#squirrelflight x mapleshade
the-real-bris · 2 years
Squirrelflight enjoyers please indulge me for a moment as I attempt to sell you my favorite squilf rarepair:
Squirrelflight x Mapleshade
Yes, Mapleshade is a murderer and yes she attempted to murder Sandstorm but she'd be so much better than Bramblestar. Just trust me on this one.
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eire-cant-write · 2 years
Blooming Out Of Death
Chapter 13
Word Count: 1122
“Starclan has forsaken me,” Squirrelflight growled to herself quietly as the sickly light of the dream meadow reached her eyes. She glanced over at Mapleshade before closing her eyes again. The tortoiseshell wore an amused smirk, almost entertained by the other’s despair.
“Good to see you’re coming to your senses,” Mapleshade teased in a dry tone. “Starclan doesn’t care about you- or me, or any other cat that dares to go against their wishes. They only care about those who serve them unquestioningly.”
Squirrelflight snorted in disbelief. “Starclan has forsaken you because you are a murderer. They have forsaken me for doing as they say.”  With that, she buried her muzzle between her paws, flicking her tail over it. Perhaps if she could dream her way into wherever she was, she could dream her way out.
She closed her eyes, trying her best to ignore Mapleshade staring at her with an amused look on her face. The feeling of those yellow eyes trained on her made it difficult to even attempt sleep. “That’s not going to work,” Mapleshade interrupted, her tone much like that of a mentor scolding their apprentice. Squirrelflight fought back a hiss in response, instead simply frowning and flattening her ears back.
That only seemed to irritate the huge tortoiseshell, who glowered at her. “Fine,” she hissed. “Waste my time and see what happens. I’d be happy to give you another scratch to match the first one.” Squirrelflight flinched at the threat. She wouldn’t put it beyond the murderous spirit to follow through.
“Listen, I didn’t ask for this,” she snapped back. “If anyone is wasting time it’s you.” The ginger she-cat lifted her head slightly to shoot a glare at Mapleshade. The tortoiseshell seemed to be entirely unintimidated in spite of the cold look.
“Oh poor Squirrelflight, with her living kits and beloved clan,” Mapleshade sneered. “Such a sad life you live! Especially with the answer to all your problems being practically served to you!”
Squirrelflight stood, bristling at the other she-cat with a scowl. “My life is not easy,” she hissed in return. “But, unlike you, it’s no fault of mine! You chose your path when you murdered other cats for revenge. I’ve done nothing but do my best to serve my clan- and to serve Starclan. I’ve been condemned for nothing but the best of intentions. Surely you must know how it feels to lose the respect of everyone that ever mattered to you, so why must you taunt me like this?!”
Yellow eyes wide with shock, Mapleshade’s mouth hung agape at Squirrelflight’s outburst. She clearly had not expected a retort from the ginger she-cat. Furthermore, the other had been more right than she’d like to admit. After all, she had admitted it the night of their very first meeting. The loss of her clan’s trust and respect- of her clan as a whole- had just added more pain and grief in the end. Not that Mapleshade would ever say Squirrelflight was right.
Trying to regain her composure, Mapleshade rose to her paws as well, stretching to her full height and towering over Squirrelflight. “Fine,” she conceded, her tone haughty despite seeming to give in. “If you want your clanmates to respect you again, you need to be respectable. You shouldn’t act pathetic and useless just because some brainless tom wants you to.”
Squirrelflight glared up at Mapleshade, yet held her tongue, clearly interested in what the other had to say. Clearly, Mapleshade took her silence as permission to continue. “Deputy is not a position given lightly- at least it wasn’t when I was alive- so you must have done something to earn the title you have. All you have to do is remind your clanmates who you are and why you are deputy.”
Mapleshade paused, glancing at the ginger deputy with an expectant look. “I’m not pathetic,” Squirrelflight retorted. “And I am going to prove that, to my clan and to Bramblestar- and you. I swear to Starclan I’ll make you eat your words.”
Squirrelflight’s resolve seemed to bring a satisfied smirk to Mapleshade’s face, though it disappeared as quickly as it had come. “I know just how you can do that,” she said in a silky tone, mischief clear in her expression. “Proving your fierceness would certainly show you’re not to be messed with, wouldn’t it? I could show you how to fight ruthlessly.”
Shaking her head, Squirrelflight let out an annoyed huff. She made eye contact with the other she-cat before speaking. “I will not fight like a rogue. Warriors have honor; we do not kill unless necessary. Maybe you’ve forgotten that after all this time. You can help me either according to my terms or not at all.” Her tone was firm, her expression serious.
A smirk broke through Mapleshade’s sinister demeanor, and she slowly nodded. “It’s been a long time since someone dared to talk back to me like that,” she said after a moment, a hint of excitement in her voice. “In that case, I’ll agree to your conditions, just this one time.”
Without warning, the huge tortoiseshell crouched into an offensive position, lashing her tail as she slowly circled Squirrelflight. The ginger she-cat followed suit, keeping her eyes on Mapleshade. She braced herself for an attack, ready for the other to leap at any moment.
Mapleshade tensed, seemingly about to jump on top of her opponent and pin her, but instead bounded forward, using her shoulder to knock her off balance. Before Squirrelflight could regain her balance, her tail was caught between Mapleshade’s teeth, holding her in place. As she attempted to rip her tail from the grasp, the other lashed out with a back kick, catching Squirrelflight in the side of the head and sending her reeling.
As the deputy fell to the grass cushioned ground, the grip on her tail was released. The ground itself seemed to shift as Squirrelflight’s head spun, still disoriented by the force of the kick. “How’s that for not fighting like a rogue,” Mapleshade crowed proudly. She padded over to where Squirrelflight lay in the grass, crouching in front of her. “Think you can handle that?”
Surprised, Squirrelflight nodded, her vision finally stabilizing again. She stood slowly enough to test if her legs would support her. The blow to her head had been heavy, but not debilitating. She dropped into a crouch, her eyes fiery with determination. “My turn.”
Squirrelflight and Mapleshade practiced the move over and over. Despite her limbs burning with effort after several rounds, Squirrelflight insisted on trying again until-
“Squirrelflight,” Sparkpelt’s voice called. Jolting back to reality, Squirrelflight could feel the soft moss of her nest pressed into her fur, as well as her daughter looming over her.
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exocynraku · 5 months
Could I request Mapleshade x Daisy x Nightcloud and/or Squirrelflight x Moonlight x Daisy for the hypokits if they’re still open?
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soakingfang (daisysquilfmoon), badger (maplenightdaisy)
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wc-confessions · 3 months
Honestly? Surprised no one has done anything with an AU where Mapleshade and Appledusk are an evil villain couple together.
Maybe after Mapleshade’s kits died, Appledusk took her side and after Mapleshade was turned away, he was exiled too, and swore that he and Mapleshade would get revenge together.
Maybe Mapleshade and her kits were exiled, but all due to a plan that she and Appledusk made where she would pull a Moth Flight and put Patchkit in ThunderClan, Petalkit in ShadowClan, and Larchkit in WindClan, and then once she and Appledusk are killed by someone, they influence their kits to take over the Clans.
Does this make them toxic and harmful to each other and the people around them? Yes. But honestly. Who cares? I want to see more villain couples, not just in Warrior Cats but in general media. I know, I know, Hawk x Ash or Sol x Blackstar. Whatever.
But what about Mapleshade x Appledusk? Tigerstar 1 x Goldenflower? Thistleclaw x Snowfur? That third one may be a stretch, but I want less marketable and more heinous villains, including villain couples. Get out of here with sad boy Ashfur confiding in hot hot Hawkfrost, I wanna see Tigerstar 1 and Goldenflower murdering innocents and being the king and queen of the Dark Forest.
Oh, and one more confession: I like Hawkfrost x Leafpool. Watch Squirrelflight combust from that reveal.
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skyscratch-wc · 4 months
for hypokits, maybe Crowfeather x Squirrelflight or Mapleshade x Goldenflower?
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Crow x Squirrel! Thank you for the request!
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theanoninyourinbox · 2 months
Thinking about my MLP x WC crossover…
Ah My Little Warriors, how I miss thee…maybe send me some characters I haven’t drawn yet?
I’ve drawn Moonpaw, Curlfeather, Sandstorm, Leafpool, Crowfeather, The Three, Squirrelflight/star, Firestar, Violetshine, Twigbranch, Dawnpelt, Dovewing, Ivypool, Tigerclawstar, Bloomheart, Blackstar, Runningwind and his OC rescuer Poppy Knitter, Brightheart and Cloudtail, Snowtuft (redoing him he looks so bad), Spottedleaf, and Mapleshade!
We’ve heard mention of Redtail and Bluestar and Rowanclawstar (Scarlet Mane a Deputy, Former mayor Frosted Star, and photographer Happy Daze respectively) and Whitewing and Birchfall (White Wing and Birch Branch) and Appledusk and Reedshine (Apple Seed and River Reed) and Bramblestar (Bramble Horn), but no art of them so they are requestable!
And they can be ponies, griffins, hypogriffs, zebras, zonies, diamond dogs, Abyssinians (I think that’s what they’re called), changelings, kirins, and sea ponies!
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bonefall · 1 year
do you have anymore background characters youve given new info? ie mintflower and stormcloud idk if the question made sense
Sorreltail has epilepsy, loves grasshoppers, is hyper and loves getting in trouble with Squilf. She becomes head of kitchen patrol
Deerfoot, Tangleburr, and Runningnose are extremely important characters in TPB now, as representations of politics in ShadowClan
Graypool has a surviving biokitten who was raised as the brother of Misty and Stone; Swansong
Havenpelt is an ex-rogue
Olivenose is an ex-kittypet
Talonpaw survives into Talonclaw and is the son of Tangleburr
Smokepaw survives as well and becomes Smokefall. They are gay.
Bumble is a huge part of DOTC and the very reason why ThunderClan is formed, eventually being worshipped as a language god
Plumstone and Thriftear are shrewd partners who have SCARY good teamwork, and are gay
Fernstripe can't cook and loves board games
Shellfur is a mean but funny jackass who goes very far for his wife
Harestar and his goddamn tunnelbun habits
Mumblefoot was dyspraxic
Wildfur made the entire journey while paralyzed
Littlecloud has catastrophic autism levels and is best friends with Cinderpelt, plus being the brother of Rowanstar
Stumptail is a simpleminded guy with a heart of gold
Billystorm was a himbo
Billybrook/Stormbrook is deathly afraid of water because of a traumatising experience with it
Swallowtail was mates with Rainwhisker and would have done something more drastic if he hadn't died in the WindClan Rebellion, but she did have two kits (Rippletail and Rainstorm)
Brightheart does surrogacy for cats in other Clans sometimes
Stoneclaw, a cat mentioned in only one field guide, is surviving and becomes a reliable warrior of WindClan
Morningflower LOVES to joke around and is a fantastic mentor
Oakfur, Morningflower, and Rosepetal have a little gathering clique and rivalry.
Owlclaw of ShadowClan, Harestar and Kestrelflight of WindClan, are all secretly brothers from a Whitewater x Mudclaw pairing
Longtail comes out of retirement to mentor Jayfeather and was the previous deputy before Graystripe
Snapstorm and Brushblaze are ex-bloodclan traders who ended up settling in WindClan
Perchshine, who killed Mapleshade, went to the barn and was mates with the cat who had a broken jaw, Domino
He had a daughter named Magpiesky who rejoined RiverClan
Sedgecreek was mates with Greenflower, but broke it off after Greenflower disowned Swallowtail for suspicion of a halfclan relationship
Reedwhisker's apprenticeship was extended for an entire year because his aunt/mentor, Skyheart, is a horrible person
Ratscar raised Snowbird alone, when their mother Appledapple died. Snowbird is his little sister
Ratscar is gay and fools around with Blackstar and Iceheart
He is considered extremely attractive in Clan society and he flaunts his charisma
Flowerstem in ShadowClan becomes Flowerscar after earning an honor title
Lakeheart's sister Dapplepaw got eaten by a fish and Dappletuft was named after her
Harelight has an honor title because he is now a light in the mist. His old name was Harefur.
Mistystar liked to give litters matching names, for example, Dappletuft, Harefur, and Softpelt were all hair-related.
Squirrelflight’s tail is a family trait seen in her grandfather Redtail, and his mother Rosetail
Rosetail was aromantic (cupioromantic for a while specifically) but LOVED matchmaking. She was always asking Redtail when he was going to start seeing Runningwind.
Mudclaw won't eat his bugs; this is akin to a grown man not eating his vegetables
Tornear's name is now Torear, a small rocky outcrop seen in moorlands
Both Mudclaw and Torear were cooking mamas. Mudclaw passed this onto Crowfoot. Torear was exasperated by how Harestar was so gauche he would bite tunnelbuns. Where did he go wrong??
OH yes, Torear raised Harespring and Kestrelflight, he is their dad. Queen’s Rights applies to all three genders.
Russetfur's favorite food is rat
Snowkit died shoving Tawnykit out of the way of the hawk. He was religious and loved stargazing and glyph writing
Speckletail died attacking a bulldozer. She won
Whitewing is deaf
Jessy is a genius inventor who created a mobility device for Briarlight that allowed her to, for the first time since the accident, safely stroll around outside of camp without risk of injury. It was LIFECHANGING
Firestar can't taste sweetness because Clan cats have a "sweetness tolerance" gene, like lactose tolerance
There I hope that's enough trivia to satiate you for now lmao
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
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meowdy! my name is deer (they/it). this is my xenofiction rambling blog with a heavy focus on battle cats. i enjoy being critical of things i read so if that isn't your thing, this might not be the spot for you. you can find my rambles under the tag #deer rambles. i generally rate this blog 16+ (though im not gonna go out of my way and check tbh) as more mature subject matter sometimes does arise during discussions.
i also really enjoy art! you can find stuff i've drawn under #deer scribbles. My commissions are currently closed.
other links:
art blog
my clangen blog
main is @fawnydoe
I get a lot of xenofiction recommendations and Tumblr’s search system is straight up ass, so I’ve compiled them into a post! Click here to read through and feel free to send suggestions :)
blog specific info under the cut
Important Documents Pertaining to Warriors:
Warrior Cats and Anti-Indigenous Writing
The Feather Issue Doc
i’m very loose with tags but i do try and get the general stuff, feel free to shoot me an ask if you need something tagged
if you want me to reblog your art, feel free to tag me in it!
i like to complain about this series a lot more than praise it. i find warriors really fun to pull apart, i think it's awful and deserves every nitpick it gets.
if you send me an ask and you want it to be answered privately, please tell me
this is a WC SPOILER ZONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! currently i am only tagging spoilers for the newest wc arc, you can block the tag #asc spoilers to avoid spoilers for it!
some general requests for when sending me asks/messages:
#1 rule is always be nicies to me
please avoid personal anecdotes. i understand sometimes discussions on here veer into personal territory but i am a stranger and i don't always know how to handle responding to that.
it takes me a bit to post some asks. the longer it is, the longer it'll take me to get to it.
i might not respond at all if i don't want to deal with potential discourse and/or i just don't know how to reply to it.
sometimes this blog veers into topics outside of battle cats/xenofiction, i don't really want to discuss general discourse if i don't have to. i do not want to argue about online lgbt+ discourse, that's exhausting.
you can disagree with me, i like to hear other people's opinions. but don't be nasty about it, that's a one way ticket to get yourself booted from here. i love discussions, not people trying to rag on one another.
banned topics: nightheart, mapleshade's vengeance
here are some stories i have going going that i love to talk about:
#honey's horrible time - A work-in-progress story about a human being who is killed and reincarnated into a warrior cats rip-off series where she possesses the body of one of the minor antagonists in the book. All information on this story is available in this masterlist.
#poolverse - An nextgen AU revolving around an alternate AVOS cast. It's set in the aftermath of a very different OotS where the Clans decide to abolish the borders and attempt to live peacefully...to mixed results. This is a soft reboot of my older "new generation au"!
#fallen stars au - An alternate universe for The Darkest Hour in which Firestar must flee the forest with friends. All information on the story + archived art from the former ask blog can be found here.
#ask bean - my wc oc named bean who becomes the clan's mediator after the events of squirrelflight's hope. i used to run an ask blog for her but i didn't have the energy to maintain it. you can see the old asks here.
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"leafpool was a terrible sister to squirrelflight”
“nightheart is trans coded so hating on him is transphobic”
“nightcloud is an abuser”
“sparkpelt is a terrible mother”
“talljake > mothpool”
"ashfur would make a good mate for squirrelflight"
"breezepelt is wrong for hating his dad"
"mapleshade abused appledusk"
"bluestar is too mean to thistleclaw"
"the way snowkit died is natural and inevitable"
"ivypool x literally anyone but fernsong is biphobic"
"daylight warriors bad"
"the way bristlefrost died isn't sexist"
"x is an unreliable narrator"
"why can't more cats follow the warrior code?"
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nonbinary-weirdo · 8 months
Songs for Warriors ships
Heavens Light - Crowfeather x Squirrelflight
Hellfire - Tigerstar x Sasha
Poison - Mapleshade x Appledusk
Every Step You Take (creepy cover by Chase Holfelder) - Yandere!Graystripe x Oblivious!Fireheart/star
Every Time We Touch - Leafpool x Mothwing
When I'm Gone - Tallstar x Jake
Be My Bad Boy - Scourge x Bone
I Won't Say I'm In Love - Sandstorm x Silverstream
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runn1ngn0se · 10 months
Too lazy and tired from work to edit together a full picture, but here are my answers to THIS CHART from @mommyclaws -
Favorite ThunderClan: Bluestar Favorite RiverClan: Frostpaw Favorite ShadowClan: Runningnose Favorite WindClan: Tallstar Favorite SkyClan: Leafstar Favorite Non-Clan: Sol Favorite in Total: Runningnose Favorite Canon Ship: BlueOak (Bluestar x Oakheart) Favorite Fanon Ship: BlackSol (Blackstar x Sol) Least Favorite Ship: SquirrelCrow (Squirrelflight/star x Crowfeather) Underreated Character: Jingo Overrated Character: Shrewpaw Least Favorite Character: Sandgorse Favorite Arc: The Prophecies Begin Favorite MAP: Smudge- The Woods (by ForestWhisker) Favorite PMV: TOEWGMO- Bluestar (by peppermint-moss) Favorite Villian: Mapleshade Most Relatable: Bluestar Favorite Leader: Bluestar Favorite Main Series: A Dangerous Path Favorite Super Edition: Bluestar's Prophecy Favorite Novella: Hollyleaf's Story Favorite Graphic Novel/Manga: A Shadow in RiverClan Most Emotional Death: Silverstream Favorite Official Art: New Chinese Bluestar's Prophecy Cover Favorite Controvertial Character: Raggedstar Favorite Clan: ShadowClan
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eire-cant-write · 2 years
Blooming Out Of Death
Chapter 12
Word Count: 712
Without much hesitation, nor socializing, Thunderclan began its journey home. The clan members talked among themselves about the Gathering, murmuring about the sightings of rogues that had been reported.
Squirrelflight couldn’t bring herself to pay attention to their hushed speculations about who these strange cats might be. An underlying worry about her own image reflecting on Thunderclan nagged at her instead, not to mention her other problem; the undead murderer stalking her dreams. If Crowfeather thought something was so wrong that he’d betray his loyalty to Windclan to help me, what does every other cat think? She shook the thought from her head, straightening her posture, and trying her best to look unbothered and capable as Thunderclan departed from the scene.
The lively behavior of the young warriors from their trip to the Gathering had disappeared. Squirrelflight could only assume she had missed unsettling news, as the patrol now had a wary air about it, and its members glanced about in the dark, eyes scanning the shadows for unseen threats.
She decided, as the group finally reached the bramble barrier of their home, she’d listen in as those who went to the Gathering passed on the news to the warriors who stayed home. At least, that was her intention, until Bramblestar called for the clan’s attention. Quickly, she took her place at the foot of the ledge upon which he stood, trying to project an air of understanding about the situation. 
“I am sure you are all curious about the Gathering,” Bramblestar’s voice rang out, above the continuing mutters of the clan. “And I’m sure it is clear the news is not good.” As the words left his mouth, silence fell over the crowd of cats, each and every one of them expectantly staring up at their leader in wait for his words.
Squirrelflight herself found that she too was entirely focused on him. She used to find his ability to capture attention and command a crowd to be fascinating- admirable even. Now it just made her feel like a stone had settled in her stomach. Had she ever really loved him? Or was she just enthralled by charisma?
She had no time to wonder. Regardless of her feelings toward Bramblestar at the moment, she had to pay attention; she had to know what happened, to serve her clan.
“A group of rogues have been discovered on the edge of Windclan territory,” he was busy explaining when Squirrelflight regained her focus. “Onestar- as always- tried to downplay the severity of the situation, but made it very clear these rogues are dangerous. He made it seem like Windclan warriors have clashed with the rouges, but did not give any more information on it. We can only assume that warriors have been injured, at the very least.” He scowled, clearly displeased with the other leader’s handling of the situation. 
“We must be prepared for an encounter, or, Starclan forbid, even battle. Starting tomorrow, I want every warrior to participate in battle training regularly. Twigpaw,” Bramblestar addressed the apprentice, his amber eyes searching for her among the crowd. “You will join them.”
Squirrelflight let out a soft huff, irritated. The more warriors participating in battle training, the less prey on the fresh kill pile. “Squirrelflight,” Bramblestar’s voice interrupted her worrying. “I trust you will oversee training?”
She looked up at him, giving a stiff nod. “Good,” he said smoothly. “I expect you to participate as well.” The ginger she-cat flicked her tail, seething at his condescending manner. She glared up at him a moment more, though he didn’t seem to notice. 
He called the clan meeting to a close, and the muttering started up again, the cats of the clan dispersing to their dens. Squirrelflight glanced up at the sky, taking note that the moon was now sinking in the sky. The day had been long- feeling even longer than the previous, yet still tiring, days. 
She let out a yawn, standing and padding away from her spot below the highledge, toward her den. With the promise of more work and more stress weighing down on her, as well as her new worries, she settled among her clanmates once more. Before closing her eyes, she sent a silent prayer to Starclan for one peaceful night.
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mist-dancing · 1 year
Masterlist of my Warriors designs
Brackenfur, Lineless Brackenfur
Mistkit (TC)
Moonpaw (unofficial)
Nightheart (TC)
Nightkit (TC)
Robingwing (TC)
Sun Shadow
Tall Shadow
I will update as I go
You can usually find my designs under #mists wc designs
Also if one of the characters listed is missing a link, either i’m planning on doing the design or i just forgot to link it.
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wc-confessions · 6 months
as someone whos been in the fandom since the release of the second book its so funny watching the fandom consensus on characters change lol
like for firestar: people loved him, hated him during second arc, then hated during third arc for being a quote mary sue according to fandom, then made people cry when he died, then was loved again, then was hated
mothwing: mostly was seen as just leafpool’s love interest, then was praised for being atheist, then was hated because how she treated shadowsight, and currently is loved again during asc
graystripe: ive seen this guy go from loved to hated so often its not funny but rn i mostly see he’s hated
ravenpaw: people loved him for a majority, then some people hated him for…. being in the background, then people began loving him again since ravenpaw x barley is canon and we love our gays
hollyleaf: oh man fandom hated her so hard and recently began to be mixed on her
jayfeather: loved, hated, loved, hated, mixed, loved, hated, mixed
mapleshade: loved, loved more when her novella came out, she’s still loved but also mixed now
thistleclaw: was actually super mixed before spottedleafs heart came out now we all hate him as we should
clear sky:
squirrelflight: ive seen a lot of very mixed opinions on her and both sides of hate and love fluctuate a lot depending on whos “louder” ya know
thats just a few off the top of my head, i mostly spent my time just about everywhere the fandom corners were so i was like on the forums, on tumblr, youtube, you name it
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the-real-bris · 2 years
Queer Warriors Headcannons!
Characters left to right:
Row 1- Squirrelflight and Mapleshade, Alderheart and Puddleshine, Sandstorm Firestar and Longtail
Row 2- Mistystar, Redtail, Mothwing
Row 3- Spiderleg, Ivypool, Bristlefrost
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theanoninyourinbox · 2 years
Squirrelflight x Hawkfrost for hypokits, it's a weird ship I know..
That’s not half as weird as that Yellowfang/Mapleshade one I got…so have 2 AUs for the price of one!
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In this AU, Tigerstar and Leopardstar are Politically Married to unite their clans, and after the Battle, Leopard realizes she’s pregananant. She swears her clan to secrecy, the three kits were abandoned by a mystery queen - but it’s kind of obvious to the other clans. That one literally is Tigerstar but golden-brown, Leopardstar, you’re not fooling anyone.
Over in Thunderclan, Firestar and Sandstorm try to be attentive parents, but things keep getting in the way - and when Leafpaw becomes a medicine cat, it’s so easy to forget Squirrelpaw. When the Journey happens, Feathertail is accompanied by her dear friend Hawkfrost instead of her brother. The Journey is mostly the same, but with Hawk and Squirrel bonding over Weird Family Dynamics and Feathertail managing to cushion her fall on Sharpclaw’s corpse - broken ribs and a crooked jaw like her grandfather, but blessedly alive.
When the cats return home, Squirrel is promptly told off for leaving without telling anyone, with Firestar assigning Brambleclaw (who also left without telling anyone) to be her watcher. Squirrel snaps, bolting out of camp and heads to Riverclan. Leopardstar tries to throw her out, but Hawkfrost and Feathertail convince her to let their friend stay. When the clans set off, Firestar keeps trying to get his daughter to “see reason”, and Sandstorm and Leafpaw just outright ignore her, to their clanmates displeasure and confusion. When everyone gets settled in, Leopardstar officially invites and names Squirrelflight, and she and Hawkfrost start getting a deeper relationship started, with healthy boundaries and communication. Bramble ends up luring Leopardstar into the fox trap, and a furious Tadpolepelt and Hawkfrost put him down. Shortly after, Squirrelflight has their first litter, followed two years later by a second, and then the pair adopt a trio of lost kittypet kittens named after their hoarder owners favorite childhood tv show. Suggested Warrior names are Blossomflight/Blossomfrost, Bubbleheart/Bubblesong, and Buttercupclaw/Buttercupleap!
Enjoy your cats and have a nice day! Hypokits are open again, I got Exposed so I’m not going anywhere for nearly a week. One ship a person, be patient, and stay safe!
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