#spotlight on hyde tiller
exposedxrp · 6 years
1. How long have you been a Tiller?
Hmmmm, I’m actually really bad with dates but maybe a month or a little bit more? I will say it feels like I’ve known them for a lifetime. Honestly, I’m extremely lucky and proud to be a Tiller. I love my family so much! Our GC is always lit and I know I can depend on everyone whenever I need them. They are my safe haven and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
2. You and Alina are cute af! How long have yall been dating? And what kind of advice would you give to other couples having relationship troubles?
Awww thank you! We have been dating for 2 months (I actually have to remember this or my gf will kill me) and she’s honestly the best surprise of my life. the best advice I can offer is to fight for each other and don’t stop fighting “if you’re going through hell, keep going”. Relationships aren’t easy and we’ve had to go through so many obstacles in order to get to where we are now but I can honestly say that it’s only made us stronger as a couple. Also, don’t disregard your significant others feelings no matter how small and stupid it may seem, you never know what they have been through it’s their last relationship and that’s why they act the way they do. Overall just remember that the problems are only temporary and its not worth losing the person you love over a fight you won’t remember happened in a year from now all because you both can’t agree on something. Side note: I’m completely and utterly in love with Alina and I’d do anything for her. I wish she could see herself the way I see her because she truly amazes me in every way. I heard about the blowout between the Jerzaks, and Alina. What happened? Care to elaborate on the details? Out of respect to Alina’s privacy I will not disclose what happened in details because it’s in the past and we tend to leave it like that although most of you already know what happened due to a public post.
4. Are you still on speaking terms with any of the Jerzaks?
5. Is there anyone on rp you look up to editing wise? Or just in general. Editing wise?? Colson italee, she’s a beast and taught me how to apply actions lol & because of that I am able to share premades for people on tillerscrs.tumblr.com In general there’s a lot of people who have my maximum respect and that is Zeke Tiller, Dover Korscia, Chesni Shake, Eric Lacour, Kassi Korscia, Etnies Cocktail, Danni Dash, Wolfe, Kolby Kyzan, & my babygirl Alina. There are 3 people I would like to mention I’ve acknowledged from afar and that’s Taber Lacour, Lani Madej, Civ Essence, & Atari Komani. & I would like to give a special s/o to my family because I know some of them are going through a lot lately but no matter what challenges life has thrown at them they haven’t given up and they are handling things day by day. I honestly don’t know where they find their strength but I admire that a lot and I learn from them everyday.
6. What do you think about this whole face claim ordeal? Do you think people are taking things out of proportion when they get mad over "claiming" faces?
I think the face claim is stupid, I’m gonna roleplay who I wanna roleplay. Idc if people state I’m always changing faces but I can’t help that people are so sexy and I need to show them off 🤷🏻‍♂️ I do however believe that if a person is roleplaying someone unique people should respect that and at least ask if they are okay with roleplaying them as well. 7/8. How long have you and Chesni Shake been friends? How long have you and Danni Dash been friends? I have no idea because I’m bad with dates but they are both my best fucking friends and I love them so dam much. I can’t see myself without them and they aren’t just my rp friends but my rl friends as well. Whenever I’m sad or just bored I know I can always call them and they will always answer me (except Chesni in the mornings, if I wake her up she will scream at me and hang up lol) I can confide in them with anything and know that my trust will never be betrayed. I know they genuinely care about me and when I lose myself they always find a way to pull me out of it. You guys mean the world to me, please don’t ever forget that!
9. Do you have any personal beef with anyone on rp right now?
Naaaaaah, people aren’t worth the energy tbh.
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exposedxrp · 6 years
Q: 1. How long have you been a Tiller?
1. uh honestly I think about a year in January! and more to come. 
Q: 2. What happened for you to go from being a lacour to a tiller?
2. The lacours are a bunch of loving caring people but I was going through a bad break up and shit happened and I deleted and I basically didn't want to be coming back and forth so I just told Taber I would stay out. 
Q: 3. Are you still friends with any of the former republics, or anyone from the lacour / sanrio group?
3. YES I'm close with everyone still they know who they are I ain't gonna name drop. 
Q: 4. You and Calla Locke are so cute! How long have yall been dating? And what do you say to the people that hate on yalls relationship?
4. Why thank you very much we think we are the ugliest couple orp haha but we have been together since June 22 but we have actually been friends for a little over a year we would talk here and there then one day when I needed her the most she was my light at the end of the tunnel and she basically saved me from becoming the old me and after someone does that for you, you kinda just wan to give them the whole world so here we are now it's been 2 weeks and 5 days I think I suck at keeping track haha and the haters can literally kiss my ass because we are living our best life and they don't phase us. 
Q: 5. There has recently been alot of drama with Georgia Styffe. What do you have to say on behalf of the Tillers? What happened? and Why was it such a huge blow out?
5. That drama is done with honestly everyone attacking her can stop everyone say's dumb shit from time to time and she apologized for it so it's dropped. 
Q: 6. I absolutely adore your name! What made you wanna change it the first time? and then back to Zeke?
6. I don't mean to sound full of myself but I changed to angel because I figured most people would not like me as much if I were a girl but I was wrong so I just went back to being Zeke.
Q: 7. Who are the OG tillers, and how did yall go about making the family?
7. Gio and I are literally the only OG Tiller's (Mykel, Isla, Ava, Hadley, & Lucy, were part of my old old family the zaveri's and Camden, Hyde, Danielle, & Matty are new people) and we went about making the fam because we both wanted something different and a fam that is close as hell full of good hearted people so he got the last names asked me if I wanted to join and help him and I was like "YEAHHHHHH MY DUDE" and here we are now thriving. 
Q: 8. If you had to tell rp something, and set the record straight about anything, what would it be?
8. Honestly I'm pretty open about everything so if there are any rumors about me going around and you wanna know the truth go ahead and comment me or whatever and tell me about it and I will gladly let yall know the truth I'm an open book. 
Q: 9. Are you and the Tiller family super close? Do yall imsg, skype ect.
9. We are all so close we have our fam gc on imessage and we always talking about things there if someone has an issue they come to either me or gio about it and if one of the fam members ever needs someone we are there for each other we each hold a special bond and honestly I love it and I love all of them they are people I wouldn't and could never replace.
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