#squish | dovewing
desperrados · 1 year
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Massive doodle dump. Tagging this will be hell.
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
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I Lovewing Dovewing she’s amazing and her design makes me so happy even if it’s weird
-Albino and dilute calico chimera with slight point patterns tho she’s not a Siamese it’s just one of the Cloudtail genes that’s passed down
-Fire family folded ear with the other up like a wing, scars across them from the great battle and a ivy bracelet on their paw
-MASSIVE DOVE I love her. They get it from her mom’s (Whitewing) side same with the albino genes and golden fur, gray from her dad’s (Birchfall) side and especially their grandma Ferncloud
-Dove is a non-binary lesbian using she/they pronouns. Her wife is Goldenstar (Tigerheart) and they raise their kittens in a close knit loving family I love them a lot. Secret lesbian love to escape their harmful environments and find peace together <333
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bonefall · 2 years
for real cinderheart’s injury is so stupid in cannon. Deadfoot was a respected /Deputy/ but she can’t be a warrior with a limp :///
I know :/// The treatment of disability in the narrative is just, absolutely egregious. A limp is really not that big of a deal and the cats react like she's going to be taken out back and shot like an old horse.
Not to mention how when they DO have characters who wouldn't be able to carry out the daily tasks of a warrior, they get 'dealt with' very quickly. They die as insultingly young cats, or sometimes just have the disability taken away entirely. Somehow they managed to put BOTH of these into Cinderpelt's reincarnation plotline. Plus,
Shadowsight doesn't have REAL epilepsy his brain was full of plot juice.
Longtail was tree'd in early OotS
Briarlight's egregious greencough death. "Don't worry we don't have to feel bad for her anymore :)" I'm beating the writing team with a stick
So of course im fixing all this
Cinderheart's injury is more about her emotional struggle with it, how it makes her feel left out, generally feeling useless and unwanted, even though that is not true. The injury is just a catalyst for an episode about her emotional state; and NO reincarnation plotline.
Shadowsight is born with epilepsy and he will have it his whole life. It has little to nothing to do with the ancestor spirits.
Longtail trains Jayfeather. I also don't want to tree him :/ I might squish Mousefur and have her save Briarlight in the process instead.
Briarlight is surviving at LEAST into TBC forGET that ridiculous AVoS funeral
And that's not to mention other characters who are just, casually going to be around. Sorreltail and her absence seizures, Dovewing and her deafness, Wildfur and his "Version 1" mobility sled. Characters with ADHD, BPD, Autism, etc. Stuff like that.
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So Sneezecloud and Havenpelt have:
1. A large age gap, Sneezecloud and his brother were born in early Po3, the young kits of Graymist, while Havenpelt is first appearing in Dovewing's Silence as an apprentice, presumably a young one seeing as she is still one by the time of Bramblestar's Storm. The gap is... Awkward, but wouldn't be the absolute worst thing, since the Clans are bigger than they appear, if not for problem 2.
2. Mallownose, Sneezecloud's brother, is her mentor. It's... weird. It's unnecessary. I dislike mentor x apprentice and I also dislike mentor's same-litter sibling x apprentice.
So... Proposed solution, since the early PO3 cast is a bit squished now.
Haven starts out as a loner, found during the Great Storm. She is Sneezecloud's age, and while she can hunt, she doesn't know how to fight.
While she stays in Riverclan, Hawkfrost, the POV for Riverclan during The Hopeless Storm, and while Hawkfrost is deeply grieving for Tadpole, who was killed by Shredtail in The Great Battle, and is about to take another massive emotional hit, as Sasha's death looms around the corner.
He helps her out with adjusting, and learning to fight. Haven gets very attached to Sneezecloud during this time, who is injured during a bad attempt to hunt.
Haven is given the full name Havenpelt towards the end of The Hopeless Storm, it all works out.
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wcstarless · 4 years
Anything more from the Power of Three AU with the Starless Characters? I wanna know more.
Ahhh I love this AU. 
-Owlwhisker is officially the mate of Tawnypelt now because I said so. Making him the father of Dawnpelt, Tigerheart and Flametail. 
- Owlwhisker was devastated when Flametail died. This was part of what fueled Dawnpelt’s anger towards Jayfeather.
- Flametail hated Blossomfeather. She liked to act like she was his mentor and he couldn’t stand it. Also he was suspicious of her. 
-Speaking of ShadowClan medicine cats Puddleshine got apprenticed at a regular time because Blossomfeather was the ShadowClan medicine cat. 
-Firefall and Berrynose are bros. Also I decided Honeyfern just gets sick from the snake venom and doesn’t die. Because Firefall pulls a Spiderleg and knocks up Poppyfrost like an asshole and walks away like it’s not his problem. 
-The queens don’t let Firefall near the nursery. They think he’ll eat the babies.
- Snowstripe gets together with Bumblestripe because Dovewing needs a break and before he turns into an incel he’s a squish who needs love. 
- Orchidtail is a pure bean who has a good life. Nightcloud is her mentor.
If people ask for more I’ll come up with more lol
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jzq · 3 years
it would make sense for twigbranch to be the leggy one since her name is literally twig but i imagine her as like , kinda squished , because her personality makes me think that way ? like shes really good intentioned so im like. Round. also i think the way i think of dovewing is rubbing off on her
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spiderstep-writes · 7 years
My feelings on Darkest Night
This book could have been great. It really could have. Unfortunately, it’s a textbook example of what the series frequently comes to: great ideas, poor execution. While the plots and subplots were good in theory, there were too many of them squished into too short of a book. Most of them didn’t have enough time dedicated to them, so they felt rushed and unsatisfying.
Needless to say, there’s spoilers below the cut.
The main plot is SkyClan finding a place for themselves beside the lake. This plot takes up the lion’s share of the book, and while it was by no means a bad plotline, the fact that there was so much else going on too means that this plot ultimately came at the expense of the other subplots.
Twigpaw’s leaving ThunderClan to join SkyClan was a subplot that suffered as a result of the plots overcrowding each other. Her relationship with Finpaw, her decision to return to ThunderClan, and Finpaw’s decision to join her are all desperately crammed in. I can imagine Twigpaw and Finpaw becoming an OTP for me, but because of the time constraints their relationship seems forced and Finpaw lacks character development. His decision to join her in ThunderClan seems to come out of nowhere, simply because there was no time for foreshadowing. So, rather than becoming my new OTP, Twig/Fin is another pairing to dump in the “meh” pile. I hope later books in the arc can salvage it.
This book starts before Tigerheart’s Shadow, and some of the events of the super edition occur during this book. This means that this book has to tie into the SE, with the subplot of Twigpaw overhearing Tigerheart and Dovewing meeting at the border and the lovers’ subsequent disappearances. This subplot managed to avoid being rushed simply by not needing much time at all for itself, and the majority of the characters involved are not viewpoint characters.
SkyClan sending out a search party for survivors in the gorge was well-handled at first, but later suffered a rushed conclusion. After Frecklewish gets to the fire escape and her owner starts chasing after her, we switch perspectives back to the lake, only getting back to the SkyClan cats several days later, leaving us with a rather awkward time skip. And the plot with Needletail and Tree is awkwardly shoved in too, getting far from the page count it really needed. Tree’s powers are given very little build-up, making what should have been a climactic ending an unsatisfying conclusion with very little closure for the reader.
And last, but most certainly not least, is the disaster in ThunderClan. The camp starts caving in, leading to the camp being evacuated (and Molewhisker’s there for some reason, even though he went with SkyClan to the gorge). Snowbush is hit by a huge-ass rock, and has his leg broken by the impact. He later comes down out of nowhere with some sort of internal infection that claims his life within a few scenes. His death felt shoehorned in, and we’re not given enough time to become emotionally invested in his recovery before he dies. Hell, I barely even remember who he was - I think he was Brightheart’s son? *checks wiki* Ah yes, a minor character with very little screentime this arc (he wasn’t even in the previous book outside the allegiences!) dies in what’s probably supposed to be a major tearjerker. Honestly, I think it would have been sadder if he’d just been killed by the rock, giving us a little more time to show the characters grieving.
That’s it, I guess. Hoping the next book in the arc isn’t such a clusterfuck.
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