stuck in one for the longest time. Much easier than chasing you around everywhere, don’t you think?”
Hero leaned against the wall, smiling, as if they were old friends catching up instead of old enemies, one about to be caught by the other. Villain inhaled sharply. No! Hero can’t be here already! They had hoped… well, they had hoped to escape, even though the chance was so slim. They’d thought they’d be able to make it.
Hope was a fickle thing. There, and then gone. There, and then taken away.
They tried to stop their trembling—ineffectively—and mustered a wobbly grin. “Maybe you should stop chasing after me like a deranged fangirl altogether.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Yes, Villain would like that very much, actually.
They didn’t answer.
Hero stepped closer, and closer, and closer. Villain grin fell completely, and they backed themself against the wall. Their breaths came quicker and quicker, until they barely felt as if they were getting any air at all. Their lungs burned, and so did their eyes.
Hero did not.
“Aw, scared of a little fangirl? The big bad villain can do better than that, I hope.”
Villain sobbed, words failing them as they slowly fell to the ground, their nightmare approaching them.
“Tell you what”—Villain looked up at Hero—“I’ll give you five more minutes to find your way out. Wouldn’t that be fun?” They could hear the amusement dripping from Hero’s voice.
Their eyes widened, tear tracks shining in the hallway lights. They could do that. They could work with that. They had to do it.
Villain scrambled to stand up shakily, eyeing Hero. They inched closer to the end of the hallway, closer to Hero, breath held. Then they were inching away from Hero, freedom closer but still so far away. Then they ran. Villain did not look back, didn’t need to. They had five minutes and they intended to use it.
Hope was a fickle thing, indeed.
Gotta go fast!
ask to be added to the taglist!
(idk if y’all want to be tagged in general drabbles or just that series, feel free to ask to be removed)
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whumpninja · 3 months
Hi Jack!!!
Shout out time! Tell us your favorite whump blogs!
-- @whumperofworlds
Oh boy, I am up very early and the brain is not braining so I am absolutely going to miss people and this will not be coherent
- you, obviously, the fantasy whump is awesome
- BFF @smellofsnoww Kaen has my entire heart and I love his cat
- @whumpinthepot good stories and good talks
- @redwingedwhump cause medieval
@wollemi-whump good posts
@whump-in-the-closet hello friend glad you’re back
@spookyboywhump worldbuild and also Wren is cute
@oliversrarebooks vampiireess
@whumpsday also vampiiiireeesss
@ basically everyone in the community, I love everybody
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springwhump · 1 year
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hehe @spookyboywhump i drew the silly for his birthday
inspired by this post
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kim-poce · 2 years
Want to read
My growning list to keep track
@suspicious-whumping-egg's Alec and Raina
@cryptidwritings's Dark Water
@emmettnet's everything
these stuff
@whumpering-heights' Behind the Masks
@ashintheairlikesnow's everything
these stuff
@befuddled-calico-whump's Riot kings
@dont-touch-my-soup's Unsung Heroes
@peachy-panic's everything
@boxboysandotherwhump's everything
@shywhumpauthor's everything
@milk-carton-whump's lots of things
@albino-whumpee's a lot of things too
@cowboy-anon's Appel (hadn't finished)
@as-a-matter-of-whump's Written in Blood
@whump-tr0pes' Honor Bound
@rat-father's lots of stuff too
@just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi's lots of stuff
@whump-me-all-night-long's The Jewelry Box
@whump-world's everything
@crimson-wrld's lots of stuff
@redwingedwhump's everything
@spookyboywhump's everything
@brutal-nemesis' everything
@thoughtsonhurtandcomfort's lots of stuff
@whumpinggrounds' Liam and Delilah
@winedark-whump's everything
@whumping-every-day's whatever is ther about Gabriel that I haven't see yet
@whumpsday's kane
there are others too, i'll try to keep this list on date
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withering-whump · 2 years
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Pathetic skrunkled up cat<3
Cain belongs to @spookyboywhump !
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I posted 15,547 times in 2022
That's 14,912 more posts than 2021!
609 posts created (4%)
14,938 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,269 of my posts in 2022
#important - 625 posts
#obikin - 270 posts
#yep - 213 posts
#the sandman - 157 posts
#save - 140 posts
#whump art - 136 posts
#kenobi spoilers - 135 posts
#pride - 120 posts
#fave - 114 posts
#goncharov - 114 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#his whole thing it’s just a thing abt him and it impacts him but his arc isn’t focused on the “tragedy of disability” or anything like that
My Top Posts in 2022:
As per @painsandconfusion's suggestion im starting a picrew chain with this picrew! (Shea consider urself already tagged for the chain)
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Tagging: @spookyboywhump @loki-the-mad @brutal-nemesis @b0amagination @galaxywhump
151 notes - Posted December 31, 2021
Betrayed, Part 2
If people rly like this I’ll make it a series! Continued from here!!
Supervillain frowned, shifting a hand to the holster at their waist. “As easy as that, hm? I don’t buy it. If those heroes put up with you for that long, you must have some kind of a backbone. You’re planning to betray me, aren’t you? No one likes a turncoat, little hero. You’ve already been double crossed once, there’ll be no one to look out for you if you turn on me.”
Before Hero could interject the stammering explanation that they simply just didn’t want to be hurt, Supervillain struck them hard across the face with their gun in a sharp burst of pain across their cheek.
“No one agrees that quickly if they’re not up to something,” they snapped. “We both know I have my methods to keep you in line— I could have you constantly chained up or strapped down, order Healer to keep you paralyzed until we build a bit of trust between us, break your legs so we have six  uninterrupted weeks to see where your loyalty lies—  I’d rather cut to the chase. You’re one to do so, I’ve noticed. Not like Superhero with their useless monologues.”
Hero shook their head weakly, trembling against the chains that bound them. It was too late to beg now, and they knew it. There was nothing else to do but hope the villain would make it quick.
“So I’m assuming a show of power might be best, nothing more,” Supervillain continued. “You’ve never been up against me alone, little Hero. I won’t hurt you if you become my protege, but you must understand my hesitance. For all I know, you could be a spy. Hell, they could have left you as bait, meant to be snatched up by my henchmen and planted right where you could get all the information you need.”
They paced the room, plucking a weighted baton from a rack of weapons against the wall. “Don’t try to tell me you’re innocent, that’s for me to decide,” they added coldly. They tossed the baton from one hand to another, testing its weight, before swinging it hard at Hero. It cracked hard against their side, right over the scar left by the healed stab wound, and Hero hissed in pain.
They soon lost count of the blows, as Supervillain rained a volley of hits over them, one after another. The pain was sharp and stinging with every strike, and they were blinking back tears after mere minutes.
At long last, the villain paused and stepped back to take a look at them. Other than the defeated look on their face and the fresh blood streaking their bare torso, they were the same— no signs of a cracking facade.
Supervillain nodded, content of Hero’s loyalty for the time being. They reached down to unlock the wrist cuffs, keeping Hero’s legs secured to those of the chair, and strode from the cell.
They let themself break down as soon as they were alone, burying their face in their hands and allowing their tears to fall in broken sobs until they gasped for breath. So it was quite a surprise when Supervilain tapped them on the shoulder, alerting them to their presence. The villain wore the twisted little grin that was only brought about by watching others suffer.
“Stop crying, you have work to do,” they snapped. “I want you to write down everything about those traitors that might help me— base locations, personal connections between team members, powers, weaknesses. You don’t know what I already know, so I can guarantee I’ll catch you on something if you lie. Give me enough information and I’ll consider your innocence.” They shoved a paper and pen at Hero’s face, then stormed from the room.
Hero’s unsaid words stuck in their throat, and they heard Supervillain bolt the door behind them with a heavy click. I won’t lie to you, I want them dead as much as you do. But they’d have to convince Supervillain with more than empty words. With no other choice, they began scribbling down every detail on their betrayers that they could remember.
Part 3 is out now! Link here
181 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
A not-so-gentle reminder:
If you are a TERF, support TERFS, or platform TERFS, get the fuck off my blog. Platforming TERFS (yes, including JKR) sends the message that you do NOT support trans people. You don’t get to pick both sides. Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Nonbinary people ARE nonbinary, they don’t just identify as such. Transmeds can fuck themselves, and neopronouns are essential for all people to express themselves. Gender binaries are a social construct and true feminism, true EQUALITY; includes all sexes, gender identities, orientations, races, beliefs, and levels of ability. True equality doesn’t EXCLUDE.
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212 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
Trope Talks: Forced Affection
Tw: intimate whumpers
Whumpers who force their whumpees to play along with their convoluted games of obsessive love. Whumpees who hate that they find it easier to act like they love their whumpers.
Whumpees who who kiss back. Whumpees who lean into whumper’s hand when their hair is stroked. Whumpees who return an embrace from their whumper because they’d rather have twisted comfort than none at all. Whumpees who picture their lover touching them instead of whumper, because otherwise the unwanted intimacy is unbearable.
Maybe they hate it, maybe they shove down the urge to fight every time they’re touched. Every time whumper whispers another sweet, possessive thing in their ear. It’s better than being hurt, so they force themself to endure. Maybe one day they do fight, and they’re punished so horribly for their defiance that they go back to silently upholding the facade of love. Or maybe they decide that the pain is better than the sickly sweet imitation of kindness. They‘ll take a dozen lashes, a hundred cuts, before they’ll accept whumper’s touches without fight.
Maybe whumpee can’t help but enjoy it. Whumper is despicable and they know it, but when they’re picked up bridal style and held to whumper’s chest, they’re too touch starved to care. They melt into every touch, silently pleading for affection because they’re so desperate to be loved that they can’t be bothered to be picky. Whumper’s twisted praise is a relief to them, they want to please whumper if it means being loved. They’ll be hurt either way, at least this way they can be comforted after the fact— even if by the same person who did the damage.
250 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Writing Characters with Chronic Pain and Disabilities
PSA: Writing characters with disabilities and chronic pain is great for representation, but I’m seeing harmful tropes and portrayals perpetuated in the way chronic pain and disability is treated in parts of the whump community. Abled people need to stop using chronic pain and/or disabilities purely for “fun and whumpy” purposes. To help address the (hopefully not ill intended) ignorance that likely causes perpetuation of hurtful tropes and harmful portrayals of disabled characters, I’m sorta writing a guide on what to do and not to do when you write a character who is disabled or has chronic pain. I am disabled myself (connective tissue disorder that causes chronic pain among other debilitating symptoms) but obviously all disabled experiences differ so take this all with a grain of salt.
What to do/what is okay to do: An injury causing chronic pain and that being just a part of a character, or a character who becomes disabled (or has been from birth). Their struggle is/can be obviously present and a significant part of their life BUT they must still be a rounded/whole character (background, personality, relationships, etc) if the narrative surrounding their disability was omitted. Writing characters with disabilities and chronic pain is good for representation! I’m not saying it’s bad to have chronic pain be caused by injuries for a character, including whump sustained injuries. A good example of a disabled character done right is Kaz from Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo is disabled herself tho which obviously plays into why he’s done so well). Kaz uses a cane and has chronic pain caused by a wrongly healed broken leg. His pain and his cane are mentioned often throughout the novel and influence his life experience and perspective. However, his narrative doesn’t focus on his chronic pain: he’s not looking desperately for a cure, his goal is not to someday stop using his cane, etc. (These things are harmful tropes because they portray disability as something completely and totally bad, to be avoided at all costs). Kaz is a badass and competent character, as developed as the other (able bodied) main characters of the story, and his disability is one of many trait about him. If you wanna write a disabled character as an abled person, try to keep those kinds of things in mind (make them developed, make sure their narrative doesn’t focus fully around their disability even tho their disability can/could be a large part of their life, don’t use the “looking for a cure” trope as their whole motive, don’t present disability as a fate worse than death or similar.)
What not to do: What I’m sorta mad about is when someone writes a character who’s constantly suffering from chronic pain/disability and is written in a way where they’re constantly miserable from it and can never feel anything other than the constant sadness/pain their disability causes them. (Perpetuates the trope that disability is constantly horrible and sometimes creates the idea that a life with disability isn’t worth living- which is harmful because it creates the idea that people with disabilities can’t be happy/successful/etc unless they’re faking their disability). It is harmful when their pain or disability is their only trait and/or is only used to make them suffer for “fun” or whump (perpetuates harmful stereotypes around disability- gives the idea that it’s impossible to be happy/a successful person/etc while disabled or having chronic pain, makes light of disability.), Do not write a disability unrealistically and do your research to prevent from ignorance turning into harm. When a character is written disabled/in pain purely for whump, harmful tropes usually end up being perpetuated (the search for a cure trope, the idea that a disability is a tragedy and must be avoided at all costs, etc). Chronic pain is not fun, disability is not whumpy. If you want to write it, do it respectfully. Putting it as the focus of a whump story or as the only trait of a character, especially if you’re an able bodied person and just want to write suffering is not okay. Doing so mitigates and makes light of the real shit people with chronic pain and disabilities live through every day.
Abed people don’t clown on this post. Do not start discourse on this post.
564 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Thanks for the tag @spookyboywhump!
1. Are you named after anyone?
No, but my mom had my first + middle name picked out since she was 15. My dad had no say in my naming.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last night, when I was laying in bed, watching a show that I've been binging over the last few days, when one of my favorite characters died :(
3. Do you have kids?
No, and I don't ever really plan to!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Fuck yeah.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
This might sound a bit weird, but I guess it's how I would describe them in writing? Like physical appearance but also how they carry and present themself.
6. What’s your eye color?
Dark brown!
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both. Both is good.
8. Any special talents?
I mean, I have a scarily good memory when the ADHD doesn't interfere.
9. Where were you born?
Cleveland, Ohio!
10. What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, building Legos, Broadway musicals/shows, obsessing unhealthily over fictional war criminals
11. Have you any pets?
Yes! My family and I recently got a 5-6 month old Belgian Malinois who we named Hamilton. He's a little asshole and I love him. (My mom's nickname for him is Kujo.)
12. What sports do you play/have played?
A couple years in junior high, I ran cross country.
13. How tall are you?
5'3 7/8"
14. Favorite subject in school?
Probably a tie between English and History, depending on what type of history I'm learning about.
15. Dream job?
I'd love to end up specializing in some aspect of ancient history, where I'm able to just travel around the world, studying old civilizations and ruins, trying to learn everything I can about these people who lived thousands of years ago.
I think it would also be really cool to be like a historical editor person on like a TV show or movie to make sure they're decently accurate.
Tagging @cupcakes-and-pain @kim-poce @shywhumpauthor @whumpzone @whumpwillow @oddsconvert and whoever else wants to join in! (sorry if you've already been tagged and no pressure!)
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imbxdateverything · 2 years
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I posted 121 times in 2022
6 posts created (5%)
115 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 121 of my posts in 2022
#not whump - 46 posts
#whump prompt - 23 posts
#me - 21 posts
#whump trope - 11 posts
#whump art - 11 posts
#whump community - 11 posts
#whump tropes - 8 posts
#whumptober2022 - 5 posts
#meme - 5 posts
#tied up - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#this is usually not enough to turn me away from a fic (bc i know that not everyone knows that a man being in the desert without water for
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Nandor wearing a muzzle - Inspired by @serendipitouscontaminant 's work The Stable World Collapses on AO3.
14 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
make the character you're whumping during your night-time fantasy faint so that you go to sleep instead of staying awake to progress the plot
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21 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
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89 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
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Hizashi doesn't mind.
105 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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288 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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