#squick is very different
naranjapetrificada · 5 months
I just wanted to comment on seeing a favorite author suddenly write something that feels way out of left field. I'm from SPN fandom. I've seen Destiel writers who write them beautifully and understand every facet of the canon and characters perfectly turn around and write graphic Wincest. Some of these authors do this to, in their words, challenge themselves to write something so against canon just as well as their main pairing. Some others do so just because the actors are hot, even though it'd never be canon and squicks a lot of people out.
There's the very rare author who does this because they actually ship Wincestiel and started with just Destiel in order to ease readers into the Wincest side of it. I have even seen an untagged graphic incestous sex scene in the middle of otherwise wholly Destiel-centered fanfic. I've lost a formerly favorite author that way and haven't been able to touch even their works in other fandoms because of it.
Basically what my rambling boils down to is that I get how it feels to see something like that out of the blue from a favorite author. I am wholly on the side of ship and let ship and authors writing whatever they want since in the end it's just a story, but I am even more firmly on the side of tagging properly. Missing scene and canon divergent do coexist but they are not synonymous. If Ed and Stede suddenly are banging Zheng on the beach, that's canon divergent at the least since that would never happen in canon. Just like Sam and Dean suddenly going at it while Dean's nearly suicidal over a dead Cas would never happen in canon and it should be labeled that way!
So yeah, all that's basically me agreeing and nodding along with you about being weirded out when that happens.
Thank you for reaching out anon, because I was honestly starting to Feel Ways about it all. It also makes me feel like it was worth discussing in public, which is a habit I have developed over the years after being burned when discussing things in private in fandom spaces.
Believe it or not, when I first started trying to make sense of it all my first thought was that it was an experiment or a writing exercise like what you describe. I've seen that kind of thing before and not batted an eye, but it's usually acknowledged as such in an author's note or something. Last time I checked that wasn't the case here.
I should also say that I've regularly seen and scrolled past non-canonical ships of all kinds, in this fandom and others, but it's like you said, how something is presented matters so much. Also also I should make it clear that I'm less bothered by the more recent trio example than I was the Stizzy one, because presenting Stizzy as anything but canon divergent raises uncomfortable questions about race and gender stuff that can't be ignored. Or at least it can't be ignored by me.
But like I said I guess this is my fault for taking things by author instead of on a fic to fic basis. Subscribing to an author: not even once.
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zenkindoflove · 2 months
It's so funny seeing what the ACOTAR fandom gets bent out of shape about when it comes to shipping. Because then I'll wander to my other fandom's tags and they're just shipping brother/sister incest like it's a sport at this point.
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thesesoldierboysarebi · 4 months
Will mostly be reblogging for a while I think, but I’m gonna be real, 70 percent of my reason for making this blog in the hopes of writing was that I noticed a big chunk of CoD x reader posts on this hellsite have readers with like…concerningly low ages. There’s a lot of reader character minor-coding going on, and it’s weirdling me out (no shade to young writers, I know a lot of the reason is that a majority of CoD fanfic writers are 18-25 here, which, yk, fair that you wanna see self-inserts with similar ages).
But as I said, it gives me the ick, so if/when I end up writing x reader, I wanna go ahead and make it clear that I will not be writing a reader character in a romantic/sexual position BELOW the age of 25 at most. Most of the Call of Duty men are, like, 28 at the youngest, and I’m more inclined to write reader characters with matching ages, especially afab readers.
In other words? I’m gonna write milfs and dilfs. I’m gonna write top!reader. I’m gonna write unhinged women that leave the various men of TF141 screaming crying throwing up. I will NOT be writing virginal, innocent, or overly naive reader characters; I do not do minor-coding. Y’all have been warned.
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syekick-powers · 2 months
seeing discourse over dark romance is wild and for the most part i think people getting their panties in a twist over dark romance is stupid ("oh it contains abuse and imbalanced power dynamics!!" uhhh so? what do you think the DARK in "dark romance" is supposed to mean?? if you don't want fucked up relationships just read normal fucking romance, gods know there's plenty of THAT!!) but a lot of the time dark romances are still not really to my taste simply because i don't like romances / love stories where one character is disproportionately more fucked up than the other. i need them both to be fucked up to enjoy them.
(i think this is also part of why i like the folk of the air trilogy so much too--jude initially seems like the more normal and relatable one between her and cardan, but as the plot progresses you gradually realize she is fucking insane and unhinged in ways that are worse than cardan by a significant margin.)
like honestly. honestly. if you want me to read a dark romance story, please make the protagonist just as insane and fucked up as the love interest. im not interested in seeing some garden-variety douche be possessive over a "relatable" caricature of a Soft Submissive Gentle cardboard cutout-ass female protag. i want them BOTH to be evil and insane. if the romantic leads dont match each others' freak to the fullest extent then what's even the fucking point. make her weirder or move on.
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galadhir · 5 months
Only 21 bots this morning. Is it slowing down or am I just feeling overconfident?
I have to say, nude girl with your long nails down around your private parts, ow! That looks really painful.
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sharkneto · 2 years
Why don’t you want five in school?
Oh, I've ranted about it before in the tags of THIS POST but in general it makes me wildly uncomfortable. As an adult, the thought of hypothetically being forced back to high school is the fucking pits, you could not pay me enough to do it - and I even had a good time in high school! Five is almost 60 years old and they're going to force him to go to classes and hang out with teens? That feels bad from every angle! It forces Five to act in a way he'd only do under great duress and fucks his agency and autonomy as an adult so badly. There are better, more interesting ways to play with the consequences of his physical vs actual age than sending him to goddamn high school. There's other, less dominating options for the "he looks like a kid and never actually graduated" problem.
You do you if that's your jam, don't let a random dude on the internet yuck your yum, but Five in high school is a squick for me.
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pourablecat · 2 years
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The new year is in full... swing! Pleased to say that Night Watch was my last book of the year (and if my schedule doesn't improve, possibly my last book before adulthood...). For that reason I decided to draw Vimes (as John Keel) and Captain Findthee Swing's brief battle... but they're lindy hopping as they fight. Because. (gosh, how many swing puns can I fit in here?) Normally I'd make whoever's up here with Vimes a little taller (in contrast :P) but they're both short people, it's okay.
I'm listening to the Cuphead soundtrack as I draw, but I wish I knew better tracks to dance to. For a while I considered Michel Legrand's Arrivée des Camionneurs, but that's a little more... ballet-y. If the horrible BBC adaptation got dibs on punk rock Ankh-Morpork, could we have Jazz-Morpork, maybe?
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Here, have an unrelated doodle of Wuffles trying to lindy hop with Vetinari (not). A while ago I was trying to draw him, but all attempts at eyes revealed too much. Until I learn to draw truly unreadable eyes, he's joining Magrat in the opaque glasses club. It's a good look.
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shoechoe · 1 year
im not particularly into romantic ships !! (but i like contributing 2 ask games) sooo hmm... whats ur favorite canon friendship or dynamic ? or one u'd like to see in jjba?
Don't worry- I like this ask too.
I wouldn't say I have one canon (non-romantic) character dynamic in particular that I would consider my favorite, but I can list a few of them in no particular order:
-Polnareff and Abdul (I also think the ship is pretty cute)
-Diavolo and Doppio (I find this one the most fun to think & talk about for obvious reasons)
-Trish and Bruno
-Yasuho and Josuke (8) (this one was sort of implied-romantic, but I'll count it)
-Josuke (4) and Okuyasu
-Jolyne, Foo Fighters & Hermes
I also really would've liked to see what an interaction between Doppio and Trish would've looked like- both of them were criminally underused and it's a shame.
I get very excited about character dynamics, but I don't really care much for romantic ships myself either. When I say I "like" a ship, most of the time what I mean by that is if a mutual or friend is into it, I'll nod and give a thumbs up from the sidelines or maybe think "oh, that's kind of cute, sure". The only times I get the "shippy" feelings that I assume are the main appeal of shipping is if I care about one or preferably both characters very, very much, which just doesn't happen often. (Also, I get kind of irrationally territorial about characters I care about to that level, so I'd probably only trust ship art from me and a few people lol.)
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undead-potatoes · 2 years
Projecting a cooler version of myself onto my Coral Island farmer by making them a weird fat gender gremlin who invested all their points into “weird little girl energy” as a kid
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kotaka-kun · 3 months
i still miss omegle
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soyoursoulisgreen · 3 months
Fanfic Ratings!: - Time Loops - Soulmates - Monster AUs (half/all the ship is mermaids, dragons, demons, whatever)
Time Loops: B! I really really enjoy time loops, I just don't spend much time Reading them - which I might change actually 👀 There's a lot of potential in them, and I like them best when they're taken in a weird direction, like subverting other common tropes like "The power of love/friendship will save you" or doing everything perfect etc., etc. But I also like when those happen too! :3
Soulmates: D - I have a lot of strong opinions about soulmates as a concept which basically boil down to This Would Change A Lot of Things about the World, and if that's not worldbuilt into the story, I'm not interested. If it's just a singular/ethereal/unproven soulmates thing like the Red Thread? All over that lol, but it's more set dressing than Plot if you get me. Things like first word-tattoos, or hearing your soulmates' thoughts, or feeling what they feel, or yes Omegaverse true pairs - full of potential! But I don't! Like it! Generally!! I think it's that I feel icky about One Person Ever (abusive True Pairs really turned me off of Omegaverse), maybe if I hunt down some polygamous Soulmates I'll feel better about it lol
Monster AU: A - I love monsters! ♥ Of all kinds! I have a lot of faves in this category (I'm also including aliens in this because - apart from the obvious lol - I really enjoy non-human alien pairings :D Bug aliens are some of my favourites ♪), including monster/monster! I haven't read it for a while but there's one that's a drider/mermaid pair and they're super cute <3 I also like when the monster is a manifestation of self-something-negative and turns into self-love hehe ♥
#Woah an original post#Ask#Ask me#Fanfiction writers are so cool they can look at a trope and be like I Am Going to play this Completely Straight#And then that same person or a different person can be like I Am Going to Turn This On Its Head#How cool ♪#Uh oh tho my trapcard of soulmates lol#I wrote the outline for a soulmate concept at one point and it completely changed the biology of the human-adjacents#I haven't picked it up for a while so I don't remember much but it made for a very clear divide between Paired and Unpaired people#I dunno there's just - it's probably also the amatonormativity as well that just kinda squicks me out lol#Aroace people already aren't treated well in a world where soulmates Aren't Proven!! What would it be like for them there :(#I think it would be worse I do Not imagine a queer utopia in a world where Soulmates Happen#A magic class divide with external signifiers - people would be discriminated against and jfkdlsafd#The ships being cute and the harmless fun or even interesting consequences get a bit overshadowed in my mind :')#Again just gotta go looking for a version that resonates with me ig haha#I don't know what I'd do to fix those problems for me - if I knew I'd make it! But I haven't found it yet#And then monsterfuckers hehehe <3 That one's easy!#Although I also have my own issues with it but that's a me thing lol - for other people it's wonderful and perfect and I love it!#Sneaking in my selfcest agenda in there as well lol#The potentials are limitless! Hehe <3#Ty for the ask :D Fun!! <3
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spoonstrek · 5 months
As I've gotten into 9-1-1 I've started reading Buddie fic and was getting squicked so hard by sex scenes I was honestly convinced I for some reason found Buddie having sex squicky
Turns out I've just been spoiled absolutely rotten by the author I've been almost exclusively reading for the past several months and was simply being squicked by average skill level smut 😔
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patheticpat · 1 year
Why does fucking YouTube keep recommending videos where it’s basically someone just:
Reads. The labels on the can. Knowing they don’t LIKE one of the main ingredients on the can. And THEN proceeding to buy and eat the can of soup. And then moaning, bitching, whining, and complaining that their can of chicken noodle soup had the fucking AUDACITY to have fuckin noodles in it.
Like, a goddamn shit fucking analogy probably, but fucking besides the point. What’s the fucking point in BUYING SOMETHING that you goddamn know dear and damn well contains content you DON’T LIKE. Just like then what, so you get to go and then bitch to your large YouTube following that “oh woe is I! I consumed these [!Labelled As!] taboo, dark fiction media! I needed to bleach my eyes afterwards, they were just so yucky ewww!”. Oh wait, that’s exactly what happened. Fucking actually pathetic really!
Like. You do not get to fucking walk into a sex shop and then bitch that you seen adult shit in there later. Fucking grow the fuck up you actual goddamn fucking child. I do not like gore, I especially do not like excessive gore. I also do not like animal death. So I do not buy and consume media that fucking contains that shit. And I most CERTAINLY don’t then go and bitch when I decided to ignore all the fucking warning signs when I do consume media containing shit I KNOW I DON’T LIKE.
My god, literally just fucking grow a pair and move the fuck on, you goddamn fucking pathetic shit-for-brain cockheaded pricks.
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onceuponastory · 10 months
closer - tattooartist!bucky barnes x female!reader
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Plot: Y/N's feelings towards her tattoo artist intensify the closer he gets to her. Pairing: TattooArtist!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader Warnings: A few mentions of needles - specifically tattoo needles - and the sensation and pain of getting tattooed (specifically when it goes over a bone). If that sort of thing gives you the squick, I wouldn't read. Notes: Welcome to... whatever this is. I just missed tattoo!artist Bucky and I hc him as a flirt and a slight pain in the ass so here we are!
Not beta'd, so any mistakes are my own.
“Alright.” Bucky grins, loading up his tattoo needle with ink. “You ready to start?” 
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” 
“You’ll be fine.” Bucky reassures. “Besides, it’s not like it’s going to be any different from the other ones I’ve done for you.” He chuckles.
He’s right, of course. This is not her first tattoo by Bucky Barnes. In fact, by this point, Bucky’s done most of Y/N’s growing collection of tattoos, and claims to be the very reason she was ‘bit by the tattoo bug’. And he’s right. Since she got her first tattoo from him, Y/N’s been itching to get more. She doesn’t see skin on her arms anymore, she sees empty space, a canvas for Bucky to fill with his art. And if she could, she’d have him cover her entire body with it.
Of course, the fact that her favourite tattoo artist (his words, not hers... although she agrees with him) is the most gorgeous man she’s ever seen is also why she keeps rushing back whenever she can. And he's also a massive flirt. Yet although it’ll never amount to anything, it never does… that doesn’t mean she can’t spend their sessions hoping for it. That one day he’ll notice her, really notice her, and tell her he’s just as much in love with her as she is with him.
As Bucky gets to work, Y/N turns her head, watching him. Of course, a lot of her sessions are also spent oogling her tattoo artist. Multicoloured tattoos of various designs and sizes cover Bucky's arms, piquing her curiosity. She's always wanted to ask him about them, to tell her the stories behind them, what was going on in his life back then to make him choose that design.
The familiar warm feeling of love begins to pool in her gut again, and Y/N sighs.
There's a lot of things she wants to know about Bucky.
"I can see you staring, you know."
"Just checking you're doing a good job." She lies. Bucky rolls his eyes.
"Oh, please." He looks down at her, trademark smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. "You use that excuse all the time. You just can't resist me."
Thankfully, Bucky soon drops it, going back to working on her tattoo. Today, he’s doing a piece that snakes up her arm and onto her shoulder, meaning he’s frequently getting up close and personal, more so than she’s used to. However, she doesn’t mind that at all. 
As Bucky works, Y/N occasionally glances over at him, still watching him curiously. Both because she actually enjoys seeing Bucky at work, and because again, he’s gorgeous. Thankfully, Bucky doesn't seem to have noticed this time. Or if he does, he doesn't call her out on it.
Some of Bucky’s brunette strands escape his man bun, framing his face. Y/N has to stop herself from reaching up and tucking it behind his ear. Despite how close she and Bucky are, that gesture is too intimate, too close for them… even as he moves further up her arm and onto her shoulders.
At one point, she glances over again, not realising he’s a lot closer than expected. So much so that her skin almost brushes against Bucky’s hair. For a split second, a flash of pink crosses Bucky's cheeks, and she frowns. Was he...blushing? Because of her?
“Oh, sorry.” She murmurs, her cheeks burning. How does he even look hotter up close? “Just tell me to move back if you want… or just move me out of the way.” She jokes awkwardly, only adding to her embarrassment. Hopefully, this session will be over before she makes even more of a fool of herself in front of Bucky.
“It’s okay.” Bucky smirks, running a hand through his few strands of hair, a sight that makes Y/N glad she’s laying down to witness. “You’re perfect, actually.” He chuckles. “Don’t tell the others I said this… but you’re my favourite client.” He winks.
She swears this man will be the death of her some day.
As Bucky continues the tattoo, he suddenly goes over a tender area, and she winces in pain. “You okay? You’re doing great, but let me know if you wanna stop, alright?” Bucky says. Gritting her teeth, Y/N nods.
“I’m good.” She gasps. "I just forgot how much that hurts."
It’ll all be worth it. It always is.
At least, getting to see Bucky makes it worth it, anyway.
“Good girl." Bucky smirks. 
The remainder of the session passes in silence, and Y/N’s head swirls. If she told him the truth, laid her heart out on the line… would it be so bad? 
She braces herself, opening her mouth to speak. But Bucky gets there first.
“You know Y/N, we’ve known each other for long enough that I feel like we’re friends. So the trust between us is solid enough.” He chuckles, refilling his ink. 
In actuality, she and Bucky have known each other for almost three years. Not that she’s been counting or anything. And despite Bucky doing most of her tattoos, she’s been at the shop infrequently enough that she wouldn’t consider themselves ‘friends’. But the thought that Bucky considers them friends makes her heart do that funny thing it always does whenever she sees Bucky - when it somehow beats too fast and almost stops. 
God, she wants him so badly.
“Yeah, that’s true. And besides, you’ve been up close and personal with me a lot.” She chuckles, another batch of heat spreading across her cheeks. Bucky laughs brightly, and Y/N grins just as wide.
“You’re right, I have.” He nods. “To be honest, by this point I’m convinced I could say or do anything, and you’d say ‘yeah!’, tattoos or otherwise.”
“Yeah!” she giggles.
“Okay.” Bucky muses, looking up at her with a smirk. “Go on a date with me then.”
Please follow @onceuponastory-library and turn on notifications to be notified when I next post!
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halfagone · 5 months
The Danny Phantom fandom fascinates me. That's the only word I can think of when I consider the fandom's behavior on certain subjects. It's just. Fascinating. Genuinely.
If you know me, I am a huge Danny Phantom fan. But I am also a huge DC fan, and spend most of my time in the crossover community, DPxDC. Something that I've noticed in this position, standing in two different fandoms, is their treatment of specific tropes and AUs. One of the biggest ones I've noticed is Alpha/Beta/Omega AUs, otherwise known as Omegaverse AUs.
DC has tons and tons of Omegaverse AUs, Batfam fics in particular have some of the sweetest platonic/found family verses under this AU umbrella. The Danny Phantom fandom, on the other hand, generally stays away from this AU. I've seen a lot of reasons why, and I know it can be a large squick for some people, and that's totally fine.
However, DP fans will do something different, and instead take bits and pieces from Omegaverse tropes and change it into DP lore. The biggest example I can think of is fraids. What are fraids, you might be asking? Fraids are essentially packs, just... ghost-style. What do I mean by this?
Fraids = Packs.
Fraidmates = Packmates.
Fraid bonds = Pack bonds.
The similarities are very obvious once you sit down to think about it.
Of course fraids tend to be based more on platonic bonds, but as stated above, packs can be entirely platonic as well. The large number of found family fics seen in the Batman fandom is evidence of this too. So it's really fascinating to me that DP just chose to instead create this whole fraid concept.
Is it because of Omegaverse AUs' reputation? Is it because people wanted a more obvious way of distinguishing platonic fraids to the so-called sexual packs? I have seen multiple fics with the concept of fraids that were very sexual, so that might not be the case.
I don't know, it's just... fascinating.
In the DPxDC fandom I've seen a brand new emergence of this as well. Of course, thanks to the DP side of things, we also have the fraid concept, but more and more recently I've seen a new trope called "Mom Danny".
I will be transparent and say that I do not like the Mom Danny concept, but I will try to offer my observations with an objective eye.
In all the times I've viewed the Mom Danny concept or prompts, one thing stands out to me: Danny is feminized in one way or another. He's called a twink, his smaller stature and short size are over-emphasized, in some cases he's GNC and wears skirts and dresses, or he's trans and writers will lean into his AFAB characteristics. And that is startlingly like omegas in Omegaverse. On top of that, Sam becomes "Dad", since she's the more butch member of the pair. So she's an alpha to Danny's omega.
We've come full circle and gone back to gender stereotypes.
It's so, so fascinating.
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Hii there~ What about headcannons for the M6 reacting to the MC making an anatomically correct heart model and gifting it to them as a way of saying "here, my heart is forever yours" in a metaphorical and kind of(? physical sense
The Arcana Mini-HCs: Giving M6 an anatomically correct heart
Julian: as a doctor, thank you for keeping it accurate. his little scholar heart is overjoyed. as a sentimental person, he's keeping it forever ;)
Asra: caught between a fit of giggles at how unconventional it is and a fulfilling joy at getting to trade hearts with you. take care of his <3
Nadia: swept up in the romance of it all but also mildly intrigued by the shape of it up close. tell her about the different chambers again
Muriel: a little squicked, but overall appreciate of the gesture and touched by the meaning. might hand you a wooden heart later
Portia: lovingly calls you a nerd for the shape and then calls you her love for the gift. holds it to her chest so it doesn't feel lonely
Lucio: "oh I've seen these before, I used to rip them out of - uh -" *cue nervous sweating* once he recovers, he's very appreciative of the gift
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