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"Your girl" - Part 16 | The Salesman x Reader
Summary: You get lucky and you get to go out. And then you're not so lucky anymore.
Warnings: dead dove do not eat, kidnapping, mentions of sexual abuse and other traumatic events in the past, numbness, helplessness, violence, threatening, mentions of blood, mentions of murder and rape, body issues, trauma talk, stockholm syndrome, forced relationship, unhealthy relationship, depression, manipulation, mentions of sexual activities and desires, oral sex, rough sex, choking, face slapping, biting, breeding kink, degradation kink, not beta-read, if I've missed any please tell me! mdni 18+!
"Your girl" - The Salesman x Reader Masterlist
The darkness wasn’t the worst part. It wasn’t even the uncertainty.
The worst part was, that after everything that had happened, you were back in here.
Back in the closet.
Back in the small, cramped space of the empty closet, where you had spent quite a few days so far. Back then it had always been to discipline you, to break you, to turn you into someone you were not – or someone you knew you were, deep down.
Whatever it was, it was in the past. You had really thought it had been the last time back then, but there you were. On your knees, breathing heavily and leaning against the wall for support.
The dizziness was so apparent that you felt you might lose the ground beneath your feet any second. Something was off.
You had often felt sick in your life, but this was different. You were different.
You weren’t supposed to be there. No matter the reason. Not like this, not anymore, not-
How did it get to this point yet again?
You kept your eyes closed and tried to breathe calmly, shutting the darkness out. In your head, you recalled everything that had happened that day. It had started so good. Almost like you were in a movie. And now you were here again.
In and out. In. And out.
You remembered the water. Soft and warm, as he slowly poured it over your head. God, it had felt heavenly. His ministrations, his kisses on your neck and the warm water which glided down your skin in a way that made you melt. Nothing was sexual about it, it was simply…warm. And safe.
With your back pressed against his chest, you leaned back against him in the bathtub. It wasn’t all too spacious, but it was enough. It was all the better, actually. You felt him so close without really feeling him. Without the sensation of having his hands reach for the sensitive parts of your body. Instead he ran them up your back and gently massaged your shoulders, easing every knot and tense muscle until you felt like a new person.
You kept your eyes closed and sighed softly, reveling in the way the warm water hugged your lower body. The callouses on his hands sent shivers down your spine, while he kept gently massaging you. He went from massaging, to soaping and cleansing with a fresh bit of lukewarm water. The thing you loved most was when he slowly poured it over your head and gently massaged your scalp with his fingertips.
“Oh God, that feels so good.” You heard yourself whisper, followed by a soft sigh. You heard the way he smirked behind you, before he rested his chin on your shoulder and pressed a soft kiss against your cheek. That made you smile in return.
“Are you feeling any better?” He murmured.
You had spent the previous night tossing and turning, feeling rather dizzy, despite the fact that you lay down flat and had your eyes shut. That happened sometimes, it had always been like that. There were some nights when you simply felt sick and the only thing that helped was fresh air and a cool cloth on your forehead. Both things he had done for you. He hadn’t hesitated to pull out his chip and open the window. Then he went to the bathroom and came back with a damp cloth. He had placed it over your forehead and eyes and spent half the night sitting beside you, occasionally dampening the cloth anew. You had never seen him like that. So soft, so concerned. So…everything you loved about him.
Of course you loved his darkness all the same. Probably not all of it. You didn’t quite appreciate when he got angry and cut your hair. But that hadn’t happened ever since that one time.
He hadn’t dared to lay down or even think about sleeping, until you were firmly asleep.
The next morning he waited for you, when you woke up, a buttered piece of bread and a cup of tea by your bedside. You had somehow choked it down, because you didn’t quite feel like yourself yet, but it had helped. And now you were here, in his gentle embrace, enjoying his warmth and care.
“Very much.” You whispered back. “Thank you.”
He hummed in response and picked up a soapy cloth, with which he began to gently rub your back.
You closed your eyes and suppressed a content moan. “You’re spoiling me.”
“Someone has to.”
That made you chuckle. “And that someone has to be you?”
He briefly stopped with his ministrations and you could practically hear the way he raised his brows. “Don’t even joke about that.”
That gave you a warm smile. “Silly old man.” You murmured.
He laughed at that and pinched your side, causing you to shriek out a laugh and nearly flood the whole bathroom floor. “Who are you calling old?”
You chuckled and looked over your shoulder. “I won’t take it back.”
He cocked a brow and pinched your side again.
“Okay, okay!” You laughed breathlessly. “You win.”
He smirked and pulled you flush against his chest again, wrapping his arms around your torso. You gently circled his wrists and pressed a soft kiss against one of them. “I’m really happy.” You said quietly.
He was quiet for a moment, obviously caught off-guard by your words. It was like a part of him still expected you to try and flee if you got the chance, just like a part of you always expected his hand to twitch when you teased him too much.
Your brows shot up in surprise. “Can’t you ever just leave things be?”
He hummed and shook his head. “Why?”
You shot him a cocky grin. “Because the most handsome man in South-Korea decided to abduct me.”
“Abduct? Oh, please. It’s not my fault you got no sense of self-preservation.” He shrugged. “Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to get into strangers cars?”
“If I refused you back then, don’t you think you would have found another way to get me? After all, you did some pretty sketchy shit long before.”
He smirked. “Do we have to go on about this every day now?”
Now it was you who hummed and smirked right back at him. “After all, you went and stole my underwear. How original.”
“Don’t make me tickle you again.”
“No, no, no, no, no – ah!” You laughed and splashed some water in his face. He responded in kind, so you had to squeeze your eyes shut.
Low laughter rumbled in his chest, until eventually he fell quiet again and gently caught your chin between two fingers. “I’m happy that you’re happy.”
You smiled warmly. You had no response for that.
You leaned back against him and closed your eyes. Everything was perfect. This was far better than anything you had ever read in any book, seen in any movie or imagined in your head. He was your dark prince, your savior. You were indeed made for each other. You saw it now. He was twisted, it was no secret and he had hurt you in more than one way. But none of them were irreparable. He had hurt you, locked you away, humiliated you, played with your life – but he had also freed you. He had shown you what love meant. What passion was. That you were indeed someone. Someone worthy of love and care. You were his.
And he was yours.
“Would you like to go out to eat today?”
Your eyes snapped open in a cartoonish way and you sat up straight faster than intended. You spun around and stared at him like a fool.
His lips twitched at the corners and his eyes twinkled in amusement. “So, is that a yes?”
You kept staring at him. A part of you expected it to be either a test or a joke, but despite his amusement, he seemed rather serious about it.
“Really?” You whispered in a voice that was barely audible. You wanted to be happy about it, but a part of you held back. Your mind was ready to, but you body braced itself for a fit of disappointment.
But his expression didn’t waver and instead, he nodded softly.
“I trust you.” He said gently. His words, combined with his soft voice, sent a pleasant shiver down your spine. “I trust you not to deceive me.”
Of course you heard the subtle threat behind his words. It was barely noticeable, but it was there. You were quite good when it came to reading his intentions. His emotions. They were there. Even when he tried to make it appear like there were none.
“I won’t.” You whispered further. “I’d never.”
Two hours later you stood in front of the bathroom mirror, nervously fidgeting with your ponytail. You couldn’t tell what it was exactly that made you so nervous. Was it the fact that you hadn’t been properly outside in months? Had the world changed in the time being?
No, it was something else.
You were afraid. Terrified, even. You were terrified of making a mistake and destroying the lovely cloud that had built around you. The safe space that you felt whenever you were around him, taking a bath together or cooking, while he stood behind you, a hand on your hip as he watched what you were doing over your shoulder.
“Take as much time as you need.” You heard him call out from the living room. “I’ll be waiting for you.”
You took a deep breath to calm yourself. You looked good. You wore the dark green dress and you felt as confident in it as you possibly could. It still felt kind of foreign for you to go out, looking like this, being on his arm. But you knew you would manage it. He would help you through it. Talk you through it. Hold you and guide you, the same way he always did.
And so you finally made your way out.
He sat on the couch, his ankle over his knee and he stared down at his hands, while he waited. He wore a suit and a tie, his hair slicked back casually like it normally was. He looked so effortlessly perfect.
Once he noticed you, he looked up and his entire face lit up at the sight of you.
“Look at that.” He murmured and you smiled.
“Can we?”
He got up and held out his hand to you. Your fingers intertwined with his, you slowly made your way towards the door.
“Don’t be nervous.” He whispered in your ear as he slowly reached for the chip in his chest pocket. “I’m right here.”
You nodded and nibbled on your lower lip, when you heard the soft click of the door. And it opened. Just like that. It was open, open for you. You trembled when you stepped over the threshold. For the first time in how many months? You were outside. Outside. In the real world. But you weren’t the same woman you were when you first came here. The timid mouse who knew nothing but the reality she made for herself. No, now you were here and you were his.
His girl.
You took the elevator to the first floor and took a long glance around. So many things you hadn’t noticed the first time. The black wall that was such a big contrast to the other, white ones. The ceiling fan.
The letter box.
The letter box – it had to have his name on it. It had to. He lived here, right? He had to be there, there had to be some kind of record of him. He was someone, he was holding your hand for God’s sake, he had to-
He followed your gaze and his hold on your hand tightened subtly.
He leaned down, so his lips grazed your earlobe and he whispered: “Go ahead. Take a look.”
It sounded almost challenging, but you were sure, he wouldn’t punish you. Not even if it was a test. Not here, at least. Not outside. Not now.
So, you took a shaky step forward and your gaze followed the rows of names.
48, Apartment 7c belonged to…Blank.
A frown pulled at your lips and he smirked down at you.
“Silly girl.” He mused. “I thought you understood that I’m a ghost. Now, come. You must feel famished.”
You swallowed down your disappointment and followed him.
The moment you felt the warmth of the sun on your skin, the soft breeze of the wind, you stopped walking for a moment. All you could do was freeze on the spot and close your eyes, relishing in the way that it all made you feel. How could you ever before have taken this for granted?
It was perfect. It was Heaven.
You hardly even recognized his gaze on you as all you could focus on was the fact that you were alive.
And well. As well as possible, at least.
He smiled at the sight of you and stood back, his hands clasped together in front of his lower body.
“How do you feel now?”
You inhaled deeply and tilted your head back, enjoying the warmth, the love you felt.
It was a single word, but it was hardly enough to capture the way you truly felt.
The way to the restaurant went without any further incidents. You decided to walk, because it wasn’t that far and because you had practically begged him to. You wanted to revel in the feeling of this freedom for as long as you could. It didn’t take much to convince him, but he kept his hand on the small of your back possessively the whole way. You didn’t mind that though, not one bit. It was the perfect addition to this wonderful day actually. You belonged to him and he didn’t let you forget it.
When you finally reached the restaurant – a cozy, little Italian place – he led you inside and your heart skipped a beat. The place was filled with all kinds of people, all of them going on about their day and barely acknowledging you. You felt his gaze on you the entire time, obviously trying to gauge your intentions, trying to make sure you stayed in your place and didn’t try to play any tricks on him. But nothing could have been further from your intentions. All you could think about was how you were here, how you kept asking yourself if all of this was real.
Your eyes sparkled in the intimate light of the afternoon sun that shone through the windows as you kept glancing at everything as if you saw it for the first time.
It was like that of course, but it wasn’t your first time going to a restaurant. But it was your first time going out as the woman you now were.
As his.
His eyes followed you with a mixture of amusement and adoration.
The waiter came and he ordered something to drink for the both of you, as well as pizza, pasta and a salad. You hardly even recognized any of it, because you were lost in your own world. Once the waiter left, he reached for your hand and gently squeezed it, capturing your attention.
“How do you feel?”
You smiled brightly. “Thank you.”
He cocked a brow and leaned back. “That’s how you feel, hm?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle. “No, I just…I feel so…” You sighed deeply and gently ran your thumb over the back of his hand. “I love it here. And I love you.”
His lips curved into a slow smile. “Looks like I’ll be forced to take you out more often then.”
Soon the food and the drinks arrived and you stared down at everything with wide, nearly wild, eyes.
“Dig in, darling.”
You took a bite of the Carbonara pasta and you immediatelyhad to bite back a groan. “Oh God, this is good.”
He smirked as he watched you eat in silence.
“Why aren’t you eating?”
“Give me a moment.” He murmured. “I’m appreciating the sight.”
That made you smirk. “Stop buttering me up and eat something. I feel like a caveman compared to you.”
That made him laugh. A warm, rich sound. A sound you adored and you wished to hear for the rest of your life, actually.
“Don’t be silly.”
“I’m not the silly one. Open up.” You picked up the spoon and looked at him with a mischievous gleam in your eyes. Despite his reservations, he obeyed and parted his lips, allowing you to feed him a spoonful Spaghetti Carbonara. He hummed in response and licked his lips in a way that made your own mouth run dry.
“Delicious.” He purred.
You looked at him with the same mischievousness and slowly lifted the spoon to your lips, the same spoon he had just lapped at, and it disappeared inside your mouth.
His eyes darkened as he watched you with a playful gleam. “Tease.”
You smiled innocently and took a bite of the pizza. It tasted warm and rich, the cheese was practically melting on your tongue. “Me? A tease? Never.”
He grinned and playfully flicked your earlobe.
You laughed and swatted his hand away.
“Hey!” You bit your lip and tilted your head to the side. “I’ll show you what a tease can do.”
Before he even had the time to react, you placed your hand on his knee, sliding it up the tiniest bit on his thigh. His eyes widened and he nearly choked on his tea. Poor him. It was probably hot.
“Don’t you dare.” He murmured.
Your fingertips wandered up further, while you kept your eyes fixed on his. All the while you used your free hand to take another bite of the pizza.
“Don’t I dare what?” You murmured in feigned innocence.
He exhaled slowly through his nose as he watched you through his darkened eyes.
“You know exactly what I mean.” He said lowly.
Your hand just barely skimmed over the growing bulge in his pants, but you caught the way he closed his eyes and held himself back from making any sounds.
You began to gently massage his hardness through the fabric of his pants and now you clearly heard the way his breathing sped up.
You had no idea what on earth was going on with you. This wasn’t like you, not at all actually. But the day had started off so wonderful and it only ever got better. He was so sweet and considerate, though he was always on guard. You just wanted to make him melt a little, like he always did you.
“You were saying?” You whispered softly.
He finally looked up at you through half-lidded eyes.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish.”
You looked deeply into his eyes and a new sort of heat covered your cheeks and inside your chest. You wanted nothing more than to see him crumble, to bring him to the edge of ecstasy.
“But I can.”
You glanced around and before he knew it, you were already under the table. The table cloth was so long that it covered you completely and kept you from prying eyes.
His own eyes widened and he nearly let out a startled breath. He glanced around as well, before his eyes settled on your form under the table. His gaze was as incredulous as it was hungry.
“Are you insane?” He hissed while you were already on your best way to free him from the confinement of his slacks.
You smirked devilishly and didn’t make any sound, you just focused on the task at hand. A second later he was free and yet another second later, your mouth enveloped him.
He tensed beneath your touch and his hand instantly tangled in your hair. You observed the way his eyes fell shut and he didn’t even try to keep a straight face.
“Oh God, you’re such a fucking idiot.” He breathed out and tightened his hand in your hair. “Oh God, yes, like that. Don’t stop.”
You gently sucked on the tip before you took him in completely again, causing him to bite back a groan.
You heard someone passing by and he quickly straightened up, schooling his expression, but the look in his eyes was wild.
You made a point of sucking slightly harder whenever someone passed by your table and he tugged on your ponytail warningly.
You smirked against his skin and flicked your tongue against his tip, before you slowly pulled back.
“Tell me that you love me.”
His head snapped up and he looked at you with a frown. “What?”
You nearly brushed your lips against him, but pulled back the last moment, leaving him aching and bucking his hips against the place where your mouth had just been.
“Tell me that you love me.” You whispered again.
He stiffened and glanced around, as if that was the most scandalous part about this.
He grunted and shot you a dark look.
“Stop this.”
You made a point of almost kissing him, before you pulled back again.
He let out a soft sigh, but didn’t try to guide your movements. He just stared at you with growing impatience.
“Come on-“
“It’s true, isn’t it? So, say it.”
You licked along his shaft, but missed the tip on purpose. His eyes fluttered shut and he cupped your cheek in his hand. His touch was surprisingly gentle. You had actually expected him to be beyond livid.
“I love you.” He breathed out and ran his thumb along your temple.
Your heart skipped a beat and you swallowed. He still had trouble saying it and you were well aware that it wasn’t the most elegant way to tickle it out of him like that, but sometimes you just needed it. You needed to feel like you were in control of something. And he needed to learn it, right?
After all you had learned so many things for him.
Dresses. Sex. Trust.
And love.
“I love you, too.” You whispered back. But you didn’t give him time to think about your words or the fact that he had said them, because you quickly went back to pleasuring him and this time, you weren’t being teasing about it.
Instead you worked your mouth on him in a way that had him writhing and trembling in his seat. His grip on your hair was tight, but not in the way it usually was. He didn’t hold onto you to guide your movements. This was your show. You were the one in control. He just kept his tight hold on you to keep himself from making any sounds.
When you felt him spill himself into your mouth, his body was shaking so hard, it was probably obvious for everyone close-by. But you didn’t care and he obviously didn’t either, because he buried his face in his free hand and tried to breathe out as quietly as he could. The pleasure nearly sent him spiraling off his chair. After a long, tense moment his breathing slowly slowed down and his grip on you became gentle again. He looked down at you with a soft vulnerability in his eyes that you didn’t get to see often. You had caught him off-guard, while also making him feel like he was indeed the one in control.
And his eyes were soft.
He glanced around to make sure there was no one watching, before he swiftly pulled you back up onto the chair beside his. His draped one arm around your waist and used the other one to quickly get himself decent again.
“You’re such a minx.” He breathed out, still trying to normalize his breathing.
Your lips felt swollen and sore, but you didn’t regret it one bit. You had come to love doing this to him. Nothing turned you on as much as the way his eyes darkened in pleasure.
He cleared his throat and tugged at his tie. His perfect appearance seemed rather disheveled now and the sight made you smile. You loved being reminded of the fact that he was human. That under the whole act of being stern and angry, cold and emotionless, he was indeed a man with flaws, a man with a past, a man with a name.
He gently tipped your chin up, before he picked up his tea cup and lifted it to your lips, tilting your head back. The hot liquid burned down your throat, but you appreciated the way he always took care of you.
He never allowed you to feel used afterwards. Never. Not even when he was angry with you.
“You’re so beautiful like that, you know that?” He murmured as he set the cup back down.
He smiled at you. “When you let go and you’re just being yourself.”
That made you laugh. “You think that was me being myself?”
“Mhm.” He purred. “It might be hard for you to believe, but I think exactly that. Under all that sadness and that silence of yours, there’s actually a girl, hungry for life.”
Your eyes softened as you stared up at him.
He licked his lips and released a slow breath.
“And I, darling, I am dying to be the one to satisfy that hunger.”
The rest of the meal went by without any further outbursts – and it was wonderful. You spent your time laughing and talking about all kinds of things. You learned more and more about him and he learned the things he didn’t already know about you. His family and his childhood were still a taboo topic, but you didn’t mind that. You were sure, once the time was right, he would let you in about that part of his life as well. Just like his job…and maybe, just maybe, even his name.
More than one and a half hours later, you were back outside, slowly making your way through the streets which became more and more crowded the closer you got to the city.
Since everything went on so smoothly, he decided to take you out for a small shopping trip as well. You still felt rather lightheaded after the short night you had, but you couldn’t bring yourself to protest. Every moment outside felt like a little piece of Heaven to you.
So, you walked in silence, his hand on your back and his gaze flicked to you every now and then.
He seemed to be rather deep in thought and you caught yourself wanting to ask him what was on his mind, but you didn’t. You were quite caught up in your own mind.
A few minutes later you reached the mall, a rather crowded space, something that made you feel a bit uneasy. You didn’t like places like this one, so you normally avoided them. But this time you weren’t alone. His hand on your back gave you a great measure of comfort. You curled into his side and took his arm, ready to walk the halls like a normal couple.
It felt surprisingly normal.
You still felt his slightly suspicious gaze. He couldn’t relax, couldn’t relax entirely. Not even the fact that you had just been on your knees for him, when you were normally so closed-off. He had a hard time trusting, something you understood well. But a part of you still wished he would finally try and trust you fully.
As if to reassure him, you shot him a soft smile. He returned it, surprisingly, and his grip on your back eased slightly.
“Where would you like to go?” He murmured into your ear.
You smirked and glanced around.
“The bookstore?”
That made him laugh. “Such an odd girl. The bookstore it is.”
You made your way through countless rows of books, reading and dreaming yourself into the stories, while he stayed firmly by your side and kept his gaze on you. Whichever book you picked up and held in your hand longer than fifteen seconds, he gathered it and propped it under his arm. By the time he scooped up the fifth book, you frowned at him.
“What are you doing?”
He frowned right back. “I’m buying them?”
Surprise flashed over your features, before you suddenly felt like laughing. “What? But I put them back.”
He shrugged. “You seemed to like them.”
You tried to hide the flutter in your chest. “But-“
“Shut up and keep looking, okay?”
You smiled down at your hands, before you set the book you had just held back down and made your way to the cash register.
Of course he picked up that book as well. You held it for a solid twenty seconds.
A few minutes later, you were back to wandering the mall. He had the bag with the books firmly in his hand and he had somehow convinced you to make a stop at Victoria’s Secret as well.
So far, your style had consisted of whatever fast fashion you found that was rather comfortable and didn’t bring you any fuss. But he insisted.
He insisted that you deserved more than that. That you deserved to feel like a princess.
And so he led you down the hallway until you made your way to the lingerie store.
And to your surprise, everything there was beautiful. You had expected to find it rather cliché, but no. Every piece you touched felt like a soft caress.
He made you try on at least seven pieces. A silky, red robe, lingerie of all kinds, a black negligee, a white corsage. And everything looked good on you.
You had half expected him to creep up on you in the changing room and retaliate for what you made him go through in the restaurant, but he waited in front of it patiently, eying every new fit with curiosity and awe. You felt rather relieved, because you still felt the tiniest bit dizzy and the thick air in there didn’t make it any better.
His eyes widened and he tugged at his tie, regarding you with a long look every time, making you turn around from every angle. And eventually, he bought them all for you.
What else did you expect?
He carried all the bags through the great halls of the mall and you couldn’t help but find yourself smiling softly. It felt too perfect. He was too perfect.
When you glanced up at him that time, something felt strange and odd.
He didn’t immediately glance back at you. He wasn’t keeping his focus on you in a way that threatened to suffocate you. Instead, he walked beside you with the firm belief that you wouldn’t slip through his fingers. The thought sent a shiver down your spine. Was he finally growing more comfortable? Was he finally trusting you?
You kept staring at him for a moment, feeling caught up in your thoughts, unable to speak. You stared at him and the way his handsome features were tugged into a thoughtful, yet soft expression.
You loved him. And suddenly you wanted to tell him.
You opened your mouth, ready to say the words, when someone bumped into you from the side. It was an elderly couple and the woman quickly regarded you with an apologetic smile. You returned smile and looked back at him, just as quick, only to realize he wasn’t right next to you. Instead there was a group of about seven women, walking around with pink dresses and crowns on their heads. One of them wore a white dress instead and you realized it was most likely her bachelorette party. You caught sight of her face and she glanced right back at you. You smiled softly with a whole lot of fondness in your eyes and she immediately returned the smile.
What a wonderful thought. To have friends and well…A fiancé.
Was that something you could ever anticipate? Was that something you could allow yourself to dream about? Or were you destined to feel nothing but disappointment, whenever that topic came up in your mind?
The moment was fleeting and you quickly looked up to match his pace again, but you suddenly realized he wasn’t anywhere close by. He was a few steps ahead of you. It wouldn’t have been dramatic, if it wasn’t for the crowd of people that slowly built between you.
You saw him come to a halt and check the crowd between you. The softness in his expression immediately turned into something darker. The thoughtfulness turned into anger. And beneath the gentleness of his eyes, which had been there up until then, you saw it.
You opened your mouth and raised your hand, waving and trying to make your way back to him, when suddenly-
You gasped out loud when someone suddenly squeezed your elbow. You yanked your arm back forcefully and shot the man a dark look, but he quickly held up his hands in a placating gesture.
“Forgive me, miss.” He said in a British accent. “You looked like you speak English. Am I right?”
You frowned slowly and looked up again to catch sight of-
“I just wanted to know – Can you tell me where to find the…uh…” He fumbled with a piece of paper in his hands.
“I’m not from here.” You said, panic rising within yourself. If he thought you had left him? Oh God, of course he would think that.
“Yes, I could tell as much.” The stranger with the dark blonde hair smiled apologetically. “May I ask where you are from?”
“What did you want to know?” You nearly snapped.
You weren’t normally as uncivil, but you couldn’t help yourself. Your patience was wearing thin and you had long but lost sight of the man you loved and who would undoubtedly punish you for this, if you got really unlucky.
“Of course. Pardon. I was asking myself, do you know where I can find the market square?” He smiled hopefully.
“No.” You said shortly. “I told you I’m not from here.” In a softer tone, you added: “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, please, don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll make it somehow. Pardon me, I really don’t mean to pry, but is it possible you’re from England? Your accent-“
“I really need to find my husband.” Husband. The word sounded equally as ridiculous as it felt thrilling on your tongue.
He held up his hands again and took a step back. “Forgive me.” He smiled. “I got the hint.”
“No, I’m not making this up.” You suddenly felt guilty. “I mean, I was just-“
In that moment you felt a hand on your shoulder, squeezing possessively and you knew it was him, without having to look. When you did meet his gaze, his eyes were blazing and wide, a small stutter to his breath. Your own eyes widened and you opened your mouth helplessly.
“I’m sorry.” You said gently. “There were those women and then this man asked me for-“
When you looked back to introduce him to the mysterious stranger, you suddenly realized he wasn’t there anymore.
“I know.” He hissed lowly in your ear. “I saw him. Now, move.”
He didn’t say a single word all the way home. His eyes were narrowed and he carried all of the bags in one hand, so he kept his other hand on your arm. He held you by your wrist, tighter than before. His tight grip and the tension is body gave away how he truly felt.
You swallowed and tried to keep up with his pace as you silently stumbled alongside him. You knew the dynamic had shifted and you were probably in trouble. It felt like that one time he caught you by the open door, only that now you had the great hope that he wouldn’t cut your hair for it.
Or try to choke you to death.
He pushed you into the elevator and pressed the button, only for another woman to enter. He shot you a dark, warning look. It made you sad if you were honest to yourself. Just when you thought that maybe he trusted you, he suddenly didn’t anymore.
You forced a smile when the woman glanced your way. She returned the smile and a few floors later, you made your way back towards the apartment. Somehow, you had a feeling this would be the last time you felt any freedom, for a long time.
Still, you followed him quietly when he held the door open for you. He stepped inside right after you. The sound of the door clicking shut announced the end of your short-lived dream of love and freedom. You closed your eyes to brace yourself, but you hardly had any time to.
He let go of the bags and pushed you against the wall, keeping a firm grip on your shoulders.
Oh, no.
“Do you want him, huh?”
“Did he touch you?” He growled without any concern for what you had to say. “Did he get his fucking hands on you, huh? Did you like having his dirty fucking hands on you?”
You knew you were probably supposed to be afraid. But what you felt rather than that was surprised.
Surprised and offended.
And also a tiny bit relieved.
You had expected him to be furious because you got lost in the crowd. Because he’d probably think that you tried to leave.
But he…he was angry, because of the guy?
Was he…
“Are you jealous?”
He slammed your wrists against the wall and gritted his teeth in fury. “Damn right I am.” He hissed. “Did you enjoy the way he ogled you? Did you fucking enjoy it?”
His hands were shaking with barely suppressed anger, but he was somehow holding himself back. For your sake, most likely.
Your chest heaved rapidly.
“He didn’t touch me.” You breathed out.
“Are you sure?” He spat out. “Are you sure you’re not lying to me? You’re such a-“ He stopped himself and closed his eyes.
“I’m such a what?” You said quietly.
His eyes snapped open and he glared at you. “You don’t get to give me an attitude. You better keep your mouth shut or else-“
“I’m such a what?!” You snapped back. “Say it! Say it, what am I?!”
He pondered with himself, it was obviously on the tip of his tongue.
His self from a few months ago would have had no trouble to say the word.
But not only you had changed. He had, too.
And now he seemed rather careful when it came to harsh insults which he had no right to throw your way.
“What am I?” You gritted out. “Say it.”
He took a long breath, trying to calm himself down.
“Did he touch you?”
“He touched my elbow to stop me. But I didn’t let him.”
He bristled and clenched his jaw so hard, you feared he might break his teeth.
“Did you enjoy it?” He spat out. “Did you enjoy his fucking hands on you? Do you wish he was here to fuck you, huh? Do you want him to fucking fuck you?!”
“No!” You took a shaky breath. “No. No.” You then whispered. “I told him I need to find my husband.”
For a second he froze and stared at you with an intensity that was almost painful.
You saw the way his eyes flashed and his heartbeat faltered.
“That…that means nothing.” He forced over his lips. “You still let him touch you.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but he slammed his hand down over your mouth and pressed tightly against it. You gasped in surprise, but held still otherwise.
“Do you know him? Huh? Is he some bastard from work, who tried to get in your pants while you were there?”
Your eyes widened in horror and you quickly shook your head.
“Yes, I’m sure he is.” He gritted out and pressed his whole body against you, pinning you against the wall. “Or maybe he did. Maybe he did get in your pants, huh? Maybe the whole virgin thing was just made up to mess with my mind.”
A pang of hurt made your stomach churn, but you tried to suppress it. He didn’t mean this. He was just angry. And whenever he got angry, he said things he didn’t mean.
“Did he fuck you?” He spat out. “Did he fuck you? Did he push his goddamn, tiny cock inside you? Did you enjoy it? Did you enjoy him?” His voice slowly turned into a whisper. His anger was still there, simmering beneath the surface, but that was not what you heard when he spat out his words. You heard desperation.
“Do you want him? Do you want him more than me?” His eyes held the same desperate, near-pleading look and you felt your heart soften.
You shook your head again and the look in your eyes mirrored his. Quietly pleading with him to believe you.
When he slowly pulled his hand back, you took a shaky breath.
“I’m yours.” You whispered breathlessly. “I’m only yours.”
The look in his eyes didn’t change, but he loosened his grip ever so slightly.
One of his hands slid down to cup your cheek.
“Say it again.”
“I’m yours.”
“Yours. I belong to you. Only you.”
Your eyes fluttered shut when he captured your lips in a bruising kiss. Nothing about it was gentle. The softness of the last few days, weeks even – it disappeared. He kissed you like a man starved, desperate to claim what was his and remind you of that fact.
He pushed his tongue into your mouth and slid his hand further down, wrapping his fingers around your throat. You tilted your chin up and allowed him to. Something about it felt so incredibly thrilling. The way he controlled you, controlled even the fact if and when you were allowed to breathe – you trusted him with your life. And it turned you on like crazy.
You stumbled back to the bedroom, discarding your clothes on the way without ever taking your hands off each other. It was such an intense feeling, the overwhelming passion of being so angry and yet…wanting him.
Wanting him with every fiber of your being.
And he seemed to feel the same way, because he dragged you along and pushed you onto the bed with a low growl. He pressed down against you and moved his leg between your own, while he quickly unclasped your bra and threw it aside. He was only left in his slacks, which you undid with now rather practiced ease, after doing it nearly every day for weeks.
You wrapped your legs around his waist and he responded with another deep growl, before he pushed his tongue back into your mouth. His hands ran down your body, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. He began to trace kisses down your jaw and neck, over the curve of your breast and back up, until you writhed underneath him, begging and arching your back.
“Stupid girl.” He grunted and bit your lip hard enough to draw blood. You moaned and pushed him back, which he didn’t take all too kindly. He hissed and pushed you further down, biting your lip again and now you felt the soft, metallic taste of your own blood on your tongue. You whimpered in response and before you could stop yourself, your hand cracked against his cheek. It wasn’t a hard slap, but enough to catch him off-guard; enough for his head to snap to the side.
Your eyes widened and you let out a startled gasp. He stayed like that for a moment, before he slowly turned his head and looked at you with an unreadable expression.
A part of you was almost sure, oh God, you were going to die.
All of you, actually.
He kept staring at you for a long moment, his lip twitching in what could only be anger. And eventually he crashed his lips against yours again, soothing the bite with his tongue.
Your eyes fluttered shut and you swallowed your relieved sigh, the moment when you felt his hand wrap around your throat again.
“I’m the only one who’ll ever get to fuck you.” He hissed out, one second before he pushed himself inside you and left you gasping for air.
“Fuck, wait-“
“No, baby, no. I’m going to fuck you and you will take it. Aren’t you my good girl? Aren’t you daddy’s good girl?”
He began to fuck you in a punishing pace, not giving you any time to adjust to the sensation of having him inside you at all. You moaned in a mixture of pain and undeniable pleasure, because the feeling of giving up control like that, it did all kinds of things to you. He hadn’t had you like this in weeks, you couldn’t tell how many it had been. And somehow, you missed it.
Fuck, you missed it.
As if on cue he tightened his grip on your throat and you gasped in surprise.
“Do you like this? Huh? My naughty girl. My little whore. Aren’t you my little whore? Huh? My personal little fucktoy?” He grunted while he kept fucking you in a way that made you feel like you were being ripped apart. He kept hitting your sweet spot with such a ferocity that you were sure you were going to burst any second.
“Answer me.” He growled. “Are you my whore?”
Your eyes rolled back in your head, but you forced yourself to nod.
“Good girl.” He breathed out. He suddenly shifted so that he was no longer holding you by your throat with his hand. Instead he pushed his arm behind your head and wrapped it around your neck, pressing his biceps against your throat, while he kept fucking you furiously.
He cut off most of your air supply and you felt a sense of panic rise within you.
He was so strong, too strong for you, so fucking hard and…
You couldn’t breathe, so you clawed at his arm like a cornered animal.
He smirked. The fucking bastard smirked.
“What was that? I didn’t hear you.” He mocked.
You tried to choke out a response, but all that came out was a strangled sound. You were nothing more than his toy to use, his to torment, but suddenly-
Ah, fuck.
You came with an intensity you had probably never felt before. Your eyes rolled back so far, you were afraid they might stay that way and your hips lifted off the mattress, pressing against his. You couldn’t speak, but that didn’t mean you were quiet. The strangled sound of your moans reached his ears and he moaned in response. Your walls clenched around him and it never seemed to stop.
It went on and on and on…Until the feeling finally passed.
He immediately pulled his arm back and you collapsed on the bed, hungrily gasping for air. You hadn’t even realized how you clawed at his skin so hard that you broke it.
He bit his lip and looked down at you with a soft frown. “Are you okay?”
“Fucking bastard.” You breathed out and now it was you, who silenced him with a kiss. He was still moving his hips, moving in and out of you, but with gentler movements now, so he didn’t cause your body to go into overdrive.
He smirked against your lips. “Bastard? That’s new.”
“Shut the fuck up.” You whispered and buried your hand in his hair, tugging on it. You weren’t exactly gentle about it.
“Feisty.” He groaned into the kiss.
“You have no idea.” You murmured.
With a swift movement, that seemed to kick all the air out of his lungs, you pushed him back and shifted so that you straddled him instead.
“What are you-“
“I said”, you said lowly, “shut up. You nearly killed me. You don’t get to speak.”
The idiot had the audacity to smile.
“You seemed to like it.” He teased.
Your face flushed red in embarrassment and you glared down at him. “I’m not…denying that. But still. It’s my turn.”
His brows rose in surprise, but before he could say anything, you lowered your hips down against his and guided his hardness back inside you. He groaned and his head fell back against the mattress.
“Fuck, there’ll be nothing of me left tomorrow.” He breathed out.
“Makes two of us.” You whispered. Your throat felt sore, but you didn’t care. You wanted to ride the hell, the life out of him. You wanted to see him broken, battered, bruised and satisfied to death.
You began to move your hips, moaning every time you felt him so incredibly deep.
“Are you sure you can handle this? Aren’t you maybe biting off more than you can chew?” He murmured, but it sounded strained.
“Do…you…ever…shut up?” You breathed and squeezed his face in one hand. A particularly hard thrust later, his façade finally crumbled and his eyes fell shut. You did that pelvic floor exercise thing on him you had read about, squeezing him in, taking him in, making him feel you even closer and something suddenly snapped inside of him.
“Fuck-“ He gripped your hips so hard, you were sure you’d have new bruises in the morning.
You kept grinding against him, once, twice, thrice…
And then you stopped. You pulled back and hovered in the air, holding yourself up against his shoulders.
The sound he made was pathetic.
Since it was him, it was a mixture of pathetic and furious, though.
“What are you doing?! Get back-“
His eyes widened and he lifted his hips, but you pulled back even further.
“No? What do you mean No?!”
“I’m not in the mood anymore.” You said flatly. His eyes were so wide, he looked insane.
More so than usual.
“You’re- Not-“
That was his weak spot. No matter how terribly he yearned, ached for you, he wouldn’t fuck you when you weren’t in the mood. Right?
It was one of the things you loved so much about him. Sure, in the beginning he told you he’d fuck you whenever. But you quickly realized that wasn’t entirely true.
He did love to push your boundaries and make you take far more than you could, but he didn’t ever try to have you when you didn’t want him to.
“Unless you beg me.” You smirked down at him.
He narrowed his eyes. “Excuse me?”
“Mhm.” You purred. “Beg me and I might consider it.”
His eyes slowly closed and you saw the way he throbbed and twitched.
“No.” He murmured. “I’m not going to beg you.”
You rocked your hips down in a gentle movement, running your warm, slick core along his throbbing hardness and he moaned.
He moaned.
“Fuck- You’re so-“
“Come on.” You whispered as you teasingly rubbed yourself against his tip. “No one’s here. Just you and me. You’re the man.” You leaned down and kissed the spot below his ear, causing him to moan again. “You’re the man.” You repeated softly. “You’re in charge. You’re my everything.”
“Damn right I am.” He groaned out.
“My whole world.” You breathed out and pressed yourself against him again, which caused him to throb even more.
“Please.” He finally breathed out, barely loud enough to be audible.
You closed your eyes and lowered yourself down enough for his tip to be pressed against your entrance.
“What?” You whispered breathlessly.
He bit his lip almost hard enough to draw blood. “Fucking hell.” He grumbled. “Please. Please. Don’t be a fucking demon. I taught you everything you know.” He swallowed and bit the inside of his cheek. His forehead and his eye brows twitched in a way that showed off his internal struggle, his anger, his desperate need for control.
And you didn’t want him to feel like that.
So you breathed out a gentle “Thank you”, before you slowly pressed yourself down against him, letting him enter you carefully. He closed his eyes shut and moaned again.
“I fucking hate you, you know that?”
“Oh, I hate you far more.” You whispered and slowly kissed a path along his neck. You ground your hips down against his, causing him to let out a ragged moan.
“Fucking devil.” He groaned.
“I’m yours.” You buried your face in his neck and began to ride him slowly, sensually. Gently. But deeply.
He moaned and moaned, the sound making blood rush to your head. “Again.”
“I’m yours. Only yours. I’m…your…”
His release exploded over him like a wildfire, because you felt the way he gripped your hips painfully and held you down against him. You felt the way he came deep inside you, filling you with the promise of being his, being his forever.
“God, I- I-“ He moaned again and ran his hands up your back, causing you to shiver while he rode out his release. You had never seen him like this, so lost in his pleasure that nothing else existed.
It took him a full minute to catch his breath and regain the ability to open his eyes and look at you. The look on his face was nothing short of reverence.
“I love you.” He whispered.
His words surprised you. So far he hadn’t been able to say it without some kind of trigger, without some greater power than his own mind. But now he said it and you knew he meant it.
“I love you more.” You breathed out.
He scoffed breathlessly. “Impossible.”
You smiled exhaustedly and rested your chin on his chest. You loved the feeling of having him inside you until your bodies decided it was time to disconnect. That always took a few minutes.
“Totally not impossible.”
“Absolutely impossible.” He murmured. “I painted the fucking walls apricot for you.”
Your eyes widened and your lips twitched into an incredulous smile. “You did what?”
He smirked and averted his gaze. “Yeah. That’s the most remarkable thing I’ve done for you so far.” He murmured sarcastically.
That made you laugh. “Shut up, you know what I-“
There was a sound that interrupted you. At first you couldn’t tell what it was for it was so unfamiliar. But then you suddenly understood. The doorbell.
His doorbell.
He frowned, obviously equally confused. No one had had tried to visit him so far. He was a ghost. There was no fucking name on his mailbox. Who would possibly-
The thought of it being an ex-girlfriend of his suddenly sent a fresh wave of nausea down your body. You stared at him with a frown and he raised his brows in curiosity. But instead of asking you, he could probably tell what you were thinking. So, he did something else instead. He fumbled for his shirt, which he barely reached across the floor and pulled out the chip.
“Here. Go get it.”
Your brows shot up comically. “What? Me?”
A test. It had to be. A last test.
“Yes. Go on. I trust you.”
Your heart skipped a beat and you took the chip with shaky fingers. Really? He trusted you?
Trusted you with the key?
You stared down at it and then back at his face. It meant so much to you.
“Are you sure?”
He smiled slowly and pulled you down to press a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Yes, you silly girl. Go.”
A minute later you had wrapped yourself back into your dress and slowly made your way towards the door. You were already about to press the buzzer, to let whoever it was into the building.
Who could it be? Most likely some housekeeper service again. The thought of the janitor still made your stomach churn, but you pushed it down for now. You had never even asked what he did to the body. The truth was you actually didn’t want to know.
You were about to press the button, when you heard something. Someone cleared their throat. Your eyes widened when you realized that whoever it was, stood right in front of the door.
Your paranoid self didn’t trust people easily, especially after the last person you trusted abducted you – no matter the final outcome.
You decided to give a brief look through the peephole before you opened it. You most likely wouldn’t know the person anyway, but your inner child wanted to be sure it wasn’t an axe murderer.
So, you stood on your tiptoes and glanced outside only for your eyes to settle on…
You stumbled backwards as if you’d been struck. The nausea you had felt all day suddenly seemed to have a reason and you immediately felt incredibly sick.
Thank God you stumbled into him, because you suddenly felt like you couldn’t hold yourself upright.
“Hey.” He gently held you in his arms and frowned down at you in concern. “What is it? Who was it?”
“That guy.” You gasped out. “The one who asked me for directions.”
His expression immediately darkened. “What?”
You nodded quickly. “It’s the same guy. I’m sure.”
His frown deepened and his lip twitched again, not in amusement, but lust for murder.
He gently pushed you behind him, before he took a step closer himself and looked outside as well. For a short moment he didn’t seem too alarmed. It was odd, yes, he had probably followed you. A freak, a stalker. Not of the good kind.
But then he suddenly stiffened. And you knew something was wrong.
He grabbed you with a bruising grip and dragged you along until you reached your bedroom. You gasped when he ushered you inside and pushed you into the closet with renewed ferocity.
“Stay in here.” He hissed. “Don’t you dare come out until I tell you to.”
He slammed the door shut and you slumped against the wall. Your legs felt like jelly and your heart was pounding wildly in your chest. There was a ringing sound in your ears, loud enough to almost make you go deaf.
You buried your hands in your hair and stared at the spot in the darkness where he had been only a second ago.
You closed your eyes and tried to focus. Voices. You heard voices.
Quiet at first. And suddenly louder.
Tears stung your eyes and you pressed a hand against your mouth to stop yourself from making any sounds.
It wasn’t all that-
A loud crash made you flinch so hard, you immediately got a headache.
And then the dizziness came back. The darkness around you felt like a rollercoaster and you slowly sunk down to your knees, while you tried to breathe calmly.
In and out. In. And out.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
What could it have been about it that he panicked? That he felt he had to lock you back in here?
By the time the door finally opened – you couldn’t tell if it had been minutes or hours – everything was messy cloud of loud, bloodied frenzy.
The blood. The blood. So much blood.
He spoke and spoke, but he was too far away. His voice wasn’t real, his twitching eyes weren’t.
His words weren’t. Oh God. Oh no.
Oh God, mother.
And then everything went black.
Tag list 1:@mitsuki-dreamfree@kpopsmutty69@heroine-chique@vkeyy@mizuwki@blu-brrys@z0mbi345@yourpointbreak@ayieayee@freddyzeppsworld@lola11111111@indifitel6661@salesmanlover08@laurenbenoit70@lalalaa2210@lila-marshal@auspicious-lilana@0-aubrie0@lovelyaegyo@theredvelvetbitch@violentbluess@muriels-lover@dorayakissu@eviebuggg@muchwita@ririgy@strxlemon@obsessedwthdilfs@kiwilov3@misty-q
Author's note: GUYS WTF My brain is made of pudding right now, so please forgive me if I made any mistakes or talked shit at some point :(
I'm sorry that it took me so long!!! I had NO idea how to start this chapter, but now I finally made it. I started this at around ten in the morning and now it's ten pm omg. With breaks of course!
I'll try to mention every request/suggestion, if I forget something, please let me know!!!
Also, the requests that didn't/won't make it into the story, I'm planning a sequel and probably a few oneshots concering these two!
@sleepingkittiesworld : her riding him
Anon : her being sick and him caring about her
Anon : the choking during smut
Anon : dinner date outside / another Anon : him taking her to a place she likes (in this case Italian food)
@tommydarlings : innocently taking a bath together
A few people had similar or different suggestions about him getting jealous, so I'll just sum that up under jealousy: @dilfismz , @kidswhoneedhugs , @c3ce , @moondustfairies
Thanks to @babyscilence for "Did he paint the walls apricot for her?" that stuck with me so bad because that JUST MAKES SENSE
Going out in general : @hayakamis-blog , @mswannadiesworld
Going out and getting lost in a crowd : @ririgy
I hope these were all, if I forgot someone, please let me know!
Also great thanks to each and everyone of you! Sometimes I find myself wanting to thank someone in particular for being cute or being a great motivation/inspiration, but somehow, that's all of you!!! I love you, guys!
#squid game#squid game fanfic#squid game fanfiction#squid game x reader#squid game x yn#squid game x you#salesman#the salesman#the salesman squid game#squid game the salesman#squid games salesman#salesman squid game#salesman x reader#the salesman x reader#salesman x yn#the salesman x yn#salesman x you#the salesman x you#the salesman smut#salesman smut#squid game smut#the salesman fanfiction#gong yoo#gong yoo x reader#dark fic#dyingswanpavlova#your girl#your girl the salesman
601 notes
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#ginho#457#001 x 456#squid game 457#squid game#old man yaoi#toxic old man yaoi#seong gi hun#hwang inho#I used the promo photo as a reference.
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Guy who didnt satisfy his partner during sex cryign and punching himself in the balls going STUPID STUPID STUPID!!
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CAN I PRETTY PLEASSSEEE request more child! Reader with squid games caretakers😿. The one I read a bit back was super comforting and I highkey want more💔
Squid game male characters x little girl reader

Ok I see that you liked this dynamic and it's good, it also helps my inner child so I bring you more, and here I will put writings of the characters in the first and second seasons ♡
If you want me to do it with the female characters, let me know!
master list!
> Seong Gi-hun
With him the tea parties were never boring
He always made you laugh and made sure you had fun even when your mother looked at him sternly for being with you longer than he should, now you won't finish the schoolwork.
He wasn't a good father, admitted it, but at least he tried and this time he didn't make the same mistake as did with your little sister.
—I think the princess would love to have more tea! —He said in a squeaky voice moving your toy doll as if she was the one talking.
You laughed and served him more with a fine movement, you loved the few moments spent with your father.
But you also noticed the tension that your father and mother had every time he came home and that was something that you didn't like, you were small but not ignorant, you could see that something was wrong between them, you just didn't know what it was about and that led you to commit some pranks that in your mind seemed innocent.
Like, for example, sneaking out of school to go see him, at first he would congratulate you for being so smart but then he would scold you for putting yourself at that risk.
—I like that you come to see me but don't do it this way, your mother would kill me —He said taking your hand as both walked through the subway to take the train back to school.
—She doesn't mind —You said with an innocent smile —besides, she's busy organizing the move.
—¿Moving? ¿Where are they going to move?
You raised your shoulders without having an answer, neither your mother nor your stepfather wanted to tell and that activated an alert in Gi-hun's head, after taking you to school again was when he found that strange and mysterious man with the briefcase and after that day your father was never the same.
He only wanted the best for you and your little sister and if he had to stay away to protect you that's what he would do.
> Cho Sang-Woo
Walking on his shoulders was the best, you felt like you could see everything from above and you liked hugging him by the neck from time to time.
It was curious how you were the only one who could see him smile genuinely, at first he felt scared when received the news that he was going to be a father, he wasn't going to lie, considered leaving you with your mother and sending money every month but now he couldn't see himself in a world without you.
—¿Do you want vanilla or strawberry ice cream? —him asked you as I walked towards the ice cream stand.
—¡Strawberry! —You responded happily while pulling his hair a little like that chef mouse used to do in the movie you liked so much.
He let out a low chuckle and walked towards it but stopped short when he saw a group of men that he instantly recognized walking casually down the sidewalk, they still didn't see Sang-woo but he was sure that if they did there would be problems because of his money problems.
He immediately put you on the ground and walked back the way came from, you looked at him in confusion, but before asking a question he entered a store without letting go of your hand.
—¿And the ice cream?
Your question caught his attention and he took his attentive gaze away from the door.
He formed the best smile could and told you that better choose some candy from there, you excitedly did so, ignoring the tension on his part and after a few minutes fortunately those bullies continued walking without seeing them, Sang-woo was able to release the air trapped in his lungs and returned to you.
After paying for the chocolates you took, both left the store and continued walking back home until Sang-woo met the recruiter.
The recruiter filled him with promises of a stable and secure future for you, a future where he wasn't constantly worried about your safety or whether he had enough money to buy the things you wanted.
He left you in the care of your grandmother and entered the games, it didn't matter what he had to do or the traitorous murderer he would become, he promised to come home and would do that.
> Hwang Jun-ho
No matter what he did, you did exactly the same thing whether it was something common or something dangerous.
¿Was he preparing to have cereal for breakfast? You did it too, ¿did he accidentally spill milk on the table? You also dropped it just to copy it.
You saw him as a hero and bragged at school that your father was a police officer to the point where they bullied you for even listening to it, something you didn't care about because you were still proud to say it.
People used to tell Jun-ho that you were a mini copy of him and that made him smile, because it was true and he was proud of it but also a little terrified of the trouble you were going to get into as you grew up.
He would drop you off at school every morning to make sure brought your breakfast and were well combed and clean, sometimes he struggled with your hair because being a single father he had to resort to video tutorials on the internet but you were always happy with the result.
—If you can't open your water bottle, ask the teacher for help —Your father said as you got out of the car.
—¡Yes daddy! —With your backpack carried on the shoulder and stumbling you ran towards the entrance of the school before they closed, it was already late and there was little tolerance and the teacher at the entrance let you know with an expression of disgust when she saw you.
You apologized with a slight bow and the teacher scolded you, she was already telling you about your punishment when suddenly Jun-ho sounded the sirens of his patrol car to get the teacher's attention.
Your father was still sitting inside the vehicle, only this time showing his best smile and waving at her with one hand.
The woman immediately changed her posture, gave your father a flirtatious smile and gently pushed you into the school, telling you that this was the only exception.
Jun-ho knew how to use his charms and he would use them as long as it was to save you from a school punishment or for them to make exceptions like this.
both had an excellent father-daughter relationship, however, when he went to that island to look for In-ho and then he was found in the water, those were the worst days of your short life. During the time he was in a coma, you slept next to him and your grandmother had to take you off of him by order of the nurses.
The good thing about that is that when Jun-ho opened his eyes, the first thing he felt was your body pressed against his like a little koala looking for comfort.
You were a real daddy's girl.
> Ali Abdul
Due to your nationality you were excluded at school, you didn't care much since the encouraging words of your mother and father always echoed in your head but when you started learning magic tricks to impress your classmates the teasing got worse.
Now you were in the back of your house trying to learn a card magic trick while holding back tears, you didn't want to worry your family, your father was constantly working and your mother was busy taking care of newborn brother.
You knew your family was going through a hard time so tried to make as little noise as possible.
You placed a six diamond card in your left hand and shuffled the other cards with your right hand, you made a quick movement of your hands and the card managed to appear right in the middle of the others
—Taraaaa... —you said without much encouragement despite your successful result.
Suddenly you heard a joyful applause and turned your head as saw your father coming out of the house looking at you with pride.
—¡That was fantastic princess!
—¿Oh really? ¡Thank you! —You said more excited than before, rearranging the cards in your hands to do the trick.
—It would be an honor to see a great magician do her show.
Despite being absent from you most of the day, he loved you and always reminded you by telling you or just paying you a lot of attention, even if it was only for a short time.
He knew that they bullied you for being different from others, he also suffered that discrimination but he tried to make you feel better every day.
For the next two hours he was attentive to every magic trick you taught him and applauded with pride and surprise every time you finished successfully, may have had no money and social status was horrible but were a united family and that was all that mattered.
He entered the games to help his family move forward, he spent each one thinking about you, your mother and your brother, family was his motivation and in fact, thanks to you he was saved in the game of marbles.
"Nothing is what it seems"
You said at the end of each act of magic and for some reason he remembered the phrase when he was about to fully trust Sang-woo, he didn't and just as you played with illusions and cards, he played with distraction and marbles.
> Hwang In-ho
He is not an excellent father, his work and the hard life he led consumed him as a human, but at the end of the day he always made sure to come to your room to read you a bedtime story, turn on the night light so you wouldn't be afraid of the dark, and stay by your side until you fell asleep.
You were a small lotus flower growing in a minefield, he disliked it but it was the only way to have you by his side, he affectionately called you "little sun" because you illuminated his life among so much death and darkness.
—...And then the circle did this for me —You finished narrating your day while showing him a paper flower that a guard with the circle figure impregnated on his mask had made for you.
—it's very pretty —He said after turning on the light to sleep and sitting next to you on the bed.
He was busy most of the day so he asked the guards to take care of you, a wonder for you and a danger for them because if he noticed a single unhealed scratch on your body he would make sure that the guard who didn't take good care of you would pay the consequences.
—It's time to go to sleep.
In-ho covered you with the blanket and placed a kiss on your forehead while humming a sweet melody that your mother loved.
You pretended to fall asleep and he left the room, usually you were obedient to his every rule but this time would be different.
This occasion was special.
You put on your bunny slippers and left the room wearing your duck pajamas, one of the square guards saw you on the screen but with just two buttons he changed the image to prevent the frontman from seeing you.
You walked cautiously until a triangular guard found you and guided you to a huge room with a childlike atmosphere, a blue sky painted all over the wall with white clouds and rainbows decorating it.
He gave you a radio and you spoke to all the circular workers to start your big plan.
You were a very smart and nice girl so you managed to convince everyone to help you organize a surprise birthday party for your father.
Placed balloons of all colors, confetti bombs everywhere and they made you a cake just as you requested, a large cake with a badly made figure of the frontman on top.
The next morning the mere image of seeing your father wearing his dark gray suit and his trademark mask in the middle of the playground with lots of colorful confetti falling on him and shouts of "Congratulations" from all the workers was enough to make you laugh.
In-ho was on the verge of a breakdown, there was a lot of work to do and you had distracted all his employees with this but he immediately calmed his fury when he saw you smiling like that.
That day was something unusual on the island, all the masked men received a slice of cake and saw their leader, the most firm, severe and imposing man open birthday gifts with his little daughter by his side, that day was an exception and there were no scoldings for helping you.
Now everyone was sure of one thing, you were his great weakness and if something happened to you the frontman would have no mercy on the world.
> The Salesman
The night passed calmly, the boring and monotonous atmosphere of the luxurious house in which you lived was about to consume you when you heard the main gate open, you quickly left your room, ran downstairs and saw your father, taking off his jacket and hanging it on the coat rack.
—¿What is the reason for this reception? —He asked you curiously as he placed his briefcase on the floor.
—¡I'm bored!
He looked at you in silence and tilted his head a little at the same time as he crouched down to be at your level.
—¿And what do you want to do? —He asked you even though he already knew your answer.
You had inherited his love for random games, where you didn't know if you would be the next to lose or win, so that was a hobby shared as father and daughter.
—¡Poker! —You said enthusiastically, forming a malicious closed-lipped smile on your mouth as you pulled a set of cards out of your pocket.
He couldn't be more proud, he was molding you into his shape and likeness which wasn't good but not all bad either, when you grow up you will have many freedoms and privileges in exchange for offering desperate people an unreliable opportunity, it wasn't an honest job but at least that way you wouldn't live like he did in his childhood, without a penny to eat.
After you explained the rules, prizes and conditions began to play, you won every time and as a reward he gave you one of your favorite chocolates, a more than special prize considering how strict he was regarding your bedtime.
Until in a bad game you lost, causing a small laugh to come out of your father's mouth.
—Looks like your luck has run out —He said leaning forward and without erasing his malicious smile.
You looked at him with half-closed eyes and before you knew it he lifted you off the ground and started to make you ribs without mercy.
You yelled at him between laughs to stop but he ignored it, despite being who the salesman was, he was more than happy to share a bit of his vile reality disguised as a childish act with you.
—Now to sleep —He said seriously once again, walking up the stairs to your room without letting you go —Tomorrow you have ballet classes and violin rehearsal, if you arrive sleepy you won't be able to do it.
—¡It's not fair! —you said with a pout as he placed you on the bed.
—Ah, princess, in life nothing is fair —he murmured, leaning down to leave a fatherly kiss on your head.
He was a heartless and sadistic man who loved the life and work he led but also loved being with you, he just hoped that when you grew up you wouldn't oppose his ideals or else he would have to get rid of you.
> Park Gyeong-seok
You were daddy's princess, while he was doing his paintings in the park you were next to him blowing bubbles and talking about random topics non-stop.
He laughed occasionally at what you said and responded to you but his eyes were still on his work, it was exhausting having to take care of you and your ill sister but there was no better reward than a hug from his two daughters at the end of a long day of work.
—¡Daddy can I go see the parade! —You said excitedly, pointing to the parade of motley that was passing by and handing out candy,
He hesitated for a few seconds, he didn't want to let you go alone and although it was a family environment there were always some risks.
—Fine but take your sister —He responded with a soft smile, you jumped with excitement and ran to your little sister to take her hand and quickly go to the parade.
Na-yeon and you went through all the people stealthily until reached the front where the animal motley were passing by and handing out candy. You jumped once again to get the attention of one of them and they gave you two pieces of candy for you and your sister.
The two continued watching the parade with a smile and curiosity until you were distracted by a clown who made you a dog made of a balloon, you didn't realize how long you were talking and laughing with that man until your father suddenly arrived and picked you up from the ground.
Gyeong-seok looked at the clown distrust and scolded you for your recklessness,
—I told you to take care of your sister, you should not talk to strangers ¿And what have I told you about staying away from me too much?
The minutes he spent anxiously looking for you were torture, when he found your sister in the dressing room with the motley, he immediately noticed your absence and his poor heart almost suffered an attack, he didn't know what he would do if something happened to you or Na-yeon.
—Sorry... —You murmur with tears in your eyes as you still see traces of his previous despair.
He hugged you tightly and turned around to return to his position where he had previously left your sister, he caressed your hair and gave you a kiss on the cheek as an apology for his reaction but you couldn't blame him, you were his world and he would lose his sanity without you.
After your sister's medical situation worsened and she was admitted to the hospital, things got a little complicated, your father knew that he had to find money to pay for her treatment and he would do whatever was necessary, even if that meant having to leave his two daughters in the care of the hospital.
—I don't want to be alone —You said with a pout on your lips and your arms crossed, although more than upset you were scared of having to go through this situation alone.
—I know princess but I need your help for this ¿Can I count on you? —He left a kiss on your forehead and took your hands to join them with his.
Receiving the news that he would have to be away for a few days distressed you a little, your mother died and you didn't want to lose him too.
He didn't want to leave them either, but that man with the briefcase offered him a great opportunity and hope that he couldn't let go.
—You are my brave girl ¿right? It will only be a few days and when I return I promise that everything will be better for us —He had no other option so he said goodbye to you with a promise that, by the way, he didn't know if he would be able to keep.
> The Masked Officer (Park Hee-soon)
Your father was a firm, authoritarian and even a little insensitive man.
Quite the opposite of you, you were an energetic and colorful ray of sunshine.
Letting you accompany him to the island was not the best decision, not because you didn't know how to behave, but because you were like a whirlpool among all the employees and guards, playing and ignoring the real reason why everyone was there.
Occasionally he would find a toy lying in the hallways and his office, naturally painted black with a small lamp next to the bed, was now full of stuffed animals and other things that you had put in the suitcase before leaving the house.
—¿Did you like how I decorated the room? —You asked happily with a wide smile on your face.
He looked at you in silence while pinching the bridge of his nose regretfully, it had been a long day at work, with the frontman infiltrating the games and him in charge being a complete burden but he could handle it, what he couldn't handle was you and your hyperactivity.
—Yeah... —He growled, taking off his black suit as he walked to the bed so could sleep, he was too tired to deal with you now but as soon as his body touched the bed you jumped on top of him, completely knocking the air out of him.
—¡I'm not tired yet! ¿Can we play something? ¡I see I see! —You suggested, jumping next to him on the bed excitedly.
—¿What do you see? —He murmured tiredly but playing along until an idea came to his mind —Hey, ¿why don't you go to the third floor and go to the eleven room to play? I'm sure she would be happy to do it.
You quickly ran to where he had told you and as soon as you left the room he grabbed the radio and spoke to eleven.
—My daughter is going there, be good and play with her until she falls asleep.
It wasn't a request for a favor, it was an order and even though eleven was also tired, she had no choice but to play with you until you fell fast asleep in her bed.
Anyway, most of the guards and employees there had a little affection for you.
> Lee Myung-gi
Now, he doesn't have the slightest idea how to take care of you.
He was still young and it wasn't in his plans to become father but now here you were, in to his computer playing video games.
—It's late and you have school tomorrow —He told you with a tired sigh, he didn't know what to do to convince you to go to sleep because when you stayed up until the wee hours of the morning it was quite a challenge to deal with you.
You ignored him and continued playing, you didn't take him seriously because he was very soft on you due to the little experience he had, also your mother's abandonment was another problem to deal with.
—Come on, you must go to sleep —He insisted for the second time, approaching you shuffling his feet, he was physically and mentally exhausted.
Another problem, now he had lost all his monetary income and several people were looking for him for fraud, it was a nightmare.
—No —you said flatly, turning to show him your tongue in a rude childish gesture.
Myung-gi sighed and left you at the computer to go to his bed to sleep, however as soon as you saw him close the door you heard him curse and... ¿Sob?
You took off your headphones and gently turned to look at the bedroom door, where you could swear he was crying.
You twisted your lips and stood up, your bare feet making contact with the floor and you crept towards the bathroom to brush your teeth and comb your hair.
After doing your little routine before going to sleep, you passed by your father's room, you stopped and thought about whether it was best to go in to see how he was or go straight to bed.
He didn't have the best family bond with you, you disobeyed him and he didn't seem to care but this time it was different, you didn't know all the problems he was going through and your behavior and rejection had been the icing on the cake.
You opened the door gently and saw him lying face down on the bed with the pillow on his face, you approached and he felt your presence so he turned to see you.
It wasn't his best year, he had lost a lot of money, all kinds of people were practically hunting him for him to give them back what they lost, he accidentally got his girlfriend pregnant and left her without telling her anything, your mother left him to his fate with you and you... another unplanned daughter that made his days more difficult.
He was overwhelmed and now lay red-eyed and full of tears on the bed.
—¿Can you read me a bedtime story? —You asked cautiously, playing with your fingers.
—I'm not in the mood... —He whispered, shrinking further into the bed.
You left the room in silence, he thought you had gone to sleep or play but after a few minutes you returned with a hot chocolate that you had prepared yourself and a children's story trapped in your arms.
You gestured for him to move aside and he did, you placed the cup of chocolate on the nightstand and lay down next to him.
—Once upon a time there was a soldier in shining armor... —You started reading the story for him.
Myung-gi was going through the worst time of his life but just for tonight, with you reading him a story and giving him a hot drink he felt better, he as a father was supposed to take care of you, not the other way around, but this nice act on your part felt like a big hug to his ugly loneliness.
He fell asleep when you finished the story, you covered him with the blanket and went straight to your room to sleep, it would be a difficult path to walk but for now you had each other, had to adapt, besides, internally both had some affection for each other.
That's why when he entered the games he took a photo of you with him, the guards took it from him when they put him to sleep but it doesn't matter, you would be a great reason to get out of there alive.
> Choi Su-bong // Thanos
He used to call you "My serotonin" because you were one of the sources of his happiness, a drug that came into his life by surprise and he had no intention of leaving.
As a father he wasn't the best of all but at least he tried, he let you dye your hair whatever color you wanted despite your young age and he bought you anything you asked for.
In your eyes he was the best father in the world but to the rest of the world he was the worst and most irresponsible.
—Fuck those idiots, you had fun, ¿right? —He said, throwing the newspaper with the headline "rapper leaves his little daughter forgotten in a club in the middle of the night" to the other side of the room.
You nodded happily as you took a sip of your apple juice.
—Besides, this is also partly your fault, I told you not to get away from me —He told you, pointing a finger at you accusingly.
He looked at you carefully, your colorful hair and your poorly painted nails of the same color were what stood out the most about your outfit, you were like a smaller version of him so he must have gotten the idea that the rules were not going to work for you.
—Anyway, let's go have breakfast ¿what do you want?
—¡Hot cakes with chocolate chips! —You shouted euphorically, raising your arms, Breakfast was the best part of the day.
—¡You read my mind darling!
With a carefree attitude he walked towards the kitchen with you following him like a baby duck would follow its mother, he wasn't the best example but you were more than proud to follow him.
You and him together were a mess but were more than happy, of course, when he lost all his money it was a problem to deal with but with you things were more fun.
And to think that at first he thought of leaving you in an orphanage, now you were his greatest confidant and official leader of his fan club.
In addition to your carefree and hyperactive behavior, you also inherited him taste for art, only you didn't rhyme, you had a fascination for plays, colorful costumes and extravagant makeup.
Another point that made him proud, your clothes were always colorful and full of life, you stood out from the ordinary just as he did.
Two colorful fish in a big ocean.
Okay tell me if you liked it! I missed Dae-ho but I hope to add him in future projects like this
Thanks for reading💗! And another thing, is anyone here a fan of Lee Dong-wook?
tag list¡!
@jalicecookie @annimoony
#squid game x reader#jun ho x reader#in ho x reader#gi hun x reader#myung gi x reader#thanos x reader#young-il x reader#sang woo x reader#ali abdul x reader#hwang inho x reader#squid game#in ho squidgame#squid game fic#hwang in ho#squidgame x you#lee byung hun#the salesman x reader#the salesman x you#squid game x you#gyeong seok x reader#player 230 x reader#player 001 x reader#player 333 x reader#player 456 x reader#player 247 x reader#player 218#player 218 x reader
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Happy Valentine’s Day … !😬
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I'm feeling amazing I'm fucking amazing I'm high as a kite I'm sat here picturing you naked
#squid game#thangyu#thagyu#thanos#choi subong#nam gyu#player 230#player 124#230 x 124#squid game fanart#no games au maybe? or college au? or maybe pre game. either works#DONT COME FOR ME FOR QUOTING FANTASTIC BY KING PRINCESS PLS I KNOW ITS THE CAITVI SONG#THIS PART JUST WAS WHAT INSPIRED ME FOR THIS DRAWING IT MADE ME THINK OF THEM OTL
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funny how the guy literally named Thanos isnt involved in this
gihun collecting deranged homicidal freaks like infinity stones
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A Man Can Dream (or so he’s been told)
+18 MDNI +18
In which he doesn’t mind the age gap
comments, not at all
Cw: top male reader, dom male reader, age gap, exhibition kink, someone thinks he’s your dad and he likes it, Valentine’s Day date!
Thinking about dating an old man who isn’t bothered about the age gap comments matter of fact he finds that he enjoys them, especially when he comes across someone who thinks you’re his son, and the two of you just happen to have a really close bond
“Raised him right” of course, taught you how to keep a cock in your mouth, brought you to your knees and stretched your throat just right til he was sure you carried an indent of his cock on your tongue.
“Like father like son,” the words echo in his mind as he watches you spit into the palm of your hand, eagerly stroking his tip, before spreading it to the rest of his dick, just like he had showed you when you first fucked him.
Those people probably think he’s a pervert , a disgusting old man taking advantage of someone so young and innocent, walking hand in hand with someone who could be his son or something
But they don’t know how’d you’d willingy bend him over in front of those very same people, spreading his legs so wide you’re sure to give a show to whoever’s behind, force his hand behind his back before driving up into him.
He’d beg and plead: for you to slow down your brutal pace, to spare him the embarrassment but you wouldn’t listen to him, only using him as a hole to sheath your cock in, all while grinning at the people watching.
He wonders if they’d realize then that you’re the perverted one here, that he’s tried to reject you multiple times, thought the very same thing as the onlookers are thinking now but you wouldn’t give up, practically cornered him riled him up til he was painfully hard in his pants and couldn’t do anything else but shove his cock into your mouth, letting someone who could practically be his son give him the best blowjob he’d ever gotten.
He’d continue to watch the onlookers and the flurry of emotions on their faces : the look of surprise that turns into disgust before something else bleeds into it, something he’d almost dare call desire. The sudden realization would make him tightening around your dick which in turn would fasten the brutal pace you have on him. Eventually he wouldn’t be able to ignore the heat coiling in his groin, and he’d realize belatedly he’s fucking himself back onto your cock, even though his body aches in protest and his thrusts are nothing but sloppily and sporadic.
Somehow you’d find it in yourself to show him mercy: slightly shifting your positions to give him a bit more leverage. In that very moment he’d be sure the sky had been cracked open, pearly gates of heaven practically welcoming him, stairs cascading right at his feet. But the sudden white light that flashes past his eyes would blind him, the pearly gates disappearing as something else is presented to him: his orgasm, washes over him in violent waves til he forgets all about god angels and heaven , cock spurting ropes of cum til he’d feel like he’s been wrung dry.
God, heaven and angels be damned.
“Love? Love?“
Suddenly a voice breaks through the daze. Mellow and sweet. Had an angel decided to wait around for him?
But when he blinks a couple of times, he sees your concerned face staring back at him, the aroma of coffee surrounding him, a half finished coffee cup clinging onto his fingers it’s almost hurting him
“Are you okay?”
Coffee shop. Date. You. Him.
“If it’s about the waiter from earlier..”
Right. Waiter. Curly hair. Warm eyes. Thought it was sweet that you were spending Valentine’s Day with your dad, like that very same man wasn’t palming your cock under the table, like he hadn’t sucked you off before you got to the coffee shop, like he wasn’t fantasizing about all the ways you could fuck him in front of these people.
Dad. Dad. Dad
Suddenly he springs up in his seat, mutters something about needing the restroom before scurrying away from where you’re sitting.
Jesus christ.
#top male reader#dom male reader#bottom male character#sub male character#jjk x reader#Nanami x reader#toji x reader#cod x reader#price x reader#ghost x reader#male reader#squid game x reader#squid game#gi hun x reader
368 notes
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I'm in desperate need of Player 132 In-ho with Player 456 Gi-hun
#inhun#squid game#gihun x inho#inhun au#player 132#player inho#ginho#ginho au#457#457 au#seong gihun#hwang in ho#seong gi hun#hwang inho#001 x 456#seong gi hun x hwang in ho
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I may not like the ship, but posts like these make it entertaining.

Therapy is expensive, toxic old men yaoi is free
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“maybe in another universe we get our happy ending”

the other universe:

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#She was the first woman that used her correct pronouns. And called her beautiful. She felt accepted for once.
#squidgameedit#happy new year#squid game#squid game 2#kdrama#netflix#transgender#trans pride#trans#tvedit#tv#gifs#hyun-ju#hyun ju#*myedits#squid game spoilers#park sung hoon#park sung-hoon#transisbeautiful#trans woman
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Hwang In-ho in season 2 of Squid Game
#hwang in-ho#hwang inho#the front man#squid game#squid game spoilers#yapping 4ever#gihun x inho#457#ginho#inhun#giho#seong gi-hun#seong gihun
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does is make sense?
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